Educational background:
- Ph.D. in English Literature and Language from the University of Tehran
- M.A. in English Literature and Language from Kharazmi University
- B.A in English Literature and Language from University of Shiraz
Teaching experience:
- Lecturer at Alzhara University since 2015
- IELTS teacher since 2016
- Teacher of English since 2007
- IELTS, Academic Module, the overall band score of 8.5 (2019)
Managerial and Administrative Experiences:
- English Education Director at Gooy Institute, Tehran, Iran 2017-2019
- Senior Manager of English at Tehran International Business School (TIBS), Tehran, Iran 2013-2014
- Head of the Scientific Circle of English Department at University of Shiraz2006-2007
Conferences and talks:
- lecture on the “Feminist Detective fiction” at Alzahra University 2018
- Acceptance and oral presentation of the abstract, “The Practice of Reverse Postcolonialism: A Study of Home, an Animated Film”, in the International Conference on Literature and Cinema, University of Tehran 2016
- Acceptance and oral presentation of the abstract, “Mysticism in Herbert’s ‘The Collar ‘and Attar’s ‘The Conference of the Birds’”, in the First International English- French Conference on Applied Linguistics and Literature 2016
Criticism and review:
- literary reviewer of the submitted articles to the literary journal of Alzhra University, Language Horizon
- Participation as a guest critic at the colloquium of English Literature M.A. students at Alzahra University
- publication of “The Practice of Reverse Postcolonialism: A Study of Home, an Animated Film” in the book “Cinema and Its Representations: Poetics and Politics”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Publication of “A Study of Luce Irigaray’s Mother-daughter Genealogy in Sara Paretsky’s Brush Back” in Contemporary Dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values, ISSN:2007-7890, 2019