تصحیح رایگان رایتینگ آیلتس
Saturday 27th of July 2024
شنبه, 06 مرداد 1403

آرشیو رایتینگ های ارسالی به تفکیک نمرات

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Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

While in the past people tended to be fitter, these days individuals do not consider their body fit, even existing numerous sports clubs exist. I believe this is mainly because of technology, and to solve this problem can help from the internet.


To begin with, people have always been concerned about their fitness. But today there is a distraction that causes them to not care about their healthy life and prefer a sedentary lifestyle. It is a technology. Computers, tablets, and social media are the most reasons that lead people to immobility. For example, people buy vacuums that are robots, which means they do not have to walk while sweeping, or instead of going to a restaurant, they would preferably order online from home. So, choosing technology as a priority in place of physical activity can cause to an unhealthy and unshaped body.


To tackle this problem, using the internet is the best and most genius way. Because it can take benefit people's interest in technology. Since the internet and technology are absolutely related to each other. If people do not want to go to a sports facility, they can exercise at home, using online videos from youtube or applications. For instance, I use fitness applications regularly daily, and I do not have to pay for a membership to health centers because most are over my budget.


In conclusion, without exercising, people's health can decline, happening many problems such as being unfit. the internet can help to prevent this epidemy.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays there are a lot of sport facilities and gyms around the cities. In addition we can see the sport places that are prepared and organized by the municipality for free in parks and other public environments. Nevertheless people are less fit than ever before.

In my opinion we can find the cause of this problem in the people lifestyle. I mean fitness is a straight result of having a healthy lifestyle containing healthy diet and continued exercise. If someone wants to have a healthy diet have to eat the foods which have less calories. In other words he/she must avoid from the foods that are made using much amount of oil and sugar. Also daily exercise beside a healthy diet is necessary to have a fit body. In my opinion having both of this vital criteria requires a sufficient time to spend every day. Thus, lack of time is the most important cause of being less fit than ever before. Nowadays the economic situation makes most of people work from the early morning until late night. So there is less time to cook at home and less energy and time to exercise. Some people prefer to order their food from restaurants and sometimes select fast foods that have a lot of calories and are very oily.

In conclusion changing life style rather than ever before have caused to lack of time that results in having unhealthy diet and not being active enough and so not being fit!




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Being fit is a demonstration of healthiness. In recent years the number of gyms and sport equipments has increased, nevertheless more people are overweighted. I can point to two reasons, among many, which I assume to be the main causes of this matter, and seggust possible solutions. I believe unbalanced work-life hours and also unhealthy foods are the key factors for becoming fat. Employers and people themselves can prevent these reasons as are mentioned in the next paragraphs.


Most of the people, not only spend the majority of their time at work, but also some of them even have second jobs. Cosequently they can not free some time to attend to gyms. As there are other priorities in everyone’s life they postpone sports and exercise. Employers can solve this problem by preparing facilities at the work place, or maybe giving bonuses to motivate their employees for going to gym. In that case, the productivity of the workers increases and both sides will be benefited.


Another pivotal cause of being overweight despite exercising is unhealthy eating habits. Tendency to eat fastfoods, which contain saturated fat, has increased for multiple reasons. To reduce this counting calories has been proposed, cause fastfoods and saturated fats include a huge amount of calories and the person can not eat those regularly. In the end this will encourage them to eat healthier foods with less calories.


To sum up, there are various reasons regarding not being fit despite the availability of exercise opportunities. Being busy and unhealthy eating are important reasons for this crisis that can be faced by employers preparing opportunities and people counting the callories they eat.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Today there are a vast range of sport facilities and gyms, especially in urban areas, however people ten to be less fit compared with last. This issue would have plenty of reasons some of which I will discuss in this essay and will give some solutions to solve the problems.

First, looking at the reasons of the problem, one of the main causes of the issue, could be the modern lifestyle. What I mean by this is that humans today hove to work for along time every day. Indeed, they are snowed under with plenty of workloads that make them work even at home at nights. Another possible reason is that, although the number of gyms have been grown in recent times, the joinning cost of them have increased. So, people cannot afford to book at a gym and take up to exercise. 

There are some solutions to solve the problem, first, as far as I’m concerned, not only do governments and private companies must decrease the work time of employees, but also raise the least wages significantly. With doing this people will have extra time for leisure activity such as doing sports. My second proposal to tackle the problem is that governments dedicate subsidies for gyms. Through which the gyms will be able to fall their joinnnig fees. So, people particularly disadvantaged families can afford to join at gyms. 

By and large, in spite of a huge number of facilities and gyms, people do not tend to get fit than before. This issue is linked to a vast range of reasons from high levels of work hours, to increasing joinning fees at gyms. For tackling the issue some solutions such as decreasing work hours and paying subsides to gyms are recommended.


ParvizNematipour /Writing Task2    




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

In recent times, while there are a wide range of sports equipment,obesity has become one of the outstanding problems. Although overconsumption of unhealthy food and hectic lifestyle are the main reasons for this problem. Encouraging people to change their diet and do more regular exercise, are the solutions to tackle this problem.


Overconsumption of unhealthy food is the main reason of being overweight. In recent times, especially in the last couple of decades, due to the hectic life schedule, almost all people around the world are fully occupied with their jobs. Since then, they do not have enough spare time for cooking. As long as restaurants are now ubiquitous, homemade food has been replaced with scrumptious fast food ,which contains high fat and salt that are harmful for our body. To add, lack of physical activity and exercise is the other cause of obesity. The majority of people have office work. Sitting long hours on chair and not having adequate physical activities leads being overweight. Not only not having enough activity leads to being overweight, but it also will result in health problems like diabetes and heart disease.


Educating and raising people’s awareness of detrimental effects of fast food is the first step to overcome obesity. If the government shows different advertisements via celebrities to teach individuals to change their unhealthy diet, people would be motivated to change their incorrect eating habits. For example, by showing healthy dishes ,which included different vegetables with seafood,instead of fast food. Furthermore, motivating people to do more regular exercise while working. For instance, employers can encourage their employees to do some exercise and go to gym at least half an hour during their work time and consider rewards for them. Not only does rewarding boost their mood, but it also motivates them to change their lifestyle. In fact, the more activity, the less obesity among people.


To summarize, in spite of the variety of sport centers, individuals, especially the younger generation are becoming fatter these days. I strongly believe that excessive consumption of fast food and not having regular exercise are the most pivotal reasons for this problem which can be addressed by changing life routines and increasing people ‘s awareness of harmful effects of obesity.



Amir Hosein
Amir Hosein


Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

despite the huge growth in the number and variety of sport facilities, we witness a considerable increase of obesity now, more than ever. In this essay, I will argue that the main reason of this trend is the expansion of technology, leading to the shift in human’s life style, and also suggest some solutions in order to address this issue.

21st century was the beginning of technology era, since computers and other digital gadgets have become an inseparable part of every individual’s daily life. Nowadays, a huge number of people do almost everything with the use of computers, from buying their groceries and paying their bills to meet with a friend on the web. These kinds of tasks, however, needed to be done in person in the past, which required walking or cycling a long distance, leading to burning calories. On the other hand, this advance in technology has led to a shift in human’s work style. In the past, jobs usually involved physical activities, which has been completely changed in the modern days, as most of workers spend most of their time in front of screens and computers. The lack of physical activities directly leads to obesity.  

Having said the causes of such an issue, there may be some steps to take in order to tackle it. First, governments can raise people’s awareness about the destructive the overuse of computers would have on the individuals and the society as a whole, and also about the benefits they will receive by exercising regularly. In addition, they can reduce the budget on gyms and other sport centers which will lead to the reduction of monthly fee costumers should pay resulting in increase of attendees.

To sum it all up, personally, I believe that technology is the amin reason of obesity and bad shape of most of the people nowadays, but fortunately, there are some solutions for this matter which I mentioned above.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, There are many different types of exercising tools and sports places such as gyms. However, more people used to have in shaped bodies in the past times. I believe numerous reasons can lead to this phenomenon and diverse solutions are possible for this problem.


One of the most important factors is the lack of time in modern society. Since population grows and human needs develop, people tend to work more compared to past in order to answer those needs and responsibilities. The result of long working hours would be negligible free time and reduced healthy activities and increased demand of fast foods. The other considerable reason is the changes in human-being lifestyle within last few years related to technology development. Many physical-effort-requiring tasks are now done by electronic devices. For instance tasks like dish washing or floor cleaning can be done by dish washers and robots. So you don't have to push yourself and burn calories to do phisycal tasks anymore. These reasons can cause immobility and health issues like obesity.


Many reaserchs have been conducted to analyze this issue and offer possible ways to let people have better shaped and healthier bodies. In my point of view, two major steps need to be taken to solute this problem. First and the most important one refers to people themselves. Everyone in any position has to try to maintain the minimum physical activities during the day by various means such as walking to store or placework instead of using personal vehicles or public transportations and also avoid fast foods and unhealthy junk foods. At the same time some actions require to be done by government, such as educating people about health and suitable diets in a broad scale and invest more fundings on researchs leading to promotion of healthy habits.

In conclution, I can mention that there are lots of reasons causing more people to have unshaped bodies in comparision to past, like insufficient free time and changed life style. And several actions can be done to avoid this problem in the future such as maintaining our bodies active during the day beside avoiding unhealthy foods, and knowledge promotion by government.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

These days, many people neglet their physical shape, and many men and women are out of shape, although there are a plenty of sport clubs and gyms that are available.  There might be other prioritizes that avoid people to follow a healthy life-style. However, there are simple solutions to build up positive habits.


People tend to prioritize their daily activities in which, going to gym is less important. People who live in urban areas have a busy schedule ,spending most of their time at workplace as well as on commuting, this way of living has changed peoples lifestyle. This might impose them not caring of their appearance and their health anymore. Another reason that might be influence on peoples atitiude is they tend to fulfill their time by going to cinema or hanging with their friends rather than going to gym. The last reason, many individual could not afford the cost of gym’s fees, hence going to gym is become luxury in many part of the globe.


However, there are some solutions to encourage people to be more active during their busy day. Many people do not go to gym, because the distance between their home and the gym is far, so constructing sport facilities in each neighborhood can motivate people to be more active. Secondly, some activities do not need any equipment, just need a pair of shoes. Activities, such as walking and jogging is extremely beneficial to our overall health. Reducing sport club’s fees is another solution to encourage people to enroll in these clubs.


To sum up, it can not be dined that, people are not willing to spend their time in sport facilities. However, going to gym should not consider as a luxury habits that just fortune people can use it.





Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays gyms offer a lot of good facilities for people and help them to do regular exercises and a wide range of sport facilities are available for people but, people are not as fit as before. This essay will outline some possible reasons, as well as, suggesting some solutions. 

The first reason behind this is that gyms expenditures are astronomical these days and the costs of membership have increased significantly. People have to pay a lot for being a member of a gym and if they want to use other facilities like a swimming pool or walking path they have to pay more .Due to the economic situation many people can not afford these cost so they forget about going to gym and doing regular exercise. For example, my brother who suffers from obesity, works from sunup to sundown and his salary is not enough to pay the gym's tuition fee every month as he has to pay his loans each month. The second reason is that people are really busy with their jobs these days and they do not have too much time to enroll in a gym and have regular sport sessions. Many people arrive home at night and they do prefer to spend time with their family rather than going to the gym.

There are also some solutions to help people keep fit. Nowadays there are a lot of online classes available for people. These classes are really helpful for those who are interested in doing regular exercise. Many   of these online courses are recorded so people can use them ad many times as they like according to their life schedule. For instance, I registered for an online yoga course 3 months ago and I lost 2 Kg over the last 3 months. Another solution is that people can follow a healthy diet to keep fit.These days most of people eat fast foods which contain a lot of far,salt, additives and preservatives and they gain weight through eating these things but, following a healthy diet and eating more fresh fruit, vegetables and home-cooked food can help them to stay fit. My grandfather who is 80 years old just focuses on his diet and curb his appetite so he is fit without any exercise. 

In conclusion, these days people are less fit compared to the past because of the lack of time and high expenditures but, there are other ways to stay fit.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although citizens have access adequately to modern sport centers and equipment, they are not physically in suitable situation in comparison with the past and often suffer from obesity. I think the main reason is related to style of human living that is expressed with couple of suggestions additionally as follow.
  Evidently, the human has been advancing especially during recent decades that it led to make some extreme changes in societies. The figure or type of carries has changed whereas people usually worked in farms like agriculture before and now often are employees in offices or companies. Secondly, technology created numerous kinds of electrical devices such as mobile, computer, console of playing, and TV. Consequently, the users spend to play, work or watch in front of monitor of them for long time. In addition, children are attracted by indoor activities rather than outdoor ones. Another important reason is wrong diet in living so that family members eat fast food without considering the huge calories receiving.
Fortunately, there are some solutions in my view which can solve the significant percentage of this issue as long as they would be performed as well as the citizens would have enough motivation. The first suggestion is people be aware that they are in danger by obesity which is harmful for their healthy. Also, the organization of TV should dedicate some programs to instruct exercises as well as increase the public information about all foods. Furthermore, government or some companies can create sport teams for employees or citizens who will be inspired by prizes or financial profits so that it will make exciting competition between them. Next, technology also can help to solve this issue with virtual reality called Meta nowadays that it can convert the type of plays to active instead of just pushing some buttons.
For summary, in spite of the technology and modernization caused that people been away from physical activities as well as suitable sport facilities could not decrease overweight in  society, I personally suggested some ways to authorities, organizations and also explained how the technology can create opportunity to be in the better status physically.     




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before. What do you think are the main causes of this problem? What solutions can you suggest? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Albeit there are an extensive diversity sport club and equipment that people can utilize them, many people do not interest in order to keep fit these days.

Firstly, there is no denying the fact that people have to work much more time than before because of economic climate and tremendous financial pressure undoubtedly. Secondly, pandemic of corona virus also played an indispensable role in this issue. For instance many people should often work full time in their offices in order to earn some money as an overtime regularly and they have to consume a junk food that will not be health food scientifically. As a result they are as busy as a bee and they can not have sufficient time to exercising due to incredibly boring. Moreover pandemic of corona has had profound effect on this matter, since people can not get together for keeping fit in the gyms practically.

From my perspective if people want to overcome this obstacle fundamentally, they must plan out against their adversity that will lead to blood pressure, obesity. As a classic solution that is worth mentioning is to walk in the park their daily routine and so they can join some community in the free space which are active in the parks. This solution can be precious when they can not exercise in the gyms. Another solution that comes to my mind is to employ a private sport teacher. By doing this individuals have to carry out their activities routinely.

In conclusion, I believe that people must plan out their sport activities during the day or week and they must not forget that exercising and healthy diet can really help them for a good lifestyle.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Today, modernization has changed people's life style to a bad way. Although there are many kinds of sports amenities, it is often proved that the majority of people suffer from less activity. Some causes of this issue such as time management and tight schedule will be discussed in this essay. Consequently, some possible solutions will be given. 


To commence with, the primary root of this problem is that individuals have not enough time to allocate for exercising in gyms. Many companies impel employees to work on a regular basis about ten hours a day. It brings not only bad diet because of having fast foods or junk foods but also some disease such as obesity due to less activity. The second one is to have problems to meet deadlines and responsibilities. The public should work most of their time in daily routines to reach their goals for e.g. make ends meet. The lack of time and problem with planning make people unsatisfied to be fitness.


Some possible feasible solutions would be, for instance, encourage people to use bicycles for different purposes including shopping and working. However, some actions should be taken by governments to improve healthy way of life.  Furthermore, companies can introduce flexible working hours or also offer staff to work from home. The evidence suggests that some managers who provide workers sports time during work hours, they pay attention to physical fitness. Imagine that these steps really affect people's health and could help them to have good lives.


By way of conclusion, there are many reasons why people have less activities regardless of different sports facilities which are provide in many countries. This essay discuss two main reasons and accordingly possible solutions have been discussed. 




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Different kind of sport facilities and gym are available nowadays, however, people are not in good shapes as they was in past. I think the main cause of this problem is related to the form of activities and daily chores people do in their lives. A healthy life style could be the best solution.


Nowadays, most of people do nothing but sitting in front of a computer, whereas in past, people have to do lots of physical activities in order to make money. The majority of works have been done by technology today and there is no need to human forces anymore. For instance, there are a lot of machines which help people in agriculture, therefore people can be a farmer without doing hard physical activities. Moreover, people use their cars to go around while in past, they have to walk or ride a horse which both are calorie burning activities. However, there are more gyms and sport centers in compared to the Past, but these facilities cannot alter the routine physical activities that have done by people. With all of these changes, it is not surprising to see more fat people around also there are lots of gym.


A healthy life  style can help us to tackle this problem. In order to improving wellbeing, people not only should do more physical activities, but also they should be careful about what they eat. A healthy life style covers all aspect of individual's lives including amount of calories they burnt and calorie they gave from foods. For instance, an engineer who spent long hours sitting in chair, can walk or cycle to he/she office and also have more healthy food


In conclusion the nature of people's daily activities have changed. People were more Physically active in the past. Unfortunately more sport facilities cannot help people with this problem although a healthy lifestyle might be helpful.


Seyyed Sajad
Seyyed Sajad


Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

It is true that overweight become a common issue among individuals in spite of increasing sport facilities and gym. Although there are numerous causes for this issue, I think the main ones refer to low activity that we have in comparison to calories that we receive in every meal. As a solution, in my opinion receiving fewer calories can be effective solution in addition to count down the stress which is always with us, nowadays.


Regarding to increasing sport facilities the growing number of people who suffering from overweight is noticeable and the main reasons could be daily routine and lifestyle. For instance, large part of jobs are now behind tables. People sit on their chair for long hours that confront them with inactivity one of the main reason of obesity. Moreover, the type of food that we consume have lots of calories that needs lots of activity to be burned like fast food. We use several times a week from fast foods that take the intensity of problem to upper level. In addition, lack of time do not let people spend their time on cooking good meals or go to gym in special discipline. In addition, nowadays stress becomes an unseparated part of our life which mostly comes from our surrounding world.


As a solution, in my opinion, it is an ideal solution to have an optimal timetable for doing tasks to save time for going to the gym but I think it is very optimistic suggestion just like consider time for cooking healthy food. But I think it could be more realistic idea that people try to do some basic forms of sport like stretching muscles for few minutes. Moreover, I think another step that could be taken to tackle the problem is try to reduce the stress in order to avoiding overdoing tasks as a result of working more efficient without stress.


In conclusion, correcting the daily routine and reducing stress in composition to some primary movement of sport can be considered as a working and realistic solution.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although access to the sport facilities have been increasing, fewer people are fit. Progressing in technology and over eating fast foods may are two most significant justifications which lead people to be unfit even though there are high-tech sports facilities. There are some Solutions should be implemented to deal with it.

 Firstly, progressing in technology plays a crucial role in raising  unfitting rate. Computerisem lead people to less physical activities and thay becoming slave their cars and automated lifestyles. For instance, citizens oftentimes go to their work place by private car, while walking or doing cycling were more favored in the past as well as this, tendency of playing with computer game among teenager result in less physical activities and more health problem such as obesity. Secondly, overeating fast foods is another reason which lead people to be unfit. Although the fast foods have been rich in saturated fats and salt, it is popular because is affordable and saves the time and money compared to traditional foods. 

There are two effective solutions to the problem of obesity rate. One way to tackle is to encouraging people to use bicycle for going to their work place. This could be done by considering some restriction for using private vehicle. For instance, citizens will be tempt to do cycling if governments raising the fuel cost or reducing the cost of bicycle. Another method of dealing with  this problem is to prevent people from overeating fast food and prepared foods. This could be done by developing low-cost healthy food shops.By doing this a crucial part of daily routines people is optimized.

 In conclusion as plate of developing in a sport facilities overeating fast food and progressing in technology avoid people to be more feed compared to before however including people to have a more physical activity throughout decrease the cost of bicycle and providing healthy foods.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, there are many sport facilities available, but people are not as fit as before. This is an unusual opposition that can have different reasons.  

In my point of view, the main cause of this problem is that people have never been as busy as they are nowadays. There are numerous tasks that each person should take care of daily. In comparison with the past, people’s lives are much more occupied, mainly because of development in technology and human interactions. Time passes and human’s life gets more and more complicated. 

Imagine that you are a student. You get up everyday and go to school or university. When your classes are finished, you plan to hang out with your friends or go to your English class. When you go home, you do your homework or assignments. After that, you get tired. Therefore you decide to lie on your bed and spend your time texting your friend. Maybe even you play an online game with them. Is there any time left for you to go to the gym?

The situation is not different if you are not a student. You probably have a job, no matter it is a part-time job or a full-time one. When you get home, you want to rest and spend some time with your family. You might also text your friend or plan to meet him/her. Your mind is also busy thinking of money you spent today or bills you have to pay by end of the week. You do not even remember to go to the gym and take care of your own health.

In the past, human’s life was much simpler and people could give attention to all aspects of their lives. 

In conclusion, technology, development of human's relationships  and minds full of different concerns are reasons that cause people not to be as fit as before.





Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although these days the vast number of amenities and equipped gyms has been allocated for training, there is an increasing trend among people being overweight. This situation has been created by some causes including more interest in sedentary activities and eating fast foods among individuals. This essay will delve deeper into causes and give some solutions to tackle the problem. 

To commence with the first and foremost reason,as an article shows published in 2020 by the Nature Magazine, in this technology era a host of people incline more to do sedentary activities such as remote offices, video games and even distance learning due to the fact that there are more convenient. Furthermore, eating fast foods and less healthy foods, having high amount of calories and fat,show a growing tide among persons because of the delicious recipes which they have. As a result, fatness will become a grave danger in near future. 

Turning to the solutions, this issue will be offset by a shared cooperation between people and governments. Firstly, governments should give more funds to equip sport centers for all of tastes. Secondly, they would dedicate some free gyms for encouraging people to exercise and finally being last but not least, it could be beneficial, if some aware individuals set special campaigns to promote people to do sports and explain some disturbing outcomes caused by lazy lifestyle. 

To sum up, by contrast to many sport facilities and equipped sport buildings, obesity rate has a growing trend which will be minimized by helping people and governments together. 




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

In spite of the fact that these days the number of gyms and other sport facilities are growing up, still there are many people who suffer from obesity. In my opinion, it goes through their busy life style, not having a balance diet and also technology.
Due to the high cost of living expenses, people are on a tight budget and have to work more and more. As a consequence, they have less free time to do exercise or follow a personal fitness program. They do not even have time to prepare a home-made cook and mostly eat ready meals and process foods. As a result, they would gain weight and be usually in a bad state of health.
In addition, progress of technology has made this situation even worse and people are less physically active now. They may spend hours sitting in front of computers at work or watching television or surfing internet and social networks while they are having snacks. Moreover, technology made people lazier, they prefer driving cars even for short distances while they can walk or ride a bicycle.
Taking everything into consideration, since people do not concern about their health condition and they are busy so do not give any priority for exercise in their daily life, they are mostly out of condition. So, I recommend that companies set a specific time for employee to exercise and provide related facilities on site or even sign a contract with the nearest sport center to their office. In my point of view, this will definitely increase their work efficiency and would help their employees to keep fit as well.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Today, people are becoming less fit compared to the past periods. Whereas numerous fitness centers and places to work out are seen everywhere, but still, the obesity percentage is high. I think this is mainly because of people’s busy work life and the cost of membership of sport facilities, however there are some solutions.

A reason why most people are less fit today is due to their busy lifestyle and working schedule. Because of the competitive atmosphere has been created in workplaces these days, almost every one prefer to devote significant  portion of their time on their own career than physical health. Another reason could be the price of membership of gym centers, which can be over people’s budget. 

To solve this issues, governments must reduce working hours or make it flexible or banned taking overtime, therefore in this way the staff will have free time to play sports and also have more energy to be active. As well as this, companies should install exercise equipment in workplaces and encourage the employees to use them, for example offering free tickets or discounts on certain days of the year will be so effective.

In conclusion, the decline in health and fitness despite the number of gym centers available in everywhere owe mainly to a lack of time and high cost of sport facilities’ tuition. However, these problems can be solved with few simple methods to increase the levels of fitness as well as the gyms fully occupied.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Obesity is a hot issue among health care communities. While, there are plenty equipment to fit, for people who have not enough keen toward using them. I firmly believe that our lives style and enormous vehicles are the main cause of this challenge.

These days, the size of clothes would be bigger that past. The fast of being fatty is not comparable of few years ago. Individuals, do not paying attention to their health and physics. Indeed, one of the main issue for this challenge is that, people completely engage their self on their jobs and works. Therefore, there are many tasks on their plat and finding a gap or time for sport is tricky. These type of employees believe that, by using some vitamin tablets they mitigate the consequences of hardworking. Certainly, having a solid body not only requires minerals and vitamins, but also it needs outdoor or indoor sport.

Physiologists believe that, everyone has to allocate 45 minutes a day for aerobic or body building exercise. While, exhausting after the work downgrade people to take nape or rest in their homes. Anther feature which encourage anyone to be silent is increasing the number of vehicles and online services. For instance, ordering food, breed, shopping and many daily works are delivered by online companies like Amazon, Uber, Snapp and so on. Unfortunately, these companies focus on addicting their costumers by attractive suggestions. People, consider their time on obey exercise in their homes based on some applications and websites, but, after they would be awkward and left their schedule. Therefore, embedding a weakly exercise has prominent value for anyone to avoid unfitting.


Overall, the life style and thinking rely our bodies encourage everyone going to sport and gym, to rescue from physical and mental illnesses. 




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

These days, although many sport centers and gym clubs are equipped by new and modern facilities, many people suffer from overweight as well as not being in good shape. This fact may bring about some problems for a society. In this essay I intend to explore the sources of these problems along with some solutions to them.

It is seemed that the chief cause of this problem is people’s sedentary lifestyle. It means that many individuals working as an employee may spend a lot of times behind their computer and being inactive, so they don’t have neither enough time nor enough energy for doing regular exercises in gym clubs. Another contributing factor is unreasonable fees of some gym clubs. Therefore, the cost of using these facilities cannot be afforded by low paid people. Also, these people fail to be good shape. These important issues can lead to an array of psychological and physical problems in individuals.

In order to resolve these problems, we must address its causes. In other world, it is offered that gym centers ought to be added to big company which their employees work more than half of a day. Even if this gyms have a rudimentary equipment, it will have noticeable effect on employee’s fitness. Also, the tickets of attending in fitness club can be taken by companies as a reward to their workers. Moreover, if sport center’s fees were free, poor people not having private facilities would participate in these places. In this way, they will be in good shape.

In conclusion, if gym clubs or sport centers which are equipped by modern and good facilities are added in workplaces or being free for poor people, most of health problems and psychological issues can be solved and people enjoy being fit.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Today we have more developed means and tools to keep the body fit compared to a few years ago. Spite of these such development in means of exercising, people less tend to use them efficiently. Although there are people who see sport as one of the life value but there are still many who their bodies are no longer fit. There are absolutely some reasons for that as living in a highly competitive business world, distraction such as mobile phone and so on.

It is easy to argue that, as the world becomes more developed, the business world becomes more competitive due to fewer job opportunities. As a result, most of the people are so busy to care about going to the gym. On the other hand, from young people point of view, going to the gym has less attraction compared to whatever they do on the phone. For instance, most of the young generation prefer to spend their leisure time on watching YouTube or streaming movies instead of doing some workouts which according to some it comes from laziness.

However, some people may replace exercising with other things as diet to keep their body fit, but having personalized workout routine is something more than being fit. It also benefits for our body health or even our mental health. It should be a must for every person who is about to hire a job to have a sport routine. Beside that in every college or school should be built a gym to students do their workouts along studying.  

To sum up, it is certain that we live in a world full of stress or distractions, but people regardless of their age or their job position should have regular schedule for exercising and do not neglect these sport facilities in order to not losing their fit.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Mr Gro, 

Hope all be fine for you in your work these days and be healthy. Please send my regards to others. I will be back so soon.I am writing this letter to inform you, I could finally  finished my presentation last week. 

Over all, as you  know your book was really helpful for me. First of all, thank so much for  gave me your nice book ,then I used it, not only for my presentation at my seminar, but also the others  who  were working  in plant department used the references too. 

Actually, all people whom attended our meeting,   hearing   carefully about new drugs and vitamins. As you was studying in plant Pathology, which  mixed between science and medical subject ,you may  have more information about vitamins and health, Therefore I would like read   another book of yours , if you could give them to  me in future. 

I believe that , you will be more expert in your field and I Hope be successful in your daily  work. I feel very  happy and pleased when read your book.

Will  have good times and thanks again.

Best wishes ,







The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

the graph illustrates car stolen per thousand in four different countries from 1990 to 1999. The highest precent of Theft was in Britain. Sweden was in second place which Franch and Canada were in the same position by the end of this time.
Great Britain had a slight fluctuate up and down during this time, althought, the percent was not really changed in 1999. Sweden had less than 10 percent Car theif, then it had significant increase up to 15 percent by the time in 1999. In 1991, france and Sweden had equally thefts in about 7 percent, which Canada was followed about 6 percent.
At the beginning, Canada had higher rate than France. Canada was decreasing until 1993. However, France had sharply increase in only one year ,after that, increasing until 1993. Canada had slight climbing where France had a little up and down as well. Then both face at approximately 6 percent in 1999.
overall, Frence and Canada didnot have a noticeably change in statistics. Britain went almost the same rate and it had the highest rate. on the other hand, Sweden was going up in one decade.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

 The line graph on the top of the page showes us the result of a research about thefts per thousend vehicles in four countries between 1990 to 1999.

  As we can see on this graph, it is obvious that Great Britain is on the top of the graph and the list of thefts of cars, arrainged baised on "the most" to "the least", during the whole time of research. There is also Sweden which has an incrreasing graph, although in first year it decreased. On the buttem of the graph, there is Canada, which has a decreasing graph in the first four years and then started increasing so slowly. Between tow graphs of Sweden and Canada we have France,from the beginning of the research it was on the buttem but, it start increasing and at the emd of 1999, the thefts results goes in to a steady range and it was near to the Canada's result.

  In cunclusion, among four countries that we have been researched obout them, Great Britain has the highest thefts result, all the time, and noon of the ather countries could reach its result.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates the amount of stealing per thousand vehicles in Sweden, Canada, France and Britain from 1990 to 1999. Overall, from the graph it can plainly viewed that Britain has always had the most theft through the period. While the Sweden experienced a upward trend the other had a downward trend.

With regard to the amount of theft got decreased over the years but it had some fluctuation. It began at around 17 thousand and then peaked at 20 thousand in 1996 before falling to about 15 thousand in 1999. Although France rate in stealing got decreased but it had some fluctuation and ended in almost 7 thousand just as same the Canada in 1999.

On the contrary, stealing got increased in Sweden from 1990 to 1996 and stayed the same between 1996 and 1998. In 1999 theft vehicles reached 18 thousand. 




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph shows the vehicles that were stolen in four countries from 1990 to 1999.

It is clear that the number of thefts in Great Britain is by far much more than the other countries. all the other three countries show not many differences.

In 1990, 18 thefts out of 1000 vehicles happened in Great Britain compared to six, seven, eight for France, Canada, and Sweden Respectively.

The number of thefts in 1991 in friends in Sweden is the same at eight thefts per 1000 vehicles.

Vehicles that were stolen in Sweden shows That it increased mildly from 1991 to 1999. And contrast other countries show mild fluctuation.

In 1999 theft in Sweden reach its peak at 14 that’s Great Britain reached to the lowest number of thefts at 16 thefts per 1000 vehicles.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The pictorial information illustrates the amount of car burglary in four various nations in a period from 1990 to 1999


At first glance, Great Britain has the most ratio in all years but its overall trend was downward as well as Canada. It goes without saying, Sweden had risen dramatically and reached as twice times more than its first amount whilst France had a smooth rise.


Firstly, Great Britain after two peaks in 1992 and 1996 by 20 individuals per 1000 cars and a low point in 1993, reached a bit less than its first place in 1999. Furthermore, in 1990, Sweden started at approximately 7 thieves, but after 1992 skyrocketed to almost 13 and reduced its distance with Britain from almost 12 to roughly 5 persons.


In addition, France had overtook Canada in first year with a jump, after that rebounded gradually to almost its pristine ratio. Canada felt sharply from 1991 to 1993 at 7, when started its slight increase and ended up at a similar amount with France accounted for 6 wicked people.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

A glance at the provided graph reveals some information about car thefts in four various nations from 1990 until 1999.

It is apparant from the data that the number of thefts in Great Britian was considerably high while, it seems this quantity was fewest in Canada.

It is interesting to note that, the sum of stolen car in Britian was a mere 25000 in first year then in went up gradually for 2 years approxiematly for 20000 ones then it declined till middle of period. Evidently, it soar  twentythousand in 1996, at this point it dropped slowly until the end. Thefts had stolen vehicle somewhere at the vicinity of 5000 in Canada as well as this statistic decreased untill 1993, again it experienced a remarkable rise for 7 years. Suprisingly, the sum of car which were stolen in Sweden was nearly 7000 that increased expotentially between 1991 to 1999. In France, the car thefts volume had flacuated just under 10000 to just above 50000.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

This graph is an analysitical  research report about car theft in several countries during 1990-1999. 
First it reveals that there is an increasing rate of car theft in sweden. It shows that in 1990 there were almost 6 car stealing per one thousand vehicles, and these were increased to near 14 by 1999. 
Another point we can infer from this graph is that Britain was the country that car theft rates were more different than others. For example Britain car theft rate in 1990 is near 18 per 1000 vehicles that in other 3 countries the average of ratings were near 6. It seems that car theft in Britain is 2 times more than others.  
The next issues I can see in this graph is that  the rate of car theft in France and Canada were the same in 1999. Although in canada the graph was increasing, in France the statistics of this kinds of crime is in a decreasing slope.
Generally, statistics of car theft in Sweden, France, and Canada are in a similar rates but in Britain both prevalence and variance are far from other countries.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The stolen car statistics between three European countries and Canada illustrate on the line graphover nine years.

As can be seen, the thefts rate in Canada and France are steadily fall over nine years, while, this rate is considerably increase in Sweden. There is a significant gap between Great Britain and the others on car thefts statistics.

The stolen car rate flow in Canada and France is same from 1990 to 1999. According to the statistics from the beginning until 1993, the rate is steadily drop to five thousand for each. The thefts flow approximately stay stable for Canada until the end of period, while, has a gradual fluctuations for France between 1990 and 1999. In 1999, both country touch each other on six thousand thefts vehicle. 

There was a significant difference between Great Britain and other countries. Thefts rate on Great Britain is two times more than the others and has moderate fluctuation over nine years.The stolen car statistics in Sweden represented sharp jump from eight thousand to approximately 15 thousand between 1990 and 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares information about the number of vehicles which were robbed in four distinct countries, over a nine-year period from 1990 to 1999.


Overall, what stands out from the line graph is that Great Britain had the greatest number of stolen vehicles in all the periods. However, it is interesting to note that there was a dramatic sharp in the number of thefts vehicles in Sweden, while it fluctuated in both France and Canada.


As can be seen from the line graph, Great Britain had the highest number of robbed vehicles at just over 17000 in 1990, and in 1996 the figure for the country peaked at nearly 20000. However, it fell sharply to around 16000 in the following three years.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

This line graph demonstrates how many vehicles were stolen per thousand cats in Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada from 1990 until 1999. All thefts in these countries had a subtle change over the 10 years except France that had a drastic change. It had a dramatic rise in 1991 and it finally reached its peak I'm 1999 with almost 15 thefts per thousand vehicles. And Canada fell drastically in 1993 unlike Sweden that reached almost 10 thefts per thousand cars in the same year. The lowest number of thefts was found in Canada I'm 1993 with only 5 thefts. Overall, there was an upward trend in the number of thefts in Great Britain and France. And the other 2 had a very subtle change.


Seyed Bahaeddin
Seyed Bahaeddin


The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

Following graph shows the number of stolen cars per 1000 vehicles in four European countries from 1990 to 1999.

As the graph illustrate, only in Sweden steal growth and in other countries theft had been steady or slightly decreased.

In Great Britain, number of theft cars increased from 18 to 20 from 1990 to 1992 and in 1993 this numbers drop to 17. During next 4 years number of stolen cars increased and reached it’s top at 21 per 1000 vehicles in 1996. Finally, the trend was downward from 1996 to 1999 and the number decreased to about 16 thefts.

The only country with growing number of thefts during given period was Sweden with about 8 thefts in 1990 to just under 15 stolen vehicles in 1999. During 1996 to 1998 the number stay remains at 12. Meanwhile, theft number for Canada was decreasing from 1990 to 1993 (7 robberies to 5 robberies) and after 1993 this number increased gradually to 6 in 1999. Lastly, number of thefts in France experienced a sharp rise from 4 in 1990 to 8 in 1991 and then with some fluctuations again reached to 4 at 1999




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is often said that exercise have to be in all educational institutions in contemporary era. However, the issue is not entirely straight forward, and argument can also be made against the idea. This essay will discuss the debate, and give a concluding view.


On the one hand, those who support the compulsory exercise cite. The various benefits that sports can bring to individuals. Thes range from being fit to having healthy lifestyle. For instance, exercise activities and paying attention to body contribute to fit development and be healthy, which can increase the longevity. Another argument is the stress reliever that people recieve from sports, meaning that the individuals feel more happiness and thus more confident, and it can help them to do their personal and work affairs better in whole days.


By contrast, opponents of this view point out that sports should not be forced. Examples can be seen in countless situations, where the compulsory sport has caused discomfort and apathy. In addition, many people can't exercise, due to their body form or sickness or even they aren't interested in exercising. For these people, sport would be probably boring and annoying. Finally, it must be said that not all individuals actually exercise, because their interest lie elsewhere. For these people, sports should not be encouraged.


Overall, it seems advisable that the decision to do exercise should be based on a people abilities, interest and body circumstances, rather than on general view that all individuals should exercise. So it would appear that this serve the interests of both the people and the sport involved.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

With regard to increasing the percentage of obesity in society, some groups of people argue that sport must be mandatory in educational establishments. The opposite group rejected this strategy and they believe that it probably harms participants emotionally. In my opinion, the both views must consider some benefits and drawbacks to performing each trend which analyzed below as follow.

The first idea claims that the only way to resolve the overweight issue rising among citizens is setting compulsory plan in educational centers. According to this method, students will get used to doing exercise regularly. On the other words, sport totally turns into daily routine activity when children have been educated by trainers at schools. For example, students must do some stated sport program for ten minutes before the start of their science classes. Furthermore, unfit ones will get rid of obesity without serious determination. It means that they no need strong motivation to be fit. In my view, it has some negative points mentally which is synchronized with opposite attitude of another group.

On the other side, there is one group against them who believe that mandatory exercise in educational organs makes some embarrassments feeling in some overweight persons or students. In reality, the negative feeling comes from unsuccessfully in doing something. For instance, the numbers of students at schools who are annoyed from obesity have been laughed by their other classmates as long as they could not perform correctly the sport practices. So, it should be better that we encourage people and also do not expect to do high-level of exercises. It means that the organization should provide one atmosphere as well as guide them by trainers with simple work out in the unprofessional level.

In conclusion, it is necessary to find one solution to create positive tendency between people especially students to be fit physically. So, I think that educational authorities should facilitate the schools with suitable atmosphere and justified trainers for students to being away from probable emotional harms when they exercise.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In these days, the number of people who have a normal weight decreased considerably, as a consequence, some individuals believe that sport must be an obligatory section of educational systems scheduals, but others think that it would have negative emotional effects on pupils who are not interested about sport.

One of the most important of life aspects is being healthy. Overweigh and fat people are usually facing with several problems like heart attacks more than slim ones, therefore, they should do sport in order to decline their fat. It would be faster and easier if they go to gym in younger ages, so sport scheduals at school and university can be more effective. In addition, being compulsory this kind of education would help students to improve both physical and emotional aspects indeed. Of course, authorities should choose and prepare appropriate sport for all kinds of pupils who are different in ages and sizes.

On the other hand, a few of students can not or do not want to attend in these types of classes, and prefer being alone. They are embarrassingin all situation and turn away from whole activities, so they never make voluntary decision to do sport or other works. In my opinion, compulsory physical education is forcing them into being healthier. Many psychologists have  recommeded their patients to do regular sport which plays vital role to increase confidence.

In conclusion, to prevent an overweigth community, goberments should obligate schools and universitis to take place physical education, in spite of some pupils do not like that.





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Fitness definitely is one of the most trending affairs in 2023. Although the main object is a fit and healthy body among individuals, there are many discrete ways to achieve this goal. Among those ways two of them are under controversial discuses. In this essay I will elaborate both sides with understandable reasons and logical opinions.
In the one hand some people claim that compulsory sport in educational establishments in order to help individuals keep themselves fit is necessary, because in their point of view people are not really into enrolling gyms and attending public sport schemes therefore, the main solution for this for instance, would be putting more and more sport classes in the interval between courses. As a result of that pupils have to attend these programs in order to achieve better scores, and as achieving better scores for the course would be the main concern the side effect of that is doing exercise and actually it fits gym time in students weekly program regularly. 
In the other hand some people believe that compulsory force is not a prosper way to tackle this problem. They think exercising under unwill forces would result in serious mental illnesses as well as physical coordination. Also pupils in early ages might lose their confident and suffer from lack of self-steam in further years.
In conclusion i think the compulsory force is not even an option because of all harmful physically  and mentally effects which will lead to further problems for individuals




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In the 21st century, lots of people suffer from obesity. Some poeple believe that governments should set strick rules in educational institution for people to join the club and make an obligation to enroll sport classes whilst others say compulsory physical education make people to fed up and feel ackward to sport. In my opinion, people should have freedom of their choice and governent should do other things to improve the health of society.


Nowadays, lots of people take care about their health. Lots of them have joined the gym and sport club. However, it is evident that they do not continue their activities and leave their classes. In this situation, government should set motivator for society to encourege them. For instance, set some local competition and encourage people to improve their body and compete with each other. So, it is one way to improve the society’s health and do not embarrass people. 


Likewise, government can make a program to teach to other people the diseases that deprive from obesity. If people know about the disease that might be get trouble in future they try to improve their body fit and join sport classes. Therefore, poeple motivate to join and make an advice for their friends and persuade their friend to improve their body. 


In conclusion, despite the fact that sometime compulsory can modify and cure the phenomenon, in this case does not change anything. So, the ways that mention above, can improve the society’s health and they are some motivation for society.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Whether mandatory sports provide more effect on people's shape or optional has sparked much debate in recent years. Some people assert that sport should be an essential factor in educational establishment owing to an increase of weight whereas others argue that it is impressive when defines as voluntary activity since some pupils would have a comfortable sense. I am personally in favor of latter speculation. A compulsory action would pursues individuals to fallow sports and avoid being overweight but in some cases their disability can be highlighted and make them embarrassed.




A convincing argument can be made that a particular term of sport are put in mandatory plan for people if so, they would be fit always and their health is guaranteed. Not only can they lose their weight but also they care about the daily schedule. A salient example is students have to play basketball in school in since time immemorial thus it seems a pick in their height growth. Further and even more,although diverse physical issues can eliminate by regular exercise. Should people be in force about sport, their health condition improves.




Nevertheless, there are plethoras of cones in this attitude. A number of individuals are weak in physical activity as well as thay cannot be as hectic as other hence, mandatory sport would distribute them physical and mentally. The avoid doing exercise like everybody if so, their weak point would be public which is distributing. Although sports would preserve our weigh in normal range it can creat serious health problem. Therefore, when sports are voluntary people, try to maintain their fit shape by it if it is parallel to their situation.


By way of conclusion, I am convinced that people's physical condition would become better by copulsory sport. I would concede that in some cases it can provide worrying problem to them.





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

People are calling into question the way that prevent or reduce obesity among some people. While some people advocate the idea that making necessary doing sport through educational circumstance may prove beneficial, others dismiss them. Both sides of the argument present rational ideas, which will be elaborated on.

On the one hand, supporters of doing sport compulsorily assert that the benefits from it are by no means negligible. To begin with, it helps a huge number of people a healthy lifestyle. To simply, if they have a necessary for doing sport, people from many walks of life are able to increase their awareness about doing sport. In fact, that is maybe all people do not have knowledge about disadvantage of doing sport. Which means, learning about it in colleges encourage some people to fame their favorites and by it they can make a healthy lifestyle for themselves. Moreover, the more awareness, the more interest. which means during the educational learning since the teachers are specialist so that they can found the favorites of different learner and insist them to do the exercise that help to them to have health and fitness life style. Hence, doing sport can not only help boost out confidence but can help people to be aware about their fitness.


On the other hand, others argue that mad compulsory doing sport have some disadvantages. firstly, it may reduce the self-confidence. that means, since, some students have some physical disability it can discourage them of being interested to doing exercise and thus they compared them self with other learner who are talent and their confidence will be reduce. In addition, some students do not like do sport, it is necessary to respect the choices of student although have some problematic for them.


To conclude, there are logical points on both sides, however, I agree that when people are having to do exercise can make great contributions for them. This is mainly because, when they learn their talent and their favorite, they can continue with great fan their exercise that lead them to be happy people and healthy life.


Seyedeh Zahra
Seyedeh Zahra


Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.


Some people say that due to the growing number of unit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments.
Other claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don’t like sport.


It’s told by some people that because of the plenty of obesity sport should be forced in all educational systems, while other believe that doing sports should be a voluntary decision made by people, otherwise it may be made people apathy to sport and due to increase of overweight cases in the society. 

The main reason for some people that believe sport should be mandatory for all educational establishments maybe this of that if there are many such training centers, people will have to adapt to this system and force exercise, so obesity problems such as heart and diabetes diseases will be decreased.

On the other hand, other say that forcing people may cause the reverse result and this means that people’s interest reduce for sports.

In conclusion, since the obesity problems became more in the society some people said that physical education systems should be increased, whereas the rest of the people believed this compulsion made people less interested to sports. In my opinion, giving more importance to the physical education courses in schools for example, increase the hours for physical education lessons or in society for instance, allocating more physical centers like gym for people who like to exercise eventuate students and people do more physical activities and also can be a positive effect on their mindset in sport context.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

That surplus weight has got a direct impact on humans health is undeniable . however, In order to tackle this ongoing problem in this essay I will argue It would be effective whether to make physical exertion As a compulsory education course  or this approach because of not being voluntary Would cause humiliation as well as rejecting the sports among students who dislike physical exercise. Subsequently I as a liberal person  agree with second opinion.

With compulsory atmosphere making people unwill , it is too simplicitic a view to consider it as an effective approach to change human attitude in terms of sports. Indeed, we are human being. When we are forced to do any kind of activity , we would definitely reject it even if it has huge positive effects on our wellbeing. For instance, it has been shown that the more the teachers try to persuade students to study the important courses such as mathematic , the more the students are hesitated to do so. As all we know such courses are crucial for students to be accepted in high ranking universities in future, yet they dont often study it as it is compulsory. Without any dout, forcing humans to do exercise can not be a successful method to help them become fit.

Liberation is humans right, every indivitual knows that ,and become encouraged with. As a matter of fact, freedom of choice is a significant right any human cares about. Therefore, when people are free to select their behaviour regarding to physical exercise , they become encouraged to do whatever necessary for their health. Moreover, using the same compulsory method is not suited for all people. For example, there are some students who are not supposed to do sport in their life because of their physical weakness. It is obvious that this oppressive method will cause them feel humiliated and hated in reverse.

To conclude, in my view, to help people become fit , making them to do sports in their educational courses not only is not effective but also lead to rejection. Because freedom is human need to be encouraged and also the same approach will cause humiliation for some people. 





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

A group of individuals preset the view that sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishment, whereas others believe only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit. I strongly agree with the latter opinion.

Everyday life today people have poor eating habits. They also indulge in fatty food and the food they has poor nutritional value. moreover, they have sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, they face several health problems such as overweight and obesity. Health authorities should raise public awareness about the consequently of overweight. Some people believe that the best approach is prevent health problems from happening in the first place.it would be logical preventative measures include compulsory sporting in all educational establishments.

There is no doubt that individuals especially students must take some responsibility for their diet and health. The argument to support this is the fact that everybody has free will and make their choice About what they eat and the exercise that they do. From a social perspective, students who suffer from Obesity, are compelled to do physical activities in public place compel themselves whit their peers. Consequently, they may suffer from self-conscious or become very sensitive about their appearance.

To conclude, in my view, everybody has free will and make their choice. In addition, people should be encouraged to do exercise on a regular basis.





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.


Nowadays, the figure of overweight people has been increased considerably. Regarding this issue, some individuals believe that it should be considered as an obliged activity to do sports in all educational institutions. On the other hand, it is believed that taking exercises would be effective, if it is done by a person’s willing. To make it clarify, it can have an inverse effect, if it is a compulsory.

On the one hand, doing sport in educational institutions such as schools would become more efficient. Because generally, children have a strong acceptance for learning and doing what is ordered to them. For instance, my niece started doing sport when she was 8 years old and after 7 years, she is continuing that major professional.

On the other hand, it can turn to a difficulty for students, if is not done in an appropriate way. Doing sport as a rule in a perpetual routine wil affect students physically and mentaly. My niece’s friend can be mentioned as an example who hated sport by the regulations in her school. All the errors were in the programming of doing sport that where and when it could be occured. The manager of school was set the time at the end of the day!

In a conclusion, sometimes, it can bre resulted in an opposite side if conducting something become an oblige. To address it, some encouraging ways can be implanted. For instance, if somebody follow the routine, he or she will be granted.






Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, the downtrodden lifestyle has become more monotonous, sedentary and mechanical. In order to this, individuals have a marked tendency toward spending their leisure and work time behind the computers. Overally, obesity has dramatically increased during the recent decades. Additionally , there are some arguements among individuals weather sport educating should be must for pupils or not.The mentioned informations will be analyzed in the following paragraphs; by deviding the subject into two categories.

Firstly, the idea of considering sports as a compulsory rule is going to be discussed. If they make this idea into action, majority number of human beings will be in shaped and fit. A better result of this idea is the fact that a healthier, physically-fit and disease-free society is going to be shaped.Furthermore, in my opinion, even those who dislike the given idea, will admire it after a while.

The second group that i would like to mention, supports the members who prefer to have a voluntary decision on it ; and they believe that compulsory physical education, makes the learners embarrassed and sport-haters. I personally assume that everyone should have the right to make their own decision. On the other hand , i don't presume that many students enjoy exercising, therefore, we are going to face a lot of illnesses caused by obesity and an unhealthy society. 

Finally, from my point of view, attending the sport lessons should be considered as a duty for pupils, in order to build up a healthy and wholesome environment. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

People are calling into question the compulsoriness of sport. While some advocate the idea that, making sport compulsory in all educational establishments could help to reduce the number of unfit and overweight people in the society, others dismiss them as a complete approach towards the problem. Both sides of the argument present rational ideas which will be elaborated.

On the one hand, supporters of compulsory sport assert that the benefits accruing from this approach are by no means negligible. To begin with, since students spend most of their times in school and universities it would be hard for them to allocate extra time for sport at home. That is to say, spending a noticeable amount of their time at school or universities, students’ have lees time which should be distributed between different subjects like practicing lessons, rest, personal works and other activities. Moreover, being among their friends and classmates, students would have more desire for sport compare with the time they are alone. For instance, students can play football, basketball, Vali ball or other group sports which need both equipments and players. This in turn has a far-reaching positive impacts on their health and fitness. Moreover it would not only help students to be in shape, it would also prevent of being ill and decrease the cost of health care for society.

On the other hand, others put forward the argument that sport just help to those people chose voluntary be on good shape. Obligatory physical activities not only doesn’t help people to be in fit, but it would also could make them hate sport. The most compelling reason justifying their assertation is that force would never help mankind to reach their aims. Psychologically speaking, obligatory activities bring negative senses towards sprot. That is to say, choosing voluntary sport, people would make their best to reach their goal which is having in shape body. Forced people on the contrary will not make enough efforts in obligatory sports. A good illustration of this is forcing fat guys to run which is the most hated action among these people. All obligatory activities provide whit is hate and embarrassment.

To conclude, there are logical points on both sides; however I am on the opinion that sport should be compulsory in educational establishments. This is mainly because this approach could tackle the root of increasing number of overweight among people and it could also enhance to be in shape.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

These days the number of overweight people is increasing, so some people believe that mandatory work out programs will solve this problem, while others think compulsory sport will result in embarresment in people who do not like physical activities. I believe in the second insight to this controversial problem, compulsory physical activities for students,only embaresses them and make them to avoid doing sports.

To begin, I think not only in this case, but in every field, compulsory activities make people to be averse doing it, and working out is not an exception. I think it is totally reasonable and inevetible, because  only people are justified to descide for their lives. For example about a century ago wearing hijab had been forbiden in my countary. At that time this decision leaded to disobedience to the law, years later not wearing hijab was banned and again, it resulted in strong aversion and protests.

Moreover, some people may have had malformations from birth and they are forbidden from doing some specific kind of sports. This fact may embaresses them or make them uncomfortable and more important than that, it may also results in serious harm. For instance, one of my friends, has had an inheritable diseas in her back. When were school girls, we were forced to do Crunchs for our sport exam. I recall that she was in so much pain doing this excersice and she did not like to express it as she thought it is something embarressing.

Taking everything into consideration, I would say, sports should not be compulsory, in that case, if people decide for themselve and understand sport is really good for them, they would have this inclination to do even the hardest physical activities and also they know themselve better, thus they would choose the best excercise based on their physic and body and in this way they will not be embarressed or injured.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Because of increasing the rate of obesity in world, some people blieve that it is necessary to make people to do sport in academic centers even when they aren't volunteer. While other group of people say that this forcing activities could have negative impact on students instead of benefits that it expected to have. In next paragraphs I will give my opinion.
In my view, people affected negatively by every compulsory activity. One of the best effective ways to avoid growing rate of obesity is promoting people knowledge about hazardous impact of overweight. If they know what will happen for them in future, if they weren't in a healthy weight, they would do sports by their own decision, and there won't be any need to make them to do sport. Although sport plays a key role in the matter of being fit, people's diet is more important, so it is necessary to guide individuals to have a balance diet either.
Despite the fact that I am disagree whit the compulsory sport educating idea, some educations about physical activities could be beneficial specially in early ages. Pupils in their primary school could be leaded and interested to sport and healthy life by suitable educations, and also it perhaps could be a good way to find the children's talents and their interests.
In conclusion, forcing people to do anything including sport, not only doesn't have any helpful impact, but also it maybe dangerous because it could make people hate any sport for the rest of their life, and maybe the best way to fight with overweight is increasing people's awareness about the side effects of being fat, and give them the knowledge of having a healthy diet benefits. But in some cases, specially for children, the compulsory sport educating could have some merits . For example they could be leaded to healthy attitude or find their talents.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

From where I stand, forcing people, make them hate the activity, whether it is for their best or not, you will get quiet opposite result. So although I agree that the number of obese people have been these days, I am not supporting compulsory physical education.

  To defend my opinion, I should say people are free to do whatever they want to their own bodies. So it should be their choice whether they want to do exercise or not. Therefore, if government made them to work out, they will definitely get away these people freedom from them. Maybe they are happy with this body or even want this body. So forcing is not a perfect plan.

  on the other hand, if government educate people about the benefits of the axercis and the negative points of overweight and its harms to body in all educational establishments, instead of just pushing them doing it, I am sure that it remains a huge change in their lives and they will go to the gym and do sports voluntarily. Also, I believe that forcing and compulsory plans are only the easy way and non-efficient ones. If government just operate some encoraging plans such as rewarding prises for losing weight, each month, or even free sports classes or indirect effects on people's mind by frequent advertisements, they definitely will face a better result than the scheduled education which is without any mind's background. 

  To conclude, in general, I think forcing for any kind of plan, would be a disaster and not only you will never get your optimal result, but also it will make it worse.






Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people believe that doing exercises should be mandatory at school, but others think that sports should be optional. In my opinion, despite that exciting children to have some daily exercises might be benefical, sports should not be compulsory. 

Making children do some exercises as a routine would be very beneficial. Benefits of sports are not restricted to physical improvement. Daily exercises would be great for their mental health. Devoting some time of daily school’s timetable to sport may be a very good idea. First, children can have a lot of fun during the activity. Secondly, It is also a smart way of making them interact with the peers which will help them improve social skills. Finally, they will lose weight and be more fit and healthy. 

However, compulsory excersises might lead to negative impacts on either physical or mental health of children. Generally speaking, obesity is not good for one’s health. But this doesn’t mean that being obssesed with fitness can’t be harmful. Seeking too much attention on overweight student may affect their confidence.  On the other hand, not all children are good in the same sports. For instance, someone can be a talented dancer while being awful in running. So if we force this person to run, this would have a bad impact on him and he might lose motivation. 

In conclusion, I believe that It is reasonable to add some routine exercises to education’s schedule. Nevertheless, compulsory sport would affect students in a negative way. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

There is a believe that the consequence of the increasing the rate of obesity compulsory exercise in curriculums is the best settlement for that, while others believe that voluntary form of sport education is helpful to keep people far from obesity and its side effects. Making people motivate to do exercise is good idea for public health but not in force.

On the one hand, compulsory exercise may have many drawbacks in terms of physical and emotional.

As far as physical consideration some fields are harmful for some people because of their weight and some ill health which are hidden now. In terms of emotional disliking any type of exercise in schools or when students could not deal with their workout may lead to disappointing.

On the other hand, the necessity of exercise due to less active life style of this todays is not hidden to any people. Informing and educating always is the most effective way because people will be ambitious to do workout. So it is better to let people to know the benefits of exercise then provide them some facilities to choose the way they prefer to do activities. Furthered more, exercise is not only way of being fit and right information about diet helps them to be fit and healthy.

In conclusion, students not only do not benefit from compulsory sport but also may it will be harmful specially those who do not used to do it before.


Rahmat Ullah
Rahmat Ullah


Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people believe that because of growth of fatness and being over-weight, doing sport must be obligatory for individuals in all educational centers. Others agree the fact that doing physical activities must be chosen voluntarily due to have efficient consequences in students’ health and body shape. Because, if students are enforced to do sport, it will be embarrassing for them.
Recently, Being over weight and unfit are increasing among students dramatically. It will be a serious problem if society do not find a suitable solution. some people suggest that doing compulsorily sport and physical activities manage to solve the problem. For instance, in some schools students have to attend a sport class once in a week and if  they do not participate in that class, they will not pass the term. Students do not enjoy doing sport when they are enforced and it would not be helpful in increasing their weight. So imposed activities like this can not be a beneficial solution for this problem.

In the other hand, some people agree that doing sport and physical activities in educational establishments as an answer to the problem of being over-weight, should be freely and not by force. Because, imposing things will not be attractive in every aspect of life. For example, people who attend a gym for doing sport are more good in shape and fit in comparison with individuals who are forced to do physical activities. So, students will not do any sport enthusiastically unless it do have an attractive point for them. Authorities in schools can stimulate students by putting forward some bounce for attending their desirable sport in a gym out of school or in educational environment if it is applicable.

Inconclusion, according to these few examples, doing sport freely by students in schools or other educational centers are more efficient to be well-shaped and fit than imposing them to do physical activities due to loose weight. In my opinion, voluntary attending athletic activities will be more beneficial for students rather than enforcing them to do such activities.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Certain individuals discussed that exercising must become a mandatory in all buildings of education due to the rising figure of obesity among folks. Others believe doing physical training must be a free choice because pushing pupil to have workout resulting hate that major. Personally, I agree to make doing sport a compulsory in different grades. 





On the one hand, many commentators argue the view that based on the increasing amount of outsized people working out have better got compulsory in various school grades. From their point of you, being fat results in lack of confidence, which brings suicide and other psychological disorders. It is also maintained that due to advertisement for being fit on social medias, students who are suffering from obesity would get more bully than who have athletic body. For instants, results have shown schools with fit students are facing fewer bullies than schools include chubby students.





On the other hand, there are those who subscribe to the view that mandatory exercising on a volunteer basis would help individuals to get in shape. They argue that pupils would get a chance to live in a free world. This would be a practice for making choices. However, completely I disagree with this attitude because school authorities are always making plans to indirectly train students to select. It is a basic part of their rule.





In my personal opinion, although there are people who say it's better to have freedom in doing sports, others believe due to the number of unfit pupil, it's better to make a sports courses forced for all educational establishment. Because of obesity brings psychological disorder in students. In addition, students get less bully them they are fit.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

These days obesity is a big dilemmas that community is suffering from, and perhaps it needs to find a way to solve this problem such as regular sport activity. But who does not know that an activity needs motivation, which without that, it would be annoying. Motivations which act better than legislation and encourage people in a way that they find physical activity as an inseparable part of their life rather a boring duty.


When we deep in life of people who are successful in a field we find a big difference with ordinary people, and it is not nothing except the wish for being better than others. It looks that they bear any hard situation to be outstanding. And it not be achieved by compulsory ways but motivated mind.I remember the boring sport class that I was made to participate every weekend because of parents ask, and it does not have good result for me since I was not reluctant. But when I got a young boy I  saw the girls tendency to handsome ,It changed my mind totally and after then the sport was not boring for me. I find it as a way for attracting of girls. My sport activity level changed and now I was doing the sport simultaneously. It is the way that we act. We make an undesirable activity to a joyful, only by changing our motivations.


Compulsion always is a way of ruining the things that people enjoy since it has a mental effect on their mind. They do not enjoy someone make them to do the activity albeit they like it. In a compulsory sport activity people get forced to do activity in a way that do not appeals to them. For example, in a university, student do sport under supervision of professor, and his opinion is dictated on them no matter how much they are professional. Some of them that are brilliant in their field, may find the professor annoying since they were doing this activity in other way. Always the freedom in activations brings a better result and make a better atmosphere.


To conclude, it is not the deniable that people always sport in way that find in joyful and health provoking rather than a boredom that they have to do as a part of their responsibility . When they do it by force they only try to look it as a job that its results do not matter. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Todays because of sedentary life style the number of overweight people increase hugely that is the reason of the most important disease like heart attack, high blood pressure and etc. So people need to excercise to be fit and healthy and it can come from education. But some people believe that education force them to do sports and may someone does not like to do that, while it is necessary for everyone to excercise, so this essay will indicate how education influence on people's health.
Furthermore by some idea this believe is available that people should be forced to do some sports from primary school because they should habit to perform that, so if it be their field of lesson and do that frequently it will be placed on their unconscious mind and they will continue until their adult age.For instance if school schedule  football, volleyball, ping pong and etc. in students weekly plan they will find out their passion and continue it. So they will have physical and mental health with no over fat.
 In addition when people have to do something they are forced so in my opinion since the excercise is so important. Governments can infliction people with a tricky way. For example the people can be encouraged by states with some prize.If they hold a public sports like jogging for a specified distance then they can hold a lottery and give the prize to people.
On the other hand, we should acknowledge that if forced students to do that they might not like it and they could be angry and anxious so it is better to convince them that it will be the best way for them to maintenance their healthy.
In conclusion, I hold the view that people particularly students should be forced to do excercise until keep their physical and mental health and do not be too fat that is the reason of many illnesses.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Compulsory events is to human what heat is to diamonds. There might be some individuals who think sport should obligate in schools while another people think it does not work. I partially agree that people can be more practical under pressure. What stands out is that obesity should be dealt before growing more in the number not only for people’s health but also for their beauty and shape. 


Including sports events in schools’ and other educational schedules as an option is good enough for governments to dedicate their responsibilities but it is not enough to tackle the problem. Someone believes that embarrassing force of people might leads to turning away students specially for dose who do not into physical activities. Meanwhile there are some dependent students needing observation on their tasks, they always seek for what are their tasks and they do not usually opt for extra activities. 


On the other side, there are many people who believe in the power of force. Thus they choose sports as musts in educational programs. If students have to be active, they become healthy and be in a good shape. That can be their motivation to do more sports. Encouraging people by making them feel the result can be the best way for facing challenges. Although at times for some people this obligation may seem like a terrible situation, it usually works for ambitious, disciplined and hard working individuals. 


On balance, ethically problematic as forcing sports might be, it is indeed beneficial in terms of population’s health. If compulsory exercise is like an energy to become a diamond, so the merits outweigh the demerits.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.


Currently, some group of people claim that sport should be obligatory in the school curriculum due to increasing rate of obesity. On the other hand, others believe that people should make their own decision. I personally believe that government can have a significant role in encouraging students to do exercises and do it without compulsion. In this essay I will discuss both views and share my idea.


If we consider large number of students that have normal wellbeing and standard weigh, we can see that they would get better results and scores at the school due to having better appearance more classmates would communicate with them and moreover they can establish more friendship with others so they have motivation to study. As far as I see, more unfit students are involving with problematic situations such as lack of self-confidence, self-insurance, lack of friends, depression and so on. Sometimes they can not perform or lecture in front of others since people used to humiliate them. So I can say that doing sports to keep fit is a essential thing for people.


As I mentioned earlier, doing exercises have so many benefits so I guess it is better to start educating people from earlier ages, because youngsters imitate faster and can make a habit easier than the elderly. Base on my personal experience, I observed that we can easily persuade children in a fruitful process by just encourage them and may be sometimes give them some prizes.


To put it in a nutshell, we can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that make sport obligatory in the schools could be extremely productive and I believe that it is better to start this process from childhood.







Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Many argue that because of the rising number of individuals involving with obesity sports should be considered as a compulsion in the educational systems, however, others have an unlike belief asserting rigid rules in this field completely make people hated physical practices. I am in agreement with both mentioned statements up to a point due to some reasons.


On the one hand, human instinctively tends to work according to a certain determined rules or plans. Furthermore, If a sport course there would be permanently in school schedules from the elementary grades can lead to be an indispensable part of daily tasks so that individuals will not be able to give it up even during adulthood. Thus, in many cases a compulsive time table including constant sports courses especially when people obviously see its beneficial advantages also enable them to do more efficiently personal affairs in comparison to the past then after they enthusiastically without any external pressure tend to exercise.


On the other hand, meny children demonstrate a considerable range of persistence and dissatisfying while facing a strict schedule . For instance, when I was a child regardless our ability and based on our curriculum we were forced to exercise early in the morning everyday so that that practice made us completely suffered as well as exhausted to learn other lessons. Unfortunately, because of that awful experience I have not been able to opt for a specific sports field so far.


To conclude, I believe that the existence of a timetable involving rejuvenating fitness programs in educational organisations can be quite adventurous provided that these curriculum would not be inflexible and harmful for children.


Academic Module

Nashmil Bahrami




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

No one can deny that a healthy life is vital. A healthy society causes a better life for all people Because of financial and psychological reasons. However, the important issue is how to reach to such society. This essay intends to talk about the alternative solutions to compulsory doing sports. The author critically disagree with making our children do sports in their schools.

First of all, we have some other solutions to create a healthy society. For example, go on diet is really better for some people. Since some individuals do not eat healthy foods, diet is a better way for them and it can help them more. When I was child, I lost a lot of weight by diet.

Secondly, doing physical activities needs motivation. If you do not motivate children to do sport, they will definitely be annoyed by doing exercises. I can remember my friends at school. They needed to be motivated by the teacher, otherwise they did not do their sport tasks well. Consequently, mandatory exercises will not help when students do not have motivation.

Finally, another issue which is really important is the lifestyle and the interests of pupils. We cannot make our children do a sport which they do not like it or even hate it. For instance, when I was child, despite the fact that doing sport was compulsory in our school, I avoided it. Because we had to play soccer which I hate it. I always made excuses to not to play soccer. Also, people lifestyle plays a very important role in the impact of the sports on their fitness. We have to pay attention to the amount of the calories that an individual gains and spends daily. According to these amount of calories, we need to do special sports.

In conclusion, doing compulsory sports really annoys children and if the selected sport is not appropriate for individuals, that will not help them a lot.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is believed that owing to increasing the rate of obesity,educational institutions should regulate a rule for doing sport mandatorily.How ever,some others argue that by no means can encourage students to keep fit except with doing sport arbitrary,for making mandatorily decision would have negative impacts,which I am in a complete agreement with.

Although being overweight has adverse impacts on physical health for human beings during a long term,numerous people do not pay attention to this subject,particularly younger generations and it is because of their tendency for junk food and doing less activities that the number of obese students has been growwing during the last decades.Thus,it is thought that restrict a strict rule for doing sport in educational places would be the best solution in this case,for students have to be present at least five days during a week in these places,hence doing sport compulsorily.Also,during the long time,it could change their mind to choose a healthy life style ,loosing their weight.

On the other hand,I entirely agree that making mandatory decision has negative consequence in many occasions,which scientists report a significant number of articles about.It is undeniable that in no circumstances  can people persuade a person to change their unhealthy lifestyle unless with giving the information about negative effects and encourage them to make the best decision arbitrary.Hence,some individuals believe that if overweight students be under pressure of doing sports,they would be reluctant to do such activities due to their negative perspective.Other than that,they would conteract with mental diseases,like depression,because of doing undesired activity. 

In conclusion,albeit it is a beliefe that doing sports mandatorily should be the best solution for overweight students,it could be quite harmful from others perspective,myself included,because this not only can make them unmotivated,but also cause some mental problems over a period.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.


These days, people do not have enough exercises, so the number of people who are dealing with overweight is raising. Because of that, it is often argued that sport should be on compulsory curriculum in different sort of educational institute. Whilst other believe that students should do sport by their own voluntary decision. In my opinion, training sports as a compulsory course cannot motivated student to do physical activities.

Doing sports by force cannot be useful for someone who do not like it. It just make them tired and disappointed. They must try hard because of getting acceptable grade while they are not interested at all. So, there is no pleasure and happiness, although one of the effects of doing sports should be making people happier and refreshed. Generally, it can be harmful for their mental health by passing the time. 

Moreover, some student cannot do the sports perfect and they compare themselves with someone who are keen on the sport. These kind of comparison lessen their confidence and self-esteem. They believe that they are not good enough. These various thoughts and pressures may influence other parts of their life. Such as, work, study and social life.

In conclusion, I think sport might not be helpful when people are not willing to do that. Because, make it compulsory just increase the mental pressures on them and have bad effects on their personality. For instance reduce their confident and happiness.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

   It is considered by some that sport must be forcible in every educational organizations because of  ascending number of obesity and fatness, while there are others who that is better sportspersons practice and encourage people who want be fit as apposed to use force and make students reluctant about sport and exercise. In my opinion, I believe that establishments should work on people mindset and accustom them with body operations.

   On one hand, put compulsion in sports can make a negligible result in short period, but will decrease the amount of unfit people in a log time in society. On the other words, by doing daily exercise, body secrets useful hormones which help body metabolism rises and then engorges body to work better. If students practice everyday , even with force, obesity will be less.

   On the other hand, having power of choice makes joy and fun in practice times and will have better results. Body will work more coordination with other organs and metabolism will increase heart activity, if people choose their sports and enjoy in exercise; In this case, not only do students love sports, but also make them more motivated and attract them to be active in their lives.

   Finally, in my opinion, besides encouraging people about sports, it is necessary to aware them about health risks. In this case, students who are interested about sport will be more excited to do exercise and people who never didn’t practice, search for healthy lifestyle and modify their nourishment. Eventually, everybody accustoms with body operations and use this knowledge in exercises.

   In conclusion, it is really important to create eagerness in people for doing daily sport exercise and rise their knowledge about healthy lifestyles to have a efficient practice and see great results. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Mahdie Rezaei academic task two


Some people are on this belief, it is better that people force to do sport because of rising up obesity and overweighting. Others disaffirm in this statement and trust that it is better doing sports become optional because forcing people to exercise and also reminding of this problem that they are overweight, it effects on their spirit and at the result, they will be shamed for this problem. My view is completely matched with arbitrary of doing sport.

First, if people have to exercise, they won’t have motivation for doing that. This problem causes that people release during in middle of sport process. It is imagined why they shouldn’t have liked themselves with this body or even might compare themselves with others in eating, shape and so on. As a result, always one regret will be accompanied by them and won’t enjoy in their life. Most of them face with over upset and might suicide.

On the other side, most of them don’t have this ability to decrease weighting. Actually, we should look overweighting as a disease. For people who involve in obesity, it is difficult to go down their weight by sport. Indeed, overweighting of them is not related to eating or unmovement. If I want to tell more, it is a genetic disease. They suffer from this sickness. For example, there is an organization in world which has established for this group of people and support from them, not only financially, but also changing in their mindset.

Overall, although sport is the best way for decrease of weighting and fitting, we should pay attention that we couldn’t prescribe for all.


Mahdie Rezaei academic task two





Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam.

I am writing in connection with the recent issue that has happed in the Olive street in Jackson neighborhood. There is a constructing site in the middle of the street that are digging the ground, during their work they broke the underground  water pipeline. This incident is undergoing for several days, when we call to the support department their responses are not transparent.  


Because of this unfortunate incident, the water is streaming everywhere, that has damaged our gardens as well as has penetrated to our houses. Consequently, crossing the street somehow is impossible ,in  particular, by car. Moreover, bus drivers neglect the bus station that is located in our street. hence we have to walk the whole street to reach the main street to use a public transport. Imaging with the mud that sticks on the bottom of our shoes, we arrive at our workplace or other places, this is embarrassing.

People who live in this street could not undergo this situation anymore. Therefore, please send workforces to fix this problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will not permit this construction site continues their work until they fix this problem.

Please contact me through my email.

I look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully,

Abbas soltani.





Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to you in regard to Esar street that has not been cleaned for a few weeks.

Recently, the number of people who have chose to live around the street considerably increased. Therefore, this place has become more dirty than before and also high renge of constructing building had been effective to creat this size of disposal.

One of the big issue after crowding is that people espacially children and old ones who live here are in danger of asthma becouse of plenty amount of dast in air. In addition, problems would become more when it is rain and every where is getting more dirty.

If you decide to clean the street twice a week, it will become one of the beautiful place of city that deserved to be.

I look fowrward to your action about it and I hope you consider my suggestion.

Yours faithfully,

Mohammad Rouzbahani.


Seyedeh Zahra
Seyedeh Zahra


Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are


The fallowing bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960,1980 and 2000.


This chart below illustrates different figures of transportation such as, bus, car, bike and foot in a city of Europe in the years of 1960, 1980 and 2000. Units are in percentage of total travelers.

Overall, using vehicles for instance, car and bus was the most in the years of 1980-2000, while people mostly rode bicycle and walked for their commuting in 1960.

In 2000, over 35% of persons used cars that was higher than using buses, walking and biking respectively ( all of them accounted for under 15%). Likewise, with regarding the year of 1960 see that most of individuals walked (just 35%) and about over 25% of people used bikes, whereas using vehicles was the least (was almost under 18%).

Choosing the kinds of transport modes by people was not much difference according to this comparison and using all of them were between 15%_27%.





Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam

I am Naghmeh Zahedi and am living in the 29 street, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with regard to cleanness of the street of the neighborhood. 

To begin with, the rubbish is not collected in a timely manner and it causes not only a bad smell in the area but also the insects. More importantly, the sewage system is not work probably. It brings about unhealthy water and spread of contagious disease. As you know, there are 2 schools in this neighborhood. If you do not take the immediate action, it will have serious impacts in people and especially children wellbeing. 

To remedy the situation, the adequate bin should be supplied and more dustmans should be hired. In addition, one professional team should inspect and maintain sewage system performance as a regular basis. 

Your prompt action in this regards would be highly appreciated






Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

The given column graph illustrate the information of various modes of transport which were used for movement between workplace and house, during a fourty-year period ( from 1960 to 2000).
A cursory glance at the chart is enough to make it clear that the use of car increased dramatically, from approximately 12% in the 1960 to over a quarter in the 1980 and ecalated to 36 percent in the end of periods.
In contrast, despite the foot and bike were first and second popular ways for movement, both of them had downward trend, and fell from 34% and 25% in the 1960 to 17% and 20% in the 1980 and, in the following years, reached to just 9% and 6% by 2000, respectively.
Turning to the other data set, bus, it can be seen that the shares of bus for transporting were difference and flactuated between range of 16% and 26% in the whole of period.


moohamad ali
moohamad ali


The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart illustrates different ways of transport which were used to travel to and from work in one European city in the three specific years 1960, 1980, and 2000. Overall, foot and bus and car had the highest rate and also had the lowest rate in the mentioned city.

In 1960, approximately 35% of people who lived in a European city transport with their foot. What is more, second way was bike was 10% less than foot. Also, bus approximately half afoot percentage and the car was the last one.

In 1980, all mode of transport was near to them between 25 and 15% . Bus was almost 25%. and car exactly 23%and foot just 10% less than bus.

In 2000, car had reach 35% and was the public mode of transportation. next, bus was 20% less than car. eventually, bike with 5% had experinced the lowest percentage in the bar chart.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates the different mades of transport which name are bus , car , bike and foot to travel to and from work in a European city in three different years , 1960 , 1980 and 2000 . It is clear that only car had increased in the mentioned years whereas other mades of transport had decreased .                                     We can see in graph in one European in 1960 that the most type of transport were foot by more than a third , about 34 , whilst in the second place were belong to bike by about 25 and bus and car were 17 and 5 , respectively . In 1980 , numbers there were almost the same and there weren't any significant difference among  them , and this year bus were the most by about 26 and the least transport mades seen in foot by about 17 .                                                    In 2000 , there were many changes than before ago , and in this year the highest used were car , about 35 and car had been used less about fifteen and the least made of transport were foot and bike about less than ten.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The chart illustrates four types of transports that people used to chose for traveling or getting to their work place in three different years by the every two years from 1960 to 2000.

Overall, people preferred to go to travel by personal car in 2000 but as years goes back it is shown that travelers went to work or trip by their foot.

As it is seen, the chart of 2000, has a lot of fluctuations. It increased sharply from a little more that 15 percent to more than 35 percent and it gets to more than it’s doubled figure but after that it plunged to around 5 percent. The chart of 1980 presents a gradual drop of in order of using :Bus, Car, Bike, feet. In 1960 the graph fell down from above 15 percent of using Bus to around 6 percent but it rose respectively to almost 26 percent for gong to tavel or work by bicycle  and this rising continued to under 35 percent in walking.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Dear Sir or Madam,


I am Shadi Servat, a citizen of the green neighbor, first street. I am writing this letter because of the nearest problem we are faced with, and I should mention that our street goes to dirty situation. 


The main problem is that all the rubbish are full and that is why It seems a lot of trash in every were. That has affected the weather and smell very badly. Actually in some cases a lot of mosquitos in this neighborhood.


In my belief, this problem started last week when the refreshmans didn’t came. Since then green street is getting such as desaster. It is harmfull for children that play in street. Unfortunatly they don have any were to go for doing play. Maybe I should mantion that it is onother problem, but it is not a aim of my letter. 


My recomandation is, consil plans a sesson and think about what was the problem of street-sweepers that they got stricke. It should be handeled for helth of the our street.


I apreciate if this problem be persued.


Your cincerely

Shadi Servat







The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates the variety mode of transports what were used in 4 case of vehicle in every two years from 1960 to 2000 in a European city due to travel and commutation.


It is clear that the amount of commutation in way of walking and bike had decreased, in contrast the car mode for transporting had rose, while the travelers who were used bus neither fell down, nor enhanced in this city.


Looking at details, in the 1960, the used cycle and walking were 25% and about 35%.

The percentage of people who used of bike was declined significantly in 1980 and 2000 ,it reached to 5%. Travel by foot reduced steeply, it was 35% in 1960 and decreased at 25%.


The cars mode had an sharply climb it was eight fold in 2000,35%. The bus transportation had a fluctuations in the 1960 and 2000 had same percentage about 15%, but in 1980 was 25%








The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Dear Sir or Madam, 

I am writing this letter to inform you that Namazi stree , which my family and I have been living here for  about 15 years till now .

Overall,this street has so many problems and I need your help to solve them easily.

firstly ,I saw some dirty cats every day in the  garbage. you know they made some harmful diseases. Secondly,  one of the biggest shopping malls in our city try to build a new building in our street so it made many unclean place. Finally , the trees will dry very soon and need to watering them.

As our kids played in  this street and spend their some  times there one day one of them injured by the materials of  shopping mall.also the street is very dirty these days and need to clean. 

Now ,I hope to solve these problems so soon with your nice and smart help .

Good luck, 

Yours faithfully, 





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart breaks down the various means of commuting used in one European city into four main transport modes which are : bus , car , bike and foot , each examined in three different time periods .

There is a sophisticated arrangement and use of text , chart and color in order to better communicate the purpose and aim . The first thing which catches attention of the reader is the bar chart itself , as the focal element , located at the heart of the plot . The reader can easily extract information about the value (in percent) and time simply by looking at the y-axis plus , knowing which year every color represents , from the chart . The subject of analysis is clearly located at the top in bold , and a map guide , grided on the right side of the plot identifying the year each color represents  . All these elements together , result in an enhancement in readability due to the decent setting and composition of the whole plot .

It can be easily interpreted that the bus transport mode popularity has not changed over time , and fluctuated instead , with the average percentage of total travelers somewhere around twenty percent . However , the car transport mode has seen a drastic increase in its popularity in those forty years’ time and being used more by Europeans . 

On the other hand , the bike and foot transport mode , have both seen a decrease and a twilight in their value of travelers from 1960 to 2000 , mostly because people tend to use cars instead . However , it can be seen that Europeans preferred to walk more than how much they biked in 2000 as the value for foot transport mode was a bit higher than that of the bike .




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates data of variaty type of transition through the work or used to travel in a city that situated in Europe in 1960,1980,2000.

The information is divided in four different categories based on the transport mode-bus car,bike,food.Further the bar chart gives percentage for three year periods-1960,1980,2000.

A key feature of this chart illustrates that the lowest percentage of dweller was in a car during 1960,however in 2000 there was a dramatic growth in the amount of traveller.
It is apparent that,the second prominent features of these data is that most of the people transferred to work or another city approximately under 35% in 1960 by foot.on the other hand,in 2000 has significant decrease a number of people who moved by foot slightly under 10%.

In conclusion, although the number of people who use car or public transportation had increased,use bike or pedestrian reduced.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart compares the popularity of various transport facilities, that people tend to use to went to work and came back home in three different decades in an European city.
Overall, the car usage increased significantly from 1960 to 2000, and the population life style faced an overt change, which means people went to machine_orinted style, during 30 years.
In 1960, most range of travellers, approximately 40%, tended to walk to the work place and walk back home. However, in 2000, workers mostly preferred to use cars instead of walking or use public transportation like buses, which include 35% of people.
Riding a bike was more common in 1960 rather than 1980 and 2000, which means 25%  of workers, while this amount almost discharged whit using a bus to reach the work place in 1980.


seyedeh firouzeh
seyedeh firouzeh


The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

I would like to explain to you that the following chart shows several type of transport for traveling or going to work in cities of Europe. You can see that it shows the comparison between 1960, 1980 and 2000.

The chart shows four type of travelling, such as bus, car, bike and foot. You see that travelling by bike is the least and travelling by car is the most vehicle that used during these years. The most way of travelling In 1960 was go on foot and the least was  using car. But about 1980 travelers used bus the most and went on foot the least. At last in 2000 using bike was at least and using car was the most.

If we want to know exactly wat happened in those years, I will tell you. Using bus in 1980 was much popular , and about 25% of people used it, and there was not much difference with other dates. But about using car was a lot of diffrences , and in 1960 about 5% of people used it and 35% in 2000.

Using car was much popular in 1960, and about 25% of travelers used it , but in 2000 was the least, and about 5% of them used it.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

A glance at provided chart reveal some information about diverse terms of transportation in a European city in three years 1960, 1980 and 2000.

It is apparent from data, car were used mostly by people in Europe in the year 2000 while, bike was less poular among them in the same year.

The initial impression is that, a neglib 5 percent of individuals used car for urban tarvels in the first given year whereas, foot was first opportunity for travellers by a mere 35 percent. Bike and bus usage were 25 and 17, respectivly in the same period.

 In 1980, bus was common transportation by approxieamatly 25 percent. Bike and bus had experienced same amount by nearly 20%. The proportion of people who walked were fewest by 5% less than bikers.

The number of car taravels were increased expotentially in contrust to other types in 21 century by just over than 35. It is interesting to note that, bicycles was one-eighth of car applications. Bus and foot were the minimum by about one-fourth of all.



moohamad ali
moohamad ali


Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Many people and I think some moments in television programs and some games which show violence have a bad effect on society. On the other hand, many people believe violence is just related to people's personalities.

Groups of people do not think the harsh In video games or television is the main result of violence in our society because they know and believe the person who has these bad manners is just about his or her personality and characteristics then it would be provided in his or her behavior. But they are wrong, teenagers and children spend most of their free time playing video games with their console or computer. Also, one of the most popular and famous games in history is Call of duty which is made by the Activation company. This game is about some wars and some fight missions, for example, world war I or II, so this genera has lots of harsh secons and easily can effect on teenagers and it leads to a side effect on children's minds or their future behavior. What is more, when they are playing these games are not relaxed and sometimes, they have very big rage. So in the future rate of violence in society has a dramatic increase.in addition, Adults who watching some Tv shows that reporting or monitoring some harsh time of others' life of society, the viewer can feel the impact of these programs in their mind and behavior.

In conclusion, in my opinion, the time that a person watch or play these type of programs have a direct effect on someones personality and characteristics and illustrates on behavior.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

While some people advocate that broadcasting violent on the media and virtual games had a repercussion for society,others neglect this as a harmful subject assert that it has a positive impact on people's personality. There are rational arguments on both sides of this contentious topic will be discussed in detail, followed by my own take on the matter.

On the one hand there are many compelling reasons why aggressive programs had a dire consequences. To begin with, violent programs received wide currency and can overshadow people's treatment ; these fury scene fuelled public worries about rapidly increasing crime tendency in the nations. Take virtual games as an example includes a lot of offences, aggressive playing breed an underaged person prone to a lot's of criminal situations.that is to say disobey the rules and strict laws without any restrict leads to inducing people to do crime in the real world. Moreover these programs on the media or games put people under pressure also spell trouble for watchers or players.


On the other hand, the opposing viwe assert that the negative effect of violence on the media should be denied. The most ligical reasons for their assertation is that violence are being shown on the media are helpful to overcome their difficulties by watching and playing. For instance a action film cam improve their brave, self confidence. They take in essential ways when they are faced with problems how they never give up, also continue their hardworking. Furthermore, cyber games cam improve decioun making due to in the programs people need to quick decision.


To conclude, there are valid arguments on the both sides of the statements.i, however, belive that broadcasting violence on the media can have a detrimental impact on people life. This not only aren't imperative for society but also are demanding. The more violent spreads among people, the more aggressive behaviour seen among People. Mina parhizkat




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It is argued that TV programmes and PC games especially violent ones have a negative impact on its audiences' behaviors. While other people share different view and consider these kind of entertainments very neutral in changing individual’s personality. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of arguments and support former view. 

On one hand, most young people spend large amount of time on watching violent movies and playing digital games and, by the time it would change their traits. It is because the violent scenes will affect their brain unconsciously and viewers would copy the manners and behaviors of actors in order to experience things that they have already seen online or on TV. To make an illustration, imagine a young boy who is playing Sega every day, his brain is sensitive enough to imitate the action scenes in real world to experience them by himself.

On the other hand, some people believe that other factors such as environment and family contributed to aggressive or harmful behavior of people. This is because parent and sibling manners plays a crucial role to development of personality traits, even though proper nurture methods can help individuals to choose appropriate game and media to play or watch. For instance, if there is a friendly relationship between children and parents, all family members help each other to figure out which kind of movies or games are good enough for them.

In conclusion, while someone thinks that TV and PC games have not affected our society, I opine that these technological devices have worsened our life because they changed us.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A group of individuals present the view that the violencec on television and in computer games adversely affects on the people, whereas others believe that eliminating from media is not a good idea to preserve society from violence. I strongly agree with the latter opinion.

On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that eliminating violence from public media or video games do not guarantee the society to be free of violence. They add aggrasive behaviors, which sometimes occurs in our house or life area, is one of the most important component of our lives. So, managing this part of our character is more effective than trying to ignore it. Moreover, there are enormous number of people that love this kind of film or playing this games is attractive for them. In addition, huge businesses are producing films or games in this genres so that it would not reasonable to make this companies off and due to unemployment of large number of people who work there.

Oth the other hand, another group of people claim that films and video games violence should be banned. They insist that aggressive trend in people stems from unappropriate television shows and video games. However, I do not find this argument convincing as media means is not the only parameter which influence individuals and there might be a lot of reasons. Also, government have responsible to eduacate people peroperly.

To coclude, in my view, films, series or video games with some aggressive effects doesn’t have to removed. There are several people that are fan of this kind of movies and much money do exist in their production process. Moreover, government could control these movies and put age lable on each game.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

If I want to talk about the effects of some TV programs and video games on society, I would say there are two groups of people. A group of people believes these activities can not have an awful impact on society. On the other side, others think these items have a significant influence on people's manners. On my side, these kinds of hobbies make a great contribution to people's treatment, and as a result of this, we face some abnormal behavior in society.

Several people claim that violence on TV and games not only does not harm them but also they think these hobbies are so entertaining. Also, they think these are can use for filling their leisure time without any significant effect. Especially, these are just entertainment for adults so they pleasured with them instead of having bad behavior in society.

I believe violent harsh TV programs and games can play a key role in people's manner in society. Another group opinion is if these kinds of hobbies indicate violence, they will pose a threat to people's mental health. Meanwhile, it is better that games are played by teenagers and children to contain less violence, due to they are more effective compared to adults. Otherwise, they can commit a crime in society such as arguments, theft, etc.

In conclusion, for the sake of spending loads of time playing harsh games and watching TV, these have a dramatic impact on people and society. I supposed that the more spend time playing or watching, the more influenced people are. Others consider these activities like a hobby and claim they are not effective. so that these have no harmful influence on both. I would recommend playing games and watching TV programs without violence.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In the modern era, people's lives have become extremely complicated. Some people imagine that showing of violence in the films and computer games has the harmful impacts on people's behaviour. Although, another group of people don't agree with this issue. In my opinion, the promotion of violence can affect on people's lives specially the younger and teenagers.

Over recent years,  the crime rate is growing. Maybe, it can be said that the display of violence increases crime among young people. Since, young people don't have enough experience in their life. Thus, they are very emotional. As a result, they would like to do everything like consuming drug, gambling and betting.

On the other hand, the industry of computer games has also grown significantly. Many computer games have violence scenes. These scenes can affect on the mood of children. Therefore, they cannot focus on their homeworks and they will face with many problems at their school such as dropping grades and fighting with their classmates. What is more, many children think that repeating violent scenes don't have any danger for them. So, they would like to do them like jumping from a height or swimming under water without equipment.

In conclusion, the promotion of violence creates many problems for people especially young people. It is recommended that the government and the authorities prevent from showing violence and crime in the films and computer games. Also, they can show theses films only for people over 29 years old.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It is a commonly held view that,by grown the technology most of the people adapt their selves by this innovation children in particular, moreover they convinced that television and computer game and these kind of gadgets that related to technology can harmful and has negative influence on society .On thr other hands,these

theories is rejected by people due to they believe that these factors havenot any negative effect on people's behaviour.In this essay, I am going to elaborate on the topic and show my disapproval.

From where I stand , the  demerits of the computer games and television overshadow the merits.

Despite the technology is beneficial,the minority of people overuse of this development. in addition,it can hurts their bodies also they will be faced some prominent problems in their health.

Furthermore,people who watch television or play online games lose track of time and they cannot socialise with others and find new friends, so they canot keep contract with people.It is apperent that,they will have  problems in their relationship consequently, it has significant consequence in their future.

A recent conducted research shows that,people who spend times in watching television or playing games are not able to spend their time outside,and do some physical activities in leisure time. so they they prefer to stay at home and watch movies on televisions moreover, it has been pychologically proven that playing games affect our subconscious mind.

There has been a case of 50 people died by playing games named blue whale and squid games. Although these games attract people,their results could be severe.

To conclude,these platforms have momentous impact on people's daily life and most important,societies.That the reason why I strongly believe that in each countries,authorities should set a rule for these kind of games and they have to control this problems.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It is argued that different violent content on TV and computer games is harmful for the health of society. While some people believe that these things have not any considerable impact on people. In my opinion, these content has noticeable influence on various group of people such as adults, children, elderly people, women and teenagers.

Firstly, using the violent factors in movies, games, and shows contribute to normalize these kind of behavior on the society. People tend to be more aggressive and react harshly in some unpleasant situation. It encourage people to be less patient and become angry sooner. For example, car accident might happen foe anyone but someone who are exposed by the violent content cannot control the condition peacefully. They, unconsciously, make the condition worse and more stressful.

Moreover, distributing the cruelty could be harmful for mental health especially for the sensitive group of people such as children, elderly people, and someone who are dealing with mental problems. It might increase the level of stress and cause depression or mental breakdown on people. As a result, by passing the time the rate of happiness of the society will decrease. For instance, when a kid watch a harsh movie it have effect on the quantity and quality of sleep and cause the sleep deprivation in that child.

In conclusion, from my point of view, violence on the different media actually is normalizing it. Because people will be encouraged to behave in the violent way. Also it has negative impact on the mental health of individuals. So, we cannot deny it and should be aware of the influence of these things.


Bahar Shahmansouri




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

People have different views about influence of violence on people by showing violence on computer games or television.In my opinion, while showing roufness things could be warned people about some occasion that might be  happened in real life, we can not deny the negative effects that it has on individuals.
The first reason that I expose to discussion is the damaging effect of violence on teenager.In many of computer games are shown the violence as a usual and normal stuff in society. As the teenagers have not  found their personality yet, they could be more sensetive than others and that is the reason why they are more motivated by vindalism. Some of gamers said that many of these games prepear them for dangerous situation in real life but honestly, how does possible to occur these occasion in real life? Probably never for most of us, so I think this alibi is not credible.
My second reason are related to showing roughness view on Tv. These are  lots of series and movies which shows the violence as a cool and exciting things and the people who have done it. These characters most of the time have a good reason for commiting crime and violence that it is not acceptable in true life. Forthermore, it makes satisfy individuals  that the worse things which have done or used the violence were for the rational reason. As I know, many of unforgivable crimes are committed with the stupid reason that someone explain  logical that for her/himself.
In conclusion, I tend to that showing violence could affect damagingly on every kind of ages.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Today, violence on technology such as television and computer games are increasing, while some people claim that violence has damaged the personality of people, others determined the positivity of computer games and television are more than a bad effect on behavior. In my opinion, I completely agree that this kind of technology has an impact on society and could destroy people’s character.

On the one hand, people claim that violence on television and computer games can change people’s minds in a bad way, and I agree with this theme. People learn negative acts from television. as a result, this act influences our society and brings serious communication problems. For example, in our city, a teenager attacked his friend this month, then he said that learned from a computer game that he played recently. however, violence in television and computer games can destroy our society and family.

On the other hand, a few people believe that violence on television and computer game is less and also these technologies bring a positive impact on people’s personalities. People can learn important things from tv programs. For example, the tv show about ‘society’ changed my mind and affects my communication when I was a teenager. Also, learning positively from television and computer game are important.

In conclusion, violence on television and computer game are increasing and affecting people’s behavior. while there are several opinions about it, I personally believe that the violence on this technology has destroyed people’s behavior and even impact families and society.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Violence which displaying in television programmes or in some genre of computer games are increasing significantly day by day and this issue has a remarkable impact on people and their behaviour. Some people believe this violence has not any effect on society but other people express that that has a negative influence on people. I believe that violence in games and TV shows are dangerous to society and we should be aware of it and prevent our lives to be affected by this and its consequences. 


Most of film makers and directors believe that if their movies or programs contain severe violence, it will observe more viewers and their product will be more popular, as a result more intensive violence containing films and programmes have been publishing since the statement went viral. It is believed that some of people imitate the sense of movies and if it contained any dangerous act in it, they will do the same act in the real life. for example, after a movie about a person who had a bad behaviour with his family published, the number of family violence which were reported to police office rose dramatically at that time. 


On the other hand, we have some video games containing violence in it. Although young children should not be allowed to purchase and play these kind games, this issue would not be happen. It is known that children and younger's brain has not completely developed due to their age. So they can not distinguish between reality and virtual situation which they are playing the game in that world, therefore if the game  instruct them to kill or harass somebody, they might try to kill or Harrass someone in real life. For instance, my little nephew was trying to stab me because it was told to him by the video game. 


In conclusion, although movies and games with violence are entertaining, we should consider its negative impact on our life especially our children's one.





Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It has been stated that, society has been damaged by violent scenes on TV programs and video games, while some people assume that they cannot be effective agents on folk’s temper. I firmly believe that, representing intensity in different kind of media resources has unconscious impression on people’s mind and behavior without doubt.

To commence with, it should be admitted that children are the first group which have been influenced by violence scenes. They do not any explanation about behavior differences, so they imitate whatever they see. For instance, if children are experienced violent on a series, they could understand that it is a normal behavior between people, and they would treat in the same way to their friends. Thus, all behaviors positively or negatively can be a pattern for them to emulate, and some limitation and restriction must be considered by producers and parents.

On the other hand, teenagers who are the biggest fan of video games, are endanger of these games’ contents. This has been proven that, teenagers are so vulnerable and sensitive in puberty period, and hormone changes are at their highest level in this age, so they capable to do everything without any thinking Therefore, violence video games can lead them to behave illogically and cruelly. As a clear example, blue wale was a destructive game whose victims were mostly teenagers. 

In conclusion, people are constantly being damaged by inappropriate Tv’s program and modern digital games, which their harmful impacts can be seen in society specially between children and society. 




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, some individuals think that technology and media can lead society into cruelty. On the other hand, this attitude is ignored by some people, they believe that they do not have any negative impacts on manners. In my opinion, electronic devices play the vital role in destroying the society and emphasize people’s mind.

 First, I completely know that watching violent movies on TV for many hours can change people’s behaviour, especially has huge effects on the children and teenagers, because they are influence by brutal characters and undrestand it as a normal behavoiur. In addition, they copy their actions, and make them heroes for themselves. For instance, I have a nephew who spends many hours to play violent games on PS4. Therefore, he becomes extremely aggressive and impolite. In fact, not only children, but also adults can be affected by visual media. Crime games are able to make people feel lonely and might cause them to keep away from society, due to the negative experiences that they gained.

 However, some nations disagree with this idea. In their opinion, committing suicide or being rude relate to their nature and some mental problems. For example, a kid that has murdered someone, it is not related to social media or technology. In fact, they were not supported by their families or the government. Although, most terrorist groups and organization have been created in American countries. Moreover, most crime games and series are made by Americans. These statistics indicate that public’s intentions depend on their media. Furthermore, there should be a restriction on teenagers. 

 To conclude, media platforms and electronic devices have an enormous influence on people’s behaviour and are able to shape their personality and mind.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

An often debated topic is the different types of the TV shows and their content. Some say that, the aggressive program which showed on TV or computer games have numerous adverse effect on the people. Others opposed to it. However, I believe that violence program brings about serious problems in the society.

To begin with, in today's world, we cannot find anyone who does not see the TV or play with computer games so these types of media are considered sensitive for society which means that, some acceptable authorities should be excited to check their content to not be violence. A good example for this fact was a research done with American psychologist on children who was between 10 to 14 years old that played with aggressive video games. The research showed that they were more attended to contribute in national wars to experience the reality of games that they played before, so it is understandable why some concern about these programs on media.

However, opponents of this view argue that people should be free to watch everything that they want. Firstly, they believe that this effects are contemporary and do not have a critical consequence for society. Secondly, they suppose that these types of programs only have harmful effects on children, not adults. Thus, family specially parents have some responsibility to do not let their child to watch them. Which is in fact a reasonable solution for this issue.

In conclusion, I believe that, we should respect to some people's interests and their opinions around their freedom of choosing everything but the government should review and check the program's content that showed on TV or other platforms and people also should try to decrease the amount of violence in society by themselves.


Shakiba jahangiri




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

While it is believed by some that the violent scenes on computer games and TV have a damaging influence on society, others argue that they have not any serious impact on people’s attitudes and behavior. I am, however, in complete disagree with the latter on the basis of suffering from mental issues and increasing the rate of crime.

To begin with, these scenes can be roots of suffering from mental issues such as anxiety and losing temper. It is a well-known fact that our minds will be affected by whatever things that we see. These scenes can increase people’s heartbeat rate which directly impacts their minds and tolerance. Take professional wrestling as the most patently obvious example; when people, especially children, watch it lose their relaxation and cannot manage their anger.

Furthermore, after watching these shows, the rate of crime may be grown. The vast majority of violent scenes happen during the perpetration of a crime. Children are the main viewer of these movies and games since they are not mature enough, and may copy these actions and try to do because they think those are normal acts. In 2017, based on BBC report the number of pupils who use murder weapons at school significantly increased due to watching Godless. Some may argue that they are other serious issues that threaten society. However, society should be kept away from every potential danger.

To conclude, although some deny the damaging influence of watching violence, I believe that it can seriously threaten our societies and lead to forming some mental problems, and increasing the rate of crimes.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some people are of the opinion that violent games and movies have a devastating effect on the community. While others believe that these kinds of programs do not affect people’s lives. I strongly believe that violence really influences people's minds, especially the youngest. 
Firstly, in today’s technology-focused world people tend to spend their free time on television, the Internet, and computer games, especially young people. As they have more free time, they show a big preference to spend their time on TV and games. It has many damaging effects on their behavior. The more they watch violent programs, the more they tend to be aggressive. In other words, it has a long-lasting effect on their personality. 
Secondly, these kinds of pastimes, prevent positive activities such as outdoor activities, young people find it comfortable to stay at home and watch TV or play online games. Besides, violent games provide a pleasant experience for teenagers so, in the long run, they prefer to be alone and do not enjoy spending time with their relatives and friends and therefore, it adversely affects their communication skills. It is advisable to encourage people including teenagers to do outdoor recreation such as walking or running or maybe family get together because it has much more positive effects on their lives. 
In conclusion, although some people think that violent programs on TV and video games do not affect people’s mind, I am of the opinion that, it influences people’s preference and personality specifically younger people in a negative way and it is better to encourage them to do some outdoor activities because of its positive aspects.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It has been around some decades since television and computer games have first introduced into our households.It has started to change many aspects of our lives and people today still have mixed views on whether they have a positive or a negative  effect.But in my opinion the costs will outweigh the benefits.This essay will illustrates how they impact on society.
Recently video games improve in numbers and quality because of technology progress and some of them are related to war and crime that is so attractive for teenagers and adults and also because they are accessible,these range of people encourage to buy and play that can have influence on their unconscious without they understand about that.For example when they play God of War that is full of murder and blood and you must kill anyone in this game whether you want or not it will have impact on your mind,so it is better to play games contributed to strengthen your brain like chess.
Furthermore,television programs that need to attract more audience to secure their financial survival need to make shows that are full of crime and love which do not need knowledge to understand and majority of people are fancy if that.For instance the shows like WWE that is related to fighting encourage kids to do that at home and how hazardous is for their physical health.On the other hand we should acknowledge  that television have some positive effect like can be useful for who live in overseas for studying to watch programs about their own culture.
In conclusion,I hold the view that the television programs and video games which are full of crime is dangerous and effect on people's mind so it is better to push these factors towards positively influence like games that make brain stronger and TV programs teaching about science and how to live better like some documentary programs.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A group of people claim that computer games and movies have a great deal distructive effect on social violence. While others argue that these variables could not be substantial responsible for badly mannered people. I completely agree with the first poit of view and in this essay I will explain my own rasional reasons to make my opinion concrete. 

Advance of technology, has been aimed for closing virtual space to reality more and more and it would be a primary sussessful key role until now. Arbitrary, by playing electronic games, one suppose himself within the unreal situation, therefore, it might be somewhat hard to distinc futrther real occurence with what he wached and experienced in those games or movies. Althogh it might bring a variety advantages for the users, unfortunately the majority popular media products (films or games) are those which include extraordinary and wierd action, so after spending some time on them, it could be appeared some violence or unacceptable behaviours on the people.

Since technology of virtual reality has been proved as a treatment for some kind of phobias and pcychological disorder, it means that it has proved that media has a spectacular power to change human behaviours. At the same time, in terms of an act of violence simultaneusly it cause many social dilemma. 

To conclude, Since media has been introduced to human being, lots of people tend to involve with that thoroughly. Many harmful effects on the social communication. On the other word, who watch a movie or play a game is eager to imagine its story could be a part of life, because of that people feel pleasent or awkward speding time with media players.


Seyedeh Zahra
Seyedeh Zahra


Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?


Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people’s behavior . What is your opinion?


Said by some people that watching belligerent programs in the media such as, TV or playing such asperity games has a detrimental impact on the society, as opposed to other person think that these things have no considerable effect on individuals manner. In my opinion, if television programs and also computer games be selected according to people’s age and the hours allocated to watch TV or play game be controlled maybe there is no need to worry about these issues.

There are some reasons that some people think may cause an increase in violence rate on society, for example, when children watch horror movies or play war games on their PC, whereas they aren’t well-suite for their ages at all.

On the other hand, other person believe that the proliferation of violence in society have other important reason.

I am the opinion of that not only there is not just negative aspects for television programs or computer games but also there is programs with positive content for watching, for instance, some educational channels, beautiful movies or interesting cartoons and many games for cultivating thought namely, a chess and backgammon. I think these things can be suited for a part of time that individuals allocate to their free time and also can be a kind of pleasant and healthy activity for their spare time.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays there are various programs on television and computer games that have many advantages as well as disadvantages. One of the things that is important and affects our behavior is the violence in these programs. In many families, parents do not have control on children's computer games and they play each games even war games. I assume, it has a more negative effect especially for children as well as teenagers.

On the one hand, a flock of people believe that when people watch violent programs on TV or play computer games that including violent scenes, after a while it changes their behavior in society. A lot of research has been done on this issue and studies show that people who use these programs can not manage their behavior and are more aggressive in their relationships.

On the other hand, a low percentage of people believe that programs do not affect on behavior in their life. This category of people believe that other factors such as training in school and family influence on treatment . According to them, people can use any programs and ignore the disadvantages of them in their life. I do not think this is necessarily true.

To put in a nutshell, violent programs on TV as well as computer games are extremely harmful. In my opinion, under no circumstances should children play or watch these negative programs. In addition, it is vital for people's health that everyone, especially parents, remove these programs from their life and that of their children.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

The effect of violent movies and computer games on people's manner is argued a lot. some people believe that it can not be damaging but the other group disagrees. I personally agree with the first group. in this essay, I will explain the reasons for my views.

some people think these days the level of violence has increased significantly، it is due to the movies or games which contain a violent subjects. but I think a substantial part of violence in our society is because of our real world.

In modern days we encounter a huge amount of problems and stress and one of the easiest ways to reveal this stress is violence.

on the other hand, I strongly believe watching these kinds of movies or playing these games helps people reveal their anger in a safe way.  Also, all human beings have an inherent tendency to violence and this genre helps them to satisfy it. So not only doesn't it have negative aspects, but also it's really beneficial for society.

 in conclusion, I think, if people are well educated to control their anger,  just a movie or game will not have a significant effect on their behaviour, and the impact of this subject in comparison with other things that people face them, it's really tiny.






Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some people believe watching or gaming violence content can encourage society to illustrate the same treat ,but on the other hand Some one deny this subject. In my opinion there are something like this issue ,although seems completely true but in fact it's not .I think nothing specially watching and gaming can't modify people's behaviour even sometimes  they can will be advantage for us. In next section , I'll try to describe my point of view clearly.
Firstly, we can't tell without doubt about this fact that aggressive person and actually people who likes this kind of games and programs do violence behaviour or this media cause to they show violence performance. 
Secondly , I have some information about this topic because my field in university was psychology so l have spent many times relevant with this issue . The results of new researchs have shown that watching anything as love to war can effect on our mind but can't stimulate to do same treat ,even every thing about it, it's totally viseversa ,for instance if I watch a program about killing animals  there is so poor probably I will do this brutal act in the future . The name of theory is "effect of audience " .
In conclusion , in point of my view watching and gaming can improve our creativity and cause to experiment some moments that may we never can't feel or know about . This phenomenon can cause our mind feels the occurrence really happened and loses passion to do it in real life and with real person.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There is a belief that computer games Tv programs with violent context influence the society and interactions between people, while immense damages of them are ignored by others. Human by and large is an influential creature if constantly expose to moral values and immoral one will slightly change.

Todays, various game have been provided for different ages which have violent them. So not only children but also impact their behavior in bad way. For instance, in some games in which hitting people and rubbing their cars will change the attitude of children about social interactions and it possible lead to some grappling in schools. In addition, some adults as well as children going to change. furthermore, series and movies whit murders context, which specially are provided for adults and it is emphasized for +18, can influence individuals approach to the life and value of it, as they may involve whit depression as well as home or social violence.

In my opinion, without doubt any violent facilities have destructive effect on different ages which will be fundamentally for children. however there is an idea these can improve the ability of imagination and they are merely entertaining, I fiercely upheld that forming peculiar idea and eccentric behavior in both, adults and children, are consequences of violent context that people have frequently exposed them.


In conclusion, rough facilities could impact people should not use as permanent pastime because they are exiting or fascinating.  




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

People have differing views regard to the question of how violence on TV and computer games affect our society.in my view, both serials and games can have effect on our culture and ultimately on our society. Therefore, there is an argent need to be paid attention to their concept.

From a social perspective, there is a strong argument about violent scenes that can have a negative impact on audiences, especially on young people. Since adolescence is immature and unexperienced, they usually undergo a crucial milestone. In addition, violent scenes appeal to young people. Therefore, they are more willing to do like movies stars and these movies and games can lead to criminal violence by joining juvenile delinquency to gang group. Moreover, they also encourage aggressive behavior.

On the other hand, some people claim that violence on television or in computer games is a very commonplace scene such as other types of scenes like science fiction or comedy movies. While, from my point of view, young people are unable to distinguish between right and wrong. Therefore, watching and playing these violent serials and games should be banned for young people who especially do not reach eighteen years.

In conclusion, if young people are avoided watching violent scenes on TV or playing this kind of games, they are more likely to not turn to crime. Therefore, it is more possible that we benefit from safe society.               




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

The subject of publishing violent behaviors in TV programs or in computer games has been a controversial one throughout any country. Many people believe that thy will cause myriad negative effects while others claim that their influences can be neglected. I agree with the former view and in the following paragraphs, I shall discuss my point of view in detail.


Every society requires to some factors for advancement, which one of essential those is promotion of peaceful mind and healthy society in terms of psychological that by watching violent activities on TV, it would be in danger, particularly among children and youth. Consequently, they will be more nervous, missing their concentration on the productive activities such as education. For example, my nephew, is enthusiast to these type of programs. Although he is ingenious and very clever, because of participation in large number of disputes which is result of watching violent programs, never he can progress in his education way.


Secondly, another noteworthy concern here is the promoting criminal behaviors. If violent activities are routinely broadcasted from the media, it will be altered to usual activities among public people. One of the its consequents will be increasing in the number of criminal people such as theft, killer and etc. Due to that, in developed countries before publishing any program, the suitable range of age has been explained since last decades. However, in other countries specially underdeveloped of them, the authority would not pay attention to that.


Having put forth all of the substantial arguments, it is clear that promotion of violent behaviors not only will be caused to countless psychological damages, but also it is considered as one of the reasons of growth of criminal behaviors particularly between new generation.

Nasrin Roshani(AC)




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Many individuals hold the perspective that only after watching violence program and playing harsh game ,would people’s behavior become worse .other people argue that these type of violence scenes do not play significance role in people’s manner. I will discuss both sides of view in following paragraphs and I suppose to share my view. 

On the one hand those bloster the first view believe that normalizing violent among people , could be have an irreparable harms to their mental health.only when people watch violent movies ,would their emotions lost their values. In addition people’s sympathetic would be marginalized because of falling in to violent situations.for instance these days,most people lost their temperature and become aggressive  so quickly in compare to the past,because they experience these types of feelings in games . 

On the other hand those who argue that harsh movies and games would not propel people toward violent behavior.so common is the effect of violent programs that no one care about it.a vast majority of adolescents are playing the rough game but none of them have  bad habits . People know that these scenes are artificial and dummy so, they like these type of movies only for fun and increasing excitement. 

In conclusion after discussing both sides of view , I suppose that instead of futile arguments, people should have experienced some thrill so it should not be always gain by their own action , it could be achieved by watching horror and violent movies and games . So substantial is the experiment of these type of feeling that each person should faced to it. but it should be controlled and measured.

Farnoosh tahanpoor 




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Regarding prevalence violent on television and computer games, some people believe that it has detrimental effect on the society, while others repudiate this influence. I firmly believe that watching violence bring negative effects on people’s behavior resulting in more tension and misbehaviours   in society.

Firstly, psychological impact of violence approved by means of complicated neurological processes in brain with wide range of researches. While one occupies spare time with watching movies and games replete with violence, some neurons called mirror neuron activate in brain attempting to imitate these actions. So, person unarbitrary express such action in behavior. For example, when the youngsters approach such movies, they demonstrate more inclination towards perilous sports to evacuate their high excitement and handle their mood. Some accomplish this by sports like Bungeejumping or car/motor race in the best aspect while others express more hysteric behavior in communication with others. Such people are more likely to fray in their daily routine and behave hysterically. Even , of course minority,  may suffer nightmares  experiencing low-quality sleep.

Secondly, Teenager and the youngsters deeply seek for their role model. When their heros comes in dangerous action and violated behaviours, their mind alters completely resulting in to select a lifestyle wrapped in violence and rage. Passing years after years, fixation these thoughts and behaviours make mature people with high level disturbed social interactions. Such communities perpetually involve in misbehavior. This cycle exacerbate about teenagers as their minds attracting excessive excitement more intensely.

In conclusion, violence on television and games have an important part to play in defected social communication. Additionally, these detrimental hobbies bring more fragile into community interactions and make susceptible groups like teenagers imitate violated behaviours and exemplify them in real life.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

The industry of games and movies has developed in last decades, and this development is contained some violence too. So, there are two points of view about effects of these kinds of violence products on society, some people believe that they have harmful effects on public, but others think that has not massive impacts on their attitudes. In my opinion, although maybe there are some effects, it is less than we would worry about that.


There are some reasons, which some member of society assumes these kinds of entertainments can influence people's behavior.  In twenty last years, in some countries, crime such as murderer saw a surge growth, because of this issue, some psychologists have had investigation on this subject. They found that some link between cruel behavior   of some criminal and horror movies, but the rate of that was quite low. Another reason for that is, the amount of bullying that happened in schools, parent believe that this aggressive behavior back to games that the children play.


On the other hand, another group, which usually either watch movie or play video games would argue about negligible influence on people by doing these activities. Near most of them, play action games that contain fear sections, but they have never faced any problems in society. So, they opine that, games and movies have a short-effect on their life, because they do it as a hobby and know it in a real life everything Is difference. Moreover, acknowledge about rules and laws preserve them to break law. 


In conclusion, although there are some negative effects on society's behavior, it is not dangerous for individuals. I recommend that to people who are worry about the effects of watching  violence movies or playing games, they experience them and take more information to tackle their attitudes.





Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In spite of some dwellers mind cruelty on media or digital games affect the public destructively, others believe they are not important agents on citizens' manners.

In my perspective, it cannot be effective in this case on account of the fact that there are more significant problems to make violence for the society. By way of example, based on some investigators' researches, some wrong conditions in a community cause roughness such as shortage of suitable education. It is an inevitable fact that  by a considerable teaching to improve etiquette among people specifically from childhood, avoiding of savagery going to be less. What is more, children are exposed by many harmful events from all over the world which are accessible easily on numerous sites. For instance, every day some news from different parts of the world are shown that can lead people sharply younger generations to violence.

In addition, these programs on television or playing computer games have no harmful effects even make people realistic about existing facts around themselves. In my idea according to scientists theories, censorship in every fields has negative consequences. Therefore, being logical, and showing, as well as offering seemingly bad programs, open minds to this fact.

In conclusion, forasmuch as, always there are some demerits in everything it is impossible to say there is not disadvantages in this things, although on the whole positive aspects outweigh minus points.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A group of individuals present the view that violence on television and computer games has adverse effect on the society, whereas others believe people cannot easily be influenced by these factors.I strongly agree with the former opinion.

On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that the most target customers of movies and games are people between the ages of 15 and25. Movies and game companies produce violent products in order to increase their audience. Therefore, to gain credibility, they have persuaded celebrities toendorse their products. Yong people are manipulated. moreover, they are oblivious to the consequences of their actions. Thus violence on television and in computer program may cause irreparable damage toThem and their society.

On the other hand, another group of people claim that these factors fail to have negative impacts on Society. they insist that Tv programs and computer games are watched as an entertainment. It is over simplify to think that these programs can encourage aggressive behavior. However, I do not find this argument convincing as people who are expose violent cense from an early age are more likely to break the law and turn to crime. In the UK, violent movie and gam are banned for teens under18.

To conclude, in my view, violence on television and computer games should be banned as a deterrent is one of approach to prevent aggressive behaviors from happening in first place.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some people would argue that increasing crime in society have been affected from behaviors’ people. They concern about the situations of some TV program and computer games that are on the high range of violence, since the people spend a lot of time with this program, they have been influence of them.

It is my contention that, these days, the influence of programs and games on humans’ behavior is undeniable, for instance, when a cartoon is shown to children, they try to imitate the behavior of the main characters of the cartoon and sometimes they even repeat the special words that they use, so humans are influenced by what they see throughout the day.

On the other hand, there are opposite opinions that believe that society and human behavior are not influenced by the movies and games they watch. They strongly maintain that the violence on tv program is unbelievable for people, or, their view to games are  just an entertainment without any affect after playing. In other words, there are quite a few other effective factors affecting human behavior that have a destructive effect on society.

In conclusion, I do accept the affect of this type of program and games in people behavior, so it seems that they plays a more important role on the increase of social misbehavior. This issue is in need to be resolved by the creators of these programs, and, my solution is that they should simply divide the age range of the audience of their programs to solve it.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There are different opinions about The effect of violence, game, and TV content on people especially children and adolescents in my point of view war movies, and some computer games can increase violence in people, and actually authorities should choose is a significant decision about this situation.
On the one hand, Some part of Society believes that teenagers who have playing violent computer game have more anger issue than the other peers.
Do you ring these days? Because lots of parents have a hectic lifestyle, and most of the families live in an apartment children’s physical activity decreased, and they prefer to fill their pastime with playing with digital devices. Moreover, scientists have been searching about the effect of these kinds of content on society, so their documents represent that that person who have seen and played more violent content, have a lower control on their anger.
On the other hand , many people who are sign of these kinds of movie or games, believe that this is the first and the most efficient way to release their attention and stress.
In conclusion , there are two opinion about facing to violent continents, some people believe they are helpful for them, and the others contrary of the first group, believe it’s Rose, Weiland behavior in society, to tell you the truth, I am with second groups




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

People’s opinions widely diverge on the negative consequences of show violence on television and in computer games on the society. Some of them believe it has not any significant influence on people’s behaviour while others believe it has bad effects. In my view, there is a strong correlation between the age of people and the amount of bad influence which are get from violence on TV or in games.

A major drawback of broadcast violence contents on TV is the bad influence of it on the children, the part of the society who do not have any knowledge about how reaction to violence contents. Due to less knowledge of children about media, watch violence on TV may have a more damaging effect on them. Actually, this lack of knowledge because they do not participate in school or their parents do not have enough time to teach them about this. However, other part of society may get fewer bad effects from violence on television, because they learn in school and from their parents about what is the right reaction to violence content. Therefore, the low age of children is a contributing factor in the amount of bad effect of violence on TV.

According to computer games, violence in games has a significant negative effects on gamers who are do not have enough age for play that game. Nowadays, most of the gaming companies make some limitation on their games which is about what generation of society can play their games and for what part of society their games may have a damaging effect, regarding to violence in their game. Due to this restrictions, if people do not pay attention to what game is suitable for them, it definitely have a bad effect on their behaviour. For example, Call of duty is one of the most famous games among teenagers which is has many violence scenes and due to its content, if people who do not have suitable age play this game, naturally some bad change in their behaviour definitely happen. As a result, do not pay attention to age restrictions, which is make from gaming companies, have a significant bad effect on personality.

In conclusion, broadcast violence contents on TV have bad influence on children who do not have enough knowledge about how reaction to them. The amount of bad effect of violence in game on people is depend on their age, if they under age for play that game, it definitely has a damaging effect on them.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There is an argument between two groups of people, which one of these groups says that the visual cruelty in media or computer games have a hazardous impact on people's reactions, while the second group do not measure these sort of videos, with sharp violence sense, as a effective contributor on individuals behavior.
Personally, I think these kind of things have a significant impact on the way that people act in their society , and I will explain my reasons in the following paragraphs.
Perhaps the most important reason why these type of videos could provoke cruelty among people in a society is that the violence in the media will remain in their unconsciousness mind and they will use it in some occasions with out think about it's outcomes, and they would lose their temper faster.
Maybe another key factor for this issue is Adrenaline. People could addicted to this hormone easily and the movies or games which have violent genera could rise up the level of the Adrenaline. So perhaps people wanted to experience more Adrenaline every day and they could do extremely dangerous things, for example they fight on street for inconsiderable problems .
And ofcours repetition could lead to learn anything specially in young ages, as it proven that the children whom played war or combat type of games repetitively, have rougher sprit rather than their peers that they didn't watch this cruel video games.
As a conclusion,  rough movies or games could effect on people's behavior negatively and maybe lead them to dangerous acts like fighting on streets because of unimportant issues and bring a disastrous consequence for their personal life




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

While it is believed by some people that TV violence has negative effects on the society, it would not be acceptable by some other people. I support the idea that violence on TV affects the behavior of the society.

On the one hand, the defenders say watching violence on TV cannot cause problems for the people let alone putting them in any danger. For example, kids now know they put themselves in possible danger if they trust strangers as if they have a very trustful behavior.  Furthermore, people are smarter and more literate than past, so they learn how to protect themselves not to act like the actor on TV. Finally, claiming that a lone person in an island is an innocent man is not acceptable. He is innocent when he lives with other people and sensibly says no to immoral things. You are wise if you know something and wisely do not do it.

On the other hand, some people do not agree with the violence on TV and I am a supporter of this view. Firstly, some violent activities on TV or in video games can teach children how to do an illegal activity while it teaches them something wrong which completely different from what we can experience in the real world. They look at a character who throws himself from the roof of a house; the character survives even though he is dead but just with pressing a button the child makes him alive again. The child really thinks he is just like the character. Secondly, Children are creative and curious and want to try anything they see or watch on TV maybe they are angry with their parents and want revenge. Thirdly, having lots of violence on TV makes people more cynical about the society and if a person really wants to help another person they are reluctant in accepting the favor.

Televising violence has supporting and opposing views and I completely in harmony with the opposing view.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It has been argued that anger on TV or video games has a negative impact on community .others are in contrary with this idea and believe that it doesn’t have any effect on society .I believe that any kinda violence on TV, social media and video games can seriously damage people’s behavior .

Playing too much action or violent video games or watch violent movies may damage people’s behavior significantly . First of all, after watching lot of violence, being angry and demonstrate it in an inappropriate way like shouting at people, hitting them or hurting them becomes so common and normal like it happens in video games. since it has become normal in society people can’t react to anger and violence as they used to do it before  . Second, young generation accept that anyone who get into a fight or hit other people harder is stronger so consequently they start to show violence and anger in order to  exhibit their strength and power. Lastly, when people start to show anger and violence it may lead to achieve what they’ve been unsatisfied with . As a result they realize that showing violence can be useful for getting through the day .

Watching brutal movies may lead people into showing too much aggravation in their real life and not being aware of  what they do . Once I was walking in a street and two drivers started fighting over a parking place . At the end, one of them kill the other one with a knife he was holding it. He was totally unaware of what he was doing while he was considerably ireful. 

In conclusion, watching too much  harsh movies or playing savage video games may greatly damage people’s lifestyle or even lead into unexpected happenings . 




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

These days, watching television and playing online computer games are gaining popularity among many people, especially youngsters. Some people hold the view that violence on these platforms can results in violent conduct in the society, while another group of people believe that these factors cannot affect people`s behavior. In this essay, I am going to discuss both views and give my own opinion.


A growing group of people believe that violence on television and computer games might have intensive side effects on the society. It is their belief that people can be affected by what is shown in these platforms, which can results in changing their personality. Take criminals as an example. They sometimes say that they have learnt how to comic crimes by watching action movies.


On the other hand, many people hold the view that these items cannot influence people`s temper. There is also an argument that these kinds of platforms are just for entertaining people and they are mature enough to avoid doing what is shown on TV or these games. In other words, people all  have their personalized characteristics which cannot easily changed, and these programes are just for spending their spare time. A good example would be many sociable and sympethetic gamers who have not been influenced by these violent games.


All things considered, Although some people argue that violent behavior on the media has considerable side effects on the society, others believe that it is an impossible belief. Personally, I think it may not have bad impacts on people`s lives and behavior. I believe that for many, it is a way of spending their leisure time and they are aware of what they watch and do.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There has been a controversy about the influence of TV programs and computer games with violent content. Some individuals believe that these types of games and programs have detrimental effects on public treatment whereas others claim these effects are minor and negligible. I completely agree with the latter due to some reasons. This essay will examine both views and then provide a logical conclusion. 

First of all, although the media can influence our feelings, they cannot make us do criminal activities. In the other words, our condition might affect us, but we are the last ones making decisions, therefore, we should be responsible for it. For instance, there have been many children during history whose childhood has been in a war. However, they had tough times in their past, and some of them become very hospital individuals. 

In addition, in spite of ideas that claim that TV programs and video games can lead to violence in society, they actually reduce crimes, because, when the young spend time on television and computer at their homes. They cannot leave the house and commit a crime. For example, there is a ceremony in Iran on the last Wednesday of the year in which people make a fire which sometimes leads to death. Authorities, encourage people to stay at home by playing the best cartoons and movies. 

Taking everything into consideration, also this development has some drawbacks to some extent, but I cannot see a proven link between what people watch on the TV or computer and their aggressive behavior.  





Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, we are involving in using electronical devices a lot, as we have been living in technological decade. It has been argued that, several people think TV programmes and computer games have unforeseen results on the society since they consist of violent parts, whereas others claim these activities do not have any important role on behaviour. Although some groups turn their eyes into this influence, I entirely agree their drawback effects outweigh benefits ones.

To commence with, there is the idea which expresses if people watch violent shows or even play video games, they are doing them just for fun and also spending their time. Clearly, individuals do not absorb them seriously. In this case, after finishing these programmes somewhat, they will back to their routine as usual without any changes on their manners as well as morality

On the other side, I firmly believe that, this violence on these platforms may have negative and adverse effects on us inevitably, as time passes, their results will appear. For instance, as soon as, we arrive in a decision to play video games, they can lead to the increase in tension, stress and of course disorders in terms of concentration. As a result, our mind would be occupied with meaningless actions. Furthermore, watching TV might teach us ways to throw our anger and also annoying thought out by shouting, breaking something or even knocking out somebody. Obviously, our level of bullying peaks up, and occasionally we are not able to keep our patience. Therefore, not only our behaviour, but also character would be changed.

In conclusion, from my perspective, violent shows likewise games can cause numerous results on us, whether mentally or physically.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

The influence of mass media affects many aspects of human life. Admittedly, these effects can be positive or negave. I quiet agree that media effect on community tend to be more detrimental.

To commence with, excessive use of media causes vast amount of implications. All too often the right things backfire. Media productions are intended to improve quality of society but numerous negative effects have been recognised through psychologists. drawbacks include depression and frustration as the foremost. Furthermore, media can leave profound impression on users mental and behavioral health. In addition long-lasting destructive impacts on youths brain which are not retriveable. what is more, addiction to media consumption seems to be something really effective.

To sum up, media productions expose community to excessive level of adverses compare to its preveleges. I can take increasingly growth of crime in some countries as an instanse which rooted in unreasonable use of watching harsh movies via young aged individuals without parental control. I can understand somr profits made by media. Media not only needs the knowledge of coping with addictional situationsbut but also strong nerves can calmly find feasible solution to filling viewers with great delight. Nevertheless, in my point of view these arguments are not powerful enough to refuse countless drawbacks.

In conclusion, massive media exposure is a crucial phenomenon in the new world. Too much media of any kind can damage health of consumers regarding of above-montioned explanations. As it has been illustrated media affects on audiences thought, attitudes and behaviour.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In our current world, media specially TV, play a major role in most of people’s leisure time and people spend their free time to watch TV shows and listen to their favorite music. So, it means shows and music affect on viewers’ mind and it could have negative or positive effect on societies. In my opinion media has more advantages than disadvantages and in this essay, I shall discuss my reasons.

Based on researches, 60 percent of people watch trend movies and series and talk about it with other people. It helps people to communicate with others and make friends. Furthermore, watching TV series has a considerable impact to improve the language that a person wants to learn. Besides, there are lots of TV shows and music that psychologists suggest to their patients to watch and listen to be relaxed and more hopeful and more energetic.

On the other hand, music and films could have negative impact on societies. Researches demonstrate that movies with violent scenes can make their viewers aggressive. Also, every year thousands of people try to suicide after listening to metal music. In addition, through history, there were some movies that were banned to watch because of the damage that they had on people. Moreover, lots of people are addicted to films and it affect on their real life and it will be a waste of time instead of being just a hobby to fill their free time.

Although there are some disadvantageous in media, it is irreplaceable in people’s life and we cannot ignore its benefits. Also we can avoid these problems using more control on viewers ages and their mental health problems.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Due to the communication age that we live in, today, our life is bounded with the media like television, radio and social media, and it is impossible to avoid these mass media.
People could be affected by media in numerous ways, for example watching TV passively for long hours could lead the young to poor academic performance or damage individual's sleep patterns, but also it could have some pros either, like sharing the events as soon as possible or easily communications. 
I am totally agree with that point of view which says the media's cons is much more than it's advantages. I will explain my reasons in the following paragraphs.
As I mentioned before, media could have uncountable disadvantages and effect on people negatively. To be more specific, individuals would be gullible easily, if they do not have enough knowledge. Another example of why media could be harmful is that no one could be ensure that the news that are spread on media, specially social media, are true or not; so there is a suitable forum to misguide people and shape their opinion in a negative way. And also, watching to much Tv could make children loss their social abilities.
Although the media have various disadvantages, it have some benefits which are as follows:
We can be aware about events that happened around the world by the extensive news coverages.
Media paly a key role in education, you can learn about almost everything in media like You tube.
Specially social media, make the world smaller, and  people could to each other easily even when they are so far away from their friends.
So as a conclusion, in general, media have more demerits than merits and it could impact on society in a negative way, for example, it could ruined people's sleep patterns or mislead them by sharing the wrong news, non the less, it could have some benefits, like easy communication with our friends or learning uncountable things in media.  




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

We are at the mercy of technology in modern life. We are exposure by media in some ways such as TV and radio. I believe that the benefits of this kind of technology are more than drawbacks and this essay will discuss about it and the influences of media.


What is significant about this phenomenon is promoting every kind of fashion as their authority keen on. For instance, advertisements are the important part of media which we are dealing with. There are many tricks to sell their products. As a result, we choose the goods which we watched in TV and it contributes we have to choose the fashion that we don’t have basic information about. Moreover, media can effect our young generation. One of the huge advocates of social media are students and they can follow people who are their role model. Although it’s a lead to know more about their hero, they might fall behind the study and failure exams due to checking frequently their cellphone. Consequently, they must take part to classes which are repeated for them and their time will be waste.


However, There are plenty of advantages for using media in the right way, the disadvantages outweigh. Yeah users of this kind of technology are served every day and they are not taught to how use media in a particular way. As a result, do use media to match and after a long period they will suffer from physical and mental disease. Besides, TV and radio are Invented for leisure times. but, folk around the globe watch or listen more than usual and it causes to do not do their obligation in the home or at the work in the right time.


To sum up, media are a technology which we cannot avoid and it is essential for our leisure times. I believe its drawback like advertising widespread fashion and bolding role model can have significant function on societies. So, Countries’ authorities should pay attention to the media rules.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays there are many various mass media all over the world that share a number of information with people. These data are different such as news, music, movies, etc., Some people believe the demerits of these media are more than the merits. I do not think this is necessarily true.

On the one hand, using the media develop and these days a flock of people are force to use these mass media including television and radio. I am convinced, the first and perhaps the vast majority of effect  about media is increasing awareness among people especially young people. In addition, sometimes family member gathering together for watching movie on the tv as well as I assume, this issue is beneficial for them because they can improve their relations.

On the other hand, sometimes in some mass media such as tv we watch movies that contain a lot of violenc. These films are grossly inadequate for children and teenager. I think, parents’ role is vital in family and they must control their children. What is more, some news that hear in radio are not true and this issue causes problems for people. For example, the news about traffic jam are not always certainly correct and when people listen this news they decide to change direction and after a while they realize that they have made a wrong decision.

To put in a nutshell, in my opinion, that the benefits of mass media outweigh the drawbacks, provided that we learn how to use the media to raise our awareness in life.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Various sorts of media has been increased their place at our thorough life for example using some electronic devices such television or radio for satisfy our eyes and ears. This change cause raising human awareness about lots of events, which I agree with advantegeus effect of this recent changes.


When a number of people are involved with media in any types, highest amount of income data consequently, comes to the population mind. Increasing input data result in running extensively brain function to distinguish which one could be reasonable to accept or which may help to boost their current level. Listening to news as an example, everydays followed in either televison or radio, so if people having proper analysis of what they receive they can make a strict future plan for themselves accordingly.


Something must be taken into account for for nowadays life is that immersion on the media have many more positive points in terms of impress tradision perspectives to not only restrict on the old-fasion and repeatable methods. Due to explicating the vast number of story from differnt people in each side of the globes, they may begin imply which their notion about some abnormal behaviours, seems not reasonable.


To conclude, coming across with all kinds of media surround us is going to assume that ease our making decision quite easier. Moreover, it depend to us, how we use its advantages through our life.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Media has expanded around us, it has various effects on people and the country. I completely disagree with the idea that the divastating impression of media outweigh its advantages.

It is evidently clear that media has a key role to impress on peoples' lifestyle in the society by spreading useful information among individuals, and consequently it is connected to peoples' literacy and their knowledges. This vast platform aid people to be conscious about various issues in the society. For example, in Covid pandemic, social media have played a crucial role to diffuse appropriate information for monitoring this global matter. Not only have people become aware about this ailment by social networking channels but also they have found some methods to hinder this dire problem.

On the other hand, watching television and listening music create a closely communication between people from different cultures with valueable notions. Therefore, it is a fabulous bridge Which is narrowing the gaps between cultures. For instance, some music industries attempt to attract people from all over the world by advertising in social media and television shows. Thus, the tourism industry has impacted by this advertisements, and by the time a significant increase will be seen in turnover capital of the society.

As a conclusion, I totally believe that there are various ways which media can be affect people by,however, I completely aware from efficient effects of media on our lives compare with incompetent influences.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In our modern busy life nobody can deny the far reaching impact of media on the society. Media can be observed in everywhere, which most of the people use it daily. It is believed that media has various influences on society. In addition, I agree that these impact's disadvantages can can outweigh its advantages. 


I believe the main impact of media is on people's behaviour. Nowadays, social media almost determine which clothes should be worn in society and people be awar of fashion and dressing trends by day their social media applications. Furthermore most of the people imitate the behaviour of actress and actors of movies and serial, Which is streaming in Internet or borecasting in television. For instance,  The level of violence has increased in society since violence containing movie genre has become popular among the people. 


As media has significant effect on people it can be abused by somebody for personal goals. These days governments may use media for theiraims. It could be used for pursuing people to be or agreed with some policy and some laws which not beneficial for most of the people.for example, Russia  Has established a TV channel ,showing movies and documentaries about the Russia's successes in battles and wars or developing in industry and  technology or other fields. and some of these are not accurate and based on false information. this kind of programs has been being produced to lead people's mind into way that their governments desiring.



In conclusion, Although media has some positive impacts on society, People should be aware of its threats and consider that media's influence has become widespread in many fields.





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

 It is an undeniable fact that nowadays our society has been influenced by media in many ways. it has influenced our lives in many ways ranging from our thoughts and actions to the way we are living. although it has brought many benefits to our lives the demerits it has bring are by no means not negligible.  
To begin beat living in advanced worlds we are using media in our lives more than any other human beings Since the creation of this world. that is to say, in today's world we are using medias such as television, radio and more most importantly the Internet with different goals. Being tired after having a hard day at work, we tend to stay like a catch potato in front of TV. This approach could make us relax and we can get ready for the other days. moreover, we listen 2 news in radio when we are driving car. Needless to say, that the Internet play and a pivotal role in our today's life. All these are the sign of the significant role of media in our advance life and living without media would not be easy for today's mankind. We can learn about other people than other societies all over the world with the help of documents we are watching on TV or listening on radio or the papers we can find on the net. 
on the other hand, we cannot turn a blind eye on the disadvantages of the media. The number of disadvantages of the media are noticeable. Firstly, being involved with media, people spend less time together nowadays. Secondly, statistics shows that medias are one of the roots of the rise of the obesity in the rise of the obesity in the society. Finally, governments can control governments our lives through medias. that is to say, governments inject their aims to our lives through media.  
To conclude, the disadvantages of the media can outwait the merits. that is mainly because of the negative influences of it on peoples live. 




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

   Across the world, almost every equipment and smart devices contain social media applications and thus make life easier. In my opinion, these tools and medias pushing back the standards to a good level . Medias can , on the other hand , hurt society if there is no cultivation about how to use virtual world. This essay will express advantages and disadvantages of technology and media in recent lifestyles and will include relevant examples to support this position.


   Medias provided a remote access to almost every information, which the users wishes . You can access unlimited news and information in different topics , any where and in 24 hours in a blink of an eye. Consequently, the general knowledge and useful connections will see a upward trend in society.


   The vaster access there will be to social medias , the faster speed will be in daily home-works . A vast remote and connection to medias like television, radio and internet is why traffic decrease in urban areas. The primary reason is online meetings and interviews , which led to members attend at meetings virtually.


   Last but not list is the great disadvantage of medias on Psychological Merciful . In recent days , the physical and face to face connections are fewer than ever before that show the weak cultivations in societies to stop the upward of depression populations in communities. For this parents have to monitor the children access and physical activities .


   In conclusion, medias makes lifestyles easier but decrease the physical activities, which is really harmful for health and body, but media’s advantages can out weight the disadvantages.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?


How does media affect the society?

Media and news reports are actually the link between society and organization or people to people and as message carries can be effective in creating public culture , beliefs and public opinions . Besides, media plays an essential role in various areas of life , so life without media is unimaginable in today's world, because the people of today's society move according to the policy of the media.

Although the media have positive effects on society, they can also have negative effects.

Maybe if people use media such as television and radio instead of virtual programs on the internet , the positive effects will be more than the negative effects, because such media (Tv or radio) are more controllable, I mean that these media focus more on the positive points according to the culture of their particular people, however, if people especially young people use media such as virtual programs and unhealthy internet relationships more , it will really have negative and irreparable effects.

On the other hand, the correct use of this media (internet media), like the people who earn income in this way, or people who teach or are taught, brings very positive results.

One of the most important factors effecting the media on societies is globalization, which has facilitated communication in different societies that every person can easily with using a quality media to make her or his voice heard by the world.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Eversince the advent of radio and TV, they began tooccupy a huge part of our lives. The contents broadcasted through these platforms have a tremendous effect on the way we preceive our sorroundings. Although there are people who argue that these programs are detrimental to our lifestyle, I believe that they are a great tool for education regarding various subjects, and also they be viewed as a burgeoning industry providing job opportunities for many people.

Nowadays, most of the society looks at the world through values delivered to them by media, and the depth to which this medium can affect us is almost frightening. developments in this area has also revolutionised the flow of information, with the news of the furthest parts of the globe being accessible to us within minutes. The widespread usage of media make it an absolute irriversible step in human civilisation's evolution path.

However, like any other subject, specially popular ones among the youth, there is so much debate over media's pros and cons and whether its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Everybody, including those who oppos media usage, should consider the undeniable benefits of the programs made for TV or radio; things like how the provide access to educational materials for children and through this many students in areas that are struglling financially can try to reach their goals and pursuit higher education. Of course, there can be some downsides to TV or radio programs but I think we should keep an open mind about them an try to find a way to minimise their reprecussions.

In conclusion, media has become an inseparable part of modern life, and will continue to grow in the future; there is no way but forward for it. So we should make effort to understand different aspects to it as it expands as to utilise it in the most profitable way for humanity.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Media has brought a lot of influences on hour lives, because of movies and TV. Nowadays, media is very important. Because it helps human to feel relax. Also we should consider the impact of media on human behaviour,activities and thought in both positive and negative sides.

First of all, Media can inspire new generation to know their dreams and achieve their goals in different fields such as music ,art and cinema. Besides, it can lead to reduce their self-confidence by showing most beauties in the world. Teenagers may get disappointed of life because of showing prettiness and wealth on TV. 

I think media can help people to learn new things and enhance their skills. It reminds me a time that i was between jobs, and started learning programming and web designing. It changed my job' future completely. Moreover, media inspires human to think and live more consious and healthier than they used too. For instance, the rate of doing sports and activities are increased recently.

I agree that media can be more harmful than being positive. Media increases the rate of crime and violence among people.  It can make people's life easier but it can bring many gap between them too. Media is an important reason that make people get depression or even mental health. Because on media everything and everyone are superordinary.

All in all, media has impact on human life more than it shows. People feel comfortable and relax by media , but disadvanges are  more than its advantages.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Assessing aspects of TV and radio program on society is a controversial subject among multimedia experts. I firmly believe that this entertainment has significant impact on all parts of life.

Surely, shaping our behaviors is directly based on surrounding environment. On of the power tools around us that has solid effect on our manner is media. Clearly, the impact of this subject depends on our personality or age. In fact, people by watching TV programs and listening radio podcasts, try to imitate myriad action of actors, therefore they automatically follow them and finally would be copy of them. For example, when I was childhood, a TV program that was “Socers” which originally produced in Japan, encourage all of co-players to imitate the episodes precisely and repeated all of them in alley carefully. Consequently, this TV program had a positive effect on our lives that stopped many of us for smoking and other social harassment. But on the other side it may be have a lot of negative sides on humans reactions. Physiologists believe that our personality  gradually will grow from childhood to old age. But the prominent stage is childhood which will structure by environment.   

The main disadvantage of TV and Radio goes back of paying attention to financial aspect instead of humanity side. Either expensive TV or Radio program attracts additional fans nor allocating huge amount of advertisements. Unfortunately, nowadays, the big company of film or serial producer like Hollywood or Bollywood considers their energy on more and more selling. For example, some violence films that exactly advertise the USA weapons encourage children to use most of them. Therefore, nowadays number of students and teachers killed by students more than other countries. Obviously, the governments have to obtain an effective approach for producer and viewer to mitigate unwanted result of watching or listening. Luckily, companies have new categories for their films to announce people that it is harmful for which age.  

Overall, based on my opinion media is a vital for any society to guide people. So this guidance based on program. If it is useful so the result would pleasure and vice versa. 




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, media is everywhere with different platforms, like TV, Radio and the Internet, which cause both positive and negative consequences on people. Some people believe that its drawbacks are more than its benefits, which I agree with, but before talking about impacts, we should find out how does it influences the society?

Media change people’s beliefs. Individuals’ beliefs create social norms, so altering people’s attitudes individually might change the whole etiquette in a society. For example, a famous sitcom series which have some contents against women right might alter respects which men used to have, and gradually it will destroy all social norms related to women’s rights.

Apart from social impacts, media can create unhealthy individuals both mentally and physically. Most of the movies and series that are shown on mass media, like television, cause addiction to just watch. This might cause some unhealthy habits, including inactivity and seating for long time, which cause some long-term consequences, just like obesity. Besides all physical impacts, people might be influenced by their contents which might be about crime or violence. These contents gradually change people’s behaviour. For instance, lyrics of some metal music are about cannibalism and killing encouraging violence in audiences.

However, some audiences might gain some knowledge from media. TV shows, like quiz-based programmes, and the Internet provide rich sources which can help people to get knowledge. Human kind nowadays, have an access to wide range of subjects on the Internet which allows them learn whatever they want in any time.

In conclusion, although media can be useful in term of getting knowledge, their cons outnumber their pros due to unhealthy consequences which they might cause on individuals and in society.






Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Today, humans are encompassed by media. It has affected our life by what we watch or listen. It uses TV, radio, and social media to shape our attitudes toward various things. I believe that the advantages of its effects are more than its disadvantages and I will support my opinion by the following reasons.

Media tends to has a deep effect on our outlook towards life. What I mean by this is that people are bombarded with medias every day. We watch their adverts, news, and films or listen to podcast on a daily basis. So, it is possible that our image to fashion, furniture, and politic could will be changed. Even more, media has a high role on our private pages and we are affecting through them. For example, it has been reported that Facebook had cooparated with one of American ex-president when he was advertising for elections.

I agree that media has many drawbacks, however, I would not believe that the downsides of its impact on our life outweigh its upsides. Firstly, I think media forces different business and companies to compete with each other that leads to good services and better products for humans. Secondly, freedom has been improving by media, meaning that totaliter governments are under pressure of media to consider human rights, which I hope that help to improve the quality of human’s life around the world.

In conclusion, it tends to be right that media has undenyable effects on our life, which ranging from shaping our opinion about different things to threatening our personal life on social media. However, I imagine that the benefits of its impacts outweigh its dangers.      




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

From past until now, there was media, but in different types. For instance newspapers,letters, radio that were popular among people. By develop and advent the technology, the life of humans changed. Thanks to the media, this influenced the society in different cases. Moreover, I some extend agree that the media had more drawback impressions. So, I disagree about this subject.


By advent media, this informant had affect on society in variety modes. First of all, the advertising from newspaper, television and radio or internet leads to change society. For instance, some advertising showed in order that encourage men to change belief or life of way, such as evolve fashion, politics, religious and others beliefs. In other word, not only it caused to change opinions, but also it caused to achieve money in business. 


Second in some media as internet had effect. There was a software like Google what there were many websites that available. By accommodated these details, it cause to the most people accepted everything that they saw, or it due to the people were lazy, and people could not remember some information in their brains.



Media can both negative impact and positive impact. In my opinion, the advantages of media outweighed disadvantages. The plus points what media had. You can access to info in no time. Another advantage, the speed of spreed news are rapid. For instance, about a week, an earthquake occurred in Turkey. Some people who were drap, thanks to the internet, they share their situation in social media or spread this news in other words, so it due to some countries sends help forces. Finally, these have educational impact. For example, in television there are some programs that train the cooking. The most disadvantage of media is that mental hurting.


To conclude,there are many different media that aware people from news, then these have impact on society. It may be pros or cons. In my opinion the advantages of media outweighed than disadvantages.



Hasti (Ac)




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, the broadcating system including television, radio, newspaper have influenced our life directly and indirectly. It has both positive and negative impact on society which could influence the way of individuals life. In my opinion, drawbacks of media outweigh its benefits. I will be supporting my view in this essay.          To begin with, presence of media leads to spreading of fake news. Some people misuse media as a source of creating rumors and cyberbullying specifically among teenagers. This harassment would result in a sense of fear and insecurity in society. In other words, media is responsible to report authentic news and develop morality among people whereas the Tv reports alot of fake news from all over the world and shows programmes that contain violence and inappropriate content. For instance, a false news about an intense earthquake in an small city caused issues which was just a rumor. Another reason that I want to support another disadvantage of widespread of media is that the skills of people has declined notably due to exaggeration of celebrity or rich people leading to depression and anxiety. A recently research which was conducted in Stanford university declared that many youth miss their confidence due to shows of bloggers and they always compare themselves with them which has destructive effects on individuals. Moreover, while people use media to do their daily tasks and spend alot of time, their sleep patterns change to unhealthy level. If our sleep patterns become irregular, our productivity will diminish and we will have health issues.                                                    To sum up, however there are some advantages of using media, it contributes to some controversial issues which would increase more and more. These include mental preoccupation, escapism and neglect of personal life which have harmful effects on individuals and society.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Currently, many scientific evidences illustrate that exercises are crucial to maintain someone's health ranging from kids to adults.  Plus, they are beneficial for kids to boost their brain's intellectual ability. As a result, children are being propelled to do extreme exercises. It is claimed that children who found the physical exercises engaging, are vulnerable to overburden these activities or get   injured seriously. This may root in many reasons such as plethora of sport advantage advertisements and lack of entertaining plan for children to dedicate their time to and become discharged. In this easy I want to raise my personal ideas about this problem causes and some possible solutions.  

Nowadays, many kindergartens set a kind of sport plan for their kids. Parents enroll their kids in sport classes. For instance, marshal sports or team sports. Having to say that, a kind of obsession is emerged which results in extra attention for physical activities. But the problem lays on the fact that children's muscles aren't strong enough to involve to surplus exercises. It can lead up to serious troubles such as permanent disabilities or boon's dysfunction in elderly. They should be expected to do minor exercises and prohibited to overdo harmful sports.  

Another reason is insufficient schedule to catch children's attention. There are no convenient programs to take their energy and causes to emotionally involvement. This people are keen to learn new skills ranged from academic skills to soft skills. Children's facilities have to be recognized and planned to nurture! Actually, parents are in charge of upbringing their talents.  In this case, they will be involved in many various activities. So there is no extra time or energy to be dedicated to exceed exercises.

In conclusion, children's sport time should be observed carefully. Although sport is essential for an underage people, this should have been adjusted with kid's capacity and sustainability.First of all, awareness  in this issue should be developed for parents and then they should make out the solution to tackle the problem. For example,hey can prioritize children's need of learning and try to accommodate them by setting suitable plans. 




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

The children who have a passion for sports are often indulged in doing exercise or sometimes get severely damages. I believe determining the cause of this issue could assist in finding effective solutions to overcome it.

Putting extra pressure on children who are willing to follow professional sports to gain valuable prizes could partly account for devoting a sizeable amount of time to physical activity regardless of children’s physical stamina. Children are always persuaded into being accomplished person by their parents or coaches. They are almost expected to be the first grade in their field. To address this situation, children’s capability and talent should be assessed by their coaches and parents respectively and so their physical activity is set accurately.

Having poor eating habits can explain why children damage severely when they are training. Young people indulge in fast food. Fast foods are very high in fat, sugar and salt and so it can bring about major problems in the long run for instance, heart disease and osteoporosis. One effective way to resolve this difficulty is to encourage children to eat a balance diet which are endorsed by eminent dietitians. Furthermore, there is an urgent need that children’s state is experimented on a regular basis and then appropriate tablets are prescribed to meet essential needs such as vitamins and minerals.

To conclude, even though high expectations and poor eating habits contribute to get serious traumas, parents, coaches, dietitians can remedy the situation. In my opinion, examining children’s physical stamina and prescribing a sensible eating plan are steps in the right direction.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

      Nowadays children who are involving in sport are suffering from some issues such as overloading with exercises or having traumas. This can be because of parents or coaches’ pressure on these kids for getting pro or also the contest that are exist between gymnasts. In this essay the reasons and some solutions will be rendered and explained, respectively.

      First of all, families play an important role in their children’s lives. Therefore whatever they ask kids too much can puts stress on them. Moreover some instructors give kids heavy and unreasonable sport programs to turn into champions as well as soon. In fact this causes serious problems in young generation not only in their healthy but also in their mental condition. For example we have seen numerous students that aren’t able to concentrate on their lessons. The key reason is tension and stress of sport activities. Furthermore, people in their childhood perhaps face with sort of destructive, competitive atmosphere among athletes. This case makes them nervous and anxious.

     In the second part, for solving these issues schools and the government are responsible. They should create training and consulting sessions or workshops for both children and their parents. Besides arranging short-time plans and goals for sportsmen helps them to manage time and reduce load of physical activities.

    To conclude, community including family, friends and teachers can be impressive in kids’ health status. If sport children don’t make schedule appropriately of course with help of parents and coaches, they will be exhausted from athleticism or will get harmful traumas.





Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

People, especially younger people have tend to be seen by others in sports. As a result, they make extra effort for themselves. It is not only create stresses, but maybe end up in trauma which consider as an illness. In these passage we are going to explain what the probable consequences is and how we can avoid them.

Excessive physical activity or traumas may occur for youth who participate in sports. In my view, parents have high expectation from them, and sometimes children even expect themselves to achieve a high target in a short time which is a burden on children’s shoulder. Unhealthy competition is also stressful situation and result in severe pressure of working which leads children to mental stress.

There are some solution to prevent children from anxiety and excessive work out. For example, if a target is broken down into smaller points, they will be more achievable and a person can reach them step by step. In addition, what is seem to me very important is the choice of a right institution and t. It is undeniable that atmosphere around us can affect our spirit and behavior. As we feel a friendlier environment, we are more likely to avoid from trauma

On the whole, pushing kids hard and putting them at a stressful condition at field of sport, often affect them in a bad way, so it is wiser to choose an appropriate place with suitable coach for them and also keep them aware that we should be patient for reaching our goals, and it is a road which should be passed little by little.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

The children who become involved in sport, often suffer from being overwhelmed with physical activities and it causes them big troubles. This essay is going to outline the main reasons of this issue and how it can be addressed.


The most significant reason of this problem, is that children's parents may concern inordinately about the future which leads to overwhelm the children with lots of classes.

for example, my cousin who is only a ten_year_old girl, has a 4-hour swimming class every day and if she doesn't want to participate just in a session their parents would punish her. It is not surprising that she is not enjoying the class anymore and even she is not learning anything new because she is forced to do that.


Another reason for some unsetting experiences that affects them for a long time, can be the fact that their efforts may not being rewarded by any one. They would start to lose their hope, if nobody could see and appreciate their attempts. For instance

my friend's child is often reminding their parents that she has been the top student in her class since she started her school. But her parents do not pay attention to her enough. As a result she is not trying like before anymore.


To provide a way dealing with these problems, it would be the fastest way to ask the parents not to think and decide instead of their children. Sometimes they can give their children some free time to do whatever they want not repeating the same classes.

They need to consider that children need entertainment and learning both.

It can be possible when some classes would be provided for parents to raise their awareness about their children's need.

In addition the parents should be vigilant for showing reactions to any success is being achieved by their children to show they do care about them.


Overall parents should not overwhelm their children with repetitive sport classes and they should encourage their children's attempts




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

The youth of today doing excessive exercise which it leads to serious  phisycal problems. Although there are specific root causes behind in this issue, many effective policies can be adopted to remedy this situation.
There are two main reasons why children tend to work out far more than necessary.firstly fast changing fashion industry motivate young people to keep a body in shape so in order to reach a shaped body they have taken vigorous exercise. Take some fashionable advertisement as an example shown many 
Handsome young male and gorgeous female with a fit body, this prompt children to do sport continuously also  a various array of physical injuries are arisen from these advertisements. Secondly being unfit is a negative point in many aspects of life. Lack of balanced body breeds many obstacles in the public places such as school.
There are some prohibitive regulations to remedy this problem. One step would be fashion industry should be at the mercy of governments not to work as a private sector. That is to say fashion producers have to take an initiative to change audience outitude about form of the body by means of changing the style of models in the advertisements. anoher viable alternative is teachers are responsible to prohibit adolescence from tough working out by introducing other achievements in life which are much more prominent than a shaped body. For illustration a responsible doctor suffered from obesity takes priority over a person with just fit body.

To conclude, there are two prime reasons why young choose to do vigorous sport. Fashion industry by poducing magnificent advertisment drive children to do demanding exercise also teachers as a role model play crusial role to address this problems.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is said that kids playing sports frequently will be faced with high-pressure activities or serious injuries. Although, there are specific root causes behind this children matter, effective policies and attitudes can be adopted to remedy this problem. 

There are two main reasons why children tend to do heavy physical activities and injure themselves. Firstly, a great sense of competition, children are willing to be a winner in sport major. not only do they are under pressure of their parents to do their best in the sport courses but also they are impressed by norms of society to overload themselves for being a perfect person. Therefore, some children are participated in sports extracurricular for promoting their level of physical activities to outreach  their rivals. secondly, some kids are eager to be noticed by their parents, thus they exercise constantly to get their family attention.  

There are, however, some workable solution to aid children to have a normal sport activity in their life. If parents pay more attention to their children and encourage them by their little sport activities, kids' greed about being winner in every races might be declined. Parents are able to define some legislations and in addition, they can allocate certain determined limitation for their kids activities to hinder them from constant exercises. 

As a conclusion, there are beneficial solutions to assist children damaging themselves by great amount of physical activities, and also help them to have a balanced sport life.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

With number of gym faciities and body builders soaring often, people overlook sports and sometimes miscalculate the amount of it. Several reasons have contributed to this inscident, in this essay I will mention a few of them and propose a possible solution for each.

First and foremost, media has a profound influence. With movies having body builders with huge arms and muscles, it could be expected that some viewers especially younger individuals might fallow their lead and for achieving abilities like them would do excessive exercise on their routine. In a recent study polled by 'Gym Stars' (gym equipment provider) indicated that almost 30 percent of people who over-do sport activites only because of the inscentive of becoming like the acters. To tackle this problem, education is the key, schools should treach their students about the imaginary figures and unreality pictured in these movies.

Another contributor is society, most people nowadays praise the body builders and have a liking attitude toward them. This might be due to the strenght that their body indicates or could be due to the high-profile acters mentioned. It is evident from our social life that this misconceptualization is common. To solve this issue, society should become eager to enhance other good personalities of people.

With all that being mentioned, scientific advancements have also supplied this fact. As new powders and drugs are being developed , we can see in gyms that most people who behave energetically and work hard are impowered by the usage of these substances. For overcoming this obstacle governments can impose tax on purchasing these materials.

In conclution, I reoterate that since some movies' stars are gaining muscle and society's propelent force of encouragement and due to advancements in protein and other sorts of powders and drugs we are facing with more health issues due to wrongly-done exercise. By focusing in the solutions mentioned the severity of this issue would plummet.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In this day and age , a lot of children occupied in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumos.There are afew reasons and also solutions for this issue that we will discus in this essay.  Children are more interested to sport compared to the past . We can see many entertainment such as go to park , listening music , watching football and as well as sport in among children and we can absolutely say that sport is the best hobby for them . As a matter of fact , they can have healthy and fit body and by sport breathe fresh air and they become less ill and they consume tablet or pill less than the other people , because their body is strong. Another reasons for this matter is that children drain energy with physical activity and they go to drugs less.                                                           On the other hand , we should provide a good environment for sports. Government can pay subsidization for physical activity and built enough place for them in whole of the country , even village . As a mentioned above , sport is a essential leisure activity but it can cause a lot of damage among them and one of the solutions for this issue is that teachers teach the type of the injuries and give them general and useful information.                                  In this modern world , children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas which we gave reasons and also solutions for it .




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, most children who are linked in sports are overburdened with physical activities or get serious injuries. I think this is mainly because the time mismanagement and do dangerous sports. However, there are some solutions to deal whit them.

A reason why children are often overloaded with physical activities and get serious trauma is that almost they are not able to manage their time as a result they practice more and more regardless to consequence so they are busy all time. Another reason could be doing risky sports beyond their abilities. Some children like to do professional and hazardous sports which has negative effect on their physical health. For example, lifting weights are dangerous exercise so small fraction of children who are powerful and have healthy body can afford it.

A possible solution is that the children’parent should take more responsibility to establish a timetable for their children’s activity and encourage them to follow the timetable to increase the level of productivity. In addition, parents should be more cautious when they are choosing the type of sports to their children. This means that they need to consul with sport instructor and make an informed decision. It helps their children to become more healthy.

In conclusion, the overloaded of children with physical activities and get injuries is because of the mismanagement of time and doing risky sports beyond their ability. But these problem can be solved if they establish a timetable and make informed decision when they want to take up sports.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Having tendency for competitive attitude during matches, represents self-esteem. Also demonstrate a healthy state of mind due to human's instinct being created over hundreds of years. Therefore, this kind of manners is not forbidden at all. However controlling it in order to stay between lines is very important.

In the beginning, during human evolution throughout the world they were competing with each other, also against the potential opponents in order to win over food and accommodation. Of course individuals do not need to fight with each other in order to survive nowadays. However they have carried this conduct over the years with themselves. Hence the more being a competitive person the healthier they are because of people's instinct. Even though, there is different sufficient ways to inhibit these type of attitudes and even shape them in best possible way. In the other word strictness pose an essential matter during game. For instance, in a normal Soccer match referee can controls players through firing aggressive participants who show anger in the course of game. Secondly, when the game is over some afterwards bans for boys or girls who have shown bad behavior is necessary in order to teach them that these actions are unacceptable. For example sport teachers or coaches must substitute the following players with others who have behaved better. Moreover allocating rewards to well-behaved children is of the best ways due to, this is a great motivation for them.

In conclusion, competition not in aggressive way associating with rules is best combination for teenagers for the purpose of developing physical-base skills and proper social behavior. Hence, with an accurate comprehensive vision, possible fierce physically traumas will be under control.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays most of children want to have been attracted in sports, for instance basketball and tennis. These activities make them absolutely exhausted and in many cases lead to injuries because of violets happening during a game.  In the following is debated about the main factors that bring these outputs, and some of practical measures that solve them.


To begin, it is should be taken into account that children need to release their energy and sport is a good way for them. But, some of sports have much higher contact risk and expose them in danger of hurting. For instance, at the first glance playing football that is one of the most popular activity among humans is not a harsh type of sport, whereas according to the last investigations number of people that have had broken skeleton in football was higher than martial sports such as kickboxing and karate. Besides, most of sports except of a few take energy of children and they cannot do anything after playing or doing them.


That is a crucial matter that for solving any difficulties in the world there is a key. If we search in the internet, in tremendous number of papers can be find important role of parents. Firstly, they can teach their children to have a timetable for physical activities and teach them spending only a limited amount of time for sports. Secondly, they can prepare some protection equipment to conserve their child’s knees and head. And the last thing is that it is vital for mothers and fathers to observe their children to make sure any risk treats them.


To sum up, it is undeniable that sports are both exhausting and to sum extend harsh. But, there are huge number of solutions for these cases, and parents have big burden on their shoulders for supporting their child.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children who are athletes mostly do non-standard physical activities or hurt themselves. there are some underlying reasons and solutions for this argument.

Some major reasons will be given one of which is that teenagers feel competitive more than others. When youngsters go to gyms and sport fields, they want to take other attentions to themselves and show the others what they are capable of. Consequently, they work out badly and get injured. Another important reason is children do not have much knowledge about anatomies. There are so many children who have trained alone in their entire life and not considered the problems they have made for their body by these incorrect workouts.

People could deal with this problem and consider solutions, should they pay attention to this issue. One of the noticeable ways is that gyms force children to enroll in sport classes or exercise with a professional trainer. Trainers have lots of information and knowledge about how to exercise correctly and productively so whether they want to work out in class with others or in private, having a trainer is necessary. Enrolling in right class level is the second effective solution. Sport experts should measure children body situations and put them in right level of classes. For instance, some youngsters do not have flexibility and they have to start the yoga from beginning. On the other hand, children with more flexibility and mobility can practice in intermediate or advanced classes.

In conclusion, most of the time children exercise more than they can and wound themselves.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

There is no doubt that sport should be an inseparable part of curriculum for children, since its benefits is not deniable. But sometimes it occupy the most of their time in a way that they do not have time for other activities and also the traumas and bruises appear on their body continuously. So it demands solution to mitigate these unpleasant side effects. In following paragraphs I will explain my solutions.


The overloading in physical activities roots in their joyful, and after a while they cannot find time for any activity except the sport. They devote the whole of their time to sport and make it as the main goal in their life, which brings them failure in other fields like social activities and their relationships with friends. It brings a responsibility to their parents and teachers to control their activities and if need limit them. They must make schedule for them in home and school and force them to act on it. It will made constraint on them and they will not be able to exceed it and as a result they would have time for other activities.


Creating a situation in which the children confront less injury and wound is easy and need acting on some standards that have developed for safety. Every activity had its wears and safety equipment and the children should learn how to use them. For example riding a bicycle needs a helmet which is crucial for this sport and without it, some very series concerns are expected. Also this activity in roads are more dangerous and need to be done under supervision of professional persons. Children must learn the emergency numbers to call them if need. By making some preventive decisions these problem have not much to say.


To conclude, overwhelming by sport always can happen to every child who is fascinated by sports, but it can be easily solved by making a good schedule by parent to prevent this problem. The injury and traumas also can be solve by following the safety standards which guarantee the minimum wounds.  




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Traumas are rotated around children who engaged in sports while a vareily of reason pushes children get injury. It is often assumed that they will get better sooner than adults.             

   Children are dreamers and after every sport event they want to be one of the athlele. A survey of chinese university showed that after the world cup in Qatar, children enrolled in football's school 60 percent more thah previous year. Exercising regularly is the first step of being professional and little by little they will be under the pressure of competition. Therefore, mental suffering is not far from expected. This issue will be followed by loss of their social life for their exercise. As a result , it is true to say sports can devastate the childhood .
     A fair and logical suggestion is visiting a psychologist regularly. They help children to understand a real world and separt from their dreams. Additionally, parents have a crucial role in this ground and they should help for making balance in their children's life. For example when my brother was a teenager he wanted to be a soccer player and my mother with a psychologist helped him for making decision and following his talent instead of his dreams and now he is satisfied with his choice.
    In conclusion, There are some truth about ruining of children’s life by sport like mental hurt but parents and psychologists help them for passing from this dark path.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Sport is replet with physical activity or damages for children who enter in its realm.although there are specific root causes behind this contentious issue,weaning off from doing sport voraciously can be adopted to remedy the situation.

There is one reason why children get physicaly hurt during activities in the field of sport, Perfectionism and a sense of superiority will make them do a lot of sports in other words,when children trying to be the best in sport for instance to achive a championship leads them to be sensetive in being infallible and eminent in the field of sport

There is ,however, a remedy to explore the root of such a situation, always should parents convince their offsprings to be the best version of themselves and not to compete with any body.take it as an example, a father who badger his child to win a competition or a game will causes her/his kid to feel useless unless he/she achive the goal as a result that child is going to do what it takes to be the best even if it going to cost his/her health.

To conclude,there are a whole raft of reason for this issue however, the main remedy is that children should not compete in any way.Adopting a rose - colored view of this phenomenon is not tantamount to examining the situation realistically.It's because sometimes it acts as a preclusion in making a prudent decision.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

These days, some children do a variety of activities to keep fit and be healthy in their life whereas, some of them get sharp injuries in these sports that they do. I this essay, I will consider the reasons for those two effects that may be happen for them and give some solutions for these children.

Some children make their suitable plan to do regular exercise and eat healthy diet like fresh fruits and vegetable, so they have an enjoyable and healthy life during these period. These people should be encourage by their family to have enough motivation to continue their work outs. For instance, some parents usually advise to their children to go to gym and do push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups there, however, unfortunately, some of them consume some harmful drugs that makes their body weaker and has very bad effects. Besides that, a minority of young individuals put lots of pressure on themselves to do activities around the clock which makes dangerous effects because these habits are very common between children in every country to lose their weight.

Numerous studies have constantly found that parents must be take care of their children who their age are between 10-20 and pay attention to their works they do lifelong. In addition, if they are growing up and being mature like their adults, they can handle problems. But, they may under the influence of sexual problems and should lose their weights and keep themselves fit like their partner. So, they always put a lot of pressure and do sophisticated activities. Because of this, parents should be interference in their children’s work.

To conclude, children should be take care of children, even though they are mature and can do their works independent, because they may make a mistake in their life which are irreparable. Furthermore, they should countenance them to do different activities in their leisure time to keep themselves healthy.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Sports are necessary for health. Doing sports is important for kids in both mental and physical aspects. Children who are interested in physical activities , sometimes are involved more than usual that leads to injured or even get serious traumas.There are plenty of reasons that i will explain them in this essay.

First of all, some children choose sports as their priority in their life. Even they want to be an athlete in the future. So it's normal to injure. Sometimes they practice at school without any coach or trainers. It is very crusial to do professional sports activities with an experts. The second reason is that children do sports without tools and safety protections. So most of these people are not cauntious enough, they do not wear protective tools and guards to protect themselves; this might be serious physical damage.

There are many solutions to solve this problem. First i think schools should recognize the students who are pasionate more for doing sports and consider some professional coaches to help them. Or if they have not enough budget , they can ask family 's to help their kids by involving them in different classes.  Moreover, to provide protection while doing sports, they can simply wear various safety tools, such as a face shield or a mouth guard. These will probably reduce the injury rates among children. For instance, for playing hocky, they should wear helmets and knee perotections to stay safe.

In conclusion, it is simple and possible for students to be safe and get less damged when they are overinvolved by doing physical activities.





Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

These days it can be seen children are more doing exercise than in the past. They do a special physical activity from an early stage of their life. In TV shows internet we can see them. But some of these exercises have short or long-term harm to children. There are various reasons for this and also there are some solutions to overcome this problem. In this essay, I will explain the reasons for it and some solutions for it.


The first reason that should be taken into account is that parents sometimes have unreasonable expectations from their children. So they put tremendous pressure on their children to take part in a special championship and get the best results. Consequently, children try to fulfill their parent's expectations and obviously may be harmed.


The other reason That is worth mentioning is related to the children's coach and instructor. If they don't be knowledgeable about their course and work with children they can conduct an inappropriate schedule which can harm them physically to children. For example, some schools hire inexperienced coaches for children, because they don't have to pay much money to them. 


There are some measures for solving this problem. The most significant point is that parents should be aware of their severe expectations.  They have to know some physical activities not only are not beneficial for their children but also are damaging. In addition, the government has an undeniable role. For example, they can pass strict laws about hiring skilled instructors for children in all the schools and gyms which can prevention from these problems.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?


These days many children are seen in heavy sport activities which are not appropriate for their bodies and hurt themselves. The reasons for this trend are various and I suggest some solutions for it.

Children do exercises that are overloaded and some of them do not like their sport level to be low. Their attitude is not comprehensive, as they do not have the forethought to stay healthy lifestyle. The most important reason is that they compete with their peers and they want to show their strength and appearance to others. therefore they do heavy exercises and in some cases get traumas. Another reason comes back to their lack of knowledge about sport science. They think doing more and heavier sport due to more stamina, meanwhile they do not have any knowledge about health diet.

There are some solution to decrease this mistake. Firstly, parent should be care about amount and type of activities which their children do. They can enroll them in professional gyms with high quality and surveillance. Secondly, parent and teachers theach children about negetive sides of overloaded activities and also how balance in each stage of life can bring advantages in their life. For example, they can show real people who gone this way befor and are engege in sickness.

In conclusion, lack of enough knowledge about amount of activites and sence of competition amonge children can be reasons for doing heavy sport. parent and children have key role to aware children about consequences of overloaded exercices.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Those kids, who are really passionate about doing sports, usually spend much time for getting exercise or injured seriously. In this essay I will try to figure out the causes and consequently, show what should be done to prevent these difficulties.

There is no doubt that juveniles have no attitude about proper equipment and proper techniques and also they are usually seeking for ways or things to achive best result soon. In their opinion expending time for safety, like wearing special clothes is a means of wasting time. In addition, they reckon by putting much time and effort without taking care of themselves, their success can be guaranteed. For example, I have a friend, who was an athlete approximately 10 years ago and was preparing to be in a team but she had to pass physical exam. As a result, without coach and sufficient techniques got a plenty of exercises and her back injured seriously. Unfortunately doctor told she can not accomplish sport anymore so not only she couldn’t be in a team but also she had not been able to continue her life as an athlete.

I hold the opinion that, the best way to reduce these problems is educating children in advance. They should know about either theory or practical tasks, which means before commencing, be aware of the consequences of getting improper exercise. For instance, if my friend knew about techniques, tried to balance between exercise and taking rest, in addition if she tried to work with a coach who was an expert to tell her about her mistakes and balancing between strength and flexibility, she still would have been an athlete.

As I have shown, lack of children awareness of the potential risk of doing sport improperly is the main reason for being overloaded or even getting serious traumas. However, teaching them techniques and telling them about safety could be the best way for declining these problems, moreover by taking adventage of coach the potential risk of getting injured can be reduced significantly.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children engaged in sports because their activities comparing to adults are higher, and they get serious traumas on account of they don’t care about the injuries consequences or might don’t aware of that ,

in my opinion parents are the key and solution. 


To begin it depends on parents behavior, and how they going to face this problem in addition, children has a better spirit and energy than elder people, so they might do anything overloaded, and at the same time they are susceptible.

In result, parents should choose the best way to make them traumas get fewer and fewer by talking patiently.


Maintain the advantages of these conversations are like parents can affect on them and so children will be more careful about the injuries and illness.

Parents should not interfere and trying to stop them from doing exercise , because maybe in the future they might have some serious problems like depression or psychological issues.

At the same time they avoid of unauthorized sports for them, or has a quarrel with them for just following the sport things seriously


On the other hand, the government should downgrade the traumas, by teaching the children to be patient and friendly meanwhile, after the parents the coaches are the most important thing in this situation , they can train the children for how to deal with their anger and behave calmly and if things get better by time for the award, they can’t give them a permission to go on a professional way of sport , cause that’s their authority.

In that case their situations will be marvelous.


In conclusion, these three things, parents, government and the coaches are can affect on the children the most.

The first step is find a way to trying to have some useful conversation with them and after that awards for this behavior can be the best option , by the way professional sports are dangerous and they can be hurtful, so parents should deal with that




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is said that some youth who are keen on sport are often overloaded with activity or get severely injured. In this essay, I will outline some possible reasons for these, as well as, suggest some solutions.

The main reason behind this issue is that, lack of awareness of some children related to the overloading activities and possibly injured. For example, when I was 16 years old, I left a heavy box as a weight for an imaginary match that leads to a detrimental effect on my spin. Up to now, I suffer from that risky activity which I have done in the past few years. Another significant root of the problem is the lack of parents’ attention to their children. These days, families have a hectic lifestyle and they do not have enough time to pay attention to the physical activity of their children. So when children do some risky activity their parents do not care about them that results in severely injured or overloaded activity.

A possible solution to increase awareness of children could be to teach children at school. In other words, intervention in the education of children in schools includes playing some educational videos about how they do a correct activity without being injured. Just consider how healthier children would be if they watch these videos. Another way to curb increasing attention of parents to their children is that parents use the defense instruments for their children when they sport. For instance, parents could apply a kind of elastic pad to protect the knees of children.

In conclusion, the lack of awareness of children and the attention of their parents results in extreme activity or getting severely injured among children. I suggest, by playing some educational videos and also applying some protection devices by their parents, we can solve these problems.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Youngsters are tied with playing sports since childhood, also it is crucial for their health and mental status. Some youths are thirsty for playing some sports such as soccer and basketball which are very popular in our country, in contrast, these sports could be too harmful and maleficence , moreover ,playing these sports for children are limitless.

In our fatherland, Iran , most numerous of the athletics, especially in soccer, came from poor condition ,after that they become more famous in teams and earned a lot of massive money after their success.

As consequence of this reason, most of the children decide to spend their time with overloaded activity related to that sport which is chosen for their career. Every success requires a lot of effort and sometimes these continuous efforts harm the health of children and teenagers.

In this path, they should always play under surveillance .Professional coaches  or a person who knows the way very well are very effective and they can always take care of the children while playing.

In conclusion, every steps we taken in our life, in the future , it can help us in present.it is better to take these steps from childhood on the right path with the right guidance. Parents should take care of nutritional values in the food to supply the energy while they are playing. To conclude, there should be a limit for everything, even the kids are interested in sports they should play under proper guidance and guidelines.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In these days, children tend to do lots of sport activities and become a professional athlete. Although, in some cases, they try hard and attempt to a productive in the major, they injure so badly or get some mental problems. In my point of the view, their coach or their parent put them under the pressure to become win the games or other reasons. In the forthcoming paragraphs I will discuss the various reasons that impact on children and suggest some solutions. 


To begin with, children are not enough mature to think correctly and make a smart decision. Especially, nowadays because of competitive atmosphere, they want to defeat their friends or win the prizes. If they do not have proper coach or their parents just struggling to them and disappointing them, they get outrageously traumas and they lost their confidence. Also, they think if they had endeavoured too much and had not eaten in some cases, they would have achieved their goals. Therefore, not only they will injure themselves but also they do not attain their goals.


To reduce this matter, various ways can contribute to children to do a great job on their professions. In details, sport clubs should set some mental classes for young people to change and affect in their mind. Likewise, governments should train the coaches and teacher because children make the next generations and teachers affect on children’s behavior. For instance, Some sport teams beside the doctor for their physical health, have some doctors for their mental healths and they set some exercise for their mental activities and children gain the information that play the significant role in their future. 


In conclusion, children are not very mature to do correct activities and in some cases they often overloaded or get serious traumas. Government must improve the knowledge of the children’s teachers and coach and parents should take care of their children and do not put them under the pressure to achieve something that it not necessary. 




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is clear that children's sport activities some times include some damages and mental conflicts. There are various reasons why it is happened and what is the measures that could be feasible.

Firstly physical activity may cause severe injuries in some cases. The main reason maybe due to essence of recklessness of children bear in mind and their definition of the true safety. Fore instance, the children who play football and want to acting, running and jumpping torward the ball just alike Cristiano Ronaldo or  tackling the apponents just as Grizman, never consider the injuries and the dnagerous behaviour against other playmates. Furtheremore, the other root of the problem is the parent's duty to child's sport activities. with reagard to this fact that parents this days have a less spare time to creating as a family so the child has to playing and reached the safty rules through trial and error that could put them in a dnagerous conditions.

Secondly, there are a number of different actions that could be taken by parents and governments to reduce the probable dangerous trauma. For example, if parents spend more time with their children during child's leisure activities and setting a plan to put them on some under conrol hazardous conditions and force them to follow safty rules, the children are taught to playing wisely. In addition, authorithies should codify schedualed safe sport activity in the school or some precise places that it leds to that children playing under supevision of professional tutor and so the traumas due to sport activity are alleviated.

In conclusion, the sport traumas which undergo people face with are inevitable but there are a number of preventive measures that could be taken by both parents and authories to mitigate eventual damages.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Nowadays, it is widely accepted that tourism has fundamental role in countries economics. Although tourism industry has a key role in some countries, the unavoidable drawbacks of tourism shouldn’t be neglected however those challenges can be managed somehow. In this essay the cons and pros of tourism will be discussed. I firmly believe that despite the inescapable challenges of tourism, not only is it necessary for economic but also good for enhancing cultural level of country.

On the on hand, some people firmly claim that without a strict management tourism can destroy tourist attractions. They believe that in a high season uncontrolled traffic can cause a huge problem not only for citizens but also for tourists. Moreover, congestions are great opportunity for pickpockets and shoplifters. For instance, I remember when I was teenager we attend a color festival in Tehran unfortunately I had been carried all my money when I noticed that all of the money is stolen already. However, governors can manage those challenges by implanting a good policy.

On the other hand, it is crystal clear that tourism is one of the main potentials of countries economy and culture. It is estimated that in some countries, such as turkey and France, great portion of the government s income gained via tourist industry. Furthermore, not only tourists bring their money to country but also cultural interchange occurs in the region. 

In conclusion, it is naturally accepted that every phenomena has its merits and demerits so tourism is not an exception. In this essay advantages and disadvantages of tourism discussed. In spite of some problems I think tourism is tremendously beneficial for country.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Tourism is the chief source of income in myriad places around the globe.however, if it is not controlled properly, tourism can be problematic. also this contentious phenomenon can have both benefits and drawbacks but i assume its merits outweight its demerits.

On the plus side, the pros of tourism for countries revenues are manifold. to begin with, tourism can save the countries which are economicaly poor but  on the other hand replet with a whole raft of tourist traps and places of intrests. to put it  simply the more tourist a location attract, the more it accumulate money. As an example a place like dubai runs on tourism industry due to its eminent and marvellous tourists attractions and land scapes.plus it used to be a city in a thired country but now a days thank to tourists it is now among thrived countries 

On the other hand, the opposing view asserts that tourism can be a detrimental issue to a society  if its not be observed and controlled due to some reasons for illustration  not only migh some tourists stay too long in a particular place but also have a job there as a result this penomenon damage job circumastances in a place and this issue seems to be beyond remedy if government dont  pave the way to controll the root of such a problem.

To sum up, although this topic has both downsides and upsides but its my  firm belife that tourism is extremly advatageous to countries economy




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

The major source of revenue in many areas is provided by its tourists. Sad to say, visitors can cause trouble with no supervision. Although travelers can lead to some problems, they still have many benefits to that society. I strongly believe that its positive points overpower the drawbacks and in my next paragraphs, I will discuss about this view.

To initiate with, one evidence benefits is that they boost the community’s economics growth. To put in another way, job opportunities will increase as more sightseers visit these areas. Apparently, businesses make more profit which plays a vital role in developing that country. Moreover, visitors may come from different countries. Therefore, their presence in these places will expand the awareness of the people of the world about culture and history of that country.

On the other hand, there are several negative points as well. Such as pollution and destruction. In other word, more tourists lead to severe traffic congestion. Therefore, it would be more cars in streets. As a result, the air pollution would increase in this area. Besides, because of lack of information, some visitors might break rules which result in damaging historical building. Since most of these infrastructures are old, they are not strong enough. Consequently, they would be easily ruined by careless behaviors.

To sum up, from my perspective, governments can fix disadvantages with a proper planning. And since their positive points is really effective in progress of that society, I think that advantages outweigh the disadvantages.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Amongst the majority of nations, tourism is a one of the best way to increase GPA or national income.  In fact tourism have many advantages but also be a source of issues in some touristy countries. In this essay I'll try to introduce benefits and disadvantages of tourism and then give some logically conclusions. 

First of all ,we can't deny the critical rule's of tourism to make job apportunity , specially for local people , for instance, in some countries such as Turkey or Maldives can cause to economic boost and this country stablished on travelling and tourism industry. On the other word , people who travel, love to spend money for sevinour, food,transportation, accommodation or so many other things. 

On the other hand, this phenomenon may be caused some problems to invoirment . As a result of this , I can give a example of a region in Iran . Esfehan is a big historical city in Iran but poor management cause to destroy this historical place for example in takhtejamshid people who travelled in thus place have written their names on the historic wall or government can't restoration and protection perfectly so everything are arosion.

To sum up , tourism have many advantages and if the government and people help each other and try to respect to invoirment, culture and civilization , we can see that advantages other tourism is more than disadvantages. 





A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

A lot of places in the world on tourism as a main source of income . Unfortunately , tourism can also be a source of problem if it is not managed correctly.

Economical statements in many countries are relevant to tourisms that every year grows more and more. Tourism industry lead to increasing local economy and also is important sector for local infrastructures in their countries. These industry have more advantages and disadvantages for local people and environment .

On one hand , a lot of countries in around the world provide good situation for individual and environment local to attractive visitors that will be travel to other country that use spare time and visit attractive places and enjoying their vacation . Authorities devote a part of budget every year to making facilities for visitors that travel from distant sites also they struggle to increasing voyage ' s material . Visitors bring dollars with themselves to purchase presents for friends and family members. People who lives in this places effort to changes local infrastruction for traveler that inclined to visit in these locals . They build five star hotels , modern public transport system , new coffee shop and luxury restaurants with local and tasty foods. Thus these changes generate new job 

And diminish number of jobless also raise individual income . Turkish country had not a developed land likewise had many economical problems but responsible statement decided to improvement industial tourism in their country and allocated mush money for improve situation for visitors that travel to own country . 

On the other hand , tourister destruct and pollute environment and nature when many of them visit nature places . They take a way rubbish and other throwaway things that lead to pollution and vandalism local environment . In my country police could caught several visitors several visitors that came for visited historical and natural environment . They decided to collected military datas . 

On conclusion , many of countries could improv income from tourism and developt life conditions for people that live in their places also visitors pollute environment and destroyed nature . But appear davantages be more than disadvantages.





A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Nowadays, economical benefits of tourism industry is undeniable throughout the world. How ever mass tourism can cause vary issues for both native people and visitors if not being under control. In this essay I am going to elaborate pros and cons with logical reasons also, I in favor of first statement and believe benefits will outweigh negativities.

In the one hand, tourism industry's direct effect is to enrich destination country's economic and this lead to a vast amount of revenue for both native inhabitants and the local government. A great example is Thailand which has experienced flourishing in its economy. Moreover, the passive influence is that visitors will become familiar with native's cultural backgrounds and traditional habits also different cuisines and the fact that Viewers become obsessed with traditions, equivalents more and more travellers for their country and more income as a result of that.

In the other hand, unplanned tourism programs plus insufficient infrastructures in target cities, will lead to huge difficulties for residents and foreigners. For instance rising in crime rate is one of the potential challenges. Unpredictable bad behaviors will lower the number of people who want to observate picturesque scenery, magnificent museums and awe-inspiring spots. Therefore, one of the main responsibilities for local police departments is to make the entire city more safer in order to lower the crime rate. 

In conclusion, although mass tourism can result in a rise in criminal activities, it greatly improves local residents's income as well as the government. Hence, I strongly believe that positive points outweigh the drawbacks.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

These days, Tourism industrial has a crucial contribution in government budgets. whilst this sounds great, actually unmanaged tourism can also cause some problems. Now this question arise that what are the benefits and costs of tourism and what is their relationship.

Tourism as an income-generating industrial has been taken into consideration by governments while they don’t pay attention to its effect. It affects societies from economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects that are categorize in continue.

 Negative economic effects are economic dependency, fading of internal industries, emergence of unstable jobs and in opposite, its positive impacts are managed employment and decrease unemployment, foreign exchange entry, using   internal society strata from tourism facilities and rising living standards.

Negative environmental impacts are damage to the vegetation, varrios pollution, changing agricultural land use while the effort of government and local community to take care of natural resource is the key positive impact of tourism development.

Finally, negative socio-cultural effects of tourism are cultural conflicts and cultural invasion and in contrast the positive effects are protection of cultural heritage, revival of forgotten native cultures, improving social and cultural infrastructures and creation local pride.

It can be said to conclude if tourism development is managed, its disadvantages will be less and the governments can use its advantages more.

Elahe Bahmani




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Tourism industry has a crucial role in developing economic these days. It is true that wrong measures have consequences for the community. While, in my opinion, the privileges of it are more than the its negative effect.

On the one hand, it causes some disadvantages in terms of economic, environmental and cultural. First of all, economic is original base if improper use is done, overuse will be formed in tourism. It causes other industries find less role and may be damaged. As a result, unsustainable jobs are developed among people. In addition, for environmental, it has consequences not only for vegetation, but for also weather and water. Even, population density in tourist centers is caused gradually loss of tourist attractions regardless of the appropriate capacity. Moreover, improper development of tourism is misunderstandings among of cultures. Perhaps, same native people may think that their resources is finishing.

On the other hand, tourism is a profitable industry in communities Then, it mustn’t omit. Primary, foreign currency can be entered to country and economically, a big change will be taken shape. Secondly, unemployment rate will be decreased as follow it more job opportunity will be formed. thirdly, tourism is a stimulus for preserving of cultural heritage. As an example, more facilities will be established in area. Often traditional are forgotten and many of them are revived by accepting tourist.

Finally, so local areas are as resources for incoming, definitely, it is more noticeable by government for preserving.

To sum up, it is clear that bad managing for tourism has some problems. But with progressing day by day, communication with another place is necessary and one of them is tourism. Hence, its benefits are surely heavier than its losses for having a development.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

It is a largely held view, that tourism plays a vital role in nations economy and it is considered as a major source of income as well.

However, tourism can cause several problems to countries and its environment, If it is not handled properly. The following  paragraphs shall highlight my point of view on this matter.

tourism is undoubtably, one of the greatest source of cash for any government. not only it introduces the culture of the destination country to the people of the word, but also, it has advantageous points to the economy and job satisfactory. I believe the merits of tourism outweighed its demerits; for proving my point “Italy” is a great example. Italy is one of the most popular countries with enormous tourism industry. millions of people find Italy as their holiday destination every year. even though the country itself has major economical issues and they may go bankrupt because of their unpaid loans. Tourism has helped this country’s economy and has given the opportunity of a lifetime to its commuters because of the amazing scenery, delicious food, welcoming people etc.

on the other hand,the lack of management can harm the country and its people to some extent. usually during holidays specific countries would be packed to the point that even the citizens face difficulties doing their day to day chores. Moreover, the destruction of environment is an inevitable result of tourism. Tourists do not pay attention to their part in destroying and polluting oceans and jungles. Needless to mention how much it can costs governments to clean up after them.

From what has been discussed, and in order to draw a conclusion, tourism is considered as a moneymaker industry. it introduces cultures and cause cultural convergence and if it is managed correctly and supervised for protection of environment and government’s property, it is a great approach.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Tourism plays a significant role in a lot of countries' economic development. Meanwhile, without appropriate managment, it can create some problems. From my perspective, in modern countries, advantages of tourism outweigh the drawbacks.

On the one hand, if there were not sufficient surveillance ,tourism can bring trouble in various terms. The first and major problem can be pertained to increasing population in popular places. Therefore there cannot be a choice for people's holiday. In addition,  congestion of tourist are seen in other regular places, like market and park. Secondly, many dirt places are observed which tourists throw rubbish on the earth. Government must consider regulation and fine about this issue.

On the other hand, I believe, attendance of tourist in a country has major benefits in various aspect. The most important case is economical aspect value. Modern countries invest on it, and offer suitable condition to attract more of them. Then, to provide services, many jobs in country create and the rate of unemploiment decrease. Furthermore, tourist are a rich source to convey culture of a community. They are the best way to introduce a country to the world. So the nation find international validity.

In conclusion, although a tourism industry has some disadvantages, advantages of them are more valuable.when a country has suitable economy and strong culture, it certainly become more successful.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Nowadays, most places, countries or maybe a continent being popular through tourists who traveled to these places. This tourists not only cause have been bankroll source, but also cause have been some problems and issues. In my opinion, the plus points of tourists outweighed drawbacks. 

Tourists have pros for a place. First, when some tourist's group go to a place, this cause to trend that place. For example, a restaurant where cook delicious foods with high quality, even with high cost, travelers go to this restaurant, So it dues to that being top in a city. Second, tourists give golden opportunity to local people that they bring their handmade or goods for selling in streets or in their shop. Tourists learn and acquaintance with new culture and this culture advertise in the world. In addition, hotels, museum, recreational place being blossom deal to revenue source. So, I think the tourists have advantage effect on a place. 

In other side, some problems maybe being occurred in a place. Firstly, travelers who came for visiting may refuge in a camp that have some security problems for a city. Moreover, while the population of tourists being rise, the pollution being increase such as putting garbage on streets. In addition, some tourists face culture shock. Finally, if it does not manage correctly, this place being confuse. 

To conclude, the majority of incomes relate to tourists. Although the tourist may have positive impacts on incomes, it has some significant issues and negative impacts. In my idea, the pros of tourists outweighed their corns.





A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

During the two last centuries people have tended to visit new countries and get familiar with new societies in the world. Travelling to other countries has bot pros and cons and it should be investigated meticulously. To the best of my knowledge benefits of this trend is much bigger than its drawbacks.


To begin with, the benefits of this event is numerous that some of them are brings in the following.  Firstly, tourism is an inseparable part of each economy and these days there are many countries that rely on it. This item cover over 30 percent of their GDP; For instance, in Emirate and Singapore tourism bring huge amount of money to their governments. In the second place, people can wide their horizons by visiting new countries and their museums and palaces that say a lot about the history. The most famous place for get data about history of human life is the louver museum in Paris.


However, there are some negative points in it. For noticing two of them, at first, it can eradicate the culture of local societies in those countries. It is obvious most of the young migrate to big cities to service tourists that travel to their country because of better salary rather than involving in fishing and farming in their villages. One more thing is that, tourism has eradicating effects on the environment and most of people who travel to foreign countries consider themselves irresponsible about economy of host country. Although there are some of drawbacks, there are some measures to prevent them. One of them is defining fines for throw trash in jungles or on streets and beaches.


To sum up, tourism is a modern fellow that has being viral during decades and have both of positive and negative effects on the planet. To put in a nutshell benefits of it outweigh its drawbachks.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

There is this believe that tourism is a major of issue in the world. Somebody, think tourism industry, looks to be a healthy one, but the again it maybe problematic subject. In this essay will argue about its cons and pros. 
Environment is an important aspect that it would be affected by tourism, because of tourists need to variety of welfare facilities and they usually have excessive consumption, like using of private car and using more water and so on. according to some studies, tourism creates more air pollution and they more exterminate the wild life. There are some concerned about vital resources. Most people believe tourists usually do not consider to outstanding resources, however such as actions that are done by tourists make this potential drawback.
On the other hand, tourism usually can make more profit for every country and makes opportunities for different business, in terms of economy tourism is essential. I have read a article that it has been written about tourism income, the writer mentioned to a lot of employments that have been create by tourism like business in restaurants, hotels, shops and so on. tourism not only make money for ever country, but also it can show power of the country to the word, it is a great benefit. 
It goes without saying that, culture significant topic in the world, tourism can play essential role in this dimension, because tourism can expend every country’s culture, in the four corners of the world. Due to their advertise that make by person to person or by media . I have heard in latest news that, tourism can be biggest advertiser for every country and their culture, that it is very good point.

In conclusion I can say there are more benefits than drawbacks to tourism industry.

Abbas Hooshangi/GN




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

 Tourism industry has always been a great source of revenue for a lot of countries. In the past decades, in conclusion to development of the science of the world and increasing the quantity and quality of means of transportation, traveling to other places has become way easier and faster.

  In my opinion, the first pro about tourism is that, it can soak up a lot of money for the local people living there. for example, when a country or a region has particular natural spaces that can absorb tourists, that regions local people can earn a living by doing works such as handcrafts selling and cooking cuisine of that specific area. The other thing, that I consider as a positive point, is the cultural exchange that happens in the touristic cities. I believe people who live in these kind of cities are more acquainted to different cultures so they can take the good from each culture and that’s why they are mostly kind and affectionate people.

  As well as advantages, there are several drawbacks for the tourism industry in today’s world. The most important one is that when an area absorbs so many tourists, there is always a crowding of people in some specific areas and that can cause disturbance to native people and even disrupt their lives. Harming the nature is something else that have extreme negative effects and it’s commonly happening in touristic areas.

  To summarize what have been mentioned, I would like to say that tourism in the world that we are now living in, has plenty of pros and somehow inevitable cones. In my opinion the best we can do is to try to derive benefits from it and also avoid the problems it could cause us. 




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Nowadays, the tourism industry has been expanded and income in many countries has been depended on tourism and wage rely on visitors. However, tourism brings some problems if it is not managed correctly. In this essay I will discuss the merit and demerit associate with this given trend. Although I believe that that are more benefits as compared to problems.

On the one hand, tourism brings a lot of advantages to countries economy. Firstly, tourism creates a lot of job opportunities in services like accommodation, transport, entertainment. So, people can get a decent job in their region. For example, Isfahan city in Iran one of the best cities which attracts thousands of people every year so many hotels have been constructed in there and these hotels hired many local people in Isfahan. Secondly, in the tourist area local people have a chance to learn another language to make communication with visitors. If the local people make good communication with traveler, it would help them to know their culture and life style. As a result, it opens their minds.

However, tourists have some negative effects on country. For example, tourist can destroy natural environment and local culture. In this case, government should introduce laws to protect natural environment and local culture. In addition, tourists can produce pollution and waste. These problems can be reduced if government try to recycle waste and use renewable energy like solar. 

In conclusion, although tourism can have negative effects, it has an extremely positive influence on countries economy. I believe that the benefits of tourism outweigh it’s drawbacks.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

These days,there are many countries that their economy is highly dependent on tourist industry and their major source of earning is their tourist attractions.However,it has been proved that this relying has several disadvantages as well as benefits.I believe that the advantages of this industry is far more considerable than its drawbacks and it certainly outweighs the disadvantages. 

In the past thirty years, the tourism industry has grown significantly and in some countries it became the major industry. One of the advantages of trusting tourism as a main source of income is that the country does not need high development in technology and other industries since it is only required to provide the necessary circumstances for visitors, such as safety and accommodation. 
Another benefit of this industry is the fact that it is much more eco-friendly than other industries and it does not damage and hurt nature and other creatures. 

On the other hand, there are also some drawbacks for this way of income. The most striking one is being too dependent on the tourism industry which may not be working on several occasions, such as a pandemic. Since the Chinese virus began spreading in the whole world, the countries which were relying on their tourist industries have witnessed a huge recession that led to detrimental consequences. 
Another downside might be related to the expenses of maintaining tourist attractions which are said to be massive.  

To conclude, there are many consequences of being dependent on the travel industry that some of them are considered as benefits and others as downsides. However, as it has been stated above, the advantages of that significantly outweighs its drawbacks.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

In some places, the tourism is pivotal for economy in way that a big part of people’s income is depend to it, but beside this crucial role, it comes with some problems in case of wrong management. This matter is a good idea of debate and I want to present my analysis in the following.

The monetary benefit of tourism lies on the increasing of visiting of people from other places to a special place and since this journey is temporary, these people need shelter and food and also hobbies for their leisure time. These items bring prosperity to popular places for tourists, since a lot of hotels always are needed, and their restaurants and pops always have customers, and it comes with money which is the one of main aims in tourism. But sometime things do not go in an expected way. Because of the more demand for food and goods in these places, the prices are higher than other places, and it rises the life costs for indigenous, but since their much higher income because of tourists, it is negligible.

Rising of communication is an inseparable part of tourism. Local people meet new people and get familiar with their cultures, languages and life styles. So these places are acting as a hub for importing new ideas and cultures, and aboriginals could learn a lot, which is so desirable. But sometimes it could be the source of conflicts, too. For instance, in Iran, conservatives are mad with the tourists’ wearing and accuse them to cultural invasion and want to limit them. But it is not the idea of whole community and these people are a minority which cannot realize the huge advantage of cultural communication with foreign.
To conclude, the tourism industry brings prosperity, cultural exchanges and improvement in languages skills. It opens new way for incomes for residents and improve their life standards, but have some issues intrinsic problems which with good programs are manageable and are not bid deals.




The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.


The pie chart indicates the amount of money that American’s charity spent and earned in 2016.

Based on pie chart information, food was the owner of the biggest proportion of income with 86.6 percent. Communities had the second stage of this revenue with 10.4 percent and earning approximately 5.3 million dollars. The lowest source of revenue belonged to investment income and the government grants with same percentage equal to 0.2 percent.

The main expense of the charity was for the program services (95.8 percent). Two other sources with one difference was fundraising and management and general expenditures, 2.6 , 1.6 percent respectively.

In conclusion, the vast income resource among six items was donated food while for expenditures was program services.




The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.

The mentioned pie chart illustrates the sum of money that a non-profit-making organization for children which is located in USA expended and accumulated in 2016 .

As a glance , it may be perceived that the total amount of greens that the charity received was more that what they spend , but through the details a plethore of lack of resemblance can be beheld . 

To compare these two pie charts , the percentage  gained donated food is almost one tenth less than the bonus of program services expenditure . The proportion of the community contributions is just one tenth , which means the charity was noticed in this state 8 times less than the bonud they received in donated food . 

To have a conclusion , the amount of money that children obtained or laid out in 2016 is demonstrated by pie charts ,the entire money that they acquired was more , however, detailed percentages indicates that programme services were more than gained donated food .




The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.

this pie chart shows the amount of received and spent amount of money of a children's charity in the USA. it is clear that more than 86% of revenue source is from donated food and second rank of revenue source is from community contributions with more than 10%. furthermore it can be said that third rank of revenue source is for program revenue with a percentage of 2.2%. it is obvious that other source of incomes like investment income and government grants are less than 1% of revenue sources.

on the other chart it is shown that more than 95% of expenditures is for program services and second rank for expenditures are for fundraising with 2.6%. meanwhile the third place of expenditures is for managment and general with a percentage of 1.6%.

as a final comparison, it is clear that expenditures are a little bit less than revenue incomes. in fact the total amount of incomes is 53.561.580 USD and the total amount of expenditures is 53.224.896 USD.




The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.

These given charts illustrate sources of charities who work specifically for children in the USA and the ways of expenditure in 2016. 
Overall, most of charities were gained by edible things and the shortest part related to government and investment income. Extremely of expenditures also related to program services. 
As the first chart shows, near 87% of resources provided by donating food. After that, just above 10% was absorbed by people helping. The other contribution was related to program revenue by just 2.2%. The other resources like investment income, government grants and other factors were not considerably. All in all, it was more than 53000000 dollars that was a bit more than expenditures.
Some details that given by other pie chart, vividly show the main expenditures was allocated to program services by around 96%. Actually, 2.6% were expended for fundraising and the reminds of budget was allocated to management and general.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is said that by learning art in schools the function of pupils gets better. The reason is that it gets easier for multi-ability pupils to learn new courses. Therefore, they believe that art should be a forced-lesson in schools. This essay will discuss the benefits and harm of this view and will give an personal opinion regarding why it is not eligible to make art a obligatory lesson. 

Initially, it is claimed that teaching arts in schools should be essential. In other words, they are insisting that children that learn arts can function better than others. To give an example, children who listened to music in school at morning are shown to have an better performance during the day. In contrast to that, those of the students that did not listen to music functioned less.

On the other hand, they command that arts should be obligatory in schools. This means that no matter what the student wants, they are forced to attened the art classes. Research shows that, by making arts a obligatory lesson, the ability of 70% of students dropped dramatically in learning new things such as math. 

By my way of thinking, it is good to inspire and cheer students by art and if they wanted, they can also join the art classes. However, I believe that making arts an forced subject would not help the students in any ways, as it may become frustrating.

All things considered, teaching arts in schools can be very beneficial for some students. Though, making it a obligatory course may hurt some of the students that don't enjoy taking it.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

Youth is one of the most important part of life for every body, in this period, schools are tried to be taught all the necessary skills for the future life. One of the best things which must be taught is art.

Art has three parts which can be summarized in literature, fine art and performing. In all three, students can enhance their ingenuity , train new expertness and how to use them in their real life. Art can help people to get away from tensions and everyday life and experience their own special world. And the best time for acquaintance and learning art is school time. We had enough time and energy for doing everything and we were not afraid of the judgment of others.

Nevertheless, Some people believe that art cannot be learned and should be in people's nature, and everyone is good at something! So, it is not obligatory to teach everyone and they should be talent scouted. In this theory, enomrous of talents are not recognized.

Eventually, in nowadays, most of parents have decided to choose schools where art can be taught for their children. This shows that learning art in schools is a popular way to improve theire skills and having a better future٫ and students have more fun time to enjoy their life.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?


Art and its impact in daily life has became a hot topic of controversy. There are lots of argument about  whether authorities force students to study art beside other lessons or not? Personally,  I disagree with this decision and I reckon that the disadvantages will come at a huge cost.

On the one hand, many people believe that if children study art at school it will help them to perform their best in all sides of life. On the top of that , nowadays young people are incredibly intelligent and eager and they can learn several skills.  Due to that , learning art is going to have a variety of positive aspects on their life. First, physically and mentally they will be much more healthy. Second,  they can tackle with problems easier than others. Last but not least, they will experience hight emotions and feel too close to their heart and soul therefore art would be a source of inspiration to them.

On the other hand, others have this point of view that as a human we all are free and nothing would not become compulsory to us. In addition,  they say that we could not fix just one pathway for everyone. Also, there are lots of pupil who not talented at any autistic subjects. Then forcing them to study art will cause to a lot of mental disorders. For instance, I can remember my cousin schools force them to play one musical instrument and this competition between students cause a lot of psychological damage.  In my eyes, any illegal obligation it woul be totally wrong. 

In conclusion, although acquiring knowledge in art would have lots of benefits for children but there are several disadvantages which woul not be ignored. I strongly believe that, authorities by making this decision are going to barking up the wrong tree.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

Throughout history people have noticed to art due to this subject is an inseparable part of our life. Since art have been demanded, this item is offered in many private and also governmental school. Some people including me are on believe that that it is absolutely essential for students who have innate talent to be a reputable artist in the future.


To begin with, art is an industry and has its own market and in many countries art can act as a source of income, so that is crucial to teach and detect children for various art subjects. For instance, in Mexico there are so many street singers that attract tourists to this country to enjoy their carnivals. To be an example more, people whose work is painting can make others to come and see their works in their exhibition.


In the second place, learning art from young ages is much more effective than old ages, due the fact that human’s brain is fresh to receive new concepts. For noticing one of them, Farshchian had been painting from childhood and had taught in school. Besides, there are so many courses in school that some of them are highly necessary for a person, and art could be one of them because of its importance hat come from preserving our national culture.


To sum up, it is a fact that teaching art in schools is vital and has potential of bringing huge benefits to a country. This issue is related to growing GDP, detecting brilliant artists, and also preserving our culture that all of these three items bring credit for us among nations in the world.


Mohammad Hassan
Mohammad Hassan


Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

Governments tend to make a progress in their education systems. Therefore, one of that way is learning art for students be able students to outperform in other topics, because students who are multi-skilled can study easily. It is argued art in essential for pupils. Although, I admit that learn extensively can be harmful for some types of students, I believed that learn art optionally in school is more useful.

On the one hand, teaching art Mandatory disturb sort of pupils. Firstly, governments and schools must allocate considerable budgets for teaching art in all of schools and the major part of that cost spend for art equipment. However, these cost presumably do not affect on all of pupils and can invest on other factors could impact on performance. Secondly, Obligatory subjects can cause some serious problem at first stage. For instance, if students feel lack skill in art, they will percept lack of confidence between others and then can cause mental disease at the end because they think who do not have skill in art could not be successful in everything.

On the other hand, studying art should be arbitrary in schools. Firstly, learning art can substantial way for making money for who has favorite in these artistic topics and artistic career will be authentic in future and rate of recruiting goes up for art lovers. Secondly, art might expose their talented pupils and their creativity in all of subjects. I think teaching optionally have more useful results.

In conclusion, compulsory learning art can have bad consequences. However, In my opinion, training voluntary have more positive advantages.






Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?


Art   is a one of the important lesson at school, which can help student to improve their ability to learn many different skills in the high quality, being compulsory this field has to happen in schools. However, I am strongly, disagree with this opinion.

To begin with, there are arguments that art is a more important lesson than another one   and it can help children to have a cutting aged of their ability. Perhaps because they believe that studying art is only proper topic for children. One of the main issues with this statement is art in any field is not interesting topic for all students, having negative impacts on them rather than progressing in other subject because for them certainly art is too boring and not interesting to pay attention to it, encouraging them to avoid. Therefore, forcing studying about art for all student is a wrong strategy. 

On the other hand, the majority of the population of many schools consists of the ordinary children with a normal intelligence, and very few of them are clever and fast leaner. So if the government or school authority just imposes some rules by considering about that kind of children and forcing other normal student to react as the intelligent one, certainly not having positive effect. For example, children who are not multi-skilled student, art is can be very difficult and challenging for them and if they get the bad result they lost their confident and recognize themselves as a person who is not talented. Nonetheless, they can obtain the best result in other subject. 

 In conclusion, art could be a useful subject for some students and improve their learning skills. However, it definitely cannot be helpful for all the student who are studying in the same the school.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is proved that study art influences the performance of some students in a good way  because they have various skills learning new thing would be easy to grasp so art will be added to time table of school. While I think art is a worthy subject and field , teaching it compulsory not only is not useful but also bring in some problems with some  students.

Pupils can benefit from art as a precious subject. First of all, it helps student to express their selves ,and will  flourish their skill as if they have a talent that have not been appeared before. Also it will give them self- confidence as they can be creative . secondly, they are given a clue that they can improve and advanced it when they get older, whether as career or entertainment.

However, concerning to art as subject in schools can bring in some drawbacks. The main reason that obligatory form of teaching art is not beneficial is that some children lose their concentration on science subject which interested in because art is too tough task for some who talented in math or physics. Additionally,  as schools aim is that to make them familiar with different kind of art in short time students have to  provide various material for different art  for instance, different brush or pencil and special paper which some of them are pricy an impose unnecessary  some cost on students ‘ families. Some subject will be selected by students.

It is proved that study art influences the performance of some students in a good way  because they have various skills learning new thing would be easy to grasp so art will be added to time table of school. While I think art is a worthy subject and field , teaching it compulsory not only is not useful but also bring in some problems with some  students.

Pupils can benefit from art as a precious subject. First of all, it helps student to express their selves ,and will  flourish their skill as if they have a talent that have not been appeared before. Also it will give them self- confidence as they can be creative . secondly, they are given a clue that they can improve and advanced it when they get older, whether as career or entertainment.

However, concerning to art as subject in schools can bring in some drawbacks. The main reason that obligatory form of teaching art is not beneficial is that some children lose their concentration on science subject which interested in because art is too tough task for some who talented in math or physics. Additionally,  as schools aim is that to make them familiar with different kind of art in short time students have to  provide various material for different art  for instance, different brush or pencil and special paper which some of them are pricy an impose unnecessary  some cost on students ‘ families. Some subject will be selected by students.

In conclusion, although art have some advantages for students, schools should not make students to take part in art class and put it in their time table because impact on other pupils see no point in art.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

These days art is really popular subject in most schools and students are really enthusiastic to participate in such classes .There is a view that some people claim that it is not of importance to acquire that, while I believe, it could be really beneficial for all pupils as it can enhance all their abilities and let them to learn new knowledge easily and we should force them to be master in it.This essay will highlights the benefits of that.


To begin, art could improve the creativity of students ,as we can see most artist try to spread new version of their arts which are really attractive for all people .For example, singers used to produced the combination of two types of music, like pop and traditional.so students will be encourage to do some unique projects which can improve their brain activity to be specific in their way .


Furthermore, youngsters can broaden their horizon with gaining art. Whereas, art is a global language, it can force students to improve their knowledge about different skills and cultures, which can raise the awareness of them in different field .In hence, if someone want to have popular and famous gallery, they should  draw about various subjects and fields to have way more visitors.


In conclusion, Although, some students prefer to learn other subjects ,I wholeheartedly agree that, it could be a vital part of each child, considering to all advantage of that .Not only does it can improve their creativity ,but also it could inhance all they abilities as they should be up to date about all subjects.





Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

A strong strategy for increasing students performance in different subjects is teaching art in schools. So that, pupils become multi-skilled and will learn new things faster. Although this could be a good reason for obligation in art teaching and I mostly agree with the idea, but there are aspects that should be considered.

 All the humans have the sense of art that should be trained. Fiercely, our brain is consist of different parts which have their specific function. we can Strengthen this lobes by means of doing a variety of mental and even physical activities. For instance, a region in left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for artistic and emotional abilities that can be improved via painting or singing. Such a regions in brain are responsible for logical thinking or literacy which are trained in a schools by topics like maths and literature. So, educating different topics including arts increase students abilities and contribute to multi-skilled pupils who will interface and solve problems more smartly.

 Making art education compulsory may have unpleasant consequences, because people’s intelligent and learning abilities is not the same. As an illustration, one person can draw eye-catching paintings while other one is a genius in physics. in such condition if schools make students learn art unwillingly, it will change their attitude to education and Lessons.

 To sum up, obligation in learning art in schools might graduate multi-functional people who can learn new things easier. meanwhile, it can make a students pessimistic to school if they were untalented in the subject.





Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

Everyday life today student need state_of_the_art methods to enrich their skills that leads to learn new things easier. One strong model is studying art at school which help students’ performance other Subjects.I compeletly agree with this argument.


In my view that art can greatly enrich learning. Research findings confirm that student are shaped byPeople, experience and the environment which in live. Therefore, art gives pupils the opportunity toExpress some aspect of their personality by doing something completely different from daily routine. As a result  they can boost the efficiency of their learning  by art. Moreover, some kind of art, being amember of musician group, for example, give them feeling an intense of belonging to a group.  Studentwho have a chance to experience art are more likely to achieve learning skills. Consequently, governments should raise public awareness about it and compulsory until college level.


In contrast, some people claim that art is part of education and it does not play a vital role in one’s skills and is  not relationship between lack of art and improve learning. they firmly insist that other subjects,Such as, mathematic, physics or learning new language are more effective on students’ learning.However, I do not find this argument convincing as it is important to bear in mind that simply devoting Some subjects like mathematic cannot guarantee a promotion. It needs an analytical mind and Hardworking which many students don not like to deal whit.

In conclude, I believe all subjects schools are decisive factors in students’ learning in long run  and all subjects must be compulsory by educational authorities before college level.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

The reason art ought to be obligated in schools is studying art in schools progresses students' execution in other topics since it is simpler for multi-skilled understudies to memorize modern things. From a personal point of view i agree with this contentious topic due to some reasons however it is not right to commit craftsmanship at schools. 

As a personal experience and belife, learning an art can leads to better function of brain.in other words the more things you learn the more you can be mastered in other subjects. Celebral cortex is a outer layer of the brain and it has myriad folds which makes it  like a wrinkled_like matter it has an avalance of duties such as memory,learning,decision_making and intelligence. According to researches the more students learn arts such as music and painting the more their cortex get new folds, As a result their brain function increase so thy can get more new things learning art can really help with this subject. 


On the other hand, this is should be considered that it is not right to obligate some subjects at schools which serves no purpose in pupils academic life. Art could be a subjects which is valuable for delight only and It should not be take seriously because it might be a waset of time instead some valuable subjects like science,math, human science can be cinsidered truly also barin function progression  is not limited to art only there is a whole raft of thing to challeng the brain and learning abilities like sport,mathematics and new language I assume it is better to the art to be optional for pupils. 

To sum up, It is my firm belive that art is a topic  not only for student but also to everybody else who whish to level up their abilities but it is bet to leave it to individuals to select it.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

whether arts should be teached in schools always was a controversial issue in the society.Some indivuduals argu that teaching art in schools contributes to the improvement of their performance in other lessons, since it is much easier for the students who are multi-skilled to learn new things.Thereso,some people advise the obligation of instructing art at schools.In my opinion, this is an acceptable attitude. 
There are different fields in art such as, painting, singing, acting, playing musical instruments which all of these have its own possitive effects on the efficiency of the functioning of students .This phenonmenon leads to benefits for both schools and students.

Firstly, it can boost the one's mind agility.For instance a psychological report states that the percentage of those who paints and uses different colors in their painting are more creative than others.

secondly, it may make people to be more relaxed.
According to the news, people who play  musical instruments are more calm and happy than the others.

Finally,being more calm and relaxed boost the concentration of individuals which is useful for both students and the schools.In other word, it is prooved that the more effective students be, the better is the rank of schools.For example, it is reported the majority amount of children who are professional in different sorts of arts are more consentrative than who does not.

In conclusion, the goverments should allocate some policies to add a new field of subject as an art in order to make the function of one's learning better in different concepts.Also children should obtain their parent's support to this phenomenon.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

it is argued that art is the only subject that can promote the student's skills in the other credits and learning new skills are cream of the crop for those who are multi skilled. in addition, they feel that art subject should be a vital subjects in education institutions. I agree to some extent with this statment. in this following paragraphs, i shall discuss my opinion and give supporting reasons.

There are two main resons for some who claim that this obligation can not stimulate students to learn other subject easily and force them to study art is not a good idea. first of all, they think it limits the student's choices and they cannot choose their subject freely. Therefor, schools should allow them to choose every subject that they prefer. the other reason is, despite the fact that some individuals believe multi skill students can learn new skills easier by this method, others think it is not general and they deny this hypothesis by proving the opposite of that. this meansm, learning new skills depend on the personality and ability of every students.

Turning to other side of arguement, nember of peolpe agree and they feel art subject improves the ability of students in the other subjects and it should be an obligation subject in schools. they give two reasons. firstly, if students learnt art well, they would be more creative. in other words, learning new skills would be a piece of cake for whom that can do some works together. secondly, doing art works take long time and students learn how to be patient during learning new skills. as a result, students can learn more skills gradually.

to sum up, it is clear that although, some people disagree with forcing students to study art subject, personally i am in favour of that, beacuse, art is a cruicial subject in schools, beacuse, it motivate students to be more creative and they can learn new skills step by step. 




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

   Art is a way which can make progress in student learning skills and make studying easier for them. some people believes studting art must be cumpulsory during school time. I partly agree with this idea, I believe art can use brain and make students multi-tasked person; however, forcing students to do something that they do not enjoy, can make them feel abhored of art.

    Art is a great way to help students study better. There are so many benefits for art to count. As  scientists mention, art can help the brain improvement. It can use some different parts of brain and increase the inteligence. Furthermore, as art has both visual and physical activities, it can help students work on becoming multi-tasked people by practicing. Also, making progress happens mentally duing time as they practice on their imaginaton.

   On the other hand, everything which is forced to do can also be dangerous. obligation can always be harmful and make students to do something can destroy their talent. Psycologycally speaking, forcing people make them hate that secific subject. Moreover, not everybody have enough talent in art so they can loose their self confidence if they should do art and feel their skills scarce. Besides, the cost of materials needed for art is high. For instance, musical instruments or painting tools are really expensive and not all the families afford buying them.

   Hence, art can make progress in childeren mind and make them become multi-tasked people because it can use their brain's part. Nevertheless, forcing yonths can make them hate that subject.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

It has been proven that student's function in different topics can be enhanced in aid of teaching art to student in school. Actually, some people are of the opinion that it is more simple to learn new thing for students who have been educated art. Thus, they believe that students should study art in school.

I completely agree with this fact which students can get beneficial impact on learning through art education. In my point of view, art can lead students to have more ability to increase the amount of creativity in making new idea and solving issues. Indeed, by learning art, students will find a vision from another perspective to look at other subjects. Further more, Intelligence quotient can be boosted by studying art in young age. In addition, the capability to communicate and understand another object, by and large, will be easier, since the effort to gain knowledge of art can builds new neural networks in the brain. For instance, if someone is skilled in an art, things may come to their mind that they  wouldn't normally. 

Overall, multi-skilled students who have trained art in school can have more ability to deal with other subjects in school and catch new things. Consequently, Their performance in other subjects will develop and they will be more successful to identify their interest in adulthood.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that schools should consider art subjects in their curriculum, since studying them resulst in performance improving due to the fact that learning several skills make students to learn novel activities easier. I agree with this statement bacause of some reasons,which has been described in this essay.

Firstly,artistic subjects stimulate and strengthen the right hemisphere of barin, which is related creativitiy,sapatial ability, artistic and musical skills,which is not considered to improve by most of poeple.Hence,it would be crucial to be taught in schools from primary levels such as kindergardens and primary schools and higher to higher levels.As a result,they improve their brain functions and will be able to learn variuos things.For example,it is observed that students with sufficient painting and drawing skills,maintain higher mathematics scores compared to those who haven't artistic abilities.

Secondly,as we try to learn another things regardless of the subject,we develop and train our brains to perform efficiently and function appropriately.Additionally,a new skill would be helpful in another aspect of our lives.for instance,a person who has acting and theatre performing abilities,has gain enough confident to learn easier to speak in front of so many poeple in any probable confrences or gathering with an impressing body language.So arts benefit students considerably in schools.

To conclude,arts should be included in schools schedules because they are beneficial for students  to easily  learn new thinngs, like improvig skills related to left hemisphere of brain and making brain more developed and better functioned by learning different subjects.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that studying art in school has been developing students’ abilities in other matters, for multi-skilled students could learn things easily. So, these people say that studying art in school must be compulsary. I absolutely disagree with the idea and I will support my opinion by the following reasons. 
Firstly, few number of students do like art subjects. What I mean by this is that a limited number of students prefer to keep their education at art fields and most of them consider art as a boring subject. So, there is no guarantee that students could learn something in these classes. Even more, there is a threat that obligating them to study what they do not like is resulted in leaving school or they could not get a good grade at school which is necessary to enter a university. 
Secondly, obligating students to study art in school needs a huge amount of money. In other words, governments have to hire many teachers, install facilities and buy material which are necessary in art classes. While art classes demand a massive investment in education system of a country, it does not tend to return a reasonable economical benefits for both students and society. While studying science and technology could provide a rich variety of job opportunities in future, the people who graduated in art fields from university have a weak chance to find a job in these fields. 
In conclusion, although studying art in school can have some advantages for students, I disagree that students should be enforced to study art in school because some students do not keen on art subjects as well as this issue needs a huge amount of investment in education system.

Parviz Nematipour/task2




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is said that studying art should be made compulsory in school. Because, it could  be improved students' performance in other topics specially for multi-skilled student who can learn new things easier.Personally, I am agree with this idea.
My first assume is that schools prevent other creativity except scientic section. Schools with art course help to improve pupils' mind in different themes, so that they can experience more subjects that it is csused to they probably be more effective and efficient in future. In addition students can rest when they are getting tired from scientic issues with doing art things. Also, we can not denny the fact that art helps us to be more creative not just even in artifice but also in other things like knowledge, industry and etc.
Unfortunately, there are some parents who are not paying enough attention to their childrens' talent so they can not find the right profession and at the end they take unsuitable work. In fact, it is the governments' duty to provid the productive space for pupils to they can test different ocation in school and find themselves in accurate position. Perhaps, they can be more usful in their function for society in a future age. Being study art obliginary in school along with knowledge helps students enjoy more from being at school.
In conclusion, I believe that putting art courses in school is essential to extend student efficiency specially for some of them who are multi-skilled which from that it is needed to be made studying art copulsory in schools by government.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

In this day and age , it is prove that studying art in school  improves students performance in other matters ,  because it is easier for their who know multi skilled to learn new thing .To my mind ,  this issue can be suitable for them , whereas  sometimes can be negative for them .                                                                        Learning art improves students performance in other fields in school . One of the reasons for this matter is that art's students have a good mood to learn different things like scientis , math , sports and they can learn faster than others in other fields. As a matter of fact ,they have enough patient to stay or learn in  different situation and this issue is very comfortable for them to cope with anything easily . The last but not least point is that they are more creative ,  because this is nature of this field , and if they focus more on things , the result of that can be amazing for them.                                                             One the other hand , learning art in school it is not enough for students .Furthermore , they have to learn all of the lessons which teach in schools , and only art can not solve a lot of problems in the future.In other words , they must learn history , accounting and different issue which is very essential for either their self and also for their children in the next years.                                                                                         To sum up, from my point of view , it is partially true that studying art I'm school improves students performance in other students , because it is easier for multi skilled students to learn new things .




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is said that teaching art should be compulsory at school due to the fact that it cause students to be multi-skilled. So they will be able to learn and perform other subjects in a better way. From my point of view, although studying art at school will be positively effective in this way, it can cause to some adverse effects if it is compulsory. 
On one hand, students who experience learning art during their studying at school are more likely to succeed when they try to learn other new things. That is to say, it is proven  that some communication circuits of the brain are more and stronger in artists’ brain in comparison with other people.This is because, some chemical substances reales in the brain through doing some art activities such as playing a musical instrument, painting,  and so on which causes to improving mental strength by making new  brain circuits. Since this circuits play an important role in learning process, the more circuits the easier learning. 
On the other hand, it should be also considered that forcing student to do something they are not interested in or talented in can lead to feeling stupid. Due to the fact that, when student force to do something which are not interested in there is almost no chance of progress  in that field for them. Thus, they have to spend more time to perform a same art activity in comparison whit their classmate. It can make them feel stupid because they may think they have a problem with learning while they have this problem only with art which is not their interest. So it is better they spend this time and energy on those subjects that are more essential and interesting to them. 
In conclusion, I believe that although studying art helps student to learn other subjects easier, when it is obligatory it can makes some students feel stupid.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, some people believe that compulsory learn of art for multi-skilled pupils have some benefits. And they are more prepare for learning new things. In this essay I will discuss that why I agree with this point of view. 

However, while learning art becomes as a mandatory option in schools, the learners with different abilities would not overcome all their duties. For instance, the students with lower ability cannot concentrate on their main lessons. So, they cannot overcome the cocurricular and their spirit will be destroyed. Moreover, for some of them who do not like team work in arts group, it leads to cause problem.

On the other hand, arts have some different aspects and while students learn some disciplines such as theater and music, they can increase their social skills. For example, when they have performance in front of crowded audience it will help them to improve their self-confidence. Besides, other activities such as painting would help them to decrease their stress and brings them the high level of creativity. 

In conclusion, in spite of learning arts have some disadvantages for the younger generation, the advantages are far exceed the drawbacks. 






The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The pie chart gives information about men and women are arrested in the five years ending 1994. Also the chart demonstrates the most reason for arrested. It shows what percentage of a prisoner were men and what percentage of prisoners were women.

It is clear that at this five years ending, men are arrested (32%) more than women (9%).

Imprisoned men are arrested in drinking driving, breach of order, theft and other reason. there were at least ten times as many imprisoned men as imprisoned women.

Imprisoned women are arrested in public drinking assault and others (no answer) woman approximately 35% and men approximately 31%. there were about five times as many imprisoned woman as imprisoned men.




Write a letter to the director of your company to recommend a group in your local community which deserves help.

In your letter, you should tell:


Why you suggest helping this group

How your company can help this group

What the benefits your company will in return for.

Dear sir

I am writing to provide you with information about ingenious young programmer group in our vicinity .They are tremendously talented but unfortunately there is not appropriate facilities available for them in our community.
The reason I am writing to you is that to giving them a helping hand in order to support young generation in positive way.
They worked with very out-of-date computer because they couldn't buy new up-to-date laptops therefore if it is possible could they use our companies computer site in off hours? Moreover, not only is it a great help for talented young group but also it has no cost for our company.
Furthermore, helping those group could bring a good reputation for our company, besides company can ask them to participate in some projects which needs programming.
I am looking forward for your considerate reply .If only you agree to lend the Helping Hand for them, their future might be granted .thank you in advance .





The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The information has given by bar chart are the most recent reason that cause of the arrest both of men and women in the years ending 1994 (During five years). However, the pie chart shows the percentage of women and women in this period. In the bar chart the vertical axis lists the reasons and horizontal axis shows percentage. In all reason there is a difference in the arrest rates of men and women. Among all of reason, public drinking has the highest percentage. However, in terms of number the reason of public drinking is the main reason for two gender. In addition, in this reason women outnumber men by fifty percent. The lowest reason is ,No answer, for all persons arrested. The greatest difference between men and women is for drunk driving. In this issue men outnumber women by twelve percent. In conclusion there is a substantial gap between the number of men and women arrested in the five years ending 1994 this fact has been proved by the pie chart. We can see only 9 percent of women have arrested (23 percent lower than men).    




The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

It is the proportion of the people behind bars and frequent basis of being arrested which is demonstrated by , in order , pie chart and the bar chart during the recent five years finish by turn of 1994 .

The pie chart illustrates that the precentage of the man who had been arrested was almost one forth , and just six times more than what the women was . Furthermore , the most popular reason for women to be arrested was being drunk in public and the precentage was in neighbour of 40% .  However , it is shown that some people was in jail for no reason and the proportion was the least .

There are some information about the count of both male and female generation in prison , and the proportion of their couses in 1994 . The former is indicates by pie chart and the second with bar charts . Public drinking was the topmost basis and during those five years , men were arrested more .




The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

the pie chart shows a comparison between percentage of arrested people in years 1989 till 1994. it is clear that percentage of arrested people in male group is dramatically more than female group. while 32% of males had been arrested in that period of time, only 9% of females had a prison experience.

on the other chart, the bar chart illustrates reasons of most recent arrests and compare the reasons between males and females. it is obviousely clear that approximately 37% of the women were arrested for public drinking, while the percentage for males in this crime is about 30%.

talking about drink driving crime, men have more arrests. in this trend more than 25% of men were arrested drunked while they were driving. but only 13% of women were arrested because of this crime.

the next reason for arrestment of men and women is breach of order. in this trend 18% of men and 12% of women were arrested.

women were arrested for crime of assault more than men by a percentage of 18%. only 13% of males admitted this crime.





The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The pie chart illustrates the portion of arrested women and men in five years ending 1994, and the bar chart represents the most current causes of the arrests. 
Overall, men had a higher rate of arresting than women and the public drinking can be considered as the most significant determinant of being arrested for both sex. A glance at the bar chart reveals that the public drinking demonstrated obviously the highest rate between reasons for arresting, and it was considerably higher for females than males. With regard to men, the drink-driving indicated second place, whereas for women the assault played the second place. Among all excuses, drink-driving contributed a huge difference in the rate between both genders. 
In detail, the percentage of arrested males was 23% more than females. Drink-driving and public drinking were the highest effective determinatives among.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Nowadays, individuals are connected to considerable numbers of people daily that probably high percentage of them is on online platform. Also, they have been rising the numbers of friends apparently because of some benefits such as just communications with them or increasing their self-worth personally. I think that social media can be so useful in both mentioned concepts because of some details which have been expressed in continue.

Totally, human is social critter so we are interested in having communication with others in the world. Social media has provided this situation to feed this tendency of people faster in comparison with the past that they used to be. Also among new friends who will be found on mobile applications, evidently a couple of them transfer into real friends as long as their location would be near us and even we maybe continue the connection with close friends on the internet platform forever virtually without any meeting in real life. It gives them this chance to be familiar with various characters so the range of choices that may be available to select some close friends will expand dramatically.

On the other hand, usually the persons having a lot of friends have a better feeling than the ones with lower numbers in their neighbors. In real, it leads to increase their confidence as well as make positive effects on their self-esteem. For instance, we know that these days the majority of people especially younger are sensitive on their number of followings on Instagram. Additionally, some cases pay money to have more followers to boost their credit so others trust them and will be attracted to them.


For summary, not only social media has eliminated the distance between people and limitations to make new friends, but also the large number of followers in internet causes some people matter more themselves because of successful virtual account.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

As we move into the twenty -first century, technology is affecting many different areas of life and relationship is no exception. In my opinion, people relay other’s attention as a result of technological advancement. I am also convinced that it Is important to bear in mind that simply using of new means ofcommunication cannot guarantee appositive promotion.

It is my view that, on a personal level, technology has enable us to stay in touch more easily. It is veryconvenient to be able to make friend in all around the word at any time of day and night, no matter Where you are. people used to communicate through the postal system if they wished to contact someone who lived far from them. This system was cumbersome and often lead to loss of connection.Through programs such as skype or WhatsApp, everyone can make new friend and keep in touchWith their friend and relatives around the world whenever they please.

I further believe that people who have hundreds of friends on sites such as Facebook, yet they rarely speak to them about important issues in life. Moreover, relationships may remain superficial andIndividuals find it difficult master their social interpersonal skills. therefore, some people refrain from socializing in real life situations and instead chat with others through face-to-face communication.

In conclusion, technological innovation has revolutionized our personal live by allowing us tocommunication with other people less effortlessly. We can discover a lot more about othersInterests. From my perspective, engaging in cutting-edge forms of communication coulddiminish theDepth of their relationships and this result in dropping in their self-esteem





With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Owing to a tremendous diversity of social media platforms, many add unknown individuals to their followers. I personally believe that may be some enhance their self-confidence by having a lot of unfamiliar members.However, they are not likely to find actual and reliable friends.I will be writing more about my beliefs in this essay.

Having a lot of virtual friends can have a major effect on self-confidence. Nowadays, being prominent appeals to people.Many are well-known by social media. They get the chance to indicate their job as well. A study conducted on influencers of the Instagram illustrated that they have not had much                self-confidence initially. On the plus side with their members, they can achieve higher currency.Thus, they have a significant enhance on their personal lives.

On the minus side, having a lot of members does not mean that they have a lot of friends. Rewarding friendships is rare even in the actual world. Therefore, it becomes more complex  on the media. For instance, Many have unrealistic accounts. They have not been using their own photographs.In addition,their actual attitudes and ways of living are contrast by their real world. 

In conclusion, However,social media's followers may be increasing                  self-confidence in some ways. It does not assist to find real friends. A real friend comes at a very high price.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Currently ; by consuming the different types of social media and websites , which can associate you to have relationships in distance , the new generation cosider and select strangers as their friends . In my perspective , although including a myriad of useful points which help some people with their life , this might be harmful for some human in specific ages . Which I do believe that seeing each other in person has more quality . 


To the best of my knowledge , the technology has always helped us taking steps throught the progress and still does . Moreover , for those who do not have the ability to make communication with others in flesh , or those who do not have much time for spending out , this is a best way . Also , if you do have many friends in social media , the datas and informations with no resemblance will be added to your mind automaticlly as a result of talking to people . However , if you do speak with no purpose or do not ask your question from right person , you will spend you time , nothing but in vain . By a way of illustration , I know sombody trying to reach the answers of her questins that she has from her friends in a media , but she became misguided . 


As I have told before , under no circumstances have given the credit to long distance connections crated by social media . The most noticable article in communication is meeting each other in flesh . Inspite of being cosuming , it is more respectful . If you talk to a stranger in media , specially if you are a adolicent or child , you might be in danger of being abused . Mabye they trick you to absorb you in the places or duties being illegal , such as drugs or sexual actions or alcohol which are banned for under age 18 . 


Although the existance of a countless quantitiy of communications in social media is true , it is a risk for people to maintain connection with strangers . I am emtirely againist such an action in order to prevent possible dangers .




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

internet and then social medias are thriving so rapidly that what might be todays people wilde dream may be next month public aquipment  as a result the more social wesites are manifold the more folks accumulate social network friends  i believe  the root of such a phenomenon is due to both collecting friend and be held in high esteem among people. 


On the one hand, social position is a field which can be find exclusively within social media users realm this feeling of   self_esteemed can be achieved through adding friends to your social media apps in other words the more friends you get the more self_respected you will feel.not only do people consider having a lof of friends and follower on social platforms as a golden opportunity to promote themselves in society but also they believe without them they are unrespectful for instance, Every eminent youtubers with a whole raft of friends and subscribers on youtube are wealthy and popular among ordinary people according to this phenomenon people follow their life style and do what it takes to have more friends on social wesites. On the other hand there are other group of people who want to have new friends,  Strike up a friendship and developing social relationships has a long history people have a natural tendency to make friends, As social platforms allow users to virtually socialize more and more people globally attend to social websites to meet new friends. 


To sum up,althogh adding a foreigner as your friend in social medias migh looking wierd and eccentric in the past but today with progression of inteenet such a action is normalized,I have a rose_colored view of this phenomenon this issue is either because of getting to know someone new or Raising their social status




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

In todays modern society، with improving social media. People tend to add who they do not know completely in their friends list. I think this tendency could improve peoples friendship and help  them to find new friends. In addition, in this way they could have more self_esteam

 These days by developing social network media, people have a chance to improve their social relationship, find new friend and share their opinion. However, it can be helpful, it is not always safe way to find new friend, because maybe some people share fake deta about themselves to trick other people. As a result we cannot reloy on people who we meet them just in tne social networking website. In fact we we can search for new friend and keeep in touch with other person on the internet but it is better to be more carefull about the data that stereng people share. 
Becoming more sociable person and having more friend could have a positive effect on our self_confident, because we can feel we are lovely. Mereover, people who have more friends are happier than lonley people. It maybe because of their feeling about  being lovable person. Consequency, people could have more self_esteam by having more new strenge friend who follow them on the social networking website. 
 In conclusion, finding new friend and adding them in your friend list in social media website can be helpful though you should carefull about the information, in addition making more new friend and becoming more sociable  improve your self_esteam. 




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Social media and Internet play an important role in modern world, in addition,  the effect of this phenomenon it's undeniable . Some people in social media add strangers in their pages , we going to realise that this tendency is because of know new people or cause to raise  their self_steem. I would like to discuss about why I'm agree with second reason.  

Firstly , I believe the most teenagers  tend to be in core of the attention so they love to have many followers,  likes ,... ,so they really try to indicate their self in social media with any way . In fact when they give attention their self confidence and self steem increase dramatically, so they feel pleasant  and they will be motivated be more and more active in their networking media .being in the core of attention is not worse but sharing private data can be extremely harmful, for instance my friend was really active in Instagram ( a app that people can share their photos or everything)and she have many followers , one day when  she shared a photo in workplace . her home's furniture was stolen, because the sniff has known when her home is empy and what time isn't in her home From the place and time of her photos . So l think we need to be vary careful about our private data .
Secondly , some people ' that I'm really sure they are not many ' like to add strangers in friend list because of find new friends. Thank to Internet, everybody in everywhere can connect with millions of people just with a click. Making friends is the best happen in life until, we protect my self from cyber and fake accounts, in addition, we have to notice the people may they be mendacious .for example my sister last year started to chatting with her stranger's followers in chat room after a couple of weeks she realised that he is a too older than he told , So she have a painful experiment. 
In conclusion ,although, this tip of activity cuse to raise self_steem and making friends but we should attention about any danger that exists on the internet.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Social media has increased the numbers in people’s contact list and sometimes involves strangers. I believe that having social friends will be reinforced the feeling of making friends. This essay would be an argument about this aspect of social networking.

A common view about social media is, it makes people closer in the world. Internet global village doesn’t have any barriers for communication, and it has no borders for its inhabitants. For instance, I have two friends in the U.K where I have never been there, while they were strangers I started talking to them about discrepancy in our culture, hence little by little they became my friends, and I introduced them to each other as well. As a result, this availability enhances our friendly tribe.

  The internet has had a significant impact on all parts of our lives and plays a vital role in commercial success. A general principle indicates that, the more people you know, the better job opportunities you have. This sentence mentions that people should improve their friends bond and, raise their social relations. For example the followers on instagram at first glance are spectators but, they would be a chance for job seekers or a client for online shops. 

   In conclusion,I believe that strangers don’t remain strange forever,and they can change our circumstances. Needless to mention that these are the effects of the world’s of network.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Writing task 2 - Fatemeh Gholamy

I am of the opinion that In some cases, it can be related to self-esteem even the strangers remain anonymous. On the other hand, it can be noticed from another aspect, too. This perhaps helps people to become familiar with more individuals, every once in a while it can lead to find more virtual friends. nonetheless, there are some reasons that make such friendships exciting. For example, there may be a few real friends among them who even have potential to be the best friends. I claim that individuals view this experience as a thriller journey that meet and speak to the number of people who are various in culture, language, race or country. Moreover, having an appointment with a person who we have never seen him or her can be an interesting experience. The unseen friends who we have had conversation with them for a long time. I, for one, enjoy that and it is like kind of an adventure to me. I remember that the first time I had been meeting two virtual friends of mine. I met one of them after tow years and another one after four years. I can not describe my incredible feeling at the moment. We had not been able to see each other due to long distance. Meanwhile, they are still my best friends and our relationship is getting more and more deep. Anyway, everyone has own reason for this and there is no denying that there is an idea or a reason behind adding strangers to friend lists.





With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

In the modern life, We are at the mercy of technology developing every day. It is easy to access a social application and get familiar with the variety of people as a friend. I believe the strains give us a great chance to find numerous friends globally.


Online friend is a kind of relationship you should have been trendy.  Advanced technology has had give an excellent opportunity to people using social media to make a friendship. Those individuals who are mostly sociable use this path to communication. As a result, they can make a cement friendship after a long or short period of time And these new friends Might help them. For instance, people who want to immigrate can be familiar with new friends living in destination country. So, they were advised by them and get familiar with their culture as soon as are their immigrations.


However People who believe that finding new friends by this way lead to increasing confident, it might be a threaten because they are some people which their identity are fake on network. Although they introduce themselves  as a person who want to find a new friend, their victims were frauded. As a solution, I think they don’t trust them in a short period of time and they should make their friendship gradually.


To sum up, thanks to social networks wecapable to find many people as a friend. We should pay attention that use this method in a path which can develop our circle of friends and avoid from online abuses.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

These days, Social media have an important role in our daily life. What is your first act in the mornings? I’m checking my social media notification as my first act in the mornings.
Everyone has network cycles in their Social Media. It’s your choice to have a small network or a large one. Person “A” has a very close network, which includes her close friends and family, she loves her privacy or she wants to keep her account private for other reasons. Person “B” has a larger network than person A.  She allows her connection to be in her cycles in the social network. She has a privet account too but she shares her matters with a large number of people that she knows them. Person A and person B have different behalf to choose their privacy but both of them don’t want to make friends with a stranger on social media.
On the other hand, we have person “C” and person “D”. Person C has a privet account but she checks her friend requests and accepts some requests from strangers who have the same things or just because of their profile photos or biography. She gives herself a chance to make friends with strangers. Person D has a public account, everyone could check her matters on social media. Her outfit, her food, her favorite habits, and her dramas are open to being explored by a stranger. She has not any border to choose who could follow her. She makes this decision because she wants to be an influencer or for business or other reasons.
In my opinion, it’s very dangerous to be very public on these social networks. There are lots of stalkers who could make your daily life dramatic. For some people who find real-world connections hard, it is a golden chance to share their matters, opinion, and worries with a stranger. Strangers could not judge you or their judgment is not important to you!   




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

In this modern world, there are a lot of social media people who add complete strangers to their friend list. From my point of view, it can be either for tendency to help people to find new friends and can also be for increasing their self esteem. Social media is a suitable tool for finding friends. As a matter of fact, we can see or download various social networks to communicate to other people in different situations in the whole part of the world, in order to find new people or their friends. In addition, people in this day and age, have a lot of work to do and they do not have enough time to visit other people and in other words, they prefer to visit theirs in social media. Moreover, if the environment of social network is good, it is very amazing for learning many things in that. On the other hand, this tendency can be an opportunity for people who like to increase their self-esteem. One of the reasons for this issue is that, they have a low power in society and they like to reach in social media and they want to share every thing to their friend list and by this, they increase self-esteem. The second reasons can be their body or face is ugly for showing to other people, and by mobile or social network, they can edit their photos and videos to reach the highest self-esteem at that time. To sum up, according to the reasons I mentioned above, I believe that social network can be for adding or finding new friends and also be for increasing their self-esteem.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

By the advancement of the technology and advent of world wild web, Today, people have a large number of unfamiliar individuals as friends in their social circle. Some believe that it can be considered as a good way to develop their self-confidence. I strongly agree that as I suppose making real friend is a more time-consuming and complicated process than can be found on the internet or social media.

Needless to say that forming a close friendship does not happen overnight, it requires certainly spending time together and meeting regularly each other in order to discover each other individual personality characteristics which can result in striking up firm friendship, and then developing it gradually or maybe spoiling it if there would be no common interests between. Undoubtedly, it is a great possibility which can be only found on the real world not on the social network platforms.

Even more importantly, not only all kind of virtual communities are not completely reliable to represent the real persons by real character treats, but also it is officially announced that on social networks the majority of people have behaved more formal, polite, and sociable than they used to be in their real life. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that you would never able to understand people as their profile picture or their social comments and activities.

I firmly believe that virtual friends on social media can be concerned as strangers whom beyond the network platforms, and the real world friends could never ever be replaced by each of which. Obviously, on the real world, a dependable friend is a blessing and gift from God which is priceless.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

In recent years, social media has grown over the world, as a consequence, there are many people use it to communicate with other people. Some individuals claim that this development helps people to make a friendship, but others believe that they can just improve their confidence. I completely agree with the latter for some reasons. This essay will examine both views and provide a logical conclusion.

To begin with, although social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter provide an opportunity for people to socialize with people all around the world, they are not trustworthy. Everyone can create an account on these applications and use it as an anonymous user. For instance, there are many accounts on the social media that use fake profile pictures. In addition, most names are not real in these websites. As a result, you cannot share your personal information with them or give them money if they ask you.

Furthermore, they do not have understanding of your circumstances, so they cannot be helpful in tough times. If you face a difficulty, you cannot introduce your problem to them. Sometimes they do not want to listen to your problems, even your life is not important for them. If they do not see you for a while, they do not concern about you. You are just a picture for them who should like them and compliment their posts. 
Taking everything into consideration, social media friends are not only unreliable but also they are not supportive, thus you cannot consider them as real friends.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

With great achievements in technology people nowadays have a great access to social websites and platforms and they frequently add strangers to their friend lists. Although at first glance it seems an act of self-esteem but I think that this trend is a part of living in modern world.

To commerce with, social websites and platforms play a significant role in modern world, and we as social species need to communicate with each other. This online streams provide an opportunity for us to make new friends and even achieve success in our businesses. Sometimes we need to expand our work so we need to cooperate with others who has the same interests as we have and of course they are complete strangers. For instance, platforms such as LinkedIn helps us to find job, improve our curriculum vitae resume and even make business friends.

However, some individuals use this new trend as a way of showing off to help them increase their self-esteem. They severed themselves from the real world and consequently, they get away from their families and real friends and rely entirely on their social friends whom might be complete strangers. They think that the more they have friends on social medias, the more confidence they can get. In a matter of fact, they do not care how many of these people are strangers. For example, you can have more than a thousand friends on a social media like Instagram, but when it comes to asking for talking or hanging out, the number of your friends doesn't help you have more confidence.

In conclusion, social media platforms are like double edged sword, it can improve our confidence or bring it down completely. I think using these online streams with certain rules is acceptable because we are living in a new era where cyberspace plays a significant rule in our lives. 




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

During last decades so many chat platform such as Telegram and Facebook, have invented to help people find new friends. Some people including me are on belief that these applications have a key role to be acquainted with our future friends. In the following was spoken about necessity of this invention in finding new people, and also the impact of these tools to have higher confidence.


To begin with, it should be noted that we live in a global village and day by day our needs to other people has been growing.  Requirement is a factor that leads to build up friendship so that we could eradicate our difficulties by other people. For instance, there are so many chatroom about applying overseas universities and in these groups the chances are high that find new friends. In some cases people can make their private chatroom to make appointments in a café and exchange idea about everything.


Besides, some people are reserved and because of their insulation finding new friends in society is extremely hard for them. They can talk with strangers, as a result this is vital for them to boost their sense of warmth with other people. A highlight example for this matter is South Korean teenagers that some of them could conflict with their insulation by making new friends and leaving home for getting a job position in an office or a company through getting advice from their online friends.


To sum up, using of new applications is really crucial these days and can act as a useful tool to find new people for friendship and also they can help some people to eradicate their insulation.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

It is argued that individuals in social media want to make new relationships with humans that they do not have enough knowledge about them. There are two main viewpoints about this social phenomenon. Some experts believe that people want to make new friendship relation Although others claim that this social behavior is related to level up their self-esteems. In my opinion, both of them are true ideas. In the following essay some logical reasons and instances are presented why people’s friend lists are included unknown humans.


In one hand, people in social media have chance to find new friends even if they do not have any background about them because not only people interested to be familiar with people with different ideas, nationalities, races and so on but also make a strong network is a merit for anyone. For instance, according to study that conducted by Tehran university, most people who took part in this study said that they accept friendship request from humans that they do not have any information about them because the number of followers is very crucial index in social networks.


On the other hand, some people send or accept friendship requests because these actions put themselves in a good mood because their appearance about themselves will be more better if they would have lot of friends. It is proven that lots of friends leave positive impression on people specially on their self-steam and confidence. For example, many Instagram users confess that they felt in seventh heaven when the number of their friends had passed 1000 people.


In conclusion, according to above paragraphs, this result is given people full their friend lists by unknown individuals because of take advantage of new friends and self-esteem growing as well.           




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Social networking has a major impact on people`s lives in recent years around the globe which make individuals to accept anyone`s request for being friends on those online applications. Accepting people`s invitations comes from to main reason, either make new friends or tendency to rise one`s self-respect which in my point of view, both of them have the same potential and I will give my view in following paragraphs.

To commence, one of the most prominent reason to emerge social networking apps is to expand our friendship zone from small ones to wide scales and make friends universally without any limitations. This is to say, the mission of those apps is to add strangers to our friendship and being friend with utterly different people in terms of culture, language and the type of the places they live in. In other words, social networking wants to unite the world and also raise individuals awareness about other parts of the globe. Take Facebook as an example, everyone can be friend to a person hundreds or thousands miles away and get information about cultural and language diversity.

There could be other reasons including, to rise individuals self-confidence. It means, people who are unable to make friend in person have a chance to utilize the social media and make a great deal of friends which in turn, lead to promote their self-esteem. Therefore, since people can get credit globally, they feel much self-regard which these satisfying feelings makes them to make more friends on online platforms.

In conclusion, I consider social networking apps as a beneficial way to make contact to the entire world without any limitation irrespective of its reasons to find new friends.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Different ranges of social media platforms often make people add unknown users to their friend list to boost their self-esteem power, however this tendency could lead them to make new friends. In this essay, I will take a closer look at this trend.

To begin with, depends on user’s habits and personalities accepting stranger follow requests will have a different outcome, for most users this action brings kind of internal power called “self-confidence” which is their main reason for doing it. For instance, there are a lot of users who love show off as far as they always welcome having high follower numbers in social medias by accepting unknown users to their friend list to increase their self-confidence.

Alternatively, adding complete stranger users to friend list could help those who wants to make friend online. beside it, making friend in social medias could be happened accidentally even for those who didn’t have this purpose at all. By way of illustration, social medias could be the best and easiest choise for those who wants to get in touch and make friend online. In addition, as communication is the main instinct of social media, accidentally making friend is noticed to be a common action for all users, whether they are looking to find a friend or not.

To recap, most of the time adding anonymous persons to friend list of social medias will have a great impact for improving self-confidence. On the contrary, sometimes it could lead to find new friends intentionally or unintentionally.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Nowadays using the social networks media by people are increased and individuals have done many activities in these media. One of the most facilities in these networks is add strangers to friends list. A flock of people do it for finding new friends and other individuals do it for increasing self-confidence. In my opinion, make friends with other people that we do not recognize them is not correct.

On the one hand, in that websites everyone can enter and register to create a personal page. All information about a person can not exactly correct. Thus, I think, when individuals make friend with other people, they need to some data about them and after that they can start their relationship. In addition, finding new friends in social media have many disadvantages for people especially for children and teenagers. These days, we read a lot of news on the internet about problems that happened between teenagers who make friends in these social networks.

On the other hand, some people increased the number of friends list in these social media. They believe, when number of the friends in social networks is higher,they have good-confidence about self and get positive energy from it.

To put in a nutshell, I am convinced, finding new friends in social media is grossly inadequate especially for the youngest. It can be major issue for parents. It is crystal clear that, parents' role is vital to control children that how to use these websites and make friends with strangers.


Mohammad Hassan
Mohammad Hassan


With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

Nowadays, social media is the main way to make friends. Therefore, according to the considerable number of social media methods, people usually tend to permit strange people to become their followings as social friends. I believe this preference assists members as way of strike up a friendship.

To begin with, there are several causes involved in this topic. Firstly, People see each other less than a past and the considerable number of events are holding virtually. Todays, Conferences and seminars often hold remotely and conference members do not introduce with others and they have to find each other in social media networks to improve their networking. Secondly, according to heavy traffic in the streets human being would not like to make a contribution in parties or public events and they must form a friendships with others in other ways such as Instagram.

In my opinion, this trend has more positive aspects in general. Firstly, making friends by dating or meeting in places can be dangerous when they have no information about mutual person but in social media methods members can be aware about their others and then will hang out. Secondly, the majority of mankind have spent time lonely and they have disturbed of depressed life and social media make that easy to make a communication by others.

In conclusion, people could not see each other in public similar to the past because the several events holding virtually. Due to the new life styles, mankind  prefer to stay at home than stick in traffic. Outside dating can be dangerous when people do not know each other. And, social media network impact on depressed people to find new friends. In addition, in my opinion, finding friends in social media websites have more merits to improve friendships.




With a great variety of social networking websites, people often add complete strangers to their friend lists.
Do you think that this tendency helps people to find new friends or is it just a mean to increase their self-esteem? Justify your opinion with relevant examples.

These days, because of having a large number of social networking websites, people usually add strangers to their friend lists. In my opinion, this tendency can boost people’s self-esteem rather than help them to find new friends.

Firstly, people cannot make friends with strangers that they add to their friend lists, as they do not know these strangers. For instance, people do not have information about these new people and whether these strangers are criminals or not. As a result of which, it can be almost impossible to trust them and start a friendship with them.

Moreover, nowadays people tend to use social media like Instagram so as to upload their own pictures and attract others’ attention. Therefore, to receive more attention they add people that they do not know to their lists to be liked and respected by more people. Thus, this amount attention can build up people’s self-esteem.

Some say that when people accept others’ requests on social media, this tendency can help people to find new friends as nowadays people feel lonely and need company. However, I believe that this view is faulty as nowadays people usually are so busy and do not have time to meet their old friends let alone start a friendship with new people.

In conclusion, I believe that aalthough people add strangers to their friend lists on social networking media, this approach cannot help them to find new friends. This is because they do not know these strangers and use social media to attract attention which boosts their self-esteem.




You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a seminar in a foreign country.

Write a letter to the seminar organiser and say

I am writing a letter by request for manager that complicent about room which was given to me in your hotel . I would like to say my suggestion for improvment in the future.

I invited to the seminar orgniser which held in this hotel . I resided in 1245 room that located in second floor for two days last year.

At first ,i appriciate the service provided by your resort and also room was well decorated and bedsheets towels were clean but while i wanted to slept at night ,i liked to opened window to ventilated fresh air into the room . Window had not screen then this conducted mosquites enter and frizzled . I coul not sleep well and being very tired and sleepy also saw several small cockrochs in toilet . I fear so much from harmful insects. 

 I would like to give my suggestion for improvement in the future. I offer that windows have net wire to prevent to enter mosquiti and other insects into room . On the other hand poison solution spray around the room ,bathroom and toilet that lead to eliminate these insect . Hoping these problems are leave out and i have an amazing experience when i visit your hotel next time . 

Your sincerely.




You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a seminar in a foreign country.

Write a letter to the seminar organiser and say

I am writing to complain about some problems I faced during the first Information Technology conference which was hold on February. I stayed in floor six at room 607. 

Although the stuff were very friendly, the air conditioning facilities was totally out of service .
Despite the attempts of service staffs, air conditioner was not work at all and because the hotel was totally occupied at that time I had no choice other than staying in that hard situation. 

I want to inform you that in torento's freezing cold winter it was really hard to sleep in the deadly freezing room. so I catch cold and as a result I missed conference unfortunately. 

I tremendously suggest you to check room facilities comprehensively before accepting guests please. If you had check airconditioner already, i would have attended my seminar. I am looking forward to apply those premeasurements  initially in second conference which is going to be hold next year .




You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a seminar in a foreign country.

Write a letter to the seminar organiser and say

Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing to you in regard to a problem in your hotel that I encounter it whilst the seminar of environment taking place in your country's capital.
The speed of wi-fi in any where of the hotel was completely limited, so accessing to the Internet was turned to a nightmare. We had traveled to a foreing country, due to that our families had got missed more than other times when we are going to domestic seminars.
In spite of your staff were pretty kind with us, they were postpointing our requests about strugling with the internet. Therefore, I decided to sent a complian to you in order to aware you from the difficulty.
If you want to be the best host between other hotels you should fix it as soon as possible by contracting with famous company in field of IT.
I hope you consider my recommend and I would have no problem in your hotel in my future journey.
Sincerely yours,
Mohammad Ruzbahani.




You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a seminar in a foreign country.

Write a letter to the seminar organiser and say

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I have a complaint about your online reservation room in your hotel website. 

Actually, my group and I had been staying in your nice hotel for 2 days during my seminar in your country .we over our seminar successfully and very pleased about your staff, but in your hotel web page ,I reserved 2 non-smoking bedrooms with double beds. Unfortunately, your hotel gave us 2 rooms with single bed  . 

so 2 people of my group couldn’t stay in that rooms. Therefore 2 of us shifted the other hotel for only rest and sleep each night. 

Now I would like to suggest you to improve this program and your website need to update urgently for get services better in future activities and programs. 

Good luck,

Yours faithfully, 





The diagram shows how tea leaves are processed into five tea types.

A glance at the diagram provided reveals the production of five distinct tea (namely white tea, green tea,olong tea, large-leaf black tea, and small-leaf black tea) from tea leaves. Overall, it’s sophisticated and is comprised of seven stages.

The process begins when leaves grow and are ready for plucking. In the next stage, plucked leaves are wilted, and then they are steamed. Following that, the steamed leaves are rolled and produce slight and full fermentation. The process ends with drying the fermentation by oven drying and producing five different tea.

Alternatively, the wilted leaves may be crushed, producing full fermentation in the following step. Eventually, the full fermentation is dried by means of oven drying and made into tea.




The diagram shows how tea leaves are processed into five tea types.

This figure illustrate process that lead to produce tea from leaf growth till into changes white , green, oolong , larg leaf black and small leaf black tea.

The first step, farmer pluck fresh leafs from bushes that be in the tea's farms . They transfer leafs in to industry and extend leafs over the ground .leafs waste moisture disposable fresh air and become wilt after several days . En del of leafs put in to the oven drying and dry that white tea produce in this step . Another section first get steam and then rolling . In this step added slight fermentation , put in oven drying that lead to produce oolong tea .

one proportion get slight fermentation after rolling and lay on oven drying , produce large leaf black tea . other part recieve full frementation after crushing and then lay in oven , make small leaf black tea .

On the whole , process of produce five type of tea is complex and take more time . Individual soend energy to produce this harvest . 





Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?


These days technology has a big role in our daily life and without it, we can’t live properly. But like any human-made tool, technology has benefits and harms. one of the greatest benefits of technology is making connections easier. Nowadays anybody can make a connection to another person in every single location in the world. With a smartphone or laptop, you can have a video call or any kind of online connection like text chat, online games emails, etc.

On the other hand, with increasing technological connections, people are forgetting how to connect in the real world. Especially in the new generation, we have a lack of real connections. Most teenagers prefer online chat and playing online video games to actual communication. They have a lot of friends and followers on social media but they don’t have many friends in real life.

I think the main reason for this issue is the  Wrong methods of raising children. We can’t teach them the true value of healthy true communication. These days parents work for a long time and haven’t enough time for hanging out with their children. They also to be satisfied with only one or maybe two children and new-generation children don’t have any idea about the pleasure of having brothers and sisters and growing up in a happy crowded family. 

The other reason for fading nontechnical communication is raising indolence in our community.

These days people looking for the easiest way to do their chores and don’t want to bother themselves with going out and doing physical activities. Gradually people lost their desire for any actual activity and spent most of their time on phones and computers.

If we want to solve this huge problem we have to teach people, especially the new generation the value of actual social life. We should allocate time for family and courage our child to do outdoor activities. 




Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?

 technology provide us a lot of means to communicate .but now that people have the ability to talk to each other in wider variety of methods ,our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.

Social networking has been created changes in several sides of life . People can communicate to other individuals and agencies . Persons can transfer ideas, opinions records through this way also they transmit messages ,media and photos till friends and peolpe who like them . 

In one hand ,it make more turn over in individual life and communication among people that live in society. These changes have negative and positive effects .

No one ignore importance of social networking . One of the most important reason is creation connection and subjects with other people in every time and place. This is party due to decrease prices .in additionaly ,new jobs develop and persons can sale own product then earn money . Individual communicate with freinds ,colleagues in this environment.

User can find old friends and family as well they catch new friends from this .

On the other hand , individual can use more and more networking and devote much time to it come down with depresson and isolation ,individual lose frienda , face to face intraction deminish . 

Adam Brigel (2008) ,says that people achieve several opportunity to select new friends among own followers . They collectirize further quadruplicate information to other persons while talk to each other . 

In my opinion , individual can increase self steem when they use social networking . In additionaly can find new friends between them but cyberspace is not safe and reliable because persons can spread false information from own and promulgate your secrets and most important information by network . 

In conclusion , persons can locate new friends that live in other country and share information among themselves . Thus this leads to increas self steem although it has bad side effects in modern life 





Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?

It is widely accepted that technology brings the vast platform for various applications for communication.Although,nowadays people are able to keep in touch through numerous applications and communication facilities the quality of social and communication skills have decreased. In this assay reasons and some solutions for the issue will be discussed. 

       Despite the main aim of the social media applications ,which are based on a communication technologies, for improving connection among people, it has reverse consequences.Although technology improved people's relationship in quantity, the quality neglected significantly.People recently prone to use  instant messages to celebrate their friends or relatives success or they send just text for showing their sympathy in their friends bad day.Which means that people in order to manage their time sacrifice their emotions . At the same time,the plain texts or emails take their real feelings place.Futher more, some applications such as Instagram and Facebook become a trendy among people ,especially teenagers ,which is a platform for showing off fake happiness and luxury. despite the main aspect of this kind of applications to ease the communication, It converted to fake lifestyle exhibition.  

     However it is crystal clear that if people learn how to apply the communication all technology India personal life ,it will be more effective and as a result the quality of relations will be inhance. For istance, people can use instant messages to appoint a meeting and get together in a shortest time. other than that it is essential to avoid broadcasting fake happy photos because people cannot understand their real feelings so it leads acquaintance to miss understand . 

In conclusion, although technology provides fabulous ways for keeping relations by interducing  several applications and facilities . The quality of relations shouldn't be sacrifice for quantity of ways we can keep in touch with each other.





Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?

During last century, more and more devices have coined for bringing more comfort for communication. Despite the issue that we have more opportunity to communicate with others than before, the quality of hat has ruined. There are some reasons that that some of them is directly and the rest is indirectly related to this event.


To begin with, there are some hidden reasons behind spoiling communication. For one thing, although ones have more devices to be in touch with their friends, they have not enough time because of their hectic schedule. One more thing is that they appeal to spend their time in application such as Instagram to watch state of the art video rather than talking with people and saying repetitive sentences.


Besides, this issue has directly effect on communication. Till last decades, people have limited ways for talking for instance through telephone or post. But, after inventing the internet everything has been changing and communication was on of them. Now people can see each other so easily from one location of the earth to 20000 kilo meters further. So, this issue that there has never existed before, turned communication to one of ordinary activity and have not any attraction for people. To the best of my knowledge the best measure to solve this problem is that people should divide their spare time between scrolling google, watching videos, and making contact to others.


To sum up, there are so many reasons that progressing of technology made communication boring and most of people prefer to spend time with other opportunity rather than talking with their distant relatives and friends.




Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?

By developing technology numerous ways are prepared for people to may more connection. Despite this enhancement of technology, people’s skills in communication have receded. There are several reasons in this recession and we can solve it by various methods.

Nowadays, almost all people around world, regardless their age or education, have mobile phone and access to the free internet. The internet provides thousands of free platforms which help people to communicate each other without consideration of distance. Most of these applications prepare a great environment for individual to chat together and by sending photos, Emojis, Gifs etc. express their feelings. But here is the challenge, people are hiding themselves behind these stickers or emojis and after a period of time they forget how to express their real feelings in real world. People are losing their ability to communicate with people in person. There are numerous individuals who they are really talkative and sociable in social media but they can’t say even one word when they meet someone face to face. That’s really sad fact and it is growing day by day by developing the use of internet and people are getting more isolated every day. We are witness the majority of young people who they are reluctant to make connection with theire relatives but they are more eager to chat with their families through social media.

There are several useful methods that can be helpful for people who are concern about the loss of communication abilities. Firstly, parents have key role in this issue. Parents should make their children to talk with their friends and their family in person for example it is good to set some family meeting at night and whole family members gather together and talk about their days and their daily challenges. It can be really lucrative for children and improve their skills to talk to others. Secondly, schools can be helpful too. For example they can run some group courses and hire a psychologist to talk to pupils and strengthen their communication abilities. Thirdly, government should set some strict laws about age range of using smartphones. Children under age 18 should have more chances to talk to the peers and their relatives. If this ability improves in younger ages, we can see its positive effects in the future.

In conclusion, regardless the development of communication’s method, people’s ability in making good connection with others weakens and we can improve it by recruitment of some simple methods. 




Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?

In this century we are tackling with technology more than any other time, and it is wide spreading with a great pace in every aspect of our life. It, moreover, provides us a bewildering variety of facilities and services such as online shopping, communication and accessibility to an unbelievable range of music and movies. 

Along with its perks, as every garden has weeds, some shortcomings can be mentioned related to technology. By prevalence of smart phones and digital gadgets and accessibility to the internet people prefer to communicate online rather nontechnological way. Therefore, traditional social abilities have taken a step back and weaken by passing the time.

Although the solution is not simple, raising awareness can be the most reasonable way and play a significant role and make people more familiar with its drawbacks. Admittedly, this solution is neither affordable nor one shot. Furthermore, owing to the easiness people feel inclined toward it. So, it demands out further consideration.

As a way of conclusion, the topic is a little thought-provoking. Due to the comfort of accessibility and easiness, people tend to use technology more than before. And as a consequence, their social abilities can be put in an acute condition. 





Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?

In this modern word , technology provide a lot of way for us to communication . But in this day and age who people have a suitable ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods , our communication and abilities in social have taken a step back . from my point of view , there are many reasons and moreover solutions for this issue , which we will examine in this essay.                                                                                                                To begin, technology has increased significant growth in compared to the past.As a matter of fact , there are a lot of applications in social media like instagrame , whatsapp and so on in order to communicate with other people in different city and even different countries . In addition , if we use from this technology incorrectly , it can has a negative result for us  and also hurt to our communication and sometimes we miss different things . In other words , we only know people in social media , and communication become less than the decades or centuries ago.                                                                               we have to use from this technology in the best  way . One ofthe solutions for this matter is that we can learn a lot of things in different field like art , sport and other things.The second solve is that we should improve our communication and we try to go to our families and friends . The last but not least point is that we use less from this technology and whenever we were free , we can go out and talk to each other.            To sum up , we must provide a situation which every one use from this technology for communicate to each other .




You have decided to leave your current employment.


Write a letter to your employer. In the letter:


Explain why you have decided to leave the company

Tell your employer what you plan to do after leaving your present employment

Say what you have gained from working for the company.

You have decided to leave your current employment.

Write a letter to your employer. In the letter:

▪️Explain why you have decided to leave the company

▪️Tell your employer what you plan to do after leaving your present employment

▪️Say what you have gained from working for the company.

I am writing a letter with request for you that I took the dicision to leave the organization for better career apportunities and salary . In addition the cost of living in reaching high level and getting hard for me to manage my life . While I traveled from my home town to this city for studying in high degree university . In that time I needed money and obligated to work in your hospital . I could provided money for clothes , food , books and more . 

This way was a good chance to studied in university and took good degree in my subject . Now I am receiving an key job 's apportunity with high salary and appropriate conditions . I will promote abilities and experiences in this job . in future I should work so hard and present my competences that I am likely person for it . 

More ever ,it is a perfect place to maintain a balance between personal and work life. 

Overall , it is been a nice work experience here and hoped our paths cross again in future. 




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The diagram demonstrates the process that how the bricks for building industry are made.

Overall, there are a total seven distinct steps, beginning with collecting clay from the earth and ending with delivering bricks to shops.

At first, the clay is gatherd by a digger machine. In second step, the clay pure on the roller through metal grid. After that clay should be mixed with sand and water, and these new composition can be cut in to different form of brikes. These brikes then are put on a dray oven for 24-48 houres. In the next step the brikes are transported to a new place with various degree, kiln with moderate degree, kelin with high degree, and then cooling chamber, then after that breaks should be packed and in the final stage, they are deliverd to shops or industries.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The flow diagram elaborates the steps of producing bricks to be used in constructions.


 It is clear that bricks require fire steps o be manufactured. And after that produced breaks should be packed to breach customers.


 At the first stage of producing bricks, clay must be digged out by a crane. Then digged out clay will be rolled through a metal grid machine. At the third stage of a manufacturing, by adding sand and water to rolled clay a material will be produced which eventually will be moulded or by cutting with a wire will turn into bricks.


 At the next stage, the moulded or cutted bricks require to pass drawing oven stage, which lasts between one or two days. The dried bricks must be kilned between 200°C and 1300°C over two separated steps, and then by passing around 48 to 72 hours in a cooling chamber are completely produced. Finally, the product will be packed to be delivered, and reach consumers.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

According to the diagram which demonstrate how brick is made level by level from start to an end for use in manufacture.

First of all there is a huge digger to dig ground and bring clay to roller which is separate unusual things by metal grid. After that sand and water are combined to it before transport to mould part that is use to make structure for building bricks.

The next level is drying oven to tighten bricks, it takes 24-48 hours to become stiff.at first kiln temperature starts from 200-980 celsius and continue more to reach about 870-1300 celsius and then become cool by cooling chamber. This is the most important part for making sure hardness of brick is reached to assured level.

At the end all bricks ready to package and send to deliver section to transport all around world to be sold or use for build buildings.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The diagram shows the process for creating the bricks and delivering it for building usage.
First, the workers dig the ground with digger to get the clay from the underlay. Secondly, the clay is taken on the roller with the metal grid to get to the wire cutter or mould. After the roller, the sand and water are added to the clay. Then, the wet bricks go to the drying oven for 24 to 48 hours. Next, dry bricks are taken to the 2 kinds of kilns, first one is moderate with the 200 to 980 c degrees and another one is high with the 870 to 1300 c degrees and then to the cooling area for 48 to 72 hours. Finally, bricks are packaged and ready to deliver to the building industry.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The given diagram illustrates thr different stages ofbrick manufacturing fpr the building industry. 

In general, the process includes seven steps starting with digging up the clay and ending with delivery of the made bricks to the market.

Firstly, clay is dug up with a machine. Next it is moved to on a mental grid. After that the grided clay is mixed with sand and water. In this level is produced raw bricks. After that these bricks are moved into drying oven for 24 - 48 hours then dried bricks experienced heating and cooling. The heating process is done under the temperature of 200 to 300 degree Celsius then this temperature is increased and eventually these bricks are cooled between 48 to 72 hours. Afterward bricks are packed and they are transfered to cars for delivering to market. 




You have decided to leave your current employment.


Write a letter to your employer. In the letter:


Explain why you have decided to leave the company

Tell your employer what you plan to do after leaving your present employment

Say what you have gained from working for the company.

The diagram shows the way in which bricks is made in order to the building industry.  

Overall clay pass through seven stages before be packed and ready for use as brick. The process of making brick uses a number of tools for instance,mental grid,roller,drying oven,cooling chamber,kiln.  

In the first stage of making brick the digger,dig clay. The clay pass through a mental grid ,which separate big components. The rest of component is poured on a roller and then pass into mould or the tool ,which shape raw brick,which is combination of clay and sand plus water.
From this point these raw bricks are put in drying oven ,which remain there for 24_48 hours ,then the bricks are transferred to kilns,with moderate temperature
 (200 c° _980c° )and high temperature (870 c°_1300 c°) respectively ,which  in there have constant heat applied. Finally these bricks placed in cooling chamber for 48_72 hours .The final products afterward are ready for packaging and delivery to be used. 




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The diagram shows the process of manufacture bricks which is used in the building industry . It is obvious that whole of the process include seven step that start from digger and reach to the last stage which is delivery.                                    In the first step , a person who is in the machine for taking clay or suitable soil which job is digger . In the second step , the clay put the roller , in order to seperate big and small stone or other thing from each other . In addition ,  big stone leave in the metal gird.After that , it turns to sand and water mixed to each other and many of them put the mould and other cut by wire .                                                              The bricks drying oven , between 24 untill 48 hours , and before the packaging , it times to kiln which in the first moderate between 200 ° c - 980 ° c and moreover if they be in the high , do 870 ° c - 1300 ° c.It takes 48-72 hours for cooling chambe . In the last step , they delievere to company , building industry and other places by trucks and also other transportation .




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The provided illustration depicts the process of manufacturing bricks for the construction industry.

First, the clay is dug from the ground by a digger. After moving through metal grids, the clay is transferred via roller and is mixed with sand and water. Then, the mixture is either moulded into bricks or is cut into bricks using a wire cutter.

Afterward, the bricks are placed in a dying oven for 24 to 48 hours. Then, they are put in a kiln and are heated to a moderate temperature of 200 to 900 degrees, then to a high temperature of 870 to 1300 degrees. Following that, they are stored in a cooling chamber for 48 to 72 hours. Having been packed, the bricks are then delivered.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The diagram shows how building's industries produce bricks and describe process from earth till factory then to sale for erecting .

In first step big digger carve earth and then transfering clay to the factory with trucks . Furthermore clay put on metal grid and seperate to small and big pieces from each other after that these species more slowly over roller and lead to next step . in this place sand and water add to clay and creating doughy material .these matter cut to smaller part with wire cutter . 

After that bricks move in dying oven for 24- 48 hours which waste water . Meanwhile enter to kiln that have heat between 200 – 980 degree celcius that moderate temperature . In high temperature 870 – 1300 degree celcius , bricks lose the most volume of water . 

In addition,bricks settle in cooling chamber for 48 – 72 hours . 

Finally , bricks package by packing device and send with lorry for marketing.





The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The diagram shows the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

At the beginning, claying equipment including huge digger, extracting material and sends to factory. In this step starting chopping this material and mixing with water. Then this material stays inside moulds then bricks are made. In fourth step, bricks stay inside drying oven for 24-48 hrs. Next, This bricks send to a huge box with three part. First part has moderate tempreture between 200 °C - 980 °C. Second part has high tempreture between 870 °C – 1300 °C and the last part is cooling chamber and bricks should stay for 48-72 hrs. After doing all these step, the last step is packaging then placed in the truck to be deliverd to the customer.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The issue of what kind of subjects and skills should be taught to students in schools has always been a controversial. Some believe that students should learn practical skills, while others said differently and believed academic subjects are on priority. In this essay I will discuss both statements as well as elaborate on my point of view.

Learning some necessary skills such as crisis management, financial managements, teamwork and communication will help students to recognize their own abilities and strength which could be useful for students to hired in a job and blend in more easily with their colleagues and workplace. For example: in Germany schools hold “Basic computer skills” classes for students that increase the hiring rate of students in companies. 

On the other hand, have a vast knowledge in different branches of science such as biology, mathematics, physics and… will enhance the chance of admission to university, therefore, engineers, researches and scientists will be breeding in order to propose a solution and solve the problems of a country. In my opinion, both academic and practical skills should be part of the all schools curriculum. thus, students known themselves better and will be able to choose their own path and job according to their interests.

To sum up, learning some practical skills could assist students to build their own business and be successful in their job, while academic knowledge and skill could turn students to future doctors, engineers and … to provide a convenient life and create a brighter future for a country and next generation.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about whether students Should be taught to be practical skills or academic subjects. While a spirit of academic subjects can be useful in life but I believe that practical skills are more importantes. 

on the one hand, academic subjects can be a great source of information for students when teachers take a place exame and meld them Scores, It can encourage students to work harder to outdo the othe pupils in the class. This kind of healthy rivalry may help. to build students self confidence, while pushing them to study and more awarness. When students leaves school, their information and knowledge. will help them in competitive situations such as job interviews.

On the other hand, it is perhaps even more important to prepare studentes for the many aspects of adult life that require practical skills.In the workplace, adults are expected to work such a expert, and follow instructions given by their superiors. Practical skills are much more useful than academic subject, because of we can use the practical skills in every aspects, of our life but academic subject only is useful at schools or universities.

in conclusion, I can understand why people want to academic subject such as Sience or math for students, but it seems to me that practical skills are much more desirable in adults life.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The given flow chart indicates a step process about producing brick for consuming in construction industry.

Overall, there are seven stages in the process, begining with the digging up of clay and culminating in delivery.

To begin with, clay is digged up by a digger, then it is strewn on metal grid to seperate larger and smaller pieces. Once sands and water have been mixed, they are then shaped by mould or cut by wire cutter. The next step is that bricks are dryed into drying oven from 24 hours to 48 hours.

In the following, after being taken in Kiln in moderate temprature, they are then entered to high tempreture kiln. At this point bricks are placed into cooling chamber between 48 and 72 hours. When bricks have been pached by packaging , they are then loaded onto lorry and deliveried.





The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The given diagram indicates some information about an operation that is lead to produce  bricks for construction.

As we can see,making bricks take seven step from a clay to use in a building.

First of everything digger,dig ground and clay will put on a metal grid in the next step, metal grid sperad a small pieces from big once anf fall them on roller,at the sametime,sand and water combine with clay on roller.After thet,the mud will puts in mould to take shape or the mud will cut with wire cutter,now we have raw bricks.

Now bricks should dry out and  burn to use them.In forth step the bricks will puts in drying oven around 24 to 48 hours to dry,later thet the showen kiln burn bricks to get harder,in first moderate section its tmperature is between 200 to 980 celsius and the second kiln temperature is about 870 to 1300 degrees.Before packaging,they put them in cooling chamber approximatly 48 to 72 hours,
After packaging a truck deliver the bricks to customers.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

the diagram shows the process through which bricks are manufactured for the building industry. overall, it is rather sophisticated and is comprised of more than seven stages. 

The process begins when clay is dug out by digger machine. after that the mental grid through using roller machine with sand and water is putted on mould and formed in to bricks by wire cutter. then it is dryed by oven for 24 to 48 hours. after this stage is sent to one stage with 3 steps. first in moderate kiln is kept in 200 centigrade to 980 centigrade temprature, second in high kiln is kept in 870 centigrade to 1300 centigrade temprature, third for two to three days is sent to cooling chamber.

finally, the prepared bricks are packeged and which are delivered with truck to building industry and brinks are one of the more important things for building.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is believed by some individuals that schools ough to put pragmatic proficiences to pupils as the first preference. However, others consider these institutes should voncentrate on academic topics, like science and math. In my view using both of these opinions have benefits but apply first assumption is more important.
It cannot be denied that understanding a wide range of science courses, such as physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology bring a vast knowlage which helps learners to receive admission from high-rank universities easier so as to continue their education. As result, they will be able to get a job which may relate more to science.
On the other hand, some of the students desire to work immediately after secondary school. As they want to get a job, it is too essential for them to have commodious skills, such as teameork, telorance of emergency working condition, have a ability to make a decision in vital situation and etc. Thus, many of programs and event which are held in stitutions might be usgul for learners not only for be successful in their career but also in their routine life, for example, there is a computer course in certain establishment that prentice can give a certificate at the end of the course. Hence, they could be hired for better office job.
In conclusion, although learning practical accomplishment helps apprentice find a suitable job, but knowing some academic matters lend a hand to them to be accepted into the university. As I think the huge number of teenagers would rather to have a business and earn money in a short deal of time instead of studing for years and then starting a career, thus, it would probably be a better schedule for them.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

School is considered the second house for children, where they spend a dramatic proportion of their time. As a result, school subjects play a vital role in children's and adolescents' aspects of their future. 
Basically, each person aged eighteen and more is known as an adult who should take their life responsibilities such as working to become independent and afford their fundamental needs on their own.
Based on each person's chosen career, some require only specific and related skills, which would be greatly practical and helpful, if they have already been taught at school. For instance learning how to have a professional attitude in society or in the other words how to be more socialized in positions related to selling or dealing with different people considering that in some cases prior knowledge is obligatory such as working as a professor, doctor, and so on, Which is why the value of learning science and math is considerable. consequently, school is the first step to train minds to get prepared for the main and basic lessons taught at university.
In conclusion, both academic subjects and skills are important equally owing not to know children and adolescents what kind of careers might have later so it will be more convenient if the focus is on both in moderation.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Practical skills or theoretical lessons

Which one is more important? Focus on Practical skills or theoretical lessons? This ia a conroversial subject among Expert, teachers, parents and students. People argue about it these days.

I remember, my parents spoke about this Issue when I was a child, I'd decided to study Electronic, because I though it is my favorite field but my parents said that its better to study mathematics and since I was a strong and  stubborn girl, I succeeded. They beleived math and science could help me for getting a great degree and after graduation I could find a good job and I success in my work. It can be said that most parents think so.

On the other hand, some parents and even teachers don't think like this and some people think that students should promot their practical and academic skills. By and large most experts agree that both of them are important and play a main role in the progress of students. I can point to my experience abouty my job., I'm a project controler in a huge company and preparing project's reprts is one of my duties. I have to compare them with the work done in the project and I should explain it for my boss in the meeting every week. Therefore I have to master them and it means I should know both of skills.

Eventually I personally would suggest that, schools should Simulate workplace for students, because if they just capable in Practical skills they can't face problems and they can't solve them and conversely, If they just are great in theorical skills, they will fail. 




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

What should be taught in schools; practical skills for the workplace or academic subjects like science and math? There are some people, believing sciences are far more important than practical skills; others do not. This essay will discuss how both views are true and why they should be combined.

It is said that children being taught sciences are more likely to find their interests in sciences and may have a chance to become a scientist one day, which makes it possible for them to add something more to what they learned in schools. As it can be seen their attetudes are more based on adding new knowledge to the world.

Others, on the other hand, argue that learned practical skills in schools are by far the most important items in children’s future careers. They believe that should children learn practical skill related to their future jobs, they are more likely to become masters in their workplaces. Forethermore, the more they have learned those skills already, the more chance they can have to become better managers in the future. This is why they argue about the learning practical skills in schools.

In conclusion, by concidering the fact that there are some good points in teaching children both scientific subjects and practical skills for their future career, I believe the best method is teaching them a combination of both.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

As a person who has studied in Iranian schools and has been taught just academic subjects at school, I believe that teaching just academic and theoric subjects grows unskilled students and few students can find appropriate jobs after graduation. In my opinion, studying theoretical subjects for about twelve years without learning the skills related to the theories that are being taught at schools has many drawbacks. This method makes the students board and, dislike the subjects and as the result, they dislike the school. For example, if the students don't know the usage of integral in real life and they believe that they will never use it after the exam, they will lose interest and just study to pass the exam. So that they will forget this lesson soon. Another downside of teaching just theoretical subjects is that when the students graduate from high school they cannot find appropriate jobs. So that they have to get a university degree while they are not interested in university subjects. Iran is a good example of this downside of this method. Just few young adults can find a job after graduation. The rest of them have to take an exam to go to the university. This exam puts a lot of pressure on them as well-known universities accept about 30 percent of them. It is almost a matter of life and death and has long-lasting mental and physical effects on some of them. On the other hand, people with just practical knowledge can not be successful in their careers. For example, you will get into trouble when an issue occurs if you don't know the theoretical tips behind what you are doing. I'm of the opinion that the efficient method of teaching at schools is a mixture of theoretical and practical subjects.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Although most of the parents insist on teaching only Math and science to their children at school , others think that students need to improve their practical skills. I personally believe that pupils first need to learn social and practical skills.

It can be true that most of the school classes should be base on subjects like Math and science . These two subjects have huge impact on improvment in Medicine and Technology  and without experts and  scientists it is impossible to reach that. School is the first place for training students to become experts. For this reason, students need to have  basic knowlage which they have to learn at school. Recent research shows that most scientists come from high quality schools in which students have to study hard and get high grads.

Is study really enough for childern's future? The answer is definitely No,for so many reason. Firstly,many jobs need social skills such as comunication and good team work which students need to learn at school and if they do not , they may face with troubles.Secondly, school should let  childern find their way for future. Having more practical skills like painting or playing sports can  create them more opportunities . finally, when they learn something more than lessons like Math or Science they probebly enjoy school  much more than before.

Both academic and practical skills need for suceed in life but i strongly believe that school has effect on childern's personality and it is really important to learn them more . So in this case practical skills prior to academic skills for me.





Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There is a discussion between two groups of people about priority of teaching practical skills or theoretical subjects like science and math at the schools. From my point of view, both attitude is correct somehow and students must study academic issues and practical skills at school, in order to be a successful person at the workplace. But teaching practical skills to students seems to be more rational and logical and I think this attitude outweigh other one.

At the first hand, some people believe that schools must give more attention to practical lessons and make students ready for their workplaces on this way. For instance, this is very better for industrial workers to learn how to use machines in practical way, rather than theoretical way. If they learn the instructions practically, they might never forget that instructions for the rest of their life. So, this example shows the importance of learning manners and skills practically. Also, in other work sectors like nursing, it is obvious that learning practically is more useful than theoretical education.

On the other hand, some people assume that this is very necessary for children to learn skills in academic way. These types of persons think that students must study academic subjects like science and math and not focus on practical skills. Because they think that school is a place for learning science and students should learn each issue in scientific manner. 

To sum up, the main argument is about priority of teaching practical skills or academic subjects at the schools. I think both view is very important and education systems must pay equal attention to both views. But from my point of view, if students learn practical skills at the school, then they will be more successful persons at the workplace.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Earlier in schools there is an obligation for students to study mathematics and sciences for understanding the basics of knowledge, but nowadays many schools has changed their methods to teaching students skills such as how to thinking or how to collaborate with others through groups.

However in our country the ministry of Education force the schools and teachers to teach and focus on academic subject instead of practical skills, the parents of students has been open-minded enough to motivated their children to grow non-academic skills by push them to participate in class out of school.

Many people pay a lot of money for their children to be taught by practical skill class e.g. music ,dance, learning new language or sport which are improve their abilities.in my opinion both of them should be teach in school but it has to be prioritized by the personality of students, because there are many different type of personal favorite for learning and it’s duty of school and teachers to find the ability and personality of each student and focus on them and it’s not possible to teach all student by single type of method.

In conclusion if possible for school they should invest in good teachers that learn how to learn students and figure out what is the best way to participate in class and manipulate this thought about learning only the academic courses and take an exam just for scores. They should use well-known strategies to motivate students to get useful skills and knowledge. 




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Although, the high priority of education should be consist of practical skills for workplace, academic subjects like science and math are more imperative. In my opinion, the second idea can be more realistic since acquisition of the basic of every science is crucial for starting learning. And school is a place where students get familiar to their interests and talents for choosing future job.

School as the first place where children have entered the academic environment. At first, they do not know about their interests and skills and talents. So for the beginning, they need to be trained. In addition, when they are educated by practical skills, removed their creativity. In the other words, they are susceptible of directed training without their own choices. For example, when students are educated about specific item like carpentry, they think it is their favourite major because they do not have any background about other majors.

Children are the Tabula rasa which John Locke said. It means that they do not have any information. So, they need to be taught about the basic of all science. It is caused that they know their interests and talents. Then, they decide logically based on their knowledge. Besides, when they have faced a problem in their future job, using their learning in various science and the skill of solving problem is improved.

In conclusion, academic subjects are the most significant part in education at school. In the other words, students need to know the basic of every science for flourishing their talents and skills.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

On the one hand, some individuals believe that schools should emphasize on practical competences for their careers.on the other hand, others think that theoretical subjects such as science and math are more vital. I personally believe that , pupils conducted by practical subjects can be more successful. Not only are they full experience,but also they can launch their job as soon as possible. 

Pupils who have had wide practical subjects on their curriculum are more likely to be well experienced. That is to say, having more times for mistakes, pupils get the chance to being master in the future. A survey illustrates that in a school with two diverse teaching categories.A group were conducted by practical topics could outperform in a better living from the other group after 10 years.so , learning practical skills have major effect on children's life.

Practical experiences are require to job development.children;however,should know about theoretical subjects as well.Thus, A child, having loads of experiences can establish they own job earlier than their peers. In addition, more incomes are gave to them by employers. Thanks to schools, pupils can improve their standards of living.

In conclusion, practical subjects in schools can launch children on a path of success. Also, It has extremely significant effects on their careers. Therefore, schools should focus and classify it. 




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Education is one of the most important aspects of every individual’s life. because of this governments have tried to standardize it through legislations and regulatory bodies. but due to controversial opinions surrounding the matter even they have not achieved consensus with their citizens on all the details , one of them being the subjects that should be included in the school coreculum. Some believe it should be focused on the the academic subjects like biology and mathematics. Others think it should be more oriented towards life skills and I must declare that I find myself in agreement with the latter.


In order to began explaining my opinion I must refer you to this question: what is the purpose of the education?. Clearly , the answer is to prepare children for their future ,thus, we need a goal oriented system in witch children can learn the necessary skills required to succeed in their lifes. They need to be equiped  with the capabilities that will allow them to reach their dreams. 


Furthermore , one must ask the question that how much math or biology can realy help people to acieve their goals. cause even though they are important in their own place, they don’t play  a major role in the day to day activities of most people.


With that said, I can see why some parents are concerned about the academic performance of their children and that is due to the important role that their play in college and university admissions , hence, one cant get accepted into one of these institutions without excelant performance on the academic subjects of the school.


Inconclusion , I must say that I believe school training must be evolve around teaching necessary social and occupational skills without compromising the quality of academic education of those who wish to persue a career in academic fields.


Mohamad Hasan
Mohamad Hasan


Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different view about whether learning practical skills for students for getting ready in workplace or learning academic lessons like math, science, and etc. In my opinion, schools have to teach students academic lessons because it is needed in order to improve their level of knowledge.

There are various reasons why some people believe that the priority for students is learning important skills for work. This is because some people have experience in this way and they think it is same for other people. For instance, my grand father always suggests me to care about necessary works during my school time without studying lessons. As a consequence, some people have this attitude that all schools should teach students required skills for better future.

In spite of these arguments, others, myself included, argue that it is essential for students to learn some basic lessons in order to be ready learning plenty works related to the work market. This is due to the fact that academic lessons should be learnt for getting ready of student’s brain. In fact, student’s brain is like a computer for memorizing all thing, and it is dependent on learning lessons. As a concrete evidence, according to an international survey, some scientists have obviously demonstrated that roughly 80 percent of schools around the world teaches students academic lessons. As a result, plenty people and I strongly believe that it is imperative to pay attention to lessons at first.

In conclusion, although there are some reasons to believe that practical skills are important for students, my own view is that learning academic lessons such as math, physics, and science are more significant than learning skills for work.




You recently had a problem with a product or service that you purchased, and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the company. Write a letter to the company, explaining the problem and the action you expect the company to take.

In your letter:

Describe the problem you experienced
Explain how this problem has affected you
State what you expect the company to do to resolve the issue

️You recently had a problem with a product or service that you purchased, and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the company. Write a letter to the company, explaining the problem and the action you expect the company to take.

In your letter:


▪️Describe the problem you experienced

▪️Explain how this problem has affected you

▪️State what you expect the company to do to resolve the issue


I am writing this letter in regard to purchase of hard external model ADATA Xm205 with 1000 gigabite memory from your shop last week . I bought a external hard from your marketby internet . I am so busy and have no time to go out and shopping my needs . I try to buy them from internet . Incidentally ,I found this device and paid money by visa card then bought it. After one week that i recived it ,i opened package and decided to used but i recognize my laptop couldn't detected it . Firstly , I thought that my computer had this problem but after several time checked with another computer , I realized that this device has basic problem . 

I am expecting your prompt response on this matter . 

I wish you repair it or replace to an other new one device.

Your faithfully





The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

Dear sir or madam 

I am writing this letter for you because I bought a soundbar from your company .It was sent me after a weak. I contacted it to my television .Unfortunately , I could not 

use of it .However I updated it ,it could not connected to TV again. 

although read the guide booklet I could not connect it and it has warranty for 1 years too.

In my view connect cable to TV has problem because the soundbar turns on but it can not connect to TV.

I tried with another TV but I could not successful again

Because of the trust I had, I did not hammer any more at shop. 

My son's birthday is next month and I need a soundbar for playing music in that celebration.

Your company is famous and I have got others products of your brand too.

I request you , Chang or repair this product .

Best regards

Nasim Karimbeik 









The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The graf indicate people in England that expartriation to five countries ( Australia, Spain, USA , Newzealand and France ) form 2004 to 2007 . 

Overall, a larg proportion of individuals from Britain emigrate to Australia and Spain and in spite of less rate of trek to USA , Newzealand and France during 2004 till 2007 . 

 In 2006 ,a majority of population nearly about 50000 persons leaved united kingdom and selected Australia to lived there toward other three years also 35000 pesons between 2004 and 2005 emigrated to Spain with two other years that have less number of persons who migrated this country . 

By contrast, united state of America shows decrease slightly of number of persons that emigrated to it during four years on the other hand France and Newzealand have rapid changes with decline trend of immigration versus other countries.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart gives information about British emigration to chosed destination within a four year.

In general, it can be seen the range of British migration in Australia which selected destination is by far the most among the other countries, on the contrary New Zealand has the lowest range.

From 2004 and the following years, Spain and New Zealand had the same changes, both of them continued to reduce their emigrations in a steady speed to around 20% while Australia and France  increased their migration to approximately 50% and 33% respectively.
In 2006 Australian migraitions did the most selection for destinations at about 51%, followed by Spain at approximately 32% while USA and New Zealand both migrate around 20%.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart provides information about British emigration rates to Australia and Spain and New Zealand and USA and France from 2004 to 2007.

Overall, Most populare country for British Emigration is Australia country, after that is Spain county and Theard choice for British people is France County while last choice for them are New Zealand and USA.

The British emigration rates of the Australia was almost 40000 in 2004 and 2005. Then, it rose to about 51000 in 2006. That, it was the highest among these five countries. However it declined to 45000 in 2007. the figure showed a gradual decrease to almost 30000 for Spain country.

Percentage of British emigration to New Zealand and USA are the same. It's almost 20000 for both Countries. However, the figure exprienced a steady decreased during the three years. and France's emigrate rate was the lowest amount, about 18000 in 2007.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The chart illustrates the number of emigrated who choose the last station among Australia, Spain, New Zealand, USA and France from 2004 to 2007.
The number of people who selected Australia decreased from just forty one thousands in 2004 to about thirty eight thousands but then has climbed sharply to fifty two thousands in 2006. In 2007, it has been dropped to forty two thousands.
In terms of Spain, it has been relatively stable increasing from thirty three thousands in 2004 to thirty five thousands in 2005.In contrast, it has been fallen from thirty one thousands in 2006 to twenty thousands in 2007.
With regard to New Zealand, it has declined from twenty three thousands in 2004 to twenty one thousands in 2005. By following years, it has plunged from twenty thousands in 2006 to nineteen thousands in 2007.
In USA it has started with twenty four thousands in 2004 . Then it has fallen to about eight teen thousands in 2005 . In addition it has climbing back to twenty five approximately . In 2007, it has reached almost twenty thousands.
About France, it has grown from twenty two thousands in 2004 to thirty three thousands in 2005 . By following years, it has plummeted to twenty six thousands in 2006 and eight teen thousands in 2007.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart illustrates the number of British individuals emigrating to five countries since 2004 until 2007.looking from an overall perspective,it is clear that the most popular place to move to was Australia.

Australia and Spain had most accepted biritish people. The significant emigration was in Australia at around 50,000 in 2006 . The year after in 2007 it decreased approximately at 9,000 people.However, in 2004 and 2005 were around to 40,000. In Spain was just over 30,000 in 2004 and 2005. It had slightly decrease in 2006. In 2007 fall to around 28,000.

USA, New Zeland and France were not very popular between British people . In New Zeland we had gradually decrease from 2004 to 2007 , in all four years were around 20,000. In 2004 the number of people were approximately same at around 22,000 in france and USA . In France the bar chart reached around 31,000 people in 2005.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

the bar chart illustrates the number of people who immigrated to 5 chosen countries - Australia, Spain, New Zealand, USA and France - in 4 years.
As it can been seen, the most popular country was selected by brithish people is Australia in 2004-2007. By contrast, the New Zealand had the fewer immigrants.
Australia and Spain have the most number between another countries. Australia has the highest number in 2006 that was over 50 thousand. Furthermore, the seconed country which that has most immagrants is Spain. While, New Zealand and USA have the lowest number in comparison 4 countries in addition to they had similar number of people who entered the both countries is 20 thousand in 2007. 
The lowst number is related to France that is 18 thousands in 2007  and the highest number of people who immagrated to the Frence is nearly 35 thousand in 2005.




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Nowadays technology is an inevitable issue, most of companies spend much money on them. some people believe that robots play an important role on individuals’ future development. Others argue that it would be harmful impact on society. I will explain both statements as well as elaborating on my point of view below.  

To begin, with improving technology it would be an inseparable thing in our life. we cannot imagine ourselves without that. Due to this revolution, every one of every age is familiar with technology and tries to use it. Technology enable to advance individuals’ knowledge and it would be affordable to learn abundant career through that. For instance, these days most of people have hectic program and do not have much time to cleaning apartment or housework. So, vacuum cleaner could be a nice device which use technology in a best way.

However, due to the possibility of replacing robots in the job position of some people, technology will have negative influence on society and some people likely lose their job. In addition, robots cannot express proper and right emotions, and the sequences of this it likely misunderstood. For example, robots cannot be suitable teachers, because they likely cannot understand students’ needs and solve them.

In conclusion, in my point of view although technology could our life easier, it would be harmful effect on our society if they use excessive and use in some job position which need individuals’ care and emotion. I hope that technology can improve the lives of societies and individuals.




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


In the today ages, thanks to technology, it has developed day by day. Robots are popular technology. In a view, people thinks that it is very effective for human in the now and future. But in other group, some people disagree with that. In my opinion, this can be have pros and cons.


In the side, robots are very valuable and have plus points. Firstly, it is task speed. The speed of task by the help of them are rapid, also the reverse the humans who need energy for doing tasks, the robots do not need energy. Secondly, the rate of mistakes are very low, because these plan with technology. Last but not least, the robots in the special conditions such as a fire places, the humans cannot cross in the fire, so they need robots for extinguishing fire.


In other side, robots can be negative for society because these reasons. These need high money for both creating and buying. Nextmore,this cause to the people forget their responsibility, and they may get obesity that's why they being lazy in order that it hurts to brain's function. Finally, robots may be demolish , so it needs to be repair.


To conclude, first group think that robots are necessary and useful for future life of humans. In other group, some of them believe that, these robots have negative impact on people and society. In my view, although I agree that these have positive impact, it can be have negative effects.





Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Whilst some public considered that robots are essential for humans' future development, others believe that robots have negative impacts on the community; Although robots have advantages, I believe the drawbacks are more.
On the one hand, robots can alter our lifestyle and make our life easier owing to technological life which can help us in discovering and doing anything even if we think it is impossible; Nevertheless, robots have able to make people disable due to your peaceful life, robots can do all works for you so according to this, it might make you lazy and deactivate person, therefor it can cause many diseases in your body because you will lay on your bed all the time and has no movement or do not even hiking.
On the other hand, the worlds change day by day due to the improvement of technology, despite these useful improvements; we should pay awareness to employment because all humans need finances and career in their life, we have to share our knowledge and help others with what we study in university or even in our life skills; Even though robots make our life technological, advanced and have able to scan anything or work for an individual; we should predict a day in future that robots will go to work instead of humans; consequently people will get depression because they assume they are impractical for the society; many people will be unemployed so they can not have a normal life and the sense of humanity and sociability will vanish in our world.
To conclude, I strongly believe robots have many benefits but disadvantages are more visible; Every person ought to care about what we want as human humanity not just someone who has a shape like a human.




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


In past decade robots have been growing so fast that is integrated with human life. There are too many system which is controlled by robots like vacuum cleaner robots. Nowadays this type of robot can scan all around the house and clean whole parts then return back to its charge station and prepare to start again. Before this, it should be done by human and it got too much times to do. Other type is delivery robots which has been developed to speed up the delivery of goods in cities. Furthermore the existence of robots is inevitable because people who lives in cities don’t have much time to do all their duties by themselves so they incline to delegate at least some of them to robots.

But there is other side of this technology. In my opinion, in near future robots will be developed to be smarter to enhance the live of humans. They could cook, drive, teach and even design new thing that may be dangerous. Because robots could make human out of living control. Artificial intelligence that has been wise enough to predict all possible ways of future to order all robots around the world for doing unpleasant goals.

Finally there are pros and cons for developing robots, but important decision is that which kinds of problem they want to solve. And it should be set a regulation for robot to control them to don’t harm anybody or anything.

It could be more helpful if they limited for some kinds of task or jobs which aren’t critical for human life. 




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


 There are different opinions about the importance of robots. Some people think that they are important for improving the lives of humans in the future, while others, including me, think that robots harm the communication in future.  

On the one hand, Some people believe that robots do have not positive results on society. Robots lead to doing away with some practical careers. This situation causes some companies to fire some workers because robots are the best choice for doing practical and working any rest; unemployment causes many mental disorders for people. Another strong reason is politicians are planning that use it in wars. Robots can hack all security systems by only pressing a button.

On the other hand, many people argue that robots are a positive impact on mankind`s development. Robots are the best choice for doing risky work like digging a mountain to build a tunnel. They are not only tireless but also performers. Another reason is that there are fewer mistakes in the work because they are advanced and defined all things that have needed by programming. This reduces not only waste but also failures in production. To sum up, countless people think robots have a positive impact on people's life. Because of the best choice for doing practical work with the best efficiency. And the other hand, many people think robots hurt it. Because robots will be replaced by human labor in many parts of the work and the best choice for war in future. I believe that robots cannot have a positive effect on society. 





Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


By the advent of robots in seventy years ago, the human experienced another big change in his life and the duties got much easier. The human fined more leisure time by assigning the hard works to robots. Although some people think that developing of robots is essential for future of human kind, there are some others who believe that robots affect negatively our society. I think robots play positively their role in society. In the following paragraphs, I shall discuss both the ideas and explain on which side, I am agree.


The idea of invention of robot is very straightforward and simple. They are created to ease our life and do tasks which are dangerous or out of our abilities. Now they can do jobs that one century ago were belonged to human, not because they were attractive, but because of no other way of doing them. For instance, painting of cars in manufacturers is a job that is doing by robots, since this procedure is contained of adverb chemical which can cause of cancers and other diseases. Also they do some activities which are so boring to us, more accurately in ultimate speed. For example, a baker robot can cook two time faster than a bakery crew without any waste or burned bread. This cause people only spend their time on managing and convey labor and hard situations to robots.


On the other hand, some people have concerns about them. They debate the robots undermine the role of human in society with the assigning more roles to robots. They are eliminating some of jobs with automation and making some people out of work. To some extended, these concerns are true, but only in term of eliminating jobs that do not need skill and are sheer labor, not jobs that need brain and decision making ability. So eradicating of these type jobs are not a big deal for people since they can occupy other opportunities that are easier and also are not dangerous for their healthiness.in addition the jobs who need thinking are always reserved for human kind and never a robot would be able to do that.


To conclude, robots have made our life much comfortable by doing daily routines that are boring for us and also they have accepted to do jobs that are not suitable for human physically. 




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


The world in which humans' tasks are done by robots.  world move toward to explore environment through Artificial intelligent .manufacturing robots which can work as like a human without any errors has been human desire since computers are made . There are some people are willing to gain accomplishments in this field since the world will be much easier than now and it will bring numerous convenient and insights for next generations.by contrast, some people who believe in negative impacts of robots on human life.


Technological developments has brought thousands of convenience of our modern life. From simple form of these achievements such as calculators to advanced, like satellites to explore galaxy, are come to help people to have better life in all aspects. For instance, in medicine many operations are done by robots to minimize human errors or some of them are made for launching to examine and explore space. Robots are made to do human tasks with highest pace and lowest wrongs. Yet, development is a process and it requires more improvements to create robots to come across threats and overcome challenges.


By contrast, some people think that increasing use of technological devices which are simple form of robots has negative impacts on Physical and mental health. Regarding human brains need to do many tasks by self to have better functions and being sharp. As people heavily rely on robots, using their brain to solve challenges decrease. Many evidences show that human have a tendency to choose easier procedures to address the obstacles. It leads to falling in functions of human brains in long run. Not only does it have negative effects on mental but also people may become lazy to do their duties if they will be done by robots perfectly.

All in all, robots have brought positive and negative impacts to people life, its merits are much more than negative points.in future human need them to survive from alien threats. People should implements robots as instruments to more achievements not to hinges on them to neglect more efforts.  




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Nowadays robots play important role in our life. Also, we see the exponential development of robots in both software and hardware. Today, prediction of robots and their situation in human future life become a controversial issue. Some people think development of robots brings many benefits with itself. Other people argue this development have negative consequences. 

Using robots in order to improve human's life are effective in some aspects. Firstly, by their ability, a robot nonstop can work, while human do not. This benefit may lead to optimization in consuming of cost and time. Secondly, with respect of this point that working in any circumstance for human are difficult, robots can solve the problem. In the other hand, they can be replaced in everywhere that might be dangerous for human. For instance, in depth of ocean, top of the mountain or high temperature places.   

In the other hand, some people argue these developments might create negative consequences for the future. Development of robots and its artificial intelligence would active this alarm that control of robots in the future may be impossible. Some famous technology pioneer, like Elon Musk, have already signed a letter to Microsoft company with this highlight that procedure of its artificial intelligence tool, so called ChatGPT, should be slow. Moreover, the people who are concern about future of robots also think using of robots will not be limited just in hard works and every thing will have be influenced by robot in any aspects of life. It might lead to losing of many job positions in future. Because robot works with minimum what human did before. 

Al in al, development of robots is a problem that human will faced with it in the future. Some people think automation by robots are important to development of people's lifestyle and their safety. But other people argue it will harmful for human in future and create many hard circumstances for them. In my view, development of robots can help people but governments should restrict its evolution in the aspects may harmful for humankind.       




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


few people are of the belief that robots are going to play a key role in human's future achievements , whereas other 
argue that they may not be safe and have adverse impacts on the society.I'm  personally convinced that such invention 
and advances could be both a mirit or a disaster depending on how they are going to be used.

Robots are capeable of doing a wide variety of tasks and can be replaced instead of individuals when necessary. One of 
the best usage of them would be rescuing people who are stuch in dangerous places. For instance, if a house is burning , 
a fire resilient intelligent robot could go in and help people. This has two positive points, firstly, robots can be 
manufactured and comparing to trained firemans it would be time saving, secondly if they are damaged no family would get 
sad which makes them perfect for life threatening duties.

On the other hand, these smart human like machines could pose a serious threat to the world as well. It is a fact that they 
do not feel pain or regret which makes them perfect soldiers. In other words, losing trained troops at wars has always been a 
prohibiting factor for wars, and the invention of programmed robots as killers and destroyers used as soldiers probably facilitates wars in the future.

In conclusion, the new revolutionary technology in particular robots seems to have the potential to either build or destroy 
humankind and its world. It is essential for human beings be responsible and use these advances properly.




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


In recent decades, robots have been increasingly popular amid various countries. Generally robots play a vital role in human’s future developments and result of these robots have enthralled many people in world. Other deem, that have tremendous negative effects on society. in this essay we will discus both sides of this heated argument, weather this topic is good or bad is contentious.

On the one hand, modern developments such as robots has made our lives easier and more comfortable also contribute to saving time in daily works. That could have good effects on people’s life in different kinds of transportation, education and something like that, for instance mobile technology, humanoid robots, automated guided vehicles ,.. those aid people fulfill their works faster and this could cause address numerous problems. For example in some housework likes washing dishes or cleaning house, humanoid robots have key role in doing these and are helped people until do works better.this is hitting two birds with one stone, becuse they can do several works together.

 On the other hand, people firmly disagree with being robots beneficial as they believes robots technology have negative impacts on society, because that could make lazy people, since they use robots for easiest works while that need to they do themselves. This issue has very bad effects in some jobs and make less active workers. Beside that, owing to lack of mobility that could lead to some health problem and another effects. This cons have made mechanical life and stressful.

In sum up, it seems robots technology have some advantages for people use them well and have some disadvantages for someone do not know how to use this technology for making better life because, that are a best way for making easier life.





Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Nowadays technology is enhancing more and more, therefore human’s life should be developed in order to people can match themselves to new sciences, one of these cutting-edge field is artificial intelligence, which is expected to has a big impact on our lifestyle. From my point of view, robots and artificial intelligence are useful mostly, however, sometimes they can be dangerous for humans and it depends to how we use this part of science.

In side of positive effects, we can imagine some beneficial rules of robots that can help us pretty much, for instance, in gas station you do not need to get off your car robots complete your tank, or even it is predicted that they can clean our houses which is an amazing property. Thus when you visualize a life with robots you feel easy.

On the other hand, in terms of negative reaction, generally normal people cannot recognize the hazardous possessions of robots, for example, several years later it is possible that these machines fight with us and I believe we are not as powerful as them, furthermore, scientists suggest engineers and companies to stop developing the machine learning for a while to find a solution for this issue because they are destructive in a few ways.

To draw the conclusion, robots are effective in most ways but in a few ways they can be dangerous for human’s life and it depends on how computer science engineers improve them, so one the resolving is to stop producing them.              




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


These days some people believe that robots are important for humans future development while others think that robots have negative effects on society. In my opinion artificial intelligent robots can overtake all human labour and menial jobs but in this case they can cause more of people ending in unemployed status.


Robots can take over all human works that could be done by hands. Societies always seek for a easier way of life. When machines can replace for some of jobs that don't require human skills, so people can invest their full potential in their big goals. These days robots are replaced by so many jobs, in many developed countries for example machines can clean the floors, wash automobiles check identities; the number of few which should have done by hands in the past. Therefore the necessity of artificial intelligence robots its clear by making them responsible for the activities that don't require an specialized skill.


Conversely, more likely so many people are go to stay unemployed if robots have replaced in menial jobs. There are always some employees who are under qualified for skilled job positions in any population, when human jobs have taken over with machines these people most probably have a low chance of getting hired. For instance every year so many workers get expelled of their job because companies wanted to replace them with robots which are less expensive, because robots work by clock and don't need holiday and other expenses. Thus using robots instead of humans will rose the number of jobless people.


To sum up, machines can replace human in some nonspecialized activities which this benefits people in time but this attitude may leave so many people in unemployed states. Robots can make life easier for some, although they occupy the jobs which some need it.




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Some people think that robots are important for human's future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


     Technology has penetrated every aspect of our lives. Robots are a part of the technology. There are two views about robots, some people say they will be played significant role in human's future while another group believes they have so many disadvantages on society. However, I personally believe that their advantages outweigh to disadvantages.

     To begin, the first group believes that, our lives are closely entwined with technology. They think robots are one of aspects of technology which comes to our improvement in every types of stuffs. For example, recently, some industries are used the robots to produce their goods. To continue, robots are reduced the wrong. As a matter of fact, they are managed based on the special program which performance. Packaging is an example, in some companies use from special robots to packages their products. Not only they do correct, but also they do rapid.

     On the other hand, another group of people think that robots have negative effects. They believe many jobs are replaced with robots, as well as it will be more and more in the future. For instance, in a cafe there is a barista who produce a coffee, but nowadays there are robotic cafes where a robot is made a coffee. Besides, they believe that technology has an impact on our inborn tendency which is communication. In fact, they say with modern life everyone tend to make communication with robots and it causes humanity communication be destroyed.

     By and large, technology has brought expedition and facilitation to every aspect of our lives, and robots are done it too. I maintain that robots can improve our future ad base on our tend to improving they provide some facilities in the future.


Mohammad Hassan
Mohammad Hassan


Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


There are ranges of people have opinion about robots can be useful in their human race progressed. Whereas, someone has discrepancy notion about robots and their demerits of those. Some people believe in Artificial Intelligence is harmful for public. While, others take issue with this idea and Artificial Intelligence have more advantages in public advancement. I strongly agree with second point.

On the one hand, first group might be right to some extent. Firstly, robots will be a key factor to eliminate wide range of jobs and consequently the rate of unemployment will increase. Also, economic situation and safety condition are deterioration. Secondly, governments are scared about people do not tend to make family or having partner in their life and which replace it by robots and the growth of population is going to stop.

On the other hand, I support the second group who believe that one of the essential factors in the future development of human depended to robotic science. Firstly, some of the jobs can be detrimental effect in human body such as mining but robotic knowledge draws particular ones to do the tasks can be dangerous for human being. Secondly, Artificial Intelligence be able to diagnose disease easily and find the best way to tackle problems which threaten life and as a result of using robotic science can improve the quality of health in human race.

In conclusion, the first group notion considers robots have disadvantages for public. However, I am in favor of robotic science have more usefulness for everyone.




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


People have different views about benefits of robots for humen s' future life. Some people believe that robots are necessary for advancing humen s' life while other believe that robots have a lot of drawbacks in society. In my opinion, robots have effective pros and cons in existence.

There are two main reasons why it could argued that nowadays we are more dependent on robot services. Firstly, life is more complex and difficult but by using artificial intelligence we can solve a lot of problems easily. For example, we can have a conversation with our phone or computer and request them to doing something when we can t' pick up our mobile like driving, riding, etc. Secondly, robots do not want rights like humens. For instance, If someone hire a worker to doing the house works then he should pay salary, insurance and taxes but by using robots like smart washing machine and dishwasher or even humanaid robot it can be done convenient and cheap.

However, I would agree with those who believe that robots have negative effect on society. Robots can take human jobs. Therefor, a lot of people can lose their jobs and become poor. So, poverty can destroy sociery. Moreover, there is the potential concern that robots can be out of human control, hacked or broken. For instance, when a person decide to use self-driving car, If that artificial intelligense makes the slightest miscalculation during driving. lt can lead to death of passengers.

In conclusion, there are convincing argument both for and against future of robots in humen s' life. But I believe that while we are using advantages of robots, we should be care full about risks of using them.




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Some individuals believe that robots are vital for the future development of humanity.while, others think that robots robots have drawback impacts on society. Robots can make a contribution to human's activities. They;however, can have a major effect on decreasing job offers in the future. I personally believe the second opinion, but I will be discussing both the view points in this essay.

Activities of the the individuals were reduced by robots. Not only do they work carefully, but also they work faster than people. In a development country such as Japan  robots do a lot of the household work . For instance,The robots mopping and sweeping a floor when their owners are not at home . Thus , some having robots are more comfortable than the others doing all of the work without their assistances. 

On the minus side , Robots can limit opportunities for human's careers. That is to say, improving quality of works. Furthermore, Robots will be becoming more popular. A factory working with just robots and machines do not need to have employees , so it is not surprising that we will have enormous unemployed people in the state_of_the_art world. Only if we prioritize robots' works can we get the chance to have vacancies job for many. Furthermore , we can enjoy to live with robots . 

In conclusion, Thanks to robots, people will be becoming more unwinding in the future. Besides , individuals maybe loose some jobs opportunitie . In my opinion since the innovation of robots the standard of living have improved . 




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


There are different arguments about how significant robots in the people future. Pertaining to this, some advocates believe that it is necessary to progress the society, while others critics opposite it, as they think these machines can have adverse effect on human being. However, I strongly believe that people should use them with more caution. In this essay, I will elaborate both opinions and propose my own position on the issue.

On the one hand, these days especially in developed countries, there are tendency to using more machines with artifical intelligences. To begin with, the reason why there is this trend, is that techonology brings us convinience and welfare. As an axamplification, by using robots in doing chores, we can save our time. Moreover, we can not shun the technology and go back to living simple lives in the villages. To put it simply, in health area, robots are considered as a most effective renovation, for example, by making artifical limbes for disables.

On the other hand, some people and I believe that, no matter how far technology has taken humans and how convinient it may make lives, there are some disadvantages accompanying this level of access. Firstly, when a machine breaks or a computer crashes humans becom almost disable until the problem resolved. To put it simply, this kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantages owing to they becom less self-reliant. Secondly, there are a fear about unemployment, if robots will not been used wisely. For instance, they can cause lossing job of many people, if they will be employed widly. 

In conclusion, however there are some drawbacks of using machines with artifical intelligence, they can be so productive and useful, if they are well-planned




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Todays it is discussed that robots will play an essential role in human's future life. This essay agree to much extent with this theory. Firstly, this paper will discuss how might some employees will been substitute with robots. Secondly, it will describe robot can not do everything as well as humans. 

To begining, nowadays science has made significant progress and a lot of works have been done by robots. For example, in hospitals ,doctors do their surgeries by robots. In addition, in some countries such as chine and Korea use the robot as a bookkeeper or as a employee in their restaurant. In following, people can use robots to do construction works or in agricultural. Not only the robots heelps us to save our time durind doind daily work, but also they can help government to save money. Because the government don't have to pay money to them. 

On the other hand, ther are some jobs such as managers, researchers, teachers etc, which they can't been done by robots or machines. Also, nowadays, some automobiles are made that they go on roads without need to any controller, people have to drive personally to their destinations. In addition, machines and robots are very expensive and they can not been bought by everyone. 

In conclusion, human's life will influence by machines and robots in future. We might even have many automatic cities that they are run by robots. Despite all of these improvements, robots can not fully take the place of humans.







Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


It is said that robots are crucial for developing of future life. In opposite, other individuals say people are affected negatively by robots. I will explain some reason and give my opinion in tis essay.

The robots are included part of our life , so they are very important. For example, a cooker or coffee maker, both of them are a robot. If you were busy and couldn't cook meal , you can put some ingredients in cooker and turn it on , then leave it up. It was an example a piece of advantages of robots in daily life.

In industrial, for instance, in the jelly jam factory the robots are the minor part of the process. They separate stones and wash the fruits, then after some level by humans,  jam is dropped in the jar , in the next the doors are put on by robots. Regardless of rise of population, we need the speed function of robots.

Whereas, a person who uses robots doesn't need any friend or an individual who help him/her for housekeeping , especially, if he/she owns a robot which can speak and is emotional. There will have been a good relationship between that person and robot. 

In conclusion, I think robots are a piece of our life . We can not avoid to them. They will be developed and affect on our  treatment, whether we would or wouldn't. But, by making stronger relationship and a perfect plan for our future, it will definitely go through forward great.





The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The given chart compare the information about monthly expenditure of American families on food, gas and clothing in four different months, January to April, in 2010.

As a general trend, the average spending on all items increased steadily from January to March and it fell considerably on April. Although the fact that food was almost the highest expenditure in families’ budget during this period, it fell dramatically on April.

On January, the budget which was allocated to purchase food was about 500 dollars, followed by a smooth raise to roughly 600 dollars in February, it returned to its initial amount of January. By then, food expenditure decreased sharply and reach its lowest level by near to 300 dollars on April.

On contrary, the money goes on gas and cloths had a drastic increasing on April in which they reached their maximum level by just below 600 and almost 650 dollars, respectively. Clothing expenditure was one third of this amount on January, and followed by a sharp increasing to almost 600 dollars on February, it decreased to about 300 dollars on March. Gas spending fluctuated from January to March between about 220 almost 350 dollars over the period.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

.The diagram compares the amount of spending in dollars of a family in four months in three distinct parts ,  namely food , gas and clothing in the USA in 2006.   It is clear that the most numbers in JAN belonged to food , by about 500 dollars , and in the second and third stage were gas and clothing , by 350 and 220 dollars , respectively . The amount of clothing and food in FEB were similar to each other , around 580 and gas were the least in this month .                                                             It can be seen in MAR that food were higher than clothing and gas by about 420 dollars . The amount were changed significantly on APR and first place were for clothings wherasa gas and food were in the other stages . In general , the average were stable from JAN to FEB, means 350$ and after that grow partially and then fell back in APR and reach to about 250 dollar in this month .




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The following chart illustrates the cost of living per month in dollars for a family in U.S.A in three areas including fuel, food and clothing during the year 2010.

In summery, it presents that from January to April, monthly costs remains almost the same with a slight rise in march. It seems like expenditure for fuel and clothing were highest in April while the food costs being the lowest in same month.

As the chart illustrates, a family in the U.S might not feel the change in costs for their food because it rised slightly in February reaching around 550 dollars and then constantly decreased until April when the average costs was only 300 dollars. For gas charges, the trend is almost the opposite of what happened to food costs, a minimal fall in February around 250 dollars with a steep increase to almost 700 dollars in April. Clothing however, was a little different in which being the lowest in January with more than two times increase in next month when it decreased in the march; the following month and again doubling in April.





The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

Acceding to mentioned chart that relate to how much money a family spend for living in the USA, food category is main part of monthly expenditure in first month of year and on the other side the minimum spending relates to clothing.it shows the volume of food which is buy by a family has strong effect to buying less priority stuff like clothing.

For next month, both of them has increased near 600$ for a February. Maybe it’s relate to winter that people more excited to buy new cloth for changing season but it’s not strong enough to continue to march. Also there is a little bit growth in gas expenditure that reach to level of first month.

However it display massive growth in gas spending which is related to travel time for families but there is sharp different between March and April for spending clothing money which is pass 600$ in April.
The most logical reason for spending these much money is summer. Because people like summer and want to buy new dressing especially women.

In average there are equal spending money for 2 month of year which are JAN & FEB but after that there is smooth increase in spending. Then for April we noticed a drop compare to previous months.

Finally there is no exact relation between these months which are publish for year 2010. But we could compromise the minimum and maximum money are spend for each item and how much money they save for future to buy desire things.





The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The given bar chart illustrates the whole by details and average cost of living for each family in the USA included food, gas and clothing in four months from January to April and according to a scale from zero to 800 dollars in 2010. Generally, the data shows that expenses fluctuated wildly during these month. According the overall trend, the average of expenditure in January and February was remained constant approximately 380 dollars but it had been reached to over than 400 dollars in March and then began to wane nearly 230 dollars in April.  

At first, the cost of food in the first three month was more than average and it was rising to nearly 590 in February but it had dipped to 380 dollars at the end of the April. Also, the expenses of gasoline dropped to 220 dollars in February from 380 dollars in January, whereas it increased to 390 dollars and then it reached to the highest average about 590 dollars in April. Clothing had the lowest cost in January however it increased to accounting for 590 dollars in February and then dropped to lower than average about 380 at March and finally it had been nearly double the same amount in April. Hence, clothing was the lowest cost at the first month whereas it reached to highest amount at the end of the last month. 

Secondly, data shows that the average of cost living for families at three dimension as gas, food and clothing was steadily stable at the first two months but it reached to more than average in March approximately 420 dollars and then it plunged to 230 dollars in April. Also, at January and February the most individual’s expenditure proportion allocated to food whereas it changed to gas and specially to clothing in March and April.  

In overall, the data show that families monthly cost of living would be changeable during various months based on their needs and it had been experienced a fluctuated average during these four months. 




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The diagram above, display the amount of cash spent for three essential need (food, gas, clothing) in a family in the USA for four month.

Cash used for food have a soft increase pick in middle of the period of time, which gas price have opposite situation and clothing spend rise in second and fourth month. Average dollar spending is constant in half of time line and after that show a pick.

Food spending start with about 500 dollars and rise to belove of the 600 dollars in second month, finally drop to the less them 400 dollars per month. In other hand gas spending show opposite current so start with almost 350 dollars per month reduce to just more them 200 and increase to approximately 550 dollars per month in April. Which clothing spending have alternative behavior by maximum of about 700 cash unit and minimum of more them 200 cash unit.

In total spending dollars not change considerably in two frist months, even drop to almost 300 dollars in the last month and highest bill is related to March.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The given bar graph illustatesthe the sum of money in dollar a usa resident family spend on food, gas and clothing in 2010. It is interesting to note that clothing expenses was the least in january, and the highest in april.
overall, the aggregate money which people spent on cloth and gas experienced an upward trend, whereas food costs ,notwithstanding fluctuations, decreased moderately over the course of four months.
In january the highest proportion of spending are dedicated to cloth that was quite different another months. The second and the third place came from gas and food. Food and clothing shared the same percentage in febraury, significantly higher than gas which accounted for over 200 dollars. However, they show a dramatic drop, reaching just over 300 dollars.
In april the cost of cloth reached a high of over 600 dollars. The figures for gas expenditure esclated sharply as well.Food charges dripped, nevertheless.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

it is essential to know their report about famous people the lives for group of people however another group of people believe that the data about famous people's lives should be private.I am convinced the First View is much more logical. This essay will firstly argue that why it is not convenient to know the data and information and secondly contents that why it's beneficial to know about their information.
it is not convenient to know all information and data of famous people's lives.in addition the information should be private and personal.it means that we shouldn't interfere to their life,not only interfere is inappropriate work but also judge them in any circumstances is the unvaluable behavior.Although the famous people are so blissful and lucky,however being judged in situation makes problem for them and aggressive them. for example if the famous people decide to do something or behave to some fans against our will,we write the negative commants and view to them.this is the main reason is that why information should be kept personal and not shared on any cyberplace.
moreover I subscribe the notion that it is so beneficial that a person use from the information about the famous people.there is to say that famous people are so successful in addition they are rolemode of group of people.for example people follow their ways to make decision about doing  something or what behavior that they have about problems. however it's not useful to follow the way in many other aspects,I uphold the view that any person should decide to do something by his situation that he has.it's so important to notion that any person should not compare herself with  the famous people.
to conclude access to information to lives of  a famous people have a lot of benefit to improve our ideas about decision that are in our life. it's so beneficial to follow them and pay attention to their life and they behaviour.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In recent years a flock of people claim that understanding the private information of famous people is essential for them and it is one of the primary activities for these groups in the pastime. Conversely, a number of people think that these data are private and people should not be allowed to search this information. From my point of view, it is a controversial issue. I agree with the second idea and I will support my argument in the following essay.

On the one hand, some individuals believe information relate to famous people such as actress and actor are vital for them and they should know about everything that happening in their lives. These people are following celebrities on social media particularly on Instagram and Facebook because their activity during the day is appealing for them. In this day and age, with developing the internet and a dramatic increase in social media, sharing information about famous people is a major activity. It is an undeniable fact that accessing to private information about artists causes many problems for them.

In stark contrast, a number of individuals believe access to private information about artists does not have benefits for people. From my perspective, all information that sharing on social media by famous people can not accurate always. This issue leads to misunderstanding for individuals, especially youngsters. I would argue, under no circumstances should individuals waste their time on social media with following famous people.

To put in a nutshell, I once again reaffirm my position that understanding about private lives of famous people can not be highly beneficial for us. Admittedly, not only are the private information of artists on social media incorrect, but also they are destroying for people.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

At present, a flock of individuals have the belief that we have to know about famous people. But some claim that It is not essential for us and famous people's information has to be secret. I am for the first notion.


These days, loads of individuals say that famous people must not share their private live , as the general public judge them. What is more, it is possible they face with a lot of criminal situations in society. Undoubtedly,this condition impresses their private live and certainly, it creates irreparable damage for them. Furthermore, some famous individuals become the victim of incorrect imagination and their live destroy.Alot of experts have the opinion that under no circumstances should famous people share their private life because it creates catastrophic and sophisticated condition for them.


On the other hand, a large number of people believe that celebrities people have to share their life with their fans as individuals have a lot of motivation for knowing about them. obviously, famous people have a vital role in society and they are a pattern for general public. Besides, individuals can gain a lot of beneficial information about their experience, for instance, when we read about Obama's life definitely we acquire how we can against with our live problems. Not only is it benefit for people but also they can make progress in their life through this way, and they make the best decision for all live aspects.


To sum up, although some people say that celebrity people should not share their private live with other people, a majority of individuals claim that it has so profit for society because they can access benefit information.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Why do you think having access to information about the lives of famous people is important? For being successful, as they are? Or just as a curiosity and you want to know what they do? For the first one certainly, you will not be a success full person as they are. Also, putting your nose in celebrities’ life just make you uncomfortable and you will be a disappointed person.

Knowing every piece of information about celebrities` life cannot help you to become a successful person. Some people believe that if you do everything that a rich person does, you will be a rich person too in the future. Although following successful people's life can help you, it cannot make you successful. In this case, take a successful person like Warren Buffet`s attitude who is a successful, rich investor as an example. He has shared many lessons for investors and making money every day for a long time. Though the question is do you know someone as successful as Warren in investing? Why someone does not take advantage of this and make himself rich?

Having information about famous people's lives makes you disappointed. Other groups of people believe that people`s life is private and it does not matter if they are famous or not. In this case, I can share the experience of my cousin Ali. He is 25 years old and he has followed one of the most famous people`s life for a long time, in investing. After some years, he became disappointed and a depressed man. Not only because of the success that he could not get, but he saw that person as very successful, although he did everything according to that celebrities’ guide.

No one or no information about famous people's life can make you rich or successful. The only factor that can make you happy is you and your willingness, I hope everyone finds their own.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

When some people put a primum on accessing news and facts related to famous people lives, some other are of the opinion that such information should be kept unviral. These two groups, both, have reasons and supportive facts about their beliefs, and after expressing some of them I will explain how I think regarding this matter.


The first group, being open and accepting to these facts and stories, believe numerous benefits accrue to the people and society from them. One is, the fame these people have, could help parents treat their children, using positive parts of the life story of the famous. In other words, they are good materials to be used for giving advice to the younger generations, since they sound more attractive to the youth. The other good point is more related to the fans some of these people have, which is, helping them get to know ones they look up to, in a better way. No matter we are talking about positive or negative kind of fame, because we are some how talking about the joy of a friendship-like and mostly one-way relationship.


Second group, nevertheless, assert there are side effects that such information has, when published or spread publicly. These disruptive effects could be regarding either the famous person or their fans and followers. For the famous, it could be that their privacy does not seem to be respected; this means any part of their peronal life could go viral. Take sexual taste of the famous actress Amber Herd as an example, publishing this kind of information should have been embarrassing to her. About the fans and other people, an effect of the same kind as expressed in the paragraph above, could be counted; and that is bad upbringing. Darker sides of the famous people lives could be naturally followed and repeated by youngesters or any unconsiderate kind of individual.


Finally, evaluating the two groups opposing perspectives twards knowing about famous people lives information, I came to the conclusion that this phenomenon is more harmful to the society rather than being helpful and improving; whether we like it or not, the media fucoses more on the negative points, as such news has more potential to feed gossips and rumors.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A number of people argue that having access to the data of prominent persons living is crucial, while it has been stated that they ought to have the right to privacy. I believe that it is necessary for renowned people to have their own safe and private life.

To begin with, a group of people claims that the inspiriting life of these famous people is a significant reason why people are captivated to know about them. Some celebrities who are successful in most aspects of life have massive fans. To illustrate, Messi, one of the famous sports stars has many followers who are interested to know about his real life, or how he became successful in his professional life. If he uploads a video on social media platforms, a lot of lovers of him will be seen that video.

However, many others, including me, are of the opinion that having a private life is their right. This is because they sometimes need their own space and they like their proponents do not know anything about how their private life. For instance, if they had a family gathering, they would not have a sense of comfort due to a large crowd that gather around them. Moreover, many people bombarded them with their questions, or ask for a signature, and even take pictures with them, and so on.

In conclusion, I believe that although it is important, popular people have good interactions with their lovers, they require to have their own private life and feel convenient.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Everyone believes that it is vital to know about the real life of a public figure, therefore, people are interested in seeing their lives and work on the internet or in a magazine. However, some individuals argue that personal information can be in private, which it is bothering them. Pros and cons of both views will be discussed in this essay.
To begin with, social media should permit to reveal life of popular ones. This leads to have privacy and freedom. Also, fans could follow them with interest in order to support well-known people.  For example, the video of artists who show to go to the restaurant or to a party, the rates of visits are increasing significantly and receiving lots of respect and love.
On the other hand, publishing photos of actors, singers or politicians can result in disadvantageous outcomes. It is annoyed stars by spreading of the most private part of their life, which effects on their profession as well.  For instance, princess Diana was killed by the accident when she escaped from paparazzi. Hence, having access to their privacy causes insecurity; as a result, media must control of publishing the positive side of them as young can deviate.
To conclude, some human beings expect to enable personal data of celebrities while others think that privacy is an important role of their life. After discussing both views, it is quite clear that public broadcast should not announce without permission. Consequently, understanding details of famous personality is being irritated and being lost of safety.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays being an idol and has private life has persistently been a subject of dispute among people. Some people consider that their lives or even their relationship should not be revealed for everyone and of course they should have some privacy while the others seem do not believe in this and still want do figure out everything in their lives. I agree with the lookout of staying out of celebrities lives which I shall propagate my point of view in this regard in the paragraphs to come.

The very essence of having privacy for an idol is to live a life the way they desire and they should not be under the microscope for everything they do or say. The thing is, they are humans after all just like the others so clearly they should be allowed to do anything or go anywhere without getting any permission and being uncomfortable. But unfortunately, if celebrities hide their lives and relationships from the media they will get hates as many as possible.

However, there is still people who stand the other side and give themselves the right of having the total curiosity about idols lives. Due to thought of being a famous is a thing that idols could not have made without people, they want media and magazines to reveal every detail of celebrities lives on internet. As a result, bunch of fake online news sites have been created to make rumors only to get some more viewers.

Conclusively, being under the public eye has been never easy for idols and although fans should know something about the lives of their favs but they should understand that idols should be given freedom so they can live peacefully without any fear of judgment. 




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In this day and age, the viewers of people of fame have increased and people are really fond of their lives' details. While some others are of this belief that famous people need equal rights such as privacy same as other humans. There are two points of view that I will discuss.

To begin with, people would like to be aware of information about celebrities' lives. In technology and media-driven world a vast majority of people have access to internet. This means that they can easily follow famous people through social media such as instagram. In other words this is a kind of hobby for them. Some people especially youngsters spend their time, life or money on their fans and try to act like them which means they have become their role model. However they do not realize its consequences that this will lead to loss of life. For instance, surgeries have gain popularity among young generation to be same as that celebrity which has harmful effects like lack of confidence.


On the other hand, some senior citizens believe that privacy space should be considered for famous people. Sometimes some articles, newspapers or magazines run a story about them which are not reliable and authentic. This can result in some problems for their family or children.

To conclude, although some people are interested in private information, it is essential to not preserve this culture. From my perspective it is necessary to respect everyone's personal life and do not care about the news that revolves around their privacy or never publish them.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The personal lives of famous people have been always a controversial topic to people. While some people consider it important, others do not share a common view. I also belong to the latter group of people.

Celebrities are a part of society that the detail of their lives is being noticeably followed by a group of people. These people believe that they are great role models for passing over the steps of success. Thus, if you wish to achieve wealth and fame which are two of the most outstanding traits of celebrities, having information about their lives will be an important key. Moreover, watching their mostly happy lives inspire some people to optimistically overcome the challenges they face in a hope of a similar future.

On the other hand, another group of people including me, think that being informed about the lives of celebrities is pointless, since setting their lives as perfect destination creates a sense of perfectionism that may distract us from main path.

Furthermore, we need to notice that celebrities have risen out of normal people with normal life details that are doing their occupation as singers, actors, or entrepreneurs and their lives comprise of ups and downs, and happy and sad moments just like any other person. Therefore, spending time and energy to follow their personal lives is just a squander in time.

In my view, everyone has their special way to success and celebrities could not play as great role models, hence it is useless to be informed about their personal lives.


Mohammad Hassan
Mohammad Hassan


Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The group of people hold the view that the information of celebrities should be accessible for public, while another group of people have a difference of opinion with the first group. I completely agree with second viewpoint.

On the one hand, someone wants to know about famous people publicly. Firstly, the publicity heightens general awareness about their problems in popular people life could help the majority of society and understand the real private life of them can difference with their famous life and do not trust the appearance. Secondly, celebrities be able to have peaceful life without any issues of public judgment and pursue their purpose without showing off to be another one.

On the other hand, I firmly agree with the second public idea believes in their private data of their lives should not be general. Firstly, information of celebrities might have an adverse effect for particular people and will make an alternation in general morality in particular in long-term period it is anticipated that makes a revolution in social values. For instance, adolescent who they want to make their routines and goals in life or who their follow their habits and implement those. Secondly, somebody may tend to abuse their life to make a profit of that and create rumor in society and distract society viewpoints.

In conclusion, part of society think which is imperative to data of popular individuals ought to be accessible for everyone. However, I strongly support the second idea that the privacy must be respectful even for prominent individuals. 




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, people can find information about artists or actors on social media. Some people say it is important to have access to details about famous lives, but others think that information should be private. The fans like to know anything, and I think every person prefers to have their own space and keeps their details private. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss both views and explain my opinion.


Some think it is important to know about actors their like; for instance, some fans love musicians or artists, and these people have many posters close or maybe too similar there; Also, these fans follow every news on social media or Instagram. Further, some find the location of their home, gym, and everywhere there go.


On the other hand, some believe all people like to have private time or space without watching anyone; Also I agree with this matter; for example, every person has embarrassing happening in their lives, and some like to share false information about a famous person to show self or destroy actors.


Some people think it is better to have access to information about famous, but others think that this should be private. Some like to follow and share any information about the actor or artist in the media, but everyone likes to have privet time and spend time with family without news or fans.





Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Although, it is argued that many young people are so interested to find new data about celebrities, other people believe that this action is against individual privacy. Anyway, in my opinion, privacy and liberty are two side of the same coin and must be respected by all members of society. In following essay, both views will be discussed, and some logical reasons will be presented why privacy is so vital for a community.

In the one hand, thanks to social media, access to information has been increased recently and many people tend to know about famous people for many reasons. The first and the foremost, recognized human are role model for others as a result, ordinary mankind want to know mysteries of outstanding people in other words, most of mass people follow celebrities to know how they could acquire success. In addition, it is believed that celebrities must be controlled by media due to, they have lots of money and it is so important for transparency. For instance, according to study has conducted by Tehran university, most people have asked that income and tax of famous people must be published.

On the other hand, it is emphasized that obey from privacy laws is so indispensable in all societies. Firstly, although, transparency is so essential for societies, media do not publish individuals’ information unless government give them a permission. Secondly, most of information is spread about celebrities are not true. For example, based on a study has been done by Instagram, lots of news about influencers was wrong and published by their enemies.

 Inconclusion, as far as I can see, although, transparency and information freedom are blessings without respect to privacy many troubles may be created. 





Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays fame and popularity has been so attractive among people especially youngesters. This attraction arises several considerable debates around the matter of privacy. There are arguments about that whether interfering in different aspects of famous people's life is a prohibition or by contrast is the right of their fan. In this essay I will elaborate both points of views and discuss my prefered idea. 
There are some beliefs that famous people and celebirities gain their fame from their fans and therefore it is an unnegotiatable right for them to know everything about their beloved ones for instance actors or actresses. Moreover it seems that so many celebirities want to be seen more in television and media to help their popularity be expanded more and more and we can see there are several television programs which make money by producing reality shows and stories around the celebirities who themselves take advantage of these programs. 
Another aspect which is contradict to the previous idea is that all people have two separate life during a day which are business life and private life. These people behave differently in each of their positions. They might be a manager during the day and at home be in roll of a mother or father and they would prefer not to involve their business with their private life. This viewpoint could be true for celebirities and other people like their fans and interviewers should respect their privacy.
In general, in my opinion we should consider each celebrity's right and preferences and we should act respectfully and responsibly with them so they feel secure in society.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about whether public figure’s privacy should be accessible by all or not.  Although some people desire to make curiosity about these people’s lives and try to get informed about them, I would argue that not only I do not agree with this idea, but also it could be harmful for the role models.

On the one hand, I can understand the view of those wanting to have accessibility to famous peoples’ lives. This could because of two reasons. Firstly, some role models try to earn more money by advertising different commercial objects that they use in their private lives. Therefore, they show off their privacy and draw people attention to it. As a result, it is not strange that people following these trends want to acquire more knowledge about these people’s way of life, something that is exactly what these famous people want. Secondly, many of public figures are popular especially among the younger following them. Consequently, these juniors pursuing the role models are enthusiastic about their privacy so that to make their own lives similar to famous ones, eventually they try to gather enough information about celebrities. It seems that these are famous people wanting the other to be curious about their private lives and reach to those information.


On the other hand, by spreading personal information of these persons, some problems are made. The most important of them is the fact that they are in danger of rubbery, offense or kidnapping. This is because by having information about where and how these famous and often rich celebrities live, thieves could plan for burglary or their offense, like bothering their families for money or even becoming famous by such activities. For example, the John Leon’s killer just murdered this popular singer for being famous. Indeed, some well-known people whose lives’ private aspects became popular, after this event get depressed. This is the right of every person to preserve his/her personal lives and others human’s must respect it.


In conclusion, I believe that personal information of any human should be kept private, and by being accessible of these subjects to all people, could make serious problems.






Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There are two main beliefs about whether it is right for people to know about personal lives of famous and important members of society or not. Some people believe that it is wrong to have access to this sort of information, while others think there is nothing wrong about it.

Although fame comes with a grate price and lives almost no place for one's normal past life, everyone needs some peace and quiet. Even the worst public figure deserve this basic need and no one should be allowed to violate this right.

Nowadays, with help of social medias, a lot of facts or rumors about key figures like celebrities and politicians travel all around the world everyday, therefore seeing or hearing this kind of things is becoming inevitable. 

Growing up, I was very curious about many famous singers and acters. I used to spend hours on finding any piece of information regarding their daily activities. It did not matter whether it was something simple and unimportant like their favorite food or colour or a hot topic like the person they were secretly dating. I am not proud of this and regret wasting my time and energy on such things. Going back, I feel trouble about adding to the pressure that my favorite artists were probably experiencing.

Over all, I think it highly depends on how private the information is and what possible outcomes can have for that person. If publishing and sharing something causes problems for such person or his or her family, career or mental health, it is definitely morally wrong.





Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is considered by some that we should be aware of well-known people's life but others think it must be kept as a secret. To my view, celebrities can reveal some parts of their professional life but sharing all parts of their private life does not seem logical.
On the one hand, ordinary people might be interested  in knowing famous people's life for example in a talk show the more personal questions it contains the more people are keen on watching. When a celebrity share a lot about  him self and his family on social media, he will have many followers.
On the other hand, this sharing information may cause lots of troubles for that person. He will experience more misunderstanding and gossipings. He will not have his own privacy and also his family will not feel comfortable in society. 
Finally, in my opinion, each individual needs sometimes to be alone and enjoy himself. Celebrities are like others, one day they might cope with difficulties and they are not in good mood they need to be understood by people rather than being observed all the time. They should have their own privacy. They can just share some information about their birth place or number of their siblings not too personal information
In conclusion, learning about famous people's professional life seems fascinating and motivating . Youngsters can be familiar with their improvement process while knowing about their privacy has no benefit.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Should people figure out about every details of celebrities lives or should it be kept as a secret?these questiones have sparked the heated debate about which side ought to be considered as the optimal one.the following essay will argue both views followed by my own take on the matter.

On the one hand,there is an rational assertion saying that ordinary people should be aware of eminent individuals lives, since those people are famouse therefore,they must have done something extraordinary in the past leading them to be famouse and successful and also their lives are replete with useful steps. this logical view asserts that individuals should  perceive celebrities lifestyles indeed they can learn from them how to  take big steps,how to be interpid in life amost  only in this way people can get to success with high alacrity as an example  bill gates,the well known bussiness man  who used to do myriad attempt to reach in the position he is today a throng of people reached to fortune by knowing him as their role model   had not he share his personal life today none of them would be successful.    


A paradoxical view point professes that   celebrities just like ordinary people have the right to have privacy although it is a fact that they are famouse people and a whole raft of people know them but not only dose these personal informations esrves no purpose for others but they also are anoying to celebrities plus it is an incongruous idea to enter a celebrities  personal realm as an example a paparazzi who sell a photograph of a celebrity to newspaper and people who watches them although indiscriminately may have no idea how detrimental their action would be for a celebrity as a concequence people should have some respect for eminent people privacy.


To sum up,even though the debate over if a celebrity lives should be open to every one or if it should be private is difficult due to various view point each party hold but to me its an amazing idea people be aware of every aspect of celebrities life but as long as he or she be okay and  satisfied with that since personal life got priority over other things




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, due the improvement of media we inform of famous people’s lifestyle rapidly.  Some ones are on belief that knowing about lives of celebrities is not beneficial, as well as the others think opposite of this issue. In the following both of these point of views investigated.


To begin with, it should be said that all of people need some privacy for resting and having some fun behind of public eyes. Many of Hollywood actors annoy from paparazzi that cover all news about their own private life. For instance, the famous singer, Britney Spears have serious problem with distracting rumors about her life, and she requested stopping these kind of news, but due existing of the Internet halting these said is absolutely impossible.


On the other hand, many people interested in discovering about famous people and think that it acts as a hobby. Unfortunately they cannot consider themselves in their shoes, and this is really essential to know that everyone needs privacy. For example, there are many celebrities that cannot travel to some locations and going to these places is a dream for them, and also they buying goods via the Internet because they have fear to be observed in shopping malls that ordinary people prepared their requirements from there.


To conclude, many people including me are strongly on belief that having privacy is crucial for famous people, and without that living in the planet are really hard for them and make them think that they restricted in special boundaries.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

We leave in the age of information and people want to access information in different aspects. One of the fields that is great interest is information about famous people. Some individuals believe that access to the live of celebrities and famous people is important and some others think that this is a personal matter and must be kept confidential. I  personally agree with both view to some extent and the reasons toward this view will be discussed as follows.
To begin with, famous people have problems and challenges in their lives just like everyone else and they have right to keep them private. In my opinion, information about personal matters such as family or relationship problems should be kept private. Access to this information can damage the moral of famous people and isolate them and in some case it can be an appropriate role model for ordinary people.
On the contrary, access to some information such as information about the progress work and professional life of famous people can be useful for other people. Especially younger people can motivated and inspired by this information. For example, Jackie Chan is a famous actor who has worked hard to become famous and successful in cinema. He has created a new genre of action film. So information about his professional life is beneficial for people who are interested to action and comedy genre in cinema.
By way of conclusion, access to all information about famous people cannot be interesting and some should be private but some information about professional life is useful and can be available to public.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


There are two different attitude into celebrities` private life. Some think that should not lose this important news and information, on the other hand others believe that the famous people`s privacy should be respected. I am going to argue about both of them and why I agree with second group.

The information of well-known everyone appeals to the first group, in other words, they are look forward to following their lifestyle with all of details. Base on this, media tries to publish attractive and controversial news which are more popular for their Audience. For instance, some news about the actors and their family and relationship are really appeal for them. In my point of view, they stick their noise into the famous actors or athletes and so on.  The information they like to access them involved they are married or single, how many children they have, how they live. Personally speaking, I do not enjoy such news as a fun activity.

Other frame of mind supposes that the private life of celebrities must be preserved. They also need have privacy like others. It means they do not like all of their information be accessible for public. The other reason of them for their opinion is people are usually judgmental therefore, if they hear about famous ones` life, gossips will be started which is one of the most horrible issues. As my privacy is really vital to me, to my mind, this is celebrities truth too.

In conclusion, despite of the belief that well-known people suffer from publication of their private life, multitude take pleasure from knowing about them more than they have ever known. Base on my view these issues are parts of their privacy which I am not fond of such information.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Altough several individuals literally want to have information about personal lives of celebrities, the rest try to respect their privacy. I personally advocate the latter based on some reasons which are going to be revealed in this essay. 

On the one hand, if even details of well-known people would have shared, they couldnot easily communicate with others. To be more precise, they want to dine out, for instance, with their beloved individuals, in their favorite restaurants. Assuming everyone including either their  huge fans or enemies know where is their favourable places. Therefore, in terms of security or even allocating time they would face some dificulties. Moreover, their fans tend to ask taking photes and this is such a time consuming and bizzar activity for the mejority of famous people. Besides, sometimes, the large quantity of their fans' questions seem endless and it needs energy and again time to answering.

On the other hand, cosidering the right of being conservetive about their own information, in this case could leas to have more opputunity for being in peace. From psycological perspective they feal more comfort in comparison with the former state in the society. I have known some of the celebrities who wish about an atupia in which everyone care about their own business. 

In conclusion, for the sake of considering everyone as a human being and giving them all the rights of a typical individual, I would support second idea. That means I want everybody would have the oppurtunity to keep their life information such a secret, if they wanted. 




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about it is essential to have access to information about the lives of celebrities .Although some believe that this issue should be private. 

There are several issues about celebrities privacy in their life .On the one hand , the public interested in private lives of those who famous people .On other word, ordinary people have a right to know whether or not public figures meet acceptable moral standards. Secondly, a minority of individuals same as pop and movie stars generally like their private life to be put on display would probably lead to gain more public attention or promote their work .As a result, they will certaily destroy their privacy and nuisance are caused by people .therefore, celebrities will be filling insecure in their life all the time.   

The main reason for this view is everybody need privacy and personal space in whole life.Some argue that the media intrusion into their life .they believe that this issue is immoral and illegal and the government should be adopt actions to tackle reduce disturbance through creating security and privacy . Consequently, A role should be established in the society,which means this law gives privacy greater protection. 
In conclusion, the famous people have to endure stress ,anxiety and violation of privacy because of their work conditions in whole their life so, they are also constantly deprived of their privacy because they exposed to journalist and media but some people including myself, I think privacy is one of the basic human right and we must respect everyones privacy.  




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

While some think that having access to the famous people's information about their lives is an important issue, others do not. This essay will discuss both views and give reasons that why the famous need privacy.

Everybody needs privacy; how about the famous? Some people argue that their private information should be shared because being known is their own call. They believe celebrities are supposed to be shared every thing of their lives such as what they eat, drink, wear, and etc; as advertiser companies take advantage of it to sell their client's products. In fact, when celebrities earn money by telling others what to buy or not; they do not deserve any privacy. This is the reason that some say the famous should not to expect much amount of privacy. 

Another group, on the other hand, believe everyone in the world, inspite of their career, have a right to live in a high level of privacy. Although these days because of the advances in technology they are more likely to be seen and even recorded by cameras every where, they have the right of to eat food in a restuarant or walk with their families in the streets without being filmed by cameras. They argue that the famous like other human beings have a right to do not talk about their personal lives in TV shows; maybe they do not want to talk about their last failures in their mariages for example. 

To sum up, I believe that every human being are soppused to be respectful about others private lives even if they are famous and celebrities. However, there are still some who think getting information of famous people's lives is one of the most important duties of their lives.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

So many fans think it is essential to know some information about the lives of famous people, while others don’t believe that and say that it should be private. I agree with the second group and I believe well Known men should not publish everything in their life.

People might be famous because of their talents, services, work, lifestyles and so many other reasons. I think famous people should public everything about the reason for their fame as they can because it is the audience's right to give such information about celebrities. Fans should know exactly why they love a person and know his/him values of work. In this order, there is so many books and website for reading about famous people in detail.

On the other hand, people must know known people have and need a normal life like ordinary people. Fans should be respectful about their safe zone and don’t be paparazzi with him/his curiousness. Also, famous people normally have family or relationships with other people that may they aren’t famous, and because of curiosity and information asking of fans suffer or get upset. For example, people don’t take pictures in the yard and with family members or celebrities.

We should follow some roles about loved celebrities and know our rights related to celebrities and don’t annoy them. while we should try to help for growth and success of famous people with our asking.





Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about the details of celebrities. While there is another group who believes that it must be protected, I feel that famous people's information doesn't matter and every person has the right to have space.

      On the one hand, being popular is the one of things every human wants in this world the reason is it could help them to make money easier than in an ordinary situation. if I want to give an example of the Kardashian family they don't have any special talent and what they have is popularity. additionally, if the news is bad and scandal they can't still stay in the headline because fans are looking for the shocking events more. Sometimes even their managers make the fake scenario for being viral even if the story were full of shame.

      In another hand, every human has the right to put a special part of life in private. Many famous people can not even comfortably relax. because cameras are everywhere. positions like this can be far more annoying and if some of them had mental issues it would make trouble drama. To illustrate today I was overlooking my social media and in corner of my eye I saw news which was about the suicide of 25years old a singer that was an awful ending for all humankind.

       All in all, every person has the right to have personal space and as fans, we have to respect it. If the reporter gets permission from the news owner world could be a fairer place.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some individuals believe that should have some information about celebrities’ life and in their opinion is necessary for them. In contrast, other people say it is not true to know about them because they have the right for having their personal life without any worries. And I completely agree with the second group.

On the one hand, some famous people are attractive for a number whether in art or sports arena. Hence people like to know about their lives to some extent. For instance, they do love to change their lifestyles like them. Besides, they are interested in how the person can obtain this position. Finally, knowing the information can help them to progress and achieve their goals.

On the other hand, celebrities are people like others. Surely, they like to have a peaceful life. Then, they should take care of their life privately. while some people prefer to know about the personal lives of famous people and even they may say that it is not suitable for them and it causes to ruin farmhouse’s life. As a result, they like others make a mistake where blazing for them is difficult and it is more tolerable to be judged.

To sum up, although it is good to get help from the famous people for progressing in our life, it should not be so much. Because it may bother them. Then, they are lookalike us as well as have the right to be in peace for their personal life without the interference of others.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, famous people have key role in societies and have significant effect on people life style specially on kids and teenagers. 

On one hand, some people believes that we should access to information about famous people because their fans imitate them in many part of their lives such as personality, morality, wearing, make up and so on. That is parents responsibility to control their children and they should grant permission to access specific items about special celebrity that their child is fan of. This is possible through social medias. For instance, Chris brown is a famous singer in the United States of America and many music has been made by him. Moreover, he has many supporters and fans all around the world. However, he has Alcohol addiction and parents should know this fact and guide their own children and protect them against addiction because as I mention, children imitate celebrities.

On the other hand, some people believes that access to information about celebrities is not pleasant thing because if they have any negative habits like addiction, don’t have any remarkable effect on their children and their children just their supporter and follow their artwork. Nonetheless they can Follow celebrities and enjoy their artwork including Music, Movies, Painting and so on.

In my opinion, adults must know thing about them because we have responsibility to guide children and steer them towards positive behaviors.

In conclution, celebrities are important for many of us and they should follow the rules and pay attention to their responsibility, personality, life style and so on. As a result, governments and people must be monitored them.





Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People's opinion differ as to whether data of popular people living should be private or not. While some individuals think it should be accessable for everyone, i opine that it should be personal and we should not know about that information.

There are alternative reasons why celebrities should not spread their news, one of which is that they cannot choose freely for themselves anymore should people know about their lives and decisions. They always feel someone is watching and it will put them under so much pressure. Breaking up is a case in point. Lots of well-known people cannot break up with their partner for people's judgments and it is difficult to explain to others.

Another considerable disadvantage of put this data publicly is that it might be dangerous. Few months ago, it was a podcast producer who everyone knew about her details. Consequently, one of her fans who was a lover as well, found her place and killed her by her address. Hence, famous people are careful about their details and some of them get a bodyguard.

Another noticeable demerit is that people are judging all the time. Selena gomez is an evidence. Either she lose or gain some weights, people always talk about her weight and she is called "skinny" or "fat girl". Were people to walk on her shoes, they would never judge her like that.

In conclusion, having access to famous poeple information about their lives has lots of drawbacks which from my point of view, it is a bad idea but still there are some people who are agree with argument.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some part of the society believe that it is crucial to know about the well-known people lives, meanwhile others think that these kind of issues should maintain unknown. In the essay below these two perpectives will be discussed and there would be my opinion at the end.

In one hand, some individuals believe that there is an essential need in discovering prominent people personal life. They think gathering some information about them not only could be interesting, but also could help them to know their role models better than before. For instance, if some people support an actor due to his popularity and kindness, after they see some ethical problems in his life, they could stop following his works and it could ruin his reputation.

On the other hand, other type of persons have this opinion that prominent people are like other normal ones. They have this right to keep their personal life in privacy. Although it is tough for these kind of individuals to have their own personal life and territory, they struggle to reach this importance as hard as it could be. Imagine that, you are a well-known person and due to your fame you can not go outside with your partner and buy a simple coffee to yourself.

Indeed, eventough having some information about famous people could be enjoyable and also some how helpful, it would seem a little out of moral issues. To my mind, prominent individuals should live how they want to and it should not concern anybody. Everybody's life-style shapes their personality and we are responsible in this issue's outcome.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that people should build new houses that are identical to the old ones, however, others believe that local authorities should permit people to build their houses in their own options. I strongly agree with the second view and in this essay and I will support my argument.
It is undeniable that people must have freedom of choice in society but some people think that it should be forbidden to build a house in your own style because they might disturb the style of the city. It is a truly fact that in society local authorities should monitor the constructors to do not breaking the law.
on the other hand, some people think that city council and municipality should allow the engineers to architect the houses in their own style. A modern and fascinating city contains a wide range of houses in the various style. No one can prevent good ideas and it contradict the human rights. Whilst, there should be regulation and monitoring from local authorities. For instance, in the downtown, no one can build a bungalow or cottage, because these houses belong to the countryside, and there should be a supervision of the number of storey in the narrow streets.
In conclusion, there are two kinds of views, that think we should allow people to build and house in their own style and not. However, we can not force people to do in our opinion but we impose some laws and supervise them to have a modern and phenomenal architecture.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People disagree on whether constructing houses in New styles should be allowed by the government or whether people should pursue building houses in new styles. I believe that obeying a unique trend is much more reasonable.

On one hand, a large number of buildings are designed by people such as variety seekers who tend to experience living in a house that not only is different from their previous accommodation but also has no similarity with their neighbors’. Although applying these awkward opinions brings variety to an area, it can result in disharmony and eyesore. 

On the other hand, first and foremost, following a unique structure in constructing buildings of a zone will bring harmony. Furthermore, several factors have been considered by architects to build a house such as geographical location, climate, and humidity for choosing facades. Due to this brick is not an ideal choice for cold regions’ buildings, while stones would be the best choice in such a case. so, no wonder that old-style houses are designed based on logic and shouldn’t be slurred. Secondly, buildings are the embodiment of a region's tradition and culture. So maintaining the original fabric is so crucial because it is the leading exponent of that people's area standards and way of thinking.

In conclusion, I am convinced that following the old construction principle of building houses will make the face of the city more formal. 




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

While some people argue that the style of houses in the local area should remain constant, others take a view that new houses should be constructed in the way the owner choose. I personally believe that individual choice of house building could bring experience of modern life with a wide range of facilities that ease people's life.

Those who support the idea of similarity point out this would preserve the history of city. Designs, the material used in building and the plot represent many information about the era that the house was built such as tradition, culture, and religion of ancestors. This group think that if buildings are constructed in modern style, the identity of city will go under oblivion gradually.

However, I agree with those who believe that people should have the opportunity to choose the model of their home. The accommodation a person lives is one of the most important parts of his life and it tends to be a place where individuals feel more comfortable. Some people prefer to live in an up-to-date house with cutting-edge devices. For example, equipping houses with automatic system of irrigation or remote control of lights facile some duties of owners.

In conclusion, although building new houses in old-fashion style would lead to maintaining history, Individuals should be given permission to build their house in their own taste.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Thses days,a flock of individuals have the belief that new houses have to be built similar to old houses in the local area .But, some say that it is not essential and people can construct houses in the different styles . I am for the latter notion.


At present, loads of people claim that individuals must build same houses as old houses because from their precpective all houses have a similar style in an area . What is more,many of engineers say that houses same architecture are spectacular visually.Furthermore.some believe that this way help to reduce cost of constructing  as engineers can parchase bulk materials that is why, it is affordable for them. One of the most outstanding features of this method is the government give a loan to people for building. Not only is it profit for them but also this way in terms of architecture is approved all over the world.


On the other hand, a large number of individuals claim that people can build different style houses in the local area as everybody have a lot of  distinct taste that is why,many of people prefer to make house with ultra modern architecture.Undoubtedly, this method  creates unique houses and majority of individuals search for parchase these houses.Besides,we have witnessed that many countries make progress in this field  and people can recieve inspiration of their style . So,under no circumstances authouries should impose strict laws for this issue.


To sum up, although some people say that individuals have to build houses similar to old houses , other have the opinion that it is not neccessary for people and they can make houses with modern style and they can be different each other.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

people have different ideas toward building houses in the locality of whether to have construct in conformity with their interests of to follow the instructions of the local area. I agree with the first point of view.

On the one hand,there are a few benefits of restricting owners to the same old designs of the neighbourhood. These places reflect the cultures and traditions of a country, as a result if they were ruined, all the hystory behind them would be vanished for the next generations. For instance, there is a local area in Dubai with all old houses and designs of the past. To visit this place people can easily imagine life in the past there. Furthermore, if individuals are allowed to construct the buildings according to their preferences, some tend to make palatial houses in order to show off which represents inequality, a problem for a society.
On the other hand, I believe that all of us have the right to make decisions by our own even about the appearance of our homes. The design of a building lies at the root of someone's taste, so to limit the construction into some designs in favour of keeping the local area wouldn't be pleasant for individuals. Secondly, new houses can be energy friendly which are better for both present and future, such as solar panels,special roofs to reflect the light in order to reduce the use of energy.
In conclusion,although there are some benefits of building the houses in locality the same as old houses, in my idea it is more beneficial for individuals to make by their own preferences.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

As you know, there are some kinds of local areas in countries and cities in all over the world. They are different settlements in which people have lived for many years.Nowadays, by making progress of technology and science , humankind will improve their buildings in diversity styles.

Some people believe, local areas should be lined with old-fashioned buildings, and those people are argueing about strict lows which shape local areas.People are not allowed to make their homes up as they want. What is important to them is a city with imposing old buildings, through which people can feel relaxed atmosphere. For instance in Istanbul city some cobbled streets are coverd by old café, that make city alive, whereas  luxary constructions will change that kind of atmosphere. In my opinion this thought is preserving history and culture.

Others believe in liberality through which humankind think and choise their own specific house. These days artificial intelligence (AI) can make up amazing apartments in residental area. They are designed for every kinds of beliefs from historical buildings to modern constructions.I personally believe, governments should allow people to make up their arbiterary house and this mindset will make city different and colourfull. The mixture of ancient homes and state of art apartments will add a new style in cities.A salient example is my new decision about my old accomodation, I have lived in my old house since 1991 and this is a house in which i have grown.I have decided to change my house to a new one which is totally opposed to my neighbour's buildings.

By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my view about style of buildings in local area. What is importan is keeping historical areas as a worthfullness area but I think we should respect to all of people's taste about their dream houses.But it is noticeable we must have enough information about everything such as history and culture.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, the development of urban and rural centers caused to people have a lot of opportunities for designing their house and building it according to their criteria. Therefore, that is an important factor for choosing suitable style for people.

For saving the texture of cities or villages, people should observe some simple rules especially if there is a historical monument inside cities or villages. Thus, for balancing between old buildings and modern ones, people should obey from city hall rules. If people live near historical monuments, that is better for them to design their house as same as ones. Because, that is a great assistant for saving the historical texture of urban or rural centers. But, if people live in a modern cities or villages and most ancient buildings were destroyed, that is better for them to choose the style of their house according to their interest. The positive aspect of ancient designing is to reveal the culture and historic of cities or villages and also, assist to travelers and foreign tourists for rasing their awareness about traditional subjects about that cities or villages. Whereas, there are some benefits for modern designing. The first one is this kind of design can attract many people all over the world especially in European or North-America countries which are developed and maybe assist to economic situation  of that city or village.

In conclusion, there are many choices for choosing the suitable styles for buildings and people require to consider some simple rules for choosing the ones.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some believe that the style of new homes should be similar to older homes in local area.  On the other hand, some think that people should be able to build their houses based on their choices and tastes. In this essay I will elaborate both point of views.

One the one hand, if we use similar style for constructing new houses in local area, we can manage our cost and time as well as the limited spaces of area. Usually, if row material bought in large scale by construction companies, big discounts would consider in their contracts with manufactures. Also, companies can use similar design and decoration and dedicate less man power to architectures and labors. In addition, similar building and arrangement can lead to well-organized area. Providing public services such as sewage system in the same arrangement is easier than that of new and different arrangements. 

One the other hand, having similar style of homes in local area can be dull and boring. Just imagine a big area with hundreds of apartment grey in color. It can lead to depression in residents of area. Now a days, limited job opportunities and economic problems makes people to live in some specific areas. If they are restricted by government and related authorities to construct homes in modern and new styles and they cannot live in their favorite place, they cannot reach to peace and happiness. The more satisfied people you have the better relationship you can have in the society.

 To sum up, despite this fact that similar style in house building in local area can have some merits such as better management of material and labors. It could be boring and causes bad felling in people who live in area. 




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

it is true that everybody prefer live to a house where is built on base of her/his taste. Although it can be argued that government should be put some limitation for these issue.

in the one hand, firstly, some area are kind of cultural heritage for a city, because of old houses and it's historical buildings. these areas have a special designe and style if a new building with different style will be built there, all the value of that area will be ruind. 

for example if in a traditional area with elegant houses which are made by mud and wood, a person construct a skyscripare or an apartment with concrit and seal, all the landscape of that town will be devestated. secondly some old houses are made by knowledge and experiment, these means people in the past choos the best style for their house that are suitable for that geographic and climate situation. For instant, in an area with a cold wether it's better houses are build by wood not a stone. Since wood are better for that weather circumstance. 

on the other hand, some people believe that the freedom in choice is the key prenciple of democratic society. government shouldn't inforce people just build their house in a special Stayl, because their house in an old area. in addition the other point that should not be ignored is related to this fact that in these dayes the popuation are increasing  dramatically, and we encounter a shortage of housing all over the world. on the other hand the style of old house is not appropriate for a new world because old house are a spaciase and were built for a big family but now we need a small houses for a small families. the lifestyle has changed so the style of house will be changed too. 

in conclusion, while the old houses and buildings are part of the soul of cities and show our culture but I believe that government if want to protect them at first have to find a solution for housing shortage and give a replacement solution for people.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

There are different points of view for build new building in the old  and local area and mostly people think of how not to destroy the area which might be historical .

In my opinion the old style of building such as houses must save the place historical view, usually new building in the old hometown make some problems for the town and citizens, so first of all I guess there should be a company such as a part of government that officially working on the subject and prevent building apartments that can cause some problems in the local places. If I have the choice to decide about it I wouldn’t allow people to build new buildings in local areas .consequently there should be a ticket with a high price for those builders who destroyed the area or build buildings that need some new material or structure that doesn’t fit that place . 

In the other hand world is going to be advance and definitely is required some building with the last technology In order to that there should be a place or a special part of Hometown so that everyone can build their house based on their idea or option .

Although it can be a good step for having a nice view or a modern hometown only a advanced apartment in a old hometown can give a bad sight or feeling to visiters who go there just once .

In conclusion it is Vital to save the old place and buildings of the city because it can be extremely helpful for the country global view also there should be the opportunity to have your house with your own taste .




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe we should keep our building´s style as similar as former buildings, while others of the opinion that we should have the right to choose our favorite styles. I think both are of equal value for our local area and we should make a balance between them.
On the one hand, keeping our former styles can help us to improve consistency. While it would help to maintain our history and memories, I think the old style may not be efficient for the modern lifestyle, and possibly these antiquated styles do not work anymore and we need to live in some houses that are based on our today needs.
On the other hand, if all inhabitants allow to build their own favorite style, the view of the city is going to change worse because there are not any similarities and consistency. Similar forms can cause to find some characteristics for each neighborhood. Nevertheless, the building authorities limit their options for style, each neighborhood is getting ugly and massive. I think people should have the right to choose their own building's form based on some rules that control a variety of styles as well as are efficient for the modern lifestyle.
In conclusion, I think both sides have their advantages and drawbacks and they can collaborate together to have beautiful and pleasant towns and areas.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays building new house based of different styles has become a new discussion topic through people. some of them say that new building should be constructed based on old style. While others agree that new houses must be built in their favorite styles. This essay agrees to much extent with construction in the way people like. Firstly, this paper will describe why new houses are built in new style. And then, it will explain outcoming of building in old ways.


To begin with, it is worth mentioning that that life style will be different for each generation and this difference include the building style too. Thus, new houses are built based on people’s needs. For example, in the past years, families were crowded so that they needed to more room and place and also their house were villa style. For now, families have become low population so that the houses are built as residential complex. In addition, in the past, some items such as solidity was not considered as an important item, but todays basic construction of a building make it to be different with old style. Also considering some places as a parking for cars, will influence on building style. 


On the other hand, although old style of constructions keeps the natural and historical face of local area and also it can help us to having more place in house, they will need to reconstruction for next generation. For example, in some cities such as Isfahan, Tehran etc., the most of old houses are rebuild, because no one want to rent or live in them.  So, it takes people more time and money. 

In conclusion, building hoses based on people’s idea is important because of avoiding rebuilding and recharge. And also constructing based on new instruction will help people with protect their house  against natural hazard such as earthquake. 




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, by raise science, there is possibility for build a house by different styles and materials. Someone believed so we should preserve the monument's style and build new constructs relevant to local architecture. This can be reason of so many advantages and also, disadvantages. In this assay I want to discuss about bout side of this opinion.

Building in every culture have root in custom of local folks, so respect to the older architecture can save the traditions from demolish and introduce to new generation. As well as, unique style of the town could be provided pretty good ordering in city and be attractive for tourist. Also, maybe same looking of building make people comfortable and made people close together. People like to be there they born and grew up, so, significant change in texture of the architecture can divide the people from neighborhood.

On other hand, older houses may did not have proper engineered structure and enough efficiency, despite, maybe they have pretty good style so we should change the structures and styles of new buildings to prevent at a disaster. Beside that, sometime we need to modernized the building styles to show how generation of man are progresses and modifies. Casual, government decide to change the place for specific goal, in this kind of constructions also we should change the areas to achieve a properly modernized place.

As a conclusion, we should respect to the customs and mend the monuments. Also, we should use at older building architecture as the basis of the new construct to save our origin and customs.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many believe that the appearance and structure of new residental buildings should be similar to the older ones in the local parts of city, however, an another argument is against, it means the people should be allowed to choose their own interesting aproach for construction. This essay will discuss about both aspects of this issue. Nevertheless, if I want to explain my own view, I should agree with both groups depending on the situation.
During the different periods of time, families and their lifestyle have had many differences, from the number of members to the way of daily life. Therefore, depending on these changes, the needs of lives has been differing too. In the past, families were really expanded, the facilities were very fewer than now, and the houses designed to solve their daily problems and prepare their needs. Old houses had a big kitchen, four or five rooms, a big yard maybe with garden, a cellar and basement, without garage and perhaps without the bathroom. As regard now, most of families are small and nuclear. They do not need a large cellar or an anormous kitchen, however, they exactly need a garage to park their cars and one or maybe two bathrooms.
On the other hand, in most local parts of each city, there are some historical and ancient buildings which show the culture and history of that area. That is better to not distroy them and try to keep the historical face of these places.
To conclusion, it seems better to permit people to change inside map of their house according to their needs and their lifestyles, but alarm them to keep the appearance of building in the historic view to match with the ancient face of local places of city.




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

The table illustrates the percentages of spending money on four fields included eating, accommodation, wears and clothes, and holidays, in five different regions of Europ.
Overall, the most costs are about buying food and drink in addition to housing.
Poeple in France, Germany, and specially in the United Kingdom, spend more than 30% of their income on providing accomodation. Az regards, in Turkey and Spain, most of their money is spended on buying food and drink. Turkish pay about 36% of their salary on eating.
On the other hand, the least costs in all five countries are about clothing, particularly in France and Spain, buying clothes needs less than 10% of people's income. Entertainment, is in third step of costs in all regions except the United Kingdom. The British consider the same portion for entertainment and clothing, by 11% of their money.
To summarise, in each of these countries, citizens have to pay main part of their income on costs of eating and housing, but the entertainment needs less money and the least cost is about clothing.




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

This table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment. Five countries include France, Germany, the UK, Turkey and Spain and the values calculates per cent. 

In general, according to the table fees is different for every country. 

The maximum fee for food and drink is in Turkey, housing is UK, and clothing and entertainment are in Germany.  In selected countries, minimum values are assigned to clothing and  after-entertainment In all countries, most of the expenses are spent on clothes, food and drinks. Although Germany has a high value for clothing and entertainment it has a minimum fee for 
In conclusion, Germany uses 89% of income for four of the mentioned item and 11% spent on others and these values are respectively 62% and 38% for Spain they have the lowest and highest amount.




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

The table demonstrates the amount of dominicillary income that spend on four section of daily needs in France, Germany, UK, Turkey and spain.


Overall, in France, Germany and UK the housing section had most consumption, while in Turkey and Spain had most percentage on food and drink. The clothing had fewest percentage on those countries, in spite of in Turkey the fewest consumption is entrainment.


Looking at details, the household income in food and drink section in France, Germany, UK, Turkey and spain are 25%,22%, 27%,36% and 31%, respectively. Housing income proportion are 31%, 33%, 37%, 20% and 18% respectively.


The minor of household income in these 5 countries and 4 section is 7% in France in clothing sector. In this section, Germany has 15%income. The country where has most been spend on entertainment is Germany, and the least income is Turkey. 






The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

The chart below, display spend percentage of four essential living cost(food and drink, housing, clothing, entertainment) in several european countries(France, Germany, UK, Turkey, Spain). As result, more then 70% of monthly income of families in this five countries spend for initial and essentiaol living_needs.


Housing , food and drink has most costly price with respect to about half of families income. while, clothing has lowest cost among other spended costs.

 Three european western countries (UK, Germany, France) has most expensive housing price (37%, 33%, 31% respectively) and in opposite, Turkey and Spain has highest nutrition price among other costs(36%,31% respectively).


Most of countries spend approximately 10% with 2% tolerance, but in Germany this number is 15%.on other hand, entertainment price in Germany has haighest (19%) amound the other counteries(almost 12% in average).




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

The table compares spending money on food, accommodation, clothing and entertainment in 5 European countries household income.

As the table shows, most of people income is spent on food and housing while the average of clothing costs is the minimum percentage of their income.

The most of UK people income is spent on accommodation while the Spanish residents spend only 18 percent of their income for it. There is a negligible cost for clothing in Spain and France in comparison with their food costs. Compared to other countries, Turkish households spent the most for food and least for entertainment.

People in Spain spend the least money for living whereas people in Germany pay the most percentage of their income for it. Germans pay the most percentage on entertainment in comparison with others.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Many people support the view that globalization negatively influences local culture. Personally speaking, I completely agree that globalization damages the local culture. Firstly, we are going to talk about the younger generation and how they follow the footsteps of globalization blindly and  secondly, we demonstrate how globalization is making all people around the world to act the same way.

To begin with, one of the major effects of globalization is how it influences the youth. In othe words, younger people tend to follow whatever that is globolized more easily and without knowing about it's consequences. Therefore, globalization mostly affects the younger people. To illustrate, we can see that many of younger adults follow K-pop idols through their instagram account and they are obssesed with the Korean culture. Some get so involved with their idols life and culture that they forget about what culture they are coming from. As a result, they forget to introduce and follow their own spectacular traditions.

Moreover, when a particular culture and lifestyle spreads through the world, more people seek that culture. This is because, most of them think that if they do not follow the new habit they have missed on something important and they feel that they are left behind. So, their local tradition will fade and gives it's place to the new culture. In my way of thinking, globalization is kind of making everyone to act in the similar way. For instance, While shaking the hand of someone you have met for the first time is worldwide, they are a lot othe ways to introduce yourself.

Taking everything into account, globalization utterly effects the younger people because of their immaturation. Also, when something becomes worldwide everyone wants to learn about it and follow it because they feel that if they don't know regarding it, they are not catching up with other people. By mey perspective, the act of making something worldwide does a lot of harm to the local culture due to the previously mentioned reasons.





Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


some people hold the opinion that things propound in the world have a destructive influence on local culture. this essay disagree with this idea in order to can be improved by globalization in the following paragragh, i interpret my idea and l recommend you to go over carefully.

my view is based on 2 ideas, first of all when we have some information about another culture, we can communicate easily and the speed of information transfer will increase for instance information transfer can be done by advertising and to me it is necessary currently to comprehend each other .and another feature can be introdusing our ancestor and our history to world. it leads that we can comfirm our position in the world, indeed I believe that local culture via subtle reasoning and smart action can be introduced to other people. when it comes to negative impacts, influence of some culture on each other can be bad outcome, altough encountering with different culture can be destructive impact, we can amend with knowledge and we use from positive points. so we have to make an affort to part with this nagative items and concentrate on good items in terms of can give us a hand to having considerable result.

on conclude, some individual are worried about negative impact on local culture beacuse of that it is symbol of ancestors and hisrory but there are some reason that get in the way of some desructive influence and I hope that we get most out of local resources.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, Countries all over the world focus on having good relationships with other countries and knowing about the native people lifestyle this is the first step so, I guess if a country or city make their local culture international it can be pretty helpful for them .

If a country share their culture we different ways such as interviews that may have visitors from other countries that they try to learn or do you have the same thing or some commercial that can be inspiration , Share some videos of people daily life on social media can have a perfect influence on another country leaders or people to travel there . 

In the other hand development countries local culture has been showed last long, and it help humans to try to have the same technology plus being  that much rich and improve their own country in several ways to be as the same as the same as them in order to it the global situation can get much better . 

in some ways it can help a country to become much more rich specially for the countries that  have  an attractive places but before being international no one knows them despite, it can be helpful for all countries it changes some basic culture of that country however in my opinion old and local culture that handed from past cannot be change easily. 

In conclusion, global relationship and showing the local culture to other countries also viewing them can be extremely helpful for all countries, human and environment. 




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Many individuals think that globalization can have a minus effect on local culture. I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. Not only does globalization launch children on a path of success, but also it gives the chance to local people for more communication,so they talk about their traditions to foreign people . In this essay, I will support my view with examples. 

Firstly, thanks to globalization, companies and factories tend to invest in the society. That is , if companies and factories increase, the result will be more job's opportunities for people. A good example of this possibility of work is employment of many for companies such as Nike, Adidas,puma and Macdonald. These international companies will change economics ; not surprisingly this can increase more people for either living or visiting the society.besides ,tourists can observe local behaviors and traditions.Thus, more people will be aware of others cultures and traditions .

Secondly, since people have become sociable . They want to improve their communications with others. That is to say , having more connections, individuals can meet a person who is not familiar with their culture. For instance, people not living in Iran and they just work with iranians are highly likely to know about culture of Iran . This can have a major effect on people's information about unfamiliar culture.

In conclusion, globalization make a contribution to communication. Furthermore, people have been become successful. They; however, should inform others about their culture with these chances. So , it can has a positive impact on local culture. 




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Through the last decades globalization become very common which is sometimes taught that it has negative effect on the way of life of residents. In my opinion, I agree with this group because of culture shock and languages died out.

Globalization around the world specially in developing countries could make culture shocks. In other word, developed countries impose their culture through media and television to young generation since they often think that the way of their life is more correct or worthful. Network have affected young people which brainwashed them and as result caused increase cultural difference and generation gap. For example, they see famous people as role model and to act like them which is misbehavior among adolescents. 

Another point to consider is that some language is going to extinct because of globalization. Doing this means, English have been dominated language which is widely use as second and third language. This can help globalization of business trad to do their work better. However, if business communities see more advantage in speaking Russian, for example, they try to learn it instead. Because of that English is more important and overcome other language. Also, it can cause those other languages abandoned or even died out.

In conclusion, globalization can suffer the lifestyle of people that sometime is irreparable which can be through values socking that make gap between generations or forget your native language. In my view, developing countries should be encourage to broaden their horizon in order to save their culture and language against those who want to change them.





Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Globalization a widespread concern that might have paramount effect on people's thought and societal behavior and believes. I personally assume that it have some immense influence during the development of some regions and get better world in big picture.
With improving communication and transportation, globalization can consist of some enhancements for developing countries to grow beacause they might don't have as much resources as developed countries.Additionally they may have lack of knowledge to satisfy their needs and help them to become industialization. Furthermore this can improve their actions to perform accurately and also would motivate people to get involve in one occupation which lead to generating expansion they urge to. Second and foremost, if governments worry about exacerbation their local culture, they should implement a festivals or exibitions to remind people their homeland and the abstract concept particularly patriotism, environmental preservation or their identity which ameliorate their true qualities. For example Argentina make this dependence through some artistic activities like music.
On the other hand, it is true that globalization have some privilegs nevertheless it obviously contain so much changes which contact with the languages. As a result, it may struggle with importing some phrases for example television or telegraph in Iran's cultural concepts. Like wise this could damage national identity of the country like Nigerian citizens who didn't expect that forget connection with their essence.
In conclusion it would benefit the population of developing countries and could bring progress into their economy. Also, their government can allocate this financial resouces which was obtain from this situation to societal awarness and values they have.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Globalization as well as other issues has both good and bad perspectives. Despite an incredibly prominent impact of globalization, some people believe its disadvantages far outweigh the benefits. Clearly, this theory cannot stop the globalization processes.
Apparently, globalization has altered some customs and traditions. Cultural subjects not only can be considered as a crucial case for each country, but also have been emphasized on preservation by our ancestors. In contrast, globalization has a major impact on this critical point. Undoubtedly, in the past different traditional events had been celebrated with great enthusiasm and our countryman used to pass through the traditions to the next generation. These days, our countrymen tend to eliminate some cultures and, sometimes, replace by global events. Similarly, in our country, mothers’ day has been held coincide with one of the religious birthdays, officially, but most young people celebrate this occasion on global mothers’ day.
However, the positive aspects of globalization are undeniable. Some technologies and facilities that we access them comfortably have been provided with the globalization. In other hand, the advanced E-learning, remote working, appeal transportation means are some instances of the globalization that cannot ignore by its negative points. 
 In short, the globalization, definitely, justifies its negative effects. I hope our country can benefit from the globalization as much as other countries, and also gain a dramatic enhancement.  




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


According to some individuals becoming universal has a negative influence on indigenous culture. I partially agree with this and I believe that it has both problematic and rewarding effect on local culture.

Globalization plays a major role to make local culture alive. Nowadays due to the advancement of technology all people easily aware about latest change throughout the world. That is, indigenous culture has more chance to introduce to other nations which abolish boundaries between countries. For instance, globalization provide a situation which people get familiar with other cultures. So, it is more likely to captivate others especially tourist to specific country which it has rich local culture. Hence, becoming universal not only does not have negative effect but also has positive effect on local culture. 

However, the negative aspect of globalization can not be underestimated. One of the major problems posed by eliminating of local traditions. To put it differently, local people meet other culture due to globalization and accept it among themselves. It leads them to ignore own indigenous culture made young generation unfamiliar with local tradition and culture of their countries. Take music as a good example; in todays world, z generation really fascinated by Korean music in all over the world escaped them from traditional and folk music of own countries.

In conclusion, although I am convinced that becoming universal might be useful for present the local and tradition culture to others, I think it has negative effect on local culture in some circumstance especially for next generations. 




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, world is turned to be a global village because of similarity between countries in many ways. Some people are on belief that this trend is disturbing, and had irreversible impacts on local culture. In the following investigated that this issue has truth.


In the first place, globalization eradicates uniqueness in some locations. For instance, in Singapore rarely you can see people who live in traditional way and they replace western culture with their own. Secondly, beauty is in variety, and most of tourists want to see places that are different from their town. If they see similar facilities in each town and cities that they visit, this is wasting time and money, and has not any benefit to them. Besides, people travel to new places to learn about local culture. In many under-developing countries you cannot see local people who live in village and most of them are migrators from other countries that come to that village for work, to be exact, cultivation.


On the other hand, some people think that globalization led to convenience. A clear example is McDonald’s restaurant chain that spread in all over the world, and that provide a chance for foreigner who want to have their desired dinner. Although, there are some measures for this matter, For instance, these companies can design their branches in local culture theme, but, in many sides for instance apartment design is cities, this solution is not work.


To sum up, globalization leads to cultural disturbing because more and more cities turned to be similar with each other.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is often argued that globalization affects local culture negatively. I completely agree that art, customs, and the way of life of a particular society must be preserved. Globalization harms these heritages.


First, globalization makes everything the same. As a result, variety and diversity I. Different societies disappear which is a very negative event for the world. Globalization weakens cultural heritages by sending a standard product all over the world. For example, there was a unique ethnic music in the south part of my country which was not notated because it was part of oral culture. By notating it like western music, some exact details and musical meanings which existed in the past were destroyed. 


Another point to consider is that societies have different backgrounds. Globalizing ideas, products, etc may not be beneficial for the world. We should consider text in context. I mean, local culture should be consider in it's society. Each region has a special way of thinking, customs and cultures which are related to its history. We must seriously think about them. For example, there is a tribe that has their own kind of dress. Asking them to wear the standard and classic clothes which is worn in big cities did not work. Because they have their own way of clothing which is related to the past and their background. 


To conclude, I believe globalization negatively impact ethnic societies and we should save local culture. 




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people whould argue that globalization is good idea for all people of the wolrd. Others say this has drawbacks for culture and customs of nations. There are rational arguments on both sides of this contentious topic which will be discussed in details, follewed by my own take on the matter.

On the one hand, some people hold the view that globalization is not beneficial and brings trouble for country's culture. This is because they think that their countr's identity and historical background will be forgotten. In addition, many policies and rules must be changed base on global performances. Therefore, governments must consider considerable cost on these chenges. To illustrate this, some Asia countries people stick to their ancestor's lifestyle and think if technology emerges in their routin days, they cannot live in peace. So they accompany officials' country.

On the other hand, the opponents of view believe that globalization has significant advantages in devlopment of human societies. Thecnology which has important role in this trend, cause people live more appropriate and they access to rather equal rights such as medicine, education, without elimination of rich believes and customs. furthermore, in this global attitude, all poeple are aware of each other's condition throughout, and main problem of a country can impact on other easily. It cause a country do not stay into a continuous or unsolvable problem.

To conclude, although there are different views about whether globalization shoud be considered, however it is my strong opinion that globalization will offer more advantages. Countries will make progress in various key aspects and people feel more justice.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Globalization has become an important topic among people if it can influence local culture in bad way. This paper agrees to some extent globalization will obliterate some traditional behaviour in local area. Firstly, this essay will explain How being in line with world advencemnt influence the local culture. Then, it will discuss that globalisation wi be benefitial for the culture improvement. 
To begin with,  people always has a friendly relationship together in local areas also, they are kind to each other. There are some thing , some places or some people that they are venerable to local pepole so that they respect them. For instance there are some people cities or tomb in Iran that they are  respectable for iranean but in the world scale they are not important. On the other hand, in term of industry,  going toward with  world progress not only destroy the nature of local area, but olso people will have to bear more hardness so they won't have more free time to spend on bring with their family and their relatives. 
On the other hand, global thinking and global communication has helped people to protect their own against some, illness,  natural hazars or disasters. For example, In terms of the advancement of medical science, the cooperation of specialists all over  the world helped people of the world to be safe during the Corona epidemic. In addition, globalization has raised the awareness of people. 
In conclusion, globalization will affect the local culture in both ways. The negetive are such as relationships between people and also language and traditional behaviour. In the positive way, it will increase ability and people's welfare. 




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


 When you want to grow, there are always pros and cons. Also, globalization has had a lot of advantages and disadvantages for people. Some people believe that this issue has numbered of disadvantages more than benefit. I totally disagree with them because every time which you want to grow in right way it has a lot of benefits for you, your country and the whole world.

On one hand, globalization brings a lot of opportunities and mutation for the whole people especially for people who live in village and small cities. For example, access to new market, access to new culture, job vacancies and lower cost for products.

On the other hand, people whose say globalization is not good they have no convincing reason because they have no understanding of globalization, and they are the exact people who do not accept anything new in their lives. In the other word they do not have enough information and knowledge related to global and globalization and even if they have information, they do not want to progress. In addition these kinds of people stick to their old-fashioned life style and think if something new comes to their lives such as cell phone, smart phone, artificial intelligence and etc… they cannot continue living with peace.

In conclusion, I believe that with globalization, all the people will benefit from it, and they should keep pacing with this evolution. The last point is all people should raise their acceptance towards global issues.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some think that globalization lead to the destruction of the local customs and cultures. I, for one, wholeheartedly believe that this phenomenon can have adverse effects on local culture. 


The first reason why I agree is that globalization can take toll on different aspects of the local culture. Simply put, globalization is a serious threat to the ancient traditions in a country. When countries turn to globalization, local customs are bound to be neglected, because people are manipulated in order to have positive attitude towards globalization. Take local language as an example; many languages are being abolishing annually thanks to some international languages. Consequently, the phenomenon of globalization should be controlled to preserve the local culture. The local economic, moreover, can be associated with local culture such as handicrafts which can be affected by globalization.  


The second reason why I agree is that the spread of globalization could have negative impact on new generation. In other words, from a cultural perspective, globalization pave the way for ignoring local traditions in countries. If the local culture destroyed in an area, new generation will not probably get familiar with their old traditions. Local events, for instance, are a kind of culture which children should know about. As a result, governments should put a premium on local culture so as to protect it. Furthermore, raise children awareness about their local traditions plays a crucial role to prevent spread of globalization. 

To conclude, in my view, different parts of the local culture are affected by globalization. Local customs are likely to be neglected, and new generation find it difficult to know about their original traditions.  






Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


During last century, the requirement of humankind to an interrelated world in social and economy point of view have made globalization inevitable.

Through globalization, the people of all around the world can communicate each other easily, comfort commination cause some involuntary effects on each local society positively either negatively. In other words, developed countries have imposed on undeveloped regions of the world.

Technology as a powerful appliance, plays key role toward globalization; for this reason, development of network-based technology especially social media is boosted the globalization 

Raising awareness of African child suffering malnutrition and surviving by celebrities or charities, immediately broadcasting war crimes and massacres in traditional societies and quick reaction of united nations organization for making peace, athletes of local regions have been permitted to participate in international competition and festivals like Olympic, prospecting tourism, all above mentioned are some positive aspects of globalization on local societies.

In spite of all advantages, globalization has disadvantages;

Regardless of advantages of globalization, it has negative effects on local society in terms of culture, for instance, American movies impose American life style on local society which may cause cultural duality which may makes serious social problems.

The main conclusion to be drawn that from my point of view, globalization have more positive prospects on local cultures rather than negative one.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


in recent years, it is argued by some individuals that globalization has detrimental influence on local culture. I completely disagree and believe that positive aspects outweigh the downwards, and in this essay, the benefits of globalization is discussed.



First and foremost, globalization promotes the interaction between different regions and population around the world .Thus, it speeds up movements and exchanges among people. Moreover, it leads to increase the rate of manufacturing. Therefore٫ there will be more competitive markets which provide a variety of productions, which will be affordable for people. Furthermore, when the consumer realize that they have a wide choice of products from all over the world they will decide to choose the best and the cheapest one, so it will definitely have positive impact on the decrease of prices.




Secondly, communication between people and countries would also lead to better understanding of different traditions. For instance, people can travel around the world for business or leisure , they can learn about other customs , taste different food, read different books ,and learn about the history of each nation. So they will gain far deeper understanding of other nations and realize that all the stereotypes about different cultures are absurd.Hence, globalization can provide easier communication and it can bring peace and harmony to everyone’s life so it will be easier and livable.




To conclude, although globalization may have adverse effects on cultures, the advantages of this outweighs the disadvantages.











The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

Employed staff rate, which has categorized with five age range that are under 21 years old, and four slices that each one has 10 years difference between upper and lower age of slice illustrates in two pie charts of 2015 and 2020.

In 2015, the smallest segment is belong to people who are younger that 21 years, with 14 % of the employed. Meanwhile, both over 50 and between 21 and 30, group achieve 23% of people had been employed. There close race between 41-50 and 31-40  age  group, while the first group 2 percent less than another.

In 2020, age group of 31-40 allocates the lowest part of pie chart. In contrast, people who are between 21 and 30, with 33% of pie chart, are at the top of employing among other group. The smallest slice in 2015 also in 2020 have the second lowest level with 12%. Individuals of 41-50 and over 50 have 28% and 16% respectively. 




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

Graphs contain information about how the UK government employees are distributed by age in 2015 and 2020.
All in all the share of the 21 to 30 and 41 to 50 groups employed increased while the other remaining groups under 21 31 to 40 and over 50 experienced a decline.
In 2015 the proportion of workers aged over 50 was as high as that between 21 and 30 with 23%.The percentage of workers in their 30s saw a 10% increase ,at 33%, highest in 2020 while the share of employers over 50 fell by 7%.
In 2020 the percentage of person's hired by the government was marginally smaller than 2015 by 2%.there was a dramatic decrease in the percentage of 31 to 48 group in 2020 to 11% whereas the employment of workers in their 40s Rose sharply about 10% to 28%.




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The chart illustrates the age of employees employed in the UK in 2015 and 2020.
The lowest percentage is the 11 percent range of 31 to 40 years in 2020, and the highest percentage is the 33 percent range of 21 to 30 years in 2020. 
In 2015 range of 21 to 30 years is the same as the range of over 50 years had about 23 percent.
In 2015 staff employed under 21 years more than in 2020, And over 50 years is more than too. The range of 21 to 30 years and the range of 31 to 40 years have experienced slight changes of about 10 percent. But those under 21 years have experienced normal changes of about 2 percent.
In the summaries employed staff ages go to near ages, Uk didn't have very young or very old employed, Uk has normally employed.




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The pie charts illustrate the proportion of staff employed by age in UK public sector in 2015 and 2020. In both charts, there are 5 main age groups:

1. Under 21

2. Between 21 and 30

3. Between 31 and 40

4. Between 41 and 50

5. Over 50

In 2015, there was an equal number staff who were over 50 and members who were almost in their 20s (older than 20 Android younger than 30). Both these age groups had 23% of population of staff. The smallest age group belonged to those who were employed before they reached 22. There was a 2% difference between the two remaining groups; the number staff aged between 31 and 40 was more than those who were between 41 and 50.

In 2020, the second age group (21-30) was the biggest part of chart. The number of people who were employed in these ages became 10% greater than 2015. Compared to 2015, the number people who were between 41 and 50, also increased in 2022. On the other hand, the first and third age groups, decreased 2% and 10%. 




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The pie chart compare the number of employees in five different age categories in public sector in UK between the years 2015 and 2020.
It is noticeable that the proportion of aged 21-30 and 41-50 saw an increase in 2020 while the people over 50 had less chance to be employed in public sector.
The number of staff between 21-30 rose 10% in 2020 and also the people between 41-50 experienced more job opportunity in 2020, the percentage grew from 19% to 28% by contrast, the proportion for people who were over 50 reduced from 23% to 16%.
In 2015 the number of employees who were between 31-40 was 21% while the equivalent figure in 2020 was just 13% . The percentage for those who were under 21 had not experienced a significant change during these years.




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The charts provide an interview for the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020. 

Overall, a greater percentage of those over 50 and between 21-30 were employed in 2015 while in 2020 it connects to only 21-30.

Staff employed under 21  decreased by only 2% in 2020 compared to 2015 which is not significant. But in the same year, it is cared about young people between 21-30 and also the 31-40 group are young but it is seen they have decreased by 10 % in employment that for 40-50 group has increased almost as much. Finlay for over 50 group reaches from 21% to 16% .

In brief, the two charts clearly exhibit that staff employed have There is a good spread of age.




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

Overall, in both years the largest proportion of staff who were employed in the UK were between 21 to 30 years old. As the charts show, the most significant change between these two distinct years is hiring ages over 50. On the other hand, although the staff employed older than 50 in 2015, was the first rank of priorities (as same as people aged 21-31), it replaced by staff aged between 41-50 in 2020 (28%). The prominent point based on the charts can be found is the situation of staff who aged older than 50, just 11% of companies tend to hire these categories of staff (last priority in 2020). Obviously, companies’ strategies about staff aged younger than 21 have not changed and the trends show they prefer to hire them as around 10-15% of their employees. 




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

Given are tow pie charts indicting percentage of employees who were differentiated by their age between the years 2015 and 2020. 

It is obscured that in 2015, staff who aged under 21 were the least proportion of the total, plus after five years they did not change much from 14% in 2015 to 12% in 2020. Whereas, in 2020 the employees who were in their 30s was the smllest amount among others by 12% and they were almost were cut in half during this period. Surprisingly, the groups aged 21-30 and over 50 had the same percentage by 23%. However, five years later the fist gruop increased by 10% and the other one decreased by 7%, repectively. In the end, the last category who were near half century, rose by 9% so that they approximately had the similar percentage with other groups in 2015. However, in 2020 they were in the socond step by 28%.




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The pie charts demonstrate which age of the employees work in public sector in the period of 5 years.
It is that, people in 21 until 40 years worked more in public sector than past. people who are under 21 prefer do not work in this situation.
Most of the Employees in age 21-30 and 31-40 decided work in public sector in 2020 and it was the most increase it was 10% between these years. the second most people worked in that situation were 41 until 50 years old with 9% increased. Although employees in 21 until 40 hade same increase, most of the people who wanted work in public sector in 2020 were 21- 30 years with 33 percent.
people who were under 21 rather worked in other job in 2020 this function decrease around 2%. The most reduce belonged to employees under 50, these people more than other ages preferred to work in another job with 7% increase, from 23 to 16 %.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

some people themes the optimum safety of road will be achieved if the highest standards of roads construction or implemented instead of giving driving licence of different kind of vehicles to Yas much more later than they have been granted. While I can understand the attitude which exists about changing the proper age for giving license I believe standardized the road can enhance the safety of roads.

On the one hand, proponent of post-pointing the driving license for entry_ level believe that adolescents are too much excited and less experience in this age so they may want to do display movement with their vehicles which current affair about the consequences of them and potential dangerous. These drivers also cannot make a proper reaction when they face with unwanted happens regardless this is consequence of their action or others' action. Therefore they can make a disasters that not only endangered themselves, but it can also influence other drivers in rout when they are driving.

On the other hand, unsafe road can be result of many issues for both experienced and yong beginner drivers. First and foremost, standard of bends angel as well as road width have been enhanced the roads safety because in unusual situation for example, when a driver lose the control of his car, a high standard way help other to get ride from potential disasters and prohibit a complicated cars accident. Secondly, a high quality road do not damage easily that may result in different reaction such as suddenly break or bad damage of cars. Finally, installing road sign in proper and visible place will be intelligence approch which get this opportunity to drivers to make a decision in advance. Therefore, implement standards can save both beginners and skillful.

Therefore, I contemplate increasing and keeping the standard of roads which makes drivers more safe is more productive than put ganting young licence applicant off.





The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The pie charts illustrate the share of staff by age in the general part in the UK in 2015 and 2020.


Overall, the employees whose age were between 21-30 dominated in 5 years. Staff who are over 50 decline dramatically during five years.


According to the first chart, the preparation of employees whose age were 21-30 had a remarkable rise with 10% from 2015 to 2020(33%), while this amount for under 21 staff decreased from 14% to 12%. This amount had a market fell for age with range 31-40 11% in  2020.


The second chart show that although the percentage of employees are elderly(over 50) was decreased from 23% to 16% in these five years, this proportion had a noticeable growth from 19% to 28% in this period. 





Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

According to statistics, it is determined that we annually experience many accidents, human injuries and perhaps high amount of mortality in roads and streets. Someones insist the minimum legal age of car driving must be older to make roads safer. Nevertheless, another group of society negotiate that the roads must become safer to prevent these events. This essay will argue both attitudes and also I will express my own view about this issue.

On the one hand, those who support increasing the car driving age claim that most of incidents occur when the drivers are youngsters. They discuss some reasons from lack of driving experience to confusion and distraction. They imagine each young driver is a main danger for pedestrians and people in other cars. The amount of alcohol consumption, using smart phones behind the wheel, illegal high speed driving and some phenamena like these can confirm this statement that driving licensing should be accessable just for middle aged citizens.

Other individuals declare opposite viewpoint. They think the roads should become more assured than now and their solutions are items like improving roads facilities or making some new more strict laws about driving condition, which can help preventing heartbreaking occurrences. By way of example, driving ban for drunk people or maybe prohibition on the use of mobile phones can solve this problem to large extent. Moreover, if the roads are light, broad and well-structured, we may face less threat of using streets, especially at nights.

Overall, it seems more advisable to stricten driving laws and road constructions than raising driving legal age. This appears to me more practical and impartial.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, safety in roads is one of the items that improve mental convenience in each society. Some people are on belief that the limitation of giving driving license should be enhanced by authorities. In contrast, the others think that there are various ways for improving safety in roads.


In one hand, somebody  have an opinion about restriction of driving. For instance, in Iran, the legal age for giving a driving license is eighteen and most of collisions happen in range of 18 to 21 years old because of their hyperactive emotions during these times. In some states in the USA restriction of driving is limited to over 23 years old and their statistics for accidents is reasonably low. Although, it is crucial to mention that there are other standards that help these area to maintain few victims in roads.


On the other hand, some ones notice to other items that lead to safety in roads. Promoting road construction such as providing high quality materials, designing light angles in road’s map, and building guardrails are some of actions that is vital. Whereas, providing all of these cannot be helpful if reckless do not follow driving regulations. So, some actions like blocking driving license is working sometimes, but, the young who are exiting, after getting their license again they follow their ways.


To sum up, by considering all of actions that can be practical and also effective, restriction on age for getting driving license is more beneficial and those countries that have this limitation see acceptable results.


Mohammad Hassan
Mohammad Hassan


Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Annually a lot of People have passed away in the roads and make risks for themselves and everyone therefore, some of public beliefs which make an age limitation for who driving in roads by their own vehicles help everyone make progress in the number of deaths, while others are in contrast with their first group idea. I fully agree with the second viewpoint.

On the one hand, the first group might be right to some extent. Firstly, the police can evaluate their condition of age limitation for a young driver easily and penalize them just basis on their driver’s license. Secondly, with respect to adolescent drivers drive recklessly and speedily, they presumably jeopardize for self and others who they are driving in the same road simultaneously.

On the other hand, I support the second group who believe that as opposed to by their first idea. Firstly, there are several contributory factors in improve road safety except age the mental condition and environmental circumstance play key factors in certainty for people’s life. Secondly, the expertise of driving should assess the experience of people who run a vehicle basis of the number of years who have been in the roads and with regard to the report of tickets.

To sum up, some community have opinion about the effective way to make a better protection is creating a restriction in age of people who run cars or motorcycles. However, I am in favor of second notion who they are in opposition to the first community’s viewpoint.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Undoubtedly , careless driving and violation of traffic rules are result in increasing the accident and stricter punishment are necessary to reduce them.Some belive that the best way to improve road safety is increasing the legal age for driving cars or motorcyle.Nevertheless , others disagree with it that tere are better ways to improve road safety.As far as I concern,there should be a balanced between these two sides and both of them must go along with each other.

From another point if view, there are many accidents that occur not because of traffic violation.Which means that poor road condition is considered a major reason for road causualities.For instance,narrow roads ,sharp curves and there are a lot of bumps on roads.These are cause that make accidents in many countries .Hence,the government should handle to improve road safety.For example ,using larg number of traffic signs and proper traffic signal can also effective in reducing accidents on roads.The other solution is taking advantages of speed camera ,stricter punishment for drivers.

FRom another point of view,reckless driving,speeding and distracting by careless driving have caused many accidents.Morover,mobile phones can be a dangerous distraction for drivers.Unfortunately,nowadays people such as young age addict to mobile phones.The other reason,when they go to the parties and excessive use of dranking after that they drive car it cause occur accident.Especially in during af age,they have youthful enthusiasm ,which means that they do not listen to their parents and pay attention to traffic signs.As a result ,the government should increase the minimum lagel age.

To come to conclusion,I strongly opine tha neither inv=crease the minimum lagel ahe nor improve road safety for driving cars and motorcyles alone has priority to the other side,If there is no a trade-off between these two sides much better results can be anticipated.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

it is sometimes argued that the best solution to ameliorate road security is to change the legal age for driving licence. Other believe that there are better solutuions to amolirate road security. In my opinion, we have many solutions and ways for this issue.

Nowadays, road security is a significant issu in every palces especially in the huge and massive cities. Some people believes that younger drivers has not enough experience and focus when they driving cars or motorcycles. They want to change minimum legal age for driving licence and create new district rules for this. In addition, this group of people want to rise legal age from 18 to 21 because ages under 20 have many emotional behaviors and that’s dangerous for them and society. For instance, in the UK many car accidents happened in the range of 18-21.

By contrast, some people argued that 18 is a suitable age for minimum legal age for driving licence and this age range can vote in the elections and have enough knowledge and understanding for driving safety. Their solution is that roads should be wider and placing new boards near the roads.

In my opinion, police officers should wider supervision in the rouds and increase the smart control with powerful cameras. As a result, I completely disagree with first group ideas because I think it has no special function.

In conclusion, I do not believe that rise minimum legal age is best solution for road security and there are better ways for this issue.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Having a safety road is a controversial topic among traffic management experts. Some of them believe that changing age of driving license by rising is the best option while other believes that there are other selections to improve roads. I do believe rising driving license age is one of the solutions for this issue. 


Obviously, number of vehicles are more than ever, as every niche of road or alley occupied by a parked car. The point of view toward legal age for driving has come from a psychology  attitude. Psychologists opinion is that at the young age human are brave and do not fear many things easily, based on this idea, they will be danger for our roads. In the other hand, doing deadly motions, having high speed, following strange races on the small or city entire roads are some mentioned predictable events that probably will be done by this age. For instance, I had an experience in Chalous road at the north of Iran, at that time this road carried out a heavy traffic from Tehran while the younger driver from the opposite side of tried to escape without any supervision. Expert’s idea vividly around selects a wise driver instead of a fearless. 

 Absolutely, the mentioned feature is not enough to obtain a safe place to drive, if we want to achieve this goal, is not only changing age or filter candidate to drive enough, but also other solid procedures like reconstruct our roads, increase penalties and a huge amount of rules are essential. For example, number of suddenly planes like using belt in the cities are interesting, because, people try to adopt based on tricky rules anytime and anywhere. Indeed, the leaders of driving management in any nation ought to pay attention to culture and behavior of that place. One of the powerful options to downgrade number of deadly accident is purely concentrate on extending highways. Nowadays, length of highways is more than Europe. It shows that china principals had been building from long years ago. 


Overall, every idea towards driving and road to obtain a safe road is acceptable.  Because all of them try to mitigate harassments of accidents related to their solutions.   




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays what humankind desire strongly is living longer and by progress through technology and science, scientists are working on immortality.Because of that,what is truely crucial thesedays is reducing dangers specially in driving.Car and driving are two vital issue which threat people's life.

Some people believe by rising the minimum legal age for driving, people will be protected more better.What is obvious is dangerous habits are more prevalent between young people.The most significant example is about alcoholic drinks: every year alots of accidents are occured because of drunk drivers and as we know youngers  have unsecure emotions and they do not take a responsibilty to driving carefull.Those kind of people let themselves smoke and drink, and drive easily and they do not show respect to other's life.What is important to know is youthful excitements and because of that adolescents and youngers have no control over about their excitements and more often than not drive carelessly.

An other opposing view argued that it is better to improve safety of roads.There are some kinds of pathes through which people arrive to their destiny, for instance roads,expressways, highways and etc. In my opinion what is highly imprtant is roads safety.Drivers can be protected through driving on roads by guardrails. By putting guardrails on the borders of roads,driver's life will be preserved.Other example is about signspots and they can illustrate the minimume and maximum of speed throughout path.Because of thise kinds of signspots a big confinment will be create and breaking of the speed laws breeds expensive fines for offence.

By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my opinion about safety of roads.By growing up the legal age of driving and by increasing roads safety, we can raise human's life from accidental events.But the question is how much governments can help about this issue?!




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is a debatable subject whether to decrease the probability of road accidents increase the age of having license is the best way or other ways. Both of the views above could be plausible yet to different extents, however in my view imposing limitation on youth will not be the best way to tackle road problem for the reason that will be explored in the following paragraphs.

Some groups who assert that a rise in the age of driving license is the most important way to make roads safe may argue that main reason of crash in highways are teenagers who early receive their qualification papers. Since people in lower age may not have control over their feelings, they show their passion in many ways especially in roads which could bring many difficulties not only for themselves but also for other divers. Take teenagers who are driving in a highway as an example, some of them often want to do symbolic movement while driving which result in accidents.

Some but say that incurring limitations is not the best way. There is another way that has more importance than limitations. That is investing much more on vehicle industry. If government pay more attention to these companies, they attempt to improve their products which in turns have its effect on reducing road accidents. For example, if cars and motorcycles become equipped with some facilities to show the probability of an accident very soon before that event, it can make driver aware to avoid it.

To sum up, some people argue that imposing some obstacle associated with age of driving is the best way to have safe roads, I, however, believe that improving cars are the bet way.





Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Today I would like to talk about one of the most challenging topics which is road safety that has made many arguments all around the world among ordinary people, researchers and governments.

If we talk about road safety, we can have three activities such as increasing the minimum legal age to drive cars and motorcycles, improving quality of material on roads and highway and enhancing the standard transportation systems.

Enhancing the standard transportation systems have been the most effective in comparison to others. increasing the minimum legal age to drive cars and motorcycles is more critical than improving quality of material on roads and highway because it includes saving more teenagers from dangers related to roads and highways, having more training before getting license and being more rational and experienced driver by getting older.

According to some research, in the past decade a lot of people used to be died on roads of underdeveloped countries because of low standard of transportation systems and old fashion facilities. Elderly people argue that the number of young people who died on roads has been increased dramatically during recent years. However, some researchers believe if the quality of material which was used in building roads raised, we would have fewer terrible accidents.

In my opinion, improving quality of material on roads and highway has been less important because it includes lack of study about the influence of higher quality of material on death rate, needing huge amount of budget to run rebuilding projects and spending a lot of time to repair roads and highways completely.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

some people argue that rising the minimum legal age of car and motorcycle drivers is the best method to enhance the safely of the roads. Whereas I believe other ways are available to address this issue.

On the one hand, the age of driving should be increased to avoid accidents on the roads due to some reasons. Firstly, some young people  have tendency to show the feeling of priority by driving fast and overtaking other cars which may cause accidents. Secondly,new young drivers mostly are arrogant and irresponsible, so they do not care about the consequences of  driving fast. For instance, as they are not worried to be fined or break the driving rules, they drive carelessly. Finally, due to immaturity some youngsters also worsen this problem by talking or chatting while driving. 

On the other hand, I believe other ways are available to improve safety on roads. First and foremost, some new rules can be imposed to make new young drivers obey the rules in terms of speed limit, distance between cars,and so forth. Although these rules are provided, some people disobey them, as a result enforcing them seems more important. To have more cameras or police officers on the roads can mitigate this problem. Next, some strict rules specific to young drivers such as lower speed,use a special line on highways, time limitations is another method to elevate road safety. 

In conclusion, although some individuals opine that to reduce the problems of roads and reduce unsafty there, legal age of driving cars and motorcycles should go up, although I believe other methods are available to have safer roads.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In this essay, I would intend to discuss on that some people believe, the minimum legal age for driving both cars and motorcycles should decreased concerning to improve the safety of others. Is that true? What is the opposite perspective or what else we can do to improve our safety on roads?
On one hand, people, who agree this perspective, should concern that diminishing legal age is not a remedy to this problem despite we can see parents, who let their children drive cars and worsen than that ride motorcycles. At first, it is not our government's responsibility to bring safety in to roads although it should start from your home and your family culture, we should grow our children somehow to respect the law and do not play with people's lives. Moreover, this perspective is making sense to lead when you are older and you have your deriving license, you can focus more and know that you are taking such a huge responsibility.
On the other hand, other people think if you practice more before getting the license in provided classes, you should not scare because you enhance your performance. In fact, safety is not all about the driver’s credentials although it depends on which car are you driving or is your car fixed? and what safeguards have been concerned by the governments to develop roads and arteries?
In sum, I once again reaffirm my position that parent’s upbringing and government’s safeguard, both are vitally important for being safe on roads and if you desire safety, I suggest you look at your behavior with the law and driving rules.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some individuals argue that the best solution to develop
road safety is to increase significantly the minimum legal
age for Driving license cars or motorcycle. Even though a
minority of people are convinced that this issue has
downsides, and vital actions should be adopted by the
government to deal with problems which increase roads
On the one hand, getting driving license in older ages
would probably lead to decreased risk of traffic
accidents. Nonetheless, decline rate of death and injuries
briskly. So, Older people have better awareness of their
surrounding and managing crisis and predicting possible
accidents. However, teenagers may not be able to make
a decision and are afraid of occurrence possibility. In
addition, they lack responsibility.
Others including me believe that License must be got in
18 years old because they can gain essential experiment
in driving. We are witnesses that It is occurred several
accidents by the majority of teenagers which means
they don’t have driving license these days. Other issue is
that older people suffer from poor concentration in
against teenagers have heigh level of physical ability and
reaction timing.
In conclusion, Although people have different views
about to improve road safety is to increase legal ages for
driving whereas others believe that main problem is the
infrastructure of roads and they must be renovation. But
in my opinion, the government should be adopted to
tackle encourage people to use public transport ,as a
result, reduce accident and road safety . Moreover, it can
be beneficial way to decrease air pollution. 


seyed pouya
seyed pouya


Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The architecture of every city plays an imperative role in every city and limits rules for teenagers and the infrastructure of the city must be improved. There is a real fact teaching driving has numerous effects on the range of accidents. 

One of the main things is that every person has to watch himself and behave with the culture that comes from the government's decisions and works. They have to set some laws that cover every side of the fact for instance, some younger teenagers have to ban driving for those who have a bad history of driving. Some people are of the opinion that organizations have to set laws for recruiting employee

in their company for teenagers.

Roads have to be modernized and the infrastructure of every road has an effect on the quality of driving for instance when a driver is faced with a bad road with hole hills and without driving caution signs announcement services monitoring the state of the weather and roads accidents must be considerate the level of the difficulties of drive

In conclusion, It is impressive to comply with individuals and know about the condition of roads 

Although, the Quality of roads, the government's action and establish services, and driving caution signs are imperative. 






Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A group of individuals present the view that if taking a driving license would be postponed to older ages it contributes to develop road safety. However, other people believe that there are other ways to improve it. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the latter opinion. 


On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that there are numerous factors that able to improve road safety. They maintain that government should enforce strict laws for drivers and also impose hefty fines on group of drivers who do not conform with a law regardless of their ages which can act as a deterrent. Also investing resources on developing road's infrastructure is a decisive factor which need to be considered to decrease road accidents.


On the other hand, some individuals claim that since legal age in most countries is 18or 16, the possibility of aggressive behaviour in driving are more likely. They insist that, in adolescent age, people are more likely to interested in to doing excited experience and speed and they do not aware of consequences of dangerous driving. The situation is compounded by the fact that many of them are non-conformed. So they can pose a threat to safety roads. however, I do not find this opinion convincing as I believe aggressive behaviour and fast driving are not confined to adolescent drivers. In my personal experience, I knew many young drivers are more than cautious than older people. 


 In conclusion, I believe increasing the illegal ages for taking driving license is not an effective way to improve road safety as on no account do not driving age associated with dangerous driving. While providing better road's infrastructures and considering punishment for who commit serious infractions yields to positive results.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increasing the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve and safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that raising lawful age drivers cars and motorcycles which help to be road safer than other ways. Nevertheless, others cliam that road safety has different soulations. I totally agree with the latter idea because in my opinion, there are many ways to refine safe driving like drivers and healthy directions.
It is believed that improvement security of roads have only soulation which is raising age for driving like cars and motorcycles. They think, if people are young generations, they can not control driving on the road because maybe drivers do not have license driving that lead accidents or even creating traffic jams. Moreover, driving need to experience. For example, if someone drives for many years, he/she is able to handle with out any harmless.
On the other hand, I agree with some people say that safe roads boost greatest ways which lead to security. Firstly, drivers impact on traffic. It means, although they have lience driving, they have to drive carefully. Also, they must follow the rules. Afterwards, another soulation is really important is healthy road which means if the roads are not well made and potholes and unevenness, there will be many carelessness. For instance, people who drive warily. They can develop security of road unless roads are destroyed.
In conclusion, a group of people think greatest soulation that prevent of road negligence is increasing age driver legally while others believe that different ways can enhance this issues. In my view, the way people drive and smoothness of the roads are really essential.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different ideas about the best way to enhance road safety. Although some individuals think that raising minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles, I believe that there are other factors which can cause road safety improvement. 

On one hand, increasing minimum legal age for people want to get driving license are suggested by some people. Drivers with age of 18 or more can drive more carefully than teenagers. They are mature and not tempt to drive with high speed, and then cause horrible accident. Driving is sign of adultescence, so most of teenagers want to drive a car or motorcycle as soon as possible. Therefore, rising minimum legal age for driving may injure teenager spirit and cause depression. In addition, some teenagers are crazy about driving, increasing age of have driving license will cause they treat greedily and want to drive without license. 

On the other hand, various of measures can be taken to increase road safety. On option would be increase road width, use speed bombs and driving signs suitably and control vehicles speed with speed cameras. Therefore, drivers drive with high attention and safe speed because they know they are under police control, would not break the law. Another option would be for police to fine car or motorcycle offenders. For example, after three times unauthorized overtaking in road, police can get driving license of offender and define financial fine. As a result, I believe that controlling drivers by some factors would be the best way for road safety improvement. 

In conclusion, it is believed that increasing minimum legal age for driving car or motorcycles is the best way, however, I believe there are some factors for monitoring driving in roads and make some changes in them are the best way for enhancing road safety. 




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Although to rise road safety driving age has an important contribution, I believe there are more suitable steps to increase on-road safety.


Youths, on the one hand, have more risky behaviour. they have fewer responsibility and experience, so they are more likely to break the rules. They love speed and driving fast. Young bikers tend to car-racing courses on the street, for instance, so they can cause accidents. the increase of minimum age to drive a vehicle can reduce this hazardous manner. 


There are more effective measures to take. Firstly, dangerous habits, over sleeping, drinking, and distraction of drivers being some of them, should be addressed. Drinking, for example, is a sizable issue which everyday endangers the lives of many people; or distraction by mobile phones which is a big deal in road trips, so wrongdoers must be fined heavily. Secondly, they ought to encourage people to use more public transports instead of single-seat cars, which need developed infrastructures. It could reduce traffic and the possibility of an accident. The more the facilities there are, the more legality people will  respect. Finally,  culturalise is a great need here. Childrens and teenagers, especially, must have been taught how respects the rules, a what are the circumstances of breaking them.


I prefer to opt those belief who think there are more significant actions than increasing driving age.





Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In today's world, cars and motorways play a significant role in our life. Some think we should ban teenagers at very young ages for driving a car for having a safer roads. However, others believe that we can consider something else to be safe in highways. I will compare both views in various aspects and move onto stating my own opinion. 

Passing law for the young can prevent them to access driving lecense. It can be a appropriate idea becasue they are not mature enough and are unable to make decision in the nick time. Having an accident is of much significance and we must not take it for granted cause it 
Can ruin people's life. An adult could reaction far better than a teenager and think wisely when it comes to driving. Teenagers mostly tend to drive dangerously and look for adrenaline, but motorway is not a good choice for fulfilling their wishes. Sadly, this attitude can have a negative effect on young people. If we hindered for the youth, we would probably observe that they would violate laws. Restrictions have always made people to think about illegal ways. Limiting works the other way around and we would see more people without a license in our streets are driving their own cars. 

On the other hand, taking into account other ways on behalf of license can have positive results. Safe equipment such as helmet or seat belt have showed that we have been already concerned about our safety. It mens that thinking about new ideas and items can save our life. I myself have some experiences so that could have been  disastrous, however using these aformentioned means saved my life. Moreover, companies can produce cutting-edge cars equipped with the leatest technology. Reseches have shown that ultra-modern cars have had a positive impact and have greatly fuctioned by using excellent materials in their products. Smart system and air bags have made profound contribution to our drivings. 

To conclude, I support the second group and it seems sensible to me. Raising the average of age for having license leads to violation of laws. However, contemplating further ideas results in several merits such as craeting new means with great quality and emhance our standard of living. The more creative we are, the more safer our roads will be. 




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about whether rising the minimum required driving age inorder the license or some other ways could be effective to reduce the road unsafeness. While the incresibg the legal age is important, but I believe that other things are so beneficial to be redused in some circumstances. 

On the one hand, most people argue that the olders have better experiences for driving decisions. For example, aging cause you to think better and logically when the accident happens. While you are growing up you are gaining more experience than before and you are going to find out how to react in each driving situation. In addition, Most of young adults thoughts are about showing off and also the best ways to drive faster and speeding. The physical shape of the car, such as the color and the vehicle brand, is have more importance for youngers than the motor capasity or the usage of the vehicles.

On the other hand, it is probably more important to improve the roads and develope its facilities like traffic lights and road signals for the safer radways. For instance, the investigations demonstrate that better increasing the asphalt quality reduse the road accidents rates too much. I remember my last car trip was badly dangerous due to the insufficient roads lights. Moreover, I believe that the vehicle's quality has the considerable effect on the safeness of the streets. You see in the most vehicle collision, the rate of the injusries for the car that has worse disign are much more than others.

By way of conclusion, I understand the aspects of the increasing the licence age, but in my point of view, the street and vehicle conditions effect more for safer roads.







Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think if legal age for getting license decreased, we would have safer roads, although other believe it is possible to improve road safety by other ways. I can understand first group but I would argue we can improve secure of roads by lots of other function.
Even though nowadays youngest people are smarter than past, they have not good reaction in essential situation. For example, if they have problem with tires of their car, they cannot fix it immediately. In addition, younger people exaggerate about how they can drive carefully but in the bad case they cannot control their car, so they can hurt other people. But also, some people in legal age for driving cars or motorcycle have not good physical condition and it is cause for decrease road safety because they are not comfortable with size of cars or motorcycles.
On the other hand, other people believe there are different ways for improving road secure. For example, companies can create stronger car which they have a strong body that they can keep drive in the safe conduction in the bad situation like accident. Furthermore, government can improve road secure with decrease legal speed. In the other word, cars with low speed can get fewer hurt in the accident than cars with faster speed. Also, educational system can learn more about safe driving than now, they can improve knowledge of youngest people about safety driving, consequently, we able to have safer roads.
In conclusion, some people believe decreasing legal age is the most important things for having safer roads. By contrast, other think we have more options for improving road safety, in my opinion, we can improve secure of roads with lots of functions.




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In each year many people hurt from car accident on the roads. for this problem, some individuals suggest that it's better for the safety of roads to raise the minimum legal age for driving vehicles. In contrast, others argue that it's not a better way to improve road safety. In my opinion, everyone can have dangerous behavior, and there is no exception for adults. due to this, I agree with those people who believe that there are reasonable ways for enhancing security instead of boosting the least legal age. 
The leaste legal age for driving vehicles is 18 years old and it's not reasonable to decrease this age because in this age a teenager person come into a grown-up person who can make the appropriate decisions and act in suitable ways. Thus, 18 years old is the best age for allowing to drive on the road. 
For road security, every government puts some rules, but some people don't follow them and Cause unsafety of roads. Therefore, there is a need to find some better ways for these people and decline injuries from accidents. For instance, vehicle producers can reduce the maximum range of speed on cars or motorcycles, or vehicle insurance institutes can put some rules for drivers who use the insurance for their cars. For example, they don't serve those drivers who didn't follow traffic law several times. 
To conclude, I think the ways for boosting road safety are infinite and the best one is not increasing the minimum legal age for driving cars or other vehicles. 




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


A glance at depicted map illustrates the evlotioun of Reymouth village between the period of 1995 and today.  It's evident that not only the forest was demolished and replaced with sport complex, but also more residential houses have constructed in the area.  Having removed partially green spaces, trees, and farmland , a recreational area including tennis court and golf has been established. Moreover, due to attraction of mentioned facilities, the number of residential apartments has considerably increased. In addition, a new amenity such as a parking has built to accommodate more park slots for inhabitants.  On the contrary, due to the fact that the area has noticeably turned to be more recreational form, some restaurants have replaced with shopping centres. By the striking contrast, since the fishing port was broken down, therefore the fishing market's owner lost their occupation then plenty of studio flats have been constructed in the named region.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The provided map illustrates  the thrives of ryemouth village in the year of 1995 and present.as an overall view, the map have  undergone  unsignificant transitional  period in which some minor changes can be seen. 

First of all, the forest park and jungle in 1995 is now a sport center moreover the residential region has remain unchanged apart from some houses which have been added at present.it is clear from the data  that in the southern of the map the fish market changed its place to an array of apartments therefor, the fish port have been eliminated. furthermore, exactly above the fish market an array of shops can be seen which have turned to restaurant at present time. Taking a look at hotel in the east a little parking lot is added just beside it at present time on. the other hand, the cafe which is located above the sea at southeast has been sustained until now




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The pictures compare some changes in the village of Ryemouth over a period of 28 years.


It is clear that various changes have been made in new design of Ryemouth area between 1995 and 2023. The significant evolution has applied on the east side of the village. There are only a little changes in the rest of the parts of the area.


The most noticeable change is in the right of village, which golf ground was replaced with farmland. Also, forest park was destroyed in order to stablishe tennis place, where two tennis tables were installed on the east side of the village. At present, a car park has been bulit next to the hotel. 


Although the western of the map has not been changed over 30 years, only a street has bulit at present, where 2 houses are stablished behind it. The shop buildings stay steady; only their name were changed, which returned to restaurant. At the south of the village, some apartments were replaced with fish market, as well as fishing port was removed. In this part, cafe and see have not any altered.  





The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The map illustrates that village where called Rye mouth developed from 1995 to now.
Overall, there are some chanement. The housing is increased and also is built around four houses more. Moreover, some places like shop and fishing market are replaced by restaurants and apartment today. Car park and area sports have constructed.
The plans show that, between 1995 and today accommodation is increased which is located west north of the map. Moreover, there was a forest park next to farmland. However, they removed and sport ficilities are built instead them. Namely, golf and tennis court.
In the south of the village, shop has became restaurant. It has seen that, cafe and hotel is remaining and have not removed yet. In addition, car park is instructed next to the hotel today. Also, there was industry fishing but now fish market is replaced by four apartments and fishing port on the sea has been removed.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The map gives information about development of Ryemouth village over a period of 28 years.
In generall, the map shows various changes in the north,south and west of rustic area, however in the east of village the obvious developments are not seen.
The map makes a great comparison between 1995 and present.By looking at the north of map we can see farmland and forest park were develped to golf and tennis court.However increasing of housing is illustrated in the west of village,while a big fishing port have been built on the south sea.
It is obvious there are not big changes in the east south and west south in comparision with other sites.For instance hotel and cafe are located on the same area without any difference.Nevertheless a car park has been made up near the hotel, whereas shops and fish market have been replaced to restaurant and apartments respectively.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The two pictures illustrate the changes in Ryemouth between 1995 and now.

Overall, some changes can be seen in different parts of region and more residential areas added in order to make the village mor convenient for dwellers.

The main roads remain unchanged, just a small road is constructed in housing area. The number of houses have been increased also the farmland and forest park have been demolished to make way for a golf course and tennis court.

One usefull change can be seen exactly beside the hotel, a car park is built for tourists or people who are working in that hotel. The shops near the sea have been changed to restaurants and a fishing port is created in the middle of the sea therefore, the fish market has been replaced by some new apartments.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The maps illustrate how the village that is called Reimos has changed during 28 years.Overall the village has changed significantly and many facilities and buildings has been built during this period.

The residential area has been extended and the number of houses has been increased.Also the farm land and Forest Park was demolished and insted  of them the golf area and Tennis Court have been located. The other striking change that is worth mentioning is related to the shops that all of them replaced with restaurants.In addition a new car park has been constructed near the hotel and fish markets are replaced with the new apartments also the fishing port was demolished completely. By looking these two maps it's obvious that a natural area was ruined and new buildings was built.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The two maps below illustrate changes in village of Ryemouth during 1995 till now.


Overall, at present there are new facilities that did not exist in 1995. As can be seen, there is so many differences that in the following noticed to them.


 Only some of items have remained stable for instance, main roads, hotel and café in the front of them, houses alongside of the main road in the north- western of the map, and houses in the rectangular area in the center.


Obviously, in 1995 in the north-east of map there were farmland and forest park that has replaced by goll and tennis court. in the east part of map can be observed a new car park in the next of the hotel. Also, in the past there was a fishing port in the southern part of the map that totally eradicate. At now, new apartments and restaurant get the place of fish market and shop. The last changes that can be negotiated is the new road that link housed in the west of the map to other parts.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The two maps illustrates the expantion of the Ryemouth village in its past form and its current form.

Overall. It is clear that there has been several changes, the most noticeable changes is the farmland and forest park. This places has changed to sport center. Furthermore, The fishing port has demolished during these years. 

In 1995, to the south of the village, sea area especially for fishing investment. There was six fishing market near the sea and five shops was there opposite the fishing markets. In present, fishing markets has changed to four residental apartements and shops have changed to restaurants. Also fishing port has destroyed. In addition, one car park added to the south map’s only hotel. The small cafe has not changed in these years.

To the north west, number of houses have increased. At first, there was 12 but in present there are 16 and the street that was there have expanded. To the north east, farmland has expanded and golf and tennis pitch have replaced. At last, unfortunately forest park trees have destroyed by humans. 




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The provided maps indicate a series of alternation that the village of Raymond underwent from 1995 and present .Overall  it is obvious from the given information that this village become a much bigger residential area.


to begin with , the fish market which was near the sea have turned into four apartments for living nowadays .Moreover ,fishing  port totally has removed from the sea now . Whilst, café remain the same since 1995 until now .In addition ,recently the car park has built beside the hotel to park their car in it.


on the other side of the map ,currently farmland and forest park have changed into golf and tennis court  .As far as the village improved residentially , the nurture has demolished completely.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The maps illustrate how a village of Ryemouth has changed following the development of various facilities over a 25 year period. 
Overall, it is clear that the main change for present the addition of a new sport complex area, which are going to be held tennis and golf there, the area is enormous. 
In 1995, there were two huge area which included Farmland and Forest park in the east of village ,and there were few houses in the west . By Present,  several houses have been constructed. Furthermore, a new junction is created that links housing area. 
As the beach has now been equipped with new restaurant and beach houses which are connected to each other and to the beach via path . And the eastern is a new car park also be made the inside of hotel. Finally,  the main road ,hotel and café  are still unchanged. 




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


These two maps are described the differences of the village of Ryemouth in two separate time. Overall, the number of apartments and houses have increased during the time.
When you focus on these maps, you can find lots of differences. For instant, in the north-west of the present map, we can see a new road, also the number of houses have increased in this area.
In the north-east of the maps, farmland and forest park have converted to golf and tennis respectively.
On the other side, in the south-east the hotel as a little change and it made a parking, in contrary the cafe which is infront of this hotel have not anny alternation.
Amazingly, shops and fish markets that are in the south, have converted to the restaurant and apartments respectively.
Consequently, most parts of this village have changed during the time.




People are surrounded by advertising, which has an increasing effect on our lives. Do you think the positive effects of this outweigh the negative effects?

AmirAli Taghinezhad AC

Nowadays, advertising have a considerable impact on our lives. Advertisements causes you aware of some new brands that you have never heard of that before. Apart of that it can make you confuse, because they introduce you lots of choices that you can not make an appropriate decision to choose what you want. In this essay we want to figure it out whether the benefits of advertising outweigh the drawbacks or not?

To begin with, we have to know one of the biggest point of advertisements is indicates some new brand to the market and people. That makes the manager of big company to produce some product with the best quality. Otherwise, due to the competitive market, they cannot convince their customers to buy their product. For instance: one of the industries that makes gadgets or the other technology stuff, if do not utilize some materials with high quality, they cannot surpass to their rivals in the market. So, they can face into the big trouble.

In addition, when you want to select your stuff with all that brands. It can be difficult for you to choose, because they have many varieties in colors, sizes, prices and so many other factors. Also, in some advertisements they try to deceive people to make them buy their products with wrong information that are not even true.

In conclusion, the impact of advertising on our lives is undeniable. But in my point of view, it has a lot of benefit for us, because the industry try to keep the quality of their product on the top and that means you can have a better life than before.






Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

The social behavior has high importance among people of nations. Some highlight that not only the ratio of anti-social behaviors increased; but also the respect for others faced a significant decline. There are some reasons behind this crisis which will be mentioned in this essay; some actions to improve this circumstance will be addressed as well.

There is no deed or phenomenon in the world, but there is a story behind. The main reason is an inappropriate education system which do not accomplish its duty. Should children be taught properly, they rate of anti-social treats will be at the lowest level among them. Besides, the parent’s neglection during children’s childhood could be another serious cause for this matter. when parent be ignorant about children, they might do not learn how to behave properly in the society or learn it from vandal source. 

It goes without saying that there is a solution to every matter. To begin with, should governments provide a healthy education system, which teaches kids to behave respectfully to others. Take Canada by way of example, a country with a lowest percentage of anti-social behavior among modern nations due to its healthy and fair education system. The other measure that could be done to reduce the level of these types of treatments is encourage parents to have more control over kids by reducing the work hours for them. To elucidate further with an example, work hours of clerks could be reduced from 8 hours to 6 hours in order to providing an opportunity for them to have more time with their kids.

Omid Reza Heidari (AC)




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti_social behavior and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situation? How to improve it?

It is true to say that, in these days, numerous of people argue that anti_social behavior increase significantly in general and decrease respect for others. In this essay l will say part of reasons for these and some argument to improve it.
On the one hand, there are several reason that cause this anti_social behavior. Firstly, when the authorities do not pay attention to their folks and get high tax while they send this money to another countries, it cause the level of economy decrease substantially, because work for government but get low salary and the price of all facilities and materials increase sharply, therefore people could not buy necessary for themselves and become angry. Secondly, some organs that work for government so against the folks and they have unsuitable behavior with people, like resent events that happened Iran and most of the people become angry so they are not satisfied with the current situation. The last and the most reason, bosses in government that do every works they want but all of that works are illegal for general people.
On the other hand, there are a lot of ways to improve this situation .All people and government have to change their behavior and it is better to help each other to prepare this situation because of they want to stand in front of each other they have to sacrifice their values such as their live. First of all, the government have to create lots of jobs for people with good salary in addition adolescent have to improve their knowledge in University and then get help from elder people and use of their experience to increase the level of economy in society so both people and government thrust each other and do all their work in base of knowledge not religion.
In conclusion, folks and government have to walk in the same way until can prepare and improve the situation with increase jobs opportunity with suitable and audient salary and knowledge.

Maryam Ghamghami




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

<span;>Nowadays , the world is undergoing massive changes due to advance in technology. As a result, it has changed our spots and human tune. Families have forgotten about others. A vast majority of people feel that this is inherent in our society. There are numerous reasons behind this which can be solve by several adverse remedies.

<span;>In the on hand, hectic lifestyle is leaving the world in isolating families. It is impossible for parents to having spare  time for emphasizing their connection with children. Moreover, they do not understand the value of family. Besides this only on occasion such as new year, do they meet elders. Then how can they learn to respect them. If they do not realize how to respect or behave their own family members, they would not be capable to give it to others.

<span;>On the other hand, there are plenty of resolutions which can improve on that by warning parents and children on the school. The first, we need to display the dignity of our grandparents and show that how is nice to communicate with them. Thus, they signify slightly the important of elder statesman.

<span;>Apart from this, a good education system is one of the reliable sources that can help to eliminate a problem. Therefore, teachers carry more authority in this crisis and should wrestle with wrong behavior and disrespect for others. A serious of events for students will culminate in a rationalist adult.

<span;>In conclusion, because of modern technology and hectic lifestyle, many folks have to endure this situation. By contrast, we can solve it by not only spending time with the elders and betters but also by excellent educational system.




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

Respect to every person what a great love is to life. Lots of people believe that these days, anti-social behaviour is increasing and respect for others is decreasing. This act and how to improve must be investigated.
It is certainly true to say that 'in today's world most people have been nervous and depress' and everybody believes anti-social behaviour come back to family, because every adolescent learn different behaviors from family members after that does their into society. For shining example, if children do not see any good behavior from adult member in their family, they do not learn and train respect for doing. Another reason for increasing anti-social behavior is jobless. Some people in our country do not have a good job and do not have salary, in this base, they cannot stand other people and themselves and show anti-social behavior. Because of this, other people do not expect of them for respecting.
Solving this problem is not easy and needs to spend more time in many years. According to experiences and statistics, every society must perform some training class for adult and parents that how to improve formal behavior in them. Another way of solving the second problem is, the government must create different jobs for jobless persons. For example, in particular, ordinary people cannot change society situation specially economy. By solving these problem, can expect the respect is increased. If government can solve these problems it does not do any harm. 
To conclude, it can be said that, anti-social behaviour is evitable, but every government must control that and there are some ways for decreasing this act, and by training for improving respect most people welcome to increase formal behavior. 

Faezeh Haghi




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

In this modern era, it is argued that there is a significant rise in the impolite manners and being rude. This issue has been caused due to the plethora of reasons but what tops the chart is that severe economic climate is playing a vital role in it.

Not only does it lead to an increase in the amount of pressure upon people but also it leads to a rise in the depression, fraustration, and loneliness. The more it becomes unsustainable, the more they feel anxiety and anger. In fact, when they run into the trouble and experience a lot of mental problems they are not able to come across their duties and as result consider others. By way of illustration, when an individual could not complete what he was suppose to do due to his difficulties, he may have an inappropraite behaviour with his coworkers and family members.

A plethora of solutions are stated to tackle this issue and make the situation better but it goes with out saying that the most apparent would be the presence of the therapists. They play a key role in the cure of sick mentals. If therapists take action against anti-social way of livings in the national and international levels immidiately, alot of them will be ironed out. Moreover, the government is of great importance as they can make the economic more stable and support those who couldn’t afford their livings costs. At the end, all of us are expected to respect others’ rights.




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

some people argue that contrary to the laws and agains sociaty have raised,and people no longer respect to rest of one's.there are tow main couases,diversity of oponion and tradition lifestyles are lost  .Possible solutions would be adjusted ruls by government and made aware of the importance of keeping tradition

On of the reason that people are unimportant to respect to others is that thay are restericted by some belifes in their scoity that are against them. They cannot accept this because they have diffrent one compered with other people.it can be a fact that poeple avoide respect other people or socity as they want to follow their own belifes.from a social view point,if a great variety of belifes emarged in a society as a result it will be faced some problems such as lack of respect.for instanse,young people have specific oponion to held a relegios festival in their country but the older people and government donot accept their method so they disagree with each other and this breaks the norm.to tackle this issuse,the government should take step to determine some ruls to gives freedom to people to expression their opinion easily and punish those who interfereing in other opinion.the more they confornt diffrent belifes,the more learn how shuold recpet and tolerate other belifes.
Another problem that needs to be considered is costom are forgotten by individual.when a sciety cannot remember their tradition they cannot follow their ruls and rescpet people who are older than them .Despite liveing with other they cant cope with other culture or last traditional cause they can underestand the ruls that government determine based on their culture.for example,a persone who wear a fashion clouthes in imitation of foreigners،he/she cannot respect to ruls which is set according to tradition and forced them to wearing  traditional clothes even though they don't know anything about it.Suggested solution can be this,parents and governmet should be teach their childern in the eldery ege about their tradition and its important even with holding training calsses in every age to preservs this on their mind.

in conclusion,breking the lows have increased these days becouse of apearing variery of creeds and not remember custom,goverment should be specified some ruls and hold curriculum to maintain peoples culture among them.






You are taking a course at a local college. The deadline for your project was last week but you haven't finished it.

    ▪️Introduce yourself
    ▪️Explain why you haven't handed in the project yet
    ▪️Request more time to do it.

The bar chart illustrates how different tourists from 4 countries, namely China, America, Turkey, Brazilia, spend their holiday in Greece, in August 2019.

Overall, reading books ranks the first and visiting places stands the last.

Chinese and American tourists prefer reading books during their holiday in Greece rather than other two activities. The first group spend three-quartes hours a day on reading books and the latter category spend 5 hours a day. Both of them would like to go to the beach instead of visiting places. 

Being at the beach is responsible for the most proportion of Turkish and Brazilian travellers. While spending time at the beach is more popular with Brazilians (6 and 5 hours a day, respectively), reading books comprised equal amount among them.




The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

The bar chart below outline the average duration of leisure hours that tourists from various countries spent their holiday in Greece in August 2019.
The data reveals that Chinese tourists have the highest number of reading books, around 8 hours in this month. The least holiday leisure activities could be observed in visiting places for Chinese tourists which account for an hour 
Despite Chinese and American tourists would rather spend their holiday at the beach more than visiting places, Turkish and Brazillian tourists prefer to choose being at the beach the most .
It is be seen that visiting places have the lowest level in spending leisure time.
Interestingly, the amount of leisure hours is almost the same in visiting places for American and Turkish tourists.




The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

Given is a chart illustrating different various favorites of tourists in doing types of leisure activities. It appears there are different views of entertainment between Chinese, American, Turkish, Brazilian in Greece in 2019.

The most hours of spending time is related to reading books which done by Chinese tourists, they just dedicated one hour daily to visiting places though. Also, the Chinese ones have spent the lowest time in day between countries (3 hours). Turkish and American tourists approximately have similar choices specially in visiting places as 3 hours. So that the average of another choices to enjoying is the same about 4.5 hours per day. But Brazilian persons had different treatment on holiday. The most quantity is 6 hours that were on the beach. Furthermore, about reading books and visiting were 4 and 2 hours respectively.

For conclusion, because of difference between societies even affects how they choose sending their time. It is evident that Chinese tourists despite of other ones had separated them by high average hours of reading books.




The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

The given bar chart depicts the amount of time spent on a daily basis through different amusing activities by tourists from four distinct countries, named China, The USA, Turkey, and Brazil while they were on vacation in Greece in August 2019. Overall, as it can be observed, reading books was by far the most activity done by chinese tourists during the time, while visiting places was not only the least popular amongst chinese but it also had less popularity amongst tourists of other nations. Regarding to the nationality of tourists, chinese people predominantly tendes to reading books including 8 hours a day, while brazilian and turkish visitors spent the same amount of time which was the half of the chinese's. Moreover, Americans spent 5 hours for it which was more than other amusements. Considering the number of hours was allocated to activities, 6 hours a day was spent by brazilians at the beach which was as double as  that off chinese, following that, turkish and American visitors spent 5 and and 4 hours of a day at the beach, respectively. Moving to the least popular activity (visiting places), chinese spending was just 1 hour daily, while brazilian spent 2 hours. The tourists from The USA and Turkey allocated the corresponding time of 3 hours for it.




The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

The chart tries to show the portion of each leisure activities of 4 different nationalities in each day while on holiday in Greece in 2019.

It goes without saying that Chinese people like reading books the most. They spend 8 hour a day for reading books while they are on holiday. It is ironic but it seems that they don't like to visit places because they spend about 1 hour a day for visiting historical and other places.

Americans like reading book more too. Definitely less that Chinese. They spend dedicate 5 hours a day averagely for it. They like to spend time at the beach which takes about 4 hours a day from them. Their spending time for visiting places for American is 3 times more than Chinese (3 hours a day).

Turkish and Brazilians have same desire. Both of them like to spend more time at the beach, Turkish like a little less though. It takes 4 hours a day for Turkish and 5 hours for Brazilians. Turkish people likes to visiting places more instead they spend 3 hours a day for it like Americans while Brazilian spend about 2. They spend equal time for reading book less than Chinese and even Americans (4 hours a day).





The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

The given bar chart compares Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian travellers in terms of the amount of time which spent every day for their spare time when were in Greece for holiday in August of 2019.

Overall, the minimum time that all of the tourists spent in Greece was for visiting places. Meanwhile, reading books was the most popular activity among Chinese and American people, while Turkish and Brazilian tourists were preferring to go on the beach.

As the graph indicates, Chinese tourists spent 1 hour for visiting places and 3 hours for going on the beach and also they spent 8 hours for reading books which was twice as long as other two activities. At the same time, Americans spent 5,4 and 3 hours for reading books, going on the beach and visiting places, respectively.

Turkish people preferred that mot of their leisure time for going on the beach, 5 hours, and after that, 4 hours for studying and 3 hours for visiting places. Likewise, Brazilian travellers spent a large proportion of their holiday for doing activities near the sea, 6 hours, and 4 hours for reading. They spent a mere 2 hours for visiting places.




The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

The given graph compares the average time of each day that tourists from China, America, Turkey and Brazil spent doing leisure activities during vacation in Greece on August 2019.

Overall, reading books was the most popular activity between Chinese and American tourists, while Brazilian and Turkish tourists prefered to go at the beach.

Chinese prefered to reading books during holiday with average 8 hours in a day. This was 3 hours higher than reading book figure for American tourists. The tourists from China spent about 3 hours for going to the beach and visiting place with 1 hour figure had the lowest average for Chinese. The results for American tourist ranged between 3 and 5 hours.

Spending time around the beach with 6 hours a day was the most popular activity for Brazilian tourists. This activity dedicated about 5 hours in a day for Turkish tourists. Tourists from both countries spent 4 hours of their time on reading books. The least popular activity was places that visited by tourist for mentioned countries, with under 3 hours in a day.




The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

The chart provide information about tourists activities and entertainments who traveled to Greece from four different countries. According to chart, Chinese tourists were really good book readers, they spent 8 hours in a day for reading, which it was the highest number of hours were spent totally. Also the lowest time were spent for visiting important buildings of Greece that Chinese people considered only one hour. A more detailed look at the chart reveals that despite of same taste of Chinese and American tourists in spending time, American people devided their leisure time more balanced. Also Turkish and Brasilian tourists considered time for activities like each other and prefered to be at the beach more than other entertainments. All in all, except Chinese people who concentrated on reading, rest of tourists devided their leisure time better for all activities. Also, the differences between priority of entertainments shows diversity between culture of countries and their tourists.




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The pie chart illustrates the number of employees in UK in  years 1988 and 2012.
Overall, It can be seen the total number of employments has risen during these 24 years though the amounts of each group has not changed considerably. In fact, each of employmets  items in 1988 as nearly equal as in 2012.
Despite the similarity of the charts which was explained above, there were  some changes in details. Apparently, the variation of employments in these two years between men and women  were converse. In other words, the number of  full time employed women has increased from 19% to 26%  while  the rate for men has decreased from 53% to 47% during the same years. Besides, the alteration of part time employmets compared to full time was negligible in order to one percent growth in men and two percent reduction in women.
In conclusion, although there were some slight  changes during these years, the most majority of employments were belonged to men around 50 percent.




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The pie charts illustrate the percentage of employee in the UK with the exact number of them written bellow the graph in 1998 and 2012.

Overall, we can see percentage of full-time men workers stood the at the first stage during this period. Although the quantities of all categories increased, the number of full-time women job holders rocketed up far more than others.

By 2012 the percentage of full-time male employee had declined dramatically by 6% whom their number decreased almost  1000. with figure in women part time workers showing a similar fell in proportion from 22% to 20% whch their number had a minimal drop.

In the other hand, the figure for full time female employees saw a significant rise of 7% with the dramatic increase in the number by 300. Likewise part time male job holders climbed, although, just by 1% which was the smallest change during this time.

Zahra darvishi/AC





The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The pie charts shows figures of men and women were hired between 1988 to 2012.

overall, in all periods of time men had had highest percentage in full-time jobs. In comparison with full-time, part-time occupation for men always shows lowest number, while both of categories for women shows some close number together. 

As can be observed, more than 50% of full-time employment were for men in 1988. The number of women were hired in part-time jobs were 4482 in 1988, however this number increase until 7696 in 2012. It is noticeable that, number of men were hired in 2012 increase approximately 1000 people rather than 1988. According to the pie charts the figures for part-time employment shows same increase as full-time for men between 1988 to 2012. As regards women part-time hired, number were close together and percentages shows 22% in 1988 and 20% in 2012. It is evident that total number had increased and statistics shows approximately 6000 people more in 2012 rather than 1988.




You are planning to go and study English at a school overseas. You would like some information about their courses.

Ask about the school
Say what kind of accommodation you want
Mention any special requests you have (for example diet).

Dear Sir,


I am Saman Norouzi Zadeh and I will be a new candidate of your school I would like to know a few information about your school, your dormitory, your city and etc, so I hope you help me and solve my problem.


At the first I want to know what is your school ranking in the USNEWS website? I couldn’t find your ranking in this site. How much is tuition fee your school? Where is the school? Also I have many families in the US but I don’t have any information about the New York city, for example I want to know about weather, rate of crime and community of Iranians in the New York.


I saw in your website you have 2 kinds of dormitory I will book dormitory but it is important for me to know how many students stay in each other, also I prefer my dormitory has a restaurant because I not be able to cook.


At the end I have to say if you accept my apply, I will get visa in other country, so I hope you check my request as soon as possible because maybe I will not can get my visa on time.


I am waiting for your reply.


Best regards,


Mr.Saman Norouiz Zadeh







The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The bar charts demonstrate the number of people sho were employed in the UK between 1988 and 2012.

It is clear that the most number of employment worked full-time were men, while the part-time women's employment were more than men in both years. However, the total of employment in 2012 were more than in 1988.

By 1988, 53 percent(12,539) of men worked full-time, and these persons in 2012 were 47 percent(13,794). Just below a fifth(19%) of full-time job of women were 4,482 in 1988 and this were 7% more were 7,696 at 26%.

In 1988, the female employer in part time were just a little above a fifth(22%)were 5,268 and in 2012 ,a fifth of them employee (5,975). In these both years, the men who were worked part-time had about same percent, so in 1988 were 6%(1,550) and in other years were 7%(2,131).

Hastinassaji (ac)




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The given pie chart demonstrates the comparison of women and men who worked as a part time and full time in UK in 1988 and 2012.

According to the pie chart, the percentage of men who worked as a full time witnessed a slow decrease from 53% to 47% between 1988 and 2012 year. On the other hand, the figure for women full time emploees rose significantly from 19% to 26% in1988 and 2012 respectively.

 According to the a part time job, men employmees experienced an slight increase from 6% in 1988 to 7% in 2012 . Whereas there was a slight decline, in the proportion of women who employed as a part time. This amount was in1988 at 22% and in2012 at 20%.

In conclusion , the greatest part of pie chart belonged to the men employees who worked as a full time.Nevertheless , the lowest percentage of working was for men who worked as a part time.





The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The charts provide information about employment between 1988 and 2012 in the UK.

overal,the proportion of full-time men employees were significant.Companies recruited less people in full-time jobs and similarly,the amount of women which were recruited in part-time job decreased.The figure of full-time women and part-time men grew up during period mentioned in the charts.

It is interesting to mention that the noticeable share was allocated to men which were accepted in the full-time job by %53 in 1988 and by %47 in 2012 respectively.Less than a quarter of women found part-time job between 1988 and 2012.

Conversly,both figure of men who worked in the position of part-time job and women in full-time job saw moderate increase.It is clear that the proportion of men formed 6 out of %100 in 1988 to %7 in 2012 in part-time job and women found job with the chance of %19 in 1988 and the larger share of %26 in 2012.

Sepide Mahmoodi/AC




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

professional athletic and cultural events became an integral part of people’s life, due to variety of different social benefits which are undeniable. Therefore, I disagree that government should investigate their fund on encouraging the expansion of art and sport for pupils on account of I believe is the waste of money.


In one hand, be a participant of professional sport competition would provide some sort of favorable aspects for each country such as make them famous and establish an international reputation for them. This may result in boost in economic system that has a direct impact on ordinary people’s prosperity. More importantly, this kind of international competitions, namely Olympics, Word Cup and UEFA, provide friendly atmosphere and make them closer to each other.


In the other hand, art and cultural galleries are not only for showcase art crafts and paintings, but also about express feelings and produce creativity which may lead to increase self confidence in public and fulfil some of their needs. In addition, art events are a suitable way for product placement and advertisers can use this opportunities to increase their income.


Meanwhile, if government do not spend enough money on this events, students will not have heroes and role models anymore so they would feel discouraged from do workouts and they may prefer sedentary life style. As a result, obesity and other kinds of diseases like heart attack and high cholesterol will appear and make them feel far from the intense sense of well-being.


To sum up, Although expanding the equipments for teenagers can be beneficial, government should make a financial contribution  with related institution to invest events and address their financial issues to have a better economical situation.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sports and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?


It is generally believed that authorities should invest more money in educational institutions for improving sports and art stuff, instead of sponsoring professional sportsmen and artists. I totally agree with the idea of supporting skilled sportsmen and artists.


It is my view that, for skilled adults, these fundings play an essential role in their success. Government should support professional sportsmen and artists because they play for the nation and their triumphs can enhance the country’s credit. Furthermore, their victory can encourage children to continue their journey and they will also be future heroes.


In contrast, some people claim that sport and artistic stuff is also vital for students who like these fields. They firmly insist that children need sports types of equipment for increasing their fitness level and need artistic stuff for improving their creativity. However, I do not find this argument convincing as encouraging people who have tried for years to continue their path in line with the success of their country and themselves is more important than encouraging children to use sports and art facilities.


In conclusion, I completely agree with supporting professional sports and art events by Government because they help increase the country’s credit and children’s spirit to strive for success.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

There is a believe that government should consider budget to encourage the development of sport and art for school students instead of supporting professional sport and art exhibitions. Personally I am disagree with this setting as I consider supporting events is motivated teenagers by give them a picture of a dream. That I will expand my agreement more in this essay. Firstly, I think if government make more expenditure on students for improving in sport and art, it needs a real strict plan to find talented students and nurturing them up to a professional position in specific field that may costs large amount of money for many years that maybe leads to nothing. Whereas, by spending money on events, adolescence will encourage to develop their ability based on their interests that I suppose is necessary. As an observation, there are lots of people that they go for what they really love after retiring. Secondly, I guess encourage students may lead them to an incorrect choice for their future while they could be really successful in some other field like science. Moreover, there is some example about make a progress in sport or art without support and those events make an opportunity for them to show their abilities and talents. For instant, I can refer to big stars in sport and art that they usually come from a non-protective situation. Overall, the need of support is necessary but it depends on our insight and side of view to issue so spend money on sport and art events is kind of support that it could be more effective and government finds it enormously cheaper than conditional expenditure for support students.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

In this essay I want to write about a challenge which most of the countries encounter it. This problem is that they need to spend money for both school art and sport and professional art and sport but they may not have enough sources to support both and they don't know which is more important.

About the school art and sport, I have to emphasis on this point that if you don't try to train new individual in these specialties you won't have any professions then, so it's very important to spend money on teaching students to become expert on their own field that it might be any kind of art or sport.

About professional art and sport, obviously it's necessary to expend for them because actually they need some facilities and wealth to make honor for their fatherland. Besides they can make money for the government from their abilities and this will be an important advantage excluding bringing honor and glory. Another thing is that if they haven't been supported by the government, there wouldn't be anyone to bring up new professions and they will face the shortage of artists and athletes in a close future. The other fact that makes it important to use sources for the professions, is that if they wouldn't be supported by the sponsors, they won't be working in their specialty or if they will, it wouldn't be for their own fatherland.

Thereupon, both need to be supported by the government and the country needs both. If they don't train new heroes, they won't exist in the future and if they don't get old heroes the facilities they need, they won't be able to use their advantages. So they need both but the priority is with the school art and sport and they have to be trained and government should pay attention on them and besides the professions shouldn`t be forgotten by neither government nor people.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

Well, in my mind sport and art should be developed at school in which students will have more chance to get learned and practice. But it doesn’t mean that the professional sports and art events don’t matter, but also both of them need to be supported. Government must consider all of different aspects and points and then share a certain fund between develop and support things logically.

If the professional athletes or artists don’t receive enough attention or money, they would be disappointed and messed off. So they stop cooperating with groups and associations of school anymore. After that there won’t be any contest between schools sport-teams and either all of art events will be cancelled. Then the students lost their passion and motivation to follow art and sport professionally. Finally school turned into a boring system for them.

 On the other side the children should learn various sport or art skills at school. Through this some of them can find their talents or interests and arise them. And this purpose without financial support doesn’t become true. Because the school need to hire more teachers and coaches. Moreover all of equipment and tools related to each sport or art must be provided.

All in all, since the budget of school is limited, the government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, and also endorse professional sports and art events. In this way government can play a vital and basic role at destiny of students.





Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

There are different approaches to invest money on sport and art facilities.In this regard there are some arguments for spending money to support professional sports and art events,however,the great benefit of concentrate budget on developing these entertainments for students in schools can not be ignored.

   Some people claim that investing money on sport and art events is of great cultural significance in most countries.In other word,it gives people sense of identity.They also insist on saying that people are fascinated by focusing on these entertainments and follow them accurately.Az a result,these events boost public moral.I think these reason not enough to convince me,however.

  In contrast,others justifiably believe that it is vital to spend money expanding sport and art infrastructure in schools for students.They argue that due to the fact that youngsters play a critical role in developing nations based on their ability, if they are more familiar with various kinds of sportive and aesthetic fields,they may  will discover their skills and grow them up.Thus,they will more likely to attend positively to society.It is not only fulfils their expectations in terms of their interest,but also gives them a great opportunity to improve their interpersonal skills due to engage as a work team player.

  In conclusion,on the understanding that spending money for holding art and sport events gain favors regarding increasing moral and being interest for society,some people include me believe that investing on developing these entertainments for schools students is more important phenomenon which need to be considered.

Mitra mahmoudi Ac




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

It is often said that a great deal of money should be invested in encouraging more and more schoolers to art and sport activities instead of athletics. I am partly agree with this view and it will be discussed in this essay.

On one hand, there are several reasons why governments should have a specific attention on professional sport and art events. Firstly, it seems that this kind of activities could bring an honor for the countries. For example, when athletics get high-rank Olympic medals this is good for those countries as they can promote the universal rank of their countries. Secondly, it would appear that more talented people in these activities will eager to take part in sport and art festivals by dedicating more money on them. This can be a motivation for amateur individuals to upgrade their selves for attending in such programs.

On the other hand, it seems to me that besides considering the reasonable cost for events, planning for devoting money on growing enthusiast in sport and art at the educational institutes has a vital role in climbing the rate of these activities in the society. With this way, some hidden talents could be recognized among children. Moreover, it is noticeable that if we educate these lessons between them, perhaps a large percentage of people will enter in the high-level events in the future. This might be because students can get familiar with such majors.

In conclusion, a logical amount of money should be dedicated in both art and sport activities and events by authorities for the mentioned reasons.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

َAlireza Mahboub-Ahari 

These days government spending on several areas has been criticized by many stakeholders. They argue that government should shift tax-money from professional sport and art events to art and sport in school. I strongly agree with the critique and try to support my idea with some reasons.

First of all, it is evident that government budget is constraint, thus it needs to be allocated more reasonably to high priority areas such as, education and health. Considering the fact that putting more resources on school sports can significantly affect students’ health and wellbeing and also can enable the to contribute in economic activities, giving higher priority to sport and art in schools seems to be necessary.

Another reason behind my idea is that, professional sport and art, have recently changed from a single means of entertainment to a luxury for-profit industry. Many professional athlets and famous artists make a lot of money from many sort of activities, for example contract with filming companies and advertisement. The make a plenty amount of money just through a single contract. Then how government spending on these businesses could be justified and endorsed by general public.

On the other side, some people argue that, art is quite different from professional sport in some aspects. They believe that, many kinds of arts are not much attractive to make people or business enterprises invest their money on it. For example, collegraphy is a unique area that has too less advocators, especially among young people.  They feel these specific area needs to be prioritized exceptionally.

In conclusion, despite the popularity of professional events such as sport and art among people, government’s budget needs to be spent on more in need areas such as school sport and art. It is not acceptable to put society’s resources on less-priority for-profit events.


Alireza Mahboub-Ahari




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

AmirAli Taghinezhad AC

Some people believe that government should pay attention to the pupils and support them in sport and art, relative to professional sports and art festivals. Students are the future talent of a country and we should value them. Also, competitive sports match and art events can improve the skills of the people who are active in this fields. In this essay we want to argue about the reason, why I agree with this statement.

To begin with, let me describe that why it is important to breed our children’s skills in schools? It has a simple answer, because they are our future. If we want to have an honorable destiny, we will have to encourage our young talents. Afterwards we can anticipate a successful country in any fields we want. We should find our pupils talent and grow them in a right way and do not let them distracted by different problems that they faced with in their process way and guide them appropriately.

In addition, it is absolutely important that provide professional facilities for the athletes and artists that they can indicate their abilities to all over the world but this kind of things can not be as important as cultivating new emerging talents. For instance: a country utilizes the highest facilities but does not have specialist to use them in the correct way, and they have to bring some expert staff from the other country and can not use the potential of their own youth.

To conclude, all young people and children are the national capital of every country that should be supported in the right way. In my point of view, it is better to spend our money and time on our energetic people in schools rather than high quality facilities and different events.






Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that the governments should spend money in order to support professional sports and art events, but other people claim that the investing on students in order to development of sport and art is more important. I agreed with latter group.


Professional sports and art occasions could be helped by governments. This investing maybe has some benefits for people who do professional sports and arts. Athletes and artists can improved their skills by government budgets, but this situation cannot help effectively other people, society and governments, so the benefits is not bidirectional. As consequence, spending money on the art and sport for athletes and artists maybe helps the different aspect of society.


On the other hand, some people claim that sport and art in schools are more important than another option. Investing on the sport and art for students have benefits for students, society, culture and governments. The number of people who benefit in this situation is more than other option because the sport has significant role on healthy, and culture of society greatly is impressed by art. Furthermore, spending money on schools improves infrastructure. So, it has additional advantages for prospective students. For instance in China the governments invested on art and sport in schools so, now their people are healthier and also have more knowledge about arts compared to the past. As consequence, the governments should have more enthusiastic about investing on art and sport in education system.


In conclusion, despite there are some benefits for spending money on professional athletes and artists, while the money which spends on the sport and art in schools has more advantage for society.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

Do you think finding talented-students should be prioritized? Authorities require to dedicate budget to help developing of sport an art for school students, instead of assisting professional athletes and art events. By spending and supporting children in school government can identify talented-students and also it mays nurture students for the future of sports and art.

For a long time, many gifted-students have been wasted in school but enough budget assists government to find numerous gifted-children. This measure probably provides a golden opportunity for those who want to be expressed as athletes or artists. For example, one of the most famous artists Peter Allen was identified in new programs which provided by governments in Australia. He was painter and had an extraordinary talent to paint with coal on papers.

Furthermore, conducting new programs such as workshops and extra-time classes with the help of new money can cultivate student’s talents. By nurturing children’s talents, authorities can prepare enough athletes and artists for its sport teams or artists team in the future. For instance, Germany football team is well-trained team and they are well-known in this matter because their government spends a huge amount of money to develop and nurture their children in any majors, and state prepares children to take their roles in the future.

Governments should spend money for motivating school students to develop their talents in sports and art while it should stop wasting money by spending to professional artists and athletes. I hope all students have fairly opportunities to show their abilities and talents.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe government's budget should be allocated to promote arts and sports in school, rather than spend on professional arts and sports affairs. Although it is a good idea to invest in schools, but spending on professional sports or art is inevadible.
Firstly, most adolescents do not go to school, but are willing to learn specific sports field or improve their skills in painting, playing a musical instruments. That's why government should spend a part of it's budget on organizing educational classes for inerested individuals. More importantly, arts and sports are one of the most popular hobbies and many people follow the events in which their favourite team or artist is participating. Because of that, if the government invest in national sports team or artists, their followers will pay to watch them performing and the money raised will return back to the government. 
Finally, by subsidising national teams and artists, their chance of winning international events such as film festivals or olympic games will increase, which can lead to more global recognition of the country.
It is true that spending money to encourage students in physical or artistic activities will nurture their talent and educates them to value art and sport in future, but investing in professional arts and sports outside school boundaries, has more benefits to both society and government itself.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

There is a statement asserting that authorities need to focus more on young ages education. especially, emphasizing to proper teaching in art and sport from early age instead of spending budget on sport or art competition. While to certain extent I support the idea of paying attention more on children education I disagree with total eliminating any sport and art exhibition and I justified my reasons in paragraphs below.

One of the great achievements of first approach is that, the talents in sport and art could be found from early ages. the reason for this is that, finding an education especially gifted individual or quite easier in young ages. for instance, many numbers of recent soccer player in well-knows European club are educated from early age.

The second advantage of this trend is social-wellness. For instance, it will increase community from mental and physical standpoint when they have educated from early ages to being fit and healthy or will reduce crime rate when they have learnt to respect Humanities knowledges like art and literature.

In contrast, making nation or international event in sport or art field could increase the country’s status and income. As evidence for this is Olympic event, Oscar and Cannes film festival. As a result of this condition, tourists industrial increase in short and long-term in host country. Moreover, these events could motivate people in different ages to follow the same career.

In conclusion, there is a no doubt about significant effect of sport and art’s event on society but, outcome of learning sport and arts subject in early ages are far more lasting on population of a country.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

In the bottom we can see a graph that shows us electronic commerce purchase in Canada.

As you can see in 2015 it not started to become electronic completely yet but in 2016 we can see a considerable raise in manufacturing and also retail section.

This raise in retail part can be because of many shops became online (e.g. Amazon,Alibaba,etc.).

In 2017 situation stays the same as the last year except in manufacturing. It has decreased a little. It maybe because of economy status or weather condition in Canada.

In both years 2018 and 2019 the statics have improved.It may because of people’s vision and they start to do their tasks and jobs in electronic way and of course we shouldn’t ignore the government role and commercials.

at last but not at least, not only Canada but also the whole world becoming more electronic and that’s a real development.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

<span;>the bar chart illustrate the percentage of e commerce purchases among five variety business sector in the years between 2015 to 2019 in Canada.

<span;>Overall, the percentage of purchases across all business sectors was the lowest in 2015, while charts show the highest for all businesses except information and communication. beside in, the bar graph proportion of business making ecommerce obtain by industry in 2018 for all were higher than 2017.

<span;>In 2015 the lowest  rate of purchases were in five business with the range between a bout 20 to 60. in fact this rate with about 20% belong construction while this estimative for information was just 60%. The proportion of purchases boost in 2016 and that range between 30% to 70%. moreover, the lowest rate for construction again with a bit over 30%, while this rate for wholesale and Retail were same. the highest bar chart with 70% belong for information and communication.

<span;>the estimative range for manufacturing,construction wholease and information and communication were increase in 2018 and that range was between 50% and about 70% . furthermore, this rate in 2019 were grow for 3 sector such as manufacturing,construction and wholease. whereas for retail this persentage with bitween 50%and 6% was same with in 2018.in the other hand the proportion of purchase for information and communication reduce in 2019 than in 2018.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The provided bar chart illustrates the percentage of jobs buying e-commerce by industry in Canada from 2015 to 2019. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that in 2015, the demand of buying e-commerce by construction hit the lowest point,while, in 2018, the asking for e-commerce by retail and information reach a peak.
       Considering first of all, it is lucid that in 2015, 2016 and 2017 construction was the lowest among other industries, in contrast, information and communications were the greatest point almost under 70%.
     Moving further, in 2018, both manufacturing and construction  accounted for 50% of purchases, however, information and communications were the highest point almost 23%. In 2019,both retail and construction formed near by 55%, while information and communications were the greater than other industries.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

In this lecture, we are going to analyse the chart that is giving us informations about proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases in industry in Canada in the years 2015 to 2019.

In the chart, we can see 5 sections that have different percentage in each year.
 These cases are manufacturing, construction, wholesale, retail and information and communication.
Now I will mention all the sections of each year`s and the percentage related to each one separately.

According to this schema, In the year 2015 the percentages of the sections, in the same order that has before said, were 30% , 20% , 40% , 30%  and 60%. In the year 2016 this number for manufacturing was about 51%, for construction it was 30%, for wholesale 50%, for retail 50%, and about information and communications this percentage was 50%.
The year 2017, about these features by the order as manufacturing, construction, wholesale, retail, information and communication as these percentages were approximately 45%, 35%, 52%, 51% and 70%.
In the year 2018 the percentile for manufacturing was 50%, about construction it was 50% as the same as manufacturing, for the wholesale the number was about 58%, the retail`s percentage was 58% and the information and communication got 74% for itself.
The last year that is mentioned in the year 2019 and the percentages of the parts in the same ways were 59% for manufacturing, near 55% for construction, for wholesale it was 61%, retail`s percentage was 58%, and about information and communication the percentage is 70%.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The bar chart gives information about the five kinds of businesses purchases items online according to industry in Canada between 2015 in 2019.

Information and Communications is by far the most popular trades e-commerce procurement industry that lists in the chart from 2015 to 2019. The proportion of this group rise slightly and in 2018 have the highest proportion (approximately 75%). In manufacturing group, in 2016, it rise sharply and reach to roughly 50% but after this yer it comes down to 45% and then it rise again (nearly 59%). In 2016, Retail went up suddenly and reached to 52% from 32% !and then it increased slowly (58%). purchasing items in Wholesale, and Communications sectror follow similar patern and they growth steadily through five years. It seems Construction has least portion of e-commerce purchases profession in these years.

Overall, the purchases have a slowly growth over the years, and this growth but it was exceptional in case of information and communication sector.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

<span;>The natural resources such as oil,forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate.
<span;>What problems does it cause?How can we solve these problems?
<span;>Today, abusing natural sources lead to warning to end to them in all of the world especially in the last decade.Although this issue results in global warming ,polluted air as well as extinction of wildlife,I think this problems might have found an answer to recycling , educated individuals and replacing modern method.
<span;>One of the problems of missing natural resources is that the more deforestation and lack of water there are,the warmer Earth we will have .Because, when forest are destroyed and rivers are dryed, greenhouse gas will be emitted. So, It can be warming globaly. Additionally , this gas pollute air that hole of Ozone layer resulted this .It should be noted that plants and animals are endanger .Due to ,shortage of food and water.Thus, what make problems seriously danger is that consuming natural sources remarkably.So, not only this problems can increase the climate warm and lack of water , but also this could kill all of alive existing .
<span;>Escalating of use of natural resources are required to be controled by recycling.It goes without saying that the recycl factories there are, the more wood and water will be saved .Secondly , if people are educated using natural resources , problems of dryed and deforestation will be solved. Furthermore , modern equipment such as electronic papers or books could help this issue .Because of afficials can uncutting trees for producing papers.
<span;>In conclusion, protecting of natural resources plays a significiant roles in decreasing polluted environmentaly and mortality.So, goverment are left with no choice but educate individuals and students and built recycling factories.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

<span;>Presently, the resource endowment such as oil, forests and fresh water are exhausting in rapid  succession. It is clear that there are some reasons behind this situation and I will make an issue of this problem.

<span;>Resource depletion is the consumption of resource faster that it can be replenished. As result, people specially the new generation will live in limited resource. Absolutely, there are two main reasons why environment resources are depleting. On one hand, global human population is doubling in number over and over. Thus, the vast majority of countries such as China and India need more space for building house which lead to not only deforestation, but also cause more consumption of resources for their basic necessities. On the other hand, setting more factories demolish oil and water resources. Under this circumstances, the highly problematic issue occur in the world and government should plan for solving a problem.

<span;>Although, there are no simple solution to the problem of resource depiction, we can improve the situation by imposing of law regarding controlling population. For instance, the government of China are struggling against a population growth. They educate families towards having a small family and enact legislation. Another measure is   imposing some strict industrialisation regulations and also setting a limit of factories in a particular area.

<span;>In conclusion, it is beyond dispute that shortage of natural resourced are the most important issue in these days. Undoutfully, the solution to this issue are twofold, motivating people to having small family and implementing some strict laws for industrial which help to improve the situation.

<span;>Samira latifi
<span;>Thank you




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?


It is true that the natural resources started to increased nowadays. There are a variety of  possible reasons for this, but steps can be taken to tackle the problem.


To paraphrase it, three main factors are to blame for the way human behave in the world. Firstly, modern parents didn't train their children about using correctly of resources, and they tend to prefer didn't have role about this problem. Secondly, many manufacturer's production causes decreasing, for instance plastic production. Finally, is the government fault that means they didn't have determined goal because of that they cannot do influencing management to work out it, for example many of the forest gets fire owing to the global warming, and it was very worrying.

Human behavior can certainly be improved. I believe that the change must start withe parents, who need to persuaded that it is important how to use these resources. Also, government has an effective rule in the world, and they can use reasonable punishment to show that actions have consequences. At the same time, they can encourage people and alarm them with social media or famous people that influence on people and resident folk in the community listen to him or her.

 In conclusion, The decreasing of natural resources and environmental degradation are common, and it has risen every day unless parents, factories and government set clear rules to stop and solve this issue.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

Today’s world, rate of consuming nonrenewable resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being concerned and humanity still cannot replace them with other renewable resources. This upcoming article discusses possible problems arising from this and appropriate solutions. Nowadays, treat of being out of vital natural resources has caused concern and many scientists research to replace them with renewable resources. There are lots of African countries which do not access to fresh water right now and it causes lots of diseases. Being out of oil is the other considerable problem for humanity due to the importance of oil for creating energy and with this rate of burning, there will be no more oil in next 50 years. Through this 100 years earth have lost 30 percent of forests by natural or human reasons. Lots of biggest forests in the world are burnt by global warming and it will cause lack of oxygen in the world. These problems can extinct humanity in next 100 years if no solutions will be given to them. There are lots of scientists around the world who work continuously to find solutions for the problems discussed above, and they have got some results which some of them now are used in modern countries. Today, there are lots of cars which do not use fossil fuels to move and it is going to be more common around the world. Also, nowadays, there is an expensive structure to make fresh water from sea water which will be crucial in the next years, And Renewing burnt forests by planting could be the solution that I suppose to solve this problem.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

With the advent of engines, automobiles, cars…etc. the natural resources such as coal, wood…, are being used at an alarming rate. Human being from the medieval used forests to warm one another and fresh water for various consumption. And now with the growth of population these natural resources are in danger whether we face shortage of them or facing the result of this unusual usage.


For example, one of these resulting issues may be the global warming. With burning huge amount of coal and forests for heating and to create energy, we are gradually causing these kinds of problems for our environment. If it continues, we will face a serious danger for human being and their lives in near future. Also, another issue will be the destruction of the o3 layer in stratosphere, which is vital for absorbing the ultraviolet rays which is one of the main reasons of global warming.


For prevention, we may use some alternative source of energy instead burning coal or forests. For example, we can convert the energy of sunrays to electricity. Another alternative way is to use the power of the wind to rotate wind turbines also to create energy from it. Using Nuclear energy, Using Inner heat of Earth’s core…are other clean ways to reach electricity.


There are maybe a lot of alternative ways to create energy instead of using natural resources, first, we may find it difficult to get used to, but it will be the best way to protect the natural resources of our home earth.





The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

    Time is altering and so mattering of natural resources, throughout the word. Although many people do not have awareness how important the natural sources is because of these resources always have been free, so most don’t appreciate them. Throughout the following paragraphs taxation is proposed as the final solution for these problems.
    Having said that, as some people do not attend to usage of natural sources, such as Oil, forest as well as fresh water, certainly, they will terminate because of yet are free or very cheap. It is causes they resources reach warning border. Take forests of north in our country, Iran, as an illustration. Unfortunately, recently with increasing deforest and cutting tree in order to industry consumption, massive region of nature is disappearing. So it bring with of problems for environment. It is, hence, suggested by this essay the taxation method for solving these issues.
    As the most of sources are free and people don’t care in utilizing them, therefore, to preserving sources as well as to avoid of over usage government should taxation law on excessive consumption. For instance, they can determine high penalties for violators. Doing so, individuals have to thrift on their use.
    To recapitulate, after careful situational analysis of the importance of optimal utilizing natural sources, based on aforementioned compelling ground, it is therefore hoped this solution will be taken account by government authorities to overcome on these obstacles in foreseeable future throughout the world.






The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

AmirAli Taghinezhad                    AC

One of the problems in modern societies is overusing of natural resources which means we will face with some big troubles in near future. So, we should search for different possible solutions to deal with them. 
These kinds of problems like excessive utilize of energy has a huge impact in our environment and due to that our lives are affected accordingly. In this essay we argue about how should we prepare ourselves for this catastrophe.
 To begin with, I should mention some of our main natural sources like: oil, forest, fresh water and …
If we do not reduce the use of oil in our industries, in addition to air pollution, we will confront with lack of oil which means that the price of the petrol will drastically rise. Furthermore, if we continue deforestation to provide more woods for industries, the vegetation in our area will decrease and this can cause flooding and air pollution. We should try to recycle old wooden furniture instead of cutting more trees or utilize some other materials that is like wood.
Apart of these things, the government have to legislate some strict rules for people, about, how to use our resources. For instance: government should warn the high consumption people to limit their use of fresh water to wash their car.
To conclude, we will have a better future when we learn how to use our natural resources in the best way and do not waste them easily when we can use it better.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

 The percentage of consumption of natural sources has been increasing and reached to the worrying point. Lack of water, energy and unhealthy ecosystem are the cases which threat human today. Here this essay has been tried to warn some of problems and give couple of solutions.

The growing population and different types of mankind requirements lead to utilize natural sources more and more. The first one is deforestation or cutting down the trees for building houses or lots of products in wood industry. The ecosystem has been damaged as well as huge range of animals will be in danger of extinction. In real, the sources like oil, gas, and other fossil fuels are limited and they have been finishing. It will result the lack of energy so that the human are faced with serious problems. On the other side, the importance of water in life always should be noticed especially in dry lands like Iran where is in danger of drought.

Although some natural disasters have been happening such as conflagration in big forest annually, environment has the ability to rejuvenate itself if the expansion of damage is not so considerable. But human sometimes create huge harms that nature cannot back to its previous situation. Furthermore, some practical solutions have been mentioned. Firstly people should have been trained how consume water in residential area as well as agricultural industry has to be optimal in irrigation of crops. Secondly government can offer and perform alternative renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind. For instance, they should assemble solar panels on the roof of houses and parking.     

 All in all, the alarm of warning about huge range of natural energy consumption is ringing. It evidently causes crucial problems for ecosystem and human that are mentioned above. The major solution which government can perform is giving information to people to be aware of danger. Finally they use renewable energy to help the nature.   




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

Today, the rate of consuming of natural resources is negatively  increasing. This can be attributed to some reasons and some measures shoul be taken to address them that I will cite in this essay.


    To begin with, excessive use of environmental resources, that are limited, stems from two main reasons.first,it is urban sprawl that increases the rate of using energy.to put it another way,the population of the world is increasing dramaticcaly.as a result the need of facilities and amenities growth as well.therefore,obliging to overuse of natural resources, the government has to prepare appropriate conditions.ranged from drinking water and housing.an example can be seen in China, the most population country, that authorities destroy green areas to construct more residential buildings or overhaunting of animals to make food. Second, utilizing wrong ways to produce and make profits by factories can lead to destroy environmental resources.


Many feasible measures can be taken to combat this problem. Finding a replacing energy like solar system can be effective to reduce the devastating impact on the world resources. For example, by using solar system,the proportion of using fuel decrease, herby saving natural resources. Another solution is that, government should legislate a law to prevent overpopulation.consequently,the use of energy will be controlled.


In conclusion,the mentioned issue that  root of overpopulation and factories’ neglect is likely to be eradict by using replacing energy and control population.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

The natural resources such as oil, water, gasoline, etc. are being used every day and every moment by people all over the world for many objects for instance cooking, washing, driving, calling, treating diseases and so on.
these resources are very important to all countries. if one day they become unavailable, it will effect our lives badly.
Imagin the day that we don`t have electricity and light at night. We can do our important things just while the sun is in the sky and we won`t be able to do many things that deal with electricity. Or for example we have no access to clean water. This can be really harmful because many diseases that was existed in the past because of the water, may come back and by the reason that hospitals and medical services although will be influenced by the lack of resources, so it can increase the number of people who dies because of illness. Or for instance imagin you have no oven to cook on it and for cooking you have to turn on fire by wood and things like that or in the cold weather you won`t be able to use a heater or so and that will hurt our lives a lot. Generally, living will become very hard.
There are ways to prevent this to happen that help us and our posterities to live the life as easy as possible. We mention some of these ways. At first we have to use these resources as much as we need not more and we are supposed to use theme the less that is possible. For instance you don`t have to turn on all the lights you in have in your house. When you`re not using a room, you can turn off its lamp. Or when you don`t have to use fresh water to wash your car and so on. After that, scientists are trying to replace natural resources by renewable energies like sun, wind, and so on. Our responsibility, about this, is to help them try these energies and use them even it costs more than natural resources.





The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

It is inevitable that due to the increasing of population, many non-renowable resources and some other things like water and forest have been overusing over recent centuries.And also present a challenge for us all.There seems to be two major problems streaming from this situation,and some steps we could take to address it fully. 
There are two Main problem related to this issue ,firstly, these type of resources will end one day and next generation of human and animal  must have the right to access them, As they are essential for their existence.if these resources become scarce, may put human rights lif in danger. For instants, nowadays many directors Have been creating numerous movies which display the situation in which people are near to end all the resources in the planet earth And scientist would seek to find a suitable situation of living in other  planets like mars. Secondly, overconsumption or deforestation could harm the environment and disturb the ecological cycles.for example excessive amounts of felling  could cause the air pollution as trees and jungles help to clean the air.furthermore, lack of water lead to droughts which could harm the marine life.
Regarding possible solution probably the most immediate solution would be to use some alternative renewable resources instead. Fortunately, these days, authorities,especially in developed countries drive more fond into the scientific research which look forward to discovering other form of resources. Secondly,further solution might be to raise the level of public  understanding for the need of consume moderate amount of resources. a companion of education along these lines would gradually lessen the volume of resources, especially if reinforced by incentives for consuming less and penalties for excessive use.
In conclusion, the main problems are Dangerous for both human being and environment however,government or assertive to tackle these problem.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

Although it is undeniable that non-renewable source of energy is really crucial for human lives, these sources are constantly consuming for different issues which leads to decrease volume of them. This essay will assess the leading problems of this issue and give some solutions.


One of the main problem is human extinction. Due to providing energy for human daily lives such oil and gas, countries have to fracking and producing these reservoirs regularly to meet their people needs, because of that volume of them are significantly decreasing. Finally they will be finished which cause lots of problems for humanity such as health problems and food crises, as a result rate of death will increase. It can be seen that the need to address this issue is acute. In tandem with recycling products to produce energies, using renewable source of energies including solar power, wind power and hydroelectric energy instead of renewable sources.


Climate change is another problematic issue. Forest has responsibility to store carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but because of human ambitious in making buildings and roads in these area, they destroy these sources and release carbon dioxide emission which leads to deforestation in turn increase high rate of temperature. Predictably, this issue will persist unless authorities take action. By increasing people awareness about the effects destroying natural sources might be conserve them. For example, every year environmental defenders are taking seminars to clarify the consequence of overconsuming of natural resources to their government and ask them to enroll some related laws to limit the consume these sources and protect them for next generation .


In conclusion, natural sources are consuming continually which can be lead to global warming and human extinction. Nevertheless, if the government broad the horizon of their community and enforcing some laws, this sources will protect and remain for next generation




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

Everything needs energy to work and we as human beings are not an exception. The energy that is utilized by people is not restricted to the material that we consume to survive including clean water and food, but we need other resources to move our vehicles and run manifold companies. However, it is incontrovertible that human’s resources are limited and we cannot utilize them forever.

It has several times alarmed by many politicians that we will face with the shortage of the natural resources very soon. Not only the shortage of these resources threatens mankind’s survival, but it also damages the life of other creatures. It is considered by many that the blatant abuse of forests is indicated to the extinction of some rare bird species. On the other hand, too much consumption of oil gives rise into air pollution eventuates at respiratory diseases.

Therefore, if we do not change our consumption pattern we should envisage the demise of the next generations. However, it is believed by many scientists that if we take advantage of viable and recyclable resources such as solar cells and replace them with other resources to create electricity power, we will enhance our chance to survive.      

In conclusion, people are consuming natural resources at a high rate that threatens the life of earth planet. If people learn to control their consumption and if governments use recyclable resources, we can be optimistic about the future.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

Natural resources is to earth what a breath is to people. In today's world oil, forest and fresh water are as natural resources and are being consumed at an alarming rate, and causes are ones about which consideration should be increase.

On the on side, considering consume of natural resources, some hold the view that people will be extinct. Excessive consumption is one of the most important reasons, if not the most important one. Nowadays, consumption has been increase by double population. Moreover, with earth warming and with shortage of rain and snow, people must use natural resources and we cannot replace them. So much so that we can only consume and cannot build them, in this base, every country will face with the shortage and decrease these resources, and this widely spread problem has its serious repercussions of which people and government should be aware.

On the other side, thinking of shortage of natural resources, one is to pay consequence, consumption and quantity. There are numerous solution for solving these problems, some of them consist of: production of solar and nuclear energies and use of them. For shining example, if every manufactory can produce hydrolic cars, consumption of gas will be decrease, or, if different practical instruments can be use by hand, every people never consume natural resources such as oil, wood or something like them. If every government teaches the exact usage of natural resources, nobody face with dangerous problem any more.

All in all, excessive consumption natural resources should not be passed into oblivion,. Since, there are a huge number of people struggling with this harmful problem. Asa result if natural resources are like a breath to people, every government must seem this object. 

Faezeh Haghi




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

Nations are in competition to extract and using non-renewable resources from their national interest purpose. This issue is mainly because overpopulation and the solution is to apply effective regulation on human population and set a comprehensive agreement to reduce national resource consumption beside increasing renewable energy’s source in global scope.

Overpopulation is the main causes of overusing non-renewable resources by different countries, because it's lead to increase in demand of wide range of product by the people. as result of this condition, countries might be face with lack of raw materials. There for, government will choose national resources as the easiest way to compensate their supply defiance. Moreover, consumerism is there second factor to emphasize this trend. as evidence for this appear in developed countries, which people like to change damaged material to new one instead of repairing.

The fundamental solution for this problem is control the world population. because the population upward trend will end to human crisis thus, an international regulation is inevitable to stop the uplift population trend. Particular, set the punishment for countries with high population rate such as United States, China and India.

One of the greatest steps to solve this issue is changing national resource with renewal once.as an example, using solar panel in a wide range for generate electricity instead of burning coal in power house or building dam on the river. Moreover, expanding recycling technology in the all countries to reduce trash as much as possible and rebirth useless stuff to production cycle.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?

It is true to say that, because of have increased significantly in population in these days and use natural resources more than standard that cause be in an alarming rate. In this essay l will say some of the problems and some solutions. Natural resources such as water, oil and plants have been in a dangerous situation. Firstly, all of the creatures need natural resources to live, therefore live without these things could not possible. Secondly, human use of animals and plants to live. So if these things disease, people died and at last the earth become clean of all live creatures such as another planet in my Galaxy for instance if people kill all animals for their food or use of their skin for clothes they become extinct and another resource that people have consumed to much are water, the amount of these precious liquid are very little and the life of all creatures like plants depends on water.
It is better to solve these problems and save these vital resource for future generations. The first and the most solution should change the way that people consume these resource for instant should not waste to wash their yard or cars with fresh water the hat produce for drinking, and recycle the that. Another way use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuel for example wind and sun energy instead of oil and gasoline. Thirdly, do not cut trees for wood because that cause disappear all forest and plants, we can use of another material, or every person plant trees to increase substantially these crucial places.
In conclusion, according to what l saied above, we have to reduce to consume natural resources and use another things instead of that critical resources to supply and save for another people in future generations, like the past generation.

Maryam Ghamghami




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Given is Map of Pacific railway between 1998 and now as the maps illustrate is the railway have been developed by the time.
The café which is located in the bottom right hand corner has no change in the 24 years. As the figures shows, the shops have been relocated and expanded from the eastwest side of the railway to the , center of the station, the toilet have been removed and replaced with restaurant.
The pacific railway platforms is now around twice a size it was in 1998.
 as we can see platforms on the left side of the current maps.
We can see a supermarket which added to Southwest of the map next to the gnu platforms.
Overall, with regard to the maps, we could see obvious development in the pacific railway by the time which makes double the capacity of the train station.




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The map on top, reveals the specific railway staition 1998, while the map on bottom shows the the current railway station. In 1998 , specific railway station had just One shop, cafe, toilet Facilities and small ticket office. However in current one there are

2 shops and restaurant and other useful facilities.overally, we can se the specific railway has profoundly changed

since 1998 with increasing numbers in platforms and useful facilities. Also these changes can accomodate more trains.

In 1998, the station had just 4 plattorms which located on the East side of station. Other facilities such as Cafe, shop and ticket office were located On the south. Also toilets had been located in the center of station.

However, In the current specific station, set more platforms on the West side OF station. All the platforms become 7. these 3 seperated from Four which existed by 2 shops and the big restaurant.
The shops 
Are located towards the south of restaurant which used to be a toilet in 1998. Also in the south of the 4 rails, there are a Cafe and ticket office wich expanded . Another new establishment was there at the southwest corner and that is the big supermarket.




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph indicates substituation trend of Pacific Railway station in 1998 year to new version of it.  

Overall, the number of construction has increased predomintly,and three railway are added in present map. 

On the one hand, the location area of toilet in the pervious map is substituted to resturant and two shops,which will expanded now obiviosly.Albeit,the toilet will be deconstructed in map but supermarket is builded in west corner,which is crossed by three new platform in this place.to follow replacement in west area, a new blue train is located in modern map.

On the other hand,the east side of  map has not alternation in the railway location, which is preserved four platforms and 2 trains.Furthermore,in the parvious map,three sructures are situated,which cafe is stable in the same place.Morover,the ticket office is expanded through deleting a shop among cafe and office.   

neda niazkhani/ac




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The provided maps detail the Pacific railway station in the past and in the present day. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that in present time the railway offers more amenities like shops, supermarket, platforms and ticket office which are added.
          In 1998, toilets were located in the middle of map, and four platforms situated in the west of map. Café, shop and ticket office were located in the southwest map.
         At present day, toilets are demolished, and surrounding area was redeveloped with a new restaurant and two shops. Four western platforms are remained, but new eastern platforms are erected. Café are unchanged in its previous location, while ticket office is enlarged by adding a new western entrance. A supermarket is introduced that it is opposite of café. 




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The map shows how a railway station called Pacific has developed over the last twenty-four vears

They have been several changes, such as new shops, supermarket, restaurant, ticket office, and the

most noticeable being the increase in plattorm

In 1998, to the center of the station where the toilets situated. As you can see they had four

rarform i rrai rari. air ricke ric wa іос srur east ot

train station. The shoo was between the cate and ticket oftice

Turning to the present dav man. it can be seen that the toilets have gone. while the toilets have

been removed to make a way for two shops and restaurant. Although the old ticket office remains, new ones have been built next to it. Three railwavs have built in the west of Pacific railwav station

and just in front of new railways they have established a supermarket.




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

These maps depict the location of platforms and buildings in Pacific Railway Station between 1998 and 2022.
Genrerally, in 2022, area which used optimize in comparision in the past. We can see new buildings and new constructions. The map shows new railways in 2022 which had not built in 1998. But in the other hand there were toilets in 1998 which there are not existed any more.
The location of some buildings is stable, like ticket office, cafe, and old platforms. But the map in 2022 shows an expandation in ticket office whice cause the changing location of shop. Also, new platforms has built beside of new shops.
In the other hand, there are some new construction in this area, like supermarket and restaurant. The toilets which had been existed beside of paltforms in 1998, removed and map of 2022 shows new restaurant and shops in that place. Also, there is a new supermarket, below of new platforms, which there wasn't in the 1998.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

Some people argue that cooking as an unavoidable part of daily life should be taught to pupils in schools, however there are oppositions to this view and this program is known as a waste of time. Although I believe learning cooking can help the children to lead an independent life in future, there would be more important topics to be educated in schools.

Knowing how to cook provide the opportunity for the students to be brought up independently. With regard to the fact that food and nutrition is an essential and substantial demand of daily life,then it is a must to everyone learn making meals. The more individuals manage to procure their requirements by themselves, the less dependent on someone else they are. Such people less likely have difficulty at least at cooking. Consequently, it would be better to be planned as extra-curricular activities in schools.

On the other hand, there is another consideration to this program that makes us think twice before implementing it in schools and that is the importance of school time and other academic subjects which should be more accentuated. Pupils usually lack enough time to learn academic subjects which there would not be the chance to learn outside school,whereas cooking courses are available outside the schools. In addition, such activities can lead to weakening students in their lessons.

In conclusion, though I agree that schools should allocate part of their times on teaching activities like cooking, I think learning these activities are not as much urgent as academic topics.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?


In present climate, instruction of diverse skills to children in school-age has become an upward trend. Although some dispute to this idea, I hold the notion that learning distinct skills would aim toddlers to become multi-tasked adults and could trace their proper career paths effortlessly.

On the disagree side, individuals have firmly believed that other extra tasks except the routine academic lessons may lead to inevitable stray of children educational paths, same as video games do by distracting them into trivial sides and getting them strenuous effort on games and their challenges than the main purposing of going to school. furthermore, they subscribe to the view that, this process is so time-consuming, which the time could be dedicated on keeping educators motivated on their trainings like, if the cooperate in after-school math classes, they will become more fulfilled.

On the other hand, learning additional skills should rise the decision-making power of children which, not only, they can confront to the issues from different points of view, but they also are able to tackle thorny pitfalls flawlessly. As said, the many numbers as you use your brain, the neurons number will rise which result in overcoming difficulties at faster pace.  Supplementary to this, teaching diffuse subjects would bring about to unveil their true talent and aptitude and provides them an opportunity to pursue their path as early age, by way of illustration, a significant number of eminent chiefs worldwide have started their profession from school-age which, ease their ways of success.

From what has been discussed the following conclusion may be drown that there are controversies on whether involving children to non-academic skills, a theory to which I do agree owing to a number of justifications, such as improving their problem-solving skills and discovering their appropriate ways at early ages.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

Is it possible to have cooking subject in our schools? Most people have the idea that it should be taught to children while others consider it as a time-consuming subject. Cooking is a practical skill which everyone can benefit from that specially young people.


Life skills such as cooking considered less important in our schools and it is planned to study more science-related subjects because they are useful for improving the economy. Children are taught to avoid showing interest in cooking as it doesn’t fulfill children’s need with job opportunities. Also children aren’t usually interested in cooking so, providing lessons for that is jus a waste of time, money and ingredients. They should spoil a large proportion of components in order to gain experience in cooking.


Schools are considered as a place to learn and how to live. These life skills are essential for every body as they don’t have to spend money on restaurants and buy food. They can easily rustle something without being dependent on others to cook for them. Also, children can estimate the amount of unhealthy ingredients and care about their diet. They can reduce the proportion of fat in their cooking as restaurants and other places usually don’t. Not only Learning how to cook is practical for children but also it can reduce dependency and helps them reduce extra expense on unhealthy food.


In conclusion, although cooking seems inessential for children’s future job, it makes them be independent and care about their health.

Kiyana pourraki 


kimiya sadat
kimiya sadat


Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

This is a universally acknowledged fact that food is one of the basic needs of everyone. The Majority of individuals holds the opinion that learning how to cook is an imperative skills needed in order to survive, therefore, cooking classes should be a part of the school curriculum. It is apparat to me that it should not be compulsory in schools. 

To begin with, there are numerous reasons why people are in favor of this suggestion. Some people assume that if students are taught cooking skills, they will be benefit from it in the future. Since most of girls and boys tend to use a lot of money in buying readymade food, by providing food lessons in primary education, not only can promote healthy life style and prevent them from obesity, but also help them to save their money as they grow older. Moreover, teaching students how to cook allows them to grow up faster and be independent due to the fact that some children are alone at home, so if they take this responsibility and cook their own meals, they will be autonomous and may not face any problem in the future.

On the other hand, others, including myself, argue that the students should not waste their school hours spending time on cooking. There are several important courses should be taught, such as science, math, history, language, If cooking lessons is made compulsory in curriculum, then one or two major courses would be compromised eventually. The major courses are far more valuable when it comes to seeking jobs that lucrative compared with cooking. So, it is not necessarily attain the skill. With the advances in technology, people can acquire this skill on the internet, and these website provides different recipe about any kind of food they want, and this make their work more convenient than learning it. 

In conclusion, although the majority of people assume that learning cooking in school is compulsory, I hold the opinion that this can be time spending for children as they have more important courses in school.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

There are different point of views on the schools curriculum, Many people believe that teaching life skills like cooking in necessary, while others believe that school time must be used for teaching theoretical lessons such as math and science. I would agree more with the first point of view.

It is true that schools must provide students with fundamental lessons like mathematics, science, history, etc. In this regard schools must plan their educational curriculum in such way that provides teachers and students enough time for learning respected lessons. Students need more time for exercising the learned lessons to deepen their knowledge.

On the other hand there is view that believes training life skills is not only a waste of time but also a necessity. Teaching soft skills like cooking in school is not an extra or leisure activity, it is so essential for students providing them with the opportunity to learn different skills such as creativity and team work; mixing different ingredients to make a food gives them the chance to create their own recipe, trying to make something and reaching the result while learning and enjoying the team work in a peer group. It also lets students sense of adventure and discovery grow, leads to  their soft skills improvement in exploring different aspects of life and prepare them for their future personal and social life.

In conclusion, considering enough time for fundamental lessons must be considered, I agree that providing boys and girls with life skills like cooking is also vital and helpful.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

It is true that a lot of individuals rely on the issue that says cooking is a necessary skill for all people, and all youth should find out about this ability in their schools. I completely agree with this statement.

On the one hand, there are a lot of people who think that learning to cook is not vital and there are not enough reasons to teach it to the students in schools, and learning this skill is so time-consuming and useless. It might be they think it could be placed with another useful skill like sport, art and even science; since everybody can learn to cook after school. Another reason is that some people suppose not all individuals need to cook; due to their jobs or their situation. For example, they might think a businessman does not need to know how to cook even a simple food, because food always should be ready for them and they do not have enough time for cooking.

On the other hand, many people consider cooking as a basic need for everyone that should be taught at school at early age, and I am of this opinion. Being able to cook is the first requirement for every person under any circumstance; since everyone needs to cook at least in a special period of their life. For example, some students in their study period have to cook, because they are far from their families and might be living alone. There are a lot of people who love traveling and going on a trip, especially in the mountain area or somewhere far from the city and restaurants; so they need to know how to cook. Therefore, it is better to teach cooking to the children in the school, because it is very fun and necessary for everyone.

In conclusion, knowing a little about cooking is essential for all individuals and it is better to teach it at early age.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

It is believed that learning cooking in school is crucial for all gendr of students specially with increasing importance of food product.By contrast, others claim that it is time consuming for children.This essay will discuss the debate and give a concluding view.

On the one hand,proponents of having cooking course in school curriculum cite that this course has irrepressible effects on individuals' health.Needless to say that,the most significant factor on health of people is related to food.Thus,knowing cooking method encourages children to eat nutrituos meal rather than devastating food.Moreover, food is an integral part of being fit.The more vitains,vegtable and beneficial ingeredients that children eat, the better and stronger mescels they will have.Therefore, by teaching cooking to children, their stamina and immune system can improve.Finally, this is a ersonal skill that can lads to confidence.For instance, if children learned cooking, they would be able to cook when they are alone at home which bring about self-assurance and self-esteem.

On the other hand, those who oppose that learning cooking wastes students' time at school deny the importance of cooking beacuse of some reasons.Firstly, although cooking develops personal skill, there are skills which are more efficient such as sport skills or compuret

skills.In their openion, what is important is that school curriculum should be taught skills that help children to ready them for carrier path.Furthermore, cooking can be dangrous for children due to being abundant sharp and tools in kitchen which would be harmful for them.It is meaning that they should learn skill that are saftier.

Overall, it seems to me that cooking should be educated in schools because food not only influences on avoiding obesity and building up immune system, but also thrives students' personal skills.However, using some tools and appliances may  put them on danger.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

It is sometimes argue that school students should be made to learn some culinary skill.in my opinion, It would be wrong to face teenagers to learn how to cook.
There are several  reasons why I would argue against having compulsory cooking classes for school student.Firstly, the school curriculum is already full with important academic subject, such as math, science and language. For instance, I remember having an busy timetable when I was at highschool, And it would not have been possible to add to it. Secondly, students performance in other subjects would be effected if valuable study time were taken by cooking skill .As a result, I believe that youngester would be reluctant to take part in any of obligatory work. 
On the other hand, cooking classes in schools is just waste of pupils time. As cooking is easy to learn and do not require so much time and effort . Usually most of the people obtain their culinary skill from their mother o grandmother.And also nowadays internet is accessible for all the members of societies and they simply can search variety of recepies and make it quickly. In addition to that , peaple ,especially young generations, tend to buy food outdoor due to different reasons , such as busy schedule , because of that they hardly make food at home. So i believe teaching cookery skill at schools is unnecessary due to the reasons which was mentioned. 
In way of conclusion, cooking skill as a compulsory academic subject is not a good idea because of their busy timetable and it waste their time as unnecessary skill .




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

It is sometimes argued that students should be taught making meals as a necessity of life ability in courses they learn. although a lot of members of society would agree that it is useful,others think that ,it is a wasteful use of classes time.I agree it is better they learn about these issues.

There are several reasons why boys and girls require that, learn how to cook foods.It can motivate them to be a chef when they graduate from school and make a killing.Moreover, when they finish the school, they will go to university and live on campus so it is needed to know how to prepare health foods. In addition, if they are alone at home and want to buy convenience foods ,it costs a small fortune in the long-term period.

On the other hand, different causes are mentioned by some groups of people it is a waste of time to teach students these issues.it is said that more time can be concentrated on their core subjects such as math,physics and literature.furtheremore,it can be so dangerous for kids, because there are several things such as knife, boil water and olive there and can be hurt them.Finaly,maybe they never need to cooking by themselves,and if needed to consune some foods it can bought from restaurants or convenience store.

In conclusion,while there are different ideas about teaching cooking to students,I agree with that it is helpful they learn it as soon as possible.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

An indispensable part of life is eating food. Getting familiar with the process of making it, is advised ro be put in school's curriculum. While some individuals opine that it can be a waste of time. I believe that even though, school time is supposed to be spent on essential issues, these kinds of activities are a useful way of preparing children for the future.

Dedicating some time to cooking is so useful. Not only can it be a fun course to take but also it can be applicable for their future. Cooking always thought to be as adult job. Asking children to participate in it, give them a sense of responsibility and being mature. Learning it under control of their teacher, children would get familiar with cooking which can be useful in the future. In addition, it can be added some colour to their boring school day.

On the other hand, schools are supposed to teach children some thing which they can not learn from their parents. Subjects such as mathematics and history are way more important than something such as cooking, which can be taught as an extracurricular subjects. 

As a way of conclusion even though, schools for decades are supposed to allocated to more serious subjects, some subjects such as cooking class would soften the school hours, make it more fun and applicable for their future.

Maryam gholamdoust





Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

While many people think girls and boys should be taught how to cook in school time, others are opposed to it and believe it is a waste of time. I argue the second group is right.

More and more boys and girls plan on living on their own and away from their parents, so they need to learn how to manage and take care of themselves, such as how to cook, how to do shopping . In addition, more parents have been employed, and they donot have time to teach their children this essential skill. Therefore, school time will be a great opportunity to teach girls and boys.

On the other habd, some think that boys and girls will be able to learn this skill using other ways, such as cookery books, cookery Tv programmes, or through the internet. There are alotof apps on the internet to teach this skill step by step. Hence, boys and girls need to be taught useful information.

In conclusion, it is vital to teach girls and boys how to cook because more and more boys and girls decide to live alone. Furthermore, they cannot learn how to cook through their parents as they are so busy. On other hand, there are other ways to learn this skill, so girls and boys should learn useful information during school time.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

In this contemporary era, knowing some life skills, such as cooking is an essential thing for people's life. Due to this idea, some people believe that this skill should be taught to children in schools, whereas others assume that this action is not necessary and is a waste of school time, In my opinion, the root of the most intrests and abilities in life is in schools, and learning these kind of skills from school is n beneficial affair. This essay will discuss this agreement in further. It is so important to know some basic skills in life sincechildhood, which cooking is one of these skills, and it is better to learn from schools. Whil some people assume that this skill belongs to girls, others think that it is vital for everyone. Although most of interests in life are begning from schools, which could help children to choose their career in the future. Thus, giving toturial from an early stage could be of benefit to their future life, as everyone should attempt being independed.
Moreover, as many parents are working and sometimes are not at home, it is important that their children know how to cook and less their fast-foods consumption. Even though, most of the time lessons in schools are boring, these kind of activities in schools bring so much fun, which could help pupils to get passionate in that activities. Furthermore, the environment of schools with children at the same age, make a soldering place, which could help to improve their soft skills either.
In conclusion, despite the dissagreement of some people that it is wasting time to lean cooking in schools, allocating some times to teach children some vital lessons since early ages have so many merits that this essay discussed some of them, and I totally agree with this program in schools.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

Whether or not life skills are essential has always been a highly controversial issue among families.  For example, regarding cooking, many people believe it should be trained to children at school whereas others are in belive that it wastes the time of school. Although the cooking skill is really essential to learning, its process needs  adaquate time and facilities. 

To begin with, it should be noted that the cooking is necessary and sufficient skill. This matter just is not a hooby topic and wasting time at school, but also can be considered as a multi aspect learning subjectin order to learn a wide variety of skills like crativity and time management. This claim proved by many researchers and more detail about it is provided on the Cooking-Skill web. Besides, they shown that cooking has a close relation with children's crativity and it can strongly stimulate their criousty to solve other problems. On The other hand, cooking ihierently depends on time. In other words, the children at school will learn that how they can schdule your time in addition to finding out the time is valuable.

On the down side, the lack of time and facilities result in a weak performance at school. the cooking is a time-consuming process whereas the time at school is so short; therefore, a good performance cannot be achieved. Furthermore, necessary facilities are not usually available in most schools and teaching without them is equal to wasting time. These notes were mentioned in one of the privously published works on Deskilled-Student web.

In conclusion, learning skills like cooking though are necessary, it can has a destructive effect if primary needs are not reachable.




You have heard that a developer plans to build a shopping centre near your home.
Write a letter to the council. In your letter

▪️Say how you heard about the plan
▪️Explain how you feel about it
▪️Ask for more information about it


Dear Sirs/Madam,

I am writing this letter considering about the new shopping mall that is developing. I read Jordan's neighborhood local magazine the previous day and it was the top topic on the cover. At first, I got so excited because I enjoy shopping and I got relief that everything I need is accessible to me. Unfortunately, after a while, I got worried a bit. I think the most annoying subject is the crowd and parking problem. Another problem would be the schedule of the shopping mall. Will it be open till midnight? Because if it is, I think I should change my house because of my work circumstances.

 Please, inform me about the parking possibilities in this mall and also the timetable, so I could decide about my situation.


Best Regards,

Dorna Rashidi




The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

The bar chart illustrates data about the population age which were residents of Iceland from 1190 to 2020.

Overall, it can be seen that proportion of people whose ages between 25-54 was much higher than the other four categories and had grown significantly by 2020.

To begin with, there was a dramatic increase in the percentage of people between  25-54from just over 30% to slightly under 50%. By contrast, the figure for adolescents (15-24) experienced a substantial drop to well under 10%. The percentage of residents between 0 to 14 years old, in the same way, fell minimally from almost 25% to well under 20%.

Percentage of people who were 65years old and over, stay roughly the same during the whole period, while, that of other elderly between 55-64 saw a margin decrease.

zahra darvishi/ac




The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

The graph demonstrates the age population of Icelandic in thirty years beginning in 1990.

Generally, the most significant proportion of the age group belongs to people between the age of 25 to 54 in these three decades.

The number of people who are 25 years old to 54 has increased in this period is 30% and 50% in 1990 and 2020, respectively. Moreover, the most growth happened between 2010 to 2020. The second rank is the group of girls and boys below 14, although this group has decreased from 25% to 18%.

 The youngers (15-24) experienced the most reduction in this time with 20% in 1990 and reached 9% at last. The section of people older with age upper than 55 remains constant at approximately ( 12%).





The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

The bar chart compares information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020 .  

It can be clearly seen that the highest rate of them belongs to 25-54 years old people in 2020 which was 50% . By contrast , the lowest number of that population was recorded for people who they had 15-24 years old .  

According to the graph , in 1990 until 2020 , the majority of iceland population consisted of 25-54 years old people . The second rate of population belongs to children that they had lower than 14 years old in 1990 which decreased from 25% to 18% until 2020 . Like wise , in 1990 , 20% of the people in Iceland they were juveniles and they had 15-24 years old but it droped to lower than 10% in 2020 .  

Furthermore , old people who they had 65 or over made up 13% of the Iceland population in 2010 which were more than other years . Moreover , native people of Iceland that they had 55-64 years old , their population has always been changeless . 




Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Looking at your favorite band playing live or being at a stadium and feeling the adrenaline pressure in your body at the same time would be more fun than staying home and just staring at it on the television.


Watching an online show or event at home can reduce the fun of it. Somehow when people are at home usually feel exhausted from their daily plans and whenever they are at home they need to be relax. So, most of the time their energies reduce. Although, in some points being at your couch with your most comfortable position could also be enjoyable as well. It depends of how busy is someone through their life schedule. Another option would make someone spending their time at home for watching their favorite events could be their financial circumstances. Usually, live shows costs lots of money and some people could find this problem hard to taking care of. Another factor that could be so important to point out, is someone’s personalities. Some people enjoy spending times by their own and they are not sociable persons. For these kinds of people spending sometimes individually at home could be more lovely than being rounded by a group of people.

However, in my opinion being at a concert or a stadium, could be some unforgettable experience on people lives. Being round by crowds which they enjoy the time as well as you, could make some people feel free for a piece of time. Unfortunately, nowadays people are busy so much, that they forget about things they are attracted to them. Most of the times, participating in live shows, could be helpful and sometimes needy. Because of the noisy atmosphere peoples will be relief from all their dailies stress’s, feeling their heart beats rises up, and also sense the adrenaline in every inch of their body’s molecules. Also, Some people are extravasations kinds, and spending time on a group or in different kinds of social groups could be much more better for them to be alone and enjoying some program at home.

To sum up, spending sometimes to watch an event live or on a television is depends of people lifestyle. Also, personalities could be an important factor for this subject. But in my opinion, spending time to enjoy some event live, is needy and also enjoyable, specially with this crowded life that we all are struggling with.




Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The enjoyment of live performance and television is always debatable. Meanwhile, some claim that live performance like play, concert and sports champions are enjoyable in comparison with watching those through TV. Personally, I feel that, this argument is absolutely true and I agree with that because of the reasons which I will discuss in detail in the following paragraphs. 

To begin with, the first fundamental reason is people's hectic life style. To explicate, individuals, nowadays, are snowed under to make ends meet, so they have much more preoccupation. Having said that, most of city-dwellers would like to have much more time to spend on enjoyments such as live performance which make then happy. Through which, they will be able to scape from hustle and bustle of city life. When citizens have that, it is highly likely that, they will become enthusiastic and motivate to do their daily routine as well as high efficiency at workplace. For example, such system can be seen in some developed countries which people have cramped schedule and they have been shown better result after attendancing in live performance, so majory of employers offer that to their workforce to halp them to have an appropriate work life balance. 
Therefore, life performance is enjoyable than watching TV and it would be better for residents to participate. 

Moreover, communicating with others as another reason make life performance enjoyable. In other words, as human and based on instinct, people tend to take part in communities and contact with each others. At this circumstance, it not only enjoyable but more importantly energies and has been prescribing as treatment for those who are suffering from mental health such as depression and anxiety. Furthermore, because of technological advancements, individuals are engrossed in social media which has negative consequences on them in terms of isolation, so it would be beneficial for them to prevent themselves from isolation and also pensive. For instance, due to it's negative results, parents have been making their best efforts to put such activity to their children's life style to inform them of the dire result of lack of enjoyment on life and privileges of that. As a result, it is enjoyment thanks to its advantages. 

To recapiculate, in my opinion, live performance are enjoyable than TV, and I agree with those who have this insight.




Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often argued that attending in a live administration for example concert, game or sporting event is much more interesting than sitting in front of the television and watching them in home.I wholeheartedly agree with this opinion and think that watching the live performance has more beneficial features than the other one.


First of all, I believe that sometimes the live event can lift your spirit and recharge your batteries.these days some youngers have a lot of energy and they want to go to a place to drain their energy. For this reason, these administrations are not only interesting but also entertaining for. For example, my brother is a fan of football, he always participates in the match of his favourite team.He says that it is really enjoyable than watching the television and it is rare to find someone who prefers stay home and watching television instead of going to the stadium and watching the live football because in these places you will get lots of energy.


Secondly, In my opinion some people in live performances will make a new friend. In these events participants may have a lot of common interests and sometimes they can be friends easily and It would be so much fantastic and fun when you share your ideas and energy in live event with someone who is like you. For instance, a couple of years ago, I have met a special person in my favourite singer's concert. We are still friends and we have a lot in common and always we have something to say about.I think I was so lucky to attend to that live concert.


To conclude, I strongly believe that people get a lot of energy and make new friends when they attending to live events and it is more attractive in compared with staying home and watching them on television.




Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As many extroverts agree, participating in live concerts, theatre, shows or even sport matches are more cheerfull than just watch it on TV.
Some argued that the second one is highly affordable as well as entertaining than the other case. There are merits to both views although, I personally convinced more by the reasons which are in the favour of observing the game or show at home. Detail on two sides will be enlighten more in the following.

In one hand, Numerous visually appealing causes lead individuals to buy tickets for taking part at the places where the actual show take place. Energetic vibe of other unknown giant human community accompanied by us and heard our feedbacks and interact with us in some ways is one most important diving element. Nevertheless, you may not be able to see the clear faces of actors or atlethes due to the crowd infront of you or siting by the far distance from the scene. 

In the other hand, assume you could invite as many as friends and aquintists to your home and schedual it to the time that suits you best, isn't it more envigorative and refreshing? besides you even could prepare a luxurious enviroment by projecting the movie on the white wall in the roof garden which are availabe atleast in ones relative house. In economical terms, TVs are superior incomapere to bringing all people physically together and then holding the event.

In conclusion, having said that, many critical sport matches better seen in live version. Mainly because it increases the patriotism feelings and improve the image of our country. However, in most cases it worth to prepare a cozay place at home and enjoy the relaxing tranquil atmosphere surounded while thinking of all the money that have been saved. Niloofar Jazaeri




You want a book that you cannot find. Later you find it and it is available in a bookstore in another city. Write a letter to the manager of bookstore. In your letter, you should:



▪️Give details of book

▪️Say why you need this book

▪️Tell him how you will pay

for it.

Dear Sir or Madam

   I’m writing this letter to provide an English book called New IELTS.

   I should mention some specialties of this book. It consists of one hundred pages in A4 size and it is colorful. Moreover, it was published in 2024 by Cambridge university and it has a CD for related audio files.

   I need it a lot due to I will have an English exam next mount. My English teacher asked me to buy it and it has been six months since I have looked for this book and I have just found it in your bookstore. My friend suggests me to search on line in your books and hopefully I found it.

   I can pay for it by cash or online in case you send your account information and the price.

   I look forward to your reply and hope to do it as soon as possible considering my hurry.

Your faithfully






Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, although, there are a lot of sports facilities and gyms, we can see many people suffering from obesity. Firstly, this essay will consider the reasons for this problem, and then provide logical solutions for this issue.

First of all, today, people have a sedentary lifestyle which means that many individuals spend a lot of time in their office, as a result, this trend can lead to obesity. Another reason that can be mentioned here, is that these days, there are a lot of individuals having an unhealthy diet. In other words, they tend to consume junk foods such as snacks, burgers, and pizza which are huge resources of calories. In addition, nowadays, people live a fast-paced life, therefore, they do not have enough time to go to the gym and do physical activities.

One possible approach would be for authorities to set a time in the work schedule for employees to do physical activity. A more feasible approach would be for authorities to allocate a considerable budget to companies to build gyms or swimming pools in their workplace. besides that, people can move away from an unhealthy diet to a healthy diet. They can replace junk foods with healthy foods like seafood and traditional food. Finally, everyone should put some time aside in a day for exercise. These approaches, if implemented by society, will certainly tackle the obesity problem quickly.

Taking everything into consideration, people's lifestyles and diets have a negative impact on their bodies. However, we can address the obesity issue by improving our diet and doing more exercise in our daily life.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although currently there are various facilities for people to exercise, the fitness state of society members is lower than at any time before. The main culprits in this phenomenon are higher membership fees and higher usage of fast foods. However, these problems can be tackled through subsidizing memberships and raising information about food. 
 Physical fitness is related to two main factors. One of them is the number of calories people burn through physical exercise. Even though, facilities for doing sports are more provided for people, utilizing them is limited to a special group, who can afford to pay its cost. In the current rife economic crisis throughout the world, most families are dual income and still struggle to afford the standard of living. As a result, they will prioritize their basic needs such as expenditure for food, clothing, and accommodation rather than spending on doing sports. This issue can be solved by subsidizing the membership costs of gyms. Indeed, the government needs to allocate a budget to cover a part of the sports facilities’ cost, especially for target groups, who are found to be overweight or in danger of being obese in screening tests.  
The amount of intake calories is as important as physical activity states. That is to say, the transformation in individuals’ life seems to force them to use more prepackaged, convenient and fast food rather than preparing their own meals from fresh and healthy ingredients. These kinds of food contain a huge amount of saturated fat and carbohydrates, which have great number of calories that are beyond one's ability to burn through regular exercise. Hence, feasible remedy to deal with this obstacle is to provide data about food. In fact, food canteens and restaurants can put information about each food’s calories in their menu. In this way, people can decide to choose not only the best food for them with restricted calories, but also the amount of their portion, which is equal to energy they burn in their daily activities. 
 To sum up, root causes for not being fit is the cost of using sport centers and facilities and overusing unhealthy food. Nevertheless, these matters can be resolved by monetary contribution from the state and being informed about food’s calories to control their intake. 

fateme ahahriari 





Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although exercise has been proven to be beneficial for physical fitness and mental health as well, and almost everyone accesses to a well-equipped sports center, there are much fewer people in the standard weight range rather than in the past. This essay will discuss two main reasons for people getting more overweight including lack of time and a less healthy lifestyle. This essay will also suggest solutions to this widespread social problem including setting a work-life balance plan and sticking to a healthier life routine program.

Considering the fact that most people in today's competitive world lead busy life schedules, it seems reasonable that they may have far less free time during which they may be able to do sports on a daily basis. In order to afford a comfortable modern life, people are working longer hours than ever before, which results in a lack of time for exercise. On top of that, if your intake of energy is higher than the energy you consume during the day, means you overeat or eat heavy meals, which can cause overweighting. Fast food, for example, is a type of food that is getting more and more popular, even though, this type of food has, by and large, been shown that rise the obesity rate. 

Following a regular workout program and managing a healthier lifestyle are both critical that can improve individuals' physical and psychological well-being. The more you do sport, the less you gain weight and that provides people with lower body fat accumulation. Apart from that, by consuming more fruit and vegetables and avoiding unhealthy food, people can enjoy far better health conditions. 

In conclusion, the majority of today's population suffers from being overweight and obese. This essay discussed how being out of shape is often caused by unhealthy lifestyles and ignoring regular exercise. This essay also suggested that we can handle this problem by paying more attention to our eating habits and working out frequently.   




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, while there are various sports facilities and gyms, people have a sedentary lifestyle and are less fit than in the past. I believe exploring the causes of this problem can assist in finding suitable solution to help resolve it. 

One of the reasons for this problem is economic conditions , number of people do not have a chance to access to sport center for keep their fit , due to the fact that they have insufficient money,so they have to over workload and prefer to spend their money for necessary items such as food and shelter. In addition, Excessive use of technology by people can cause this problem. This is simply because with the spread of technology and innovation particularly computer games, many people rely on them, so they lead to a sedentary lifestyle. For instance keeping the same pasture in front of the computer for such a long time , it takes a toll on people's physical health, and they may deal with many problems such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

The best solution to this problem is that the government should promote a healthy diet and regular exercise. They should be more time for sport on schools and companies timetable. Besides, Influential people such as actors and successful people who are role models for people play an important role in people's lives since they can aware of people about negative effects caused by being inactive and not exercising, they are able to encourage people to enroll for gym centre. 

In conclusion, many people are struggling with many problems such as obesity and they are not keep their fit due to insufficient money and over use of technology, and the most effective solutions are to educate people through media and government that have play a major role in this problem.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

In recent years, people have tended to overweight and be less fit than before. Although there are various sport facilities and methods in order to lose weight and remain fit, this tendency has appeared evidently and some questions have been risen on the issue that what the causes of this problem are and what approaches can be taken for solving it. In this essay, I will outline two principal reasons for this happening and suggested solutions to work out the problem.

As developing the technology, huge transitions have occurred in last decades and inevitably it has led to significant impacts on the lives of human beings. The influences which are associated with gaining weight in an uncontrollable way could be explained in terms of the natural inclination of man towards settling down and not moving a lot. In other words, the Internet, automobiles, smartphones, and technology in general have made the individuals idle. They, therefore, find it difficult to take up a sport or work out in a gym in order to keep or become fit. 

Moreover, as the second reason, I would point to the fact that in today’s busy world, it is easy to forget about the importance of taking time off and going to sports centers on regular basis. Justifiably, virtually everyone prefers not to register for sports courses than to register and skip the classes. Also, due to lack of time, people tend to have fast foods as dinner or lunch than to process meals.

To my point of view, the effect of overweighting on self-confidence cannot be ignored and may be at the expense of serious spiritual issues. Thus it is important to take action on this matter. Individuals, for example, can walk to and from work instead of using their personal car. Also it might be possible for them to have more healthy meals with less calories such as salads and fruits. Furthermore, it would be really helpful if they assign a specific time to practice in their workplace as a break and not just sit down during the whole day. 

In brief, the trend towards rising the use of technological devices in order to feel more comfortable, is not inexorable. In addition, the fact that the time of people has been limited is undeniable. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile for us as human beings to make efforts for being healthier and feel happier.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Despite a variety of sports facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.
What do you think are the main causes of this problem? What solutions can you suggest?
Have you ever thought of the role of sports amenities in society’s life? It makes their life better if they use them. However, people are more out of shape than in previous eras. I believe although there are many reasons that brought this up, we can solve them.

There are several reasons that people are getting more out of shape than ever. Firstly, although these facilities are ubiquitous, they are exhausted to go and use sports facilities as they have hectic lives. In this day and age, they are snowed under work, so they have to spend a lot of energy doing them. For instance, an employee who has to go to work wakes up at 6 in the morning to get ready and go to his job. Also, there is a huge amount of stuff to do at their jobs, which means hardworking until the end of the work day. In addition, when they get back to their houses, they have some chores like washing clothes and vacuuming. Therefore, doing all those stuff may make workers really tired and discourage them to go the gyms. Secondly, the fast foods people eat these days have high amounts of sugar, sodium, and fat. Although these ingredients are extremely detrimental, people use them a lot. As a consequence, using those make peoples’ bodies cause many diseases like obesity which make them more unfit.
However, there are many solutions to tackle these problems. To begin with, companies can encourage employees by providing good situations that they could go there and use them. For example, companies can contract with a nearby gym and give each employee allowance to take a break during their shifts to go and use those amenities. By doing this, the employees will be less unfit. Another way is encouraging people to use healthy diets by advertising them on TV programs instead of fast foods. We are what we eat, so if administrations do that, it would have made them less encouraged to eat fast food. Therefore, they will be fitter.
To summarize, I reckon that in spite of a lot of sports buildings and equipment, people’s body shapes are getting worse as people barely use them and eat a huge amount of foods that are ready and unhealthy. By allowing workers to take a leave of absence to go to gyms and banning advertisements about fast foods, they will be fitter.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

In spite of the fact that there are  many athletic  equipment and places to exercise  , people are expected to suffer from more  obesity compared to the past .Whereas  this social issue lie in convincing reasons , several pragmatic policies  could be employed to address it .

There are many causative factors contributing to people's fatness . First and foremost is sedentary lifestyle . In other words , experiencing  inactive  lives  , many individuals are less likely to do exercise during a day . For example many employees have desk occupations and clerical jobs  . Moreover , not only  might individuals fail to do  exercise during a day , but they also have  unhealthy diets . In fact, there has an explosion  of interest in junk food which is  high in fat and cholesterol  . Take fast food for notable example ; many today 's people  with busy schedules  are inclined to consume this kind of  product  owing to its reasonable  price as well as quick preparation compared  to traditional food .

To keep  fatness  at  bay  some workable measures could be introduced . To commence with , should government impose heavy taxation on fast food product , it  may have potential to make  citizens reluctant to make consumption of junk food  with proven track record in leading individuals to be overweight  . Another viable alternative  is to provide people with awareness of negative consequences of unhealthy products consumption  . In this regard ,  the media could play a crucial role to warn individuals to avoid unhealthy goods .  

 To conclude , although there are many sporting facilities and gyms , some compelling grounds cause  people to be obese   , which could be mitigated through practical strategies .





Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, the range of sports facilities and gyms increased dramatically, but people are less fit than ever before. I believe exploring the cause of this problem can assist in finding suitable solutions to help resolve it.

The price of registration in gyms and sports centres has escalated rapidly. Thus, it could pretty much account for people rather stay home and not use those sports facilities. In my view, governments should reduce the cost of registration for people and also can offer vouchers for a wide range of sports centres. Moreover, people indulge in eating processed food. Therefore, governments should encourage people to go on a diet and limit eating processed food.

People are restricted by busy schedules, so they do not have enough time to go to gyms. It can also explain why people are unwilling to go to sports centres. The government should encourage people to do some exercise by themselves on a regular basis and burn off some calories at home. Also, governments should raise public awareness about the adverse of a sedentary lifestyle and its connection with increased health risks. 

To conclude, even though gym memberships are expensive now and people are restricted by busy schedules contributes to people becoming fatter and doing less exercise than before. Governments can help remedy the situation. In my opinion, the government should reduce memberships cost and offer free vouchers for gyms to increase wiling of people to use sports facilities and also should raise public awareness about the positive effects of workouts and these are positive steps to resolve this problem.  




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Surrounding by different kinds of sports facilities and places does not necessarily result in a healthier, more fit body, indeed today’s people are less in shape than their ancestors. In this regard, both technology and unreal expectations are to blame for.

One of the causes of this unfortunate development is technology which has made people’s life extremely easy. For instance, people used to walk or cycle to commute to work which would burn lots of calories. Burning much of their calories on a daily bases, people did not need to worry about their weight, since automatically they would get in shape, but nowadays they drive their private cars and easily reach their destinations without much effort. 

Another reason for this downward trend is today's capitalism dominance in today’s people's minds. The capitalist hegemony in recent years has created a devastating picture of the busy man as a authentic successful person so as to deceive people, especially the working class to try harder with this slogan that the more you put in, the more you will get out of it. Consequently,  what has been made is a group of multitasking people who only want to achieve what they want by being busy all the time and focusing on different aspects of their ambitions. As a result, there will be inevitably little time for caring about their well-being and keeping fit, and if it does not change, all those amenities for exercise will be out of use. 

However, there are some suggestions to solve this problem, such as utilizing technology to help people lose weight and be healthy. Smartwatches are one of these fairly new gadgets that can show your heartbeats and count your steps, so they can be really helpful in exercises. Although these devices can encourage people to work out, balancing different aspects of life and allocating time for every part is the only panacea.  

In conclusion, nowadays, people are spoiled with a variety of sports facilities and gyms, but the advent of new technologies makes them lazy, on the other hand, their unbalanced life and emphasis on monetary achievements have caused them to be unfit. Both using some electronic devices to encourage them to work out and organizing their life better can be of utmost importance in this.    




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than even before. What do you think are the main causes if this problem?
What solutions can you suggest?

These days, individuals are less inclined to exercise than in the past, although there are a variety of sports amenities and clubs. In my opinion, there are some grounds behind it, including a wrong lifestyle and the high value of enrolling in gyms.
Today, people are accustomed to having a hectic life and following an incorrect lifestyle. Furthermore, they do not exercise regularly or eat a healthy diet, which can help them stay in good shape. Secondly, the entry fee for gyms is high compared to the past. Then, most families cannot afford this expenditure. Thirdly, because of inflation and economic instability, people have to work all day and do not have enough time to do activities that help them get in good shape. Due to these reasons, getting in good shape is not regarded as a priority for individuals these days.
It is believed that one way to encourage a large number of people to be fit is by providing more free gyms and sports facilities. For instance, in developed countries, there are free sports facilities in regional parks for people, which persuade them to do more exercise. Furthermore, authorities can create more educational sport programs for several ages of people.  Some competitions are held that can simulate sports activities.
In conclusion, due to the several sports facilities and gums, individuals seem to be less fit nowadays compared to a couple of years ago. The precious price of attending gyms and the hustle and bustle of life can be taken into account.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays people have more access to fitness facilities and gyms but the majority of people are overweight. I believe exploring the cause of this issue can assist in finding suitable solutions to help resolve it.

A sedentary lifestyle can partly account for gaining weight. Nowadays, with the help of technology and the Internet people did not have to do physical work. They can easily do their job through the Internet. For example, some people would not have to go to work, they have remote jobs. Remote workers do their jobs in their locations so they had not had to commute to work. A vast number of people are oblivious to the consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. Going to the gym and using fitness facilities daily can not diminish all the negative effects of this lifestyle. One effective way to resolve this difficulty is changing habits. Trying to be more active in daily life by reducing the usage of private cars. There is also a standing desk which can help to increase the time of activities.
The reason why obesity is one of today's problems is, due to the fact that the food industry encourages people to purchase low-quality foods. They invest in profitable products that are not healthy although lucrative. Having access to the latest technology in gym facilities can not omit all of the difficulties and problems that a poor diet cause. Ordinary people can burn at most 500 calories in the gym by elliptical but can gain 1000 calories easily by eating an average-size burger. To remedy this situation food suppliers should be encouraged to invest in healthier products and individuals are also should limit their fat intake.
To conclude, even though a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet can contribute to being overweight, governments and individuals can remedy this situation. In my opinion, changing habits, proper nutrition, and investing in healthy foods are steps in the right direction.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, although major steps forward to establishing a wide range of the sports centers and equipment are taken, people are said not to be in shape compared to the past. There are some root causes behind this negative trend; nevertheless, by adopting sound workable plans it can be ameliorated.

One major drive to more people‘s suffering from being overweight or obese lies in their less involvement in physical activities.  In today’s fast-paced, modernized world, with the aim of keeping pace with increasing market demand, many offices and companies have prioritized raising work hours. Despite the possibility of employing more job-holders to cope with their high workloads, and since this impose heavier financial hardship on industries, they prefer to require their current staff to work longer hours, leading to them having a sedentary lifestyle. Having worked long hours, when reaching home, individuals would be so exhausted to devote their free time, if available, to exercising. Making workplaces enjoy the state-of-the-art sports facilities in their own gyms, and putting incentives such as bonuses for employees taking some time to workout, however, potentially promote them to use their workplace’s clubs. Accordingly, the more they break with their sedentary lifestyle, the more they could be fit.

Another important contributor to less fit and healthy bodies among population is the expansion of unhealthy foods. Providing the public with more sports centers does not necessarily neutralize the impacts of fast foods industries’ advertisements on them. As a result, fast foods have become something of an obsession with many individuals today, causing their risk for obesity surged. This problem would not be tackled unless educational programs, for example, on TVs are broadcast. Not only should such TV shows stress the benefits of regular exercise but also had better familiarize people with the side effects of fast foods the very epitome of which is obesity and its dire consequences including hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.

All of this being said, the development in sports facilities solely is unlikely to keep people away from their physical inactivity and high intake of processed foods. I think, in order to have fitter human-beings, we need to incorporate educating them on fast foods’ negative outcomes and encouraging more employees to exercise into our schemes.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

It is an unpalatable fact that many individuals do not have a fit and healthy body. While many of them are suffering from obesity, there are many others who are too skinny to even fit in normal sized clothes. People in the past were more fit because they had to have physical activities but these days, despite having all these gyms with cutting-edge technologies, many people are less fit. What are the roots for this convoluted predicament? And what concrete steps must be taken to ameliorate the situation?

There are various reasons that can make people unfit and uninterested to the gyms. Numerous individuals nowadays are so inundated with their occupations that they just do not have the spare time to visit a gym. They do not have a work-life balance and they are overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that they have. They have more vital duties to attend like spending some quality time with their spouses or get some sleep and relax, thus they use it as an excuse to forget about their body figures. In addition, people these days do not have any physical activities because they are distracted by the gadgets and computers constantly. When people are playing with their smart phones or check out football matches they would feel too drowsy to sign up for a gym membership. In fact, not only can these distractions cause obesity, but also they can kill the incentive of many people who want to attend a gym.

But what measurements must be done to overcome this problem? There are a myriad of solutions that can help people to stay fit. Managers and bosses can devise up programs that mandate workouts. Although this approach seems archaic, it can have a profound impact on both employees and companies. A factory would be more lucrative if their staff work out every day before starting their jobs, because they can work more efficiently. Additionally, administrations can allocate some budget to encourage people to visit gyms and eat healthy. These commercials can warn people about how hazardous their situation is and how prone they are to diseases. Many people would get influenced by these advertisements and try their best to stay fit.

To recapitulate, there are countless of reasons that people are not fit anymore; however, with some determination and perseverance, people can become healthy and fit once again.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?


In recent years, people care about being in shape less than past, although they have more opportunity to use various sport facilities and gyms. I will discuss the reasons behind this issue and the ways they can be improved, in this essay.


In my opinion, two primary causes are to blame for why people are not into being fit nowadays, despite the existence of different sport facilities. Firstly, it is crystal clear that individuals are swamped these days, Thus, they do not have time to spend on sport activities. They consider them time-consuming activities which serves as a barrier to spend their spare time with their friends and family or have some personal times instead. Secondly, the government does not make all its attempts to know people’s interests and meet their needs and expectations. Also, in some cases, organizations provide high-quality facilities, however, do not spur on people enough to utilize them. For instance, some companies possess in-house facilities, while they do not introduce them properly to their employers.


This issue can certainly be solved. I believe the changes should be start by educating people well from school ages by putting sport in their school curricular as a quintessential session ,and acquainting them with its direct positive effects on both mental and physical health. Sport should be prioritized in school period to drives individuals at early ages to the way to relish doing it and staying in shape. In addition, advertising occupies an axial role in informing people about government efforts to construct well-equipped gyms and sport complexes, which will profoundly impact their self-confidence, productivity and efficiency by keeping themselves in shape. To illustrate, it is possible by some out of charge schemes, such as free daily workout for public in sport complexes, or free membership schemes to imbibe people.


To sum up, even though, there are different kinds of sport facilities in countries these days, but people due to having lack of information about their facilities and location in their areas or sport’s profound impacts on their health, are not into being fit. I believe scheming paves the way for solving these problems.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Due to advances in technology, variations in exercise amenities have become much easier than ever. Despite this fact, there is a decline in fitness among people today.  While the causes of that result could be traced through communities and governance, fundamental solutions based on education and authority should be established to tackle the problem. 

Regarding society, a new sedentary lifestyle could not be an incentive for physical activity.  In other words, urban accessibility with the shortest time in reaching non-healthy products particularly, fast foods, alcoholic drinks, and drug substances provides significant circumstances for choosing a non-active lifestyle instead of bodily exercise as a healthier choice. Similarly, a lack of people awareness in the range of individual to social health would not be a motivational drive to reach a healthier life through sports. This means, unknowing about the negative effects of living without sports or gyms, is brought non-compassionate behavior to their bodies. Consequently, these increase the rate of fat in persons and so less fitness in society. 

There would be two appropriate corresponding solutions to this matter. Firstly, the governments can make a strategy for the establishment of some foundations for physical health campaigns and educate people about a healthier lifestyle and make provide overtax usage for fast foods and drinks. Secondly, it would be encouraging if people could have a chance for social interaction and a discount on the costs of rural and civil services alongside physical practicing health care if they have a least of exercising. The latter solution could be traced by informatic circumstances like digital watches for the recording of body movements during break times.  

In conclusion, while technological improvement has made life easier[AH1] , the shortage of body movements in the contemporary world leads to less fitness among citizens, and without committed governmental strategic planning on group encouragement and educating people’s health importance, this issue will be continuous.





Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

It is a well-known fact that even with the wide range of sport centres, people’s fitness state is generally deteriorated compared to the past. While there are several reasons to this upcoming issue, some measures can be taken to address the problem.


On the one hand, some reasons can be held accountable for people to engage less in exercising activities. A salient reason is that considering the level of worldwide economic inflation, the majority of citizens have to work overtime in order to meet their needs or financially support their family. Being buried under heavy workload, these employees barely can find the free time in their schedule to attend a gym, meanwhile their fitness level gets worst as they are mostly engaged in sedentary jobs. Additionally, with people being overly busy, according to scientific data, fast food has become one of the main sources of nutrition as it is more convenient and time saving compared to home-made food. Also, due to the wide range and availability of fast food stores and menus, junk food has gained an ever-increasing popularity, and this unhealthy diet has given rise to health problems and obesity in society.


On the other hand, some remedies taken by governments and firm owners can be named to tackle this problem. Firstly, companies can encourage their work force to build an exercise habit by equipping their facilities with sport equipment. They can also increase the likelihood of staff doing exercise by offering free or reduced-priced healthy foods to the workers who engage in exercises on their resting hour. Secondly, governments can hold events to promote the benefits of exercising as well as warning against the likely consequences of over-weighting, while offering some prizes, like free gym membership, to make these events exciting to participate in.


In conclusion, as the working condition of people besides their unhealthy food choices have led to a deterioration of their fitness, I believe only if authorities and business owners take some steps, can this problem be resolved.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Due to the recent development of Sport region people tend to suffer more from fitness problems and obesity. I think that while there is more accessibility to sports facilities other aspects of a healthy lifestyle have serious problems like lack of activity and an inappropriate diet. To cope with these problems comprehensive health plans are needed.

In modern societies, mechanical tools and machinery systems evaluate the industrial and agricultural processes and replace them with human labor. On the other hand, people assign he would part of their lives to work and brain activities. While people try to succinct other tasks like cooking and exercising fast food Industries and alternative ways for losing weight became more popular. Besides, usually, some parts of society are not interested in exercising and using the facilities because of so many reasons like time or financial limitations. 
To overwhelm society with a healthier trend, a comprehensive plan is required. An appropriate solution could be the installation of gyms and sports facilities in workplaces or allocating a budget to employees and forcing them to use it for physical activities and sports. Bonus and financial aid for going to a sports center is another solution. On the other hand and restricting fast foods and unhealthy diet is a general idea that details of the approach and possibility of such a process should be discussed and persuaded with the government.

To sum up, the development of sports centers and facilities does not look enough to rectify society's health issues. Time and financial limits are the possible reasons for the current health problems in addition diet and feeding behaviors are a reason for the unfit population. To put an effect on society's lifestyles, planning should be prepared on a big scale and managers should involve in and support the plan.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

These days, individuals get to grips with the out-of-shape problem. This essay will discuss the main causes of this problem and then put forward the solutions to this problem.

The primary cause of being less physically fit can be attributed to a busy life requiring tremendous energy and dedication. Nowadays, people are completely occupied with their jobs leading to not having enough time for exercise. This problem lies in a lack of time management skills which is crucial for saving time. One of the prime example of this is a demanding and time-consuming job leaving no time for leisure activities like working out because of exhaustion. A further complication is that although there is a considerable amount of gyms and sports facilities, people couldn’t afford the expenses. therefore, they prefer to spend their money on food and shopping. Take the swimming pool and budget membership of gyms, those can be very costly to use every week.

Some possible actions can be taken to mitigate these problems. First of all, people’s awareness should be raised about the importance of the benefits of doing regular physical activity that can be done by government campaigns as well as advertisements. In addition, the workplace could set up exercise facilities or a swimming pool which is a feasible alternative way of going to the gym. Secondly, to tackle the cost problem government needs to establish free sports centers or give discounts to people who are interested in buying a membership.

In conclusion, many people are physically unfit because of less exercise. this is on account of finding no time to dedicate to exercise. however, we can solve this issue by changing lifestyle habits and the government’s attempts.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

In modern times, in spite of an increasing number of gyms, not paying attention to fitness is a highly controversial issue.  While there are many factors that lead to this, there are also various ways to overcome them.  


Generally speaking, although there are more and more fitness clubs than before, there are two main reasons why people got used to suffering from obesity. Firstly, in this materialistic lifestyle that everyone has difficulties with monetary reasons, not many people place a high value on their fitness and gyms. In other word, they are convinced that they have to pay through the nose to join a gym. Indeed, the higher the rates of tuition for the gyms are, the more people refuse to attend the gym. Secondly, even if people strive to attend gym to lose their weight, according to physicians, if individuals do not pursue a healthy diet, they will be faced with many hardships, not only physical problems, such as diabetes and fatty blood, but also mental disorders contributing to a sedentary lifestyle, all of which lead to having a overweight shape. As a result, there is a recognizable relationship between an unhealthy lifestyle and overweighing.


There are two nice and effective suggestions. The obvious solution is for governments to raise public awareness. For example, providing many learning opportunities about the lessons that are all about health problems rooted in a lazy lifestyle and unhealthy diets is on the shoulders of authorities.  A further step is to offer financial supports for the needles to pay club tuition. For instance, a high per capita for the gym entrance may keep us from registering in the gyms. By doing these, our societies will benefit from an active lifestyle.


 In conclusion, not taking gyms into acount to lose the weight due to many reasons is a topic that is very relevant to modern society. If the government chooses to ignore this issue, the future of societies will be in danger.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?


Over the last decades, authorities have done their best to construct plenty of sports centers and fitness clubs for the public in order to provide them the opportunity to stay in shape, nevertheless, a majority of people have shown no interest. These days, according to statistics, it is evident that obesity rates have skyrocketed and many people don’t even care. In this essay, the possible causes of the mentioned issue will be discussed and solutions will be given as well. I assume that high expenses and laziness are the main reasons here. 


Although a lot of sports facilities and gyms are available, becoming a member of one of those centers will surely cost you a fortune. When people want to prioritize their needs to plan what to do with their salaries, joining a gym will be at the bottom of the list. To keep fit, you might have to spend more than 30% of your income to afford your gym tuition which sounds insane considering the economy. So, money is a key element here and most of us are not able to afford to join a gym. An effective solution for the government is to allocate some money as subsidies to facilitate paying for gym tuition so many people who are not able to join a gym due to financial obstacles will have the chance to stay in shape.  


A plethora of people is not in the mood of getting out of their houses, going to the gym, and exercise due to the courtesy of social networking websites. Many people, especially youngsters rather monkey around with their smartphones than do beneficial physical activities. Many of us have turned into couch potatoes and we don’t have enough determination to even move a muscle let alone go to a gym. A solution to address this problem is to enthuse people to exercise by highlighting the advantages of this in social media. People usually assume, everything they see in this medium is true and reliable, in another word they tend to change their lifestyle based on what they learn in the virtual world and this will provide a great opportunity to persuade them to exercise. 


To sum up, all the evidence suggests that it doesn’t matter how many sports centers are constructed annually, apparently, most of people are in bad shape. The most important reasons include dealing with the high expenses of joining a gym which government is able to facilitate through subsidies and laziness which is a more complicated problem to solve.        




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although there is a vast number of sport centers, people has become less fit compared to the past. Many factors can be detected for people being less fit, and some solutions can be drawn as well.

Many reasons can attribute to the fact that people are less active these days. The most important one is that many are hard-pressed for time nowadays and find exercising rather time consuming. The number of gyms has increased but so as the pace of individuals’ lives. For example, an ordinary office job will take almost eight hours of a person’s day and therefore, he will not have the time or energy to work out at the gym. Another reason could be that the media does not put much emphasis on the positive effects of doing regular exercise. When media promotes online shopping, online learning and remote jobs all the time, people will be demotivated to do spots. As a result, they will not exercise and choose to stay in home rather than joining a gym, and it is understandable why they are being less fit day by day.

Despite the mentioned reasons, some effective approaches can control this problem. One way to combat it, is to promote the importance of changing sitting lifestyle and include regular exercise in people’s daily routines in the media. If media shows the image of having a healthy lifestyle which includes hitting the sport centers in their content more often, people will be intrigued by these images and will try to be more active. Another solution is reducing the expenses of joining a gym. It can be expensive for many people to join a high facilitated sport center and exercise. Therefore, gyms can offer various bargains for their customers. They also can suggest cheaper membership for those who exercise on a daily basis to motivate more people to do so.

To conclude, the hectic lifestyle of people and not enough promotion of doing sports on media will lead individuals to be less fit nowadays. For solving the issue of sedentary lifestyle, promoting a healthy lifestyle and reducing the expenses of sport centers can be promising.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Health issues that are related to the physical shape of the human body such as obesity are booming in some societies and there are lots of concerns over this incident, why do we have such outcomes despite having hundreds of working out facilities across the cities? This result can be eliminated by taking some actions against it to curb the out-of-fit bodies among people. In this essay, I intend to include some reasons and the possible solutions surrounding them.
To begin with, advertisements and TV programs have a great influence on the majority of people. With TV commercials that do not advertise fit body shapes, people who lead them would not invest in exercising. Having said that one of the best ways to overcome this issue is by producing TV programs and commercials, which try to improve people's knowledge about health issues and the behaviors that contribute to them, also having ads to encourage people to keep fit and do exercise.
The other important responsible figures that have a great impact on this problem are the factories that produce high calorie-food products. Such factories also make their products to be appealing to the eyes of some groups of people, therefore as I said above they will buy their products as the result. To have this problem fixed, governments can impose taxes on unhealthy consumption products that are so well distributed in supermarkets.
Also, technological advancements could be held responsible. People these days spend most of their time behind their computers at work or in front of TVs in their homes, this lack of physical movement can cause stiffness in muscles and bring with it laziness. By devising working out routines for specific citizens in society, we can improve their well-being.
To conclude, several reasons have led to obesity and fatness in societies but by the right encouragement and informing people we can have this issue resolved.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

  Nowadays people are more corpulent than in the past, meanwhile, they have better amenities in sports centers. In this essay, we will discuss the pinpoint of this problem and we will give a solution to solve this problem.

  It is crystal clear that people tend to have sedentary life in this era due to improving technology. It can be seen all around us are full of people who choose their hobbies with no mobility, like watching TV or surfing the web. To illustrate, we clarify it with an example, after tedious work during the day some people choose to spend their time in gyms, but most people want to spend their time on social media or be couch potatoes because mobiles are at their fingertips and they want to spend their time in social media instead of going to a gym with excellent facilities because it needs to put more efforts to have a muscular body and being well-built.

  Although, most of the people want to choose the easiest way of hobbies because they don’t have an incentive or maybe they don’t know how important exercise is. First thing first, people should know, if they do exercise they will have a healthy life down the road and they can live longer and that is the duty of the authorities, besides, governments should hold some sports challenges with the best prize to motivate people to go to the gyms, and instead of charge people to the dollar, free gyms can be built because paying tuition is cost people an arm and a leg, this way they will go gyms more than before.

  Conclusively, people are chubby than before despite they have better gyms. Instead of going gym people want to use their own phones and TV because these are easy ways to spend time that is why they suffer from obesity, so they need the motivation to go to gyms such as free gyms or participate in tournaments with awesome prizes.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, they are more people who struggle with their weight although the number of different sports facilities, health clubs and gyms has been rising compared to the past. The fitness problem is getting worse and worse and it is important to take steps. In this essay, I will look at the reasons for this issue and propose some solutions.
One of the main causes of the problem is that it is not affordable for everyone to purchase membership fees. In addition, sports facilities and equipment are way too expensive. This problem could be addressed by the government to legislate a law to decrease expenses by eliminating taxes. Furthermore, this problem could be solved if they built more public places with efficient facilities that everyone would use for free.
Another problem is that although sports facilities and gyms are expanded, the sedentary lifestyle is becoming more common. In other words, people don’t have a passion for a workout to build a healthy and fit body. The way forward might be to encourage them to do this kind of activity with put value on a healthy lifestyle. If the government invests in education and advertising active life on different platforms such as social networks, television programs, and schools, it can be possible to tackle this problem.
In conclusion, while there is a wide variation in sports facilities, people have less fit bodies. My view is that the main responsibility for solving the problem lies with the government. action must be taken urgently, otherwise, our societies will face even greater health problems in the future.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

In comparison with the past when hardly had anyone accessed to sports facilities, these days as can be seen, weight issues are more ubiquitous due to a number of reasons. Fortunately, there are some actions which can be done in order to address the problem.

There are various reasons why the number of obese people is more than before. One consideration would be that because of the advent of new technology, people have a sedentary lifestyle. For example, In the digital era people tend to do most of their shoppings online so there is no need to commute long distances. In addition, the convenience of using personal cars deter people from doing physical activity. Furthermore, recent research reveals that the more polluted the air becomes, the more weight people will gain. Which is why the air pollution will slow down the metabolism since not only people can do exercise, but also they do not breathe enough oxygen.


There are a plethora of initiatives to transcend the barrier of exercise which are not completely related to the availability of sports facilities. Firstly, people should be educated toward the dangerous impact of obesity like chronic diseases and premature death, which can be performed through mass media and schools. Secondly, people can use time management skills in order to incorporate regular exercise into their schedules and seize all the opportunity to do more work out like walking or riding instead of taking a taxi. Finally, the government as a policy maker can encourage people to do more work out by providing subsidies for work out expenditures. Paying less money for attending the gym, people will become more willing to do more exercise.

In conclusion,  in modern times the reasons for having an unhealthy lifestyle are numerous, while there are some ways to escape this situation which have a positive influence on people to take some action to deal with this problem.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although sport centres are easily accessible in today's world, fewer people are in good shape. I assume that the main contributor to this situation is that people are wasting too much time on online platforms and to tackle this problem, authorities can remind individuals the importance of regular exercise. 


Personally, I believe that people are more heavily occupied with distractions such as internet and social media compared to the past which is an important reason why they are less active nowadays. This trend will result in an increase in the number of obese individuals because the less people are engaged in daily activity, the more they become overweight conseauently. For example, I remember that when I was a child both my parents went to the gym every day, whereas my generation is used to spend many hours on Instagram and Facebook every day instead. 


However, such issues can be addressed by taking some steps that incline people to exercise more and pay more attention to their bodies. Governments can invest in programs to promote sports such as subsidising gyms and sports complex membership fees and advertise the benefits of staying in shape. If such schemes are planned by the government, they will cause the people to become more encouraged to participate in gyms and use sport facilities more frequently. If my gym's monthly fee had been lower for instance, I would have been able to afford to workout there more days every week.


In conclusion, I think that the main reason why people have been less fit recently is that they are distracted by social media. Nevertheless, governments can take measures to tempt people to exercise more frequently so they can become more fit. 





Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

In the status quo, people mostly have overweight whereas there are various kinds of sports amenities. It has different reasons as well as some solutions. In this essay, its causes are going to introduce in the first paragraph. In the following, its solutions will be discussed.

Indisputably, the number of gyms and sports clubs has dramatically increased in recent years. However, the new junk food and artificial additive have increased as well that making foods more savory and less healthy. Furthermore, people are frequently workaholics and have a sedentary lifestyle in their hectic days. communicating with a car considers as being more conventional and modern. In this regard, not only do they consume more fast food which is more convenient but also they move less. Having said that, their prices do not that much fair for the majority of them.

On the other hand, people should look forward to walking to their job place rather than driving even in the shortest way. Additionally, not only adults who have diabetes, fat and other disease but also teenage should and could use healthy food. If their parent had accustomed them to using organic food rather than ready meals such as sandwiches and pizza, they would not have gotten used to non-nutritional food and dealt with obesity even in their teenage hood. The government could investigate wait to motivate people by increasing the price of the public gym and holding more sports events.

To sum up, although the number of sports centers has substantially increased in the current day, people are not that many feet. This essay reported its causes as well as some solutions.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Despite the variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.
What do think are the main causes of this problem?
What solution can you suggest?

In this contemporary era, whereas there are developments in sport sector, ranging from different types to associated facilities like sport centers and so on, being unfit is a pervasive problem. Here some causes and related solutions will come.
Nowadays people are leading hectic lifestyles mostly filled by work and matters related to it. To explain more, working eight solid hours (and even more) accompanied by commuting difficulties, like being stuck in traffic jams, do not let free time as well as energy for individuals to devote to exercise and sport. Secondly, in case of not having a job even, the majority of community waste a fortune of time engrossing on social media losing track of time rather than spending it in a practical way like going to gyms. Consequently people cannot work off fat, help their body with boosting blood circulation, and build stamina through sports.
 In case of considering the cause related to work, maybe coming can remedy the situation. Making working hours flexible or even reducing it by making it dependent to result. In such a way that as one finishes a specific daily duties can leave the workplace and attend to the sport center in the company. Although it's practical for employees mainly in by boosting their efficiency and motivation as well as their overall wellbeing. In terms of providing an encouragement for all of the society, It is a better solution to grant them some bonus in the case of taking bicycles rather than cars to their destinations. Obviously, cycling is an appropriate way to help people have a good shape. Regarding the impact of social media, people specify a great amount of time talking and bantering online with their beloved ones, serving the chance of having discounts in case of enrolling in a sport center with a bunch of people around an individual make it more pleasant to take part in sport activities.
In conclusion, I personally believe for occupied people with their career it is better to provide facilities for them to exercise at work or even cycle to work .Furthermore, for those addicted to squandering time over the net, cutting the prices in group enrollment would be constructive approach.    




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?


It is true that people are not in good shape todays, while a great deal of equipment and sport centres are available to keep fit. To get the root of the problem, we should look at drawbacks of the internet and lack of a healthy diet.

Undoubtedly, the internet has reshaped our lives, and this transformation can be seen in our routines like taking exercise. In the past, most people did more physical activities when they were not at work, for instance, doing shopping and going for a walk, there were no numerous clubs or apparatus to do sport, though. Yet, most individuals dedicate a huge amount of time surfing the net, especially chatting on social media platforms is tantalising making them less active. Moreover, introducing the wireless networks and Wi-Fi hotspot have boosted this temptation. In other words, they are slaved by the internet and its distraction minions. Diet is another reason due to the fact that they are not conscious of their diets which may pursuant to weight gain or loss. Unfortunately, they unknowingly are consuming unhealthy food whose ingredients are high in fat or their calorie content are beyond their body needs leading to obesity.

However, people do not need to seek miracle way out to cope with these issues, only if they be careful about what they eat as well as squeeze regular exercise in their routines; therefore, should they want to reach fitness and improve their body posture, setting a side time for doing physical activities can be a good solution. Besides, they should have an eye for their diet components. By doing this, they can strike balance between their calorie intakes and the amount of their activities to burn calorie. Finally, making plan to manage browsing the internet would be another step, for example they can draw a timetable to use the internet or social media, then they save time to do sports or activities.

In conclusion, people’s enthusiasm engaging themselves in the internet in lieu of taking exercise, and their laxity toward their diets are major reasons making them less fitness. Nonetheless, they can overcome these challenges by being more active and watch out their regime.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

It has been observed that people are less fit compared to the past although numerous sport amenities and gyms are available in our modern time. I believe exploring the causes of this problem can assist in finding suitable solutions to resolve it.

The fast speed of modern life and lack of time could partly account for individuals being less fit. In the contemporary time, many people have a sedentary lifestyle resulting in obesity. They often complain about not having enough time for exercising due to their tight schedule. To address this situation, the officials in charge of this field should raise public awareness about the awesome effects of exercising even thirty minutes every day. Undoubtedly, everybody would be able to find a short free time and plan for burning some calories on a daily basis.

Poor eating habits can also explain why many people are not in a good shape and suffer from health problems. For example, nowadays eating fast food is very popular, especially among youngsters who might indulge in salty and sugary snacks. If people were aware of the adverse effects of a poor diet and followed a balanced diet, they would have a healthy lifestyle. Adopting sensible eating habits could also boost physical stamina and lead to better fitness.

To conclude, even though a hectic lifestyle and consumption of fatty food contribute to dwindling numbers of individuals who are fit nowadays, both health officials and people can remedy the situation. In my opinion, exercising on a regular basis and following a healthy diet are steps in the right direction.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although there are various types of exercising facilities and workout clubs, individuals are more out of fit these days than they ever have been. I believe this issue is the result of high cost of joining sport clubs which can be readily tackled through introducing more affordable membership plans.

When it comes to sport facilities and gyms as means for staying in shape, people lose their interests since they have to pay a considerable amount of money so as to exercise and work out. Had those facilities been more affordable, many have expressed greater desire to sign up and contribute to physical activities. This high cost is caused by a variety of factors such as the luxurious equipment a club uses, the accessibility of the club and so forth. For instance, where I live, gyms located near public transportation stations are surprisingly more expensive than those which are harder to access.

Since the cost of registering to a sport club accounts for the lack of motivation people have to work out, the prior and best solution would be proposing cost-attractive membership plans. With this approach, not only will club owners increase their income, but also the way for individuals to exercise regularly is paved. This can be reached by simple economic strategies such as setting discounts for different age groups of people, or making the first session costless to attend as a trial.

To conclude, men and women are less in shape nowadays whilst there are numerous and different kinds of exercising facilities that ever before. I believe this is because those facilities are expensive to use and more affordable plans must be introduced by their owners as a win-win solution.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

The line graph illustrates the amount of car thefts among Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada during the period between 1990 and 1999.
Overall, Great Britain had the highest level of stolen cars during the 9 years; and, at the end of the period, except the range of car theft in Sweden, the range of car steal witnessed a decrease in other three countries.
As it is obvious from the graph, Sweden car theft, experienced a gradual increasing from 1990 to 1999; while, the rate of stolen cars in Great Britain witnessed a fluctuation during the period.
In 1990, car theft in France had the lowest rate, which was about just over 5thousand. After 1990, this rate increased steadily till 1991, then fall down till 1994. And after experiencing a gradual growth in 1995, the rate of stolen cars experienced a drop again till 1999.
The rate of stolen cars in Canada between 1990 and 1993 declined gradually, and then increased steadily till 1999.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

The line graph demonstrates the number of thefts occurred per thousand vehicles over a 10-year period ending in 1999 in four cited countries: Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada.

As it can be seen from the graph, there was a particularly wide gap between the results concerning Great Britain and the three other countries. The figures show that Great Britain’s robberies ranged from a low of 15 to a high of 20 in mentioned decade, with modest rise and fall.

As regard of France and Canada, almost similar patterns were seen. Initially, France had higher amount of car thefts (almost 8) in comparison with Canada (almost 7). In the following, the same trend continued, more or less steady, until they both reached the number 6 in 1999. 

Regarding Sweden, it had the lowest rate of car thefts at the beginning of period but the number of robberies per thousand tended tu increase since then, as far as it equaled the number of car thefts in France (almost 7) in 1991. Again, it continued to increase with a low slope and peaked at quite 14 per thousand in 1999.

In short, the figures suggest that Great Britain had the highest rate of car thefts, during the whole period, among all countries. On the other hand, there was Sweden with lowest rate at the start point, which tended to increase in car robberies rate and occupy the second position on theft car rate. Canada and France had the lowest rate with a quite straight slope.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Arman,

I hope this letter finds you well. Anyway, the reason that I’m writing this letter is that I want to express my gratitude for the book you gave me last week and also share with you some details of the presentation which I had yesterday.

As you know, the presentation was about introducing the MS-project software to new students in the university. Furthermore, the presentation had two main parts. At first I gave them some points about the importance of it in the industry and some theoretical use of it. Shoving a real project step by step in the software was the second part of my lecture.

I want to tell you that this presentation was of vital importance for me for many reasons. Firstly, it could boost my self-confidence as I did it in front of more than fifty person. Besides, it could broaden my knowledge and enhance my career prospects as this software is essential in my field of study and jobs in upcoming time.

Additionally, the book helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the software because of its practical lessons.

Once again thank you for the amazing book, stay safe and see you soon.


Best wishes,





A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Maria,

I hope that this letter finds you in complete health. I’m glad to have you as a friend. Let me explain how you helped me.

As you remember, you lent me a book whose name is “Social Psychology” written by Albert Bandura. It is a quite practical and highly recommended book that I used as a main reference for my last presentation. I made a lot of powerpoint slides according to this book.

My darling, the presentation which I gave was about the social effects on our beliefs. I explained that not only we are effected by social beliefs, but also try to act within these unwritten rules. The conference was very impressive.

This presentation was quite important to me because some prominent scholars in psychology attended there as invited scientists. It is obvious that by giving the above-mentioned lecture I finally get an educational fund from the Netherlands University and filled a position there.

At last, I again want to say thanks for the useful book which I borrowed. It helped me to achieve my goal.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Sara,

I hope this letter finds you in radiant health and the best of spirits.

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to you for your help.

I had a presentation in regard to new radiopharmaceutical on the 3rd of March that was held at Homa hotel. This drug will use at our workplace, Sun Hospital, from next week. Some articles have recently published but most of our doctors are oblivious to it.

The presentation was of paramount importance in that this drug plays a vital role in cancer treatment. Moreover, people who suffer from such cancer like prostate, and breast would benefit from that. This palliative drug can reduce the bone pain which is caused by metastasis in these patient.

The book that you have lent me, facilitate my research to presentation. It serves me a great deal of benefit which has made it possible for me to ready my presentation in a timely manner.

Your sincerely,





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The visual data illustrates the comparison of thefts in per thousand cars in four countries during the last decade of 20 century.

Overall, it can be seen that all countries (Canada, France and Sweden) were between 5000 and 15000, whereas Great Britain shows the highest number of the thefts per 1000 cars during ten years.

At first glance it is evident that Great Britain as one of the four countries leveled off and fluctuated steadily during the years; in addition it was the highest numbers of thefts in per one thousand vehicles. In 1990, it was approximately 17000 which was more than others. It experienced a period of stability, but it had a fall of 2000 around 15000 in 1999. It stabilized between 15 and 20 thousand during the decade. Sweden as the other countries shows a rise in the car thefts. At the beginning of the year in 1990, it was under 10000 about 8 thousand, while it surged from 1996 to 1999 remarkably. It peaked at a 5000 almost 14000.

It is lucid that both France and Canada had the lowest car thefts in comparison. At the first of the decade they stabilized and were between 6000 and 7000 in 1990. What is more, France with the low difference was more than Canada reaching a plateau. Both countries flattened out during the years and in 1999, they depict a stabilization which was the lowest number of car thefts at 5000 among other countries during the decade of the prior of 21st century.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

Dear Mr. Ahmadi,

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for a book that you have given me a month ago.

It helped a lot in my recent presentation which was given to about 20 people. Actually, as you might recognize, I am pretty shy. Eat My Frogs has helped me to be more confident. Apart from these essential tips, in the forth chapter, it especially talked about presentation and tips to speak more fluently in front of others, especially strangers which was my main weakness.

However, in my recent speech I spoke easily for our new customers about our company’s products. The presentation held yesterday mooring in the conference room. First our regional manager Mr. Mohammadi talked briefly about our history. Then I talked about our medical products that can be used in physiotherapy clinics.

It was one of the vital meetings for future of the company because all of the doctors attending have well-known clinics in Tehran, so they are fountain of wealth, as Mr. Mohammadi always call them. By the way, it went great since half of them attracted and ordered lots of products.

Thanks again for the precious book, and I will return it next week since I am in the final chapter.

Yours sincerely,

Ramin Yekta.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Sir or Madam,


I hope you are doing well on this beautiful day. I am Armineh Mohamadi, a sophomore in Scriptwriting at the college. Although I do not anticipate you calling to mind me, I have felt an obligation to write a gratitude letter for the valuable assistance and detailed recommendation of the appropriate book you gave me for the presentation of the cinematic genre lesson. 


Please let me mention that genre seminar is one of our core subjects, and our professors considerably emphasize its significance and comprehension. Primarily helps writers comfortably arrange the script and reasonably foresee the events according to the category. In addition, it gives the audience a broad conception of the performers of movies and cultural and historical issues.


This book has valuable essays and informative discourses respecting the creation of the movie genres, and the author's theory comprehensively; seriously considers the commercial nature and social and cultural function in worldwide cinema. For this reason, my presentation contained valuable points and was highly appreciated by students and professors.


Yours sincerely

Armineh Mohamadi












A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Dr.Brown,

Hello, I hope this finds you and your family well. If you can remember,  last month you gave me a book. Because I wanted to use it for my study. Now, I am writing to explain how I used it for my purpose.

To begin with, I was a final semester PHD student at the Marco University. Since I had to present a thesis, I needed to some accurate sources. I would like to say that my presentation was about the environment. Also, I have offered some suggestions about its protection.

As you know, to graduate it is necessary to give a lecture. Furthermore, my score was depend on this lecture. Thus, the topic of the thesis and how to present it is really significant.

I would like to mention that this book was really useful and tthere were a lot of efficient information in it. Moreover, some effective solutions were suggested by its author, which could help me to complete my presentation.

This is all I would like to share with you. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Sincerely yours,
Sara Beygi




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Sara


I am writing this letter to express my whole-hearted appreciation about the incredible book you had lent me during the last month before my presentation.


In my former presentation, despite the hard work, I was not satisfied with my score because of poor confidence and oral communication during my speech. In place of a conscientious classmate you helped me to get over the toughest part of my “Advanced Methods in Biology” course, giving speech in public. As an introvert person by nature, the book” 101 stress management strategies” incredibly helped me to control my anxiety and fear of speech in front of the audience. It let me to show my best and confidently express my comprehensive research on a topic.


The presentation was highly important because its score was a half point of final score of the course. This fact made your help priceless.


I hope one day I could compensate your support in appropriate way, as you deserve.


Best wishes






A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Arshia,

How have you been?

I am writing to express my gratitude to you for lending me a green architecture book. Since my team and I have been working on the renovating historical Iranian garden, it is vitally important to provide a specific kind of presentation in order to highlight the significance of this for our municipality.

As this book is very rare so I became disappointed to find it but fortunately you helped me a lot. The book content helped us to alleviate the major human destructive interference on its ancient ambience. This book is also introducing many useful criteria in this field which is the basics of Iranian garden design.

Well the presentation went fabulous and the authority became satisfied with our renovation project. Eventually I really thank you again and looking forward to seeing you and spending some time with you my dear friend.

yours faithfully,





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares the number of vehicles were stolen in Great Britain, France, Sweden and Canada between 1990 and 1999.

It is clear that Great Britain recorded the highest number of thefts .In contrast, Canada and France registered the lowest number of robbery .In Sweden thefts of transportation dramatically went up in these years.

Based on data, in1990, vehicles were stolen approximately 18000 in Great Britain while, in three other countries, the number of steals were between 5000 to 10000 .The rate of stolen had a rise gradually in Great Britain and France in the 2 next years. However, this number had a fall moderately in Sweden and Canada .After 1991, car thefts declined about 7000 in France and 5000 in the Canada and 17000 in Great Britain till 1993. Again rate of robberies quickly increased nearly 20000 and then in 1996 had a sharp reduction in Great Britain.  

Overall, car theft reached a plateau 6000 cars between 1993 to 1999 in Canada .Hence, in France had an upward trend in1995, after that decreased 6000 as in Canada. Meanwhile, the rate of cars in Sweden reached 14000 in 1999 and in Great Britain after 1996 had a drop considerably around 16000 vehicles.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The provided chart illustrates the number of cars’ thefts in the four selected countries over a course of 9 years from 1900 to 1999.

Overall, at the first glace, we see that the most of cars which are stolen were in Great Britain, with the growing figure for Sweden; however, these numbers were nearly steady for all countries except Sweden.

As can be seen, the majority of vehicles’ thefts (around 17000) were in Great Britain in 1900; while, three other given countries had between 5 to 10 thousand automated vehicles which were stolen. This amount picked at 1992 and 1996 for Great Britain and finally, with slightly decrease reached to nearly 16000 cars at the end of 1999 December. It is obvious that Farce and Canada experienced a few falls during this period, with the amounts reaching to 6000 in 1999 for both of them.

However, Sweden is exception and it was witnessed an uprising trend about 10000 grow in 1999. Even though, the cars’ thefts had the least amount (just above 5 thousand) in 1990.   




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given graph illustrates vehicles that were stolen by thieves in Great Britain,Canada,Sweden and France from 1990 to 1999.

In 1990, Great Britain was the highest in car theft about 18 thousand. In comparison, France was the lowest at 6 thousand. Between 1990 and 1991 car lifting increased slightly in France. However, car theft remained almost constant in Canada. The number of vehicles thefts dropped steady in France. In comparison, car lifting increased slightly from 5 to 6 thousand between 1993 and 1999 in Canada.There was an upward in Great Britain and Sweden in 1996.


During a 10 year, car theft rose gradually in Sweden from 8 to 15 thousand. In contrast, there was a fluctuation in France. Canada and France reached the same number in 1999. Great Britain fluctuated, and declined dramatically to  around 16 thousand in 1999. Sweden reached a high to 15 per thousand in 1999.


All in all, vehicles thefts have declined in all countries except Sweden. In addition, vehicles thefts rose in all countries in 1996.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The diagram illustrates how many thefts per thousand cars in four countries from 1990 to 1999. Overall, although Great Britain, France and Canada fluctuated relatively at different rates, Sweden saw a substantial rise. The former had highest car theft throughout the period.

The figure for Great Britain stood at 18 in 1990. Despite some fluctuation, it reached initial figures approximately in 1999.

Sweden remained stable about 8 between 1990 and 1992, which was followed by a dramatic growth until 1996. After leveling off at 12 during 2 years, it experienced a slight increase and reach a peak of 14 in 1992.

In 1990, France was almost equal to Canada at 7. The former had some moderate fluctuation and reach back to its initial figure at the end of period, While the latter fell significantly as it reached around 4 after which there was a gradual rise to near the 1990 figure.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph gives information about the number of car thefts per 1000 vehicles in four countries during the span of 9 years. 


Overall, it is clear from the figure that although the figure for car thefts in Sweden increased, these of car thefts in Great Britain, France, Canada saw a reduction. Moreover, Great Britain had far higher car thefts than other three figures over the all period of study. 


At the beginning of 1990, both France  and Canada had Same starting point, with almost 7 car thefts per 1000 vehicles. Then, they followed fairly similar trends by 1995. To shad more light on their similarities, the former witnessed a drop until 1993 and standing at 6 car theft per 1000 vehicles and then went up over the following 2 years. Similarly, the latter fell steady and reached 5 car thefts per 1000 vehicles in 1993. And then rose to 6 car thefts per 1000 vehicles in 1995. Then they showed opposite trends. The former decreased. However, the latter continued upward trend. 


In 1990, Great Britain had 17 car thefts per 1000 vehicles (as highest reported number in that year among other three countries). It fluctuated over the period shown and peaked at 20 car thefts per 1000 vehicles in 1995. In contrast, Sweden had near 8 car thefts per 1000 vehicles in the beginning year of study and it continued its upward trend over the given period and reached a peak of approximately 13 car thefts per 1000 vehicles.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates the number of cars which is stolen in every thousand in four countries during 1990 and 1999. Overall, the ratio for Great Britain was by far higher than other three countries; however, the figure Sweden soared to near of GB, experiencing a constant rise during the period.

Great Britain had around the same stolen cars as all that of France, Canada, and Sweden with around 18 cars thefts for each thousand at the first, and with some fluctuations, the figure remained around 17 a decade later which was tripled each other countries. On opposite, Canada experienced different situations in these years. Although it was not the lowest number in 1990, decreasing mildly till 1993, and remaining almost unchanged for the rest of the period, it had been standing for the safest country during the period except for the first year.

However other countries did not witness a significant change, the figure for Sweden had a constant growth, starting at 6 in 1990 and peaking at 14 in 1990, which coused it to rank second and lose the safest-ranked country which was at 1999. 




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.


Given is a  graph providing information as to car thefts in four nations encompassing Canada , Great Britain , France and even Sweden from 1990 to following nine years  .


Overall , as we can observe that  whereas  Great Britain has  experienced the most numbers of vehicle  thefts from 1990 to 1999 , Canada has had the lowest level of cars stolen during this period  .

According to the line graph,  there has been  an  increasing  rate of stolen vehicles in Sweden nearly six per thousand in 1990 , which has been doubled until 1999, whilst  Canada has gone through a significant drop until 1994 ,having undergone steady proportion of car thefts until 1999.


Of four countries compared , while  all countries  except for Sweden experienced  their lowest point of automobile thefts  during 1993 , this proportion has been fluctuated in Great Britain and France  in  nine following  years , it reached to nearly fifteen out of thousand in Great Britain and nearly five per  thousand in France .





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given graph illustrates data about the number of stolen cars per thousand from 1990 to 1999 in four different counties. It is manifest from the graph that the Great Britain was far above the others during of the period.

In 1990, France had the minimum car theft by approximately 600, and it increased to 1200 by 1966 and stood the same for other two years and then rose to just under 1500 by 1999, which was the second high among four countries. 

Canada and Sweden were stood in the third and second place in the beginning of study, by roughly 700 and 800 respectively, and after fluctuation during the period, they converged and stood in third place by approximately 600 report of theft. Great Britain record stood unbroken during the period. It started by roughly 1600 report in the first of period, and rose to 2000, in 1992 and decreed to its report in 1990 at the end of the period.

Overall , it can be seen france’s repot during the period in which the others did not have big changes. 




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph details how many vehicles have been robbed from 1990 to 1999 in four different countries. As can be seen, it is Great Britain that stands out over the period as the highest number of car thefts. It is also worth mentioning that vehicle thefts have declined to a minimum in all countries except for Sweden.

In Great Britain, the figure started at about 18 per thousand and rocketed to 20 thousand in 1992, after which it sharply declined and hit a low at about 17 thousand in 1993. It ballooned to 20 in 1996 again, however, it hit a trough at 16 per thousand in the end.

Sweden experienced a slight increase in the number of stealings after 1994 and hit a peak at nearly 15 thousand. Whereas, France and Canada maintained almost a similar trend from 1990 to 1999. But there was a difference of 1 to 3 thousand between them and then they reached the same point at 7.5 per thousand.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

In between 1990 to 1999 years, the percentage thefts per thousand vehicles indicates for four countries.

Overall, there are 4 countries such as Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada that they compare with together from 1990 to 1999.

 Great Britain country started from 17% that the end of this graph is same of first year. In Sweden country, the amount of thefts was approximately 8% but this percentage increased to 15% in 1999. The France graph started 6% but this amount finished to 7%. The Canada country illustrates from 7% between 1990 and 1999.

In firstly 1990 year, the percentage of thefts were about between 5% and 10%. On the other hand, this limited 5% to 15% in 1999 year for all countries. In addition, the most fluctuation belongs to Sweden country which it was between 7% to 15%. So, the lowest fluctuation was for Canada country which this country didn't have vehicles thefts a lot.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

 The line graph illustrates comparison of car theft between four countries included Canada, France, Sweden and Great Britain in 1990 until 1999. As far as the line graph depicted, amount of theft in Great Britain most significant difference compare of other country.

Moving on to details, the amount of robbery in Canada, Sweden as well as France was close together and almost 8 in 1991. After 1991, amount of car theft in Sweden increase significantly. It can be clearly, in Canada and France, between 1990 and 1999 rate of car theft in these two countries was very close and the amount of robbery in Canada and France was exactly equal in 1999.

The data indicates that trend of car theft in Great Britain had fluctuated a lot, between 1990 until 1999.

As it can be extracted from the line graph, the amount of car theft only in Sweden was increased in 1990 and 1999 and other countries had a decreasing trend.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

In the depicted graph we see car theft statistics in Britain, Sweden, Franc,

and Canada between 1990 and 1999. The y-axis in this graph represents the

number of car thefts for every 1000 cars that are on the streets.


The theft of car rate in Great Britain is higher compared to all other

depicted countries and is almost double the rate of France and Canada. This

graph does not present a unified trend with regard to the changes in time in all of the countries; the rates of Great Britain and  France fluctuate, Sweden has a steady progression to the top and the rate in Canada seems to decrease.


According to the graph, the Theft rate fluctuates between 20 and 17 in Great Britain and between 6 and 8 in France. It also starts at 8 and finishes at 14

 in Sweden and starts at 7 and finishes at 6 in Canada.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates the number of thefts out of thousand vehicles, which happened in Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada from 1990 to 1999.
Overall, the figure for Great Britain stood first at the beginning and end of the period. The number of  thefts decreased slightly in all countries, except Sweden which increased dramatically.
At first the share of Great Britain was approximately 17 before it experienced some fluctuation and reached a peak of 21 over the next six years, after which it fell considerably to 16 at the end of the period.
The share of France and Canada was  9 and 7, respectively in 1990, after which it decreased steadily to 6 and 5, respectively in 1994. While the figure for Canada saw a steady increase, that for France fluctuated. Both of them stood at 6 at the end of the period.
The number of cars which were stolen in Sweden was4 in 1990, after it grew to 6 in 1991. The share of Sweden experienced a dramatic growth to 12  and overtook France and Canada over the next 5 years that the speed of changes in the first half of period was smaller than it in the second half of period. The number of thefts remained stable at 12 over the next 3 years before it rose gradually until 1999, when it reached 13.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The diagram compares the number of thefts among each thousand cars for four countries, during the years 1990 to 1999.


Overall, it is clear that the proportion of Great Britain was always in the highest place. In contrast, France was the lowest one at the start and end of this period. Sweden had a little decrease in first year and after that always increased. This rate for Canada was different, in the first year stayed stable, and for more two years had decrease and after that was fixed.


Great Britain, had the highest rate of cars steal in these years. In 1990 figure was around 18 in each 1000, and for three next years, saw increasing and stayed in the highest number in all years, in approximately 20 on that criterion, but after that decreased to last level, and this repeated in 1996 and 1999 again. In contrast, Canada's number changed from near 7 in 1990 to 5 in 1993 and stayed around this number till last year.


Distance between France and Sweden was 2 number at first, but after a year the number for both was 8. Sweden in following years had an increase and in last years stayed in second stage, but France has up and down from 6 to 5 and eventually was similar Canada.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares the proportion of vehicle which were stolen in four different countries, Canada, France, Sweden and the Great Britain, during a 9- year period.
Overall, It is clear that the number of thefts that occurred in the Great Britain was the highest in all countries throughout the period. In addition, while the Figures regarding the percentage of thefts in Sweden experienced an upward trend, that of France and Canada decreased over the given period.
In 1990, around 1.8% of vehicles were stolen in the Great Britain, which is almost twice the amount for the three other surveyed countries. Sweden, France and Canada experienced no more than 10 thefts per one thousand vehicles each.
Throughout the rest of the period, the proportion of car robberies in the Great
Britain experienced some fluctuations and finally reached a low-point of about 1.6%.
Sweden's car thefts however, rose significantly and reached it's peak of about 1.4% by 1999.
Finally, France and Canada’s Proportion of robberies fell to approximately 0.6% by the end of the period, which is considerably lower than that of the 2 other countries. 




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph provides information about the robbery of vehicles in four different regions during 10 years.

Overall, it is seen that the most robbery occurred in Great Britain by far. Also, France and canada experienced almost the same trend from 1990 to 1999.

In 1990, there was about 17 thefts per 1000 vehicles in Great Britain. While, this amount for other countries was between 5 and 10, which was approximately half. Although in France and Canada the number of stolen cars per 1000 vehicles did not exceed from the range of 5 to 10, there had been more thefts in France in the whole time. 

To compare Sweden with other countries, the quantity of stolen cars in Sweden was the least. but, experienced an absolute rise in a 10-year period. Furthermore, in 1991 there was the same quantity of thefts in this country and France. Moreover, after 5 years in 1996, this number increased to 13, which was more than twice of the beginning point.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The diagram illustrates the numbers of vehicles have been stolen in four random countries from 1990 to 1999. It can be seen that the numbers of stolen cars in some countries has been increasing and decreasing in others during these 9 years.

One of the most striking increase is for Sweden. It has started with around 8 thousand thefts in the year 1990 which was the second highest thefts among all countries and it surprisingly ended up with a huge growth to around 15 thousand at the end of the 20th century. In contrast, France which had the lowest stolen cars in the early nineties, had fluctuations but overall has almost stayed at the same number in 1999. By looking in more detail, France and Canada joint lowest in the last year presented around 6 thousand thefts. Also Canada has been a significant downward in the first three years and it has grown slowly till the last year presented.

On the other hand, Great Britain which had the highest thefts in both first and last year presented in this graph, had fluctuations in its number, including numerous increasing and decreasing, but eventually reached around 18 thousand stolen vehicles in the year 1999.

To sum up, both European countries and Canada experienced a great deal of fluctuations and their positions have been changed while Great Britain remained a country with the largest amount of stolen cars.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The presented line graph elucidates the number of thefts happened per thousand vehicles in countries of Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada from 1990 to 1999.

Overall, Great Britain by far had the highest number of thefts. On the other had Canada had the least amount of thefts from 1991.

The number of vehicles robbed in Great Britain begun with close to 18 per one thousand in 1990 and hit its rock bottom of 1.6 percent in 1999. There were two points where it experienced a peak of almost 20 per thousand in 1992 and 1996. The year after the first peak, it got on the decline to reach the low point of nearly 17 per thousand. This country’s statistics of thefts were significantly higher than the other three.

At the beginning of the survey, number of thefts in these three countries were so close in the range of 6 to 8 per thousand vehicles, with France having the least reported one and Sweden having the most reported robbery. Among the survey Sweden had the highest numbers among these three countries and in addition, experienced a general upward trend until it reached to the maximum of just under 15 per thousand in the last year of the survey. Interestingly, the maximum number reported for France was the lowest one reported for Sweden at about 8 per thousand in 1991. Canada and France numbers were in close-knit all through the survey and they both had the same amount of robbery in 1999 at about 0.6 percent.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The graph illustrates the information about the figure for car theft measured in number of thief per thousand of vehicles in four different countries during 9 years.


 It is clearly observed from the graph that,unlike other trends,Sweden experienced an upward trend during the survey regarding to the number of thieves,however,Great britain had still a largest number of thieves.


 In 1990,the figure for thieves in Great britain was about 18 per thousand of cars,after which it fluctuated between 15 and 20 for first 6 years and eventually fell to 16 in 1999.The number of thieves in Canada was 7 at the beginning which was as nearly equal as in France.while both Canada and France saw a significant decrease and stood at 5 and 6 thieves respectively per thousand of cars in 1993 .From that year onward after  some minor fluctuations both countries reached to 6 thieves in 1999 equally.


 By contrast,the figure for the thieves in Sweden in 1990 was higher than that of in Canada and France.It saw a remarkable rise from around 8 in 1990 to around 13 in 1996.meanwhile there was no progress in decrease or increase for 3 following years however it rose by 1 thieves during last year.

 Mitra mahmoudi Ac




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates how many car thefts among 1000 vehicles were took place in 4 countries (Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada) in a period of 9 years during 1990 to 1999. What stands out is that the share for Great Britain was always far more than others significantly. 


As Great Britain it started about 17 per thousand (pt) and gradually rose to approximately 20 pt in the middle of 1992 . After a dip in 1993 it hit the pike at above 20 pt in 1996 then it declined to nearly 16 pt. In Sweden rising overall share stands out. It began with nearly 8 pt and after a small decrease it softly button up to just below 15 pt in 1999. 


When it is come to French and Canada they are almost the same and they end up with about 5 pt. Meanwhile in French the amount was 5 pt in 1990 and it soared to nearly 7 pt where it was as many as Sweden both in 1991. The numbers in France became turbulent till the end. In Canada the trend reached a plateau in about 6 pt until the middle of the 1991 after a decrease and in early 1993 it was about 5 pt. After that the trend was reversed and reached a pike at approximately 7 pt in 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph illustrates the number of stolen vehicles per thousand cars in four different countries including Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada from 1990 to 1999.

The number of stolen vehicles in France and Canada started with approximately 7 and 8 in que per 1000 cars in 1990 and then reach to its lowest in 1993 which was 5 stolen cars in Canada and 6 in France. After experiencing an increase, Finally, both of them reached in 6 thefts in 1999.

A considerable fluctuate can be understand from Great Britain line graph which commenced with approximately 18 stolen cars and reached to 16 thefts and had a minor decline in total.

It is worth mentioning that Sweden faced a dramatic increase between 1990 and 1999. The number of thefts increased significantly from about 6 to 13 cars per 1000 vehicles.

Looking from an overall perspective, all line graphs demonstrate roughly a fluctuated trend except Sweden which had an increasing trend. Moreover, this number for Great Britain had a significant difference in comparison with other countries which is far more than others.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.




The diagram set out some fundamental information about the proportion of car robbery in four selected areas in period of a decade from 1990 to 1999. A glance at the line graph reveals that stealing in Great Britain ranked the first in whole of aforementioned time period.


Looking at the data in detail, it is evidence that just more than 5 vehicles had been stolen in the first given year. In Canada and Sweden, additionally, it was approximately 7 and 9 thefts per 1000 cars consecutively. However, this rate of Great Britain was threefold in comparison with the stolen cars in Canada.


In the following year, the number of stolen cars in France increased and then, it fluctuated consistently. Although the proportion of thefts in Canada reached a plateau in 1991, it decreased steadily to almost 5 cars in 1993 and by the year of 1999, it had been grown to 6. Furthermore, the number of stolen vehicles experienced a substantial surge from 8 to almost 15 in the first and last selected years respectively.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The chart indicate number of stolen cars in 10 years starting 1990 in three European country and Canada. It is shown that except in Sweden which experienced significant growth in their rate while other countries had a slightly drop at the end in 1999.

Out of four countries, Great Britain had the most rate of the stolen cars during this period of 10 years. Starting from 17500 with two sudden rose up to 20000 and two decline reaching roughly 16000 thefts in 1999 per transporter. Like Great Britain France and Canada seen a small amount of decline but with the difference that after just 1 one year they experienced the lowest amount of thefts from less that 10000 to about 5000 for both having had a slightly drop in their first four year and continue steadily for Canada until 1999 and France having a rise before gradual drop.

Unlike all those countries Sweden experienced three steeply rise in 1991, 1996 and 1999 and being steady throughout the periods between starting from 5000 and reaching roughly 15000 at the end of 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates how many vehicles' thefts occurred in four countries including: Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada, over a decade, starting from 1990, and it is measured in thefts per 1000 vehicles.

Overall, it is clear that while thefts of vehicles increased significantly in Sweden over the whole time, other countries witnessed a stable trend. Furthermore, Great Britain had the highest number of car robberies. 


Sweden experienced the upward trend during the time. Despite a small fall in thefts between 1990 and 1991, the number of thefts increased from below 10 in 1990 to almost 15 at the end of the period. However, the figures for Great Britain were more than Sweden in all years. 


Some countries had the stable trend. Canada and France had the lowest values for thefts, which stood at about 7 for both. During the time, they had fluctuations between approximately 5 and about 7, and finally finished at the same point at almost 6, in 1999. 


Great Britain had a fluctuation trend, however it was the highest value among all countries. The thefts, standing at almost 18 in 1990, experienced a volatile period, and finished at the same point of the start point.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compare the number of car thefts per 1000 vehicles in Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada from 1990 to 1999. 
Overall, it is evident that the Britain had the largest ranked in the number of thefts from 1990 to 1999. The number of those who steal the car in Canada and Sweden ,also, decreased slightly with a negligible fluctuation and reached the equal figure at the end of the year, while there was an upward rise in France’s car theft over the whole period.
In 1990, the number of car thefts in the Britain was near to 18 , it was the highest number among the others countries and in 1995 this figure reached its peak to 20, 
 Then at the end of the year this trend fell to almost as the same number as in the first year, whereas the number of vehicle robbers in initial year was the least in France with 6 .This figure went up significantly from 1990 to 1999 and this trend overtook the other trends in the year 1991. Between 1990 and 1999, both figures for Canada and Sweden had a striking resemblance with a slight decline from 7 and 8 respectively to equal number by about 5 per thousand vehicles.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates the number of cars could be stolen in specific scale ( thefts per 1000) in four countries including Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada over a period of 10 years.
     Overall, it can be seen that the highest figure of the vehicle belonged to  Great Britain, while the lowest proportion of auto theft pertained to Canada in 1993. Needless to say, Canada and France were able to reach the same number after fluctuations.
    To begin with, although Great Britain’s car was stolen And also it underwent fluctuations and also the highest was related to it (19 per 1000), it reached to 17  thefts per thousand in 1999 in comparison with the 1993 which was 18. Furthermore, Sweden’ car theft was starting a slight decrease (9per 1000) and then could go up till 1995, 10 cars per 1000. After 1995, Sweden’s number had been increasing and reaching from 10 to 13.
     Moreover, in 1990, Canada had a higher rate of car thefts than France. However, at the end of the years ( 1999) both countries could reach the same figure( 6 cars per 1000).
Hooman eftekhari_ AC




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph provides information about the number of car burglaries per thousand vehicles between 1990 and 1999 among four different states. Overall, France Great Britain demonstrates the highest car theft in 1999, in contrast, France and Canada not only have approximately the same number of car theft, but they have the lowest number among these countries.

To begin with, Canada denotes more than seven cases of burglary, after nine years continually reduced and reached to nearly five cases. Similarly, a fluctuation in number of theft cars could be seen for France. What’s more, the highest number of car robbery in France, occurred in 1991 with relatively 8 cases. However, Great Britain compare to three other countries indicate a dramatic rate of car theft during this 9-year period. Although the graph shows parodic fluctuation for this state at the end, its number is the same as that of 1990 where it was nearly 19 cases of report. Moreover, for Sweden a sharp rise can be detected, although its rate remained constant between 1996 and 1998.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares the number of cars that were stolen over a period of 10 years in Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada.

Great Britain was by far the most car stealing country over the period shown. Canada had almost the lowest rate of auto theft each year except in 1990 when France showed the lowest rate of automobile robbers.

In 1990, there were over 15 car thieves in Great Britain while in the same year in the other three countries, there were approximately 5 to 10 where France had the lowest amount of auto thieves and Canada was in the second rate. One year later, France overtook Canada and stayed in second place where it had an equal amount of thieves with Sweden, with nearly 8 thieves.

The number of thieves in Great Britain, France, and Canada was steadily the same around 5 to 10 and just showed a small fluctuation, for the whole 10-year period. By contrast in Sweden, the number of the person who steals cars rose from nearly 9 in 1990 to almost 14 in 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The illustrated data in the diagram displays the number of car theft in four nations since 1990 to 1999.
 Overall, the proportion of robbery of vehicles in Sweden experienced an upward trend across the mention years, whereas ,the number of car burglary remained roughly stable in other countries. Also the largest number of car theft committed in Britain far more than other countries.
In 1990,  while approximately 6 car thievery out of thousand recorded in France, it faced an increase by almost 8 in 1991 and then after some slight fluctuations , met the number of 7 out of thousand in 1999.  Also while 7 car theft had committed in Canada in 1990 , it decreased in 3 following years to almost less than five automobile robbery and after a negligible rise, reached about 6 at the end of study where met France axis. 
 According to the graph, 8 car burglary committed in Sweden which after a slight decline, gradually grew by around 10 and then remarkably increased the to roughly 13 out of thousand in 1999 .  Finally the most vehicles where stolen in Britain by about 17 in every thousand in 1992 and 1996 and eventually decreased to about 12 thievery in 1999 .




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The bar chart figures number of car theft per thousand in 10 years, from 1990 until 1999, in Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada.

Overall, it is clear that the car theft in Sweden increased significantly in the period. In contrast, other countries had not many changes between the first year and the last year of the period. Great Britain saw the most car theft in these years.

Due to the chart, Great Britain had the most number of car theft in all years of the period. Interestingly, its statistics in 1990 was about two times more than other countries. The figure of Great Britain saw some fluctuations in the period, and the most value of it was in 1992 and 1997, at about 20 thefts per 1000 cars. Although, Sweden was the second country in these years, started at about 8 thefts, its trend rose remarkably and peaked at around 14 thefts, which was near to Great Britain’s trend in 1990.

The two other countries had not manay changes in the period. The figure of France and Canada stood at around 6 and 7 thefts respectively. While the number of thefts in France increased slightly, this number decreased in Canada. Finally, their trends remained fixed at around 6 thefts per 1000 cars.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

Provided chart illustrates the quantity of stolen vehicles in four nations (the UK, Sweden, France and Canada) over a nine years timescale, from 1990 to 1999.

Overall, it is apparent from the data supplied that, Great Britain saw by far the highest figures for car theft among all regions during the period. conversely, Canada was relatively the safest region in this regard.

Turning to details, fluctuating in the vicinity of 18 to 20 stolen cars per thousand, Great Britain had the highest numbers in car theft. Meanwhile, Sweden experienced a relatively positive trend, climbing from almost 0.6 % in 1990 to 0.1% in 1999.

regarding the safest countries -France and Canada- in this question, the figures in France had roughly declined from about 9 cars in 1990 to 6 cars in 1993, peaking again at some 8 cars per thousand before tailing off. Likewise a similar trend was reflected in Canada, declining by almost a negligible 0.1 %, to arrive at approximately 5 stolen cars per thousand at the end of the period.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line chart illustrates the percentages of car thefts have occurred in different countries (Great Britain, Sweden, France, Canada) during the year ended December from 1990 to 1999.

The initial impression the chart is that the most percentage related to the UK.      (approximately 20 percent) whilst, the least proportion connect to Canada by about 5 percent.

Looking in closer detail at the chart, it can be observed that, Great Britain’ trend was fluctuation during these periods. It reached a peak twice, followed by a fall the whole these years. (Around 2 percent) what is more, the biggest difference related to this country compared to the other countries by about just over 10 percent)

According to this chart, the Sweden, France and Canada have increased slightly until 1995. Then they have decreased gradually and finally to reach together (just over 5%) expect the Sweden that was soared significantly from 1995 onwards. and to close to the UK’ trend.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line chart illustrates robberies per thousand automobiles in Grand Britain, Sweden, France and Canada in a 9 year period. 


It is obvious that Grand Britain had the most car theft in compare with other countries, followed by Sweden. In most of years of survey, Canada got the lowest figure, followed by France. 


the number of car thefts in Sweden rised significantly, reaching about double amount of primary number, with approximately 14 thefts per thousand vehicle. In France, the quantity of car robbery remained relatively steady, witnessing a slightly decrease in last five years, observed about 5 thefts per vehicle. 


The number of car thefts in Canada declined moderately in first 3 year, hitting almost 5 thefts in 1000 vehicle and remained relatively steady for following years. The quantity of car robbery in Grand Britain falctuated during the 9 year period.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.


This chart displays obviously thefts of cars in Great Britain are strikingly more than in other countries over 9 years. It demonstrates thefts were steadily between 15 and 20, it’s not lucid to say the exact of it while at the end of 1999, it was lesser than in other years.

Furthermore, this diagram shows stealing was much less in France, also there was a bit of change in increase, and after during years, there was a change in decline until both France and Canada had the same thefts at the end of 1999. Moreover, it and Sweden had an equal robbery in the middle of 1991. On the other hand, the third steal indicates Sweden that has increased successively over time. Whereas robbery was more than in 2 other countries, its stole was less than in Great Britain. On the other side, unlike Sweden, Canada regressed consecutive.  




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph indicates the rate of car thefts per 1000 vehicles in four countries including Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada. The comparison had been done over the period from 1990 to 1999.

Overall, it can be seen that Great Britain had the highest number of thefts compared with other countries in whole 10 years.

To begin with, in Great Britain, the number of carp thefts originally was about 18000, the largest amount of stealing in the first year between four countries. In 1992, this rate saw a grown to just under 20000, but in next fallowing year experienced a drop at about 17000.Between 1994 and 1996, the number of burglaries reached its maximum number at just over 20000, but during next 3 years hit the bottom at about 16000.

As for other three countries, in Sweden, around 9000 cars were stolen in 1990, which had upward trend during 10 years and touched its maximum almost at 13000. France and Canada, had relatively similar patterns, so that the number of thefts started at approximately 7000 in Farmer and latter in 1990 and had a period of stability over 9 next years.









The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates the rate of car theft and compared them in 4 countries between 1990 to 1999.

Generally speaking, while the car theft decreased in France, Canada, and Great Britain over 10 years, it is dramatically grown in Sweden in the same years and Great Britain had by far the most car theft during this period.

Looking into more detail, between 1990 and 1992 car theft in Canada and France dropped by almost 3 and 2 thefts per 1000 vehicles respectively, however, in Sweden it doubled and in Great Britain it rose by near 2 thefts. 

Between the year 1993 to 1995, all of the countries experienced a slight growth in the number of theft and in the next period between 1996 to 1999 it was a small growth in Canada about one theft and a moderate fall in France, meanwhile, in the number of robbery per 1000 vehicle in Sweden remained steadily before surging to approximately 15 thefts and the number of theft in Great Britain plummeted in the same years.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph below presents a comparison of car theft per 1000 cars in 4 countries(Great Britain, France, Sweden and Canada) over years 1990 to 1999. All in all, it can be seen that there has been fluctuations in all countries.
To have a look at the graph, it’s been described that Canada with around 7 cars per 1000, saw a constant decrease to 5 cars over the years 1990 and 1993. From 1993, however, there was an increase moderately until 1999 with around 6 cars. In contrast with this, in France we can see fluctuations over the years, starting with almost 6 cars in 1990 there was a considerable increase to around 8 cars by 1991,however, it declined until 1993 but again rose up by 1995. From 1995 there was a constant decrease by 1999 showing same number as Canada.
Looking more at the graph, Sweden has seen a significant soarer over the years. There was a slight fall by 1991 but after that the increase in noticeable with a peak with vicinity of 15 cars. Great Britain, meanwhile, had the most stolen vehicles with around 17 cars in 1990. However, as it increased by 92, there was a plunge by 93 and again it soared to 20 cars until 97 but fell again by 99. Overall, the number of stolen cars vary over the years and countries and as France and Britain decreased slightly until 1999, other countries saw a rise.


Seyyed Sajad
Seyyed Sajad


The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The figure gives information about thefts per thousand vehicle in four countries in a 9 years period from 1990 to 1999.


Overall, it can be seen from the graph that Great Britain had the majority of car theft percentage out of four measured countries throughout the period. In addition, the percentage of car theft in Sweden experienced a growing trend in above mentioned period while that of France and Canada remained steady relevantly during the period.


It is clear that proportion of car theft in Great Britain wildly fluctuated along the period as it stood at approximately 18% in the beginning of the period and reached to its peak between 1996 and 1997 at 20%, however after that period saw a decreasing trend in following years down to about 16% in 1999.


A glance at the line graph provided reveals that the percentages of car theft in Sweden grown gradually during the mentioned 9 years period from 9% at the beginning to fairly 14% in 1999, while that of France and Canada remained steady just at the percentage of they had started at a bit more than 5%. Although car theft in Canada fell down to its trough between 1993 and 1994, car theft in France in comparison had a similar trough at 6% in the same period of time.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line chart illustrates the number of cars which was stolen per one thousand cars in four different nations over a nine-year period.
Overall what stands out from the graph is that Great Britain accounted for the vast majority of thefts across the whole period shown in the graph. Over the entire period, there was a near twofold in the number of car stolen by theifs in Sweden. 
In 1990, Sweden and Canada ranked second and third with regard to the largest number of theft cars. By 1996, the figure for car stolen by robbers in Sweden had increased to nearly 12 per 1000 vehicles, which was approximately twice as high as that for Canada in 1996. From 1996 onwards, the number of theft cars in Sweden witnessed a moderate growth of rougly 2 per thousand vehicles, while that of Canada leveled out around just over 5 per thousand vehicles.  
On the other hand, between 1990 and 1991, the figure for car stolen in France grew marginally, after which it declined by 1 per 1000 vehicles until 1999. The number of theft cars were highest and also fluctuated around approximately 18 per 1000 vehicles over the entire period.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates the volume of car theft in four countries, including the UK, Sweden, France, and Canada over a 9 years period, starting from 1990 and it is measured, per thousand vehicles.


Overall, it is clear that the highest amount of thief have been accrued in the Great Britain during the whole years, while the trend of that in France and Canada was almost similar and the lowest, as well. Furthermore, Sweden experienced an upward trend from the beginning to the end.


In 1990, the UK was at the top of the list by almost 17,000 reported car thief, while, three other countries were in the range from 5,000 to 10,000. In the four following years, statistics for France and Canada showed a permanent decrease and standing at 7,000 and 5,000 respectively in 1993. While the rate of cars theft in a Sweden almost remained stable around 10,000. However, the increase trend was seen in the UK and reached to 20,000 in 1992 but it declined to around 16,000 in 1993. 


The number of car vehicles in a Sweden went up by around 3,000 from 1994 to 1996, which was also similarly reported in the Great Britain. Whereas, at the same time, there was a little fluctuation in France and Canada’s trends. From 1996 to the end of period in 1999, this crime in the UK fell from 20,000 to just about 15,000, on the contrast the car thief committed in Sweden is steadily grew to around 15,000 in 1999. Both Canada and France countries, despite of having a little bit different trend at the ending years, hit around 5,000 car vehicles in 1999.




Sara Naderi




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph gives information about the number of car thefts in 1000 vehicles for various countries from 1990 to 1999. Overall, while the number of stolen cars in France and Canada decreased slightly over the given period of 9 years, the figure of car thefts in Sweden experienced a significant growth. Moreover, car theft in Great Britain, as the highest reported number in all years of the study, changed constantly.

In the first year (1990), both figures of committed car thefts in France and Canada started at approximately 7 thefts in 1000 vehicles. In the following 3 years, the amount of car thefts for France and Canada witnessed a decline, reaching their minimums of 6 and 5 cars in 1000, respectively. Afterwards, the mentioned figures did not change noticeably and finally, ended at almost 6 stolen cars in 1000.

The reported amount of car thefts for Sweden originally was lower than 10 cars per 1000 vehicles at the beginning. Over the given period, this figure had a doubling in its initial amount and ended at its maximum of 14 in 1999.

In Great Britain, the number of car thefts stood at near 17 in 1990, which was followed by a period of constant changes. The figure made a peak at around 20, which was higher than other figures in all the years.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

This line graph illustrates the number of thefts per 1000 vehicles in 4 different countries from 1990 to 1999. Most noticeably, Sweden is the only country among these group which experienced a constant growth in car stealing.

As can be deduced from this graph, Great Britain had most thefts per 1000 vehicles in mentioned time period, which means they had about 17 stolen cars out of 1000 in the beginning of this time period and they experienced a peak in 1996, where they had 20 cars stolen out of each 1000 cars. Highest number among all these countries. However, they managed the situation and in 1999, they had less car stealing incidents than 1990. Canada and France also managed to decline their statics from 1990 to 1999.

If this line graph is put under more scrutiny, it is transparent that number of stolen cars in Canada were gradually reduced from 1990 to 1993. In fact, in 1993 they had the lowest statics among these four countries, but the number increased from that year. The number of stolen cars in France plummeted from 1990 to 1993, but after that it skyrocketed and reached roughly 8 cars in 1995. Sweden thefts per 1000 vehicle were 9 cars in 1990, while they reached from 8 stolen cars out of 1000 in 1991, to nearly 14 cars, which shows drastic increase.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The graph compares cars thefts per thousand in Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada from 1990 to 1999.


Overall, the figure for Great Britain ranked first throughout the period, While that for Canada ranked last at the end of the period. The figure for Sweden overtook that for France and Canada and ranked second.


The figure for Great Britain initially stood at almost 18 per thousand in 1990, after some fluctuations it reached a high of 20 in 1996 before a dramatic fall to about 17 in 1999 ranking first.


In 1990 Car thefts figure for Sweden stood last at 6 ofter which it rose dramatically and outstripped France and Canada  before it levelled off at 12 for the next three years. In 1999 after a slight growth it reached a high of 14.


In the first year, the figures for France and Canada were initially stood at 6 and 9 respectively, for the next year they remained stable, after which the former fell slightly to about 6 before experiencing fluctuations and reaching to the amount that was in 1992. In contrast, the latter decreased significantly to just under 5 in 1993 before rising slightly to reach the same amount as that for France.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares the number of car thefts which happened in Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada between 1990 and 1999. Overall, it can be seen from the graph, the vehicle theftؙ s numbers in Britain were the highest during the shown period.  Additionally, all four countries except Sweden experienced a slight decline in this crime from 1990 to 1999. 

There was a gradual increase in the figures for thefts from 6000 cars to nearly 10000 in France just one year after 1990. And then it remain almost stable to reach 6000 again in the next 8 years. 

In Canada, car theftؙs numbers followed a similar pattern with a negligible amount of changes, beginning from 7000 vehicles and falling to just under 5000 in 1993 and then increased again to 6000 in 1999.

The numbers of vehicle thefts in Sweden in comparison with other three countries, witness a significant rise from under 10000 cars to approximately 15000 over a period of 9 years.  




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph details the figures of transport which were stolen in the 9-year period from 1990 to 1999.

Looking from an overall perspective it is readily apparent that, Great Britain had the most number of car theft out of 1000 during 9 years. Furthermore, the fraction stolen transport had decreased considerably. Also, Great Britain had upward trend from 1990 to 1999, followed by a fall till 1993. Great Britain line that display stolen cars had experienced a peak in 1996. 

The figures of car theft out of 1000 had increased gradually in Sweden throughout the given time. Moreover, this line experienced a peak in 1999. Turning next to France, there had been approximately stable trend in the proportion of stolen cars during the supplied time frame. 

Canada had seen the lowest fluctuation. In addition, this country had the lowest point in 1993. France and Canada lines join together in 1999 representing 5. 

Shaghayegh Mottaghi





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line chart illustrates the number of vehicles which were stolen in four regions from 1990 to 1999.

Overall, it is evident that there was an upward trend in the number of car theft in Sweden, while other countries saw fluctuation during the time period. It is also noteworthy that Great Britain by far displayed the highest rate of vehicle robbery.

Looking at the largest number of car theft, in Great Britain, the figure stood at about 15 thousand in 1990 which after ups and downs during the time frame it decreased gradually and ended at about 14 thousand in 1999. In Sweden, although the figure started at the lowest amount, it increased significantly from  5 thousand in 1999 to almost 14 thousand in 1999.

Regarding the remaining countries, the number of vehicles rubbery in France and Canada stood at 9thousand and 7thousand respectively in 1990. The two countries followed a similar pattern in which the figure after fluctuating ended at the same point which was about 6 thousand in 1999.





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph details the frequency of stolen vehicles in four countries between 1990 to 1999. Looking from an overall perspective, it is vividly clear that the number of thieves in Great Britain is higher than other 3 countries in this time period.
A closer look shows that the number of cars stolen in Sweden, France, and Canada was almost equal between 5 and 10 per 1000 in 1990. while the highest frequency of thieves is allocated to great British in 1990. (approximately 18000)
The data for the Canada, British and France shows that the frequency of stolen cars has declined during this period of time, the number of stolen in France and Canada started at almost 6 thousand and finished at around 5 thousand and the British started from 18000 in 1990 and finished almost 17000 at the end of this period time. In contrast, Sweden has risen considerably during this period time, Starting from 8000 and ending with 14000 between 1990 to 1999.





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

   The line graph illustrates means of transport which stole in four countries (Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada) from 1990 to 1999. Units are measured in per thousand.

   Overall, it is crystal clear that Great Britain had the most thefts over the period shown. While thefts were soaring in Sweden, the robbery in Canada saw a negligible decrease. On the other hand, the proportion of robberies in France had a few fluctuations between 1990 and 1999.

   With regards to the diagram, the transports burglary in Great Britain had fluctuated between 16 and 21 per thousand vehicles for the whole ten years and achieved to the highest amount of burglary in 1992 and 1996. In Sweden, the vehicles theft had a upward trend until 1996. After that, transports stealing maintained its stability around 12 per thousand cars in the years 1996, 1997 and 1998. For the last year, Sweden car theft increased a few amounts and obtained 14 per thousand car.

   Transport robbery in France had paralleled with Sweden in 1991 and descend gradually 7 per thousand vehicles in 1993. Likewise, Canada burglary decreased to 5 per thousand transports robbery in 1993. France and Canada saw a slightly rise for thefts between 1993 and 1999 and eventually had 4 4 per thousand cars burglary in 1999, where France thefts was there in 1990 and it was fewer as compared with Canada thefts. 




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

A glance at the graph provided reveals the number of car thefts per thousand vehicles in several nations from 1990 to 1999.


It is crystal clear that during this a nine-year period, the number of robberies was highest in Great Britain, and after rising rapidly, France stood at second place. Furthermore, Sweden and Canada had mild fluctuations and eventually reached to similar quantity, which was lower than France. 


In 1990, however, a number of robbery in Sweden were greater than that of Canada, in 1999, the number of steals through Sweden was accurately as much as that of Canada, making up 6 cars per thousand vehicles.


It is evident that the lowest proportion of robbery was allocated to France in 1990, while the rate of that saw a considerable climb until 1999.


Having grown between 1990 and 1992, the amount of steals of Great Britain declined to 1994.This followed by a moderate increase until 1996, and it then plunged to same initial value in 1999, approximately.


It can be inferred that there is seen to be an upward trend in France, nevertheless, slight fluctuations was witnessed in other countries over the period mentioned.


Mahsa yaghoubi





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The below graph illustrates number of thefts per thousand vehicles during ten years, starting from 1990 to 1999 in four different countries. This essay is going to analyze and compare the given information and trends

By a quick glance at this graph, it is evidently observed  that maximum vehicle thefts occurred in Great Britain in comparison of other countries, approximately possessed 17 theft per thousands, had slight fluctuation during these years. On the other hand, the least vehicle thefts belonged to Canada, started 8 thefts in 1990, decreased to 5 times after three times, and almost remained constant until 1999. Furthermore, France and Sweden are situated in middle of this graph but have opposite trends, particularly after 1995. Although this event happened approximately 9 times in 1990 in Sweden but this happen rose after 1995, reached to 15 thefts in 1999 while trend of thefts is vice versa in France, had diminishing trend after 1995, approached to 6 times in 1999.

As results, it is obvious that the maximum thefts belonged to Great Britain while Canada almost possessed the minimum event. France and Sweden are approximately positioned at the middle of the graph with different trend especially after 1995.




Seyedeh Masoumeh
Seyedeh Masoumeh


The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

Given line graph illustrates comprehensive information concerning the number of vehicles' thefts in four different Nations Through Time, commencing from 1990 and culminating in 1999.

From an overall perspective it is starkly apparent that great Bertin has had the highest thefts over 10-years period in comparison with other countries.

a more rigorous scrutiny at the graph it can be seen that in 1991, Sweden experienced a great growth with around 8 units in comparison with France which showed a slight decrease in the same year. Following three years, Sweden remained stable, again from 1994, it witnessed a gradual increase,  whereas France declined gradually. furthermore, France after some fluctuation reached the highest point in 1999, while Sweden reached the peak with approximately 13 units.

A closer look at the graph it can be apparent that Canada after experiencing a slight decrease between the years of 1999 and 1993, in following years showed neither a growth nor a cut. Although experienced some fluctuations over 10 years, hit a rock bottom in 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line chart illustrates the amount of robberies of conveyances in Canada, Sweden, France and Great Britain from 1990 to 1999. From the overall glance, it is obvious that Great Britain witnessed a way higher theft rate than other countries throughout the given period.

A closer scrutiny reveals that, from 1990 to 1993, France and Canada had the similar downward trends, from 9 to 7 and 7 to 5 thefts per 1000 vehicles respectively. Although Canada experienced a slight rise from 1993 to 1999 and reached to 6, France first soared by 1995 to 9, and then declined to 6 in 1999. While the number of vehicle stealing in Great Britain was 17 thefts per 1000 conveyances in 1990, and after a fluctuation remained approximately unchanged around by 1999, it almost tripled in Sweden and reached to 15 within the given period.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graphs illustrate the number of car thefts in Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada over a period of ten years starting from 1990. What stands out from the graphs is that the number of stolen cars in Great Britain was far higher than that of other countries throughout the period. 

Sweden, having the most considerable change in the figures during the period, started at just over 8 per thousand. Despite a decrease and hit a low at about 7, the figure of theft cars increased significantly, as it approximately doubled in just ten years. Automobile theft in Canada accounted at about 6 in 1990. there was no considerable change within a year, after which their numbers decreased dramatically to under 5 in 1993.Then it grew constantly and finished at less than starting point.

France and Great Britain experienced the similar pattern. In 1990, the stolen vehicles stood at almost 6 and 18 respectively. After a year, the number of thefts for the former reached at 7, being as high as the Sweden, and the latter grew slightly. Having fluctuated similarly over the next eight years, both ended up at just under the beginning figure. It is interesting that both Canada and France had the lowest numbers of theft cars in 1999, which were a little higher than 6.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates the number of thefts car that happened in every 1000 vehicles in Great Britian, Sweden, France and canada between1990 and 1999.
Overall, it is creastal clear Great Britain has experienced the most case of car thefts over the 9 years by comparison with three other countries. However there was a lot of fluctuation and these numbers have changed between 17 to 20 case up from 1990 to 1999.
According to the graph, Sweden is second  country where the most car theft has occured by nearly 8 case in per 1000 vehicles in 1990 and this number has a slight increase  that reached  at 10 case during the next 6 years. This growth continued gradually by sharp rise in 1995 and 1999 too.
In 1990, France has the lowest rate of car thefts, 6 case, then it is went up dramatically to approximately 9 case during the next year but the trend in number of car thefts fluctuated slightly from 1991 to 1999, so has reached at 6 case in the last year.
In Canada, there was more than 6 thefts car in 1990 and this amount slowly dropped to 4 case during the 4 year and again there has been an upward trend in numbers over the 6 year almost 5 case in 1999, that this number is the same with France ,in the same year.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph illustrates the figure of vehicles stolen in four countries, such as Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada, through the 1990s decade.
Overall, we can see that Great Britain had more car thefts than other three countries between 1990 and 1999. It is also noticable that Sweden, which had the lowest amount of theft at first, reached second rank at the end of period.
According to the graph, car thefts that occurred in Great Britain varied considerably and faced a significant decline between 1996 to 1999, however, its figures were higher in comparison with others.
The line graph clearly shows that Sweden had a dramatic increase from alittle more than 5 in 1990 to nearly 15 in 1999 and passed France and Canada in 1991.
It is worth mentioning, there was constant fluctuations in car theft rates in France, and the figures of Canada which had been falling until 1993, remained steady to the end.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Given is a graph providig a comparison in the amount of stolen vehicles in four nations during the period from 1990 to 1999. It is evident that 3 nations were in the same range while UK had some striking diffrences from others.

It is apparent from the information supplied that the rate of theft cars in Sweden had a rapid growth and peaks at 1999 with approximately 15 stolen cars. Moreover both, France and Canada, saw considerable fluctuations with lows in 1993 and highs in 1990. That seems the developments in technology and security reduced the rate of stealing.

The UK, meanwhile, fluctuated at somewhere between 15 to 20 cars in this period and followed by a sustained decline after 1996.

It is interesting to note that while the theft rate of France, Canada and Sweden were comparable until 1994, the gap between them widend with the sudden soar in Sweden's rate. While Britain had the highest amount of all without any rest which is such a disappointment for this country.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The graph illustrates robberies per thousand cars in Frabce, Great Britain, Sweden Canada between 1990 and 1999.

Overall, the Great Britain has the highest level of vehicle robberies during this interval. As is shown, the thefts per 1000 vehicles in this country fluctuates. From the beginnig of the period this number increased slightly from around 18 to just under 20 in 1992. After reaching the peak, it plummeted to around 17 in 1993. It rose mildly and hit a peak of 20 in 1996. Then, this number diclined moderately until the end of period.

As can be seen, the number of thefts in Sweden had an upward trend. At first, it went up moderately, then remained unchanged. It increased again and levelled out at around 12 between 1996 and 1998. Then it rose again. The number of robberies in France is approximately between 6 and 8 between this years. At the beginning, the trend was upwards during the first year. Then, it followed by a downward trend. Then, it went up minimally to 8 between 1993 and 1995 and after that, dipped again to around 7.

Canada had almost the least number of theft. At first this number was unchanged at around 7, then it dropped moderately. From 1995 until the last of period, this number increased mildly to around 7.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The graph illustrates that the number of car theft in Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada during 10 years.


Overall, during this period as a whole, there was a slight decline in the number of car theft in Canada while the number of cars stolen in Great Britain were far more than other countries.


Great Britain had the most theft vehicle at the beginning of the period. It reached to a peak of about 20 thousand theft per vehicles. Since then, there has been a fluctuation between 1993 and 1995, and it again reached to a peak of around 20 in 1996. After that increased sharply at the end of this period. In 1990, the car theft was around 9 thousand per vehicle in Sweden after a decline in 1992. The number of theft vehicle increased steady which was from about 9 to 14 thousand theft per vehicle.


The number of car theft in France and Canada followed approximately a similar pattern from 1991 to 1994. In addition, in Canada this figure rose slightly between1994 and 1999. While, the number of theft car fluctuated and then reached in the same quantities in Canada at the end of this period.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The chart is presented to show how many cars per thousand were stolen in four different countries in 1990s. The car robberies took place in three European countries and a North American country. The Great Britain is in way too much higher level in comparison to the other countries.
Sweden started from about 10 cars per thousand in 1990 and at the end of this decade it reached to about 15 cars per thousand. The UK line graph shows ups and downs and the highest rate for this country is recorded in 1996 while from that year a steady fall is obvious. Falling the rate is also noticable for France. On the other hand, Canada experienced a steady rise while the two country, Canada and France, met each other at the same rate in the year before  starting the new century.
The number of car theft per thousand is presented in this line graph in the last decade of 20th century. Two of them showed increase in their records while the two of them recorded decrease.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line chart shows information on the number of car theft in for distinct countries during a 10-year period. As is shown the number of cars stolen per 1000 vehicles in the Great Britain was by far more than other countries, whereas Canada has the lowest car robbery during the period shown. France and Sweden were just between these two.

In 1990, France had the lowest number of car theft among other 3 countries with around 6 thefts per 1000 vehicles. However, this showed an exponential growth, and by 1991 France was the second country in the rate of car robbery and this grow until it reached to 13 per 1000 cars.

The rate in the Great Britain fluctuated during the period, with the two greatest peaks occurring in 1992 and 1993 at 20 cars stolen per 1000. However, the figure at the start and end of the period was the same at around 16 cars. The quantity of car theft in Sweden and Canada remained almost constant at about 7 and 6 stolen cars respectively. 




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.


Dear Martha,

I am writing about the presentation which was about solar power. This presentation played an important role in terms of our office development. I was very lucky since you gave me a valuable book related to this subject that can respond loads of my question.

As I am master in sustainable Ar4chitecture, I prepared a presentation that explained about clean energy and their benefits in modern building. In contemporary era. Preserving supplies is vary significant role for next generation. As far as you know solar panels are able to convert sun lights into electricity which means that it can save loads of sources. The presentation mentioned that the intelligent house can be very beneficial.

the manager of contract department told me they had a meeting with a reputable foreign company. they wanted to conclude a contract to investigate in our new project which was an intelligent house. This cooperation can boost the company and the salary of all the employees will be increased as a result. I, therefore, had to attract them and convince them about that this project is efficient.

 I had a myriad of questions about solar power such as its price and its performance. The book that you gave me could transparent all of my suspicious of the solar panel mechanism and other not clear response. It helped me to add controversial slides that can surprise audience. I could present the best economic justification to persuade them to conclude the contract.


Thank you for your help.

I hope I will be able to compensate it to you.

Best Regard,






A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Hi Michael,

Hope you’ve got over your Covid and be back to work in upcoming week. In fact I am writing to thank you regarding the book you gave me a month ago since it changed my life.That book is truly impressive. I quoted lots of its statements in my presentation and evolved them broadly; so to speaking, that was my anchor. It was about the reasons and effects of mistrust in a community. All sociology students have to prepare such presentation in the last semester and I had chose that topic right off the bat.

On a more positive note, three top students would be given full fund for Master’s degree and I am one of them. A whopping 50000$ fund is worth for everyone to try their hands in such presentation, so the influx of students made that competition a turning point for everyone.

All statistics and subtle clues which it reflects gave me an array of unexpected insights which ended up receiving an A+ score for the presentation. Frankly speaking, I supposed that I would not have a prayer, but when presentation was prepared, the confidence ran through my blood and I believe I am indebted of you. Since you scratched my back, that is my turn to scratch yours and want to invite you to a short two-day trip to Manitoba. 

Call me when you feel better to plan for the trip!





A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

The line graph gives data about car theft in 4 countries over a nine-year period between 1990 and 1999.

Overall, Great Britain had the highest rate of car theft among other countries over the whole period. Sweden showed an upward trend.the rate for Canada and France remained unchanged despite slight fluctuatations.

At the start of the period, Great Britain with 18000 car theft was in the first place, which experienced two peak levels in 1993 and 1997 with around 20000 car theft, but at the end, the number experienced a considerable fall to 16000. For France, despite increasing sharply at first, the figure fluctuated and finish at the same number of the start Point (6000). In Sweden, the number of car theft was 9000 in 1990, which was followed by a slight fall to 8000, and increased considerably until it reached the peak at 14000 car in 1999. There was a significant fall in car theft for Canada, which started at 7000 car and ended to 6000.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Sam,

I’m writing this letter to express my gratitude for you. You might not know why, but the book that you gave me last week, turned out to be very beneficial in a presentation that I had yesterday.

As part of the biology class I’m teaching this semester, I had planned to conduct a presentation on the history of universe, and how evolution works. The presentation was absolutely critical to me and the course, since it aimed to encapsulate the syllabus that I’m going to cover this term. Therefore I had put a lot of time and effort into preparing it, however I still felt something was lacking in terms of its comprehensibility. That’s when the book that I borrowed from you came in handy. One thing about the book that really fascinated me, was the sheer simplicity and legibility with which the author had elaborated otherwise indecipherable theories of biology which, in turn, rendered my presentation interesting and enjoyable for students.

Once again, I would like to show my appreciation for giving me the opportunity to experience such a fabulous read.






A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

The line graph illustrate the rate of thousand robbed cars in some countries between 1990 and 1999. Also, it shows thefts vehicles in four continents that contain Great Britain, Sweden, France, Canada during nine years.
The initial impression from the graph is that the most number of cars that robbed, is related to Great Britain through 9 years. Moreover, in 1990 the last of robbed cars was about Sweden with nearly 7000 cars. However, this number had an upward tendency until 1999. Further, in Canada the rate of thefts vehicles had a downward tendency and in 1993 stabilized. Also, the most number of these cars in 1990 was in France and had a vawe in continuesly. 
Meanwhile, the number of those vehicles in Canada and France were the same in 1999 by 6000 cars. Also, in 1991, 8000 vehicles were theft in Sweden and France.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Sara


I am writing this letter to appreciate you because of your help giving me the book I needed for my presentation last week. 



As you know I am a senior student of master degree in electrical engineering and in last semester we should defend our thesis in front of our instructors. My thesis was about "Image Processing", not only does it need to knowledge about electronic but I had to study some mathematic theory of statistic, which I awful at it, to process input images to system correctly.



 My thesis was about a fully automatic face detection used in secret doors of offices and banks. The method of this idea was simulated with MATLAB software and I finally implemented it on PCB board.



The book you gave me was brilliant, solving my problem I have been struggling for almost three weeks ago. Needless to say I need to finish my graduation to be master in my major and get promoted in my work position, so your guidance means a lot to me. I defended my thesis thanks to your generous help yesterday.

I hope make it up for you some day, If you need any help I can do for you I am looking forward to hearing as soon as possible.


Yours sincerely



Ali Najib

General Madule




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

The graph compares the car robbery per thousand in four different countries including Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada from 1990 to 1999.

Overall, there was a highest amount of car theft in Great Britain during the period. While, the figure for Sweden saw a dramatic increase, the figure for France and Canada showed fluctuation during 9 years.

At first, Great Britain stood at 18 theft per thousand vehicles, after which it rise significantly to reach about 20 in 1992. In following year, it experienced a considerable decline to 17. Then , it surged substantially to hit a peak at 21 in 1996 before a dramatic drop in last year.

In 1990, Sweden stood at 8 which is followed by a moderate growth to 12 until 1996. It reminded stable during next 2 years, then it experienced a marked increase in last year to reach about 15. The figures for France and Canada fluctuate widely throughout the period.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The graph displays the amount of robbers for each thousand cars in Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada in a decade from 1990 to 1999.


Overall, Canada, France and Great Britain had seen a decrease in percentage of robbing machines during 10 years.  In contrast, Sweden experienced a considerable rise in this period.


It is noticeable that Great Britain ranked the top level of unsecure country for vehicle’s owners compared to Sweden, France and Canada. In 1990 the rate of big car robbing was at least 3 times above the other countries. Although it saw some fluctuates, overall the Great Britain remained on the highest number of thefts of cars and at the end of 1999 the percentage of the robbers decreased.


In 1990, other countries: France, Canada and Sweden allocated a number around 6, 7 and 8 thousand car robbers respectively. After that Sweden saw a fall in 1991 then went up significantly. France had two rises and falls, but finally in the year 1999 the amount of car thefts relatively remained intact. Canada had a three-step decline. The year between 1990 and 1991 stayed in a same level then had a dramatic decline from 1991 to 1993, after that saw a gradual growth up to 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given graph demonstrates the proportion of car theft in four European countries from 1990 to 1999 and in this essay, the main details are highlighted. Among other mentioned countries, Great Britain has always had the biggest proportion of car theft while France and Canada are at the bottom of the list in this regard. It is blatantly obvious that Sweden is in second place. 


Nearly, more than 17000 cars were stolen in 1990 in Great Britain and this trend increased slightly to 20000 vehicles from 1990 until the late of 1992. After 1992, the number of stolen cars plummeted sharply, then again in the late of 1993, this trend started to go up in a steady way until 1993. This trend began to decrease from 1996 to 1999 in a gradual way. 


In comparison to France and Canada, the number of stolen vehicles in Sweden was much more; approximately a little less than 10000 cars were reported stolen whereas the proportion of stolen cars were much lower in the first mentioned countries. After 1990, this trend started to diminish slightly until the late of 1991, then it began to rise fairly steadily till the mid 1996 up to about 13000 cars. The number of stolen cars neither decreased nor increased from the mid 1996 till 1995 for three years. Finally, in the last phase this trend increased somehow sharply between 1995 and 1996 (up to slightly less than 15000 cars). 


The proportion of stolen vehicles in Canada didn’t show any particular changes between 1990 and 1991 with almost 75000 stolen cars. After 1991, this trend deducted really fast to 5000 stolen vehicles until late of 1993. In the next period (from 1993 to 1999), this trend increased extremely slightly which is truly negligible. 


France had the lowest rate in relation to car theft with a little more than 5000 stolen cars in 1990, then this trend skyrocketed sharply until late of 1991. An interesting coincidence was that the proportion of stolen vehicles in France and Sweden became as equal as each other in late 1991. From 1992 to 1999, this trend fluctuated steadily; it went up and down in a predictable way. 


As it is evident, the given graph illustrates car theft rate between 1990 and 1999 in four European countries including Great Britain, France, Canada and Sweden. It is tried to elaborate all the crucial features related to this graph as much as possible in this essay.  




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph demonstrates the number of thefts occurred per thousand vehicles over a 10-year period ending in 1999 in four cited countries: Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada.

As it can be seen from the graph, there was a particularly wide gap between the results concerning Great Britain and the three other countries. The figures show that Great Britain’s robberies ranged from a low of 15 to a high of 20 in mentioned decade, with modest rise and fall.

As regard of France and Canada, almost similar patterns were seen. Initially, France had higher amount of car thefts (almost 8) in comparison with Canada (almost 7). In the following, the same trend continued, more or less steady, until they both reached the number 6 in 1999. 

Regarding Sweden, it had the lowest rate of car thefts at the beginning of period but the number of robberies per thousand tended tu increase since then, as far as it equaled the number of car thefts in France (almost 7) in 1991. Again, it continued to increase with a low slope and peaked at quite 14 per thousand in 1999.

In short, the figures suggest that Great Britain had the highest rate of car thefts, during the whole period, among all countries. On the other hand, there was Sweden with lowest rate at the start point, which tended to increase in car robberies rate and occupy the second position on theft car rate. Canada and France had the lowest rate with a quite straight slope.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

A glance at the line graph provided reveals some striking similarities between Great Britain, Sweeden, France, and Canada in terms of stealing per thousand vehicles from the year 1990 to 1999. All in all, it can be evident that these nations saw roughly downward fluctuations in theft rate, though, Sweeden had a considerable upward during this period.

 To begin with, in Sweeden, a marked increase from less than 10 in the year 1990 to approximately 13 in 1996 can be seen, nonetheless, it had a steady ratio of about 13 until 1998 and then grew to nearly 15 in 1999.

 Furthermore, Canada and France have had a similar rate at starting and ending about 3 during this period in total. However, a little more committing theft in vehicles can be viewed in France.

 Ultimately, Great Britain saw a fluctuation between almost 16 and 20 throughout these years, while this variation has been lower in 1999 than at the start of the interval in 1990.

 It is interesting to note that Great Britain has a significant gap with other countries in terms of the higher rate of thefts in vehicles.

Samane Gholami (AC)




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph compares four countries in terms of vehicle theft over aa decade from 1990 to 1999.

Apparent from the graph, United Kingdom reported by far the most car thefts during this period of time. It can also be seen that the overall trend for all countries, except for Sweden, experienced fluctuations.

The data for Sweden shows that unlike other regions, they saw a great growth in terms of the number of motor vehicles stolen. The figures for said country rise steadily from just above 5000 to approximately 15000. The number of cars stolen in the Great Britain oscillates between almost 18000 and something slightly over 20000.

Showing considerable similarities in this matter, the numbers for France and Canada show minimal volatility. While France reported the least vehicle theft in 1990, their figures climbed to approximately 7000, making Canada the country with the least number of cars stolen for the rest of the decade.


Mhammad Reza
Mhammad Reza


The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The comparing statics of rubbed vehicles in four countries every December of years 1990 to 1999 is illustrated.

Overall, although there are some fluctuations in France and Canada, they experienced more stable and maintained conditions rather than Great Brittain, during the aforementioned period. However, the rubbed vehicles per thousand one them go up almost steadily in Sweden.

For Swedish people, there are two decrements from 1990 to 1993 and 1995 to 1999, while there is also an increment between 1993 and 1995. However, the total result of the process is going down from 8 vehicles to 6. Canadian people have a diminishing from 7 to 5 and a growth of 5 to 6 vehicles per 1000 vehicles.

Great Brittain has the same situation as France but on a larger scale. The difference between peaks and minimum of its. It has a decrement the most minimal change of 18 to 17 vehicles among the countries, through the years.

On the other hand, Sweden has the most enormous change among them, starting at 6 vehicles and ending at 13 vehicles. In the three periods of 1990-1991 and 1994-1996 and 1998-1999, the numbers rocket up rather than the others.





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given is a graph depicting the numbers of car robberies happening in four collected countries such as Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada during one decade from 1990. It is clear that the range of theft in Great Britain had been the highest in all the years in this chart.

France and Canada have had the lowest quantity of stealing cars among them whereas they fluctuated between 5 and 10 and also the total trend of them is falling. The number of Sweden increased significantly from above 5 to 10 until 1995. Next, it remained the same as much as almost 12 per thousands and finally it rose to just under 15 in 1999. Furthermore, at first Great Britain had the swing for 6 years from 1990 and additionally it reached two peak points as 20 per thousands in 1992 as well as 1996. After that, it experienced a decrease to only above 15 in the final year at the chart.

Totally, the difference between Great Britain and Sweden had been falling for one decade in the lately of 20th century. But, Great Britain has stayed in the most quantity of theft in thousand until 1999. In addition, Sweden has passed from France and Canada since 1991.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares the number of cars were thieved in the UK, France, Sweden, and Canada over a period of 10 years. 

Overall, it is clear that the UK had by far the highest number of stolen cars over the whole period shown. Also, the figure clearly demonstrates that the rate of car robbery offence increased considerably in Sweden. 

In 1990, almost 18000 vehicles were thieved in Britain. In stark contrast, the rate of car thieving in Sweden, France, and Canada was under 10000. In 1991, the figures for France and Canada decreased slightly and reached to approximately 5000 in 1993 respectively. Surprisingly, the trend for Sweden increased in 1991, and reached to more than 10000 in 1996. Between 1996 and 1998, the figure for Sweden maintained its level, and then increased slightly to almost 12000 in the last year of the period. Apart from a negligible rise for the rate of car robbery crime in France between 1993 and 1996, the figures for France and Canada maintained their levels around 5000 for the rest of the period. 

By contrast, the rate of car robbery in the UK fluctuated over the period, however, its rate reached again to 18000 in 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The chart indicates the theft of vehicles in the UK, Sweden, France, and Canada over a period of nine years starting in 1990.

Overall, it can be seen that the number of vehicles that were stolen in the UK was the highest ever. In contrast, vehicle thefts in Canada were almost the lowest in the same period. Furthermore, the number of vehicles that were stolen in Sweden has a dramatic growth, but this number for other countries fluctuated during the same time.

Looking at the chart in more detail, it is evident that the number of vehicles which were stolen in the UK was around 18 thefts per thousand vehicles in 1990 and this number after some variation reached 17 thefts per thousand vehicles in 1999. In the same way, this number in Sweden, Canada, and France all fell in the range of 6 to 9 thefts per thousand vehicles in 1990. The car thefts in Canada and France arrived at almost the same, 6 thefts per thousand vehicles in 1999. But, this amount in Sweden raised sharply to almost 14 thefts per thousand vehicles at the end of the period.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph illustrates the number of robbery per thousand vehicles in Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada from 1990 to 1999. A brief glimpse reveals that Great Britain had undertaken the most automobile burglaries during the mentioned decade. 

To commence, France and Canada by standing approximately on the same number (about 6) in the beginning point experienced a same trend concerning to car burglary throughout the mentioned duration. Although Canada maintained in its previous number in 1991, France increased slightly and reached to about 8. However, in the next two years both countries undertook a small decrease to about 5 and 6, respectively. In spite of the fact that after 1993 vehicle robbery rate in Canada increased gradually and reached to 7 in 1999, France after hit a high in 1995, slowly went down and eventually in 1999 stood in the common point like Canada.

Vehicle theft in Sweden substantially increased and reached to about 12 in 1996 as nation with the most car robbery after Great Britain in 1990 (about 8). In the continue, after being stable since 1996 to 1998, it rose and stood in just under 15 at the end of mentioned period.

Great Britain experienced a fluctuated trend by hitting a high in 1992 and 1996 to about 20 theft per 1000 vehicles. Eventually, it stood in about 18 the same number as it used to be in 1990 at the end point.


Seyyed Mohsen
Seyyed Mohsen


The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given graph illustrates thefts per thousands from 1990 to 1999 in four separate nations.


In 1990, car thefts rate was about 7 per thousands in Canada and this decreased at an quite rapid rate reaching approximately 5 per thousands in 1993 before increased slightly to 6 per thousands in 1999. In Sweden, however, the rate of car thefts was about 8 per thousands in 1990 and it reduced slightly to 7 per thousands in 1991, but increased quite massively to 12 per thousand in 1996. During 1996 and 1998 the car thefts rate remained static over this period before the substantial rise in 1999. (14 per thousands)


In Great Britain, on the other hand, car thefts climbed dramatically from 18 per thousands in 1990 to about 19 per thousands in 1992 and it decreased with a rapid rate to 17 per thousand in 1993. In 1996, it reached its peak which was 20 per thousand and next, it reduced to below the starting level in 1999. It can be seen that France followed the same pattern but with a lower rate of car thefts. It was about 5 per thousands in 1990 and the increased to a peak 1991 and finally it reached approximately its starting point.


Overall, the number of vehicle thefts per thousands in Great Britain, France, and Canada decreased during the period of 1990 to 1999. In Sweden, on the other hand, there seems to be a different pattern that shows an increase during in car thefts form 1990 to 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares the number of car robberies (in thousand) in four different countries over the course of ten years.


It is clear that Great Britain led other countries in car thefts in all years. Sweden figure experienced the greatest rise in compared with other countries.


It is shown that Great Britain figure fluctuated between 15000 and 20000 during the period shown: however it still accounted for the highest car robberies all the time. At the beginning of the period, although the number of car thefts was lower that other countries at about 8000, it grew gradually, overtook Canada and France line in the following years and reached a plateau at roughly 15000 in the final year after it remained static between 1996 and 1998.


 France figure fell and rose in a narrow range from approximately 6000 and 7000 in the first half of the period given. Then it went down steadily reaching at the level it was in the first year (some 6000 cases). The number of cars which were stolen in Canada was nearly 7000 in 1990; its figure represented a decline by almost 2000 in the first half of the decade. Then it rose marginally and met the France line in the last year.


Maryam Saati/ AC





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.


The given line graph compares the number of car theft in some countries, named France, Sweden, Canada, and Great Britain, over nine years from 1990 to 1999.

At first glance, it is clear that the two countries, including France and Sweden, experienced an upward trend, while Canada faced a downward trend throughout the given period.

According to the information, at the beginning of the time frame (1990), France had the lowest number of theft cars, but during this interval, the figure for theft vehicles increased slightly, in addition, Sweden experienced the same trend, and also this country had second-ranked in the number of car theft during these years.

However, in 1990, Canada was the third country in this comparison in terms of measuring car theft, and at the end of the interval, it had a slight decrease. As well as in 1999, both of these countries, named France and Canada had the same and lowest thefts, also the highest number of car theft was devoted to Great Britain during these years, and it was almost steady at the end of time.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares four countries in terms of their car theft numbers between 1990 and 1999. It is obvious that, more vehicles have been stolen in Great Britain than others.  

It can be seen from the graph that, the cases of thefts in Great Britain, as the highest one, after a period of fluctuation reached to a pick of 20 per thousand vehicles in 1996 but in three years considerably decreased nearly to the same point as it was at the beginning. In Sweden, the amount of thefts slightly reduced in the first year but continuously rose to till 1996 and leveled out during two later years. In the last year (1999), Swedish car thefts suddenly rose to just under 15 per thousand vehicles.

The graph shows that, in France, the car theft number has fluctuated over the nine year given period, interestingly staying at the same level as approximately as it was at first. Finally, in Canada, while the theft cases decreased significantly from 1990 to 1993 and fell to 5 per thousand, it moderately increased year to year and reached to the equal level of France in 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line chart provides the comprehensive information regarding the number of vehicles which were stolen in 4 countries from 1990 to 1999.

overall, it is starkly apparent that the number of stolen cars in Great Britain and France had decreased after many fluctuations. However, this data had increased sharply and gradually in Sweden and Canada respectively.

Initially, in Great Britain, the number of cars stood at 18 per thousand in 1990. It was gone up to 20 thousand after 2 years. This number was fluctuated widly and reached the plateau to over 20000 in 1996. However, it had descended to the figure for stolen vehicles was the third highest among the four countries with some fluctuations in range of 5000.

A closer look at the charts reveals that the cars which thefts in Sweden was under 10 thousand in 1990 and it had a upswing suddenly to near the Great Britain before 2000. Canada illustrated the moderate slump between 1990 and 1993. After this period of time, the cars were stolen slightly and it seems remained unchanged.

sara mazaheri ac




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The graph illustrates the number of vehicles which were stolen from 1990 to 1999.

Overall, what stands out from the graph is that the rate of car theft in Great Britain is significantly higher than other countries through this period. Although French and Canadian people have experienced different numbers of car theft, eventually they had the same number of stolen cars in 1999. Furthermore, Swedish people underwent an upward trend.

Looking at cars were stolen in the UK, the figure was approximately 1800 at the starting point of this period, which was almost twice of other countries. After some fluctuations, it reached to 20000, then it declined to around 16000 cars in 1999. Moreover, Sweden with minimum number of car theft among others in 1990, went through an upward trend and reached 15000.

Focus on France and Canada, whereas the former had more stolen cars than the latter, they nearly experienced same trend and after a number of fluctuations, they converged into roughly 6000 car thefts.    





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The graph gives information about the number of car thefts in different four countries of world from 1990 to 1999. Overall, the car thefts in Great Britain (GB) were much higher than in other three countries. While the rate of cars stolen in Sweden was lower than the France and Canada, witnessing a moderate increase.


Moving to more detail analysis, the number of car stolen in Canada and France was  7000 and 8000 in 1990 respectively. While in France ,car thefts fluctuated, standing at 75000 vehicles in 1999, Canada experienced a graduate increase and stood at 75000 in 1999. Both countries followed fairly similar trends.

With regards to Sweden, this country had the lowest car stolen, was 51000 cars, after graduate rise, Sweden and France stood at 9000 number of vehicles. The time frame between the middle of 1992 and 1993, Great Britain saw a slow fall in car thefts in 175000. Car stolen in GB increased considerably, standing at 2000, Followed by a significant decrease to 16000 in 1999.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, the number of unfit and overweight people has increased. Some say that to tackle this drawback sport curriculums in the educational system should be compulsory, while others think sports would affect only people exercising with their own decisions. In my opinion, sports have positive impacts, even done by force.

On the one hand, placing restrictions on sports in educational establishments would help people be fit. That is to say, physical activitiy plays a key role to enhancing people's health, doing it either voluntary, or mandatory. Firstly, students not interested in sports have to do them regularly in schools because of its rules, the risk of overweighing in the future would be less for them. So, the more sports they do, the healthier they might be in the years ahead. Secondly, in some cases, people are not content with something at first, but after some time, they are attracted by it. For instance, consider a boy who does not like football, were his coach to encourage him, the student might be keen on football and place a premium to doing it, which is beneficial for his body.

On the other hand, some believe that compulsory sports have no impact on people. This means that exercising only because of rules, is not helpful to prevent overweighting. Consider a student as an example, who does not tend to sport, and is not serious in his practising, so that sport is not efficient for him. Although, even this kind of practice has little influence.

To sum up, it is sport which is one of the solutions for addressing the growing number of overweight and unfit people. I think both compulsory and voluntary sports could solve this problem.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line gragh given illustrates the number of stolen vehicles per thousand in four nations including Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada over a decade between 1990 and 1999.

A glance at the graph reveals that although Great Britain had by far the highest rate of car theft, the rest of the countries showed a closer trend based on the statistics.

When it comes to the beginning of the period, Great Britain had roughly 18000 car theft in 1990, while it is followed by Sweden at nearly 8000, Canada at 7000 and France at 6000. All countries experienced fluctuations during the decade for example, taking Great Britain into account, the figures rose to 20000 in 1992 then fell for a year and again increased to more than 20000 in 1997, but it showed a falling trend at the end of the period.

Considering Sweden, the figures started growing until the year 1996 at more than 10000, then they remaind unchanged for three years, it went up to more than 12000 in 1999 though. Canada's vehicle theft rate demonstrated a falling trend by reaching 5000 from 8000 in 1993. However, the figures went through a slight increase until they reached 6000 in 1999. Finally, France's car theft rate showed more fluctuations by starting at 6000 and moving up to 8000 in 1991, then the numbers went down until 1993, went up to 8000 again in 1995 but the figures remained volatile in the whole period until it experienced a fall in the end.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph provides information concerning the numbers of automobiles stolen in four countries (UK, Sweden, France, and Canada) over a 9-year period (1990–1999). 

Overall, it is evident that rate of car theft in most of the given countries slid into a decline with the exception of Sweden; Moreover, the number of cars stolen in the Great Britain was significantly higher than the other countries. 

It can be seen that British people experienced the most car theft throughout the period, starting at nearly 18000 cars; Despite the mild fluctuations in the middle, the figures for the UK stood relatively high ending at 16000.

The initial rate for Sweden was the lowest of all the other given countries, standing just above 5000. The number of cars stolen in Sweden, however, witnessed an exponential increase, having reached to almost three times as much as its starting figure by the end of the period. 

Turning to the remaining countries, the initial digit for both Canada and France were rather low, approximately 6000 and 7000 respectively. Both countries followed a similar trend until the later half of 1993 but the gap between their lines widened from 1994 to 1998 before finishing at the same point in 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph compares the rate of stolen conveyance per thousand among Great Britain, Sweden, France and Canada in a ten-year period from 1990 to 1999. At first glance, it can be clearly seen that the number of stolen vehicles in Great Britain are considerably higher than other countries through the whole period. 

To begin, in 1990, Great Britain was the most unsecure country for conveyances as the number of thefts in it accounted for 17 per thousand, far more than others while Sweden ranked second at 9 in a thousand. In the same year, the rate in Canada and France stood slightly less than that of Sweden at 6 and 7 theft, respectively. Over the whole period, Great Britain experienced a fluctuated trend in theft rate which peaked at 20 in 1n 1997 and finally reached to 17, the same with the beginning of the period.  In a stark contrast, in Sweden the rate witnessed an upward trend over the period and reached to 15 stealing in per thousand in 1999, twice the rate in 1990. regarding France and Canada, although the trend slightly fluctuated in both countries over the period, the trends was approximately identical and reached to equal rate at 6 per thousand in 1999.    




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Due to the increase in obesity worldwide, some people have advocated that the addition of physical education should be a necessity while others argue for a more voluntary approach. I would argue that taking these drastic measures will be more impactful because it will eliminate obesity and its detrimental effect in a more urgent manner. 

Staying indoors and online learning in the comfort of one's home, have stemmed and limited the physical activity of students. This not only has health consequences but also terrible effects on the mental health and self-confidence of learners. For example, a recent study has shown that physical activity releases happiness hormones such as dopamine and endorphins which are highly corollated with happiness. Generally, speaking, if children do not get intermittent and regular doses of these chemicals, they will become sad, lazy, and lethargic. To put it another way, if learners do not get them, it will make fewer children and more like lazy zombies that do not find fulfillment in their lives.

When arguing about this subject we should also consider that children already have a copious amount of courses that are forced upon them by the education system. Students regularly have to get meet a certain threshold when it comes to school work and exams for subjects like math, physics, and french. These courses have been added to the curriculum because they are beneficial to students. Therefore, arguing for the addition of another set of courses that target the physical aspect of students' lives is a very pragmatic and logical idea. For example, Sweden has made it mandatory for students to visit the Swedish mountains to ski and snowboard which initially received backlash from the locals. These new rules resulted in an increase in drive and motivation and also the most common mental health measures of Swedish students. These obvious improvements rapidly changed the mind of the parents that would previously argue against these types of rules. 

To conclude, I have argued that forcing the students to be more physically active is better despite all of the backlash from the opposition since being more active makes the children less sad and saturnine. These types of regulations are not anything new with regard to the education system and are an inherent part of it therefore, adding them to current rules would not be difficult




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is said that sports have played a vital role in human lives. Some individuals argue that all educational centers should make some compulsory sports courses for students because of the growing number of individuals who are not fit and struggle with being overweight. In contrast, others believe that this manner can be associated with some side effects for students. I will discuss both viewpoints as well as give my own opinion.
On one hand, Compulsory sports courses in educational institutions can lead to some advantages for students in the short and long terms. First, it can lift students' moods and make them refresh, which decreases their stress and anxiety as well as the risk of mental diseases among them. So, this approach can directly link with the improvement of mental health in the short term. In addition to a short-term benefit, it can bring a long-term advantage for them in the future. This is because the amount of fat will decline in their body when they exercise and will have a better body shape in the long term, which will increase their self-esteem and self-assurance. In addition, if someone has a better body shape, he can find easier both finding a gorgeous partner and a suitable job.
On the other hand, some argue that this manner can be associated with some disadvantages and only voluntary sports programs can improve students' fitness. The first cause for this point of view is that compulsory physical courses embarrass students who do not fancy sports, which will decrease the probability of doing sports for these individuals in the future. Another reason is that some students are struggling with diseases such as heart and lung illnesses, and these compulsory sports may act as deadly activities for them, which usually goes up the risk of premature death.
In conclusion, I agree with the view that compulsory sports programs in educational centers for students can have some benefits such as improve their health status in the short term as well as self-assurance in the long term. However, some argue that voluntary sports programs can only be efficient for students' fitness because compulsory ones can increase the risk of premature death and decline the motivation of some students to do sports in the future. But I think that educational institutions can handle these problems by giving rewards to the students who do not like sports as well as doing strict medical monitoring on those struggling with diseases.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It has been argued that since the rate of overweight is unprecedented during last decades, educational system should involve obligatory sport courses in curriculum. However, there is no unanimous consent on wether this opinion encourage people’s engagement in sports activities as, conversely, the shame of not doing exercise voluntarily may make pupils reluctant. Nevertheless, I personally, believe that the compulsory sport can be beneficial for students. 

Considering the effectiveness of making exercise compulsory in all institutions, some people debate that implementing this program will not be a persuasive factor, as expected, for promoting sports participation. This is based on the embarrassment of not doing exercise intentionally compare to other athletically skilled participants. For instance, there was a high school classmate of mine who tended to escape exercise hours because she felt shameful about her disability in running and not being chosen by other students to be a member of their sports group. This is not an unsolvable problem, though. In fact, in order to tackle this issue, compulsory sport schedules should include more than one type of sport. Therefore, students can choose their favourite one which they are good at. 

On the other hand, obliging pupils to take physical education courses affords the opportunity of experiencing various sports activities which provides an appropriate basement to spark the longing toward doing exercise for the ones who are not ambitious enough to intentionally allocate their time on sport. This obligation can even flourish the hidden talents in sport and inspire one to continue a particular sports activity as future job. All of these developmental impacts assist the enhancement of sports participation in society and reduce the rate of overweight. 

In conclusion, although making sport a compulsory part of educational system may discourage incapable individuals, by optionalizing the type of sport that they should take courses of, this problem will be alleviated and others can take advantage of compulsory exercise. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In the general population it is argued that owing to the increasing number of fat people, working out should be mandatory in educational institutions. Other say that people should decide to do sport on their own and mandatory exercises make students to be unsatisfying about doing sport. I am convinced that mandatory exercises can bring about many impeccable results.

To begin with, the more students work out in their schools, the more healthy society may be emitted.A healthy nation can be created if its students possess of mental and physical health and these criteria are associated with doing sport since it has profound effects on students’ brain so their cognitive may be boosted. In this case, they make decisions better than others ,besides, their educational status would be reach the top owing to the fact that working out accerlates the brain function. Schools have an obligation to make it mandatory by dedicating particular time to do sport in the schools. For instance, an educational organization can incorporate the sport sessions into the curriculum, hence, scholars take up the exercises as a part of their schedules not as a extra task. This is to say, mandatory sport sessions can make students more confident and upgrade their well-being.

Moreover, if this decision be voluntary, fatness among students will be rised. Being students, they are heavily loaded with their core subjects so they can not allocate adequate time to do the exercises and they may be oriented to become obese and unfit. Not only does the voluntary decision to do sport make the students overweight, but also it brings about plenty of mental issues namely, boredom, exhaustion and such like. Furthermore, due to the fact that working out nourishes the brain, if pupils take it for granted, they can not concentrate on their main syllabus in school, thus, their educational situation can be deteriorated. With all the above, the hazards of voluntary decision to work out should not be neglected.

By way of conclusion, highly vital as scholars’ decisions are, but the significance of doing sport is more crucial that should be imposed in educational centers.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Fitness and weight control are arguable topics these days among different groups of people. Some claim that exercising must be mandatory and everyone must be forced into working out. However, others believe compulsory activities in general, make people detest the mentioned activity. I strongly agree with the latter group and I think encouraging people to work out, students in particular, must be replaced with putting them under the pressure to make sure to keep exercising in their educational program.
Doing sports is a great activity to dedicate time to it. First and most important of all, it helps people to lose weight. Many youngsters and children suffer from obesity and it can cause certain diseases like high pressure blood in the future. Therefore, by including exercise in their daily routine, they can fight against obesity. Second of all, it is proven that while exercising some hormones (for instance, endorphins) are released. Consequently, energy levels boost and students will be more motivated to continue studying for the rest of the day.
On the other hand, everyone tends to have a saying in activities they must perform and they want to have enough freedom to make decisions. So, obligatory physical activities might lead students to lose motivation and put exercising aside. However, they can be encouraged to work out at schools by some easy approaches. For example, in general, children enjoy doing activities with their friends. By providing training centers and gyms at schools, they would be volunteered to participate to do sports.
To conclude, my point of view is that the best solution to the problems of obesity and lack of exercise among children is to facilitate schools with various sports equipment and then, encourage them to work out or spend some time doing simple physical activities.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Since more and more children have become obese recently, some people say that educational authorities should make sports a mandatory part of education. Others, including me, however, believe that such compulsory programs can sabotage children's self-confidence and therefore are not the optimum solution. 


On the one hand, an increasing proportion of children have not engaged with physical activity almost at all, so they do not know if they like any type of sport or not. And many think that enforced to engage various sport types, some children could find interest in some sports and as a result become fit after a while. A lazy student who is obligated to try playing tennis in school for the first time might become interested in it and enrol in tennis clubs to exercise on a daily basis which helps him or her to reduce their weight eventually. There are other aspects to this approach, however, that can have negative impacts on children in my opinion which is why i do not agree with this view. 


Many others, myself included, believe that enforcing these young people to participate in sport programs can be to the detriment of their self-esteem on the other hand. The reason for this is that any kind of compulsory task narrows down the sense of autonomy in human beings and therefore, reduces self-confidence consequently. Furthermore, if a child who is forced to do sports cannot show an aptitude, he or she would be embarrassed in front of their counterparts and this can result in a huge detrimental impact on his or her emotional well-being. For instance, enforced to play basketball in school, An overweight pupil who cannot jump high enough or run fast enough could be devastated and embarrassed, which is why I side with those who are of the opinion that such programs should not be mandatory but voluntary.


In conclusion, although some claim that to tackle the common obesity among children, educational institutes should force them to exercise, I agree with those who hold the view that mandating these children can end up damaging their confidence, thus, it is not a good method to help children become more fit. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don’t like sport.

Agree or not with opinion

The subject of doing sport by force has been a controversial one throughout the world. Many people believe that doing sport as compulsive in educational centers is advantageous, while others disagree with this notion. I agree with it and in the upcoming paragraphs I shall discuss my point of view in detail. 


During recent times, obesity has been considered as one of the indispensable problems for governments across the world. Because governments have to spend high amount of their budget to cure fat people who get myriad diseases such as blood pressure, movement problem, heart attack and etc. For example, as recent investigation, in my country has been spent about one-third of tax to health care, however it can be expended in construction projects. 


Secondly, another noteworthy concern here is the psychological effects. Not to mention that recently, people are encouraged to be fit. Although encouragement of students to be exactly fit is not accepted by psychologists and doctors, gaining weight in proper range and doing sports depend on individuals’ age, gender and etc, are advised. As fat people suffer huge psychological problems. Never could they wear whatever they like or are in fashion. Also, their activities will be limited, experience out of breath sooner than others. All of these reasons cause a sense of shame in them and consequently they may be solitary. 


Having put forth all of the substantial arguments, it is clear that doing sport as compulsory should be made in educational centers because not only does it decrease the financial allocations to cure fat people, it can cause more self-confidence and self-esteem which will prevent serious psychological problems.

Nasrin Roshani(AC)




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Our modern lifestyle has brought some challenges which obesity is among them. Some people argue that sports should be mandatory for students, others, however, believe that having a forced plan for sports could not result in decreasing overweight, and students would not do sport by legislation. While the second group's reasons sound rational, I think we do not have another efficient way to tackle this problem, at least in a short time. 

Sports could be mandatory and still interesting for students if officials provide some measures to make them more acceptable. Not all students are appealed to sports types providing in schools, so it seems necessary that authorities should present facilities for more various range of sports. Therefore, we will probably see more students who are doing sports. For example, football which is the main sport provided for students is not interesting for all of them, and if educational centers bring yoga and fitness facilities, more of them would do sport. 

Although I agree with the inefficiency of forced activity specially for young people, there is no other way to face the problem as it is changing into a crisis in some societies. Besides, we should convey and teach this fact to young people that all tasks could not be interesting, and we force to do many things in our lives which may not be our favorite. This could help students to not just think about the entertaining and fun aspects of doing sport, but the undeniable benefit of it makes it necessary for us. Schools and families could encourage the young generation to participate in sports activities for their health, and maybe they will afterward thank them for this decision. 

In conclusion, because of the significant impact of doing sport on health, and the increasing number of overweight people, it seems there is not other way to solve the problem in short term, but making sport appealing for students at education centers. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people believe that students should be forced to do exercises to stop the increasing rate of obesity. However, some others argue that doing exercises will merely be beneficial when students select it based on their own will. As far as doing sport is involved, the latter opinion can make sense for various reasons.

To begin with, those who favor the compulsory physical activities suppose that if students are made to do them, whether they will find it appealing or, at least, they will have a minimum activity per week. As a consequence, more calories will be burnt, and thus it will contribute to weight control and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which is not really true due to the fact that the more pressure that is put on students, the less satisfactory the results will be. Needless to say, a large part of physical disorders stems from unhealthy habits and mental problems, which are not dealt with in this solution.

On the other hand, those who favor in voluntary physical activities assume that this problem, being unfit, is a multi-aspect challenge. Therefore, it can only be tackled through a comprehensive action including encouraging students to become more active. For instance, they can set role models by being given financial help in terms visiting some inspiring matches in the stadiums. This way, not only will they enjoy physical education in school, but also they are more likely to pursue a personal training program in the future, regardless of what career they embark on.

In conclusion, although the idea of compulsory physical activities in students may lead them to be more active, this approach will not provide them with a stable passion and only can have a limited effect. Therefore, if a healthy upbringing is aimed, education should not be forced.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is contended that because of increasing the rate of unfit and fat individuals sports ought to be mandatory in every educational system. Others argued that being a volunteer could help people to be fit. But obligatory physical education could make them shy and they turn away because it is not their favorite. I will be explaining my point of view in forthcoming paragraphs.

Generally, the sport has many advantages that could help for boosting their efficiency. Presumably, it is the requirement to be more healthy. The more they do activities, the more they increase their power, which could make the students more talented and it might bring a brighter perspective to them. Sport has a direct impact on learning which might control energy intensity. As a practical example, students sometimes are at an unmanageable level that teachers couldn't make them care about their lesson. Doing sport can brilliantly manage them.

Additionally, making the sport mandatory might bring some conflict. All humans have the right to choose everything themselves, making obligatory sports might not be a competent item. Some students don't have any special skills in it, it would make them disappointed. Probably it has a significant impact on their mood when they observe, their classmate are more capable than them. However, some student could change their lifestyle for being at the top.

In light of these facts, sports have many merits that could help your health. And Making compulsory sports could bring some changes for the student




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

A grave problem in the recent days are ever-increasing obesity among individuals. It is argued by some groups that setting a schedule in educational centers which oblige pupils to participate in sport activities may improve the situation; however, it is a concern for others that the taken approach may distant them further from sports by making them feel embarrassed in front of their peers. There is a debate in this regard which will be viewed in follow.

The supprter of the idea of obligatory exercise in educational establishments state that, firstly, due to the students tight schedule nowadays, making time for unnecessary activities such as exercising is rather difficult, if not impossible. Therefor, having sport in the curriculum would be a fitting solution. Secondly, it can be seen that, the students suffering from overweight often lacked the required determination and encouragement to take action against their physical issue. Hence, making them to do sports would possibly push them through the first difficult steps on a route to a more healthy lifestyle.

Conversely, those who oppose the view of compulsary exercising in educational facilities cite that, in the first place, individuals health might be put at a high risk if the movement of the sport expected of them to do, would not be suitable for them physically. For example, Sports with high physical impacts seems to affect the heart or other vital organs of an obese on excessive pressure which may result in stroke or other fatal physical reactions. In second, while being obliged to take part in sporting benefits pupils physically, it may be detrimental from psychological perspective. Not having the ability to move as fast and delicate as the classmates due to their obesity may embarrass them gravely. It is a possibility that, they be crushed mentally by it to the point to feel unconfident and incapable compared to the other which may lead to them avoiding any form of sports to save themselves from embarrassment.

In conclusion, it appears that the benefits of the obligatory exercising overweight the negative impacts, if is performed under an expert’s surveillance.






Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In modern times, the issue of the importance of sports in school curriculum has become highly controversial. While it can be argued that it plays a crucial role in losing students' weight, another opinion is that it should not be as obligatory as other lessons are. This essay will examine both sides of the argument and provide an overall opinion.


Generally speaking, there are a wide variety of reasons why people believe that sport is of great importance in school syllabus. Health reasons seem to exceed all other benefits. Not only does working out make students more flexible physically, but it also helps them improve mental health. The more students have an opportunity to participate in sport activities regularly, the more they can achieve their goal. It is because physicians always warn students If they do not pursue a healthy lifestyle, they will be faced with many hardships physically and mentally all of which lead to diabetes, fatty bloods, and depression. In general, underestimating the importance of exercising in schools is not logical.


Despite these arguments, many people feel that students themselves should decide either participate in sport activities or other curriculums based on their talents and tastes. Perhaps the main reason why people are not in favor of obligatory plans is nothing but flexibility. In their opinion, a flexible program aims to make learning environment more enjoyable. The more adaptable an environment would be; the more student would be encouraged to attend the activities. As a result, a school community have right to choose which activity they want to join in.


In conclusion, physical activities of students are very relevant contemporary academic life. Having considered both sides of the issue, I would argue that sport is of great help to keep students fit.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

As a matter of fact, the number of people who are overweighted or unfit is rising.
A range of people believe that doing sport must be mandatory in whole educational institutes for a number of reasons. First and foremost, since performing sport or exercise is really important and useful for citizens and also can be difficult somehow by being compulsory, people lead to know and do it as much as possible. For example, somebody may do not like sport owing to lack of awareness benefits of sport but with this compulsion, their mind can be changed. In addition, it is a fact that some dwellers are lazy than spending time for sport therefore, it can affect their behaviors.
On the other hand, others assert that compulsive physical education excite them negatively while doing physical programs as a volunteer can help them for a range of reasons. First of all, it is noticed that forcing and imposing any conditions causes a defensive reaction which makes this problem worse. It is widely accepted by many of people as well as researchers that performing any plans must be optional to reach the best performance. Moreover, it is kind of impossible to establish a place related to physical training in all institutes or organs. By way of example, sport centers need to minimal facilities to have a suitable acting for that whereas it may not be available everywhere.
Nevertheless, as a conclusion, depending various conditions and cultures, this manner can be changed in spite of the fact that it has been a debate among people that establishing and performing sport should be mandatory or voluntary.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, doing exercise or sports on a regular basis have become rare due to a variety of reasons such as lack of time, working long hours, sedentary lifestyle, laziness, the advent of new technologies and so on. As a result, I totally approve of the idea of making sport a mandatory subject in the education system due to a myriad of reasons which I intend to single out some of the most significant ones in the following paragraphs. 

First and foremost, as the number of people who have ended up suffering from obesity has been on the rise at an alarming rate, some drastic measures should be taken so as to put an end to this trend or at least cut down on the worrying figures because overweightness has had a detrimental effect on people of all walks of society’s health and wellbeing regardless of their age, sex and social class. 

As far as I am concerned, when sport was made compulsory especially at primary schools because most experts believe that skills should be learned from an early age in order to be instilled into people, after a while students would get into the habit of doing exercise and a lot of other sports based on their interests and talents. As a result of this, as time goes on, they not only would realize the importance of being in shape and healthy without complaining about it but also it would turn into an enjoyable activity once they become interested in doing sports. Nevertheless, at first, it might be seem harsh to impose a mandatory subject on students at all levels. 

Furthermore, students’ talents at whichever level they are, would be nurtured, so they might wind up becoming professional sportspeople in the future which could completely turn their lives around which in turn would be beneficial to the whole community because the more healthy and successful people a society has, the better and sooner it can achieve its goals and make huge improvements especially in terms of having great human resources to rely on in the long term. 

Another point worth mentioning is that, doing sports at different ages and stages of their lives can help individuals to improve other aspects of their lives. For instance, it can affect their personal and social lives in a constructive way to such an extent that they become more effective citizens in the future because as the saying goes, “a prepared mind can be found in a prepared body”. So, it can also lead people to study harder and learn other subjects better. 

Finally, doing exercise and sports along with education would prevent individuals from getting a lot of diseases which could pose a threat to their lives, because every day people are prone to heart attacks and other health problems which are rooted in the lack of doing exercise which in turn deter them from leading a healthy, happy and prosperous life. 









Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people believe that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people, sport should be compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away student who don't like sport.

There is concerns about increasing rate of obese individuals which drive some to put exercise as an integrated part of education  curriculum, while opponents state that it is the right of students whether participating in sports classes or not. It seems that mandatory physical workout might not be suitable for all levels of study.

It is crystal clear that, sedentary lifestyles are becoming more popular more than ever,so many societies are facing problems associated with obesity. To address this issue, regular exercise as a mandatory  part of educational systems are widely focused. In other words, both school and university students are required to participate in sport courses. If young people attend actively regular workout, they can be more fit and healthier in comparison with inactive students, for instance. Moreover, these sports classes are intended to foster student's interpersonal skills such as interacting with others, making friends and cooperating in a team work, in particular, for elementary and secondary children.
Others, however, argue that sport activities should be optional as it is a personal interest which might all do not performed well , so feel shy and embarrassing. To put it more simply, some adolescents may not be interested in doing sport  and feel comfortable in the public, especially for young girls at university, thereby, doing compulsory exercise may result in unpleasant outcomes like depression, anxiety and strain.

In my view, although the benefits of a sport-oriented educational system is undeniable, other circumstances like age and gender should be held into account to bring satisfying result. Compulsory sport activities can be justifiable for elementary and secondary schools as a way to push them to be more active both physically and socially while young people at high school and universities are mature enough to make decision for themselves.

To sum up, compulsory PE for all educational level may not lead to suitable result, therefore, it would be better to be mandatory only for elementary and secondary children but optional for high school and university students.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

 Even though to many people enacting a law regarding doing compulsory Sports in all educational centers is a certain way to prevent students from obesity and gaining weight, many beg to differ, maintaining that this rule has counter-productive effects and it is beneficial when it is voluntary. to my view, however, both statements convince me due to some reasons. 


 To be lethargic, overweight, and depressed are some consequences that living in the realm of technology and a steady lifestyle can bring for individuals. since willingness towards a sedentary lifestyle through the bold presence of computer games and the use of ultra-modern gadgets for students is more than adults, besides they are digital natives and it is more simple to do their activities using state-of-the-art technologies rather than traditional tools, mandatory sport is a blessing in disguise which help them to be in shape, moreover lead them a more enjoyable life because by doing workout special hormone called Androphine will be released in their bodies causes happiness and prevent them with depression. 


 Another group of society, on the flip side, believes that compulsory physical activities have counter-productive effects. since facts and figures show that mandatory activities might address a particular problem at first, but in the middle of the path can be detrimental because it restricts human freedom. thus these individuals are of the opinion that if authorities and officials provided students with some innovative ways, such as competition, which pursue them to put the technology behind and do work out, would be more beneficial.


 To sum up, also compulsory sports can be an effective solution to solve the problems of being overweight and obese, in my mind, it is accompanied by devastating consequences such as making chaos in the school by disobeying the rules by students. therefore, it is recommended to make physical activities more interesting for students using some creativity.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

There is no doubt that obesity among students is of utmost importance which should be addressed promptly. Although some believe that it is practical to make sport an obligation in academic settings, I am of the opinion that it may deter students from doing exercise and make the situation worse. This essay will examine reasons and conclusions each idea holds.

Any outer force that pushes a person to do a task implies obligation and it is vastly examined that it never lead to pre-planned targets. When it comes to exercise in order to affecting on fitness of students, it seems more annoying due to physical activity which it demands. This mandatory principals remove more students from sport and they gradually become isolated thanks to not respecting their attitude. They experience undesirable moments in schools and it exacerbates students life during a vicious circle.

From a depth of processing perspective, doing a task on a voluntary basis means that the doer is aware of the importance of that. In other words, voluntary workout is mostly done with enthusiasm and it ends up more satisfying results regarding fitness of body. For example, most of sport players have worked their way up eagerly since they chose their field base on their interests and were not forced to do it. Subsequently, not only fitness is achieved, but also other successful aspects of such route resonate through the sport player’s body and life.

In conclusion, what matters more, is that nothing could be achieved by mandatory regulations, or the result is not satisfactory enough. The only fruitful way to overcome obese is to exhort students to hit to exercise and look at that as an enjoyable task to do regularly.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

An increasing concern for many people around the world is their physical health. It is true that some people think that some mandatory programs have the ability to control overweight people. But some people stand against these kinds of plans. I think that these programs should be optional.

Generally speaking, there is a wide range of reasons why people believe that some obligatory sports programs in school or university could be able to help people lose extra weight. The requirement to keep body fit could be a kind of external motivation to start physical activities in order to lose weight and if this activity is at an educational zoon it would be controlled in the right way. However, this issue may not be fully effective.

On the other hand, those who do not like sports or any other physical exercise should think of another solution for that. First, it is hard to move or do sports for a person who is overweight, so the beginning should create motivation. It could help more than external and forced pressure. Then, this internal motivation will be caused everybody to do other related work to get this target such as to keep tolerating a strict diet. Thus, the most optimum mode for people to lose weight could not be compulsory.

In conclusion, weight loss of people is a topic that raises strong passions on both sides of the argument. Having considered both sides of the issue, I am of the opinion that it is necessary to increase their internal motivation, and I am against forcing them to do this.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, there is an ongoing debate regarding the high rate of obesity globally. It is believed by many people that an increasing number of unshaped and obese individuals doing physical activities should be forced in all educational institutions, while it is thought by others that optional decision to do sport can be beneficial to get the shape, and pupils may be reluctant to do sport compulsorily. I will look at both sides of the argument, and try to draw some conclusions in the last paragraph.

     There are various reasons why people are of the view that doing sport should be forced in schools. Firstly, compulsory exercise can pave way for scholars who prefer to get fit. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of students are unaware of a wide range of exercises and effective impacts on their health, hence they will apparently reap the benefits from being exposure to do regular sport in their schools. Take educational establishments in less developed countries as an example, they have been putting forced and regular sport in students’ schedules, so they get acquainted to do exercise and get fitter. Secondly, mass sport in schools may encourage pupils to get fit. Provided that students are forced to do regular exercise with their classmates, they will seemingly enjoy and spend more time on physical activities. Consequently, collective exercise in educational establishments can increase the level of students’ health.

      However, other people are of the opinion that compulsory exercise may be unhelpful. Some students would prefer to choose alternative methods and activities to get shape. To put it another way, many students have a burning tendency to get stick to their healthy diet due to the fact that they are reluctant to exercise in their schools. For instance, my cousin has zero interest in doing exercise in her school and desires to follow her diet without doing exercise.

   In conclusion, scholars can benefit from forced exercise because of getting familiar with a large number of physical activities and doing exercise with their peers, and the optional decision to do sport can be beneficial because students may prefer to opt for their preferable methods to get fit.





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Methods of lifestyles have been noticeably varied in today’s advanced world, leading to making a majority of students less fit. It would be far-fetched to say that compulsory physical education discourages students who do not like sports. I hold the view that everyone aware of the advantages of exercising, will change the attitude about doing sports. This essay is going to provide some reasons to reinforce the idea.

Being overweight is one of the irrefutable parameters that the majority of societies suffer from, leading to mortal illnesses such as heart disease, blood pressure, and even depression or anxiety. Due to age, students, especially in elementary schools and lower levels, cannot find out the benefits that exercising will bring to themselves. Therefore it will be so effective to teach them about how sports enhance various aspects of their lives, especially their body styles and spirits.

On the other hand, social media, which is accessible on new-age cellphones, makes people, particularly students, show intention to roam in virtual entertainment for several hours, sitting on a chair or sofa. This action leads to conserving calories they receive during the day resulted accumulating fat in their body. In addition, these days, students intend to consume industrially processed food, which possesses high fat, making them overweight. It would be so effective to warn them about the harms of sedentary lifestyles and high-fat food, which severely threatens their health. Due to the implementation of this subject, many professional experts believe that the importance of exercising will be better recognized accompanied by other courses in schools.


As result, it is fair enough to say that teaching students to do sports should be compulsory subjects instead of giving them opportunities to choose exercising as a voluntary activity. Because they do not have sufficient knowledge about the detriments that obesity will create.





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Obesity and overweight are becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s society. Many individuals maintain that in order to tackle this issue, students should be forced to do sports, while others argue that this would be counterproductive, as students may not be willing to do sports. In my opinion, the former statement seems more practical.


To begin with, making exercise obligatory would result in students perceiving it as an important activity. This is to say, if sport is not a mandatory subject, there would not be many students interesting in it. This is because other subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology, and so forth seem more worthwhile to many students as they can pay the way for their higher education. As a result, sports become an insignificant matter in schools, and many students would not even try to work out during their education period. This unhealthy habit of inactivity will probably maintain in their life later on, contributing to un unhealthy society. 


In addition, educating students with respect to physical activities instills the importance of health into them. This is especially important for junior students, as the younger they are, the easier it is to develop healthy habits. By doing so, sports would become an inevitable part of their lifestyles. However, I believe that students should be given the freedom to choose the type of sport they find more appealing. Furthermore, the considerable effects of regular exercise and the risks of a sedentary lifestyle should be taught to students along with doing physical activity. When completely aware of the significance of sports, students would feel proud of exercising rather than being embarrassed. 


In conclusion, I take the view that compulsory physical activities in educational organizations could be an effective step towards mitigating health problems. Nevertheless, the sport type should not be forced and students should be allowed to decide it themselves.  




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some argue that Since the number of unfit and obese population is increasing, people ought to be compelled to exercise in all educational establishments. However, many believe that forced activities can lead to embarrassment and that voluntary exercise is more likely to be beneficial to one's health. I must say I concur with the later.


Firstly, getting fit requires a significant amount of dedication and patience. Therefore, It might take ages for those who are reluctant to exercise, to see desirable results and this would only disappoint them and lead to them turning away from sports altogether.


Moreover, research findings confirm that those who are obese or are considered to be unfit are much more likely to be self-conscious about their bodies and have lower self esteems. Owing to which, putting them in situations where they have to play a certain sport, can make them feel  like they are on display. Thus, adding to their tack of confidence.


However, there are still ways that authorities can encourage the unfit population to take action and start their fitness journey. For instance, schools and other educational establishments can eliminate their elevators or escalators in order for students to use the stairs more often as this can help them become healthier. In addition, access to a personal trainer can be provided for students so they are able to reach out to them whenever they feel the need to. 


To sum up everything that has been stated so far, compelling obese students to play different sports at schools can have several adverse affects on them hence alternatives ought to be adopted. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people are of the belief that according to increasing rate of the obesity between individuals these days, sport should be obligatory in schools and universities but others think that it will not a practical approach and make people hate exercising and people should themselves choose to work out or not. I do agree with latter group, the reasons will be discussed in this essay.


Regular exercising is, to begin with, a personal quality of anyone and it is not acceptable to interfere in personal aspects of people’s life and break their privacy. People should be ordered to obey social laws, like driving regulations, because if they do not admit them others will be hurt and cities will be filled by utter chaos. Whereas exercising is a personal decision for anyone to make. Although it would be perfect for a society to have people who exercise on a regular basis It will not happen in real world. Hens, not only authorities of educational system should not force students to exercise but also, they have to replace alternatives for it like cycling as a joyful activity. Additionally, Teachers have to inform them about the necessity of sport in sedentary lifestyle and what will be the results of being physically inactive. 


Moreover, forcing student to exercise in educational years will not guarantee to keep working out after graduation. It is obvious that students just think about passing their courses with good marks particularly subject like sport. But if authorities try to encourage students to participate in some domestic competition with valuable rewards for the winners maybe they can change student’s mind to take sport more seriously in their lives. They also can manage to form school team in different types of sport like football, basketball and swimming and support students to compete with the other students in their region or whole country or even continental or international games.


To sum up, I think sport should not be compulsory in schools and universities because it is against student’s freedom as sport is a personal issue and It will not a proper solution to force people work out in the future.



Ali Najib

General Module




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

There’s always been a growing number of overweight people all around the world, which brings up the argument about exercising more in younger ages. Sports help with fitness and being healthy, so it’s discussed whether “Physical education” should be compulsory or not. This essay agrees with this matter and backs it up with two reasons: better physical condition in the future and scouting exceptional talents.

With the rise of videogames, many children prefer playing with their gaming consoles rather than having physical activities. This leads to obesity problems amongst youths. Early ages are extremely important for development, therefore it’s a necessity for children to participate in physical activities. Researches also point out that people with regular fitness programs will have longer life expectancy and less health issues. Hence, even having a weekly “PE” class for students may have huge positive impacts on their future.

A lot of successful athletes in their biography mentioned that they started their career from young ages and in schools. Many talents can be found after shining in competitions and they can improve their skills during upcoming years. There are several programs for scouting young talents in countries like USA. For instance, “National Basketball Association” league has an annually “draft” plan, in which each team picks two young players from University Clubs. Supporting these plans are great investments for every country.

Overall, forcing an individual to do somthing against their will is always a bad option, espcially in kids that may become tired of something easily; but with the right education system this can be prevented.Providing suitable options and mixing sports with having funs encourages children to take part in physical activities. To conclude,  exercising is a must-do activity. The sooner it starts, the better. The outcome will be a healthier society which is capable of overcoming any problem.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some individuals argue that due to a sharp increase in obesity, doing exercises regularly must become a compulsory in circumstances activity for everyone, however, others believe this work make a bad feeling among the student and they search to find a reason not to participate in any kind of sport. It seems that this is a huge issue, although forcing pupils to do sport cannot be solved. 

These days youth eat lots of junk and processed food which is delicious and has good tests but also completely unhealthy without vitamins. Moreover, they use a lot of chocolate to boost their energy while they are studying. They are too busy with school and their homework, then they cannot find time for exercise which led them to gain weight and become a fat young person after a while. 

 Obesity would not be solved just by exercising, so this is the main highlight that society must be aware of it. Being overweight has a number of reasons such as overeating, following an unhealthy diet, and avoid do physical activity during the day and all of these together shape an unfit body. To decrease this phenomenon adults, have the responsibility to teach younger people how much important to be fit, exercise, and follow a healthy diet to keep their bodies in good trim which helps them extend their life too. In addition, helping them to control their portion, eat moderately and use more nutrients such as nuts and fresh fruit between meals can be helpful. By forcing youth to do any kind of activity, they start to be stubborn and try to do not to understand what is better for them.

In sum, overweight grows rapidly among students and parents and teachers must pay attention more to pupils being fit. Not just doing sport can reduce this problem, they must change their eating habit and explain what healthy habit means.  




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

A group of individuals present the view that educational centers should incorporate sport into their programs in order to preventing obesity, whereas others believe this scheme should be optional according to people’s abilities and interests. I strongly agree with the latter one.

On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that sport courses which are held in school or college does not take into account individual differences and capabilities of students. Therefore, these programs are not be able to provide students with an opportunity to be fit. Moreover, research findings confirm that when something is compulsory, many people are more naturally reluctant to turn to that. Students, for instance, who are compelled to take part in specific sport activity in school which may not be their favorite or even not appropriate with their abilities, are less likely to do that properly. Thus, sport is failed to be helpful.

On the other hand, another group of people claim that sport plays a vital role in combatting obesity. They firmly insist that if sport programs are included as a compulsory subject would help to improve student’s health. However, I do not find this argument convincing as most schools do not have appropriate facilities to do exercise and, in turn, may result in such injuries. And also, for being fit and maintain it, following a sustainable diet along doing exercise on a regular basis is necessary.

To conclude, in my opinion, schools should provide a wide range of sport programs that can cater for all ages and interests and motivates students to engage in sporting activities. Moreover, not only eating habits should be corrected but also, suitable facilities for this program be provided.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, there is a serious debate about the growing number of unfit people and those who are overweight. Some individuals believe sports should become obligatory in all educational systems. While, a group of people say that there are many drawbacks to enforcing sports on students. I strongly agree with the letter opinion.

On the one hand, some people claim that sport obligation in schools can help to reduce the number of overweight people because doing exercise on a regular basis after a while becomes a habit. However, I do not find this argument convincing as, from a social viewpoint, the obligation has many adverse effects on mental health and can cause many mental problems. In my personal experience, when I was in secondary school, one of my classmates was obese, and our teacher forced her to run more than the other students. As a result, she is currently going to therapy because she suffers from depression and won't be doing sports again.

On the other hand, a group of people justifiably argue that in order to resolve the obesity issue, should be taken many factors into consideration, such as poor eating habits and genetics and inactivity. Thus, only forcing young people to do exercise can not help to reduce the number of people who have overweight. I believe educators should raise public awareness about health problems associated with obesity. Also, the government should hold free workshops to promote awareness about workout benefits.

To conclude, In my view, students should voluntary decision to do sports and school officials should promote awareness about benefit of having activity lifestyle. Furthermore, sport compulsory can cause turn away students from workout forever.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Sports occupy an important role in our lives. It keeps us healthy, fit, and fresh. Some individuals believe that according to the increasing number of unfit and overweight people, physical activity should be mandatory in all educational institutions. Others suppose that only non-mandatory decisions to do sports help people to stay fit and they imagine that compulsory physical education can cause shame and ward off students who don't like sports.

In my point of view, you can't find a person who doesn't like any kind of sport. Some people like to work in groups and they enjoy teamwork. For these people team sports such as football, basketball, volleyball, and so on can be a great option. People who like individual sports can dance, swim, ski, or do anything they want. If people find out which sport is best for them, educational institutions don't have to force anyone to have some physical activities.

Besides, educational establishments should try to make sports fun. For instance, they may hold competitions and marathons and students can attend these programs. In this way, students can have fun and exercise at the same time.

It is widely believed that, when sports are mandatory in the educational system and teachers try to assess students by grading them, it causes frustration and fear among students who may not be very good at sports. Students should learn that sports and exercise are a part of their life and it is essential for their health. Hence, they will try to do sports for their health and they make an effort to enjoy their time doing physical activities.

In the end, we should not forget that each person has their abilities and talents. Thus, we can't say everyone has to follow the same rule. If some students are not able to do sports or they are interested in other subjects, they must not be forced to do athletics. Their opinions and interests should be respected. 

In conclusion, though sports are important for students to stay fit, they shouldn't be compulsory and students should have options to choose activities they like most.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Growing the number of obese people has created two various point of views in society to cope with that problem. In the first point of view, to solve the issue of obesity of people what can be done is making sport compulsory at schools. The second attitude, however, disagree with mandatory physical education and also is on the same page with voluntary decision of society to exercise for being stylish. These two attitudes both have their own good aspects which are described below. 

The great thing about mandatory exercise at schools is that, students are unconsciously informed about the effects of doing sport on their daily activities as well as health by the passage of time. To put it simply, they are not likely willing to do physical activity or have no positive thought of that. This can be provided through compulsory physical education. What is more, this method also may cause pupils motivated to follow a sport professionally. For example, I am a footballer now while I was never interested in that as well as no informed about my ability in playing football, however, my skills and information learned at school made me to pursue this sport as my job. 

But in the case of people being self-motivated to do sport, in my opinion, there are two major merits along its countless positive side effects. First, your sport time is flexible. It means you can exercise whenever you want, for instance, either before going to work or after that. Doing your favourite sport without time shortage is another beauty of this manner in contrast to the imperative routes. To more explain, you want running for 1 hour you do that without any disturbing.

In conclusion, despite their probable disadvantages, the two opinions are useful for being fit and declining the number of obese people in society.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

A group of individuals present the view that physical activities should become compulsory in schools and universities, while others believe leeway should be given to people in order to exercise and compulsory sport can have negative effects. I strongly agree with the latter opinion. On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that compelling physical activities has no enjoyment for people. As a result, they can easily avoid doing exercise in the foreseeable future when graduate from university or school. Moreover, if people are not interested in exercising, they may build bad and negative memories about the times they had to do sport. Thus, owing to bad memories, people can leave any kind of physical activities even gentle exercise such as jogging. For instance, in my country Iran even though physical activities are part of school syllabus, many people are not interested in doing sports after school, and in turn, the figure of obesity in my country is very high. On the other hand, some people claim that compulsory sport may become a healthy habit. They insist that doing physical activities on a regular basis might result in people to get used to it because repetation and consistansy is likely to make a habit in people. However, I do not find this argument convincing as people are different in personality as well as interests and some may not enjoy doing sports also some may feel emmbaraced to exercise with those who are not overweight. Therefore, in this situation people can turn away from doing sport. To conclude, in my view, people should be free to decide about taking exercise because a part of population who may not enjoy exercising can turn away from doing physical activities in any kind.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

    The numerous amount of people who are unfit and overweighed, face significant problems in the society in which they live. This leads to considering physical education as a remarkable factor which has a key role in fitness. This is the reason of a common held belief that compulsory physical education, especially for students, is an absolute necessity. On the other hand, but for having a determined aim and internal willingness, no significant result would be achieved. It is crystal clear that physical education is not an exception. Thus, what I strongly agree with, is the cultivation and encouraging people to be fit, first of all in their minds and then, in reality. 

     So, the first and maybe the main reason why compulsory physical education could not be beneficial is that this issue is a trout universally acknowledged that, the brain does accelerate environmental phenomena. As a sequence, not only does compulsory education have a negative influence on the mental part of the brain, but also it is not beneficial for body improvement. As a result, seldom do people continue compulsory sport and show hatred about it, to a startling degree.

     Besides, as a second reason why compulsory physical education is not a benevolence for students, is that all of them are not at the same level of physical readiness. So, this could lead to physical injuries in the weaker ones. For example, various studies show that most knee surgeries, after a sports trauma occur when people have not had enough sports background, and despite this fact, they have been forced to do intense sports activities. 

      To recap, if I were a sports policy maker, I would pay more attention to cultivation and knowledge enhancement to increase the number of people who are keen on continuity of the regular exercising. It is evident that, although lots of fiscal problems exist, the huge number of athletes will grow up in this situation, and they will move the boundaries of the championship in near future. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some individuals believe according to the increasing number of people struggling with obesity, it's essential to include physical activities as an imperative subject in every educational organization. On the other hand, some uphold the idea that people followed their interests, not an imposed activity which can make them embarrassed among other individuals. I definitely agree with the second statement; in the upcoming paragraphs, I shall explain why. 

  First of all, according to everyone's busy schedule, nowadays people mostly don't have time to do exercises, they usually are exhausted when they arrive home and compulsory sports courses can be like torture for them. Besides, considering the huge role social media plays in our day-to-day life, people mostly prefer to lie down and surf on the internet rather than go to sports centers  So, I think sports-related ads on various online platforms, may be much more encouraging for a large number of individuals, especially the younger generation. Online videos can make people work out at home or take a walk to keep fit instead of compulsory sports classes in an educational environment.      

  Secondly, disobedience is in our nature, we all are used to be by obstinate when mandatory chores occur. Due to this fact, energizing people in indirect ways like installing sports facilities in public areas or involving a small gym in office buildings for employees, can be a much more effective way two lead individuals to have a healthy lifestyle and do more physical activities.                

    In conclusion, compulsory sports classes may be beneficial for many people especially those who are fighting over-weighty. However, most people will be annoyed and bored when there is pressure on them to do what they don't like by force. Due to this, some productive steps need to be taken to make people aware of the importance of physical activity.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

The fact that sport plays a crucial role in people’s health is obvious to all. Although a group of people believes that educating students about physical activities is a brilliant way to reduce the number of people who suffer from obesity, another group argues that doing sport when is a good idea that is an optional decision. In my perspective, forced sport is not a suitable solution to overcome being fat.
On the one hand, in this machine-oriented life, everyone is suffering from an epidemic disease which is called ‘hurry sickness'. not many people place a high value on their health. That is why forcing students to exercise can activate them much more which may result in having a healthy society. Moreover, if students got used to doing exercise, they could relieve from the long-term consequences of obesity ranging from physical problems like cardiovascular diseases, fatty blood, and diabetes to mental disorders the most common one being depression.
On the other hand, has losing motivation affected many individuals’ minds that they are of the opinion that forced training in sports is not just the most effective way to reduce weight. Because when they have to do something for a long time may lead to turning away from their own. Moreover, they argue that there are other ways that are useful for avoiding being overweight. For example, choosing a healthy diet like serving organic food instead of genetically modified food may help students who do not like physical activities to be fit.
In conclusion, while some people suppose schools ought to educate sports plays to are decreased the number of heavy people, I completely agree with others that believe if this is an own choice, it can lead to correct results.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is true that nowadays, more and more people are unfit. Some people think that governments should put strict rules on educational systems to force students to do physical activities. Others, however, think that compulsory methods are not a good option. I think voluntary physical education is completely better than obligatory one.

On the one hand, some individuals think that the best way to decrease the number of unfit population is that governments should have mandatory plans for physical activities in all educational curriculums. To begin with, they think people are more unfit because their lifestyles have changed, and people tend to do most of their plans by using smartphones and laptops. As a result, they do not show interest in doing voluntary physical activities in school or universities. In addition, proponents of obligatory sports activities may think that a specific group of students do not participate in physical activity courses because they are not aware of the benefits of doing sports and then, being fit. They think this method is the best way that people can be noticed the advantages of physical activities.

However, I completely disagree with putting obligatory sports courses in the schedule of students. Firstly, I think that this has a negative effect on students. To put it differently, people would be demotivated when facing an activity that they have been forced to do. Based on this fact, students would be discouraged if they have to do the obligatory physical courses. They, then, would ignore to do sport activities in the future. Furthermore, some students may not be keen on sports activities and they would lose their motivation by facing obligatory sports courses. I believe that It is better to accept their tendency and try to encourage them to take action to improve their stamina by participating in voluntary physical courses.

In conclusion, there is a case of an argument whether compulsory or voluntary sport courses is better for students to make them to be fit. I completely believe voluntary physical courses are better than compulsory one.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Physical education, known as PE, is a helpful subject for students, both physically and mentally. Although some might disagree with this subject to be compulsory for everyone in all educational establishments, I believe, the more students do sports from an early age, the less unfit and overweight people would be in society.

All societies need active and healthy people. It might be possible to have these societies if students start doing exercises as soon as they go to the kindergarten. At first, it might be challenging for most of them, but after a while, exercising with classmates would be enjoyable for them, especially if their instructor treats all students equally. In this case, not only children will be encouraged to do more physical activity, but also they will not feel ashamed for whatever mistakes they make. Improving these behaviors in children could teach them to have a healthy competing spirit. For example, if a pupil has a problem with an activity, the other one could help him humbly. Therefore, by making sport compulsory, not only students would be healthier physically, but their mental health would be nurtured in a way that apart from enjoying sport, to have a healthy competition with others.

However, if doing sport be a voluntary decision, most of the students might give up soon. Being active may be frustrating for almost every children, it needs hard work and dedication. Consequently, it could be easier to do not even start physical activities for whomever has difficulties with them. As time passes and these children become older, since no one has encouraged or forced them to do sports, they might gradually face with either physical problems such as obesity, or mental problems like depression. Being ashamed while they are in a place full of in shape people might affect their confident which might gradually make them depressed. These people may the time when they could have chosen PE subject in school, but they did not, or may blame schools for not making sport mandatory.

In conclusion, I think physical activity would be beneficial both physically and mentally for students if they start it from an early age; otherwise, most of the students may regret it if sport be optional.


Kimiya Akrami

General training





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

There is a controversy about whether physical activities should become mandatory in all schools or not. Even though the number of obese students is increasing, it is a choice for students to do sports or not. Both views have a significance of their own and I will provide more details before forming a logical conclusion.

On one hand, based on the scientist’s reports obesity and excess weight can cause serious damage to pupils and other people. For instance, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problems, and mental disorders like concentration problems. All of them are threatening issues for society and the reason for insisting on obligatory sports programs in all educational curricula can be considered this way. Therefore, if a sport is included in educational programs as a mandatory subject, it will contribute to the improvement of students’ health.

On the other hand, every person has his rights and we should respect them. Compulsory sports can alienate students. Some people argue that obligation in sports cannot guarantee good results since if somebody does something for a long time by force, he would lose his motivation and even not study other subjects anymore. Besides, there are a plethora of alternative options which can be beneficial for overweights. For example, cycling, playing football, walking to school, going on a healthy diet, and holding some meetings with parents to raise their awareness about the importance of their children’s healthy life.

Taking everything into consideration, physical activities and sports play a significant role in people’s lives. However, it should not be imposed on students since so many measures can be considered to lead an active lifestyle and become healthy and fit but first, it should be a person’s own choice.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some individuals believe that sport should be an inseparable part of the education system which should compell all students to take it seriously. Other people think that obese people won't lose fat, unless they are working out voluntarily. And they hold the idea that obligation in this case will only cause students shame and embarrassment. I have to disagree with the later group. Excersing should be compulsory for all students for 2 compelling reasons.


Students should be required to take sport courses in order to eradicate obesity which is increasing each day. Although force is never good for making good habits to become an inseparable part of our lives, it should be necessary when it comes to health issues. When the majority part of the society is suffering from obesity, it should be considered as a problem which needs solution. Take the obesity's high rate in different countries as an example. Many Americans are suffering from obesity and this problem is seen in many of the documentaries they produce about this topic. If the government don't take action and eradicating this as soon as possible, it will only increase in numbers and it will get harder to solve it. 

Furthermore, sports should be taken more seriously for all the beneficial effects it has on humans. Thus, it is not to be concerned about. When the benefits of it come to light, it will become easier to understand how this action could help and nurture the society. Take the studies that show how excersing has a big role in one's health as an example. Children who are more active and doing excersies instead of playing with their gadgets are found to live longer and have less serious mental issues in their adult life. 


In conclusion, doing sport should be mandatory for all students because of how it helps people with their health and mental health. 


Mohammad Mahdi
Mohammad Mahdi


Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Although some say that with regard to the growth in the number of overweight people sport needs to be mandatory in all educational establishments, some other people claim that sport should be done voluntarily to help people keep fit as compulsory physical exercise can embarrass those who are not keen on that. In my opinion, it is absolutely vital to put emphasis on regular exercise and make it part of the educational curriculum. 
      Firstly, a paucity of physical education ca be a menace to the students and the society they will form in the future as adults. In other words, leading a sedentary lifestyle might result in unfit and overweight students, which can unfortunately trigger a plethora of other consequences. With respects to facts and figures, more than half of the students in the United States of America are above the standard BMI, and this is attributed to a lack of physical activities one ought to do.    
      Secondly, students’ physical health can boost their morale and increase their chance of learning incredibly. Not only will that improve the physical state, but it will also have a positive impact on their self-esteem and mental health. Statistics have illustrated that regular exercise is like a precautionary measure that prevents many mental and physical disorders one can face, even though it is not given its due in the school syllabus.  
      In conclusion, while there is not a consensus on whether or not it must be compulsory for one to have PE in their curriculum, I myself tend to believe it may bring about more benefits than any drawbacks it can contribute to. However, the hot debate is to be here.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In the modern era, the rate of obesity has escalated sharply due to having a sedentary lifestyle and awful diet and doing physical activities is recognized as an effective solution. It is suggested that in order to encourage different groups of society, especially youngster to have a more active life, physical education becomes a mandatory subject in school curriculums. It happens to be a quite controversial issue thus, some groups of society are for it and some other are against it. As the writer of this essay, I side with the latter for several reasons. First of all, some individuals might not be interested in playing sports so they have the right to choose what they desire. Secondly, playing sports is not the main solution for obesity. Finally, when people are obligated to do a particular activity, they will feel that their freedom is taken away and they can’t act as independent individuals.


Some people are not cut out for playing sports therefore, if this turns into an obligatory activity, it may generate dire consequences. For example, some young adolescent who are not talented in sports might do poorly so they will be made fun of by their peers. This leads to increased rates of depression or even suicide, as these victims are not allowed to avoid taking part in physical education. Furthermore, students who are not good at playing sports, may injure themselves severely because they have to play some dangerous sports like soccer, basketball and volleyball or do some complicated aerobics moves which can hurt them. So, not only do they might be ridiculed by their classmates, but also their health is compromised. 


Although the majority of public take the view that playing sports or doing regular physical activities are effective ways to lose weight and stay in shape, the calories that are takin in play the key role. As long as overweight individuals don’t have a solid plan and sufficient determination to cut down on some high-calory food, losing wight will be an unachievable dream. The point is, essential measures should be taken to control the diet, and forcing the members of society to accept compulsory sport scheme seems outrageous. 


 The majority of people are not able to deal with mandatory programs because they sense that they are under other’s thumbs. This makes them feel obnoxious which is the opposite of the main aim of a mandatory sports program. These schemes are supposed to have positive impacts on society but this seems far-fetched through them. 


In conclusion, obligatory sports schemes are introduced as a rational solution for obesity and like any other phenomenon, these have some supporters and critics. Due to some reasons such as taking people’s freedom away, not being effective as much as they are supposed to be, and causing harm to individuals, these programs are not functional. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It has been suggested that all students in educational institutes ought to be involved in sport activities as an obligatory program because the number of overweight people is on the rise. However, some people opine that by compulsory plans, students who are not interested in sport might lose their incentive to exercise. I agree with the former group. 

On the one hand, there are two main reasons help to explain why some people find mandatory sport activities useless. Firstly, if such program might not have positive impacts on people’s way of living , it is mainly because when under pressure, people from various ages might lose their motivation. This means that mostly by being patronized, people join sport programs and stick to them in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, most students especially university ones are already engaged in a firm timetable and find it difficult to focus on other extracurricular plans which are not related to their study subjects, thus compulsory plans might impair their proficiency in their studies.

I, on the other hand, agree with those who opine that compulsory sport activities can have benefits for all students. First and foremost, because sports offer various cardiovascular movements and meditation gestures, they can assist all students with different aptitudes and interests to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Although some students might consider obligatory exercises as a burden and hard to perform, these programs are completely beneficial inasmuch as they are thought-provoking and energetic. In addition, if sport activities were optional, only motivated students would join them, while by the help of compulsory pragmas, all students are forced to seek out a field of sport that they are keen on, leading to promoting active lifestyle. 

In conclusion, while some people consider mandatory sport programs as a negative issue, I believe that they are highly fruitful and authorities should put them into action for all students. The reason for which is that most exercises are refreshing and students are obliged to pick one of them according to their interest which can improve their physical situation.





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Overweighting has been becoming increasingly common in recent years. Controversy exists as to whether sport should be obligatory in educational places or not. To obtain a clearer picture I intend to put this contentious matter into comparative perspective and give my opinion which I think compulsory activities can do more harm than good.


On the one hand, some people hold the view that having compulsory activities in educational curriculums can help people to prevent gaining weight. The main reason for justifying their belief is that activities can burn a lot of calories regardless of being mandatory or not. Take elementary students for example, when we force them to do sports in schools it would be more likely for them to be fit in upcoming time. Besides, many people can grasp the importance of the physical activities during these sport events.


On the other hand, others hold the view that making people to engage in sports can lead to many detrimental effects. The main problem associated with forcing individuals to do sports is that many people will leave the activities after the education period. It is scientifically proved that people are reluctant to do tasks that they are obliged to do. This, in turn, can results in more sedentary lifestyle among residence in the long turn, as a result overweighting will increase. I am of conviction that, instead of obliged people to do sports in some occasions, authorities should increase the awareness of people about the beneficial aspects of physical activities and warn them about the catastrophic consequences of having not physically demanding lifestyle.


In conclusion, owing to these reasons I profoundly convinced that the negative points of obligation overshadow its plus points. Afterall, such is the significance of sport in our lives that under no circumstances are we allowed to put it in trial and error situations such as forcing people to do sports.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

As people are growing overweight and less fit, a number of individuals argue that sports courses should become mandatory in all stages of educational system. However, others believe that this is not the best way to encourage students to do sports. In their point of view, taking this approach would not only makes students embarrassed, but would aslo discourage pupils who are not keen on physical education. In this essay, I would outline two main areas in which compulsory sports courses appear to be beneficial to decreasing the trend mentioned.

The first significant area is in terms of making a habit of doing sports by people since they are students at schools. In other words, one of the most principal usages of this strategy is that individuals will get used to doing sports if they are trained effectively. As they, for example, learn arithmetic, they can learn how to plan their days in order to do sports which are their suitable ones. In this way, they can choose a kind of sport to take up and then give it up to start another, if they are bored with the previous one. In fact, the only important issue is to motivate people to do sports more.

The other area is associated with students learning efficiency. There are a huge amount of researches which claim that exercising has a completely direct relationship with mind concentration. Students will, indeed, perform much better in their courses and exams if they do sports on regular basis. In this case, they will be motivated to continue exercising even if they leave school after graduation.

In summary, making physical education compulsory in all stages of educational establishment is likely to result in best outcomes if students are allowed a degree of autonomy in choosing their appropriate sport. In opposite, it may also be at the expense of adverse consequences if it is not planned properly.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

How major is the problem of being obese and unfit?A group of people hold the opinion that due to the increasing number of overweight people, human beings should be forced to do exercise in every educational organisation. Others, however, argue that only volunteers to do sports can become fit and compulsory exercise will bother the rest who might not be interested in sports. I strongly believe that people should be free to decide whether to be physically active.

It is an inevitable fact that compulsion results in repulsion. In other words, when people are made to do or not to do something, they will be triggered to do exactly the opposite. Therefore, while the number of unfit individuals is mounting, if doing exercise becomes mandatory, they will avoid obeying this rule. As a result, with having people do obligatory exercise, the problem of obesity will not be solved orreduced.

Moreover, anything which is done based on a person’s own decision, will be being fulfilled consistently. If a person suffering from being overweight makes a decision to change their lifestyle and adopt a healthier approach of living, he or she will definitely be loyal to this new goal. Unlike a voluntary decision, someone who is obliged to be physically active and have a healthy diet will unquestionably give up somewhere and return to his or her previous unhealthy way of life. Thus, if people are not willing to reform their lifestyle from the bottom of their heart, nothing will in fact changebecause of lack of determination.

In conclusion, while some people advocate the idea of making sports forcible for every society member, likewise the other group, I strongly support the opinion that people should choose to do exercise themselves.



Parnian Zoughalian 





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

These days, overweighting is becoming one of the important issues. Some parts of the community believe that sport must be put in all curriculum of each level of academic because of increasing the number of unfit people, while other refute this argument and think that pressure and force is not a suitable way to do exercise and to be fit and causes to get away from the sport. I believe that the former idea is the best way for individuals to pay attention to their shape.


One of the main reasons posed by doing sport should be made compulsory in educational organizations is forming a habit. In other words, many students do not like many courses but they are forced to learn these lessons for the job prospect, so if sport becomes a course, they would accept and do it like other courses for their health. As a result, continuous exercise helps them to suffer less from obesity.


Another reason for forcing sport is a limited time. To put it differently, in this contemporary era, people have less spare time to devote to exercise. They are burdened with many tasks and duties. They prefer to enjoy activities that they like instead of sports in their free time, so being forced to do exercise in their syllabus help them to care about their body appearance. A pupil who goes to school from 8 to 4 is a clear illustration of this situation, does not have enough time to do exercise due to having assignments and needing a rest.


In conclusion, there is no denying the impact of exercise on our bodies and health. It is argued that if sport becomes compulsory in all educational establishments, we would witness the rate of obesity decrease. I wholeheartedly agree due to less time to allocate exercise and after a while becomes a routine of their schedules.





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, high incidence of the obesity in all societies has been turned to a significant concern. Although adopting obligatory measures to make students participate in sport activities has been an available option, voluntary engagement sounds as the most sensible option which will not arouse hatred as well as ashamedness concerning to exercise after a while amongst youngsters in my consideration. The following essay provides some reasons for my perspective.


Firstly, any type of mandatory affair which imposes on young generation would noticeably decrease their inclination to keep on according to psychologist assertion. Additionally, it will be assumed as an unpalatable activity which they may look for a way to get rid of it. Moreover, amateur individuals may hurt emotionally since they are not able to imitate special movements during obligatory courses. Eventually, their perseverance as well as enthusiasm are the other factors which not only will diminish but also may turn to aversion of students. On the other hand, the level of stress which they are undertaken to carry out this obligatory actions may lead them to obesity as a reverse consequence. Moreover, amateur individuals may hurt emotionally since they are not able to imitate special movements According to this attitude, teachers have been advised to refrain from including any type of sport program in a kind of pushy curriculum. 


Secondly, individuals voluntary involvement in different types of sport has been introduced as a practical remedy towards obesity. In fact, voluntary enthusiastic attendance indicates that they have apprehended the beneficial effects of exercise on their physical fitness. Moreover, they will strive to do their best in order to improve their appearance and health status while they are not under any pressure. Their faith owning to utility of exercise helps them to be punctual as well as follow their trainer recommendations correctly. Furthermore, acting in a peaceful circumstance, lack of stressors, ends them up with more achievements. moreover, overweight amateur characters never feel that they are under concentration and freely scour to find basic exercise classes to involve and improve themselves. Finally, according to all mentioned before this type of involvement has been suggested as the most crucial strategy to attain ideal physical fitness.


To sum up briefly, voluntary physical engagement is likely to be relatively pursued more seriously and the probably of absenteeism as well as abandonment will decrease considerably. Also, I think educational authorities should be care about the detrimental consequences of any obligation in these activities.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Undoubtedly, nowadays a myriad of people are bothering from overweight and obesity problems. Therefore, one way to approach this problem is a compulsory sports activity. While some people are believing that to resolve this situation, compulsory sport is a good solution, some are against this belief, due to when an activity is not arbitrary, it could result in an inverse outcome like being reluctant and putting it away forever. Therefore, the complex nature of this topic necessitates more accurate scrutiny, which will be considered in the following. 


On the one hand, first and foremost, losing weight and keeping our body in shape is not only associated with doing physical activities. As a matter of fact, there are various topics related to resolving this issue. Firstly, lifestyle indeed has a pivotal role in being in shape. Inasmuch as lifestyle is as important as if not more important than physical activities, it can have a good effect on reducing weight. For example, by eating healthy products out of unhealthy ingredients like fat, salt, and sugar, we can make a major stride in losing weight, as well as having an organized time to sleep is, clearly, a way for burning calories. Resting time indeed has a crucial role in losing weight. Thus, losing weight is not a simple topic and there are different parameters related to this issue, so compulsory sport is just one of the solutions.


On the other hand, the opponent of the aforementioned claim asserts that compulsory sports activities have their own effect on reducing weight, so it should not be underestimated. It means that sports activities are indeed important for having a better life. When there are many studies indicating that doing sport even at a low level of activity could bring physical and psychological benefits. However, a compulsory sports activity at first could be unapproachable, when without people's buy-in no one can persuade them to involve in a sport, but a telling example indicates that compulsory activities are indeed to some extent beneficial. For instance, from my own experience compulsory mountain climbing in my teenage year just brings me an opportunity to join in a mountain climbing group these days. Needless to say, this sports activity at first was indeed hard for me, but the compulsory instinct of this activity just makes it for me beneficial these days. Thus, the compulsory idea of something important could be useful sometimes.


On the whole, whilst losing weight is a complex issue related to different parameters, in my conviction immersion in one aspect of this issue to resolve this problem with a compulsory attitude could cause benefit, not only for that specific solution but also all the parameters involved.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is believed by some that sports should be mandatory in educational institutions in order to solve the overweight problem. My opinion, however, is that despite the obvious advantages of obligatory sports lesson, ones should have freedom of choice as they are more inclined to stick with habits that they themselves have made.

The role of schools in teaching and encouraging students to learn a skill can be a reason why some think that sports lessons are imperative to be taught. Physical education plays a large role in students 's lifestyles; the earlier the children learn a sports skill the more likely they are to master it and get fit. Not only this will result in improved healthy way of living but also, its next effect will be over the next several decades when these generations grow up and are probably a health-conscious nation. In addition, nowadays in many families both parents work and hence they do not have time to monitor the eating habits of their children which have led them to suffer from excess weight. In such situations, if the child is well-informed, he can help himself to decide when to eat what.

While there are evident benefits to compulsory sport in the schools’ curriculum, students have always found ways to escape the lessons in order to satisfy their desires to feel pleasure, no matter what measures the teachers have taken. Therefore, the most effective way is to give the students freedom to choose. This is mainly because, compared to forced training which their good results cannot be guaranteed for a long-run, individuals who feel free to choose, are more likely to do something for a long period of time and to form a lifelong healthy habit. Consider an overweight student, if he is obliged to take part in these lessons, he may feel embarrassed and lose his motivation for exercise forever. Without a shadow of a doubt, there are other ways, which are beneficial in dealing with obesity, such as walking to school or riding a bike. These alternative physical activities would definitely help people to burn the extra intaken calories and shed weight.

In conclusion, I should cleave to my belief that though there are great plus points to imposed sport, students truly benefit from this lesson once it is a person's own choice. In this way they are given the ample opportunity to make a healthy lifestyle habit.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people believe that doing sport should make obligatory in educational institutes in order to the solve overweight problem, whereas another group of people argue that this should be unforced. In my opinion, while there are some drawbacks associated with making sports voluntary, I believe the benefits are more substantial.

On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that arbitrary physical education has some significant benefits. Students who are passionate about sports would attend these classes. So, they do their exercises with a good feeling and the class would have a pleasant atmosphere. As a result of this atmosphere, all attendance are more likely to be encouraged to exercise and they would get a striking result. Moreover, research findings present that people are happier during doing arbitrary activities than when they are doing mandatory ones, and in turn, voluntary workouts will be more beneficial for people’s health. For instance, one of my friends, when he was a teenager, had a passion for swimming and he used to participate in his school’s swimming class with enthusiasm. It was very useful for his physical health. He is still doing it and he can manage to be in shape evermore.

On the other hand, some people claim that compulsory exercise in educational institutes could help people who are overweight to reduce their weight and be fit. They believe that some people just do sport with compulsion. In that if attending sports classes and doing their workouts have an influence on their scores, they may do this and it would be helpful for their health. Moreover, they argue due to this solution, not only do they exercise during their study period but also it becomes a part of their daily routine in the future. I do not find this argument convincing as the one reason why fat students would become embarrassed in sports classes is that they are not as fit as their classmates. Thus it leads to reduce their self-confidence in all walks of life.

In conclusion, although people may have various opinions, I completely disagree with compulsory exercise in educational environments. While this has some potential benefits, its drawbacks are more significant and they outweigh its positive effects.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is undeniable that there has been a significant increase in the number of fat and out shape people in recent days. there are conflicting views on how to tackle this issue. While some individuals claim that sports activities should be imposed in all curricula but others believe that forced sports programs run away from them. I am convinced that exercising without any motivation will not be beneficial to their health.

Obesity is one of the most impressive reasons for preventable death. In this fast-space and comparative world, most students have forgotten their responsibility to take care of their health and just focus on their studies to succeed. predominantly they have a sedentary lifestyle which makes them overweight. if there is a regular curriculum to force them to have activities and do their chosen sport, it may enthusiasm them to have an active and healthy life. For instance, in our school, there are various types of sports like volleyball, basketball, handball, and football in a well-equipped sports club that encourage a student to choose among them and start it with a tutor without paying any money.

On the other hand, the evidence illustrates that compulsories in an operation may have the opposite result. everyone has different levels of energy during the day or the week which makes it difficult to exercise in a pre-determined schedule by the school. there compulsory exercising may create a sense of hate about sport. on the other side, to lose weight or have a fitted body they have not required to do an identified sport. they can have a healthy body just by walking to school or doing vigours housework or gardening.

Having weight the up all arguments, I believe that every person should do some activity in their life according to her time and interest and not based on compulsion from the school




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In this modern epoch obesity has become a serious obstacle which assist people in thinking about how to iron it out. Considering physical activities as a mandatory program has been known as a controversial solution among people. There are a plethora of people who are of the opinion that schools and universities are supposed to force their attendees to do exercises while some individuals have a counterintuitive attitude regarding this issue. I would argue that keeping these types of activities voluntary is of great importance and I will elucidate my motivations.

It is stated that doing sports plays a vital role in preventing people from becoming unfit and out of shape. To put it in other words, myriads of residents believe that in order to challenge with sedentary lifestyle, which leads to obesity, educational systems are expected to add some compulsory programs to their timetable in order to assist their participants in losing weight. They argue that if such activities remain voluntary, some offspring never attract to them.

On the other hand, some group of people opine on this issue in a different way. They advocate the opinion that claims no pressure should be on students regarding physical activities. They are of the opinion that not only compulsory sport is not able to help youngster in becoming in-shape but also it assists them in becoming reluctant to doing exercises. This can make a significant contribution to getting children away from sports as they consider it as a root which ruins their freedom. The more they feel restriction, the more they lose their passion.

 In conclusion, although having physical activities is one of the most effective ways which leads to a decline in the number of people who are suffering from overweight, I concur with the idea that making exercises mandatory to students can have adverse influence and indeed, we are supposed to encourage them instead of forcing.





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

There is a controversial debate about the accurate way of increasing the amount of doing exercise in schools. Some people argue that students should be forced to do exercises to mitigate worrying trend of obesity in society while others believe that mandatory sport plans in schools results in putting off some students and it should be introduced as a personal option. I strongly agree with second opinion that considers sport in schools as a personal and optional matter, however both perspectives will be addressed in upcoming paragraphs to reach a conclusion.

The proponents of mandatory physical activities argue that it is the one of the best methods to alleviate the ever-increasing obesity. They claim that by forcing students to do physical activities, they become familiar with its remarkable effects on their physical and mental situation. so, they pick up the habit of doing regular sport for the rest of their lives. Otherwise, a considerable proportion of pupils never take up playing sports due to human’s natural tendency that to remain still and immobile.

However, there are some other individuals that oppose the obligatory exercise in education system and believe this could bring about reverse results.  They argue that plenty of experiences in educational system and other field has demonstrates that forcing or restricting people to involve in a policy or activity like compelling children to play sports mainly results in resistance and resentment in them. Moreover, from their perspective involving in physical practices is a personal choice which individual liberty right in this field should be respected and recognized by authorities. 

In conclusion, although the benefits of involving in physical activities are great and amazing, it should be considered as an optional activities in educational establishments, otherwise, it can cause resistance and hatred in pupils. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

There is no doubt that exercise has dramatic aspects on people's life. No one can deny the direct and indirect effects of doing sports on our lives. The inevitable question which has caused a heated debate among people is whether it is wiser to compulsory exercise in school or not. Some people are inclined toward the opinion that people like to do their favorite sport and they should not be compulsory because it helps them to progress in this way, whereas others hold exactly the opposite perspective. As far as I am concerned, I have a penchant for the latter. In what follows, I will pinpoint my outstanding reason for explicating my opinion.

The first and foremost reason coming to the mind at first glance for compulsory sport in educational establishments is likely their knowledge. People have an opportunity to gain some information about some sports then they can decide to continue with their favorite sport. As a case in a point, they should know about burning calories, rules, the harms of sports, and so on. In other words, they kill two birds with one stone, not only can enhance their knowledge about sports with coaches but also can choose their favorite sports and keep it to reach their goal, which both of them are definitely important for their future. In addition, In primary school children can know about their talent in sports and learn about the benefits of exercise in academic institutes.

The aforementioned reason was not the only reason which is coming to mind, Being compulsory sport in educational institutes might be another equally important reason for their health people can learn about which food is suitable for their health and with the rapid raise of overweight people to junk-food instead of healthy food, they can be fit and healthy with this tutorial, for instance, children can be higher with some sports such as volleyball or basketball. On the other hand, they learn to use some materials that help them to be healthy such as a drink of milk or eating vegetables and fruits.

To recapitulate, Although the first group presents some cogent ideas justifying their claim including eager people to do their favorite sport, I think the merits of compulsory exercise in an educational institute is overweight those of voluntary sports.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

The increasing obesity rates have led to dividing opinions regarding this issue. Some hold the belief that government intervention through the educational system is the most effective solution, while others believe enforcing restrict sports activities on children will impact their health and social life negatively. Although both opinions have their own merits, I explain why I side with the latter view.

The accessibility of fast food and the abundant leisure time have caused many people, especially children to become overweight. This has become a crisis, as children are the future of humanity, and some people believe the government must intervene in order to restore the youth’s declining health. By enforcing mandatory sports sessions, children will be disciplined into losing wight and becoming healthier. To the holders of this belief, sports must become compulsory like any other part of the school circular, such as math and science. Many children don’t enjoy math, for example, but through the restrict education system, they have to learn the basics of mathematics in order to function properly in society. A healthier society will also be less of barrier for the government and the health care system in the long run.

However, studies have repeatedly shown that while such positive habits are crucial, children often despise mandatory routines. Forcing children to participate in sports can lead to their resentment of this activity and have the opposite outcome all together. Moreover, many overweight children are born with birth defects or have had a poor diet throughout their lives without a choice. By being put in the spot like this, their peers may taunt or bully them, which will result in life-long trauma.

To summarize, I think encouraging children through games, child-friendly programs, and TV shows is a more powerful way to tackle the obesity issue, and by learning to appreciate sports, children will incorporate the healthy habits willingly in the future.






Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In recent years, the style of living has changed and the majority of people have been willing to follow a sedentary lifestyle. While some people opine that students have to do sport as a core course because most of them suffer from being overweight, others argue that mandatory course causes less tendency among students. In this essay, I tend to agree with the former statement.

On the one hand, it is believed that technology has revolutionized people’s lives. These cutting-edge devices have been substituted for physical activity, so individuals particularly children have become unfit due to less activity in person. Considering the sport class as compulsory forces students to do some exercises during the week. As a result, these classes are a helpful remedy for families who do not have time to exercise with their children which helps their children to lose weight and have a healthier life. If the schools put sport classes obligatory, parents would have less worry about their children's lives.

On the other hand, many students have an aversion to sport classes. This is because of that they are not fit, and they feel ashamed to display their body. They prefer to dress up in their uniform rather than sport garments to hide their body. Furthermore, most students are concerned that others laugh at them. In this case, I personally think that coaches should help students to throw away these feelings. When such classes are compulsory, it helps students to improve their self-confidence, moreover, do some exercise with their classmates. The result of this, these classes are a good way to develop both mental and physical health.

In conclusion, Although some people believe that sport should be voluntary for students, in my opinion, forcing students to do exercise is more practical for them to have a healthy lifestyle.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In recent years there has been a controversy about compulsory sport in the school's curriculum. Some individuals believe that obesity has become one of the most important problems of students. Therefore, the only solution is that they are being forced to keep fit. I agree with the latter point of view, and this essay will provide the logical reasons for this claim.

First of all, compulsory education is one of the worst teaching methods for children, because they tend to learn unconsciously through games or cartoons. Parents and teachers should encourage them to exercise in a different way. Children are good observers, so they follow in your footsteps. Thus, the best method for persuading them is that to do physical exercise in front of their eyes. For instance, parents can take their children to the pool and swim with them.

In addition, some people have overweight genetically because they have a low level of metabolism. As a result, they find it really difficult to lose weight. They see other pupils who receive compliments for their bodies. This trend has a negative impression on such pupils which can lead to depression. On the other hand, students with fit bodies think that being fit is their positive point compared to other students. 

Taking everything into consideration, although being overweight is one of the health problems of today's generation, they should not be forced to lose weight, because it can lead to mental problems for children. Parents and teachers should be role models for students and only encourage them to do sports.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is considered by many that our sedentary lifestyle in the modern world leads to overweighting in particular for students, and these problem could be solved by mandatory curriculum in pedagogical cycle. While some people assert that education system should invest much more initiativa schemes to revamp this harmful trends, in my opinion, these compulsive programme should kept at Bay by presenting some alternatives to replace.
First and foremost, it is often argued that exercise should be duressly for people to make them fit and help them in terms of wellbeing and maintain their physical health. Although these schemes can provide a better situation for new generations in this respect, these regulations might be tough and unpleasant for many and because of that they may refuse doing sports activities. On the other hand, individuals who suffering from obesity should reduced their portion and eat fresh food instead of junk and fast food, because the more people consume healthy and nutritious meal, the better they can control their weight and retain a body balance.
Equally important the fact that support schemes can provide the situation to be more energetic and vibrant and therefore, these might fruitful for being fit. Keep tracking exercise and struggling in the school sports centres and gyms not only would bring a lot of Joy for one's, but also can come in handy for gaining a fit body. If spending time in sports or fitness classes be voluntary for pupils, they would be more content as they can find it more enjoyable, entertaining, and engaging. By the way of illustration, if their syllabus fulled by some mandatory activities and courses, they would have turned away and this can lead to disollution.
To sum up, while some argue that a sports classes should be compulsory for students to reduce their weight and resolve obesity, I assert that any decision in terms of putting unvoluntary classes on pupil curriculum might brings difficulty and could act reversely.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

     A group of individuals hold the view that all industries which educate people should force them to exercise as they are not as fit as they used to be. Others, however, think humans should not be compelled to have sport by virtue of it may devastating them if sport do not appeals them. In my opinion, exercise should be compulsory in an attempt to have a population with proper weight.


      On one side, some humans believe is since people are getting obese nowadays, they have to have sports in their educational establishments in order to lose weight. Moreover, a routine exercise not only is able to reduce embonpoint but also provides assistance to people to have a healthy life. as almost everybody goes to the aforementioned industries, an athletic part, will lead to having more individuals with a healthy weight. Thus, compulsory sports, from my point of view, should be mandatory at institutes which train people, as the vast majority of people go there and that exercise will make them fit.


      On the other hand, others are of the opinion that exercise should be voluntary rather than compulsory because if students whose sport does not fascinate them are been obliged, they will turn away from sports. In other words, although exercise will make pupils fit, it can depresse students if they do not get pleasure out of sports. By the way of illustration, according to BBC news, a great number of people who do not have a tendency to sport, will not derive benefit from it even if they do that under coercion. hence, these human beings argue that a compulsory sport in a bid to decrease fat students does not work.


      in conclusion, in an affort to seek for an approach to intercept overweighting People, a group of humans' view is that compulsory exercise should be done in educational institutions, while others' opinion is that students should be authorised to choose if they tend to have exercise. From my Point of view, as overweight students might be a huge predicament, education institutes are highly recommended to have a sporty part and force pupils to exercise.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In this contemporary era, we are facing an increase in obesity and lack of fitness in society. In order to tackle this problem some people suggest that setting an obligatory rule of doing physical education in all of educational institution, While some criticize that point of view and believe that physical education should be voluntary to prevent those pupils who are not in favor of sport from being upset. I believe that some issues like sport is so important that it should not be optional.

There are several reasons that I think physical activities have better be mandatory. Firstly, in this technology era many youngsters prefer sedentary activities like playing video games or watching TV, and as a result, most of the obese people dealing with this condition due to lack of proper movement. So, if sports become voluntary, athletics is not their priority. Secondly, workout is beneficial for everyone, not only mentally but also physically. It leads to enhance student’s brain function, therefore they can learn better and be more productive at school.

On the other hand, while practice is compulsory, but the apprentices should not be tested to pass it. When students are not competing, they do not feel the pressure that comes with rivalry. Doing group sports and activities that are not complicated and everyone can participate in, can be included in the curriculum of educational establishments. For instance, when I was a high school students, we had to do yoga in our exercise class. Although attending that course was necessary, after each section, we felt so comfortable and satisfied as we were able to release our stress.

In conclusion, to reduce the negative impact of overweighting and motionless life especially on youth, the best way is to force them to be more active.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

A segment of the society hold the view that to curb the challenges posed by the population becoming increasingly obese and unhealthy, athletic activities should become mandatory. Others however believe that irrespective of the benefits coming with exercise, should people are obliged to do so, it would put pressure on those who lack sport-related talents by making them being looked down on. Having discussed both sides of the argument, the following lines tries to explain why it seems that the latter group are making a more valid point when claiming obliging people could be counterproductive.

To commence with the group believing in fitness-related programs becoming a must, it can be said that their argument lies in the fact that regardless of the method someone is using for sport, he/she should see the results in the long run. It means that no matter you hate an activity, you would possibly become accustomed to it and reap the benefits concomitant with it when it becomes your routine. That might be explained by the hypothesis that the muscles do not sense, so they cannot backfire if their body is not interested in exercise. Seemingly reasonable, this is not true for psychological aspects of humans are not that simple. This because firstly, when obliged to take up sport, students would likely not develop the pattern of having it in their future lives, making these efforts to no avail; secondly, no matter how much exercise people do, without having a salubrious overall lifestyle, they cannot flee from the negative outcomes of contemporary living with just shedding some pounds. A salient example could be seen in those who -despite having physical activities- use unhealthy, junk food or even healthy ones detrimental to their health condition by making them blubber.

Turning to the viewpoint of those opposing sport becoming a must-have course, it can be said that considering that the compulsion is a reactive measure, maybe acting proactively and encouraging good behavior instead of punishing bad could be a better advice. This is because when things become mandatory, regardless of them being well-intended or not, people feel pressurized and deprived of their basic human rights, thence, tend to react or even underperform. Specially in students who are not that experienced in life events, this mandatory curriculum could make them become bullied by others or lose their confidence because of not being able to be as athletic as their counterparts. Take, for instance, talented students having feeble wrists who are forced to do bar fix for their exam and how humiliating it could become for them -because of a defect on which they do not have control. Such experiences might even affect their other lessons, making them reluctant to the whole education context, as they are intertwined with physical course. This could be easily prevented by incorporating sport in academic extracurricular activities, subsidizing gym discounts, or holding competitions to encourage pupils in a more motivating pattern, therefore, making a longer-lasting influence on their future salubriousness and fitness.

To conclude, having discussed why compulsory exercise appear to be futile as it needs to become a habit and accompanied by other lifestyle changes, and how students might find it overwhelming for being judged by their condescending mates, this essay tried to elaborate on why rewarding activities instead could lure people into having more of such activities, thus, becoming healthier in total.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people claim that sport should become a compulsory subject in schools’ and universities’ curriculum due to increasing amount of obesity among people. While on the contrary, others state that making sport a compulsory subject will only overwhelm and discourage students who aren’t interested in sport. While I believe that doing sports is beneficial, it can have drawbacks if made compulsory. 

With regard to youngsters, sport can be helpful especially if they start doing it from early ages. Firstly, they would learn to allocate a specific amount of time to doing sports on a daily basis and by doing so there would be little chance for them to gain weigh in an unhealthy way. Moreover, there would be an opportunity for them to develop their skills in certain type of sport that most appeals to them and become professional athletes later in life. To help their enthusiasm grow, teachers and coaches could combine their physical education classes with some sorts of games both in kindergartens and primary schools. 

On the other hand, by taking all kinds of personalities and physiques that students have into account, educational establishments should try to come up with more versatile solution to this issue. Because there might be students who are overweight and are insecure about their body and by making sport a mandatory part of their life they will only grow to detest it, as they might be less physically active in comparison to their fit classmates. As a result of them having less ability to adapt to heavy exercises, they will get lower marks at the end of the semester which will only contribute to their lower self-esteem. 

In conclusion, although the idea of making sport a compulsory subject might be appealing at first, it must be taken into account that by doing so it might have detrimental effect on students’ overall mental and physical health.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Obesity is a current problem in society. Some people assert that to reduce this problem, sport should be mandatory in all educational institutions. In contrast others advocate that establishing rules regarded to against freedom. In my opinion, both ideas are considerable with different conclusions. 
 On the one hand, people can develop the habit of exercising since their childhood, therefore get rid of health problems such as cardiovascular, breathing and many other diseases. Not changing the habit of staying inactive in obese children are more frequent. To take a specific example, one of my relatives is suffering respiratory problem due to being overweight only because she has been away from exercising since she was born. Furthermore, they can be exposed with different sports and choose one to continue in the future otherwise they might not recognize their favorite sport.
 On the other hand, human beings are free for all their decisions, therefore forcing an activity to them can be against their freedom. If people have to do something for a long time which doesn’t seem appealing for them, they won’t have inducement to do it later. Additionally, mandatory activities might not be as effective as optional choices. Hence these obligatory rules can be also destructive. It is said that even the best and enjoyable activities can be changed to irritating once only as a result of compulsion.
In conclusion, although sport has a crucial role in every single life, imposing it to people is not a good idea for all people, instead other solutions can be exposed to stimulate them working out.  





Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

As a result of an increase in overweighting rates, in some people's opinion exercise is necessary to be an obligatory part of students' educational program; however, others believe that in order to be effective, doing exercise is critical to be optional and by people's choice. This essay will discuss both viewpoints.

With regard to forcing young people to do sport on a regular basis, it should be highlighted that some adults are of the belief that children are not often completely aware of their health condition as well as the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle schedule, and because of that, parents and school board must make them follow their rules, even if they do not enjoy it. It means that forcing students to work out, even if they are against it, would be definitely a beneficial method to prevent them from getting fat in the future. Furthermore, they may claim that, as a child, when someone repeats an action, they will get used to it, and based on that, an obligation in exercising will turn into a habit.

However, although sports are scientifically proven to mitigate overweighting levels among people, doing something passionately and eagerly origins from selection, not an obligation. Following a workout program will be helpful as long as it depends on one decision whether their want to stick to it or not. On top of that, there are some actions that parents can take by which children can benefit from a high-quality life, as well as prevent obesity. Considering the fact that obesity results from a vast variety of causes, if a child is not keen on exercise, parents can put more effort into some other aspects, such as having healthy food, getting them to a park, or going on an adventurous hiking trip by which they can have fun and some kind of exercise in the same time. 

To sum up, despite the fact that some may argue that we should make sport compulsory for students, in my view, instead of telling them that they must do sport, we can smartly and carefully navigate them toward a healthy life to protect them from getting overweight.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

In today's society, the issue of fitness and weight management is becoming increasingly prevalent. If sports were made mandatory in all educational institutions, it would help ensure that all students engage in regular exercise, promoting overall health and fitness. Conversely, only through voluntary participation can individuals truly develop a passion for physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Personally, I believe that a balance between mandatory and voluntary activity is necessary. On one hand, mandatory sports can foster a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among students, having a positive impact on their mental well-being. However, mandatory education may also place undue stress on students who are already struggling with academic or personal issues.
Therefore, it's important to strike a balance between mandatory and voluntary activity, providing a wide range of activities such as team sports, individual sports, and fitness classes, so that students can choose what they enjoy most, as well as opportunities for students to participate in physical activity outside of school hours through extracurricular activities or community programs to promote fitness and well-being.
In conclusion, By offering a variety of activities and opportunities for voluntary participation, we can provide students with the tools they need to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, while considering the individual needs and preferences of students. This is the key to promote fitness and well-being.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

How to prevent individuals from being unfit and overweight is a hot topic. The first group believes that people must start sports based on their keenness. While the second group's opinion is that doing exercise has to combine with elementary school. I firmly believe that encouraging people to work out in the educational system has enough impact on students to consist for a long time.     
When people notice their health, the first question is how to start a new plan, where is the best gym for sport, how much time for fat consumption and many bizarre questions. In fact, they would like to answer a question and, most of the time, question their answer. So, they would finally need clarification. Meanwhile, the prominent subject here is that they have keen enough to be far from illnesses. Consequently, considering this attitude makes them healthier than past. For example, when anyone passion about begin climbing, a variety of questions crowd his/her brain, like which bag, shoes, flask and others. Unfortunately, sometimes disasters must of them to be a climber. Therefore, having enough enthusiasm toward sports is not only sufficient for being healthier, but also it is vital for encouraging others to exercise during sports life.
Absolutely, there are plenty of benefits from learning courses or skills in school. The first and bold item has a foundational plan. For example, swimming is one of the dangerous and tricky sports, and encouraging children in school mitigate their fear. Concurrently, they would be aware of a vast amount of details of this sport, such as how to consume energy, control their heartbeat, keep their health in a storm and so on. Furthermore, as they will be an athlete in future, they will improve their ethics in sports communities. Experience proves that graduated students from school who are educated in sports are not only useful for their life but also are valuable for their society. Because they can encourage people to go to the gym, do aerobic exercise and many others. Finally, people would be fitter and healthier than past automatically.
Overall, enthusiasm toward sports to keep healthy and avoid being overweight has to start from childhood in school to stick in their mind solidly.      


Mohammad Reza
Mohammad Reza


Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Obesity has become one of the growing problems of human societies. To address the issue, people are of opposing opinions; while some parties advocate mandatory physical exercise in every education system, others believe that engaging in physical activities should be optional, otherwise, forced training might results in disgust. This essay will discuss main aspects of each extreme side, and provide a moderate practical approach. 

Historical cases have shown that humans, in essence, cannot stand compulsory education and taught materials do not last long, or even result in adverse outcome. Similarly, as people spend a limited time in educational environment, mandatory physical training would have a flimsy lifetime. If a person does not like to exercise, he finds a way to scape it. As a tangible example, people who pass compulsory military service have to exercise heavily under pressure, but none of them ever have changed his lifestyle only due to compulsory training. Therefore, I believe that while some strictness should be an integral part of each education method, only compulsory approach does not work efficiently.  

On the other hand, people dominantly seek instant gratification and avoid developing demanding habits which require certain levels of perseverance. Physical exercise require determination, and its effects appear after a longtime commitment, and therefore, many people quit it after a short period of time. Consequently, from a psychological view, it should not be expected that the second approach also yields favored results. As a vivid example, most people are conscience about ingredients of healthy diet, however, food selectin is not based on health sides, and consumption of unhealthy foods is prevalent. Hence, due to the complexity of the selection process in human brain, having freedom to choose is not equivalent to best option.      

In conclusion, I believe that neither compulsory approach, nor freedom to choose physical exercise does not work effectively, and tactful attitudes based on human psychology would be more prosperous.  




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Changes in modern life styles have resulted in people having less time and energy to pay attention to themselves leading to a high number of unfit and overweight individuals. Some advisers suggest a compulsory fitness programs in the educational curriculum, while in my belief there are better solutions for this widespread problem.

As we all know, with having an exercise routine and sticking to a balanced diet, human bodies will greatly become healthy and fit but this does not necessarily mean that by forcing this plan, outcomes will appear to be the same. For instance, Observations have shown that sports teachers and trainers often complain bitterly about absence of students in classes or them either not taking the class seriously or not participating energetically. It has been claimed that pupils find it unnecessary to follow the physical commands and instructions when there is compulsory requirement. This can be mainly due to the fact that physical challenges may become excessive to deal with when there is no source of pleasure and motivation by the subjects themselves.

On the other hand, there are some positive and beneficial results rising from different types of plans for keeping the society fit. The first solution can be illustrating the negative impacts caused by sedentary lifestyles eventually resulting in various illnesses. Secondly, inspiration towards an active healthy life can work as a useful tool for making students and generally the whole society interested in exercising. Governments can also offer and provide a wider range of sport centers and gyms therefore people can participate voluntarily in their favorite sports.

In conclusion, it can be said that exercise courses are better to be left optional and the focus should mostly be dedicated to facilitating gyms and fitness centers so that a higher number of people can be attracted in keeping themselves fit and healthy. 




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

These days, societies are facing a growing problem with obesity. Some people hold the view that physical education should be a major subject in educational systems, while other group of people agree on the opinion that forcing students to do sport can result in feeling stressed out, so it should be avoided.


A growing group of people believe that schools can be a good place for pushing children to lose weight as a student`s duty. It is their belief that by spending some hours a week exercising with coaches in schools they may keep physically fit. What I mean by this is that they have to work out by using sports facilities which are prepared at schools or play volleyball, basketball, football, and other sports activities with their classmates in order to lose weight and be healthy. Take Iranian schools for example. Physical education is a major course with the same importance as mathematics or chemistry, which students have to take and get reasonable scores in.


On the other hand, many people hold the view that it might have some negative impacts on students unless they decide to exercise themselves. There is an argument that children who are not keen on doing sport often feel under pressure which not only cannot help them to keep fit, it also has some side effects on their mental health. In other words, if schools and other educational institutes push children to do physical activities which they are not interested in, they may lead to put off potential sports lover students as well.


All things considered, although some people believe that doing sports should be a part of education system, others claim that it cannot help children to lose weight. However, I believe that it is an efficient method of teaching younger generation to take care of their health and avoid gaining weight.


Mohammad Hosein
Mohammad Hosein


Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

A group of individuals present the view that owing to the rise in the number of people who are unfit and overweight, doing sports should become mandatory in all educational centers, whereas others uphold the idea that making sports compulsory in educational establishments can bring about many problems in students as those who are not interested in sports would be embarrassed.


On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that in the contemporary world, compelling students to do sports is more likely to act as a deterrent in that they would be reluctant to exercise or even when they will do it is solely because they want to get rid of the mandatory task as soon as possible so not only does not making sports compulsory guide learners to reach their desired weight, but also students are more likely to be discouraged.

On the other hand, another group of people claim that as people are getting obese more often as a result of the sedentary lifestyle, those who study in the educational centers should be forced to do sports so as to stay fit and healthy. By being forced people have to keep up with a routine so cannot neglect it since it is a mandatory task. However, I do not find this idea convincing as I believe students should be rewarded for doing sports so they become encouraged to do so. Discounts for tuition fees, for instance, students can utilize these discounts in order to continue obtaining their qualifications and, in turn, they would have a positive attitude towards sports.


To conclude, in my view making students do sports can contribute to a sense of dissatisfaction and embarrassment because it gives rise to becoming unwilling to complete the given task. Moreover, students can receive rewards instead of being forced to be encouraged.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, the number of people suffering from obesity has increased noticeably. Some people argue that in order to stop this trend we should make sports compulsory in educational institutions. However, others believe this measure proves to be futile as sports being compulsory does not appeal to students who do not have an interest in sports, and people themselves have to decide to exercise. While I agree that anything that becomes compulsory tends to repulse people rather than attract them, I hold the opinion that it could be of benefit at some point.

The obvious argument in favor of compulsory sports is that students all start to participate in a type of sport. It is said that the hardest part of doing everything is starting it and working out is no exception. Once they begin to do sports, it becomes a part of their routine, and even becomes hard for them to let it go as they might actually like it. They see the effects not only on their physical appearance but also on their mental health and overall well-being so hopefully, they decide to continue it later on.

On the other hand, people who disagree with this approach indicate that people should be willing to do sports and not to be forced to. In order to do so, people should be aware of the implications of being obese and having an inactive life. One way could be that the government and health authorities promote awareness about the importance of exercise and a balanced diet. People do not take action to change their sedentary lifestyle unless they are convinced that it would be beneficial for them.

In conclusion, I think along with compulsory sports we should take other measures to tackle improve the level of health among people.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

People have differing views about if pupils and students should attend mandatory sports courses in schools or not. Although there are some good arguments in favor of compulsory sports education, I believe these classes should not be obligatory.

Mandatory sports education can make students physically active and less overweight in two ways. Firstly, these courses are in students’ schedules, so to get great grades they have to do their best. In addition, coaches and instructors are present at these classes to make everyone contributes in class.  Secondly, peers can play an essential role in adolescents’ cooperation. At that age, youngsters are competitive with each other, and as a result, they are likely to be willing to compete with other students to impress their coaches with their performance.

On the other hand, these compulsory courses can affect some students adversely. Although playing sports with other teenagers has some merits, it may cause some trouble, as well. Students that suffer from obesity and being overweight may be bullied, teased, and called ugly nicknames. As a result, they can be mentally hurt and face some illnesses, such as depression and low self-esteem. In addition, putting force on young people can make them reluctant to participate in physical education, and feel hatred towards sports and being mobile.

In conclusion, there are convincing arguments both for and against holding compulsory sports classes in schools, but in my point of view, forcing attending these classes can mentally affect youngsters, and make exercising something hateful for them. As a result, these classes should be selective.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don’t like sport. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is true that the high number of people who are overweight or obese has become common these days. Some people believe that sports should be a vital role in all educational curricula. Others argue that this plan is due to (because of) reluctance to do sport. I believe that the existence of a sport lesson in all educational establishments is more beneficial than not being one. 

To begin, doing sports in all educational curricula can have an important impact on people. Although anything that is enforced may cause boredom, changing methods in teaching can make it an attractive program. For example, my niece loves her sports class because school teaches them through games and teamwork activities so they enjoy doing it a lot. In addition, giving awareness to juveniles and encouraging them to do sport and paying attention to their body and health is important.

Sports can have an important influence on the other aspect of individuals. They gain a spirit of competition and learn to do healthy rivalry. So, it results in strengthening their self-confidence and self-esteem which leads to them not being easily discouraged and not losing their interest in sports. By contrast, there are alternative ways, which can be beneficial in dealing with some people who are not interested in every sports. For example, even though a student is not very fond of sports, he can walk to school or ride a bike, which is already a good physical activity. Thus, the sports should only be a voluntary choice by the students.

In conclusion, I do believe that compulsory sport class in educational curriculum can have a more important role in individuals’ life and help them to improve some aspects of individuality.






Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some individuals believe that owing to the increasing population of people who are suffered from obesity, physical education must be mandatory in all schools and universities while others argue that it should be based on students’ preferences. I personally agree with the second view and in the following paragraph I present both views.


On the one hand, nobody can deny that mobility plays an important role in weight loss, and compelling pupils to pass sports during their education can influence students’ health and lead them to be in shape. Putting physical activities as a compulsory course in any educational establishment’s program injects movement among students who advocate playing sports or would not like to play. Since pupils are not mature and decide based on their inner emotions, authorities should control them in terms of fitness and health. Therefore, they put sports as essential courses in their schools.


On the other hand, some people stand on the view that taking physical education should be voluntary among pupils for several reasons. To begin with, some students detest sports and forcing them to play sports make them despair about their abilities in some cases. For example, pupils who do not have sufficient skills to play sports are defeated in many competitions and underestimated by other students which led them to feel embarrassing between peers and their classmates. Furthermore, the novelty of pupils is undoubtedly, and they find various ways to evade doing physical activities if they do not like them.


In conclusion, it is a controversial issue to putting physical education as a compulsory or optional course in schools. In my opinion, mandatory courses could not effective, particularly in sports, and it is better to be part of students’ rights.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

While a group of people states that exercising should be obligatory in all educational establishments because of the fact that the rate of obesity has been witnessing an upward trend, others argue that just exercising as a volunteer can make people fit. However, compulsory sports education may discourage students who are not into sport. I tend to agree with the former argument, and in this essay, I will support my view with examples. 

On the one hand, each individual has his/her exclusive flair, and many people may not be gifted at sports. In these cases, not only are students discouraged, but also it cannot bring positive effects for them. Take a fat and heavy person or a weak and skinny student as examples; football and lifting sports, respectively, are not appropriate ways for them to keep fit. Unfortunately, many in charge people of schools make a popular exercise, football, for example, the only choice in physical education time.

On the other hand, it is proven that exercising is the safest and healthiest way to keep people fit. Nowadays, various types of non-standard slimming and obesity drugs can be found on the market that may cause irreparable damage to people’s health. Moreover, physical activity is a way to refresh children. In the other words, during the busy days of studying, pupils can only switch off on physical education times. Therefore, I am of the opinion that compulsory physical activities should be run in all educational establishments.

In conclusion, according to my explained reasons, I firmly uphold the idea that the education system has to force pupils to exercise because physical activity is a healthy and safe method of being fit. Furthermore, these activities can rejuvenate individuals.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Currently, it is argued that making sports obligatory should perform in all educational institutions due to the increasing rate of obesity in society, while others believe in freedom of choice about it. In my opinion, doing sports should be compulsory for students in their curriculum, but there must be a wide range of sports to choose from.
First of all, today, exercising seems necessary for everyone to keep fit due to the increase in unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles. However, some people, including students, may have not sufficient awareness about the necessity of doing sports, or they occasionally are lazy to exercise. For example, when I was a student, I and some of my friends usually didn't like to exercise in gym class some days due to a lazy mode and if it was optional we absolutely preferred to sleep or eat a portion of delicious fast food at that moment. So, I think schools and universities should make compulsory exercise for students.
However, it is often said that mandatory sport for students doesn't help them to keep fit due to the possibility of creating a feeling of embarrassment to some of them. Therefore, they may recoil from exercise. In this regard, I believe that if the government and private sectors prepare appropriate facilities for different sports in educational institutions students can freely choose their favorite sport. For instance, most our school’s students that had overweight often didn't like to play football with others, and they were unpleasantly chosen as a goalkeeper or reserves. But if there were swimming or weightlifting facilities they really liked to do them to lose weight and enjoy.
In conclusion, I believe that today, existing a regular and compulsory exercise program is necessary for the national curriculum. However, the state should create diversity for students by improving infrastructures and facilities for different sports to increase their interest and motivation for exercise.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

These days countless people are susceptible to obesity. Some assert that the education system should ordain obligatory exercise for pupils. Other people have an opinion that optional decisions can be more helpful to keep fit and compulsory sports cause students to be isolated. Admittedly, I believe that physical education should be arbitrary.
To begin with, the most rational justification is that everyone has a right to make a choice that what he or she should implement with their life. To put it simply, if physical activity becomes mandatory, the inevitable outcome will be the ultimate loss of special talents and abilities. Take different interests as the most patently obvious example; some students are passionate about instruments, have a tendency to be their occupation and profession, and would not like to be part of physical activity, which is, in turn, will pupils frustrate and leads to isolation.
Yet another compelling argument against obligatory exercise is that, if any practice is more forced on students, the more they run away from that, which is failure to perform duties, that encourages them to not implement daily responsibilities at home. To put it differently, owing to disobedience doing compulsory work, can cause unfortunate consequences in the students personalities.
To sum up, considering the point discussed above, the more rational conclusion to be drawn is that mandatory activities should be avoided. This is mainly because there would be serious unpleasant repercussions on pupils character and education system initiatives like this can easily take their roll on the interests of students.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, some individuals claim that because of the high number of people who are not in shape and healthy, physical education should be forced in educational institutions while others say that doing sports should be optional for students that they can do it by their preference. I personally believe that there should not be any mandatory sports and students should decide whether they want to do them or not.

On the one hand, physical education should be compulsory in educational institutions for some reasons. Firstly, due to pupils’ way of life and the changes that have occurred in their lifestyle, students are getting more and more in shape and unhealthy. Secondly, because of the lack of time and the hectic schedule most pupils have to study and work at the same time so, they barely find time to exercise. Thus, there should be a force by establishments to encourage and make them take part in the gym.

On the other hand, in this day and age, students must do sports by their interests and preference not mandatory. When institutions and establishments force students to do sports, they will definitely lose their motivation and joy thus, they will not have any passion for it. In addition, students who suffer from obesity diseases and are overweight and do not enjoy doing workouts can replace the gym with other activities such as walking or riding a bicycle which helps them to lose weight. Therefore, sports should only be a voluntary choice left by students.

In conclusion, there are some arguments about whether the sport should be compulsory or optional in institutions, due to the number of overweight people. I think that sport should be a voluntary option to choose among students in educational establishments.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Nowadays, some Communities believe that in order to solve the overweight problem, it is necessary to implement some obligatory sports in educational systems, while other think that people have to make this decision by themselves, in my opinion, both statements could be right in their own way but it is not an issue that we impose it on people.


 On the one hand, sport is a fundamental way against obesity and other health problems. not only is it crucial to have a healthy body but also it could enhance brain performance, so make it

compulsory in all educational establishments might lead to some positive consequences. for example, the students who can release their energy land a huge amount of stress due to exams may to have better performance, moreover, it helps them to curb overweight and some diseases which related to obesity. therefor, if a sport is included in the educational program as a compulsory subject it will probably contribute to the improvement of students body and mental health.


on the other hand, each person has his own individual interests and mandatory sports can only turn them away from sports. Moreover, it would not guarantee good results and losing weight. On the contrary, it may lead to lose of motivation. Besides, there are alternative way which can be beneficial in dealing with over weight. for example, walking or riding a bike is also a good physical activity. hence, sports should only be a voluntary choice by the students.


In conclusion, although sports play a significant role in people’s lives, I think that it should not be imposed on students. There are many different ways to lose weight and have a healthy body and it should be choose by themselves.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

It is argued that it is better to make sport compulsory in all parts of education since the number of individuals who are unfit and suffering from obesity is increasing. While some believe that a person has freedom of choice. In my opinion, sports should be made obligatory in schools so that we can reduce the rate of being overweight regardless it is against people's will.
To begin with, obesity is one of the most common illnesses these days, which leads to many problems such as heart attack and diabetes. Although, most people are not keen on doing sports because it was not introduced to them when they were younger. So, if sports are made mandatory during their childhood as a part of the school curriculum, obesity will be prevented. In addition, children will get familiar with the benefits of exercising and therefore they are more likely to continue it in the future. Consequently, most children and adults will be well-built.
For people who are reluctant in sports, it might not be efficient . However, as soon as people find the fun in exercising, they will learn to love and make it a habit once they get used to it. At first, it may be embarrassing to do sports, but later on, individuals will learn to appreciate it. If people get to know the benefits of physical activities, for example through the Internet, TV programs, and documentaries, they will understand its importance in their health and bodies. As a result, this would inspire them to do workout regularly.
In conclusion, I think if sports must be done in every educational establishment, this would be good. Despite the fact that it might seem pointless for those who are unwilling, the long-term benefits of it will be appreciated then.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people believe that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people, sports should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. While others say that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, and compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who do not like sports.
To be honest, I believe that everything with the Must-be-done tag has a negative effect on people's minds. However, nowadays, we can see way too many overweight or fat people walking around the street every day, and that is not healthy for them. With the growth of fast foods, most people are getting more fat every day with all of the cholesterol and fat that exist in fast food or, let us say, junk food! Moreover, I think that the main reason people started to get used to junk food is their limited time in their work days.
On the other hand, it is not necessary to force all children to do sports in schools. However, we can warn them and open their eyes in the correct way to prevent them from eating fast foods in the future. Pursuing them to choose their favorite sport is one of the best ways to engage them with the sports to keep them fit with a healthy BMI measure number by their old-year days.
In conclusion, I must say that nothing will have pure positive feedback in society, and even the best decisions sometimes will make someone unsatisfied. However, we must evaluate and decide wisely to choose the proper resolution for our future generations to keep them healthy and fit.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

Some people believe that every educational establishment must include a compulsory sport class in their schedule as a solution to helping unfit or overweight people to be more fit. Other people disagree and think this will only result in turning students away from sports. In my personal opinion, turning sport into a compulsory subject will not help people to get in a good shape, nor it will help them to lose weight.

    I argue that by making all students to take a sport class during every year of their academic education, we are not aiding them to achieve a healthy life or guiding them to lose any extra weight, we are in fact, Putting them under more pressure. Compulsory sport classes only result in people distancing themselves from sport even more as these classes might end up in embarrassing experiences for some students. I think That there are a lot of judgement and blame put on overweight people. our society is not necessarily kind or understanding towards plus-size people and tends to fat shame a shocking majority of them. So I say that compelling people to partake in these classes will further perpetuate this cycle of shame and hatred.

     Furthermore, there are some people who simply can’t be involved in these classes. whether these people are disabled or they just can't keep up with all the physical activities that compulsory classes will demand of students, we can't forget about them and cast them aside. If the point of sport is to turn people into a healthier version of themselves, then the activity you are required to do must be catered to you and your needs and not forced upon you by a generalising compulsory class.

    To conclude, I argue that not only we won’t be helping unfit people by forcing them into compulsory classes, we will be causing them harm as we are further shaming and compelling them into not personified routines that won’t work for every individual. 




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing this letter to inform you that the street I am living in is turning grimier every day.

To explicate the situation, municipal workers have been on holiday since last week. Additionally, the wastage of locality which used to be carried out to the dump yard, is spreading everywhere around the street. 

The foul smell, germs and bacteria which are coming out of wastes would cause serious illnesses such as infections and respiratory diseases. Moreover, the pile of garbage which has been accumulated on the footpath, has recently became an obstacle for pedestrians, especially vulnerable individuals like elderly people or children.

Perhaps I could make one or two suggestions for solving this problem. First, finding replacement of the workers who are on leave would be helpful. Second, contriving more dustbins near the residential area will diminish the filth and prevent the street from getting dirtier.

On behalf of all the neighborhood, I would like to request you to take immediate actions to clean up the wastes.

Yours faithfully

Taban Aref




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Soraya Asadi, a resident on Sun Street. I am writing to you in connection with the miserable condition of this Street.

The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is that the garbage of our neighborhood are not collected on a regular basis. To make matters worse, this mass of rubbish produces bad smell too.

It could attracts numerous insects and microorganism which could result in health problems. It was regrettably an unpleasant experience if my children or one of my family members would be sick.

I suppose that collecting garbage on a daily basis, and increasing the number of municipal workers and vans are steps in the right direction. I hope you take my modest proposal into consideration and believe these changes will provide our neighborhood with a finer environment.

I trust that you will give this matter your urgent attention.

Yours faithfully,

Soraya Asadi




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

I am a resident of Mojdeh street. I am writing to inform you that the street is in a very bad condition due largely to the holding of the exhibition located at the right part of the street.


This exhibition takes place every summer, unfortunately the organization team has performed really carelessly this year. They do not clean the street thoroughly, thus litter is witnessed everywhere. Not only is the problem about the exhibition, but also the municipality’s poor performance deteriorates the problem. Since in the summer when the weather is rainy, the sewage comes out on the street. There is a really bad smell everywhere. It threatens the well-being of the residents and some of whom contracted some diseases. Furthermore, the situation has become worse if it continues for the next month when schools start. 


I request you to repair the sewage system and replace the exhibition to another location further from the residential area.




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir/Madam,

As you can see from the address above, I am one of the residents that live in the Marco street. I am writing to complain about the rubbish which there is in my neighbourhood and I would like to make some suggestions to solve the existing problems.

To begin with, most of my neighbours are really welcoming and mature. So, I am really interested in living hear. However, some of individuals, who live in this region, are not considerate and due to lack of sufficient trash bins, they are used to dumping many solid waste in the street and alley.

Since I am an environmentalist, I know that many diseases are caused by this type of waste which has some negative impacts on people's health. In addition, it is serious threat to the environment and animals.

In my opinion, putting more trash bins in the street is an useful way to prevent of becoming dirty. Moreover, a campaign should be run to separate garbage. Not only does this offer help to solve this problem, but also it increases the public awareness.

I hope you will find my suggestion helpful. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours, 
Mrs. S. Beygi




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with quite unbearable problem in my neighbourhood.One of the crucial factor I chose remote area to live was due to the fact that it was totally immaculate.Unfortunately, the main street has bacome squalid recently.

First of all, my neighbourhood has several recreation facilities, such as parks and camping sites; therefore, it is crowded at this time of year.Furthermore, there is not perfectly adequate recycle bin throughout public places.

The aforementioned issue will trigger myriad problems.Widespread infections will be one of considerable repercussions that will pose threat to human life.In addition, vermin have spread everywhere which are annoying and unacceptable.I believe this problem will be avoided with some rudimentary actions.The two notable examples are employing more dustman and regulating heavy fine for someone who throws refuse on the ground.

Yours faithfully,





Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to raise my concern about the unhygienic condition that has recently been brought to Adams street. In fact, recent Festival of local films is being held in this area, which has caused a lot of trash to be left in the neighbourhood. It seems that no one wants to take step forward and take the responsibility for this mess.

It is essential that this problem should be addressed; as otherwise it can lead to some serious issues. To name one, the health of local people as well as their pets can be at risk. For example, when I take my dogs for a walk, they may eat some of the confectionery left on the street, that puts them at risk. Moreover, the leftovers’ undesirable smell has become a serious disturbance.

Since the festival is going to be continued for another month, I feel that the least you can do is to get someone to take the responsibility of cleaning the area every afternoon after the guests will have left. Also, I urge you to make sure that the responsible person do a thorough job, as this an important matter of health.


Yours sincerely,

Sarah Kahe




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

A glance at figure given reveals some information about various means of transport applied to commute between home and workplace in a European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.
Overall, it is evident that travelling by bus and car experienced a fluctuation and a rise, respectively. Going to and from work by bike and walking, however, had declined sharply in the given years.
Taking a closer look at bar chart appears that in 1960, just under 35% of people had walked to their workplace from home and inverse. Bike, bus and car had been used by 25%, around %17 and 5% of travellers, appropriately.
In 1980, buses with one-fifth of all users were the most popular means to commute between home and workplace. Foot transport mode while, was in the last place of attention. Vehicles and bikes with a difference of two percent were had located in the second and third places.
In 2000, just over 20% of people used bus to go to office and come back to home, this quantity was 35%, nearly 6% and just under 10 percent for car, bike and foot items. In other words, car and bike had been attracted the most and the least of commuters.




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to inform you that the streets in my neighborhood are not clean as they used to be.

I believe that the main reason is lack of human resources for municipality, in other words there are not enough dustman to clean the streets,as a result of that,the garbage accumulates in the trashcans and gradually it makes the streets dirty.

This phenomenon will create several problems, such as decreasing in popularity among tourists,since my neighborhood is a tourist attraction,furthermore it may turn the city to a suitable place for parasites and other vermin creatures, such as cockroaches and brown rats.

To address this problem, local council needs to raise fund for municipality in order to hire more staff, especially dustman. Another solution is to aware people to take enough heed for keeping their hometown clean by not throwing rubbish on the streets and it may be more effective if it accompanies with a fine for those who discard their rubbish on the streets. 

Yours faithfully.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates various means of transportation including bus, car, bike and foot use in a city located in Europe, during 1960, 1980 and 2000.

By comparing the given data, it can be clearly seen that in 1960, walking on foot and driving a bike were the most popular transport modes, used by approximately 40% and 25% of total commuters. Whereas, in 1980, the bus is the most used one by passengers which includes a number of 25% of the whole. However, there is no significant difference between the percentage of total commuters using other transportation means in the same year.

Other than that, in 2000, there was a dramatic rise in the number of travelers who had been using the car as the most popular mode, by 40% of them, whereas, it was at its lowest level in 1960.

Overall, the chart shows that commuting by car was the most popular transport mode in 2000, while in 1980, most passengers showed more willingness to use the bus. In 1960, it was by foot at the highest level of popularity.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of different types of transport, bus, bike, car and foot, which were utilized to commute to and from work in a specific city in Europe in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

Looking from the overall perspective, it is readily apparent that although residents of the city were mostly dynamic and used bikes or traveled on their feet in 1960, they got inclined to lead sedentary lifestyles and chose cars and busses in order to commute in 2000.

A closer scrutiny reveals that usage of cars for going to work and returning home, which were only 5% in 1960, had a dramatic surge and reached to 23% in 1980 and then stood at 37% in 2000. While bus showed almost 9% increase from 1960 to 1980, it had a 10% drop and reached 16% in 2000.

Two other modes had similar trends and plummeted in the given period. Since 25%, 20% and 5% of people used bikes, in 1960, 1980 and 2000, 34%, 17% and 9% of citizens decided to commute on their feet.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart provides information about four types of transport which individuals used for their routine transportation on work days, during the years 1960, 1980, and 2000 in a European city. The data had measured in percentages.
Overall, in 1960, people tended to walk to and from their work, and they were less interested in using their cars. By contrast in 2000, the trend is the complete reverse. Regarding 1980, there is an almost constant trend during the years in question.
To begin with, it is obvious that bike and walking experienced a downward trend from 1960 to 2000. In 1960, individuals tended to walk nearly 35%, but this tendency declined in 1980 and it continued till 2000. And at the end of time reached under one in ten. There is the same trend for using the bike. In 1960, nearly 25% of people used bikes for their commuting. This number reached exactly a fifth in 1980 and at the end of the period it was around 5%.
By contrast, the car saw an upward trend during those forty years. At the beginning of the period using a car was less common and its percentage was around 5%, while due to a sharp rise in 1980, this value had reached 23%. This rising trend continued and finally, it reached above 35% in 2000. As for the bus, there is a fluctuation from 1960 to 2000. Although, buses were popular among people for all the years in question. But in 1980, it had the highest value with more than 25%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

At first glance, one bar catches my eye. Transportation by car was the most popular method in 2000.
At that time, roads were going to be more driver-friendly, gas was cheap and gas stations were located all over the city.
In the first year of the century, "Saving time" started to be important in the population's lifestyle. Because of this reason, cars and buses were the first and second options for people to choose from.
The mechanical life revolution started that year which made people lose their interest in walking and biking, since that time the lack of movement-related health problems has increased.
In 1960, cars were not ordinary vehicles. Just a rich and noble family had a chance to purchase a car. Roads and the city did not provide for this vehicle in a large amount, so people were more used to going to work by bicycle or foot. Buses were more popular than cars in the 1960 people's minds.
In the middle of these two years, in the1980 there were no distinguishable differences between these transportation ways. But with a small difference, buses were the first option for the transported population to work.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of use type of transport used by travellers to travel or work in a European city in 1960-2000. Transport modes including four items car, bus, bike as well as foot. Obviously, the percentage of used the all types of transporting in 1980was close together.

Moving on to details, with changing life style and developing technology between 1960-2000 transportation by car increased in comparison with walking. So that, the percentage of transport by car in 2000 and 1960 was 35 percent and 5 percent respectively.

As far as the bar chart depicts, the percentage of transporting by foot in 1960 was highest and it was nearly 35 percent. Also, the data indicates, transport by bus to travel or work in 1980 was increased significantly and it was 25 percent.

As it can be extracted from the bar chart, the lowest percentage of using bicycle to travel or work was in 2000 and it was about 5 percent.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The illustration depicts the proportion of four commuting options in a city located in Europe in 1960, 1980, and 2000. Overall, except the bus passengers which fluctuated during the period, car, bike, and foot’s shares changed dramatically. While the portion for car experienced a great increase, those who were on the bike or foot witnessed the opposite trend. 

The majority of the citizens walked to work at first around 35%; however, people who used their car was only 5%. 40 years later, the first group dropped down to just around 9%, while car had become the most popular choice of transportation. 

Similar to foot proportion, the figure for bike riders saw a declining trend, started at 25% in 1960 and reached at 6% in 2000, which was the least amount among others. The proportion for buss experienced a different trend. While others showed either increasing or decreasing trend, this figure for bus fluctuated between 1960 and 2000, started at around 18% as a second least popular commuting option in 1960, peaked at 26% in 1980, and again backed to 16% in 2000, nearly close to the beginning figure. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

A glance at the provided bar chart reveals the comparison of transport modes to travel to work in 1960, 1980 and 2000 in a European city. 

First and foremost, as is expected, the number of passengers who used cars dramatically rose from 1960 to 2000, so that 5% of travelers go to and from work by car in 1960, while its number sharply increased to more than seven times in 2000. In contrast, people were less inclined to walk to work during mentioned years. Indeed, the number of people using their feet to travel rapidly fell from 35% to nearly 10% from 1960 to 2000.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that bike use noticeably declined to one-fifth from 1960 to 2000. In fact, 25% of travelers biked to and from their work in 1960, while this dropped to 20% and 5% in 1980 and 2000 respectively. 

Moreover, in the terms of using buses, in spite of the fact that from 1960 to 1980 using of the bus enhanced from less than 20% to more than 25% of travelers, surprisingly, the number of travelers decreased to approximately 15% in 2000.


Zahra Karegar

Academic (AC)




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given graph illustrates in one European city the various modes of transportation used to commute to and from work over the three specific years.

Overall, the proportion of bike and foot was markedly decreased, while the figures indicate the car represent hugely increased. Moreover, the percentage of bus was roughly remained unchanged.

As for unpolluted transportation system, the highest rate of Transportation that is pollution-free was foot with 34% in 1960. this experienced a substantial fall in 2000 by %25 of total travelers. The figures of total traveler That using bike initially stood at 25 in 1960 and This rate saw slight slump in 1960 by %5. 

Returning remain transportation which were produced pollution, at the first car rate was around %6 then the proportion of total traveler that used car experienced an up surged trend with %30 in 2000. The figures of bus firstly were around %18 in 1960 then this trend experienced a peak to %25 in 1980.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares the four types of transportation used to travel to work and house in one European city between 1960 and 2000.

It is clear that most travelers used car in 2000, but walking became the best modes of transport in 1960.The number of people who used car saw the biggest rise over the 40-year period.

In 1960, foot mode used close to 34%, which was almost double the number of bus transport. Over the following 40 years, however total travelers by foot fell by approximately 9%, whereas car saw rise near 36%. By 2000, car had become the most popular way of transport in this European city.

The other two types of transport between 1960 and 2000 were bike and bus. In 1960 bike was more popular than bus, about 25% of total travelers, but over 40-year these transport modes saw declining and total travelers by bus saw rise 1980.





Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

The bar chart illustrates traveling with various transportation modes in specified years. Also, it shows percentages of travelers that traveled by bus, car, bike, and foot that were different kinds of transportation for commuting in travel and work in a European city in 1960, 1980, and 2000.

It indicates in 1960, the most percentages of travelers traveled by foot, bike, bus, and car, respectively. Further, in 1980 there was not a significant difference between transport modes and all of them were nearly 25% also, 40% and 6% of people traveled by car and bike in 2000, respectively.

Furthermore, the chart shows the most percentage of people who traveled by car was in the year 2000 with 40%. However, the least of them traveled by car in the year 1960 with 5%. Moreover, the highest rate of them traveling by foot in 1960 that rate was 37%. while in 1980, 25% of people traveled by bus.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The presented bar chart compares the proportion of means of transportation being used for commuting to and from work among the citizens of one European town in 1960, and its following twenty and forty years.

Taking a glance at the figure, it can be seen that while car became the most popular mode of commuting, others saw a decline in their usages; in the case of buses albeit, this decrease was following an initial rise. The most desired way to going to work and coming back home for people in the given city of Europe in the years given were going on foot, using buses, and driving cars respectively.

Commencing with the methods falling from favor, one can see that although most of the dwellers in the given country preferred foot to other ways (nearly 4 out of ten dwellers), their figures halved in 1980, and again by 2000, reaching a quarter of their early proportions. The same pattern with slighter drop happened regarding the second most vehicle of 1960, bikes, which fell to being favored by just over 5% of the population, one-fifth of its initial appeal. Lastly, the third highest used means of transport, buses,  which were used by about 17% of the populace in 1960, also decreased their usage to a little bit lower than that by the end of the period after having peaked at over 25% in 1980.

Turning to the only motor vehicle with a surge in its usage, it can be said that cars which were the least used commuting mode of 1960, saw their usage becoming 7 folded, accounting for more than 35 percent of the community choosing them in 2000, double the proportion of the second most used mode of transport, buses, and far higher than other forms.


Seyyed Mohsen
Seyyed Mohsen


The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Four different means of transportation used to commute in a specific city in Europe is illustrated in 1960, 1980, and 2000.


Regarding bike, a dramatic decrease can be seen in the given chart. In 1960, 25% of transport mode was allocated to bike, while it declined to 20% and in 2000, a massive reduction seems to be clear. Considering foot, a same pattern can be notified. In 1960, foot was 34% of transportation mode in the European city, but it declined by almost half (17%) and it decreased to 9% in 2000.


In terms of car, the pattern is totally reversed in comparison with the bike and foot. We can see that in 1960, only 6% of transport mode was specified to car, while a substantial climb happened in 1980 (23%) and finally it reached 42% in 2000.


Regarding bus, a different trend is noticeable. In 1960, bus was only 18% of transport mode, while it increased to 26% in 1980, however, a quite dramatic reduction can be seen which made it to fall below the starting level. (16%)


In summary, bike and foot, as 2 major modes of transportation in the European city decreased from 1960 to 2000, while a reversed pattern happened in car. In terms of bus, first it increased and then fall to below the starting point.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart illustrates the various ways people commute to and from their workplaces in a particular city in Europe from 1960 to1980. From an overall perspective, utilization of cars showed an upward trend, whilst the usage of a bike and walking to and from work presented a fall and bus usage fluctuated. It is also noticeable that although walking was the dominant way to travel to and from work initially, it was replaced by car as a popular means of travel at the end of the period.

Regarding downward trends, biking and walking to work decreased dramatically from one-quarter and almost 35 percent to a negligible 6 percent and just under 10 percent, respectively. The usage of bikes showed a modest figure at the end of the period.

 Turning to other means of transportation, increasing moderately from 18 percent in 1960 to 26 percent in 1980, the popularity of buses has declined considerably to 16 percent by 2000. Meanwhile, the usage of cars which had the lowest percentage at the beginning surged and won first place at 35 percent in 2000.

Fateme shahriari




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

A glance at the bar chart provided reveals the different types of transportation between workplace and home in a city in Europe in three different years.

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that, cars became the most popular way of transport after forty years. Another striking feature of this figure is that most people tended to walk and cycle in 1960, which lost their popularity in 2000.

As can be seen from the line graph, the majority of people preferred to use their feet or bicycle to reach their workplace. To be precise, approximately one-third of citizens choose walking and one-fourth of them used bicycles. Less than one-fifth of individuals caught a bus and a mere 5% used their private cars.

in 1990, there were no significant differences in the popularity of these modes of transport. In 2000, private vehicles were chosen by more than 35% of people. On the other hand, traveling by foot and bike accounted for less than 10% of transportation, and buses were chosen by around 15% of citizens. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart reveals the different types of transportation which were used on the way to and back from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.
Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the most percentages of total travellers was in walking and using cars to and from work in 1960 and 2000 with almost 35%, respectively; whereas most of the people took a bus in 1980, at approximately 25%.
As is presented in the bar chart, buses and bikes were more popular in 1960 and 1980 with around 5% fluctuation between 20% to 25%. Meanwhile, usage of bikes dramatically decreased about one-fifth, but the popularity of buses still remained with 15% from 1960 to 2000.
On the other hand, walking changed place by using cars with the same percentage from 1960 to 2000. Furthermore, there was not considerable difference in this two means of transportation in 1980.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

   The bar chart illustrates the means of commuting in a European city which had four methods for worker ( bus, car, bike and foot ) in the years 1960, 1980 and 2000. Units are measured in percent.


   Overall, it is crystal clear that traveling on foot, by bus and car were the most popular transportation over the years mentioned , respectively. Commuting by bike and foot had a downward trend over the period shown, with two exception of car and bus , which car had a upward trend and the crowd of bus users saw a few vacillation. 


   With regards to the chart , 24 percent of total travellers transported on foot to their work in 1960. Although using bike it was not as popular as traveling on foot in 1960, but 20 years later in 1980, traveling by bike achieved to the 20 percent which it was 3 percent more than transporting on foot. But in the year 2000, the total number of travellers whom commuted on foot soar again and became 3 percent higher than the number of bike users.


   The population of bus users had fluctuated between 16 and 26 percent in whole 3 years that mentioned. By contrast, the amount of car users had a dramatically increase and became the most common transport mode in 2000 and thus bus ranked the second among other rivals. Last but not least is the amount of bus users in 1980 that it was 26 percent which made this mean in the top of others.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Given is a bar chart providing data on various means of commuting to the workplace and back home by dwellers in a city located in Europe in 3 different years. A glance at the chart reveals that car usage is the most prevalent way in 2000 while transporting by bike and car are the least popular in 2000 and 1960, respectively. 

Regarding 1960, traveling by foot came at the top of the list with almost a third of the total percentage. Also, a fourth and approximately a fifth of the travellers preferred to use bikes and buses, respectively, in the same year. But automobiles accounted for just 5%. Turning to 1980, people tended to commute by bus more than other modes of transport ( 25%) and not far behind were the car and bike with on average a fifth of the total traveller's percentage. Finally, foot mode was used by 17% of people which was half that of 1960.

In 2000, using automobiles gained in popularity and they were utilized by over a third of the commuters. Travellers used foot and bike with on average 7%, which was almost half that of bus figures.

In conclusion, it seems that with the passage of time transporting by bike and foot lost ground to cars, gradually. But the buses managed to retain their popularity during the 40 years.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The column chart explains how individuals from a city in Europe commuted by different means of transport in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

Overall, in 1960, most of the Europeans who lived in this city used to reach their destinations on foot. Conversely, in 2000, the largest proportion of them preferred to go to their workplace by car. it is worth mentioning that, transferring by bus was fancied to the most number of those travellers, in 1980.

In 1960, the figure for walking stood at nearly 35%, whereas that of travellers by bike was lower by 9%. From this year until 2000, these figures declined significantly to 8% and 6%, respectively. In 1960, moving by car accounted for the least popular form of transport at 5%. While, its popularity soared over the entire period and eventually reached a peak at just over 35, which altered to the most prevalent one amongst others, in 2000. 

On the other hand, using public transport, for instance, a bus fluctuated over time. between 1960 and 1980, this figure grew from well under 20% to approximately 26%, after which it experienced a substantial drop of nearly 10% and turned out to be the second most popular form of transport, in 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Mahdie Rezaei, Academic Task One


The given chart represents the manner of commuting to work among Europe people in distance 40 years between 1960 -2000.

According to this bar chart, people in 1960 enjoyed going to work by walking. While, 40 years later, they were preferring to have traveling by car. The principal point in this picture which is so thought-provoking is in 1960 people have had the least usage of cars, whereas 40 years after that, in 2000, European have had the most usage of cars for going to work.

 On another side, there has always been a proportion among types of commute in 1980 for travelers. For example, there have not been sharp differences between walking, getting on a car, bus, or riding a bike. Actually, this tendency has moderately been changeable. Furthermore, the most time people used to bus is related to 1980 when 25% of people transferred by it.

Overall, although technology has developed, the lifestyle of people is being unhealthy. The usage of cars, not only creates a lot of pollution but also a decrease in walking and Also has made kinds of diseases such as heart attack, obesity and so on.

Mahdie Rezaei, Academic Task One





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart illustrates the different means of transport which are used by people in order to commute in a particular European city in three years.

Overall, while the usage of the bus, bike and foot decreased, the reverse was true for car users by the end of the given period. Additionally, the car was the most popular mode of transport among the others in the last year.

In 1960, the proportion of total travelers by foot was the highest and stood at about 35% while this figure for the bus, car, and bike was about 18%, 6%, and 25% respectively. Additionally, 20 years later, the percentage of travelers by both bus and car increased to about 26% and 23% respectively. In contrast, this figure for bike users decreased to 20% and for foot, users fell to approximately 16%.

In 2000, the proportion of individuals who used the bus bike, and foot as a mode of transport decreased to just over 15%, 5%, and nearly 10% respectively. While this figure for car users reached its peak at approximately 35%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given graph compares four different means of commuting in a city in Europe over a 40-year period.
Overall, using cars by far was the most common way of arriving at work and returning from there, whereas, at the end of the period, people were less willing to walk or cycle.

In 1960, the majority of commuters used active transportation like cycling and walking. To be precise, well under 35% of travel was done by foot, and just over 25% of people got to work by bike. Whereas, the proportion of people who used a car to commute was one-third of bus passengers.


Using different ways of transportation varied between 25% and 17% in 1980 when using the bus was the most used commuting method. 20 years later, walking and cycling together were less common than bus taking, with 15% of total travelers. In contrast by 2000, the car has become the most popular means of transportation for commuters at well under 35%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

This bar chart compares the percentage used of different vehicles for commuting in one city in Europe between 1960 and 2000.
What immediately stands out is the fact that applying foot, bus and car gained a wild currency in 1960 1980, and 2000, respectively. Furthermore, while the figure for the car rose dramatically, utilizing the foot and bike experienced a gradual decline over the whole period.
In 1960, walking was the most popular type of transportation and reached its peak at 35 % while only 6 % of people tended to use their cars. From this year until 2000, the figure for walking by foot dropped to under 10% in 1980.
Moving on to other types of transportation in one European country, in 1980, more than 25 % of the population choose to take a bus for their commute whereas the use of car and bike were lower at 22% and 20%, respectively. From this year to 2000, bus use gradually Decline and reached 15% in 2000. Moreover, although the use of cars experienced its lowest percentage at 5 in 1960, it saw a significant increase to 23 % and then 36 % in 1980 and 2000, respectively.


Mhammad Reza
Mhammad Reza


The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart provides information about transportation systems utilized by citizens of a city in Europe in order to commute to work, in three years.

Overall, Both buses and cars were the most popular vehicles for transportation in 1980 and 2000, respectively. Although People’s attitude toward walking and biking was at its highest, in 1960, it was generally diminished up to the year 2000, exchanging its place with driving cars.

In 1960, almost 32% of people prefer going to work walking pedestrians, however, just around 5% of people used their car to reach their workplace. In 1980, there is a balance between transportation systems remaining equivalent at 21% with a tolerance of just 5%. The matter of the number of people the bus was the highest rank with above 25%, while the foot was the last rank among systems with approximately 15%.

In 2000, cars is the usual way of going to work due to above 35% of people were interested in it.  On the other hand, Either bikes or feet were used by 10% of citizens.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares the four various means of transport utilized to commute in one European city in the years 1960, 1980 and 2000.
Overall, walking was by far the most important mode of transport in 1960. Commuting by car saw a significant rise over the 41-year period.
In 1960, about 35 percent of people traveled to and from work by walking, which was almost double the percentage of travelers using a car. Over the following four decades, however, walkers’ figure fell by 25 percent, whereas cars saw usage rise by approximately 30 percent. By 2000, the car had become the most used means of commuting with usage reaching a little more than 35 percent.
The other two modes of transport between 1960 and 2000 were bus and bike. In 1960, buses and bikes were used by around 18 percent and 25 percent of commuters, respectively. By 1980, while the figure for buses had experienced a seven percent rise, bike’s figure had fallen by five percent. In 2000, both figures fell to a lower percentage, which the figure for buses was almost triple the percentage for bikes.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The following bar chart is presented to show how the people of a city in a European country commuted to work in spans of 20 years started from 1960 to 2000. There are four ways, buses, cars, bikes, and by foot, which travelers chose to go to work and are shown in this bar chart.

The most significant change happened for bus commuters. In 1960 it had a percentage about 18 percent then in the next period,1980, it reached 25 percent and in 2000 it fell to 15 percent while the others have an increase or decrease over the period of 40 years. For example car traveling started from 5 percent and reached above 35percent in 2000. Biking and walking faced decrease over this period. A forth of the population used bikes in 1960 and about a third of the population walked to work in this year.

Using cars and walking are at the top. Cars are at the top at the beginning of the new century while on the foot in 1960 was at the top. And it is obvious when cars are at the top ,on foot is at the bottom and vice versa.







The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates 3 kinds of vehicles which are used for commuting between work and home in a city in Europe during a 40 year period, starting in 1960.
Overall, the proportion of people who choosed to drive increased significantly over the period as opposed to commuting via bike and bus. In addition, walking to work or home plummeted although it was at the highest level at first.
In1960, most people commuted between work and home without any vehicled(35%) that the percentage was around 7fold more than the percentage of own cars traveller. Furthermore, the figures for using bus and bike stood at the similar level appropriately between 18-25%.
By year 2000,the proportion of commuters used car had reached a peak at just over 35%,which had been 3 and 7 fold higher than pedestrians and bicyclist, respectively. Regarding bus, having gone from 18% in 1960 to 25% in 1980,the figure went down by 10% at the end of the period.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000


The chart illustrate various modes of transportation that we're utilized to travel in a European city in three different year's.

Overall, it can be apparently seen that the popularity of car increased dramatically, whereas that of bike and foot declined between 1960 and 2000.

In 1960, the percentages of people who travelled on foot and by bike were approximately 37 and 25 percent, respectively. From this year onwards, both figures decreased substantially to less than 10 percent. In 1960, just 5 percent of individuals travelled by car. In the subsequent years, the popularity of this mode of transport increased significantly by 30 percent. 

Around 17 percent of people chose bus for their transport in the year 1960. From this year until 1980, the figure for bus experienced a moderate growth to 10 percent. However, in the subsequent years, the proportion of people that used bus dropped to just over 15 percent.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

 The graph shows the percentage of travelers who used different types of transportation to go to and come back from work In a European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. 

In1960 people were more dependent on their foot to go to work because there weren't a lot of cars at that time.

Walking percentage had the highest level in 1960 by about 35%, later on This number decreased significantly to less than 10%. 

On the other hand, the percentage of people using cars in 1960 was 5% but with the development of technology it reached the peak of more than 40% in 2000. In 1960, the percentage of People who used bicycles to go to work was 25% but it decreased moderately in 1980 to 20% and after that, it witnessed a plunge to 6% in 2000.

Locals also used the bus as their major transportation in 1980 by 26%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given column depicts the travelling method preferences to work and from work, among people who lived in a specific city in Europe in 1960, 1980 and 2000. Four type of travel are mentioned, such as bus, car, bike and foot.


In 1960, the travels by walking were higher than by other modes. About one-third of travels were made by foot, and at the same time a quarter of travels were made by bike. Bus’ proportion of travels was only just under one-fifth, and the private car had a negligible role in travels by only one-twentieth. Two decades later, in 1980 the bus and car were more popular than by two other ways. Bus earned more than one quarter of all travels, and just above one-fifth of travels were allocated to cars. At the same time one-fifth of travels were made by bike and foot were the last choice by just above 15 percentage. Two decades after that in 2000, car stood far above the other methods by a third of all travels, and the bus came back to its level in 1960. The foot share was approximately one-tenth of travels, and the bike had the same share that car had in 1960 by only one-twentieth. 


Overall, during the period car got popular and bike and walk lost their portion dramatically. Bus after a good increase in its portion is community stood in its first place at the end of period. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

This bar chart compares the rates of using various modes of transportation by people for commuting to work in a European city from 1960 to 2000.

Baced on the provided information, it is clear that the usage of car dramatically has boosted over 40 years. On the contrary, interest of people for using bike and walking significantly has reduced in mentioned period, simultaneously.

In respect of 1960, it can be seen that most of the people would prefer to walk to their workplace by almost 35%. Also, using car was in the last stage by just over 5%.

According to the figures of 1980, it can be inferred that traveling by bus has been most favorable transport mode by just over 25%. In addition, using car and bike and walking have filled the next stages, respectively, by approximately 23%, 20%, and 16%.

Looking at the statistics of 2000 in more detail, it is worth mentioning that employing cars in order to transport was most common among citizens by just over 35%. Moreover, using bike and walking have had the lowest percentages by almost 5% and 10%, respectively. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of people who used different type of vehicles or their feet for travelling over the four decades, from 1960 to 2000.

Overall, it is clear that using car during over time increased dramatically, while bike and foot options decreased significantly.

As the world had become industrialized during last century, using car had developed. In 1960, the percentage of using car for travelling was around 5%, but it increased dramatically in 1980, with almost 22%, and occupied 35% of travellers in 2000. However, this trend was inverse for foot mode. At the first year, 1960, the most travellers where in using foot, at the same value for car in 2000, lower than 35%. But during time it decreased and finished at less than 10% in 2000.

Using bike had the same pattern like foot. Travellers were more the mode of bike in 1960,  standing at 25%, which was almost 5 times as much as that of the value in 2000. Furthermore, using bus among travellers started at about 17% and had a small increase in 1980, and then decreased and finished at almost 15%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The below bar chart provides data on how much every transportation mode was used by travelers in a European city over the three different years included 1960, 1980, 2000. 
Overall, it can be seen that car transportation is exponentially rose, in contrast to the transport of bike and foot, which are dropped. Further, buses usage overtook foots and bikes in 1980, which allocated the second most mode transport to itself in 2000. 
Looking at the car bar chart in more detail, it can be seen that the percentage of car transportation which are used by travelers in 1960 stood at around 6%. By 1980, it had decreased to approximately 23%. This portion considerably grew to about 36% in 2000, which was the highest value of transportation usage on the chart.  
Turning to the foot data set, it is clear that transport of this mode stood at 34% at the beginning of the period. It then went down exponentially to just over 16% over the next 20 years although the percentage of bus transportation was the same as that of foot in 2000.  




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates various types of transportation which are used in a European city between 1960 to 2000.


Generally speaking, while in 1960 the majority of people tend to transport on foot, by passing time bus and cars became popular among people, moreover, the bus was almost prevalent all the time, especially in 1980.


Looking into more detail, in 1960 a little below 35% of total travellers transport on their foot, however, 25% of them used bikes for travelling, and almost 17% and 5% of them travelled by bus and car respectively. similarly, by the following decade, most people tend to travel by bus, car and bike, whereas, transporting on foot was in lowest percentage of about 16%.

In the last decade, cars were by far the most vehicle among people and a little above 40% of all residents used cars for transport. also, about 15% of them travelled by bus and a small group of the total were transported by bike or walking.


Seyed Bahaeddin
Seyed Bahaeddin


The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart shows the popularity of four different type of transportation in a European city in 3 different years (1960, 1980 and 2000).

As the picture illustrate, transporting by car grow significantly in the given duration. On the other hand, using bike and transport on foot has been decreased in the same duration of time.

To start with using of bus, it had been fluctuated during this period of time, it has been used by under 20% of travelers in 1960 and the usage grows to more than 25% in 1980 and then dropped to about 16% in 2000. Meanwhile, using cars was growing all the time. In 1960 just 6% of transports was by car and this number jumped to 23% in 1980 and by 2000 it had another rise to more than 35%.

For two other options (bike and foot) the trend was downward all the time. First using bikes decreased from 25% in 1960 to 20% in 1980 and then it falls to 6% in 2000. Next, for transportation on foot which had the same trend as bike, its popularity from just under 35% in 1960 decreased significantly to 17% in 1980 and it had experienced another decrease in 2000 and its percentage among other transportation method was just below 10%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart illustrates information on various ways of transport to work used in a European city in 1960,1980 and 2000 years. It is clearly seen that car transport is the most popular type of transportation in 2000, while people showed less interest in foot and bike travelling in 1980 and 2000.

Turning to bus transportation, the rate went through fluctuations with 18% in the first year while in the second year it hit a peak at 27% before plunging to 16% in the final year.

Regarding car travellers, started at well above 5% in 1960 and it staged a sharp rise to hit a peak approximately at 40% in 2000. However, unlike bike and foot travellers rates which started at 25% and nearly 34% respectively and continued their downward movement towards the end of the period.

Overall, with the passage of time, people go to work less on foot and by bicycle, and more of them start using single-occupancy cars and buses.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

The bar chart illustrates one European city with type ways of transport from one place to another in 1960 to 2000.

Overall, there are four ways such as bus, car, bike and foot that they used for going to work in the city of European in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

The average of transport modes in European city in all time by bus were 20% percentage. On the other hand, the amount of using from car did not are same of each other. There was different use from bike. So, the average of using by foot were about 15%.

The highest amount using by bus was 25% in 1980 but the lowest percentage was 15% from bus in 2000. So, the using from car was 40% that this value for transport was 5%. In addition, highest and lowest of percentage using via bike on respectively were 25% and 5%. In European city, the people used from foot about 33% in 1960 and this amount was approximately 9% in 2000. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares the different methods of transport people used to go to work in European city in 1960, 1980, and 2000.

overall, the largest group of people preferred car for travelling in 2000, which was the highest amount, while bike and car were the least favourite for people in 2000 and 1960, respectively.

In 1960, almost 18% of people used bus as a method for travelling. Car with only 5% formed the lowest percentage, while people going to work on foot accounted for nearly 33%, which was the most favourite, and bike just formd 23%.

According to the year 1980, there was a significant downward trend from using bus to going on foot. Bus was responsible for just under 25%, and the share for car was only 23%. Bike was another way of travelling which was responsible for 18%, and people going on food were just a little above 15%.

For 2000, the most important vehicle was car with just under 33%, and after that bus accounted for 15% (the second place). Just 5% of people chose bike to go to work and about 7% travelled on foot.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar char depicts changes in the transportation ways used to go to work or vice versa in an European city every 20 years from 1960 to 2000. It is obviously noticeable that during this 40 years, healthy methods encompassing walking and cycling plunged dramatically while using cars soared significantly.

Regarding the chart, tendency to bicycles or walking were the most popular way by 40% and 25% respectively in the 1960. However, this amount fell down steadily considerably to a-forth and a-fifth of initial percentages virtually which made them the least prevailing ways in the end of period.

In contrast, percentage of workforces using car to commute to work or home rocketed speedily between these years. In the first years only 5% of employees used it which was the smallest percentage that year, but it grew rapidly and exceeded 40% and became the most popular way in 2000. Moreover, trend of using bus was not similar two groups mentioned before. It increased from just over 15% to more than 25% slightly in the first 20 years but it finally backed to just under the first levels at 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given figure gives information regarding four types of transportation during three years in a European city.

It can be seen that walking has been the most used method for transporting in 1960 by 35%. This is followed by biking, bus taking, and driving a car by proportions of 25, 18, and 6 respectively. In 1980 walking volume has fallen by half and the most common way has been using buses by 26%. Overall, all four types are fluctuating around 17% to 26% this year. Cars have demonstrated a rapid jump to 36% in 2000, followed by a significant reduction in all the other three kinds of transport modules. After cars, buses are the most popular ones with 16% followed by walking and riding a bike with 9% and 6% respectively.

To sum up, cars have replaced other sorts of transportation from 1960 to 2000 to a significant extent. Riding and walking have a similar pattern which is the opposite of the car trend. The bus had a peak in 1980 and has fallen to almost where it started in 1960 at the end.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart gives information about how people go and back to work in 3 different years ,including 1960, 1980 and 2000 in a city located in Europe.

Generally, car usage had significant growth, while walking to work showed a reducing trend.

They are cars, which are the only modes of transport that had an increasing trend. Cars were the least popular vehicle for transport in 1960 (%5) reaching seven times this figure in 2000, and turning into the most favourite way of commuting in 2000. Buses were used by almost equal section of commuters at the beginning and last year (16%). The biggest portion of bus usage occurred in the middle of the period (25%).

Foot and bike mode had been experienced the same shrink trend. More than one-third of People in 1960 prefered to walk in the way of workplaces and houses, while this figure had fallen to one-quarter of it in 2000. Also, bicycle use declined from 25% to 6% in 1960 and 2000 respectively.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The graph illustrates various types of commuting for job in a town in Europe in three different years 1960, 1980 and 2000.


Overall, there are four means of transportation to go and come back from work. Using car had been increased; however, commuting along feet had a dramatic fall over the years.


From 1960 to 1980, the usage of bus saw and moderate decrease from 18% to 25%. That of car rise significantly from 5% to 22%. While the figure for riding bike and using feet, experienced a decrease from 25% to 30 and 34% to 16% respectively. From 1980 to 2000, transportation by bus faced a moderate fall from 25% to 15%, while that of car rockets from 22% to 35%. Surprisingly, Come and go to work via by continued to fall and experienced a slump at 6%. Certain travelers, who decided to walk to their job and come back to the house, dropped from 16% to 9%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart gives information about the percentage of different ways of transportation used to commute to work in an European city in three years. Overall, it can clearly be seen that the percentage of people who choice a bike and foot to go to their workplace experienced a downward trend, while their preference to use a car had a significant increase, also in terms of bus it fluctuated during the period of same years.


As can be seen, the number of travellers that used a car in 2000 was the highest percentage of others models, which was almost %40 also it was nearly %18 and %35 more than in 1980 and 1960 respectively. The percentage of people who choise a bus in 1980 was the highest amount at that time, which was roughly %25, and it had almost %10 growth compared with 1960 then from 1980 to 2000 it experienced a drop at just above %15.


The figure of travelers who used bike in 1980 was almost %20, which was %5 less than in 1960, then it declined sharply at nearly %6 in 2000, which was similar to the figure for car in 1960. In terms of 1960, most people preferred to walk to work, who were almost %38 then it had a dramatic decrease at nearly %17 in 1980 and it continued to downward trend in 2000; so it reached just under %10.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates alternative means of transportation that residents of a European city have utilized to commute to their workplaces in three different years.

As it has shown, in 2000 usage of car saw a peak of all time, however, riding a bike had the least interest in the same year. Both, walking and cycling had lost their fans gradually, but taking buses were only popular in 1960.

In 1960, most of people chose walking above all the other options, with approximately 34%. After 20 years, travelers showed more fondness in public transport system which is bus, with a bit higher than 25%. The greatest rate belonged to private car that rose rapidly from 5% in 1960 to 36% in 2000.

Bus system had attracted 17% of passengers at the first year and this figure increased to 26%, but in the following 20 years, it reached 16% with a decrease of almost 10%. Figures of bicycle and walking had fallen dramatically during the timeline from 25% to 6% and 34% to 9%, respectively. The only chart that has grown continuously during these three years belongs to the car users.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart reveal comprehensive information regarding 4 distinct types of commute in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

From an overall perspective, it is clearly evident that car transportation with an increasing pattern is the most favourite type in 2000 while commuting on foot was the lion's share in 1960 and lost its attraction in following years.

A closer look at the chart illustrates that in 1960, transporting by foot is the most favourite model by being approximately 34% and biking is 20% lesser by a quarter. Bus and car commuting are 18% and 6% respectively.

In 1980, bus transportation had an increase by 12% and reached almost a quarter and the most appealing type among other models. Car and bike had dedicated 22% and a fifth respectively. Transporting on foot with a 20% decline is the least favourite type in this year.

In 2000, the community by car has reached the peak by the ratio of 36% and the highest amount shown on the chart. While all other models allocate a ratio of less than 16%.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares four different methods in which people commuted to and from work in a one European country in three distinct years: 1960, 1980 and 2000.


It is shown that in 1960 a majority of people traveled to their work on their foots. In comparison, in 2000, most people preferred going to work by their own cars. Moreover, bus has been popular by 1980.


It is clear that, although approximately 35% of workers went to work on foot in the beginning of the period, its figure dropped dramatically by about 25% in 2000. The bike figure followed the same trend as the foot’s figure, it went down from 25% in 1960 to just over 5% in the final year.


There was an upward trend for using cars during the period shown. People who traveled by their cars in 2000 were roughly seven times as many as in 1960. The figure for bus fell and rose within a narrow range. It rose gradually from some 17% in 1960 to more than 25% in 1980  then it declined to some 15% in 2000.


 Maryam Saati





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares four different types of transport used for job travel in one particular European city in 3 varying years.

First of all, among the four different modes of transport, the car had a significant increase compared with the foot, which had a dramatic reduction by a wide margin over the period. However, the popularity of the bike declined dramatically over time, and the bus popularity stably remained.

In 1960, people had chosen to be transferred by foot or bus, with 34 percent and 18 percent, respectively. In 1980, public transport and car had a nearly similar number among workers, while interest in going by foot had a slight reduction. Interestingly, In 2000, the car was the first choice for workers to use with more than 40 percent and the bike was the last choice with approximately 7 percent.

Overall, it is clear that the car had the highest increase and the foot had the highest reduction in transport to work in 1960, 1980 and 2000. In 1960, the foot was the most important mode to go to work, while, it was replaced by the car in 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Given is a bar graph that demonstrates popularity of different types of transportation used in a city in Europe from 1960, 1980, and 2000.

In general, we can see that the number of people who drive their car skyrocketed in 2000.

As it appears, the percentage of people who drove cars back in 1960 was negligible, at 5%. While, the majority of people preferred going on foot or riding their bike, at 34% and 25%, respectively. The number of people who traveled by bus was nearly 17% during this year. In 1980, people used all four of the given means of transportation at a moderate rate, with about 20% each.

In 2000, 16% of the citizens had the tendency to use buses as their way of transport. The proportion of people who rode their bikes decreased to a negligible amount that was the third of bus usage, in this year. The percentage of people who would rather go by foot, saw a considerable decline compared to 1960 and 1980 and reached 9%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart depicts variety of transport modes which were utilized by European commuters in 1960,1980, and 2000. A brief glimpse reveals that car has been turned to the most popular transport mode in 2000. 

Although almost 35% of all European employees moved to their work places on their foot in 1960, its popularity dropped to about 15% in twenty years. Eventually, this transport mode comprised less than 10% of people preference in 2000. 

Bikes, by dedicating one quarter of transport vehicles, were the second intrigued transportation style in 1960. In spite of the fact that its popularity did not experience a considerable decline in the next twenty years (20%), it plummeted noticeably and was turned to the least popular transportation ones in 2000 (about 5%).  

 Cars were considered as the least favorable transportation style about 5% in 1960. In continue, their usage undertook rocket increase as well as finally were utilized as the most common mode of transport by staffs (more than 35%). 

Buses consisted about 17% of workers preferences as the third popular transport vehicle in 1960. Although its usage hit a high in 1980 and was interested by on quarter of citizens, it dived to even under what it used to be in the first point.  





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Task 1

The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

The given chart below illustrates four different transportation modes that people used to go to and come back from work in a city located in a European country in three different years (1960,1980 and 2000).

Overall, in 1960 people tended to go to work and come back from it by foot, while the cars were the least popular transport in this year. Also, traveling by bike to work and from it was the second most used transportation item in 1960. In contrast, by 2000, the cars had become the most used transportation mode and bikes were the least used one.

A more detailed look at the graph reveals that in 1960 and 2000, people preferred one or two modes of transport over the others. However, in 1980, the proportion of travelers with all type of transport varies a little, from the least with over than 15 percent to the most favorite with just over a quarter of travelers. In comparison to 1980, records in 1960 and 2000 met significant differences between the percentage of the least and the most used modes of transportation.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar charts compare various transportation methods used to travel to and from work in a city of Europe from 1960 to 2000. Overall, while going to work by foot and bicycles experienced a downward trend in the given period, using cars for communications has increased significantly.

In 1960, most people commuted to work by foot or using bikes, with reported percentages of nearly 40% and exactly 25% respectively. In the following 20 years, while the former experienced a noticeable decrease of 25%, the latter had a slight reduction reaching 20%. The least reported percentage for both figures was in 2000 at below 10%.

As for using vehicles to travel to and from work, the proportion of people using buses was four times higher than those of cars in 1960. The percentages of people who used cars and buses for communication followed a similar trend and increased to nearly 30% by 1980. However, while the number of travelers with cars had a significant growth and reached its maximum (40%) in all years, that of those travelling by bus reduced by 10%.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart demonstrates four forms of transport used in a European city to commute to and from work in 1960, 1980 and 2000. Percentages are given for modes of transport cited as follows: by bus, car, bike and on foot.

In 1960, people substantially walked to and from work (nearly 35 per cent). As opposed to driving car which was the least used mode of transport with about 5 per cent in mentioned year.

The pattern of transportation used by people in 1980 shows that almost each mode was used with an approximately equal ratio. However, bus was the most popular form of transport among the commuters. In the following, there are figures for the year 2000, where individuals predominantly tended to use cars in order to commute to and from work (over 35 per cent).They were less eager to ride bike (nearly 5 per cent) in the year mentioned.

Overall, the patterns show that people grew driving car to travel to and from work rather than walking, using bus or riding bike.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart given illustrates the popularity of four methods of transportation in percentage including bus, car, bike and foot in a city located in Europe at two-decade intervals namely 1960, 1980 and 2000.

A meticulous glance at the bar chart reveals that as time went by people took a liking to using cars rather than other forms of transport by experiencing a rising trend over 40 years whereas bike and foot had a completely falling trend in the whole period while bus showed a slight fluctuation. Firstly, in 1960 going on foot was the most popular means of transport at roughly 40% while the use of cars was the least favourite transportation at nearly 6% and the number of people who relied on bus and bike was at 25% and 18% respectively which could be considered as people’s simpler lifestyle.

Secondly, taking the year 1980 into account, the use of bus rose to more than 25% which made it the highest number among the rest of methods of transport. Nonetheless, the number of people who switched to cars soared to 23% which can be seen as an indicative of individuals’ transition to a much more modern lifestyle. People’s preference for bike and foot increased to 20% and almost 15% respectively though.

When it comes to the year 2000 which is the last year of observation, the percentage of people who showed interest in using cars escalated at more than 35% which is the highest figure. Nevertheless, citizens seemed to lose interest in using bikes because the figures showed a dramatic drop at nearly 5% which made it the least popular form of transport even though the use of bike and foot came in second and third by showing 15% and almost 10% respectively.


Mohammad Hosein
Mohammad Hosein


The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates three different forms of transport used for travelling to and from work in European city in 1960, 1980, 2000.


Overall, the figure for cars used as the means of transport within this 40-year period saw a significant increase contributing to becoming the most used transportation method whereas that of foot dropped sharply. Furthermore, bikes were the least used method during the same period.


The proportion of total travelers who chose cars as their main transport method plunged from 5% in 1960 to approximately 35% in 2000. The percentage of people in this European city who walked to and from their work plummeted by nearly 25%.


The percentage of bus users within the 40-year period saw a fluctuation around 20%, while that of bike users decreased from 25% to 20% between 1960 and 1980, followed by a substantial drop of 15% in the last twenty years making it the least transportation form in 2000.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The figure illustrates how various types of transport were utilized to commute to work in European cities over 40 years. The bar chart comprises four types of transportation in 3 different colors.

Overall, in terms of Bus, in 1980, had the largest proportion as well as in 2000, Car had the most significant share among all other types of transport for 40 years, while Foot in 1960, had had the biggest percentage. 

In 1980, Bus had a significant share of about 26%, while in 2000, Bus had an equal proportion with Foot in 1980, about 22%. In the year 2000, Car was the largest segment in comparison to other types of transport as opposed to Car had the smallest segment in 1960, compared to others over 40 years.

The most popular form of transportation in 1960 was foot about 34%, whereas Car was the least popular in this year. Car had a dramatic jump between 1960 to 2000 from around 6% to 36%; although Bus experienced a fluctuation, Bike witnessed of radical incline during four decades.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The chart depicts the four work-based transportation mode choices in a European city in three different years.

Car ownership rise significantly from 1960 to 2000. Bus, as a public transportation mode stay stable in the number of passengers. Ride a bicycle and jogging as a human-base transportation modes are fall considerably over 40 year.


According to the bars, there was four types of transportation modes in a European city are represent between 1960 and 2000. Bus as a main public transportation mode illustrate approximately seven percent rise in the number of passengers from 1960 to 1980 and, after increase in the number of car ownership in 1980 dropped to 15% in 2000. Car usage as a private mode jump seven times over 40 year.


Due to the increase in the number of car ownership, the other types of transportation fall considerably between1960 and 2000. In 2000, people tend to ride a bicycle five times less than 40 years ago, also tend to jogging three times less than past.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The chart provides information about how people travel to and from their work in a particular city of Europe throughout the given period.

Looking from an overall perspective, in 2000, traveling by car was the most popular transport mode, while the most percentage of people who travel on foot was in 1960 and it showed that transportation by bus had more popularity in 1980.

According to details, traveling by bike and foot had a similar trend which was over 25% and 30% in 1960, in order. They also decreased to 20% and 17% in 1980 and finally reached to 6% and 9% in 2000, respectively. By contrast, commuting by car had an opposing trend which started with near 5% in 1960 and rose dramatically to over 20% in 1980, then it had doubled by 2000. It is interesting to note that traveling by bus fluctuated over the period, rising from over 15% in 1960 to 26% in 1980 but it had a significant drop to almost 15% in 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The mode of transportation to and from work for the citizens of a European city for the years 1960, 1980 and 2000 is displayed in a bar chart.

 In general, over the years, people have become more comfortable.

 Because, instead of using walking and cycling which are two very common methods, They have preferred to use transportation methods that do not require any additional physical activity. From 1960 to 2000, car use increased by at least 13 percent year-over-year. So that, compared to using the bus with double the demand, as well as compared to walking and cycling, it has experienced 25% and 30% growth for travelers, respectively.

  On the one hand, walking has completely reversed. So that, twenty years after 1960, the declining trend of its use has been so impressive that it has reached half. Which can have a great impact on people's health. 

  On the other hand, even though cycling has experienced a downward trend like walking, the 20 years ending in 1980, it has shown a decrease of almost a third of the following 20 years. And finally, the willingness of passengers to use the bus has fluctuated for 40 years. So that, not only in 1980, it has experienced a milestone of 25%, but it has been the most popular among other modes of transportation. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart below provides information about percentages of total travelers who used different types of transportation to commute to work in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

Overall, bus traveler rate had many fluctuations in these three years. Both bike and foot experienced downward trends, while car showed an upward trend. Also car had been the most popular modes of transportation at the end of the 2000.

 Foot traveler rate was almost 40% in 1960. However, bike traveler rate was around 25% percent in this year. Then both transportations had a gradual decrease to less than 25% in foot and approximately 20% in bike in 1980, and continued to decline steadily in 2000, reaching around 10% in foot and bike hitting a low-point of usage about 5% among all modes of transportation.

Car traveler rate had been increased in these years. In 1960, only around 5% of traveler used that but this percentage didn’t remain steady. In 1980, it rose to about 23% percent and increased by around 12% percent in 2000.

Bus percentages had ups and downs in these three years. Firstly, it was approximately 17% in 1960. Then, went up slightly to almost 25% in 1980 but it had a gradual fall to about 15% in 2000 which was less than in 1960.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar charts illustrate differnet ways of commuting in an European city in three different years. More precisely, four modes of transportation including bus, car, bike and foot are compared in this study.

As it is depicted in the graph, in 1960, most people used to go to work on foot. After comes bike which was used by a quarter of people. Bus was at the third rank with about 17 percent and the car was the least common way of commuting with only 5 percent. However, in 2000, the car became the most popular vehicle. The bus was roughly as popular as was in 1960 while only less than 10 percent of people used bike or foot. In 1980, the distribution of the four modes were closer to each other in comparison with the other two years, but the bus was at the top level which was used by a quarter of people.

In a nutshell, the chart provides information about four ways of commuting in three years. It is clear that the patterns for 1960 and 2000 are highly oppposite to each other in most cases. Moreover, in 1960, people used all the four methods approximately equally .




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrations information about the various modes of transport which were used to and from walk in a European city 196,1980 and 2000.

Overall, at first glance it can be seen that while the rate of car witnessed a considerable growth, bike and foot did experience a noticeable decrease.

Looking at the details, under 20% of total travelers used bus in 1960. It increased rapidly to over25% in 1980 and decreased dramatically to about 15% in 2000. Regarding car which started with 5% in 1960. The soared to over 20% in 1980 and kept growing to 35% in 2000 which was the highest level in the period among all modes.

With regard bike, it saw a considerable decrease during the all years. The figure was 25% in 1960 and went down to 20% in 1980. In the next year plunged to just 15% which was equal with that of car in 1960. People who used to walk to and from workplace was just under 35% in 1960. The figure fall dramatically to over 15% in 1980 and in 2000 just about 10% of people preferred to walk to and from work.    




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar graph illustrates the transport modes used by travellers in a European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. Overall, the proportion of people who travelled by bike and on foot declined over the timeframe, whereas the percentage of car travellers sharply increased.

Over the forty years from 1960 to 2000, the portion of travellers who used bike as their transport mode decreased from 25% to just over 5%. Following the same pattern, the percentage of people who transported on foot dropped drastically from just under 35% in 1960 to around 10% in 2000.

Concerning private vehicle transport, there was a significant percentage increase from approximately 5% to 35% over the years, standing as the most favoured transport means in 2000. However, the proportion of bus riders moderately fluctuated through the years, with its highest mark in 1980 at a quarter of travellers and lowest figure at 15% in 2000.    




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Dear sir or Madam,

My name is Kimiya Akrami living in Shahran, Tehran. I wanted to inform you about the trashes of Shabanali street, where I am living currently.

This is one of the widest streets in the neighborhood with lots of tall buildings which has never been dirtier as what it is now. One of its reasons could be that the number of trash containers is low which could not be enough for the population of residents living in this street. I personally, sometimes throw my wastes in other trash bins located in next street. The other reason could be that there is not a regular schedule for collecting the trashes.

These reasons would bother everyone whether those who are living in this area or not. It is disturbing the beautiful scenery of the Koohsar park which is in front of this street since those who want visit this park might pass this street. Besides this, many people had chosen to leave here because of its good air quality while these days, it is has been polluted by the smelling litters.

To get rid of these litters, firstly, it could be better to increase the number of trash cans all over the street, for example, dedicating one to each building. Secondly, the working schedule of trash trucks should be monitored and checked occasionally to make sure they are collecting every streets’ garbages.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope you could solve these problems to make this street clean again.

Yours faithfully,

Kimiya Akrami

General training




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The graph compares the use of various modes of transportation, including bus, car, bike, and foot, which were taken by the residents of a city which was located in Europe in order to commute the way between their works and houses in 1960, 1980, and 2000.

What stands out is that in 2000 cars were utilized by about 36% of commuters which was the greatest amount among all the statistics while they devoted the least share of travelers to themselves in 1960. In addition, the popularity of bike and foot declined from 1960 to 2000.

A rigorous scrutiny of the bar chart reveals that the usage pattern of buses during the period of time aforementioned had fluctuation. Indeed, at the beginning, their proportion stood at around 17% while 20 years later it reached 26% which was the highest amount in 1980 and finally plunged to 16%. As can be seen, the percentage of people who utilized car to reach their destination began with the smallest amount 5% and continued increasing to became 8 times higher than what it was in 2000 and in that year it was known as the most preferred way of travel.

Back to the rest of the information, bike and foot had experienced similar changes. In 1960, pedestrians made up the largest types of commuters by 34% compared to the other categories although they plummeted to the half their share in 1980 and reached 9% in 2000. Similarly, bike started with 25% of users while it became one-fifth of its initial amount.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates the figure for travelers who commute to work with different means of transport in a European city between 1960 and 2000. Overall, the amount of travelers who used car increased substantially, while the figure for people who used other means of transport declined gradually.


In 1960, the majority of commuters walked to work (about 34%), while car was the least popular means of transport and about 5% of people used it. The figure for people who commute to work by bike was at 25%, while that of bus was lower at approximately 13%. In 1980, bus was the most popular means of transport at around 26%, whereas the smallest proportion of commuters walked to work at roughly 8%. However, in the subsequent years, there was a slight decrease in the amount of travelers who used bus and foot at around 16% and 9%, respectively. 


In 1980, the figure for people who used car and bike was at around 23% and 20%, respectively. However, from 1980 onwards, there was a significant rise of about 22% in the amount of travelers who used car, which made it the most popular means of transport. In 2000, bike was the least popular means pf transport at about 6%.  




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart depicts information about the percentage of various types of transferring used by Europe residents in three years 1960,1980 and 2000.
overall, it can be observed that the predilection about using the personal car increased significantly, while other modes like bicycle and walking declined considerably, whereas using the public transportation saw a fluctuation during period.
In 1960, by the far most people in Europe moved on foot and about 36% of residents walked with was the highest percent by consideration of other modes. While in the next given year the trend declined to 16% approximately and finally reached to less than 10% in the end of 2000. By contrast, in 1960, just 5% of people drove the personal vehicle which saw a significant increase in 1980 and then reached to the highest percentage between 35% -40% in 2000.
By contrast,  the percentage of using a bus fluctuated during three years and went up from 15-20% to 25%_30% between 1960 and 1980 and then wend down to final in the last year which was equal the initial given number. In comparison, riding a bicycle saw a constant decline from 25% in 1960 to 5% in 2000 perspectively.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

This graph illustrates the various models of some vehicles which used to travel from work in one town of Europe between 1960 and 2000.

It is clear that there are four devices in this chart, such as bus, car, bike and foot. It depicts cars have the most followers in 2000. Moreover, using foot and bus are more popular in 1960 and 1980.

To begin with, the amount of cars has augmented during these years. At first, there are above 5% (1960) and at the end this proportion get around 35% (2000).

Additionally, approximately 35% of travelers used their foot to go somewhere in 1960. the percentage of one vehicle which is enhanced in 1980 is buses. This amount is about 25% in this date. On the contrary, bikes have the average of quantity. In fact, their dimensions are between the others and do not have especially amount rather than others. Likewise, the least per cents are related to cars and bikes with proportions of near 5% in 1960 and 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart shows the percentage of total travellers who used different modes of transport (bus, bike, car, and foot) from 1960 to 2000.
As you can see the amount of using different modes of transport has been various from 1960 to 2000. In 1960, the foot has assigned the first rank itself while in 1980 and 2000 was not. In 1980, the foot gave its place to the bus, and in 2000 car has put in the first rank. Moving on to the details, the highest percentage of the total traveller ( 33% approximately) was interested in the foot in 1960. And after that, the bike (25%), the bus (17%), and the car (6%) were placed in the second, third and fourth positions respectively. It seems that the conditions were a little different in 1980. In that year, the foot (17.5%) has been lost its position and got the last rank. Following that seems the bus has found its position among more and more people and filled the foot position by putting in the first rank (26%). In addition, the car (23%), and the bus (20%) pur in the middle ranks. The difference is that that year car was more popular than the bike. In 2000, the condition has been changed completely. The car has assigned the first place to itself. And seems that other modes of transport (bus (16%), foot (8%), and bike (6%)) were used by fewer people.
Finally can be said that between the years 1960 to 2000, the conditions have not been steady but can be said that the competition between different modes of transport was too hard but always each of them has had its own fans too.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart indicates the proportion of diverse transport ways which have been used by European citizens for commuting to work in three different years (1960, 1980, and 2000).

Overall, a glance at the graph reveals that, over the given period the percentage of car travelling experienced the most significant growth.

To commence with, the percentage of people who used foot and bike for travelling to work witnessed a downward trend, so that the former with highest percent with about 34% in 1960 reached half in 1980 and then saw another dropped to just under 10%. In 1960, the latter with 25% of total traveler had 5% decrease to 20% in 1980 and finally with just over 5% has devoted the least percent of users to itself in next twenty years.

As for car, the proportion of commuters had noticeable increased from just over 5% in the first year to approximately 35% in next fallowing years. In 1960, around 18% of people preferred bus for trafficking, that although this number surging to 26% in 1980, experienced a decline moderately to just above 15% in 2000.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar charts compare four various means of transportation that were used in a European city between 1960 and 2000. Overall, over forty years, the rate of passengers who chose to commute by their own private cars reached its maximum level in 2000; on the contrary, in 1960 the majority of commuters preferred walking as a means of transportation.
To commence with, in 2000, 35% of citizens used their vehicles to transport, while the bar chart represents approximately 5% for this group in 1960. In contrast, in 1960, walking was the most popular way of transporting across the city, with nearly 35%. Moreover, this number declined over these forty years and eventually reached its lowest rate in 2000. Similarly, cycling with a 25% percent indicates the most commonplace mode in 1960, but it shows a sharp decrease.
In summary, people were tending to use bikes in 1960, which was considered the second most popular means of transportation after walking.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing this letter to inform you about awful condition the street where I live, have had during last week. I have been living in the Azadi street almost fifteen years and I have not seen this before. It is an utter chaos.
 It has been one week that our street has not been cleaned by workers of municipalities and terrible smell of garbage disgust not only local residents but also any passer-by walking in the area. Besides, the revolving smell filled our neighborhood,  some animals like rats and cats are seeking food among trashes and it will be result in infections and dangerous diseases, as all places around the neighborhood have been filthy.
The more time passes and the less clean services we get, the individual's health threatened  by probable illnesses. So, I kindly ask you to send workers to clean up Azadi street as soon as possible. It will be perfect to ask authorities to wash whole street not only with water but using antibacterial liquids or powder to guarantee ending this dirt. Also, I think rats are dangerous animals and can make people ill so please make a plan to eradicate them in the area.
I am looking forward to hearing your response to my request.
Yours Faithfully


Ali Najib








The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of passengers who used different transportation types (by bus, car, bike or foot) throughout a European city in three years (1960,1980 and 2000).

Overall, the most number of travelers traveled in the city by car in 2000, while, this city witnessed that of transporting by foot was the most popular ways in 1960.

Almost 35% of commuters chose cars, instead of walking down; the amount of using the foot to walk around a city was about seven times less than that of the car, in 2000. It is noticeable that commuting by bus was used by relatively one-fourth of total travelers in 1980, besides, utilizing it experienced a dramatic decrease in twenty years later of that. While walking and traveling by foot accounted for the most proportion of transportation modes in 1960 (over than 30%), it lost its reputation, approximately 10% of all traveled people used it, in 2000.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates by which forms of transportation people of a European city preferably commuted in 1960,1980 and 2000. Overall, from 1960 to 2000, tendency to travel by car surged whereas other depicted means saw a decline within this time. In accordance with the chart, people would prefer walking as it is roughly 40 percent points in 1960. In percentage terms, traveling by bike is ranked second, precisely 25 percent, while commuting rate by bus and car is respectively 17 and 5 percent points over this time span. By 1980, commuting by bus was swelled by approximately 10 percent. Correspondingly commuters tendency toward car was almost quadrupled. In contrast, this tendency toward walking as well as riding bike plunged to 20 and below. In 2000, commuting rate by car was substantially increased the same as it went in 1980. While other means of transportation experienced a decrease. To summarize, in 1960 commuters predominantly preferred walking and bike whereas their desire shifted toward car progressively. Moreover their desire for bus changed imperceptibly.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart gives some information about the percentage of four different types of transport (bus, car, bike and foot) used for commuting to work in a European city in the three years of 1960, 1980 and 2000.


Overall, while the most popular mode of transportation was foot in the first year, the majority of people used buses in 1980, and in 2000, cars ranked first. The car group showed an increasing trend over the period, whereas the trends for the bike and foot groups were decreasing. The percentage of people who used buses increased in the first 20-year period but decreased in the next one.


In comparison of car and bus groups, the former’s percentage was three times an high as the latter, which was about 5% in 1960. In the next 20 years, the figure for bus group increased to just above 25%. Similarly, the car group jumped more than four times to well above 20%. In 2000, the bus group’s percentage experienced a decrease of about 10%. By contrast, the proportion of car category soared to around 35% that was the maximum amount all categories.


In terms of walkers and bikers, the walker’s percentage stood first at well under 35%, while the figure for bikers was much lower at 25%. In 1980, both groups saw a fall, although the foot group experienced a greater decrease of about 17%. They continue to fall over the subsequent years, but bike group showed much more decrease decrease to around 5%.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The following bar chart shows the different modes of transportation used to travel to and from in one European city in 1960/1980 and 2000.

The bar chart illustrates various types of transferring modes during 1960,1980 and 2000 in a European city. Furthermore, four types of means of transportation are mentioned too (bus, car, bike, and foot).
To begin with, vividly traveling by auto was enhanced gradually throughout the period, although the others were declined. In comparison, traveling by foot and bike were approximately alleviated as much as car growth.
In general glans, in 1980 more than 25% of the people commuted to work by bus which was the most popular vehicle at that duration the second step belonged to the car with more than 20% and it reveals how much the transferring means with motor engines were reasonably popular in those years. As opposed, 1960 was the year of commuting by foot with nearly 35% after that, bikes gained the second cup with 25% and the car is the last one with solely around 5%. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates the different kinds of transport for commuters in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.
Overall, while using car was the least common in 1960, it witnessed a significant increase and became the most mode of transport. Furthermore, the large percentage of travelers went to work by foot in 1960.
First of all, commuters traveling by bike and foot had a declining trends. Walking was approximately 35 percent in 1960 and reached to near 10% in 2000. Moreover, ridding bike was about 25% in 1960 and it had become on fifth by 2000  which was as same as using cars in 1960.  
Commuting by cars had a different pattern which was a notable growing. It was a near above 5% in 1960 and then nearly changing to seven times more in 2000. Traveling by bus was about 17 percent in 1960. After that, it grew to a little 25 percent  but then it experienced a decrease and reach about 15 percent in 2000. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares the percentage of people using four different transportation methods over a period of 40 years for a city located in the Europe. 

The chart illustrates that the usage of cars as the transportation mode dramatically increased during the time of study. While traveling by car had the lowest contribution compared to the other methods inthe beginning, it became the dominant method of transportation at the end. In contrast, the percentage of people transporting either by their foot or bike fell over the period of study. 

In 1960, the majority of people walked in the city of interest, making up 35% of the whole travellers. In this year, 25% of people used bikes as a transportation tool. The percentage of foot transportation became almost half in the next 20 years, while the percentage fell by only 5% for biking method in the same period. In 2000, the number of people traveling in the city by foot was as twice as people using bikes. 

Transportation by bus made up 18% of travels in 1960. This amount increased and reached 25% in 1980. By 2000, it had fallen again to the same value as the begining year of study. The percentage of car usage was 5% and 22% in 1960 and 1980 respectively. This percentage rose and a reached a peak of 36% in 2000. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given column bar chart compares four different transport ways to go to work and back home havin been more common in one of the European cities between 1960-2000.
A glance at the illustration reveals that transport modes of foot and bike lost their popularity over the period and experienced a significant fall, while car use showed an astronomical growth. It should be noted that the figures are given in percent.
Although in 1960 foot and bike methods ranking first and second, respectively in terms of popularity had a large proportion of about 35% and 25% in order, they faced with a serious decline during the period in a way that the former reached to just under 10% and the latter touched 5%.
In this among, based on total travellers the largest increase compared to the other modes was belonged to the car transports whcih started with 5% in 1960 and ended at just over 35% in 2000. On the other hand, bus modea as a public transportation system not only could not achieve a large contribution but it also lost a minor part of its proportion and stayed at 15% in 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares different ways of transport used for commuting to work in an European city from 1960 to 2000.




Overall, in 1960 the majority of people travelled to work on foot with using bikes the second popular mode. While in 1980 people used all four modes of transport almost the same. 2000 was the year which using cars for commuting to work was by far the most popular transport method.


Regarding figures for year 1960, almost 34% of people travelled to their workplace on foot and using bikes was the second popular mode of transport with 25%. While using cars had the least popularity among people with only 6% of users.

In 1980, almost 26% of people used buses for travelling to their workplace ranking first. There is no significant difference between the shares of car users and bike users, which the former accounted for approximately 23% while the latter is lower by a margin of almost 3%.


Figures for 2000, show that using car was favoured by most people, ranked first with just over 35%. Using buses was popular by almost 16% of people, while the figures for travelling on foot and using bikes were the least popular among people with approximately 9% and 6% respectively.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar charts compare the various ways of commuting in one city in the European country in the years of 1960, 1980 and 2000.

In 1990, the most salient data was foot and bike. The category of 'foot' belonged the largest amount about 35%, followed by bike at about 25%. However, the usage of bike was halved in comparison to category of 'foot' and reached around 15%. The minor percentage accounted for car at about 5%.

In 1980, all four categories were almost the same. Bus experienced the greatest amount at more than 25%. Followed by car at more than a fifth. The remaining listed areas (bike and foot) registered at about

20% and 17% respectively.

At the beginning of the current century, the most noticeable proportion was car by more than 35% (the largest share for these three years). The second important feature was the bus at about 15%. The two remaining categories were less than 10%.

Overall, As the time went by, the usage of car increased dramatically, while the bike travelers decreased.

By contrast, the foot had a greatest portion in the year of 1960 and car had minor share.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart gives information about the different types of transport used to commute to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980, and 2000. 

Overall, it is clear from the figure that while the percentage of travellers who used car had a significant rise, those of bus, bike, and foot decreased. 

In the beginning, the figure for commuters by foot just under 35%, as a highest reported number on that year, whereas the fewest number of travellers belonged to by car with near 5%. Then, they followed opposit trends. To shad more light on their differences, the former fall and hit the bottom of 5% in 2000. In contrast, the latter witnessed a sharp growth over the period shown and peaked at more than 40% in 2000. 

The percentage of bus commuters was  roughly 16 % in 1960. In the following 20 years  it went up and  reached a peak of one in four, and then it experienced a reduction by 10%. The figure for bike travellers was precisely 25% at the beginning, but it saw a one-fifth reduction over the next 40 years and reached a low of 5% in 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares various transportation modes including using bus, car, bike and also walking for travelers to and from work in three different years in on European city.

It is clear that the number of car travelers in 2000 has increased dramatically compared to those who tended to walk. The opposite can be seen in 1960.

In 1960 about 33% of people walked to and from work in comparison with 25%, 17% and 7% who used bike, bus and car respectively. In 2000 more than 35% of individuals traveled by car, while just a little more than 5% rode bicycles. Bus travelers bar shows a very little difference between the years 1960 and 2000, while more people in 1980 were interested in traveling by bus, just in this year the number of travelers of one transport mode is more than 1960 and 2000.

Travelers by each transport mode charts in 1980 show a little difference in number, which bus traveler stand in highest, while walkers chart stands on lowest percentage at about 26% and 17% respectively.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some people uphold that violence in the media and virtual games has a devastating effect on the nation, meanwhile, other do not accept this opinion and assume that violence does not have integral impact on people’s manners. I believe that the ruinous effects of violence are obvious.

To begin with, the more people be exposed to violence in the media, the more they exhibit aggressiveness. Violent images in computer games and television have profound effects on people’s behaviour because these actions may be instilled in their mindsets, besides, people may select the cruel characters as their role models, in this case, they are bound to be bitterly angry, so aggression can be conveyed to society. Furthermore, violence can decrease human’s tolerance. For instance, if people become aggressive, they can not put up with any opinion which is opposed to their beliefs. This is to say, violent scenes in television can alter society by changing people’s mindsets and behaviour.

Moreover, not only does roughness make people angry, but also people may be isolated when they are surrounded by violent video games. War and fighting which are prevalent in computer games can modify people’s beliefs, thus, the audiences of these games can be oriented to be solitary and they can not strike up a relationship with anyone else due to their aggressiveness. Isolation alienates people from society and they are likely to be depressed. With all the above, violence observed in plenty of mediums, is a pestilence that is threatening human’s mental health.

By way of conclusion, highly entertaining as virtual games are, but the cruel parts of them influencing humans’ manners, should not be neglected




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There is seen to be a great deal of controversy as to whether violence in television and computer games has detrimental impacts on society or not. I wholeheartedly concur with the adverse influences of violence in social media such as television and computer-based entertainment on individuals and society.

 Commentators fully-fledged believe that In comparison with the past, by emerging violent programs, the rate of crime has considerably increased. This rise perhaps is due to stimulating people to commit an offense about which they do not have information and violent programs give it to them. To elucidate, movies and games in which famous actors perform  criminal roles, glorify violent character, in turn, leading the tendency of people to crime to grow. In addition, violence in television and particularly in games can encourage children to imitate that in their own behavior in real life regardless of the meaning that.

On the other hand, others  claim that violence in television and games has entertaining aspects caused temporary thrills. It, therefore, can not have destructive influence on individuals. Added to this, classification of violence programs in the special span of ages, cause its significant effects to counterbalance Because the detrimental impact on adult is less than children. Moreover, behavioral alterations are undergone during the long period. Thereby resulting, the consequences of violence in games and television will be not salient. However, countless delinquency rooted in this unacceptable assumption and finally, based on my belief, it is impossible to prove this claim.

Having weighed up arguments, I reaffirm once my position that violence has a plethora of unpleasant impacts on individuals and eventually on the whole society through encouragement of people to crime and violence irrespective of audience age.

Mahsa yaghoubi




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In the modern era, the issue of media violence has become highly controversial. While some people are believed that the media has a minimum effect on social behavior, I am of the opinion that it has undeniable influences on society.

On the one hand, the source of violence can have many reasons which are not necessarily come from media causes. In the other words, financial and cultural problems of families can lead to the creation or worsening of all types of crime and violence in people. However, the violence in the media could act as a catalyst to accelerate the process of violence. So, violence in movies and game is not the only main reason for existing social violence, although it may provoke them.

On the other hand, individuals especially young people may unintentionally try to imitate whatever they watch on television or in computer games. In other words, willingly or unwillingly, movie characters who are not based on the realities become social models and some people in society tend to blind imitation of these characters. Moreover, the destructive effects of these media remain in society for a long time which is somehow deconstructive. Thus, media violence could happen in a bad way in society and the bad effects of them would remain for a long time.

In conclusion, in a situation where some people believe that violent media has no effect on society, I believe that such media can have destructive effects on society and even its effects will remain for a long time.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In the contemporary world, it is an irrefutable fact that the past 30 years have seen a considerable growth in violence on TV and computer games. It is sometimes claimed that this matter has a myriad of drawbacks. In contrast, some people opposed to this argument. In this essay, I will explore my core reasons in favor of the first statement.
Firstly, although most of the TV channels broadcast beneficial programs for the majority of children, it has been sometimes viewed that some of the programs adversely leave an impression on children. To be precise, in recent decades, most of the families work outside and they try to entertain their offsprings by providing more facilities like computer games for them. The more they dedicate a large amount of time on playing computer games, the more violence they show when they grow. So, they have a great tendency to participate in crimes. A research study in California University was done by notorious researchers has shown that people who have psychological problems such as in communication with others, it's roots originates from this heated issue.
Further and equally more importantly, some folklores are naively optimistic about this matter that this phenomenon foster adolescence's cognitive abilities. Although miscellaneous electronic devices are accessible for people in the modern era, households should take rigid strategies to reduce radically the deleterious effects of the violence on people's behavior. In spite of being amused by devoting a whole day on computer games, in long term, they are addicted to this programs. As a result, they become less interested in school courses, so their grades on exams outrageously declined.
By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my position that violence has a direct effect on people's behavior and children's activities should be monitored by their parents.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In the present climate, it seems that the tendency for out letting energies by the means of television or computer programmes has gained momentum more than ever. There seems to be growing consensus in favour of the damaging effect of violence on individuals in which I subscribe to this view.

As far as the negative effects are concerned, the first and for most can be imitation. As could be seen, most youngsters are highly vulnerable to violence and tend to act as heroic characters in reality in which this has contributed to changes in their personalities. Additionally, violent movies promote anger, cajoling people to resolve conflicts through violence rather than legal and logical discussion, for instance, individuals come to believe that a hero can be highly regarded, regardless of the consequences of their action.

Another fact to note is that the more individuals are creating enthusiasm by playing crime games on electronic devices, the longer they spend at home. Take as a case in the point, not only may these individuals behave aggressively in the public but also they lack social behaviour. By replacing this kind of entertainment with more practical and healthier practices, especially with the help of parents, they can be more socialised and less isolated. Moreover, by limiting these programmes, the crime rates would decline as they function like a free course from which prospective criminals learn those skills.

To draw a conclusion from what was discussed, the violence in entertainment programmes can impact people in a variety of ways that lead to crime, the parents have a significant role to have more restricted attitudes towards their children at a young age.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In the present climate, violent video games and TV shows have become more prevalent. While it is claimed that issues brought about by such content is negligible, many others, myself included, believe that it can have deteriorating effects on how the members of society behave. 


There are various reasons why many may opine, violence displayed in video games and on television are very unlikely to harm the society. Firstly, one of the prominent subjects focused on in school is ethics or humanities in general. Students learn how to distinguish a wrong behavior from a harmful one in the very first step of their education and as a result, they deem the violence they witness in different platforms as immoral or wicked. Secondly, many video games and shows have signs to inform the buyers that the content is brutal or not or many of these video games are age-restricted. The majority of the society pay heed to such signs and prevent the youngesters from watching such content. 


Despite the above arguments, it seems more logical to be of the opinion that the open display of cruelty on different platforms can have wide-ranging effects on the individuals and consequently the society. Constant exposure to blood, gore, and brutal behaviour can normalise it in a society; therefore, the crime rate, in all probability, can rise. Morover, the psyche of the children, who will be the future-makers of their society, can be negatively affected when exposed to harsh scenes and they may show signs of chronic anxiety as they grow older. 


In conclusion, it seems rational to subscribe to the view that the violence displayed on different platforms can have irreversible damaging effects on the members of the community.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Growing crimes proportion in societies impress psychologists to accuse TV programs and online or offline games. On the other side, some people believe that these entertainments have not any negative effect on individuals’ manner. I solidly believe that these widgets directly have unwanted influence on increasing violence in any society.  

Human behavior recognition is one of the sophisticated subjects among scientists. Because it would be shaped based on many factors and items from childhood to elderly. In fact, during this period human personalities will grow, meanwhile  the prominent time is from childhood to adolescent. This golden age make up people personality gradually. Exhibiting violence and simulating how to do some of them like murder, burger and stole and prepare easy way for people to imitate them in society fearlessly. For example, in my childhood, I used to play the Maxpin game, which was a full of security episodes for killing someone based on solving complicated enigmas in each session. Consequentially, I would learn how to built up a plan for killing and obscure myself after the crime.

Clearly, the environment has the significant rule on human behavior progress. Environment is on only our nature, classmate or colleague but also it is our equipment and entertainments that we spent the most of useful time. For instance fifteen years ago, “awareness and sleep” by Mahdi Fakhimzadeh in my country had been increase number of violence in Tehran, based on police office announcements, simply because of full of creative way criminals. Therefore, any unwisely input for multimedia or electronic games have unpredictable output on people, especially children. Number of example is out of this essay, however, the government have to paying attention to categorize their programs on TV or computer games, to reduce crimes in society. 

Overall, any aspect of our behavior have been developed by our environment, TV programs and computer is one of them which have hive impact on downgrade or upgrade it.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?


Give your opinion and support it with relevant examples.


Write at least 250 words.



 Some individuals reckon that violent games and movies have a direct impact on people’s behavior, while others disagree with this notion. In my point of view, we can’t ignore the influence of them in society.


Firstly, people tend to imitate other's behavior, especially powerful people, as a result watching movies that the hero is cruel and gain his power by being vicious, can have a profound impact on ordinary people. Additionally, in terms of video games, teenagers and children who play violent games pretend to be more dominant than others that might turn to bullying in schools. 


Secondly, the content of these types of movies or games seems to be highly addictive for all individuals. This addiction imposes mental and family-related problems, although in a larger scale, problems in society are involved as well. For instance, a school student who tends to play too much aggressive video games, can’t focus on his lessons at school and he is not potent enough to be productive in society. In regards to mental problems, individuals suffer from the impacts of aggressiveness in movies or video games such as insomnia, depression, aggression, raping, and other mental problems. A notable example is lonely people who is exposed to these types of entertainments, fulfill the desire of applying their aggression by being an offender, as a result harm the community.


In conclusion, taking everything into consideration, despite some people’s idea of lack of correlation between damaging effects and violence in movies and games, I believe, they are strongly linked ends in some drawbacks.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It has been argued that being exposed to violent content through screen media and video games triggers public to act violently. However, some people place emphasis on the lack of clear correlation between these factors and society’s aggressive behaviour. I personally, believe that this exposure is influential on people’s way of conduct and should be limited. 

The major influence of repeated violence presentation on television or in computer games is desensitisation, meaning being less sensitive to the real-life consequences of aggression. This inaccurate perception is due to the justified appearance of criminal activities. In other words, the outcome of committing crime is not thoroughly and accurately represented in movies or games. Therefore, violent content recipients may behave aggressively, regardless of consequences. For example, the main character of a horror movie may calmly kill others without any further punishment which deceives viewers about the terrible reality of the criminal’s life. 

Moreover, portrayal of violence, especially in the active nature of video games, teaches people how to behave brutally. For instance, a variety of dangerous equipment is virtually utilised by computer gamers to kill components. This obtained information will be associated with the excessive excitement of playing such video games, based on releasing adrenaline in blood, which lures gamers to a great extent to imitate the aggression. For example, many prisoners confess while committing crime, they were emulating what had been depicted of violence on media. 

As a supporter of the idea which illustrates violence representation having damaging effect, I believe that since this kind of content desensitises people against criminal activity and teach them how to perform it, violent content undeniably affects society’s behaviour


Mohammad Hosein
Mohammad Hosein


Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A group of individuals present the idea that watching violent video games and movies can contribute to a more aggressive society, whereas others believe that these movies and games are not influential enough to derive a society. I strongly agree with the latter opinion.


On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that despite people may believe society can be threatened by those who are influenced by playing violent video games and movies, no research finding has confirmed that there is a connection between aggressive behavior of people and being exposed to the violence of games and films. Moreover, the way people treat each other roots from the motivs so even people who had not seen any violent movies or played games can be brutally insane and pose a threat to sociey.


On the other hand, another group of people claim that video games and movies that have too much blood may have an adverse effect on society. They insist that these media demonstrate how to murder innocent people and be successful along the way and, in turn, people, especially children, can be manipulated and turn to crime which causes having an unsafe society in the long run. However, I do not find this idea covnincing as I can refer to my self. I have played shooter video games for 5 years and not only have not I become violent, I am more aware of the consequences of being brutal so I try not be at anytime.


To conclude, in my view on no account should people become more violent by only playing video games or watching movies as motive is the leading cause of violence which does not usually stemed from games and movies. Moreover, as a big video game player, I have seen no factors of becoming violent in my self.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There is an opinion asserting that the violent contents of computer games and television programs are gratuitous and have had a detrimental effect on societies. Others, however, consider them innocuous. Although these contents might be just an entertainment leisure activity for some people, I personally agree that their deleterious effect is more considerable.

On the one hand,  there are two main reasons help to explain why these games and movies are not detrimental. Firstly, because of their entertaining aspect, computer games and TV programs have become a great pastime for people from all walks of life. Along with zest and joy they can bring in people’s lives tailored to meet their desires, they do not cost a fortune, thus many people are inclined to rely on them. Take video games as an example, offering new features and audiovisual aspects, they can draw many teenagers’ attention and patronize them to play together, helping them to kill their time. Secondly, inasmuch as most of these programs are produced for specific ages, only authorized individuals can utilize them . More specifically, the target group is mature enough and able to differentiate between right and wrong, so these programs do not deter their behavior or attitude.

I , on the other hand, agree with those who opine that  violent movies and games can have harmful effect on a society. First and foremost, the more people are exposed to such programs, the more likely it is for them to adopt improper behaviour. When people become over-reliant on these programs, they might fall under the impression that they have to perform various anti social manners without being aware of dire consequences. For instance, so attractive are some dictatorship manners in some movies that many teenagers want to imitate them like bullying at school and bothering their classmates. In addition, many of children and teenagers might watch films or play games without being under supervision of their parents, and since most of them are vulnerable and easily influenced by other factors, can learn unhealthy habits quickly and act aggressively with others. 

 By way of conclusion, although both factors have their own rational points, I believe that violence on games and television programs can damage a society. The reason for which is that they grab people’s attention and alter their behaviour in an inaccurate manner. 




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

These days, violence is becoming more and more common on TV shows and in video games. As a result, many sociologists and psychologists try to examine different effects of displaying violence in social platforms on human’s life. While a growing number of people believe that the violent content in media has a harmful impact on people, some assert that this has no significant influence on the society. I completely agree with the former and in this essay I will support my view.

Firstly, the audiences of digital plays and video clips gradually tend to imitate what they watch or see. What’s more, computer games are mostly interested by the younger generation who have difficulties to differentiate between what is safe and what is not. Due to the low capability of distinguishing good from evil during the teenage years, violence have more devastating influence on their mind. Therefore, they may try to experience some dangerous activities without the consideration of safety issues. For example, an article, published by New York Times, reported the damaging accident of a number of school-going children. The report said that the youngsters inspired by the principle character of the “Spider Man” movie tried to jump around buildings without any safety equipment. 

Furthermore, computer games and TV series sometimes depict a great deal of brutality, which promote the viewers to fight each other in real world. There is no doubt that it could have negative effect on the temperament of adolescents and adults people. For instance, in a current academic research surveyed by the sociology college of London, the behavior of a number of adults after watching some offensive short movies were analyzed over an extended period of time. Eventually, the report demonstrated a direct relationship between the aggressive videos and people’s anti-social behaviors in their daily life.

To sum up, in the light of information given above, I strongly believe that the violence in the media negatively affect people’s character and mindset. Instead, in my opinion, the content of kindness and love can encourage people to make a better socie




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people’s behavior. What is your opinion? 

Several individuals advocate that violent programs and games are devastating and hurt social norms and behavior. While others do not confirm this assertion, however, I agree with the given statement on the basis of some compelling reasons.

First of all, the effects of brutal programs and video games on people’s behavior are an irrefutable fact. The more the public, especially children, are exposed to savage programs or computer games, the more they are likely to behave in a bad manner. To put it differently, when people watch violence in the media or play brutal video games frequently, their behavior may be subconsciously impressed and these destructive actions are expected to reflect on society. Take children, in their formative years, as an obvious example; when playing violent video games, they may be susceptible to characters’ treatment and imitate their manners as role models. Therefore, these kids show much more aggressive behavior than those who do not.

Moreover, violence in the media and video games may be hard on people’s morale. If watching fighting programs or playing violent games, people are bound to influence not only their function but also their spirit. That is, people, dealing with such programs and games, may suffer from depression and other emotional diseases or they may turn into aggressive and impatient people, who may not obey any rules whether in their family or society. For instance, based on research, kids, who play savage games, suffer from far more mental problems than others. As a result, the crime and barbarity rate in society has increased.       

To conclude, it is my firm conviction that violent treatment on television and video games is expected to have irreparable effects on people’s behavior and spirit and it may involve the majority of society. Thus, it should be restricted.


Shabnam Tannazian/GT   




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?


-        Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a demanding effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behavior. What is your opinion?

-        Give your opinion and support it with relevant examples.

There are opposite sceneries around violence that influence roots in today's society, whether computer games or television or not. I believe in extreme social conditions more than games and media programs.

To begin with, people in modern countries and big cities mostly are isolated from family relationships and parties and their energy has to be burnt with games or in front of television programs, on the ground that lack time to spend mild activity, they tend to choose the most exciting alternative to discharge themselves. For instance, a little organization for an hour of a party in a big city may cost at the expense of two days. So, an individual rarely has a choice except for video games and series for a dull evening.

To illustrate more, mankind loves freedom and whatever prevents them achieve their liberty in the selection, may potentially drive them to wrath. What makes people willing to be violent in my opinion maybe is the strict living rules in society and the scarcity of proper places to break life sedentary. People generally mind cooperating in adrenaline base activities in such circumstances. There are clear examples of new sports revealing like bungee jumping and paintball which are involved with suicide or shooting each other.

In conclusion, although it seems that the majority of people nowadays are apt to behave in a fury way, I believe that it should not burden video games and TV programs rather than social rules and life monotony.

Saman Malek Nia





Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays some individuals, including me, are concerned about the detrimental effects of the violence that is portrayed on TV and computer games on how people behave as well as the society, while others think showing disturbing and harsh content on these platforms would not have substantial impacts. 

Some people including children are more sensitive to particular content since television is a ubiquitous platform and everybody watch it, so the content shown in it has an important value. For instance, individuals with heart disease should stay away from stressful situations and avoid watching harsh scenes, these things put pressure on them and make them nervous, and they may even cause strokes. Also, Children should stay away from watching violent scenes as they may be frightened or get insomnia, also observing harsh scenes may teach children to do so and they may hurt others unintentionally.

Furthermore, computer games and tv programs have made changes to people’s personalities and they have become more aggressive in trying to mimic the action scenes on those platforms.

Although some people think showing violent scenes will not cause serious problems and they are necessary to rise people’s awareness about problems they may face and also make them stronger. However, I think raising people’s awareness can be done in more appropriate ways for example by sending each resident several instructions to follow in case of danger. Illustrating the Damaging consequences of aggressive behaviors is a good way to prevent individuals from being affected.

In conclusion, I think content including violence should not be displayed on television and computer games due to the health problem that it causes to elderly people, people suffering from some stress-based illnesses and children and also aggressive behaviors that it might cause.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some believe that on-screen violence has not effect on people's behaviour , others, including myself, believe that such scenes have destructive effects on people's manner.

On the one hand, some are in favor of a belief that watching violence on computer games would have a substantial influence on people especially children who are at impressionable age since they seem assume that such activities are normal and they try to imitate them in a real life irrespective of its repercussions. Some children who played Blue Whale game, for instance, committed a suicide because it was part of the game. Moreover, aggression can be increased drastically by watching inappropriate content on television or movies. Watching such movies creates lasting impression on people's mind and leads to aggressive behaviour.

On the other hand, some people believe that some other reasons lead to such behaviours, one of which is family troubles. If parents do not treat thier children suitably, they are more likely to  become frustrated which can harm the community. However, when parents put thier children in such a position, they show thier resentment by sticking on watching videos and playing games which can worsen the situation. Furthermore, some believe that people act due to their own motives irrespective of what they watch, but it is scientifically proven that When people expose to brutal scenes for a long time, it can endanger thier mental health and leads to some mental disorders such as anxiety.

I strongly believe that either watching cruel movies or playing violence games  have some negative consequences and promote unwilling behaviours which can harm a society since such content desensitize people to violence and have an unfavorable impact on people's mind and behaviour.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

While some people believe that atrocious scenes on television and video games affect society, others argue that it is not important and can ignore its effect. I completely agree that can cause a huge range of problems for people.

Aggression on TV and video game harms people because there is a psychological fact that people like to make idolized. Superstars and famous people are potential options to be a hero in some person’s minds, so whatever they do in their films may be duplicated by their followers, even though it is just a film. This behavior may be harmful in some situations where fans copy their violent behaviors. For example, there are many forensic cases in which the criminal made a crime exactly based on specific mysterious and aggressive movies.

In addition, the human mind is crude as they born and it gradually developed through learning. The process of learning is fulfilled by gaining a wide variety of information that could be visual, verbal, or other types of information. TV programs, movies, and video games are kinds of information that send lots of visual and verbal information to people’s minds that could be performed as input to their minds. While they have a huge amount of audience, lots of people would be exposed to the wrong inputs which can cause different problems. For example, deep learning work like our mind and they work exactly based on their input and if the entry of it would be wrong they work improperly.

In conclusion, people’s minds can affect by violent scenes because firstly they tend to be like those who think they are successful people, and also their minds unconsciously learn the atrocious that happened in the movies or video games.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Entertainment such as movies, series, and games have had a meaningful portion in our daily lives. Some argue that seeing brutality behaviors by people on TV and computer games is associated with adverse effects on society while other people do not accept these unfavorable impacts of aggression on people's behaviors. In this essay, I will discuss both viewpoints as well as give my own opinion.
On the one hand, violence on TV and in games can lead to the expansion of crime in society. Some people especially youth select the characters in movies and games as role models and try to repeat their behaviors in their real lives. They may show some misbehavior including physical and verbal aggression in public places such as schools and universities if they wrongly choose an aggressive character as a role model. So the number of wounded and dead individuals increase in society. Violent behaviors can also be associated with the growth of mental diseases in society. This is because some people have a lower capacity to tolerate these aggressions and due to this fact when they are exposed to violence in the long run, the risk of mental disorders such as depression and suicide in them increases.   
On the other hand, a multitude of people thinks that aggression in entertainment does not possess a significant effect on society since they have been allocating a small portion of their daily routine to watching movies or playing computer games. Regarding this justification, they cannot consider violent moments in entertainment as a destructive factor. However, some people spend many hours for playing computer games and watching series on their screens, which can have an impact on them. Furthermore, they believe that people have experienced these aggressive behaviors in public places including streets, which have caused to accept violence as a part of their lives. However, it is possible that a person has not seen some severe physical aggression such as murder and rape in his entire life.
In conclusion, I completely agree with the opinion that violence in movies and games can bring some harmful effects on society, which are the growth of crime and mental diseases.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

The ever being, yet never being examined the trend of merits and pitfalls of cutting-edge technology, including video games and televisions. The fundamental question is whether or to what extent, some individuals believe that utilizing brutality in the mentioned platforms can carry unimaginably deleterious drawbacks on human behaviors, and in contrast, another assumption of a group of human beings, who decline the mentioned idea; will be discussed in the following paragraphs.                                               

         Unfortunately, nowadays downtrodden lifestyles have become more monotonous, sedentary, and mechanical; making it difficult if not possible to take charge of it. In order to this, violence should be undoubtedly controlled; especially for the youngest generation. If not, it would harmfully influence their lifestyles and bring plenty of diseases, such as insomnia, melancholia, and anxiety; which can force them toward harsh attitudes. According to TLO (Teenagers Lifestyle Observation) magazine, children who had a marked tendency toward violent movies and video games showed uncontrollably cruel behaviors and movements in their parental houses likewise schools.

        Secondly, not only roughness can bring any obvious benefits, but also under no circumstances can it widen their understanding, nor expand their horizon. If not controlled, they would make their future life a complete disaster.TLO also mentioned that 78% of recent divorces were due to the violence which has remained which one of the spouses. Furthermore, there is an extreme possibility, approximately 92%, for the fact that their own valuable child is going to follow their path, and become a cruel person likewise.


          In conclusion, as observed, I completely agree with those who suggested that violence should be forbiddened on social sites and platforms; due to the mentioned recent research, to create a lovely and healthy environment.  




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Undeniably, technology has two different sides. Television and computer games including a variety of programs are widely spread all over the world, and it is unlikely that we ignore violence on them. According to some, this violence affects individuals, while others argue that the effects are really insignificant. I am of the opinion that exposure
 to violence for a long time could influence our behavior and reduce our attention to good ones, although some programs like news need to be seen to understand what is the result of violence.
Nowadays, spending time watching tv or playing computer games increase dramatically, which could definitely make some effects on our minds whether good or not, but unfortunately, the broadening of violence on them is exponentially climbed. Children or adults who play violent games or watch violent programs would become accustomed to these behaviors and unintentionally use them when interacting with other people or maybe at school with their classmates without identifying them as bad behavior. People watching these programs for a long time tend to use more violence and doing more crimes which leads to bad consequences for the whole society by reducing security and degrading, therefore, the developmental activities by individuals, as all their concentration is doing behaviors shown in tv or computer games.
Despite this, some special programs like news or documentaries about crimes or violence might help society to understand what is right or wrong and raise awareness of the whole society.
In conclusion, I believe that tv programs and computer games that show violence could have so many pitfalls for society except programs that are produced to give us more knowledge not to do them.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

The contents which are displayed in television programs or virtual games can have great influences on society. While some people do not believe violence in such programs can be destructive for people’s behavior, I support the opposite idea in this essay.

Taking television programs into consideration, people usually watch them in their leisure time to switch off and unwind from their hectic life at work. However, watching violent movies on television can interfere with the intended relaxing effect of watching TV. Thus, the overload of work pressure adds up, resulting in negative effects on the person’s behavior, making them more argumentative. I f a person gets the chance to retreat from the pressure of work, they will manage to behave properly.

Turning to computer games, it should be noticed that the major audience of such games are children of young age groups whose personality is shaping at that age. Therefore, promoting violence in these games can hinder children’s socialization and result in aggressiveness. For instance, by playing the games with the theme of war, children might fall under the false impression that if they have a problem with someone, they are allowed to hurt them as they are enemies to those children. As a consequence, children will not learn how to face their problems properly when they cannot get along well with their peers, and might even cause them serious injuries.

In conclusion, from my vantage point, exhibiting violence on TV or in computer games can have detrimental effects on both adults’ and children’s behavior by making them argumentative and fostering aggressiveness among them.


Saghar Mehraban






Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, there are a lot of violent scenes both on television and in computer games. A group of individuals presents the idea that society can be influenced negatively by these scenes, whereas others believe these factors are ineffective in people’s behaviour. I strongly agree with the former opinion. 

On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that either watching violent shows or playing aggressive games could have adverse effects on society. There is a high probability that if teenagers are exposed to a lot of violent content on television, they will be enticed to commit criminal offenses in the future. Furthermore, playing online games with the presence of various types of weapons leads to more violent acts by children in the real world, and they tend to play more aggressively with their peers in schools. 

On the other hand, another group presents the simplistic idea that aggressive behaviour is much more complex than just caused by violent movies or games. Although millions of people all around the world watch these movies, most of them have never committed a crime in their entire life. However, I do not find this argument convincing as research findings confirm that there is a positive correlation in the long run between watching violent content and physical aggression against others. For instance, after the broadcast of the Dexter series, several men committed serial murders similar to the series’ scenes. 

To conclude, I believe because of the negative effects on the young generation’s behaviour and increasing crime rate, watching violent TV shows and playing games with aggressive content could be a serious threat to society.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It is an undeniable fact that people’s behavior and manner would affect the society. This behavior could be trained by whatever people see, hear, and learn. Due to this fact, there is a belief among people that watching violent programs on TV or playing aggressive computer games could negatively affect the society while others disagree. They think people’s behavior could not easily be influenced by these factors, which I agree with this statement. However, the effects of aggressive contents on people’s behavior could not be underestimated.

Aggressive programs or computer games make people excited. It is a mind reaction towards every thrilling contents, which are heard or seen, to release adrenaline, an excitement hormone. Releasing these hormones, makes people happy and might encourage them to repeat that violent action again and again to get satisfied. This scientific explanation proves the fact that the more people get used to watching or playing violence, the more they might become eager to try more. Therefore, after becoming addicted to virtual violence, trying it in reality like, in the society, might seem normal to some individuals; this behavior, even if it might be unintentionally, would be harmful to the society.

Nonetheless, the influence of violence on normal people would be temporary. Generally, as soon as people stop watching or playing the violence, they would get involved with their real life issues which are far from these contents. Although there might be some individuals, as children, who might be affected by aggression for a while, they would forget it eventually. Since children are more sensitive than adults, and are still dealing with the creation of their personality, violence might influence their behavior for a period of time, but this might be short. In this case, the influence of virtual violence could not be really significant on people’s behavior to have a serious damage on the society.

In conclusion, I believe, even though people’s behavior could not seriously be influenced by violence which are on TV or computer games, some people such as, children, might be affected by these violence for a short period of time.

Kimiya Akrami

General training






Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

While the majority of the public spends their time watching television and playing games on computers, some individuals have the idea that they have a devastating impact on the community due to their violence. Whereas, others do not believe that those affect the way people think and behave. In my opinion, these electronic gadgets play a vital role in damaging life. 
First, it is commonly known that spending hours either watching violent movies or playing commuter games have contributed to changes in some people's personality especially children. They are more likely to copy what they have seen on TV. Additionally, violent films and video games may encourage teenagers to commit criminal offences like destroying cars or public property in order to show off what they are capable of doing after seeing the violent scenes.
In addition, currently, millions of people see and experience violence in movies, as well as games and most of them have not been affected by any aggressive actions. Although they do not influence the whole population except a few ones. However, the harm done by these few individuals is extreme, since media violence has a great impact on our thinking and behavior. Children and adults who are exposed to violence on TV tend to play much more aggressively. Moreover, they are likely to get addicted to action films and games, so it would be difficult for them to get rid of this tendency. Consequently, these kinds of individuals tend to behave in an angry threatening way, as if they want to fight or attack someone.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that the violent content in TV programs and computer games could have some negative effects on both society and an individual's behavior resulting in harsh treatment.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A group of people argue that the detrimental impacts of violent television programs and computer games on the populace are undeniable, while others suppose that the mentioned violence is not able to considerably affect citizens. I firmly concur with the former, owing that watching horror scenes desensitize individuals against savagery and they are more likely to act like their favorite characters in the future.

On one side, some individuals say that when we watch highly violent frames in movies or games, our brains can readily differentiate between them and a real life, therefore, not only are we not propelled to imitate these actions in our own lives, but we could express our emotions during playing savage video games, and this will assist us to significantly reduce our negative feelings.

On the flip side, others believe that not being able to control our minds, we might subconsciously act as dangerous as the protagonists of wild films and games; consequently, rage would become intrinsic attribute of us even if we are not eager to be angry people. The problem would be more complicated if children use this kind of  products, given the fact that they are unable to distinguish between right and wrong behavior. To cite an example, it has been largely reported by school authorities that students had irrational actions in schools, as a result of watching violent content.

To conclude, despite the fact that some believe that watching violence do not lead to acting violently, from my point of view, having subconscious influence on our minds, it can adversely impact our behavior against our inner will, and parents should control their children’s usage of these products.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Brutal scenes shown on television programs or computer games have always caused debate among individuals. There are opposing opinions in regard to their effect on peoples’ behavior. In the following paragraphs, both views will be discussed.

Observing violence on screen could release an enormous amount of negative energy. The high view rates of movies with war, crime, and action genres are demonstrative of their appeal. Many of these movies’ audiences state that the adrenaline rush which these movies induce could not be compared with anything else and has a calming effect on them in long-term.

However, the unfavorable behaviors resulted by these violent contents have worried many people. It is thought that these programs could normalize certain actions and lead to a rise in crime rates. Particularly, numerous parents think that children should be deterred from watching these scenes, since they can affect the way children view the world and encourage them to form violent characteristics and behaviors. Moreover, in contrast to the belief that watching savage scenes on TV can have a relaxing influence, it is reported that media programs containing killing, brutal deaths, and murder crimes, although entertaining, can be associated with anxiety and stress.

In conclusion, violence in media is a concerning matter that needs examination. While there are people who believe on-screen brutal scenes do not have detrimental effect on individuals’ behavior, the accumulating evidence demonstrating their negative impact on peoples’ mind and actions should not be dismissed. Stricter guidelines and more limitations on the amount and severity of violent scenes are warranted in the future.      




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Concerning the issue of whether violence on TV programs and in gaming products has a significant effect on the attitude of society or not, people hold different prospects. The majority of people claim that this may have harmful effects on society, while some other people argue that there is no considerable impact on people's conduct. As far as I'm concerned, violent contents have negative aspects on different parts of sectors of society.


On the one hand, some people believe that aggressive content is created to influence people while watching or playing that kind of game. These games increase blood pressure and release adrenaline for a short term in our body and people who watch or play games feel nervous at the same time, in addition to that these contents are planned to pursue people to watch them while having long-term negative aspects on the audience, for instance, it may entice to watch it more and more every day and this may lead to addiction. 

Thus, some people will be addicted to them and they will lose their valuable time on futile programs. 


Secondly, As far as we know children and juveniles are the most vulnerable sectors of society, and this may lead to irreversible consequences for them. Feeling nervous, lack of concentration and bullying behavior are the three quintessential examples.

Finally, according to the latest research, some children who are fans of these programs are at risk of doing juvenile crimes.


To sum up, some people are fans of violent shows and they enjoy watching them. In my opinion, there is no positivity in these harmful contents, we can allocate our time to useful programs. moreover, they are planned to have a straight effect on human behavior.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There are differing ideas about how TV shows and computer games with violent content affect people. I believe they affect society adversely in some ways.

Firstly, most of those who play computer games are youngsters. At this age, teenagers can be easily influenced by their environment. As a result, playing aggressive video games makes adolescents more short-tempered and impatient. They have problems getting along well with their peers. Consequently, the multitude of teenagers getting involved in street fights is increasing daily. In addition, more serious problems can appear due to these computer games. For instance, annually, the news of young people killing their classmates and teachers in American schools can be heard. 

Secondly, I believe violent TV programs can have bad effects on the elderly, as well as young people. Most aged people have health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Watching movies and TV series with violent scenes can stress them out and increase their blood pressure and sugar level. So, they become more likely to have strokes and heart attacks. In addition, these days’ families have less time to spend together, and watching TV is one of the most activities that families do together. As a result, little children may watch these programs too. Consequently, TV becomes their role model and they try to imitate whatever they see on screen. If these movies contain violence, watching them can affect children’s mental health in a bad way. 

In conclusion, despite some people believing violence on TV in computer games have no noticeable effect on society, in my view, it causes some problems and impacts people badly.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Fiction has always been a favorite human leisure activity, and nowadays technology has enabled us to have a rich experience through watching movies and playing games. This has led some people to question the ramifications of exposing the public to violence through these platforms, while others dismiss these concerns and considering the possible effects to be negligible. In my view, it is best practice to minimize violence exposure for adolescents to a minimum for the possible adverse effects.

Those who do not see fictional violence as a threat argue that what people see on the screen cannot affect individuals and the society in a notable way. To support their view, this group of people suggest that people can distinguish between reality and imagination, as users know that unlike fiction, they will be legally liable should they exercise violence in reality. Additionally, some people note that the presence of age limits based on movie or game content prevents minors from suffering from any emotional damage. Thus the main arguments proposed by this group center around the hypothesis that the society is minimally affected by violent games and movies because individuals are not hurt by them.

However, on the other side of the debate concerned parents and activists note that the situation is more adverse that what we tell ourselves. Due to the poorly managed regulations and extensive content pirating, minors all around the world have access to content that are absolutely inappropriate for their ages. Thus, it is common for many young children to witnessing extreme violence, which explain why many of them show signs of agitation. Additionally, unlike adults, children deeply sympathize with characters they see on screen, which means watching movies and games that include violence may inadvertently encourage them to see violence as an apt response to negative stimulus. Hence, these agitated children who may have chosen a gangster or an antagonist as their role model may grow up into adults who know little about how to co-exist peacefully in a society among others, which is why many people believe that the society does not benefit from the violence.

Overall, the effects of seeing violence in games and movies differ based on the age of the viewer. While it is true that a conscious mature adult can withstand seeing excessive fictional violence, one can hardly make such claim for minors. Therefore, in my view the violence severely affect the society because the generation that needs to be protected from it has access to video games and movies that may condone or justify violence.





Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some people have a strong assumption that promoting violence whether on television or in the video game can have some implications in society. In my opinion, there are some strong grounds for believing that it is true.


First and foremost, children mostly expose to gaining some ideas from television indirectly. If parents are not able to monitor them, it can lead to some bad repercussions in their behaviors, and it can expand the violent behaviors in society in the future. Moreover, teenagers who play violent video games, are not able to draw a distinction between games and reality. Thus, it would affect their reactions to unforeseen circumstances in their social communication. We should bear in mind that the vast majority of violence is committed by teenagers who are not able to control themselves. 


On the other hand, in my opinion, exposure to violence has several negative impacts on people’s unconsciousness and parallels can be drawn between aggressive reactions in society and our mindset which is influenced by violence produced by television. For example, if I watch some unmonitored films or documentaries, and I receive this idea unconsciously that I can reach my goal in any way without taking note that whether it is ethical, I would behave aggressively in real situations. Eventually, it could lead to a domino effect and would prepare some difficulties for others.


The main conclusion drawn is that violence should be declined on television and video games to boost society’s safety in order to control the repercussions. Accordingly, we should not lose sight of the role of television and also video games in the whole society.   





Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

The role of media and computer games on people’s characteristics has always been an arguable subject among different groups of society. While some claim that they can lead to violence, others deny and believe these two platforms are not associated with the spread of brutality in society. I strongly agree with the former group, and in this essay, I will explain my reasons.

In the last few years, many children dedicate most of their time to watching television and playing video games. Unfortunately, a wide range of TV programs and virtual games include violent activities. For instance, a cop or a good guy gets murdered by a villain, and the mentioned villain is introduced as a hero with a charming character. As a result, children and teenagers who are in sensitive periods of development and are influenced easily by such subjects, are encouraged to imitate the villain. Also, I have seen many kids who copy the battles and fights that they have watched in the movies. 

A second major effect is that, when people are constantly on the exposure to violence, they unconsciously consider it normal, and they get used to watching and performing violence. Consequently, even if harmful and illegal activities spread throughout society, people do not show any reactions toward them. So, this leads to a dangerous and unsafe country in which many people spend their lives in fear of getting hurt at a crime scene.

All in all, although media and virtual games are interesting means for people to devote their leisure time to them, I believe they influence people, kids and teenagers in particular, significantly. Therefore, there must be some regulations to limit violence in them. 






Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

As per some people, violence which is depicted on television and computer games, is harmful to society. while other believe that it does not have any remarkable impacts on individual's behaviour. I am of the opinion that by considering the target audience of these platforms (most teenagers), as well as the real story of them, we can easily come up with this notion that they can affect society adversely.


Violent TV programs and computer games are more effective on teenagers since they have an insatiable thirst to have more entertainments. By teenagers, it is meant individuals between 12 to 20. Those who are in this group are more vulnerable because, on the one hand, their characteristics have not been formed yet and on the other hand, they do not have enough experience to encounter predicaments and difficulties in the real life. A teenager, for instance, after playing with a violent computer game, can have arguments with his peers just because of the influence of that game.


Moreover, some of these computer games and television shows are based on reality. They are illustrating everything vividly and freely, and as a result they will stick to people's memory for a long time. Additionally, they give people this fiction that they are not safe and sound. As an illustration, a lot of documentaries around crimes have been displayed on TV programs in which not only are the stories real but also the scene of the crime has been displayed completely. Consequently, a lot of people will have an unsafe feeling in society.


It is sheer truth that the violence, demonstrated on TV programs and computer games, has adverse effects on society, and I personally think that the more violent they show; the more effects they will have on society.  




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?


Even though a group of people like me consider brutal TV programs and games lead to having harmful effects on the community, other groups suppose them as negligible ones.

Overall, in the first paragraph, it is discussed how violation in the media is deprecative to the public. In the following, it is discussed it would rarely depend on other factors as well. 

Indisputably, in societies where violating  TV shows broadcasts more, it seems that arguments would take for granted. As TV stars have been impressive role models since watching TV become part of people's daily life. Lots of children intend to imitate martial arts exaggerating in games. In this way, not only do they waste their precious time but their parents also waste their money. Being exciting and addicting leads people of all ages are looking forward to watching ruthless programs and playing arguing games.

Despite the insatiable appetite of game players play 24/7, people could and should put aside limited hours to follow this unhealthy desire. In this case, the harmful effect could be decreased dramatically. The government could observe violation dosage on TV programs and games. causing not only fans to experience their exhilarating types, but also would not have major implications for them. Furthermore, these movies and games could illustrate the bitter end to even resent their followers and invite them to be calmer. 

To sum up, this essay believes violated TV shows and games have a destructive influence on people. however, some people suppose that it would not be severe consequences.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There is a ground of argument about whether violent programs on television or in computer games have destructive effects on society. I, however, completely believe that people’s behavior can be altered when they watch violence on television or in computer games.

On the one hand, there are different reasons why the violent programs in media cannot have destructive effect on society. To begin with, these programs have been produced for specific interests or ages of viewers. People can decide to watch a program or play a computer game if those programs are appropriate for them and will not change their minds. Furthermore, by playing the violent computer games, people can be involved in a virtual conflict, and they can decline their anxiety in those games. As a result, people will be calmer when they are in the real world, and the community cannot be affected.

On the other hand, there can be various significant issues in the society that will be caused by violence on television or in computer games. While watching a violent program, people will learn spontaneously some violent techniques which are shown on that program, and they may use these techniques in a minor conflicts with others, and hurt them. In addition, most of violent programs have a person as a superior, and he/she tends to conduct some violent actions to tackle issues with others. When people watch them, they will be interested in the role of the superior and will be encouraged to repeat those in society, which will cause damages to society.

In conclusion, although there can be some good aspects of playing violent computer games or  watching on television, I completely believe that the behaviors of people can be changed, and it can cause severe damages to society.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It is said by a number of individuals, that violent context of television programs and video games affect the users dramatically. Others argue that these types of programs and games can not impress people’s attitude in the community remarkably. Although, I agree with latter group, I think some considerations should be taken into account to minimize the probability of negative influence on users according to their ages and jobs, discussing in this essay.


On the one hand, some people think the violence in movies on television channels and video games can possibly change the people’s mindset, which can not be true generally and depends on audiences’ age. For example, in united states of America huge numbers of murders are committed annually, particularly in schools, maybe because students have free access to media containing inappropriate criminal programs and gun simultaneously but It can not be the only result of showing violence in TV and computer games. If the government supervise the TV programs more serious and forbid the access to gun in the country and also parents in home have more control on what their children watch on TV and play through their gadgets, they will not be affected by the violence that might exist.


On the other hand, there are a lot of people who earn money out of producing violent TV programs and video games without any abnormal behaviors in their social commitments. Like gamers, who not only make computer games but also spend major of their daily routines playing. It is their jobs and they are adults with minor effect of games. If we limited producing violent program on TV and making video games involving fatal fight, which are really popular, many people can not survive worldwide, as, it is their main source of income.


All in all, Although, television programs and video games with violence context can affect only kids and teenagers, adults who are interested in them or their jobs are related to them will not influenced by this violence. So, if children and juveniles are limited by their parents and authorities, they will be safe from the possible negative effects.



Ali Najib 


General Module




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

    Some individuals argue that violent content on broadcast or cyberspace negatively affects the society. However, others consider this a minor parameter. As far as violence is concerned, the impacts of what people are exposed to, are not of high importance.  

   To begin with, those who give support to the idea that inappropriate content can be destructive mostly make a reference to scientific researches investigating a relationship between what people do in their leisure time and how they react to the environmental stimulators. However, the main function of the art industry is entertainment. Which means that movies and virtual games mostly originate from the creative minds of writers rather than true stories, which aim at filling up people’s spare time with gripping moments. Although this might sometimes trigger antisocial behavior by a minority group who had a background for it, i.e. poverty or troublesome upbringing. It is undeniable that, in a healthy society, free time should be provided with fascinating recreational activities. 

   On the other hand, sometimes these negative effects are not related to what are being watched, but to the conditions. For instance, plenty of games and movies mention an age limit which has been set by the creator and should be observed by the users. Moreover, the majority of the population of the world watch movies or play video games, however the figure for those who commit a crime is not high and each of them has watched some movies before, which means that it cannot be attributed to them. For instance, had it not been due to the Hollywood and Pixar productions, many children would not have had a healthy upbringing. 

   In conclusion, two contrast notions surrounding the effects of violent movies and games were discussed. As compelling reasons are provided the negative impacts are negligible and controllable.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

People have different views about the effectiveness of gaming and TV programs on people’s behavior. While there are some benefits to doing them, I believe that they are harmful for people.

There are some reasons why I would argue against using television for the nation. Firstly, online games, or TV cause people, especially the youngest, to waste their time and they probably be roughness as they would be addicted to them and do not have other plans for their life. For instance, a pupil instead of doing their homework, presumably play an online game, such as Pubji that is really prominent among students, which lead to them losing their lessons and getting lesser grade than others. Secondly, they may be lazy due to the fact that they probably most of the time sitting in front of a screen all day instead of playing outside and getting familiar with others that it causes effect on their communication. Finally, these programs not only have an adverse effect on their behavior but also influence their health since they would be weak their eyes if they utilized them much time.

On the other hand, the benefits of them are undeniable for us as some of the channels could be informative and educational for others like; documentary series, and sports channels, or they might make us aware of the news and enhance our knowledge. Even games would be instructive because for playing if not all, they must know English vocabulary and speak English with others, who they exist on it, and as English is the international language, is the best notion for connecting. Furthermore, by locking amiss channels, it would be useful for children because they are controlled systems.

In conclusion, I would argue that the advantages of using these schemes outweigh the disadvantages.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It is argued by some that there are adverse consequences for society in violent scenes shown on television shows and computer games, while there are others who believe mentioned entertaining factors do not have any considerable effects on individuals' manners. While it is thought violent scenes have no outsized impact on people's behavior, I believe that being exposed to them can exert negative influences on society given that they can trigger their audiences' unconsciousness.

On the one hand, programs and games with violent scenes do not have an obvious effect on people's manners, according to some. This is mainly because mentioned games and programs have age limitations and they are considered due to individuals' vulnerability. Thus, should people pay sufficient attention to these criteria, the adverse impacts will be reduced.

On the other hand, many, myself included, think that the violence shown on these entertaining factors has disastrous impacts on society. The reason why this is the case is that people do not take the age restrictions seriously and everyone can access them. Violent scenes are powerful and they can trigger their viewers' and players' unconsciousness in order to stick in their minds. They, therefore, are affected by them effortlessly and act violently. Apart from that, these scenes make people excited, which in turn let their brains produce dopamine which is a feel-good hormone. Hence, as they want to experience more pleasure, they tend to act like movies and games which will lead to promoting violent actions and even committing crimes.

In conclusion, although it is thought by some that violence which is shown on television and in computer games does not influence people's manners, I believe that it can exert serious negative impacts on society.   




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A number of people argue that the portrayed violence on TV and in computer games will adversely influence society. While it is stated that such images do not affect people’s behavior significantly, I am of the opinion that they can have profound negative impacts on society.

A group of people claim that violent content shown in media does not alter individuals’ behavior substantially. Firstly, a person with stable mental health cannot be affected by things in the media. If individuals are mentally healthy, games or TV programs containing violent scenes will not negatively alter their mindset. Secondly, people are not always involved with recreational activities such as playing computer games or watching television. When they assign only a limited time to such activities, their effect will also be limited, and therefore their behavior does not change easily by them.

Despite the mentioned arguments, I am convinced that being involved with brutal games and TV programs negatively impacts society. Showing violence in media is actually a way of promoting immoral behavior. For instance, a TV series with characters who hurt and kill each other without regret sends this message that such behaviors are normal in society and maybe persuade its viewer to do so. Moreover, in many TV programs or games, there are no punishments for violent actions. By witnessing them, some individuals might think they can commit crimes without consequences, leading to an insecure society.

In conclusion, on the grounds of counting brutal activities as normal behavior and not considering punishments for them, I believe that violence in TV and games can negatively influence society.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In recent times, more and more people are exposing themselves on violence by watching inappropriate movies on TV and also playing violent computer games. Some might argue that this should not be of great concern, however, I strongly believe that it will have a detrimental effect on both younger and older generations in society, which will be fully explained in the following essay.


First of all, streaming aggressive behavior either on social media or in computer games will encourage violence in the youth. They will be more inclined to committing crime simply because they consider violence as part of their daily routine. Take a teenage boy for example, by spending too much time on violent action films and plays, he could think of doing the same in the community in his subconscious. As a result, he will end up starting a fight among his friends and may be able ro beat one to death, Which could finally lead to his imprisonment.


Moreover, adults aggressive attitudes will be of major concern and attributed to following violent scenes on a medium such as TV. Having more tendency toward violence, couples would probably think of acting aggressively when they have an argue over a family issue. This means they prefer violence to other approaches they can allocate during their conflicts, which will, in turn, lead to dire consequences like physical harm and possible physical inabilities like eye damage or a broken nose.

To sum up, although some take the view that people can unconditionally watch violence on TV or in computer games, I have a firm conviction that these kinds of materials should be restricted due to the fact that they will increase aggressive behaviors, crime rates and family quarrel in community.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Violence in media is increasing over the recent years. While some people think that violence on television and in computer games has a negative effect, others argue that people's behavior is not affected by these factors. I partially agree with the former point of view.

One of the most drawbacks of violence on media is that it can promote violence in society. For instance, children who are exposed to violence on television tend to play much more aggressively. In other words, children and young people are the greatest victims because they are not able to distinguish between wrong and right things. They often tend to imitate the violence on television and accept it as a typical way to treat others. It has been proved that there is a strong correlation between watching violent films and physical aggression against another person. As a result, violent films and video games may incite teenagers to commit criminal offences. 

Many people, however, watch violent film on a regular basis and do not become killers. In many countries, for example, violent crime is decreasing whereas violence continues to be omnipresent in the media.  What I mean by this is that media violence has a greater impact on our emotions and thinking than on our behavior. In fact there are more important factors such as extremely poverty which can drive people to commit crimes or aggressive behavior. The more people experience unpleasant situations, the more they may commit a crime. 

In conclusion, I believe, in spite of the fact that violence of television and video games has damaging consequences, our feeling and thoughts are more affected by violent content than our actions.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Opinions are divided about the idea of affecting a community through the violence broadcasting in TV programs or existing in computer games. Some people stress that its effects are essential while others believe that its impacts are not very influential. In my view, the former view seems to be more logical. 

On the one hand, many problems are likely to be arisen when it comes to the showing violence for public. When people, in particular the young ones, watch the movies indicating furious scenes or play them in a virtual game, this can normalize these behaviors for people who experience violence in virtual space. If so, these individuals repeat that annoying actions in reality and in their society. It is clear that by doing so a great deal of risks would be created for all people living in that society. As a result, the effects of presenting such inappropriate traits have detrimental effects on a society. 

On the other hand, some people hold this belief that violent behaviors on Television or computer games might not have tangible effects on people. Having enough information about these behaviors, people may not do them in their community. These group of people say that it is true that violence seems to be a dangerous behavior; despite this, people have grasped their importance in advance. For example, people usually have seen such traits in streets or their schools before watching them on Television or computer games. 

To conclude, while some individuals believe that violence may not affect a society, I agree that if these behaviors are shown for public, this can ruin the security in a community. 




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

some individuals think that TV programs and computer games could have a negative effect on children’s minds and society but others are of the opinion that these entertainments could be very vital for children. I believe television programs and games might have a bad impact on children’s minds. 

Although some broadcasts and computer games have some essential impacts on children’s minds and might open their attitudes, they can manipulate their brains in various ways. Children who spend a great deal of time in computer games always have some challenging with themselves since computer games fill their minds and they want to imitate some part of the game. For example, when they play a violent game their mind encourages them to do bad behavior. Thus, a devastating impact on those who play computer games is inevitable. 

Furthermore, research has shown that children who deal with games are always apathetic to doing activities, as a result, gain weight is unavoidable. In addition, they spend many times watching the screen and they do not build communication with other people due to some aggressive behaviors are common. This issue might lead to violent behavior nevertheless they do new activities and learn new practical skills which bring calm down to their minds. 

In conclusion, despite computer games and TV shows having some practical effect on children, they might give many adverse effects on their minds. I hold the view that some TV programs and computer games should be banned because they could negative effect on society.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There has been always controversies on whether violence depicted on television programs and computer games influences the society detrimentally or not. In this regard, people hold different attitudes, a group believe they are harmful to society, the other group disagree with this notion. I personally believe violence showcased in TV programs and video games can influence people’s behavior in negative way.

There are some reasons for first group opinion which find the cruelty shown harmful for society. Firstly, children and adolescences, who are the major consumers of these programs, particularly computer games, are not mature enough to distinguish between right and wrong, and consequently, following these kind of programs promotes aggressive behavior in them. Secondly, some criminals such as murderers make headlines and turn to heroes for some potentially predisposed people due to the media hypes around a specific crime. In this concern, the tendency for anxious behavior and crime rate can increase owing to the matter that some people find this publicity interesting and take the offenders as role models. For these reasons, and with regard the fact that individuals create a society and their behaviors affects the whole society, even if a specific part watch to the hostility shown on virtual space and become affected, it can raise the general tension.  

Furthermore, this group believe that these kind of programs and games offer free advertising for weapons and promote social awareness about different methods of criminal activities. Concerning this, if juvenile delinquents be exposed to such programs, they will learn more and can be turned to criminal with a lot of theoretical experience. In other words, they become potentially ready for violent behavior which would affect the whole society. Besides, as mentioned before they can have a beneficial effect on gun trades by indirectly advertising it, which has a detrimental effect on social behavior.

In conclusion, I believe hostility presentation on television or in computer games has a negative impactt on the society because of boosting the aggressive behavior and crime rate by advertising guns and teaching different approaches in this regard. 


Mohammad Mahdi
Mohammad Mahdi


Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?


Some claim that displaying violence on TV and in computer games has a detrimental impact on the society while others disagree that the factors can have an influence on people’s behaviour. In my opinion, showing violent scenes in the media and in games affects the audience adversely, especially when it comes to the young.


      Firstly,  this can contribute to more cruel characteristics and personality traits as people are faced with such content. In other words, being confronted with harsh scenes of violence especially in the early ages of life, when one is in the process of adoptive learning may cause deleterious side-effects for them in the future. With respect to a research conducted by the WHO, a plethora of humans’ behaviours are in direct link with the content they find on films, series and the computer games they might play even though they are not by any means aware of the changes an individual would be subject to.


      Secondly, there can be a dramatic rise in the number of delinquency cases which root from a display of violent actions on TV and in video games. For instance, imitating means of violence adopted by the target audience namely children can put a heavy burden on the society, as they will not only be a menace to other people , but also play an integral role in constraining the development of the country.  


      In conclusion, although there has never been a consensus on the answer as to whether or not being exposed to violence-ridden content might adversely affect peoples’ behaviour, I tend to believe this is by far a pivotal factor we should find guilty for many issues that can unfortunately arise from that.   




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Admittedly, there is a general consensus among a group of people that some video games and programmes on TV negatively influence society. I do believe that the programmes and games which promote violence, have detrimental effects on society.

Although there are numerous positive impacts associated with some TV programmes and video games, their violent themes can result in some mental problems in society. One of the main problems is that when spending large amounts of time on playing video games, children will become numb to violence and even they will think about aggressive activities more than other peers who are not exposed to violent contents. The more children think about violence, the more likely they will commit a crime or become confrontational. That Tv or video games negatively affect society stems from their harmful content such as racial discrimination, gender exploitation, killing people because of war-like scenarios, and encouraging disrespectful activities against law. Furthermore, some inappropriate programs or games tend to reinforce some harmful stereotypes like gender inequality. that they are really immersive and stimulating leads to manipulate people especially the younger generation.

Aside from causing antisocial behavior, violent TV programmes and video games may lead to some physical problems. Exposed to these kinds of programmes, they may get addicted to them, which leads to a sedentary lifestyle. Thus especially adolescents become reluctant to do physical exercises and mostly they slump over their computer screens, which increase the probability of contracti\ng eye strain and spine disorder. Lacking physical exercise, teenagers may get left behind at school and show poor performance.

In conclusion, violent games or programmes may have detrimental impacts on society which can be explained from mental effects right through to the physical disorders.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, there are arguments about the effect of violent content, found in computer games and TV programmes, on how individuals of a society behave. I totally agree that those contents affect the way one acts. Any form of data, such as visual scenes, has impacts on the mind. At the same time some action can be taken to prevent harms caused by violent media is to properly control and restrict violent contents, often followed by young people, for vulnerable groups such as children.

The influence of words and pictures on the mind is almost irrefutable among people. However, one less considered point is that we often are not aware of this impact. For instance, if you watch a truly sad drama, normally you will get upset. In this case, sadness is not your chosen option. In fact, data processing is done by your brain and the expected feeling is formed unconsciously. When it comes to violent shows or games, the results can be destructive.

Simultaneously, violence presented on TV programmes and games, has been experiencing inadequate control and restrictions made in order to limit access of vulnerable individuals, like school-aged children, to data that does not suit their age. Consider a TV show which is considered as not violent among adults. At the same time, It can cause dangerous changes to a child’s mind and behavior. 

In conclusion, visual content has undeniable effects on the mind especially in children, which can lead to harsh behaviors. On the other hand, limited access to inappropriate kinds of games and shows in younger people, seems to be a rational solution to this problem. Complexity of the human brain and psychology can make some people struggle to understand how harmful some types of media can be. Had they known this fact, they would deal with it fact differently. 




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some people think that violence showed on television and in video games has a negative effect on the society. On the other hand, others do not believe that this violence cannot affect people’s real life.

I definitely agree with first opinion. People tend to get influenced by what they watch. Children are affected more than others. Nowadays, video games are so popular among children and teenagers. Most parents do not know how these games can influence on children’s behavior. If you observe a child who spends most of his free time playing violent video games, you will obviously see the increasing aggressiveness in his behavior. That is because children tend to imitate. As a child, I also had this experience. I used to play Mortal Combat with my uncle every day. It is one of the most violent video games. I was mad all the time. I did not want to talk to anyone. After some time, my family found out about its effects and did not let me play anymore.

Adults are not affected by computer games as much as children, because they are not much involved with these games. Indeed, they are more influenced by violence showed in television. Movies and series which demonstrate different types of violence can highly influence our subconscious. People who watch these shows frequently, reflect this violence in their behavior with others. They get anxious quickly and might even experience depression. That is why psychologists suggest watching happy movies and series, instead of those which show violence and sadness all the time.

In conclusion, I think these kinds of shows damage the society. Because the society consists of each single person. If members of it get damaged mentally, they cannot build a successful, active society.






Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In the past 30 years, have seen a dramatic increase in brutality around the globe. Some people affirm that broadcasting of tyranny in the media can affect people’s behaviors while some have contrary sight. This essay agrees with that statement. In my perspective, in recent times, the media has had a pivotal role in enhancing cruel and vicious behaviors across the world.

First and foremost, although some people inherently are violent, media can promote violence through the exposure of crime and felonies in programs and films and direct their behaviors. For instance, television is a splendid medium of communication and families spend most of their time on the sighting of numerous programs, commercials, and films whilst not tent to implement other entertainment. In this among, illustration of more and more transgression deeds directly alter their behaviors and they show violence in the society more than before.

Further and even more, it is an undeniable fact that when people frequently see immoral acts and brutality in the media, the taboo will be broken, and these acts will be popular and common in the country. To exemplify, when people see and hear about numerous terrible murders on social platforms and in movies, after a while, this horrible act is normalized among people.

By way of conclusion, violence has been ubiquitin across the world the media has had vital impact on this trend in recent times. Hence, authorities should control the content of the programs and try to create peaceful atmosphere all over the world.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

People have different views about the violence on TV and video games have an adverse impact on people or their effects are not considerable.I agree with the first idea because it promotes violent actions in the public and makes people prefer staying home and avoiding making friends.

There is no doubt that a majority of people play video games and watch TV series with violent contexts, They would be more try to act like their favorite superheroes and do dangerous actions to feel satisfied. As a result, they will be more encouraged to break the laws to Fill more enjoy with their life.
Therefore, the crime rate will rise and the community will suffer its consequence, such as teenagers tend to do more violent actions like bullying and abusing other children or starting a fight with their parents.

Furthermore these days most people are busier than ever. They do not have enough time to get out and play a game outside the house because of their hectic lifestyle, so they prefer to stay at home and play computer games in this way. They are more connected with the virtual world and after some time, they will gradually lose their friends and stay alone and suffer from a range of problems like depression, mental diseases, and lack of Confidence. So, Society would experience that its workforce is not efficient to play a crucial part to make a progress in social and economic fields and will lag behind developed countries. 

In conclusion, I think the violent context of computer games and TV has a harmful influence on people because it will increase people's desire to commit crimes also it's taking too much time from people and they may not have enough time to get out and be sociable.





Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?



Nowadays, amount of violence on television and social media has become increasingly popular in our community. Many people  believe that the high levels of violence in films are causing serious social problems. on the other hand, some of them claim that these trends are not related to how people act. However, it seems to be increasingly clear that this development is causing problems in our society.




First of all, violence is phenomenon that is easily encountered in television or virtual platforms like video games and has a psychological impact on individuals. Clinical studies on the subject show that undesirable  behaviors like violent tendencies and aggression are more prevalent behavioral pattern in young people who are exposed to violence. Another worring trend is that being exposed to violent content in a video games and movies can increase the incidence of violence and crimes in society.




On the other hand, some peple claim that a person will not exhibit violent behavior just encountering violent elements in movies or social media. For example children who watch cartoons containing violent elements use violence while playing with their toys, but they stop this behavior in a short time.




I also believe that there are channels with lots of  aggressive films which is far too violent to show to children, so they should be banned. I am convinced that exposuring to violent media should be limited.




In conclusion, I think that watching violence may  indeede cause serious social problems.  This can result in severe stress and negative impacts between people, spacially children who are very exposed to violent fims and computer games.











Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There is no denying the effect of social media on individuals. Some parts of the community believe that people are imperfectly affected by violence on television and digital games, while others refute this argument and think that this form of the show has a huge impact on human attitudes. I completely believe that these kinds of movies and games had an adverse impact on society.


One of the major reasons posed by being exposed to violent TV shows can increase the rate of crime and indignation. In other words, it has a direct impact on the soul, people become more aggressive after watching violent movies constantly. As a result, the more aggressive, the more fighting, so the rate of crime can increase. To exemplify, when the movie of Yaghi showed on television, the number of fighting increased because of it is influence.

Moreover, violent computer games have a severe negative effect on youngsters. Adolescence sometimes starts imitating what they see on screen or their favorite player in a game. Hence, they try to do everything that they see in games. They repeat some behaviors such as shouting, and fighting with their parents or peers due to it is common in games. As a result, the content of violent games causes normalized violence for children.

In conclusion, violent programs are presented through television and games played on computers. It is argued that this genre of movies can propagate aggressive leading to an increase in the rate of crime. Also, children would choose a player in violent games as a role model and do their behavior.






Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Some argue that watching programs or playing video games with violent content has a detrimental impact on people. However, others refute this statement and believe there is not any meaningful association between these two. I agree with the first group as I explain my arguments in this essay.

How one spends their pastime or what they watch significantly affects their behavior. These activities are like food for one’s soul. People especially, youngsters who are still in their formative years can be greatly affected by the content they are facing every day. Regularly watching videos involving graphic scenes, teenagers become desensitized to such destructive content. Therefore, they might even have no problem with these violent behaviors and even try to imitate them in real life. For instance, a small argument could turn into an aggregative assault. It leads to a society that loses its moral compass.

In addition, while outdoor activities help to unwind and release your energy in a healthy manner, playing video games even the nonviolent ones often increases a person’s anxiety and stress level. These games mostly create a competitive environment that makes gamers more aggressive. Moreover, Games include killing opponents and guns exacerbate these negative behaviors. Consequently, individuals choosing these types of activities as hobbies, end up being more pugnacious toward others and may lose their temper promptly.

To sum up, I am of the opinion that violence on movies, tv-series, and computer games influences members of society. Considering too much exposure to violence can make people, in particular, the younger generation numb to hurting and killing others.





Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

The first It has been asserted by a myriad of people that playing the games in vertical world or watching programs on electronic devices leads to antisocial behavior and counterproductive influences, while others known the numerous reasons as main reasons. From my personal perspective many  devastating aspects as a vital effects must be considered.
Today, we are residing in societies that technologically are developed and numberless devices, gadgets and gizmos are available are working with latest technology and sophisticated methods. The accessibility to virtual world and playing games with highest quality and animated provides the real world for users, whereas an aggressive atmosphere is simulated in some games which encourages and normalize the offensive behavior for users.
Additionally, watching some programs on TV for instance criminal movies or some documents like Daesh in Afghanistan country may fade the fear of terror or gun. As a result,   unintentionally some groups of people as special younger generation those are immature and sensitive show a little predilection for acting like virtual characters.
However, from my personal view countless significant reasons like the lack of appropriate education, family mental health and society in terms of financial perspectives must be highly considered. firstly, a higher attention to the educating centre and nurturing methods perfectly according to the established standards to the younger generations those play a significant role in making a future and gain skills, information and horizon leads to the prevention of violence and aggression. Secondly, providing calmness, serenity and the feeling of togetherness beside coherence in family and parental supervision have profound impacts on children to recognize good and bad behavior. Finally, from financial view, residents in all societies needs to make their essential and needs and when the economic situation eases the living conditions, the sense of anxiety, concern and worry is disappeared and ables them to live in peaceful and tranquil situation.
In conclusion, while TV programs and computer games mentally provide some negatives impacts on viewers, according to mentioned explanations numerous factors such as learning systems, family and community have a fundamental role in creating the violent behavior.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

With development of technology these days and appearance of aggressive manners either on televisions or videogames, there is an increasing concern by some people believing that these programs result in violence in public however some others claim that there nothing dangerous to worry about. In my opinion there is not a significant relationship between these items due to the fact that violence is mainly provoked by governments themselves.

Aggression has recently been topic of several arguments on media and according to different surveys, politicians have found a rising trend of juvenile crime, raising the topic that questions teenagers habits such as computer games with which they are occupied. They also claim that such programs fill individuals up with feelings of anger or anxiety giving them an opportunity to act violently. But the question is how valid these comments are and what if they are used just as excuses made by governments to shift the blame? After spread of such explanations there have been serious controversies between various groups of people.

According to some papers published by reporters, a new idea has been put forward that challenges both social and economical situations as key factors for the large number of violence and crimes. Findings would suggest that with the existence of economical crises making the society incapable of achieving their goals and fulfilling their dreams, they are now faced with either higher levels of depression and anxiety or anger and aggression. These feelings are then taken out as destructive behaviors or vandalism which psychologists generally believe are sign of suffering, representing social pain and exhaustion. As a popular hobby, the public may turn to films and be encouraged by games with harsh content but these activities strangely seem to even soothe the negative feelings, acting exactly the opposite of what we may assume.

 Finally, it can be concluded that aggressive movies and games are less likely to establish a connection to crimes in society and the increasing pattern is mostly created by socio-economic difficulties of nations which affect people’s feelings and manners.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Sensitive contents such as brutality, always were discussed by various communities, either in tv shows or computer games. Although some individual opine the effects are unnoticeable, others discuss about related damages that induced by this phenomenon which I personally have more sympathy with latter view and in the following lines I would try to elaborate my reasons clearly.

The most pertinent reason for people who deny violence significant effect on society is related to censorship consequences, which is not only prevent outrage representation but also leads to terrifying misguidedness of reality. To put it more simply, it could be said that violence is detachable part of some realities, therefore by censoring it, the reality might be misunderstood. For instance, some of war scenes  is considered as a truth representor, although they might contain a few brutal material.

Despite above argument, being prone to violence contents by immature minds and specially teenagers, could be considered as a dangerous risk for any society, which make some people worried about that. It could be simplified by the facts that show teen people who used more outraging material in the films or games are more passionate about trying it in real world. As an example, the research which had done in 2006 by NYPD (New York Police Department) tells us that near 70 percent of teenagers who arrested for school shooting confessed that they just represented some scenes that they experienced in the shooting games and action movies.

Although, some masses may discuss about the negligible effect of media violence that affects others and its unreasonable censorship outcomes, I personally think for having healthier society and more proper rising of children, the reachable violence content should be supervised and controlled with more caution.

In conclusion, group of people deny significant consequences which induced by brutal contents in media, and other ones describe it as a vital crisis, and I could put my agreement on the latter view, due to its result on the society.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

These days, the number of TV programs and video games containing violence is raising. While some believe that violence leaves inevitable negative impacts on societies, others claim that there is not any proven connection between violence and the individual's temperament in a society. I am, personally, of the same belief that the role of brutal games and TV contents in people's behavior and then in societies is undeniable.

First of all, it has been scientifically proven that what people are exposed to the most, incredibly affects their unconscious mind. In other words, when individuals entertained themselves with violence-driven content, gradually consider it normal behavior or do them in their real lives. Additionally, children fiercely tend to imitate their surrounding environment. for example, children after playing a brutal video game or watching a TV show such as violent wrestling are prone to harm their peers or behave aggressively.

As a society is defined by its members and their characteristics, a community with a high level of violence will face a lot of issues. It is reported that the rate of crime and domestic violence in societies where violent games and TV programs are more prevalent is considerably high. For instance, a blockbuster series named Dexter promoted crimes in the US as its leading actor was popular instead of hated, and also, it revealed various means to get involved in criminal activities such as murder. Besides, these inappropriate contents can affect people's relationships and life quality negatively due to decreasing their tolerance ability and sense of sympathy.

In conclusion, although the number of platforms and games providing the audience with excitement through violence is constantly growing, the government and society members should be aware that violence breeds violence. Therefore, some measures need to be taken to address and control this problem. Otherwise, this will cost them very much.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

In this day and age, each and every program in television and computer games play a fundamental role in people's lives. Some people are of the opinion that some programs and video games specially in violent genres can influence on attitude of people in a completely bad way. However, others think it would not be too dangerous for anybody in the long run. Beyond any doubt, I agree with the first verdict of people and in this essay, both aspects of these views will consider in detail.


Numerous studies by professional scientists provided tremendously well that violence in programs of TV could put most of the people in a real predicament. By doing so, people would faced several undeniable issues in the foreseeable future. Children, for instance, who are in their impressionable ages can learn something on TV, social media and computer games in that aforementioned field in a wrong way and subsequently, the whole situation of each society will be changed negatively by those violent genres if people are not able to mitigated the obstacles in this current situation as well.


Attitude and behaviour, on the other hand, will not affect by violence on TV or video games. It is the view point of people who strongly contradict the first idea. There is ample evidence to suggest that people would be watch the other genres in their leisure time but more or less, these genres of programs and games are not as vital as the other significant issues which could influence people wrongly.


To conclude, there would be at least two facets of this issue. In spite of the fact that some people do not agree that the violence on television and games are of great importance in order to influence on people negatively, in the eyes of not only me but also a lot of people, is has consistently found violent genre is a real prominent problem in people's lives and by long-term, a plethora of undeniable obstacles will be made unfortunately.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A group of individuals present the view that violence in the media and in particular on television and in computer games has an adverse impact on society, whereas others believe that, there is no proof of the connection between violence in media and society. I strongly agree with the former opinion.
On the one hand, some people reasonably agree that violence in the media has a negative impact on society. It is certainly true that it can desensitize people to violence in the real world. Desensitization may be one of the most dangerous consequences of violence exposure as youth begin to experience violence as normative. It can trigger a range of negative consequences such as decreasing empathy for violence victims. Another negative consequence is that aggressive thoughts and behaviors may increase, especially among teens. This can affect their mental health and social well-being. On the other hand, another group of people claim that violence in media has no negative effect on society, they deny any consequence of violence in society. They insist that watching violence in the media is entertaining and enjoyable. I do not find this argument convincing since there are also other movies and video games that are not only entertaining but also have positive effects on society. I believe that governments should raise awareness about the consequences of violent scenes in media and video games.
In conclusion, in my view violence in media and video games has many adverse effects on society such as desensitization to crime and an increase in aggressive behavior in society. Moreover, governments and individuals should support violence-free movies and video games.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There has been heated arguments among people on whether graphic violence and gore that is pictured in media and games can bring about some adverse impacts for the society or not; in my opinion, the former group might some valueable debates but only to a certain point. 

Standing among the merits of advanced digital world we live in, video games and movies have became an inseparable part of our daily lives. Among all the genres that are available for the audience to watch or play, many would prefer action over all. Not only do these types of movies and games evoke great joy for those who enjoy some extra adrenalin, but they are also an engaging exercise for one's brain and can promote their cognitive skills such as strategic thinking as well as their response time and hand-to-eye coordination. Studies have proven that these games can be an effective way of practice for soldiers and those seeking to bolster their field skills, in a more cost-effective and entertaining way.

Nevertheless, being exposed to explicit violence can be destructive for more vulnerable ones. They might experience a trauma like those who have actually been in a violent atmosphere, if the content is not approved by the specialists in the field. Moreover, the more an individual would get used to animated violence, the more indifferent they would appear in case they would encounter the real incident, which can have a devastating inflence for the society that prioritizes peace. However, over-sensitivity about the matter is not wise either, since the educative values these shows and games provide can assist one on how to act properly and face less crippling and traumatative shock once they happen to face such incidents.

To conclude, I believe that a minor amount of violence is harmless for those that might find it appealing, yet it must be evaluated by psychologists and sociologists before being released to the mass audience. 




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

These days, people watch many violent movies on TV and play savage video games. Some people think these things have destroyable side effects on society, while others refuse this approach and they believe people’s behavior has never changed. In my opinion, nowadays we can see more mental problems and the crime rate has increased since this invention in the entertainment industry.


To start with, day by day the number of people who are suffered from mental diseases increase. Most of them are between the ages of 15 to 25. They have been playing video games with many violent that are not convenient for their mental health. For example, call of duty is one of the most popular games among teenagers which is included lots of harsh scenes. In this game, gamers have to kill enemies, also if they kill more and more, levelling up during the game, so wide ranges of guns will be unlocked. As a result, they are diagnosed with dangerous mental problems like ADHD and bipolar, which are the main reason of crimes happen.


In addition, the number of people who are arrested have risen since these kinds of entertainment like harsh movies and computer games were introduced. Their mental health has been destroyed, so the effect of that appears on their actions in society, at work, and in their personal life. For instance, they theft from convenience stores or even kill someone. However, they do not know why done these harmful things, and just because of their mental problems or some of them cannot recognize the real world and the game. 


In conclusion, some people are against with harsh movies and video games because of the harmful side effects. Although others do not agree. I think, watching or playing violent genre are dangerous for people’s behavior and mental.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, we witness a series of violent scenes on TV and in computer games. It is claimed that people's behaviour does not change significantly under their influence. However, I believe these scenes can affect society harmfully which will be discussed in the following.

To begin with, television is a platform that families usually use to spend time with each other by watching movies, game shows, etc. In this way, they can boost their mood and energy by watching positive programs and have a whale of a time together. However, what will happen if they fill this time with, for instance, violent news? Without a doubt, these programs have detrimental effects on their health since they cannot experience that relaxing ambience mentioned before and, as a result, make them feel down in the dumps.

On the other hand, the increasing popularity of these violent games, especially among young people, is another reason for concern. When they are exposed to a violent atmosphere for a long time, it can hurt their mental health and make them aggressive. For instance, my brother used to play a game that his role was a soldier who should kill enemies. During that time, not only did he blow a gasket easily during the day, but he also could not sleep well at night due to stress.

In conclusion, watching violent scenes on TV or in video games plays a crucial role in disrupting happiness and promoting violence in the family and individual life. So a society without people who are mentally healthy cannot be prosperous.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?


Some people are of the idea that violence on television and in video games affects the society in a damaging way. Whereas, others overlook the issues that violence can cause regarding people’s behavior. I believe that the content that people from different age groups are encountered with every day, can affect individual’s characteristics.

One of the groups that can be affected by these factors, is children and teenagers. They spend a considerable amount of their time playing computer games and watching movies that contain violent scenes. This is proven to have a detrimental effect on their mental health and overall behavior with their family members. When youngsters play violent games that are often found to be addictive, they put so much energy into winning every combat and killing as many enemies as they can that little energy is left for them to have healthy interaction with their loved ones. In some severe cases, parents might have to reach out for help from experts like psychologists.

Additionally, watching movies or shows that have violent scenes may have an impact on adults as well. By watching these types of movies, people gradually become impatient when opposed to some difficulties in real life. Moreover, find themselves in challenging positions where they have to solve a problem or talk it over with someone. They might suffer from lack of social skills when it comes to interacting with people and getting in touch with their friends. One way to stop this from happening is for authorities to pose restrictions on certain types of content. As a result of doing this, people become banned from watching too many movies of such genres.

Eventually, these violent movies and computer games can affect people of different ages. It is better for authorities to take a closer look at the content that the citizens watch or play on a daily basis and look for possible solutions.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A group of individuals present the view that people can be easily influenced by violent activities that video games and movies have, whereas others believe that they do not have any adverse effects on people. I completely agree with the former opinion.


It is my view that, being prone to violent movies and video games can encourage people to turn to crime. Nowadays, most people, especially the young, are more willing to spend long hours watching television and playing video games. Unfortunately, numerous movies and video games have violent activities such as killing people. In this way, people are more likely to become familiar with several ways that teach illegal and violent behavior. Thus, they are more likely to engage in such activities and commit serious crimes to experience the excitement that are shown in movies and video games.


In contrast, some individuals claim that all people may be aware of the consequences of such violence. They firmly insist people who watch such violence in television or video games might understand the differences between virtual world and real life and, in turn, they might not be affected. However, I do not find this argument convincing as many young people and children who spend long hours playing computer games or watching movies are less likely to be able to recognize these differences. Consequently, they can be easily influenced by violent activities and are more likely to take people who are criminals in such movies or video games as a role model and, in turn, they are more likely to commit crimes or do violent activities.


In conclusion, I strongly agree with idea that television programs and video games that are violent can have adverse effects on people because, by seeing them, people can become familiar with violent methods. Moreover, many children and young people are more likely to fail to understand that they should not follow such activities and, in turn, they are more likely to turn to crime.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

People have a contradictory idea on the subject that humans are affected by television and computer games which show violence, with some arguing that these programs have no remarkable effect on society. I am of the opinion that, brutal acts of violence in visual media do affect people’s behavior.

To commence with, the factor contributing to this trend is that people often imitate what they see on screen. By doing this, they harm themselves as well as others. The antisocial behavior derives from spending an excessive amount of time watching and playing a violent games. Therefore, the concern that media violence has dire repercussions are well-justified. In addition, violent contact is an integral part of some online games attracting teenagers and sometimes leading to deaths. To illustrate this point, a year ago a video game named Santa Clause was a challenging game that caused teenagers injuries across the globe.

Moreover, violent content makes people vicious because they assume that aggression is normal in everyday life. This trend can be attributed to the constant exposure to violence that makes people victims or perpetrators. In the other words, some of them inflict harm on purpose towards cowardly people without considering the consequences while others are being harmed by powerful people.  It is an avoidable fact that both groups are influenced in a variety of ways.

In conclusion, we are tremendously impacted by what we see. The process of normalizing violence and copying violent action inevitably makes people less empathetic and more aggressive. It seems to me that violent games and videos should be banned to make society more peaceful.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

evidence suggests that a growing number of people tend to watch TV programs and do computerized games that relate to violence. However, some assert that there are some significant benefits to attitudes people in this trend. Admittedly, I believe that the drawbacks to society are by no means negligible. Both sides of the argument present rational ideas, which will be elaborated on.

On the one hand, supporters assert that there is an advantage to this tendency. To begin with, it can help people to be aware. In other words, watching TV and computer game are suitable means to extend the knowledge of people about different subjects not only about lifestyle but also about other facts such as crime and violence both around the world and country. This is because in the real world, there are a number of crimes and it is necessary to people know about them and learn how to acquire awareness and how to combat different crimes and violence. Hence, they believe that this means can help some people to be ready for living in their society.

On the other hand, others argue that there are some disadvantages here. Firstly, watching violent programs may encourage society to violence. This is because a number of people are really affected by these programs. in other words, in order to discourage people from different violence it is better to make limit the variety of access to different sites that demonstrate violence for different ages such as making limitations for access to students. Despite the fact that a number of students are very sensitive and not able to manage or realize true behavior, which can cause developing irreparable damage to teenagers such as murder and antisocial behavior. Furthermore, in psychology viewpoint, it can extend the rate of depression. Some psychologists and investigations recommend that everyone should prevent plenty of violent behavior. This means, watching these programs can directly damage some parts of our mental and spiritual human beings. In order to be healthy it is necessary to prevent different games that are related to violence or watching crimes channels as much as possible

To conclude, there are logical points on both sides, however, I agree that prevent watching some ages of watching and doing violent programs. this is mainly because of preserving healthy mental and physical.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, horror movies and games has become an ever-increasing phenomenon and experienced a dramatic growth. It is widely believed that this cannot leave a noticeable mark on people’s manner; however, I strongly believe that it negatively affects every individual.

Firstly, it is commonplace among the public not considering a potential detrimental effect of a specific interest. Some kinds of activities could be amusing at a time of happening, but we should deem whether doing them have any long-term influence. For example, since my childhood I used to watch Conjuring movies, one of the most horror movies in the history, and after watching that, I got a loneliness phobia. As a result of that, my parents could not leave me alone. If they had done it, I would have screamed loudly, which suffered our neighbours significantly. 

In addition, after these technological advancements and due to the invent of visual effects, almost every video game has become much more the same as the reality than that of the past, when there was not any state-of-the-art technology. In terms of the violent genre, subsequently, they can amount for mental problems, which can be a trigger for far more serious societal problems, as they have become more tangible. For instance, I vividly remember that, after playing a well-known and rough game called Assassins, many of my friends could not stay focused on their study. Instead, they drown into that game because of the game addiction, as a one of the side effects. Not only they wanted to dropout, but also one of them became a criminal who could commit crime easily.

In conclusion, although many think that violent games and movies cannot worsen the individual treatments and have negligible effects, I am completely of the opinion that such entertainments not only have detrimental effects on the brain, but also increase the favor of committing crime in society, as a larger scale.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Whereas it is sometimes thought that violent TV programs and computerized games are expected to wreak havoc on the community , others refute this notion . There are legitimate reasons behind both aspects which will be discussed in detail , followed by my perspective on the matter .


On the one hand , advocates of detrimental impacts of violent television programs and computer games point out  these kind of recreational activities are likely to soar criminal behavior in a society . In other words , excessive exposure to movies and video games promoting violence indirectly could trigger aggression in many susceptible young people . Take  television films which portray how cyber crimes  is committed for notable example ; they tend to drive young people to imitate these offending  behavior  . Another detrimental effect is to surge family quarrels .The more children play computer games with violence as the main theme , the more they are inclined  to commit bullying towards their siblings .


On the other hand , others subscribe to the idea that violence on TV and computer apps have no longer negative impacts on the society. First and foremost is that people consider these kinds of pastimes  as a fun  as opposed to programs which could  affect them  . For instance , a number of people  watch violent TV shows  ,  although a less number of them express willingness to carry out offensive behavior . Moreover, there are many other contributing factors like criminal family background steer people towards violence . Another argument in this respect is that many young people utilize these violent video games  as an outlet for their anger and outrage .

To conclude , although some individuals maintain that television programs and computerized games with violence as the main subject have no harmful effects on the society  . I am of firm conviction that they due to compelling reasons might  impinge on the community .




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There are different views about whether violence in video games or on television has influenced human behaviour. Some argue that they harm the people in society, while some believe that they have unimportant effects on their manners.

On the one hand, an individual’s behaviour can be influenced negatively by the violence shown on TV or in electronic games. Television shows and computer games can demonstrate violent content, such as animal cruelty or bloody scenes. Many children may not decipher the difference between reality and fantasy, so they will be encouraged to imitate the behaviour watched on a TV screen or played in games. In this way, these children have the potential to exhibit violent acts as children and throughout their adult lives. For example, when the movie Acid Attack showed on TV, the number of acid attackers increased significantly due to its brutal influence.

On the other hand, an act of violence viewed on the screen of a TV or in games might not substantially affect human behaviour. It could even have a positive influence on their manners. People could be frustrated by daily interactions with others. These frustrations could lead to the individual committing violent acts if not released by other means. Watching others engage in these acts in movies or playing violent games could relieve the daily tensions of people without practically harming another person. As a consequence, it could benefit societies as fewer crimes might take place.

In conclusion, I can understand why people might think that watching brutal content on television and playing violent computer games have an insignificant impact on an individual’s actions, but it seems to me that they have an important repercussion on them.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Violence on television and in computer games is to humans what Parkour as a sport is to athletes. At issue is whether violent TV programs and games can affect society negatively. The truth is violence in such platforms can encroach upon people's minds, not least owing to the subconscious and its subsequent influence on others.


Topping the concern list of showing violence on TV and in games is the effects on people's unconscious minds. Manageable though consciousness might be, in most cases, people are not able to master what they see. It is psychologically shown that watching harsh programs can cause tension and anxiety in people unconsciously. By way of illustration, when children play war games, they abuse their toy guns to threaten their friends.


Looked at from a social point of view, the issue of violence on television and in computer games seems to be closely related to promoting violent activities. At first blush, it might come across as a personal matter; however, society is an interconnected system. For instance, a cruel father influenced by violent TV shows can adversely affect his children, in turn, society. To put it another way, each personal action could expand from part to whole.


In the final analysis, despite the resistance of people to accept the destructive effects of violent games and programs, they are indeed mentally and socially devastating. If violence on television and in computer games is, as a result, like Parkour as a sport, then it is more a damage than a benefit.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

A group of individuals present the view that the aggressive behaviors shown on television and video games played on computers has an adverse effect on the society, whereas others believe that these types of television programmes and games do not influence people's behaviour whatsoever. I must say, I strongly agree with the former opinion.


On the one hand, some people justifiably argue that there is a good chance that people's behaviour will become more violent and aggressive as a result of watching violence on television or their computers. A case in point is the vast number of teenagers who have turned to crime, simply due to the fact that they are the main audience of violent television shows and video games. There has been a growing figure of youngsters who commit offences such as mugging and armed robberies which is a direct result of programs that encourage such behaviors.


On the other hand, another group of people claim that the aggressive behaviour of individuals has nothing to do with the similar behaviours shown on television and computer games. They insist that the amount of time people spend on watching these disturbing programs is not adequate for them to have an impuct on one’s behavior. However, I do not find this argument convincing as the statics and survey results prove otherwise. Research findings confirm that the number of hours spent on playing hostile video games or television shows has increased markedly over the last decade. Thus, enough time is dedicated to such activities for them to be considered influential as well as an important factor in one's behaviour.


To sum up everything that has been stated so far, in my view, including hostile actions in television productions and computer games could affect the society in an unpleasant way. Moreover, the amount of time that people devote to watching these kinds of programs is high enough for it to be able to influence members of society.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

There have been conflicting views on the consequences of violence on television and in the computer systems. Some individuals are of the opinion that they have significant repercussions upon community while others believe that they should not be considered as that important. From my point of view, such content can pose a serious threat to people’s life.

It is stated that the adverse effect of violent content which can be found on television and in computerized games can be neglected. Indeed, the advocates of this idea argue that there is no apparent negative influence for these platforms and as a result, we are supposed to let youngsters enjoy them. In addition, it is mentioned that if they become susceptible to these movies and games, they will become readier for the real life. In fact, they believe that such violence assists residents in becoming familiar with all facets of their lives.

On the other hand, it is argued that this type of entertainment can have a long-term influence not only upon the occupants’ personalities but also upon the society. It is claimed that the more these types of activities become pervasive, the more people suffer from anxiety, stress, and frustration as they lead to an increase in having a negative atmosphere. Consequently, the activity of their brain might slow down and they are more likely to become less productive. I concur with this statement as I believe that these factors can bring a paradigm shift in offspring’s lifestyle which can be highly destructive.

In conclusion, although some violent games or shows can have some plus points in order to informing residents, I believe that the devastating influences should be consider as a vital issue as it can make a significant contribution to preventing a society from becoming successful. 




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It is widely argued whether brutality on some modern communication means like television or video games contributes to the increasing aggressive behavior in society. While some people are of the opinion that its devastating impacts are undeniable, others oppose that. I personally agree with the first group for which I will state my reasons as follows.

First, showing violence on TV programs or video games help to normalize it in society. This situation is specially seen among young generation or people with mental problems who are more prone to violent behavior. To support this idea, it is enough to compare the level of aggression in today’s society with 50 years ago that there were hardly advanced mass communication means. To illustrate it more, there are many crimes happening which are imitation of violent scenes of movies or games. These are all examples of promoting violence through television or video games. 

Second, exposure to violence, especially through the video games, results in antisocial behavior or psychological problems among children who might find it as an easy way of solving their conflicts. As they get older, this aggressive behavior may still be present. These days, we hear a lot of news regarding the assault in schools as a result of students spending a lot of time watching TV programs. According to the news, almost once in while a shotgun happens in America’s schools. Therefore, displaying brutality on media  plays an important role in aggressive cognition .

To conclude, I do believe that violent video gameplay or TV shows are considerably associated with aggression in society as they are encouraging people to have less sympathy or willingness to help others.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

It is believed by some people that violence shown on television and in video games has catastrophic impacts on societies. However, some others refute this idea and argue that these factors do not affect people’s actions at all. I agree with the prior statement and hold the opinion that violent content has increased the rate of crime and violence in societies.

Nowadays, we abundantly see movies and games showing characters whose behavior is extremely aggressive and inappropriate as heroes. These movies display the criminals' points of view and reasons for committing crimes in a way that makes the viewers adore them and even empathize with them. As a result, the viewers do not see how violent movie characters’ acts are, instead they see them as role models. This will promote aggressive behaviors among people, especially children whose behavior is still forming and cannot distinguish right from wrong. When young children are exposed to these kinds of content, they try to imitate what they see in movies and video games.

Another calamitous implication of displaying violent content in movies and games on societies is people being indifferent to it. When they see such content more and more, they start to think that it is acceptable to act like that so they perpetrate violence. In children, this is increasingly seen as children bullying others.  In addition, they may no longer stand against violence and aggressive behavior when facing it. So they become a victim of violence.

In conclusion, violent content in movies and video games has affected people of all ages dramatically. And I think the government should ban such content to prevent this trend.




Some people believe that violence on television and in computer games has a damaging effect on the society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behaviour. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, crime movies and violent computer games are very popular among people and more importantly youngsters. Many take the view that this trend is the reason for soaring crime rates, while others think that such aggressive content does not affect individuals' behaviour. In this essay, I explain why I totally agree with the latter.

On the one hand, the group who believe in the negative effect of violent content on people's behaviour opine that, when people watch violence on television, they start assuming that it is normal and sometimes even start imitating what they see on screen. Constant exposure to violent content normalises violence and encourages the audience to commit criminal acts. The influential power of movies and tv shows on audiences is undeniable, as people can become influenced and shape their ideals around a particular character and their actions. Especially, teenagers are prone to bullying and committing minor crimes inspired by copycat effect.

On the other hand, I strongly believe that people have enough knowledge to know that what they are watching is just a fictional film. Most of the time, we watch movies or play games just to be entertained or to release our anxiety. In addition, nobody is willing to face trial and receive custodial sentences just for imitating their role model. Also, I believe that parents and society have a greater impact on individuals' motivations and tendencies than movies and games. It is not common that a person surrounded by well-mannered people tends to break the law. For instance, children whose parents do not smoke are two times less likely to start smoking in comparison with the ones who are exposed to this practice.

In conclusion, although the impact of media on society is not deniable, I reckon that violent movies and games can not encourage the members of society to get into bad ways as they are aware of its consequences and their actions are led by their family and friends' influence rather than social contents.





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

These days we are surrounded by media. A wide variety of media platforms from the oldest ones like newspapers, magazines and radio to modern ones like television and social networks influence our lives in different ways. Although the media has their own benefits, I agree their cons outweigh their pros. The reasons for the statement will be discussed in this essay.

Media almost exist anywhere in our lives and we can not ignore them even if we want, as they affect our subconscious part of our brains lead to follow them while we are not aware of real reason. This is a practical method which industry owners are used to implementing in the societies. For example, whenever you want to buy a bottle of beverage definitely coca cola is one of options popes into your head. This is not because of quality or price of the product; it is a true story behind the huge advertisement of coca cola factory in all sorts of media forcing us buy it as this brand has been stick to our mind through power of media. Moreover, politicians can convince people by media to vote their favorite party. They can abuse media to broadcast misinformation rather than truth to achieve their goal in elections. Because media have power to change people’s mind and governors have the authority to utilize it.

Besides, media can guide people to live better. There are huge examples of constructive program making through ages for audience leading to learn new thing like cooking and health care activity. Also, there are many programs in television make people laugh and have fun and increase their well-being sense. As we are living in era of revolution in technology and anyone with their smartphones has free access to internet and social media. Consequently, it can be a dangerous tool for people, because they can be impacted by fake news and sometimes real ones which have made by governors to distract people from reality. Unfortunately, the most users of new technology are youth and they decide according to their emotions, the result of being in touch with modern media on their minds are devastating. The more people are imposed by false news the more they behave like their leaders want and they will treat in all aspect of their lives even the private part due what media present.


All in all, media nowadays are anywhere and it seems we can not scape from them. I think disadvantages of media are more than their advantages, whereas they can be informative. Because media force people to do what the media owners want from political movement to shopping habits.



Ali Najib

General Module




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In today’s world, due to the technology advancement people have involved the media programs and they listen to or watch at least one of the media during the day. Some people believe that the disadvantage of media’s effect outweighs the advantages. In my point of view, the media such as television or radio has a positive effect on society and I totally disagree with this statement. In the first paragraph, I will discuss about the influence of the media on society and then, the benefits of the media on society. 


Media plays a significant role in our life. We have various types of the media such as television, radio and other social networks on the internet. In the past, people did not receive any news very fast and they did not know about the events that were happening throughout the world. Therefore, because of this development, they will understand anything in the moment. Moreover, some countries remained unchanged due to the lack of information. Media helped these countries to improve  and it made easier the exchange of knowledge around the world. In the other word, society’s improvement is owing to the media. 


Furthermore, although some people claim that the media has negative effects and has more disadvantages than benefits, it is undeniable that the benefits of the media have had serious impacts on the development of lives. For instance, certain types of music help people to active their brain and increase cognitive abilities. Likewise, the role of the media is primarily to educate, inform and entertain people. If people choose the correct one, they may improve their life situation. 


In conclusion, the impact of the media on societies is undeniable and each person should select a suitable program to gain the benefits of the media. 




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

These days, humans are surrounded by the different forms of the media. Having discussed how it can impress the whole community, the following lines will elaborate on why its merits overshadow its negative outcomes.

Media influences the society in numerous ways, some of which will be mentioned below. This is to say that, based on psychological experts, the more people are exposed to something, the higher it would be likely for them to believe its veracity. This makes it obvious that mass media could easily affect its audience as a result of its psychological proof. Take North Korea, for instance, where its populace had celebrated last World Cup believing they had won them because of what they have heard on their national TV.

The benefits of such an enormous impact can outweigh its demerits in several aspects. Firstly, despite the example mentioned above, the number of such corrupt governments are not that much compared to the rest of the world. In the free world -which incudes the majority of the countries- this will not happen because of the free journalism prevents the misleading resulted coming from the monopoly. Moreover, this advantage can be used to elevate the social awareness of the society in many respects, to provide them with trustworthy news, to educate them on different subjects and so on as they already are many educational TV channels or social media accounts.

To conclude, media can shape the mindset of the population because people are exposed to it more than before and although it can have some consequences, for most of the world this could be a positive feature.






Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

media can broaden the horizons of audiences to become more curious or interested in matters like science, history, and environment to name a few. Nevertheless, poor content in media can lead to a superficial population who chooses shallow role models and sets trivial goals for themselves. So, media is able to shape our thoughts on a personal level. Since these individuals make a nation, it is safe to say that newspapers, tv and radio programs have a collective impact, too.  For example, listening to or watching debates help people to get acquainted with different perspectives. It improves critical thinking amongst citizens and therefore, a more mature country as a whole.

Media has its pros and cons. For instance, it often shows false standards of beauty that may result in insecurity and lack of confidence in younger generations. However, in a world where a person can access different types of media with discrepancies in attitude, the advantages of media exceed the downsides. By way of example, media helps the stream of information and make politicians and authorities accountable for their actions and decisions. Therefore, countries whose populations understand the value of free media experience more clarity and democracy. In addition, gravitating educational programs can be instructive and build a society with a higher level of knowledge. The more people become aware, the more they progress as a nation.

To sum up, to my view, media plays a crucial role in society as it can bring knowledge and wisdom to its member and despite the fact that it could have some drawbacks, its effects are mostly positive.





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In the first half of 21 century, our life has undergone dramatic changes by media surrounding us such as TV or the radio. Media influence us in many ways and overshadows our life aspects. Some opine that it has more detrimental effects rather than far-reaching goals. I take the first review that media has more adverse ramifications.

Media have overshadowed people’s life since they were introduced to public. They have altered persons’ lifestyle and have influenced individuals to change their attitudes toward various happenings. Moreover these type of broadcasts have infused the majority part of the society to choose new life style and have put them in the expose of diverse sources of information. For instance, Iran’s society has become more in touch with different TV shows which affected their way of clothing and outlook toward the world as well. So they are always an outcome of what they see or hear in terms of personality or socializing.

These means of communication have a few advantageous effect on society. They can entertain people and make them amused. However the rest detrimental effects can’t go unnoticed. Media reduce person’s aibilities and increase levels of dependency to their first source of information. Furthermore These effects weakness self-sufficiency of individuals with regard to decision making and authority. For instance, in the last two decades people have taken more lackadaisical approaches in terms of being responsible for making their own decision without getting help from the ideas coming from media. Once the electricity is cut off, they feel absurd and can’t propel their own individuality.

In the light of these facts, one can conclude that media have enormously influenced our daily life and drived us to choose new life style. On the other side, apart from their entertaining functions, media have led to people’s over dependency to the origin of  data, which impede them from higher thinking.





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, the vast majority of people are enthusiastic about the media. They encircle people by a variety of means such as shows on television, music, radio to name but a few. It is widely acknowledged that media have a direct effect on society and it goes beyond the limitations regarding age and gender. This essay shall highlight the way that people are influenced by the media and then I will give my own perspective in favour of the benefits of media. 

One of the most fundamental methods in terms of affecting people through media is advertising. There are some ongoing businesses that are more susceptible to be prosperous due to strong strategy for their advertising. In fact, they boost selling by means of making them attractive and memorable visually prior to displaying them among the public. Furthermore, some publicity is generated based upon a strong plot and by this method influences potential consumers utterly.

When it comes to the demerits and merits of the media, it should be mentioned that they have both sides of the issue. I firmly believe that advantages outweigh drawbacks totally. With regard to disadvantages, the essence of some programs is not valuable; therefore, people waste their time on them. Looking at the benefits, some are able to use the media for improving their general knowledge even deprived people who are in low economic levels. Meanwhile, the government is capable of using this platform for informing people in some crucial areas. For instance, during covid-19 the media are used to aware people how they protect themselves against this critical hazard.

In conclusion, although media could affect people consequently, they seem more practical and useful. It is recommended that the government supervise the media as much as possible.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

These days, Media, ranging from television programs to music listened to on different platforms, play a vital role in people’s lives. It is undeniable that media has provided both positive and negative implications. However, I do believe that the impact of media relies deeply on how people use it.

Media has such substantial impacts on society that nobody can refuse them. It is evident that there are some negative impacts associated with using media. One of the major drawbacks is that unfortunately when being exposed to immersive dishonest content, people can be easily manipulated. This has led to them believing misinformation and libel. Furthermore, media can lead to positive impacts. A good case in point is its educational contents, which result in raising awareness toward social and political affairs, breaking cultural barriers, and lots of other results.

Although media can bring with itself some drawbacks, It can positively affect audience. Though, the consequences of consuming media depend highly on the way people use it. Media can educate people and promote critical thinking, provided that the audience consume useful content on social media or watch productive programs on television. On the other hand, people may be affected detrimentally by consuming violent content, for example playing games with war-like scenarios, adolescents can become numb to violence, resulting in them becoming apathetic toward others and losing their sympathy.

In conclusion, even though media can be beneficial to societies, I do not believe that it affects people similarly. Its impacts can be varied based on the type of content which people choose.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In modern times, the issue of effects of the media on our lives has become highly controversial. While it offers a great number of advantages, it has a few disadvantages. This essay will examine both negative and positive aspects of the argument and provide an overall opinion.


Generally speaking, there are a wide variety of advantages of the media. Being informed seems to exceed all other benefits. Not only has it changed the quality and quantity of information, but it also helps users to access all sorts of data. Indeed, gone are the days, individuals used to be just readers of newspapers whenever they got free. Nowadays, thanks to technological revolution, people got used to being surrounded with different kinds of the media, which leads to blurring a distinction between a listener, a reader, and a viewer, whenever and wherever. As a result, this scenario can be considered into positive sides, in particular raising public awareness.


Despite these arguments, technology has presented us with a multitude number of challenges and decisions none of which is too rudimentary to ignore. The crux of the matter is related to loss of privacy. Indeed, different kinds of nerve-wracking issues ranging from spam and hacking are originated from identity theft on the media. The sad part is here, more than two thirds of societies are really suffering from cyber-bullying.  This situation is worsening because of blackmails. That is why the police officers always warn us if individuals do not be careful on personal information, they will be faced with insecurity.


In conclusion, the media are topics relevant to modern society. Having considered both aspects of the issue, I would argue that the cons outweigh the pros.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

We all have besieged by media, ranging from TV shows to radio music, affecting the public significantly. Although the benefit of media cannot be overlooked, I broadly agree with the statement that disadvantageous of media far outweigh the advantageous.

Getting rid of the stress caused by daily routines can be the reason why some people think that media are beneficial. Without a shadow of a doubt, majority of people are fully occupied with their personal and professional commitments, leading to more pressure on them. Thanks to media they are given this opportunity to change their mood to better by listening to their most-liked music on the radio or watching their favorite movie on television. If the media were not available for people, the ones would suffer from depression and anxiety. By way of illustration, one of my friends usually listens to the music which is broadcasting from the car radio, on the way home while driving.

Regardless of putting people in a good mood, it is seen that people waste so much time in front of TV in order to select their desired TV shows among thousands of TV channel, and usually decide to do nothing after a lot of struggle. To put it another way, they have accustomed to ignore their precious time for searching the programs which would not add any value to their life. In addition, there are numerous TV shows that contain a lot of violence and bloodshed which definitely adversely affect people, especially youngsters. The more someone get exposed to brutal actions, the more likely they are to imitate such manners, resulting in augmenting cruelty among the viewers. Thus, they will harm themselves as well as others whereas they will find more tendency to behave ferociously towards others.

In conclusion, I should cleave to my belief that though the benefit of media such as reducing the people's stress could not be ignored, they have more damaging effect on individuals as they can waste people's valued time and cause the brutality and aggressive behavior to be spread.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

  Media is a controversial and complex phenomenon in our modern world and without a doubt, society is influenced by it. However, there have always been numerous debates about its positive and negative impacts of it. personally, I believe that its benefits outweigh the drawbacks. In this essay, I will explain why.

  On one hand, media has some irrefutable negative points, firstly, if people be addicted to watching TV it can be really time-consuming. Indeed they prefer to spend all their free time in front of the TV instead of being in the real world. Secondly, it can have unbelievable effects on Adolescents' behavior especially when the content of movies or music is violent because teenagers are more influenced than adults. Although these negative points for it can't be ignored. But I think each person can make informed choices and by awareness select the best time for using the media.

  On the other hand,  there are various advantages to this phenomenon. The most significant point which should be taken into account has a lot to do with the fact that in modern-day people are more lonely watching the movie or listening to music can be a kind of entertainment for them, and during the day they encounter a variety of stress and problems so media can contribute to them forgetting the real world, and be relaxed. In addition another it's undeniable benefit is related to the fact that Media can be the educational environment, for example, some documentaries or even some series or tv shows can enhance people's awareness or broaden their Horizons.

  In conclusion, Media is a double aged sword, but I definitely believe that its advantages are more than its disadvantages.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

It is a commonly held belief that social media has a key role on which influencing society. While some points of view do emphasize other noteworthy factors, there is significant evidence to which indicated not only do media effects society, but also it is one of the chief tools, on account of its two main performances related two fashion and leaking out the news. In other words, but for media, the knowledge and culture of society hardly will change. So, in my opinion, at the same time with the wide influence of media on people, some disadvantages of it overcome the benefits, through some reasons.

    Firstly, it is crystal clear that media has a remarkable negative impact on fashion and way of dressing and culture. For example, nowadays young people emulate their dress by watching movies and shoes on which are broadcasted through TV programs. This leads to a soft culture change done by cover style advertising and modern fashion.

    Besides, although it is a truth universally acknowledged that the news leaked out through media is not necessarily correct, nowadays media is the principal device to spread the news. It is evident that seldom do people ignore the news broadcasted in media, even if they know not all of them are true. For example, lots of rumours and scandals are leaked out every day, just because social media is the most reliable one. To recap, it is widely accepted that media is a negligible communication tool among people and sometimes the owners of the media could control people’s minds with the news. Furthermore, it is a device to change the culture of society through fashion. Thus, I agree with this opinion that media has more disadvantages than benefits. In spite of lots of advantages, it could not be considering as an absolute benevolent device to control people’s mind in society.





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

As it was mentioned in the topic, the media surrounding us have enormous ranges like TV shows, music, movies, and news. Generally, media have different effects on each person in society, which can lead to longstanding results.

It has well known that media have positive and negative impacts on people spontaneously. It's similar to a knife, which has positive effects in surgery to relieve a person's pain in addition to its dangerous application in killing the same person. Thus, discussing this controversial subject depends on how we use them. It seems that media have disadvantages and benefits together that could be separated from each other to make a reliable conclusion.

For instance, when we use media to learn helpful manners like scientific subjects, technology development, and health care, they can act as an incredible leader in the community that can result in life improvement. On the other hand, these kinds of programs may cause adverse effects on society by supporting disgusting aspects containing violence proliferation in movies, spreading biased news, and teaching unsuitable habits, which would lead to making worse situations than before. Thus, it's necessary to pay attention to all of the dimensions of this point before making any decision.

Overall, it can be concluded that media with either disadvantages or benefits have an unavoidable role in our life to form the atmosphere. Therefore, we should construct a positive atmosphere not only by watching valuable media but also by learning how to use them appropriately, notwithstanding blaming all of them.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

It is true that the media as sound and image have been spread throughout human life today. But a big question arises whether the media has been more beneficial or more harmful for mankind. I believe that considering the advantages and disadvantages of the media, it has been more profitable in total.

On the one hand, in the old days, the absence of audio and visual media was more relaxing for mankind compared to now. In other words, humanity could be experienced much less news bombardment compared to today. At times, television may cause wrong education in society, which leads to incidents such as theft or murder, which are inspired by television programs. Thus, it may have some weaknesses for our society.

On the other hand, with the progress and development of the media, people started to communicate more with others. In addition, news and events reach people faster, and also music became more widespread with the emergence of the media. Moreover, the presence of television and radio has become one of the best forms of entertainment for people in today's societies. In addition, the media not only made progress in the science of music but also made the existing music last. So, the advantages of media are far more than their disadvantages. 

In conclusion, with the advent of television in the form of sound and image, and even radio as news programs, a new era was born that brought advantages and disadvantages with it. Along with some disadvantages that the media may cause, I strongly believe that it has caused positive effects on society.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In this technology era, most of individuals are dominated by media because of evolutionary progress in technical devices from initial gadgets like radio and television to high-tech receivers such as phones providing the variety of musics for listening. Using of Such these gadgets are increasing by leaps and bounds. Although this trend has some negative effects,it's merits outweigh them. In this essay i will delve into both aspects deeper in the following paragraphs. 

To commence with drawbacks, it can be said that a plethora of people worldwide are more inclined to connect with social media day by day, as a result, they put in danger of technology addiction and there is a distinct possibility that they will not claim their responsibility in their family as a parents or child and in their workplaces. Furthermore, using more media such as Instagram and Telegram would be dangerous due to the fact that there are myriad of predatory people desiring to draw other's attentions to themselves for giving their trust and consequently, beginning to blackmail of their victims or even abusing them.

Turning to the positive impacts, what is obvious is that if human did not discover the power of technology, we could not acquire the vast number of opportunities which we have now. For instance, whiteout the connection of satellites located outer space to the research stations on the earth,never we would not understand the other galaxies, moreover, all of inexpert crowds might not be able to know more about new scientific discoveries. On the other hand these gadgets make us to improve our intellectual skills. 

To sum up, regardless of some trivial disadvantages of media which will be offset by people, they play a prominent role in our lives, ameliorating our living conditions being more considerable than its negative impressions.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

These days, thanks to technological advancements, people are bombarded with a great deal of information which has far-reaching effects on their lives. This means that, people are able to acquire some knowledge about everything and I completely disagree that the drawbacks outweigh the advantages. 

Television and radio play an unprecedented role in people’s lives because both of them are by far the best ways to entertainment as well as awareness. To illustrate, every single day, people turn on their television or radio to watch or hear news and other entertaining programs, and this data shapes their thinking and broaden their horizons. On the contrary, some programs might educate people wrongly but people can recognize which program is untrustable. For example, parents who make a decision to opt for watching a program that is watched by their children. Indeed, the media such as radio and television can inevitably alter people’s perspectives and preferences.

I am of the opinion that the merits of the media prevail over the demerits, though there have been some disadvantages. For example, some programs can prevail in unethical behaviors and thoughts, which might cause a myriad of challenges throughout the country. However, people are able to decide to choose programs, and fewer people might make a mistake and be affected by these programs. On the other hand, watching or hearing programs educate the public about a vast spectrum of constructive things for example preserving the environment, cookery programs, sports, health, news, to name but a few. On top of these, they entertain people 24 hours a day. To illustrate, people enjoy watching series or listening to some pieces of music with their family in their spare time and it brings about family gatherings. Positive aspects of the media are considered to be far more than negative sides.

To conclude, radio and television have a huge impact on our lives and the upsides far exceed the downsides of these.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

With the release of new methods for entertainment such as music and other sorts of media. It has been influencing societies to a great extent. Some opine that the drawbacks of these improvements are more than the advantages, I, however, believe that despite all the issues with them, they are very efficient advancements.

On the demerits side, an outstanding issue is the act of diminishing minority cultures. When by media a specific type of etiquette is encouraged, we can expect that other less populated cultures would become forgotten over time. For instance, traditional Iranian music has become less favorable in some parts and the future it may become distorted and lose its originality.

On the positive side, a lot could be mentioned, to begin with, wide spread of information could be a great aid to societies. By educating people countless consequences could be avoided for instance, when the contagious Coronavirus outbroke globally, the media used its power to educate the people about the ways of avoiding infection and also how to deal with the illness.

Cultural exchange is another merit of media. Even though it is said that ethnic minorities are endangered by media, with the resources of media facilities cultural groups can make people around the globe know about their manners. For example, Budaists is a TV program that is dedicated to their culture.

In conclusion, I reiterate that despite the negative points of media (as mentioned, deteriorating effect on minority for instance) , it has countless benefits as well, like educating people and cultural exchange.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In the contemporary area, it is an irrefutable fact that the past 50 years have seen a dramatic increase in accessibility to the media. From my own perspective, I concur that the media outrageously revolutionized our life in the modern era. This essay will explore the core effects and pros and cons of contentious issue.
Primarily, the media leaves a great impression on every aspect of our life and community. To be precise, the majority of people has access to the media in public spots, they can acquire the latest news and be aware of what was happened in the world. So, they stay updated. A salient example, a few days ago, a huge earthquake took place in Turkey. This event was not only terrible but also shocking. As people aware of this issue, they show their unity and universal sentiments, and try to provide substantial amount of aid for them. Moreover, In daily programs, a myriad of cartoons are produced by notorious filmmakers. As a result, children can be amused by watching glamorous cartoons while their parents are away. Researchs indicate that the more adolescents entertained, the less they bother their parents. Further and more importantly, it has been viewed that some programs has adversely changed adolescents's behavior and increase their violence. This matter incite them to have a great inclination to participate in criminal activities. 
Although a segment of society contend that the media has deleterious effects, the merits of this phenomenon should not be neglected. To illustrate, people can inform about the latest news of other countries. It has been viewed that developed countries has invented a new technology or drugs that can be useful for our community. So in the same vein,  viewers especially students motivate to pursue the news.
By way of conclusion, I reaffirm my position that it is an undeniable fact that media has altered our life extremely, and its  benefits surpass the pernicious effects of media.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

It is believed that people are exposed to media on a broad scale form television shows to radio programs. This assay deals with the question how this influences the society and whether its disadvantages overweigh the benefits or not. 

   To begin with, mass media can produce pervasive effects on society. In other words, the more time is spent on the media, the more influences audience will receive. Indeed, media can raise either public awareness or spread misleading information depending on the polices adopted of the producers. Obviously, although a broad range of alternative media is available to every individual today, intended to achieve a healthy balance with the mainstream, the television and radio are still people’s first choice. Needless to say, governments have utilized the media as a tool to control citizens and form opinions in people. 

   On the other hand, although some upsides has been counted for being bombarded by the media, the downsides are serious. That is, media can provide social glue by increasing the sense of integrity, permitting people to lead a more unified life. However, there are numerous downsides in terms of watching television or listening to radio. For instance, nowadays, a lot of television channels prefer to sensationalize the news as fake news are more entertaining than facts. That is why more programs are dedicated to celebrity gossip and biased content. Moreover, they sometimes decide to relegate a piece of information if they do not find it interesting. As a consequence, the tendency of attracting more audience will lead to some social and mental problems stemming from seemingly perfect lives shown in the media.   

   In conclusion, the effects of people being surrounded by television and radio programs were discussed. As the compelling reasons provided, it is negatively affecting the society, despite some few advantages.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, with the development in technology, media surrounds us and we are exposed to a variety of given data which could have a remarkable effect not only on our daily life but also on our mental health. Eventually, it could eerily manipulate reality.


Today we indeed have access to up to dated information, through media, but we should bear in mind that it could lead to dictation from media of what is good and crucial to believe. Thus, it can impact our decision and probably have an undeniable effect on society. For instance, politicians can make a profit by promoting a particular scheme, and people would believe it because it has been shown on television or social media. Moreover, media has a massive potential to promote a movie or music, and it can lead to boosting the market in an anticipated proportion. Therefore, the aim of media can affect the taste of art in a wide range of society.


In my opinion, the disadvantages of media far outweigh the advantages. Firstly, it affects communication in the way people trust the media’s facts, therefore, they rarely talk to each other face-to-face. Secondly, parallels can be drawn between who we are and the ideal image of us. For example, people, especially the young generation suffer from a lack of self-confidence, because they have been told they are not beautiful enough in comparison to beauty factors promoted in the media. In addition, media can form an ideal picture of happiness, and it leads to desperation among people and could prevent them from pursuing their happiness, whether it be accepted by society. 


In conclusion, in my opinion, there are so many disadvantages compared with advantages of the media and its effects. We should not lose the sight of detrimental effects of the media, specifically in the definition of reality. 




Rahmat Ullah
Rahmat Ullah


Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, media becomes one of the ordinary engagements in our daily life which has specific effects on society either beneficial or unbeneficial. This essay will argue how media affect people and why bad points outweigh its merits.

The application of media has some unignorable influence on society which causes many disapproval results. Firstly, wasting so much time watching non-beneficial shows on Tv. For example, some shows begin with an attractive title after spending many hours watching them, the audience does not understand the result. Secondly, with easy access to media, children encounter a large number of programs on TV or radio which can affect them harmfully. Because of insufficient content in that media. For instance, there are some programs whose contents are about violence and fighting which are not appropriate for children. These are some demerits of many that can have unpleasant effects. Personally, because of these few examples, the disadvantages of media outweigh its perks.

Besides, media causes impacts people regardless of their benefits or drawbacks. Media affects society by broadcasting information produced by their owners to control people and lead them in a particular way. For instance, some social media by showing clips about using a drug to lose weight rapidly, trying to conceive people to purchase that product, in spite of the fact that the drug does not have any effect on losing weight. So, media as a powerful means can easily impact society.

In conclusion, although, media has disadvantages more than good points, its effects on society must not be ignored. This essay argued that media generally has an unbeneficial influence on people and has more disadvantages compared to its merits.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In the age of technology, people are surrounded by media f from watching to listening, while a variety of factors may affect on people's social life, I do believe that social media has touched our life.

  It is reasonable to mention that the media has improved people's knowledge about every topic in the world. A simple comparison between generations confirms this assertion. Researchers in the U.K universities examined children of two generations and explained that children who grew up by parents who watched news and tv shows daily were more intelligent and sociable than other group. The article showed that the world will see smarter people in future.

  It seems fair to say that people are bombed by Information that the media shares with them. A crucial factor is data filtration which should be noticed especially for the elderly and teenagers. Take medical and health suggestion as an example, tv programs and websites often report several offers to the public and in some situations, they will refute each other. As a result, accessing the ocean of data has a dark side for media and people simultaneously.


  To sum up, the advantages of media outweigh its disadvantages. Although media spread information globally, incorrect data is increased significantly. 




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?


Various sorts of programs in the mass media  ranging from music on the radio to television programs have had a considerable impact on people and have changed the world we live in. It is true that the society has been affected by the media and despite having some advantages, I opine that media has more detrimental aspects.

To begin with, an inseparable part of most people’s lives, media can affect individuals’ lifestyle. Inasmuch as various sorts of media programs have become a way which people enjoy their spare time and devote a lot of their time to such pastimes, most of their attitudes and manners are shaped according to the content of that amusements. Take listening to sad and depressing songs for a long term as an example, because of disappointing words or tristful rhythm, people feel more depressed and demotivated. As a result, people’s mood and incentive can be easily affected by a piece of song in a positive or negative manner, impacting their daily behaviour and interactions with others in the society. 

With regards to the effects of media, its obvious advantages cannot be ignored. If many people rely so much on media, it is probably because it allows people to get entertained. Along with zest and joy it can bring into people’s lives  tailored to meet their needs, it does not cost a fortune, thus various types of media have become a great pastime for individuals ranging from an early age to the elderly. In addition, by utilizing media such  as documentaries on Television, people are given a golden opportunity to broaden their understanding and acquire different information about whatever topic.

I, however, believe that the detrimental aspects of media are more significant. First and foremost, the more people rely on watching television or the social media, the more it is likely for them to get addicted to using them. This over- reliance can result in a sedentary lifestyle which is highly detrimental for people’s health. Furthermore, when people are exposed to various types of media programs, they might forget to interact with their friends or relatives on a regular basis, so this can impair their communication skills and make them feel isolated. Finally, some advertisements on television , radio or social media can manipulate people through exaggerated clips and patronize them to utilize a service or purchase a product although people do not require them, resulting in squandering money. 

In conclusion, it is clear that since people from all walks of life spend a large amount of their time using the media, they can be affected by its consents easily. While media has some benefits, from my perspective, its grave aspects are more as it is hurts peoples’ health, communication skills and revenue.  




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Considering our daily media consumption, including watching television or listening to radio, it is undeniable that as media has dug into our life, we have been influenced by it, however, the drawbacks of this influence outweigh the benefits. 

In a technologically driven society, media is one of the major means of accessing data for an excessive amount of very recent information is uploaded on it everyday. Content recipients not only enhance their knowledge about current affairs, but also acquire more scientifically valuable information through professional programs like documentaries about healthy diet or advanced technology. Some of these programs can positively affect people’s way of living or habitual activities. For instance, before I attended university, a scientific documentary of a prominent doctor and his occupational challenges had been the most effective inspiration for me to choose Medicine as my further educational major. 

However, being exposed to media has its detrimental effects as well. In addition to time consuming nature of this exposure which deters society of doing a more productive activity like reading books, presentation of inappropriate material may affect people negatively. Take report of a criminal action as an example, the meticulous description of the violence may trigger public, especially immature youngsters, to a great extent to behave brutally. This negative influence have been exacerbated with emerging of the Internet since a large proportion of its coverage is not going through proper filtering, meaning anyone can upload anything on it due to the lack of authorised organisations to control hazardous informations. 

Despite the occasionally constructive effect of media material in form of an informative program, most part of it is not worthy allocating time on and even have the harmful potential of conducting society to aggressive attitudes. 




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

People today are experiencing the entrance of a huge amount of information into their minds every single day, due to the existence of media. Admittedly, media has several merits and demerits, as other kinds of phenomena have had. Some argue that the disadvantages of the media and its direct and indirect influences outweigh the advantages. However, in this essay, I would outline two main reasons for which I believe impacts of media are significantly helpful.

It is true that people spend a great amount of time following media and things happening there, but it has caused worthwhile consequences at the same time. People these days are more aware of circumstances taking place around them than people were in the past. It leads them to make proper decisions or take reasonable actions as active citizens in their community life. For example, in many societies, a number of environmental and social campaigns have been generated in order to address serious issues and people have engaged in signing relevant petitions actively.

Another important reason for which media appears to be helpful to human beings is providing reliable and convenient access to whatever needed, whenever needed. It was, for instance, a time-consuming process to communicate with a friend living far in another country. People used to write letters, send them by post, and wait until receiving the reply letter. In technology era, individuals can shorten the process to just few seconds via their personal smartphones.

Overall, although the disadvantages of internet, technology, social media, and generally media are undeniable, we should not overlook the benefits to the quality of human beings’ lives. However, it seems logical to maintain a balance using media and being surrounded by that. Otherwise, the outcome may be substantially adverse.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, most people’s lives are bound up with media, so it seems that the media has taken the control over what we watch as well as what we listen. That we are surronded by the media can leave significant impacts on our lives, and I strongly believe that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

The media can change people’s beliefs, notions, and taste in favor of politicians and authorities having the monopoly on that even though most people might counter this claim as they persume that so wise and mature are adult people that nobody can manipulate them. That is to say, that governments and politicians have power over the media can pave the way for abusing people, and changing the societies in certain ways. Moreover, the media, especially social media, seems to be a great source of income for a myriad of people, and it is a huge industry, bringing financial advantages for a great number of people. 

The media has contributed to many issues for the society as it is extremely addictive and it would be a huge drain on people’s time and energy. it can  dwindle people’s efficiency rate and concentration, and as opposed to being productive, many would rather wasting their time by different types of media. Furthermore, the media is likely to promote an unrealistic world, breeding disappointment among the society since people cannot distinguish the reality from colorful fantacies. Therefore, not only are they disillusioned with other people’s lifestyle but they lose their incentive to enhance their own lives. However, some people believe that the media can play a salient role in increasing public awareness if people exploit it in a proper way. Despite this, I believe the disadvantages of the media are of greater significance. 

In conclusion, that media is an inseperable part of our lives can have many consequences for the society, and I believe it would be more destructive than beneficial.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Since media development in the last half century, it has become a key tool for obtaining information and for communication all over the world. Media has both advantages and disadvantages but, overall, I believe the advantages are stronger than the disadvantages.

The media use images to give detailed information and immediate impact to their news coverage. It has made work and social life much easier. Sending emails and video conferencing in the workplace have made business quicker and more efficient. For instance, in the past, people often had to travel long distances for meetings or keeping in contact with family and friends but now they can video call or send messages via different application and social networking websites instead. People can give relatives and acquaintances their news quickly and easily, and vice versa. In addition, they can aware of various phenomenon all around the world by listening to the radio, watching the television or reading a newspaper. The convenience which you have nowadays through media is not negligible and it is a good way for easily access and updating your knowledge.

On the other hand, people claim the media has disadvantages. Some people say that the media makes people lazy. For example, people now do lots of things online, like shopping and socializing, when it might be better for them to do these things in real world. Furthermore, incorrect information and gossip can be easily widespread through online sources. This is because anyone can put anything they want on the internet and it is not always checked for accuracy or truth. So people should notice to find reliable sources of information. 

In conclusion, although it has advantages and disadvantages, media has made life so much easier in so many ways, that, as long as people know how to use it effectively, it can be an excellent thing. 





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, everything in humankind’s life is involved with media, like TV programs and various applications on our smartphones. I believe that as much as the development in media could bring blessings to people’s lives, there would be also many unfavorable drawbacks. I will discuss my reasons in the following paragraphs.

Media plays a vital role in everyone’s life in this computer age we are living in, which would manipulate people’s mind and lead it to the path they want. For instance, the media has the power to make several changes in culture, beliefs, and public opinion by advertising.  

The best function of media would be to boost public knowledge and awareness. Media became easy to access and people will be willing to spend time on it. As result, people will be taught useful and brand-new information gradually through several after rose dramatically in the current age.

On the other side, being exposed to the media frequently, regular people will suffer from mental disorders. In contrast with the past time, media is the most powerful tool that government ever has. By controlling its subjects and broadcasting titles, it can curb society's freedom. Countries such as North Korea and China are great examples of those who own the media and censor it for their own benefit.

In conclusion, I would insist that anything can have its impacts and benefits, what is essential is to know how to use it. Media is playing a main role in our lives which is undeniable but the more we use it, the more we can access a bigger world.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Media has been having a vital role in people's lives since the development of electronic devices. They employ these devices for various purposes such as watching a show or listening to music, which can lead to advantages and disadvantages for both individuals and society. In this essay, I will explain the drawbacks and benefits of media as well as give my opinion.
On the one hand, the First advantage of media is that it can increase the productivity of individuals living in a society. For example, if an individual listens to relaxing classical music, it can relieve his anxiety and stress and increase his efficiency. If we presume that he is a worker in a company, when an individual's productivity improves, the productivity of the company increases. On a large scale, it can affect the gross domestic product of a country. Moreover, media can decrease the living cost of a household in terms of recreation. You can download many pieces of music or different series, which entertain you for long hours at a much lower cost than other outdoor hobbies including attending a concert. So it can lessen the expenditure of families, which can improve their welfare and well-being.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to using media. First, it can be addictive for some age groups such as children and teens, which are not mature enough. They allocate a huge amount of their time to media while they should focus on their school and schoolwork, which will have an essential role in their future success. Thus, the pace of development of society will decline because children and teens act as the future labor force, which is one of the major factors in production. In addition to the first drawback, media can bring an adverse effect on individuals' mental health, especially for children as some media has sexual and violent content. Individuals who are constantly exposed to this content may face mental disorders such as suicide in the short or long term.
In conclusion, I think the spread of media can lead to both benefits such as increasing economic growth and decreasing household expenditure as well as drawbacks for the development and mental health of society. However, the advantages of media spread outweigh the disadvantages since governments and families can cope with drawbacks by setting some strict rules.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In recent years, media such as broadcasted tv programs and on-air music, has become an inseparable aspect of our lives. While all these can have both positive and detrimental effects on the general public, I would argue that the latter’s are more. 


There is no doubt that these means of mass communication have significantly altered people’s way of life. Apart from being entertained by the media, people have also learnt to stay informed by following the current affairs and recent trends. This not only helps them to become better decision makers but also gives them an opportunity to learn more in terms of financial issues, health concerns and even child upbringing methods. Take an illiterate parent from a remote island who can readily acquire knowledge about how to well-nourish his children by watching informative tv shows, therefore his family members will become more effective members of their community later in the future despite being deprived.


That said, I believe the drawbacks of this technology outweighs its advantages. Because by repeatedly receiving information from media, people might be easily influenced by all ideas propagated on it whereas media bias has recently become a real threat for the audience particularly the younger generation who is more susceptible. Since some governments tend to spread their own propaganda through these channels to have a greater sense of dominance over their nation. As a result people will be unconsciously deceived by the media which probably leads to losing their ability to express their individuality and values. And if they become subjected to these distorted and limited views, rarely could they criticize the state and ultimately fail to improve as a community. 


In conclusion, recently we are immersed in media coverage such as those on television and radio, while it can amuse us and keep us updated, I suppose its negative points are more because they might mislead viewers in favor of the governments. 




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Today, there is a diverse range of media around us, ranging from TV programs to radio music. In my view, media have a significant impact on people’s lives and some compelling reasons will be elaborated on in the subsequent paragraphs.


These days, there have been a wide range of media having a noticeable influence on people’s lives. To begin with, various types of mass media,  including newspapers,  TVs, online magazines,  and online platforms,  entertain people, so they have a sense of joyfulness and serenity. Another effect of the media are related to the fact that it raises awareness among people of the dire results of some international catastrophes, such as greenhouse gases, the carbon footprints, and rising the level of seas and oceans. Hence, the public can preserve the environment via the mass media owing to the volume amount of precise information and data. As a result, the media are able to affect on society; for instance; it is capable of changing people’s lives for the better.


It is considered that the mass media have some positive points, although it has some drawbacks. One of the benefits of it is that many large companies and firms produce various numbers of shows, programs, and adverts, leading to more job opportunities for the majority of people and decreasing the number of unemployed residents. Furthermore, government authorities are able to announce important news, such as earthquakes, storms, and volcanic eruptions, to people through the media,  namely TVs or Internet platforms. As a consequence, advantages of the media outweigh disadvantages.


In conclusion,  numerous numbers of bad and good news, shows and TV programs are broadcast via the media and can affect people’s lives. In my opinion, the  media play a remarkable role in the communities, and it can not only be informative but also increase people’s knowledge of different subjects,  and it is a great way for declaring people critical phenomena. 





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Media has always had a great impact on people’s life which this effect is growing exponentially. Although the media could have negative influences on people living in a society, it could have benefits too.

One of the important benefits of the media is making people knowledgeable in different areas. Thousands of contents in various fields such as, economics, politics, history, art, and others, are producing daily which their first priority or aim is informing people of the society about the important news in these areas. Each of these news could help individuals to enhance their life in a more productive way. For example, economical news would inform people about the inflation or economical crisis to assist them in budgeting their finances accurately, based on the country’s economical situation. Therefore, the media, in all kinds of ways like, TV or radio, could ease people’s life by giving them helpful information.

However, these information might not always be helpful. Sometimes, too much information could negatively affect people’s life which would not only assist them, but might put them in troubles. In other words, the more people get a variety of data from different sources, the harder they could trust the media because each resource could have its own point of view which might inevitably make individuals confused to distinguish the right from the wrong. This insecurity in people could affect the media as well. They should work harder if they want to satisfy their audiences and have their trust. For instance, nowadays, there are lots of news programs on TV which each of them has a different view about a piece of news from the other one, and this difference might confuse people to make a wrong step in their life based on that news, and makes them distrusted about the media in general.

In conclusion, even though the media has enhanced individuals’ knowledge in various areas, it might no longer be useful if its increased number of resources and contents makes people confused and distrusted.


Kimiya Akrami

General training





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

It is undeniable that numerous media sources are feeding us every day thanks to the growing technologies. Although media influence society in both negative and positive aspects, I believe the drawbacks accruing it are more than the benefits involved.

It is clear that media is one of the most dominant ways of entertaining people in their spare time. In other words, citizens living in high-populated cities might prefer to stay in front of TVs while watching their favorite shows. As a result, they are likely to do fewer physical activities compared to the past, which leads to dire health problems in society. Take American youngsters who lived in recent decades as an example; obesity which became prevalent among them because of the sedentary lifestyle caused diseases like blood sugar. Moreover, people may come across aggressive content on social media, and then the crime rate is very likely to increase in the country.

 the downside should not be neglected. Educational programs on various platforms as means of social media (such as documentary shows and step-by-step learning videos) can accelerate the process of educating to elevate the consciousness and promote awareness for people in each country. However, it is my firm conviction that media have more adverse impacts on society, and only through effective controls and policies will authorities and families be able to curb the harmful consequences of media, especially children.

To conclude, using media devices in everyday life can be both rewarding and problematic for individuals and society. I think the drawbacks outweigh the advantages, and by controlling the contents represented to audiences by authorities, the harmful impacts on society will hopefully decrease in the future.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

There is no doubt that nowadays media plays a significant role in many aspects of our lives and its footprint can be detected in various parts of society. In this essay I will highlight some impacts of media on society and I would argue that its advantages outweigh the demerits.


Media has caused huge changes in the way society works all around the world and one of the most considerable effects of it is the way news are being shared every day. Through social media people can easily get informed about the breaking news and the things that is happening in each part of the world in a blink of an eye. This can contribute to a better understanding and a sense of sympathy among people of different countries. Take the natural disasters as an example, which are broadcasted immediately throughout the globe and therefore, many people can take measures to help the affected people of that area. If there were no media, we could not have access to the news in other parts of the world. Another impact of media on our society is mediated through advertisements. Through media and commercials not only can companies introduce their products to a vast group of people, increasing their revenue, but also people get the chance to opt for the product which satisfies their needs the best. In this way both businesses and society benefit from the media.


From my perspective there are more plus points for media than there are negative ones. First of all, it helps people to know the latest news in just seconds after their occurrence. Therefore, they can plan their next steps with regard to the new information they have received. For instance, hearing the news about the upcoming storm can warn people to take shelters and be able to plan ahead for that. Besides, media offers a great opportunity to both businesspeople and customers to increase income and have more efficient purchases, respectively.


In conclusion, media has affected society in different ways, two of which are sharing news and advertisements. Although it has some disadvantages, ultimately, its advantages such as increasing people’s information and their buying choices are more prominent in my opinion.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

There is an undeniable fact that media has become ubiquitous with its widespread usage, ranging from TV programs to pieces of music which we listen to. People hold different views about this phenomenon. Some believe that this can have detrimental effects; however, I think this situation opens us tons of opportunities and absolutely has changed our lives positively.

Recent technological advancement has dominated our sides, as well as our hearts. Particularly for the new generation -The Generation Z- it may be hard to imagine to live a single day without media. Although the excessive usage of anything could bring an addiction, in most cases it has changed our daily lives in a dramatic way. In case of television entertainments, for instance, while many years ago people had dependency to the electric power and so many wired connections to show his favorite program, nowadays he can use the cyberspace and watch anything online, wireless, and less than a second. In addition, one can choose the content which he wants to see with the help of media, in contrast to the past.

Another noticeable advantage of using mainstream, can be seen in the area of the music. Before the appearance of the state-of-the-art technology, individuals used to the radio and gramophones to listen to the music whereas now media have eased our problems with removing those old-fashioned devices from our world. For example, to listening to the music we use Spotify these days, instead of gramophones. By doing this, not only our privacy has increased, but also it does not produce noise pollution in that environment. Subsequently, there will be no sibling rivalry about listening to distinct music or programs as the taste differs, even in a house.

In conclusion, it is irrefutable that the mainstream has become an indispensable part of our daily routine. It is widely believed that it can have adverse consequences while I am strongly of the opinion that its darker effects are minor. Conversely, it has transformed our community substantially as everything is easy to access.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, people are surrounded by mass media, including TV and radio. They will undoubtedly influence individuals in societies, and I completely agree that the drawbacks of media outweigh their advantages.

In several ways, society is affected by what the mainstream media, such as television or radio programmes, broadcast. Firstly, these means of communication will provide easy access for the public to receive updated news stories on important events and issues on the other side of the world. Secondly, media can considerably change people’s beliefs and attitudes as owners may add their biased views in reports. Finally, people can gain a better understanding of different cultures without travelling or spending a large amount of money. For example, once I watched a Television documentary about an Indian wedding and learned a lot about their traditions, customs, and food, although I have never been there.

In my opinion, any medium brings more disadvantages than its benefits. We may be exposed daily to negative news about war, crime, natural disasters, and tragic human suffering worldwide. I believe that such repeated exposure desensitises people, and we will become more cynical about the world and more sceptical that we can do anything to change it. We can also be negatively influenced by songs containing offensive lyrics played on the air. This kind of music may set a bad example for individuals, especially children, as they immediately imitate what they hear while speaking.

In conclusion, media have a powerful effect on the public, but it seems to me that the potential disadvantages of being exposed to them are more significant than the possible advantages.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Media such as TV and radio have been become an indispensable part of our life in recent decades because we live in technology era. There has been some controversy about the effect of media on our community. While some individuals believe that it has a detrimental effect on our society, others claim that this development has many benefits. I completely agree with the latter for some reasons and this essay will examine both view and provide a logical conclusion.

On the one hand, there are many channels spreading out fake news. As a consequence, many individuals are misinformed by these types of information. On the other hand, radio and television have a lot of programs that are really useful like documentaries. For instance, there are several documentaries such as Discovery and National Geography that improve our knowledge about the world. These kinds of programs have become very popular in recent years because they are reliable.

Another problem is that, nowadays, media tends to advert different products. Most of these advertisements are irritating and boring today, therefore people avoid to watch them. Sometimes, they try to persuade you to buy an item which is useless. Although, sometimes they are annoying, they provide an opportunity for companies to introduce their products to the public. As a result, this trend can lead to a great achievement for many firms and corporations. Advertisements can develop the economy of a country, because they make more consumers.

Taking everything into a consideration, although a few programs are produced on the media that are not trustworthy and their advertisements can lead to a materialistic society, they have positive effects on the business and people's knowledge.  




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Media has always had a great deal of impact on all aspects of the society since its invention and nowadays the influence of mass media has increased to such an extent that it is believed that an ongoing fierce competition among different national and international media has been around over the last few decades which has escalated into a war in the last few years which in turn can be an indicative of a country’s status in general. Additionally, media keeps expanding by the day especially after the advent of social networking sites, so it does not matter where people live, they can have instant access to all kind of media ranging from shows, radio programs, podcasts, news, music and so on and so forth at the touch of a button thanks to advanced new technologies such as smart phones, laptops, fast-speed internet and so on which have been available to everybody. As a result of this, I totally go along with the fact that media’s drawbacks by far outweigh its plus points, so I intend to single out some of more significant reasons behind this in the upcoming paragraphs.

First and foremost, media has been capable of affecting people of all walks of society regardless of their differences such as age, gender, social level and so on in many ways by producing a myriad of programs which keep soaring by the minute. For instance, these days we have a variety of TV channels on which there are various kinds of programs like lots of shows, films, series, talk shows targeted at different people according to their age group, gender, interests and social status. Furthermore, taking the internet into account, there are a variety of websites and social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on which have gained much more popularity among citizens especially among youngsters and teenagers because most of their spare time is filled with surfing the internet. In addition to that there are many radio programs and podcasts which are dedicated to different subjects. Consequently, media has been able to form, sway or distort people’s opinions, thoughts and ideas about numerous subjects in either the short or the long term because we have been bombarded with an avalanche of information and opinions which have been available to everybody in media. As a result, media has not have any boundaries because everybody has been exposed to both national and international media on a daily basis. Moreover, media has provided platforms for everybody in order for them to express their opinions on whatever subjects they wish on a regular basis, so media has not only had a double-edged sword nature but has had an interactive nature too.

Another point worth mentioning is that in some countries governments have a huge control over their media which can produce programs on different platforms in the hope of making people adopt specific attitudes towards various matters and subjects based on governments’ policies which in turn could have a variety of effects on people especially on young generation who are more likely to be brainwashed in the society.

According to the proponents of media, the advantages of media should not be overlooked for example, not only can it raise awareness about countless issues and problems but also it has a tendency to educate people about everything as well as unite them when it comes to national and international crisis, the outbreak of corona virus is a case in point, with the help of many programs on different platforms. Nonetheless, media has had a detrimental influence on people on a personal scale too because it has changed the way individuals get their hands on information, analyse and interpret things as opposed to the past in which most people used to get information and knowledge from books which are perceived as the most reliable source of knowledge according to the opponents of media. So, people have turned into data-saving machines because media provides them with processed data which is much more challenging to digest than raw data and being exposed to media is like consuming sugar or sweet things as it seems like such a pleasant experience at first sight but it could have destructive effect on people’s minds in the long run.

In conclusion, putting aside the pros of media, people have been prone to falling victim to the disadvantages of media because for example there are numerous ways of news coverage in every media according to the owners’ purposes as some programs are made to draw the society’s attention to things they want, on the other hand, sometimes they make every effort to draw the society’s attention away from things based on their own benefits. As a result, people have been left with no choice but to go through a variety of programs which can be the product of media blitz, hype or circus.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Media nowadays plays a central role in affecting people’s habits through various activities such as listening to music or watching programs on its platforms. It impacts our lives in several ways which I believe are more advantageous rather than being negative.

From the early ours in the morning after waking up, most people turn to their phones or televisions to become updated about the latest local or global news. They may even play their favorite songs on online applications to boost their energy level to energetically head to work. Throughout the day, connections with family members, friends or even colleagues may require networks of social media and depending on the jobs and relevant tasks, some of them are carried out by getting connected to particular websites. Additionally, with the wide range of entertaining or educative TV channels, individuals fill their spare time with these activities.

Recently, some findings have put forward the idea of the harm that media can cause in society. They claim that although broad connections have become more available, people spend less time with family members and close friends which results in anti-social life styles. However, it is obviously undeniable that how effectively media has acted for raising awareness in issues such as climate change, peace negotiations or serious incidents happening all over the world. For example, people easily share and exchange ideas and make each other informed about latest topics to come up with proper solutions so it seems that they are now more united than any times before. Secondly, with higher range of activities provided, populations are becoming more skilled and confident in lots of aspects by having convenient access to information out there.

Finally, it can be concluded that media has resulted in a large number of outcomes which mostly create positive consequences and benefit modern day lives.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

We live in a technological era that has provided us with a broad range of media sources, such as TV, radio and any communication devices. Considering that people might benefit from having access to all sorts of media, I completely agree that the drawbacks of mass media outweigh their advantages.

It is my view that cutting-edge technology has facilitated people’s access to any type of media. A vast number of individuals follow media so as to catch up with what is happening in the world. However, through censorship, mass media interfere with the free flow of information; consequently, they give a distorted view of current events. Besides, these growing media release all sorts of allegations, many of which are untrue, since a large number of so-called journalists do not go to great lengths to check their facts and stories. So, people who tend to find out accurate news find it time-consuming to be put in the picture. They always say that finding the information that is of paramount importance amongst lots of media hype was a waste of time.

In contrast, some people claim that media are informative and entertaining. They firmly insist that the media speak out against famous people, and if it were not for the press, many things might never come out into the open. However, I do not find this argument convincing as the media most of the time overstep the mark and publish untrue stories about well-known people to stir up controversy and benefit from that. Due to the fact that there is not a strong system of law enforcement for this kind of incorrectness, these are the unfortunate victims who bear the brunt of it.

In conclusion, I completely agree with the idea that mass media are detrimental because they are defective and unreliable. No alternative media has catered for a healthy balance of the mainstream. That said, several media have turned to tabloids and make well-known people prone to be gotten the wrong end of the stick.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, due to the recent advances in technology people's lives are widely impressed by media such as television, radio and newspaper. Media can shape people's behaviour and persuade them to buy unnecessary items. I strongly believe that it's drawbacks outweighs the benefits.



First and foremost, media would affect people's personalities and behaviours especially children who are at impressionable age. Actors and singers , for instance, can be considered as role models for people especially teenagers. As a result, they imitate superstars' activities which can be harmful since a large number of famous people do not behave appropriately and some of whom are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Moreover, the persuasive power of advertising leads to consumerism society which can be detrimental in various way. There are different promotions in commercial breaks which persuade people to purchase new items that they do not really need them so such advertisements confuse the sense of real needs and deceive people. If people cannot afford to buy such items, they may feel inferior which can lead to some mental disorders such as depression.


In my opinion, media have more drawbacks because almost all time people are exposed to some bad news such as natural disaster's news like earthquake and other negative news which happen worldwide including wars, attacks, murders and fatal diseases which can lead to some problems including anxiety and depression. Furthermore, violence would be desensitized via watching violent movies and news which can lead to aggression and increasing crimes in a society. In comparison with past, people especially teenagers are more likely to commit a crime due to the exposure to such content which can lead to insecurity in a society.


I strongly believe that people's lives are impressed by media because people's behaviour and their buying habits would be influenced by media which can lead to some problems such as aggression and anxiety as well as increasing crime rates.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In this day and age, we are bombarded by media such as TV or radio programs. Some individuals present the view that media has implications for society. In my opinion, media makes a profound contribution to society and its drawbacks can be ignored.  
On the one hand, there are many benefits with regard to watching TV or listening to the radio. A primary advantage of media is that it can be highly beneficial to people in order to become well-informed about different situations. By way of example, due to the fact radio reports traffic congestion on a regular basis, people are less likely to be mired in problems caused by traffic congestion. The vast majority of taxi drivers believe that if we did not have access to the radio, we would get held up in traffic. A further upside of media is that it can boost the efficiency and quality of education. For instance, during the Corona pandemic, the media plays a pivotal role in the education of students. A sizeable number of teachers contend that if we could have had educational programs on TV in the past, students would be well-educated.
On the other hand, some people are laboring under the illusion that watching TV programs is a waste of time and they are very addictive indeed. Thus, watching TV may be hazardous to our health. Another potential drawback of media is that all radio or TV programs are not accurate completely. For instance, there is a great deal of media hype about the new James Bond movie.
On balance, it is true that media would seem disadvantageous under certain circumstances. Nonetheless, in my view, its positive effects in terms of making well-informed and boosting education level override the disadvantages.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

Nowadays, media has been deemed as an inseparable commodity of human day to day life. In spite of the fact that numerous controversial viewpoints are announced concerning to its real effect on human life, in my point of view compatible to what has been asserted in following essay, its merits outweigh demerits in most occasions. 


Some critics oppose this view and claim that, inevitable detrimental effects of media have considerably limited humans lives. For instance, people preference to face to face socializing or interaction has been noticeably declined and substituted with manipulating their TV sets or scrolling throughout social medias on their mobile phones. On the other hand, their lives tranquility is not as stable as it used to be in previous decades due to continuous publish of negative news which usually disturb people markedly. This can be clarified by considering the situations which occurred during Corona pandemic owing to the prevalence of contamination or number of victims.


In my consideration, the merits of these media, which have revolutionized our life in all aspects, cannot be overlooked at all. For instance, no one can claim that he/she has been misinformed by fake news since countless valid sites as well as numerous TV or radio channels have provide an opportunity for humans to evaluate the validity of all contents which are displayed daily. Furthermore, previous limitation such as geographical or political hindrance which people faced to have been removed. These days, citizens capable to be aware of what is going on the furthest region by turning on their TV set or setting their satellite.   


The other upsides which worth mentioning are related to human recreational activities as well as their communications. For example, all age groups are able to keep in touch with their family members or friends who are inhabited all over the world without getting into trouble by just installing some simple applications on their mobile phones. Consequently, geographical locations are not considered as a type of limitations. Moreover, Media like televisions have incorporated a noticeable variation in human monotonous life. Special age groups like the elderly, children, and housewives access to lots of media in order to be entertained in their spare times. Housewives also can be educated or trained improve the quality of their lives by some instructions like cooking programs or medical channels which are displayed.


To sum up all above mentioned, although we may come up with some problems while we are utilizing media, its considerable advantages have boosted the quality of our lives in numerous aspects. In my consideration, we cannot ignor its beneficial usage because of some negligible problems which we may encounter. 






Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

 Nowadays, the existence of media has been noticeably increasing and the society has seen it’s impacts more than ever. the media has widespread in various ways, for instance, through the news on tv or radio or the music we listen everyday. Although there are different insights on this rise, i believe both the negative and positive points should be considered important, thus, in the following passage I will discuss whether it’s advantages overweight it’s disadvantages or not and how it can affect us.

 Different contents can easily affect our personal and social life and our perspective by it’s existence each day and sometimes enforcing itself to us. Each individual expose themselves to this media in different ways such as, listening to radio, following social media or watching different tv shows. Moreover, people’s reaction to these medias can vary and though some may find it beneficial, others may argue it was a useless one. This impact of media should be concerned both positive and negative ,considering the fact that people look at them in different ways. As an example, one of media’s effect is the availability of vast information, now, many people might find this useful and as a facilitator but in contrast, many can find it overwhelming and scary, in regard to this we can not particularly say if it’s good or bad.

 Another important matter is it’s pros and cons. It can be seen easily that media has altered our life in varied ways such as easier connection, getting worldwide news better, all-time access to information and scientific sources. However, we can not ignore it’s negative impacts too, for instance consumerism and materialism are two commonly attitudes which is related to increasing trend of using media, moreover there are many fake news around the world spreading and the reality of each news can not be identified as easy as before. Thus, both of these sides should be equally thought of while analyzing media.

 To conclude, I agree that our life and society has been effected by media and there impacts are undeniable, but I don’t believe whether we can say this rise has been certainly bad or good at large, because there are many factors which need to be considered In this matter.





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

We are surrounded by media, from the television shows we watch to the music we listen to on the radio. The media can be used to create or alter values and beliefs within a society through advertisements and commercial programs. While some people would argue that media has more negative impacts than benefits, however I believe that there are more advantages regarding the influence it has on the society.


There are numerous ways from which media can affect a society such as songs and television shows simply by changing a song’s lyric or a program’s content, respectively. The two most popular communication medias are television and radio which are working non-stop, therefore, one of the best ways to affect a community is to make sure everyone sees or hears what has been released and is streaming on television and radio stations. For instance, we can see how the advent of media and communications have changed the traditional way of studying which was only on-campus studies to a more modern way such as online studying. Following that , there are many universities including the top-ranking ones which are offering online degree courses on platforms such as Coursera. Nowadays, through the use of media and advertisements, the old-fashioned way of studying has been polished, and people are more open to online studies.

With regard to disadvantages of media, I partially agree that like any other weapon or gadget, if fallen into wrong hands, could lead to social phenomenon. For example, it can be used to spread fake news and misleading contents. Alternatively, it can also be used to confront with that false information spreading. As an example, the users can make sure they are getting the right information by following well-known television channels and by reviewing more than one source of information about a specific topic. Hence, it is totally dependent on the behavior of individuals and their approach to media.


In conclusion, people are surrounded by different media types, form the music they listen to, to the show they watch on television. With controlling and filtering the contents, people can easily be affected. However, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks since there are obvious solutions to its disadvantages.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

There is little room for doubt that media plays an important role in the lives of people in society, despite this general knowledge, people are very often confronted with the argument about the appropriateness of influencing mass media in the way of living. I agree that individuals feel privileged by using media as a daily basis, although I question the view that it is really beneficial for individuals in society to use media for most of their activities.

At first, it is important to note that broadcast has revolutionized communication in the world and it stands a mile among other inventions during the past decade. Due to its fast interchange of data, accordingly, important news has been spread out in no time. A good example to support  it is that an earthquake happened in Turkey a couple of days ago and the advocates of international air have been raised, so provision of money or material resources in aid have been started. It is quite clear that the role of the media in awareness of international happenings increased sharply during recent years.

Another fact to note is that, media has provided individuals with access to much more information than ever before. The vast number of resources have been used by people, especially students of college, that are way too surpassed with searching and finding specific contents. Podcasts and YouTube videos, for instance, are the main source of education these days and highly recommended by tutors. Conceivable amenities for accessing broadcasts should be facilitated by governments all over the world, due to its important effects on individual's success.

From what has been discussed above, one can reach a conclusion that the role of media is not only to have monumental shifts in the way of connection, but also to increase the access of data for all groups of people. Although there have been demerits of over usage of media  and technology every now and then, the benefits of media outweigh the disadvantages.








Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?


-        Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio

-        How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

-        Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

There are opposite ideas on media circumscription of our life and its effect's pros and cons on human lifestyle. I firmly agree that the advantages of media on individuals and society outweigh the others on the bases of some compelling reasons.

To begin with, it is undoubtedly proved that media innovation almost had the largest impact on society through the last century. At the same time, an information explosion is happening for the new generation and naturally, it had side effects whether good or not, yet it is developing in flashlight peace. That means its positive sides weigh the others otherwise it would have been stopped in natural trend or breed some substitutions to break the trend of generation. For instance, there is not any complex, site, or organization to try to wipe produced media content.

To illustrate more, considering media coverage in these days' society, it has undeniable negative effects on individuals and progress trends that we may view in the short term. I believe that these kinds of effects will have enhanced the defective chain in long-term procedures and they may appear again more powerful than ever. For example, there are plenty of series that were made for ten seasons or maybe more in comparison to some that be felled down before finishing the first season.

In conclusion, although it seems that the majority of people nowadays are complaining about the negative impressions of media on their life, I believe that its benefits outweigh the negatives and breed the defective trends to improve fundamentally.

Saman Malek Nia





Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In this modern age, people have been surrounded by different kinds of medias such as TV, radio, and social medias, which affect them in various ways. There are both of pros and cons in such environments for people, that it completely depends on people whether get benefits of them or not.

There are various methods, which media's lords employ them to impact the societies. First and foremost, governments and main decision makers in societies use medias in other to advertise a particular lifestyle. The living ways which are compatible with their policies. By this way, governments enforce their citizens to accept their orders and considered lifestyles indirectly. Moreover, lots of campaigns and companies try to sell their products by advertising in medias with different tricks, which have significant impact in people's lifes. For instance, there are some companies, which reduce self-confidence of a special people's group in a particular human's feature. By this means, they make an huge demand in mentioned group who have been declined their self-confidence by such advertisements. Then this companies introduce their products as an only solution for this problem and sell their products to these poor people.

From my prospective, there are both negative and positive aspects in medias for audiences. In respect of negative sides, we can mention lots of frauds and thefts which occurs in medias, particularly in social medias such as Instagram and Facebook. Furthermore, wrong idols who exist in social media that youngsters may follow and obey them. In addition, there are a variety of useful contents like educational and sport information and practical educations which help us to have a better way of living and be an effective person for ourselves and our family.

To sum up, according to the discussions done above, medias can affect our life in different ways. Also, it completely depends on individuals that such impacts be positive or negative. 




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In the today's world, media has affected human lives due to accessibility of entertainment means like television, radio, and Internet. We have been surrounded by media, despite the fact that it has both positive and negative influence on society. Also, I think its benefits outweigh its drawbacks.
To begin with, society is affected by what is presented in media. One of the positive points it has is that individuals can learn about other countries and cultures without the need for visiting them. So, it would raise the awareness of society, which means people can be taught some good habits and enhance their knowledge about other communities while they enjoy watching it. In addition, many individuals worldwide have learned English or other languages through watching subtitled TV shows. Moreover, the younger generation gets inspired and motivated by the meaning of movies and the lyrics of songs. Consequently, they are more likely to have the willingness to follow their dreams.
It is also argued that it will bring some negative effects. The presence of media leads to the spreading of fake news. Many people misuse media as a source of creating rumors. This would result in the outspread of wrong news and therefore this will develop a sense of fear in society. For example, false news about famous people or celebrities will lead to anger and immorality. However, strict controls and rules can be imposed in order not to spread any fake information about anything. Also, many movies are just for a special group of society. So, parents can have control over their children's choices so that some violence and crimes could be prevented.
In conclusion, even though media can be harmful to what extent, its advantages are far more visible than its disadvantages since it plays an important role in becoming aware of everything and gaining more knowledge.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In today’s world, we are surrounded by various TV and radio programs. There is no doubt that, media has influenced the community in many ways which I think have had both positive and negative impacts. 

First of all, the media has changed means and ways of business all over the world. Companies spend so much money to advertise their products on TV or radio so that they can introduce them to great number of consumers regardless where they live. Moreover, by watching TV shows and listening to radio, people have broadened their horizons toward the life. Nowadays, there have been released a large range of movies and programs in different cultures available for all types of societies around the world. People will learn about other customs and lifestyles bringing them to their lives if they find them attractive. 

On the one hand, I think the media has brought some merits to the community. Watching and listening to TV and radio programs have connected people to one another from different parts of the world. People have got familiar with others’ customs and lifestyles in way leading to taking positive aspects of what they see into their own real lives. People have become more informed and aware throughout imposing to advertisement s expecting to get better services and purchase high quality products. On the other hand, the media may have its drawbacks as well. It is not necessary to say that, all shows are not beneficial to the society. Some of them will promote luxury lifestyles and productions which will result in some bad life habits like either consumerism or demanding. 

In conclusion, the media has had a significant impact on the society which, I think, would be both advantageous and disadvantageous. 




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

These days , media are expected to encompass us through TV shows or music releasing on the radio . While people are affected by this  means of communication significantly , I am inclined to notion  its advantages could prevail over its disadvantages .

The mass media tend to have significant impacts on human life owing to its accessibility . In other words, many people around the world have a natural inclination to occupy their leisure time with watching television programs or listening to the radio channels  .  For instance , many travelers are apt to listen to the news broadcasting on the radio when they commute to work  or many children consider TV movies to be  the best pastimes .Hence , the more individuals are exposed to the media , the more they are influenced by these ubiquitous programs  .

Some tangible profits could be stemmed from the media . First and foremost is to foster tourist industry . Should people  gain valuable information as to tourist resorts through documentaries on TV , it might have potential to steer them toward travelling to those places . Moreover , follower of radio news could obtain the news about  domestic economic  , which increase economic literacy among them leading to economic development in a country  .

However , excessive exposure to the mass media could wreak havoc on human health system . That is , enjoying watching  television shows , many spectators are prone to obesity owing to the fact that these passive activities cause viewers to fail to do exercise in their free time . Another perceptible demerit is to surge violence among youngsters . For instance , violent films  explicitly  portraying  crimes may promote criminal activities indirectly  such as cyber crimes or bullying  .

To conclude , although a number of TV  and the radio  programs could have inevitable effects on audiences , I believe that its demerits could be overshadowed by its noticeable profits .






Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

 Today media absorbs us through its attractive programs such as a wide range of television shows to the music that we listen to on radio broadcasts. I am in complete agreement with this point of view that it has a huge effect on social life and society. The pros and cons of this issue will be outlined as this essay continues.

Media has the ability to shape people’s attitudes about many topics and sometimes does not allow them to think independently. For example, nowadays there is a specific definition of beauty among women. A beautiful woman should be slim, blonde and has blue-colored eyes. This expression of being pretty has been indoctrinated by fashion shows on television and models on social media such as Instagram and Twitter. Hence, many women undergo difficult cosmetic surgeries. As a result, it seems that their long-term health can be endangered. However, if they had not been impressed by the media, they would have thought logically and would not have done the above-mentioned operations.

On the other hand, media is an extensive platform for people to be kept informed about the latest news as well as helps them to be more active when they encounter some major problems. For instance, last week in Turkey, there was a very big earthquake. The magnitude of it was about 7/8 Richter. Thanks to the media, people and their governments, all around the world, have been informed and they have sent humanitarian helps such as rescue teams, drugs and plenty amount of food to turkey to help this country to tackle this natural disaster. Without media, anyone could not be beneficial when a region comes across a difficulty.

In conclusion, despite the drawbacks of media, this platform has a huge benefit for this world and its inhabitants. We can cut down on media’s drawbacks by holding some psychological workshops to teach people not to be impressed by this platform and think more critically.  




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

We are living in a technology-driven world and the presence of media tools cause some implication in human lives. It is argued by some people that they are surrounded by media which is brought more drawbacks regardless of the benefits. I am of the same opinion and I think although media has some advantages, its disadvantages are more. 

On the one hand, since the advent of media devices ranging from tv to radio which has led to an endless list of destructive effects, people found themselves engaged with those media. Tv might be telecasted with some fake and sensationalized news or outspread immorality among people by making some tv programmes. Afterwards, some people are susceptible to link violence on television with crime rates in the real world. Primarily, children are prone to imitate some characters' actions and it might shift their mindset in the wrong direction and behave like those of characters. To illustrate, children might be exposed to violence, swearing or sexual images. Therefore, companies should make more positive educational programmes.

However, regarding the beneficial tv shows, news coverage can be making the public aware of events around the world. In addition, tv brings the best comedies, musicians and actors into our homes. People tend to be entertained and winded down after an engrossed day. Whether comedy series or documentary programmes; for instance, can be amusing for most walks of life. Thus, programmes can be also informative and educational for everybody.

To sum up, it is obvious that media does affect most sequences of people's lives. In the same way, it causes a huge change in one's behaviour and routine life whether positive or negative.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

What impressed people are the media. Not only do they do this via displays on the TV but also audio on the radio. This essay depicts their significant influences on the public in the first paragraph. Despite rare cons, the pros will discuss in the second paragraph.

Indisputably, some kinds of programs, like deceptive advertisements, broadcast regularly, either consciously or unconsciously, attract the majority of attractions.No matter is jingling TV or catchy songs on the radio, they consider appealing to children and the elderly. One of its outstanding features is the indirect effect throughout series and serials. People inevitably follow their role model characteristics. It seems movies impose their attitude on their audiences in this way.

On the other hand, the number of TV and radio programs has dramatically increased in recent decades and people are able to opt for plenty of advantageous channels such as free training, consultant, reports and sports. Millions of people could simultaneously either benefit from a training curriculum or watch an  Olympic football game. they experience the most wonderful time with their loved ones from every spot on the earth. Although there are some unethical programs and inaccurate news, it would not be impossible to distinguish between beneficial and unbeneficial programs to make the best choice.

To sum up, society has been highly affected by TV and radio programs all over the world. In spite of its negligible side effects, it could be helpful in the case that is chosen based on an informed decision.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

In the age of technology, individuals are dealing with different kinds of media including social media, television, radio, etc. I believe that the media has a huge influence on society due to its extension. But I cannot agree with the statement that the disadvantages of the media are more than its advantages. In my opinion, the media is a development and every development has pros and cons. So in this essay, I will explain the impact of the media on people and consequently on society.
On the one hand, the media has helped people to be aware of what is happening all around the world. For example, three days ago a terrible earthquake happened on the boundary of Turkey and Syria. This was a tragedic disaster that caused thousands of people to die or be injured. When my family and I saw the related news on TV, we decided to help them as we can. I am almost sure that people all around the world who heard about that incident, thanks to the media, try to help needy people.
On the other hand, many individuals are prone to be disappointed or distracted due to bad news that transfers through the media. Because of these sad news they gradually tend to become depressed or anxious. As a result, they maybe lose their motivation, which will eventually affect their performance in their academics or career.
To conclude, I believe that, although the media has affected people's performances or even minds to a certain extent, on a large perspective it has benefited the community as a whole because the media has enabled society to be aware of what is happening to the world.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

 In some cases, many children are substantially injured during participating in sports classes or also they suffer from heavy exercises that are too much for their age. Despite these problems, there are some causes and solutions to tackle them.


There are several reasons why children get hurt during physical activities the first one can be that they are not ready for heavy practice and their bodies and bones are sensitive and flexible. Therefore, they cannot endure reinforced training. For example, in 2000, there was an investigation into a group of adults who worked in combat sports when they were a child and the research showed that a sizeable number of those athletes got significantly hurt, and the pain of that attacks remained for them until adulthood. Another major cause would be that children are not mature enough to take accurate actions based on their situations. For instance, a lot of young boys admire some football players and they want to copy their technics without attention to this fact that they are professional players and have done exercise for a long time until now. as a result, many of these children are faced a sizeable number of the broking arms and legs in their life during plays in the streets.


It is important that Action is taken to combat these problems. firstly, the government should establish an organization for the supervision of sports clubs and their trainers to check a coach competence who work with young children. Secondly, parents also have an important role to play in aware their loved ones of the probable dangers that may happen to them. In addition, the trainers also should estimate all of their student's capacities and behave with them according to their investigation. Besides, they should not give them intense exercise which can bring about pain and damage.


In conclusion, the usefulness of exercise is not hidden from anyone, but it will give rise to injury if one does it wrongly. However, with the supervision of the government, parents, and trainers we can reduce the disadvantages of physical hurt during exercising at an early age.






Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Although youths, who devote a large amount of time to exercising, become much more actives, some types of activities might pose a serious threat about their health. The origins of this situation seem to stem from two main features. whereas, several remedies appear to be open to us. 


It is argued that the major factor is that some young people strive to be successful athletes at the short time as a result spend a lot of time doing exercise without following their repercussions that lead to an increase in dangers for their health. In fact, heavy activities, conducted for a long period time by children, would not be suitable for them. Thus, those sports could cause terrible issues for children. The foremost further problem is that teenagers perform some sports regardless of attentions to right ways. Some would practice at home without perfect equipment, sport facilities and supervision of trainer. Doing a wrong exercise might injure their bodies. To illustrate, some children solely want to do exercise by DVD or film training at home. Despite the fact that there are some benefit solutions, reducing this type of question.


Turning to possible solutions, one obvious remedy is that education system provides comfortable and accessible conditions for children who are interested to doing sports at school. If youths could practice based on a great regulation with experienced trainer, they would have a preference to do exercise at school or gyms which would decline possible issues associated with their health. Second essential reason is that the government should impose some roles that children could use gyms with suitable equipment freely. In this situation, youngers tent to utilize those facilities. Besides this, they would been taught with super ways which should result in falling problems for them. For example, children who accomplish their interest sports might be a champion in the further.


In conclusion, while some activities have drawback effects on children's health, myriad methods preserve youths against feasible damages. Provided that, the government and system of education support some regulation to control operation children when they would practice.






Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

exercising has been a favorable activity for juveniles, to which they are attracted. Most of the time, children who are doing sports, whether exercise more than a defined limit or get injured seriously. In this essay, I will explicate why this phenomenon has been common among children, and what solutions would be offered so as to improve this condition.



On the one hand, children are energetic and enthusiastic members of households; to put it differently, most of children dedicate highly portion of their diurnal activities doing sports on the playing grounds with their colleagues. Spending much more time playing sports, children get serious injuries. To clarify this aforementioned statement, specified time is needed for muscles and children’s bodies to rest and recover from tough exercises. If juveniles do not consider their recovery time needed after sports, they will experience injuries. Moreover, the more dangerous sports children play, the more excitement they attain. For instance, due to documented reports, the football is the most popular sport among the young. On the other side, according to other achieved data, the football has the highest quota of serious traumas might be suffered among juveniles as well. In addition, some children are enthusiastic to exercise rather than staying at home and doing their assignments all day long, so they prefer to spend most of their leisure time exercising on playing fields.



On the other hand, having discussed causes of this condition, I will elaborate what measures would be suggested to solve this issue. First and foremost, parents should define a daily schedule containing specified timelines for sports in order to prevent their children from being overactive. To illustrate, this schedule ought to dedicate a proper time for each activity a child might have such as watching tv, exercise, doing homework. What’s more, authorities in schools could establish punishments for those who allocate most of their time doing sports. for example, children who are overactive or suffering from serious injuries due to exercising more than a specific limit would not be allowed to exercise for two weeks in school. 




To sum it all up, being overactive in exercise or suffering from injuries has been serious issue that most children confront these days. Children’s enthusiasm to sports dispose them toward playing more than usual leading them to suffer traumas. Their parents and schools’ authorities play main roles in reducing the proportion of children traumas or being overactive in exercises




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

That severe physical injuries often occure for children who are into sports, and that they are mostly heavily loaded with exercise are problems steming from some important factors, while a number of solutions can be proposed to alleviate them.


A number of issues lie behind too much physical activity and traumas for sports children. With regard to the former, it cannot be denied that learning any subject is a matter of practice and allocating enough time to it on a regular basis. This time for acquisition should be even further if the learner is a beginner as is the case with children embarking upon a sport. This means that among young-aged population, the less the age of an individual is, the less their physical stamina would be, albeit not including those suffering body disabilities. Lower physical preparation in children compared to adults and adolescents makes them take too much time doing various exercises so as to bolster and maintain their levels of performance. Much time of exercising supposedly puts them at a higher risk of physical injuries. Another reason why sport-engaged children are more vulnerable to physical setbacks would be their bodies systems, such as their heads’ anatomy and size and not fully developed sense of balance, bringing more serious injuries to influence them.


However, there are some actions by taking which the aforementioned problems could diminish to some extent. the foremost important strategy is to take the precautions advised by sports experts, including having healthy balanced hours of doing exercise and wearing helmets during skating or snowboarding, potentially averting major health threats. Making sure that children play in safe cushioned fields and under the supervision of a well-round trainer is also workable. In other words, children should be asked to accomplish their training under these circumstances before they are known as eligible to exercise in authentic fields solely.


All of this being said, if the problems associated with children playing sports are to solve, following training instructions in secure fields of training ought to be considered, otherwise, these very young-aged athletes are likely to come up with physical threats and become overexercised.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is clear that having physical activity in childhood can ensure a healthier development. However, children  frequently get exhausted or undergo severe traumas which can be detrimental. In this essay I will present two reasons behind this issue and propose measures to tackle them. 


Children have different capacities when it comes to doing sports. Neglecting some  qualities such as age, gender and weight may harm them both physically and mentally. Take a skinny and underweight girl who has to compete in a mixed soccer team alongside with his peers. Despite being in the same age bracket, she is not medically allowed to burn as much as calorie as her friends. As a results, not only will she be pressurized but also will not be able to keep up later with the team which may give her a sense of disappointment. To solve this problem, it seems that if trainers provide a placement test to evaluate the children’s physical tolerance threshold, they will suffer less from doing these activities. Otherwise playing sports like this is potentially doing more harm than good. Moreover, it is better if physical education becomes an extracurricular course to give the option to vulnerable students to opt for a simpler activity. Since these lies with the parents rather than schools as they can decide more wisely knowing their children’s needs and health issues. 


Furthermore, as the new generation is experiencing a more sedentary life style, they might find it challenging to do regular exercises and the more they are pushed to do so excessively, the  higher the risk of injury and muscle strain will be. A way to mitigate this problem can be encouraging children to cut on or lessen the time they spend on video games and social media. This is because these can make them more prone to injuries in sports. They can also walk to school instead of taking the school bus which helps to keep their body warm and flexible. 


In conclusion, while children mostly hurt themselves doing sports due to various reasons, those approches may help them overcome these challenges. 




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Presently, playing sports activities is the first and foremost important issue for each society due to that most of them will be faced several obstacles like hurting physically in particular. Although these aforementioned problems will put people in a real predicament, the would be tackled by some solid plans. In this following essay, the specific reason of the obstacles and the main ideas for remedy the situation will be explained in detail.


Numerous studies by professional scientists provided that it would be appreciated if parents put pressure on their childern in order to do some activities which can help them to be as fit as a fiddle. However, this current situation will make several drawbacks in the foreseeable future. Hurt the bodies, as a way of example, is of great importance and could make several undeniable issues. This previously mentioned topic will have been made due to the several reasons such as less control of the coaches in health clubs. Doing the DIY activities by children, additionally, might be the other reason on the grounds that most of the kids are not able to play all the sports in a tremendously great way.


It should not be forgotten that every problem has a special way to be mitigated in minimum. On top of that, government can make some momentous rules in order to increase the knowledge of parents and children about doing activities and play suitable sports by raising a dozen public awareness. Another functional solution is that the couch of health centres and sports clubs should have several specific degrees and permissions. By doing so, they will able to manage the actions of children and remedy the situation during the time when they are doing excersise.


To conclude, in spite of the fact that the majority of children can take part in gym clubs or sports centre to do some excersise and play sports for having fun and still healthy and in shape, a plethora issues would be faced in the long time. However, they could mitigate with multiple concrete plans like improving the skills of coaches and increasing public awareness about the lifestyle the children when parents decided to put pressure on children in order to participate in sports clubs and do DIY activities compulsively.  




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In the contemporary era, it is an irrefutable fact that the past 30 years have seen a dramatic increase in participating in a myriad of sports. Children frequently face with physical activity or serious traumas in daily life. This essay will explore the core reasons and the measures should be taken.
Although doing regular sports bring myscllenous benefits for children, it has been viewed that they are sometimes severely injured. One of the primary reasons is that they do not have enough knowledge about the way of doing exercises. To be precise, they do sport just for pleasure and joy. A salient example, an experiment was done on different ages by notorious researchers has demonstrated that children who are under 15 are mostly exposed sever traumas. Since they are immature,  they do not have ample skill. Moreover, they should consider how to dress in sport.  For example, if someone wants to play cricket, it is mandatory to dress suitable, it aids from potential damages. Further and even more importantly, lack of supervision is another reason. The majority of people are naively optimistic that the more they exercise, the less they get sick. So, they rely on this notion and do not care about the precautious measures. To illustrate this, if students want to do exercises, they should be monitored by skillful coaches. 
Although families motivate their offsprings to participate in sports, they should take a myriad of strategies in this heated issue. Government should broadcast advertisement and educative programs to increase parents' awareness. Hence, they can inform children about the outcomes of hard exercises. Moreover, authorities should employ coaches that are more experienced in teaching how to use devices.
By way of conclusion, children should be alert and skillful in doing exercises in order to have a fit lifestyle. Increasing awareness by campaign and recruiting talented coached are the best ways to be applied.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is argued that children who engage in sports suffer from physical issues because of heavy practice. While this has been due to a number of reasons such as lack of supervision or being immature, there are effective solutions including holding up classes to observe children.  

Firstly, there are a number of reasons why young people encounter severe traumas during sports. It is because they are not mature enough to not do dangerous activities such as running too much than necessary. For example, it is shown that a vast majority of children are mostly struggling with backache. Another reason is related to the lack of observation. For instance, one study shows that students who do sports without a teacher suffer from body issues, therefore, a skilled teacher can show the right way to children in doing sports. 

Secondly, there are many solutions that can be taken into consideration to overcome this dilemma. There is no doubt that schools have a crucial role, they should represent courses about the dangers of heavy activities, or, they should hire expert teachers to observe children. These solutions can have a positive impact on physical health among children. However, it is obvious that parents play an important role too. It is advisable that they should monitor their children in their activities.  

In conclusion, although children suffer from severe traumas involved in tough physical activities, stem from various reasons such as immaturity and lack of observation, there are many ways out to overcome this challenge by parents and schools with effective monitoring.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In recent times, more and more children are obsessed with playing different sports, leading to serious injuries. There are some  reasons for this, however, by providing some measures it is likely to be lessened. The reasons and measures will be discussed in the following essay.

To begin with, there are a number of reasons regarding this issue. Firstly, choosing sports as a top priority could be the case. This means children spend their invaluable time doing strenuous exercises, which might even lead to lifelong injuries and disabilities. Secondly, as most of these people are not cautious enough, they do not wear protective tools and guards to protect themselves; this might , in turn, result in severe physical damage.
When it comes to possible solutions, there are some that can be taken into account. First of all, prioritising children’s goals should be considered by their parents. That is to say, they need to cast their attention into other aspects of their lives, school lessons for instance. By doing this, children may become almost aware that other aspects of their lives are just as significant as playing sports. Moreover, to provide protection when doing sports, they can simply wear various safety tools, such as a face shield or a mouth guard. These will probably reduce the injury rates among them.
To sum up, although playing sports and their possible injuries are common among children, by devising a reasonable  plan and allocating some protective tools, it can be managed to a great extent.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

The youth who have enthusiasm about sport put a noticeable proportion of their efforts into this activity or put themselves in trouble by getting injured. Ther is a number of causes for this dilemma which will be elaborated on with suggestions on how to tackle them.    
There could be found several reasons why children prefer to allocate most of their precious time to sport. To begin with, they have an infinite source of energy which needs to be free. That is to say, being young, these people need some special activities to expend their energy. Secondly, they don’t have enough experience to take care of themselves. They will play with dangerous tools like wood and stone without being aware of the dangerous threat to them. Lastly, children spend most of their time without their parents which can lead to injury during physical activities. To put it differently, living in an advanced world, most parents are busy enough with daily responsibilities in their life such as job, home and other duties which do not allow them to take care of their children.   
However, there exist a number of solutions for facing this problem. Firstly, children should be educated about the physical games and tools which they have permission to use in their games. They should be aware of the consequences of using dangerous tools and places for their games. They have to know that playing football on the street could lead to accidence with cars. The second idea for preventing children from being injured is to send them to the gym to peracetic with trained teachers who have practical experience in sport. This approach can lead children to not only safer atmosphere, but it could also give the chance of being advanced in sport. Moreover, by sending children to gym parents can concentrate more easily on their duties in their personal life.  
To conclude, physical activities are an unrepeatable part of youth life which should be managed in a proper way by their parents. Given the solutions discussed above, it can reduce the chance of children being injured in sport.  




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Sports play an important role in children’s lives. Although they occasionally can lead to some crucial problems for young athletes such as exhaustion from physical activities or affecting their mental health. This essay will look at the most important reasons for these problems and suggest how we can prevent them.

Poor dietary habits modeled at home, like consuming processed food which is so common among children these days, bring about low energy levels. burning more energy during physical activity than what they have gained already can cause exhaustion and overloading. On the other hand, the entrance of young age children to such competitive fields as sports can cause psychological disorders like trauma and depression due to the fact that they are too young to be able to carry this weight.

Finding a way out of these problems can mainly depend on changing the eating patterns among youngsters. omitting engineered food from their daily meal will help them boost their energy for extreme activities. Next effective answer is helping kids deal with the mental pressure of physical competitions and teaching them that the aim behind doing such sports is not winning.

in conclusion, there are a number of steps that could be taken to manage the problems which can be caused by doing sports in children’s lives. Families have an important responsibility to control their offsprings eating patterns and keep an eye on their mental health. It is essential not to forget how necessary sport is for children’s health.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children attending sports events usually get hurt due to practicing more than necessary as well as affecting by traumas in the games. This essay will depict the main reasons behind this phenomenon, before providing viable solutions to tackle this issue.

There are two main causes making children lose balance in doing sports and get hurt, including being obsessive about winning and lack of trains coaches. Regarding the former one, children are likely to have uncontrolled desire to win, leading to not caring about their physical state. Since, children's psyche is not developed completely they might not understand the main aim for doing sports and become obsessive about winning which affect their behaviours and they might put excessive pressure on themselves in daily practices or hurt their peers in the competition without noticing. The other reason is that coaches in children sport fields are not trained specifically to work with young age and might give exercises to them that are not approved for that age. In fact, children's body is completely different with adult's one. As they are in developing age, their bones are still growing and their cardiovascular system is weaker that a mature person. Therefore, they might not tolerate practises for long hours or some exercises might harm their bodies. Trainers who are not aware of these differences might ask children to do the same practices as adults do which might have negative effect on the developing process.

However these problems can be ameliorated through feasible solutions, which are asking help from psychologists and developing knowledge about children's sport. The first measure is that children psychologists aid children to reform their thoughts. Indeed, parents should ask help from professional psychologists working with children to teach children not care too much about winning and enjoy doing sport. They should also teach children that the main goal of doing sport is to be healthy mentally and physically. In this way, children tend to understand to what extent they can participate in practices. The second viable solution is that educational authorities should allocate budget on doing research about children's exercises. Currently, there is not enough research, guiding coaches about doing sport in young age. If some evidence is gathered from researchers, there might be capacity to provide a field of study specific about training children in sport. As a result, the coaches who are educated contribute children to exercise profesionally without hurting themselves.

To sum up, the essential reasons for children doing sports excessively and hurting them selves are obsessions about winning and untrained coaches guiding children in a wrong way. Nevertheless, above-mentioned problems can be solved through consulting with psychologists to restate children's behaviour and set a budget for doing research and developing knowledge in this field.

Fateme shahriari





Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Cultivating children in various aspects of their lives such as education, arts, sport and so on is one of the most critical concerns of their parents. While it is of importance to involve children with physical activities, the potential impact of the way they do sport should be monitored as they might be injured. Some determining factors can be cited to explain the emergence of this problem. As far as I am concerned this situation can be remedied, provided that some reasonable steps are taken.

Insuficient training is widely recognized as the key factor why this issue might happen. Considering the fact that children are in their early stages of development, the effect of physical activities on their health situation is highlighted. In case that wrong exercises are done, it is more likely to have reverse effect on their body. For example, poor training can lead to usage of inappropriate tools or amount of sport. There are a number of other explanations, but children's wish to satisfy adults is believed to be the second influential one. Children are looking for adults’ complementation especially from their parents. In fact, they make efforts just to meet their parents’ satisfaction.

To tackle these issues, one can adopt many approaches. When dealing with the initial cause, the most efficient way to work it out would be attending courses under suppervision of professional trainers. Taking second challenge into account, parents should be careful with their expectations from their children. This means children should be aware that they are accepted no matter what.

According to the above-mentioned reasons, engagement of children with physical activities might end up with unwanted results. That is why it is important to confront this problem by adopting the best approaches.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children who are usually very interested in sports may suffer serious injuries. In the following, we will analyze the basic reasons for the occurrence of these conditions and explain the ways to prevent them.

  In general, there are several reasons for children's injuries in sports activities, the most important of which is related to their ignorance and immaturity, as well as the little information they know about safety and self-protection issues. For example, in any sport, including Taekwondo, how to train properly and the efficient use of different tools to prepare the body is very vital. Especially, in some sports such as bodybuilding, if you do the exercises with the help of very heavy weights, arbitrarily and without proper training, irreparable damage will happen to your body. For example, if the movements that are done to increase leg or arm muscles are not according to the proper training programs, without a doubt, your spinal column will suffer severe injuries. 

   However, children may suffer injuries during sports activities, which can be prevented by various solutions. The first and most important way of prevention is related to continuous education. For example, it is often observed in different grades in school that children do not learn any basic education for sports, unlike subjects such as mathematics, literature and history. Because, to practice football or volleyball, only by providing them with a ball, they can practice for hours in any way they want without the initial exercises, which play an important role in not causing muscle damage. Undoubtedly, their lack of awareness can cause the destruction of their bone joints and muscles, and they can even endure injuries for many years. Therefore, many of these problems can be solved with correct and timely training.

   On the other hand, using clothes and safety equipment to protect the body against injury is also very effective. For example, if children in football use knee and leg braces, even if they perform unprofessional movements due to lack of knowledge, it reduces the chance of getting into serious injury situations. 

   In summary, although exercise and its possible injuries are quite common among children, by using reasonable and practical training plans as well as the allocation of protective equipment, they can largely bring the best interests to them. Because the activities Sports are very important for the physical and mental development of children.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is undeniable that kids who are too insisted on doing sport and devote their most time to exercise, may put themselves at the risk of fierce injury as well as a feeling of saturation about physical activity. This can be arisen from various causes. However, there are a number of promising answers and constructive suggestions to cope with brought up problem. Here, I aim to name some reasons and give solutions for them.

About causes, from my prospective, the first and perhaps the most evident of them is that, children’s bodies are not strong enough and can not be respond to intensive exercise for long time. For instance, people at the age of 10, have relatively weak bones as well as inadequate ability to do sport. Thus, this puts them in a bad physical situation. Another main reason, they have to reintroduction between their physical activity and education, what they are not sometimes able to do. This leads to lack of adequate concentration meanwhile they are exercising. Eventually, they are severe injured or overloaded with physical activities. What is more, young people do not have suitable diet and nutrient. The lack of these cases causes to have a vulnerable body for them. 

To solve the mentioned problem, there are some useful ways. First, children should be informed by their parents or teachers about the repercussions of spending much time on doing sport for their education. For example, they will not have good education situation at school if devote most time to do sport. The second way is that, they can schedule a regular plan which consists of exercise for a reasonable time, whereby they will have a stylish body and do their other activities on time. The third, following a healthy diet is another answer to save kids from serious traumas. To put it simply, they should consume food or drinks which make their body strong. Eventually, sleeping enough is another useful way which children engaged in sport should consider that as a crucial item to decline the effects of exercising for a long time.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Youngsters following sports activities are experiencing high-stress situations and facing considerable amount of time on the professional exercises. These may result in a lot of problems and to address them firstly we should carve the main causes.


There were a couple of reasons on overloaded activities of children who participate in sports activities. Showing their prominent ability to their peers and family, young sportsmen and women push hard on themselves. This is mainly because of their parents' high level of expectation. To clarify, on the one hand, their parents spend exorbitant amount of money on the sports facilities and coach wages to bring up, for example, a global athletic and an Olympic champion; on the other hand, their child feels a lot of pressure to compensate their parents favor by plays sports harder and for longer time. Another reason could be the lack of knowledge on the methods of practicing sports for children. That is to say, coaches treat children like adults, who are able to do physical activities far more than the younger athletes as a result of physiological maturance of their body.


By proper education and improvement in overall knowledge in the fields related to sports activities of the young we can tackle this problem. By this I mean, personal trainers and coaches should specifically learn how to train their young trainees according to their physical abilities of children rather than adults. Moreover, the coaches or trainers should clarify the negative aspects of overexpectation for a sports men's and women's parents. As an illustration, if parents do not constantly mention how much money they spend for their children, the children will get less stress and feel more relief. Consequently, they do sport as much as their bodies are capable of.


To conclude, many children who participate in sports activities suffer from trauma or over exhaustion of physical activities, but by understanding the root causes of this problem, it can be tackled.





Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

The effect of sports involving children has turned to a controversial debate all over the world. In most cases when children are involved in sports they suffer from several negative impacts such as overloading or serious physical and mental injuries. These are several reasons for this issue and fortunately some practical solution for them.

On the one hand, when children are involved in different sports they do not have enough knowledge about some exercises that they need to do before starting a real sports activity for this reason it is more likely that they suffer from physical injuries or be under pressure during their sports activity. For instance, when I was child I can remember we went out to play football on the street and in most cases we did not have any warming activity before starting the match and only went to the football pitch and started the game and when the match finished we had several physical injuries during the days after the match. Additionally, when children are involved in a sport they want to try their best to be successful in that match and they think this match is the most important thing in the world so when they lose the match it is more likely to face serious mental disorders in the long term.

On the other hand, fortunately there are some practical solutions for solving this problem. Firstly, children should benefit from an experienced trainer before starting a real game. By this way their sports coach can inform them about different difficulties that may be faced if they do not do some special exercises before starting a real game. Additionally, children should have a psychologist that can talk with them in different situations when they are a winner or loser especially in big matches.

Overall, as I mentioned before, I personally think insufficient preparation exercises and negative mental effectiveness especially when they lose a game are the most important reasons for the negative effects of sports on children. 

Behzad Jafari (Academic Module)






Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children who play sports frequently, experience physical exhaustion or suffer major traumas. I believe determining the causes of this issue could assist in finding effective solutions to resolve it. 

Individuals, especially when they are young, often do severe exercise to get their desired results quickly. Thus, they are engaged in sports without considering their body’s physical capability which is more likely to result in serious injuries. In my view, one effective way to remedy this situation is that children should not be allowed to do sports without adults’ supervision. Professional mentors at schools also would be able to help students to raise both their knowledge about the positive effects of sport in the long run and their physical endurance before doing strenuous exercise 

Another reason why the youth tend to be prone to serious injuries could be due to the fact that since they are more likely to be oblivious to sports safety regulations, they work with sports equipment without taking safety tips into account and hurting themselves eventually. Take twisted ankle as the most common example, when children lift heavy weights without using knee straps. If adults not only taught them about the importance of safety but also mandated following safety precautions in sports centers, this problem could be solved.  

To conclude, although doing exertion physical activity without a coach’s supervision or not following sports safety tips contributes to either overloading sports or major traumas, a professional mentor can improve this situation. in my opinion, teaching children about safety precautions also is a step in the right direction.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children who are active in sports are most of the times pressured by physical activity or seized with significant traumas. This essay will discuss the main causes of sport-related harms including a strong focus on techniques more than it is needed and having a poor training schedule. Following that, solutions such as shifting the focus from techniques towards tactics and plan-adjustments are suggested regarding these issues.


Children, when engaged in sport, are exposed to misbehaviors like doing physical activity all the time or being bombarding with training programs. Such actions might be a consequence of delusion when they want to see the transformation and results over a night. For example, running one hour each day for a week, does not have the same effect as running seven hours in one day. This mind-set often results in failing to practice the correct way and will cause harm to the athletes themselves.

Having tactics considered and organizing a well-designed training program are both critical to reduce the negative effects. Children must know that there are more to a sport rather than just the techniques. They should look at the activity from a new angle and try to learn and master the theories behind it, known as tactics, since the only way to be an expert is to know what you are doing and why you are doing it. In addition, child athletes and trainers must maintain a reasonable exercise plan. Meaning that, they should reserve some days of the week to let their body rest and rehabilitate. This way, neither they are overloaded with physical activity, nor they put themselves in danger of getting traumatized.


In conclusion, children who play sports frequently, overexert themselves or suffer extreme injuries. Two causes of the insult, being the wrong attitude towards techniques and weak planning were discussed. This essay also suggested that why being aware of the importance of tactics and adopting a deliberate plan are the solutions to these problems.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children in different age groups have enormous athletic talents and approximately most of them are involved in sports. Some of them are frequently picked up an injury due to extreme physical activity. There seem to be several reasons related to sports injuries suffered by juveniles.

The first principal cause is non-observance of safety precautions, while carrying out a sporting event, they might end-up with a fatal injury. The further reason is that most traumas in sports activities occur caused to the lack of adequate attention and supervision by the sports staff of athletic venues such as stadiums and schools. Take gymnastics as an example, gymnasts are taught how to stay safe when falling or to land skillfully to reduce the risk of injury to the spine, neck, head and wrists. If they do not practice under the supervision of a trainer, they will suffer massive damage like bone dismantled and falling because of imbalance. 

However, several solutions can be taken into consideration to cope with this issue. Notably, it is crucial to wear specialized attire and use safety equipment for any sporting event needed those of that as they have a tremendous impact on maintaining individual safety. In taekwondo, for instance; it is mandatory for martial artists to wear hugo, helmet, leg and forearm braces in order to be protect against possible injuries. Having said that, the presence of a coach who corrects the ways of performing your wrong movements is a vital. Especially in teams sport involving cooperation.

To conclude, youth traumas often come from the lack of safety precautions and less attention from coaches. Nonetheless, these kinds of issues can be overcome by regarding supervision and enforcing the use of safety equipment.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In modern times, the issue of physical and mental effects of over-exercising on children has become highly controversial. While There are several possible factors contributing to this problem. There are also various ways to overcome this problem. This essay will discuss the problems associated with it, and offer some measures to tackle this issue.


Generally speaking, there are reasons why children exercise way over their capacity. Indeed, different kinds of extremely nerve-wracking issues with exercising more than a standard level are originated from not letting children off their steam physically and mentally.   In fact, gone are the days that children used to participate in a wide variety of activities in their neighborhood. In this contemporary era, thanks to sedentary lifestyle, children got used to suffering from a lack of chance to engage in activities. That is why, when engaging in sports activities, they want to make it up.


To remedy this situation, there are nice and effective solutions. The obvious solution is for government to provide many recreational facilities. For example, developed countries have done this procedure and it really works. In these countries, children have equal opportunities to involve in physical activities. It discourages passive enjoyment. As a result, the more children take part, the more normal their behaviors are. More importantly, psychologists always warn children "if you do not strive to activities on a daily basis, you will be faced with many hardships physically and mentally, such as violent tendencies like aggression, antisocial behaviors and recklessness".


In conclusion, being overloaded by exercise in childhood ages is a topic relevant to modern society. If the government chooses to ignore this issue, the future of children will be in danger. 




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

The youth who are keen on doing sport frequently put too much effort into physical fitness or injured severely. I will be supporting the causes of these problems and what can be done to prevent such these happenings.                                              To begin with, the most important reason is that children are too immature and they do not have enough experience to distinguish the harmful effects of being careless in sport. It is obvious that they are underage and they have a small amount of information about how to observe safety. For instance, I could remember when I was youth and I took part in a baseball class without any information and I did careless physical activities which caused to hurt my spine of waist. Another significant root of problem is lack of parents attention due to their daily involvement and they overlook the risk which physically demanding sports pose to their children.            However, there are myriad of solutions for the above issues. First of all, children should raise their awareness of how to maintain their health and potential damage of overloaded activities. For instance, children should read the brochure of additional information of any sports befor enrolling and schools are one of the best place to inform them about the importance of safety during physical exercise. In addition, It is beneficial to acquire special attire for children to reduce tension and injuries. Moreover, schools could remind to parents to teach their children how to be safe in doing different sports.       To sum up, unawareness of children about how to keep in safe and lack of adults’ attention are the most common problems which can be solved easily with some more care. Nevertheless, indications about safety and special clothes may decline the injuries.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is true that children, who are highly involved in sports, frequently put too much effort into doing physical workouts and suffer severe injuries. There are some reasons for this, but some measures can be taken to address this issue.

There are two main reasons why young people become overloaded with playing sports and get injured. Firstly, children are immature and may know little about safety. For example, a few children use helmets while riding bicycles as they may be unaware of the potential traumas of a bike crash, such as head injuries or concussions. Secondly, many accidents in sports occur due to a lack of strict supervision, especially at schools. Instructors may find managing gym classes with a significant number of students challenging and overlook the risks a physically demanding activity may pose to children.

In my opinion, there are some actions that both governments and schools can take to solve the problems mentioned above. Governments should set firm safety rules for young people to use proper equipment while doing physical activities. For example, wearing a helmet or kneepad for different types of sports, such as baseball, bike riding, and hockey, should be a must. Also, schools could play an important role in training coaches to provide a safe environment for children participating in sports. These pieces of training would teach instructors the importance of watching students during sports activities or some rescue techniques in order to reduce the risks of physical harm.

In conclusion, young sportspersons will continue to be overloaded with physical exercises and be hurt unless governments and schools take some steps to tackle the problem.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children taking sports on a regular basis are likely to suffer from important injuries or be occupied with doing it. This is mainly due to the fact that not only are children not mature mentally to predict the consequences of their actions but also they are not aware of the hazards of their physical activities. The problem can be tackled by raising children's awareness about sports and hiring professional trainers.

One of the main reasons underpinning children are overloaded with sports or they are hurt severely by taking sports is that they are not informed enough about the potential dangers of sports or doing these activities too much. The reason why this is the case is that they are not mature mentally. They, thus, merely want to take pleasure in doing them.  Another reason for this problem is that they are not aware of how sports can be hazardous for their bodies. They, therefore, are not mindful. 

One effective solution to this problem is that it is crucial for schools to inform children about the risks of these issues. Hence, they can be more conservative about the way they do sports. Another solution to deal with this issue is by hiring informative and professional trainers, children are less likely to be hurt or allocate a great deal of time doing sports. This is mainly because they will support athletes while they do sports and can give them a standard sports program.

In conclusion, not being mature mentally and informed about the dangers of physical activities are the main reasons underlying children doing too much at sports or being hurt severely.  Raising children's awareness and hiring professional trainers can help to address these problems.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is true that children who incorporate workouts into their life could be overwhelmed both physically and mentally. This could have a variety of possible causes; However, steps definitely could be taken to tackle this problem.

Whether children are highly gifted or interested in exercises, their physical and emotional resources are limited. However, an immense majority of teachers and parents tend to force them to be involved in overwhelming schedules in order to sharpen children's sport skills. In other words, adults put a large sum of pressure on talented or interested children for putting them one step ahead of their rivals and fostering their exceptional talents. Although these demanding plans can be of some benefit for adult athletes, children could be exhausted and overwhelmed by them. In addition, serious sport competitions have detrimental effects on children's mental health as they are expected to constantly outperform their rivals. Owing to the fact that losing some matches are inevitable, fighting with counterparts will have dire and long-lasting consequences, in terms of their self-confidence and psychological health.

Whereas these underlying reasons could make a negative contribution to the children's well-being, parents and authorities can take measures to remedy the situation. Firstly, the children restricted endurance and stamina should be considered in planning an exercise schedule for them. Extraordinary and enthusiastic children, whether profoundly or moderately gifted, ought to be challenged based on their individual differences in physical ability. Secondly, sport competition's rewards should be designed in a way that encourage efforts, instead of the result. This reconsideration could not only motivate children for becoming persistent and diligent, but also avoid any sort of emotional harm resulting from damaging aspects of doing sports, without eradicating them from children's lives.

In conclusion, children who are dealing with sport continue to face physical and mental problems, unless their workout plans become adapted to their physical capabilities and they become accustomed to being reinforced for their efforts.   




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is generally accepted that, doing sports frequently, children are more likely to suffer from physical injuries or mental issues. There are various causes for this problem which will be discussed and in the following, solutions will be provided to tackle it or reduce its consequences.

The origins of this situation stem from two main factors which are having an inappropriate workout plan and being under mental pressure. Although having physical activities on daily basis would support children’s health, having a heavy schedule or doing them wrongly will cause lots of issues. There have to be a limitation in level of workout and its duration. Simply put, each plan has to be set for an individual uniquely, considering their physical capacity. Moreover, children might be under mental forces by coaches or parents to make progress on a specific time which is illogical. Therefore, it is more likely to them to exercise too strict and hurt themselves.

To counteract these dangers, there are few possible options such as finding a worthy and knowledgeable coach and also to know that making progress is a journey. It is proved that the wiser and more experienced your coach is, the less dire consequences you will have. To explain more, it is unavoidable that people, who are doing physical activities in any type and age, are prone to some injuries. However, with a correct method they will be reduced, which can only be realized with the guidance of a professional. In addition, knowing the fact that progress requires patience, it will change their perspective on the whole subject. Hence, it is crucial for individuals to work on their mental beliefs as well as their physical abilities and do not rush on reaching goals.

In conclusion, there are some serious and minor challenges but the main ones would be mental and physical harms. Nevertheless, alleviating solutions would be to guarantee children’s health and to let them make the most of their abilities without getting hurt.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In the present climate sports and recreational physical activities play a compelling role as far as health issues are becoming our integral part of life. As it may seem, physical activity may result in detrimental injuries due to many factors such as intense training and not following professionals for which a number of solutions can be postulated.

As far as the reasons are concerned, the first and for most will be excessive physical exercise. It is commonplace and hazardous that some people take up long duration and high intensity exercise despite lack of stamina. Fore instance, many school teams carry out extensive physical activity before an important game event and they end up with serious wounds. Another explanation can be lack of supervision. It is vitally important participants consider precautions and follow safety instructions of sports professionals. For example, at a gymnastic class if the students do not pursue their trainers advice, they may face massive injuries.

To reverse this trend, a number of actions can be taken into consideration. When physical exercise is highly recommended, it should be planned and managed well. To illustrate, it is seen that in individuals who start their training gently and then increase the frequency of activity until they can stick to it as an everyday routine, the ratio of injuries has been declined drastically. Another way to tackle this hurdle could be education. Giving information about the following safety hazards and the consequences of ignoring professionals plays a compelling role. For example, by showing some clips about suitable dress such as helmet and leg pads while playing football can prevent trauma.

To draw a conclusion from what was discussed, there are a number of reasons in which result in injuries and they can be avoided by increasing activity gradually and suitable education about the importance of safety in schools.


Rahmat Ullah
Rahmat Ullah


Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Indeed, overdoing sport for children who do athletic actions frequently causes some mental problems. Being an overloaded child with sport activity has several reasons, but the problem can be tackled by taking some simple steps.


Overloading young people with doing a sport that causes psychological problem has three main factors. Firstly, the lack of knowledge about the capabilities of children in a sport leads to some strain on them. For instance, obese children are never suitable for being good sprinters, although they do vigorous exercises. Secondly, unprofessional coaches train children wrongly by forcing them to do extra work in sports centres. Finally, most parents hope to have a champion kid. So, they compel their child to work and practice intensely. All these examples often cause some crucial psychological disorders in children.


Nevertheless, These issues can be simply improved. So, by doing simple research it would be clear which sport is appropriate for young people with specific characteristics. It helps to reduce the pressure on the children. Also, sports centres should recruit educated trainers to teach children to avoid giving a lot of exercise to young individuals. Because these trainers become familiar with the children's abilities in a sport during their education. Moreover, schools can play an unignorable role in controlling parents’ ambitions for their children. By holding some interviews with parents, authorities in the school can understand their expectations. Consequently, they can normalize them if they are not usual.


In conclusion, Children who are overloaded by extra sports activities for any reason like shortage of knowledge, unprofessional staff or even parents will face some psychological illness like trauma which can be prevented by understanding children's capabilities and monitoring the factors around them.   




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Evidence suggests that underaged athletes are usually overwhelmed by the pressure of physical activities or endure a variety of concerning mental conditions such as severe anxiety. In this essay, we will discuss the root of this issue and measures that can be taken to avoid such undesirable outcomes.To begin with, let’s analyze the reasoning behind this matter. It is apparent that while physical sports can have remarkable health benefits and prevent numerous medical conditions such as obesity, they are also capable of creating a competitive mindset for people and specifically youngsters which can result in an inevitable stress. Although learning to compete at a younger age could be influential in one’s success in different areas at later stages of life, it could also create a mental pressure for the person. In addition, doing sports professionally always comes with the danger of severe physical injuries which can alter one’s career and personal life forever. Despite all the demerits that we mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is an undeniable fact that having some sort of physical exercise is absolutely necessary for kids. There are a wide range of measures that can be taken to minimize the risks of doing sports for children. First and most importantly is following safety guidelines while designing children sport arenas. On top of that, the mental effects of competition can be reduced by undertaking some psychological methods such as rewarding the losing team as well as the winning party or encouraging children just for taking part in the tournament.To conclude, I would like to mention that all children well-being experts suggest that upsides of having physical activity outweighs the downsides of it. Despite all possible risks that were mentioned in this essay, doing sports is a necessity for youngsters and by just taking a few safety guidelines into account, children sport authorities can minimize the risks and maximize the gains of such exercises for children.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children who are excessively engaged in sports often have severe injuries because of overdoing physical exercise. This essay will discuss possible reasons why this has occurred and provide some effective solutions to control it.
Many factors can be considered for these encumbered activities or to face severe traumas. Most importantly why these problems occur is a lack of information, because many children are immature and they do not have enough experience. Therefore, having insufficient experience can cause severe injury.  For instance, in weightlifting, children think lifting heavy objects leads to becoming more powerful but can cause the spine to injure. Another significant reason why these many accidents occur is due to a lack of supervision at schools who should attention during activities. For example, if kids make a decision lifts a heavyweight in the weightlift class the absence of the trainer will cause damage to their backbone and muscles.
However, there are a number of measures to tackle this issue. One way to curb the problem is giving awareness and educate children regarding the consequences of severe activities. In this situation, the responsibility of providing information on the importance of safety during certain activities lies with parents and schools. Additionally, both parents and schools should provide special attire to decrease damage. Another way to reduce the potential for damage is monitoring children by coach in each session. Schools should also take more responsibility in control of every sports session. Thus, it can prevent accidental and threatening events.
To conclude, it is clear that highly physical activities found children to get severely traumatized. However, some strategies alleviate this difficulty such as giving enough awareness and education to kids, participating in the trainer in every sport class, monitoring children by coaches and schools even providing appropriate outfits for children.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In recent decades, people have been doing sports for various purposes such as income and health. These days, the impacts of sports on children's physical and mental health have been investigated by different governmental and non-governmental institutions. It is said that children doing sports are often overloaded with physical exercise or struggling with severe mental diseases. In this essay, I will say why children usually face these problems when they do sports as well as give some solutions to cope with them.
The first reason is sports academies, which want to achieve their goals in terms of finances. They pressure the children because they need to be champions in local and international competitions. If a sports academy is the champion locally or internationally, more families will tend to register their children in it and as a result, the academy can acquire more profit. Since the majority of children do not tolerate these strict workouts, which leads to mental health diseases including depression and suicide. To solve these traumas, governments should monitor these sports academies as well as force them to hire a children psychologist to check kids' mental health.
Another cause is that some families think their children have a golden aptitude for sports and want to foster this talent. However, it almost is a parental bias since their children do not have a special aptitude for sports but they insist on their mindset and choose more strict sports plans for their children, which can be associated with destructive consequences for their kids' mental health. To crack this misunderstanding, schools should add some talent scouts to their educational team, which can help parents to find the real aptitude of their children.
In conclusion, I think financial incentives in sports academies and parents' illusions are responsible for children's serious traumas, which can be solved by psychologists and talent scouts in academies and schools, respectively.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

  Children involved in sport are frequently swamped with exercising or being injuries. This essay will discuss its reasons and what can be done to improve the situation.  

   To begin with, the reasons why children are snowed under with loads of physical activities are mostly attributed to the expectations of parents and the lack of knowledgeable trainers. That is, being believed to consist the future generation, children are enrolled on several gym classes to build stamina and nurture a healthy body. However, parents are damaging their health by putting this pressure on them. For instance, children are compared with professional athletes. As a consequence, they are more likely to make an effort to satisfy their parents by imitating risky activities. Moreover, many physical education courses suffer from specialized trainers to help children with the correct form of sport activities. 

   However, there are activities which can be taken to enhance the situation. Firstly, parents should manage their expectations. By doing this, not only can they help their children with their physical health but also with mental health. That is to say, when children become aware of their parent’s unconditional love and support, they are more likely to preserve their own health through the adequate amount and correct form of exercises. Furthermore, coaches can significantly contribute to prevent children’s excessive activities by granting them a personal program based on their health condition background. Had it not been due to the efforts that the committed trainers made, many children would have lost their health and would have abandoned sports at early ages. Therefore, it is essential they not be left unattended.

   In conclusion, the reasons of why children do more physical activities than their capacity were discussed, and the solutions surrounding it were presented.





Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In this day and age, there is an increasing trend towards doing sports. children who are involved in sports are more likely to be mired in serious injury or they perform too much physical activities. I believe that exploring the causes of this issue can assist in finding effective solutions to overcome it. 
Doing exercise without trainers could partly account for serious injuries in children who are massive fans of sports. In today,s world, the vast majority of children put their own lives in grave peril due to the fact that they are not keen on working with trainers. Trainers can make children well-informed about the risks inherent in each sport. A sizeable number of children who have had terrible experiences believe that if we had had sports instructors, we would not have experienced any health problems. If parents compel children to exercise with instructors, health problems with regard to legs or hands could be kept to a minimum.  
Owing to becoming an athlete, children should follow a rigid schedule that is awash with physical activities. A sizeable number of children are labouring under the illusion that if they did not do sports hard, they could not strengthen their muscles or stay fit. This illusion can make a profound contribution to this problem. To address this issue, I think that government and parents must provide some leaflets about the adverse effects of doing too much sport. Without other activities, doing sports would neither healthy nor productive. 
To conclude, even though a dream of being fit and doing exercise without instructors place obstacles in the path children, parents and governments can remedy the situation. In my opinion, making the presence of trainers compulsory and also making children well-informed are steps in the right direction.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Some people say that children spend overstand time doing sport and this issue can result in serious problems with their body and their health. this essay I will try to find out the causes of these consequences and indicate what can be done to avoid them.

To begin, there are several reasons why underage people get injuries so often during physical activities. The main one is the fact that children are immature and know little about safety. For example, they do not warm up before starting the main activity which could be harmful to them. The other root of these problems is their parents. Parents do not opt for suitable sports for their age.  

However, the youth have a lot of energy and they want to spend them on something. Firstly, children should be aware of potential damages if they are overloaded with doing sports and physical activities. Secondly, in my view, if coaches pay attention to precious physical activities it would result in less injury. For instance, when I was in school I vividly remember that our teacher was a professional person who had enough knowledge about human anatomy and also took appropriate time for each person to ensure that everyone does the right activity.

In conclusion, improving knowledge about safety and selecting a suitable physical activity for children are the primary reasons for this issue. Awareness of potential damage in overloaded sports and training professional individuals as a coach could reduce the chance of getting these injuries.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Being a successful athlete mostly is a desirable lifestyle that youth think about that; thus they put all of their efforts to reach that point. During this endeavor, which is so important for youngsters, they have faced so many physical injuries, therefore I recognized two reasons for this issue and two solutions to address it as well.


As these days famous athletes getting famous, and children have the desire to be like them, several reasons can be anticipated. First and foremost, most of the young people have little knowledge about safety while they are exercising, which is so important, or preparing for a contest. According to a scientific article, this issue was the main stem of who had injured from 2000 to 2020 in Canada. In particular, my brother’s spine is harmed by a heavy weight that he tried to lift in a bodybuilding club. Additionally, sometimes adults do not pay enough attention to adulescent’s physical activities. As of late, this issue has been reported so many times in Canada, which needs a peer-review about teen’s coach’s performance. As proof, scientists of Bejing university have reported in 2022, 46% of tutors in china do not have an academic certificate while they have several students.


There are numerous solutions that adults can consider to solve the problems that mentioned above. First of all, kids should be aware of the ever-present possibility of getting injured during their activities. If they know which problem can be happened, they will be on the safe side, consistently. For instance, if it were not for my father’s notices during hiking, I would not have a healthy body right now. In addition, having good equipment can answer physical damages to youngsters, because accidents always could happen to anybody. For example, wearing a helmet has saved so many lives all over the world.


Overall, I hold the view that despite the pleasure that a healthy body could give us, getting injuries is inevitable; so I predict, the more world gets modern, the more lives can be saved from any disabilities.





Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children engaged in sports are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas. What are the main reasons for this? What solutions can you suggest?


It is true that some kids who are engrossed by extreme sports, get injured during these kind of activities. While there are various causes that make these difficulties, I believe that government and parents of these children can take proper steps to tackle with these disasters.

Many points can be numbered for the reasons of unwanted sports’ side effects. Firstly, some children take part in physical activities which are dangerous for their age or condition. For example, in children who have diseases like seizure or asthma, swimming could be very perilous, because their sickness’s attack can happen during the sport and make them breathless. Not all kinds of sports are desirable for all sorts of children. Secondly, some families want their child to be always the best, as a result they put their kids in danger by emphasizing on the competition aspect of sports and this mental and physical pressure on children render them overloaded. Finally, insufficient sports’ safety tools before participating in exercises can endanger kids and consequently they are not well protected against unexpected events.

For curbing these drawbacks, in my opinion, those who have power and children’s parents could perform preventing measures. For example, if juniors are taught how to take care of themselves and at the same time follow their sports’ trends, the exercises disadvantages are diminished. One another effective solution is that all sport activities which are done by kids, follow under supervision of one senior, therefor they can help prohibit undesirable events. In addition, wearing safety gears before accomplishing any extreme sport can be preventive from serious traumas, therefore both child and his observer could be more confident about sports’ negative effects.

In conclusion, by considering various reasons of prominent sports’ side effects, I opine that government and child’s relationships could deal with this obstacles by proper considerations.





Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Those children who show a great tendency to diverse range of sports activities might exposed to getting exhausted  or severe injuries. There are some leading causes for this case as well as some effective approaches that can be taken towards it.


To begin with, there are two compelling reasons behind these deleterious physical effect. Firstly, children usually tend to be too adventurous which orients them towards opting for extreme sports. In order to become successful in this field, they are in need of doing vigorous exercises which is likely to be harmful for their body. A good illustration for this claim is boxing , through which children are in danger of getting suffered from having long term and hard workout. Secondly, using performance-enhancing drugs lies at the root of serious traumas in sports. In other words, since this age group’s desire to be prosperous and winner in all competition they participate in, they crave for consuming these drugs  as a path to overcome their rivals regardless of the side effects.


Having said that, there are some functional solutions for this problem. First and foremost is the supervisory role of parents for adjusting the intensity of exercises on the basis of their child’s ability and skilsl. No need to mention that some children are able to outperform in mind exercises such as chess while they do not act efficiently at physical ones like weight lifting and this issue should be recognized and instructed by parents. The next point is related to the presence of a professional coach which is of high significance during children workout. Most of the time a good coach aims to drive them to the decent and proper sort of sports without any hazardous behavior trough which not only they would not become overloaded , but also they are secure of any serious traumas.


To conclude, although children who are active in sport are at the risk of harm because of some deniable factors, there are potential solutions to prevent them from experiencing this situation.


Eli Shiri




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?


Children who are highly involved in sport frequently put too much effort into this activity or get severely injured. This is mainly because the young people are immature and know little about safety, which can be addressed if proper measures are taken.

Not being mature enough can be one of the reasons why the younger generation are overloaded with physical activity or encounter severe traumas. In youth sports, small, weak athletes who have not yet hit their growth spurt often compete against bigger, stronger athletes who have matured earlier. While the smaller athletes over-exert themselves in an attempt to dominate their larger opponents, the larger athletes having greater strength may seriously hurt them. Dealing with this issue involves schools and gyms regulating strict rules so as to prevent sports competition if there is a disparity in height and weight between children of the same age. 

Other than insufficient physical development, the adolescents are not as aware of safety precautions as they should be, so putting themselves at risk of serious damages. My brother can be a good example. When he was a little child, he used to lift too heavy objects in order to become more powerful, but now when he knows that this habit can hurt the spine, he does not risk his health anymore. To overcome this issue, children practicing a sport should be monitored by an adult who enforces the safety rules. This will prevent any accidental event and also to identify if they are loaded with excessive physical activities. 

In conclusion, physical immaturity and lack of information about safety are the reasons why the youth who are eager to doing sports often work out intensively or even get traumatized. However, some steps such as, imposing a regulation by schools and clubs and adult supervision can be taken to curb this problem.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

That children who participate in sports activities most often have to deal with huge amount of physical activities and may suffers from that, can have some reasons which need to be solved.

One of the two main causes that such children face difficulties lies in the fact that they sometimes cannot control their incentives. Starting a sport, many children become interested in making progress in the sport they are involved. Because of sheer enthusiasm of the children and their age situation, many of them cannot manage their amount of activities on that sport. In fact, as they are in a vulnerable age, they would not be able to recognize the standard level of doing exercise. The second reason is that many clubs or managers put a lot pressure on children taking part in a sport. These decision-makers sometimes overlook the abilities of the children. As a result, many young people engaging in a sports activity suffer from some problems like tiredness or even injuries, so they may need to treat themselves.

Nevertheless, to solve these issues, I think these children should practice in qualified centers. If they went to the places approved, its qualified trainers would put children in the right direction. Given enough and correct information about a sport, children would be able to do their desired workouts in a standard way. Thus, they do not exceed the limits and comply with the right rules to stay healthy. For example, if a teenager decide to do exercise more than his capability, his experienced trainer will suggest some sincere pieces of advice and help him to step in the right track.

To conclude, leaving children to do a sports without a decent coach can have detrimental effects for children’s health.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children entertained with sport are involved in many injuries associated with phisical activities. I believe this is the consequence of having a sense of competition between athletes.

To begin with, the more children have keen competition, the more their well-being is neglected. During working out, children just concentrate on their actions to be ultimate winner, in this case they can not be careful with their bodies or the damages that they are exposed to. Furthermore, not only is doing exercises a pursuit for children, but also it appears as an outlet for their energies. Discharging energy enables them to reduce their thrill but it leads to distraction from plenty of traumas during working out, because they indulge in doing vigorous activities which are hazardous. Thus, they are the justifications of the advent of many damages.

Moreover, should trainer can carry out athletes, they will not face many drawbacks. By enforcing some restrictions, children may be controlled properly. For instance, determining  certain time can prevent athletes from doing either strenuous exercises or harsh activities, so they can not be traumatized. In addition, organizing a plethora of training sessions by trainer can be effective as kids can grasp how they can control themselves during the playing or working out and be cognizant about the damages threatening them. This is to say, the significant role of trainers should not be neglected.

By way of conclusion, highly vital as children’s actions are, but they should be supervised for the seek of avoiding traumas.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

There are a plethora of overpracticing children,training intensive activities and suffer from some physical conditions. In my perspective, this issue has been created by the vast number of perks, influencing their lives such as earning social acknowledgement and relieving their mental pressures which will be offset by some measures by cooperative activities between families and societies. In this essay i will delve deeper into causes and give some remedies to mitigate this situation. 

To commence whit first and foremost reason, it can be said that in this contemporary era, due to the global access to social media grabbing the attentions of most teenagers and this proportion of communities follow influential figures having attractive body shape and bulging muscles like celebrities and fashion models. Moreover, this trend of being fit and handsome is increasing by leaps and bounds between younger generation even olders,as a result, they desire to strive toward getting splendid builds and earn social acknowledgements among their peers and take some hazardous drugs or powders threatening their total health. On the other hand, these days because of high speed of life, more and more people suffer from chronic anxiety and aggressive behaviors to keep up whit this high pace,consequently, working out in gyms or sport centers for several hours is a beneficial way to stimulate their nervous systems and also keep their conducts under their control. 

Turning out to the solutions, in my opinion households and societies play pivotal roles in this phenomenon. For instance, schools should provide well-organized schedules for their pupils to do useful activities during a week in moderation,as well as their study curriculums. Furthermore, parents should change their attitudes toward bringing up their offspring. For example, show respectful acts on their children's viewpoints and avoid of putting down their ideas thanks to their mistakes so they can help them to develop real self-confidence in their characteristics as a powerful tool in their lives. Therefore, they will not attempt to be unique to get a good feel about themselves and won't be impressed by others to try forward be more attractive because they are aware of their differences and like them as a beautiful thing. 

To sum up, nowadays doing hard and dangerous activities, posing many perils on the physical health of children have an increasing trend caused by social media and more pressures of today life and it would be beneficial for constraining this issue to rethink about the worldwide trends of introducing a human.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

These days, there is an ongoing debate regarding overwhelming children in arduous activities. Children involved in sports are under the burden of demanding physical activity or suffering from extreme hurt. I will discuss the reasons that cause engaging children and give some solutions about how to deal with this situation.

      One of the first reasons probably is that parents aim to turn their children what they dream. This is because the vast majority of parents are impressed by athletic children who can win Olympic prizes; hence, parents deserve their children to become an athlete without considering their ability and intelligence because of being a well-known winners. There is no doubt that this perspective will apparently have a detrimental effect on children’s health. Another chief cause is often children may suffer from a shortage of sufficient time management. To put it another way, most children are forced to focus too much on exercise due to the fact that they do not have a correct plan to devote their time to exercise. Take schooling children in less developed countries as an example, they have been encouraging to participate in football classes rather than spending their time on education. In contrast, children in developed countries are planned to juggle both their educational and physical activities equally. Consequently, spending proper time on different activities can lead children to succeed.

          It is important that action is taken to combat this situation. Government can deal with this issue with some activities, such as introducing a new law to restrict and limit children’s arduous sport. Parents also have part to play in reducing children’s exercise, which can be done through managing their children’s tine to prevent overloading with physical activities and getting serious trauma. Educational establishments could monitor their students’ activities without intruding their privacy.

    In conclusion, engaging children in demanding sport may be fruitless because of their parents’ dreams and lack of time management. However, with right action by parents, authorities and school, it can lead children to become successful. 

Sara amini /ac     





Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is true that children involved in sport activities often suffer from overload burden and serious injuries due to these activities. I think there are two main reasons contributing to this issue, however, parents and sport officials can tackle the problem. 


To begin with, some reasons can contribute to the problem of which two are the most important ones. Firstly, the level of body maturation in children is lower than that of adults. In fact, tissues such as muscles and bones are not completely matured in a child. This can sensitize children body structures, predisposing them to physical load and traumas. For instance, if a soccer ball hits a child’s head, it can cause irreparable damage as the skull bones are more fragile than that adults’. Secondly, the rules and standards of sport games, such as game time, are often for adulthood, which can be too long or too energy-consuming for childhood age. Football match, as an example, lasts 90 minutes, which a young child may find it difficult to play all this time, resulting in tiredness and overloading of physical activity.


However, there are some solutions that should be taken by families and sport authorities. In the first place, parents should deter their kids from engaging in traumatic sports such as wrestling. The more a child is exposed to  action sports, the more likely it is for them to be traumatized. It would be better to encourage them to more safe sports such as swimming. In the second place, sport officials should define new sport standards for those children who still wish to play extreme sports. For instance, they can design lighter and softer balls and reduce the match time for children games. 


In conclusion, the high frequency of overloading and serious injuries due to sport activities in children can have two reasons: the less matured body structure of children and rigid sport rules for children. To solve the problem children should be discourage from traumatic and tiring sports by their parents and officials should design equipment and sporting regulations for childhood age. 




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is true that children who participate in sports activities may suffer from physical or mental injuries. This essay will outline the reason why children face problems in sports, and explore some potential solutions to this issue.

From an overall perspective, there are two main reasons why children who do sports are frequently overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas. The primary cause of that is sports equipment for children is not customized. It means that children should practice with the same equipment that adults have practiced, and this can lead to problems in their bodies or make children feel that they are deprived of the importance of having appropriate equipment. For example, I saw children under ten years old playing with soccer balls meant for adults, which can be harmful to children in the long run. In addition, sports coaches who teach children do not have enough information about the physiology of children or do not feel the difference between them. 

However, there are a variety of viable solutions hot hands to address this problem. First, parents should register their children in special academies for children so that the necessary equipment is designed for children. Secondly, they should monitor their children's physical performance and morale on a weekly basis, and if they see any physical or mental problems in them, they should immediately contact the coaches and responsible people so that the problem can be solved before it becomes acute.

In conclusion, it seems that exercising children can often lead to some physical and mental problems in them. This could have various reasons, the most important of which is that the equipment is not compatible with the children, or the trainers are not trained in this regard. The most important thing that can be done is to send the children to academies that are made for children, and if any physical or mental problem is observed, the necessary follow-ups to solve that problem should be done immediately.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Apparently, taking exercise such as doing sports could bring its own benefits to children's overall health. Nevertheless, it is worth bearing in mind that getting children overwhelmed with intensive physical activities might take its heavy toll on their wellbeing resulting in mental downturns including trauma, seizure; to name but a few. 


Admittedly, the main basis for such disasters is when heart, as a vital organ, starts working improperly due to a disruption caused by doing extreme exercises, To put it another way, such mental issues occur once a child's heart no longer pumps blood throughout all organs including muscles. What is more, mental collapse and inactivity of brain cells, in particular, is to a large extent due to the intensity of physical activity which may bring about many devastating effects on a child's mental health.  


Needles to say, experienced coaches who are in the know of every child's medical background, can play a huge role in minimizing the risk of such incidents. In other words, if they knew extreme sports might have serious repercussions for one, they would lay down rules to limit their exercise plan. As well as this, attendence of physicians at training sessions prepared to take immediate actions to save a child's life in case of a seizure, as an illustration, is suggested as a remedy for such occurrences .  


In conclusion, despite having a beneficial impact on children when it comes to health and fitness, overexercise may put an unprecedented strain on their mental health leading to life-threatening consequences. 








Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Kids doing different sports leads to, either too many exercises or significant traumas. The main reason is the lack of awareness among kids, but this issue can be tackled by various solutions.

Sometimes, lack of awareness causes considerable traumas. Some kids think that they should put all their energies and efforts into exercises in sports, and there are no parents or teachers to educate them about the sufficient amount of sports, or the consequences of doing too many sports. As a result, they over exceed in doing exercises, which may cause serious injuries and traumas. Doing too much exercise may result in having a faint due to a lack of glucose, and this is popular among kids, who are overloaded with sports.

Various solutions can be employed in order to address this problem. The first solution is to teach kids from a young age and guide them through not exceeding a particular amount of exercise, and if they exceed their limit, what types of issues they may face. The second solution is to have a parent or a coach control the kids through their exercise period. Sometimes kids are too young to be educated, or the education may not be helpful, as a result, a parent or a coach should keep an eye on the amount of exercise, which is done by the kid. The last solution is to establish a particular time for kids’ exercises. So kids are only allowed to do a specific amount of sport, and consequently, they will not exceed their limit.

In conclusion, sometimes kids overload themselves with sports, and it leads to traumas and injuries. This could be due to a lack of awareness and can be tackled via educating the kids about this issue, having a coach or a parent controlling the kid, and establishing a particular time for doing sports.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

There is a belief that underaged people who take part in sports are working out excessively or getting severe injures. The root of the problem lies in the effect of social media and lack of constant supervision, but it can fortunately be solved if proper measures are taken.


  The effect of social media is the initial reason for underaged sportspeople to put too much effort into sport activities. This can attract children’s attention, who is keen on doing sports, to the body of bodybuilders. Therefore, they want to build their muscles by doing powerlifting which is harmful for their spine. For instance, the youth try to life heavy weights to become more powerful and increase their muscles size. It is also inevitable fact that most of sports stars are not good role models for kids due to the fact that they take drugs to develop muscles tone and become famous. One method to address this difficulty is on parents shoulder to inform children by telling them to do sports not only for enjoyment but also for health reasons. Being healthy is much more important than having well-shaped body which is built by using some harmful drugs. Besides, they should monitor the loved ones’ social media usage including who they are friends with and what they post, like and share.


  Compounded with the effect of social media, it is lack of supervision which leads children to encounter traumas. They are unaware of potential risks during physically demanding sports, meaning that they have very limited knowledge about how detrimental sports can be. Considering soccer competitions, which took place at schools, as a great example. These competitions are the main reasons for kids to be injured without continuous monitoring. Several methods are available to overcome this issue, the best of which seems to look after offsprings. Young aged people should be monitored by coach or parents thus, it prevents any accidents such as twisting. Moreover, providing some personal protective equipments such as helmets and knee pads can be beneficial when the coach is distracted


  To sum up, there are lots of reasons for kids to be overloaded with sports such as parents attention deprivation and damaging consequences of using social media. Although involving in heavy workouts can be harmful for children, some steps can be taken to put an end to physical injuries.


Samaneh Mollazadeh




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children  who are involved in sporting events  are expected to be frequently  overburdened with  physical activities or serious  injuries . Although this problem could lie in convincing reasons , several workable policy could be adopted to address it .

There are some perceptible grounds why  young adults engaged in sports activities suffer from severe physical harms . First and foremost is lack of adequate knowledge  about hazardous sports actions . In other words ,   sportspeople may be presented with physical harms during sports events when they risk their physical well-being . Take school soccer players for notable example ; they might spare no effort to win in a soccer match , hence they are exposed to  hurt themselves . Another legitimate reason is negligence of parents . That is to say , engaging in busy lifestyle , many parents  may fail to pay enough attention to  their offsprings . For instance ,   parents with nine-to -five jobs can no longer attend  their offsprings’  school sports days.


To protect young adults  from  physical injuries derived from serious traumas  , some viable policies could be applied . To begin with ,  youthful sports players could hold physical harms at bay if they utilize  qualified equipment . For example , when baseballers use special helmet  in their playing  , they might keep head injuries to a minimum . Moreover , the more youthful sportspeople are  carefully  monitored by a  well-skilled coach in a soccer team for example  , the less they might be damaged such as injures in knee which is so prevalent among soccer players  .

To conclude , whereas  children ‘unawareness as well as parents' negligence could  cause  children to develop physical harms  , some practical strategies could be employed to approach this issue .




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Children's commitment to sports is mainly overwhelmed by high physical activity, which can lead to severe problems. This issue might be related to psychological points, which mention that children need approval from another person. Indeed, sports contests as competitional events are a kind of opportunity that children can display their abilities.

In addition to the above notes, it can be discussed that social viewpoints have direct roles in this phenomenon. Children request attention to themselves to illustrate their talent and skill in various ways. Therefore, engagement in sports is one of those situations in that children can show their abilities to gain this purpose. It seems that it may depend on their satisfaction after praise, which this behavior may have adverse effects on children's physical and mental health. Besides, the role of parents, teachers, and counselors is critical in handling this harmful manner. They should talk to children and make clear that if they win in an event, it will not be everything. On the other hand, if they failed in a competition, it would not be the end of the world.

For instance, when I was a child, I went to a wrestling match with my father. Then, I did my best to achieve rank one in that contest to get my father's admiration. Finally, although I won the gold medal, my hand was injured because I engaged seriously in that match. That was so horrible for me because the side effects of that hand injury are still with me now.

Overall, it can be concluded that psychological education through schools or TV programs can spotlight diverse dimensions of this controversial subject for children. Moreover, parents must be taught their children to overcome this terrible situation without any damage.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is true that young people are at risk of detrimental physical and mental problems if they put too much pressure on themselves by doing vigorous exercise. There are a variety of possible reasons for this, but steps can definitely be taken to tackle the issue.

In my opinion, three main factors are to blame for the injuries that teenagers may be prone to when they are in a gym or a sports club. Firstly, most of the time, children are left without proper supervision, which may result in overlooking safety measures by them. Secondly, some sports centers suffer from the lack of experts who are familiar with nursing procedures or first aid in emergency cases. Finally, some events are avoidable and can be considered as part of any activity. Like unexpected accidents or technical malfunctions.
The extent of damage can be mitigated. I strongly believe that the change must start with setting up strict safety rules and guidelines by the official authorities. Furthermore, raising standards in facilities and renovating devices can be helpful in optimal use. Another solution would be to choose a senior supervisor for the activities, especially those risky ones. At the same time, holding some training sessions for coaches in order to improve their nursing skills is considered to be a wise action.

In conclusion, serious harm affects children unless the mentioned precautions are taken by parents or principals to tackle these difficulties. Keeping observations on how things are running smoothly during a recreational program is essential.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In this era, it is widely acknowledged that the majority of juveniles who engage in sports have frequently experienced getting demanding injuries and physical damage. In the following essay, I aim to identify the sources of this matter as well as some viable solutions to it.

From my standpoint, perhaps the most vital cause of severe traumas is the lack of experience among youngsters and the shortage of adult supervision. First and foremost, not only do adolescents are unaware of potential risks, but they also are willing to find out their extraordinary skills through sport. For instance, although juveniles attempt to play numerous sports, such as football and volleyball, to demonstrate their aptitude to others, they do not have any attention to safety precautions like making use of safety attire. While there is no question that parents encourage their kids to do sports to have a healthy lifestyle, experiences have shown that physical activities can bring drastic adverse ramifications on teenagers' health if they do the workout without any surveillance by adults.

One promising solution to combat getting injuries to underage individuals is for youngsters are supposed to play sports under proper guidance and guidelines. In other words, no matter how many workouts adolescents do in their routine life, what matters is how many children are monitored by a professional coach or parents. For example, when kids ride bicycles, they should be supervised by their teacher and make use of safety and appropriate apparel such as helmets, leg pads and gloves. 

In conclusion, having considered all arguments above, I would assert that supervising minors and utilizing safety attire during sports play a more crucial role than others sources. Furthermore, being immature juveniles in workouts can have a deleterious impact on their healthy physique.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In today’s advanced world that being overweight has become a problem for children parents try to fill their children’s free time by registering them in various sports clubs and gyms to prevent them from a sedentary lifestyle that is an irrefutable factor for being less fit. In my opinion, a lack of recovery knowledge and science that can determine the corresponding between styles and sports may be responsible for children being exhausted or injured.

Many children’s sports centers have just concentrated on attracting numerous members to apply for financial matters. To avoid physical activity overloading, a coach or trainer must know the science of recovery and massage influences that can diminish physical injuries and feel exhausted. Because most muscles are under severe pressure during training, methods such as massage and some special light activity must be applied to reduce the pressure slowly. Because many specialists believe most injuries occur from a sudden stop of activities.

The other reason might be that children are engaged in sports which have not corresponded to their body style. For example, it would be better for children who are fatter than a normal level not to play soccer or volleyball. Due to heavy weight and shortage of needed balance, particularly during high speed and jump, they easily get injured or probably feel exhausted after the activity.

In conclusion, in my opinion, although doing sport indeed has numerous advantages for children, lack of recovery knowledge and high-level science about selecting appropriate body style for various sports may lead to creating injuries and tiredness.   




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It has been said that children who are engaged in sport are overloaded with physical activities or even worse, they may get traumatized. There are several reasons and solutions for this phenomenon which need to be considered.  

Children who do sports in school are often doomed to be hurt due to dangerous exercisers. 
One reason for that might be the pressure which their parents, managers or even their friends put on them, and this can provoke the children to do more exercise than they are required to. As a result of that, children often hurt themselves, they may face some issues, such as fatigue and exhaustion and also when they fail a practice in sport they may feel terrible about that and this might lead to anxiety and trauma. 
It has been proved that, managers and trainers who are not experienced enough to train children can hurt them by using wrong methods without being aware of that.  

One solution that has been recommended by experts in this field, is called advising people around children who participate in sophisticated physical activities. By doing this, people around them like their parents and friends can understand that putting pressure on the child can not be advantageous.
There is also a solution for inexperienced trainers, one thing that has been offered by professionals is sending those trainers and practitioners to special classes in order to understand how to interact and train each child in a way that is beneficial for both sides. 

To conclude, children who are practicing physical activities are usually being hurt, physically and emotionally. However, there are many ways to overcome this barrier. 




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

The number of children who participate in sports activities has been increasing in recent years. Yet, some of these young people may engage in intensive activities far above their abilities, and may also suffer from severe sports injuries. There are two main explanations for these issues which can be addressed by taking proper measures, explained in this essay.


The major justification behind children being overloaded with sports is the false expectations they have from themselves. Some children may overestimate their own abilities and talents and fall under the wrong impression that they can reach success in national or even international sports competitions. Therefore, they push themselves to the limits and practice for long hours towards reaching that goal. Without having a correct perspective of their limits, these children get exhausted in the long run and will not be able to gain any success. To tackle this problem, both parents and teachers should try to guide children and point them in the direction to get to know their abilities and limits, without having extraordinary expectations from themselves.


Regarding sports traumas some children may get, the first and foremost reason is that most of them lack the guidance of a professional trainer. These young athletes perform exercises and may even use sports equipment not in the appropriate way and hence, impose injuries, such as tendon rupture, to their bodies. Take football as an example, which holds so much appeal among young boys. Many young football players blow out their knee joint and may end up undergoing a surgery to get it fixed since they do not know how to perform some technical movements, like proper shooting. Nevertheless, these problems can be easily dealt with by hiring professional tutors for interested children. If there are trained teachers supervising children, they will learn the proper ways to perform each movement in a given sport. The more they get familiar with the basics of each sports activity, the less is the chance they get injured.


In conclusion, having high expectations of themselves and engaging in sports activities without learning its hacks and tricks from a professional trainer, can lead children into overwhelming sports activities and sports traumas. By encouraging children to have a realistic picture of themselves and hiring trained teachers for them, we can help them overcome such problems. 


Saghar Mehraban






Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It has become a widespread belief that exercise is part of the physical development of a healthy person. For years, researchers have emphasized that children need physical activity to have a better growth rhythm, especially in the contemporary, apartment-dwelling lifestyle.

By the way, some families may exaggerate these recommendations. They impose these activities on their children by forcing them to undergo various sports courses, rigorous training, and full-time training schedules just for their own ambitions. Not only does it harm their physical health, but also it can lead to mental and emotional damages and trauma. 

Children should play games consisting physical activities instead of professional sports because children's bodies cannot withstand a lot of pressure which may be normal for adults. On the other hand, many professional sports have their diet, while we know that children are growing at this age and imposing a diet may cause health problems for them. For example, sports such as gymnastics may prohibit people from eating fats and sweets, but children need a certain amount of them to provide their daily energy. In addition, excessive exercise will cause stress in children and make them neglect to pay attention to other aspects of their development, such as education, intellectual games, and communication with peers. All these may make children depressed or aggressive in the long run.

To deal with these issues, it is advisable for parents that to seek help from pediatric specialists before making any decisions regarding their child's sports future. In addition, they ought to allow their children to feel unrestrained about their physical activities, to be more involved in childhood games, and to have better relationships with other children.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

In recent times, physical activities such as sports are necessary for children as part of their curriculum in education system. The youth who are keen on sports are frequently found with serious injuries due to various reasons such as lack of safety and adults’ attention during physical activities. In this essay I will find out the causes of these consequences and indicate what can be done to avoid them


To begin with, there are plenty of reasons why younger people are often overloaded with activities or encounter severe traumas. Firstly, there is a lack of safety precaution due to which more youngsters are facing injuries. Another major cause of this is inadequate supervision and many accidents occur in sports because of lack of supervision. For instance, if a student wants to practice weight lifting and some injuries such as dislocation of bones and fracture of joints may be happened without the presence of any supervisor.



There are various effective solution to reduce the risk of injuries faced by sportspeople while playing sports. The most prominent one is to wear appropriate safety equipment while practicing and they should be aware of potential damage. For example, knee pads are really helpful for those who do gymnastics. another way to solve this problem is every child should practice sports in the presence of a coach in order to know the rules of the games and the way to play it.


Overall, it can be concluded that all of the injuries will be happened due to lack of safety and supervision, therefore some measures should be taken to address many issues by providing safety equipment and adults attention while playing.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Most of the time children who are occupied with sports are overcharged with physical activities and it leads to several irreparable injuries. From my perspective, overdoing everything can be harmful to our health. I will consider some reasons and solutions for solving this issue.

One of the major causes of it is the lack of necessary training. Indeed, this problem not only does it make learning hard but also leads to trauma. Another reason is even though children have a high level of energy, they do have not high body strength in comparison with adults and become weary rapidly. For example, john. h is a famous athlete that was injured in his childhood sports, just because of lacking suitable learning during exercise.

To my mind, one of the functional solutions for learning education in terms of sports is related to the parents that support their children. In addition, they have to choose a professional master for teaching their children in another practical way. Moreover, due to the structure of children's bodies, they do not do heavy sports and overload themselves with the sport. Also, their parents have the responsibility for handling children's nutrition. For instance, one of the well-known scientists proved nutrition plays a key role in growth and it can prevent traumas. I suppose that the more having a healthy diet, the more having a strong body and mind.

In conclusion, overcharging with sports activity and getting awful traumas can happen due to children who engaged in sports, which have some causes like lacking appropriate education and weakness of their body. These causes have some solutions, too. Like improving their body strength and selecting expert masters.




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Sports are often followed by drawbacks like hard injuries for young people who are engaging with them. There are two main reasons and two helpful solutions for this issue that I would like to point them out in this essay.
The primary reason backs to the children’s young age. They are less cautious in their trainings than teenager and adults. Their risk taker personality that sources from massive energy allows them to try dangerous trainings without any mindfulness about the consequences. Since the first key to stay healthy in sports is self-care, children often get hurt in physical activities.
The physical capacity of young people is the second reason of why they become overloaded with sports. In terms of physiology, bones and muscles are not fully prepared for hard practices in young ages, and as a result, over exercising can bring major health issues in children.
While solutions vary from sport to sport and person to person, having parents and instructors to take more care of the child is the first general effective solution. It would slightly compensate the child’s lack of awareness. Furthermore, choosing the appropriate sport based on the physical capacity and limitation of the person, must be alongside getting advice from relation experts to avoid future traumas.
To conclude, the weakness of self-care morality and the limited physical capacity of children can cause drawbacks, and I think surveillance of adults and choosing the proper sport are key factors to reduce the disadvantages.
Sarvenaz Pazooki




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

The issue of whether or not children would be damaged by doing physical activities has grown in importance over the past few decades. It has been suggested that children would experience physical damage if they are engaged in working out. I think exploring the leading causes of such damage will assist in finding suitable solutions to protect them from physical events.
Not a full attention to safety precautions can partly account for the increasing physical events in children when they are exercising.  That is to say since children are immature and unaware of observing safety instructions and rules, they do not sometimes wear proper attire, specific to that sport, to protect them from potential damage.  When given a proper education, children are highly unlikely to get big damage. Take required clothes for playing cricket, for example, if parents teach children to wear leg pads, gloves, and a helmet, they would not face a plethora of injuries.
Lack of proper supervision can also explain why children are overloaded with physical traumas while exercising.  In another word, many of the events which have occurred for them are associated with times their teacher was not in class.  Enrolling in the weightlifting class without the presence of the teacher is patently an obvious example.  Before lifting, they can be observed by a coach to protect them from doing some activities that can hurt them physically.
To conclude, even though lack of a safety suit and a good teacher has contributed to numerous physical injuries during children's exercise. However, parents as well as a coach can remedy this problem.  I think raising children's awareness and encouraging them to wear safe clothes and also observing constantly caring for them constantly when carrying out rigorous are the right steps on this path.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Worldwildly speaking, There are many regions where their revenue is mostly dependent on travelers. Despite this, without proper supervision, it can have adverse effects on various sectors of the host country. Being an avid traveler, I believe that the merits of tourism surely outnumber its demerits.


Thanks to the advancement of transportation in modern world, the growing tourim industry proved to be benefitical in numerous ways. For one thing, Thousands of job oppertunities are provided in related services, such as transportation, accommodation and entertainment. Even individuals can benefit from this profitable industry, as there is always a need for local guide or domestic restuarants offering traditional food. For the other, travelers can also benefit from visiting a foregin country as they will get femiliar with another culture, which can broaden their perspective, as well as help them think outside the box.


Nonetheless, top tourists' destinations are usually located near places with rare charactristics, which travelers can cause irriversable harm to. For instance, forests and beaches are constantly being replaced by outstanding hotels and entertainment sites. This can endanger the rare floral and fauna of these regions and increase the number of extinced species. Furthermore, visitors are not much concerned about ecology of the host country as they lack a sence of responsibility. Thus, a tremendous amount of pollution and trash can be produced and left behind. Should this situation not get addressed properly, it will bring about a disaster upon enviroment.


To conclude, tourism has been a debatable topic. It is suggested that tourism can immensly boost the economic of the host country, where as critics argue about its possible diverse impact if its wrongly handled. Considering both advantages and disadvantages, I believe that its benefits definately outweigh its drawbacks.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

As mentioned clearly in the topic, tourism has benefits for countries, however, it can lead to making problems too. This essay is going to discuss its advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, it seems that the positive effects of tourism over than its adverse effects.

One of the most critical advantages of tourism is its direct impact on the host country's economic conditions. When different visitors go to a place, they can create job opportunities for host people. Hence, most people's income would be increased by hosting tourists and making their services. For example, some countries in the world survived only based on tourism. One of those places that manage their countries firmly according to tourism is Southeast Asian countries. Indeed, different vocations of host countries such as transportation careers, hotelier, and shopping centers can boom by coming and going visitors. Eventually, the revenue of that country would be improved by increasing the gross national product alongside decreasing the unemployment rate.

On the other hand, tourism can occasionally induce adverse effects on host locations. These problems might have related to diverse manners like cultural, social, and environmental issues. For instance, when visitors from various countries go to other countries, they convey their cultural and social habits. Then, these habits might be incompatible with the host country's customs. Moreover, overcrowded host zones could result in air pollution and wasting natural resources, which cause unavoidable problems for the environment.

Therefore, it can be concluded that tourism not only has unbelievable effects on the economic situations of host countries but also can influence them negatively. Thus, it can be recommended to support tourism rather than criticize it since its advantages will outweigh its drawback if we consider and evaluate everything.    




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweighs its drawbacks?


It is true that tourism industry is a major financial system for many countries. Some people argue that with misleading in this trend, it can be problematic.  Besides having various benefits and drawbacks of tourists visiting of spectacular locations, I opine that the desirable impacts are more prominent.


On the one hand, when travelers decide to drop in touristic points, numerous new professional opportunities arise. By spending their times and funds over these fascinating scenes, tourists promote economic chains locally. Many new careers from hotel providers to tour leaders and even regional restaurants profit. Therefore, unemployment’s rate diminishes and it render economic boost. Indeed, people’s knowledge about other cultures, nations and traditions enhances which can be effective on their daily routines, life experiences and interpersonal connections.

On the other hand, alongside with these positive views, different negative points are perceived. Some tourists make ground pollution by falling litter or sometimes they erode historical monuments while drawing or carving on their walls for making memories, especially at the absence of reliable security services. For example, in Perspolis in Iran, lots of drawing-souvenirs on its piles can be seen which are produced by previous visitors. Furthermore, some tourists commit criminal acts like robbery or fraudulence that is provided insecurity. If these kinds of unwilling respects of tourism, bolded by opponents of this industry, it is not weird that local people do not fond travelers and visitors.

In conclusion, considering both various negative and positive aspects of tourism as discussed above, I believe that its profits outweigh the undesirable points.





A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Tourism is one of the essential industries for every country since it can be financially and socially beneficial, which could result in improvement of the country. Despite these upsides, it might cause some issues such as conflict between tourists and residents. I am convinced that its benefits outweigh drawbacks.
To begin with, one of the striking benefits of tourism is that the culture and history of the country would be known to people all over the world. In the other words, when visitors go to a tourist attraction and are satisfied with the facilities, they would advertise it mostly on social media. Thanks to the cutting edge technologies toda visitors share their valuable experience at the moment on media such as Facebook and Instagram. So, it would encourage enthusiastic individuals to put that place on their travel list. The more tourists visit a country, the more the culture is introduced globally. Furthermore, tourism has profound impacts on the revenue of countries, as visitors should pay for the accommodation or buy locally produced souvenirs as well as eating local food.
Although tourism can positively contribute to the advancement of countries, the disadvantages should not be ignored. To put it differently, there are often significant cultural differences between countries, which could lead to misunderstanding. For instance, in Japan, eating food in public places is considered as a rude behavior, which is usually normal in other countries. As a result, it is highly unlikely that locals communicate with tourists. However, I think the moral and behavioral issues could be alleviated simply by informing visitors. I mean, if they be aware of the cultures of their destination,  would probably respect them.
To sum up, tourism could promote the financial situation of countries as visitors spend a great deal of money for their recreation. So, I think the related problems such as cultural differences could be solved.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Due to the convenience provided for traveling, tourism has been widespread across the world and, some governments rely on this industry as their main income source. From my point of view, tourism is an advantageous aspect of the modern world and embodies countless positive points. In this article, I will mention a few backing reasons for my statement.

First and foremost, tourism can enhance a country's economy and boosts local businesses. Tourists spend money on accommodation and recreational facilities, they may even use their currency which, may have more value. This foreign-currency income has a profound impact on the destination economy.

Moreover, tourism is a great opportunity for cultural exchange. As people from other countries with different cultural backgrounds gather in a certain place, their etiquette and manners would be shared.

Additionally, travelers usually are those with more sophistication. Exploration around the Earth provides a broadened perspective for tourists. Persians believe that the most preferred method for becoming a mature person is to travel. These experienced individuals can enter universities or other educational facilities and share their acquirements.

However, tourism can damage the environment. Visitors of wildlife sometimes burn jungles and throw garbage in natural habitats which would be consumed by animals. This industry has great potential for exacerbating the current situation. Nevertheless, by authorization and devising regulations this negative influence might be managed.

In conclusion, I reiterate tourism is one of the best chances that this modern era has provided, and its merits defiantly outweigh the demerits.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Time is altering and so are the benefits of people who are traveling all around the world. Although it is argued that tourists' demerits weigh the merits, it is refuted by this essay that this may not be the case. There is a considerable number of reasons two of which are cultural and geography identification.

Traveling to another county leads people to have a comprehensive understanding of the locations that exist all around the world for different purposes. Take, as an illustration, China where the greatest wall is located, and many businessmen have figured out the investment opportunity that exists in this country. Therefore, had not intelligent travelers found that location on this planet they would not have found this place in order to expand their businesses. So, many remarkable chances of gathering data from a place are collected by temporary residents such as tourists.

Having a rich understanding of other countries and learning from behaviors that exist in different nations is another advantage. For example, people who travel to France both enjoy visiting the Eiffel tower and enjoy scrumptious cuisines that are served there. Many people will learn how to bake those foods and educated themselves to behave better. So, the more people attempt to visit exotic countries the more they can familiarize themselves and learn about different attitudes from all around the world.

In summary, countries need to interact with each other in order to spread their names all around the world and manage to show their cultures in order to boost their people’s living. Therefore the best method of familiarizing people with other countries is to travel to the targeted destination and teach them to people who live in the departed country.





A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

Over the last few decades, tourism has become one of the most conspicuous features of life in today’s world which has led to globalization especially after the advent of new technologies in the fields of transportation and accommodation, tourism seems to have improved at a breakneck speed to such an extent that it is considered to have turned into one of the most lucrative industries in the world. However, like all new phenomena, tourism should be viewed as something of a double-edged sword nature. So, it should not be overlooked that tourism has had detrimental effects on societies as well. As a result of this, I intend to single out some of the most significant plus points and downsides of tourism along with expressing my own viewpoint on the subject in the upcoming paragraphs.

As far as the proponents of tourism are concerned, tourism is capable of making a variety of contributions to the development of a typical country in terms of many aspects. For instance, when people from all around the world visit a country, they tend to spend a great deal of money in the host country. Subsequently, the economy of the tourist destination can be affected in the best way possible because a lot of jobs are generated which helps people especially young generation to be employed easily which in turn can put an end to unemployment which is seen as the main root of various difficulties for societies. Consequently, it will lead to having a booming economy in the long run.

Furthermore, tourism enables people to not only benefit from financial aspect but also they are given the chance to meet and get to know people of other countries who come from a myriad of cultures and backgrounds. As a result, local people will be more educated, cultured and open-minded over time because they are more likely to learn other languages and be familiar with other beneficial aspects of the tourists’ cultures.

In addition to that, tourism has the potential to put enough pressure on both the government and private businesses to pay more attention to their country’s infrastructure such as transportation, hospitals, educational centres and so on by investing plenty of money in them, otherwise, they might run the risk of being deprived of earning a huge income which is injected into the society by visitors. So, tourism can have a part to play in helping countries to be developed in different arenas because the more advanced a society gets the more effect it has on people’s wellbeing.

Nevertheless, when it comes to the opponents of tourism, this can be analysed from different perspectives as they see the glass as half empty. For example, they put their fingers on the other side of the coin when they assert that countries which have a lot of tourists are subject to dealing with many issues such as suffering from being overcrowded and pollution, because tourism can cause traffic jams which is responsible for more pollution. Moreover, some tourists might be willing to settle down in the host country, so they will need to find jobs to make ends meet which can put some local people out of business. Additionally, overpopulation and pollution will pose a threat to historical sites in the long term. Another point cited by the opponents is that tourism will result in being prone to cultural invasion which can have a destructive impact on local culture, because as time goes by, the new cultures of the visiting nations permeate into the lifestyles of indigenous individuals which leads many traditions to die out over time.

In conclusion, taking the ideas of both sides of the argument into account, I am of the opinion that to look on the bright side the positive points of tourism by far outweigh its negative points only if things are neither be ignored nor be taken to extremes, so it is the government and the people of all walks of society’s responsibility to make the most of tourism by working shoulder to shoulder in the hope of developing their country in every aspect, because the burden of cutting down on drawbacks of tourism and increasing its profits falls on all members of society regardless of their differences especially the government and prominent private companies and organisations because no body is able to nullify tourism’s difficulties single-handedly and once and for all.






A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

In the last five decades, there has been an increase in the number of people who have been able travelling to places of interest around the world. Although in many countries tourism makes up a large proportion of the national income, it can also create some problems. This essay will discuss the advantages and potential drawbacks of  tourism in the contemporary world, and will show that while some problems may arise in some cases, it will ultimately be a beneficial trend for both society and individual as well. 

 There are a number of significant benefits to developing tourism. From society´s perspective, increased demand from tourists can boost local economies and local businesses. Because when a large number of people visit an area, it requires staff in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, shops and transportation system to provide services and products for visitors. From individual´s perspective, it can provide  a chance to explore new cultures. When people from different countries come to their area, local people can experience new lifestyles, and gain valuable knowledge  about the world around them. It helps promote cultural exchange between people of various backgrounds, which can lead to great understanding among nations or regions.

Admittedly, however, growing tourism trade may also have some negative effects. Many of the tourism activities consciously or unconsciously damage the environment by destruction of natural resources and causing pollution. Shops and restaurants and other economically motivated people never care for the environment or available resources. These could include exploitation of water, land, natural flora and fauna, various pollutions like water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution. Another drawback is that money from the tourism field does not always benefit  local communities. While people who are employed by  large companies such as tour guides, hotel staff and catering workers  receive a small income, the bulk of  the money spent by tourists goes into the pocket of  large conglometers; and small towns that grow overly dependent on tourism can become gost-towns in low seasons, or collapse if tourists´ dollars move elsewhere.

In conclusion, tourism trade is a valuable source of income in many countries, which is why it is necessary to consider ways to promote it. Although it can affect the environment, the benefits of such a  development, is far outweigh this concern.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

It is widely argued that not only is tourist industry money making and profitable in the world, it can be also problematic in case of mismanagement. while there are disadvantages to relying mainly on tourist, I personally believe that the merits are far more.
On the one hand, many commentators justifiably argue that there are advantages to attracting tourists. From their point of view, the rate of unemployment is highly expected to decrease as many job opportunities would be created for the residents of that region especially those who work in service industry. Hotels, restaurants and transport, for instance, are the significant sectors which take the most advantages. 
It Is also maintained that tourism would contribute millions of dollars to the country's economy if it were well established by those who are in charge.
Therefore, the government should place a premium on this industry in order to boost its quality which results in high revenue for the region.
On the other hand, there are those who subscribe to the view that the region’s reliance on tourism is unwise. they argue that tourists are likely to bring about inflation in the country since they are given services on their own currencies basis. In other words, they spend dollars for all facilities they are provided with which would have negative effects on region’s economy. However, I believe these concerns can be easily controlled under a far reaching supervisions of authorities.
In conclusion, although tourism might have some drawbacks, the advantages are more prominent. The economic growth and job vacancies have more far-reaching effects on the society rather than increasing  prices which can be properly managed.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

It is believed that tourist attraction is one of the most important origins for flourishing economics in every country. However, this might pose a serious threat. as long as some rules are not paid attention to effectively. Despite the fact that there are several merits and demerits in increasing tourists in the modern era. I am of the opinion that the positive points of tourism outweigh its negative features.


On the one hand, the rising number of tourists in a country has a profound impact on their economy as a result many unemployed could get a job and set up their business that this decline in statistics of crimes and issues there. Besides this, the tourism industry might improve knowledge and culture in a country by having conversations with foreign people, striking up a friendship as well as learning novel data and information. Another foremost further advantage is that some organizations would be encouraged which develop those places, so they would be the popular spots on the map. Therefore, some building and their infrastructures should be constructed, developing that place leads to growth in well-being and prosperity for occupants. By a way of illustration, residents can utilize modern facilities and equipment that cause to reduce their problems. It is clear that activities culminated to boost some positive respective in an area may create some negative points.


Turning to drawback points, tourism might have opposing effects on the environment, and decrease some natural sources. When many buildings would be built, so some pieces of land would be cleaned which provides some difficulties for the environment such as the loss of habitats for animals and deforestation. In addition, improving this industry could rise pollution and contamination that create a serious question for the surrounding. The next disadvantage is relevant to overpopulation. In other words, some people would be interested in immigrating to that place Since they want to achieve a better lifestyle, that place would be extremely crowded which makes a significant contribution to destroying the source environment and spectacular scenery.  


In conclusion, although I tend to believe that there is the plethora of advantages to supporting the tourism industry, there are a few negative points that decimate the earth of the world. It seems that by having suitable regulation, the advantage of tourism is much more effective than its disadvantage.




A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

The merits and drawbacks of the tourism industry has turned to a controversial debate all over the world. There are different views about the issue. I personally think the advantages of the industry outweigh its demerits.

On the one hand, there are several benefits from the tourism industry. Firstly, it can contribute to the economy of countries and reduce the unemployment rate, especially among young people. Due to the development of the tourism industry it is able to create several job opportunities in different areas. Secondly, the development of the tourism industry not only can strengthen the economic condition of countries but also it can help to cultural diversity and cultural conversation between different nations. In other words, when many people come to a country as a tourist they bring several money to the destination country and at the same time the foreigner people are more likely to be familiar with different cultural attractions of that country such as their language, food, beliefs or festivals. Finally, the development of the tourism industry in a country is able to change the facilities and infrastructures of the country positively. For instance, Istanbul in Turkey is a favourite city for tourists from all over the world. For this reason the municipality of Istanbul always has new plans for improving the quality of public transportation in the city to provide a suitable answer for this huge amount of tourists that want to come and visit from this beautiful city.

On the other hand, the development of the tourist industry can have some negative effects as well, especially on the environment. For instance, when a city is turned into a favourite destination for tourists more people come to visit different types of attractions in a country such as natural attraction and it can affect the beautiful natural sceneries of the country negatively.

Overall, as I mentioned before, I personally think the development of the tourism industry in a country is able to bring more advantages for the country compared to its drawbacks.

Behzad Jafari ( Academic Module)





A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

In fact, many regions around the world get their best profits from tourists. While the tourism industry can have good benefits for its owners, if this is not managed properly, problems may arise. In my opinion, the benefits of this industry are much more than its disadvantages.

Along with the benefits, on the one hand, which tourists can have financially for a region, they may also bring some difficulties. Cultural problems are the first and the most important issue for tourist hosts. For example, if tourists go from areas with minimal religious beliefs to areas with maximum religious considerations, hosts may observe habits in the tourists that are not pleasant for them, and at some times this issue may lead to conflicts between the parties. Tourists may not be familiar with the laws of their destination and provide the things that are not a problem in the city where they live and do the same in the desired destination therefore they may face legal problems. Thus, tourists may bring problems with them.

On the other hand, the tourism industry is one of the most attractive money-making industries in the world. Furthermore, many countries were able to restore their economy and improve the general level of society by using tourists. In addition, tourists may have respectable positive habits with them that would be able to improve the cultural and social level in the desired destination. For example, with the arrival of tourists to some lands that had problems in terms of gender equality and the provision of information to the people of those areas, a great contribution was made to the enthusiasm of the people of the host countries to review some of these laws.

In conclusion, while in some areas, their most important income is through tourists, and also considering the pros and cons of the tourist for the hosts, I believe that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Compared to previous decades, the number of gyms and sports facilities has increased dramatically. Surprisingly, however, the lifestyle of people and their physical health do not correlate with this improvement and have even worsened over the years. I will try to explain the roots of this problem and offer some solutions in that regard.
With all the advances in technological areas, all societies have been more or less industrialized and urbanized in the last decades. As a result, most physical jobs are being done by machines and tools, not demanding any physical effort. This means that compared to older times, people are less mobile and are stuck in sedentary lifestyles, which leads to a reduction of life quality. Furthermore, the world economy is going through recurring crises, which contribute to the loss of jobs and a rise in poverty. Hence, more people are slaving themselves in return for the minimum wage, only to meet their basic needs. With working long hours and still having difficulty providing proper housing and sufficient food, going to the gym would be considered a luxury out of reach. Therefore, people are less fit and healthy in contrast with older times.
There is no straightforward answer to how we can overcome this problem. In addition to structural modifications to uproot poverty and bettering the quality of people's lives, one of the effective solutions can be fitting some exercise hours in employees' schedules during working hours. Desk stretches and mobility exercises can help blood circulation and prevent heart conditions resulting from sitting for long hours. On the other hand, building gyms inside the offices would solve the problem of commuting to the gym from the office. This way, employees would have better access to the gym and work out.
In conclusion, finding the roots of people not being healthy and in shape, these days is quite complex and needs scientific assessment, and fixing them needs structural alterations by the government to have a more healthy society.   
Kiandokht Masoudi/ Academic Module





A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.


Dear Thomas,

I hope this letter finds you well. I’m writing to thank you for the book that you lent me last week as it was very useful for preparing me for one of the most important presentations that I’ve ever had throughout my life.

The subject of the presentation was how to deal with stress under different circumstances and adversities. I had to also present some practical solutions for people who have various age groups, which means my audience was not only adults but also children and teenagers. The presentation should offer them how to confront their anxiety and stress when they face unexpected turmoil in different milestones.

As you may guess, the presentation was so significant for a huge group of people suffering from stress. It could help them to reach a peaceful and healthy lifestyle as stress is the main cause of many spiritual and physical disorders. The presentation also would play a vital role in my career prospects because some participants were professionals and researchers whose majors were quite similar to my studies. That is why presenting in a good manner might allow me to seize an unprecedented opportunity to pursue my research in a prestigious institution.

I was looking for a comprehensive resource about what the best way is to have an effective presentation. I was stocked in a dilemma about how to compile my data and how to present the whole information that I’d gathered. The book that you gave to me solved all of my questions and relive my concerns since it teaches in a friendly and simple manner how to make a presentation step by step. So reading your book was a time-saving solution for me to prepare my presentation in time as my deadline was so limited.

 Thank you again for lending the book, and I hope to meet you soon for discussing more the presentation.

All the best,





A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Banafsheh,

I hope you’re doing fine. I thought I’d give you the terrific news right away. I, fortunately, did my presentation last Monday. That was our company’s “marketing strategy”. I’m writing to inform you that the book you granted me helped me a lot all the way during the presentation. I just want to say thank you and I’m glad to have such a nice friend like you.

As you know, since I got this job position, it has been the first time I’ve had to prepare a Marketing Strategy presentation for our managers. However, I had done it before at the previous company in which I worked. This one had been very difficult for me.

Having said that, I was looking for a guide among my educational books and suddenly this book helped me to figure out the numerous points. I was over the moon while preparing notes and I was so ecstatic right after my findings on the topic. In addition, our CMO and CEO were mesmerized by the coherence of the presentation file and they were impressed by the breathtaking parts of the all-striking aspects. Besides, this provided me with perfect strategy templates which were meaningfully beneficial for documenting the presentation.

I cannot wait anymore to offer a party and I look forward to hearing your availability and I hope we will meet soon.

Best Regards,





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph illustrates the changes in the number of cars being stolen in Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada during the period 1990 to 1999 and is measured in number per thousand automobiles. 

Taking a glance at the graphs, it can be found that generally, in spite of some fluctuations, the rates have not considerably changed in Great Britain, France, and Canada, as opposed to the levels in Sweden, which rose in this duration.

Stood at fairly similar levels of between 5 to 10 thefts per 1000 cars in 1990, the rates in Canada and France then gradually declined to 5 and 6 by 1993, respectively, while Swedish people experienced a steady increase in the number of their stolen cars to the level of almost 9 in that time. Over the following 6 years, the numbers slightly changed and finally stabled at just above 5 for France and Canada in 1999, but in Sweden, the rates inclined slowly and reached a high of nearly 15 car thefts.

Great Britain had a more erratic pattern rather than the other countries. The level stood at 17 stolen cars per 1000 vehicles in 1990, which was the highest rate among all. They had a steadily increase over the following 2 next years and peaked at 20 by the year 1992. Then the rats had some fluctuations and finally over the last 3 years, with a decreasing trend, the level hit a low of nearly 15 in 1999.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares the rate of thefts per thousand automobiles in four various countries, namely Sweden, France, Canada, and Great Britain, over a ten-year period.

As a general trend, it can clearly be seen that in terms of vehicle thefts, the UK accounted for the most crimes. It is also noticeable that Canada was the safest region among all four countries.

Considering the Line graph of the UK, the rate of theft cars witnessed a rapid fluctuation between approximately 17 and 20 thefts per 1000 cars during the period of ten years. As for other countries, at the beginning year of the period, the number of robberies in Sweden, Canada, and France, respectively, stood at approximately 8, 7, and 6 per 1000 vehicles. From 1990 to 1993, the rate of stealing vehicles in both France and Canada dropped to a trough of almost 6 and 5 per thousand vehicles, respectively. 

From this point, they both rose steadily until 1995. However, during this period, the line graph of Sweden saw a slight increase and reached a peak of roughly 12 thefts per thousand automobiles in 1996. After the year 1996, it plateaued by the end of 1998, but climbed to just below 15 thefts per 1000 vehicles in 1999. Although the number of thefts in France declined from around 7 in 1995 to 6 per 1000 vehicles in 1999, this number saw a small growth from 5 to 6 per thousand vehicles in Canada.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The diagram demonstrates the number of individuals who stole vehicles from 1990 to 1999 in 4 selected European countries. Overall, the number of cars theft in Sweden increased considerably during the period, while there was a slight decrease in the other three countries.
As can be seen, in Sweden, car theft went down from well over 8 thousand in the first year to just under 8 thousand in the second year, followed by a slight growth until 1995 which reached just over 10 thousand. It grew by about 2 thousand in the next year and remained unchanged until 1999, which advanced to just under 15 thousand.
According to data, the number of car thefts went up by about 2 thousand and 1 thousand in France and Great Britain, from 1990 to 1991, respectively. After the period, in France and Great Britain, it experienced some fluctuations and eventually reached well over 6 thousand and 16 thousand in 1999, respectively.
In Canada, it remained constant at around 7 thousand between 1990 and 1991 and drop to just over 5 thousand in 1993, which was followed by a steady increase until 1999 which reached around 6 thousand which was approximately as many as in France.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The graph compares car thefts in Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada Per thousand automobiles in a 10-year period. Overall, it can be seen that in Great Britain thefts were always more than in the other three countries as opposed to the number of lefts in Canada and France. Theft numbers also had considerable changes in Sweden throughout the decade.

In terms of Great Britain, the figure was always comparatively higher compared to the other 3 Nations. The number of thefts per vehicle fluctuated steadily between 18000 and 20000 but generally had not changed much in the number. In contrast, Swedish thefts accounted for 8000 in 1990 and remained unaltered until 1993. Then the figure showed a slight increase of 4000 in 1996 and levelled off again in the next 2 years, rising to 14000 at the end of the decade. This was the highest change among all nations.

Moving to France and Canada, they both showed a downward trajectory. In France, the number of thefts was 6000 in 1990 which was the least compared to other nations, and had continuous oscillations between its peak at 7500 in 1991 and 6000 throughout the decade. In Canada, thefts were initially 7000 per vehicle within the first year. Then the numbers showed a slight decrease to 5000 in 1993 and marginally went up to 6000 by the end of the decade.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.


The line graph compares the number of cars stolen in four countries from 1990 to 1999. As can be seen, Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada are all countries of subjects.

Over the entire period, Great Britain had the highest number of car thefts among the others countries by nearly 10%. The figure for thefts per 1000 machines in Britain fluctuated around 19%. In 1990, the number of vehicles that stole in France decreased by just over 6%. During the same period, the proportion of cars that steal decreased minimally in Canada. There was a gradual rise in the number of car thieves in France from 5% to 8%. After 1991, car thefts fell marginally. Although, the proportion of car thefts soar in Sweden in one decade by 10%.

Overall, Britain has the highest number of cars stoled at 20%. Sweden saw a rapid increase in car thefts, and France and Canada Had a lower range of auto thefts.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The information on the comparison of car thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries (Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada), between 1990 to 1999, is provided in this given line graph.


Considering the line graphs of Britain and France, it is noticeable that both countries followed the same pattern. In 1990 the number of thefts per thousand in Britain and France stood at approximately 18 and 6, respectively. After a fluctuation, they both reached the same number as in 1990. Moreover, from 1993 to 1996, they had an increase (20 for Britain and 9 for France). In the last years (1996-1999) they experienced a decrease including nearly 16 for Britain and 6 for France.


With regard to Sweden and Canada line graphs, in 1990 the number of thefts per thousand vehicles was similar to 1991 (on average 6.5). Then the trend of Sweden illustrated a steady surge to about 12, in 1996. Whereas, in Canada, the number of thefts per thousand vehicles dropped to 5, in 1993. After that, from 1993 to 1999, it climbed to reach the same number as in 1990. Additionally, Sweden after two years of remaining stable, had a rise to about 14, in 1999.


Overall, the trend of Britain, which had the first place for the number of thefts, did not change from 1990 to 1999, as did not the trends of France and Canada, yet Sweden saw an upward trend during the period.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line graph illustrates data about the number of vehicles that were stolen in four distinctive countries over nine years, from 1990 to 1999.

Overall, what stands out from the line graph is that Great Britain had the highest number of car theft in all period.

Looking at the information in more detail, France and Canada followed a similar trend over the first five years, all remaining at approximately 7 per thousand. Sweden experienced a rise in the number of cars stolen over the period and reached a peak in 1999, at 15 per thousand, however, Canada and France had a declining pattern and leveled off at 5. Moreover, Car thefts were higher in Great Britain than in the other three countries. In 1990, cars were thieved at about 18 per thousand and then fluctuated over the next six years and reached a peak, at 20 thefts per thousand, while the trend had a declining slope and in 1999, 17 cars were stolen.





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph compares the car theft figure alternations in four countries, namely Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada, over a nine-year period, during 1990 to 1999. As a general trend, it can clearly be seen that the theft numbers related to cars in Great Britain saw the greatest figure per 1000 vehicles in comparison with the others throughout all these years.


In 1990, the number of car thefts per 1000 vehicles in France accounted for merely just above five, which was the lowest among these countries; however, it witnessed dazzling growth until 1991. Unlike Sweden, which experienced a rising trend generally, the others recorded slow fluctuations over these years. Finally, declining as the theft trend in Great Britain from 1996 to 1999 was, it made up about 17 per 1000 car theft, the highest amount, despite increasing procedure in Sweden. In addition, Canada experienced an almost generally steady trend.


Overall, Great Britain saw the largest number of car theft per 1000 vehicles while Canada witnessed the lowest ones. Besides, Sweden recorded the biggest increase.




A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.

In your letter



What the presentation was about

Why the presentation was important

how the book helped you.

Dear Amelia,
I am writing to express my deep appreciation for the book that you so kindly lent me, which I utilized for my recent presentation on the significance of human rights. The aim of the presentation was to provide a comprehensive examination of the various factors that contribute to the safeguarding and advancement of human rights, and how these rights are indispensable for the well-being of both individuals and society as a whole.
If it had not been for the book, my research and preparation for the presentation would not have been as extensive. The book was an invaluable source of information and insights, delving into the historical and philosophical underpinnings of human rights, as well as the current challenges and controversies in the field. Furthermore, it served as an excellent source of inspiration for my own ideas and arguments, allowing me to present a nuanced and well-rounded perspective on the subject.
The presentation completed, the audience rose to their feet in applause, I felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The presentation was of paramount importance to me, providing me with the opportunity to share my knowledge and understanding of the topic with a wider audience. Additionally, it presented me with the chance to demonstrate my expertise and contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding human rights.
Ultimately, I am extremely grateful for your assistance in this matter. Your generosity and willingness to share your resources, the book being an invaluable source, have been crucial in enabling me to successfully prepare for and deliver this presentation. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you in the future and hopefully, I will have another chance to utilize your resources.
Arthur Pourali




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line chart illustrates the comparison of car thefts per thousand vehicles in four different countries over a period of 10 years.


Overall, the number of thefts in Sweden had a noticeable increase. While this number hardly decreased in Canada and France. Also, between 1990 and 1999, theft numbers fluctuated in Great Britain and did not change at the end of the period.


In 1990, thefts per 1000 vehicles in Canada, France, Sweden, and Great Britain were about 7, 6, 9, and 17, respectively. While theft auto numbers gradually rose in Great Britain and France, approximately 20 and 7 respectively, this number experienced a noticeable decline in Canada in 1992, and in Sweden, car theft remained steady. After a year, Great Britain’s car theft dropped remarkably to almost 16. Also, in France and Canada, the number of car theft slightly decreased to 6 and 5. During two years, 1994 and 1995, all countries’ auto theft numbers barely rose.


In 1996, the number of cars stolen in Great Britain hit a peak at about 21, then dramatically dropped to almost 16 in 1999. Also, this number sharply increased in Sweden to about 12, and then remained for two years, and again, had a dramatic rise at the end of the period, about 14. But, the number of cars robbed in France noticeably declined from 8 to 6 and was the same as the Canada car theft.




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The chart demonstrates the number of automobile theft per thousand in the last decade of 20th century in Great Britain, France, Sweden, and Canada. Overall, although Sweden had a gradual increase in thefts per 1,000 vehicles, Great Britain had by far the highest number of stolen cars within the period.

Over the timeframe, Great Britain, France, and Canada followed similar patterns of narrow fluctuations, around 17, 7, and 6 thefts per thousand cars, respectively. At the start of the decade, France had the lowest number of vehicle theft at just above 5; however, it soon overtook the car theft number of Canada before the beginning of 1991. By the end of the century, the number stood at over 15 in Great Britain, and above 5 in both France and Canada.

In contrast, the figure for automobile thefts in Sweden maintained at approximately 9 vehicles per thousand in the first half of the decade, followed by a gradual increase, and ending at just under 15.





The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The given line chart depicts the statistics concerning car thefts (per thousand vehicles) which ensued in four distinct countries from 1990 to 1999.

Overall, while the number of car thefts rose substantially in Sweden, this rate in France and Canada remained approximately unchanged during the period. It is noteworthy that the highest incidence of car theft was attributed to Great Britain over the entire period despite experiencing mid fluctuations.

As for Sweden, the quantity of thieving cars stood at about 8 in 1990. This rate saw a considerable growth, reaching around 12 in 1996, and stayed constant in the following two years. There was a significant increase to 14 in committing this crime in 1999.

With respect to Great Britain, the incidence of car thefts represented about 18 which had the highest rate compared to others in 1990. This rate went through a period of instability over the period, varying between 17 and 20 car thefts.

Turning to the remaining countries, the rate of car theft constituted around 7 in Canada in 1990. It hit an all-time low of nearly 5 in 1993 and then saw a partial growth to around 6 in 1999. The number of car thefts was around 6 in France in 1990, which was the lowest rate. This rate fluctuated mildly with two upticks to nearly 8 in 1991 and 1995, eventually reaching its initial value in 1999.


Yaser Oghabneshin




The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

The line graph represents how many cars are thieved per thousand in four nations over a period of nine years starting from 1990.

 As can be seen, it is the Great Britain that stands out as having the highest rate of thefts. France and Canada decreased their rates over the period, while Sweden increased theirs.

 In Great Britain, the figure had more fluctuations and started at about 18 thefts in every thousand and increased nearly 20 in every thousand over a period of 2 years, after which it declined until 1992 when it hit a low at about 17 out of a thousand. Despite rising sharply at about 20 per 1000 in 1996, the British experienced a significant fall in their theft rate over the next 3 years and bottomed at approximately 16 in every thousand.

 France and Canada stood at over 8 and 7 in every thousand respectively in 1990. Having decreased at different rates until 1993. The both gradually went up until 1995. The former fell to 7 per 1000 in 1999 and the latter reached the same point by a gradual increase.

 In Sweden, the overall trend was upward. The figure started at nearly 7 out of thousand which was the same rate was reported by Canada and France but at the end of the period. It modestly climbed to about 12 per 1000 in 1996. Despite reaching a period of stability, the theft rate hitting a peak at above 13 in every thousand in 1999.




Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people sport should be made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students who don't like sport.

There are different views about whether a sport should be made mandatory or voluntary for students, as the number of people suffering from obesity is increasing. Some argue that it should be obligatory in all educational institutions, while some believe that physical education is only effective when students do it willingly.

On the one hand, an obligation to do physical workouts in educational programs can certainly help combat obesity. Fatness or being out of shape may lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. By regular exercise at school, students may develop a valuable habit of participating in sports. It can help burn extra calories and build healthy bones and muscles, and therefore may reduce the risk of being in danger of these ailments. For example, a scientific article comparing the students doing a compulsory sport with those doing it as a voluntary task showed a significant health improvement among those who had to do exercise at school.

On the other hand, individuals should be free to choose whether to do physical workouts. If students have to do sports for a long time without any interest, they will lose their motivation. In the long term, they may feel hatred towards all sorts of sports and even maybe alienated from following them in adulthood. In this way, instead of encouraging children to maintain a healthy lifestyle, schools will act as a deterrent in dealing with overweight.

In conclusion, I can understand why people might agree with voluntary sports programs in educational environments, but it seems to me that the compulsory ones are much more beneficial to tackle obesity.




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Mr. Jones,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter because I believe our street is in dire need of your support, as a local council member, due to a problem regarding the issue of sanitation:

Lately, trash bins are not emptied in a timely manner, and sometimes they are left unattended for more than 24 hours. To learn the reasons for this, I have inquired some civil servants, and they have cited budget cuts as the main culprit, which essentially leaves the sanitation service understaffed.

Naturally, I am extremely worried about the possible ramifications of this change, as not only people have to endure a vile smell in the neighborhood, but also they worry about the spread of diseases, especially in households that have young children playing outdoor. Furthermore, I have personally witnessed feral animals roaming the streets and scavenging garbage plastics for food, which is concerning as they are known to attack humans if scared.

I, therefore, believe that your intervention on this matter is of utmost importance as it threatens the safety and the health of residents. While I understand that in these trying times budget cuts is an unavoidable tactic for keeping the city running, the issue of hygiene, in my view, is not a negligible one. Consequently, I would like to request that you urgently endeavor to restore the funds of services that affect public health.

I cannot stress enough the importance of this matter and would like to know about the council’s ultimate decision on this matter. Thus, your response on this matter will be deeply appreciated by me and some other concerned citizens.


Nima Siamakmanesh




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

The chart compares different types of commuting to and from work in a European city from 1960 to 2000 in intervals of 20 years. At the first glance it can be seen there is a significant shift from going on foot to using private cars throughout this period.
In 1960, transportation on foot was the favorite commuting way with a little less than 35% of people; However, the figure has dropped dramatically to less than 10% in 2000. In contrast, the usage of private vehicles has increased sharply from only 5% in 1960 to about 23% in 1980, and more than 35% in 2000, which is the highest proportion on the chart.
Similar to pedestrians, the percentage of bicycle riders has declined too; although it is less sudden than the former group. While they were about a quarter of total workers in 1960, the proportion decreased to approximately 5% in 2000.
On the other hand, the chart related to bus travelers varies from the others. Bus has been the most popular transportation mode in 1980. Meanwhile, the percentage of bus users in both 1960 and 2000 is rather close, around 17% and nearly 16%, respectively.




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing with regard to the pollution and contamination which have been seen in Richmond street since 6 months ago.

As you might have noticed before, the garbage collection system is not working efficiently in our district. While we had had an extremely organized waste collection system before the management changes, recently the collection vehicles do not collect the household garbage on the agreed time. As a result, a huge sum of household cast-off remains in the streets, particularly on the pavements.

As you may appreciate, it has caused substantial inconvenience for the residents of this area. The faulty garbage collection system not only has made a negative contribution to the appearance of our district but also could have life-threatening consequences for our children. As you may know, Richmond street is the main road for reaching elementary school. Therefore, our children are exposed to a huge amount of chemicals and pollutants which can lead to dire health conditions.

If I may suggest some improvements, I think we could reconsider the management of the responsible organization. If we had more organized and committed managers, we would not face these difficulties. In addition, more care could have been taken with the number of bins which are located in the street.

I look forward to receiving your reply with a confirmation that all these have been actioned and planned to go ahead.

Sincerely yours,

Shabnam Javanmard


Mohammad Reza
Mohammad Reza


Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam, 

I am one of the residents in the district under your supervision, and I am writing behalf of all residents to aware you of a recently risen obstacle in our neighborhood.

Since last month when the rubbish collection contractor has changed, we have been struggling with the proper disposal of trash. The previous contractor was all the time on-time and had passed our district between 8 to 8:15, but the new one visit here whenever possible. This anarchy has brought us chaos, and rubbish bags are dumped in the disposal area every time. The neighbors are definitely not to blame, because they do not know when they should put their bags outdoors. 

 Whenever we cross the vicinity of the specified trash bins, it stinks and we should turn our way around. That is not the main problem, but stray dogs are. The dumped rubbish attracts various types of wild animals, especially dogs, here, which has caused an extra problem for us. Some days ago, a pack of dogs attacked a resident, but fortunately, her son reached on time and scattered them. 

As you have the authority, we believe that you can solve the problem easily. Either remind the contractor of the timetable or terminate the contract and replace him. 

We are awaiting your urgent action. 

Yours faithfully, 

Adam Rogers




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:
Why it is happening.
What problem it will cause.
What your suggestions are.
Dear sir/madam,
I am Sam Stone, a newly relocated citizen to your authorization district. I am writing this letter regarding a problem that has been occurring in our street for three months and it is getting worse as time continues to unfold. 
Considering the construction operation which started in the last three months the rubbish collectors could not access the side of the street as well, and the neighbors are piling their trash at garbage were located there. It has turned to a nightmarish scenery, and awful smells can be felt almost all day long.
As the municipally place a premium on city environment hygiene, this kind of circumstance will cause an increase in contagious disease and infect the residential area. It will not only affect the people's health but also potentially collect wild animals around the city to hurt the infrastructures and reason for traffic accidents. Moreover, it may breed some forensic problems for the contractor working there.
Hence, It would be appreciated if the responsible authority tended to take an approach to clean the street side alongside informing the contractor to leave a detour way for rubbish collectors to access the piles.
I am looking forward to hearing your response or resolving the problem before long.
Yours faithfully, 
Sam Stone
Saman Malek Nia




Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately. In your letter, you should tell: 

-        Why it is happening,

-        What problems it will cause,

-        What your suggestions are.


Dear Sir/Madam, 

I am writing this letter to complain about the waste, which has been thrown away on River Street and has not been collected for a long time. 

Unfortunately, since the river passes through the middle of the street, a lot of people discard their household rubbish in the river or on its banks. Although this area used to be cleaned up by rubbish collection services, it has not recently been done.  

As you are no doubt aware, there are many kinds of waste, ranging from sharp objects to dirty ones, which not only makes environmental pollution but also can be hard on dwellers’ health, especially children, who play in this environment. In addition, it makes the landscape of this part of neighborhood seem ugly and untidy. 

I would like to suggest that your staff dispose of the waste from this residential area as soon as possible. I will be grateful if you can possibly fix a warning sign so people do not litter and impose a heavy fine for individuals, who discard their waste in this place. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to hearing your swift response.

Yours sincerely,

Shabnam Lee


Shabnam Tannazian/GT     





Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well. As I have been a resident of King street for five years now, I would like to inform you that a Hard Rock café has recently run in our local area by disregarding environmental issues, causing defectiveness of Citizenship rights and pollution problems for present occupants.

The cigarette butt discarded by customers in the pedestrian precincts not only contributes to unpleasant cityscape but also threatens the plant life by entering the soil. In addition, leftover and takeaway packages from plastic or irresolvable containers by the café-owner and consumers have left them outside without paying no heed to environmental considerations, have polluted the urban area and created an undesirable situation.

I believe that strict criteria should be applied by the municipality for this type of business, considering that many times the citizens have given notice to the case about this issue, but it has not been efficient. Probably, higher taxes and fines will prevent them from violating or changing their discipline.

Yours faithfully,
Armineh Mohamadi




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart compares four different means of transport, namely bus, car, bike, and foot which European citizens used to commute to and from work during the years 1960, 1980, and 2000. 

Overall, what stands out from the graph is that, as time went further riding a bike and walking to and from work were becoming less popular, whereas driving cars gained popularity. Additionally, the bus commuters remained quite unchanged over the examined period. 

Looking at traveling by foot and bike, it can be seen that they were two common methods of travelling in 1960, at about 34% and 25% respectively. The former started losing its popularity and reached just below 10 % in 2000. As for the latter, it experienced a fall of 20% at the end of the period. 

In terms of two other modes of transportation, European people used buses for about 18% of their total traveling, compared to only 5% of residents who went to and from work by car. The usage of buses saw a peak of 25% in 1980, before recovering to approximately 16% in 2000. Meanwhile, people showed more inclination to travel by car and the percentage of that rose to just above 35% at the end of the period. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares various means of transport used to commute to and from the workplace in four distinct categories, namely bus, car, bike, and foot, in a city located in Europe over a forty-year period.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that both bike and foot modes witnessed a downward trend during the given period. It is also noticeable that the proportion of car users saw an upward trend over the period of forty years.

Considering the bus category, it started at well below a fifth. It climbed to just over a quarter in 1980. However, in 2000, the ratio of coach utilizers dropped to a trough of approximately 15%. In 1960, a tiny portion of individuals preferred to travel by private car or cab, but this percentage boomed to almost 23% in 1980. Finally, it reached a peak of 35% by the end of the period.

As for bicycle drivers, the rate plunged from 25% in 1960 to nearly 5% in 2000. Although around 35% of people tended to walk to the workplace in 1960, just under a tenth of them commuted to work on foot in 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The column chart compares four different means of transportation for commuting in terms of the proportion of total passengers in a European country over a four-decade period.  
Overall what stands out from the graph is that while the percentage of people using cars witnessed a significant growth, the reverse was true for bike travellers across the whole period shown in the graph. 
In 1960, the proportion of people who used bikes stood at around 25%, which was approximately five times as high as that of cars. By 2000, the figure for passengers travelling by car had increased to a peak of just over 35%, which is the highest figure shown on the chart. By contrast, there was a decline to a low of nearly 5% in the percentage of people who were interested in using bicycles. 
On the other hand, over the entire period, the proportion of people who selected walking instead of using other transport modes saw a substantial decline of approximately 25%. Conversely, by 1980, the percentage of travellers using the bus had risen before experiencing a moderate decline to just over 15% in 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart compares the diverse means of transport system which were applied to the commute to the work in one European city in three separate years: 1960, 1980, and 2000.

Overall, while employing car vehicles rose dramatically, unpolluted types of transport saw a considerable fall over the scenario period. It is noteworthy that the percentage of individuals who opt for public buses remained approximately unchanged over this period. 

As for car vehicles, this type contributed only about 5% to the transport system in 1960. However, there was an upsurge in the use of this vehicle to just over 35% in 2000 which was the highest percentage throughout the period.

Regarding the environmentally-friendly transport systems, while initially walking and biking were more prevalent, comprising 35% and 27% receptively in 1960, these sustainable methods of transport experienced a significant decline in the end of the period, consisting of nearly 15% collectively. 

Turning to the remaining item, the percentage of people who commuted by public buses stood at roughly 18% in 1960. It grew partially, reaching a peak of around 26% in 1980, and then climbed back to about its initial figure in 2000.





The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart compares four transit options that were used in one city in Europe in three different years.

It is clear that during these three years, the total number of travelers who used cars was dramatically increasing and cars were the most popular means of transportation in 2000. It can also be seen that the most popular transport modes were foot, bus, and car in the years 1960, 1980, and 2000 respectively.

In 1960, cars were the least popular mean of transportation with just above five percent, while at the end of the period its usage reached more than 35%. Although 18% of travelers used buses in 1960 and 16% in 2000, they were the most popular means of transport in 1980 with just over 25%.

Despite a considerable decrease, which can be seen in the usage of bikes and feet over four years, walking was the most popular way to travel with slightly less than 40% in 1960, and bikes got second place with 25% in the same year.






The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The given bar chart illustrates information about the total proportion of travelers using four diverse types of transportation modes for commuting in a European city for three years (1960, 1980, and 2000). Overall, it can be clearly seen that there was a significant downward trend in the percentage of travelers who used bikes and commuted on their foot over the given period.

With regard to the percentage of commuters riding bikes, having started at 25 in 1960, the figure then decreased dramatically to 5 in the final year. Likewise, the proportion of travelers traveling on their foot started at just below 35 in the first year, after which it fell significantly, reaching just under 10 in 2000.

On the other hand, if we look at the percentage commuters who drove cars, it increased dramatically from 5 in 1960 by 30 to 35 in 2000. As for the proportion of travelers who used buses to travel to and from work, it began at approximately 18, having reached its peak at 25 in 1980 before decreasing significantly, reaching 15 in 2000.




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The presented bar chart compares the four means of transport used by work travellers in one European city in the years 1960, 1980, and 2000.

In general, it is noticeable that there was an overall drop in each mode of transportation, with the exception of cars, throughout the period shown. Also, cars saw the biggest change among the remaining types of transport, with a considerably larger number of users.

In 1960, over 5% of people travelled to work by car, rising to more than 35% over the next four decades with a jump of around 30%, meaning it was the highest percentage on the chart. However, there was an enormous decrease, from approximately 34% in 1960 to just under 10% in 2000, in the share of travellers going to work on foot over the 40-year period.

Even though bus users witnessed a significant jump of well above 25% in 1980, the proportion of travellers dropped considerably by almost 10% in 2000, which is around 2% less than the same trend in 1960. By contrast, the figure for bikes fell dramatically from about 25% in 1960 to only nearly 7% in 2000.

191 words.
Duysenbekov Muzaffar. Academic IELTS. 




The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000

The bar chart illustrates different forms of transportation systems which were used to commute to workplaces in a European city in 1960, 1980, and 2000.

Overall, it is evident that the number of people who traveled by car increased significantly, while the percentage of travelers by foot witnessed a sharp decrease. It is also noteworthy that the car was the most popular way of going to work at the end of the time frame.

In 1960, the most significant way of transportation was by walking which the figure decreased dramatically from just under 35% in 1960 to about 10% in 2000. The percentage of using bikes also displayed a considerable fall. The figure accounted for 25%, 20%, and 6% in 1960, 1980, and 2000 respectively.

Turning to the remaining categories, although the proportion of using cars showed the lowest amount at 5% in 1960, it rose rapidly to 35% in 2000. It is also noticeable that the percentage of people who used buses stood at about 18 in 1960 which went up to above 25 in 1980 and then experienced a significant decline to a little lower than the stars point at 15 in 2000.




Media surrounds us, from the shows we watch on television to the music we listen to on the radio.

How does media affect the society?
Do you agree that the impact of media has more disadvantages than benefits?

These days, the ever-increasing influence of media, especially the audio-visual ones, on various strata of society has become noticeable. Consequently, questions concerning the ways media impact society and whether its adverse effects outweigh the positive ones have risen.

To examine how media influences the community, firstly, we must mention its irrefutable power of channeling the public's thoughts, opinions, and sentiments toward a specific direction. Thus, in some instances, through manipulation of people's minds, media can cause major political or social alterations in society, especially ones desired by those behind that media. Furthermore, by providing productions through which information about various subjects becomes available for people, such as scientific documentaries on television, or educational podcasts on radio, media plays a valuable role in raising the level of awareness and knowledge in society. 

Although media may have a limited number of negative aspects, its myriad advantages for society arguably exceed its drawbacks. Firstly, by entertaining people through music, and amusing television programs, such as shows, movies, and series, media can substantially raise the spirit in the community and inject a sense of happiness into society. Secondly, as mentioned before, media is a beneficial means to convey knowledge or up-to-date information to the public, especially nowadays, when people have comparatively drifted from books to audio-visual media. However, some disadvantages of media cannot be ignored. For example, sometimes, the media mislead a majority of people or disturb society by giving incorrect information or fake news. Moreover, the attraction to media productions, especially movies or series on television, has a considerable potential to turn into an addiction to these programs. 

In conclusion, media greatly affect society by directing the public's attitudes or emotions regarding an issue in a specific path and enriching people's knowledge and awareness. Media's advantages, such as providing entertainment and information to the public, outweigh its demerits, including occasionally misinforming people or making them addicted to its productions.   




Children engaged in sport are often overloaded with physical activity or get serious traumas.

What are the main reasons of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, registering children in sports clubs and obliging them to follow a sports field has become a ubiquitous trend among parents. Recent government research has shown that children who do sports may be prone to mental disorders as they are so occupied with physical exercise. While there might be several fundamental reasons why this is happening, feasible measures can be taken to tackle it.

Using non-professional sports trainers and having a highly demanding schedule may be two of the most important reasons why children participating in sports activities suffer from mental problems. The sports clubs where children attend usually hire one or two general trainers for the whole individuals having different ages, not having sufficient knowledge about how to train children with delicate physical bodies. While children generally do not have enough ability to follow all the strict and severe training sessions, they are trained with other athletes having adequate strength. This unprecedented physical demand may lead to some physical injuries in the long term, thereby losing the confidence of children whose bodies cannot tolerate those tough training sessions. What is more, children not only have to handle their hectic curriculum at school, doing their homework on time and taking exams with fabulous grades, but also need to go to sports clubs. Today’s children are under dire strain from their parents to take exercise professionally in their free time so that they can become sports stars. This unfair passion and ambition of parents without noticing their children's capabilities and interests can pose severe spiritual health issues, including depression and anxiety.

Some practical actions can be done to deal with this adverse impact of doing physical activities for children. The straightest solution is to hire some trainers and coaches who have accumulated knowledge and expertise about how to train children having diverse physical abilities from an early age. The government should impose some strict regulations for sports centres in order to employ well-qualified trainers for children. Another effective way is to raise parents’ awareness about how many negative consequences may emerge for their children if they push them to do exercise without first recognizing their favourite pastime pursuits. Schools can play a vital role in providing children with adequate and distinct leisure activities to discover each student’s inborn talent. Thus, parents can decide whether their children can become prominent athletes or not based on the primary evaluation of schools.

In conclusion, although doing regular sports activities is highly beneficial for the physical and mental health of children, improving their cognitive skills and academic performance, forcing them to do exercise without deeming their actual needs can oppositely result in bringing traumatic conditions for them. However, a number of simple strategies can be applied by governments and schools to stop occurring this worrying situation.





The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.

The pie chart compares the revenue and expenditure of a children’s charity in the USA in terms of their proportion in the year 2016.

It is clear that the majority of income was received from donated food, while the charity spent the largest amount of money on program services in 2016. Also, total revenue just exceeded outgoings.

In detail, the proportion of income received from donated food was 86.6%, which provided most of the revenue for the charity. Community contributions was the second biggest category shown on the revenue source’s chart, with 10.4% of overall income, and this was followed by program revenue, at 2.2%. Other income, investment income, and government grants contributed a small amount of money to charity, with percentages of 0.4%, 0.2%, and 0.2%, respectively.

The amount of money spent on program services was by far the largest among the other two categories, with expenses reaching 95.8%. The figure for spending on fundraising was 2.6%, while only 1.6% of outgoings were related to management and general.




The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.

A glance at the two pie chart provided reveals that a charity in the USA collected funds and managed for spending money during one year in 2016.

Overall, although the largest amount of expenditure was devoted to the program services, one of the lowest amounts of income was supplied by the program revenue. In addition, the most source of this collection was related to the donated food in this period.


It is clear that Six different revenue sources in this charity collected an amount of price of around $53,561,580 total in this period. First and foremost, the donated food was the most dramatic source in this category at 86.6 percent. The second highest overall was associated with the community contributions at approximately 10 %. Moreover, the proportion of program revenue and the rate  of other income were at 2.2% and 0.4%, respectively.  The lowest rate of revenue was at the same level for investment income and government grants at 0.2 percent. 


Turning to expenditure, there were three special categories that total cost of them was $53,224,896. In fact, the most significant rate of cost was devoted to the program service at about 96%. With regard to a large amount of difference rate, the fundraising, and the management and general were at 2.6% and 1.6%, respectively. 




The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.

The provided charts illustrate the percentage of expenditures and income resources for a charity organization for children, which were divided into nine significant categories in the United States, throughout 2016.

In general, it can be observed that the most proportion that stounds out was allocated to both program services and donated food. Also, it can be notable that the total figure for revenue sources was more than expenditures.

As can be seen from the charts, initially, in the revenue resources there was an equal rate of government grants and investment income of only around 0.2%. While the opposite was true for the amount of donated food, approximately 86.6%. Meanwhile, the percentage of community contributions was roughly 10.4%, which was five times as higher as program revenue and other income experienced a dramatic fall of nearly 0.4%.

Looking at the pie charts in more detail, the lowest figure can be seen in the percentage of management and general almost 1.6%. In addition, the proportion of fundraising was about 2.6%. However, the biggest difference was in the number of program services, around 95.8%. Likewise, the total amount of charity expenditures and revenue accounted for about $53,224,896 and $53,561,580, respectively.




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

A notion suggests that incorporating art in schools' curricula as a compulsory subject is imperative since art can tremendously help students develop or reinforce several skills and, consequently, improve their performance in other study subjects. While confirming the positive effects of studying art on students' function in other areas of study, I believe art should be an optional subject in schools' syllabuses. 

On the one hand, by studying art, students can acquire several beneficial skills, each of which can act as a powerful booster for their performance in other school's classes. Firstly, educating art in schools can noticeably improve students' creativity, innovativeness, and resourcefulness, equipping them with a strengthened problem-solving ability in a more innovative manner. For example, when working on a science project in the school laboratory, improved creative thinking resulting from art classes can help students to come up with innovative new methods or initiatives for that project. Secondly, art classes can be invaluable in training students to notice every detail around them and discern discrepancies and resemblances with greater precision. Being precisive and sharp-eyed can aid students in performing better in other lessons, especially those which need utmost precision, such as mathematics.

On the other hand, the idea of art being a compulsory subject in schools' curricula may be disadvantageous to some students. For instance, some students who may not be gifted with inherent artistic talent or are not interested in art may experience frequent failures in art classes, making them feel frustrated or less intelligent compared to their peers, and these feelings can negatively impact their grades in other subjects. Moreover, in some instances, art classes in schools may adversely influence students' function in other classes. For example, some students may be obsessed with art and, subsequently, dedicate their entire time and energy to learning arts and neglect other study subjects in school. 

In conclusion, I believe studying art in schools may positively affect students' performance in other study subjects by improving their creativity, problem-solving ability, attention to detail, and precision. However, it can sometimes be disadvantageous, for example, for those students who are less interested or talented in art subjects or those who neglect other lessons due to being excessively passionate about art lessons. 




Studying art in school improves students' performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi-skilled students to learn new things. That's why art should be obligatory in schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

Art is a subject that has fascinated human beings for centuries. It is a form of expression that transcends language and culture, a way of communicating emotions and ideas that words alone cannot convey. From the caves of Lascaux to the canvases of Picasso, art has taken many forms and has inspired people from all walks of life. But what role does art play in modern education? Is it an extraneous subject that detracts from other essential disciplines, or does it have a vital role in nurturing students' creativity and enhancing their cognitive abilities? In this article, I will explore the topic of art education in schools and argue that it should be mandatory.

Art education has a multiplicity of benefits, with one of the most significant being its ability to enhance cognitive skills. According to studies, art education helps develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Additionally, it provides students with an avenue to express themselves creatively, which is vital for personal growth and development. In a world where creativity and innovation are highly valued, art education nurtures the skills that are essential for students to succeed in the 21st century.

Furthermore, art education has an integral role in developing cultural appreciation and awareness. Through art, students learn about the history and traditions of different societies and gain an appreciation of the diversity of human experience. They can learn to empathize with people from different cultural backgrounds and develop a global outlook that transcends boundaries.


In conclusion, art education should be mandatory in schools. Its benefits are numerous and far-reaching, from enhancing cognitive skills to developing cultural awareness and appreciation. Opponents of art education fail to appreciate the value of the subject and the importance of nurturing creativity and innovation in students. By making art education mandatory in schools, we can ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in all areas of life.





The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The pie chart illustrates the proportion of people who are in prison for five years ending 1994 and the bar chart illustrates most crimes that trigger citizens arrested. Overall, it can be clearly seen that male citizens who are arrested over-numbered female people by a significant margin. While both modes are relatively similar between the sexes, there are some variances, especially in drink driving when the percentage of men arrested doubled compared to women. With regards to the breach of order, assault, theft, and other reason, while there is no difference between genders in the other reason, which means both are almost 19%, the proportion of males arrested in the branch of other is substantially more than females with 5% difference. Although male prisoners are more than females in theft, females who are arrested are just over males in assault with the same difference between both reasons, which means 3%. According to the drinking driving, public drinking, and no answer, although the percentage of females arrested almost halved compared to men in drinking driving, which means 14%, the proportion of females who commit a crime in public drinking and no answer is remarkably more than males, with a difference of 8% in public drinking and 4% in no answer.




The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The pie charts illustrate the proportion of males and females who were arrested during five years from 1989 to 1994, while the bar chart depicts the causes of arrest.

Overall, the percentage of men who got arrested was higher than women, while the reverse was true for non-arresting. Additionally, the main reason for arrest among genders was public drinking.

Looking at the pie chart it can be observed that the highest percentage of arrests belonged to men at 32%, while this figure accounted for only 9% of women.

Regarding the bar chart, the principal cause of arrest for both males and females was for public drinking and this figure was 36% and just over 30% respectively, although the reason for the lowest percentage of arrests was because there were not any relevant answers. Moreover, the proportion of getting arrested was higher in men at about 26%, in comparison with approximately 14% in women. Meanwhile, the percentage of males who got arrested as a result of the beach of order, other reasons, and theft were higher as compared to females at about 17%, 16%, and just over 20% respectively, while females got more arrested in an assault than men at 19%.




The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The pie chart displays amounts of arrested males and females during five years, from 1989 to 1994. Also, the column graph demonstrates the reasons for arrests between men and women.

At first, based on the pie chart, there was a higher amount of apprehending among males, which is 32 percent, than among females (9 percent). In other words, the arrest rate for women was nearly one-fourth that of men.

Secondly, according to the bar chart, there were numerous causes to captures males and females that public drinking was the main reason in both genders, which is 31 percent and 38 percent for men and women, respectively. Moreover, among various causes, there were three categories consisting of no answer, assault, and public drinking that were higher in females than males. On the other hand, other groups comprising drunk driving, breach of an order, and theft showed a higher percentage of arrests of men than women.

Overall, males illustrated a higher amount of arrested than females during the five years ending 1994. Furthermore, there were diverse reasons for their trap.   




The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The pie chart illustrates the proportion of persons who were arrested during a period from 1989 to 1994, whereas, the bar chart indicates the different reasons in terms of seven important categories at the same time.


Overall, it is clear that a significant proportion of men and women were not arrested in five years, while there was a considerable increase in the percentage of males who were arrested because of public drinking and drink driving. In addition, the percentage of arrested females due to public drinking rose substantially compared to those who drunk during driving.


The greatest proportion of females who were not arrested represented 91% of the total arrests, while for males, the figure for this category was just 68%. Meanwhile, the percentage of women who were arrested was 9%, whereas the figure for males was significantly higher at 68%.

About 26% of men and approximately 14% of women were arrested because of drunk driving, while the figures for public drinking climbed significantly, showing nearly 32% and almost 38% for men and women, respectively.In terms of Breach for Older and Theft, the proportion of women was relatively similar, at more than 10%. In the former category, the percentage of men was around 18%, while the proportion of them in the latter category was nearly 16%. Moreover, Assault and Other reasons represented the same proportion for women and men at 19%. In terms of Assault, the percentage of men was slightly lower compared to women in the Theft category. In a small percentage of cases, no answer was given.




The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

Given are a pie chart illustrating the proportion of people arrested in five years ending 1994 in addition to a bar chart showing the most recent grounds for arrest.

Overall, it is apparently seen that the percentage of arrested women was substantially lower than that of men. Moreover, the most significant reason for the recent arrest was public drinking for both genders.

The percentage of men who were arrested stood at approximately 30 percent, while that of women was lower at less than 10 percent. Turning to the reasons for arrest, the most significant reason for recent arrest was public drinking for both genders at more than 30 percent. With regard to the grounds of drunk driving, men were arrested for this reason at well over 25 percent. However, less than 15 percent of women were arrested for this reason. More than 15 percent of males and females were arrested due to assault and other reasons. Theft and breach of the order were two other grounds that the percentage of men  arrested for this reason was higher than women. The figure for men was well over 15 percent, while that of women was lower at around 12 percent. Finally, the proportions of no answer for both group accounted for the least figures.




Write a letter to the director of your company to recommend a group in your local community which deserves help.

In your letter, you should tell:


Why you suggest helping this group

How your company can help this group

What the benefits your company will in return for.

Dear Mr. Jackson,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter to discuss a proposition that not only helps with the company’s social responsibility strategy, but also can act as an indirect form of advertising.

Being based in suburbs, I witness an abundance of stray cats and dogs scavenging trash and roaming the neighborhood and try to help them. In my endeavor, I stumbled upon an activist group that aims to provide relief to the animals, despite their severe lack of funds and personnel. I believe by helping this group we can fulfil our goal to provide support to the community, which will ultimately decrease the number of animals attacking people.

I have a several ideas should you choose this path, which depends on how much budget the company will be willing to allocate to the cause. While some extra donations can do miracles for the group, in case financial support is not preferable, our personnel can do some volunteer work a few days a month.

Aside from the obvious help to the society, I believe the company will benefit from the project as well, since it can be a way for us to show up among the people with uniforms and show that our company is concerned about more than just earnings. This, in turn, may help us gain coverage from news stations and essentially increase our number of customers. I strongly hope that you find my offer one that is worth of further discussion and eagerly await your permission to prepare a comprehensive draft of my proposal.

Sincerely yours,

Nima Siamakmanesh




Write a letter to the director of your company to recommend a group in your local community which deserves help.

In your letter, you should tell:


Why you suggest helping this group

How your company can help this group

What the benefits your company will in return for.


Write a letter to the director of your company to recommend a group in your local community which deserves help.

In your letter, you should tell:

-        Why you suggest helping this group.

-        How your company can help this group.

-        What the benefits your company will in return for.

Dear sir/madam,

I am writing this letter regarding some proletariat people's condition in my living area, which may potentially meet the purpose of your commercial target compared to expensive television advertisements.

Considering this group of people's low income during COVID contagious they would need financial and design assistance with their house maintenance and interior design. 

Because of our company's involved job, interior design, we can address the company's intention for design and construct some of these houses for free in order to their necessity level. Moreover, they can have some raw budget to opt for their interested accessories compatible with their chosen design.

I have recently heard about the quota of advertisement budget which will have spent on TV commercials whether making video clips or broadcasting per-second price from the main channel. The company would be able to make almost three or more interior design projects by spending such an amount of money. In addition, it will bring the company's venerability and new actual resume in comparison to hypothetical video clips on TV channels.

I am looking forward to hearing your positive response.

Yours faithfully, 

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





Write a letter to the director of your company to recommend a group in your local community which deserves help.

In your letter, you should tell:


Why you suggest helping this group

How your company can help this group

What the benefits your company will in return for.

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing regarding a group of profoundly gifted school students who are impoverished and disadvantaged and need to be looked after. They live in Richmond area and our company could make a great contribution to give them higher standards of living.

The reason why I recommend these pupils for charity works is that they have extraordinary talents in sports. Although they have been playing in a local park since two years ago, they are not able to sharpen their exceptional skills in their current economic situations. Furthermore, as criminal acts are prevalent in the location they live, they might commit crimes in the near future, if their talents are not propelled into desirable routes. I believe our company could aid these adolescents to foster their invaluable potentials by constructing a leisure-time complex in the Richmond area. In addition, it would have been nice if we could donate money for registering them in professional sports schools.

These charity acts not only can benefit those children but also could lead to enhancing our company's social reputation and its public image. This strategy has been used by an array of organizations which can result in incomparable profits.

I look forward to receiving a positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Shabnam Javanmard




Write a letter to the director of your company to recommend a group in your local community which deserves help.

In your letter, you should tell:


Why you suggest helping this group

How your company can help this group

What the benefits your company will in return for.

Dear Mr.Amani,

I am writing this letter to know whether it is possible to aid labour children who work on the streets nearby our company. Please allow me to elaborate on why I believe supporting them is highly essential for the company.

The main reason for helping these children is to deter them from involving in criminal activities. Because they come from poor families living in deprived areas, such as slums, they are usually obliged to commit some minor offences, including robbery, from an early age to be able to survive under today’s economic turmoil and meet their living expenses. Another important reason is that helping this group of our community is a civic duty for major companies, like us, whose revenue should be dedicated to creating a prosperous society.

There are a number of feasible measures that can be taken by not only the company but also the employees willing to participate in this charitable activity. I am of the opinion that the initial step is providing these children with educational facilities, registering them in the schools located near their homes. The other effective action could be considering some monthly allowance for them so that they cannot be compelled to work every day. I also know that some of them may not have any place to live, thereby buying a suitable accommodation can help them to take advantage of basic living conditions.

In return, I am sure that many obvious advantages can bring for the company and the whole community. If these children go to school and become illiterate, the company will capitalize on them as a valuable workforce in the future. Moreover, when they are deterred from carrying out juvenile delinquencies, all the individuals working for this company can benefit from a safe and secure environment.

Thank you for your kind attention to this significant issue, and I hope you are willing to accept my request.

Kind Regards,

Hamid Gholami




The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The pie chart compares the rate of arrested people in two different genders over a five-year period. The bar chart illustrates the percentage of reasons for recent arrests in seven distinct categories.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that fewer women were arrested in comparison with men. It is also noticeable that public drinking was the most common reason why people arrest.

According to the pie chart, while nearly two-thirds of men were arrested during the period of five years, a tiny fraction of women was arrested.

As for the bar chart, the ratio of drink driving item were almost a quarter and 15% for men and women, respectively. The public drinking category, which ranked first, accounted for over 30% of arrests in both sexes. In addition, well above a tenth of women were arrested because of thief and breach of order. The assault was the reason behind the arrest of approximately 15% of males. Furthermore, around 20% of arrests were related to other causes. Finally, the proportion of the no-answer group was negligible for all two groups.


Marzie sadat
Marzie sadat


The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The graphs give information about how many people were imprisoned and the causes of committing crimes the prisoners over five years between 1980 to 1994. Overall, the number of men arrested was much higher than that of women. The most popular reason among both genders was public drinking.

If we look at the details, the percentage of prisoners was roughly four times as many as women, with 32 % and 9% respectively. However, the figure for women who were not arrested was just over nine-tenths, making it considerably different than for men, with just over two-thirds.

Regarding the reason for the female accused, the proportion of public drinking was the highest at 35%, followed by that of assault at about 18%, slightly more than the percentage of drivers drinking, with approximately 14%.theft and breach joint fourth with about 12% apiece. However, 7% of female accused did not answer the question as compared to 17% of participants responding with "other reasons". As for the male prisoners, similarly, public drinking ranked first with one-third while drinking while driving was lower at one-fourth. Breach orders came next with  17%, whereas the percentage of theft was equal to that of assault. Just only 4% of questionnaires did not respond compared to 18% of male accused who opted for "other reasons". 






The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest

The pie chart displays the proportion of individuals taken into custody from 1989 to 1994. The bar chart also illustrates the most recent various causes of arrest. 

It is worth noting that men were arrested more than women in that period. Furthermore, it is clearly observed from the chart that public drinking was the most common reason for detention in both genders.  

The percentage of male detention was 32%, whereas only 9% of females were taken into custody. Public drinking was the most common cause of arrest among women and men at 38% and 31%, respectively. Moreover, males were twice as likely to get arrested as females because of drinking while driving, at nearly 26%. Interestingly, women had a higher percentage of detention rate for assault than men, at 19% compared with 16%. However, getting arrested because of other reasons, breaching of order, and theft was higher among males, with all these offenses standing in the range of 12-18% for both sexes. Based on the chart, there were no given answers for 7% and 5% of women and men, respectively.




You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a seminar in a foreign country.

Write a letter to the seminar organiser and say


Dear Mr Smith,

I am Hamid Gholami who was one of the participants of the seminar held last weekend at the Hilton Hotel in Italy. I am writing this letter to make a complaint about what happened during the time when I stayed there.

Some irritating difficulties occurred that were not acceptable for such an international seminar. The most significant one was that those who had a responsibility treated me in an unfriendly way. I asked them several times to speak to the lecturers with whom I would like to share my opinions, but they did not allow me as they mentioned that it was against the seminar rules. Another issue was the low quality of food and services offered by the hotel. All the foods were pre-packaged dishes and local cuisines that were not delicious.

I am willing to complain since I spent a huge amount of money for attending this seminar, yet some of the programs were not according to the seminar brochure and advertisement. Although I could gain some useful and new knowledge from lecturers, it had not the value of paying the high cost of its entry fee.

I believe that if you want to continue throwing future seminars, you should reconsider the staff working for you and the place where the seminar is going to be taken place.  It would be better if you or a loyal person on your behalf is present during the seminar to tackle some unexpected problems or enquiries that attendees may have.

I hope you deem my complaint seriously, also my suggestions work for you.

Kind Regards,

Hamid Gholami





You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a seminar in a foreign country.

Write a letter to the seminar organiser and say

Dear sir/ madam


I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the hotel where I stayed during your seminar.

Unfortunately, there were many negative points about this hotel which made me to write this letter. Firstly, the hotel was too noisy and with no proper air conditioning system which I could not sleep well at nights. Secondly, the hotel staff were not friendly and helpful and did nothing when I expressed my complaints and disappointment regarding the poor services. Furthermore, the food quality was terrible and after having two meals there, I preferred to have my food out of this hotel. 

All these issues made me dissatisfied with your seminar services. However, as a paid participant I expected more quality and satisfaction. I would suggest you to arrange better and more reputable hotels for your guests in your future programs. This, definitely affects your overall score in the long term and provides better experience for your attendees in the future

All in all, I would like to let you know my disappointment about the hotel you booked for seminar participants, and recommend you to take it into consideration for your future plans.


Yours sincerely,

Samaneh Alidousti 



Module: General




The diagram shows how tea leaves are processed into five tea types.

The process of producing five different types of dry tea from the first to the last step is illustrated in the given paragraph.

Overall, it is a seven-stage diagram, demonstrating five various dry tea from the earliest level which is leaf growth.

According to the diagram, the first step of tea production is cultivating tea leaves. Next, they plunk in order to wilt. Then, based on the final tea, the process is different. For instance, if tea leaves were crushed and fully fermentation, after oven drying, as the last step, a small leaf of black tea would produce. However, if they rolled, through full fermentation and the last step, it would result in large-leaf Black tea. In addition, by slight fermentation and the last stage, Oolong tea would produce. What stands out, for green tea, after the third stage like other tea, steaming, rolling and overdrying will produce. The fewest stages belong to making white. Just wilting and heat drying are enough to end up with this kind of tea.




The diagram shows how tea leaves are processed into five tea types.

The diagram illustrates the way that five types of tea are produced by tea leaves.  Overall, it can be clearly seen that this procedure follows 4 to 6 stages which depend on the type of tea. The first three stages not only are the same but also the final stage is alike, beginning with growing tea leaves and ending up with oven drying.  White tea, after the first three stages which are the same in all types of tea, which means growing tea leaves, plucking, and withering, getting ready after oven drying.  Green tea is produced in 6 stages. After passing the first three-stage, followed by steaming, rolling, and before being produced is the oven drying stage. Oolong tea is resemble green tea with a difference, instead of steaming before the rolling is slight fermentation after the rolling.  Large leaf black tea is similar to oolong tea with just one difference which is in the 5th stage, instead of slight fermentation, full fermentation has been done, and if crushing is done instead of rolling, small leaf black tea will be produced.




The diagram shows how tea leaves are processed into five tea types.

The diagram illustrates the way in which five different kinds of tea are carried out by their leaves.

Overall, there are seven stages in the whole tea preparing process, beginning with plucking the leaves and ending with drying them into the oven.

To begin, leaves that have grown enough are either plucked by a piece of equipment or manually collected. Then, due to removing these leaves from their stems, they gradually start withering. Following this, only green tea is steamed. Next, roll the steamed leaves, which are related to Green tea, Oolong tea and Large leaf black tea. At the same stage, Small leaf black tea is crushed.

The subsequent stage includes fermentation with a difference in their degree. Small and large leaves of black tea and Oolong tea are gone through a complete and slight fermentation prior to putting them into the oven. In the last stage, the products are placed into a heating machine, where they undergo heat treatment. Finally, the teas are ready for sale.




The diagram shows how tea leaves are processed into five tea types.

The diagram describes the way in which the five different sorts of teas are produced by the tea leaves.

At a glance, all kind of teas comes from the same leaf. However: they undergo different processes to make five kinds of tea.

According to the tea diagram, tea manufacturers experience four same stages. These teas come from leaf growth, then plucked and withering them. Plus, the final step is identical and dried tea in the oven, Whereas the process of tea illustrates some kinds of tea experience extra steps.   

First of all, the manufacture of white tea is accompanied by no extra phase. Green tea, Oolong tea, and Large leaf black tea have one more same step, which is rolling, while in Green tea, before rolling steaming happens for green tea. Next, after rolling, slight fermentation of tea in this process makes Oolong tea. Instead of slight fermentation, the tea is manufactured with full fermentation. Subsequently, it makes Large leaf black tea. Finally, producing small-leaf black tea is manufactured by crushing and full fermentation.




The diagram shows how tea leaves are processed into five tea types.

The given diagram illustrates the process of tea leaves into five different types of tea (white tea, green tea, oolong tea, large-leaf black tea, and small-leaf black tea).

overall, it can be seen that all types of tea are produced from the same leaf. However, the manufacturing process is different.

The first three steps (leaf growth, plucking, withering) and the last step (oven drying) are the same for all kinds of teas. However, in the stages  between this, different procedures are employed. White tea just needs (plucking, withering, and oven-drying) steps to produce. In producing green tea after the withering stage leaves need to be steamed and rolled.  The process of oolong tea after rolling leaves needs a slight fermentation step. When it comes to producing the large leaf black tea, after the rolling stages, full fermentation can be observed. And finally, manufacturing smell leaf black tea involves crushing and full fermentation after the witting stage and before the oven drying stage. The final stage in all kinds of tea is oven drying.




You have a complaint about the hotel you stayed at while attending a seminar in a foreign country.

Write a letter to the seminar organiser and say

Dear Mr. Clarkson,

I am writing this letter to express my deepest dissatisfaction with the accommodation provided to the Project Management Seminar attendees Last August. In fact, the extremely poor state of services and staff conduct were surprisingly disheartening.

Having spent several hours in my flight to Boston, I was expecting a chance to refresh in the comfort of my room at the Jenkins Hotel. However, my dreams were shattered as I learned that my room was mistakenly allocated to another guest, and the staff were quite indifferent to my problem which probably explains why it almost took two hours for them to find me a room. Later on, my first-hand experience was even more disappointing as the room ventilation was faulty for which nothing was done until the last day of my stay.

Having had an experience with holding a seminar in my country not long ago, I understand that the process of finding appropriate accommodation is harder than it may seem to an unexperienced person. Nevertheless, I felt that it was necessary to correspond with you about the matter as I believe the services are received were far from what I was promised and payed for.

Hence, while the past cannot be undone, as a member of Project Managers Society, I consider it my responsibility to help as much as I can for future enhancements. Firstly, in my opinion, your organization needs to ascertain a pleasant stay for the guests by auditing the hotel prior to the seminar and hold the hotel liable in case of any wrongdoing. Additionally, it is probably a productive approach to win the trust of attendees by setting a policy that compensates for any dissatisfaction. I hope you find my proposals worth reviewing and look forward to discussing the matter further with you.


Nima Siamakmanesh




Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?


It is undeniable that people benefit from a wide range of ways to communicate with each other thanks to technological advancements, these days. Although the emergence of this unprecedented condition has facilitated communications, the social skills and effective communication between individuals have deteriorated noticeably. There are apparent reasons why this is happening, yet logical measures can be taken to tackle it.

The scarcity of physical contact can be one of the main drawbacks of technology in bringing people close together. When people find it convenient to make friends and socialize with others in the comfort of their homes, they will lose their tendency to build long-lasting and hospitable relationships through face-to-face meetings. In other words, today’s people take advantage of various social networks to increase the number of those with whom they might share common interests, but their relationships are limited only to following and liking each other’s posts, thereby not having enough time to get to know each other in a depth way. What is more, the main focus of many sophisticated communication mediums is to demonstrate how celebrities' or public figures’ lives are glamorous or how users can establish just job-oriented relationships together. On social networking platforms a negative trend has become ubiquitous, and that is everyone scrambling hard to exaggerate their living conditions, seizing every opportunity to show how they thrive and make a success of life. That is why this fake competition between people to illustrate their artificial lives deters them from coming into contact with each other in a real life and broadening their horizons about those whom they might know.

A number of practical strategies can be implemented both by official authorities and social media users to cope with this detrimental impact of technology. For one, governments should raise their citizens’ awareness about the negative consequences of limiting themselves only to virtual communication. If people know how many how to register on social networks with unreal identities so that they can make a living through fraudulent activities, they will lose their intention in socializing with others through social platforms. Nations can also regulate and monitor people’s interactions on the internet by enforcing some strict rules about how social platforms operate, allowing people to have the chance to meet each other in person. Another possible solution would be holding some regular meetings outside those internet-based platforms by users. People who have similar friends or are in the same groups on social platforms should strive to dedicate part of their communications in person. For example, they can organize weekly gathering meetings in some public places, such as parks and café shops, allowing themselves to have the opportunity to discuss or speak about their personal interests or favourite pursuits. As a result, not only can technology assist them to widen their friends circles, but it also provides them with a situation to learn how to socialize with strangers and improve their social competencies.

In conclusion, it is true to claim that despite various communication methods due to technology, individuals suffer from a social ability to know each other more seriously. This problem is rooted in people’s unawareness about how to use technology, but by employing some basic actions, this negative trend can be fixed effectively.




Technology provides us a lot of means to communicate. But now that people have the ability to talk to each other in a wider variety of methods, our communication and social abilities have taken a step back.
Why does technological advance hurt nontechnical communication?
How can we solve this problem?

With the rapid expansion of technology-based communication, it has become easier and cheaper for people to connect. Nevertheless, it is argued that surprisingly, technological advancements harm our social skills. In this essay, we will discuss why this is so and what are the solutions for this issue.

To begin with, due to the nature of mass communication tools, connecting anytime and anywhere has created problems despite its many benefits. Firstly, over time, people have tended to do their tasks in the simplest way, which has caused a broadening of indolence. Consequently, most folks avoid face-to-face meetings since they prefer to communicate with their friends or colleagues by calling, chatting, or video calling from their homes. Secondly, our contemporary world is more involved in digitization than ever before. The expansion of technology and related entertainment has made people use technological tools such as mobile phones, laptops, and game consoles more. This has caused people to move away from social customs, group entertainment, and out-of-town picnics every day. As a result, the decline of social skills in each generation is quite clear.

Also, there are some solutions to encounter this issue and its results. For instance, governments can promote historical events, festivals, and cultural celebrations. Holding these events in open places and city level not only increases social affinity and communications skills but also can transfer these historical and cultural ceremonies to the next generations. Moreover, teaching social skills in schools is another solution. Since children are at a growing and learning age during school, teaching them how to communicate correctly can become a repetitive pattern for them.

In conclusion, although technology has facilitated our world and presented us with wonderful means of communication with everyone, we should not ignore its drawbacks to live healthier lives.




You have decided to leave your current employment.


Write a letter to your employer. In the letter:


Explain why you have decided to leave the company

Tell your employer what you plan to do after leaving your present employment

Say what you have gained from working for the company.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to let you know that I have decided to leave the company. Since I decided to move to Canada to live with my brother who has been living in Toronto and our company has no branch in Canada, I have to resign to work in Canada. In addition to that, company policy does not accept remote working which lefts me no option to stay in the company. I hope you will consider my situation favorably.

Let me explain my future plan after leaving my current position. 
A few months ago I got a job offer from Ubisoft company in Toronto which is one of the greatest game companies all around the world. They offer includes relocation package so they will cover my relocation costs. But I need to buy a personal laptop because I had used companies laptop for work and I do not own a sufficient laptop for work purposes.

I would like to say thank you and the company for all the valuable skills taught to me. In fact, I have gained huge experience in game design in the company. In addition to that, I improved my soft skills such as communication and time management during my tasks which made me a better programmer.

Thanks for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,





The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

             The given flow chart indicates the way in which bricks are produced for the construction industry. 


            Overall, there are seven distinct stages in the brick manufacturing process, commencing with digging of the clay and ending with transportation of the bricks to their destinations. 


            To begin, the clay is dug up from the ground by a digger truck. Next, this clay is put onto a metal grid and then rolled simultaneously resulting in smaller pieces of clay. In the third step, sand and water are added, and this mixture is turned into bricks by either using a wire cutter or placing it into a mould. Following this, these bricks are kept in an oven to dry for 24–48 hours.


           Once they are dried, they go through a 3-step process, from the initial heating to the eventual cooling. They are heated in a kiln at a moderate (200-980C) and then a high temperature (870-1300C), followed by a cooling process in a chamber for 48–72hours, which is approximately 24 hours longer than the previous drying process. Having completed all of these stages, the ready bricks are packed and delivered to the customers.




You have decided to leave your current employment.


Write a letter to your employer. In the letter:


Explain why you have decided to leave the company

Tell your employer what you plan to do after leaving your present employment

Say what you have gained from working for the company.

Dear Mr. Philips

I am writing to inform you that unfortunately I have to resign from your company duo to some reasons.


The reason that I have to stop working in Green company is that I should immigrate to London. This is because my brother, who was the only caregiver of my mother, passed away yesterday. Therefore, although it is really hard for me to leave this office, I have to go to London to take care of my mother and keep her company.

To earn money in London, I have planned to find a job. Thus, I have applied for several IT companies, but I am sure they are not as prosperous as yours. Moreover, since finding a new career can be time-consuming I can take some computer courses in London during this gap.

During working in your firm, I have gained a great deal of experience. Firstly, I have learned how to use difference software from my kind colleagues. Moreover, it used to be hard for me to cooperate in a team; however, after working in your firm for several years I have learned how to work with a teammate. Finally, you taught me to be determined and not to give up whenever I face a problem.

I am appreciative of your support and hope you will be successful as always.

Yours sincerely,

Merry Yazdi




You have decided to leave your current employment.


Write a letter to your employer. In the letter:


Explain why you have decided to leave the company

Tell your employer what you plan to do after leaving your present employment

Say what you have gained from working for the company.

 Dear Mr. Richard,

I am writing this letter with a heavy heart to inform you about my intent to resign from the company. Having spent about a decade in your company, this was not an easy decision to make, for which I believe I owe you an explanation.

Of all the possible reasons for my resignation, our last talk was my incentive. As you know, I have always dreamt of starting my own business and the only thing that hindered my advance toward this goal was my fear of failure. Your talk gave me the courage to take a leap of faith for which I am deeply grateful.

I have already taken a few steps. Currently, my lawyer is doing the paperwork for establishing the company. Upon my departure from the company, my partners and I will focus on providing management insight into the investment outlooks of various companies, and we will have to work hard to find our first client.

Finding the first client seems to be hard and filled with uncertainty. This would have been an impossible task had I not learned from my years of working under your supervision to welcome the challenge. Furthermore, working for the company through these years has blessed me with some important skills such as negotiation and time management. These skills, in my view, will be essential in my upcoming endeavor and I am thankful to you for shaping me into a confident consultant. Lastly, I hope we stay in touch after my departure and please know that I will be happy to provide any help should the need ever arise as I believe we are a family not mere colleagues.


Nima Siamakmanesh

Dear Mr. Richard,

I am writing this letter with a heavy heart to inform you about my intent to resign from the company. Having spent about a decade in your company, this was not an easy decision to make, for which I believe I owe you an explanation.

Of all the possible reasons for my resignation, our last talk was my incentive. As you know, I have always dreamt of starting my own business and the only thing that hindered my advance toward this goal was my fear of failure. Your talk gave me the courage to take a leap of faith for which I am deeply grateful.

I have already taken a few steps. Currently, my lawyer is doing the paperwork for establishing the company. Upon my departure from the company, my partners and I will focus on providing management insight into the investment outlooks of various companies, and we will have to work hard to find our first client.

Finding the first client seems to be hard and filled with uncertainty. This would have been an impossible task had I not learned from my years of working under your supervision to welcome the challenge. Furthermore, working for the company through these years has blessed me with some important skills such as negotiation and time management. These skills, in my view, will be essential in my upcoming endeavor and I am thankful to you for shaping me into a confident consultant. Lastly, I hope we stay in touch after my departure and please know that I will be happy to provide any help should the need ever arise as I believe we are a family not mere colleagues.


Nima Siamakmanesh




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The given diagram depicts diverse steps and machinery applied to brick production for the construction industry.

Overall, manufacturing bricks which is a linear and man-made process can be outlined clearly in seven consecutive steps, starting with digging clay and ending with delivering the packed bricks to the industrial sectors. 

The process commences with digging clay by excavators. In the subsequent step, metal grids configured with fine meshes are employed to sift the clay on the conveyor belt. After blending the sifted clay with sand as well as water, the mixed materials are formed into rectangular-shaped pieces by pouring the materials into moulds or using wire cutter equipment. Bricks then are dried in the oven which approximately requires time between 24 and 48 hours.

The process proceeds with baking bricks in the kiln during the two stages. In the first stage, they are moderately heated under temperatures between 200 and 980 centigrade and then undergo the process with higher temperatures ranging from 870 to 1300 centigrade.  Before packing the bricks, it is required that they are maintained in the cooling chamber between 48 and 72 hours. Eventually, the packed products are delivered to the industry for construction projects.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The diagram shows different steps of brick manufacturing for the building industries. Overall, there are seven stages, which start with digging and delivering by the end of the processes.

To begin with, the clay is gathered by a special digger and then passed through a roller machine which filters clay with a grid metal. After, filtered clay is mixed with sand and water. This process is followed by two main means to produce bricks. It can either be put in a particular mould or get with a wire cutter to be shaped. In the next stage, bricks must be held in a drying oven for 24-48 hours in order to get ready for transfer into the first kiln. There, bricks are heated at a moderate temperature, about 200 to 980 C. Then they are heated in a second kiln under a high temperature from 870 to 1300 C. Finally, they are cooled in a chamber for two or three days then are packaged and delivered as it is given by the graph. 

To summarize, the processes of manufacturing bricks contain collecting, filtering, shaping, drying, heating, cooling, and packing to delivery.




Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A number of individuals present the view that instructing practical skills ought to be an overriding priority in schools. Nonetheless, others are of the opinion that academic courses exceed other subjects in importance in schools. To some extent, I agree with the former idea and I will support my argument in the following essay.

It is an undeniable fact that teaching theoretical courses such as math is one of the most important objectives in schools. A vast number of students are inclined to continue studying at university and they can pass a university entrance exam provided that they have in-depth knowledge of academic courses. Furthermore, learning basic courses such as math and science can be highly beneficial for students who are massive fans of becoming professor at universities.

On the other hand, although I admit the benefits of learning fundamental courses, I opine that acquiring practical skills can be of more significance in comparison with other courses because of many compelling reasons. Firstly, numerous students want to be recruited in the future, and in this day and age, companies are willing to employ people who have detailed knowledge of practical issues. Secondly, becoming familiar with real-life courses and success are inextricably bound up with each other. A sizeable number of successful people believe that even though practical courses were conspicuous by their absence in their school curriculum, they have acquired them in different ways. Without learning these courses, becoming a successful person would be neither feasible nor achievable.

To sum up, in spite of the upsides of academic subjects, I embrace that learning real-life courses can be highly worthwhile for being employed and becoming successful in the future.




The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry.

The flow chart depicts the steps in which the bricks are produced for the building industry.

Overall, there are 7 incessant sections in the production process of a brick, starting with digging up the clay and finishing with the delivery of them to the seller.

First of all, the clay should be dug up by a huge digger in order to make them into metal grids. Then, they are rolled on a roller. Next, some amount of sand and water are added to the products of the previous stage to be prepared for the shaping or cutting section. In this section, bricks are shaped rectangular by a wire cutter or a mould.

In the subsequent stage, a dryer is used to decrease the humidity of bricks for about 1 to 2 days. After passing this residence time, the dried bricks are sent to a stage-wised chamber in which the bricks are heated in 2 kiln stages from a moderate temperature to a high one. Then, they are cooled in a cooling chamber for a residence time of about 2 to 3 days. Finally, after they are relocated, the packaged bricks are transported by a truck to the customers.




You recently had a problem with a product or service that you purchased, and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the company. Write a letter to the company, explaining the problem and the action you expect the company to take.

In your letter:

Describe the problem you experienced
Explain how this problem has affected you
State what you expect the company to do to resolve the issue

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about a Bosh washing machine that I have bought from your shop.

Last week I purchased a silver washing machine which was delivered the next day. I was so excited about my purchase as I heard that the products of Bosh are durable. However, after loading this machine for two times, it does not work properly and leaves most of the clothes neither clean nor dry.

This faulty product has caused some problems for me. This is because I put some of my branded clothes in the washing machine and now there are some stains on them. Even I took these clothes to a laundry, but the stains have not been removed yet.

I am absolutely furious as your shop assistant ensured me that this product works without any problem which was not true. Since this machine is under six-year warranty, I am entitled to ask for it to be replaced or repaired. As I am not satisfied with my purchase, I would like to return it and I expect you to call me personally.

I await your prompt response.

Yours faithfully

Mery Yazdi





The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart depicts chosen destination for British immigrants for 4 consecutive years.
Overall, it is clear that Australia was by far the most popular destination for British immigrants in four years. While New Zealand and the USA were the least popular among other countries to them.
In 2004, around 40 thousand Britons chose Australia to immigrate to. Spain was also a favourite destination with around 35 thousand British immigrants. The number of immigrants to New Zealand, the USA, and France was almost similar (just under 25 thousand each). One year later, the number of immigrants to France rose dramatically to approximately 35 thousand. In contrast, the figure for immigration to the USA fell to just under 20 thousand. The number of Britons who moved to Australia, New Zealand, and Spain, however, remained stable.
In 2006, immigration to Australia reached a peak of around 50 thousand. While the figure for France decreased by around 10 thousand. Immigration to Spain and New Zealand also declined but by a negligible amount. After one year, immigration to New Zealand, the USA, and France was similarly around 20 thousand. While the number of British immigrants in Australia and Spain was approximately 45 and 27 thousand respectively.





The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The given bar chart depicts how many British people emigrated to five various destinations over a five-year period, beginning in 2004 and ending in 2007. What stands out from the chart is that throughout the period, it was Australia which remained the most popular terminal.

Australia, the pioneer in the entire period, was the choice of just below 40,000 people in its minimum amount in 2005, which was about at least 6,000 higher than Spain, having the second most emigrated state, peaked in this very year, having around 35,000 participants, and was approximately twice the USA, having the fewest amount, and its maximum in 2006, was just over 50,000 numbers, was bigger than the amount of emigration to the sum up of New Zealand and the USA, being just over two tenths and approximately one fourth respectively, and at least fifteen thousands higher than the Spain or France. 

On the other hand, the losers, France, New Zealand and the USA all together have been the destination of fewer British people than the sum up of the two previous countries. Among these three nations, New Zealand had the fewest change in the number, but it had a slight decline each year over the whole period. The other two, the USA and France fluctuated, having just over 20,000 in their minimums, and seeing approximately 24,000 and 33,000 in their maximums, in order.

While the most emigration was happen in 2006, from the UK to Australia, the least of it belonged to France in the next year, turned to the less favourite destination despite its third place in its two years ago.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart compares the number of British immigrants to five different countries during the three-year period from 2004 to 2007.

It is obvious that Australia was by far the most popular destination country among the British over the period shown, in particular in 2006. France saw a noticeable decline in the years 2005, 2006, and 2007, unlike the first year.

The emigration to Spain decreased only marginally from just fewer than 35 thousand to roughly 28 thousand, except in 2005, with a mere increase compared to last year. France saw a remarkable rise between 2004 and 2005, as it reached the same position as Spain in 2005, but suddenly the trend changed, as the figure became half that of the beginning of the period.

New Zealand and the USA generally maintain the last positions, averaging approximately 20 thousand. New Zealand had a slight downward trend falling to about 20 thousand at the end of this period, while the USA experienced a period of erratic behavior.




You recently had a problem with a product or service that you purchased, and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the company. Write a letter to the company, explaining the problem and the action you expect the company to take.

In your letter:

Describe the problem you experienced
Explain how this problem has affected you
State what you expect the company to do to resolve the issue

Dear Mr. Simpson,

I have been a client of your establishment for many years and I am writing this letter as a result of a disappointing experience with your team’s performance regarding my latest purchase. Unfortunately, the poor performance of the technician has left me with no choice but to seek your assistance.

Per my annual routine, I contacted your company to hire the services of a technician to overhaul the air-conditioning system before the hot season. Everything seemed to be normal and a day for the house visit was set by the staff. However, on the scheduled day the specialist sent was not only late but also had forgotten some tools. The situation was further complicated as the person claimed that I was liable to pay for his services despite not having finished the job.

As a result of this poor conduct which is contradictory to my image of your company, all my plans for the day which included an important work meeting were ruined and I was further disheartened by being forced to pay for the services I have yet to receive. Thus, I decided to contact the customer services unit of the company and ask for either a refund or a new technician which has been to no avail so far.

Therefore, as a loyal customer of your company, I would like to request that you endeavor to preserve the perfect image of your company by firstly providing me with some explanation regarding the reasons behind the complications I have had to endure. Additionally, I would like to be compensated for the money I have paid which could include a second visit by another professional. Naturally, I hold my rights as a customer to follow the matter through legal channels should my letter remain unanswered within a week.


Nima Siamakmanesh




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The given column bar chart compares five different countries as the main destinations of British Emigration from 2004 to 2007.

Looking from an overall perspective reveals that Australia was the most popular destination compared to other countries and the rate of emigration was almost a downward trend among destinations except Australia over the period. It should be noted that figures are given in a thousand scale.

Australia with about 45 emigrations was the chief destination, while New Zeland and the USA ranked last alike(with about 20 emigrations). Spain and France ranked second and third, respectively, in which the former and the latter accepted about 30 and 25 emigrations in order.

On the contrary to other countries, Australia in 2004 accepted just above 40 emigrations and after a fluctuation in the middle years (2005 and 2006) in 2007 experienced a larger number of emigration, that was about 45 emigrations. Other countries like Spain and New Zeland quite faced with a reduction in the number of emigrations, which were about 8 emigrations for Spain and about 2.5 for New Zeland based on a comparison between the first and the last year of the period. Although the USA and France showed an oscillation, especially in the initial years of the time period, they also lost a part of emigrations (about 2.5 and 2 emigrations for the USA and France, respectively) over the period.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart compares the number of British people emigrating to five different destinations from 2004 to 2007.

Overall, the most popular place to move to was Australia for British emigrants, while the USA and New Zealand were among the leasts popular  countries throughout the period.

In 2004, emigration to Australia stood at just over 40000 people, which was approximately 6000 higher than for Spain, and twice as high as the other three countries. Apart from a jump to a peak of around 52000 in 2006, the number of British emigrants to Australia remained relatively stable at an average of 40000 people over the period.

The second most popular country for Britians to move to was Spain, which experienced a fall in the number of emigrants, ending at bellow 30000 in 2007. Despite this, the figure was still higher than for the remaining three countries. On average, almost 20000 people emigrated to New Zealand per year, while the number of people leaving for the USA flactuated between 20000 and 25000 people during the given period.

As for as France, although it witnessed a remarkable increase to around 35000 people in the year 2005, it was the least popular country among British emigrants at the end of the period, with just under 20000 people moving there.

sepideh arabi/ Ac




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart illustrates the number of British people who selected five different nations as a destination over a three-year period, starting from 2004.

Overall, what stands out from the graph is that although the number of people who wanted to emigrate to another country witnessed a decline in four out of the five countries, the reverse was true for people who seleceted Australia across the whole period shown in the graph.

In 2004, the figure for people selecting Austrialia stood at just over 40,000, which was approximately as high as that for New Zealand. Over the course of 2 years, the number of people interested in emigrating to Austrailia increased dramatically by 10,000, whereas that of saw a marginal drop of nearly 3,000. From 2006 onwards, these figures declined by around 8,000 and 1,000, respectively.

With regard to other countries, by 2007, the number of people who were inclined to emigrate to Spain had dropped from around 35,000 to 26,000. Similarly, there was a marked decline in the number of people selecting the USA of roughly 3,000 over the same period. Regarding France, between 2004 and 2005, the figure for people choosing France increased to around 35,000, after which it declined to just under 20,000 until 2007.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart provides information on the number of emigrants from the UK to 5 different countries over the period of 2004 to 2007.

Overall, it can be clearly seen that Australia was by far the most popular destination for the whole investigated period.

Considering Australia, the number of travelers has been flat at just under 40 thousand for two years in a row and reached a peak of above 50 thousand people in 2006 which was the highest ever-recorded among all the data. On the other hand, Spain has beaten France into third place with a slight downward trend from about 35 thousand to fewer than 30 thousand people. It is worth mentioning that France experienced substantial fluctuations in its record figures.

Turning to New Zealand and the USA as the last choice of emigration for the British, even though the total number of emigrations was quite the same and around 20 thousand at each year, New Zealand has been chosen by fewer people over time while there were variations with regard to that of the USA.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.


The bar chart Compares the number of British immigrants who selected five different countries from 2004 to 2007.


It is clear that Australia was far more popular over four years compared with the other four destinations. It can also be seen that Spain and France were the second selected countries in 2005.


Looking at the information in more detail, the number of British people that selected Australia considerably increased from the initial more than 40000 in 2004 and reached just above 50000 in 2006. Although there was a slight fall in the selection of Spain, it was the second most popular destination to immigrate among British immigrants.


There was a gradual drop among the four countries, while there were fluctuations in the number of people that chose the USA and France, from 24000 to 20000 and from 22000 to 18000 respectively. In 2004, more than 30000 people selected Spain, while the figure in 2007 was 28000.





The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The number of British people emigrating to five distinct countries (Australia, Spain, New Zealand, USA, France) between 2004 and 2007 are compared on the given bar charts. What stands out from the data is that although Australia was the most popular destination where the British immigrants chose to move to, the rate of emigration to other countries decreased throughout the period, with France being the lowest.

The lion's share of British emigrants (almost 40000) preferred going to Australia at the outset of the period, after which it saw a slight decline in 2005. Spain accepted just 34000 emigrants from the UK, making it the second favorite destination in the first two years. Although the number of movers to Australia experienced a surge to 51,000, which was twice as high as Spain in 2006, both of them lost their popularity over the time. In the final year, 42000 and 28000 UK citizens decided to settle in Australia and Spain, respectively.

New Zealand, where 22,000 British residents departed for  in 2004, observied a declining trend to 20000 in 2007. USA and France were both the less comfortable countries, being the second home for almost 23000 UK citizens in 2004. In the following years, while the former fluctuated between 23000 and 20000, the latter jumped to 33000 in 2005, then continually dropped and ended up at 19000.

Zahra Teymouri





The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The provided bar chart illustrates the most popular destinations for British immigrants over a three-year period from 2004. 

Overall, the data reveals that Australia and Spain were the top two destinations for British immigrants during this period, while all countries, except Australia, experienced a decline in the number of immigrants over this timefram.

In terms of the most popular destinations, it is evident that Australia had the highest number of immigrants, accounting for 40% of the total in 2004, after a drop by 2006 peaked at more than half of the total number of immigrants. However, there was a decline of approximately 10% towards the end of the period. Spain, the second most popular destination, experienced a decline of 10%, dropping from a high of 35% to a low of 25%.

Regarding the remaining countries, the data shows that the USA, New Zealand, and France had a similar level of popularity, starting at around 23%. However, the USA and New Zealand experienced fluctuations before hitting a low of one-fifth of the total, whereas ther was a twofold increase in 2005 for that of France before declining to less than one-third in 2007, representing 18%.

Dorna Nezami 





The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The provided bar chart illustrates the proportion of destinations that British people had selected to emigrate, which was divided into five significant countries, from 2004 to 2007.

In general, it can be observed that the vast majority of British immigrated to Australia throughout the period, while the opposite was true for both New Zealand and the USA. Also, it can be notable that the 2006 year has experienced a gradual increase in the whole countries. 

As can be seen from the chart, Australia was the most attractive place for individuals, with approximately 50 thousand people in 2006 and almost 40 thousand in other years. Meanwhile, there had an equal figure for Spain of over 30000 migrants from 2004 to 2006, however, the number of people decreased marginally to under 30000 for the rest of the period. 

Looking at the bar chart in more detail, the figure for New Zealand was similar roughly, 20 thousand over the period. Likewise, there has been an equal proportion of the United States, nearly over 20 thousand and under 20000 in (2004, 2006) and (2005, 2007) respectively. Moreover, a significant increase was seen in the figure for France, around 30000 in 2005, which was twice as much as the figure for 2007 and the number of people in 2004 and 2006 were lower than that of 2005.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart illustrates the number of people from Great Britain who emigrated to other countries over four years, from 2004 to 2007.

Generally, the International Passenger Survey demonstrated that Australia was the first destination for emigration among British people in all given years, followed by Spain. However, the lowest number of British emigrants was observed in New Zealand and the USA.

According to the data, in 2004, Australia habituated the most British emigrants (more than 40000), while New Zealand, France, and the USA were involved in the lowest intent, which constituted approximately 22000. One year after that, Australia was still at the top of the emigration list (lower than 40000), whereas the USA indicated the lowest number of British emigrants, which was about 20000. In 2006, Australia stayed first ranked in emigration like before (nearly 50000), while New Zealand showed the lowest number of British emigrants, which was about 21000. Finally, in 2007, Australia displayed the most number of British emigrants similar to previous years (nearly 42000) in comparison to France as the last option for emigration (approximately 18000).  




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The given bar chart depicts the number of British people emigrating to five different countries from 2004 to 2007 in thousands. Overall, it can be seen that people were most interested in choosing Australia as their destination in this period, while Spain and New Zealand experienced decreases and there were significant fluctuations in the number of immigrants to the USA and France.

It is noticeable that Australia was the most popular country for the people of England to emigrate to. It had a figure of more than 40,000 in 2004, which underwent a slight fall in the next year, before reaching a maximum of roughly 52,000 in 2006. In the last year, it fell markedly to the number of around 44,000. Spain and New Zealand had downward trends. The former started at 35,000 and although it saw a very gentle increase in 2005, it gradually decreased to about 27,000 by the end of the period. The latter fell slightly, beginning from approximately 25,000 and culminating with 20,000.

The trends for the USA show some variations, since from 25,000 in 2004, it declined to less than 20,000 in a year and it reached its first figure again in 2006. However, there was a dramatic fall of 5,000 after that. France fluctuated widely from more than 20,000 to a peak of almost 35,000, followed by noticeable declines to about 18,000 in 2007, which is the lowest number on the chart.  




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart compared the number of British people who emigrated to Australia, Spain, New Zealand, the USA, and France over a period of four years.

It is clear that Australia was the most popular country for British emigrants while Spain and France come is the second destinations. New Zealand and Spain were the least popular country compared to the other three nations over the four periods.

In 2004, the figure for people who emigrated to Australia was just under 40 thousand, whereas that of Spain was lower at roughly 34 thousand. Over the following two years, the figure for Australia saw a rise of 10 thousand. By contrast, the number of Spain decreased by 2 thousand. Between 2006 and 2007, these figures declined by 42 and 28 thousand respectively. 

The other three nations that people emigrated there between 2004 and 2007 were New Zealand, the USA, and France. In 2004, the number of British people who emigrated to these countries was around 22, 23 and 21 thousand respectively, but France overtook the other two nations' British emigrants at 32 thousand in 2005. Over the next 2 years, there was a gradual drop in the number of British people who emigrated to France from 32 to 19 thousand, while the USA decalin only slightly.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The presented bar chart provides information about the number of British people who moved to five countries between 2004 and 2007. 

Overall, what stands out from the chart is that throughout the period Australia was the most popular country for immigrants among these studied countries. 

In the year 2004, just over 40000 British people went to Australia. Spain was the second most popular country for British people to move to (34000 immigrants). The number of British people who chose New Zealand, the USA, and France was approximately equal in 2004 (about 23000 people). In 2005, The number of people emigrating to Australia fell to just under 40000. However, this remained still the most popular country. Spain and France saw the equal number of British immigrants in this year (35000 people). And just over 20000 and just under 20000 British people went to New Zealand and the USA, respectively.  

In the year 2006, Australia experienced the highest number of British immigrants with about 50000. For other countries, the number of Britishs moving to them in 2006 was almost comparable with their number in the year 2004. Lastly, all countries except Australia had the least number of British immigrants in 2007.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart compares the rate of emigration among the UK public to distinct countries, namely Australia, Spain, New Zealand, the UAS, and France, over a four-year period.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that Australia was the most popular destination for British migrants. It is also noticeable that a tiny portion of migrants accounted for New Zealand, the USA, and France during the period of four years.

According to the bar chart, the number of British people who were into emigrating to Australia stood at just above 40 thousand in 2004. However, it boomed to nearly 50000 in 2006. It, finally, dropped by approximately 10 thousand by the end of the period. In the year 2004, roughly 33000 migratory British selected Spain as their destination country. This number remained almost unchanged until 2006, but decreased from about 32000 in 2006 to around 27000 in 2007.

The quantity of migration to New Zealand witnessed a slight decline from 23000 in 2004 to 20000 in 2007. This rate in the UAS saw a small fluctuation between 20 thousand and 25 thousand. Although the number of migrants in France reached a peak of 33000 in 2005, it plunged to a trough of just under 20000 in 2007.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The provided chart compares British emigration in five countries from 2004 to 2007.

Overall, the prominent emigration destination for British people has been Australia. Besides Australia, all countries saw decreases in the number of British emigrants.

In 2004, about 40 thousand Britons emigrated to Australia and the number dropped slightly in 2005. In 2006, by a surge to over 50000, Australia allocated the largest portion of British emigrants among others, while the number decreased to approximately 44000 after one year. Spain with about 34000 emigrants in 2004 constitutes the second emigration destination for the British people and after an imperceptible rise in the next year, the number declined to 27000 by 2007. Emigration to New Zealand tamped down steadily from 23 to 20 thousand.

With roughly 23 thousand emigrants, the USA and France had the same number of emigrants in 2004. whilst the number of British emigrants to France rose dramatically to 33000, in the USA it underwent a diminution to 18000. Both countries had around 25000 British emigrants in 2006 and witnessed a decline in 2007. Britain's emigration to France had the lowest figure in 2007 which is under 20000.




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar charts depict the number of Brits that over the period of four years emigrated from the UK to five different countries around the world. A first glance at the chart reveals that Australia was the favorite destination for the British. Meanwhile, New Zealand and The USA were the last choices for them to emigrate.

In 2004, approximately 40000 and 35000 British emigrated to Australia and Spain, respectively, and these numbers were being continued to the same level in the next year. However, in 2006, Australia’s figure significantly increased to slightly more than 51000, and for Spain, this figure fell down to almost 32000. In 2007, this statistic was in the vicinity of 42000 for Australia and 28000 for Spain.

Other countries attracted a small number of British expatriates. In the period of 2004 and 2007, between 23000 and 20000 British, each year emigrated to New Zealand. Meanwhile, these numbers for the USA were between 24000 and 19000 annually. It is also evident that, in 2004, almost 23000 British immigrated to France. This number grew to 33000 in the next year, and then declined to 25000 and 19000 in 2006 and 2007, respectively.




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion



In recent years, the development and integration of robots in society have become a topic of debate. While some people argue that robots are essential for future human development, others are concerned about their negative effects on society. In this essay, I will discuss both views and provide my opinion on the matter.


On the one hand, proponents of robots argue that they are crucial for human progress. Robots can perform tasks that are dangerous or difficult for humans, such as exploring space or carrying out complex surgeries. Additionally, robots can complete repetitive and mundane jobs, freeing up time and resources for humans to focus on more creative and challenging work. Moreover, robots can help improve efficiency and productivity, leading to economic growth and job creation.


On the other hand, critics of robots believe that they have negative effects on society. One of the main concerns is that robots will replace human jobs, leading to unemployment and economic inequality. Additionally, robots lack empathy and emotional intelligence, which are essential for human interaction. This could lead to a decline in social skills and ultimately harm the social fabric of society. Furthermore, robots could potentially malfunction or be hacked, posing a significant threat to human safety and security.


In conclusion, the debate surrounding the use of robots in society is complex and multifaceted. In my opinion, while robots have the potential to bring numerous benefits to society, their development and use should be carefully monitored and regulated. We should prioritize the creation of robots that can complement and enhance human abilities, rather than replace them. Moreover, we should invest in education and training programs to ensure that people can adapt and acquire new skills as technology continues to evolve. It is crucial to strike a balance between innovation and caution to ensure that robots contribute to human progress without causing harm.






Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Among the numerous breakthroughs in modern science, the field of robotics has garnered remarkable attention and simultaneously divided opinions. While some believe that a cautious approach should be adopted while dealing with this issue, others note the ways that robots might revolutionise our daily lives. Despite both sides having their points, I personally believe that robotics should be embraced with all its downsides. In this essay, a summary of both stances will be given, while trying to reach a middle ground in the end.

People have a general tendency to resist anything unfamiliar when it comes to real life, and robots, in spite of having been present in a variety of media in the previous decades, are not excluded. Among the fears of many lies their reluctance to be under constant surveillance, an ambiguous feature of robots that totalitarian governments can easily exploit. Furthermore, with the emergence of machines as the primary source of the workforce, human labour will be gradually made redundant and enormous numbers of people will be dismissed from their work. 

On the other hand, many experts assert that the need for human workforce will never diminish, as robots themselves are in need of upkeep and maintenance. Besides, the advent of robot-run factories and civil services entails a more efficient economy and production of value, which if distributed in egalitarian measures, leads to decreased working time for humans and notably richer hours they could spend with their families. Last but not least, there exists a set of undesirable jobs and domestic chores that will be left to robots to mitigate their physical and emotional burden on men and women.

In conclusion, while there are several pros and cons ascribed to the use of robots in society, I presume the potential benefits outweigh the possible disadvantages. However, the prerequisite would be a regulatory body that comprises experts from various fields, ranging from mechanics to anthropology and social sciences. If robots are to be introduced as our regular acquaintances, a number of inherently complex issues should be addressed first to maximise their good for everyone. 




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Some people think that robots are important for human future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Several individuals assert that robots will have beneficial effects on humanity’s life in the future, however, others believe that they have unfavorable outcomes for society. There are arguments on both sides of this contention topic, which will be discussed in this essay, followed by my own take on the matter. 

On the one hand, some people hold the view that robots will improve human future living conditions. Firstly, the more robots are used to perform tasks, difficult for people, the faster and more accurately tasks are expected to be completed. To put it differently, automatons have been planned to carry out tasks, especially detail-oriented jobs, quicker and with relatively few errors. Take surgeries, requiring less human error and high precision, as an obvious example; it has been proven that they can be performed by robots better than humans. Moreover, these mechanical men are always available. They do not need to sleep or take breaks. Thus, they can be used in businesses such as customer service work and banking. 

On the other hand, some individuals hold the opinion that robots affect negatively people’s life. To begin with, since robots are machines, working via computer algorithms, they require deep technical knowledge and tools to work. Therefore, lack of access to experts and relevant equipment, which are expensive, in an area is likely to lead to serious problems in society. Furthermore, when it is preferred to take advantage of robots in conducting tasks, it is expected to eliminate human jobs and increase the unemployment rate and its irreparable consequences. For instance, it has been reported that in some developed countries like Japan in which robots play a leading role in performing work instead of human labor, people suffer from unemployment.

To conclude, there are valid arguments on both sides of the controversy, however, it is my firm conviction that automatons are likely to develop human future life, provided that they are used in a balanced and controlled manner.


Shabnam Tannazian/GT   




Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion


It is often argued that only through taking advantage of robots will humans be able to achieve major breakthroughs in the future. Although some subscribe to the view that robots can bring about an avalanche of benefits for humans, I would adopt a rather ambivalent
attitude toward this statement.

There may prove to be several underlying reasons why some state categorically that robots can make an appreciable contribution to our life. Firstly, accuracy and restlessness, often regarded as great features of robots, might seem to be conspicuous by their absence in some actions of many humans. Not only will they be capable of accomplishing their tasks more promptly and efficiently, but they also would obey commands without questioning. It may therefore come as no surprise that the general public, particularly scientists, is inclined to have a robot as an assistant. Secondly, with the modern lifestyle keeping us swamped with myriads of everyday tasks, people might appear to have neither the time nor the energy to pay particular attention to their families and friends. Thus, robots are capable of helping us to do our daily affairs more easily and faster, thereby leaving us plenty of time by which we enjoy moments with our loved ones. Finally, basking in the glory of robots, scientists have a world of opportunities at their fingertips to conduct scientific research into other planets and broaden their horizons of knowledge about other galaxies. Were it not for the Mars rover, Nasa would have failed to develop our knowledge about this barren planet.


On the other hand, mounting evidence shows that negative consequences will assuredly abound if robots' growth is not curbed. First, we should not overlook the fact that the creation and maintenance of robots with cutting-edge technology are too expensive. It would probably mean that a considerable amount of the government budget would be dedicated to the development of robots, while less attention would be paid to other important subjects in society, such as education and health, most of which are in dire need of generous budgets. Moreover, there is little doubt in the fact that an overwhelming majority of companies would profit from rabots, which are far more affordable as well as efficient than the human workforce, leading to nothing but a high rate of unemployment in the society. Last but not least, from a psychological point of view, people interacting with robots in their houses barely tend to be a part of society and develop their social network. The belief is that this phenomenon would raise the rate of depression and anxiety in the communities.

In conclusion, despite the aforementioned factors regarding the merits of robots, I do believe these smart machines would carry troubling consequences for society.





You recently stayed at a hotel for a business trip and were unhappy with the service provided. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel manager, outlining the problems you experienced and requesting compensation for the inconvenience caused.

You recently stayed at a hotel for a business trip and were unhappy with the service provided. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel manager, outlining the problems you experienced and requesting compensation for the inconvenience caused. In your letter: 

-        Details of your stay, including the dates and room number,

-        A description of the problems you experienced such as poor room service or noisy neighbors,

-        An explanation of how the problems affected your stay and your business trip,

-         A request for compensation, such as a refund or a discount on a future day.

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction regarding problems, which I struggled with in your hotel. I stayed in the hotel for 4 days due to a business trip, from April 10th to 14th, in room number 104, which had been booked by one of my colleagues.

Unfortunately, during these days, there was a lot of annoying noise in the environment because of maintenance actions next to my room. Although I asked for changing my room, it was neglected by your staff. In addition, I did not receive services properly. For instance, the internet connection did not run properly, thus, I could not keep in touch with my colleagues.

Since I dealt with a challenging project, which required high-level concentration I was unable to focus on them due to the problems pointed out above. Therefore, I failed to complete the project on time.

Considering paying a substantial cost, I was wondering if you could possibly refund my payment entirely. Otherwise, compensation in the form of a complementary room on my following trip would be warranted. I can be contacted at the Email address provided.

I am looking forward to hearing your swift response.

Yours sincerely,

Shabnam Lee

Shabnam Tannazian/GT         





You recently stayed at a hotel for a business trip and were unhappy with the service provided. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel manager, outlining the problems you experienced and requesting compensation for the inconvenience caused.

Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing this letter to bring to your attention some problems I encountered while staying at your Tehran hotel. I am Kimia Seyfi, and I was at your hotel during my one-week business trip.


Your hotel was booked by my company to accommodate me during my trip to Tehran. My room number was 13E, and I settled there from 25th April to 2nd May.  It was a single room located on the 10th floor of the hotel.  Although it overlooked spectacular views of the town, I faced some problems which did not allow me to enjoy my stay.


Unfortunately, there were some difficulties in chiefly in my room.  When I arrived, I figured out the air conditioner is broken, and the toilet flush did not also work. While I informed the front desk about the problems, they did not appear receptive and no action was taken to solve the issues.


Owing to the hot weather, I found it hard to stay in the room and work during the day, making me spend a considerable amount of my time in the lobby. In addition to it, I had to use public toilets because of the broken toilet flush which was annoying.  These problems adversely affected my performance and I could not accomplish my responsibilities well. 


I suggest that you need to check all the convenient facilities to make sure they work properly before your guests arrive. It also marks your respect to your customers if you change their room in case of any problems. I would be grateful if you make some form of restitution to me as a gesture of goodwill. 


I am looking forward to hearing from you, and I hope you take my suggestion into consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Kimia Seyfi




You recently stayed at a hotel for a business trip and were unhappy with the service provided. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel manager, outlining the problems you experienced and requesting compensation for the inconvenience caused.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the poor service of your hotel and seek compensation. 

I stayed in room 102 from 1st of April to the 10th of April. However, during my stay at Green hotel I had many problems. 

There are some reasons why I am not satisfied with your hotel service. First of all, my room was neither spotless nor quiet. There were some stains on my bedsheet and smelly pillow which were revolting. Also, my next-door neighbor made a great deal of noise at night. Although I called the receptionist to solve this problem, they did not care about it. 

The issues mentioned above have caused some problems for me. Firstly, due to the noise at nigh I could not sleep. Therefore, I was not alert at meetings the next day and felt lethargic. Because of not being focused, I could not make the right decision for my business in meetings and made a loss. Moreover, my clothes stank as my room was dirty, thus I took them to a laundry. 

As I lost a large amount of money during my stay in your hotel, I expect you to compensate me and give me a full refund. 

I await your prompt response.

Yours Faithfully,

Merry Yazdi




You recently stayed at a hotel for a business trip and were unhappy with the service provided. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel manager, outlining the problems you experienced and requesting compensation for the inconvenience caused.

Dear Mrs. Grey,

As an international entrepreneur, I choose the hotels I stay at with great care, and having had a pleasant stay at your establishment repeatedly is the reason why I am one your regular guests at the hotel. However, this perfect record was tarnished by the awful and uncharacteristic experience I had during my last stay.

I arrived at the hotel on April 16 and was directed to room 206 for my 3-day stay after being asked to wait for about an hour. While I was surprised by the unnecessary delay, I was once again disappointed to realize that my room was located in the smoking section of establishment. Being extremely sensitive to fumes and having specifically requested a non-smoking room I was infuriated by the mix-up and was asked to be moved to another room but to no avail. Additionally, I was further disappointed by having noisy neighbors who refused to stop laughing and shouting until late at night for which I asked the intervention of hotel security, which was again fruitless.

As a result of this hardly acceptable performance of hotel staff I was not only sleep deprived the next day, but also had to bear a head-splitting headache for the next day. The combination of the fatigue and pain, naturally, limited my performance in the next day’s meetings and further complications in business meetings.

Consequently, while my business loss cannot be calculated, I believe that I have a right to be compensated for the discomfort caused by the unacceptable service provided; otherwise I will be left with no choice but to use the services of another establishment in my future business and personal trips. It is also worth mentioning that while I prefer the compensation to be in form of refund or discount votures, I am open to other suggestions. Please do not wait to contact me through my contact me should you need any further information.


Nima Siamakmanesh




You recently stayed at a hotel for a business trip and were unhappy with the service provided. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel manager, outlining the problems you experienced and requesting compensation for the inconvenience caused.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to the poor service I received at Divan Hotel.

Having had the good fortune to visit Antalya one more time in 2022, I am Ahmad Safaei who booked a standard sea view room with a number of 7008 for 5 nights from September 12 to 16.


Although everything was ok in the first moments of entering the hotel, the receptionist announced to me that my desired room has been already filled by another guest. Thus, I was given another room with a view of a street that was extremely noisy.


The room was neither neat and tidy to make me feel good, nor was it specious to be comfortable. Thus, apart from a lack of sleep just because of the excessive noise of vehicles, I failed to have enjoyable moments in the private room. This phenomenon adversely affected my performance in my career which was of crucial importance.


By the way, I want kindly ask you to refund the extra fee I was charged for a sea view room. My debit card number is 4522000100244142. It seems to me that only through this way will I be able to have a sense of satisfaction with your services.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Ahmad Safaei




You recently stayed at a hotel for a business trip and were unhappy with the service provided. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel manager, outlining the problems you experienced and requesting compensation for the inconvenience caused.

Dear Madam/ Sir

I am writing to declare my dissatisfaction with my short stay in your hotel. I was accommodated in your hotel for three days from the 20th to the 23rd of Farvardin in room 214. Sadly, to inform you of a series of inconsistencies that occurred to me during my stay in the hotel.

First, although a pick-up service was included in the reservation, I waited for two hours in the airport so, I took a cab to the hotel as I got to the hotel, I spoke about this unscheduled issue with your staff in reception, and I couldn't receive persuasive reason. This delay affected my programs significantly, and I had to cancel my evening appointment. Secondly, I’m sorry to inform you, the chain of the inappropriate events did not end down the road, and room 214 was not the room I reserved online. The room not only wasn’t one that I reserved online with a balcony but also was located near the elevator, and this led to a lot of noise during the day and even at night. When I asked for changing the room they told me that all rooms were booked. I was there for a conference, and I needed a comfortable place to concentrate on my presentations but unfortunately, the inconvenient ambiance and unacceptable delay affected my task in a bad way.  

I'll appreciate you considering the situation fairly. Since I stay regularly in your hotel during recent years so I expect an official written explanation. You will acknowledge that it is my right to ask for at least a 50% discount on my future stay. Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns. I am impatiently looking forward to you writing back to me at this address.







The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The bar chart illustrates living and household expenses of an American family for four consecutive months in a specific year. Overall, it is clear that general family expenditure remained approximately unchanged in January and then experienced a steady increase in the subsequent month. Finally, the amount declined sharply from March to April. 

In 2010, the American family outgoings for eating in January (which was more than 400 dollars) was about two times higher than that for clothes. Conversely, in April about two times as much was spent on food as on clothing. In February, with approximately 600 dollars, the same amount of money was spent on clothing and food and far less on gas. Turning to March, with about 400 dollars, food was the first option that the family used their money for. Furthermore, expenditure on gas and clothes were second and third options respectively.

It is noteworthy that the highest spending was attributed to clothes in April which was higher than 600 dollars. In January, by contrast, just about 200 dollars is paid for clothing which is the least. in April, nearly 600 dollars is used for gas which is the highest expenditure for fuel in this year. Finally, the peak for food was in February.  




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The given bar chart illustrates how much money was spent on three disparate categories (food, gas, and clothing) by an American family every single month in 2010. Overall, it is clear that although, from Jan to Apr, the expenditure on both gas and clothing faced an upward trend, spending on food significantly declined. Moreover, the average cost of the family saw a downward trend.

As is shown, the amount of spending on the food section was about $500 in Jan, followed by a moderate growth ($570) in Feb. This figure then went down markedly to almost $450 in Mar, ending at nearly $300 in Apr. In contrast, the cost of gas saw an opposite trend. This cost plummeted to just $240 in Feb from $350 in Jan. This cost surged to $350 before reaching almost $600 in Apr.

As can be seen, when it comes to expenditure on clothing, it is interesting to note that there was a dramatic growth from approximately $200 in Jan to about $600 in Feb. This figure then plunged to $340 in Mar, followed by a sharp rise (nearly $700) in Apr.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The column chart illustrates the amount of money spent on three different items by an American family on a weekly basis in 2010 over a three-month period, starting from January.
Overall, what stands out from the graph is that although the amounts of money spent on clothing and gas witnessed a growth, the reverse was true for food across the whole period shown in the graph. Furthermore, the average expenditure dropped markedly over the entire period.
In January, the figure for expenditure on food stood at around 500 $, which was approximately twice as high as that for clothing. By March, the amount of money spent on food had dropped marginally to around 450$, whereas that of clothing had grown markedly by nearly 100$. From March onwards, the figure for money spent on food saw a moderate decline of roughly 100$, while there was a near twofold increase in the amount of expenditure on clothing over the same period.
As for gas, from January and February, the amount of money spent on gas dropped markedly to around 250$, after which it rose moderately to well under 400$ until March. In the subsequent months, there was a significant growth in the amount of expenditure on gas.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The presented bar chart provides information about the amount of money spent on three different items in the USA in 2010 between Jan and Apr. 

Overall, what stands out from the chart is that throughout the period the amount of money allocated to these items on average saw an upward trend before dropping by the end of the period.

In Jan, food was the most expensive item with about 500 dollars, compared with the amount of money spent on gas and clothing (approximately 350 and 250 dollars, respectively). The amount of money spent on food experienced growth and reached a peak of 550 dollars in Mar. This was followed by a downward trend, falling to around 300 dollars by Apr. 

The money went on gas, initially decreased to around 280 dollars, and then underwent a marked increase, rising to approximately 550 dollars by the end of the period. Although clothing was the cheapest item at the beginning of the period, the amount of money allocated to this item went up significantly to about 680 dollars in Apr after dipping to 300 dollars in Mar. 




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The bar chart illustrates how much an American family has spent on three sectors including food, gas, and clothing compared to an average family in the USA in 4 distinct months in the year 2010.

Overall, it is clear that this family’s expenditure was mostly more than an average family in April and February, while they spent lower than average in March and January.

According to the bar chart, this family’s spending on clothing peaked in April at almost 700$, which was noticeably higher than the other two sections in this month, with spending approximately 300$ and 600$ on food and gas respectively. In contrast, in April, they spent only around 200$ on clothing, which was the lowest amount not only among two other sectors in that month but also among every sector in other months.

Gas costs saw a rise over time, reaching just below 600$ at the end of the period, except from January to February which fell by around 100$. On the contrary, money spent on food saw an opposite trend. This figure decreased to approximately 300$ in April, after it peaked at just under 600$ in February.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

A glance at the bar chart provided reveals the money that an American family spent on three items in 2010. Looking from an overall perspective it is readily apparent that, the average amount of their expenditure reached a peak in March. In addition, their expenditure on clothing and gas reached a peak in the last month.

As can be seen from the bar chart, this family paid almost 500 dollars for food in January, this amount rose to nearly 600 dollars in the next month. Then, decreased steadily to approximately 300 dollars in the last month.

According to the bar chart, their expenditure on gas was a little more than 300 dollars in the first month, after that, it fell in February and reached about 300 dollars in March. This figure increased dramatically to nearly 600 dollars in April. Their expense on clothing was around 200 dollars in January, and then it fluctuated and finally reached more than 600 dollars. 

The average amount of their expenditure was around 500 dollars in the first month, then it leveled off in the next month and reached a peak in March. In April, this figure decreased by approximately 150 dollars.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The diagram compares four months in terms of the amount of money spent by a family in the USA on three different items each month in 2010.

The average amount of expenditures on food, gas, and clothing was higher than in the other three months. Also, the highest amount of spending on clothing and gas was during April, while the largest amount of money spent on food was during February.

More than $600 and about 580$ were spent on clothing and gas during April, which was the highest amount of money spent among other months. However, the most money spent on food was during February, at just under $600.

It is also noticeable that the money spent on food was higher than the other two items during January and March at nearly $500 and $450, respectively. The amount of money spent on food in February was higher than the same item in April, while the money spent on gas was considerably less than expenditures on gas in April.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The provided bar chart details the breakdown of the US household expenditure per month on three distinctive categories, namely food, gas, and clothing in the scale of dollars during the year 2010.

The initial impression, at a general glance, is that while households originally spent the most significant proportion of their incomes on food, after a while clothing expenses occupied the first rank over the examined period.

Looking at the chart in more elaborate detail, in January residents within USA mostly paid for food, at roughly $500 monthly, which was followed by gas and clothing items with approximately $300 and $250, respectively. During the next month, all sorts of figures for mentioned units scrolled a quite substantial surge except for that of gas with a mild plummet by around $100. Meanwhile, values of clothing with about $600 per month exceeded the rates of food.

Over the following month, regarding March, albeit proportions of gas experienced a recovery process to hit its initial figures, other types of expenditures’ quantities indicated a drastic plunge by almost $200 and $300, the former for food and the latter for clothing. Lastly, during April, American citizens as households expended a mere $300 on food, however, rates of gas and clothing ended up by peaking at nearly $500 and $700 in turn. 




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The bare chart illustrates the monthly expenditure on food, gas, and clothing of a family living in the USA, in the year 2010.

Overall, it is evident that cloth was the most expenditure of the family during the given period, while gas was the least cost.

During the whole period, the average expenditure pattern there was a gradual increase from about 320 to 410 dollars followed by a minimal decrease of 80 dollars until April. Turning to the details, in January, the most expenditure belonged on food which was almost double the amount of cost clothing and about 60$ more than gas expenditure.in February individuals spent about the same amount of money on food and clothing roughly 590$, while gas was the least cost at 220$.

Between March and April, the amount of money that was spent on food dropped gradually from 420$ to 370$. In March, the figure for the expenditure on the family gas was 320$, whereas that of clothing was lower at 310$. From this mount until March, these figures rose by roughly 260$ and 340$ respectively.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The graph illustrates the expenditure of an American family in dollars on food, gas, and clothing from January to April 2010.

Overall,  a family spent the most in March and the lowest expenditure was in April. It is also notable that food formed the major part of spending in the first three months, whereas it represented the lowest percent in the last month.

The amount of money allocated to food was the highest in January (around 500 dollars), which marginally increased to 550 dollars in the following month. While clothing had the least portion of a family budget in January, it surged to more than twice (around 550 dollars) in February. On the contrary, in the first two months, the money spent on gas saw a little decline ( about 100 dollars).

In March, the majority of monthly expenditure was related to food which was slightly under 500. Gas and clothing had a similar share of family spending ( approximately 300 dollars). Clothing formed the highest percentage in all categories in the given period at around 700 dollars in April, followed by gas which grew significantly to over 500 dollars. In contrast, food's monthly spending declined from 450 to 300 dollars in the last two months.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The bar chart highlights the amount of money a household in America spent on food, gas, and clothing between January and April 2010.

Overall, what stands out from the graph is that although spending on clothing was ranked first in April, it had the lowest expenditure in January. 

In January, the food charge was around $500, which was almost more than twice as much as that of clothing. One month later, however, spending on clothing rose dramatically to about $590, which was slightly more than the figure for food in the same month.

March and April witnessed an almost contradictory pattern. The amount of money spent on food in March was $430, and the figures for gas and clothing were roughly $380 and $375, respectively. On the other hand, while food expenditure in April was almost as large as that of clothing in the previous month, gas spending saw a rapid growth by approximately $200 in April, and the same can be said for clothing. In fact, expenditure on clothing hit an all-time high at $690 in April, making it the most popular item in the USA.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The given column graph compares the amount of the money was spent by American citizens from January to April. It can be seen from the chart that the average of the monthly expenditure experienced fluctuation over the given months.

It is clear that the largest proportion of spending was gone on food in most months, except for April and food was the minimum part of the expenditure. Although over 500 dollars was spent on gas in April, approximately 700 dollars was gone on clothing in this month and that was the most amount of the money in comparison with the given other items over the last months.

It is noticeable that clothing fluctuated between January and March. It can be seen from the chart that the amount of money that was spent on clothing was over 200 dollars in January, but this figure increased significantly to almost 550 dollars in the next month. In spite of the considerable increase in February, this number jumped suddenly to approximately 300 dollars in March. The same as clothing, gas showed fluctuation over the given months, but instead of increasing from January to February, the proportion of gas dropped dramatically from over 300 dollars to almost 230 dollars respectively, and suddenly grew to nearly 250 dollars in March.

Overall, it is observed that the spending priorities of people changed. Food was the most popular item among people between January to February but clothing took the lead in April.




Some people think that it is important to have access to information about the lives of famous people, while others believe that this should be private. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that having access to information about famous people's life is important, while it has been stated that others believe that this information should be private. In my opinion, information about famous people should be limited and private.


A number of people argue that having more access to the latest information about famous people could be valuable. Firstly, famous people can be a valuable source of inspiration for people, especially teenagers, to have the determination to reach their goals. It is undeniable that young people can learn resilience, and countless hours of hard work are the essence of success. Secondly, famous people can increase people's awareness of certain important matters. The reason could be that as many people follow famous people on social media like Facebook or Instagram, the latest news could publish as soon as possible on their pages, which will lead to increase awareness about serious matters.


Despite the mentioned advantages, I am convinced that the personal news of important persons should not be disclosed. The first reason is that the wrong behavior of famous people in their life can have a profound negative impact on young people's character and worldview. It is undeniable that juveniles and children copy the behavior they see on the screen on social media,  which could have a negative effect on their personalities. In addition, the materialistic lifestyle of important people does not set a suitable example of living righteously for young people. In this situation, the glamorous lifestyle of stars can encourage adolescents to be unwilling to enrich their academic knowledge or professional skills not only to be practical people for society but also to yield satisfying results.


In conclusion, although there are some possible benefits of accessing information about famous people, I believe that news of important people should be private because of the negative effect of their behavior on younger people and promoting the materialistic lifestyle.




Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


People have different views with regard to the question of whether the houses that are built in the modern era should have the same style as the previous ones or not. While some believe that the style of new buildings ought to be similar to old ones in a specific region, others, myself included, claim that people have to be authorized to select what style they prefer for their houses.

Bringing a unity and solidarity atmosphere as well as creating a spectacular and breathtaking landscape in an area may be two of the most significant reasons why authorities make people force to follow the previous architectural style. When all houses built in a local area have the same outward appearance, it can give those living in that area feel like a family. In other words, if people with different capital and livelihood are compelled to construct their buildings in the same way, it provides them with an unprecedented chance to build a close and friendly relationship due to this similarity, thereby avoiding dwellers from feeling discrimination against each other. What is more, it is undeniable that when all houses which have been built in an area have the same style, especially when it comes to outside architecture, this can offer a more fascinating and enthralling viewpoint not only for residents but also for visitors. From an economic point of view, this analogy in the style of old and new buildings might play a vital role in grabbing the attention of tourists with whom local residents can make friends and rent their homes while they are paying a visit to that area.

Others would argue that obliging people to build their homes based on the same structure is not a correct strategy, believing that this policy is against civic rights. The people who want to build or refurbish their homes have the right to do it according to what they like and how they desire. Although there are some basic principles that official authorities can determine or submit to builders, which may be rooted in their cultures and traditions, enforcing them to build their buildings so that they completely look like the old ones is against moral obligation and the law. Moreover, if people are under severe strain from the municipalities to follow older styles and reject their designs, this can result in demonstrations against governments, creating chaos and an outrageous atmosphere for the whole society. This is mainly because new builders are willing to design their houses based on novel technologies and architects, incorporating many sophisticated and state-of-the-art features into their buildings. Thus, when they are restricted to building the same as the old buildings, they confront a huge amount of waste in design and construction and mental and emotional frustration.

My own view is that people should have the freedom to decide what style or plan they want to have for their buildings since they might have different tastes and budgets for their future buildings and have the citizenship right to construct their houses in the way they prefer. Despite the fact that authorities should allow people to build their buildings based on their own preferable style, there are some routine rules and limitations, which may be originated from religious and traditional beliefs, which they should accept when building their homes.






The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

A glance at the table provided reveals the percentage of household earnings in five different countries, namely (France, Germany, UK, Turkey, and Spain), expand on eating, dwelling clothing, and amusement. 

Overall, the largest amount of money is spent on housing in France, Germany, and UK, while food and drink is ranked first in Turkey and Spain. By contrast, the lowest amount of money is attributed to clothing in all mentioned countries except Turkey.

Housing accounted for the highest proportion of France, Germany, and UK household spending with 31%, 33%, and 37%, respectively, whereas, in Turkey and Spain, spending on accommodation ranks second with 20% and 18%, respectively. In terms of food and drink, the people of Turkey spend the highest proportion of their revenue (36%) on food and drink, followed by Spanish, with 31%, likewise French, German, and British spend almost a quarter of their household budget,

In France and Spain, the money which is allocated to clothing is less than 10%, and Germany stands first with just 15%.  In Turkey, the least amount of money is allocated to recreation, with 10% of their income, while in Germany, this percentage is almost double (19%).




Write a letter to your friend about a trip you recently took, describing the places you visited and the experiences you had. Include details such as the sights you saw, the food you ate, and any interesting people you met.

Dear Sara,

How are you? Hope everything is going well at work. I am back home this morning.  As you know I had a short trip to participate in a conference that was held in Isfahan last week. I left earlier for more spare time to visit the campus and recalled the days we studied there.

To be honest, I have not been in Isfahan since graduation. It was surprising; unbelievable changes were seen everywhere.  Do you remember how hectic Chahar Bagh Street is, but now it transformed into a magnificent cobbled stone street. A lively ambiance was created there by gorgeous pavement cafes catered for people and tourists. The atmosphere was highlighted by street artists' performances and lovely shops selling cute souvenirs. You know, I went to the university to see the faculty and the professors, I was entirely confused whether I am in the right address or not as was confronted by a modern building with an attractive design. Guess whom I met there, prof. Hatami! He still has been teaching philosophy courses. We talked about philosophy and also he asked about my work and we talked about you too. It is interesting for me that he remembers all of us vividly almost name by name.  

 However, I strongly advise you to plan a trip to Isfahan as soon as possible, and in the case of arranging my program, I will eagerly accompany you on that probable trip.

Hope to see you soon






Write a letter to your friend about a trip you recently took, describing the places you visited and the experiences you had. Include details such as the sights you saw, the food you ate, and any interesting people you met.

Dear Sara,

I hope this letter finds you well. As you know, recently I have travelled to Malaysia, so I decided to share my travel experience with you.

During my stay in this country, I have seen loads of magnificent places. On the first day of my trip, I visited a cathedral located right in the heart of the city. Although this building was neither eye-catching nor popular, I became keen on it. This is because I’m really into religious places; therefore, I wanted to see religious practices in this building. On the last day, I went on an outing to see a world-famous statue. One unique feature of this work of art was that the name its artist was engraved on it.

The other enjoyable part of my journey was interacting with local people. They were so hospitable like you and even tried to navigate me around the city. In addition, there were a lot of gourmet restaurants within easy walking distance of my hotel. However, since I’m a peaky eater, I preferred not to try them and ate fast food.

Because of all these reasons, I highly recommend visiting this Asian country which is one of a kind.

Best wishes

Merry Yazdi




Write a letter to your friend about a trip you recently took, describing the places you visited and the experiences you had. Include details such as the sights you saw, the food you ate, and any interesting people you met.

Dear Sara,
Hope you and your family are in good health. I am writing this letter to share my great experience on my last trip when I traveled to Italy in July. It was one of the best trips I had ever had.
Our trip was amazing and the vibrant activities which there were memorable. Anyway, the weather was so nice and cool most of the time. Moreover, the local foods Not only were colorful but also delicious, so I enjoyed eating authentic foods.
I would like to mention that we visited many picturesque scenery, landmarks, and even historical places such as Pizza Tower. I was so overwhelmed by the beauty of Pizza Tower. I took several pictures which I will send on WhatsApp for you. Finally, our local guide was an adolescent who spoke English fluently and he was friendly as well he had a great sense of humor. I hope, next time, you can come with me to visit Italy.

Take care and write back soon.
Best Regards,
Elahe Vahdati




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

The table chart shows the amount of money spent on basic household expenses, including food and drink, housing, clothing, and entertainment, in five European countries: France, Germany, UK, Turkey, and Spain.

Overall, the table provides information on the average percentage of household income spent on essential needs in five categories. The proportion of money spent on food and drink was the highest, while that of clothing was the lowest. Additionally, there was no significant difference in total proposed costs in all categories among the in five countries.

The percentage of money spent on all categories among German families was the highest, while that of Spanish families was the lowest. The largest percentage of expenses was on housing in German families at 33%, while that of food and drink in Spanish families was at 31%.  This means that the amount of money expended on housing was nearly as much as food and drink in Spanish families.

The proportion of money spent on clothing was the lowest among the five countries with just under 15%. The lowest percentages were in France and Spain at 7% and 8 %, respectively. In this category, the highest percentage was for German, Turkish, and British families at 12%, and 11%, respectively. It is worth noting that the lowest figure for money spent on clothing and entertainment was equal at 11 %, followed by food and drink at 27%, and housing at 37% for British families.




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

The table gives information about average distribution of expenditure for families in France, Germany, the UK, Turkey and Spain.


it is clear that a notable proportion of budget of  the families in France, Germany and the Uk goes on accommodation, more than other sections. While edible products are more popular with Turkish and Spanish people.


 The highest figure in the table belongs to the British people, who allocate 37% of their budget to accommodation. The second and third highest countries, which spend more on housing are Germany and France, which spend 33% and 31% of their budget on housing, respectively. By contrast the people of these nations do not have a notable tendency to spend on clothing. And the expenditure of clothing accounts for the lowest proportion of their budget, so that French families allocate only 7% of their budget to clothing, the lowest figure in the table.


 With regard to edible items, the costs for these items accounts for 36% and 31% of the budget of families in Turkey and Spain respectively. 10% of the budget of Turkish families and 8% of the budget of the families in the Spain go on entertainment and clothing, respectively, the lowest figure for the household of these countries. But spending on entertainment makes up 19% of the whole expenditure of German households, the highest figure for entertainment, and similarly the equivalent figure for clothing blongs to the same country, at 15%.




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

The table displays the amounts of money spent per month by households in five European nations on food and drink, housing, clothing, and entertainment.  

It is clearly observed from the chart that in all countries, nearly half of their income is spent on housing and preparing food and drink. It is also worth noting that in all of them except Turkey, clothing has the least portion of their expenditure.  

In Turkey and Spain, food and drink are the largest expenditure at 36% and 31%, respectively, while housing expenses are at 20% and 18%, respectively. In contrast, British, French, and German families spend the majority of their income on accommodation more than 30%, and nearly one quarter on food and drink. Furthermore, buying clothes has the least amount of cost per month in all nations, 7% in France, 8% in Spain, 11% in the UK, and 15% in Germany, except Turkey, since Turkish people spend 12% of their income on clothing and only 10% on leisure activities. However, other nations spend more than 10% of their earnings on entertainment. 




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

The presented table provides information about the percentage of salary allocated to food and drink, housing, clothing, and entertainment in five European countries. 

Overall, what stands out from the table is that the highest proportion of income is spent on food and drink, as well as housing in all studied countries. 

Almost a quarter of salary is spent on food and drink in France, Germany, and the UK. In Spain and Turkey, just over 30% and 35% of earnings are allocated to this item, respectively. In France, Germany, and the UK, housing is the most expensive item, making up 31%, 33%, and 37% of household expenditure, respectively. In contrast, approximately 20% of total money is spent on housing in Turkey and Spain. 

The smallest percentage of salary is spent on clothing, with about 10% in all countries except Germany, where 15% of earnings go towards clothing. Entertainment is the second cheapest item, accounting for about 15% of household expenditure in France and Spain, approximately 10% in Turkey and the UK, and just under 20% in Germany.




The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income five European countries spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment.

Given is a table comparing the percentage of household income which is spent on food and drinking, housing, clothing, and entertainment by five European nations.

   Overall, it is clear that the highest income is devoted to housing in all countries except Turkey and Spanish. However, the lowest amount of money earned is spent on clothing.

   Investigation the data reported indicates that in nations, families spend at least 20 percent and at most 37 percent of their earnings on food and drinking, and housing items, respectively. Considering these two items, communities in Turkish (36%) and Spanish (31%) pay mostly for food and drinking. Families in Germany and UK, while devote more than one-third of their income to housing. 

   In terms of clothing and entertainment, the data documented illustrates that people are very strict and spend less money, especially on clothing. In comparison to clothing, entertainment is a little better. Comparing nations shows that Germany (19%) and Turkey (10%) have devoted the highest and lowest budget to amusement activities, respectively. Meanwhile, families in France and Spain with a negligible difference with each other ( 7% and 8%), and in Germany with 15%, spend the minimum and maximum of their income on clothing, subsequently.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Globalization is an ongoing phenomenon that affects various aspects of people's lives, including indigenous cultures. Some argue that it impacts local cultures negatively, leading to the destruction and disappearance of traditional customs. While I believe, apart from some adverse effects, globalization also plays an invaluable role in preserving local cultures by facilitating cultural exchange between nations.  

On the one hand, a perspective supports globalization's destructive impacts on indigenous cultures. In a globalized world, interconnections between nations around the world have increased due to the growth in the number and diversity of communicative means, such as mass media. Media, especially print and visual media and social platforms, has a significant role in connecting people globally as well as promoting specific cultural values and practices. Consequently, the promotion of certain cultures by mass media has led to the dominance of more approved and popular cultural practices in the opinion of people around the world, which in turn can result in native customs and traditions being neglected and forgotten. For instance, as a result of the dissemination of cultural values through social media, which has a key role in globalization, western culture has become highly popular with people around the world, especially the youth, and is gradually replacing native cultures.

On the other hand, globalization also can help the preservation of local cultures by increasing cultural exchange between nations in several ways. Firstly, owing to globalization and the associated advancements in transportation systems, people can travel more easily and frequently around the world. Thus, they can visit all corners of the globe and be acquainted with local cultures, leading to the survival of these cultures from being forgotten. Additionally, as a feature of globalization, the extensive networks of communications resulting from various communicative means, including media, can fulfill an influential role in introducing less-known local traditions to other nations.

In conclusion, although globalization can affect local cultures adversely by helping the domination of specific cultures over indigenous ones through the influence of media on people, it also can enhance cultural exchange between nations using several ways, including providing better conditions for traveling around the world and getting to know native cultures and using media for introducing local cultures to rest of the world.    




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


We live in a global village that can connect to an extensive of humans, institutions, organizations, and nations easily and it is a major development in the life of humans that cannot be ignored. Nevertheless, globalization has serious opponents, who are part of the anti-globalization movement, believe that it is like a powerful wave of the sea that dissolves the small and the large and contributes to the destruction of local cultures that dominant systems destroy local systems in pursuit of uniformity, and this is a terrible danger that must be taken seriously.

 According to them, globalization increases the risk of losing local languages, and this is something that worries many linguists because local languages are the cultural assets of any country and the dominance of one language over another is actually the imposition of the ideology of one culture on another. At the same time, postmodern critical thinking does not accept this linguistic supremacy, this is because this thinking, unlike modern thinking, wants to revive the native and local culture and keep it alive and the diversity of customs and languages.

In addition, the global economy caused by globalization affects micro-economies and destroys them. Because of this, small industries that are hundreds of years old are disappearing because they do not have the strength to face global capitalism and superpower industries. For example, handicraft industries such as carpet weaving, pottery, and mat weaving, which have a long history and are tied to the geography, history, and culture of the region, are vanishing.

As a result, according to the opponents, globalization, with all its advantages, can have irreparable consequences in the field of culture and the destruction of native languages and customs, as well as small but historical industries, and can be a disaster in human achievements.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


These days, the effect of globalization has become widespread on an unprecedented scale in different aspects of people’s lives, from economic to social affairs. I strongly disagree with the notion that local culture may be confronted with the negative consequences of globalization.

Raising the popularity of ancient and local cultures as well as improving the financial condition of people may be two of the noticeable positive influence of globalization in the world, especially when it comes to third-world countries. It is an undeniable fact that many cultures and traditions were unknown to people in previous years, but those living in today’s era who are exposed to a dramatic change in the world, known as globalization, take advantage of being familiarized with their ancestors’ cultures and legacies. In other words, individuals whose information is limited about what cultures they have or which festivals they might hold can broaden their horizons by using the technological advancements having happened due to globalization, like connecting to the internet. From an economic viewpoint, people in different parts of the world, particularly those living in deprived areas with low income, can benefit from globalization by demonstrating their unique and enthralling culture to other parts of the world. This means that globalization can create many tourist destinations if people harness it to show their culture. Some developing countries, such as Morocco, in which people still live according to ancient periods and keep their old cultures have grabbed the attention of foreign tourists to come and visit their cultures, thereby providing local people with a huge amount of livelihoods.

Some would argue that globalization can bring adverse consequences for local cultures, believing that the glamorous picture of globalization manipulates people, especially youngsters living in third-world countries to replace their cultures with modernized nations. This is mainly because those people are suffering from access to basic needs and are willing to make a major breakthrough in their living conditions by imitating the culture of wealthy nations. People may think their adversities are because of their old cultures, so if they follow the lifestyle of developed nations, they might achieve a better life. I, however, am of the opinion that this illusion can be addressed if local authorities strive to raise public awareness about how their cultures and identities are so precious that they can bring them back various favourable points. When people find out how they can apply their culture as a good way to reach a prosperous life, they will never tend to lose it.

In conclusion, globalization has become a ubiquitous trend in today’s modern life. Although it may have negative impacts on the culture of weak communities, governments can teach people how to employ globalization as a useful tool to progress their countries by showing their cultures to the world and attracting tourists.





Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Having been introduced recently, globalization has revolutionized every aspect of human life, to the point that the world has turned into a so-called village. Some hold the view that this trend has adverse effects on features related to cultures. I disagree with the idea as there are many advantages to reap.


The modern world is characterized by the ever-increasing close bonds between countries in different areas such as communication and economics. By way of explanation, this phenomenon has enabled people to communicate with others, leading them to gain a deep insight into other cultures, and consequently, they have been given the opportunity to add to different cultures through this interaction. So, it can bring about an awareness about serious and debatable concepts such as freedom, human rights, and environmental issues; this awareness is highly beneficial for those who live in remote areas of, for example, Africa. Economically speaking, by being in relation with other nations, they are more likely to sell their local products, promoting their wealth, and use this advantage in order to introduce the beauty of their traditions.

There are, however, some negative points that may arise. It is said that in this globalized world, there are a few developed countries that have a competitive advantage over less developed ones, leading them to be overshadowed. By way of explanation, many local cultures, languages, traditions, costumes, and schools of thought have disappeared by the emergence of globalization, which can inflict damage to human civilization. Should it be the case, it is the responsibility of such governments to survive their culture by investing their effort to adopt some measures to raise their profile in the international community. Having a comprehensive program to promote their local culture is of prime importance as the process of globalization is an inevitable trend in the modern world.

To conclude, without underestimating the negative impacts of globalization, I have the idea that countries can draw the attention of other nations by taking practical steps in order not to be affected.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is often argued that globalization has led to the erosion of local cultures. While it undoubtedly brings many advantages, such as economic growth and increased trade, it also has some negative outcomes for local culture.

One unfortunate effect of globalization has been the spread of dominant cultural values and practices that often push smaller cultures to the margins. This can lead to a loss of cultural diversity and richness. For instance, many indigenous cultures, with their traditional knowledge and language, have been threatened by the global spread of Western culture, resulting in their disappearance.

Another negative impact of globalization is its influence on traditional ways of life. Subsistence farming and small-scale manufacturing are often disrupted, leading to social and economic instability that further undermines local communities and their cultures.

Finally, the loss of traditional knowledge and language that goes hand in hand with threatened cultures is another adverse consequence of globalization. This loss can include traditional medical treatments, agriculture practices, and other time-honored processes unique to a specific culture, resulting in us losing out on the traditional heritage of that culture.

To mitigate these negative impacts of globalization effectively, various stakeholders' collaborative and participatory approaches are necessary. Education and awareness-raising efforts must be taken to promote cultural exchange programs, communities, and schools by having hands-on training programs promoting local arts and expertise, building museums and cultural heritage sites, and restoring preservation methods like cultural events. In addition, policies that promote local trade and business development must be implemented alongside mechanisms that protect local economies and cultures.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that globalization has had a damaging impact on local culture in several countries. However, with the right strategies and approaches, we can minimize its detrimental effects and promote cultural richness and diversity in our communities.




Some people believe that globalization has a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


With the advent of the Internet and telecommunication, the world has become a global village. It is believed by some individuals that this phenomenon can exert adverse influences on the local culture of countries all around the globe. I completely agree with this view and adhere to the belief that globalization leads to cultural degradation. 


It cannot be ignored that becoming a single community in the world has devastating effects on the culture of all countries. Due to advancements in technology, some developed countries, especially the United States, have powerful tools including the Internet and social media platforms to impose their culture, norms, and traditions on other developing and underdeveloped countries. Western culture is considered to be the most valuable one nowadays, making individuals imitate Western lifestyles. It cannot go unnoticed that many people wear jeans and drink coke as a result of globalization, forgetting their original identity.


Becoming the global village is also debasing languages which are one of the important aspects of each country’s culture. There is no disputing the fact that languages indicate the roots of countries’ cultures and heritage. Owing to globalization, human being needs a common means of communication allowing them to interact efficiently. An increasing number of people nowadays attempt to become fluent in English, the dominant spoken language all around the world, to be able to enter the international labor market and communicate with other communities. This trend causes many languages to be on the verge of extinction. Disappearing a language inevitably poses a great threat to the local culture of a country, putting it at risk of degrading. 


In conclusion, I concur with the view that globalization adversely affects local cultures and destroys cultural diversity by giving value to a particular culture and language. I opine governments had better take appropriate actions and preserve their official language and rich culture to pass down to the next generations. 




You recently traveled by plane and left your laptop on board. Write a letter to the airline company to :

▪️Provide details about your flight, including the date, flight number, and destination.

▪️Explain that you accidentally left your laptop on the plane and describe the laptop's specifications (e.g., brand, color, size).

▪️Express your concern and the importance of retrieving the laptop as it contains valuable personal and professional information.

▪️Request assistance in locating and returning the laptop to you, including any necessary contact information.

Dear Sir or madam,

I am writing this letter to request your aid in retrieving a laptop that I have left behind on an airplane of your airline.

On January 26th I traveled from Madrid to Istanbul on a business trip on 6 o’clock flight number 2814.

However, due to rushing for exiting the airplane in order to attend a meeting on time, I must have forgotten to pick up my laptop from the luggage compartment. It is an HP H-323d laptop sized 14 inches and is in black. The LED of the aforementioned laptop has a diagonal scratch from top to bottom. The laptop is in a dark brown satchel and should be somewhere near seat number 22C.

The laptop bears important spreadsheets related to my work which are crucial for me to be able to function as before. In addition, there is a folder containing many family photos that we have collected over the years.

I believe you can fully grasp the laptops significance for both my personal and professional life. Thus, I would like to request your assistance in locating my laptop and gaining it back. In case of any further information needed, please do not hesitate to contact me through my email at aliazbi@gmail.com or my mobile on 989369369369.

Thank you in advance for taking you considerations towards this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Ali Azbi




You recently traveled by plane and left your laptop on board. Write a letter to the airline company to :

▪️Provide details about your flight, including the date, flight number, and destination.

▪️Explain that you accidentally left your laptop on the plane and describe the laptop's specifications (e.g., brand, color, size).

▪️Express your concern and the importance of retrieving the laptop as it contains valuable personal and professional information.

▪️Request assistance in locating and returning the laptop to you, including any necessary contact information.

To Pan American Airlines;
My name is Roger Strong. I took the flight number 24H46C to Sydney on June 26th and unfortunately I forgot to bring my laptop with me. This happened due to the rush I was in to exit the plane when it landed. To give you some details of my lost device, I should inform you that it’s a 15-inch HP laptop in navy blue.
No need to explain that there is a huge amount of deadly important data in it, including personal and business stuff. These data includes my nostalgic photos and videos plus some confidential documents belonging to the company I work for. Since I have no backup of the aforementioned data, this issue is a matter of life and death for me. 
Below I’ll share you my contact information and ways to find me. You can post it to my place or I can reach your headquarters and take it back, the decision is yours. I’m sure that you totally understand the hard situation I’m in. Thank you in advance for all your help.

Roger Strong,
No. 125, Palm Street, Chicago
Phone number: 052-54369845




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The presented pie charts provide information about the percentage of employees hired by age category in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020. 

Overall, what stands out from the charts is that the highest proportion of staff belonged to the 21-30 age group in both years. 

Young people (under 21) made up just 14% of employees in the public sector in 2015, and their percentage fell by 2% by 2020. About 25% and 33% of employment were filled by 21 to 30-year-olds in 2015 and 2020, respectively. Those who were in the fourth decade of their lives accounted for just over 20% and 10% of workers in 2015 and 2020, respectively. 

In 2020, middle-aged people(41-50 age group) made up the second highest proportion of employees in the public sector (28%), while in 2015,  just under 20% of staff were in this age category. Lastly, in 2015, the percentage of staff who belonged to the over 50 age category was comparable with the proportion of workers in the 21-30 age group. By contrast, in 2020, their percentage went down sharply to just over 15%.




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The given pie chart represents the ratio of UK staff employed by age in the public department during the years 2015 and 2020.
Overall, it can be clearly seen that the highest percentage of workers in both years related to workers who are between the ages of 21-30.
To begin with, the age group of 31-40 has a downward tendency, dropping from 21% in 2015 to 11% in 2020 whilst the age group of 41-50 has an upward, increasing from 19% in 2015 to 28% in 2020. The age group under 21 showed no significant change; remaining at 14% in 2015 and decreasing slightly to 12% in 2020.
In subsequence, the age group over 50% was 23% in 2015 and it sharply declined to 16% in 2020; it shows the number of staff workers in this age is going to become lower year by year. On the contrary, the highest percentage of staff belonged to 21-30; it was increasing from 23% in 2015  to 33% in 2020; showing a trend of growth.




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

The provided pie charts detail a breakdown of the proportion of the labor force recruited in the public section percentage-wise with regards to their age groups within the UK during the years 2015 and 2020.

The initial impression, at a general glance, is that while residents aged 21-30 along with the elderly over 50 originally shared the majority portions of the whole workforce, after a while figures for the youth generation remained at the top of the list as opposed to that of the elder group with a mild plunge over the examined period.

Looking at the charts in more elaborate detail in 2015, quantities of the elderly over 50 and inhabitants between 21 to 30 registered roughly half of the total staff employed collectively, with 23% each, followed by citizens at the age group of 31-40 and 41-50, with approximately 21% and 19% respectively. Regarding the population under 21, values accounted for a mere 14% in 2015. 

As for the rates of work staff during 2020, figures for the youth aged 21-30 constituted the lion’s share of the total chart, scrolling almost a third. The rate of folks between 41 to 50 years old, with a quite substantial surge, occupied the second rank, at 28%. Albeit the population of staff over 50 was at first rank initially, with an overwhelming plummet, reached merely 16% in 2020. In terms of the two rest age groups, the sets of figures documented around a fourth in sum, at 11% and 12%, the former for 31-40 and the latter for under 21.




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing this letter to bring to your attention that I left my laptop on one of the planes of your airline three days ago. I need your assistance to find it as soon as possible. 


On Wednesday, 20th April, I had a business trip from Tehran to Dubai by your company’s plane. As far as I can remember, the aircraft was an airbus a320, and the flight number was 1152. When I boarded the plane, I put the laptop in the cabinet above my seat, 32D. Being in a hurry, I forgot to pick it up when departing. 


Due to the flight delay, I was late for a life-changing meeting, misremembering to take my laptop inadvertently. The laptop was a brand-new E14 Lenovo black in color. It is located in a brown laptop case which is medium in size. Being the only equipment that I own to accomplish my responsibilities, it is of utmost importance to me.


All data related to my projects as well as my personal information are stored on its hard disk. Not being able to do my tasks without my laptop and the data saved on it, I am at risk of losing my job if I cannot finish my assignments by the end of this week. Therefore, it would be appreciated if you could assist me to find it.  


I inquired from the lost and found department but they did not appear receptive. I want you to ask one of your employees to check the cabinet above my seat to see whether my laptop is there. Please locate it and deliver it to the address enclosed at your earliest convenience. 


I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Kimia Seyfi




The chart below shows the proportion of staff employed by age in the public sector in the UK in 2015 and 2020.

Given are two pie charts illustrating the ratio of workers occupied by age in the public department in the UK by age between 2015 and 2020. looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the percentage of people in their 20s and 40s rose marginally, while employment for moving age groups, remarkably those over 50, witnessed a considerable decline.



In 2015, over 50, 21-30, and 31-40 were approximately equal with regard to utilization, with each slightly below about one in four. By 2020, the figures for over 50 and 31-40, had decreased significantly (about a quarter and one out of ten respectively) however the numbers for 21-30 increased substantially to represent about one in three of all proportions.



In contrast, the data for the residual was completely distinct on two very crucial counts. The first, in terms of those under 21, sustained a runty decrease accounting for the tiniest average share of 13% for five consecutive years. The second, which experienced a hefty 9 percent enhancement, exceeded the amounts of two significant parts of the charts.       




Some people believe that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorcycles. Others, however, argue that there are better ways to improve road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The most effective strategies for improving the safety of roads as much as possible have always been a matter of concern. While some believe that the best solution for enhancing road safety would be raising the minimum age at which individuals are permitted to take a driving license and drive, others, including me, argue that other robust strategies can be implemented to address the issue.

On the one hand, by bringing several arguments, some believe that the minimum age at which driving is legally allowed should be raised to make the roads safer. Firstly, they allege that since young motorists usually have an unfavorable combination of inexperience and overconfidence in their driving abilities, the law should prohibit them from driving until they acquire more driving experience and their confidence approximates a reasonable level as their age increases. Secondly, according to the statistics of road accidents, it has been proven that younger drivers are more prone to showing irresponsible driving behaviors, such as speeding, ignoring traffic signs, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Therefore, they should not be allowed to drive until an older age at which they are mature enough to avoid such dangerous behaviors. 

On the other hand, another group believes that there are several alternative ways that can be more effective in improving the roads' safety than merely increasing the legal age for driving. One proposed idea can be to make the traffic rules more stringent, thereby decreasing the potential dangers on roads. For instance, in some countries, they have strict speed limits on their roads by which they can prevent considerable numbers of accidents that occur due to overspeeding. Moreover, improving the conditions of motorways to make them less accident-prone, for example, by installing sufficient traffic signs in the proper locations or repaving roads, is another way to increase the safety of roadways. 

In conclusion, a higher legal age for driving may be a good solution for enhancing the safety of roadways since young drivers can be more inexperienced and overconfident about their driving skills and are more likely to show reckless driving behaviors. However, I believe there are other measures that can more effectively make driving on roads safer, such as imposing more strict traffic laws and improving the conditions of roads




You have recently moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to your friend describing the new apartment, its location, and your experience of moving in. Also, explain your plans for decorating the apartment and invite your friend to visit you.


Dear Sara,

Today, finally I received your letter. I have wonderful news. I have moved to the suburb and due to relocation your letter was sent to my old address and it was delivered to me with a great delay. As you know I hate the hustle and bustle of my previous neighborhood with the buildings looking similar with the same characteristics. There was no diversity in the monotone rhythm of the ambiance of my old-fashioned apartment.

Firstly, my new apartment is a cozy one on a quiet and gorgeous two-tree-lined avenue. There is a fantastic view through the windows. Besides, it is near the ring road then I take just 15 minutes to drive to my workplace. The greatest advantage is getting rid of terrible traffic jams on my way to my old home.

Secondly, I used to climb the stairs up and down several times during the day. No more stairs for me, Thank God.  The building is constructed very recently and has all facilities included from the elevator to the central heating. My flat is a two bedrooms unit with a spacious hall which is full of light. I get it designed in a modern and minimal way that looks more brilliant and attractive.

I am impatiently waiting for you to pay a visit as soon as possible to have an enjoyable time. I suppose that this weekend is proper for you to come, please inform me ahead to arrange my plans and take some days off to have more spare time to hang out together.    

Love you





You have recently moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to your friend describing the new apartment, its location, and your experience of moving in. Also, explain your plans for decorating the apartment and invite your friend to visit you.


Dear my friend Peter,

Today, as I write this letter for you, I am in my new flat in the middle of downtown.

My new apartment is on the thirty-fifth floor of the very famous skyscraper known as “ASEMAN”. The location has very good access to a subway station and is situated beside an enormous hypermarket. Going up with the elevator, I feel like I’m flying on the clouds because the 35th floor is above the clouds. My bedroom has two huge windows with a nice scenery of Central Park. Every morning I look through them and see people who are playing or running.

I have recently talked to my cousin, who is an interior designer, about redecorating my new flat. I had some ideas, and I asked him for changes, such as destroying the wall of laundry, which causes my kitchen to looks bigger. Another change was installing wallpaper in the living room. In addition, I make a decision to buy a circular sofa with a red color, the same as the flowers on the wallpaper.

I want to invite you to my new apartment. Remember, you are always welcome to come and stay with me. I have extra room here, and I can show you the fabulous scenery from my bedroom windows.

I hope to see you here soon.

Lots of love,





You have recently moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to your friend describing the new apartment, its location, and your experience of moving in. Also, explain your plans for decorating the apartment and invite your friend to visit you.


Dear Mahsa,


I hope you are well and healthy. I am writing this letter to let you know that I have recently moved out of my parent’s house to a rental apartment located in the heart of Tehran. 


Not getting much privacy living with my parents, I decided to set up home. While my place is located on a very busy main street called Karimkhan, at least it is well-connected to the city center. Not having lots of furniture and stuff, it only took 3 hours to move in last week. My flat is on the third floor of a five-story old apartment and although there is no room to swing a cat, it is a very cozy place. There is one bedroom, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a balcony with a spectacular view of a magnificent green oasis. 


I am going to landscape the balcony with brightly colored flowers and purple lights, making it heaven on earth. Not only that, cabinets in the kitchen need to be replaced with modern ones and equipped with cutting-edge appliances. After the renovation, we can have lots of fun together in my flat.


I guess the decoration will be finished by the end of May, so we can celebrate my birthday here if you remember the day! 


See you soon,





The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The two pictures compare the changes which have taken place in the village of Ryemouth from 1995 till now.

Overall, what stands out from the map is that while Ryemouth had many green areas, it has undergone tremendous changes to become a place with more recreational facilities. Moreover, it had some fishing facilities; however, they have been removed.

Focusing on the northern part of the village, the farmland on the top right-hand corner and the forest park to the south of it have turned into a golf and tennis center, respectively. As for the West, a new road has been laid, and some housing has been built just to the south of it.

Regarding the south, a fishing port has been knocked down, and a set of fish markets have been replaced by apartment blocks, across from which some restaurants were erected in the place of the shops. Furthermore, new parking has been introduced just in the vicinity of the hotel to the east of the village opposite the cafe.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The given two maps illustrate the changes which have taken place in a village in Ryemouth between 1995 and today. Overall, it can be clearly seen that the village has been modernized, with sports facilities, more houses, and other recreations having been built.

With regard to the northern part of the village, one interesting change is that the farmland has been removed to make way for a golf field in the northeast. Also, the number of houses has been increased on the two sides of the road. As for the central of the village, in 1995, there was a forest park in the east, but the trees have been cut down in order to add two tennis courts having been merged into the golf court. Another interesting development is that the side road has been expanded towards the west, and two houses have been constructed along it.

If we look at the southern part of the village, a car park has been built for the hotel, but the café located on the other side of the road coast has remained unchanged. In addition to this, there were several shops along the road coast, but some restaurants have replaced with. Two final striking developments in the coast are that the fish markets have been demolished in order for several apartments to be constructed, and secondly, a fishing port has been built in the sea.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


the map is showing the changes involved in the urban area called Ryemouth from years 1995 and today.

Overall, it is transparent that the changes have been made to the village to provide accommodation, facilities, and easy access for dwellers.

To commence with, 1995, on the northeast side of the village, the residential area is situated. Huge farmland was in the northwest corner of the rural area and just under the farmland, there was a big forest park. On the west side of the road that is situated alongside the sea, there were fish markets and shops, while on the east side of the street, there were a hotel and a small café. A fish port was near the markets which supplied the market with fresh fish.

Nowadays, the village has been developed. The residential area has been expanded. the farmland and the forest park have been replaced with a golf center and a tennis patch. Furthermore, the fishing port, the fish market as well as the shops have been flattened and instead of the fish market and shops, some apartments and restaurants have been built, respectively. The hotel and the café have stayed the same, but a car park have been constructed next to the hotel.




You have recently moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to your friend describing the new apartment, its location, and your experience of moving in. Also, explain your plans for decorating the apartment and invite your friend to visit you.


You have recently moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: 

-        Describing the new apartment, its location, and your experiences of moving in,

-        Explain your plans for decorating the apartment,

-        Invite your friend to visit you.


Dear Monika, 

I hope this letter finds you well. I’m writing to let you know that I’ve moved into a new flat the last month.

Let me explain my new house. I live on the second floor of a three-story apartment. It has a living room with a magical view of the river, a fully-fitted kitchen, two spacious bedrooms overlooking the flower garden, and a cozy study room. It’s located in a tranquil area near the city center as I can walk to the shopping center. About the relocation experience, I should mention that it needed a lot of patience because organizing and packing my personal belongings took a great deal of time.

As you’re no doubt aware, I’ve been living in classical-designed houses so far, and this one is no exception. Although the house is fully-furnished, some of them are rickety and old fashion such as the dining table and bedroom wallpaper so I consider changing them to my own taste.

Why don’t you come over for a few days? You’re more than welcome to come along to my place the following Saturday. We would have meals on the bank of the river and visit interesting places.

I’m looking forward to catching up with you.

Best wishes,



Shabnam Tannazian/GT       





You have recently moved to a new apartment. Write a letter to your friend describing the new apartment, its location, and your experience of moving in. Also, explain your plans for decorating the apartment and invite your friend to visit you.


Dear Sara,

I hope this letter finds you well. As you know I have just moved to a new apartment. Although it was so hard for me to pack up all of my stuff, it was worth it because my new place is much better than the last one.

Since I’m excited about my new place, I’ve decided to describe it for you. It is located on the 10th floor of a high-rise building. So, when I look outside from windows, I can enjoy mesmerizing views as my unite overlooks a park. Thankfully, my place is neither tiny nor too big and is spacious enough for a family of three. It has two bedrooms with one attached bathroom. Also, there is a gym within-easy-walking distance of my apartment; therefore, for a gym rat like me the location is flawless.

I’ve decided to have my flat redecorated. This is because there aren’t enough cabinets in the kitchen. Besides, I would like to make a hanging garden in the balcony.

Why don’t you drop by to see my beautiful home up close? You’re more than welcome to come around.

Best wishes





The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The map depicts different changes that have occurred in the Ryemouth village from 1995 to the present day.

Overall, the size of the village has remained the same, but new constructions such as road, houses, and a car park have been added. Recreational facilities were built in place of farm land and a forest park. The fish market was converted into apartments and the fishing port was completely demolished. 

In the northwest of the village, there were two rows of houses on both sides of the northern road in 1994. Now the number of houses is nearly one and a half times that of 1995. Also, a new road in the southwest of these houses, which has an intersection with northern road, was built.

In the northeast of the map, where a golf course and tennis court now stand, there used to be a farm land and forest park. In the south of these places, there is now a hotel and car park, whereas in the past, there was only a hotel.

At the end of the road that goes from the southeast to the southwest, we can see changes on both sides of the road. In 1995, some shops in the northwest of this road were converted into restaurants. Additionally, furthermore, the fish market was destroyed to make way for a few apartments.





The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The given maps illustrate changes that happened in a village called Ryemouth between the period of 1950 to the present.

Taking a short glance, it can be immediately found that generally some new sports facilities have been established, as well as the number of residential places have been considerably increased rather than the past.

First of all, the number of houses has risen, whether in the Northwest of the village, where some new houses have been added, or in the coastal area, where there used to be markets selling fish, and now they have been replaced by some apartments. Furthermore, although the hotel has remained unchanged during this period, a new parking space has been built right next to this hotel.

Second of all, in 1995 there used to be five shops that no longer exist presently, as those stores have changed and now serve as restaurants. The farmland has also been removed; instead, a golf field has been established. Moreover, the forest park has completely disappeared, alternatively, there is a newly-built tennis court. Besides, the fishing area has totally vanished from the village and it is not on the map anymore.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


A glance at the map provided reveals how the village of Ryemouth has changed since 1995. Overall, there have been extensive developments with regard to the construction of buildings and facilities.

In 1995, there were two main roads running through the town from west to east and northwest to southeast. Alongside the road from west to east, there was a shop and hotel, and on the opposite side of them, there were a fish market and café. In the northeast, there was huge farmland just on the top of the forest park. Likewise, there was a fishing port in the sea.

At present, a new road has been constructed in a residential area, which is surrounded by houses. Also, a gall has replaced the farmland, and a new tennis court has been erected after the deforestation of the park. A new residential area has been built in place of a fish market, and a restaurant has been constructed on the opposite side of the road where the shop used to be. Furthermore, there is a new car park next to the hotel; additionally, the former fishing port in the sea no longer exists.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The maps illustrate how a village called Rvmouth has changed commencing 1995 until now. Overall, the jungle has seen significant growth residentially. It is noteworthy that recreational developments have occurred noticeable damage to the trees.

In 1995, there used to be a farmland located in the northeast of the area, which was next to the forest Park in the west. There were two main roads running through the jungle from east to west and its branch to the northwest. There were also a housing area and a series of houses along the main road to the northwest. Additionally, There were several shops similar in size and length which were located along the road to the east and west. Fish market area was off the main road and after that was a cafe across from a hotel in the east of the region.

Currently, in the west and northwest, a branch of the main road and more houses have been constructed. Golf has been replaced by the farmland and the forest park has been deforested and replaced by a tennis court with a smaller side. Restaurant and demolished fish market has been replaced by shops and apartments, respectively. Furthermore, Fishing port has been removed and a car park has been developed adjacent to the Hotel.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The given map illustrates the progress of the village of Rynemouth between 1995 and now.


At first glance, it is clear that this village experienced some remarkable changes over the span shown, becoming noticeably less green and it turned into an urban area. The only places that remained the same in this village over the period were the hotel and the cafe. The farmland and forest park in the east of the village, for example, were replaced with the golf and tennis court. Secondly, the shop and fish market on the left corner of the cafe was substituted with a restaurant and some apartments, respectively. In 1995, there was a fishing port in the middle of the sea, but now this place has been demolished. In addition, in the vicinity of the hotel, erect a car park. Furthermore, the housing zone in the top left of the map was developed, and also constructed a new road in this part of the village.





The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The maps illustrate the development which has taken place in the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and today. We can see that the rural area underwent many changes during this period, including the village used to have plenty of trees, and the farmland was converted for new construction and recreational facilities.

Not only have all the trees in the southern part of the farmland been chopped down, but the farmland has also been converted to make way for tennis courts and a golf course. In 1995, there was a fish market and fishing port located at the mouth of the sea. Currently, only apartments and the empty sea remain in that area. Additionally, new houses have been constructed near the existing residential buildings in the northwest part of the village.

In contrast, restaurants still remain in the southeast area near the sea. There used to be shops in this location, but they don't exist anymore. Furthermore, a car park was built facing a café, and the road has been extended from the main road to the northwest of the village.




The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.


The two maps illustrate the village of Ryemouth in 1995 and the present time.

Overall, the sea is stretched in the southern part of this village. A long main road is located in the north-western south-eastern direction, while another main road intersects it parallel to the sea. Ryemouth’s café and hotel situated on the two sides of this intersection are the only places that have remained unchanged from 1995 until now.

During the years, as the housing and apartments were expanded alongside the streets, the man-made sights replaced the natural areas; such as the farmland and the forest park in the eastern locations that together have turned into two tennis courts and a golf field. While some of the housing have been added to a new bystreet in the center to the west part of the village, the apartments have been built on the beach as a replacement for the fish markets. With the elimination of these markets, the fishing port was also deleted. The markets were not the only places that welcomed replacements over the years, but also the series of shops on the other side of the street turned into restaurants. Though the hotel remained unchanged, a car park has been added.




Write a letter to the manager of the Lost and Found department of the railway regarding the luggage you accidentally left on the train.


Give the details of your train trip

Describe the luggage you left on the train

Say what actions you want him/her to take

Dear Mr. Russels,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you because of a problem that I have been trying to solve for the past week, and all my effort has led me to deduce that unless you kindly accept to help me all my efforts will be in vein.

I am student at NYU and after years of hard work, I decided to reward myself by going on a train trip from New York to Seattle. The scenery and the professional conduct of the train personnel would have made it a memorable trip had I not forgotten my luggage on my return trip on May 21. I got on the 9 am train from Seattle and got off the train at the end of the line, New York at 5 pm, and it took me only 20 minutes to realize I had forgotten to collect my suitcase and rushed back to the train only to find it empty.

Ever since the incident, I have exhausted all possible options to track and find my luggage, which to this point have been fruitless. Hence, I have decided to seek your assistance as a last resort. In order to possibly provide aide in finding the item, I should inform you that my suitcase was a medium size green Echolac with a pink ribbon tied to the handle.

I understand that, as a very popular and overloaded establishment, you may face such requests repeatedly on a daily basis. However, as a foreign student I believe that my situation is more dire that a regular customer for I highly depend on the few possessions I have, some of which are irreplaceable such as a wrist watch my father gifted to me. I, therefore, would like to request that you help me by persuading the personnel at New York station to pursue my case more seriously and grant access to CCTV recordings to facilitate the process. I am once again grateful for the time you have taken to read my letter and will be at your disposal should you need more information through the contact information provided in the attachment.

Sincerely yours,

Nima Siamakmanesh




Write a letter to the manager of the Lost and Found department of the railway regarding the luggage you accidentally left on the train.


Give the details of your train trip

Describe the luggage you left on the train

Say what actions you want him/her to take

Dear Sir,

I believe you are in charge of the lost and found department of Tehran Railway Company, so I am writing to inform you that I misplaced my luggage on one of your trains. Please allow me to elaborate on what happened.

My trip took place last week. If I want to tell you the exact time when I took the train, it was Tuesday the 10th of May. The train that I got on was called Royal Star3, and my destination was Mashhad. I also remember that although the train was going to leave Tehran at 7 AM, it had an hour delay, which means the exact time of starting the trip was 8 AM.

The luggage I left on that train was a black leather suitcase. You can find a logo on its forefront, which is the name of the company where I work. I also tied a red colour ribbon to the hand of the suitcase so that I could recognize it more easily.

Since I found out that I left my suitcase on the train, I have been full of stress and anxiety because in the suitcase I have some valuable and precious personal belongings, like my tablet. That is why I kindly request you do me a favour to find my suitcase as soon as possible. I consider a decent gift for you to show my gratitude. Please when you find the suitcase, send it to the address attached at the end of this letter. I will pay all of the delivery costs too.

Thank you for your humble consideration and cooperation.

Kind Regards,

Hamid Gholami




Write a letter to the manager of the Lost and Found department of the railway regarding the luggage you accidentally left on the train.


Give the details of your train trip

Describe the luggage you left on the train

Say what actions you want him/her to take

Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing this letter to bring to your attention that I misplaced my baggage on one of the trains of your company last Wednesday. I am Kimia Seyfi, your regular patron, and I need your assistance to locate my suitcase.


I traveled from Yazd to Tehran on May 15th by train number 245, wagon number 19B to attend a life-changing business meeting. I can vividly remember that I put my luggage above seat 3A when boarding the train. Unfortunately, because of the delay in the departure, I was in a hurry, and I forgot to pick it up while quitting the train. It is a large classic suitcase which is dark brown in color. Having all of my important documents in it, I need to find my luggage as soon as possible, Otherwise, I will lose all the precious articles and contracts that I have prepared for my career. I would be grateful if you could assist me to find it.


I would like to request you to check your lost items to find out whether it is my baggage among them. Provided that you could not find it in your department, I would appreciate it if you ask your colleagues to search the wagon for it. Please send it to me at the address attached at your earliest convenience.


I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Kimia Seyfi




Write a letter to the manager of the Lost and Found department of the railway regarding the luggage you accidentally left on the train.


Give the details of your train trip

Describe the luggage you left on the train

Say what actions you want him/her to take

Dear Sir or Madam,


My name is Sam, and I am writing to inform you about a missing item that I left behind on my last trip to France.


On October 13th, I catch a train to Paris. I packed my belongings into a specious suitcase and a handbag which I had everywhere with me. I delivered the suitcase to the train’s storage and safety unit, then followed signage to lead me to my cabin.


I had a phone call when the train reached my destination, and I completely forgot to ask for my suitcase. A minute later train left the station, and I realized that I left my luggage behind. The day after, I called the lost and found department to inquire about the missing item with no success. The luggage is brand new and has a metal exterior all around so it would be easy to spot, however, the staff was unable to find it.


I wonder if it would be possible to receive your permission to have a look at the department to see if there is any chance to find it. It has a four-digit code locker, so there is no chance of a mistake when I find it.


 Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing about your decision. Please do not hesitate if there is any further question.


Yours faithfully,

Sam Smith


Hamed Shabani GT Modile




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

These days, anti-social behavior is considered a form of dissatisfaction among people. So of them assert that such behavior surges in many countries and causes disrespect for others.

Anti-social behavior is caused by people's dissatisfaction with their existing conditions. In many nations, individuals have some expectations from the government, like meeting their basic needs. When their requirements are not provided owing to the inefficiency of the officials, people behave in a tense manner since they tend to express their unhappiness with the government policy. For instance, if there is no political freedom or the unemployment rate is high in a country, people, notably the youth behave aggressively in their community. In this case, exchanging people's ideas on social media is a prevalent approach to represent their sadness. As a result, the respect disappears between the government and individuals. Another point worth mentioning is that anti-social behavior can indicate people's objection to a specific regulation, like the women's march on international women's day. So, they long to depict their protest by showing such conduct. Thus, these manners result in conflict between individuals and the police, and this circumstance causes disrespect to both sides.

There are some possible solutions to combat anti-social behavior. One of the most effective ones is altering the government's policies. If the state officials paysufficient attention to people's demands and strive to alleviate their dissatisfaction, individuals give up this behavior inasmuch as they can grasp that they are noteworthy to the government. Moreover, having conversations between people and the authorities may create a peaceful atmosphere and make individuals stop such aggressive behavior.

In conclusion, anti-social behavior is utilized for dissatisfaction that exists throughout society. When people decide to show their sad feelings, they behave aggressively as a result of not meeting their needs. Additionally, having conversations between people and the government and reforming the government’s policy can be prevented such behavior.


Simin Zamankhani (AC)




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situation? How to improve it? Acting in a well-behaved manner has always been of high importance in humans’ lives. However, some individuals assert that recently anti-social attitudes and the paucity of respect for others have generally increased. This essay will explain two of the causes of this trend and explore solutions to measure them. To commence, it is important to acknowledge the fact that technological advancements can contribute to loneliness. The reason for this is that they have made the difference between reality and virtuality highly vague. That being the case, it is quite challenging for some people to distinguish between the two and in turn, might get lost in virtual life and lose contact with the real world. To address this issue, the government should provide folks with more social games and sports on the basis that these games can foster solidarity among people and thus, they have a higher chance to make more interactions with others. On the other hand, another factor which plays a key role in such a trend is industrialization. This is because, in today’s modern life, people are dealing with more fiscal issues which may result in people sensing that more pressure and tension have been imposed upon them. Consequently, they are prone to losing their tempers and also prioritizing their own needs with no attention to others. In order to tackle this issue, in schools and families, young children should be taught that a healthy society can exist if only all its members respect and help each other. To reiterate, although developments in technology and modernization are responsible for anti-social and disrespectful manners, these complications could be mitigated by holding some simple social games and teaching the right morals to the young. Hootan Mahmoodiyan (AC)




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

Many communities have expressed individuals performing disrespectfully and acting in antisocial ways with others has increased over the past few decades. Social media and instruction spaces at an early age lead to this dangerous situation; however, it will resolve by a series of changes in training and parental conservation. 

Due to the popularity of social media throughout the world, many juveniles have access to various channels that affect their behaviors. Many bloggers and influencers are followed by individuals while displaying their lives without caring behaviors on plenty of issues, such as unprotection of the environment and Disrespectful to advanced-aged people. Then, gradually, such behaviors could be usual in various statuses. Additionally, youngsters communicate at school with peers at different levels according to economic, familial, and social and imitate their classmates' behaviors. For instance, the child of a single mother or family with a background of criminal issues from a weak social class has no opportunity for education. These children will have problems; if this person may tell the story and family issues that are normal for themselves, willingly or unwittingly lead to behaviors in their schoolmates, unlike social norms.

The government and educational institutions can create a context to teach people how to use Social Media appropriately. Try to identify people who activate on social networks and step on the right track to help others become more visible, so they can bring more ordinary people with them, such as creating charity and sport and environmental-friendly campaigns. Besides, parents restrict their children's commute if their children's friends are inappropriate. Spend more time with them, try to teach practical advice, and even accompany them.

To conclude, unexpected and inappropriate behaviors are common in societies, and this can be for reasons. However, by investing in educational and cultural issues for all people at different levels and taking care of young children by parents, it will be resolved.




Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situarion? How to improve it?

Some argue that anti-social behavior is growing in society and respect is lost nowadays. In this essay, the underlying reasons and the solutions for this conundrum will be discussed.

We are living in a dynamic world where every value and norm is constantly changing; as result, people especially the younger generation establish their creed that may conflict with the conservatives' notion. In addition, they try to clash with any actions that they see as breaking the norms of their community. Consequently, youth feel disillusioned and fight back and show their disagreement by disrespecting the traditional beliefs of their culture. In addition, the current pandemic and some socioeconomic factors increase the economic gap in many countries across the world. This leads to a feeling of anger and inequality toward the government and well-off sectors of society thus some choose to disrespect the social norms and oppose the government in this way.

However, some measures need to be taken into account to address this predicament. First of all, families and authorities should recognize youngsters' perspectives toward the world and accept the discrepancies between different generations and allow their demands to be heard. Secondly, it is of great importance that governments and politicians take action to decrease poverty. Affluent individuals and companies must be obliged to have their fair share of responsibility by paying more tax. Furthermore, empowering unprivileged groups and disadvantaged neighborhoods ought to be on the government's agenda. This gives the rebels a sense of belonging to their society and prevents anti-social behaviors.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that injustice and surpassing dissenting voices are the causes of this problem, and acknowledging various opinions and promoting justice, and improving the economic situation are the answers.







The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American, Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in Greece in August 2019.

The given bar graph illustrates how many hours perday tourists from four different nations spent reading books, visiting attractions and going to the beach in Greece in August 2019.

Overall, reading books was the top leisure activity among Chinese, American, Turkish and Braziliantourists, while siteseeing was the activity with the leastinterest among these travelers during the mentioned period.

Regarding all four nations, tourists spent the fewest hours siteseeing which included less than an hour for the Chineses, exactly two hours for the Brazilians, while the Turks and the Americans spent only three hours visiting tourist attractions, similarly.

The second favorite activity of all tourists was spending time by the sea in Greece, with the Braziliansat the top and the Chinese at the bottom of the list withsix hours and half of this time (three hours) per day, respectively.

The next holiday enjoyment with the greatest number of hours in August 2019 was book reading. When Chinese tourists read a third of their entire holidays (eight hours in a day), tourists from the United Statespent only a quarter of their time on this activity, and just a sixth of Brazilian and Turkish tourists' vacation(five hours per 24 hours) was spent reading books.




You are taking a course at a local college. The deadline for your project was last week but you haven't finished it.

    ▪️Introduce yourself
    ▪️Explain why you haven't handed in the project yet
    ▪️Request more time to do it.

Dear Mr.Akbari,

I am writing to sincerely apologize for not completing my project in a timely manner. I am one of the participants in your course which has been held since two months ago on Fridays morning on a weekly basis. My student number is 3348736.

Regrettably, while I was on the way to work last week, I got into a car accident in which my right hand was hurt. In view of the unfortunate event, It was difficult for me to write with my hand during this time, also despite my willingness to put in the work to complete my project, I was advised by my doctor to rest for a week, so I failed to accomplish my task by the deadline.

I wish to extend my apologies regarding the failure and hope you appreciate that my inability to do the task was not negligence on my part. I would like to cordially ask for a two-week extension on the task. Although I failed to meet your expectations, I assure you it will not happen again, and I will do my level best to deliver the task with very high quality. Furthermore, to make up for this, I intend to prepare a thirty-page presentation instead of a fifteen-page one.

I hope you will agree to my request. Thank you for your precious time.

Yours sincerely,

Arefeh Teimouri




You are taking a course at a local college. The deadline for your project was last week but you haven't finished it.

    ▪️Introduce yourself
    ▪️Explain why you haven't handed in the project yet
    ▪️Request more time to do it.

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

I am one of your students in the project management course at the college of Seattle, who you may remember as I am the only foreign student for this fall’s semester. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere and wholehearted appreciation for your exceptional quality of teaching, which has encouraged me to actively participate in class activities.

However, I unfortunately failed to maintain my progress in the course by missing last week’s deadline of your class project, scheduling a dam construction simulation. The reason behind this tardiness is, nevertheless, valid. About two weeks ago I was reached out by my lawyer in Iran who said my presence was needed there to conclude some financial affair and failing to do so would equal forgoing my claim on a sizable amount of money. This, in return, forced me to fly immediately to Iran, hence my delay in handing-in the project.

Therefore, I would like to request that you kindly extend my deadline for two weeks as it was due to unforeseen legal issues. In return, I can confidently assure you that the quality of my work in this project will more than please you. Once again, I would like to express my regret for missing the deadline and look forward to your response eagerly.


Nima Siamakmanesh




You are taking a course at a local college. The deadline for your project was last week but you haven't finished it.

    ▪️Introduce yourself
    ▪️Explain why you haven't handed in the project yet
    ▪️Request more time to do it.

The chart illustrates the average number of hours each day that visitors from four countries spent carrying out entertaining activities when they were on holiday in Greece in August 2019.


Overall, the number of hours that Chinese travelers read books was the highest, while that of the lowest in both Turkish and Brazilian tourists. In addition, Chinese visitors were least interested in visiting venues.


Turkish and Brazilian tourists, both of them read various types of books four hours each day. Also, the proportion of hours that Brazilian visitors spent at the beach were greater than that of in Turkish tourists, at approximately six and five hours, respectively. Furthermore, travelers from Turkey were attracted to visit different tourist spots more times than Brazilian visitors.


Chinese and American tourists, the number of hours that Chinese travelers read books comprised the highest, at eight hours, whereas that of in American tourists was about five hours. The proportion of hours that people from the United States spent for visiting venues was greater than people from China.





You are planning to go and study English at a school overseas. You would like some information about their courses.

Ask about the school
Say what kind of accommodation you want
Mention any special requests you have (for example diet).

You are planning to go and study English at a school overseas. You would like some information about their courses.

  • Ask about the school
  • Say what kind of accommodation you want
  • Mention any special requests you have (for example diet).


Dear Mr/Madam,

I am an overseas student soon to take up studies in English course at your school and I am writing this letter to inquire regarding this course. First of all, I intend to know about your school and whether it is a public or a non-profit school due to tuition fees. In addition, I am wondering if it needs any English prerequisites or other academic requirements to enroll.     

Another issue is where I would live during my studies. If it is possible for you, I would like to stay in a student dormitory or live with a host family, recommended by you. Because I think it would be better for me whether financially or safely.

Finally, I should inform you that I have an allergy to pepper. Thus, I want to know if it would be possible to have access to a special diet. I would be grateful if you could possibly provide me with some brochures containing information concerning my questions or any other essential requirements. I have supplied my email address along with my mobile phone number for convenience as well as I have enclosed copies of my academic transcripts.

I am looking forward to hearing your response.

Yours faithfully,

Shabnam Tannazian



Shabnam Tannazian

General training     





You are planning to go and study English at a school overseas. You would like some information about their courses.

Ask about the school
Say what kind of accommodation you want
Mention any special requests you have (for example diet).

Dear sir or madam, 

I am Armineh Mohamadi, and I am writing this letter to express my pleasure in attending this reputable school and my passion for knowing more about the different aspects of this instructional institution.

I have great aspired to be aware of core subjects and practical courses in the script writing major and its schedule in the first term ahead. Because I will probably join the filmmaking company as I have been eager to expose myself to first-hand experiences in this field. Therefore, being acquainted with this matter alleviate my nervousness about forwarding planning. 

Another issue that I would like to mention is accommodating overseas students. About myself, it preferably would be a comfortable dormitory adjacent to the college and provided with shops that sell daily groceries and household products. Additionally, I wish to know if there is a study hall and Wi-Fi internet access on campus.

My last request is that since I have been playing tennis for years, now I am currently preparing for a national tennis tournament. And I wanted to ask if it is possible to use the university tennis court every other day individually, although I can afford to rent it. Please let me know about it. 

I hope you will consider me for these requests, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Armineh Mohamadi




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The chart compares employment in two different years in the UK. It discusses the subject of full-time and part-time employment among men and women with details in both the percentage and the number of employed people. Overall, While the number of working people has increased, the proportion has not remained the same.
Firstly, the majority of job opportunities belong to male groups in both 1988 and 2012. In 1988, they got 53% of full-time positions and 6% of part-time job positions. Secondly, although, most career positions belonged to men, women were active outside of the household as well. At that time, 22% of females had part-time jobs and 19% of them were busy in full-time occupations.
On the other hand, in 2012, the total number of working people increased from 23,839,000 to 29,600,000. Based on the numbers it can be claimed that even though the proportion in percentage might show a fall in some specific groups, employed people have increased in all. For example, the chart shows that full-time working male has declined to 47%, nevertheless, by looking at the numbers it is crystal clear that there was also a raise in this group and it has come up from 12,539,000 in 1988 to 13,794,000 in 2012. Moreover, both percentage and the number of full-time female workers have increased within years.




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The two pie charts illustrate the number and proportion of men and women working entire-time and part-time in the UK between 1988 and 2012.


          Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that, the total number of employees grew between these years. In addition, although the vast majority of occupations are held by men, the proportion of men decreased by 5%.


          As can be seen from the pie charts, women working part-time declined slightly from 22 percent in 1988 to 20 percent in 2012, but their number increased from 5,268,000 to 5,979,000. Women working full-time accounted for 19% of jobs (4,482,000 people) in 1988, and it increased to 26% (7,696,000 people) in 2012.


          Despite the 6% reduction in the proportion of men working entire-time to 47% in 2012, their population which was 12,539,000 in 1988, rose to 13,794,000 in 2012. Both the number and percentage of entire-time males increased during this period. They were 1,550,000 in 1988 and rose to 2,131,000 in 2012. In 1988, they made up only 6% of the workforce, but this rose to 7% in 2012.




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The pie charts provide data on employment in Great Britain in the years,1998 and 2012.

Overall, it can be seen that the total number of people who were employed grew significantly, from the total number of 23836 thousand in 1998 to 29600 thousand in the year 2012.

Looking at the data related to the employment of men in more detail, it is evident that 53 percent of men were employed in full-time jobs in 1998, and this number decreased to 47 percent in 2012. The number of men who were employed in part-time jobs increased slightly from 6 percent to 7 percent in the year 2012. This number is 1550 thousand and 2131 thousand for the years 1998 and 2012, respectively.

Turning to other data sets, for women, it can be seen that in 1998, 4482 thousand women were employed in full-time jobs, which is almost one-third of this number for men. Furthermore, the number of women in part-time jobs is 5268 thousand and 5979 thousand for the years 1998 and 2012, respectively.




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The two pie charts compare employment rates of four distinct groups of employees in the UK after a period of 24 years (in 1988 and 2012).

Overall, despite the rises in the numbers of employers in each group, the proportion of full-time men and part-time women staff decreased noticeably. Meanwhile, the percentages of full-time women and part-time men employees who had the least amounts rose throughout the period.

In contrast to Full-time employed men who had both the largest proportion(53%) and the highest number(5,268) in 1988, part-time men employees comprised 6%(1,550), ranking the last among the four groups. However, while the former experienced a considerable fall of 6%, there was a slight increase in the latter as it reached 7%, making up the smallest group in 2012. Having said that the contribution of full-time men staff was still the greatest in the final year.

Full-time and part-time female employees numbers and shares were very close in 1988(19%-4,482 and 22%-5,268, respectively). Full-time women had declined to 20% by the end of the period, whereas part-time female jobholder figures surged, amounting 26%(7,696), the second highest proportion in 2012.

Samaneh ghaseminejad
Writing task 1 / academic




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

Given are two pie charts providing comprehensive statistics regarding the occupation of British citizens in two years, including 1988 and 2012.

Taking a fleeting scan, it is starkly apparent that the total number of employees went up over the course of time, in which women experienced a considerable promotion in the share of job market.

Scrutinizing two diagrams reveals that the number of men who used to be in charge of a full-time job fell from 53 % in 1988 to 47 % in 2012. The portion of full-time workers from the opposite gender; however, experienced 7 percent of growth, with percentages being 19 % (in 1988) and 26 % (in 2012).  Presented in numbers, total figures of workforce saw a rise of about 6000 (in 1000s) while the data had been 23,839 (in 1000s) in the beginning.   

Regarding the proportions of those who landed a part-time job, less-or-more one-fifth of women pursued such careers, indicating a negligible alteration in two given dates. Representing a similar tendency, part-time male workers accounted for 6 and 7 in 100 total staff in 1988 and 2012, correspondingly.  


Ardeshir Savari/Academic

184 words




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The pie charts compare the proportion of British men and women employees over the two separate years. Numbers are measured in 1000s.


It is clear that the total number of employees increased dramatically from 1988 to 2012. In both years, the percentage of men workers was more than half of the total employment rate of the UK.


The total rate of employment increased during the 24-years period, with 5761 people growth. The proportion of full-time job-takers was more than part-time in both years. Men who worked full-time had the highest figures in 1988, with 53% of the employment rate, and experienced a decline of 6% by 2012. The number of women employed full-time saw the greatest change during the years, and the number of them increased from 4482 to 7696 people.


Part-time jobs were less popular among men, with only 6% of the employment rate, and this figure almost remained the same in 2012. The number of women who occupied in this category was more by 5268 people in comparison to full-time women employees, but it cannot stand as the popular one between women and decrease to 20%.




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The following charts provide information on the rate of employment for both genders in the UK in two years(1998 and 2012). Overall, it can be seen that the number of employees increased significantly during the given period. 

Regarding workers in 1998, it is quite obvious that full-time male workers constituted the highest rate with 53 % which is more than double the amount of female full-time workers at 19%. However, in this year there is a huge gap between part-time employees based on their sex, the number of women with 5268 (thousand) was roughly four times more than men at 1550(t).

With respect to the 2012 chart, the rate of men full-time workers gradually declined by 6% while the rate of full-time employees rose to 26%.On the contrary, the number of male part-time workers slightly increased to 7%, whereas for females this rate decreased by 2%. It can be mentioned that the proportion of female employees enjoyed a noticeable increase from 41% to 46% over 24 years.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that instead of supporting professional athletics and art venues, the government should focus more on the promotion of sports and art among school students. From my perspective, although investing in any profession on behalf of the government has obvious benefits, the effect of encouraging the youth from younger ages should not be overlooked.  

On the one hand, allocating funds to sports championships and art exhibitions is associated with two main advantages. Firstly, it could bring international achievements and cultural richness to a nation. For instance, winning an international champion’s league is an honor for any athlete. Likewise, global fame for a professional artist such as a composer, a painter, or a film director is a prominent way to introduce and promote the culture and traditions of a country. Secondly, such achievements not only will lead to international recognition of the sportsman and artists, but also it would pay the government back financially. For instance, many artists bring fortune to their country through their international work.

On the other hand, it is true that allocating considerable amounts of money to encourage students to pursue these fields proves practical. The reason is that young people’s minds are more susceptible to develop an interest in new areas. Therefore, they would be enthusiastic about sports and art at younger ages. Furthermore, it is highly likely that such students become successful athletes and artists in the future, contributing to their own nation in many ways. For example, it is seen that children who pursue an artistic skill from younger ages, usually become passionate artists in the future.

In conclusion, whether governments should spend more money on education than professions have been a matter of controversy. In my opinion, both areas are worth investing in. However, the ultimate outcome of bringing up athletes and artists from younger ages is preferable.




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

Promoting art and sports has long been among the vital schemas of governments that annually consume a part of the public budget. It is agreed that this fund had better be injected into the pedagogical section, which has a long-lasting impact, instead of launching sports and art with a high chance of getting privet sponsors for financial support. 

The major rationale why allocating this money to students in school is more efficient would be that it can ameliorate their mental and physical well-being. Should this stratum commence these measures from an early age, they would continue them in the other stages of their life as the habits established in children usually convey to adulthood. In this case, not only would this population be immune to mental and physical diseas, albeit to some extent, but some of them would also find their field of interest or even their talent would be discovered by their instructors in this area, both of which can pave the way for them to gain prosperity. The sports trainer of Cristino Ronaldo, the most successful soccer player, as a case in point, figured out that he is a gifted person over their school programs led him to gain a lot of crowning accomplishments. 

Apart from this fundamental effect, professional sports and art events are of a high chance of absorbing privet financial backing. Being a great opportunity to enhance the number of customers and gain a lucrative source of revenue, these occasions sweep the private sections to invest in them. The obtained proceeds from these events, therefore, could be applied to running them. South Africa’s World Cup, which was held in 2010, plays a good example here, in which not only the expenditures supplied by the sponsors, but they also revitalized the economical situation of this country.

In the light of aforesaid analysis, regarding the profound constructive effects of starting sports and art in childhood for individuals and the possibility of supplying monetary resources of professional events from other sources, it is much more reasonable to assign governmental funds to the knowledge-seekers at schools.

Dorna Nezami 





Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

Since time immemorial, governments have been inclined to allocate a considerable amount of financial incentives to develop various activities in their societies. While some experts insist that the most remarkable initiatives should be specified to consummate professionals, the other side of the argument, myself included, believe that investing in educational system should be prioritized.

On one hand, a commonly held belief is that generating publicity for talented athletes and accomplished artists could be beneficial both financially and culturally. As for economy, having their fame been promoted by the media, celebrities can play a part in the policies of the government, along with the plausibility of endorsements that such ones give to products on TV commercials, stimulating outcomes of multinational companies. Such tendency; however, means that consumerism would be given the main focus, which does not bring merits to citizens. Paving the way for the cultural plans of the government; additionally, superstars could be an asset to authorities and their enterprises. Despite the fact that this option seems to be viable, there is no disgusting the fact that not all the state plans are well-oriented to the public interests.

On the other hand, it is conceivable to put forward the view that the more well-educated a new generation is, the brighter prospects a country can envisage, contributing to the society, as a whole, with regard industry and prosperity. Provided that the next generation are provided with a satisfactory training, they will be able to generate revenues and add to the GDP by working as diligent, well-qualified workforce in companies. This, in turn, will set the wheels in motion to improve the wealth of individuals, which would lead to a developed, prosperous country, ultimately.

From what has been discussed above one obtainable conclusion is that not only could the allocation of public spending to infrastructure such as schools bring those children gleam prospects, but also it could boost the economy of a country eventually, as opposed to allotting the overwhelming majority of finances to celebs, causing a yawning gap between the poor and the rich by making a fortune for magnates.  


Ardeshir Savari, Academic

349 words




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

Authorities are said to be better allocate most of their budget to the educational system than invest in sports and art in a professional way seeing that politicians wants to motivate knowledge seekers to pursue arts and sports; however, this idea seems to be refuted thanks to both external and dispositional factors that this decision caused.

One of the major impracticality of this notion seems to lie in the international sports and festivals competitions like Olympics, which trigger enormous benefits in different fields to the countries. Should policymakers don’t take these arts and athletic events as serious accounts, these ignorances would bear a hidden cost to the prospect of countries in these sectors. It is true that leading authorities should devote part of their expenditures to discovering talents in school. This, nevertheless, would not necessarily mean that government take athletes and artists for granted. That seems to be one of the main reasons why strategists would need an equal look and judgment toward these sides.

Another rationale for the impracticality of this theory is rooted in the fact that these kinds of encouragement measures in a seat of learning lead to either athletes or artists lose their interest in their careers since one such group wouldn't receive the expected support as making a concrete effort. Chiefly, Children motivated would require patterns to show an eagerness for activity. It is doubtless once these young-aged groups fail to find successful artists and athletes in idyllic ways, the enthusiasm of whim would be faded, as a result of which, these financial motivations would not seem to work wonders, and this would be other attributable to the failure of the attitude 

Overall, it is conceivable that decision-makers, by implementing such  methods, not only wouldn't assist in sparking art and sports interest in children but also distance the group from their aim 




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The bar chart provides some information about the percentage of five businesses ( manufacturing, construction, wholesale, retail and information and communication) that made e-commerce purchases from 2015 to 2019 in Canada.


Overall, the proportion of electronic commerce purchases increased for each business, although there were some fluctuations. The figures for information and communication were the highest in each year and this business was the most stable one over the period among all categories.


Looking more precisely, the manufacturing industry showed significant fluctuations. In 2015, the percentage of purchases stood at just over 30%, while it was much higher at more than 50% in the next year. Afterwards, it saw a decrease to about 45% in 2017, followed by a gradual increase of about 15% until 2019.


Construction and wholesale industries had similar constant increasing trend during the given time. However, the construction group showed more changes, from well above 20% to about 55%, while the figures for the wholesale industry experienced about a 20% increase to around 60%. Retail and communication and information categories had similar fluctuation patterns although the latter had smaller changes (around 10% over the whole period). The retail industry showed a significant increase in 2016, after which it rose slightly to well above 50%. Then it experienced a greater increase in 2018, followed by a marginal decrease.





The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

Vahid Babalo/ AC

The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The bar chart compares five different businesses which constituted e-commerce purchasing in Canada over 5 years, from 2015 to 2019.

Overall, what stands out from the graph is that, as time went further the number of online purchases increased. Additionally, Information and communication were the most popular e-commerce purchases among other businesses in Canada.

Information and communication were the most popular e-commerce businesses in 2015, at 60%. In the following year, it experienced an increase to just 70% and remained unchanged for the next year, in 2017, before peaking at about 74% in 2018. It then declined to its previous figure at the end of the period. A similar pattern can be seen in the retail business. It stood at just above 30% in 2015, which soared twice as much as its initial value in 2019.

Three other businesses, including wholesale, construction, and manufacturing, demonstrated quite similar behavior.  For example, wholesome as the highest among the other three, started e-commerce purchases from 40% in 2015 and reached a peak at about 60% in 2019. This can be seen similarly for construction; it began from just about 20% and finished at 55% in 2019. Regarding manufacturing, although there were some fluctuations, it increased from just above 30% and finished just below 60%.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

A glance at the figure provided reveals the shares of five distinct kinds of businesses (retail, wholesale, construction, information and communication, and manufacturing) that bought their needs virtually in Canada from 2015 to 2019 at 1-year intervals.


Overall, information and communication enjoyed a considerable bulk of virtual purchases, while others had approximately the same volume during the mentioned period.


The trend in retail and information and communication are the same as each other, and they grew from 2015 to 2018, and then a marginal decline occurred for both. In 2015 the rate was just over 60, roughly 70 in 2016, 2017, and 2019, and the most was in 2018(about 75). The amounts for retail were about 20% lower than the leader during each of the years.


The only business that fluctuated was manufacturing from one-third in 2015 to more than half in 2016 and about 45%, 50%, and just less than 60% in the following years respectively.Construction and wholesale saw constant growth during the period mentioned. In 2015 Construction was just over 20% and increased annually to reach a peak in 2019 with a little more than 60%. Wholesale stood at one-third in 2015 and reached half in 2016 and also the top of about 60% in 2019.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The chart reveals information on the amounts of online purchases by industrial businesses in Canada between 2015 and 4 years later. What stands out from the chart is the dominance of purchases in liaison with information and communications, which was the most-favourite item during these 4 years. It is evident from the trends that it e-commerce gained popularity over the years and experienced a slight increment albeit to widely volatilized degrees.

Regarding construction and wholesale, both of them underwent an upward trend in that 4-year period, and the figures clustered between 20-55 and 40-51 percent respectively. The former improved from 22-30, 30-36, significantly rocketed from 36-50, and slightly went up from 50-55 percent. The latter (wholesale) also rose from 40-50, 50-53, 53-58, and 58-62 percent. However, in manufacturing, the numbers first climbed from 30-50, but fell about 5 percent in the next year. It had a steady increment in the next years from 45-50, and 50-58 percent in the next 2 years.

As regards the first-ranked item, information and communications were in most favour from 2015 to 2019. It also climbed steadily from 60-69, 69-70, 70-75 percent, at which hit the peak and then, dipped to 60 percent. In retail section, it approximately doubled from 30-50 percent. Despite this dramatic change, the numbers faces consistency in the next years and went up from 50-52, 52-57, and a negligible drop from 57-56 percent.


Fargol Sayadian





The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The chart given compares data regarding the proportional amount of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in five groups in Canada over a four-year period from 2015 to 2019.


Overall, it is evident that the least percentage of e-commerce in all five categories was for the year 2015. Another interesting point is that the purchase of information and communication was the highest percentage over the period in question.


A glance at construction and wholesale shows that the percentage of buying increased year on year. While 20% of construction was bought by customers in 2015, this figure reached its highest percentage at more than one in two in 2019. As for wholesale, this figure was almost twice as high as the construction sector in 2015. However, it enjoyed a rise to 60%.


Regarding the manufacturing and retail sector, the percentage of sales was almost the same at around 33% at the beginning of the period, whereas the former reached approximately 58%, the latter increased by 30% at the end of the period.


With respect to information and communication, 60% of its purchase was in 2015, which meant it was by far the highest amount of sale in that year in comparison with other groups. Having fluctuated between 68% and 70%, this figure then fell to about 67% in 2019.





The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of electronic commerce bought by five different industrial businesses in Canada over 5 consecutive years from 2015 to 2019.

Overall, it is clear that the proportion of e-commerce acquired by all the business sectors increased during the period shown. Furthermore, the number of purchases of all businesses peaked in the last year of the period, except for retail, and information and communication areas.

Manufacturing businesses were purchasing e-commerce at 30% in 2015 followed by a significant increase to 50% in 2016. This figure fluctuated over the 2 following years, but ended up at about 60% by the end of the period. Firms in construction and wholesale areas, experienced the identical pattern, starting at 20% and 40%, respectively. They both witnessed a substantial growth, and reached around 60% each in 2019.

 The reverse was true for the corresponding percentages in retail, and information and communication fields. These businesses changed in the same way during the research period. Retail businesses started with buying 30% of e-commerce. This percentage rose to about 60% over the 4 following years in 2018, followed by an insignificant drop to 58%. The same was true for information and communication. This area started at 60% in 2015, reached 74% in 2018, and stopped at 70% in 2019. This field accounted for the largest proportion of purchases.





The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

The natural resources such as oil, forest, and freshwater are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?

 There is a claim that the rates of consuming natural inputs such as oil, forests, and water are increasing drastically. This statement can bring about numerous difficulties. However, it can be tackled if proper measures are taken.

Needless to say, overpopulation has resulted in the overuse of natural resources which is not only detrimental to human beings’ lives but also to other creatures. The main reason behind this logic is due to the fact that most species’ lives would be on the verge of extinction and the possibility of them finding an adequate amount of food or water would be minuscule. Consequently, by interrupting the food chain, all creatures, living on earth would experience lethal and life-threatening circumstances. Additionally, owing to the growing tendency among authorities to industrialization without considering its inevitable consequences, deforestation; for instance, can result in global warming and ozone layer depletion. These are all contributing factors to worsen the global situation and provide individuals with a greater sense of dissatisfaction.

Several options are available to overcome this difficulty, the best of which seems to be imposing heavy taxes on those who utilize natural resources in an obsessive and overwhelming manner. Thus, the possibility of people wasting water or other sources would be increased. Moreover, most individuals have not grasped the importance of these natural inputs on a global basis, yet. By informing and making them aware of the devastating consequences of their actions, and designating eco-friendly campaigns in different parts of the world, people would try their best to avoid harmful damages such as water shortage.

In conclusion, although the consumption of natural resources is increasing significantly and resulting in numerous issues, several strategies are available to iron them out in order to improve our surroundings.







The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

Human beings are increasingly using natural resources such as fossil fuels, forests, and water, leading to a wide range of problems, both for the environment and for people themselves. However, there are several solutions to prevent overexploiting these non-renewable resources.


The rapid exhaustion of natural resources will have dire consequences. At present, these resources are the primary source for the majority of human activities, from operating a home ventilation system to larger-scale uses, such as wood production in a factory. Therefore, excessive use of natural resources, which eventually results in their depletion, would seriously disrupt human life. In addition, the more natural resources are used, the more damage to the environment there will be. For example, by chopping down large numbers of trees, which contribute to reducing carbon dioxide, to either use them as a source of fuel or for material, the air quality will deteriorate and the soil will erode. This can not only adversely affect human health but can endanger other plants and animals, resulting in disturbances of ecological balance.


To address the problems related to over-consuming natural resources, one solution could be to explore renewable sources. Utilizing solar panels and wind turbines to generate electricity, which currently, in most cases, is produced by burning fossil fuels, are some examples. By doing this, the high dependency on natural non-renewable resources would decrease significantly. Another method is to create a reward and punishment system. In other words, the government could encourage people to cut back on their natural resource usage by giving them incentives such as monetary rewards and, likewise, discouraging them from extra use by applying more severe taxes, for example.


In conclusion, finding alternative renewable sources and also considering incentives and penalties for individuals’ usage behaviors are effective procedures to reduce the consumption of natural resources, thus, protecting humans and their environment.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

The ever-increasing intensive exploitation of natural resources, including fossil fuels, forests, and natural freshwater reserves, is becoming an overriding environmental issue that needs immediate solutions; otherwise, it will cause numerous problems.

Firstly, the uncontrolled overutilization of natural resources, without considering the time required for their natural restoration, leads to their early exhaustion. For example, a process of millions of years is needed for forming fossil fuels; therefore, their limited deposits will be quickly depleted in no time if we continue to overuse them in an unbridled manner. Secondly, the excessive consumption of natural reserves inevitably leads to dire environmental consequences since it can disturb nature's balance. For instance, the massive amount of emissions produced by the immoderate consumption of fossil fuel resources changes the natural composition of gases in the atmosphere, leading to negative greenhouse effects and acid rain. Similarly, the destruction of forests and groundwater reservoirs due to their overutilization can cause natural disasters, such as floods, drought, and land subsidence.

One way to minimize the problems resulting from the overuse of natural resources is to find proper alternatives to reduce their depletion rate. For example, instead of over-dependence on oil for generating power, renewable energy resources, such as solar, geothermal, and wind energies, can be substituted. Moreover, the depletion of freshwater reserves can be controlled by applying modern techniques and equipment for farms' irrigation. Finally, to regenerate the damaged forests, laws can be established to deter logging companies from the extensive destruction of forests.  

In conclusion, early exhausted natural resources and adverse ecological consequences result from the excessive use of natural deposits. These problems can be mitigated by substituting renewable energy for fossil fuels, using sustainable irrigation methods and equipment for agriculture, and establishing laws to preserve forests.

Maryam Azizzade





The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The provided maps depict the developments that have taken place at Pacific railway station over a twenty-seven-year period.

Overall, the most significant fact to emerge from the maps is that this station underwent dramatic transformations over this timeframe, being noticeably more built up. 

With respect to the infrastructures and services area, it can be clearly seen that the number of platforms has added up approximately two times more than past. The new platforms are right on the left of the map, stretched from roughly the middle of the station to the north of it. In addition, the ticket office, right in the southeast of the region, has been enlarged, having been doubled in size, by pulling down a shop that used to be there.

Turning to the eateries and shops, according to the data shown toilets, which used to be proportionally on the center of the map, have been demolished, and two shopping erected there. Adjacent to the second shop, a new restaurant has been constructed, the roof of which was colored blue. Interestingly, a new rectangular-shaped supermarket has been built in the southwest of the station. Surprisingly, the cafe, located in the south of the map, opposite the platforms, has remained unchanged.

Dorna Nezami




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The given maps depict the changes which occurred in Pacific Railway Station between 1998 and now.
Despite the negligible changes, the station has significantly altered with developing a restaurant, a supermarket, and other railway tracks which provides a more facilitated place.
As for the items which have substantial changes. Pacific Railway Station comprised only four platforms situated on the right-hand side in 1980. In contrast, this station now constitutes other three platforms located on the left-hand side. while toilets which stood in the middle of the station have been demolished, there is a restaurant lying between the old and new platforms. Similarly, a supermarket has set up in the bottom left-hand corner.
Regarding the remaining items, in 1980 only a shop lay in the bottom right-hand corner nearby old platforms, but now there are two shops placed in the center of the station and provide more appropriate access for customers of each platform. Although the number of ticket offices has doubled, its location which was to the left of the shop in 1980 remains unchanged. Likewise, the café which stood to the left of the shop is still there.

Yaser Oghabneshin




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The two maps illustrate changes that have taken place in the Pacific Railway Station area from 1998 up to now.

Overall, comparing the maps reveals a profound development that has occurred, from increasing the number of platforms to constructing many entertainment buildings to provide various services.

In the north of the station, in 1998, there were four platforms which have remained since now. However, in the recent regeneration, three more ones were built exactly on the opposite side of the station, in the northwest. Moreover, the building of the facilities was utterly demolished and replaced with two shops and a restaurant in the central area, between the two platforms zones.

Regarding the southern part of the maps, we witnessed fewer changes during the 24 years compared to the northern part. In the southeast, the building of the café is still in the same place, beside the thicket office. However, the shop was knocked down to make way for the development of the neighboring building. It is now twice times bigger than the past. A big supermarket was also constructed in the southwest, across from the café.




Many people believe that cooking is an essential life skill and should be taught to boys and girls in schools. Others disagree and believe it is a waste of school time. To what extent do you agree?

Nowadays, due to the increasing popularity of solitary living and independent lifestyle, developing personal skills is becoming inevitable. While some people assume that cooking, as an essential skill, ought to be taught in schools, others take the opposing view. My firm conviction is that learning how to cook will not only enable every pupil to become more independent but also help them to be well-prepared for their future.
On the one hand, some people are of the opinion that schools are not suitable contexts for teaching cooking and this would arouse dissatisfaction, leading to a neglecting attitude toward other crucial lessons. Moreover, they believe that cooking has to serve as a personal skill that parents have to take responsibility for, and schools must concentrate on academic classes and professional training.
On the other hand, some people - including myself - opine that schools have the commensurate potential to accelerate the learning process of gaining self-skills with its viable atmosphere. It is also believed that prolonged exposure to the appropriate way of doing daily activities will arouse expertise and self-confidence in that tasks, leading to a significant reduction in possible flaws. In addition, primary schools are constructed by the notion of expanding pupils' personal skills, and cooking is not an exception. If routine activities such as cooking become a part of the courses, there would be extra attention to the whole procedure, ingredients, and healthy levels of the diets, which lead to a healthier society in the future.
Having considered both sides of the debate, I fervently believe that although adding cooking classes to the curriculum may be trifling at first, the long-term impacts will not only benefit pupils but also initiate a healthy diet and lifestyle consequently.




You have heard that a developer plans to build a shopping centre near your home.
Write a letter to the council. In your letter

▪️Say how you heard about the plan
▪️Explain how you feel about it
▪️Ask for more information about it

Dear Mr.Smith,

I am writing this letter with regard to an announcement that I have seen in Time News Newspaper, in reference to a shopping center whose development is planned at First Avenue Street, Sector 11. To be specific, this news was published on the 2nd of July in the Real Estate Section. I am a resident of this distinct and have been living there since my birth in 1993.



Firstly, I am not enthusiastic regarding this update as being a resident of that location for the past few years, not only I, but all the fellow residents deserve to know such information beforehand. Already there is a lot of parking crunch, to which I certainly hope that builders have considered the situation and designed a workaround accordingly. Furthermore, there is a hospital in our locality, hence loud music will create annoyance, especially during festive times. Therefore, strict guidelines should be issued by the authority to the developer to minimize such issues.


Moreover, I would sincerely request you to kindly share specific details regarding it so I can have an in-depth idea about the aforementioned and I will eventually share the information with everyone in the locality so it can be taken to the Resident’s Welfare Association of nearby societies. Kindly find an enclosed visiting card with my contact details where you can revert.


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,

Arefeh Teimouri




The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

The bar chart compares the proportions of the different age ranges in Iceland from 1990 to 2020.


Overall, the age group from 25 to 54 accounts for the most significant proportion of the whole population in all years. Moreover, this age group increased steadily in this period, while all others have seen a decrease or stayed unchanged.


The figure for 65 and over was just above 10% in 1990, being responsible for the least number of people out of the whole population, in 2000 it maintained the same level, going up slightly and reaching about 15% in 2010, and keeping the same level afterward. Moreover, the percentage of Iceland citizens aged 55 to 64 remained stable, being about 15 percent in 1990 dropping slightly to 10% in 2020. Besides, the latter group forms the smallest segment of Iceland's population in the years 2000 and 2010.


In contrast, the proportion of the age group 25 to 54 rose by about 20% from around 30% in 1990 to about 50% in 2020, whereas figures for age groups 0 to 14 and 15 to 24 declined moderately from about 25% to just below 20% and around 20% to about 10%, respectively, from 1990 to 2020. In addition, in 2020 the smallest age band is 15 to 24.




The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

The age of Iceland’s citizens in 10-year intervals, from 1990 to 2020, is compared on the provided bar chart into five groups. 


Overall, it can be seen that the population of youths below 25 has decreased, while middle-aged groups experienced rather sharp growth. Another interesting point is that the differences between the five age groups’ proportions have rocketed to an extent in which individuals in their middle are over three times as others in 2020. 


Looking at the details, adults with an age range of 25 to 54 have been the most predominant group among all, with above 30% in 1990 and their peak at around 50% in 2020. In contrast, children up to 14 years old and younger generations between 15 to 24, which had stood in the following places in 1990, with nearly 20% and just above 20% respectively, experienced a significant decline and fell more than 10%.


As far as elderly people are concerned, those consist of 55 to 64 years old, have seen a moderate decrease from around 13% in 1990 to 10% in 2020. Moreover, 65 years old people and above, remained almost stable with an approximately 13% population over the mentioned period.  


Farzaneh Amrollahi/AC




You are currently taking a course at a college but you will need to have a week off during this course.

Write a letter to the college Principal. In the letter

Give details of your course
Explain why you need a week off
Say what you want the Principal to do.

Dear Mr. Simon,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am one of the international participants of the Project Management course at your college, which started on November first and is scheduled to finish before the New Year holidays. I am writing this letter after consulting the course instructor, Ms. Liz, and I am in need of your generous assistance.

As an international student it has not been long since I entered this country, and from my first moment of arrival, a close friend has kindly provided me with a place to stay and food. However, after some time of poor health and extensive tests, my friend was diagnosed with cancer, and his treatment is to commence next week. Being in debt of my friend and knowing that he has no one to support him, I have decided to accompany him to the first week of chemo-therapy sessions and take care of him during this time. Hence, I will need to have a week off from the course.

Since being absent from the class for this long poses the risk of being removed from the course, I believe that your heart-warming cooperation is the only ray of hope for my dilemma. I, therefore, would like to request that you kindly authorize my absence from the course only for the next week, and in return I vow to catch-up on my studies after my leave, and deliver a spectacular performance in the final exam. I hope you take my request into consideration and eagerly await your response.


Nima Siamakmanesh




The tables below show people's reasons for giving up smoking, and when they intend to give up.

The given tables elucidate reasons behind why people quit smoking and the time they plan to start this process.

Overall, what stands out from the tables is that the main rationale mentioned for quitting smoking was being beneficial for general health, while the most common time planned for giving up was within the next six months.

Regarding causes of giving up smoking, the primary reason for stopping smoking was general health, with a total of 71% of all causes, whereas financial considerations were the second most popular reason, contributing to just below a third of all reasons. A quarter of smokers reported that they want to quit smoking due to lower risks of getting smoking-related illnesses, which is 13% more than those who quit for health problems and 9% more than those who give up because of the pressure from their family.

As for the second table, although 35% of questioned smokers planned to quit within the next six months, a fifth of smokers said they would give up within the next year, and just above a tenth of them cited that they decided to stop within the following month. Eventually, 71% of smokers surveyed claimed they have a tendency to quit, in a way that 60% of them smoked more than 20 cigarettes per day, and 79% smoked fewer than ten cigarettes each day; however, 29% of all smokers did not have any inclination to stop smoking.




The tables below show people's reasons for giving up smoking, and when they intend to give up.

The tables below show people’s reasons for giving up smoking, and when they intend to give up.


The presented tables compare the proportional distribution of reasons that made smokers give up smoking and the time they intended to quit it.


Overall, the most prominent reason was to enhance their health in general, while the share of “mitigating the risk for getting smoking-related conditions” and “financial issues” ranked second. Moreover, the two remaining groups were responsible for the lowest rates. In addition, regarding the time of stopping smoking, it is clear that the highest rates were reported in the “within the next six months” group.


Turning to the reasons, the most striking feature of the data was the percentage of improving health in general at 71%. This figure was followed by the “financial concern” and “less risk of getting smoking-related diseases” categories at 31% and 25%, respectively. By contrast, the two remaining reasons, namely "present health difficulties" and "family pressure" witnessed the weakest counts at an average of 14%.


Concerning the second table, it is noteworthy that a hefty 71% of smokers intended to stop smoking. Furthermore, the figures for the smokers who were inclined to quit within the next six months ranked first at 35%, followed by the share of quitters within the next year at roughly over 20%. The record for the quitters under one month, conversely, accounted for the smallest rates (at a margin of 12%).




The tables below show people's reasons for giving up smoking, and when they intend to give up.

The tables illustrate data about peoples’ causes of quitting smoking per the number of cigarettes they smoke every day, and when they aim to do it. 

Overall, what stands out from the tables is that the significant reason for people to give up smoking is its betterness for health in general, while the lowest proportion of individuals quits it because of current health issues and family pressure. Additionally, the majority of people want to give it up. 

There are five distinct reasons why people want to stop smoking. An increasing number of people, at 71% on average, want to give up smoking because it is better for their health in general; regardless of the number of cigarettes, they smoke per day. However, about 31%  of people in total stop smoking because of financial considerations, compared to only about 25% in total who do this to prevent smoking-related diseases. Markedly, those people who smoke fewer than 10 cigarettes per day have less motivation to stop smoking to present health problems, at 10%, whereas this number is twice as high as those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day. The opposite trend can be seen among those who want to give up smoking because of family pressure, 16% on average. 

Looking at the information on when people intend to stop smoking, we can see that about 71% of the total decide to do this, while this figure for those who do not intend to stop smoking is much lower, about 29% in total. In addition, three groups of individuals aim to end smoking through next month, six, and twelve months, which are 12%, 35%, and 21% respectively.  


Mohammad Reza
Mohammad Reza


You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an apartment. You left the apartment in good condition but the Landlord won't return your deposit.

Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter

Explain why you are writing
Ask for the return of your deposit
Inform the landlord of possible legal action

Dear Mr. Smith,

I evacuated the rented flat last week and I am writing this letter to ask you kindly for the deposit refund. The resistance on returning my deposit is unacceptable, and I want to have my money back immediately, and clear out the probable outcomes for you in the case of refusal.  

The monetary guarantee is a well-established rule for renting a property, and it is just for compensation of the probable damages. When I was leaving the apartment, you checked the property thoroughly and admitted there are no damage, and therefore my money would be safe from any penalty. After a week passed, you now refuse to pay it back without any justification. I need my money and want it back without further delay.

Our relationship has been based on mutual respect to date. But this reciprocal respect would be valid until each of us behave reasonably. I am sure you know about the clear laws in such situations to eliminate conflicts. I want just to remind you that legally, my right is assured in court and if I make a claim, all of your banking accounts will be blocked, which cause you trouble and loss of credit. 

Let us resolve the problem wisely. You have my account number, I am waiting until tomorrow to have your reasonable response or my money in my account.         


James Cook 




You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an apartment. You left the apartment in good condition but the Landlord won't return your deposit.

Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter

Explain why you are writing
Ask for the return of your deposit
Inform the landlord of possible legal action

Dear Mr Green 

I am writing to you to inform you that I am leaving this city to another one as some personal issues have come up. So I am afraid that I need to leave your flat that I have recently rented from you and as it had been specifically mentioned in our contract, I have the right to have my deposit back if leaving the flat in the same condition as it used to be 

I have been dealing with my husband for a long time, so I decided to split up for a while and live in my own place. However, since getting separated, we have been sorting out things with each other. Fortunately, everyone got better and we decided to give our marriage another chance, so I need to leave this place. Also I like to have my money back as I really need it. I would be appreciated if you could return the deposit. 

Since we have agreed on refunding the deposit in the case of leaving the flat without any damage, if you will not follow the rule, I am afraid to tell you that I have to leave it to my lawyer to take it to the court and it does not sound something that either you and me would be willing to happen. 

I am asking you before making the situation more complicated,  it would be better to tackle this issue together without interfering the law. 

Yours sincerely  

Maryam Hedayati




The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

The provided table depicts the comparison of changes in household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020. 

Overall, it can be seen that there are five types including one person, no children, dependent and non-dependent children, and lone parent. Moreover, all types show gentle growth during a 36-year period except for dependent and non-dependent children. 

The one-person type surged slightly from 6% in 1984 to 12% in 2020. In comparison, the no children and lone parent types represented negligible rises. In other words, in 1984, the no-children type had 19% and reached 25% in 2020. In contrast, the lone parent type saw an eight percent growth during these years and finally touched 12% at the end of the period. 

On the other hand, the dependent and non-dependent children faced reverse trends. In dependent children type had a 16 percent decline from 52% in 1984 to 36% in 2020. The non-dependent children type saw some fluctuations. The percentage of this type remained unchanged in 1984 and 1994, at 10% while it had a one percent increase and then a two percent decrease in 2014 and 2020, with 9%.   




The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

The table compares the proportion of various types of householders in Canada between 1984 and 2020.


It is clear that the families with dependent youth were in the majority, while the lone parent householders are the type that saw the lower rate among all the residents.


In 1984, 52% of the householders were the group who had dependent children, and the second highest amount was related to couples with no kids at 19%. Lone parents and one-person occupants each had a percentage of merely under 7%, while10% of householders were the people whit non-dependent juniors.


The numbers in the table illustrate that for householders having non-dependent children, the percentage remained stable at around 10%. At the same time, the number of householders with dependent children decreased and reached 36% in 2020. In contrast, that year saw a rise in the percentage of houses with no children to 25%. One person, along with the lone parent occupants, had rapid growth in the number and reached about the doubled rate with 12% each in 2020.




The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

The table illustrates data about the changes in percentage in 5 distinct types of households and families between 1984 and 2020.

Overall, what stands out from the table is that a significant percentage is related to households with dependent children. It is interesting to note that the portion of one-person households increased two-fold over the period.

Looking at the information in more detail, the figure for the rate of non-person households rose steadily year on year and reached a peak in 2014, at 12 percent, and then leveled off. The lone-parent households and couples with no children followed the same pattern. The figure soared continuously then hit a peak in 2012 and remained stable until 2020, at about 12 and a quarter respectively. However, the rate of households with dependent children decreased constantly, to more than a third in 2020. The percentage of one-family households with non-dependant children did not have any remarkable rise or fall in this period.





The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

The percentages of various types of households in Canada from 1984 to 2020, having four ten-year intervals and a period of six years to date, are detailed in the given table.

Overall, it can be abundantly seen that the table is divided into three main groups namely one person, one-family household, and lone parent. The proportions for lone parents and unmarried people were almost the same.

Looking at the table in more details, the percentages for those who have not been married experienced a slight growth from 6% to 11% in the years 1984 and 2004 with 8% in 1994. Similarly, the proportion of lone parents had almost seen the same rise from 4 to 10 in that time period. However, both groups' portions remained unchanged with 12% in 2014 and 2020.

It is to be noted that the number of those couples without children began to rise from 19% in 1984 to 25% in 2020, while the percentages for those with dependent children declined from 52% to 36% in the same years. In contrast, the group of couples with non-dependent children roughly fluctuated from 10 to 9 with 11% in the middle of the period.




People are surrounded by advertising, which has an increasing effect on our lives. Do you think the positive effects of this outweigh the negative effects?

Publicity, in our ongoing epoch, has become a lucrative source of revenue for business owners, which has made this stratum resort to various methods of advertising to impress the public. I believe the drawbacks of promoting a consumerism lifestyle as well as putting intense financial pressure on families in this approach would outweigh the benefit of creating job opportunities of it.

On the negative side, promotions would create an unreal demand in societies that would fool them into buying unnecessary merchandise. Should this population do so, since most of these commodities are manufactured by raw materials that are in nature, they would pose a dire threat to the environment. Supplementary to this, the advertisements defraud the consumers and stimulate them to buy shoddy products, which would be a colossal waste of money. In this case, not only may families encounter budget deficiency, but they may also run the risk of failing to deal with their day-to-day costs. This type of marketing way, thus, may well be hazardous to both the biosphere and the economy of communities.

Apart from the mentioned pitfalls, the role of advertisement in providing job opportunities, particularly for the youth, is undeniable. Annually a lot of individuals, whether graduates or not, are absorbed in distinct sections of this line of business, ranging from graphical designers to narrators. Blugers, the individuals who promote a variety of goods on social media, as a case in point, are managing their life expenditure by the proceed they gained from adverts on the internet.

In the light of the aforesaid analyses, In my opinion, although the publicities can ameliorate the rate of joblessness to some extent, it would intensify the degradation of natural resources along with bringing about financial turmoil, especially for less affluent families.

Dorna Nezami




Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.


The map illustrates two potential locations (S1 and S2) for a new shopping mall in a city called Brandfield.

It is clear that the distance of both sites from the city center is almost equal. However, the sites can also be compared in terms of access by road or railway and their positions relative to the residential areas.

Looking at the information in more detail, S1 is close to the suburban area in the north of the city, whereas S2 is in the southeast and is far away from the housing estate. Hence, S1 would be more convenient for citizens' homes.

Both sites are accessible through the railway that runs from southeast to northwest; however, S2 is a little closer. S2 is also more accessible by car due to its short distance from the road. The shopping mall would be more convenient for the industrial zone if it is located in the S2 position. Furthermore, the river runs from the southwest, through the city center, to the north and passes just east of the S1 location. Nevertheless, the S1 would not be in close proximity to the river.


Meysam Farzanpour (AC)




Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The map shows two areas targeted for the shopping mall in Brandfield which have been planned, namely S1 and S2.


Overall, S1 is located near the housing area and river, while S2 is near the industrial area. Both of them, likewise, are connected by railways.


Regarding S1 proposed, although it is north of the city, which is connected to the City center by train that runs from southeast to northwest, it is in the vicinity of the accommodation. It overlooked a river that runs from southwest to north, and additionally, a road that runs from it which has accessibility to the central city.


 In contrast, the additional proposed area, S2, is close to railways, and citizens can be accessed by road which connects south to northeast, and there is a specific way to connect industrial. However, It is away from the park and Golf center, which is situated west of the city.




Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.


The map illustrates the city of Brandfield, where a new shopping mall has been planned for the area by some city experts. They have also proposed two venues, namely S1 and S2.

Overall, the first place is located in the north of the city, while the second site is situated in the south. There were some facilities and amenities for both premises.


It has been revealed that S1 has been proposed to be built near the residential area and downtown. In addition, there are some ways to transport people to this area by train and public and private cars because a railway runs through the city from north to south and a road goes through it from east to south. A large golf course is located on the west side of S1.


The second venue, S2, is in the south of the city of Brandfield, whereas S1 is close to the city center. Also, industrial estates and the downtown are situated in the west and north of S2, respectively. Similarly, road and train transport are provided for this shopping mall. Finally, the facilities of S2 are lower than those of S1.


Hoda.nik( Ac)





Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The given map illustrates Brandfield urban area, for which a recent shopping mall has been decided to be constructed by city designers, and also two suggested regions have been introduced (s1, s2).


Overall, it can be seen that the proposal s1 region is to the north of the city center and is surrounded by the railway, housing area, and a river, while s2 is located to the southeast of the city center, off the railway.


There is a vast golf course and park in the west of the city which is separated by a road from both s1 and s2. Moreover, an industrial estate can be found to the north of s2, which is connected to the city center by a road.


The railway, which connects the s1 and s2 regions, is stretched from the eastern part of the city to the north-western one and has two junctions with the road. Furthermore, there is a road, passing a through housing estate, links s1, s2, and the city center.


Einas bahadori AC task1






People are surrounded by advertising, which has an increasing effect on our lives. Do you think the positive effects of this outweigh the negative effects?

The role of commercials in modern human life is widely debated in the preceding decades. Supporters insist on the benefits of advertising, while opposers try to confront them with their own logical reasons. The aim of this essay is to consider opinions on both sides of the quarrel.

On the one hand, advocates of advertising suggest myriad reasons why commercials could be recognized as indispensable constituents of modern life. These patrons believe the advertising industry, not only helps the economy to prosper through prevailing a consumerism culture amongst people, but also provides many new jobs in the industry itself. For instance, directing, producing, and acting in short commercial videos could be considered as some of the many jobs this industry creates.

On the other hand, opponents indicate that in this topsy-turvy world which chronically suffers economic turmoil situations, advertisements try to lure the majority of citizens and entice them to buy unnecessary commodities and squander their earnings on sheerly useless items. Lastly on this side of the debate, some antagonists consider the whole industry of advertisements as a big threat to the environment. They claim that the industry facilitates production and consumption of a variety of frivolous commodities which will soon be dumped into nature as litter or waste. In addition, the industry self is a huge producer of garbage like flyers and unrecyclable plastic-banners.

In conclusion, the conflict over the role of advertisements and how they affect our lives seems to be a continuous argument. However, in my opinion, the positive effects of advertisements seem to outweigh any drawbacks as in this economically troubled era they genuinely help economies to skyrocket and provide many assorted jobs. In comparison, concerns about endangering environment and people’s spending may come as a second priority.

Ali Siuf (AC)




People are surrounded by advertising, which has an increasing effect on our lives. Do you think the positive effects of this outweigh the negative effects?

  Today’s life is filled with ever-rising advertisements. I subscribe to the notion this phenomenon seems to be more beneficial for life. Promoting the economy and improving the quality of products could be two main plus points of this circumstance that would outnumber the possible adverse effect.

  Being financially strong, the majority of companies advertise their products. Doing so could absorb many eyeballs to purchase more and more. This is clear that this ubiquitous way could lead to increasing monetary exchange having a chief role in the flourishing economy on a bigger scale. 

 On a more negative aspect, consumerism could be a detrimental effect of such policy. This stems from the fact many are more likely to buy some things despite their real needs. As for psychology, the more people are exposed to something, the more they could be familiar with them. This exposure, in turn, could contribute to purchasing objects unconsciously. For instance, should products be advertised in many places some examples of which are billboards, TV, cinema and so on, they would be more popular for the lion's share of people compared to other ones. This behavior, however, could be reversed if the products do not have the quality. This being the case, the number of sales could be predicted to decrease in long term. That makes it clear advertisements could not be contradictory to qualified production sales.

    To sum up, the possibility of manipulating viewers could be overshadowed by a flourishing and competitive economy plus the manufacturing of qualified products. I, accordingly, opine that the advantages of the aforesaid trend are of high significance to the public.




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The pie charts illustrate the percentage of employment of men and women in the UK in the year 1988 and 2012. Furthermore, it is shown that whether their job is full-time or part-time.

Overall, it is clearly seen that the majority of men in the UK are employed full-time, whereas the smallest proportion is associated with men who are employed part-time.

In 1988, men who have full-time jobs accounted for the largest percentage of employment, while the figure for men with part-time job is the least proportion (6%). However, women with part-time and full-time job ranked second and third at 22% and 19%, respectively.

From 1988 to 2012, the percentage of men who work full-time saw a decline to 47%. By contrast, the proportion of women with this kind of job increased to 26% during this period of time. Regarding part-time jobs, women showed less interest in this kind of job and there was a minimal drop in the proportion of women who have part-time jobs. The figure for men who work part-time experienced a marginal growth of only 1%.




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The given pie charts give information about men and women who were employed in terms of full-time and part-time in 1988 and 2012 in the UK.


Overall, it is clear that the number of males and females who had jobs whether part-time or full-time increased between 1988 and 2012. 


Men with the number (12,539in1000s) preferred to have a full-time job in 1988 which was the highest number among other categorizing jobs between men and women. Although the percentage of men in full-time jobs saw a small reduction from 53% in 1988 to 47% in 2012, it was also the biggest percentage among others in 2012. It is noteworthy that just six percent of men (1550in1000s) attended part-time jobs in 1988. This number experienced a gentle increase to 7% (2131 in 1000s) in 2012.

As for women’s jobs, they had a third of the full-time jobs of men with 19% in 1988. This proportion had a moderate upward trend to 26% in 2012. Moreover, the number of females who had part-time jobs rose from 5268 in 1000s in 1988 to 5979 in 1000s in 2012. Finally, it is obvious that the number of adults who have part-time or even full-time jobs increased from 23839 to 29600. 




You are planning to go and study English at a school overseas. You would like some information about their courses.

Ask about the school
Say what kind of accommodation you want
Mention any special requests you have (for example diet).

Dear Sir or Madam, 
Kindly, I want to apply for your English course which will be held in the winter semester, so I appreciate you informing me about some details.
To begin with, I acquire to understand the exact starting date and length of this course, as I should necessarily book a flight in order to benefit from available discounts. Moreover, it seems worth mentioning for me to know the books and resources that you have considered in this schedule, resulting in reviewing before participating.
The very reason why I adopt your course is that not only has your school located in a city steeped in history, but more importantly you offer somewhere to settle, thereby attending a tremendous full-time course. But I need to know about the circumstances of these places in terms of being comfortable, full-board, decent, or not. Has it been placed in a residential area or at the school center? Another remarkable point is that in the case of being both gender dormitory whether it is secure enough or not, and what is needed to bring additionally in case of being fully furnished.
When it comes to vegetarians, I highly appeal if you provide organic foods and genetically-modified ones suitable for them, at least on additional pay.
Thank you in advance for your kind attention, I look forward to hearing from you.
yours faithfully,
Parisa Roshani




You are planning to go and study English at a school overseas. You would like some information about their courses.

Ask about the school
Say what kind of accommodation you want
Mention any special requests you have (for example diet).

Dear Mr. Webber,

I am an English student in Iran, and recently, I have decided to pursue my academic education beyond the options I have at my disposal in my country. Hence, in my research for a good English course, I came across your fine institution with an excellent reputation of offering eager learners rich education.

In order to reach a final decision, however, I require more information about your school as I have limited funding for this end. Firstly, I am interested in knowing if your institution offers any discount to foreign students. Furthermore, I would deeply appreciate it if you could inform me about your school’s extra-curriculum activities that could help me get acquainted with my peers.

As I have mentioned above, my financial status is limited due to sanctions on my country. Therefore, to minimize my expenses I would like to request that I stay in your campus dormitory throughout my education, which would be a great help as accommodation can be costly in your neighboring town based on my research.

Lastly, as a vegetarian my next big concern is about the food. Unfortunately, despite my extensive research, I was unable to obtain information about your school’s restaurant menu and whether it offers food for vegetarian clients. I cannot truly express the extent of my interest in your English program and I eagerly await your kind response to my inquiry which would be decisive on my final decision.


Nima Siamakmanesh




The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1988 and 2012.

The pie charts depict the number of men and women employment percentagewise in the UK, who were recruited in full-time and part-time jobs in 1988 1nd 2012.

Overall, the number of male and female employments in both full-time and part-time jobs had an upward trend from 1988 to 2012. However, percentagewise, men with a full-time job dropped down from 1988 to 2012, while women's employment with full-time carrier increased. However, the percentage of males having a part-time job from 1988 to 2012 grew as opposed to females with part-time work.

The number of males employed in 1988 was 12539 in 1000s, which accounts for 53% of employment, while in 2012 men with full-time carrier were 13749 in 1000s and 47% in 2012. Another one was about females with a full-time job who were around 4482 in 1000s in 1988 and reached 7696 in 1000s in 2012, and their percentage increased from 19% to 26%, respectively.

Men with part-time occupations in 1988 and 2012 were 1550 and 2131 in 1000s, respectively, and their percentage increased only one percent and reached 6 to 7% in 2012. In addition, there are women with a part-time job who were 5268 in 1000s in 1988 and grew up to 5979 in 1000s, whereas their percentage dropped down and reached from 22% in 1988 to 20% in 2012.

Atefeh Dezhban (AC)




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

In the recent decade, allocating money to persuade people to engage in sports and art activities has been discussed. It is argued that the money should be spent on children’s education in those fields. However, it is refuted by others who believe that investigating professional players and art events should be the government’s priority. I strongly agree with the first notion, since government funding should be diverted toward more essential matters, such as motivating students and guiding them to find their passions.

To begin with, current curricula at schools are not quite complete and comprehend as much as people might believe. Schools have been focusing on scientific courses, such as mathematics or physics. Therefore, children are encouraged to follow them and, if they had a goal in artistic aspects or sports fields, they would give it up, as they feel a lack of satisfaction. In addition, parents should not ignore the fact that some pupils do not have any talent in science, and their future might continue in an unrelated path, like sport and art. Consequently, the more classes focusing on art and sports, the more analyses will be realistic. Thus, they find their passions and become fully aware of their visions.

Another reason to support my notion is that, nowadays, children are struggling with a rigid formality at school which can make the process of learning tedious and frustrating. Art and sports schemes can be fun as well as educational. For instance, numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that playing an instrument can expand creativity and decision-making ability in students’ brains. Other activities like painting and dancing will also boost their mood and increase their energy. Similarly, being engaged with sports increases fitness levels and raises confidence, and leads to the release of some hormones and sharpening their creativity.

In conclusion, students’ development has been playing an essential role in the future of a country. Authorities should not neglect their situation at school, otherwise, they will grow up to be unaware of their potential and passions, or will lose their creativity as well as their vision, in this chaotic world.

Fatemeh Babaei - AC




Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

The expenditure imposed on the authorities on enhancing sports and art programs at educational and professional levels has always been among the hot-topic arguments. I do agree with the theory that financial support for educational infrastructures is of paramount importance due to various reasons.

Regarding the age of school pupils and their unoccupied schedule, it is clear that children have more efficient time and are more flexible to changes. Firstly, these teenagers with brighter minds can progress quicker and improve in any areas faster than adults while having parental care about out-of-curriculum activities such as football or painting. Secondly, I believe that the suggested approach will be no such heavy burden on the officials not only for its more economical aspect but also due to its better and more desirable outcome. Ultimately, although most students would probably dislike these types of activities and waste the funds spent on them, the ones showing interest in participating will compensate for the loss.

On the other hand, sports- and art-based incidents, according to my perspective, should not be prioritized at the top of the list for the highest money spent. Holding these kinds of events can sometimes be too time-consuming and lead to less effective results compared to being highly attentive to the infrastructures, namely school-level programs. Furthermore, conducting such activities could come at a high cost while being less beneficial for society. Personally, I assume that most of these programs are only meant to illustrate the advertising and political aspects instead of bringing up pure talents.

In conclusion, my view is that the government should dedicate the majority of its budget to establishing a solid foundation conducive to a more favorable outcome, and it is wrong to squander such resources on inefficient events.





Government needs to spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than to support professional sports and art events. Do you agree or disagree?

There is an opinion asserting that authorities should not squander their budget on protecting art and sport incidents, and this money ought to be spent on progress of art and sport activities for school pupils. While this may have some obvious merits, I disagree with this view since supportive plans for art and sports events have greater advantages. 

0n the one hand, there are two main reasons why governments ought to spend money to patronize students to engage more in art and sport activities. Firstly, in this modern era, a wide range of pupils have become over-reliant on various media such as television programs and social platform  leading to neglecting engagement in outdoor activities and sedentary lifestyle that is highly detrimental to their physical health. Therefore, by having easy and unlimited access to different exercise facilities, they are able to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Besides, the more progress in a specific art or sport field children achieve, the more likely it is for them to gain interpersonal skills and valuable experiences. This may result in enhancing their capabilities and acquiring various techniques, which can improve their career prospects.

On the other hand, it seems that governments should allocate this revenue to outstretch professional art and sports incidents. First and foremost, by putting emphasis on such events, governments are clearly able to protect and keep cultural traditions alive. The reason for this is that many of these events are rooted in local conventions and manners, and have been integral part of each nation’s rich cultural heritage. Take art festivals which are a cultural highlight in many cities and countries worldwide as an example,  they encompass a variety of contemporary and traditional art forms such as theater, music and crafts, thus conserving and celebrating them, provides an opportunity to revitalize communities identity, customs and culture especially for young generations. Furthermore, because of their entertaining aspect, these events such as art exhibitions and sport competitions have become a great pastime for people from all walks of life. Along with zest and joy they can bring to peoples’ lives tailored to meet their needs, they do not cost them a fortune, so authorities should support these events and festivals.

By way of conclusion, although development of art and sport amenities offers students several benefits, I think that protecting sports and art occurrences are more important as they represent each country’s culture and are great pastimes for people of various ages. Governments must, therefore spend more money to support such events.





The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The bar chart illustrates the percentages of e-commerce purchases by five businesses in Canada between 2015 and 2019.
Overall, all figures for businesses' e-commerce purchases have an upward trend throughout the span. However, "manufacturing" and "information and communications" have experienced a little fluctuating trend, but generally, we can say that those two types of industry have an upward trend too.
As can be seen, the least percentage of purchases was in 2015, ranging from 20% to 60%. Specifically, the lowest point belongs to "construction" at almost 22%, whereas the highest figure belongs to "information and communications" at 60%. Generally, the average figures for the "information and communications" sector are higher than other businesses. In 2016, all types of industry had an increasing trend in ranges from 30% to 70%, with the lowest figure for "construction" being 30%. The number of the "information and communication" sector is exceptional, which is higher than others, so the "manufacturing" sector had the highest percentage among other sectors in 2016. (over 50%)
According to the chart, the "manufacturing," "wholesales," and "retail" sectors are compared their shares of purchases were similar between 30% and 60%. However, the growth rate was steadier in the case of the "wholesales" sector. Meanwhile, the most increasing change belongs to that "construction" between approximately 20% and over 50% over the period. Moreover, the "retail" and "information and communications" sectors had a slightly higher rate of purchases in 2018 than in 2019. (almost 53% and 74%, respectively)




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The chart illustrates the percentages of 5 different businesses namely Manufacturing, Construction, Wholesale, Retail, and Information and Communication which bought and sold goods and services over the internet in Canada from 2015 to 2019.

Overall, while the proportion of e-commerce witnessed an almost upward trend during the given period in all 5 sectors, construction made the least ratio and IC made the largest one.

With regards to Construction, Wholesale, and Retail, all these sectors’ proportions rose between 2015 and 2019. While Construction made just above 20% of its trades over the internet in 2015, this had a gradual climb to approximately 35% in 2017 which reached a peak of 55% in 2019. Although Wholesale e-commerce purchases had a slight increase from 40% in 2015 to just over 60% in 2019, Retail electronic trades climbed significantly from 30% in the first year to about 55% in the last three years.

On the other hand, IC and Manufacturing had a fluctuating trend which also caused an increase generally. While 30% of manufactures made transactions on electronic platforms in 2015, this showed a dramatic rise to more than 50% next year which after a decline increased to about 60% in 2019. IC market tended to e-commerce sell and buys more than any other business by 60% in 2015 which after peaking at 75% in 2018 decreased to less than 70% in 2019.

Hengameh Moradi(AC)




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of companies that perform transactions online by different industries in Canada from 2015 to 2019. The initial impression is that, in all industries, the proportion of online purchases almost all the time, had an upward trend.

According to the figures, in 2015 online purchases of manufacturing businesses were approximately 30% and rose sharply to just over 50% over a year. From 2017, it witnessed a slight decrease of about 5% and after that, it had growth until 2019 when it hit a peak at roughly 60%. In comparison with this industry, e-commerce purchases in construction and wholesale companies went up continuously through these 5 years from well over 20% to almost 55% and around 30% to nearly 60%, respectively.

Transaction by the internet in Retail and information and communications sectors, also, followed a similar pattern. They both at first experienced an increase and it was in retail by about 20% and around 10% in the other sector. After that, they climbed slowly until 2018, when they hit a peak at well over 60% and 75%, respectively. This trend in both industries, was followed by a marginal dip at the end of the period.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of e-commerce purchases by five different sections of industry, namely manufacturing, construction, wholesale, retail, and information and communication, over a 5-year period from 2015 to 2019.

Overall, it can be seen that e-commerce purchases increased for all of the studied sections of the industry over the period, except for the retail and information and communication industries. Furthermore, the proportion of purchases for all five sectors was the least at the beginning of the period.

Regarding manufacturing and information and communication, the former began the period at 30% in 2015, rising to around a half of total purchases in 2016 before dipping to almost 45% in 2017, then increasing to just under 60% in 2019, while the latter stood at 60% of the whole purchases in 2015, after a gradual increase to almost above 70% in 2018, declined to two-thirds of total purchases in 2019.

As for construction and wholesale and retail, construction and wholesale followed similar patterns. They had their lowest purchases in 2015, with a fifth and two-fifths of total purchases, respectively. While the percentage of purchases for construction surged to about 55% in 2019, this amount for wholesale soared to just above 60%. By contrast, retail began the period at almost 35%. After a steady rise to about a fifth of purchases in 2018, this figure did not witness any major changes for the rest of the period.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The percentages of electronic transactions made by businesses in Canada’s industry sectors from 2015 to 2019 are illustrated in the given bar chart. Overall, all five sectors experienced an upward trend. Howeverthe percentages of information and communications and retail businesses slightly decreased from 2018 to 2019.

Looking at the details, information and communications account for the highest starting and ending rates, with approximately 60 percent and just below 70 percent, respectively. However, this sector had the lowest overall growth, with only 10 percent increase between 2015 and 2019. Meanwhile, the most growth belongs to the construction industry, which saw an around 33 percent rise during the period.

The wholesale sector stands in the next place regarding the highest levels of electronic purchases. With a starting point of roughly 40 percent, it then reached a peak of over 60 percent. Both the wholesale and construction sectors witnessed a steady increase until 2019. However, the construction sector grew faster, rising from less than 25 percent in 2015 to around 55 percent in 2019.

As regards to manufacturing, it fluctuated over the years and experienced its highest level at less than 60 percent in 2019. The retail sector started at the same point as manufacturing, but reached a slightly lower level with just about 55 percent.


Farzaneh Amrollahi/ AC




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The bar chart illustrates the percentages of five different businesses which made e-commerce purchases in the industry in Canada from 2015 to 2019.

Overall, it is clear that while the proportions of businesses making e-commerce purchases in the information and communication industry were the highest throughout the period, this figure for constriction was the lowest in almost all years.

With regard to purchasing online goods in the manufacturing, contraction, and wholesale industry started at just over 30%, 20%, and 40% respectively in 2015. This number for manufacturing decreased and reached about 51% in 2016, but in the next year (2017) dropped to around 45%. Finally, saw significant growth and stood at almost 60 in 2019. In the following years, these percentages fluctuated with an overall upward trend and reached their peak of approximately 45% in the construction industry and 61% in the wholesale sector.

In early 2016, while the percentage of making e-commerce purchases in the retail industry experienced a dramatic rose to almost 60% in 2018, this number dropped marginally in 2019. Turning to the information and communication industry, although it witnessed a considerable increase and earned around 75% in 2018, in other 3 years (2016,2017, and 2019) were at the same number (about 70%).




Zoha Salkhordeh




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The given chart illustrates the information about occupations in different industrial fields (manufacturing, construction, wholesale, retail, and information and communications) making online transactions in Canada for four years starting from 2015.

At first glance, it is evident that excluding manufacturing, which witnessed fluctuations, other businesses followed almost an upward trend. And only the construction and the wholesale industries had steady growth. Information and communication were in first place with the highest percentages for every year.

The retail and information and communication sections followed almost the same trend, except for the initial point in 2015 that retail stood at just over 30%, half the amount of information and communication. Then, after a slight drop in 2018, both increased to 58% and 70% in 2019, respectively.

There was an upward pattern in the figures for construction and wholesale. Construction experienced a significant increase from 22% in 2015 to 55% in 2019. Similarly, wholesale’s figure grew by 22%, starting from 40% in 2015. Only manufacturing witnessed fluctuations. Regardless of the drop in 2017 (7%), The total amount almost doubled from 31% in 2015 to 58% in 2019.

Fatemeh Babaei - AC




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

You recently spent a night in a hotel and had to put up with a great deal of noise very early in the morning because of a faulty central heating system. The manager promised to contact you regarding compensation but you still haven't heard from him.

  • Describe the problem at the hotel
  • Explain what the manager had said at the time
  • Say what you want the manager to do.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with regard to a terrible experience that I had in your hotel on the first of July. The first thing that I would like to draw your attention to is the irritating noise which has been produced by the central heating system in the vicinity of my room. The noise started at 5 A.M. and it caused a great deal of inconvenience to me. Although I repeatedly asked the receptionist to rectify the problem, I was treated with indifference.

To make matters worse, I explained the situation to the manager who was there when I checked out. Even though he promised me to compensate for the severe experience, I have not yet been contacted by him after a week. Due to his mismanagement, your service did not meet my expectations.

Unfortunately, I am terribly disappointed with the manner n which the situation was handled. You would, therefore, appreciate that asking for a partial refund would be a reasonable request. I trust that you, as the CEO of the hotel, incur that your staff does not ignore your customers’ requests in the future. Also, I am sure you will take immediate action to remedy this citation by transferring the fees back into my bank account.

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Arefeh Teimouri




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

Given is a column graph comparing the share of electronic commerce in purchasing or selling in industry-related parts in Canada from 2015 to 2019.

Overall, what stands out is that the number of businesses exploiting e-commerce for their trades increased significantly over these years. Moreover, businesses pertaining to information and communication had the highest percentage of e-commerce purchases, while the lowest proportion of using this method belonged to construction during five years.

With regard to manufacturing and construction, the figures of them accounted approximately 30% and 20% respectively in 2015. After one year, the proportion of e-commerce in manufacturing climbed by 25%, and construction grew slightly to 30%. Whereas e-commerce purchases in manufacturing witnessed a moderate dip to a little more than 40%, this approach of buying in construction surged to more than 30% in 2017. These figures for both businesses skyrocketed to 50% and 60% for manufacturing and construction in 2018 and 2019, respectively.  

Turning to wholesale, retail, and information and communication, the percentage of electronic commerce in the wholesale business saw a steady rise over these years; it went up continuously from 40% to a mere over 60% between 2015 and 2019. The retail business had a similar trend with wholesale, but their use of e-commerce was lower than wholesale. The number for information and communication was the greatest use of the new technique in their trades among other businesses. Their proportion of this method was more than 60% for four years.

Heidari AC




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The bar chart illustrates businesses that had e-commerce purchases in the industry in Canada over a period of 4 years.


Overall, it is observed from the graph that there was a growing trend in the construction and wholesale industry during this period, whereas there was a moderate fluctuation in the manufacturing, retail, and information and communication industry.


Turning to details, as regards wholesale, in 2015, 40% of businesses made e-commerce purchases in Canada. From 2016 onwards, the proportion of wholesale increased from 50% to 61%. Similarly, during this period, the proportion of construction climbed from 20% to 55%. On the other hand, the figure for manufacturing in 2015 was just over 30%. From this year until 2016, it rose significantly by 20%. Between 2016 and 2017, the proportion of manufacturing saw a moderate decline of nearly 6%. In the subsequent years, manufacturing which had e-commerce purchases, rocketed to 58%. It is worth noting that in 2018 the figure for information and communication peaked at 72%, while in 2015, construction was the lowest proportion in purchasing through e-commerce. However, information and communication in 2017 and 2019 were equal at 70%; meanwhile, both were the second largest proportion of e-commerce purchases in Canada.




The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019.

The provided graph illustrates the percentage of businesses' purchases done through e-commerce between the years 2015 and 2019.

It is clear that while the proportions of e-commerce purchases in construction and wholesale sectors increased steadily over the investigated time period, the figures related to manufacturing, retail, and information & communications businesses saw fluctuations. Overall, the information & communications sector made more e-commerce purchases than other businesses.

For construction and wholesale businesses, the e-commerce purchases percentages were about 23% and 41% in 2015 respectively. After increasing steadily, these amounts reached approximately 55% and 62% after four years. However, other businesses experienced fluctuations throughout the period shown. The percentage for manufacturing businesses was about 33% in 2015 and increased to 52% in 2016. Then, before rising to 58% in 2019, this figure witnessed a slight decline between 2016 and 2017.

On average, the e-commerce purchases proportion was highest for information & communications among the businesses with more than 60% for all the reported years. The lowest percentage related to the construction sector in 2015 with about 23%. Also, the construction business experienced the highest increase over four years with more than 30%. The reverse was true for the information & communications business with only 9% growth.




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

The overconsumption of natural resources at an unsustainable rate leads to environmental degradation and negative impacts on our society. Governments and individuals can assist in finding suitable solutions to resolve it.

The foremost problems caused by excessive use of natural resources are that most of them are non-renewable and are depleted once they are being used faster than they can replenish themselves. More carbon dioxide that stems from the burning of oil and deforestation results in global warming which is of paramount importance in that it will cause melting polar ice, and climate change. Cutting down the trees and lack of habitat for millions of species contribute to the extinction of some species, ecological imbalance. Most indigenous people are more likely to lose their homeland. Furthermore, humanity uses 50% of the world’s fresh water. Freshwater supplies feed a growing global population and keep the planet’s ecosystems thriving. Water scarcity leads to soil erosion and barren land. This situation is compounded by the fact that the world’s population continues to grow and water demand will grow at an accelerated rate.

Most people are oblivious to the consequences of devastation of natural resources. The governments should play their part by raising public awareness about energy conservation. Children, for instance, should be taught about resource depletion. Industries should be encouraged to use sustainable energy and this should be subsidized by the government. Given the status quo, people should be taught about better farming methods to prevent cutting down trees for farmland and can also contribute by recycling paper products. The governments can change laws and ensure that they are enforced. People should control the use of energy especially the consumption of water.

 In conclusion, a prolonged pattern of overconsumption leads to the environmental loss of resources, global warming, and climate change. Various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the high consumption of natural resources.






The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

In recent years, the consumption of natural resources has soared in a way that they are depleting at rates more than ever before. This essay will discuss some consequences that this trend may arise, and propose some measures that can be taken to mitigate these detrimental outcomes.

One of the most significant issues that can be created due to this trend is that it might disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, which in turn can result in many dire consequences. This is because natural resources such as forests play a crucial role in the planet’s ecosystem, such as converting carbon dioxide to oxygen, providing shelter for many species, and so on. To tackle this problem, those in power should introduce high fines for people damaging forests, and they should also launch schemes to plant as many trees as possible. Consequently, forests will be preserved, and also the balance of the ecosystem will be maintained.

Another issue the alarming rate of consumption of natural resources may culminate in is that it can lead to human disasters. To illustrate, if the supply of fresh water were insufficient in some countries, the health of their nations would be at stake as water plays a vital role in human lives. Moreover, if oil were not supplied in sufficient amounts throughout the world, the economies of those countries without enough oil would be damaged greatly, which in turn could result in food crises and thus human crises in those countries. To alleviate this, the legal amount of consumption of such resources should be restricted and monitored by governments to avoid squandering these precious matters.

To reiterate, overexploiting of natural resources including forests can culminate in the disruption of the ecosystem, but this can be handled if governments impose higher fines for those damaging forests and introduce programs to recover forests. Furthermore, such a trend can lead to humanitarian crises, but this can be managed if the consumption of such resources is curtailed and monitored.       




The natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it couse? How can we solve these preblems?

It is argued the depletion of oil, green spaces, and hygienic water has become a serious concern nowadays. Although this phenomenon is believed to have certain negative effects on our planet, authorities can come forward with viable solutions to address the situation effectively.


On the flip side, the damage of depleting natural resources should be noted. Firstly, deforestation has a significant impact on global warming. Trees absorb greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, and convert them to oxygen. In other words, the more trees there are, the fewer greenhouse gases there will be in the air. Therefore, diminishing greenhouse gases result in not only stabilizing the temperature of our planet but also preventing the phenomenon of global warming. Secondly, because of the depletion of oil resources, the automobile industry will be damaged because it depends on fossil fuels.


Having said that, however, prohibitive regulations can be enforced to make sure the negative aspects are kept at bay. To begin with, cutting trees should be checked by the government. That is to say, authorities should encourage manufacturing industries that use wood to produce furniture to use alternative environmentally-friendly resources. Moreover, recycling water not only should be encouraged but also should be mandatory in certain countries facing scarcity of water. In addition, Sustainable green sources of energy should be promoted and subsidized by the government.


In conclusion, owing to the fact that manifold aspects of the environment are negatively affected by decreasing natural deposits, the government needs to curb the tide by implementing the right policies.




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Given are two maps providing comprehensive account of information regarding the transformation of Pacific Railway Station in two years, namely in 1998 and in the current year.

Taking a fleeting scan, it is discernable that not only has the railway station been facilitated considerably, but also it has been commercialized over the course of time.

If scrutinized precisely, the visuals reveal that extra numbers of railroads have been constructed, with four lanes existing in 1998, to which three more paths have been added at the current time. These new items of infrastructure have sprung up on the left-hand side of the area, while the former ones did not receive an alteration with regard to their placement being in the opposite direction.  

As for new amenities, it can be observed that the café and ticket reception being in the bottom, right corner remained unchanged; however, new shopping malls were erected in the center of the station, where there used to be some clock rooms, along with a restaurant being built just in their vicinity. What is more perceptible is a new outlet manufactured in the left-hand corner, right in the opposite side of the coffee bar.


Ardeshir Savari/Academic

193 words




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The portrayed plan illustrates the development process of Pacific Railway Station at the present moment in comparison with 1998. Overall, it is palpable that the capacities of the station have surged considerably by structuring diverse platforms and sectors. 

To begin with, a new set of platforms have been built on the left side of station which   connotes more passengers could get services in the station. So it necessitates more facilities in the area to be provided. Given the circumstances, a restaurant has been placed in between of platforms that makes it more accessible. Additionally, a supermarket has been devised on the corner of the station, below the newly built platforms where was previously vacant. 

The renovating process replaced the single shop on the right side with two exhaustive shops as station’s centerpiece where more comers can reach there at ease. Although ticket office was big enough for the 1998 traffic, it got doubled for the enhanced station to prevent long queues. At last, to the surprise of many, toilets are wholly removed from the map and replaced with shops and restaurant. 




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The two maps compare the layouts of the Pacific Railway Station as it was in the year 1998 with its current form.

 Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the railway station has been extended to the west, including a new restaurant and supermarket and additional platforms.

According to the maps, a new supermarket has been erected in the southwest corner. In addition, the toilets have been demolished to make room for the restaurant and shops. The shop that was originally next to the ticket office, has been transferred to the center, occupying more area. The additional railway platforms have been constructed on the left-hand side, opposite of the supermarket.

 The ticket office is positioned in the same location as it was in 1998, however, it has been doubled in size, since as a result of relocating the shop to the center, more space is allowed for it. In addition, the cafe has stayed unchanged, remaining in the same dimension and position.




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The maps show Pacific Railway Station in 1998 and now.

The two maps compare the layout of a railway station called Pacific in the year 1998 and its developments at the moment.


Overall, the station has undergone further expansion compared to 1998 and has altered extensively, experiencing some modifications to its main facilities, while some extra commercial features have been put up.


The most salient aspect of the data concerns the significant changes to the commercial components. The operational toilets located in the west of the station in 1998 has been demolished and a restaurant as well as a newly-built shop have been erected in its place, becoming the central part of the rail station. Moreover, a previously-built store existed in the bottom left-hand corner of the station has been relocated to the current middle part of the station. A new supermarket, additionally, has been developed on the southwest of the map.


The second most striking feature of the data regards the substantial alternations to the main facilities. It is noteworthy that a ticket office lying in the southeastern side has been expanded. However, while the four eastern platforms have remained unaltered, the western vacant lot is currently replaced by three extra platforms.






You recently bought a camera while travelling overseas. When you got to your destination you discovered that some important items were missing from the box.
Write a letter to the local representative of the company. In your letter

▪️Give details of the camera and where you bought it
▪️Explain what has happened
▪️Say what you want him/her to do about it

You recently bought a camera while traveling overseas. When you got to your destination you discovered that some important items were missing from the box.

  • Give details of the camera and where you bought it
  • Explain what has happened
  • Say what you want him/her to do about it.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with regard to a cutting-edge camera, which was bought from your company. The camera’s brand is Canon with a color combination of black and gray. The cost of it was 400$ and I purchased it on the 16th of October from your city center branch.     

Actually, I bought it for taking pictures on my abroad trip. Unfortunately, I did not unpack the box at home. Therefore, when reached there, I realized that its charger is not in the pack and the camera was out of battery. In addition, the guide booklet, shown to me in the store, was not inside the pack. Since it is a digital camera, I would need its instruction. Thus, I was unable to use it without them.

Considering my situation, I would be grateful if you could possibly provide me with the items pointed out above within 4 days. Otherwise, I will be requesting a full refund. Your assistance in this matter is appreciated. I can be contacted at the email address supplied.

I am looking forward to hearing your swift response.

Yours faithfully,

Shabnam Tannazian



Shabnam Tannazian

General training     





The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

The bar graph compares the proportion of Iceland's populace in terms of age, in thirty years starting in 1990.


What stands out from the graph is that the general trend for the two categories between 25 and 65 and higher is upward. It is also notable that the populace between the ages of 24 and 54 makes up most of the population. Putting together, the population is aging in the period in question. 


From the graph, it can be seen that the figure for young and middle-aged citizens between 24 and 54 started at around 30% in 1990 and shaped approximately 50% of the populace in 2020. Another group rising in proportion is seniors aged 65 or above. despite remaining constant at 12% until 2020, it then experienced an insignificant increase to about 15%.


Concerning younger categories, the number of teenagers under 14 saw a dramatic fall from about 31% at the start of the period to around 28% at the end. Same as with the former category, the trend for 15-24 years old people was also downward, starting at  21% , it then plummeted to 8%. Subsequently, the proportion of 55–54 was approximately 13% at the beginning. After stabilizing at 11% in two decades, it then fell by only 1% to 10%.




The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

A glance at the bar chart provided compares the population of Iceland in terms of their age from 1990 to 2020.It is evident from the information supplied that the number of people aged between 25 and 54 years old increased significantly, while the two youngest groups slipped during the same years. It is also noteworthy that the population aged more than 55 remained rather stable.
In 1990, people older than 65 comprised about 12% of the community. The figure rose slightly until 2010, followed by a marginal decrease of a mere 2% and stood at about 14% in 2020. Likewise, people aged 55-64, meanwhile, decreased by a narrow margin of 4% and reached 10%.
In 1990, the most populated group, 25-54, accounted for approximately 30% of the population. The figure soared until 2020 and stood around 50%. The two youngest groups, entail 15-24 and 0-14. The former formed just over 20% of the population in 1990, while the latter was 5% above. The figures dropped moderately until 2020, where the least population allotted to the age 15-24, while the youngest group ranked second in the community with 18%.
 Ac (189 words)




The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

The given bar chart illustrates the age of Iceland’s population over a 30-year period between 1990 and 2020.

Overall, what stands out from the chart is that the 25 to 54 age group constitutes the majority of the population in each decade. Furthermore, while the population of the aforementioned age group increased over the period, the population of other groups decreased, except for the over-65 age group, which remained the same.

From 1990 to 2000, the population of the 0 to 14 age group did not experience any major changes, with about a quarter of the population. Although the 15 to 24 age group population declined from 21% in 1990 to just under a fifth in 2000, the population of the 25 to 54 age group increased, rising from about 30% in 1990 to 35% in 2000. Eventually, the 55 to 64 and 65 and over age groups reported approximately the same amount of population in each decade, with both groups just above a tenth of the total.

Between 2010 and 2020, the population of the 0 to 14 and 15 to 24 age groups decreased, the former from just above a fifth of the population to about 18%, while the latter plunged from 15% to 8%. By contrast, the 25 to 54 age group witnessed a sharp rise from 38% to approximately half of the total population. Finally, the population of the 55 to 64 and 65 and over age groups remained unchanged over the period, with 12% and 10%, respectively.




The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

Provided column chart compares the population of five age groups in Iceland from 1990 to 2020. 

Looking from an overall perspective, it is apparent that individuals aged 25-54 were the predominant age group throughout the course mentioned and the population of 15 to 24-year old citizens observed a declining trend over the years. 

In 1990, senior citizens (65 and over) comprised 12% of the total population and the percentage of people aged 25-54 was reported around 30%. In 2000, the population of the young group (1-24) decreased to less than 20%, a mere of 3% lower than what presented in previous decade. While the percentages of elderly citizens in both 1990 and 2000 fluctuated somewhere in the vicinity of 10%, newborns and teenagers (0-14) constituted about one fourth of the whole. By the next decade, in 2010, the proportion of the youngest age group dropped by 4% but it still remained in its second position in the figure. The percentage of citizens aged 25 to 54, however, surged to a peak of 49% in 2020. In contrast, the last place belonged to teenagers and individuals aged 65 and above and those who were 55 to 64 years old included 14% and 10% of the total population respectively.




The graph gives information about the age of the population of Iceland between 1990 and 2020.

The bar graph compares the percentage of five different age groups who live in Iceland over four years 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020. 

Overall, what stands out from the group is that, while the population of people aged between 25 and 54 increased, people below this age group decreased. Additionally, the figure for people aged over 65 remained almost the same. 

In 1990, individuals aged between 25 and 54 constituted the maximum percentage of the population, at just over 30%. Meanwhile, the figure for the youngest group (between 0 and 14) was about 25%, compared to 22% for people aged between 15 and 24. Finally, only just below 13% of the surveyed population fell in either of other two categories; people over 65 and the age group 55-64.

In the next 30 years, the number of people between 25 and 54 increased and reached a peak of just below 50%. However, individuals in two age groups, including 15-24 and 0-14, experienced a decline, at about 19% and 9% respectively. In addition, the age group 55-64 saw a slight decline of 3%, while the percentage of people over 65 years old remained almost the same, ranging between 12% and 15%.




You have heard that a developer plans to build a shopping centre near your home.
Write a letter to the council. In your letter

▪️Say how you heard about the plan
▪️Explain how you feel about it
▪️Ask for more information about it

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my emotion and request further information in reference to constructing the Rose shopping center.

I have been living in an apartment on 15th street near the main street for about 10 years. Recently, I read an article in a local newspaper called today’s news that it is said a contractor company wants to build an enormous shopping center here.

At the first glance, I became happy with this decision whereas, after a few moments I found it a problem for this district since a large number of people probably will attend here which leads to increasing the congestion of traffic. 

 I do not have comprehensive details concerning different aspects of this project that could assess the pros and cons. Therefore, I would be delighted if you could send me further information in order to analyze its location accurately.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Jack James.




The tables below show people's reasons for giving up smoking, and when they intend to give up.

The tables demonstrate the top five reasons and the time that people tend to give up smoking, which are divided into four levels of smoking. 

Overall, as can be seen, the main reason is general health, whereas the less remarkable reason is present health problem. Although, the highest percentage of smokers who intend to give up smoking belongs to those who want to give up smoking within the next six months.

According to the first table, general health is the number one reason at 71%, followed by financial considerations at 31% and a lower risk of getting smoking-related illnesses at 25% of the total. While the present health problem is the least reason for giving up smoking, at 12% of the total, heavy smokers (20+) stand at 19%, whereas the moderate ones (10–19) and the light smokers (fewer than 10) have a figure almost half that of the heavy smokers at 10%. 

Moving to the second table, 71% of all smokers intend to give up, of which those who want to give up within the next six months have the highest percentage at 35%, though those who want to cut off their use of cigarettes within the next month and the next year stand at 12% and 21%, respectively. Meanwhile, 29% of smokers do not intend to give up at all, while the highest figure in this group belongs to heavy smokers (20+) at 40%  which this statement for total number of smokers who intend to give up belongs to light smokers (fewer than 10) at 70%.




The tables below show people's reasons for giving up smoking, and when they intend to give up.

The first chart compares the proportion of five reasons smokers are going to quit cigarettes, while the second table depicts their planned schedule for doing so.

Overall, what stands out from the table is that the most common reason among smokers for quitting is caring about their general health. Another point which deserves attention is that a six-month period for giving up smoking seems to be the most popular one.

At first glance, it is evident that quitting reasons which smokers come up with show a similar trend among all three smoker categories. In other words, general health is the most common reason, with an average proportion of 71%, followed by financial consideration, smoking-related diseases, and family satisfaction (at 31%, 25%, and 16%, respectively). Finally, current health issues compromised the most negligible percentage of popular reasons, with slightly more than 10%.

Looking at the second table, it can be seen that the lowest proportion of smokers intends to quit smoking within the next 30 days, with just under 10% for the people who smoke more than ten cigarettes a day and 21% for those who smoke less than ten cigarettes daily. A one-year period starting tomorrow is the second most popular time to quit smoking for all three smoker categories (with 22%, 23%, and 18%, respectively). The first popular on the list is a six-month period, chosen by just over one-third of all smokers.

Surprisingly, 40% of people who used to smoke more than a pack of cigarettes a day do not want to quit smoking at all. The statistics for those who smoke less than a pack a day and have no intention of quitting are lower, with just over 20%.




Some students take one year off between school and university. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

While a group of students tend to commence their tertiary education after finishing high school without any interval, some youngsters prefer to continue their education after taking a gap year and this dissension has become a contentious issue these days. In this essay, the perks and cons of taking one year off between two stages of education will be scrutinized. 

A majority of people support the idea that a gap year after high school can generate a wide range of benefits for adolescents. To be more precise, those who give themselves a break between school and university may get a chance to travel in order to take some rest. Another thing that is worth pointing out is that this period is perfect to do various activities such as painting, playing instruments and doing some exercises. Furthermore, the gap-year takers may accumulate various experience by doing part-time jobs and they can also learn some fruitful skills related to their favourite fields. 

Nevertheless, a large fraction of individuals argue that if students stay away from the educational environment for roughly one year, they will give more priority to other activities such as playing some sports or travelling rather than studying. In addition, if they have a chance to earn sufficient money they will not come back to the educational environment. Despite all the facts, it is a complicated decision that has to be made. But in my opinion, a gap year should be considered as a decent opportunity either for students who underwent manifold stress and pressures or who did not get a high score on the entrance exam in the first year. Consequently, they should be allowed to enter university whenever they desire to. 

To conclude, whereas the significance of resuming academic education is undeniable teenagers especially those who had undergone multiple pressures need to unwind before starting university. Therefore, I strongly believe that the superiorities of a year gap outnumber its downsides.




Some students take one year off between school and university. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

While some know-how seekers opine that existing one year off between school and university is indispensable, I support that its drawbacks of doing so outnumber its plus points.

Dedicating rest time after the high school to students might seem to be able to bring various benefits to them, the most important of which is learning a new skill during this year. In fact, knowledge pursuers may afford to find part-time jobs to accumulate valuable experience pertained to the major they are about to embark on in the university. Furthermore, students could seize an unprecedented opportunity to gain more relaxation over this period. To put it simply, given the paramount importance of mental tranquility in learning, school authorities should expend a great deal of energy on creating a relaxing, stress-free atmosphere in the class that this environment would easily be provided if allocating one year to know-how seekers before their universities.

On the other hand, negative repercussions assuredly abound if this trend might be engendered in the schools. Not only would this rest time be nothing less than over wastage of time and the national budget, but it also would inadvertently cause students to forget a considerable section of their acquisition in the high school period. If doing so, it is not uncommon to discourage them from continuing their education in the higher seats of learning. In such conditions, young generation is highly likely to show a tendency to be ordinary people and perhaps commit crimes in the community in the foreseeable future.

To recapitulate, although there are a number of merits involved in this trend, the demerits accruing to students are by no means negligible.

Heidari- AC




The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

    The given table depicts the percentage of five different types of families in Canada between 1984 and 2020.

     Overall, there have been significant changes in the number of families, increasing in three types of them (namely one person, lone parent, and no children) and decreasing in the two remaining types of households during the period in question.

     In 1984, the percentage of both one-person and lone parent households stood at almost the same number, 6% and 4% respectively, which was followed by a similar trend, increasing gradually to 12% in 2014 and remaining unchanged until 2020. The percentage of families who do not have any children was 19% in 1984, which was tripled compared to the previous types. It then grew by 6% during two decades and remained stable at 25% until the last year in the figure.

     Turning to the rest of the information, both dependent children and non-dependent children households witnessed a decline during the period, which is noticeable in the former and slight in the latter. While 52% of dependant children households were living in Canada in 1984, as the highest rate of family type, it has dropped to 36% in 2020. Finally, the percentage of non-dependant children families had a slight fluctuation, that started at 10% in the first decade and rose by just 1% until 2004, but it went down to 9% in 2020.

     It is necessary to mention that both one family and a couple of households are not considered in the given table.


Hakime Afshar




The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

The provided table depicts the transformations that took place in the percentages of various kinds of households in Canada over a thirty-six-year period from 1984. 

Overall, the most significant facts to emerge from the table are that, while the tendency of couples to give birth to a child experienced a drop, individuals showed more inclination to live alone. 

With respect to families that had children, it can be clearly seen that the percentage of families with dependent children exponentially plunged from a high of 52% to a low of 36%, which was the greatest change. Interestingly, after an improvement of one percent in the percentage of families with non-dependent children in 2004, there was a drop of two percent in this category, and it reached a trough of 9. In stark contrast, the proportion of lone parents three-folded over this timeframe peaked at 12%.

Turning to the remaining categories, according to the data shown, the fraction of couples who preferred to have a no child at the end of the timescale hit a high of 25%, approximately five out of fourths of the start time. Although the proportion of one-person households was lower than families with no child over this timeframe as a whole, around less than half, they follow absolutely the same pattern of escalation of 6 percent.


dorna nezami





The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

The table illustrates the differences in some household types in Canada between 1984 and 2020.

Overall, it is clear that while the percentages of one-person, couple without children, and lone-parent households saw significant growth throughout the period, these numbers for families with dependent and non-dependent children dropped by the end.

Turning to one-person households it can be seen that just around 6% of people lived alone in 1984. After that, this number doubled and reached about 12% in 2020. Like one-person households, Couples without any children experienced an upward trend and began at 19% in 1984 and continued and stood at its highest point approximately 25% from 2014 to 2020. Finally, the most significant growth was observed in lone parents: in 1984, only 4% of parents lived alone, but by 2020, 12% of parents were living on their own.

By 1984, dependent and non-dependent children had witnessed a downward trend by the end of the period (52% and 10%, respectively). From 1994 to 2020, the proportion of dependent children in households underwent a considerable fall and plateaued at just above 35%( 36%). Next, the percentage of non-dependent families fluctuated and shrank to its lowest peak just below 10% in 2020.




The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

Given is a table illustrating the changes that are made among different families in Canada between 1984 and 2020. What stands out is that the percentage of all groups except couples with dependent children and non-dependent children has almost increased. 

In the first 10 years, the percentage of single Canadians, couples who had no children, and lone-parent saw an increase from 6-8%, 19-20%, and 4-6% respectively. This upward trend continued between 1994 and 2014 in these three groups, in order that in 2014, the percentage of one person was 12%, lone-parent was 12%, and couples without children were 25%. It is worth mentioning that these percentages remained unaltered in 2020, therefore, couples without children were ranked first among others.

Despite those three groups having a similar procedure, the next two groups had very different processes. Between 1984 and 1994, couples with dependent children experienced a dramatic decrease of 5%, while couples without dependent children stayed unchanged at 10%. The population of couples with dependent children declined to 36% from 1994 to 2020, however, couples without dependent children have fluctuated over the last 26 years.




The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

The table illustrates the percentage of different household types and families between 1984 and 2020 in Canada. 

Overall, as can be seen, the percentage of families whit nondependent children and dependent children decreased dramatically; in contrast, the proportion of lone parents, no-children families, and one-person households increased over the same time, and the percentage of household models from 2014 to 2020 remind steadily except the families whit dependent children.  

It is clearly seen that the numbe of nondependent children in 1984 and 1994 was 10% which was 1% less than in 2004 and 1%more than in 2014 and 2020. Also, the highest percentage of household models was in 1984 for families with dependent children, almost 52%. It decreased by nearly 24% in 2014 and 2020.

The lowest amount was about 4% which was allocated for lone parents in 1984, and then it received 12% in 2014 and 2020, which was similar to the percentage of one-person families at the same time. The rate of families with no children in1984 was about 19% which was 1% and 4% less than in 1994 and 2004 respectively.




The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to 2020.

The given table gives some information about the changes in five different types of households (one person, couples without children, with dependent and non-dependent children and lone parents) in Canada between 1984 and 2020. 


Overall, the percentages of one person groups, lone parents, and couples without children increased, while the figures for couples with children decreased. The figure for couples with dependent children was the highest in each year.


Looking more precisely, in 1984, the percentage of lone parent group was 4%, which was the lowest amount among all categories, while that of one person was higher at 6%. These figures increased to 12% in 2014, and remained steady in the following years.


In terms of couple households, the dependent children group accounted for more than half of the households in 1984 and decreased constantly and significantly to 36% in the last year. Couples without children and those with non-dependent children experienced a similar increasing trend from 1984 to 2004, and after that, the non-children group stayed the same at 25%. By contrast, the figure for couples with non-dependent children saw a marginal fall of 2%, from 11% to 9%.






You are renting a flat from an agency. Your contract was for one year but you need to leave the flat two months early.

Write a letter to the agency. In your letter

Introduce yourself
Ask to leave the flat before the contract finishes
Explain why you need to break the contract.

The given table provides information about literacy rates for men and women in 2000-2004 in five continents: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.


looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that, in Europe, literacy rates were the highest. Moreover, the gender differences were less significant in Europe, while Africa had the largest gender gap in the world and lower literacy rates than other regions in the table.


According to the reported data, more than 82% of the world's population was literate, including 87.2% of men and almost 77% of women. About half of African women were able to read and write, however, 71.6% of African men were literate. In Oceania and the Americas, literacy rates were relatively closer together. In both regions over 93% of the population was literate.


72.5% of females in Asia were literate, compared to 85.9% of Asian males. In total, 79.3% of Asians could read and write in that period. Although in Europe, like other continents, the education system overwhelmed in favor of males, they were only 0.7 percent more literate than women.




You are renting a flat from an agency. Your contract was for one year but you need to leave the flat two months early.

Write a letter to the agency. In your letter

Introduce yourself
Ask to leave the flat before the contract finishes
Explain why you need to break the contract.

Dear Sir/ Madam


I am writing to request your assistance regarding the apartment contract I signed around a year ago as I have to leave earlier than what is stated in the contract.


Last year, I rented a two-bedroom apartment in London, Ontario from your agency on December 15th, and my contract number is AD255238.


Although the contract was for a year, I need to leave two months earlier. Therefore, I wanted to request permission to empty the place on October 15th.


I have to move to Toronto as I got an excellent job position in a well-known company. They asked me to start right away, and as I am not inclined to risk the offer in any way, I have no choice but to break the contract. Since we are already mid-September and I need time to move and settle down before the job begins, I would like to leave earlier. I would appreciate it if you could make the necessary arrangement to end the contract.


I appreciate your consideration.


Yours faithfully,


Parisa Chavoshi




The table below shows the estimated literacy rates by region and gender for 2000-2004.

The given tabulated data illustrates the proportion of literate individuals worldwide and among five distinct continents over the four-year period from 2000 to 2004 on a gender-basis.

From an overall perspective, it is evident that the rate of literacy among men was generally more than women, and European were the most knowledgeable people throughout this survey.

 Under closer scrutiny it is revealed that while almost 82% of people were educated worldwide, 87% of males possess this ability and with 10% lower, 77% of females were able to read and write. There was also a close relationship between the level of development of the area and the rate of literacy. In othe words, in developed places of America, Europe and Ocena 93.6%, 98.8% and 93.4% of people had knowledge of reading and writing, in which there was only 1% difference between two genders; the rates for females were approximately 1% lower.

In comparison to the wealthy continents, the rates of knowedge were lower in Asia and Africa, and they accounted for 79.3% and 62.5% respectively. There was also more variation between men and women, and while the rate was almost 86.5% for males in Asia, 72.5% of Asian women were literate. The gap between the two genders was even more in Africa, in which the percentage of literacy among women stood at around 54%, which was almost 20% lower than the proportion for African men.   

















The table below shows the estimated literacy rates by region and gender for 2000-2004.

The provided table gives an estimation of the literacy rate among five continents of the world in a 4-year period from 2000 to 2004.

At a glance, it is obvious that the highest literacy rate belonged to European whilst the lowest was for Africa which also had a remarkable difference in literacy rate regarding gender.

According to the table, 98.8% of people in Europe were able to read and write and there was negligible difference in terms of gender. Americas and Oceania stood close to each other at respectively second and third place in literacy by 93.6% and 93.4%. similarly, there is no considerable difference in literacy rate between men and women. However, the number of educated women was slightly lower.

In contrast, there were significant differences in literacy rates according to gender in Asia and Africa. In Asia, about 79.3% of the people could read and write. Nonetheless, this number differed for males and females at respectively 85.9% and 72.5%. This gap is even greater in Africa. According to the estimation, 71.6% of African males were literate while this number for females was 53.9% and the total average literacy rate for Africa was about 62.5%.




The table below shows the estimated literacy rates by region and gender for 2000-2004.

The table illustrates data about the percentage of literacy people in 5 distinct countries and comparison the estimated literacy portion between men and women between 2000 and 2004.

Overall, what stands out from the table is that Europe had the most literate people among other countries. It is interesting to note that males were more educated than females in all countries.

Looking at the information in more detail, Europe had the number-one educated people, reaching almost 99 percent. There is effectually no difference in literacy rate for European males and females. Oceania and the Americans were ranked second with approximately 94 percent. The figure for both men and women are almost the same in the two countries. In Asia, only just above three-quarters could read and write, while the figure for Asian men is 13 percent higher. According to the table, Africa had the lowest rate of literacy population. 77.3 percent of females were literate, whereas the figure for males is 87.2 percent.





Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet.Do you agree or disagree?

The necessity of removing meat from meals to have a wholesome diet has always been the subject of controversial nutritional debates. While a group of people advocates for following a vegetarian diet by everyone, I strongly oppose the complete elimination of meat from the diet, believing this not only is not beneficial for health but also can cause nutritional deficiencies. 

Firstly, according to nutritionists, meat contains some essential micronutrients, such as vitamin B12, that cannot be found in plant-based food as it is completely exclusive to animal food products. Thus, if people follow a strict vegetarian diet in which all animal-based foods, including meat, are excluded, they experience diseases or symptoms stemming from extreme micronutrient deficiencies after a while. Secondly, although some nutrients, such as protein, exist in both a vegetarian and a meat-containing varied diet, eating only vegetables does not provide a sufficient amount of these nutrients since vegetables are generally poor in high-quality proteins compared to meat. Therefore, removing meat from the diet in the long term can lead to some health complications, such as the wasting of muscles or growth failure in children.

On the other hand, some staunch supporters of the vegetarian diet consider it the best nutritional plan to guarantee improved health status. They may represent various reasons for their claim proven by scientific research, including the significant connection between consuming vegetables with various health benefits or the association between some diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, with high red meat consumption. Moreover, they may allege that vegetables with high protein content, such as legumes, nuts, and seeds, are nutritious enough to replace meat and can meet the need for protein to an acceptable extent.

In conclusion, with all the virtues that a vegetarian diet may have, including prevention from chronic diseases, I do not agree with the elimination of meat from the diet as being unnecessary to health since it can accompany by various nutritional deficiencies and diseases in the longer term. 




Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet.Do you agree or disagree?

The number of vegans in our ongoing epoch has exponentially boosted, while it is claimed that all individuals have to become vegetarian as vegetables have all the nutrition that meat contains. However, I believe that it is not practical since not only do crops have limited production, but they don’t also serve all people's interests. 


One major drive behind the impracticality of making this phenomenon ubiquitous is that the world would run the risk of food insecurity since there are confined sources of agricultural output. In this case, should this scarcity take place, the expense of farming production will maximize, so rarely would ordinary people purchase them. The price of Avocado, a fruit rich in a high level of protein, as a case in point, has doubled over recent years as it supplies the protein of most vegetarians.


Apart from this rationale, old habits die hard, so revolutionizing dietary habits established from childhood is challenging. This means that getting accustomed to involving meat as an indispensable part of all meals from an early age, hardly can some people eliminate it from their diet. In other words, this population's taste formed many years ago deters them from finding the foods eaten by vegetarians delicious. Imagine a mid-age man who gets used to eating a Juicy steak on a daily bases, how can he be convinced to replace it with a carrot?

In the light of the aforesaid analyses, although the positive effects of becoming vegetarian have been proven on the well-being of humans, the risk of suffering from a lack of food resources as well as individual resistance to switching their eating habits make it impossible to sweep everyone to become vegetarian. 

Dorna Nezami 





A restaurant has placed an advertisement for waiters and waitresses in your local newspaper.

Write a letter to the restaurant, applying for the job. In your letter:

Explain what you are currently doing
Describe your suitability for this area of work
Say when you can attend an interview

Dear Sir or Madam, 


I am writing this letter in connection with a Job vacancy, which has been advertised in the local newspaper. I intend to announce that I am available to work there as a waiter. 

Since last year, I have been studying mechanical engineering at the university. So, I am a student at the moment. I have been seeking a job recently because I have to pay my tuition fee. 

I am confident that I am competent and skillful for this position. The major reason is that before I was admitted to college I had been working in a coffee shop. I have become familiar with a number of tasks, such as washing dirty plates, getting orders, and suchlike. On top of that, I am considered myself a committed worker. So, I will be able to be at the workplace on time without delay and working properly. 

When it comes to a suitable time for an interview, I would like to inform you that I am available on Wednesday and Monday; It would be great if you set our appointment on mentioned days. 

Finally, I hope to be selected as a waiter for your restaurant. 


Yours Sincerely; 

Milad Ataei




The pie charts below show the devices people in the 18 to 25 age group use to watch television in Canada in two different years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The given diagrams illustrate the percentage of 6 different devices used by the 18 to 25 age group to watch TV programs in Canada in 2009 and 2019.

Overall there have been significant changes in the figure during the period in question, increasing the popularity of three devices for watching tv (namely mobile phone, flat-screen TV, and tablet), and decreasing the use of the other three remaining tools. In addition, the most popular device in 2009 was conventional TV in comparison with the next decade in which flat-screen tv accounted for the most proportion.

According to the more popular devices in 2009, almost a third of the young generation preferred the conventional TV, which plunged to a mere 4% in 2019. The other widely used tools in 2009 were both the laptop and desktops chosen by the same number of individuals, 20% and 18% respectively, despite dropping to 12% after 10 years.

Turning to the rest of the information, while a minority used mobile phone in 2009, their popularity reached just over a quarter in 2019. Although both flat-screen tv and tablet accounted for the lowest proportion in 2009, the former has become the most favorite device in 2019, increasing from 8% in 2009 to 27% in 2019, and the latter rose from a modest 5% in 2009 to just under a fifth in 2019.


Haki Afshar 





A restaurant has placed an advertisement for waiters and waitresses in your local newspaper.

Write a letter to the restaurant, applying for the job. In your letter:

Explain what you are currently doing
Describe your suitability for this area of work
Say when you can attend an interview

A restaurant has placed an advertisement for waiters and waitresses in your local newspaper. Write a letter to the restaurant, applying for the job. In your letter:

Explain what you are currently doing.
Describe your suitability for this area of work.
Say when you can attend an interview.
Dear sir/madam,

I am Sam Stone, and I have seen your advertisement in the Daily Time newspaper to take on a waiter. I work in a hotel as a head waiter of a coffee shop in the lobby. Although it has perks like a convenient salary and flexible time advantages, I want to follow my interest in restaurant management.

Considering my target plan to upgrade to work as a restaurant waiter, I have spent some academic courses in this area. Also, I have done my apprenticeship and master's classes with a perfect degree. Top of all tips, I am grave for the service base jobs like this, and I have planned to brighten my career prospect, so I think it is the best opportunity to reach the goal. I have attached my resume to the demand letter, yet you can try to see my performance for a short time.

It would be appreciated if I could participate in an interview in the middle of the week because on weekends, we have crowd time in the hotel and we have to do extra work during our unsocial hours after each shift.

I am looking forward to hearing your favorable response about it.

Yours faithfully.

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





The pie charts below show the devices people in the 18 to 25 age group use to watch television in Canada in two different years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The two pie charts give information about what devices were used among the younger who were between 18 to 25 ages in Canada in two years 2009 and 20019.

  Overall, although three categories, namely conventional TV, desktop computer, and laptops, witnessed a significant decrease, the remaining devices increased substantially. In addition, conventional TV ranked first in 2009, while Flat-screen TV stood first in 2019.  

 Conventional TV had the highest proportion of favorable devices, and accounted for 35% in 2009, while it reduced dramatically by 30% in 2019. There was little difference between the percentage of laptop and desktop computers, as the former was responsible for 20% and the latter was lower by 2% in 2009. The figure for mobile phones was originally 15% which was three times as high as that for tablets, with 5% .It also was lower than flat-screen TV by 3%.  On the other hand, flat-screen TV formed the highest proportion of devices at 27% in 2019, and there was little difference between flat-screen TV and mobile phones, and the former almost doubled in 2019, reaching 26%. The figures for desktop computers and laptops were the same level in 2019 at 12%, which were lower than that for tablets by 7%.




The pie charts below show the devices people in the 18 to 25 age group use to watch television in Canada in two different years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The charts compare the share of devices that people in the 18 to 25 age bracket use to watch television in Canada in the years 2009 and 2019.


Overall, it can be seen that while the share of flat-screen TVs, tablets, and mobile phones increased considerably during the reported period, the figures for conventional TVs, desktop computers, and laptops decreased significantly. Also, the highest increase was seen in the figure for flat-screen TVs, and the share of conventional TVs witnessed the highest drop.


Focusing on those devices, which demonstrated an increase in the share of usage, while 15% of devices used to watch television in 2009 were mobile phones, the figure increased to 26% in the year 2019. Also, flat-screen TVs witnessed a 19% increase in their share comparing 2009 and 2019. While only 5% of devices used to watch television in 2009 were tablets, which was the lowest reported figure in that year, the figure increased to 19% in 2019.

Considering devices with a decreased share of usage comparing two years, while conventional TVs, with 34% share, accounted for the highest share in 2009, the figure dropped to 4% as the lowest figure in 2019. In the year 2009, one-fifth of devices used for this purpose were laptops; the figure decreased by 8% and stood at 12% in 2019. Finally, while 18% of devices used to watch television in 2009 were desktop computers, the figure decreased by 8% in 2019.




The pie charts below show the devices people in the 18 to 25 age group use to watch television in Canada in two different years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The types of gadgets that are used to watch television by people aged between 18 to 25 in Canada are compared in two years (2009 and 2019) on the given pie charts. 

Overall, it can be seen that the trends have changed fundamentally during those 10 years. Conventional TV, which comprised the largest proportion in 2009, became the least used device by 2019. In contrast, flat-screen TVs rose significantly and became the most-used device. 

As far as television sets are concerned, conventional TVs, which accounted for 34% of the chart in 2009, experienced a 30% decrease and reached only 4% in 2019. Flat-screen TVs, however, saw the most considerable growth from 8% in 2009 to 27% by 2019, making up more than one-fourth of the used devices for watching television.

Regarding other types of devices, laptops were the most popular with 20% use and desktop computers stood in second place at 18% in 2009. Nevertheless, both fell to the same proportion of 12% in 2019. Mobile phones and tablets, on the other hand, experienced an increase, reaching 26% and 19% respectively. 




Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary.
Do you agree or disagree?

It is widely believed that circulating information online is more effortless than in traditional libraries which students do not require these days. I strongly agree with this point of view, as I believe that virtual libraries’ information is available and working with technology is genuinely uncomplicated for the young generation.


First of all, knowledge online is freely up for grabs for the majority of students. In other words, individuals can acquire a wide variety of predominant information rapidly, which means there are plenty of authentic web pages and platforms that possess much more diverse digital books. For instance, no matter where researchers are what matters is they have gained wisdom from online resources. Moreover, making use of a precious resource without paying or by low wages is a significant merit of online tools. While it is true that the entire virtual library’s information is not comprehensive yet, numerous physical libraries are being joined to the online libraries can have a dramatic positive impact. 


 Furthermore, although these days technology is revamped regularly, assimilating to modern technology is truly effortless for the young generation, thus, they would rather make use of a straightforward and rational manner rather than utilizing conventional way. Additionally, there is a minority of untrustworthy information on the internet, however, individuals can organize valid or counterfeit information through the most authoritative websites. For example, students can look up reliable web pages, such as LinkedIn, and Wikipedia, for finding fundamentally novel and distinct knowledge. Whilst there is no question that traditional libraries play a vital role in the maintenance and conservation of books throughout the world, it is clear that online sources can make progress with making digital priceless books which are protected online. 


In conclusion, I would argue that it is wise for online libraries will be broadened, so that, not only will students utilize virtual documents but also all grassroots across the world can use them. Besides, physical libraries can have a crucial effect on this issue by turning from paper books to digital books.




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The first bar chart illustrates the number of gold, silver, and bronze medals won by athletes winter Olympics, and the second one shows the total number of medal winners from the top five countries in the summer Olympics respectively.
Overall, it is clear that the total number of medals won by the five most successful countries is considerably higher in the summer Olympics than in the winter Olympics. Also, The United States, Russia, and Germany are on the list of the 5 highest ranking medals winners in the winter and summer Olympics. Norway and the United States are first-rank countries in the winter and summer Olympics, respectively. 
The United States is the highest-ranking country in the summer Olympics and has got 2500 medals in total. While the number of medals won by this country is significantly lower in the winter games (around 300 medals). Russia and Germany have ranked second and third in the summer plays ranking list with about 1850 and 1700 medals, respectively. Also, Great Britain and France have been other successful countries in these plays.
Norway, the first-rank country in the winter games, has won about 370 medals (approximately equal number of gold, silver, and bronze medals). Sports players from the United States and Germany have followed Norway, with around 310 and 240 medals, respectively. Russia and Canada have the fourth and fifth ranks with an approximately equal number of total medals. Also, the Russian players have won a few more gold medals than the Canadians.

Nika Ranjbar





The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The diagrams compare the quantity of summer and winter Olympics medals won by top 5 countries.

Overall, it can be seen that although the highest amount of medals in the summer Olympics was brought home by the United States, Norway was the first country in terms of the number of winter Olympics medals. Also, the United States, Russia, and Germany were among the top five winners in both the summer and winter Olympics.

Focusing on the five countries with the highest rank in the summer Olympics, the United States won slightly more than 2500 medals, and it was followed by Russia with approximately 1800 medals. Also, Germany won about twice the number of medals that Britain won. France earned about 750 medals, which made it the last country between the top five countries in terms of the number of medals won in the summer Olympics.

Considering those countries which achieved the highest amount of medals in the winter Olympics, while Norway won more than 350 medals, the United States followed it with just above 300 medals. In addition, Germany managed to gain about 240 medals, which made it the third top country on the list, and Canada and Russia followed it with less than 200 medals for each of those two countries.




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The given graphs compare five distinct nations in terms of the number of medals each won throughout winter and summer.

Overall, what stands out from the graphs is that, while Norway had won the maximum number of gold medals in winter, this figure for Canada was the lowest. Additionally, in summer, the USA won the most medals, whereas France gained the minimum.

Looking at the medal winners in winter, we can see that Norway won the highest number of medals, about 125 for gold, 260 for silver, and 370 for bronze medals. Meanwhile, the United State was quite close behind Norway, which achieved about 110 gold medals, 220 silver medals, and 305 bronze medals. Moreover, Germany was the third country among medal winners in winter, with approximately 90 gold medals, 185 silver medals, and 290 bronze medals. Two other countries, Russia and Canada, won quite the same number of medals (about 75 gold, 140 silver, and just below 200 silver medals).     

Turning to summer, the USA attained the maximum number of medals, at 2500, followed by Russia and Germany at around 1800 and 1600 respectively. Just about 800 and 700 were won by Great Britain and France in turn.   

(199 words) 




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The bar charts compare the number of medals won by the top five countries attending the summer and winter Olympics.
Overall, Norway ranked first in the number of medals earned in the winter Olympics, while in the summer Olympics, the US athletes received most of the trophies. Moreover, there is a significant difference in the number of medals given in the winter Olympics in comparison to the summer Olympics.
According to the first chart, the largest number of gold medals in the winter Olympics were given to Norway, followed by the US (approximately 130 and 105, respectively). On the other hand, Russia won as much as Canada and stood last (almost 70). Similarly, Norway's athletes collected the largest number of silver and bronze medals, as the US stood in second place; Germany, Russia, and Canada received almost the same number of bronze medals. Russia achieved the lowest number of silver medals in the winter Olympics (almost 50).
Finally, the US athletes won the highest number of medals (2500), while those of Russia are smaller by a staggering 650 medals. However, there is a small difference between the number of medals achieved by the UK (Great Britain) and France.




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The charts given illustrate how many medals the leading five countries achieved in the summer and winter Olympics.

Overall, it is clear that in the winter Olympics, the higher rank a country has among these five, the more gold medals won by its athletes, and Norway accounts for the highest number of gold, silver, and bronze medals. The United States is by far at top of the ranking in the summer Olympics. While the US, Germany, and Russia own a place among the top five nations in both formats of the Olympics, Norway, Canada, Great Britain, and France are seen in only one of the categories.

Norway and the US are the two countries whose athletes managed to win between 100 and 150 gold medals in the winter Olympics, while the figures for Germany, Russia, and Canada lie between 75 and just below 100. Regarding silver medals, the proportions for Norway and the US are somewhere in the vicinity of 130 and 110 respectively, whereas the other three counties achieved more than 50 but fewer than 100 silver medals. Although Norwegian sports figures won roughly 110 bronze medals, this amount for the other nations did not exceed 100.

Turning to the summer Olympics, the US has nearly 2500 medals, much more than approximately 1800 and 1700 medals earned by Russian and German athletes. However, Great Britain and France performed weaker by winning at most 800 medals. The US, Russia, and Germany are among top five in both the summer and winter Olympics, and Germany’s rank is three in both groups. 




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The top five countries which have won the highest numbers of medals of all time in the winter and summer Olympic Games are compared on the given graphs. Overall, it can be seen that the total number of accomplished medals is significantly higher in the Winter Olympics compared with the Summer Olympics. The United States ranks first in the Summer Olympics, while it fell to second place in the Winter Olympics, replaced by Norway. 


Regarding the winter Olympic Games, Norway stands in first place with a total number of more than 350 medals, approximately one-third of which allocates to each gold, silver, and bronze. With a distinct difference, the United States and Germany position next places with about 300 and 240 medals, respectively. The number of gained medals by Russian and Canadian athletes is almost similar, with around 200 medals, however, Russians have achieved slightly more gold medals.  


In the Summer Olympics, France has the lowest ranking among all, winning only 750 medals, and Great Britain has awarded slightly more medals with around 900. The number of medals collected by Germany and Russia is more than double the previous countries, with roughly 1700 and 1900 medals, respectively. The highest-ranking medal winners belong to the United States, which has accomplished around 2500 medals.




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The bar charts illustrate how many medals were achieved by athletes from five-top-country throughout the winter and summer Olympics.

Overall, what sticks out from the charts is that in terms of winter achievement figures, there was a considerable difference between the three-top nations and the two others. Likewise, This pattern was almost mirrored by summer statistics. The number of obtained medals in summer was far less than in the winter.

Looking at the details, Norway headed the list of winter. Nest came the US and Germany by nearly 70 and 140 fewer medals, respectively. Russia and Canada ranked in the following places with roughly 200 awards. All three color medals followed this order.

On the other hand, regarding nations' successes in summer matches, although Norway missed its place in the five-top, the US improved, placing at the top of the list. After that, Russia and Germany achieved close to 1700 medals in the next places, and France and the UK, with approximately 600 awards, were last on the list.





The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The two bar charts compare the total medals gotten by the best five countries in two distinct seasons, namely the summer and winter, in the Olympic games.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that Norway is the most honorific country in the Olympics held in the winter.  It is also noticeable that the USA ranked first in the summer games.

Considering the first chart, Norway succeeded to receive approximately 125 gold medals. This country won around 370 medals in total. The USA, which is the second most honorific country, received almost 100, 120, and 90 gold, silver, and bronze medals, respectively. The Germans won just below 100 gold medals in the winter Olympics. The total number of medals gotten by both Russia and Canada was equal to nearly 200.

As for the summer games chart, the number of Russian medals is twice as many as Great Britain's medals. Although ranking last, France acquired about 750 medals. Moreover, the USA earned well above 500 medals more than Russia. Finally, Germans are the third most prosperous country in the summer Olympics.




You are studying for a qualification, and you would like some time off work to complete it


Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:


▪️Ask for some time off to complete a qualification.

▪️Suggest what you will do later at work if you have time off.

▪️Say how the qualification helps your job or company.


Dear Mr. Sanchez,

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for approving my request to enroll in the project management course. In fact, this letter is another request on the same subject. As you may know, the trainer of this course gives the participants a lot of homework, and in the remaining two weeks of it, the pressure of my responsibilities at the company and my assignments at class are more than I can handle. Hence, I would like to request for two weeks time off work.

Naturally, should you kindly accept my request I will inform Mr. Morty about my high-priority tasks so the company affairs are not halted. Additionally, I guarantee that upon my return, I will stay overtime and work on holidays to ensure that things are back on track.

While I understand that this request may be untimely, I assure you that our establishment will benefit from my qualification. In fact, it will give me additional tools that I can utilize to carry out my responsibilities at a higher quality, which includes time and cost management in projects.

Your strategy in human resource development has always inspired me to dedicate myself to work. Thus, I hope once again you show your generosity by approving my request, and eagerly await your response.


Nima Siamakmanesh




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The diagrams illustrate how many medals were won by the highest five countries in the summer and winter Olympics.

Overall, in terms of total medals, Norway and the United States rank first in the winter and summer Olympics, respectively.

In the winter Olympics, Norway stands first at around 370 medals, followed by the United States in the second place with just over 300, in terms of total medals. Germany is lower than the United States by a margin of about 70. The figure for Russia is slightly smaller than that for Canada (just under 200) and ranks last. In terms of gold medals, Norway accounted for the highest share among the top five countries with approximately 130 medals. The figure for the United States is about 20 medals larger than that for Germany (just over and under 100, respectively). The Russians win a few more gold medals than the Canadians which rank last (about 75).

In the summer Olympics, the United States ranks first with just over 2500 medals, while Russia comes second with around 1850. Germany is slightly lower than Russia (about 1700). The figure for Great Britain is half as high as that for Germany (around 850). France is marginally lower than Great Britain (roughly 750), ranking last.




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

Given are two graphs illustrate the count of medals won by the best five countries in the summer and winter Olympics of all time.

The number of medals won in all winter Olympics is approximately 370 for Norway at the top place with having the highest amount of gold medals as well which is about 130. The United States has second place having nearly more than 300 medals in total. The third and the fourth rank, respectively, are given to Germany and Canada with about 240 and 200 medals during all winter Olympics. Russia which has the fifth place in the chart has just a tiny amount less than the latter. Based on this chart, each color of the medals which are gold, silver, or bronze, has about one-third of the total medals quantity won by each of these five countries.

For the summer Olympics, the US has the highest ranking medal winners of all time with about 2500 medals. Russia and Germany are in second and third places, respectively with approximately 1800 and 1700 medals. Great Britain has fourth place gaining about 800 medals throughout all summer Olympics. France in fifth place has nearly 750 medals in total. In this chart, the number of medals divided by the different colors is not shown.

Overall, for the winter Olympics, Norway has the highest ranking medal winners of all time, whereas Russia has the fifth place. For the summer Olympics, first place is dedicated to the United States, and France is ranked fifth. On the whole, the number of medals won in the Summer Olympics by these countries is much higher than the medals won in the winter Olympics.






The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The first and second column charts illustrate which nations have been the most successful in the winter and the summer Olympic games, respectively. Furthermore, the number of gold, silver, and bronze medals can be seen in the first bar chart concerning the winter Olympics. 
Overall what stands out from the first graph is that Norway has accounted for the largest number of total medals in the winter Olympics compared with other countries. However, in the summer Olympics, American athletes have won the largest number of medals, whereas the second most successful nation in the winter Olympics is associated with Russia.  
Regarding the winter Olympics, there is little difference between the number of total medals won by Russian and Canadian athletes, as the former is responsible for just under 200, and the latter is higher by roughly 10. Norway and the USA have ranked first and second with regard to most successful countries, respectively. The figure for bronze medals in Germany approximately is equal to that of Russia, at around 50. 
On the other hand, with regard to the summer Olympics, the USA has achieved just over 2500 medals which is approximately three times as many medals as Great Britain. The figure for medals won by Russia stands at well under 2000, while that of Germany is lower at virtually 1600.




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The provided bar charts illustrate information about the top five nations that have been the highest-ranking medal winners in the winter and summer Olympics, which are divided into three significant categories Gold, Silver, and Bronze.

In general, it can be observed that the United States and Norway possessed the most winners of all time in the winter and summer Olympics, respectively, while the opposite was true for France and Russia. Also, it can be notable that the figure for Germany is allocated in third place among the others nations.

As can be seen from the graph, in the winter Olympics, Russia and Canada had an equal number of medals won, with approximately 200 winners overall in all three groups. Meanwhile, there is a significant rise in the number of medalists in Norway, roughly over 350 people. Also, the figure for the U.S.A. was second place in the winter competitions, with almost 300 people, compared with slightly less than 250 of prizewinners Germany.

Looking at the charts in more detail, in the summer Olympics, America had the most medalist among the four rest of countries, with nearly 2500 champions, which was almost five times as high as the figure for France. At the same time, the number of winners was a comparable figure for Russia and Germany, which was a remarkable increase compared with France and Great Britain, with over 1500 medalists.




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics


The giver bar chart represents the top five countries regarding medal winning in summer and winter Olympics the top five are Norway, United States, Germany, Russia and Canada.


Overall, it is manifest from the survey that the USA was on the top list in summer Olympics, with France on the last. Moreover, in winter, the Norway scored to be the first and Canada was on the bottom of the list.

Regarding winter the Norway sportspersons won the most of metals with achieving around 120 gold medals, worth mentioning that USA was close to this with 100 or thereabout of golden medals and came second, Canada, Russia and Germany were the same, approximately about 80 bronze medals, however Germany won the most of golden medals among these three countries.



On the other side, Summer Olympics showed a totally different trend with USA on the top and France on the bottom, it is evident that United States won 2500 medals and achieved the top notch position and Canada, interestingly was not present the top five, on the other hand the Great Britain which was not on the winter list became appeared  on the highests’ list . Considering Russia and Germany, they did not differed much with Russia scoring higher.




The graphs below show the number of medals won by the top five countries in the summer and winter Olympics

The given charts show the total number of medals won in the summer Olympics and three different types of medals won in the winter ones by the top five countries. 


Overall, the average number of medals in the summer was much higher than that of the winter. While the US and France had the highest and lowest numbers, respectively, in the summer Olympic games, in the winter, Norway stood first and Russia was last.


Looking more precisely, in the summer games chart, the US had about 2500, whereas the figures for Russia and Germany were much lower at about 1800 and 1600, respectively. Great Britain and France had fewer than 1000 medals, and France ranked last by about 750 medals.


In the winter Olympics, Norway had the highest number of medals in each category (around 130 for gold and silver medals, and about 100 for bronze ones), and ranked first by a total of around 370. The second country was the USA, with an overall just over 300 medals, and the number of different types of medals was approximately equal. Germany had approximately 50 medals fewer than the USA, and the figure for the bronze group was the lowest, while two other ones stood at about 90. Finally, Russia and Canada had the lowest number of medals (just under 200). However, the majority of medals for both countries were gold.





Some people believe that social media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, have a negative impact on young people and their ability to form personal relationships. Others believe that these sites bring people together in a beneficial way.


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Opinions widely diverge on the effects of using social media. Some might take that social media could have profound repercussions on the young generation; however, others advocate that this technology could bring various benefits to people. While I think the latter would be more logical, both points of view will be discussed as follows.

Negative consequences assuredly abound if the youth might allocate an excessive amount of their time to social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to name but a few. In fact, the virtual lifestyle is a contributing factor that encourages many young people to show the slightest inclination to have real communication or attend social events. Furthermore, prolonged and constant exposure to the social media environment could pose dire health problems, some examples of which would be poor sight and mental problems. Moreover, it is not uncommon for youngsters to face some information that would not accord with their ages, leading them to inflict irreversible damage on their well-being.

On the other hand, utilizing social media might play a crucial role in people’s lives. Not only could people strike up strong relationships with others throughout the world, but they also could get familiar with the differing culture. If doing so, people would be able to inspire other culture and could easily eliminate some problems that have become ingrained in their societies, such as racist prejudice. Moreover, with public awareness being raised about diverse issues, people are highly likely to avoid making a precipitate decision in their daily work, and also they could easily cope with their future challenges.

To recapitulate, although there are a number of drawbacks involved in this trend, the benefits accruing to young people are by no means negligible.

Heidari AC




Some people believe that social media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, have a negative impact on young people and their ability to form personal relationships. Others believe that these sites bring people together in a beneficial way.


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

With the emergence of technology, mass media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram became pervasive during the past decade. Social Media sites alter human life beyond recognition so that human beings and technology become closely intertwined. There are two general points of view on this phenomenon. A large number of people assert that Facebook or Twitter is potentially dangerous for youngsters whereas some insist that youth ought to take full advantage of using mass media in daily life to bring them together effectively and ameliorate their abilities.

To begin with, the first group advocates the opinion that young people and their personalities are susceptible to social media, also inappropriate content on the internet could be harmful to them. Browsing the internet and checking social media are time-consuming activities and waste people’s time, accordingly, they become inactive, indolent, and slothful. Not only does social media drives individuals to have a sedentary lifestyle but it also can be harmful to humans, specifically it has a two-fold impact on young people in their formative years. A good illustration of this is the large proportion of pages and websites containing offensive content, sexual images, and violent jeopardizing adolescents’ mental well-being and after that, they will face many problems in their relationships.

On the other side, humans should keep abreast of technology and high-tech devices. Another group argues for social media sites and believes that youngsters should attend different social media applications and enjoy a huge amount of free information on them. Regardless of face-to-face contact and its limitations, social media expand people’s circle of communication much wider. Moreover, it alleviates those limitations and makes them accessible. Interacting through these sites makes young people more sociable because lets them be acquainted with new people. For instance, Facebook allows adolescent to keep in touch with their friends and relatives wherever they are, or whenever they want which are possible only through the internet.

To conclude, considering the points discussed above, I think the benefits of using social media sites for youth outweigh the drawbacks. Because all people should adapt to contemporary situations and gadgets. Adolescents should be brought up in such a way that they can be cautious enough to face inappropriate. They ought to use state-of-the-art programs and devices to enhance their skills of interaction and improve themselves.




Some people believe that social media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, have a negative impact on young people and their ability to form personal relationships. Others believe that these sites bring people together in a beneficial way.


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

In this contemporary, whether social media sites can be the culprit of a harmful effect on creating personal communication disorders among youngsters or not has sparked much debate. Although I am in favor of being in touch with internet-based relationships for making extensive communications, I am indisputably in concord with prioritizing offline connecting. This essay will shed light on both points of view by putting forward examples to support arguments and demonstrating points.

A convincing argument can be made that communicating with residents miles away is as same as a stone's throw distance merely, thanks to social media. Indeed, this communication platform can have a significant role to be played in eliminating the isolation of the communities' individuals. According to recent research conducted by anthropologists, introducing applications like Telegram, for instance, a mainstream surge of public communication was formed, which caused an increase of more than 40% in international dating. Hence, we have seen a plunge in the deep distance between people.

Nevertheless, a large number of people have been persisting that spreading social network usage is an irreparable betrayal of improving communication capability by reducing self-confidence. Since the young generation struggles to present an ideal personality in themselves in the virtual space, decreasing self-confidence in expressing their real selves is irrefutable. If so, not only will society face psychological deterioration, but stable friendships will not be made due to the lack of self-esteem, let alone if these friendships lead to successful marriages. Therefore, meticulous surveillance must be taken in using this communication platform.

In conclusion, although social media sites have their fanatical advocators by creating easier communication among people, others persist on the unpleasant impact on personal communication ability among the youth. I strongly daresay that social media is a double-edged sword, that the sharp edge of which should be considered more in cutting offline communication.




You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the City Museum shop during the holidays. You decide to apply for the job.

Write a letter to the director of the Museum. In your letter

Introduce yourself
Explain what experience and special skills you have
Explain why you are interested in the job

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to a job vocation for a graphic designer in the city museum advertised in a local English newspaper.

My name is Sam Smith, and I graduated in visual communication from Cambridge University with a master's degree. After reading about the job opportunity related to my experience I decided to request an interview to see if  I am fit for the role.

I have worked as an art director for more than 15 years in different agencies, and I have an expert in my career. I have designed a number of events and campaigns containing decorations as well as numeral posters and packages for a wide range of companies and industries.

As to be active in the art field in a museum, I am interested in working in such an encouraging atmosphere. I can deal with workloads and deliver duties, and working in a museum will boost my motivation and experience.

I look forward to your response. Please do not hesitate to ask any further questions if it is required.

Yours faithfully,

Sam Smith
Hamed Shabani GT Module




You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the City Museum shop during the holidays. You decide to apply for the job.

Write a letter to the director of the Museum. In your letter

Introduce yourself
Explain what experience and special skills you have
Explain why you are interested in the job

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter for the vacant position of sale manager who has good knowledge of English in your company, which was published in the local newspaper on 12th July 2022.

My name is Elahe Vahdati and I am in the middle of my senior year of marketing at Tehran university. I also passed the IELTS exam with flying numbers, so I am fluent in English. Besides, I have four years of experience in sales execution at the National Museum. I have attached my resume for your consideration.

To be honest, I am a professional in marketing and I am well experienced with handling customers. Moreover, As I will be free during the summer vacation, I would like to work for your firm. Secondly, your company is within a walking distance of my accommodation, hence, it would be very convenient for me.

I am available at any time for an interview process. I am looking forward to hearing a positive response from you.

Yours faithfully,

Elahe Vahdati




The pie charts below illustrate the number of journal articles read per week by all students, PhD students, and junior lecturers at an Australian university.

The pie charts compare three groups of readers in terms of the number of journal articles read per week.

Overall, all students read mostly less quantity of articles compared to the PhD students and the junior lecturers, and while most of the PhD students are proved to be reading more articles, the junior lecturers tend to read a moderate number of articles per week.

According to all the student's chart, the most significant share for the number of articles read (67%) is reading 1 to 5 articles per week, and it is 2/3 times as large as reading more than 6 articles per week. The second highest proportion, 21%, is students reading 6 to 11 articles during a week.

The PhD students, on the other hand, often read more than 12 articles a week since 80 percent of them allocate their time to reading this quantity of articles. Reading 6 to 11 articles is considerably greater than reading less than 5 articles in a week (15% and 5%, respectively).
The last chart shows that the junior lecturers have the largest proportion of reading 6 to 11 articles, as 75 percent of this group of readers falls into this category. According to this chart, reading over 12 articles ranks second with 24%, while reading less than 5 articles is the smallest proportion with only 1%.




Most of our information comes from the Internet nowadays. Some people say that a large part of the information we get is incorrect. Do you agree or disagree.

Nowadays, the globe is galore with technological breakthroughs and there are many devices at our disposal, providing us with a rapid access to the internet. This is why we rely on online platforms to receive large part of our information daily, a great deal of which are supposed to be wrong by some people. In this essay, I will voice my opinion on whether this is the case.

It cannot be denied that some information obtained online might be false occasionally, for this information is distributed too fast through online news media to assess its level of honesty. I, however, do not share the notion that this faulty information forms a large part of our online related information, inasmuch as the public have become more aware of differentiating false data. They, consequently, are often able to put incorrect news aside and maintain the real one.

One of the foremost important reasons why I oppose online information being incorrect lies in most individuals’ heavy reliance on illustrious news sites. Such Internet sites, a good example of which is the Guardian, have highly skilled workforce for whom discovering the truth and prevailing it is the most critical responsibility. Most of the mentioned sites are, in addition, equipped with armed supervision teams whose role is to utterly monitor information reliability before publishing them. Even if publicized information is false in mere cases, they would possibly be notified by state- directed cyber groups, aiming to demolish tricky data on the internet. Hence, most news are not given to the public unless it is being fully investigated by well-rounded experts, which in turn, reduces chances of people’s exposure to incorrect information.

All of this being said, considering a large proportion of our gained information incorrect is refuted in my view. This is because, not only do online news sites’ workforce and governments’ monitoring teams try their best to gain true information but also remove as much false information as possible.




You saw an advertisement for a tennis course in England but you have one or two problems and can’t stay the whole course.

Write a letter to the course director. In your letter,

Explain your interest in the course
Describe your problems
Find out if a refund is possible

You saw an advertisement for a tennis course in England but you have one or two problems and can’t stay the whole course. Write a letter to the course director. In your letter:

-        Explain your interests in the course.

-        Describe your problem.

-        Find out if refund is possible.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Sam Stone, a senior tennis player from Spain. I have seen a commercial announcement of your organization taking on new players in England. I am writing this letter regarding a problem to participate in the course.

I have been interested in playing tennis since my childhood. Then, I participated in such training courses to keep my skills up. Playing tennis counts as an outlet for my energy, scaping life monotony.

Indeed, I am a civil engineer and have been working on a construction project. Moreover, I have a limited leave of absence for each year, and considering the course period, I have to leave the last two weeks of the course back to work. Otherwise, it may stain my work ethic and be taken an approach to make me redundant from the job by my boss.

As you may approve, almost half of the course will be missing in the above condition. Eventually, I would like to be aware of whether or not any refund potentially exists. 

I am looking forward to hearing your gentle response about that.

Yours faithfully.

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





The graph shows data on the manufacture of passenger cars in 2015.

The graph given indicates the proportion of passenger cars which are produced in the whole world in 2015. 


It can be seen that the vest of passenger cars manufactured in 2015 goes to Greater China by production 26% of the passenger car. Differences between Europe and Greater China are only 1% and nearly a quarter of the tripper car produced in Europe. At the lowest grade, Middle East/Africa assigned only 2% of the world traveler car production.


Japan/ Korea, North America, South America, and South Asia includes almost 50% of global passenger car manufacturing in 2015. Among these all, North America and Japan/Korea produced more passenger cars than South America and South Asia by 19% and 16% of the whole 50%. After the Middle East/Africa, South America and South Asia had the lowest percentage of production at 4% and 8% respectively.


Overall, it is clear that in 2015, the manufacture of passenger cars was more in Greater China and had little difference with its percentage in Europe. But Middle East/Africa had the lowest proportion of passenger car production in the world.




The graph shows data on the manufacture of passenger cars in 2015.

The presented pie chart compares the proportion of private car production on a global scale (7 distinct areas) in 2015. Taking a glance at the graph, it can be witnessed that the smallest group of creators were Middle Eastern and African countries accumulatively, as opposed to the Greater China which was closely followed by Europe and North America.

Commencing with regions manufacturing the lowest number of personal vehicles, one can see that countries in the Middle East and Africa manufactured only a negligible 2% of the vehicle generation altogether, half that of the South American countries which were the second-smallest producer and a quarter of South Asian ones, with 8% of the whole market.

Turning to mass generators however, it is shown that slightly over half of the automobiles had European and Chinese origin (exactly one-fourth vs slightly more than that (26%) respectively). The seat of the third-biggest manufacturer was taken by North American motorcar industries with nearly a fifth of the total passenger cars produced, pushing Japan and Korea into the fourth place.




The graph shows data on the manufacture of passenger cars in 2015.

The pie chart demonstrates the percentage of passenger cars which produced in different regions around the world in 2015.

The initial impression is that the most significant share was related to Greater China, while the percentage of passenger cars manufactured in the Middle East or Africa was the least considerable percentage in the mentioned year.

According to the pie chart, the percentage of passenger cars produced in Greater China and Europe were very similar at around 25%, which was approximately three times as much as the proportion of passenger cars manufactured in South Asia. In 2015, the second lowest rate was related to South America at 4%, while the equivalent figure in North America was 19%.

On the other hand, the main difference can be seen in the rate of passenger cars in Greater China and the Middle East or Africa, which was 26% and 2%, respectively. The proportion of cars utilized by passengers was also 16% in Japan or Korea.




Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?

A number of educators are of the opinion that all school students who are teenagers could benefit from an exchange of international students. It is believed that the demerits of the aforementioned program for students are overshadowed by its merits. Students' exposure to a different educational system as well as a golden opportunity of learning a foreign language are considered as the main advantages of this idea, while the homesickness of the students could be taken into account as a drawback.

Staying in a foreign country, teenage pupils will be exposed to a system whose educational targets might differ from what they have in their homeland. This difference could help the exchanged students to become familiar with a more efficacious discipline in education. In doing so, after coming back, they can transmit this quality to their own country in order to boost the efficiency of education. Secondly, should international students reside in a foreign country for a while, they will be able to start learning the host country's language. Such acquisition will not only contribute to those children's mental development but also provide them with lots of job opportunities in the future as countries have become inter-connected and knowing a foreign language is required in many positions.

However, some opponents maintain that being far from home for a long time is likely to lead some students to an extent of homesickness. This feeling, from their point of view, may well result in the affected students missing home and family members which tends to some consequences, one of which is depression. Having become depressed, those immature youngsters would be less likely to succeed in their future careers. It is true that some pupils might feel so because of their sensitivity and not speaking their native language. Nevertheless, students had better be strong enough to deal with living in other areas that are not close to their hometown or even to their country.

In conclusion, regarding the question of whether the benefits of teenage students participating in international student exchange programs exceed the disadvantages, it is agreed that such pupils ought to apply for provided positions since they will have a chance to be educated in another system and they could expand their knowledge of languages; missing home and family is mentioned as a negative aspect of this idea though.




Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?

Cross-cultural learning and studying abroad can be transformative. A number of tutors believe that sending pupils to foreign countries for short-term studying can bring immense benefits for them. I opine pros of it are more than that of cons, and I will put forth my points in the following paragraphs.

Although this program would make a huge profit for teenage learners, it has some drawbacks which lead to inappropriate consequences. To begin with, being shocked by new culture and language in addition to fear of the new family and environment at an early age is unpreventable which would cause nightmares for them. The behavior of some hosts, furthermore, is unpredictable. Granted, a couple, based on adequate inducements and evidence, is eligible to be a host, but in their real life, they have a majority of different issues including sanity problems, personal instability and etc. Thus, the student has to live in terrible circumstances and tolerate abject pressures.

On the contrary, outstanding merits for pupils will bring this educational strategy which outweighs the demerit. To commence with, it will broaden their horizons. For instance, being multi-culture and multi-language is part of the lucrative soft skills that everyone desires to have, so they can obtain them just by following this approach. Moreover, having better job opportunities is another positive point. Due to the gain bonus of being an international business, companies tend to employ polyglot and multicultural employees to have better communication with first-class institutions. Most international recruiters distinguish candidates based on their ability to cope with difficult situations and adapt to unprecedented ambiances, hence, if any application contains the international student exchange experience, it will achieve a premier chance to opt for an interview.

In conclusion, the exchange isn't a year in students’ life, it's a life in a year. Apparently, the cost of gaining numerous advantages of it is to bear the barriers of it.




You are a student at an English language school in Brighton and are living in private accommodation with other flat mates. You have not had hot water or heating for some time. The landlord’s workmen have tried to fix the problem but without success.

Dear Mr Thomson,

I am Hamid Gholami who is your new tenant in the students’ apartment block 2 located on Kind street. I am writing this letter regarding the problem that occurred recently for the heating system. Unfortunately, the repairers whom you have sent were not able to fix the problem sufficiently, so I want to inform you to tackle this issue in another way.

I think the main problem is the low pressure of water in this apartment. As our unit is on the fifth floor of the building, the water pressure drops significantly, deterring the correct function of the heating package. This situation has emerged an annoying condition for me and my roommates. Not only are we suffering from the cold weather in the flat, especially during the night, but we also cannot take a hot shower anymore. Due to this adverse condition, one of my roommates caught a severe cold, missing some of his lectures and courses.

The feasible solution for handling this turmoil is changing our flat temporarily.  I have heard a flat situated on the first floor of the building is available now, believing we have to occupy there until the moment when the problem is fixed. For coping with the water situation, I have consulted with a competent mechanical engineer who told me the building requires a water pump to boost the water pressure for the upper floors.

Thank you for your kind consideration, and I look forward to receiving your agreement with my recommendations.

Kind Regards,

Hamid Gholami




The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

Canadian adults in two distinctive age groups (25 to 35 and 45 to 55), holding post-secondary degrees, are compared on the given pie charts. What stands out from the data is that younger qualified Canadians were almost twice as many as the older ones. Social science and Arts were also the most preferred areas of study among both groups.


The lion's share of younger and older graduates (20% and 21% respectively) preferred having qualifications in Social Science and Arts. While Administration was the second popular field among Canadian youth, accounting for nearly a fifth of total, it was ranked third in another group with 15%. 19% of Canadians aged 45-55 tended to possess a graduation in Engineering. The proportion of Education holders was the same in two given age groups, however, the figure for Science, Maths, and Computer showed 18% of the younger group, which was 8% greater than that of the older one.


Unlike the old Engineering graduates, about one out of ten Canadians' (25 to 35 years) preference was for this field. Nursing was occupied by 7% and 11% of the young and old adults, in turn. Humanities, MBA, and others become the least favourable disciplines, with 4%, 6%, and 2% in the first age group and 5%, 3%, and 3% in the second one, respectively. 

Zahra Teymouri





The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

The given information is displayed in two pie charts. One of the pie charts indicates 515,600 Canadians, who are between 25 and 35, and illustrates their majors. The second pie chart shows that information about 213,400 Canadians ages 45 and 55.

 Overall, it is vividly clear that, the most popular field of study among Canadians is Social science and Arts and the least interesting majors are Humanities and MBA for Canada’s citizens who are 25 to 35 and 45 to 55, respectively.

A more rigorous scrutiny at pie charts reveals that, Social science, Arts, and Humanities have been successful to attract the same proportion of different generations; 20% and 5% of all degree holders in Canada are in those fields in the mentioned order. While Engineering and Nursing seem not to be able to keep their usefulness due to decreasing the rate of graduate students which, in order, diminish by 10% (19% to 9%) and 4% (11% to 7%).

A closer look shows that, some majors gain attention such as Administration by 4% increase or Education and MBA by near 3% rise. The group of Science, Math, and Computers gets more students than before since its degrees are held by younger (18%) than the middle ages (10%). Section Other is in pies which keep stable during the years.




The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

The pie charts demonstrate the credentials of Canadians aged 25 to 35 and those who were 45 to 55 years old after school.


Overall, having a degree was more frequently seen among Canadians aged from 25 to 35, and Social Science, Arts was the most popular field of study among both age groups.


There were 515600 individuals in the younger group holding a degree after school, whereas less than half of this number acquired post-school qualifications in the older group. Approximately one-fifth of each group’s people studied Social Science, Arts. Administration and Science, Maths, Computers were the following frequent majors, with 19% and 18% of 25-35-year-olds studying these subjects, respectively. The latter category had fewer qualified people among the older group, with 10% of them in this field, while the former had about the same advocates at 15%. Less than 10% of the younger group had credentials in Engineering, Humanities, Nursing, MBA, or other fields. However, among those aged between 45 and 55, the proportion of qualified individuals exceeded 10% in Nursing at 11% and in Engineering at 19%. Notably, those who studied Education accounted for 15% of the younger group and 13% of the older one.




The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

The pie charts compare the proportion of Canadians with post-school qualifications divided into two groups.

Overall, the younger Canadians possess more post-school qualifications, while the other older group ranks second. Both groups have almost the same percentage major in two items, namely social science and art.

Looking at the first pie chart, the highest share of qualification is allocated to social science and arts with 20 percent. In contrast, administration, marginally smaller than the former, has the second most significant proportion (about 20%). Moreover, science, math, and computers, as the other considerable part of Canadian qualifications, accounted for a little less than 20%.

The older Canadians, on the other hand, gained most of their qualifications in the same fields as the younger ones. The administration share is responsible for just below 21% of individuals being given qualifications. Canadians are allocated the same quantity of certifications in three parts of education, humanities, and MBA, by a slight margin of 3.

While the older hold about one-fifth of education qualifications in Canada, people aged 25 to 35 are allocated approximately half of this figure. This trend is reversed in a portion of science, math, and computers.




The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

The pie charts compare the percentage of the post-school qualifications which have been achieved by people from Canada who aged 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

The initial impression is that the most significant share was related to social and arts fields among the age groups 45 to 55, while the percentage of MBA fields for the same individuals was the least considerable rate.

According to the pie charts, the percentage of social and art fields in both groups were very similar at approximately 20%, which was about four times as much as the proportion of humanities fields in people aged between 45 and 55. The second lowest rate among students aged 25 to 34 was related to MBA fields at 6%, while the equivalent figure for people aged between 45 and 55 was 3% less.

On the other hand, the main difference can be seen in the rate of engineering fields, which was 9% among groups aged 25 to 35, and it was 19% among individuals 45 to 55. The proportion of people who accomplished administration fields and have the ages 25 to 35 and 45 to 55 was 19% and 15%, respectively.




The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

The pie charts compare degrees of various fields of study which are held by Canadians aged 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

  Overall, the biggest proportion of Canadians from both age categories were interested in studying Social science, Arts, whereas Humanities and MBA as insignificant fields of study were attributed to the first and second age groups, respectively.

 Social science, Arts was the most popular discipline among both younger and older groups of Canadians with almost equal figures (20%). There was no significant difference between the figures for Administration and Science, Maths, Computers in the young age group (19%). Education as another studying field chosen by younger Canadians accounted for 15%, followed by engineering which was lower by a narrow margin of 6%. Less popular fields of study were allocated to Nursing and MBA with similar figures. Humanities was the least important subject among the young group at 4%.

 Approximately a fifth of the older Canadian graduates studied engineering which was the second most admired discipline among them. In contrast to Administration (15%), Education was lower at 13%. The proportion of Science, Maths, Computers which comprised one in ten of the whole studying fields was as high as Nursing. Half this figure was allocated to Humanities. MBA remained the least significant discipline among the older group (3%).




The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

The given pie charts depict the percentage of two different age groups of Canadian students studying in nine academic fields of study.

Overall, despite minor differences between the two age groups, there is a striking discrepancy in choosing engineering and science, math, computers, the former is much more popular in the 45-55 age group, while the latter is popular in the 25-35 age group.

Social science and arts account for almost similar percentages in both younger and older students, 20% and 21% respectively. The second popular subject for the 25-35 age group is administration, which accounts for just under a-fifth as opposed to 15% for the 35-45 age group. The next high portion is related to Science, Maths, and computers with 18% of students, in comparison to 10% in the middle age group. Education is the topic that appeals to both groups at the same rate, 15% of adults as opposed to 13% of middle_aged.

The 45-55 age students are more attracted to studying Engineering, with 19% compared with the 25-35 age ones with a mere 9%. Similarly, nursing is a more popular field of study for elders with just over one-tenth, while just 7% of young people tend to study this subject. The number of the younger generation holding an MBA is 6% which is double as opposed to older people. Finally, humanities and others are the lowest popular subjects for both groups, 5 and 3% of 45-55 and a minority of 25-35 students.




The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.

The graphs below show the post-school qualifications held by Canadians in the age groups 25 to 35 and 45 to 55.


The graphs compare the main field of study of graduated people of Canada whose ages were between 25 and 35, and 45 and 55. Overall, although the population of 25 to 35 years old individuals was more than double that of those in 45 to 55, popular fields in both groups were similar.


In the age group of 25 to 35, with a population of 515,600, social science and arts were the most popular fields, accounting for almost one-fifth of the whole. Moreover, the proportion of administration, science, math, and computers were very similar to social science and arts, which accounted for 19% and 18%, respectively. However, engineers accounted for one-tenth of the population, and the same can be said about nurses. Finally, MBA and other majors were the last ones; all of which equally accounted for 3%, which was one in seven of the highest figure.

On the other hand, in the 45 and to years old cluster, Canadians who held a degree were more than 200000 people. The proportion of those who studied science, math, computer, and MBA were way less than the 25 to 35 years old group, with almost half the population. However, the percentages of humanities, nursing, and other fields were higher in individuals aged 45-55 compared with those of 25-35.




You are a student at an English language school in Brighton and are living in private accommodation with other flat mates. You have not had hot water or heating for some time. The landlord’s workmen have tried to fix the problem but without success.

Dear Mr. Taylor,
I am a tenant at your property no.123, Brighton and writing this epistle on behalf of entire occupants to accentuate the ongoing severe difficulties we have been encountering with the the operation of combination boiler of the apartment which has been ineffectively troubleshot by your dispatched plumbers recently.
To explain in great detail, whenever the bathroom is used, the water temperature is subject to fluctuation and the water gradually turns to steady cold shortly thereafter, and it indicates that the heating system is seriously damaged. Moreover, the combi boiler does not afford adequate warmth to heat the living space, which has made the house uninhabitable. Ultimately, I would like to bring to your attention that never in our lives have we been in such an inconvenient and irritating situation that is compromising the quality of our welfare. 
As our request is urgent, immediate action is appreciated, and we would be grateful if you could tackle this matter at your earliest opportunity by providing us with a qualified professional who is properly capable of inspecting and diagnosing the issue and rectifying the system accurately. Otherwise, I announce that the entire tenants at this dwelling would cease to pay the monthly rent. It is noteworthy to mention that the manufacturer of the system must be contacted for your request. 
I am sure you can appreciate how important a functioning heating system is to every individual. I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Arthur Pourali




You are a student at an English language school in Brighton and are living in private accommodation with other flat mates. You have not had hot water or heating for some time. The landlord’s workmen have tried to fix the problem but without success.

Dear Mr. Black,

I am writing to express my frustration regarding the lack of hot water and the broken heating system in our flat.

We rented the place about six months ago, and since the weather was scorching hot back then, we did not have any problems. However, we are experiencing a freezing cold winter and desperately need the HVAC system to be repaired. Currently, I am staying at home all day long to prepare for my exams which I will have taken in a month. As a result, it is incredibly exasperating to wear winter clothes in the house. Moreover, one of my roommates has been diagnosed with a chronic cold due to taking showers with cold water. If the Workman had fixed the machinery in their previous attempts, we would not have encountered such problems.

Since the repair company were not able to fix the problem, it seems you need to purchase a new heating system and save yourself some trouble. If no action is taken, I will be forced to annul the contract and find a new place in Brighton. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Parham Paydavosi




You read in a newspaper that a company is going to renovate some school buildings in your local area that are in a poor condition. You would like to offer help. Write a letter to the charity paying for the renovation.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I believe you are in the charge of the VBC Company that is willing to refurbish some schools located in the deprived areas in the vicinity of my home. I am writing this letter to inform you that I am pretty interested in giving a helping hand.

The main reason why I want to participate in this charitable work is the civic duty that I have in response to poor communities. If I can do something to improve their quality of life, the whole society will benefit from well-educated citizens. Another reason is that the children living in this part of the town may be exposed to some criminal activities if they are unable to attend school due to the lack of facilities or poor condition of their schools.

I can aid you in different ways. As I am an electrical engineer and have a certificate from the Professional Engineering Organization, I am able to design and prepare all of the electrical plans of these buildings. Moreover, I know engineers in other majors, like mechanic and civil, who would like to take part in this activity free of charge. In terms of buying materials, I can negotiate with many well-known vendors, persuading them to sell their products with good discounts.

These days, I am so overloaded with a project, but I will finish it at the end of this month. Thus, I will be available from the beginning of the next month when the weather also gets better for starting the construction.

Thank you for organizing this charitable work, and I hope you count on my assistance.

Kind Regards,

Hamid Gholami





You read in a newspaper that a company is going to renovate some school buildings in your local area that are in a poor condition. You would like to offer help. Write a letter to the charity paying for the renovation.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have recently read a piece of news in the local newspaper and I have come to know that a building construction company is planning to renovate some school buildings which are situated in suburban parts of my hometown Isfahan with miserable conditions. Therefore, I would like to express my interest to offer help and to do some voluntary work for Rose Charity Foundation with a brilliant background in supporting such projects.

There are several reasons behind my decision. Firstly, students in these regions have poor academic performance, and improving their educational environment may help them to improve their academic level as much as possible. Secondly, I believe that helping these students to complete their educations would be a great asset for them to have better future life through finding suitable careers based on their educational qualifications.

I have inherited a large amount of money from my grandparents and I want to donate some parts for humanitarian reasons to your foundation to help with this renovation project. Besides, as I am an interior design architect, I can suggest some new designs for these buildings for free to improve their decorations as much as possible.

I am available in my office in the city center from Monday to Friday in July. You can send your representative to my office to give him my donation and also my suggested design plans. Please feel free to contact me if you need further information about other possible money transfer methods and my design plans.

Yours faithfully,

Antony James





The pie chart shows the online sales for retail sectors in Canada in the year 2019 & 2020. 

The pie charts compare the percentage of four categories of products that were sold on the Internet by Canadian retail sectors in 2019 and 2020.

Overall, clothing accounted for the largest proportion of online sales by retailers in 2019. Whereas, in 2020, electronic appliances took the place of clothing as the best-sold category. In addition, from 2019 to 2020, the percentage of online sales for electronic appliances and groceries saw an increase, while the contribution of clothing and home and kitchen items declined.

In 2019, the figure for clothes sold online in Canada stood at 38%, indicating the highest level of interest in this sector of retail. The second most popular products were associated with home and kitchen (29%). The proportions of sold goods in the electronics and groceries categories were lower at 19% and 14%, respectively.

By 2020, the percentage of electronic appliances sold online was the highest at 45%, while the home and kitchen category had the least share at 11%. Finally, the figure for clothes sold on the Internet was equal to that of groceries at 22%.


Saiedeh Akbari

Academic Task 1






You read in a newspaper that a company is going to renovate some school buildings in your local area that are in a poor condition. You would like to offer help. Write a letter to the charity paying for the renovation.

You read in a newspaper that a company is going to renovate some school buildings in your local area that are in a poor condition. You would like to offer help. Write a letter to the charity paying for the renovation. In your letter: 

-        Explain why you want to help with the renovations,

-        Suggest what you can do to help,

-        Say when you are available to start work.


Dear Mr.Maleki, 

I am writing this letter regarding the notice, which has been published in the local newspaper, in relation to raising money for revamping some school buildings. 

I am one of the residents of River street and I am completely aware that some school structures are not in good condition and are deteriorating day by day. Although I do not have any children, I want to partake in this activity since a large number of children, the following generation, are studying in these schools. Therefore, they may expose to a life-threatening situation.  

In fact, I am an architect, thus, I would like to suggest that assist you with construction issues like designing spaces as a voluntary service. Moreover, I am familiar with individuals, who sell affordable structural materials. I feel that these would be effective in saving your cost. 

Considering that I am working in an engineering company, I will be able to cooperate with you on weekends and after 2 pm on weekdays. If it is possible for you; I will take up action this weekend. I can be contacted at the email address and my mobile phone number supplied. 

I am looking forward to hearing your response.

Yours sincerely,

Shabnam Lee


Shabnam Tannazian/GT      





You read in a newspaper that a company is going to renovate some school buildings in your local area that are in a poor condition. You would like to offer help. Write a letter to the charity paying for the renovation.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I write concerning the article published in the last edition of the Kingston Guardian in which it was stated the Alexandra School property is planned to be rehabilitated from next month by your benevolent fund.
With respect to the charity’s admirable achievements and activities that I have been tracking since its establishment, moreover, owing to being deeply indebted to the construction which is my former primary school, and on top of them, the necessity of securing appropriate and stable pedagogical facilities for pupils in particular deprived children in the neighborhood, all have utterly stimulated my appetite for contributing to your undertaking. It is, therefore, my responsibility to participate in such a gracious project.
Fortunately, I am a structural engineer and capable of officially overseeing the design configurations of the renovation including analyzing and planning at no cost. Although the work ahead is challenging, based on my previous projects, I firmly believe in prospective work of great aesthetics considering technical and social factors within teamwork.
Ultimately, it is my great pleasure to announce my eagerness to commence auspiciously in close collaboration with your team in two weeks.
Should you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact me. It would be my honor if your response could be affirmative.
Yours faithfully,
Arthur Pourali




The pie chart shows the online sales for retail sectors in Canada in the year 2019 & 2020. 

The pie graphs illustrate the percentage of online sales for four retail sectors (clothing, home and kitchen, electronics appliances, and groceries) in two distinct years (2019 and 2020).

Overall, what stands out from the data is that Electronic Appliances contributed to the highest discrepancy in the retailer's sales in 2020, while Home and Kitchen played a much smaller role.

According to the pie charts, clothing and Groceries account for similar percentages of 22% in 2020, whereas the former category was 38% and the latter was 14% in 2019, in turn. A closer look shows that the main differences can be seen in the rate of Electronic Appliances, which was 19% and 38% in 2019 and 2020, respectively, which is more than double as opposed to 2020. As a final point, the least popular sales sector among Canadians in 2020 was home and kitchen devices with 11%, compared with 29% last year.




The pie chart shows the online sales for retail sectors in Canada in the year 2019 & 2020. 

The two pie charts compare the share of selling clothing, groceries, electronic appliances, and home and kitchen equipment through the Internet in Canada in the year 2019 and one year later on.

Overall, the online sale of electronic appliances and groceries items witnessed an upward trend, whereas the sale of clothing and home and kitchen facilities saw a downward trend. 

According to the graphs, the selling of clothing stood up at 38% in 2019, which was the highest proportion among the rest of the items in that year, followed by a significant decrease to 22% in 2020. In the same trend, in 2019, 30% of home and kitchen equipment were sold, but this number fell to about one-tenth in 2020. 

Conversely, the sale of electronic appliances experienced a dramatic rise in the two years. It went up from 19% in 2019 to less than 50% in 2020. Moreover, more people took an interest in buying groceries via the internet in the year 2020, it started at 14% in 2019 and reached the same amount of selling clothing in 2020. 





You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems.

Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter

Explain your situation
Describe your problems
Tell him/her when you think you can start

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you as the principal manager of the Rose Wood Company a leading manufacturer of wooden home appliances to let you know that I will not be able to begin my career as a part-time secretary next week due to some unexpected problems.

Unfortunately, my work starting day coincides with my final exams. Besides my mother has just informed me that my uncle has died and I have to participate in his funeral ceremony. Therefore, not only do I have to study hard for my exams, but also I have to accompany my parents on a trip to my uncle’s hometown and organize his ceremony.

As a secretary, I am expected to arrange daily meetings, update employees’ job profiles, and also modify their bank account numbers. However, regarding the overwhelming pressure of exams and the mental turmoil caused by my uncle’s death, I will not be able to concentrate on my daily tasks effectively.

Therefore, I would like to ask you if it is possible to postpone my work starting day to next month. I am so sorry for any inconvenience you may face in this regard. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Antony James





You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems.

Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter

Explain your situation
Describe your problems
Tell him/her when you think you can start

Dear Sir or Madam,
Recently, I have been hired as the technical manager of your software department. Although it was supposed to commence the collaboration tomorrow, I have been struggling to cope with an unforeseen issue which has unavoidably contributed to deferring our contract. I would hereby like to offer apologies for the inconvenience, and your flexibility will be appreciated. This epistle is, besides, being written to inform the justification for the postponement.
To explain in great detail, I am on vacation in Dublin, and all outbound flights have been canceled arise from severe weather. If Western Ireland had not been hit by the hurricane, which you have presumably heard about in the media, I would presently be on the flight to London, and my well-planned return would remain unaffected. According to this matter, regrettably, every single available airline has announced there will be no departure by the following week because of the constant storm. Nevertheless, my best endeavors will be ceaseless to acquire a solution that has given rise to optimism in bringing about rescue from this circumstance.
The local weather forecasts predicting pleasant weather after seven days, I will be able to start my new job at that time.
Kind regards,
Arthur Pourali




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The diagram illustrates the way in which apples are canned. 

Overall, the process consists of fourteen stages, beginning with hand picking and ending with dispatching canned apples to the market.  

Initially, apples are picked by workers from gardens. Then, once boxes of apples are loaded and transported to the factory, the washing process is started to clean dust and filth from the apples. Following this, all the apples go through a quality check stage, so spoiled apples are removed from others. Prior to the weighing stage, they are stored in a low-temperature room to cool down. Afterward, they need to be peeled and sliced into small pieces. As a result of these stages, can packages have enough space to place apples’ pieces into.  

In the subsequent stage, cans’ lids are sealed and placed into the boiling water, where they undergo a sterilizing process. Prior to being stored in a warehouse, the product’s label including name and other info should be attached to the cans. Finally, these manufactured products are distributed and dispatched to the food market.




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The diagram depicts the process of apples being canned step by step. As can be seen, it starts with harvesting fresh apples from trees and eventually ends with distributing cans.

To commence, the apples are handpicked and transported via big trucks to the place where the canning process is supposed to take place. Once the apples arrived, they are washed thoroughly, and their quality is checked. Following that, high-quality apples are stored in a freezing storage.

In the next step, the apples that are back to room temperature are graded based on their weight. Then they are peeled one by one and their seeds are removed. After that, the slices get canned in glass bottles and the juicy liquid or syrup is added, then the bottles get sealed.

In the further step of the process, apple bottles are cooked over heat to sterilize. Once sterilization is over, they are labelled. Then, the labelled ones are transferred to a storage, ready to dispatch.

All in all, the graph gives information about the canning process of apples. Throughout this process, fresh apples transform into cans of apples. Meanwhile, some important steps, such as grading apples, freezing them, and sterilizing them over heat occur. 




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The diagram illustrates the way in which a jam of apple is produced.


Overall, there are fourteen stages in the process, beginning with picking the apples from the trees and ending with dispatching.


Initially, some apples are picked from a tree. Then, they are transported to the factory. Prior to checking the quality of the apples, which are served as the raw material, they are washed carefully. Next, they go through a cold staring process. Following this, these fruits are graded so as to realize their weight. Afterwards, they are prepared to be peeled and in the subsequent stage, the peeled apples are either corned or sliced. Then, they undergo a canning stage which is a process of putting the corned or sliced apples in several cans. After that, the cans’ doors are closed which is named as the sealing process. Next, they are put in a pot to be cooked and sterilized. In other words, one of the aims of this stage is to remove the harmful object. After they undergo the labeling process, they are sent to storage and finally, the stored cans are ready to be shipped to shops, stores, etc.




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The chart illustrates through which a canned apple is produced. It is clear that there are thirteen stages in the production of a canned apple, beginning with picking apples from trees and ending up with dispatching.


The process begins when apples are picked from the trees and then they are transported to the factory. Once apples have been delivered, they are washed thoroughly. Before moving them to cold store, their quality are checked and at this stage, apples that are not completely healthy are transferred to the cold store. After they are weighed, they are peeled and chopped and following this, apples are put into jars.

In the following stage, jars are sealed and placed into large pots of water, which allows them to be cooked and sterilized at a high temperature. After this, all the jars will have been tagged before they are moved to storeroom. Ultimately, canned apple cartons will be sent to the market to reach the public.




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The flowchart Illustrates the process of canned apples from beginning to end. There are 14 steps that are required starting with picking apples from trees to the distribution of canned apples.

The first five steps starts with hand-picking apples until they are stored at low temperature. Firstly the well-growed apples are picked up from trees and then they are moved to clean them well, after that, the quality of them are checked to store them in the cold atmosphere. So the apples are ready to be canned in the following steps.

The next four steps are turning these apples into canned ones. First of all, all of them are weighted and graded to peel them. So after that, these fruits are sliced, and finally, they put these small pieces into little jars.

The last part of the process contains five steps to be completed,  this part is beginning with sealing the jars to put them into boiling water to be well cooked and strealed. The next step is putting labels on them and storing them in a warehouse. So dispatch of these labeled jars is considered the final step of the whole caning process.




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The given diagram highlights the step-by-step process by which canned apple is produced. Overall, as can be seen from the diagram, there are 13 steps in the whole process, beginning with harvesting apples, and culminating in dispatching labeled canned from the cannery.


The first stage is hand-picking apples from the trees, then is transported them to the cannery with a large truck. At the cannery, the apples get thoroughly washed and undergo a quality test where the poor-quality is taken out. Afterward, the selected apples are stored in cold storage. Next, the apples are weighed and graded. After this stage, the apples are peeled and the cores are removed. They are then sliced into the required sizes and put into cans.


Once the cans have been filled, they are sealed and cooked overheated to ensure adequate sterilization. When the cans are cool, a label is attached, and they are placed into storage. Finally, canned apples are prepared to be shipped to supermarkets for sale.




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The given diagram illustrates the process by which canned apple is produced. Overall, there are 14 stages in the diagram, from picking the apples manually to sending the final product to the market.

First, apples are picked by hand and then loaded onto the lorries, which take them to the factory. Next, after being washed properly, they are then going through a quality check process to ensure that they are of high quality before storing them at cold temperatures.

The following step is that apples are weighed and then peeled in order to get rid of skins. Having been sliced into small pieces, the processed apples then are canned into jars. Once the jars are sealed, they are then cooked in a large container in order to be sterile and avoid contamination. Subsequently, cans are labeled and stored in a warehouse. Finally, ready-to-use canned apples are packaged and ready for distribution.





The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The diagram shows the stages in the process of canning apples.

It is clear that there are fourteen distinct stages in this process, beginning with hand picking fresh apples and ending with dispatching them for commercial purposes.

Looking at the diagram, it can be seen that apples picked from trees by hand in the first step are transported to the cannery via large trucks. After reaching this place, these apples are washed and their quality is checked. Only good quality apples will be sent to a storage area having a cold temperature. In the next stage, apples’ weights are measured by a weighing scale, and in the following steps, each apple is first peeled and then sliced into pieces. Next, The peeled and sliced apples are canned into glass jars.

At the tenth stage in the process, the canned apples are sealed, and in the subsequent step, the sealed cans are put into a container in order to be cooked and sterilized. After sterilizing apple cans, they will be labeled and then stored inside a warehouse. Finally, stored canned apples are dispatched in cotton boxes for selling to customers.




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The figure illustrates the process of canning fresh apples.


Overall, it is obvious that the process begins with the hand-picking of fresh apples and ends with the dispatch of labeled cans.


In the first step, rip apples are handpicked from trees and are then transported to the cannery via trucks. Once they reach there, these apples are washed completely and sent for quality check. After that, these apples are kept in cold storage and when ready for canning, they are weighted and graded. In the next steps, each apple is peeled and sliced.


After that, The sliced pieces are canned in some glass bottles. Sealing the bottles is the next step of the process. Subsequently, the sealed bottles are cooked and sterilized in the desired equipment at a specific temperature. Then, the labeling process is done and all cans are send to the storage. Finally, the apple cans become ready for dispatch.




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The given diagram reveals the procedures which are applied to the production of apple preserve.

Overall, making apple compote is a linear and man-made process which can be outlined in the fourteen consecutive steps, starting with the hand-picking of apples and ending with dispatching the canned apple to the sale market. 

The process commences with manually harvesting apples from trees. The fruits then are transported by trucks to the factory. In the following step, these crops are cleaned with water. After evaluating the quality of apples, it is required that store them under frigid temperatures to be maintained in appropriate conditions. After that, the sort operation in which the fruits are graded according to their weight and classified into diverse groups is carried out.

The process proceeds with thoroughly peeling the fruits. In the next stage, the core of the corps comprising their peers and seeds is removed and then sliced. After that, thin pieces are put into cans. Prior to cooking and sterilizing pieces into boiling water, the cans are tightly sealed. A label then is stuck on the cans. The final product is packed and put in storage until dispatched to the sale market to service customers.


Yaser Oghabneshin




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The given diagram depicts the process of apple canning.
A glance at the illustration reveals that the production process of apple can, which is a long process with 10 stages, begins with hand picking and ends with despatch. 

After hand picking as the first step of the process, apples are sent to the factory using trucks where they are washed and a sorting step is done based on their quality to eliminate rotten and damaged apples. Then, to protect the quality of apples, there is a stage in the process, namely cold sorting. In the following, other main steps are presented. 

The major step of apple can production starts with the weighing/grading step. Next, the apples are peeled and prepared to cut to appropriate sizes through slicing and/or corning. After that, sliced pieces are canned and sealed, respectively, and then they are sent to the cooking step where not only are they cooked but they are also sterilized. The process continues when the apple cans are labeled. Afterwards, the produced cans are stored in storage, and finally, they are dispatched as the last stage of the process.     




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The given diagram shows the process of how canned apples can be produced. There are 18 stages in the diagram, from picking apples from trees, to dispatching the canned apples to stores.

The first step is that apples are handpicked from trees into boxes and then they are loaded onto lorries which take the boxes of apples to manufacturers. To make conserves, apples are washed. Next, the quality of the apples is checked. The selected apples are put into cold storage. After that, the apples are weighed and graded. Once the apples have been peeled, the apples are then sliced into the same sizes and put into cons. Following this, they are sealed and then cooked with hot water to make sure they become sterility. When the cans are cooled, labels are attached and then they are placed in storage. The final step is that canned apples are despatched to supermarkets.





The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The given diagram illustrates the way in which apple is canned. From an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that apples pass through thirteen stages before being distributed in the market. beginning with the hand picking and ending up with the despatch of labeled cans.

In the first stage, ripe apples are harvested and loaded into trucks to be transported to the canning factory. After that, they are washed and then sent to quality control to check the quality of the apples. In the next stage, they are stored in a cool place to stay fresh.

Subsequently, apples are graded according to their weight. Following this, these apples are peeled and then sliced into pieces. Next, these are all poured into bottles. In the next step, the bottles are sealed and after that, the sealed cans are cooked to sterilize at a high temperature. In the subsequent step the cans are cooled down and undergo the labeling process. Finally, the cans are taken to a storage silo before dispatching to sales. 




The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The given figures depict producing the apple can. Overall, it is demonstrated in a fifteen stages diagram that in the first period, apples are plucked manually. Finally, in the last one, large packages export.

As it is illustrated in the figures, apples initially pick from trees, Then, they are transferred by track in order to wash as well as check their quality. Next, they store in tremendous fruit refrigerators.  For producing apple can, not only do they weigh but peeled and slice. According to the tenth step, they have poured into the containers and their cap are sealed. After that, they are put in a large steam dish to cook their material in addition to being sterilized. After this period, their labels are stuck on the cans. A large number of cans are produced in this way, packed and packages in the factory are stored. Eventually, they transport to users.




The internet has a bigger impact on people’s lives because it is more popular than television.

Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support you position.

It can be argued that the internet has had a far-reaching and profound impact on the lives of individuals, surpassing the influence of traditional forms of media such as television. This is due to a number of factors, including the internet's wide availability and ease of accessibility, its interactivity, and its ability to enable new forms of commerce and education.

One of the primary advantages of the internet over television is its ubiquity. Unlike television, which is confined to the household, the internet can be accessed from virtually anywhere and at any time. This has greatly increased the ability of individuals to access information and connect with others globally, regardless of their physical location.

In addition to its accessibility, the internet is also an interactive medium, enabling users to engage with one another and consume media in new ways. The proliferation of online communities and social media platforms, for example, has transformed the way individuals interact and communicate with one another.

Furthermore, the internet has played a significant role in driving e-commerce, revolutionizing the way goods and services are consumed. The convenience of online shopping has changed traditional consumption patterns and has made it possible for consumers to purchase goods and services from anywhere in the world.

Lastly, the internet has facilitated advances in education and professional development. The availability of online courses and the growing adoption of remote work and virtual meetings are examples of how the internet has impacted these areas.

 In conclusion, the internet has had a profound and extensive impact on individuals' lives, surpassing the reach and effect of traditional forms of media such as television. The internet's pervasiveness and effortless access, its potential for interaction, and its ability to facilitate novel forms of commerce and education have all been instrumental in its paramount impact on society.




You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.


You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter:

-        Explain why you are selling.

-        Describe the furniture.

-        Suggest a date when your friend can come and see the furniture.

Dear Bob,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter to inform you if you are still interested in my dining service. As far as I remember, you were collecting old-fashioned furniture for special villas your customer may order.

I have decided to sell part of the home furniture and means to compensate for part of a new set I have seen in a modern shop. I am willing to experience living in an up-to-date furnished house.

Considering my house age almost a century, it's furnished by the contractor, and concerning the age of facilities, those were built very durable with high-quality components so that is still useful for antique lovers. The dining set contained a table and eight chairs. A rectangular wooden brown table with legs like Roman columns. The chairs have been designed with accurately carved schemes on wood, and leather sits and backs. I decided to change my grandmother's standing clock in addition to the dining service. It is made by one of the popular craft masters in Switzerland. It has a round face with Greek numbers on it.

Indeed, I want to advertise the furniture in a local newspaper next month. Thus, if you have a tendency to see and probably buy them, you could come this weekend before being late.

I am looking forward to hearing from you about that.


Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.

Dear Sarah,
Hope you and your lovely family are in good health. I’m writing this letter to tell you that I’m going to sell some of my home items as I know you have been interested in some of them. Fortunately, I’ve been successful to get the scholarship and I’m going to pursue my PhD at University of Toronto. Thus, inasmuch as I want to live there for more than five years, I tend to sell most of my household furniture and purchase new ones.

As I mentioned, there are a couple of items for sale, but I want to tell you about the specific ones which can grab your attention. The thing which is so unique is the old and invaluable carpet that I bought from a local store in India, and you have been keen on. Also, one of the blue vases that I inherited from my grandmother is on sale, and although it costs a lot, it is really worth is because of its cultural value.

My departure time is on 14th September, so I highly appreciate it if you like to see the items personally, pay a visit three weeks prior to this time. I’d be happy to see you and show you the rest of the equipment if you are interested. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes, 




The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The table compares the rate of students who are attending four distinct guide school categories, namely specialist, grammar, voluntary-controlled, and community, over a nine-year period.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that the voluntary-controlled school types accounted for the most popular category in 2000. It is also noticeable that most pupils tended to participate in community school types at the end of the period.

Considering the table, between 2000 and 2009, the ratio of students who enrolled in specialist schools decreased from 12% to 10%. As for Grammar schools, the percentage of their pupils stood at just below a quarter in the year 2000. However, it dropped to nearly a fifth in 2005. Finally, the proportion decreased by 7% in 2009.

The ratio of voluntary-controlled school pupils was almost half in 2000. Nevertheless, this ratio plunged to 38% and 20% in 2005 and 2009, respectively. About students of community schools, the percentage of its participants climbed from 12% in 2000 to 32% in 2005. In the year 2009, the proportion of community school pupils was approximately three times as many as voluntary-controlled school students.




You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.

Dear Simon,

It has been some time since last you and I corresponded, and I hope you are doing well. Last month when we were talking, you told me you liked my furniture and were thinking of redecorating your flat. Therefore, I have written this letter to let you know that I am putting some of my stuff on sale, and I prefer to sell them to you instead of auctioning them.

I understand this news is somewhat unexpected, so here’s some backstory. Having spent two years in a relationship with Julie, we have finally decided to move in together, which obviously means I have to free up some space for her stuff. I have, thus, decided to sell some bulky furniture like my couches, the TV table, and the giant bedside lamps. There is also a very comfortable rocking chair that Jolie detests and I just cannot bear to give it to a stranger.

Anyway, I suggest you come, have a second look at the stuff, and decide if you want to buy any of them. I think I will be available next weekend on January 22nd, and I hope you can spare some time for us to go to a pub as well. Please let me know about your decision on this matter as soon as possible, so I can plan for the auction.






The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The table illustrates the percentages of students participating in four different secondary school types between 2000 and 2009.

Overall, it is obvious that while the proportion of students at schools of Specialist, Grammar, and Voluntary-controlled was decreased in this period, there was a dramatic increase for Community schools which was also by far the highest percentage in 2009.

Looking into more details, there was a slight decrease in Specialist schools from 12% in 2000 to 11% and 10% in 2005 and 2009, respectively. Also, it can be seen that there was a significant decrease in Grammar schools from 24% to 12% during the nine years.

Turning to the Voluntary-controlled schools, there was a remarkable decline from 52% in 2000 to 38% in 2005, and finally 20% in 2009. On the other hand, the proportion of students at Community schools rose dramatically from 12% to 32% in the first five years of this period and finally reached 58% in 2009.




The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The given table provides information about the percentage of students who went to four school types from 2000 to 2009.

Looking from an overall perspective it is readily apparent that, voluntary-controlled schools were the most popular school in 2000.

But, their popularity dropped significantly in 2009. In contrast, community schools attracted minimal students in 2000, but they were most popular in 2009.

As can be seen from the table, in 2009, parents did not like specialist schools, so they reluctantly send their children to specialist schools.

Only 12% of parents send their children to such type of school, this trend changed in following years.

Approximately one-fourth of pupils went to Grammar school in 2000, in 2009 this value decreased and reached 12%.

As was mentioned before, there was a significant decrease in the popularity of voluntary-controlled schools.

More than half of pupils attended this type of school in 2000 but 9 years later only one-fifth of them attended voluntary-controlled schools.

On the other hand, voluntary-controlled schools were replaced by community schools. Therefore, they were the most popular school in 2009, with 58% of pupils.




The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The table compares four different secondary schools in terms of the percentage of students who attend them in the years 2000, 2003 and 2009.

It is clear that the proportion of pupils who participated in three out of the four secondary schools decreased each year, while the figure for community school attendance increased significantly almost every year over the 9-year period.

In 2000, voluntary-controlled schools were by far the most popular type of school among students, and 52% of school pupils attended them. The percentage of pupils' attendance in grammar schools was 24%, almost half of that for voluntary school participation. Specialist and community schools gained the same popularity, with 12% student enrolment.

In 2009, 58% of students attended community schools, which is the highest proportion shown in the table. Attending voluntary-controlled schools dramatically fell by 14% in 2005 and 30% in 2009. Also, by 2009 the percentage of students enrolled in specialist and grammar schools had decreased to 10% and 12%, respectively.




The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The table illustrates the percentage of students attendance in four various types of secondary schools and compares them in three different years from 2000 to 2009.

Generally speaking,  students attended by far the least in specialist schools in all three years, and there was a slight decline over the years while students joined considerably in community schools over the years, including a moderate downward trend were in both voluntary-controlled schools and grammar schools.

Looking into more detail, community schools skyrocketed over three years. It was begun at 12 per cent and the year after it increased by 20% and the following year reached a peak of 58%. Similarly, specialist schools started with the same percentage in 2000, but it slightly decreased in 2005 and again in 2009 fell by 1 percent.

On the contrary, voluntary-controlled schools had substantial joining in the initial year, but the year after it plummeted dramatically by 14% and again in 2009, it experienced a huge decrease of around 18 percent. In comparison to voluntary-controlled schools, grammar schools had a steadily dropped during 3 years, and between these years, attendance dropped by approximately 5%.




The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The table illustrates the percentage of students who attended four different types of schools from 2000 to 2009.

Overall, with the exception of the community school, the figures for all categories saw a decline during this period. Besides, in 2000, the figure for voluntary-controlled schools was the highest, and the lowest figures belonged to the specialist and the community schools. In 2009, community schools accounted for the highest percentage, while the percentage of specialist schools still stood at the lowest position.

In 2000, the figure for voluntary-controlled schools was the highest at 52%, whereas that of community schools was the lowest at 12%. From this year to 2009, the proportion of voluntary-controlled schools saw a decrease of 32%. By contrast, the figure for community schools rose dramatically by 46% during this period.

In 2000, the first and the second lowest percentages of attendance belonged to the specialist (12%) and the grammar school (24%). Over the period of 9 years, both figures dropped to 10% and 12%, respectively.








The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The table compares four different types of secondary schools in terms of student attendance in the years 2000, 2005, and 2009.

At first glance, the percentage of students attending all schools declined, excluding community schools that saw an upward trend over the period shown. Moreover, specialist schools accounted for the lowest proportion of pupils among the rest of the schools in the three years shown.

Looking at the table in more detail, we can see that voluntary-controlled schools were the most popular types of schools in 2000 and 2005 with 52% and 38% of the total pupils respectively, and saw a noticeable decline, reaching to 20% in 2009. The percentage of students going to the grammar school stood at 24% in 2000, ranked the second most populated school, and experienced a steady decrease over the following eight years, with 19% in 2005 and 12% in 2009.

Specialist and community schools had the lowest proportion of attendance, at similar percentage of 12% in 2000. While the percentage of students studying at the former steadily fell from 11% in 2005 to 10% in 2009, community schools saw a dramatic rise, reaching the highest proportion of 58% in 2009. 




The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The table illustrates the percentage of students attending four different kinds of secondary schools in three years.


It is clear that while the percentage of pupils who attended community schools increased, the reverse was true for other schools.


The trends for both grammar and specialist schools were almost similar. In 2009, while the proportion of students who enrolled in specialist schools was 12%, the proportion of registered students in grammar schools was twofold as compared to specialist schools. The percentage of pupils who attended specialist schools reduced steadily by 1% over the experienced years and had reached 10% by 2010. Meanwhile, the number of students attending grammar schools increased and ended up to half of the enrollments in 2000.


The percentage of registered pupils in voluntary-controlled schools plummeted significantly, while the percentage of students who registered in community schools considerably increased. In 2000, the majority of students enrolled in voluntary-controlled schools, with almost 52%, and just 12% of students attended community schools. By 2010, while the proportion of students in voluntary-controlled had risen to 20%, the percentage of pupils who are attending community schools had fallen to 58%.




The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between Between 2000 and 2009.

The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between 2000 and 2009.


The table compares the proportion of young students who went to four kinds of secondary schools from 2000 to 2009. Overall, it can easily be observed from the chart that although there was a rise in the proportion of community schools, the figures for the three remaining schools experienced a decline.

In 2000, voluntary-controlled schools accounted for 52% of secondary school attendance, whereas grammar-school schools were lower at 24%. The specialist schools and community schools had the smallest percentage, both of which made up equally 12%.

In 2005, although the proportion of voluntary-controlled schools declined sharply by 14%, the percentage of grammar schools and specialist schools suffered a minor drop of 5% and 1%. However, the figure for community schools almost tripled.

In 2009, community schools rocketed to 58%, nearly five times its proportion in 2000. There was a substantial decrease in Voluntary-controlled and grammar schools of 32% and 12%, respectively. Interestingly, specialist schools made up the smallest proportion in all three years.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although the number of fitness clubs and sports complexes has increased in recent years, the majority suffer overweight. Following an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle are the main factors for this predicament and encouraging people to choose foods more conscientiously and be more active are the answers.

One's choice of foods and level of regular activities defines their fitness level. Due to advances in technology and the proliferation of the urban population more and more people have been isolated from nature and the previous lifestyle of men. People spend a significant amount of time sitted today. They use personal cars for commuting and most jobs require working long hours behind a desk and then their entertainment at the end of the day involves sitting on the couch while watching TV. On top of that, both men and women work full time and they don't have enough time to prepare homemade food after a tedious and exhausting day. Therefore, they prefer to eat out or use proceed or convenience food which is mostly full of sugar and fat. In addition, the availability of fast food restaurants and the plethora of junk food advertisements make them irresistible.

However, there are some measures that can be taken to address these issues. Putting some physical activity into a daily routine is a simple yet effective action. Walking to the bus or train station, instead of using personal cars or riding to school or work are examples. Moreover, schools and workplaces could provide attractive fitness programs that incentivize students or employees to take part. Regarding a healthier diet, schools and employers should observe the canteen to cater healthy and nutritious foods. Governments need to pass bills to limit the number of unhealthy adverts on mass media. 

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the underlying causes of this conundrum are poor diet and lack of activity which are imposed on individuals in modern lifestyles and promoting people to engaging themselves in small physical activity and more supervision on food are the solutions.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Although there are a wide range of sports centers and facilities available nowadays, fitness levels are lower than ever before among people in our societies. I think several reasons cause this problem; however, there are some feasible solutions.


To begin with, technology and modern life can contribute to lowering people’s fitness in the contemporary era. Nowadays, people rely on technology more than ever before for their daily routines, such as commuting, banking, or shopping. They are less likely to walk to work, as cars and public transport are available, and they have easy access to the Internet to do online banking and shopping. As a result, they engage in fewer physical activities, resulting in the burning of fewer calories and, in turn, gaining more weight. Furthermore, modern life has become more demanding as the cost of living has increased. Therefore, many people have to spend a considerable amount of time working to meet their basic needs, leaving them with insufficient time to do sports activities. In addition, many find sports costs, such as gym membership fees, unaffordable. Consequently, they cannot join sports clubs and use sport equipment. Thus, technology and a more demanding life have reduced fitness levels in societies.


However, governments can take effective actions. Firstly, public awareness about the damaging consequences of a sedentary lifestyle should be raised. Governments should run campaigns. Not only can these campaigns increase public awareness, but they can also encourage people to walk to their offices and discourage them from using online facilities. Secondly, governments should legislate laws to reduce working time, for example, from 5 days to 4 days a week, providing workers with more free time to exercise. Furthermore, authorities should subsidise sports facilities, helping people afford them. The more free time people have and the more affordable sport centers become, the more likely it is for people to take part in these centers, and the number of fit people increases.


In conclusion, despite the availability of sports facilities, many people cannot afford them, and some may not have time to use them. Some other people are too dependent on technology, resulting in fewer physical activities in their lives. These factors can be seen as the main reasons for the lower level of fitness in modern societies. Nonetheless, governments can remedy the situation by raising public awareness about the importance of an active lifestyle, subsidising gym centers, and reducing working hours for workers.




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Despite a variety of sports facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before. What do you think are the main causes of this problem? What solutions can you suggest?

Although these days, the number and diversity of sporting amenities and fitness facilities have been improved considerably, the overweight rate has become enhanced among people compared to the past. In the present essay, the underlying reasons for this observed health issue and some proposed solutions will be investigated.

The first reason that may explain the enhanced rate of obesity in society these days, even though people now have more access to sporting amenities, is that the level of physical activity is not the only decisive factor affecting weight gain. Another leading determiner of body weight is people's diet, which nowadays tends to contain fast foods or junk snacks rich in calories, leading to being unfit. Moreover, although there are more facilities provided for sports and fitness, nowadays, people usually have a heavier workload and a more hectic lifestyle, preventing them from participating in sporting activities, which in turn exacerbates overweight in them. 

Several solutions can be proposed to mitigate the increased prevalence of excess body weight among the population. Firstly, people's dietary awareness should be raised, especially regarding the extent to which routine consumption of high-calorie foods, rich in fat and sugar, can exacerbate overweight. For example, dietary recommendations and instructions to help people have smarter food choices could be incorporated into popular television programs or displayed on cities' billboards. Moreover, for people whose crowded working schedules deter them from using various sporting facilities, corporates can use initiatives, such as allowing their employees to dedicate a part of their working hours to participate in various sports or fitness classes. 

 In conclusion, overconsumption of fattening foods and having less time to exercise due to the more hectic lifestyle these days may cause people to be less fit despite an increase in sporting amenities. Improving people's dietary knowledge and assigning a part of working time to staff's exercise activities may help to control the overweight rate.    

314 words




Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before.


What do you think are the main causes of this problem?

What solutions can you suggest?

Exposed to a wealth of sports equipment and centers these days, individuals display less tendency to participate in sports activities. Although there are specific root causes behind this inappropriate lifestyle, effective approaches can be adopted to cope with the situation.

There are two main reasons why people now lack the enthusiasm to be involved in sports activities. The main origin of this situation stems from economic status. To put it differently, faced with financial problems in some countries, people demand to allocate an overwhelming amount of time to fostering the quality of their lives. This can give rise to disengaging from sports activities owing to the shortage of ample time. For instance, in my country Iran for the sake of the economic crisis, people tend to be desperate to work unsocial hours to gain an adequate income. Another underlying reason flows from the media. On the grounds that the media are bound to be extremely entertaining, some people occupy their whole spare time with them. A good illustration of this is that the social media, namely Instagram and Facebook, which an array of people use across the world.

There are, however, some workable solutions which can derive people to do sport. One step would be that governments can take initiative to create a more suitable economic climate for people in society. Enhancing salaries along with declining taxes on commodities are good examples of this approach. This in turn can prompt people to work less, thereby providing more time for doing sport. Another remedy is that governments can raise people’s awareness concerning the dire consequences posed by the indiscriminate use of the media. For example, people are forewarned that such sedentary lifestyle arising  from excessive use of the media can bring about developing a high risk of obesity, leading to heart-related illness.

To conclude, nowadays there are an array of sports clubs and services but individuals are less inclined to conduct such activities owing to many reasons, the most important of which is economic status. In spite of all contributing factors, pay raise as well as tax cuts implemented by the government can assist people to participate in sports activities more.




The maps below show the village of Stokeford in 1930 and 2010.

The provided maps detail the breakdown of the changes taking place in the layout of a distinctive town, namely Stokeford during the years 1930 and 2010.

The initial impression, at a general glance, is that while Stokeford used to be a county filled with pasturelands to feed livestock along with a conventional lifestyle, nowadays, during this contemporary times, due to the high density of population, a whole host of estates were erected in order to accommodate new dwellers.

To commence with, as for the rear-right corner, the northeast section, which was originally farmland, knocking down in the interest of making way to construct brand-new properties. A somewhat identical trend, likewise, was followed by the south-west sector in the vicinity of River Stoke. Regarding the middle part of the village, the point in which, in the olden days, in 1930, a large house equipped with natural resources and gardens had been laid down, in 2010, those were substituted by retirement home and spick-and-span dwellings, respectively.

In terms of the river shore, whereas the post office location remained constant, the adjacent shops and agricultural fields were replaced by houses on the curved path linked to the chief route and a tremendous square-shaped residential area, in turn. Lastly, albeit the bridge on the main road passing through the town was never renovated, nonetheless, the primary school was rebuilt alongside newly built modem housing on the east side of the expressway.




The maps below show the village of Stokeford in 1930 and 2010.

A glance at the two figures provided reveals the architectural changes in Stokoford village in 1930 and 2010. 

It is evident to note that by passing the time, deforestation and civilization have increased by eliminating farmlands and converting them to municipal skyscraper houses, which are seen considerably in the northeast and southwest of Stokeford. Clearly, we can see that even some shops have been replaced with buildings (houses), too.

In the middle of the map in 1930, there were gardens and large houses suffering staggering rebuilding as where to serve elderly and retired people in 2010.

Apparently, some architecture and buildings remain unmanipulated in the period of this question, like the primary school( next to the retirement home in 2010) and the post office that is opposite of elementary school( in both of the given maps). As well as the Bridge in the north of this village and the River stoke that crosses the middle of Stokeford village stay untouched.





The maps below show the village of Stokeford in 1930 and 2010.

Given is the alterations which have been made to Stokeford during 80 years commencing from 1930 illustrated by the two provided maps. What has been starkly apparent is urbanizing the area by developing a large number of new houses with the cost of disappearing vast farmland while the main road alongside the river route remained untouched at the exact total occupied space. 

The wide farmland at the river bank which was home to cows wiped and new buildings with the square road were replaced instead. The new curved road appeared in the location of two shops in the northwest part while the post office remained without change. 

The big garden with large houses cramped into smaller ones with two modified buildings aimed at retirement home usage and an auxiliary road connecting it to the main road. The northeast farmland was also switched to the residential area by an attached road and the old bridge was kept the same as before, moreover, the primary school building was preserved with just two modified erected premises.




The maps below show the village of Stokeford in 1930 and 2010.

The two pictures compare the changes that have taken place in Stockeford between 1930 and 2010.

Overall, it can be seen that while Stockeford used to be an agricultural city, it has undergone tremendous changes to become a heavily residential area with significant developments.

Focusing on the northern part of the town, the farmland in the northeast was demolished to make way for two sets of houses on both sides of a new side road. Moreover, the primary school just to the south of these houses was expanded, across from which two shops were replaced by another set of houses.

As for the south, the garden, almost in the middle of the city, was turned into a smaller area with a retirement home standing in it, which is connected to the main road via a small side road, surrounded by some houses. Another farmland to the east of the river Stocke was also knocked down, and a new square was erected in its place with many houses running through its edge.


Amir Hossein
Amir Hossein


Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection


Task: Sustainable development and environmental protection have become crucial concerns in the modern world. Discuss the importance of sustainable development in balancing economic growth and environmental preservation. What are the challenges faced in achieving sustainable development, and what measures can be taken to overcome them? Provide specific examples and support your argument


Nowadays, humans have achieved some fundamental developments in terms of being in the trend of booming economic aspects. It would be a challenging occasion in order to have a suitable proportion between the environment and the economy. Governments should pay attention and laws in order to save nature and keeping in progress about sustainable growth in the economy.
In recent years, the importance of sustainable development has been highlighted as a pivotal role for various nations. However, some environmental aspects have been ignored, for instance, preserving the ozone layer. To clarify, industrials have doubled producing carbon dioxide dramatically, and also it has destroyed the ozone layer consequently. Furthermore, the usage of fossil fuels for the purpose of being successful in economic trends which have destroyed many parts of the ecosystem badly. Not only do governments should think about sustainable development in various categories such as economy, politics and society, but also they should consider flora and fauna as the most important ones in their nation.
There are some effective ways, on the other hand, in order to cope with challenges that lead to demolishing nature and our habitat. United Nations should be in charge of creating some limitations and laws for all countries to control the amount of carbon de oxide have been produced by factories and cars. In addition, governments should invest in developing some research, in which electricity can be the only way and efficient way to become an environmentally friendly energy source. Moreover, they can encourage companies to develop their RND part in order to decrease the usage of fossil fuels as much as they can.    
In conclusion, without a shadow of a doubt, governments would not achieve sustainable development in the economy by creating some specific rules to encourage companies to reduce carbon dioxide, in which needs to enhance technology in renewable energy rather than fossil fuels.





Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection


Task: Sustainable development and environmental protection have become crucial concerns in the modern world. Discuss the importance of sustainable development in balancing economic growth and environmental preservation. What are the challenges faced in achieving sustainable development, and what measures can be taken to overcome them? Provide specific examples and support your argument


Protecting the earth that we live on is becoming increasingly crucial due to population growth and the carbon footprint for which each individual is responsible. Therefore, many people, especially environmental activists, have realized that urgent action needs to be taken, resulting in the emergence of sustainable projects; these are any necessary measures to reduce and eradicate the severity of contamination and the greenhouse effect of human activities. This essay explores the hindrances to achieving sustainable development in addition to proposing what needs to be done to obviate them.

A harmonious balance between economic growth and environmental preservation can be achieved by adopting two approaches. Firstly, embracing and investing in green technologies can drive economic growth while minimizing the environmental impact. Renewable energies such as solar and wind energy can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, leading to cleaner air and sustainable economic development. Secondly, designing cities with sustainability in mind can help enhance the quality of life and minimize environmental degradation. Implementing an efficient public transportation system, green spaces, and eco-friendly infrastructure can promote economic growth while preserving the environment. 

One can suggest two main obstacles to achieving sustainable development: lack of awareness and education besides short-term economic focus. Insufficient awareness and understanding of sustainable development hinder its adoption. Educating individuals, companies, and businesses about the benefits and methods of sustainable practices is essential for driving change. In addition, many policies and practices prioritize short-term economic gains over long-term sustainability. It is crucial to shift the focus towards a holistic approach that considers environmental, social, and economic aspects simultaneously.

However, there are measures that can be adapted to eliminate the raised issues; educational campaigns and regularity frameworks. Comprehensive educational programs can be implemented to raise awareness about sustainable development among individuals and communities in addition to fostering a culture of environmental consciousness and responsible consumption. Moreover, governments should develop and enforce policies that incentivize sustainable practices, such as tax benefits for renewable energy investments and regulations that encourage sustainable production and consumption patterns.

In conclusion, it is essential to maintain a balance between economic growth and protecting the environment by investing in green technologies and innovation in addition to sustainable urban planning programs. Despite potential obstacles to applying for such programs due to lack of awareness and short-term economic focus, through educational campaigns and policy frameworks, there will be a higher chance of successful implementation of sustainable programs in the future.   




Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection


Task: Sustainable development and environmental protection have become crucial concerns in the modern world. Discuss the importance of sustainable development in balancing economic growth and environmental preservation. What are the challenges faced in achieving sustainable development, and what measures can be taken to overcome them? Provide specific examples and support your argument


In the modern era, sustainable development practices and the related effects on preserving the planet Earth's ecosystems and the countries' economic growth have turned into contentious subjects. However, implementing policies and practices associated with sustainable development has encountered several problems, including the uncontrolled greed of countries for overconsumption of natural reserves and the increasing demand for energy and clean potable water by the rapid-growing population of the Earth. 

The primary objective of sustainable development is to fulfill the needs of the current global population and ensure the consistency of developments without compromising the chances of the next generations to sufficiently access and use natural resources and enjoy a clean planet. The fulfillment of these purposes entails imposing control over the pace of economic growth of countries and implementing measures for protecting natural reserves from early exhaustion. Although rapid economic growth may appear an advantage for a country at first glance, it is associated with an increased rate of industrialization and urbanization, which in turn can lead to overconsumption of natural resources, increased levels of greenhouse emissions, and environmental degradation. Hence, striking a balance between economic growth and exploiting natural reserves to protect them from early depletion and minimize the production of environmental pollutants seems a crucial factor in sustainable development. Furthermore, one of the most significant components of sustainable development is safeguarding our planet's natural environments from destruction and maintaining them as pristine and untapped as possible for future generations. These objectives can be met by controlled and reasonable use of finite resources, including fossil fuels and underground water tables, and by promoting the use of renewable energy resources, which are mainly infinite and clean.

One of the barriers to sustainable development is the excessive greed of some countries for the extensive exploitation of environmental resources to accelerate the country's economic growth as much as possible without any concern about the resulting adverse effects on the environment. For instance, China has achieved noticeable economic growth in recent years at the expense of nearly depleting its natural reserves and producing massive waste and air pollutants. To address this problem, international organizations, such as the united nations, must interfere by imposing strict regulations to control the behavior of these countries regarding environmental degradation. The second challenge in achieving sustainable development is the rapid growth of the world's population and the subsequent increase in the demands for resources, including energy, clean water, and food. A solution for this issue would be more stringent population growth control policies in countries with high population growth rates and more use of renewable energy to meet the increasing energy demand. 

In conclusion, sustainable development will be achieved if the current generation does not prioritize rapid economic growth over environmental concerns and use natural resources more cautiously to preserve them for the next generations and minimize ecosystem destruction. The excessive greed of some countries for overconsuming natural reserves and the rapid population growth are two problems on the path of sustainable development, which can be resolved by rigid, restrictive laws from international organizations and policies for controlling population growth.       




Write a letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your neighborhood and suggesting ways to improve the situation.

▪️Describe the current recycling situation in your area.
▪️Explain why recycling facilities are important and how they can benefit the community.
▪️Suggest specific measures or initiatives that the local council can take to improve recycling rates.
▪️Provide reasons and examples to support your suggestions.
▪️Express your hope for positive changes and offer assistance if possible.

Dear Chairman of the local council,

I am writing this letter to express my extreme dissatisfaction regarding the inactive recycling factory in Kermanshah.

I am an assistant professor at Islamic Azad University and unfortunately, we throw away a vast majority of papers daily due to the lack of recycling equipment. As you know, according to sustainable development rules, we should incredibly decrease deforestation by recycling paper in suitable factories. As a matter of fact, not only we can effectively save the environment for the next generation, but also, we can extremely improve the economy by producing nouveau papers from old ones. 

In order to equip the factory you can easily hire modern, professional, and intelligent machine factories from international companies such as Life for Futures. In addition, undoubtedly, you can elevate the efficiency of recycling by hiring educated and experienced engineers. Moreover, I wholeheartedly can participate in advertising for your factory.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. I believe this matter deserves your urgent attention. Please do not hesitate to ask me for any further information.

yours sincerely,

Sajad Esmaielzadeh




Write a letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your neighborhood and suggesting ways to improve the situation.

▪️Describe the current recycling situation in your area.
▪️Explain why recycling facilities are important and how they can benefit the community.
▪️Suggest specific measures or initiatives that the local council can take to improve recycling rates.
▪️Provide reasons and examples to support your suggestions.
▪️Express your hope for positive changes and offer assistance if possible.

Write a letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your neighborhood and suggesting ways to improve the situation.

·       Describe the current recycling situation in your area

·       Explain why recycling facilities are important and how they can benefit the community

·       Suggest specific measures initiatives that the local council can take to improve recycling rates.

·       Provide reasons and examples to support your suggestions.

·       Express your hope for positive changes and offer assistance if possible.

Dear sir/madam,

I am a resident of Black Stone Alley from Key West territory and I am writing this letter regarding a potentially catastrophic issue that may going to occur to our inhabitants. The rubbish control and its collective system become worse day to day.

To begin with, the existing trash collector contains two colored bins representing dry, and wet wastes whole around the area which is not enough for today's garbage diversity. Thus, it completely vanished its important priority which makes it useful.

To put it differently, because of tourist conditions in the town, there are collected a vast range of litter from electronic devices to daily consumptions here. The main problem appears when it is rainy and the pile of dross can be an emulsifier of the underground water resources.

While must be taken an approach to resolve the problem before it turns into an unsolvable health disaster for residents. Firstly, increase the variety of collective bins to five subjects like organic, electronic, metal, paper, and jar to simplify the recycling procedure for contractors. Secondly, try to keep them dry over rainy days with an awning. finally, decrease the collection period by recruiting more staff to cope with recycling before long. There are regretting examples like Saravan city in Iran province where the dross emulsifier is mixed with natural water resources and it will cost the government an arm and a leg to deal with.

eventually, I would like to assist in every operation you may take to improve the garbage collection to recycling progress. Hopefully, I will do my best to emerge a trash-free area.

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





Write a letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your neighborhood and suggesting ways to improve the situation.

▪️Describe the current recycling situation in your area.
▪️Explain why recycling facilities are important and how they can benefit the community.
▪️Suggest specific measures or initiatives that the local council can take to improve recycling rates.
▪️Provide reasons and examples to support your suggestions.
▪️Express your hope for positive changes and offer assistance if possible.

Write a letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your neighborhood and suggesting ways to improve the situation.

-        Describe the current recycling situation in your area

-        Explain why recycling facilities are important and how they can benefit the community,

-        Suggest specific measures or initiatives that the local council can take to improve recycling rates,

-        Provide reasons and examples to support your suggestion,

-        Express your hope for positive changes and offer assistance if possible.


Dear Sir/Madam, 

I am one of the residents of River Street. I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction regarding the recycling process in our neighborhood.  

Although most of the dwellers try to segregate their rubbish into biodegradable and non-biodegradable, garbage collection machine combines them together. Moreover, it does not collect rubbish on a regular basis.

Developing recycling amenities plays a significant role because not only would it be an effective action for environmental conservation but it would also reduce government expenditures and they can use recycled materials in manufacturing.

I would like to suggest considering enough machines and arranging a regular schedule for collecting rubbish. Additionally, it would be better to be encouraged people to segregate their domestic rubbish by distributing free garbage bags.

Take Germany as an obvious example; its population is enforced to separate and chop their plastic and paper waste and use biodegradable materials so that they can decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills. Otherwise, they will be paying a heavy fine.

Hopefully, workable solutions will be taken soon. I will be able to contribute in this case on the weekends. I can be contacted at the email address and phone number supplied.

I am looking forward to hearing your positive response. 

Yours sincerely,

Shabnam Lee


Shabnam Tannazian/GT    





The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) in India in three sectors - agriculture, industry, and services - over a forty-year period starting from 1960. Overall, the chart shows a dramatic change in the share of agriculture and services, while industry rose gradually and remained constant after a certain point. Moreover, the chart depicts the significant shift of India's GDP from agriculture to services, with industry playing a noticeable but smaller role.

In 1960, agriculture dominated the GDP with more than 60% of all products. However, over time, its share declined sharply, reaching less than a fifth of GDP by 2000. In contrast, services started from a minority share in 1960 but experienced a sharp rise to nearly 62%, becoming the dominant sector.

Turning to industry, the chart shows that its share was relatively small in 1960, compared to agriculture and services. However, despite a steady rise until 1980, the gap between industry and services widened over time. By 2000, the share of industry was a quarter of all products, the only time in the chart when it exceeded the share of agriculture.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The chart gives information about the share of three sectors, namely agriculture, industry, and services in gross national product between 1960 and 2000.

Overall, agriculture had the highest proportion among others; however, its share dropped significantly and was overtaken by the services sector, whose share rose during the period. The industrial sector did not show notable growth.

In the first year, although the figure for agriculture was ranked first at around 63, then it fell dramatically and hit a low of about 14 at the end of the period, which stayed in the last place. In contrast, services started at nearly 17 in 1960, increasing gently to roughly 27 until 1980, then continued their upward trend more sharply over the next two decades, reaching a peak of approximately 63.

Looking at the industry, it can be seen that it had the lowest figure initially at around 16, then grew by about 10 until 1980, at which it leveled off for the rest of the period, and was ranked third in 2000.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The bar chart compares the contribution of three distinct categories, namely agriculture, industry, and services, to the GDP (gross domestic product) of India in five different years between 1960 and 2000. 

It is noticeable that services had an upward trend over the period given, while the figure for the agriculture decreased. Additionally, the industry's share remained relatively the same.

At the beginning of the period, agriculture accounted for the highest proportion of India's GDP by far, with above 60%, whereas the revenue from two other sections was merely around 15%. Although agricultural income of the country was witnessing a fall, it remained the major resource until 1980, when its share was around 45%. By contrast, the shares of services and industry slightly increased as each of them reached to around 25% in 1980.

In the following years, the industrial involvement in India's GDP stayed the same at around 25%. On the other hand, services overtook the agriculture and its percentage of contribution reached the high of over 60% in 2000, while the portion of agriculture fell sharply to approximately 15% in the final year.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The diagram illustrates the shares of different sections in India’s gross domestic product between 1960 and 2000. Overall, the general trend is that while agriculture’s share decreased, services’ portion increased during the given period.

Looking at the bar chart, agriculture had the highest percentage of over 60 % in 1960, almost four times more than industry and services (about 15%). The percent of agriculture in 1970 saw a decrease of 10% since 1960. Other sectors grew in this 10-year period and services’ contribution crossed 20%. Similarly, the same trend continued in 1980. The fraction of agriculture was approximately 45% and services gained a higher percentage (slightly less than 30%). Industry raised to 25% before leveling off.

In 1990, services obtained the majority share of India’s gross domestic product at about 45% and agriculture’s portion experienced a significant decrease of 15%. In 2000, services had the highest contribution (more than 60%), whereas agriculture had the lowest segment (15%).






The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The bar chart highlights three various sectors that are responsible for gross domestic production in India between 1960 and 2000.

Overall, it can be seen that while agriculture experienced a significant fall over the time frame, services saw a quite reverse pattern, rising over the period shown.

With regard to the first two decades, agriculture was ranked first, producing roughly 63%, which was more than three times as large as that of industry and services. Over the next decade, there was a dramatic decline in agriculture production, whereas both industry and services witnessed a gradual increase, climbing from 20% to 25%, and from 23% to around 28% respectively.

Focusing on the last ten years, services overtook agriculture as the main source of gross production, surging to about 63%, which was the same as the figure for agriculture at the beginning of the period. Agriculture, however, went down to a little more than a tenth, making it the lowest producer throughout the whole period. On the other hand, the industry remained relatively stable from 1980 to 2000, at 25%.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The given bar chart compares India's gross domestic product (GDP) in three different sectors, namely agriculture, industry, and services, between 1960 and 2000.
Overall, the significance of agriculture in GDP decreased sharply, while the importance of the services sector increased dramatically. The industry sector, on the other hand, increased mildly until 1980 and stood at the same level during 1980–2000.
In the data, the sharpest increase can be observed in the category of agriculture. The figure for this had reached its highest figure of close to 62% by 2000. It rose from about 18% (second-ranked) at the beginning, and the growth rate continued for 40 years.
The motivation for agriculture experienced a sharp decrease during the time period. It first stood at 61% in 1960, which was the highest figure for that year, but over time, it decreased sharply and reached 14% in 2000 (the lowest figure).
As for the industry sector, the increase was less significant. It was 13% in 1960, which climbed mildly to reach roughly 26% in 1980. The figure plummeted at this rate until the final year.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The provided bar chart depicts alteration which has occurred in the local production of India for forty years commencing from 1960. What is starkly apparent from the chart is declining in the agricultural products and replaced share by the services domain while the industries product inclined to a moderate constant amount.

The cultivating products had the lion's share in 1960 with more than 60 while the manufacturing and services were relatively the same with circa 15. Agriculture with 50 doubled the services and the industries were 20 in 1970, also they were 45, 27 and 25 respectively in 1980.

Plantation goods gradually decreased whereas services grew significantly while in 1985 they surpassed other sectors and became around 45, besides 30 for agriculture and 25 for the industries in 1990. In 2000, the planting products reached the lowest number around 15 while the services gained the highest share at 62 and the industries remained unchanged at 25.

As you can see the services products took the place of agriculture and the manufacturing goods leveled off at 25.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

A glance at the bar chart provided reveals the proportion of agriculture, industry, and services among

India’s domestic products from 1960 to 2000.

Overall, it is evident to note that agriculture experienced a gradual decline toward the end, while services overtook in the period of this question. Industry slightly experienced an increase from 1960 to 1980, and after that leveled off. In the period of this question, the highest proportion of domestic products was agriculture, while it dropped till 2000. In 1960, the share of services was nearly the same as industry, while the former experienced a remarked increase toward 2000.

The industry gradually showed a noticeable increase from 1960 to 1980followed by a steady share. In this regard, we can see that by pass time agriculture has been replaced by services and a little bit by industry, somehow in 1960 the highest share was related to agriculture while in 2000 services ranked first.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.



The given bar chart presents the sector contribution to India's gross domestic product for four decades from 1960 to 2000.

At first glance, it is clear that two sectors, namely industry, and services, experienced an upward trend, while the agriculture sector faced to descending trend throughout the given period. In addition, at the beginning of the interval, the agriculture sector had the highest amount of contribution, also in the last decade, the services sector showed the most proportion of contribution.

In 1960, both sectors in India's GDP,  including industry and services, had the lowest amount of contribution, although the services sector increased sharply, and at the end of the span shown it allocated the highest percentage of contribution to itself, almost two-thirds. Furthermore, the 
increased gradually and it reached 25%. While the last sector in India's GDP experienced a downward trend. This sector, in 1960, devoted the most percentage of contribution, and eventually, it reached, in 2000, almost one-quarter.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The given chart illustrates data about the share of different economic sectors, including agriculture, industry and services in India’s GDP, over the four decades between 1960 and 2000.

Overall, what stands out from the chart is that there was a significant upward trend in the share of services, whereas the percentage of agriculture witnessed a dramatic decline. Another interesting point is that although the contribution of industry increased gradually in the first half of the period, it then remained stable over the last twenty years.

Looking at the details, as regards the contribution of agriculture, it started at almost 62 percent in 1960, and after that, it decreased substantially to approximately 45 percent in 1940. This was followed by a rapid drop to just over three out of ten in 1990, hitting a through to about 12 percent in 2000. The figure being the lowest amount of GDP during the whole period.

By contrast, regarding the services, the share went in the opposite direction. It began at just under one fifth, and then it grew marginally to nearly 30 percent in 1980. Subsequently, it rose sharply by around 15 percent, reaching around 45 percent in 1990, which meant that it leapfrogged the contribution of agriculture during the nineties. Finally, it peaked at just over 60 percent at the end.

If we look at the share of industry, it had the lowest amount of contribution at the beginning, around 15 percent. Next, it saw a steady increase, by around 3 percent in each decade, reaching almost a quarter in 1980. Having risen steadily in the first two decades, then it did not change in the following decades.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The given bar chart compares the contribution of three important sectors, namely, agriculture, industry, and services in the gross domestic product in India between 1960- 2000.
A glance at the illustration reveals that the agriculture experienced a significant decline through the period, while the services sector showed a considerable increase. Besides, the industry went up slightly.
In 1960 the highest proportion was related to the agriculture with just over 60 when it dipped dramatically during the period and reached just over 10 in 2000 and ranked last compared with other sectors. In contrast, the services sector, whose contribution was about 15 in the beginning, sharply surged and finally stood at just over 60 which led to its first rank in 2000 among all sectors.
In the case of industry, its share in the gross domestic product was initially 15 and in the second decade rose slightly to 20. Although the industry had a small increase in the first two decades, it plateaued at about 25 in the last three decades and ranked second in 2000, while the first and the third ranks belonged to the services (with just over 60 ) and agriculture (with about 15), respectively.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The provided bar chart details a breakdown of the proportion of India’s gross domestic product percentage-wise in the three distinctive sectors, namely agriculture, industry, and services during 40 consecutive years, starting from 1960.

The initial impression, at a general glance, is that albeit the agricultural products originally comprised the lion’s share of the total gross domestic product, after a while the services counterpart accounted for the whole host of the generation.

Looking at the bar chart in more elaborate detail, in 1960, whereas the agriculture section constituted roughly two-thirds of the whole national output, the two other sets of figures for industry and services portions scrolled approximately 15% each. Over the next 20-year period, by 1980, the rates of agriculture documented a drastic plunge to reach about 55%, meanwhile, other types of categories registered a quite substantial surge by almost 15%, touching under a third.

As for the following decade, the quantities of services, through an unexpected skyrocket pattern, attained nearly 45%, exceeding that of domestic agricultural manufacture, at a mere 30%, nonetheless, the results of the industrial commodities remained constant by 2000. In terms of the last point, the values of the services occupied the first rank, ending up peaking the initial rate of agriculture, similarly, agriculture proportions followed the same trend with obtaining the identical rate of services at the beginning, at merely 15%.





The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of contribution made by agriculture, industry, and services sectors to India’s GDP over a 40-year period between 1960 and 2000.

Overall, what stands out from the chart is that while contributions made by agriculture sector showed a significant decrease, the services sector experienced a dramatic increase during the given period. Moreover, industry sector’s contribution remained relatively stable throughout the period.

Looking at the details, as regards agriculture sector, its contribution to India’s GDP stood at just over 60% at the beginning of the period, however, it declined gradually, reaching around 15% by the end of the period. In contrast, the opposite trend can be seen in the services sector. Although it was the second most important contributor in 1960, it rose steadily and became the primary contributor in 2000, contributing just over 60% to India’s GDP.

As for the industrial sector, its contribution followed a different pattern. It accounted for nearly a fifth of total contributions in the first two decades of the period. Subsequently, it increased slightly to approximately a quarter in 1980 and plateaued for the next two decades.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The given graph illustrates the shares of three major sectors in the gross domestic product (GDP) of India during a time, from 1960 to 2000.

Taking a short glance, it can be immediately found that the percentages for the agriculture section witnessed a steady decline; however, the levels for the services domain experienced a gradual rise during this time.

In 1960, seeing the highest percentage of production, the agriculture proportion was almost four times greater than the other sectors. Stood at nearly 60% in 1960, the levels then started to decrease, and during the four next years, these levels dropped markedly before hitting a low of nearly 12% in 2000. Regarding the industry sector, however, the shares had rather less fluctuations since they had 15% growth during 3 years from 10% in 1960 to almost 25% in 1980.

The trends for the services section had been noticeably jumping, meaning this section had been increasingly contributing to India's gross domestic product. Starting at nearly 15% in 1960, the proportions then rose dramatically between 1970 to 1990 before peaking at just above 60% in 2000. This line graph generally proved that the contribution role of the services section in Indians' gross domestic product had been, by and large, improving; instead, the agriculture sector had been fading away from 1960 to 2000.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The given chart provides information about revenue from local merchandises  through three different categories in India over a 40-year period from 1960 to 2000. 

At first glance, it can be observed that earning money from the agricultural sector increased, while an upward trend has been witnessed for the services sector, overtaking agriculture division by 2000. 

Looking more closely to agriculture, it is clear that it was the most significant contributor in 1960, at just above 60%. Whereas, this figure declined gradually during this time frame, reaching half of the previous amount in 1990, at nearly 30%. In contrast, the contribution of the services category to generating income experienced a gradual increase from 1960 to 2000. In 1960, it was at the lowest percentage in this timescale, estimated at approximately 17%. There was a sharp rise following 40 years, standing at 60% in 2000, which was equal to that of agriculture sector in 1960.  

Turning to industry division, its contribution to India's gross local products grew slightly by 10%, from about 15% to 25%, between 1960 and 1980. This figure leveled out at this rate for the remainder of the period, at about 25%.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

                           The given bar graph illustrates the percentage contributions made by three sectors namely agriculture, industry, and services to India’s gross domestic production between 1960 and 2000.


                           Overall, it is clear that the agriculture sector’s contribution fell consistently, while the figure for services saw a dramatic rose. By contrast, the industry sector had the lowest percentages throughout the period shown and after a slight increase this remained unchanged for the rest of the time. 


                           In 1960, agriculture contributed by far the highest percentage of GDP, at slightly more than 60%, however, it decreased significantly to the lowest figure in 2000 at slightly over a tenth of total production. The services sector, on the other hand, accounted for roughly 20% of India’s GDP in 1960. Unlike the agriculture sector, there was a gradual increase in the proportion of the service sector until 1980, reaching nearly a third of the overall GDP. Then, the figure doubled steeply and had reached slightly over 60% of total production by 2000. By this year, the figure for services matched the agriculture figure in 1960. 


                           Regarding the industrial sector, it remained a steady contributor to India’s GDP throughout the 40-year period. Its contribution increased slightly between 1960 and 1980 from around 15% to a quarter in 1980 but then leveled off from 1980 onwards.





The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The bar chart below illustrates that India’s gross domestic product was separated into three parts, which include agricultural, industrial and services eras, during forty years between 1960 and 2000.


Overall, however, the rate of agricultural products declined gradually, but the services sector developed, so there is a reverse relationship between these two sectors. Also, the industrial sector grew slightly until 1980, and then it reached stability at its rate.


As the chart informs, in 1960, India’s gross sectors included approximately 62% agricultural products, while industrial and services sectors were under 20% each. However, this contribution altered in such a way that in 2000 services growth reached 62%, while two other sectors were under 30%.


It can be seen that agricultural products decreased from 62% in 1960 to 12% in 2000. Otherwise, in each decade its range decreased on average by 12.5%. While the services sector at 17% in 1960 reached 62% in 2000, So it inducts a fully-grown trend. Furthermore, industrial products at 15% in 2016 grasped 25% in 1980, then, it became stable.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The bar chart illustrates the difference between the three particulars of the contributions made by the agriculture, industry, and services sectors to India's GDP between 1960 to 2000.

Overall, the graph indicates that the contributions of the agricultural sector to the GDP went down over periods, while a contrasting trend was observed in the services sector rose at the same time.

To begin with, in 1960, agriculture was the biggest sector of India's GDP which reached 63% of the total GDP, but the rest of the decade began to decrease drastically which was approximately 13%. On the other hand, industry, and services started to rise moderately. 
In the next decades, agriculture declined by 31%, while services went over 40% in 1990. Though first three decades, from 1960 to 1980, the industrial sector contribution increased gradually to 25% in 1990, it decreased slightly to 23%. In the final year, services had the same value as agriculture at the same beginning, and the agriculture sector was the lowest feature.

Leila Nedaee(AC)




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

A glance at the bar chart provided reveals the rate of contribution in different sectors, namely agriculture, industry, and services, to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000. The most significant fact to emerge from the figure are that the agricultural sector dropped gradually, while there is slow risen in services sector.

According to the chart, in 1960, agriculture is considerably higher than two others sector (industry and services), it is about four times higher than others, although industry and services are 15% and 16% respectively. The chart indicates that agricultural contribution to India’s GDP had fallen to approximately 13%.

There is, on the other hand, a slight increase in services contribution sector, which stood at 16% in 1960; however, it reached to 62% over 40 years. Moreover, with regard to industrial sector, the period witnessed completely different trends. It remained approximately stable and fluctuated between 15% to 25%, during the period 1960 to 2000.




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The bar chart given highlights information about the way of contributing to the gross domestic product of India through three different sectors in a forty-year period between 1960 to 2000.

Taking an overall glance, one can easily discern that although agriculture began with the most proportion of the whole, services surpassed it after some years. The agriculture trend was downwards, while the industry sector and the services had an upward trend in the given period.

In 1960, agriculture entailed slightly less than 65% which was by far more than others in terms of production. After 20 years, agriculture plummeted to approximately 45%, while the services started at somewhere in the region of 15%, then grew to less than 30%. Meanwhile, the industry went up moderately and reached around 25%, however, it was still the one sector which contained the least amount of production.

 On the other hand, the industry leveled off at more or less 25% and remained constant from 1980 onwards. In 1990, the services surged and successfully surpassed agriculture ranked the first sector in the list of gross domestic product with roughly 45%. In 2000, the agriculture sector experienced a substantial decline where it was by no means as much as the services and hit the bottom of the list of production with less than 15%. In other words, in 2000, the service and agriculture reach a peak and trough respectively.





Write a letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your neighborhood and suggesting ways to improve the situation.

▪️Describe the current recycling situation in your area.
▪️Explain why recycling facilities are important and how they can benefit the community.
▪️Suggest specific measures or initiatives that the local council can take to improve recycling rates.
▪️Provide reasons and examples to support your suggestions.
▪️Express your hope for positive changes and offer assistance if possible.

Dear Sir,

I believe you are in charge of the Pasdaran local council. I am writing to inform you how much I worry about the amount of domestic trash produced every day, while it may reduce if this region benefits from efficient recycling facilities.

Unfortunately, this area suffers from proper and fundamental recycling equipment at the moment, such as separate trash bins for each type of rubbish.

It cannot be denied that providing local people with suitable recycling facilities can offer them several advantages. From an economic viewpoint, recycling can play a vital role in decreasing household living costs because a proportion of throw-away items can be used again. Moreover, if people are unwilling to reuse their recycled items, they can sell them to the government and make a livelihood.

Some simple actions can be implemented by the local council. First, the local council should install a number of recycling facilities, such as different trash bins for dry and wet rubbish. Another effective measure can be raising local people’s awareness about how important it is to recycle some items like plastic bottles or unused papers. This can be done by spreading brochures in the whole area, or installing eye-catching billboards regarding the importance of recycling.

I hope my suggestions are considered seriously by local council members, and we witness positive changes in the whole community regarding recycling actions immediately.

Thank you for your kind consideration and cooperation.

Kind Regards,

Hamid Gholami




Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media on society.

Social media play a pivotal role in every society. Hence, it can be said that they would have both beneficial and adverse effects on each community. This essay will first expound upon educational and economic merits of social platforms, and then it will present a discussion on psychological and socio-cultural demerits of this cohort of networks. 

Social networks and tools would, without a doubt, benefit a typical society not only pedagogically but also economically. Firstly, pertaining to constructive educational impacts, it can be argued that the advent of online educational platforms in recent years has enhanced the quality of classrooms’ instructions, and, in turn, the efficacy of students’ learning in a vast array of educational microcontexts given a myriad of technological advancements witnessed in such platforms, cases in point are multimodal teaching and different electronic sources readily available while teaching and learning. What is more, from an economic viewpoint, the presence of social media in advertising industry has undoubtedly and vividly augmented the rigor and widespreadness of adverts. In this day and age, for example, many factories, outfits, and startups would be able to showcase their products and novel ideas promptly and efficaciously through different social platforms such as Instagram, Telegram and Twitter, which, in turn, would manifest itself in a prospective thriving economy. 

 Nonetheless, digital connection and cyber socialization have encompassed psychological and socio-cultural caveats. The first and foremost dire consequence is a threat to the psychological well-being of youngsters. In tandem, the most recent research studies have brough to the fore that nowadays 68% of young individuals have spent at least five hours per day in different online social networks. These scholarly works have asserted that if this trend perpetuates, it will lead to anxiety, depression, and social apprehension in this age group as a result of this issue that the content of pages in many social platforms have assessed to be unfitting for these individuals. Another observed jeopardy, which has been prevalent in today’s societies, is frequency of socio-cultural syndromes like aloofness and weak interpersonal relationships in different social strata since people have been submerged in the cyber space. 


In the main, in addition to a few positive educational and economic consequences of exploiting social media, people should be cognizant of the related negative repercussions, such as observing instances of cognitive and socio-cultural disorders, which would impinge upon all of us in one way or another. 




Many people believe that competitive sports have a positive impact on individuals and society. However, others argue that competitive sports can have negative consequences. Discuss both views and give your opinion

While it is true that sports undoubtedly have beneficial influences on both individuals and the community, there is a conflict about the impression of rival competitions. One group considers that participating in matches with a high level of competitiveness has lucrative benefits. On the contrary, a number of people hold the opposite notion which claims that this kind of physical activity comprises an abundance of drawbacks. Personally, I concur with the initial viewpoint.

On the one hand, based on the first point of view, the advantages of rivalries outweigh their demerits. To begin with, human beings have been in a worldwide contest on a regular basis since they play in a kindergarten playground until they have been recruited in a company; Thus, it can be fruitful if they wrestle against an equal opponent to discharge surplus tension and be tranquil under pressure. Furthermore, as a result of being in an athletic team, each man comprehends the value of teamwork which is an indispensable factor in cooperations and disputes among colleagues or peers. For instance, in a soccer match, if a player scores a goal, the whole team will be awarded which indirectly would be engraved in an individual’s mind that in regard to attaining success, he/she should appreciate working as a member in a team, and the society in a larger scale.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that the long-term repercussions of consistently being involved in competitive activities should not be neglected. Firstly, one of the core apprehensions in this context is about how much aggressive a person could become, not merely in a race but also in their personal lives. As an illustration, there is news in the press regarding boxers who implement their strength on the streets confronting passers-by. Thereafter, gradually, the crowd will turn untrustworthy and short-tempered in their everyday interactions. Moreover, being defeated is an integral part of many sorts of games which is unacceptable for several players, especially after strenuous attempts, and may lead to numerous mental disorders, such as diminishing self-esteem, undergoing depression, or committing suicide due to feeling usefulness.

In conclusion, it is reckless if we overlook the destructive outcomes of competitive sports which should be identified and alleviated. However, from a broad perspective, its merits, for each person and all the citizens, are more worthwhile.




Many people believe that competitive sports have a positive impact on individuals and society. However, others argue that competitive sports can have negative consequences. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Issues pertaining to sports have always been controversial and multifaceted. For instance, one cohort of people contend that sports encompassing competing individuals have a constructive influence on communities, whilst others disagree and point out that this type of athletic practices has been detrimental. This essay will advocate the latter viewpoint. In tandem, it will first discuss how pernicious the competitive nature of these sports is, and then it will present a discussion on plus points of cooperation rather than competition that can be exhibited by sports events as a whole.


Competitions manifested in sports would instigate many psychological and social disorders in societies. In fact, when individuals are exposed to a sort of fighting to win in different athletic activities, this would implicitly induce them to replicate such a strategy in real-life situations, resulting in anxiety and social apprehension given that they might speculate that if they strive and put their shoulders to the wheel, this, without a doubt, will culminate into an achievement. Nonetheless, the most recent scholarly works have brought to the fore that what people in sports are viewing is not necessarily happening in actuality, as this law has been refuted recurrently in many situations. As well, this set of studies has warned that ensuing such a view might give rise to demotivation and social aloofness in the long run.


Sports activities can be, however, a good opportunity to be utilized in order to inspire cooperation that has been considered a virtue in many parts of the globe. As a matter of fact, sports, because of having a widespread audience, should be able to disseminate collaboration in a society, which, undoubtedly, will benefit it. That is to say that if people witness that collaboration and group work end in an award, they will endeavor to exploit them in their lives, which, exponentially, fosters empathy, mutual understanding and cooperation in a society. The recently conducted survey studies have revealed that societies wherein virtues such as joint efforts and collaborative tasks have been promulgated have been flourishing in a wide range of aspects within a timespan of five years.


In the main, manifesting and showcasing contesting in sports would not only trigger psychological and social problems, but it would also cause several negative social ramifications like hopelessness and despair among different social strata. In reverse, sports can be alternatively used to give inspiration and hope to societies by lauding team efforts and reciprocity in them.






You recently visited a tourist destination in another country. Write a letter to the tourism department of that country, describing your experience, highlighting the positive aspects, and providing suggestions for improvement.


In your letter:


▪️Introduction: Introduce yourself and mention the purpose of your letter.

▪️Description: Describe the tourist destination you visited, including its location, attractions, and activities available.

▪️Positive aspects: Explain what you enjoyed about your visit, such as the hospitality of the locals, the cleanliness of the area, or the quality of the services provided.

▪️Suggestions for improvement: Offer constructive suggestions to enhance the visitor experience, such as improving transportation infrastructure, providing more information in multiple languages, or expanding cultural events and activities.

▪️Conclusion: Summarize your overall impression of the destination and express your hope to visit again.

You recently visited a tourist destination in another country. Write a letter to the tourism department of that country, describing your experience, highlighting the positive aspects, and providing suggestion for improvement. In your letter:

·       Introduction: introduce yourself and mention the purpose of your letter.

·       Description: describe the tourist destination you visited, including its location, attractions, and activities available.

·       Positive aspects: Explain what you enjoyed about your visit, such as the hospitality of the locals, the cleanliness of the area, or the quality of the services provided.

·       Suggestion for improvement: offer the constructive suggestions to enhance the visitor experience, such as improving transportation infrastructure, providing more information in multiple languages, or expanding cultural events and activities.

·       Conclusion: summarize your overall impression of the destination and express your hope to visit again.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a journalist researcher and last weekend had an amazing trip to the London tower to make a report for new season publishment. I am writing this letter to inform you about how astonishing moments I experienced and have some suggestions to boost the providing services.

The London Tower is one of England's most popular places attracting millions of visitors annually. There is the main museum in two underground stories and the tower with a giant size of the clock on top of it with stories between ground level to reach the clock. There are almost unique activities I have ever seen in such places like using some simulated facilities peer to ancient ones in the museum to get familiar with gadgets' usage which appealed to me more. 

There is an exclusive train station to get there and internal regular bus tours to access the buildings. At the entrance, you were given a package of mysterious things, you should try to find the usage of them alongside your tour in the museum that makes the tourists feel being in a competition and leave especial places at a suitable particular time.

The narrow corridors that visitors have to enter the queue to visit and hear the explanation of leaders were one of the drawbacks of the tower which I want to picture the improvement plan for it. As you are no doubt aware of the technological era, we are living in, the authority can supply a modern complex like an amphitheater to provide three-dimensional scenery of the tower instead of thin vestibule through it and play multi-lingual translation of explanation based on visitor selection toward to not devastate the ancient structure and so on.

Eventually, I surprisingly enjoyed visiting the London tower and using the facilities you have provided to grab tourists' attention, and considering your promotion pace I firmly have motivated to visit the museum again after a while.

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





You recently visited a tourist destination in another country. Write a letter to the tourism department of that country, describing your experience, highlighting the positive aspects, and providing suggestions for improvement.


In your letter:


▪️Introduction: Introduce yourself and mention the purpose of your letter.

▪️Description: Describe the tourist destination you visited, including its location, attractions, and activities available.

▪️Positive aspects: Explain what you enjoyed about your visit, such as the hospitality of the locals, the cleanliness of the area, or the quality of the services provided.

▪️Suggestions for improvement: Offer constructive suggestions to enhance the visitor experience, such as improving transportation infrastructure, providing more information in multiple languages, or expanding cultural events and activities.

▪️Conclusion: Summarize your overall impression of the destination and express your hope to visit again.

Dear Sir or Madam,


This is Kambiz Hedayat and I am writing with regard to my recent visit of a traditional village in your country to share some of my experiences.


Actually, the village located in a magnificent mountainous area and it consists of several recreational, amusing and cultural facilities and services which can be visited by tourists throughout the year. To be more precise, visitors can enjoy spending their time eating local food and chatting with the villagers in the restaurants and cafes. They can stay in local residences and be familiar with the villagers’ lifestyle, plus some activities such as pottery and baking local bread could be experienced.


Moreover, I have to admit that the village has hospitable residents, and their behavior is full of respect. What I liked the most was the pleasant weather and its significant quality. Plus, I enjoyed the most scenic views I have ever seen in my life.


However, due to the remoteness of the region, the signal outage was frequently experienced and the pressure of freshwater was weak during the daytime. As a result, I would recommend constructing more telecommunication posts in order to strengthen the signal and improving the infrastructures related to water grid so as to enhance the villagers’ quality of life.


Thank you for your time and consideration.


Yours faithfully,


Kambiz Hedayat




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The line graph compares the number of visits in millions to the United Kingdom and from there between 1979 and 1999, and the bar chart gives information about the most preferred countries visited by the residents of the UK in 1999.

The number of visits from and to the UK increased significantly throughout the period. The figure for both stood at about 10 million people and increased steadily until 1986. However, in the following years, the former rose dramatically and hit a peak at more than 50 million travelers by 1999. But the latter experienced a gradual increase, reaching only slightly below 30 million.

 Furthermore, the bar graph shows the most popular countries were France and Spain in 1999. France had the highest popularity at all time, with more than 10 million visitors, and Spain was slightly below 10. The other three countries, namely the USA, Greece and Turkey are all below five million, with Turkey remaining the least popular among visitors.

Overall, UK residents visit abroad significantly more than people who visit their country. Moreover, France and Spain were the countries most visited by  UK citizens, while the USA, Greece, and Turkey are the least visited countries in 1999. 




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The line graph and the bar chart compare the number of tourists who visited the United Kingdom and the number of tourists from the UK between 1979 and 1999, as well as the top five destinations for British tourists in 1999. Overall, there was a significant increase in both inbound and outbound tourism during this 20-year period, with two European countries being the most popular destinations for UK residents in 1999.

In 1979, approximately 12 million tourists visited the UK, while almost 10 million British people traveled abroad. The former increased moderately to almost 20 million tourists in the next six years (in 1985) followed by a dramatic rise to almost 4.5 times its initial figure (54 million). However, the latter only increased slightly to 13 million visitors in 1986, followed by a significant increase to almost double in 1999.

In 1999, almost 11 million UK residents chose to visit France, which was the most popular destination for them, while Spain was the second most popular destination for British people with almost 9 million tourists. The United States, Greece and Turkey were other countries that UK residents visited, with approximately four, three and a half, and three million visitors, respectively.




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The provided line graph details the breakdown of the proportion of the tourism waves to and from the UK during the consecutive 20 years, starting from 1979 along with a bar chart illustrating the target nations for which the UK inhabitants mostly craved, both in millions scale.

The initial impression, at a general glance, is that whereas France was the most pervasive destination amongst UK travelers, Turkey contributed the least to the UK citizens’ journeys. Moreover, the rates of abroad trips occurred by the UK population outweighed those of overseas visits to the United Kingdom.

Looking at the bar chart in more elaborate detail, the first aim of the UK tourists was France, at approximately 12 million visitors, meanwhile, the second rank was occupied by Spain with roughly 9 million populations who paid a visit to this nation.  In the inferior stages, USA and Greece figures scrolled almost 4 and 3 million travelers respectively, followed by the quantities of Turkey with a mere nearly 2 million.

In terms of the proportion of folks who either tripped to or traveled from the UK, throughout the period, the values of the UK residents going abroad were greater with a steeper surge, both sets of figures initially indicated about 10 million trips each, thereafter, by 1984, the rates implied a constant ascending pattern to reach 20 and 15 million, the former for UK ordinary population the latter for overseas residents. Lastly, both categories of locals' and foreigners’ figures ended up touching the high point of nearly 55 and 25 million, in turn.




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The line graph given illustrates the number of visits to and from the United Kingdom over the period of twenty years, from 1979 to 1999, and also the bar chart reveals the most preferred countries which were visited by UK inhabitants in 1999.

Taking an overall glance, one can easily discern during the given period, Britain people chose to visit foreign nations far more than that who opted the UK as a travel destination. Moreover, based on the bar chart there are five countries compared and contrasted, which the UK was the most and the least well-liked country for the French and Turkish, respectively.

As far as the line graph is concerned, the number of the UK inhabitants who selected an overseas country started at slightly more than 10 million in 1979, then it increased by approximately 8 million to reach 20 in 1984. From 1984 onwards, the line graph witnessed tremendous growth to reach its peak at more than 50 million. Meanwhile, the line graph for tourists who selected the UK for visiting, began at 10 million in 1979, which is followed by a gradual rise for the next 5 years to over 10 million. Then it remarkably went up to more or less 27 million over the 15 years.

With regard to the bar chart, although on top of the list hit France with over 10 million visitors, Turkish visitors entailed more or less 2 million. On the contrary, Spain was ranked second with slightly less than 10 million. While in third place stood the USA with around 4 million residents who raised their hand for the UK, Greece contained around 3 million.




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The graph illustrates the number of tourists to and from England between 1979 and 1999. The bar chart gives some information about the most popular destinations visited by English tourists in 1999.
Overall, the number of people that visited England and the English tourists show an upward trend during this period. The most popular destination for UK residents was France, whereas Turkey was the most undesirable country in the same year.
According to the graph, in the first year of the period, the number of tourists that visited overseas was slightly more than UK residents that visited other countries, 12 and 10 million, respectively. However, the number of UK residents steadily reached 20 million after almost 7 years. At this point, this number grew rapidly and hit the highest point(around 52 million) at the end of the period. On the other hand, the number of overseas visitors since 1979 increased by only 1 million until 1986 but this number rose moderately and reached just under 30 million in the final year.
The bar chart illustrates France was the most popular country for UK tourists (11 million). Spain was the second destination with 9 million visitors from the UK. USA and Greece were the third and fourth most popular countries with 4 and 3 million, respectively. Turkey was the least popular destination(almost 2 million).




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The line chart illustrates the number of UK citizens going abroad and foreigners visiting the UK between 1979 and 1999, while the bar chart gives information about the five most popular countries visited by UK citizens in 1999.

Overall, it can be seen that the number of visits to and from the UK increased significantly, while the figures for UK residents who went abroad were far higher than for overseas residents who visited the United Kingdom during the given period. Additionally, France was the most favorable destination for UK citizens.

Regarding visits to and from the United Kingdom, obviously, the number of visitors from the UK experienced an upward trend from approximately 13 million in 1979 to just under 55 million in 1999. Similarly, although the figures for overseas residents who went to the UK were lower than for overseas trips made by UK citizens, the number of visitors stood at 10 million in 1979, before rising dramatically to about 25 million visits after 20 years. 

France was the most popular nation visited by UK residents, with around 12 million tourists in 1999, followed by Spain with nearly 8 million visitors. Besides, Greece and the United States were visited by about 2.5 million and 3.5 million UK citizens, respectively in 1999. Moreover, Turkey was the least popular destination traveled by UK residents. 




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The line graph compares the number of visitors to and from the UK between 1979 and 1999. Furthermore, the bar chart illustrates the top five countries that are the most popular destinations for UK residents in 1999.
 Overall, the number of foreign visitors to the UK was lower than that of UK residents from abroad. Besides, France accounted for the most popular country to visit for UK citizens, whereas the lowest number of visitors belonged to Turkey.
In 1979, the figure for British visitors from abroad was approximately 12 million, whereas that of visitors to the UK was lower at 10 million. From this year until 1999, these numbers rose substantially to about 51 and 28 million, respectively.
Regarding the bar chart, the most popular country for UK residents in 1999 was France with approximately 11 million visitors. The second-largest number of UK visitors belonged to Spain, which stood at just under 10 million. By contrast, the figure for Turkey was the lowest at about 2 million visitors from the UK.




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The charts convey information about the number of foreign visitors in the UK and British tourists in other countries in a 20-year timeframe and also glamorous countries in terms of British tourists in 1999. Taking a glance at both charts, it is readily apparent that traveling abroad was became more trendy among tourists. Moreover, two European countries, France, and Spain, were the most popular places for the UK dwellers. 
In 1979, the number of visits to Britain stood at around 10 million, about 1 million lower than the number of visits from Britain. Over the ensuing years, the number of visits abroad had been soaring drastically in this period surveyed and increased five times (from 11 in 1979 million to 55 million in 1999). Meanwhile, the number of visits to the UK by overseas residents followed the same way, it increased dramatically. At the end of the duration, the number of foreign visitors in Britain had tripled (from 10 million in 1979 to almost 30 million in 1999).
Returning to the line chart, it is crystal clear that in the year 1999, not only did France and Spain are the best places for visitors from the UK, but also by far, they are the most popular destinations for British tourists with approximately 11 million and 9 million, respectively. in third place, Germany only gravitated 4.5 million British visitors.




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The first chart illustrates meetings in the UK between 1979 and 1999. However, the second chart shows the most popular countries visited by UK inhabitants in one year (1999).

Overall, it is clearly observed from the graph that UK residents accounted for the highest number of visits from the UK. Furthermore, the bar chart reveals that the UK's people had the most interest in traveling to France.

Between 1979 and 1999, visits to the UK by its residents saw a steady rise (from 12 million to 52 million). It is worth noting that in these years, the number of foreign tourists who visited the UK increased gradually, from 10 million visitors to 22 million visitors.

In 1999, the most popular country among UK inhabitants was France, with 11 million inhabitants. By contrast, the least popular country was Turkey, with roughly 2.5 million tourists. In addition, interest in visiting Greece and the USA was approximately equal at 3.5 million. Moreover, the figure for the UK's visitors from Spain was lower than France's at nearly 9 million.




The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


The line graph illustrates the number of visitors from the UK who choose the UK as a destination from 1979 to 1999. The bar graph compares five different countries that are the most popular for UK visitors.

Overall, the figure for overseas and UK residents experienced a moderate change throughout the period. France ranked first, while Turkey had the least popularity among the countries.

In the beginning, the number of international visitors to the United Kingdom stood at 10 million, whereas UK residents were just over 2 larger than them. There was a smaller rise in the number of overseas residents in contrast to those who visit other countries from the UK.

The most popular destination for UK visitors was France, which was selected by 10 million visitors. Spain, which stood at the second rank, shows slightly less popularity than France. The USA and Greece had approximately the same proportion, around 4.5 million visitors, while Turkey was the fifth most popular, with around 2 million.




Income inequality is a growing concern in many countries. Discuss the role of government in addressing income inequality. Provide examples and support your arguments with relevant evidence.

Inequity is a multifactorial issue in this day and age. One increasingly worrying phenomenon in many countries, ranging from developing to underdeveloped and developed ones, is a lack of equality in people’s income. This essay will delve into this issue by expounding upon how a government can exploit different strategies to ameliorate this problem.

One underlying reason for unbalanced payments in a country is social discrimination. Accordingly, governments can utilize their legislation power to pass laws to boost equality in different professions. For instance, many institutions have now been ensuing this policy that the higher one’s rank, they higher they are remunerated. As a matter of fact, such malfunctioned and discriminatory action plan would exacerbate the social inequality and, as it has been evident recently, has spilled over into different major firms. In tandem, many social activists have urged governments to interfere and penalize such companies on this ground, which, in the long run, would foster democratization in different strata of a society, not only pertaining to wages, but also relating to other influential as well as critical issues.

Another root cause of such a pernicious observation is the economic recession and an all-time low productivity level in different nations. In fact, we have been witnessing that in the status-quo economy, affluent people have become more affluent and, in reverse, other cohorts of people from middle and lower middle classes have turned out to be more destitute. In line with this fact, there has been a widespread consensus nowadays that governments should raise their games and endeavor to raise the national productivity levels which, in the last recent years, have been dwindling. For example, many scholarly works have brought to the fore that preparing the ground for factories to manufacture more products would ultimately culminate into a higher level of revenue for them, thereby setting the scene for a flourishing economy wherein income discrepancy would be a thing of the past.

In the main, despite the fact that the yawing gap between different levels of income has become a prevalent issue, if governments pursue plausible policies such as reactive legislations or providing a robust infrastructure for augmenting national efficacy, this will gradually eradicate this detrimental and biased practice in different countries.




Income inequality is a growing concern in many countries. Discuss the role of government in addressing income inequality. Provide examples and support your arguments with relevant evidence.

Income inequality is a growing concern in many countries. Discuss the role of government in addressing income inequality.

Nowadays, the difference in earnings has become an area of focus and worry in a vast number of countries and governments play a significant role in solving this issue. There are rational arguments on this contentious topic which will be discussed in this essay. 

To begin with, the solutions for solving income inequality are manifold. One of the prime actions which can be taken by governments is supporting low-income families and new-established entrepreneurs. To put it differently, they can provide opportunities for assisting such households including providing them with free education, healthcare services, and housing subsidies, which are essential needs of people. For instance, in some developed countries, legislation is enacted that manufacturers, who have newly founded their companies, pay low taxes rather than high-income ones. Thus, if this trend is not limited, poverty is expected to grow day to day and it is bound to lead to irreparable outcomes.  

Furthermore, another viable solution for addressing the lack of equality in revenue would be decreasing the unemployment rate in the country. That is, when not recruiting appropriate jobs, qualified young people are highly unlikely to meet their basic needs while some individuals, who are unskilled and have no related qualifications, are employed with illegal manners, corruption, and so on. Take incompetent people as an obvious example; they can be substituted for their adult positions in some official works like banking without any exam or qualification based on a rule, which is imposed in several countries like Iran. It should be restricted or banned by authorities.  

To conclude, it is my firm conviction that government is responsible for income inequality, therefore, they need to curb the tide by implementing the right policies.


Shabnam Tannazian/GT   




Income inequality is a growing concern in many countries. Discuss the role of government in addressing income inequality. Provide examples and support your arguments with relevant evidence.


New government research has shown that income inequality is soaring on an unprecedented scale in different parts of the world, especially third-world nations. Although this is a dominant concerning challenge for states, they can handle it by establishing some effective measures.

Offering monthly allowance to jobs whose incomes are low compared with the average salary of most routine professions can be one of the most effective ways in providing a salary balance in society. If governments pay a part of the salary for the workforce who earn the minimum wage through financial programmes, such as giving subsidies,  this can play a vital role in improving the quality of living for this group of people. This measure is highly beneficial for service-oriented professions suffering from salary discrimination in comparison with high-income careers, including doctors, lawyers and engineers. Another feasible policy can be considering some part-time jobs for families whose livelihoods are under the standard. In other words, governments can assist these families to establish a family business by giving them long-run, low-rate loans. This means that in addition to the breadwinners of families, who is usually the father, other members can make a significant contribution to supplement the total income of the family. Finally, governments can eradicate income disparity if they issue high taxes on high-paying jobs, thereby distributing the money which is obtained from this taxation to the low-paying ones. This strategy has been implemented in most European countries and has paid off its efficiency. In turn, low-income professions may be exempted from tax payments.

In conclusion, the income inequality between different jobs has grown noticeably in the previous years. Despite the fact this is a global trend, the severity of income differences is more obvious in developing nations. However, governments should take responsibility for dealing with this worrying problem by introducing some financial plans, such as imposing an extra tax for high-paying jobs and subsidizing low-income ones.





▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line graph compares the share of females who were aged 15 to 64 in employment over a seven-year period.

As a general trend, it can clearly be seen that the proportion of employment among women in Iceland, Canada, and Germany remained relatively unchanged. It is also noticeable that Turkish women accounted for the lowest rate of employment.

According to the line graph, in 2003, the rate of employment for women in Iceland started at roughly 80%, which was the highest recorded percentage in that year, and witnessed a slight decrease by the end of the period. The proportion of Canadian females, moreover, stood at approximately three-fourths in 2003 and plateaued after six years. As for Germany, the share of employed women went up from just below 60% in 2003 to just over 60% in 2009.

Furthermore, Turkey was responsible for almost a quarter of women's employment in 2003. After dropping to a trough of a fifth in 2005, this proportion rose by 5% in the year 2009. Around a third of female employment was related to Chile in 2003. This percentage, however, climbed to about 40% and 41% in 2005 and 2007, respectively. It, finally, reached a peak of nearly 42% at the end of the period.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

·       Write a letter to the manager of a company which is based in a foreign country to recommend your family member for a suitable job.

·       Introduce yourself and say what you are doing.

·       Describe the role your family member is interested in.

·       Explain why he or she is suitable for the job.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a senior technical office manager of a famous structural company which may you have heard about its prosperously progressive projects over the globe. I have heard about your new job position which you have been seeking for a professional element over your website based on an advertising announcement. 

I found it considerable to suggest to my brother-in-law who is recently graduated from an architectural academy. Nonetheless, he is already working in a company to develop his career, but because of his interest area, green architecture, I am fond of pushing him forward with a significant job position to build up his confidence about the potential ability which he has appeared.

In addition, he has finished his thesis on green architecture designing roof gardens and investigating sustainable energy resources which will meet your advertised position peer to peer. Moreover, you can access and use all his cutting-edge information and experiences as he graduated recently and he still keeps in touch with their masters.

I am looking forward to hearing your favorable response.

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line graph shows the proportion of employment in Chilean women, Canadian women, Icelandic women, Turkish women, and German women at 15-64aged from 2003 to 2009.

Overall, Iceland women were the highest percentage of employment among all categories. While Turkish women accounted for the smallest percentage of employment over the 7 years.

In 2003, the figure for Iceland women stood at 80 percent, whereas that of Canadian women and German women was lower at 70 and 60 percent, respectively. From this year to 2005, the figure for Iceland remained constant at 80%, after which it dropped marginally to just over 80% from 2007 to 2009. It is worth noting that the figure for Canadian women's employment was 70%. While that of Germany was lower at 60%. In the subsequent years, the figure for Canadian employment stayed the same. However, that of German saw minimal growth.


In 2003, The percentage of Chilean women was well over 30%, whereas that of Turkey women was lower at just under 20%. From this year until 2005, the figure for Chile saw increased to approximately 40%. By contrast, the proportion of Turkey women decreased to nearly 20% during this period. From 2005 onwards, the figure for Chile levelled out at nearly 40%. Conversely, that of Turkey stayed the same at nearly 20%.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line chart compares the proportion of females between 15 to 64 years old having jobs in five nations from 2003 to 2009.

The first three countries with the highest rate of employed women were Iceland, Canada, Germany. Since 2003, the employment rate for 15 to 64-year-old women in Iceland had been consistently the highest of all five countries, having at around 80% over the six-year period, but this figure only dipped slightly between 2007 and 2009. While Canada’s rate of employment for women in this age bracket remained relatively stable (about 70%) over the following six years. There was an insignificant rise in the percentage of working women in Germany, by around 5% from 60%.

Conversely, Chile and Turkey recorded much lower figures. A gradual increase was seen in Chile from approximately 35% in 2003 to 40% in 2009. By contrast, after a considerable fall in the first two years, the rate of employment in Turkey, recovered to the initial point (25%) in 2009.


Overall, the most notable feature is that more than half of women in this age group was employed in Iceland, Canada and Germany, whereas Chile and Turkey had lower percentages of women with jobs.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The presented line graph provides information about the proportion of 15-64-year-old women who had a job in five different countries from 2003 to 2009. 

Overall, what stands out from the chart is that throughout the period while the percentage of women in employment in the four studied countries rose gradually, their proportion fell very slightly in Iceland within that time. 

Iceland started the period as the highest percentage of employed women, with just over 80%. Then their percentage leveled out by 2005, before dropping to approximately 77% by the end of the period. Canada had the second highest proportion of women with a job, where their percentage underwent an upward trend, rising steadily from just under 70% to about 72% during the period. This trend in Germany, similarly, experienced a very slight increase, growing from approximately 60% to about 63% over a six-year period. 

The proportion of women working in Chile, initially, increased sharply from 35% to around 42% during the first two years, followed by a gradual growth, going up to around 44% by 2009. Turkey had the smallest percentage of employed females, where their percentage declined from 25% to approximately 21% over the first two years, then the trend reversed direction thereafter and soared back to about 25% by the end of the period.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The given graph illustrates the proportion of women, ranging from adolescents to the elderly, employed from 2003 to 2009.


Overall, the number of females recruited in different countries almost remained stable with some slight fluctuations, and Icelandic women made up the highest number, while Turkish ones was the lowest.


In Iceland, Canada, and Germany, the number of working women stood at 60%, 70%, and above 80%, respectively, at the beginning of the period. In addition, the percentage of those employed in Iceland had a slight decrease until the end, whereas that of in Canada experienced a small increase, at above 70% in 2009. Similarly, German women continued to rise slightly over the six-year period.


In Chile and Turkey, the proportion of women came from Chile had an upward trend in comparison with Turkish ones that experienced a downward trend. The percentage of Chilean women reached a peak at above 40% in 2005, while that of Turkish women hit a low of nearly 20%. Moreover, the number of women employed in Chile was greater than that of in Turkey.






▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line graph compares the percentage of women between the age of 15 and 64 in employment across five different countries over a 6-year period, from 2003 to 2009.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that there was an upward trend in the employment rate of women in this age group in all countries except for Iceland, where the percentage declined over the given period.

Looking at the details, in 2003, just over 80% of females aged 15 to 64 in Iceland had jobs, compared to about 70% of Canadian counterparts. The percentage of employed female Germans was almost 60%, much higher than those of Chile and Turkey, at around 35% and 25% respectively.

Between 2003 and 2005, the figure for Iceland, Canada, and Germany remained fairly unchanged. Meanwhile, although the proportion of employed Turkish women aged 15 to 24 decreased slightly, the figure for Chileans saw a marginal increase during the first two years of the period. Over the next four years, the proportion of women in employment rose in all countries except for Iceland. Iceland saw a decline in the employment rate of women in this age group from around 80% in 2003 to just below 75% in 2009. However, despite this Iceland still maintained the highest employment rate for women among all five countries throughout the whole period.





▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line graph compares the contribution of 15-year-old to 64-year-old female employees in the job market of five distinct countries over 6 years from 2003 to 2009.

It is readily apparent that Iceland accounted for the highest proportion of female occupations, while Turkish women contributed the least in employment. It is also clear that despite modest variations, the proportion of female workers remained fairly constant in all five nations during the period given.

Regarding female employment, the majority of women in Iceland had a career, with about 80% in 2003 which dropped to below this amount at the end of the period. This figure was followed by Canada which, in contrast, witnessed a slight rise of approximately 5% from the initial percentage of 70% in 2003. Likewise, the main proportions of German women were employed from 2003 to 2009, increasing from almost 60% to around 65% in the last year.

According to the statistics, working women in Turkey were in the minority in 2003 as they constituted roughly 25% of the female population. After dwindling marginally to about 20% in 2005, percentage of Turkish employed women reached its initial figure of around 25%. Additionally, women in Chile experienced an up-ward trend in employment growing from around 30% to over 40% throughout the period mentioned.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The given line graph compares the contribution of employed women in five different countries from 2003 to 2009, while they aged between 15 and 64.
A glance at the illustration reveals that Canada, Germany, and Iceland almost did not experience any changes, while Chile and Turkey saw a slight and close-zero increase, respectively, over the period. Besides, Iceland and Turkey, in turn, witnessed the highest and the lowest proportion during the period.
Initially, in 2003, Iceland, Canced, and Germany stood at 80%, 70%, and 60%, in order, and finally, in 2009, they, but Iceland which experienced a slight downward trend, without any changes remained constant at about 78 %( Iceland ), 70 % (Canad ), and 61 % (Germany ). In the case of Iceland, it had the largest share throughout the period and ranked first. 
Chile and Turkey were initially about 35 % and 25 %, in order. They showed a contradiction and underwent an upward trend and a downward trend, respectively, and reached 40 % (Chile) and 20 % (Turkey ) in 2005. In the following, they remained steady and ended at approximately 40% and 20 %, in turn, in 2009. The figure for Turkey confirmed that it ranked last over the period.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The provided graph compares the proportion of 15-64-year-old women who were employed in five distinct countries, namely, Iceland, Canada, Germany, Chile, and Turkey, over a six-year period, commencing in 2003.

Overall, while Iceland had the highest percentage of employed women, the count for Turkey was the least. Moreover, the proportion of employed women in all countries, except Chile and Turkey, experienced an upward trend over the given time period.

In 2003, the proportion of women aged 15-64 in Iceland stood at about 80%. Apart from the first two years, when the data remained almost the same, this figure experienced a slight decrease to about 77% at the end of the given period. The percentage of women employment in Canada, and Germany, moreover, started at just below 60 and 70 percent respectively, both of which had slightly increased by about 3 percent by 2009.

On the other hand, although only one-third of 15-64-year-old women were employed in Chile in 2003, which was far below those for Iceland, Canada, and Germany, this figure rose by about 7 percent until the end of the time frame. The data for Turkey remained almost the same, at about 22 percent, over the given time.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line chart illustrates the figure for employment of females aged 15 to 64 in five countries from 2003 to 2009. 
Overall, Iceland accounted for the highest proportion of employment over the six-year period, Whereas the lowest figure belonged to Turkey. Furthermore, the percentages of all five countries saw a minimal change during these years. 
In 2003, the figure for recruitment of female aged 15-64 In Iceland was the highest at about 81%, whereas that of Canada was lower at approximately 70%. From this year to 2009, the figure for Iceland saw a decrease of about 5%. By contrast, the proportion of Canada rose by nearly 5% during this period. 
In the first year, the percentage of Turkey stood at approximately 25%, which was the lowest figure among all categories. Besides the second-lowest proportion belonged to Chile With about 33% employment rate. Over the next two years, the figure for Turkey declined marginally to just under 20%, while that of Chile experienced a minimal growth of about 5%. In the subsequent years, these rates increased to approximately 22% and 40% ,respectively.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The graph illustrates a comparison of the portion of total employed women of ages 15-65 in a matter of 7 years, from 2003 to 2009. Overall, the graph shows that Iceland had the highest employment rate among women, whereas Turkey had the lowest rate.

From 2003 to 2005, the employment rate remained at circa 70% in Canada and increased marginally from 2005 onward. In addition, it is observed that while the employment rate among women saw a slight decline of approximately 7% in Iceland after 2007, it increased slightly in Germany, rising from 60% to 65%.

Between 2003 to 2005, the employment rate in Chile and Turkey saw the most noticeable change among all, with Chile experiencing an increase in employment rate of approximately 30%, and Turkey experiencing a decrease from 25% to 18%. Nevertheless, the employment rate in both countries saw an uptick after 2005, reaching 41% and 22%, respectively.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The given line chart compares the proportion of females aging between 15 and 64 in recruitment in five different countries from 2003 to 2009.

Overall, it is observed that Iceland had the largest proportion of female employees while Turkey had the lowest percentage over the whole period. In addition, the figures for Iceland, Canada and Germany had the same trends with negligible differences during the period.

In 2003, the percentage of Chilean females aging from 15 to 64 stood at nearly 35% whereas that of Turkish was lower at the approximately 25%. Between 2003 and 2005, the figure for Chilean females grew gradually to 40% while that of Turkish females declined marginally to 20%. In subsequent years, the figures for both Chilean and Turkish remained constant at 40% and 20%, respectively.

When it turns to the other countries, the figures for Icelandic and German women experienced a reverse pattern compared to the mentioned features for Chile and Turkey. The former had 80% of recruiting women while the latter had 60% and they leveled out at their initial percentages until 2007. They saw a very slight decrease and increase of 5% in 2009. It is also interesting to note that the percentage of Canadian women who employed did not experience even a marginal change and stayed constant at 70% over the six-year period.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line graph illustrates the proportion of females between 15 and 64 years old in employment in Iceland, Canada, Germany, Chile, and Turkey from 2003 to 2009.

The employment rates of women in Iceland showed a steady diminished, while the percentage of employed females in other nations experienced an increase. In addition, Iceland’s employment percentage was the highest during the period.

In 2003, the employment rates of Iceland were over 80%, in comparison with practically 70% of Canadians. The percentage of employed females in Germany was nearly 60%, far higher than in Chile and Turkey, about 35% and 25%, respectively.

At the end of the period, Iceland had a decline in the employment rate of women. However, Canada and Germany showed an inconsiderable growth, nearly 1%, and 3%. Chile’s rate escalated the same way. Although Turkey experienced a downward trend in 2005 (about 5%), it recovered to its primary point in 2009.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The given line graph illustrates the comparison of the percentage of employee women between 15 to 64 years old in 5 different countries within 6 years, commencing from 2003.

Overall, over the period, Iceland had the most number of working women in this age group, whereas the number of this gender who worked in Turkey was the lowest compared to the other nations.

At the beginning of the period, the percentage of this sex having a vocation in Iceland was 80%, 20 and 10 % higher than in Germany and Canada, respectively. Although the figure for Canadian females remained constant for 6 years, the number of employed German females increased mildly to reach around 65% at the end of the duration. However, there was a declining trend for Icelandic ones to end over 75 percent in 2009.

In 2003, in Chile, a 35-percent employment could be seen for 15-64 aged ladies, which was 10 percent more than the Turkish counterparts. Within the first 2 years, there was a moderate rise in the rate of Chilean ladies who had jobs to record 40 in 2005. On the contrary, the figure for employed ladies in Turkey experienced a significant reduction of 5 percent. However, over the next years, both of them followed slightly ascending patterns to finish at 42 and 22, respectively.





▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The graph shows the proportion of women between 15 and 64 years old in recruitment during the eight-year period (2003–2009).

Overall, it is clearly observed from the graph that Iceland's women accounted for the highest percentage of employment. By contrast, women who lived in Turkey had the lowest employment rate among all countries.

From 2003 to 2009, Iceland's women, Canada's women, and Germany's women had little change, respectively 80%, 70%, and 60%. Conversely, in 2003, the figure for Chile's women was nearly 35%, followed by reaching 40% in 2005, whereas it stood at that until 2009. However, the percentage of women employed in Turkey in 2003 was 25%, while it saw a marginal decline in 2005 (20%).

Icelandic women in all years had the most interest in employment, while others were from Canada, Germany, Chile, and finally Turkey, respectively. In addition, Iceland had the highest women's employment rate over the period, at roughly 80%. Besides, Turkey recruited the fewest women, at approximately 20%–25%.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The line chart illustrates the proportion of employed females between the age of 15-64 in five different nations from 2003 to 2009.

Overall, it is clear that although Iceland had the highest proportion of employed women compared to other countries, the figure for employment experienced a downward trend during the given period. However, the percentage of women who had jobs in other nations increased by the end.

Regarding female employment in Iceland, even though the figure for employed women in Iceland witnessed a slight decrease from just over 80% in 2003 to about 77% in 2009, it remained at the highest level of employment for six years compared to other nations. The number of Canadian women who worked stood at approximately 68% in 2003, before increasing steadily to almost 70% in 2009. Similarly, the figure for German-employed females rose dramatically by about 8% over six years.

It can be seen from the graph that the number of women who had jobs in Chile saw an upward trend, growing from around 32% in 2003 to nearly 40% in 2009. In contrast, while the figure for employment of females in Turkey stood at the lowest level during the given period, it followed a different pattern from other countries. Experiencing a significant decline by approximately 5% between 2003 and 2005, before rising to the same level in 2009.




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

The diagram illustrates the percentage of employed women aged 15 to 64 in Iceland, Canada, Germany, Chile, and Turkey from 2003 to 2009.

Overall, Turkey had the lowest percentage of women's employment among the five mentioned countries, while Iceland stood at the highest level of employment over the four-year period.

As can be seen, in Turkey, the percentage of hiring women who were 15 to 64 years old, started at around 25% in 2003 and had a very slight reduction to about 20% in 2004. Then, it rose moderately and reached the figure of 20% over the next two years.

In Chile, the employment percentage grew by approximately 5% from 2003 to 2009 over the four consecutive years.

In Canada and Germany, the change in employment percentage was not noticeable, and it remained almost steady at around 60% and 70% in these two countries, respectively, over the four years.

Although Turkey witnessed the most employment percentage among all mentioned countries, it was the only country where the percentage of employment was lower in 2009 compared to 2003. According to the graph, the percentage of women in employment in Turkey was roughly 80% in 2003, 2005, and 2007, and then, with a slow decline, it became under 80% in 2009.




Some people think we should keep all the money we earn and not pay taxes to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays an argument streams among the people that somebody believes the society does not have any responsibility to pay taxes to governments. I completely disagree with the idea and its alternative option that it is gathering money for ourselves.

On the one hand, any measures governments are taking care of the prosperity of people in various aspects that one of the major factors is financial well-being. Taxation is a substantial tool that, through it, authorities could provide social services. For example, in advances that are named smart cities in cosmopolitan regions in developed countries, the only supplier resources are the costs which people are compelled to pay every month as bills of energy. These expenditures improve human life for the future. In other words, we pay for ourselves to have a better life. Thus, paying tax can be considered as a kind of investment.

On the other hand, Due to sophisticated economic implications, gathering money by people is bound to help the possible economic devastation of society. Market recession is the vital consequence of the wrong way of collecting money from people, which lead to market closure. Furthermore, inflation would add to the disastrous situation, and the money that could pay to provide community welfare lost its worth. Indeed, not only can people not save their property, but also the value of their capital also experience an inevitable fall.

In conclusion, even though some people believe that the accumulation of wealth and non-payment of taxes will bring economic benefits for them, I strongly disagree with this procedure and consider it to be detrimental to the people and society.




You currently live in a rental apartment, and the noise from your neighbours disturbs you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter


▪️ Describe how this situation affects you;

▪️ Explain what steps you have taken to address the problem;

▪️ Ask the landlord to take action to resolve the issue.

Dear Mr. Jalali,


I am writing this letter to complain and inform you about the disturbance and lots of inconveniences that newcomers next apartment have caused me during last month.

The main problem is that they are too much noisy at various times of the day. For example, their pet barks late at night. Also, they have parties every week with lots of guests, shouts, and loud music. This situation is causing many difficulties for us. It is affecting my husband’s work, my children’s studies, and my own health.

However, I explained the issue and asked them to take the required actions, I feel I must express my disappointment about any alter, after what happened last Saturday. Unfortunately, extremely loud hip-hop music did not allow us to sleep until 2 AM. So, I telephoned the police and spoke to one of the officers. I explained the situation to her, and she told me that the problem would be solved, thus the record of the complaint is available as evidence for further actions. Naturally, I am still concerned about this problem.

I would appreciate it if you could request their landlord to tackle this matter.

Thanks for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving your response.


Yours sincerely

Mahsa Vaez




You currently live in a rental apartment, and the noise from your neighbours disturbs you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter


▪️ Describe how this situation affects you;

▪️ Explain what steps you have taken to address the problem;

▪️ Ask the landlord to take action to resolve the issue.

Dear Simon,

I am writing to put the spotlight on a problem with which I am grappling in the building.

Resident in Dorham apartment southwest of the town for around 4 years, I have recently faced a worrisome problem with anew upstair neighbor. There is actually a lot of noise coming from the upstair apartment that neither at night nor during the day I can concentrate on my affairs.

Given the fact I have already talked to this family, called Thomas, and the apartment manager, named Mr.Yung
unfortunately, no attention is paid to my concern. It seems to me that with this family generating an excessive amount of
noise, and the current apartment manager showing no inclination to solve this worrisome problem, I would not be able to keep living in this place.

However, as you are the owner of several units in this building, and supertight with the manager, I would therefore kindly
ask you to take serious and immediate action to solve this thorny issue. Not only can solving this problem help me to enjoy
the relaxing atmosphere of my place, but it would also make an appreciable contribution to the comfort of other neighbors.

I hope that you will address this concern as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Ahmad Safaei





The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

  The bar chart depicts how frequently three distinct pieces of computer software have been downloaded from the Internet during five weeks.
          Overall, the frequency of downloading ActiveX program accounted for the highest number in the last week, whereas Net’s proportion of being downloaded displayed the lowest figure in the third week.
          Looking into more detail, the number of people tended to download ActiveX software surged at a growing rate throughout the whole period from more than 60000 to more than 120000 times, with the exception of week four which was almost the similar number as the second week.  Additionally, Java as the second preferable program, a more regular rise can be seen. In the first week, users got it downloaded just over 40000 times and this tendency gently soared to just over 80000 times by the end of the course.
By contrast, inclination towards downloading Net showed a totally distinguishable way. The number of times individuals downloaded it was fewer than 40000 in the first week. Compared to other programs, this figure dropped slightly, hitting the trough in the third week. After that, the frequency rose to the highest point to just more than 40000 times in the last week. 




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar chart illustrates how many times these three applications have been downloaded during five weeks.
At first glance, it is obvious that in all five weeks, the highest number of downloads is referred to ActiveX, the second place is owned by Java, and Net has the lowest proportion. By focusing on the trend of changes in the number of downloads during these weeks, we realize that while the download rate of both the ActiveX and the Net have fluctuated, the download rate of Java application experienced steady growth, which reached approximately 80,000 downloads in the fifth week. Another notable point is that although the number of downloading all these computer packages has improved over five weeks, the number of downloading the ActiveX has experienced the most progress and peaked at about 120,000 downloads in the fifth week. On the other hand, Net application has not been downloaded more than about 50,000 times in the last week.
Overall, the proportion of downloading all three computer packages raised during this time, and ActiveX stands as the most downloaded application in each and all five weeks.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar chart compares a total of times weekly (in 1000s) that three distinct computer packages, namely ActiveX, Java, and Net, were downloaded over a five-week period.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that ActiveX was the most common software in all five weeks. It is also noticeable that Net ranked last during the period of five weeks.

According to the bar chart, the number of times that the Activex package was downloaded started at nearly 65000. This figure witnessed a slight increase and reach roughly 100000 after two weeks. After a slow going down in the fourth week, it reached a peak of just above 120000 at the end of the period.

As for Java, it stood at just over 40000 in week 1, which was the lowest number recorded for this platform. It, however, climbed steadily and hit a peak of 80000 by the end of the period.

Considering the Net, internet users downloaded this platform around 38000 times in the first week. This number, nevertheless, plunged to a trough of about 20000 in the third week. Finally, this figure rose from 20000 in the third week to almost 50000 in the last week.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar chart illustrates how many times per week three computer packages, namely Active X, Java, and Net, were downloaded from the internet in five weeks.

Overall, Active X stood at the highest rank of being downloaded each week, and Net was the fewest downloaded package among all.

As can be seen from the graph, Active X was downloaded 120 times over the fifth week, which was the most noticeable number of times a package was downloaded over the whole period. In contrast, the fewest times of downloading a program were dedicated to Net, with approximately 30 times in the third week.

There was a moderate increase in downloading Java, starting from over 40 times in the first week and ending with around 80 times in Week 5.

The most significant difference was between Active X at about 110 times and Net at nearly 20 times during the third week. Moreover, Active X was downloaded in the fourth week as many times as in the second week, at about 100 times.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The diagram illustrates how many times three computer packages were downloaded in the course of five weeks. Overall, while Activex was the most downloaded computer package, Net was the least over these five weeks.

In the first three weeks, Activex had the highest number of downloads among these three computer packages and saw an increase of 40000 (from 70000 to 110000). Java was the second popular computer package and witnessed a slight growth of 10000. Java’s download rate was half of Actives in the third week (around 60000). In contrast, Net had a falling trend, and the number of downloads for this package was the lowest (less than 20000) in the third week.

In the fourth week, there was a slight fall in Activex’s downloads and it declined to approximately 100000 downloads. However, in the following week, it went up and reached its highest number of downloads at more than 120000. Java continued the upward trend in the last two weeks and was downloaded over 80000 times in the fifth week. Similarly, Java followed a growing trend in the two last weeks and was downloaded about 50000 times. Although it was the highest number of downloads for Java, it was still half of Activex’s numbers.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The graph reveals the repetition of downloading three different applications each week during a five-week period.

Overall, as can be vividly seen from the bar chart, although all given packages underwent an upward trend, the only one that climbed steadily and without any variation was Java. Moreover, the highest number of downloading over the period given belonged to ActiveX, whereas the lowest number was allocated to Net.

As illustrated by the graph, from week 1 to week 3, the figures for ActiveX and Java increased gradually, from about 70,000 to 110,000 and just over 40,000 to 60,000, respectively. However, Net witnessed an opposite pattern and fell enormously from 35,000 to nearly 10,000.

By contrast, between week 3 and week 5, all applications experienced a substantial jump. More precisely, the figures for Net grew drastically to almost 50,000. The same pattern transpired for Java, and the numbers increased by around one-half to just over 80,000. ActiveX, on the other hand, underwent a considerable decline before jumping tremendously to nearly 121,000.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The presented bar chart provides information about how many times three computer packages named ActiveX, Java, and Net were downloaded throughout five weeks. All units are in 1000s. 

Overall, what stands out from the chart is that over the period, while the highest number of downloads belonged to ActiveX, the Net was the least popular package within that time. 

By focusing on the ActiveX package, this was downloaded approximately 70 times in the first week, and followed an upward trend, rising to a peak of around 110 times by week 3. Then this trend underwent a decline in the fourth week. However, this reversed direction thereafter and by week 5, soared significantly back to just over 120 times. Java which started the period with about 45 times downloaded, was the second most popular package. The number of times this was downloaded from the internet experienced a marked increase, going up to just over 80 times by week 5. 

On the contrary, the number of times Net downloaded initially, saw a downward trend, falling from approximately 32 times to around 20 times during the first three weeks, before rising drastically back to about 50 times by the end of the period.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The provided bar graph makes a comparison between the weekly number of downloading of three computer packages ActiveX, Java, and Net over five weeks. Overall, ActiveX was downloaded more, and Net was downloaded less than the other packages. Moreover, downloading of all three packages followed an upward trend over the five-week period.
As can be seen in the graph, during the first week, the number of downloading ActiveX had Java was minimum, with almost 70 and 50 times respectively. However, their proportion of download rose steadily as time passed and reached to maximum number at the end of the fifth week, with just a little more than 80 times for Java and just above 120 times for ActiveX. Although ActiveX experienced a sudden drop from 110 to 100 over week 4, its downloads soared to the highest point at week five. 
Simultaneously, Net computer package downloads followed a completely different pattern. It commenced from around 30 in the first week, but declined over the next two weeks and reached to its lowest point at about 20 times in week 3. However, its downloads increased considerably during the two final weeks, and hit the peak at more than 40 at the end of the period.

sepideh dosti 





The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar chart gives information about how many times in a week, throughout five weeks, people downloaded three computer packages being ActiveX, Java and Net.

Overall, all three packages witnessed an increase in the number of times they were downloaded over the given period, with ActiveX always being the most downloaded software and Net the least.

To begin with, in the first week, ActiveX was downloaded approximately 70000 times, followed by Java and Net at about 45000 and 35000 times respectively. This figure rose to almost 110000 in the third week, almost double that of Java. Despite a slight increase in its downloading in the week 4, ActiveX remained the dominant program and was downloaded more than 120000 times in the final week.

Turning to Java and Net, the former experienced a growth in the number of times it was downloaded each week and hit a peak of roughly 80000 times in the week 5. In contrast, the figure for Net saw a decreasing trend in the second and third week and people downloaded this program only 20000 times in the week 3. However, it recovered and climbed to about 50000 times at the end of the period.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The given bar chart compares how many times people downloaded three different packages of computer in five weeks.

Overall, it is clear that ActiveX was the most popular package by far in the whole period. Net, however, accounted as the least common one which was downloaded. All the packages saw an increase over five weeks.

In the first week, ActiveX was downloaded nearly 70,000 times which was the highest number of downloads compared to Java and Net with just over and under 40,000 times, respectively. The figure for ActiveX increased gradually, before falling to under 100,000 in the first week. In the following week, this figure reached a peak of over 120,000.

While the figure for Java rose consistently from approximately 45,000 to almost 80,000 times in the given period, the figure for Net witnessed some fluctuations. Over first three weeks, downloading Net saw a steep decline from around 35,000 to 50,000, experiencing the lowest number of downloads in five-week period, before rising to almost 50,000 times in the last week.






The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar chart compares how many times people downloaded three computer packages from the internet weekly over a five-week period.


Overall, it can be seen that while ActiveX was by far the most downloaded package, Net had the lowest number. Moreover, whereas Java and ActiveX both experienced an almost steady increase throughout the period, Net witnessed a gradual fall before rising again by the end of the period.


To begin with, ActiveX was the most popular package, starting and ending at 17000 and around 125000 times downloads, respectively. Java was the second most downloaded one over the five weeks. In week 3, the figure for Java was around 16000 times, almost half as large as that of ActiveX.


On the other hand, the Net was nowhere near as popular as other ones. In week 1, the number for Net was a little less than 14000; however, this went down significantly for the next two weeks. In week 3, Net was downloaded roughly 20000 times, which was almost a third of the figure for Java. During the two next weeks, Net downloads soared to more than 50000 times, but it was still not as high as the two other packages.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The given bar chart represents the proportion of downloads for Net, Java, and ActiveX packages from the internet over five consecutive weeks.


Overall, it is apparent that ActiveX had the highest demand, while Net had the lowest demand. The download numbers for each package varied over time, except for Java which showed a gradual increase.


In the first week, the Net package was downloaded less than 40,000 times, which was approximately half as much as the ActiveX package (less than 80,000 downloads). However, the number of downloads for ActiveX substantially increased in the following two weeks (to less than 120,000 downloads), which was three times higher than the first week. There was then a slight decrease in the fourth week (to more than 80,000 downloads) before reaching a peak of 120,000 downloads in the final week. The proportion of downloads for Java gradually rose over the five weeks, starting from almost 40,000 downloads and ending at around 80,000 downloads. From the first week onwards, the number of downloads for Net decreased steadily, but they went up in the last two weeks to approximately 40,000 downloads.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The presented bar chart illustrates how many times three computer packages, namely ActiveX, Java, and Net, were downloaded weekly over five consecutive weeks. Numbers are in thousands.

Generally speaking, it can be clearly seen that ActiveX was the most popular package in all five weeks. However, Java was the second, and Net was the third most downloaded package among computer users each week. Furthermore, the number of downloads augmented dramatically over the five weeks.

ActiveX and Java experienced a continuous upward trend from week 1 to week 5 (except for ActiveX in week 4), starting at around 70 and 50, respectively. The latter's numbers increased more or less steadily, with a 5 to 7 rise each week, which made it the highest for Java in week five at about 83 thousand. As mentioned, ActiveX saw a similar trend, but in week 4, when it had a drop of approximately ten thousand from 110 to 100. Eventually, ActiveX hit a peak at about 125 in week 5.

Net's figure was a little different from the other two. It started to be downloaded less after the first week and hit a low at 15 thousand in week 3. Nevertheless, its digits grew extremely in weeks 4 and 5 to 40 and 50, respectively.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The given chart provides some information regarding the number of downloads of three computer packages (namely ActiveX, Java and Net) by users during 5 weeks. 

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that while the most popular package was ActiveX, Net program became less common among clients. Meanwhile, the total number of downloaded collections has increased.

In detail, Java witnessed a steady increase, starting at just over 40,000 in the first week, and reaching just a little more than 80,000 in the fifth week.  A similar trend can be seen in the ActiveX figure. Although it began about 70,000 times, which is almost double the number of downloaded Java programs, the number of downloads reached 120,000 in the last week.

Concerning the collection of Net, on the other hand, it downloaded from the internet nearly 35,000 times in the first week, and this amount plummet by 5,000 in the second week. Following this, in the third week, this amount declined by about 10,000 times downloaded from cyberspace, followed by a sharp increase to approximately 50,000 in the final week.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar chart sets out how often three computer packages, including Net, Java, and ActiveX, were downloaded from the internet, during five weeks.

 ActiveX is the most frequently downloaded package each week which is experiencing a gradual increase during these five weeks, reaching approximately 120 thousand downloads per week at the end of week 5. However, there has been some fluctuation in week 4. It is evident from the chart that the Java package is the second most attractive program, which starts from about 45 thousand downloads per week and steadily grows through these weeks to 80000 downloads.

Net was the least downloaded package each week. Although there was a downward trend in numbers until week 3, it is followed by an upswing to 55thousands in the fifth week. Overall, the chart indicates that there is an upward trend in the number of downloaded packages from the site in 5 weeks.

In summary, the ActiveX computer package has gained the greatest attraction during these weeks. Net has the fewest downloaded packages, nevertheless, there was a gentle rise in downloaded packages despite fluctuation in some weeks. Generally, computer packages gain more attention during these weeks.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar chart compares three computer software which is downloaded from the Internet during a five-week period.

At first glance, it is evident that while ActiveX package is downloaded more than the other packages, Net software is experienced fewer downloads, and is less popular among users.

With respect to ActiveX, this program in the first week was downloaded approximately 70,000 times, the highest number of downloads in this week, afterward, this figure gradually increased during the period, and finished at almost 120,000 downloads in the fifth week, the highest number in the whole period. Similarly, Java software follows the same pattern as ActiveX. In the first week, this program stood at almost 50,000 downloads per week, and then slightly rose to the vicinity of 80,000 downloads per week at the end of the period.

Regarding Net package, this software had an erratic pattern during this period. In the first week, this software stood at almost 30,000 downloads per week, then experienced a gradual reduction to 10,000 in the third week, which was the lowest number of downloads in the graph. However, by the end of the period, weekly downloads of this software saw a significant rise to approximately 50,000 times per week.






The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The chart illustrates the quantity of three downloaded computer packages in five weeks.

ActiveX, Java, and Net are three digital packs that have been downloaded by people over five weeks. The activeX program has been the pioneer in the whole five weeks. The second position is for Java, while the Net package has been the least downloaded one, during this period.

In the first week, ActiveX was downloaded about 70 thousand times, while Java and Net have been in second and third position with the rate of 50 and 30 thousand, respectively. In the second week, ActiveX could reach the number of 95 thousand, and Java with 50 thousand, was behind it, while Net downloads lessened to 20 thousand. In the third week, ActiveX continued the progress and attained 110 thousand downloads, while Java with a slight development, had 50 thousand downloaders, and Net downloads reduced to the number of 10 thousand. In the fourth week, ActiveX experienced a reduction and was the same as its second week with 95 thousand downloaders. Java and Net had a rise and had 90 and 40 thousand enthusiasts, respectively. In the fifth week, Java and Net had 10 thousand users, more than in the fourth week, and reached 85 and 50 thousand downloads, respectively, while ActiveX broke the record for the whole period with 125 thousand downloads.

Overall, Java had a progressive period in the five weeks about the downloads quantity, ActiveX was in this time the best and except for the fourth week had a rise like Java, and Net as the last in whole, had a reduction in three initial weeks but faced a growth in the last two weeks. 




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar graph illustrates information regarding how many times three different computer software were downloaded during a five-week period through the internet.
Overall, it is clear from the chart that even though there were some fluctuations in some items, almost all products experienced an upward trend during the given period. Moreover, the Active X package was the most popular downloaded program in five weeks, while Net was the least one.
Regarding the downloaded Active X software figure, it stood at approximately 70,000s in the first week, before peaking at about 110,000s in week 3. Afterward, the number of Active X which was instilled by users decreased significantly to around 90,000s in week 4, before plumbing again to around 125,000s by the end of the period. Similarly, the figure for the Java product witnessed a remarkable rise, increasing steadily from 50,000s in week 1 to just over 80,000s in the fifth week.
By contrast, the number of downloaded Net packages saw a fluctuation, falling dramatically from approximately 35,000s in week 1 to about 10,000s by the third week, before reaching a peak at around 50,000s in the fifth week.




Social media helps people to keep in touch with friends and stay on top of news and events.

Do you think the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages


The advent of the Internet and its various sub-categories, including social media platforms, have made instant connections among individuals easier, as well as placing the entire world at their fingertips as a ubiquitous source of information. However, this contemporary phenomenon entails both merits and demerits.

The prevalence of social media platforms presents some advantages. Primarily, it enables individuals to interact with each other remotely, eliminating the barrier of time and distance, especially for those who are geographically dispersed. For instance, immigrants can stay connected with their family members through video conferencing platforms to see each other within seconds , helping them to alleviate the sense of homesickness. Furthermore, staying updated with the latest news is another privilege  brought by electronic platforms. Numerous trusted news outlets, reputable journalists, and verified organizations, such as BBC News, have established accounts on these platforms, making it more convenient for people to keep abreast of up-to-minute and breaking news.

However, there are several downsides associated with such platforms. Excessive reliance on virtual connections can limit people’s face-to-face interactions, alienating them from society. Therefore, individuals who spend most of their time on computers or smartphones may be at an  increased  the risk of social isolation or withdrawal from society. Moreover, the accuracy and transparency of the information available on the internet have always been a subject of concern. Despite the presence of verified news pages like CNN News reduce the risk of misinformation, s some pieces of news may still slip through the cracks of social networking platforms, potentially misinforming their audience.

In conclusion, I believe that the advantages offered by social networking platforms far surpass their disadvantages. The opportunity to communicate with our beloved ones instantaneously and to stay well-informed of the news are significant accomplishments that should not be appreciated. Demerits brought by it, on the other hand, can be mitigated by regulating our screen time and striking a balance between virtual and real-life interactions. People also need to diversify their news sources to get a diverse range of news updates, helping them to minimize the risk of being misled.




You and your family are planning to spend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Write a letter to the hotel making the arrangements

Why is this happening?

▪️When you will be arriving and leaving,
▪️What type of rooms you would like
▪️And ask them how much the weekend will cost
▪️Also enquire about activities and places of interest near the hotel.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My family and I are scheduling to accommodate a couple of days in the Tata Hotel for the upcoming long weekend. I am writing this letter to ask for some arrangements.

This vacation is planned for celebrating my grandmother’s 100th birthday; she had been staying in your hotel 80 years ago for her honeymoon with my grandfather.

We will arrive on Friday afternoon- 10th of July-and we have predicted to leave after 4 days on July 14th. We need seven beds in three rooms; one for my grandparents, one for my parents, and one for my husband, my 4 years old girl and I. I would be extremely grateful if you could reserve room No 301 with a spectacular view of both the beach and the forest. Also, I would prefer two more nearest rooms which are available on that floor.

I would appreciate it if you could send me an estimate of the costs for seven beds including meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), using the pool and gym, or any other facilities that are included.

Additionally, I was wondering if it would be possible for you to send me a brochure, or poster of local festivals, activities, or interesting places for joining or visiting.

Thank you for your help. I would look forward to receiving your response.

Yours faithfully,

Mahsa Vaez




You and your family are planning to spend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Write a letter to the hotel making the arrangements

Why is this happening?

▪️When you will be arriving and leaving,
▪️What type of rooms you would like
▪️And ask them how much the weekend will cost
▪️Also enquire about activities and places of interest near the hotel.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to let you know about our plan to stay in your hotel and kindly ask you to provide me with detailed information about our arrangement.

My family and I are planning to spend this weekend out of town at a beach resort to relax. A friend of mine had a great experience in your hotel last year and recommended it to me, so I have decided to choose your hotel.

We will arrive at the hotel on Friday 11th of May at about 1 p.m. and leave on Monday 14th of May at about 9 a.m. I would like to book a deluxe room with a double bed for my parents and two single beds for me and my brother. It would be great if the room has a sea view.

I would be grateful if you could give me detailed information about the total cost of our stay in the hotel during this period. I would also hope that you could inform me about some interesting tourist spots or activities near the hotel, as we would like to have some enjoyable moments outside the hotel.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Nafise Abdolmohammadi




You and your family are planning to spend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Write a letter to the hotel making the arrangements

Why is this happening?

▪️When you will be arriving and leaving,
▪️What type of rooms you would like
▪️And ask them how much the weekend will cost
▪️Also enquire about activities and places of interest near the hotel.

You and your family are planning to spend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Write a letter to the hotel making the arrangements. In your letter:

-        Why is this happening,

-        When you will be arriving and leaving,

-        What type of rooms you would like,

-        Ask them how much the weekend will cost,

-        Also enquire about activities and places of interest near the hotel.


Dear Sir or Madam, 

I am writing this letter to enquire about your family-run hotel to make a reservation for the following weekend.

It is my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary and we made a decision to spend fantastic and unforgettable moments together at the beach. Thus, to this aim, we chose your hotel.

We want to get to your coastal city by flight. Although we have not booked yet, based on the airport timetable, we will leave our town for Sydney on the 7th of July and return on the 9th of July. Totally, we will stay there for two nights.

I should mention that there are four of us and we will need two double rooms overlooking the panoramic and breathtaking scenery of the sea. I hope they have not been fully booked. 

I was wondering if you can possibly inform us concerning the approximate cost, which we will pay in such a situation. Moreover, I will appreciate it if you can provide me with information about recreational and entertainment amenities in the hotel and historical settings and shopping malls, which are located close to your hotel. I can be contacted at the email address and phone number provided.

I am looking forward to receiving your response as soon as possible. 

Yours sincerely,

Shabnam Lee


Shabnam Tannazian/GT    




You and your family are planning to spend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Write a letter to the hotel making the arrangements

Why is this happening?

▪️When you will be arriving and leaving,
▪️What type of rooms you would like
▪️And ask them how much the weekend will cost
▪️Also enquire about activities and places of interest near the hotel.

Dear Mr. Rogers,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter because I am planning a secret getaway as a gift for my wife and my in-laws as a gift as my father-in-law has recently recovered from a long illness, and I heard about your establishment from a dear friend of mine.

According to this friend, who is apparently a regular customer of yours, the hotel is located in close proximity to the beach which would be ideal as my family and I are in serious need of a place that can provide us with some tranquility after months of stress. Firstly, I would like to know if you have two double-bed bedrooms available that can house four people from July 7th noon, until the following Sunday evening. Furthermore, It would also be appreciated if you can give me a ballpark figure of our expenses, and whether there is a chance to book a suit for the four of us so we can spend some quality time together.

Last but not least, I was unable to extract enough information about the possible leisure activities your establishment offers to the guests as my friend has always spent his time there doing hikes. For instance, I wonder if there are any sights, museums, or sedentary activities for the elderly, as I need to factor in the limited strength of my in-laws.

In all honesty, my goal is to offer my beloved family a chance to celebrate the recovery of my father-in-law, and the main priority is for them to enjoy themselves as much as possible. It is, thus, much appreciated if you can give me insight regarding how our stay will be.


Nima Siamakmanesh





The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

The diagram illustrates the process that must be passed by the high school graduates in order to be eligible to entry university  . 
Overall, the process consists of 12 stages, beginning with obtaining high school certificate and ending with entering university. 
Initially, high school certificate must be obtained. Then, there is an application form that should be downloaded from website and be completed. Following this, the completed application form must be sent to the admin. In the subsequent stage, J admin can either reject the application form or send an acceptance complete enrollment or accept application form provisionally. If the application form is rejected, The students are able to either cancel the application or complete another application form for an alternative course. In the latter stage, the completed form is sent to the admin again, who may either reject or accept completely or accept The application provisionally. If the acceptance complete enrollment is sent to the students, they have only two weeks to select their subjects, register with Dean, And finally enter the university. However, if the Provisional acceptance is sent, it means the admin requires further documentation. In this step, the students must complete documentation in two weeks and send it to the admin Once more. After that, they have to wait for the admins response and realize if they are rejected or accepted completely or accepted provisionally again.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

The diagram shows the process of university intake for high school graduates.

Overall, there are twelve stages in the process, beginning with complete documentation and ending with entering university.

At the beginning of the process, students who graduate from high school complete an application form, which is downloaded from the university app, and prepare relevant documents. Afterwards, they send those papers to admin. Now, three situations might happen. First, rejection, after which students cancel applications or fill those for alternative courses and again send them to admin.

Second, administrators ask individuals for more documents, and students prepare those papers. It is worth noting that this opportunity has two weeks of time. Finally, the preparation of documents is complete and will be accepted after two weeks. In the subsequent stage, students can select subjects readily and conveniently. Following this, they could register with the dean. Then, at the final stage, if all these stages are completed correctly, students will enter university.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

 The diagram provides the steps students are required to take in order to be admitted to universities after having graduated from high school. Overall, the procedure comprises of seven to ten steps depending on whether their request is accepted at the first attempt. If they are not accepted, the applicants can either attempt to gain admittance through other ways or abandon their request.

Available on the website is the application form, which needs to be completed and sent to Admin to be processed. Incomplete documentation will result in the candidate being given two weeks to gather the required documents and submit them to Admin to be considered again. By the time the files are examined, the candidates will have been either accepted or rejected. In case of acceptance, the qualified students will have two weeks to enroll and proceed to register their selected subjects with Dean and will then officially enter the university.

If their application is rejected, students can either withdraw their application, or file a new one for alternative courses and send it to Admin for consideration, which is followed by the typical procedure previously mentioned. It is notable that the applicants are expected to have obtained their high school degree before they apply. (206 words)




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

The given flow chart illustrates the essential steps that a high school graduate has to go through to be admitted to a university.

Overall, this process begins with the application submission and ends with the completion of the university entry.

According to the diagram, the initial step involves obtaining a high school diploma, and getting an application form from a related website, and then submitting it to the admin. The admin categorizes the applications into two main groups: rejected and accepted. The applications of those who have been rejected may either be canceled permanently or be given the opportunity to reapply for an alternative course instead. Those who are capable of completing the application for another subject need to go through the whole process again.

On the other hand, fully accepted pupils are classified into two categories: provisionally accepted and directly accepted. Provisionally accepted students have to submit further documents, and this step usually takes two weeks. It also requires two weeks for directly accepted students to select their preferred subject and then register with the dean. After the completion of these steps, a student is considered eligible to enter the university.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

The diagram illustrates the process that should be accomplished, enabling graduated pupils to enroll in the university.

 Looking from an overall perspective, it is clear that this process has various steps. This process starts when an application form is filled out by a high school graduate and sent to the administrator, and in that step decisions about that application test would be taken.

The process starts when the application form is downloaded from the website, filled out completely, and submitted to administrators. In this step, applicants’ cases are verified to make sure whether they are complete. There are three possible ways to proceed from this point on, including rejection, acceptance, or conditional acceptance, which requires the candidates to provide additional documentation. Even if an applicant is decided to be rejected, they will be allowed to apply for another course, and their cases will be re-evaluated.

After two weeks, accepted entrants have to do a few other steps, such as selecting subjects, registering, and finally being able to enter the university.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

The flow chart depicts stages that should be done by high school graduates applying for university admission.


Overall, the university entry, initially, can be started by obtaining the high school certificate and, ultimately, will be ended in two states either cancelation or entry.


First of all, graduate students receiving high school degrees can complete the application form, which is available for download on the website. Besides that, they should complete the documentation as a prerequisite, and thereafter send all files to the administrators. When the application is sent to administer, the processive will take two weeks long, whereby the officer will reject or approve them or will ask for provisional acceptance. Although the application may be rejected, the students can cancel it or complete their request for an alternative course and send it again. Whereas, if the admin offers more documentation required, students ought to compile documents for another revision.


By acceptance of complete enrolment, applicants can select subjects, thereafter, register with the dean, and eventually enter university.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

·       You and your family are planning to spend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Write a letter to the hotel making the arrangements

·       Why is this happening?

·       When you will be arriving and living

·       What type of rooms you would like?

·       And ask them how the weekend will cost

·       Also enquire about activities and places of interest near the hotel.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Sam Stone and seeking a suitable hotel room which meets my family's requirements for a weekend just on the 8th of July. I am writing this letter to get a piece of information if you have unreserved room for that day, and in case some potential advice from you to boost our holiday.

Indeed, we will celebrate our 12th immigrating anniversary that day. There will be almost all eight of us for three days in your hotel. We have planned our flight arrival for Friday early morning. So, we will check in at 8:00 a.m. and stay for the whole of Saturday to Sunday, so that we will check out at 2:00 a.m. on Monday.

We think of a royal room with a sea view and terrace for the whole family to get in contact while we are in the hotel. Of course, if the weekend price is appropriate for us. Moreover, please let me know if there is any tour managed by the hotel to places and sightseeing around there, summer activities like jet-skis, tennis court, and so on. I am afraid some of them need to be booked early.

I am looking forward to hearing from you a detailed response about the diverse room prices, feasible activities, and tours in the hotel whether intrinsic or not.

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

The given flowchart illustrates the comprehensive sequence of enrolling the graduated students from high school in the institute of higher education. This operation contains seven straight steps, but it will be added two more stages if there is an obstacle in the form acceptance. The outcome of this process can be happily studying at university or unfortunately declining the request.

The stage will be initiated after graduation from high school. The university application form should be downloaded from the related website and be filed out entirely, then submitted to the admin. The required waiting time for the investigation of the forms is two weeks.

After passing this period, if the required qualifications are passed, the acceptance of the application will be informed and the next steps will be respectively selecting subjects, registration with the dean, and entering the university. But if submitted documents are incomplete, it will be informed to compile documentation, then submitted again to the admin for rechecking. The other situation that can happen is a rejection of the application, which can lead to sending a new request for other courses to the admin or totally canceling the application.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

          The diagram outlines the comprehensive process by which high school diploma holders can officially get a tertiary education. It is a series of systematic actions that ensures students a smooth transition. This essay will articulate the steps, starting from obtaining a diploma to entering university.
          To begin with, graduates of high school need to hand in a certification as proof of completion of secondary education. Now, they can proceed to the next step, which is completing the application form. To do so, the form can be downloaded from the university website. After that, it needs to be sent to the university administration. Once the application meets the university’s requirements, the applicant will receive an acceptance letter by two weeks. As soon as acceptance is complete, they will be led into the next phase, which is enrollment. It can be pertained to paying tuition fees. Following that, students can progress to select their desired subjects. To register successfully, it is necessary to meet the deen of the faculty or department. Finally, students can embark on a new chapter in their academic lives. 
          Regarding the provisional acceptance, the applicant must compile more documentations required by the university. If the credentials are satisfactory, they must go ahead to receive an acceptance letter again.
          In case of rejection, only two options exist: either cancel the application or complete an application form for an alternative course. As a result, they must follow the mentioned procedure by sending the application to the administration for review.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

This is a diagram that illustrates the process of entrance to a university for those who have graduated from high school. The first step is for the applicant to download the application form from the university website and complete it. The next step is to send the competed form to the admin. It takes approximately two weeks for the outcome of the application to be determined.

There are three possible outcomes, including rejection, provisional acceptance, and acceptance.

In the case of rejection, the applicant had two options. They can either submit another application for an alternative course and wait for the result again, or they can choose to cancel the application if they no longer wish to pursue university entry.

In the second situation, the applicant must provide any additional required documents and submit them to the admin for further review. The final decision will be announced after the review process.

Finally, In the case of acceptance, the applicant can proceed to select their desired subject and register for the university after obtaining permission from the dean.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

The diagram displays the policy for university entry for high school graduates.

Overall, it is a nonlinear process consisting of three main stages: obtain a high school degree, send to it the admin, approvedness admission by the dean of the university.

As can be seen in the flow chart, graduated students have to complete an application form, which can be easily downloaded from the website. The filled-out application forms are sent to the admin. The admission either accepts the application or declines it. There are two types of acceptance: complete enrolment and Provisional acceptance. Provisional acceptance means additional documentation is required within two weeks. Their forms are then reexamined. Those who are accepted for complete enrolment are able to choose their preferred subjects and register with the dean of the university. In the end, the candidate gets admitted to the university.Conversely, candidates whose applications are rejected can apply for a different course and go through the same steps again, or their applications will be canceled.




The diagram shows the procedure for university entry for high school graduates.

The diagram illustrates the process that individuals who have obtained a high school degree must go through in order to enter a university. 

Overall, the process consists of 12 stages, starting with obtaining a high school diploma and ending with gaining admission to a university.

Initially, it is required to hold a high school degree, which makes one eligible to start and complete the application form. This form can be downloaded from the university's website. Next, the completed form is sent to the administration. Afterwards, the applicant may be accepted conditionally, unconditionally, or rejected. In the event of rejection, they should opt for an alternative course and complete the application to be sent to the administration. In the subsequent stage, if the applicants have been conditionally accepted, they must carefully compile their documents to be sent to the administration once again. Once their applications are accepted, they should be prepared to compete for enrollment. Following this, subjects should be selected and registered with the dean. Eventually, individuals can enter the university.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts represent the major reasons why people emigrated to and from UK in 2007. Overall, the most significant reason for migration to and from UK in 2007 was purely professional.

It is apparent from the first pie chart that in 2007 the most majority of immigrants, with 30% of representative sample, cited starting a new job as the primary reason for immigration, followed by education with 26%. The other two main reasons included accompanying and trying to find a job, which represented 15% and 12% of the immigrants, respectively. Some people, including 11% of immigrants, gave miscellaneous reasons and only 6% of immigrants stated no purpose for their migration.

The second pie chart, on the other hand, sets out the main reasons for emigration of UK citizens. Seemingly, the most significant proportion of UK emigrants in 2007 were those who had either found a job (29%) or had been looking for a job (22%) in another country. In contrast, only a small percentage of UK emigrants (4%) left this country to continue their education abroad. Moreover, 13% of UK emigrants in 2007 left UK to join their relatives. The remaining emigrants who did not specify any reason or gave other reasons for leaving UK, accounted for 18% and 14% of the emigrants, respectively.

All in all, professional matters were the most significant reasons for migration to and from UK in 2007. Although education was a considerable motivation for immigrants, it turned out to be an inconsequential reason for those who left UK.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

   The pie charts illustrate the major reason for emigration from and immigration to The Great Britain in 2007.

  A glance at the charts reflects that the most significant transformation was due to definite job, while the frequency of other factors were varied in emigration and immigration. For instance, the next main reason for immigration was formal study, which was the least frequent reason for emigrating from The UK.

    Generally, about 30% of foreign people tended to go to THe UK because of definitting job, and a slightly equal number of the British people (29%) left their country due to the same reason. Furthermore, 26% of people went to Britain for formal study, while only 4% of British people emigrated from the UK for the same reason, which was the least percentage in both charts. 

   additionally, 12% of people immigrated to the UK to looking for work, whereas approximately twice of this number(22%) left the country to find a work. moreover, the percentage of immigrants and emigrants was quite equal in 2007 (15% and 13% respectively). By contrast, while only 6% of people had tendency to immigrate to the Uk for no reason, about three times more  (18%) of people tended to leave their country for nothing. Last but not least, 11% of foreign people choosed Great Britain to live in, while only 14% of British people left their country for other reasons.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts compare the reasons why individuals left and moved to the United Kingdom, in 2007.

Overall, the most common reason among both migrants and immigrants was tending to have a specific job. On the other hand, the smallest proportion of individuals migrated to England for no particular reason, while the lowest number of English people left the UK for formal education.

Having a definite job accounted for the most popular reason for movement, in 2007, with immigrants at 30% and emigrants at 29%. The second most popular reason that individuals chose to come to the United Kingdom was for formal study at 26%. By contrast, the lowest proportion of individuals was interested in moving out of the UK for this reason at 4%.

In 2007, the figure for the people who decided to migrate to the United Kingdom so as to accompany someone else stood at 15%, whereas that of the people who emigrated from the UK was lower by 2%. However, the proportion of those who preferred coming to England for no reason, other approaches and in search of occupation was higher than that of the immigrants by 12%,4%, and 10%, respectively.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts give information about substantial reasons for immigration and emigration in the UK in 2007.

Overall, the most important reason for migration to and from the UK was definite job, while formal study was responsible for the least aim of emigration from the UK.

By looking at the immigration pie chart, the most share of immigration was because of definite job with 30%. Formal study then, stood the second stage of immigration reasons with around 25%. However, the least portion of immigrants had no reason in the UK(about 5%). Moreover, accompany, looking for work, and other reasons accounted for nearly 13% less and more.

The emigration pie chart depicts that, while the most emigrants left the UK for definite job reason in 2007(30% approximately), people who emigrated for formal study was the least percentage of them(about 5%). Furthermore, people who tend to immigrate to the UK for formal study were around 20% more than emigrants for this reason. then No reason stated and looking for work were the second reasons for emigration with approximately 20%. Accompany and other aims were 13% and 14% respectively of emigration objectives in the UK in 2007.  




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The provided pie chart depicts the purpose of individuals who tend to move to or from the United Kingdom in the year 2007. These aims categorize into six diverse sections including official education, determined career, accompanying another person or going with someone else, job seeking, people who do not have specified reasons, and other aims which are illustrated in one sector. The source of data is ONS.
From an overall perspective, it is starkly apparent that the lion’s share of migrants is a vocation matter.  While the second main reason for coming to the UK is official education, it is the least desire for the British people who leave the country. It could be recognized that Job seeking contributed to the emigration's second major cause.
About 30% of both incoming and outgoing people in the UK had a special working aspect. It can be seen that 26% of incomers tended to study in the UK, whereas just 4% of British citizens went abroad for this purpose. Of the 15% of people who immigrate to the United Kingdom were accompanying someone else, nearly the same share, 13% went to those who leave the country. Job seekers allocated 12% for newcomers, while just a bit lower than double this amount, 22% of domiciles who leave Britain scoured other countries for proper professions. There existed 6% of immigrants who had no reason for their travel, and triple that amount was the portion of people who went abroad with the same purpose. The other category share was 11% and 14% for incomings and outgoings respectively.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The chart compares the shares of five major reasons of migration to the United Kingdom, as well as the departure from the Uk in the year of 2007.

Overall, definite work was accounted for with the highest percentage in terms of both immigration and emigration, while the lowest number of proportions were responsible for no reason stated and formal study (respectively).

According to the first chart, the most significant approach allocated for definite jobs, followed by formal studies which contributed to 4% less. The share of the accompany joined in 15%. Furthermore, the percentage of looking for work and other reasons for migrating to the Uk were approximately on the same level, as the former accounted for 12% whereas the share of the latter was 11%. The remaining 6% was reserved for no reason stated.

On the other hand, the largest share of departure from the Uk was responsible for particular occupations by the 29%.The second highest level in the emigrate approach was seeking employment opportunities abroad with 20%, while unreasonable factors do not contribute much to either (18%). Moreover, the subsequent factors of other reasons and accompany approximately share similar proportions, as the former response for 14% and the latter 13%. The least among the five had accounted for merely 5% of studies formally.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts compare the reason for immigration to the UK and emigration from the UK to other countries in the year 2007.

 Overall, it is clearly observed that Definite jobs accounted for the largest number of people migrating to and from the UK. While immigration to the UK for no reason stated was the smallest number of people and the least popular reason for emigration was formal study.

According to the reason for emigration, a definite job was the main reason for people leaving the UK at 29%. The second and third largest number of people who emigrants were for looking for job opportunities and No reason stated at 22% and 18%, respectively. In addition, 14% of people immigrate to other countries for other reasons. While the reason for joining accompany and formal study was the smallest percentage of emigration from the UK. (13% and 4%).


Turning to immigration reason, the more popular motive was for Definite jobs at 30%. Immigrating to the UK for formal study stood at 26 %. However, the figure for joining Accompany and looking for work was lower at 15% and 12%, respectively. Furthermore, the least popular reason for immigration to the UK was no reason. It is worth noting that only 11% of people immigrate to this country for other reasons.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts illustrate the fundamental factors in migrating to and from United Kingdom in a specific year.

Overall, it is clear that employment opportunities, particularly in the form of definite job prospects, emerged as the most significant cause for migration, followed by formal study and accompanying/joining someone in the country.

Firstly, the most vital cause for both immigrating to and emigrating from the United Kingdom in 2007 was employment-related motives. It is noteworthy that while definite job opportunities accounted for the highest percentage of immigration causes at 30%, they also constituted a significant factor for emigration at 29%. Similarly, formal study played a substantial role in migration, comprising 26% of immigration causes and 4% of emigration causes. Furthermore, individuals seeking to accompany or join someone in the UK constituted a considerable portion of both immigration and emigration causes, accounting for 15% and 13% respectively. Meanwhile, those looking for work contributed to 12% of immigration causes and a slightly higher proportion of 22% for emigration causes. On the other hand, reasons such as "no reason stated" and "other" were less prevalent but still noteworthy. While these factors made up 6% and 11% of immigration causes, they constituted 18% and 14% of emigration causes respectively.





▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The charts provided highlight the most significant purposes for immigrating to or emigrating from the UK in 2007.

Overall, as can be vividly seen from the pie charts, the main reason for both immigrants and emigrants was a definite occupation. Formal study, however, was one of the most important goals for immigrants, while it was almost negligible for emigrants. Moreover, a mere minority did not assert their reason for immigration to the UK.

As illustrated by the graphs, accounting for 30% and 29%, a definite job was the primary purpose for both categories. Formal studies comprised 26% of the immigrant's pie chart, indicating a major proportion, whereas it was a mere portion of 4% for emigrants. Additionally, almost the same figures, at 15% and 13% for immigration and emigration, respectively, were allocated to accompany.

Furthermore, the number for a cluster, namely no reason stated, for emigration (18%) was three times higher than that of immigration. Not only that but the figure for people who were looking for a job was higher by 10%, at 22%, for emigrants. Other reasons, however, had almost the same segments in both clusters, at 14% for emigration and 3% lower for immigration.





▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am one of that bank’s customers, having moved to the capital city; Tehran, recently, so I am writing to request you to avoid sending that bank’s announcements to the previous location and kindly communicate with the new address enclosed with this letter.

Not having received any announcement from that bank from the date of departure: June 20th, all my bank account information has continuously been sent to the previous location. Eventually, I have not been aware of my monetary issues and also the approval process of the mortgage the bank has considered for me.

Since in the previous month, all the related information has been sent where I am not living more; I would be grateful if you initially stop sending communication there and then start transmitting all that information again to my new address. Moreover, I would appreciate it if you could send me all the letters related to the mortgage based on my precedent arrangement.

I hope the bank will address this problem soon, and I look forward to receiving that bank’s letters soon at my new address.

Yours faithfully,

Mahshab Ziaee





▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts give information about why people immigrated to or emigrated from the UK percentage-wise in the six main categories in the year 2007.

 Overall, definite job contributed the most to the reason for both immigration and emigration. In addition, the second largest part of immigration was dedicated to formal study, while, finding a decent job was another common reason for emigration from the UK. Moreover, although the least contribution of immigration did not have any particular reason, few people left the UK in order to expand their studies.

 It is abundantly obvious that around one-third of people moved to the UK for a definite job in the year 2007, and formal study made up about a quarter of all this report. In addition, three reasons for immigration namely accompany/join, looking for work, and other, accounted for approximately equal percentages which were 15% and 12%, respectively. Whereas, only 6 percent of people immigrated to the UK without standing any special reason.

 In terms of emigration, 29% of the British left their own country where they lived for definite job, and one-fifth of them emigrated from the UK in order to looking for work which was the second most contribution of this study. Furthermore, accompany/join and other reasons contributed 13% and 14%, respectively, while, formal study made up the least contribution of emigration which was only 4 percent.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The visual data illustrates the major reason for migrant to or from the UK in 2007. The first chart indicates the percentage of people immigrating to the UK while the second one shows the proportion of their emigration from the UK in the year.

Overall, looking at the two charts, it can be clearly seen that definite job in both charts was exhibited the most percent in both immigration and emigration similarly, whereas formal study was shown with the highest in the former chart and the lowest amount of the total in the latter one.

Focusing on the first chart, definite job was indicated with 30%, but this was displayed quite a bit lower than in the emigration chart with 29% steeply. It is obvious that although formal study was depicted with 26% in the first chart, ilthis had a drop in the emigration chart with 4% considerably which holds a rather minuscule share in the total. It is explicit that accompany/join as a reason was illustrated a drop slightly; in addition, it was shown with 15% in the first one, but it had a gentle decrease with 13% in the second chart. What stands out from the charts is that the other reason called looking for work was exhibited with 12% in immigration while had a rise of royghly 10% with 22% in emigration significantly. What is more, it is lucid that both charts had a rise in both no reason stated and other reasons in emigration; they were demonstrated with 6% and 11% respectively in immigration, whereas they were risen dramatically with approximately 18% and 14% in turn.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The six root causes upon which people decided to move to and out from the UK in 2007 are shown in the given pie charts. What stands out from the data is that while employment was the primary reason behind the movement in and out of the UK, this decision was less influenced by formal study and other grounds. 


A lion's share (30%) of those coming to the United Kingdom took up definite jobs, and this figure was similar for people moving out of this country at 29%. Although pursuing formal studies was the second reason among immigrants, accounting for nearly a fourth of total, it was important for just 4% of emigrants. The percentages of individuals who left their country in the hope of finding a job made up 23%, being twice as much as that of those who settled down for the same reason.


18% immigrated to join their family. This was 5% more than those who went overseas for the same purpose. 6% and 18% of people did not state why they had come to and left the UK, respectively. However, others said that other purposes influenced their decisions, which made 11% immigrate and 14% emigrate.


Zahra Teymouri 






▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie chart illustrates the five major reasons for immigration and emigration in the United Kingdom in 2007. Overall, the main reason for these movements is definite job. While formal studying accounted for a significant proportion of immigration to the UK, looking for a job was also an important reason for people to migrate from the country.

Immigration for the purpose of having a definite career accounted for 30% of the proportion of migration to the United Kingdom in 2007, while educational reasons were the second most common reason, accounting for almost one fourth of the immigrated population. Joining a family member and looking for job opportunities accounted for 15% and 12% of the total proportion, respectively. While 6% of immigrants stated no reason, there was an additional 11% of the immigrated population that had other reasons.

The population who emigrated from the UK to other parts of the world in 2007 had various reason. 29% of them stated that these movements were for a definite job, while 22% of them emigrated in order to find a career. Approximately one-fifth of the population stated that they had no reason for emigration, while accompanying and studying accounted for almost 13% and 4% of the proportion, respectively. The remaining 14% of the proportion emigrated for other reasons.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts illustrate the basic factors that why people immigrated to the UK or emigrated from this country in the year 2007. Overall, the reason with the highest percentage for both types of migration was a definite job, while the least number of people immigrated with no reason stated and the least number of emigrants moved for formal study. 

In terms of immigration to the UK, the most important reason was a definite job which 30% of people immigrated for in 2007. Similarly, 26% of passengers immigrated for formal study in the same year. However, there was a huge difference in immigration for accompany (15%). In addition, there was a slight difference between the proportion of immigration for looking for work (12%) and other reasons (11%). Likewise, just 6% of people moved to The UK without any reason. 

With regards to emigration from the UK, 29% of British people emigrated from their country for a definite job which was almost as same as that for immigrating to the UK. Furthermore, 22% of people in the UK moved abroad to look for a job, whereas 18% of them had no aim of emigration. Accompanying and other reasons were the ones which contained almost the same proportion of people emigrating from the UK (13% and 14% respectively), compared to formal study which just 4% of people preferred to emigrate for. 




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The below pie charts compare main factors which had an effect on people emigrating from and immigrating UK in 2007 and the pie charts are composed of six factors that lead to annual migration.

It is noticeable that the most significant reason that persuaded people to come in and leave the UK was the definite job. However, the least dominant factor in emigration was formal study compared with no reason stated on immigration.

Looking at more details, more than half of individuals migrated for the definite job, resulting in 30% immigration and 29% emigration. Additionally, the proportion of people who immigrated or emigrated to join somebody was 15% and 13%, respectively. A little less than 30% of people came to the UK for formal education, although only 4% left this country for the same reason.

According to data, 22% of individuals emigrated from the UK to find a job, while 12% of people came to the UK for a similar reason. Moreover, the percentage of people who left the UK without reason and other was 18% and 14%, respectively. Only 11% and 6% of people immigrated the UK for other and no reason.




·       You have moved to another city but your bank has your old address and continues to send all communication there. Write a letter to your bank branch.

·       Where have you moved to?

·       What problem are you facing regarding the bank's communication?

·       What you want them to do regarding old communication already sent to the wrong address?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Sam Stone one of your elderly clients that recently changed my living place to a new area. I am writing this letter regarding a problem that occurred after you kept on sending documents to the previous address.

Indeed, I had to back up my company's technical office, so I had to relocate my living area as close as I could to the new workstation. Then I just moved two streets far from the address you have registered. the new address is Bristol Avenue, beach alley, No98.

Although the new renter in the previous destination brings all documentaries to me as they have received them, potentially, there may occur some delays which may affect my trustworthy character in the bank staff's mind as it happened when I have a day late in this month loan payback. 

Thus, I would appreciate it if you tend to change the communication address to a new place which I have mentioned above in this letter. Moreover, deliver me a copy list of recent periods of documents which are sent to my old address in case some of them did not bring to me yet.

I am looking forward to hearing your positive response about that.Sincerely yours.

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts compare the major causes of immigration and emigration in the United Kingdom in 2007.
Overall, it can be seen that the most important reason for migration to and from the UK was related to definite job, while the least prominent one was formal study for emigration and no reason stated for immigration in the given period.
Employment was the most significant cause for people who migrated to and from the UK in 2007, at 30% and 29% respectively. Similarly, the second main reason for which migration stood at the lowest level at only 4%. In terms of looking for work, the percentage of people who emigrated from the UK in the mentioned period was 22%, which was significantly higher than its figure for immigration, at just 12%.
Regarding accompany/join reason, the figure for people who went overseas from the UK accounted for 13%, which just 2% was lower than the percentage of foreign comers to the UK, at 15%. Furthermore, 18% and 14% of the UK's citizens, who went abroad in 2007 stated no reason and other reason respectively for their migration. However, just 11% of people went to the UK for other purposes, while the least percentage of immigrants in the UK stated no causes for their migration, at only 6%.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts illustrate why people migrate to and from the UK in 2007. What stands out is that having a definite job is the main reason for both types of moving from and to the UK.

A rigorous scrutiny of the graphs reveals that a definite job placed first among all the other factors at around one third of the total for both immigration and emigration. While a formal study ranked second at 26% in the case of immigration, this reason considered the least effective for emigration by less than 5%. Accompany and looking for work had the proportion of 15% and 12%, respectively in immigration. Although the share of accompany was similar in terms of emigration by 2% downward difference, that of looking for work was two times greater than its amount for immigration.

Back to the rest of the information, other factors and no reason stated ranked last at 11% and 6% for migration to the UK. However, the percentage of no reason stated turned three times higher for migration from the UK, trailing definite job at 29% and looking for work at 22% while other factors was only 3% higher being just above the accompany.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts give information about the purposes of people who immigrated to and emigrated from the UK in 2007.
Overall, the major reason behind changing countries for both groups was to have a definite job. While formal study was the second most popular reason for immigration, this purpose was the least popular for emigrants.
Looking at pie charts, having a definite job accounted for 30% of immigration to the UK, and this figure was very similar for emigration, at 29%. A large number of people (22%) also left the UK looking for work, though the proportion of people who entered the UK for this reason was noticeably lower, at only 12%.
Another major reason for people to move to the UK was formal study, at just over a quarter. However, this purpose was on the lower list of emigrants, at only 4%.
The percentages for those moving to accompany a family member were relatively smaller for immigration and emigration, at 15% and 13%, respectively. Although a significant number of people (32%) stated other reasons or did not give a reason for their emigration, this accounted for only 17% of immigration.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

Given are two figures concerning the proportion of individuals migrating to/from England based on the relative popularity of 6 distinct factors in 2007.

  Upon analyzing data as a whole, it is evident The percentage of people who immigrated to the UK due to job-related, join their families and other reasons is nearly the same as those who left the mainland whereas, for the other half reasons, there was a huge difference.

 Looking at the pie charts, it van be seen that there was a slight difference of 1% between those who tended to leave the mainland 29% and those who arrived in the UK (30%). Meanwhile, 13% of accountants were about to emigrate from the UK to join family members, and 14% had other reasons for emigrating. In the other group, the figures were 15% and 4% respectively for the same reasons.


 With regards to emigrated population from England, 22% of them occurred to search for a work while roughly half of figure 12℅ came into the UK. However, it is notable mentioning that the population tended to leave for study and no reason stated was 4% and 18% while for the immigrants the former reason was approximately 6fold (26%) and the latter reason was a third.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The two pie charts give information on key reasons for which people immigrated to and from the United Kingdom in the year of 2007.

Overall, the primary cause for moving to and from the UK was related to work. Also, both immigrants and emigrants were mostly in search of a definite job in the given year.

Looking at immigration in more details, 42% of immigrants had work-related reasons, with 30% of them coming to the UK to get definite jobs. The cause of 26% of immigration to the United Kingdom was formal study, followed by those who relocated to the UK to accompany somebody at 15%. While almost one-tenth of the immigrants had other reasons for their entry, 6% of them did not state their purpose.

As for emigration, roughly half of the people moved out of the UK to look for work or take up definite jobs, with the figures standing at 29% and 22% respectively. About one-fifth of the emigrants did not state any reason for their emigration, whereas the proportion of people leaving the UK to join someone accounted for 13%, one percent less than that of the “other” section. Noteworthy, merely a small minority, 4%, emigrated from the UK for study purposes.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The diagram illustrates the prime reasons for both immigrants and emigrants to and from the UK in 2007. Overall, definite job was stated as the most important reason for both groups. However, while formal study is the least stated reason for those leaving the UK, it was one of the main reasons for immigrants coming to this country.

The emigration pie chart shows that for 29% of people who left the UK, the highest portion of the chart, finding a job was the main reason. The second main reason was looking for work that constituted around one-fifth of this chart. 18% of emigrants did not state any reason for leaving the country. Accompany/ join and other reasons formed 13% and 14% of the chart’s portion respectively. formal study had the lowest share of migration to other countries from the UK at 4%.

Looking at the immigration diagram, it can be seen that definite job had a similar percent at 30%, the highest percentage of reasons. In contrast to the emigration chart, formal study was expressed as the second most important cause for coming to the UK. Looking for work represented 12%, almost half of its percentage in the emigration chart. Accompany/join and other reasons accounted for 15% and 11% of the reasons for migration to the UK, similar to the percentage of those leaving the country. No reason stated formed 6% of reasons amongst immigrants, almost one-third of this reasons’ fraction among emigrants.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts illustrate the proportion of immigrants who chose the UK and the UK citizens who immigrated abroad in 2007 for six main reasons.
Overall, the percentage of immigrants to the UK was the most extensive in the definite job sector. Similarly, this reason was the most principal reason for the UK residents to immigrate to other countries. However, the figure for no reason stated and the proportion of formal study were the least important reasons in the cases of immigration and emigration, respectively.
The figure for a definite job stood at 30%, whereas that of the formal study was lower at 26% for immigration. The percentage of formal study was approximately seven times as much as that of emigration. By contrast, the proportion of people who went abroad from the UK for definite job reasons was roughly as equal as that of immigrants to the UK.
It is worth noting that the third most primary reason for people who chose the UK was companionship (at 15%). Conversely, looking for work and no reason sectors accounted for the second and third largest number of immigrants from the UK.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The pie charts provide information about the key factors influencing migration to and from the UK in 2007.

Overall, while formal study accounted for the smallest proportion of emigration from the UK, a significant percentage of immigrants arrived in the UK for educational purposes. Furthermore, seeking a definite job was the primary reason for both entering and leaving the UK.

Regarding the main causes of migration to the UK, finding a definite job was the leading factor with 30%. Following closely behind was formal study, which comprised 26% of the reasons. On the other hand, “no reason stated” was mentioned the least at 6%.

In the case of UK citizens leaving their country, the primary motivation was the pursuit of definite employment (29%). Looking for work and “no reason stated” ranked second and third with regard to the factors of emigration. The category labeled as “other” accounted for 14% of the emigrations. Finally, merely 4% of the migrations from the UK were driven by formal study.


Academic Task 1





▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The given pie charts illustrate the root causes of immigration to and emigration from the UK in the year 2007. Overall, finding definite jobs accounted for the largest proportion of immigration to and from this country. Apart from that, immigrants and inhabitants prioritized dissimilar purposes when it came to migration.

Pursuing a stable job constituted the greatest percentage of both immigrants and emigrants, reaching approximately a third for both groups. Putting this factor aside, while formal studies came as the second position for migrating to the UK with just above a quarter, this was the least popular for people who emigrated from this country, only 4%. Regarding immigrants, no cited reason made up 6% of all explanations which was the lowest, however, the contribution of this for emigration was considerable, just below two-tenth.

Another prominent difference was the proportion of looking for job, which was roughly above the fifth for emigrants, almost doubling the equivalent immigrants’ figures with 12%. Furthermore, although people migrating to the UK for other reason were slightly over one in ten, this reason contributed 14% for people who left this country. Concerning accompany/join, the rate of immigration and emigration were almost the same, with 15% and 13% respectively.




▪️The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

The two pie charts display different reasons for which people migrated to and from the UK in 2007.
Overall, having a definite job was the pivotal reason for both emigrating from the UK and immigrating to it.

Looking at the first chart in more detail, it can be seen that after having a job offer (30%), formal study was the second common reason why people entered the United Kingdom in the given year.
The next popular purposes were family companionship and seeking a job with 15% and 12% respectively. Almost one out of ten emigrants had other reasons, while the remaining 6% did not mentioned why they had immigrated to the UK.

As it is evident from the second pie chart, a significant proportion of those who left the country was pursuing professional goals, either they had found a job or wanted to find one with 29 % and 22 % respectively. While 13% 0f British people abandoned the country to join their aquaintences abroad,only a small fraction of 4% has educational goals. Those having other reasons accounted for 14% and those who did not mentioned any reason made up 18% of the total emigrants from the UK.




Your internet connection has been slow and intermittent.
Write a letter to your internet service provider to complain. In the letter:

▪️Describe the problem and why you are unhappy
▪️Arrange for an engineer to visit your home
▪️Request a reduction in your bill

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this e-mail to express my sobering complaint regarding the quality of the Internet service being provided by your company. Not only is my Internet quality weak enough to be utilized in visual communication, but also some resentful, repetitive disruptions crop up on an hourly basis. This has brought about a variety of challenges. For example, I have not heard a squeak from my parents who reside in an overseas country since the only way to make contact with them is via the Internet.

My internet connection is deemed to need evaluating by an expert engineer of yours. Hereby, I officially ask your company to schedule an arrangement with your experts to have a visit to my home and to investigate and hopefully resolve the problem. As I have to work from dawn to dusk, I would be grateful if you could set the meeting at weekends.

Finally, my Internet consumption clearly reveals that I did not succeed in surfing the Internet from the preceding month onwards. Although my Internet usage was next to nothing, I had paid the complete Internet bill. I am utterly sure that you will not jeopardise your company’s reputation by not paying back a fraction of my Internet bill which has been cleared at the beginning of the previous month. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Mehdi Kabiri




Your internet connection has been slow and intermittent.
Write a letter to your internet service provider to complain. In the letter:

▪️Describe the problem and why you are unhappy
▪️Arrange for an engineer to visit your home
▪️Request a reduction in your bill

Dear Sir/Madam

I write this letter to complain about a problem with my internet connection which occurred a couple of days ago. To clarify, it should be declared that the connection was too slow with intervals that caused severe problems for me.

I was one of the satisfied customers of your company for a year but recently faced a slow connection that affected my professional career seriously. I am a freelancer and having a proper internet connection is one of the most crucial requirements of my job so with poor internet service, I encountered difficulties in dealing with my tasks and projects. In fact, almost all of my online meetings were canceled these days due to the pre-mentioned problem.

Although I called customer service to solve the problem remotely, unfortunately not only it was not fixed but also the transfer rate of data getting worst. I would request you arrange a time to send an engineer to check and verify the issue personally.

You will acknowledge that the internet speed for which I paid is extremely poor; therefore, I am entitled to a 50% reduction in the bill amount. It would be highly appreciable if you can adjust the remaining 50% in my next month's bill amount.

I will be looking forward to your prompt action on this

Yours faithfully,

Azam Mirnasl




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The line graphs provide data about the percentage of population dwelling in cities in the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia from 1970 to 2020, as well as predictions of the percentages between 2030 and 2040.

Overall, Malaysia shows the greatest overall rise and along with Indonesia indicates a consistent upswing, whereas the Philippines and Thailand follow a similar trend and despite a significant difference at the beginning, there will be a slight difference at the end of the period.

Looking at the graph, the percentage of the total population rose from 30% to 50% in the Philippines between 1970 and 2000. Similarly, Thailand started at around 20% and had reached 30% by 1990. While the Philippines saw a decrease of 10%, Thailand witnessed a very slight increase. From 2010 to 2040, both countries’ percentage of people living in urban areas shows marked growth and their percentages will be the highest at around 50%. However, it is predicted that Thailand will have a more notable increase.

Indonesia and Malaysia show a growing trend. In 1970,  30% of Malaysians lived in cities, the same percentage as the Philippines, twice as Indonesia's percent. For the next 20 years, Indonesia and Malaysia experienced a growth of over 15%. From 1990 to 2040, the diagram illustrates a rapid climb; Malaysia's and Indonesia's percent will have reached 80% and 60% respectively by the end of 2040.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The chart depicts the population residing in urban areas over nearly five decades and provides projections until 2040 for the countries of the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia.

Overall, the urban population has exhibited a consistent upward trend. Predictions indicate that by 2040, Malaysia is projected to have the highest number of city dwellers, while Thailand is expected to have the lowest.

In 1970, the Philippines and Malaysia had the highest proportions of their population living in cities, at approximately 30%. They were followed by Thailand with 19% and Indonesia with 12%. by 1990, the figure for Philippines reached a peak at just below 50%. However, over the following two decades, it experienced a decline, diverging from the upward trends observed in the other countries. Subsequently, starting from 2010, the urban population began to recover, at around 40%. Malaysia demonstrated the most significant growth in urbanization, reaching an urban population slightly over 80%. On the other hand, Thailand experienced slower urbanization but maintained a consistent level over the past two decades, with the urban population remaining at 30% in 2020.

Looking ahead, the graph provides predictions for 2030 and 2040. It is projected that urbanization will continue to rise in all four countries. Malaysia is expected to maintain its high urban population, Indonesia and Philippines anticipate a further increase to roughly 60% and 50% respectively, while Thailand predicts a substantial jump to around 45%.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The line chart illustrates information about the proportion of societies in four various countries including the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia over a thirty-year period. Moreover, several predictions about the population of these four nations have been made, for the next 40 years.

It is clearly observed from the graph that the four countries saw an overall increase during the entire period. That is to say, Malaysia and Indonesia grew more significantly compared with the Philippines and Thailand.

In 1970, the proportion of society in Malaysia stood at 30%.In the next 20 years, its proportion fluctuated and eventually in 1990, reached approximately 45%. In the subsequent years until 2020, it rocketed by nearly 35%, which has dedicated the highest percentage of society to itself among other countries.  Regarding Indonesia, it initially had the lowest proportion of the population (at nearly 14%). From 1970 onwards, its population grew and exceeded those of Thailand and the Philippines in 2000 and 2010, which ultimately became the second most populated nation in the year 2020. These growing trends have been predicted to continue for both Malaysia and the Philippines until 2040, when they will rise to approximately 84% and 64%, respectively.

In 1970, the percentage of the population in Thailand stood at roughly 18%, whereas that of the Philippines was higher at almost 32%. The two figures rose rapidly to roughly 28% and 50%, respectively, from 1970 to 1990. During the next 20 years, there was a gradual drop of virtually 8% in the percentage of society in the Philippines, while the prediction indicates that it will be followed by a substantial climb to nearly 57%. On the other hand, the proportion of the population in Thailand, between 1990 and 2020, remained almost constant, after which it has been anticipated to rise dramatically to 50%.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The line graph illustrates information about the percentages of the population of four various Asian countries, namely the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia who live in cities from 1970 to 2020 with projections for 2030 and 2040.
Overall, Malaysia had the largest percentage of the total population during most of the time, increasing over the period shown. Similarly, the percentage of the population in three other countries experienced an increase, although to different degrees, and it is predicted that this trend will have continued by 2040.
In 1970, the Philippines made up the highest percentage of the total population, at just over 30%. Despite some initial fluctuation, from 2010 it rose steadily and this is projected to continue, reaching approximately 50% in 2040. The percentage of the population in Malaysia started at 30% in 1970, and it experienced a sharp rise until 2020. This amount is expected to rise steadily to just over 80% in 2040, which is the highest percentage for the whole 70-year period.
Thailand had just under 20% of the population in 1970, and it increased during the whole time, and it is forecast to reach almost 45% in 2040. Indonesia accounted for the least percentage at 15% in 1970, while it overtook both Thailand and the Philippines in 2010, and is expected to be the second highest percentage for the following years, reaching just over 60% in 2040.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The line graph highlights the percentage of the total population of four Asian Nations residing in cities from 1970 to 2020, and it also predicts these figures till 2040.


Overall, it can be seen that while all four countries experienced a rise in population and will also be estimated to increase, Malaysia is by far the most populated area. Moreover, Indonesia will be the second most popular area by the end of the period.


Looking at the beginning of the period until 2020, the Philippines and Malaysia were at the same percentage, around 30%, making them the most populated nations in 1970. On the other hand, the population of Thailand and Indonesia was less than 20%. Over the next 40 years, all countries rose considerably; however, Indonesia overtook Thailand in 2000, and Malaysia went over the Philippines in 1990.


Focusing on the Future, the forecast population for Thailand will go up to about 50% by 2014, while the percentage of city residents in the Philippines was more or less at the same data in 1990, with approximately 55%. It is expected for both Indonesia and Malaysia to continue jumping from 55% and roughly 78% in 2020 to 65% and more than 80%, respectively, by 2040.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The figure illustrates the residential statistics of four countries in Asia over decades.

In 1970, Malaysia and the Philippines had more crowded towns than Thailand and Indonesia, with 30 percent of the population living in cities. Back then, just 20 percent of Thailand’s population centered in towns; it was even less, nearly 15 percent, in Indonesia. After 20 years, all countries saw an increasing trend. Among them, the Philippines experienced a significant rise in the second half of this period, ending with half of its population staying in towns.

In 2010, Malaysia continued the rising trend and was by far the most civilized country, with 70 percent of the population staying in towns. The Philippines, on the other hand, had experienced a remarkable decline that left it with nearly 40 percent of town residents. Furthermore, Indonesia constantly rose during that decade and took the same stage as the Philippines.

The tendency to live in the urban area continues to increase until now, and statistical prediction shows it will rise further in all four mentioned countries. For instance, Malaysia will remain in the first stage, with over 80 percent of its population living in cities. Indonesia will also end up with 60 percent, which puts it in the second stage, beyond Thailand and the Philippines, with around 45 and 55 percent, respectively.

In summary, the increasing trend toward living in cities can be seen in all four countries. Malaysia and Indonesia experience a steadily rising change, the same as Thailand, but on a shallower slope. Statistics for the Philippines also show a total increase, however, with sharper fluctuations.





The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The line chart illustrates the proportion of Asian individuals who live in urban areas in four different countries (Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia) from 1970 to 2020, and projection for 2030 and 2040.

Overall, it is clear that there was an upward trend in living people in urban areas except Philippines. Furthermore, it is predicted that all four countries will witness an increase in urban citizens, and Malaysia will have by far the highest share of urban dwellers by the end of the period. 

In 1970, the percentage of people living in cities in Indonesia and Thailand began at around 15% and 17% respectively, while this figure for both Philippines and Malaysia stood at approximately 30%. The figure for Malaysia increased slightly and fluctuated until 1990, accounting for 45%, before increasing sharply until 2020, accounting for about 75%. the figure for Malaysia is predicted to increase by 2040. The similar trend can be seen in Indonesia’s chart. Although this figure had the least proportion between four countries until 2000, it rose dramatically and became the second highest proportion, accounting for about 50% in 2020, and it will continue to increase in the final years. 

With regards to Thailand, the figure increased gradually until 2020, accounting for 30%, and it will rise sharply during the following years, reaching a high of 45% in 2040. In contrast to other countries, Philippines saw a fluctuation until 2020, although this figure is predicted to increase in the future and finish at around 50% in 2040. 




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The diagram shows how the proportion of the city population in four Asian countries has divided by 2020, and how will be expected by the end of 2040.

Overall, the city population pattern in all four countries has followed a growth trend by 2020 which is expected to continue its rise to 2040.

In 1970, Malaysia and the Philippines were responsible for the most portion of the population with around 30%, while Indonesia stood at the last level of portion about 15%. The population growth in Thailand has seen a slight rise from about 20% in 1990 to 30% in 2020 approximately and then is anticipated to will increase remarkably to about 50% in 2040. The percentage of the population living in cities in the Philippines after an initial smooth rise overtook that of Malaysia and reached 50% in 1990, then fell behind the population portion of Indonesia in 2010(reached just a little more than 40%).

The percentage of people living in cities in Malaysia and Indonesia followed a similar increase pattern approximately by 1990, then has experienced a significant rise by 2010 which will continue over the next years over the span. The share of the total population in the Philippines will reach a peak of about 50% in 2040. The contribution of the population in both Malaysia and Indonesia will see a noticeable growth of around 80% and 60% respectively.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

A glance at the graph provided reveals the proportion of population in different countries, namely Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, which lived in cities over a period of 50 years and also forecast the population from 2030 until 2040.

Overall, all four Asian countries experienced an upward trend throughout the period despite some fluctuations. While Philippines and Indonesia saw an incredible increase during the period, Malaysia and Thailand rose slightly.

In 1970, Philippines stood at just over 30 %, the highest proportion among other countries. Followed by a small increase to around 50 % in 1990, then experienced considerable growth to about 85% in 2040. In the first year, Indonesia started at around 15%, which rose steadily until it reached 60 % in 2040.

Regarding the Philippines, the percentage stood at around 30 % in the first decade. After a significant rose to 50 % in 1990, it plunged to 40% in 2010. Afterward, it increased steadily to around 55%. On the other hand, Thailand stood at around 18% in 1970 and gradually rose to 30% during the following decades. Suddenly, this upward trend broke down and remained almost unchanged until 2020. Then, it soared to around 50 % at the end of the period.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The line charts compare the proportion of the urban population in four different countries in Asia from 1970 until 2040.

At first glance, it is evident that in all countries, the population of people who live in cities has increased, and it is predicted that this pattern will continue till 2040. In contrast to other countries, the urban population in Malaysia has experienced a rapid increase and will grow in the future.

Looking at the chart with more details, it is clear that Malaysia and Indonesia have experienced a sharp rise. In 1970, these countries started from almost 30% and 14%, respectively. However, it is predicted that the population in cities in Malaysia will considerably increase to 80% in 2040, the highest number in the chart. Moreover, it is expected that the percentage of the population in cities in Indonesia will rapidly increase to 60% in 2040.

Regarding the Philippines and Thailand, these countries have erratic patterns. In 1970, The proportion of people who lived in cities in the Philippines was 30 per cent, and it is predicted that this figure will gradually increase to approximately 50% in 2040. Similarly, in Thailand, this percentage started from the vicinity of 20%, and it is expected to finish at almost 45% in 2040.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The line graph illustrates the proportion of people who live in Asian countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia from 1970 to 2020. Moreover, it provides information about changes in the future 2030 and 2040.

Overall, the population of all these cities increased and will continue to growth in the future. The least popular city for living is Thailand. With the exception of the first year, Malaysia accounted for the largest percentage of people who want to live in this city in all these years.

In 1970, the figure for the population of the Philippines stood at just over 30%. However, the proportion of people who live in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia were lower at 30%, just under 20%, and just over 10%, respectively. After this year, the figure for the Malaysia exceeded that of the Philippines until 1980, after which it fell below that of the Philippines in 1990 from this year to 2020, there was a substantial growth in the number of people who live in this city. While the population of the Philippines declined rapidly in these years. However, from 20230 to 2040 the population of all Asia counties will peak at the maximum. 

According to Thailand and Indonesia, from 1980 to 2000, the population of these cities went up gradually. While those figures were equal in 2000, the figure for people who live in Indonesia exceeded that of Thailand until 2040.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The given line chart shows how many people have lived in cities in the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia between 1970 and 2020. Additionally, there are predictions for 2030 and 2040.

In the first year, 30% of people lived in cities in Malaysia and the Philippines, which was the highest number among mentioned countries. The former experienced a gradual rise and peaked at approximately 75%, while the former increased over the next twenty years to 50%, then it had a decline near 45% in 2020. Both the percentage of people who are living in Malaysia and the Philippines will grow in 2030 and 2040. It should be noted that after 1990, the number of city dwellers in Malaysia surpassed that of the Philippines.

Roughly under 20% of people lived in Thailand in 1971, however, that of Indonesia was just above 10%. the number of people who were living in Thailand had an increase to near 30%, this was followed by a period of stability until 2020. In Indonesia, the percentage of the population living in cities climbed to 50%, and it overtook that of the Philippines in 2010. Similar to Indonesia, the number of people who will live in cities in Thailand is predicted to rise in 2030 and 2040. 

Overall, the percentage of people living in cities has climbed in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, while that of the Philippines experienced a decrease from 1970 to 2020. All four countries are predicted to have a growth in 2030 and 2040.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The graph shows the percentages of the population of four different countries in Asia that live in towns from 1970 to 2020 and also predict the figures for 2020 onwards. Overall, all four countries experienced increasing trends, and based on predictions this upward trend will be continued to the end of the period.

According to the graph, while the population of Malaysia was 30% in 1970, it dominated the graph in about 1991 and continue its upward trend and will be higher than other countries at the end of the period with about 82%. Indonesia will be the second country in terms of population percentage by the end of the period, while it started as the lowest percentage in 1970 with about 15%, it witnessed an increasing trend and surpassed other countries in 2000 and 2010.

Thailand and the Philippines both experienced a fluctuating trend. Although the Philippines started as the leader in 1970, after a sharp increase in 1990 it saw an approximately steady decreasing trend and reach about 45% in 2020 and is estimated to reach 50% by the end of the period. Thailand started at about 18% and continued a modest increasing movement and reached 30% in 2020 also as the lowest country in percentage, and estimated to be the lowest in 2040 by 50%. 






The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The given line graph compares information about people who lived in four different countries in Asia from 1970 to 2020. In addition, predicted data is provided for the years 2030 and 2040.

Overall, while the figures of Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia have experienced upward trends since 1970 until now (2023), the figure of  Philippines has seen a downward trend. Furthermore, the percentage of all four countries will keep increasing until 2040. The highest number of people were related to Malaysia over this period of time.

In 1970, both the figures for Indonesia and Thailand started at around 20%. From 1970 to 2000, these two figures saw a steady increase and reached approximately 25%. In 2000, the percentage of people living in Indonesia climbed sharply and was a little over 50% until 2023. This trend will continue to rise until 2040 and will reach its peak at around 60%. Moreover, the proportion of Thailand will keep an upward trend. 

Similar to the figure of Malaysia, the figure of Philippines began at around 30% in the first year. Both figures began rising consistently for the next 20 years (1990) and were about 45% and around 50%, respectively. On the one hand, the number of people living in Philippines descended steadily until 2010 and reached around 40%. After maintaining the downward trend by 2020, it will grow dramatically until 2040. On the other hand, from 1970 to 2040, the percentage of Malaysians will see marked growth and will be at its maximum of 85%.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The provided linear diagram illustrates the history and anticipation of the city residents’ proportion in four Asian countries of Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia between 1970-2040. The measures are given in percent of the population of cities in each country.

Overall, it can be seen that Filipinos approximately tend to reside in cities more than other nations. Also, until 2000, Indonesia has the least percentage of urban population among these countries and then it has given its place to Thailand.

Obviously, the number of city residents in all countries increases over time. In detail, this rising trend was gradual before 2000 and after that, it increases more significantly. However, unlike other nations, it can be observed that the population of Philippine cities slightly decreased from 1990 to 2010 and then they experience an increasing trend again.

In 1970, Indonesia and the Philippines had the least and topped place by approximately 12% and 30% portion of the urban population, respectively. But, In 2040, the Philippines will be the second country with roughly 60% city residents, and Indonesia will be experienced a mild upward trend in urban population and fall down to third place by 50% urban life.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The line graph provides an overview of the data about urbanization by percentage in four different Asian countries from 1970 to 2020 and a prediction of it for 2030 and 2040.

Overall, it can be observed that an overwhelming number of people in four countries have tended toward urbanization from 1970 to 2020. Furthermore, the conducted prediction discovered that these values would increase in 2030 and 2040.

Looking more closely at the graph, it can be seen that the growth of living in cities in the Philippines and Thailand was fairly similar in terms of trend, and these quantities have risen by around 15% and 10%, respectively, from 1970 to 2020. On the other hand, the trends in Malaysia and Indonesia were extremely comparable, and they both experienced a notable 40% growth between 1970 and 2020.

Based on the predicted data, it is projected that urbanization will increase in each of the countries in the future (2030 and 2040). The estimated percentage for the three countries of Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia will increase by approximately 10%. In comparison, this value will be only 5% for the Philippines.


Amir Hossein
Amir Hossein


The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

A glance at the graph illustrates some data about the proportion of the population who live in 4 different countries, such as, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia in the period of 43 years and there is a prediction for the next 17 years until 2040.
As can be seen, there is a substantial rise in those who are living in the Philippines, and it is predicted by far greater than the others. In addition, others follow the same growth trend for the next 17 years up to 2040.
In 1970, Philippians and Malaysians have had the higher number of populations, in the vicinity of 30 % of the total population. On the one hand, the Thais, and Indonesians had the lowest proportion of the total population which is almost 19% and 14%, respectively. And in the following years, there is the same trend in terms of the rising number of populations for all nations until 1990. From 1990 to 2010, there was a marked rose for Malaysia and Indonesia, approximately 72% and 41%, respectively. In contrast, there was a downward trend for the Philippines from 48% to 40%, and it steadily remained for Thailand almost 29% up to 2020.
On the other hand, it is predicted that these 4 nations are going to experience an upward trend up to 2040 it seems that countries like the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand will have the same percentage of rising with a margin difference of 52%, 43%, and 60%, respectively. The highest percentage is predicted to be for Malaysia, with over 80%. 





The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The given line graph reveals comprehensive information regarding the proportion of the population residing in cities in four Asian countries over a fifty-year period from 1970 to 2020, along with projected figures for 2030 and 2040.

From an overall perspective, it is clearly evident that all four regions have and will continue to experience a similar trend during this period - a growth in the population rate.

In Malaysia, the population figure started at 30% in 1970 and gradually rose to 40% in 2020 (70%). It is predicted that this ratio will increase to 80% in 2040, which is the highest amount shown on the chart. Indonesia represents an equivalent trend by starting at less than a sixth in 1970 and steadily growing to 50% in 2020. The figure is estimated to reach 60% in 2040.

The contribution of the Philippines' population begins at 30%, increasing slightly to approximately 32% in 1980. Over the next 10 years, this percentage grows rapidly, reaching a peak of 50% in 1990. After a moderate decline to 40% in 2010, it is expected that the population will have increased to 50% by 2040. In Thailand, the population grows gradually from 20% to 30% by the year 2020, while the expectation shows a rapid increase to 50% by 2040.





The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The figure depicts the portion of the population of four countries, namely the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, residing in cities within 50 years from 1970 to 2020, along with a prediction of their population in 2030 and 2040.

Overall, it is observed that although not all the graphs showed a steadily increasing trend throughout the studied period, the population of the city-dwellers in all four countries rose noticeably until 2020 and is expected and so forth in 2030 and 2040.

In 1970, Indonesia had the smallest portion of city dwellers, at approximately 12% of the whole population. From this year forward, its graph spiked rapidly to the point that it is expected to be the second country with the highest percent of people who live in cities at circa 60%, following Malaysia, which saw a steady increase in 1990 onwards after a minor fluctuation in the numbers between 1970 and 1990.

Unlike Malaysia and Indonesia, experiencing the most prominent rise in the population of cities, Thailand and the Philippines saw decades of fluctuation in the number of those living in urban areas from 1970 to 2020. Nonetheless, these countries are expected to see a rise in the proportion of the city-dwellers in 2030 and 2040, ultimately reaching roughly 48% and 50%, respectively.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The graph vividly highlights information about the percentage of population of four countries in Asia, namely the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, between 1970 and 2020 with extra anticipations for 2030 and 2040.

Overall, there is a significant upward trend in the number of people who live in cities of Malaysia and Indonesia. Also, there is a slight increase in cities' population in the Philippines and Thailand with a number of fluctuations.

As can be seen, the percentage of the population living in urban areas in Malaysia soared markedly from approximately 30% to 75% between 1970 and 2020, and it is predicted that it will reach 80% in 2040. Moreover, the population of cities in the Philippines experienced a gradual rise. In fact, there was a peak at 50% in 1990 followed by a minimal fall by 10% until 2010; however, it is expected that there will be a recovery after 2020.

In contrast, Thai cities experienced the least percentage of population. It's true that there was a gradual increase between 1970 and 1990, but there was also a plateau between 1990 and 2020 at 30%. Eventually, the expectations illustrate that it will rise dramatically from 30% to 40%. With regard to Indonesia, there was a gradual upward trend from 12% to 50%. Furthermore, it is likely to reach 60% and 63% in 2030 and 2040 respectively.




The graph gives information about the percentage of the population if four different Asian countries living in cities between 1970 and 2020 with additional predictions for 2030 and 2040.

The changes taken place in the population of four nations, namely the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia between 1970 and 2020, with projections through 2040 are shown in the given line graphs. What stands out from the data is that since 1970, the trend of population residency in each country has undergone an upward trend, which is also expected to continue in the future, with Malaysia having the largest proportion.

In 1970, both the Philippines and Malaysia were the most populous countries, accommodating a third of total. They were fluctuating in a ten-year span to reach in the vicinity of 50% in 1990. Since then, the former has witnessed a decline to stay at 40%, then gone up to less than 50% in 2023. Whereas, the latter has experienced a less than threefold increase, picking at 80% until 2023. From this point onward, the population residing in these countries is expected to continue growing; the Philippines will have had 55% city population and Malaysia 85% by the end of 2040.

Regarding the other countries, approximately 12% of the Indonesian chose to reside in cities in 1970, while nearly one-fifth of the Thai did the same in Thailand. By 2000, the number of city dwellers in Indonesia and Thailand had risen to 30% each, before the figure for the former surpassed the figure for the latter, surging to overtake the Philippines at 55% in 2023. However, the latter has remained relatively constant, with a mere increase to 40% until 2023. It is predicted that by the year 2040, there will be a sixfold and a fourfold increase in the population of Indonesia and Thailand, reaching 60% and 45%, respectively. 


Zahra Teymouri 






Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living in has become dirty lately.
In your letter, you should tell:

Why it is happening
What problems it will cause
What your suggestions are

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention my grave concern regarding the alarming decline in the standard of cleanliness on the street where I reside. It has come to my fore that the prevalence of litter and various forms of debris has seen a marked increase as of late.

The underlying cause of this issue can be attributed, in part, to a lack of effective waste management measures. Residents have been observed disposing of their refuse indiscriminately on the street rather than utilizing the designated waste receptacles. This has led to the street becoming a haven for vermin and a source of unpleasant odors.

If this matter is not addressed promptly, it could result in more serious health problems for the residents of the area. Additionally, the unsanitary state of the street may also lead to a decrease in property values and a detrimental impact on the overall aesthetic of the neighborhood.

In light of the above, I would respectfully suggest some measures to rectify the situation. To begin with, the council could consider increasing the frequency of waste collection services in the affected area. Furthermore, the council could initiate an educational campaign to raise awareness among residents regarding proper waste management practices. Finally, the council could contemplate the installation of additional waste bins on the street to encourage responsible disposal of refuse.

I would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and I am confident that, with the council's efforts, we can work towards restoring the cleanliness of our street.

Thank you for considering my concerns.

Yours faithfully,
Arthur Pourali




You have decided to leave your current employment.


Write a letter to your employer. In the letter:


Explain why you have decided to leave the company

Tell your employer what you plan to do after leaving your present employment

Say what you have gained from working for the company.

Dear Mr Kashani,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I have decided to resign. Please allow me to elaborate on why I made this decision and what I am planning to do in my future professional life.

The most important reason for leaving the company is my salary. Although the company provides a pleasant and friendly atmosphere for its employees, it does not consider their monetary issues. When I compare my wage with some of my friends with whom I have similar job experience, I find out that my job is a low-paying one. Moreover, as a result of emerging financial problems in our country, it has become quite hard for me to meet my basic living expenses, like paying bills and house rent.

After consulting with some of my colleagues and friends, I came to the conclusion that my best option is to establish my own business. There are some individuals who agree to give my initial capital for running this business. If I strive very hard to manage and handle this business to survive in today’s competitive job market, my efforts will be paid off and my goals will achieve in y career.

Those 5 years when I worked for this company were so precious and unforgettable.  I have learned many valuable skills, not only related to jobs but also to life ones. I am so grateful to the company because you trusted me as a young and inexperienced engineer to give me many responsibilities. I am so sure that the experience and competencies that I have learned during my career in this company will assist me in my future career prospect.

Thank you for accepting my resignation, and I hope we will cooperate together in the near future.

Kind Regards,

Hamid Gholami  




You recently had a problem with a product or service that you purchased, and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the company. Write a letter to the company, explaining the problem and the action you expect the company to take.

In your letter:

Describe the problem you experienced
Explain how this problem has affected you
State what you expect the company to do to resolve the issue

Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction about the speed of the internet which I have recently bought from this internet service provider. Although I bought high speed internet service, I face numerous difficulties while using the internet.

To be more specific, working remotely as a software developer for an overseas country, I need high speed internet to upload and download a large amount of data. Despite positive user comments about your company, the quality of your service has not fulfilled my expectations. Unfortunately, not only is the internet speed low, but also most of the time it is disconnected. Thus, I can not meet the deadline at work, if this situation continues.

I look forward to taking some actions promptly in order to enhance internet speed and rectify the situation.I am afraid to say that if the situation is not mitigated, I will make a complaint officially. According to the contract drawn up, you are supposed to pay a fine  when your company can not provide the desired quality.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully

Leila Oskuie




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The bar chart illustrates British people who immigrate to Australia, Spain, New Zealand, the USA, and French From 2004 to 2007.

It is clearly that the number of emigrants decreased in British during the period. Furthermore, Australia was popular distention for British people, while New Zealand was least interested in there.

In 2004, nearly 41% of the people of Britain migrated to Australia, while approximately 21% of people relocate to French. Spain was the second location for emigration, stood at almost 33%. Between 2004 and 2005, the proportion of immigrants to Australia dropped slightly to nearly 39%, By contrast, the figure for emigration to French destinations climbed significantly about by %9. During the same time, the figure for emigration to the USA was by far the lowest, account for about % 18. 

In regard to 2006, about half of the population of Britain migrate to Australia, Conversely, almost 21% and 23% of British people move to New Zealand and the USA, respectively. From 2006 to 2007, the figure for emigration to Australia fell by nearly 6%.similarly, the figure for immigration to French declined from approximately 25% to 19%. Moreover, the percentage of people who immigrated to New Zealand and the USA was almost similar, made up 20%.      




The chart shows British Emigration to selected destinations between 2004 and 2007.

The given bar chart reveals the statistics on British individuals emigrating to five distinct countries over a period of four years from 2004 to 2007.

Overall, while the proportion of British people inhabiting Australia rose slightly over the entire period, the remainder of the countries saw a downward trend in this percentage. It is noteworthy that the highest demand for immigration was attributed to Australia during the scenario period.

As for Australia, almost 40% of the British immigrant population was reported in this country in 2004. There was a considerable growth in this figure, reaching an all-time peak of about a half in 2006. However, this percentage climbed back to nearly its initial figure in the end of the period.

Turning to other countries, at about 35%, Spain was the second country in which British people opted to inhabit in 2004. This amount remained approximately unchanged in the subsequent year and then experienced a steady decline, consisting of nearly 28% in 2007. Initially, New Zealand incorporated roughly the same percentage of foreign people as the US and France, at about 23%. Then, this figure shrank minimally by 3% in this country in 2007. However, this percentage went through a period of instability in the US during this time frame, varying between nearly 8% and 23%.  Additionally, the percentage of British immigrants in France decreased gradually contributing only about 8% in 2007.    




You recently stayed at a hotel for a business trip and were unhappy with the service provided. Write a letter of complaint to the hotel manager, outlining the problems you experienced and requesting compensation for the inconvenience caused.



Dear Sir,

I believe you are in charge of the Hilton Hotel branch located in London. I am writing to inform you how I am dissatisfied with the services provided at your hotel during the time when I was staying there.

The exact day I entered the hotel was the 5th of April 2023, and the last day I left was the 10th of April. I vividly remember the room where I stayed, it was a double-bed room situated on the sixth floor and had a view of a beautiful park. If my memory serves me well, my room number was 632.

There were several problems that I confronted during my 5 days of staying. The most significant one was the bad behaviour of your servants with whom I could not establish a good connection. Whenever I asked them to give me something, like shampoo or soap, they denied my request. My room also was not cleaned perfectly as the servants never changed the towels and blankets in my room.  Another issue was that those occupied in the room next to me made a lot of noise, especially at midnight when I fell asleep, so they interfered with my inner peace, and I could not sleep very well. When I mentioned that issue to your employees, they told me that the walls are soundproof, without giving any warning to the noisy neighbours.

I experienced a nightmare business trip. As I could not take a rest at night, I had not enough energy during the day to handle my meetings. I also lost my temper quickly and could not focus well on my tough duties. Because I was so angry about your servants’ behaviour, I was compelled to shorten my trip, which meant I was unable to accomplish my mission goals, thereby emerging negative consequences for my company.

Although you cannot compensate me for all of the suffering and difficulties I experienced due to your hotel, you can show how you are sorry for my inconvenience by offering a discount for my next trip or refunding a proportion of my cost. This action will definitely play a vital role in saving your reputation.

I am looking forward to your prompt reply.

Kind regards,

Hamid Gholami




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The bar chart compares the monthly expense of a family in the USA in three distinct categories, namely foodstuffs, gas, and clothing, in the year 2010.

Overall, it can clearly be seen that the average monthly spending ranked first in March. It is also noticeable that spending money on gas saw an upward trend over a four-year period.

According to the food item, it started at almost 500 dollars. After increasing by approximately 50 dollars in February, it dropped to a trough of 300 dollars at the end of the period. As for the gas, it went down from 350 dollars in January to 250 dollars in February. Then, it surged to a peak of 550 dollars in April.

While a family paid just above 200 dollars for clothing in January, they paid well below 600 dollars and 300 dollars in February and March, respectively. However, this amount surged to well over 600 dollars in April. The average monthly expenditure stood at roughly 350 dollars in January and plateaued until February. It experienced a slight increase in March and finally declined to 250 dollars in April.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The given visual illustrates how many dollars were spent on food, gas and clothing by each American family per month, during the first four months of 2010. What is outstanding from the bar chart is that while the biggest expenditure was spent on clothing during April, the smallest of it was again on clothing in January. In addition, the average spending fluctuated over the period, and the highest and the lowest of it was in March and April respectively.

Food spending, setting over average over the 4-month period, although, had the first place in both January and March and ranked second after clothing by a small margin, experienced the last rank in the last month, almost twice lower than clothing. In other words after its shift in February, from just over $500 to $600 per family, its peak, it gradually decreased until its depth in April, almost half of its peaked amount.

The second item, gas, appeared to follow the opposite pattern of food spending. It started lower at about $350 per month, falling in the next month, and then increased significantly to just under $600 in April. Clothing, having the most variable state, saw an almost 2.6-fold increase in the second month, then beheld a drop the next month, standing nearby gas, and again stood in first place for the second time during the last month, just below 700 dollars.

Although none of these three items had a stable trend, food during the whole period was the only item which stood over average. Gas in February, clothing in January, and both of them during March were below average.




The bar chart shows the monthly spending in dollars of a family in the USA on three items in 2010.

The provided chart compares the expenditure of an American family on three different items in 2010.

Overall, it is clear that the highest monthly expenditure by the family in the US was on clothing in April, while in January, they spent the lowest budget on clothes.

The average expenditure line was stable in the first two months nearby, at $370, it observed an upswing by above $400 in March and the ratio gradually declined below $300 in the final month. Turning to the details, the family in the USA spent approximately $500 on food in January which rose by $100 and reached its peak in February. However, it began to decline gradually to $430 in March and finally around 300 in April.

Furthermore, expenditure on clothing fluctuated. In January, approximately $220 was utilized by the family, and this amount skyrocketed to nearly $580 in February. In March, the budget for clothing diminished to 320 dollars and the figure hit its peak in April by more than $600. Spending on gas began at nearly $370 in January, and this value plunged to approximately $230. After a month, this ratio boosted to 350 dollars and finally reached its peak at $580 in April. 




Write a letter to your friend about a trip you recently took, describing the places you visited and the experiences you had. Include details such as the sights you saw, the food you ate, and any interesting people you met.

Dear Mahsa,


I hope you are well. I am writing this letter to tell you that I just came back home from my trip to Europe. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I’d like to share my amazing moments with you. 


Although I had the chance to visit several countries including Italy, Spain, England, and France, I have to admit that France was something else. There were a lot of things to see and do there. I spent most of my time sightseeing and tasting local food in Paris. 


While Paris is famous for its breathtaking monuments, historical sites, and scrumptious food, what I enjoyed the most was visiting the Eiffel Tower and Louver Museum. I saw many lovers dancing and proposing under the Eiffel Tower, and some Iranian ancient works exhibited in the Louver Museum, making me proud of our old civilization. I am sure that If you were with me, you would not get enough of the delicious dishes there, being a food lover, from the onion soup to the croissant whose taste was out of this world. I had meals at many lively restaurants and bars jam-packed with tourists and locals. 


The inhabitants were really welcoming and hospitable and they all try to create a convivial atmosphere for the visitors. I really like to visit Paris again in the near future and I hope you will be my travel buddy next time.  


See you on the weekend,





The charts give information about employment in the UK in 1998 and 2012.

The presented pie charts compare Britons' employment rates in 2 distinct years: 1998 and 14 years later.
Taking a glance at the graphs, it can be seen that generally, despite an overall increase in the number of people having a job, the proportions of full-time male and part-time female workers have declined. Also, the former has been the all-time most-populated group as opposed to male Britons who were working part-time, but the second rank of temporary female workers was taken by full-timers.

Regarding job-having men, those who were fully employed were dominant, having 12,539 workers in 1988.  Although this figure reached a total of 13,794 workers by 212, their proportion fell 6% to 47%. Those working on a part-time basis by contrast, despite a marginal 1% rise to became 7% of the populace, were the smallest group in both years, having 1550 and 2131 workers respectively.

Turning to the next gender, it can be witnessed that the pattern for their percentages was broadly in line with their male counterparts. In 1988, 22% of British job-owners (5268 workers) were working on a full-time basis and this figure, regardless of a 2% reduction, reached to 5979 by the end of the period shown. Finally, part-timer women experienced the hugest burst of population during the time shown, overtaking the full-time female employees and becoming the second biggest group of workforce by 2012 (a 7% percent inclination from their initial 19% and a soar of over 3200 working staff added to the early 4482 workers).




You recently bought a camera while travelling overseas. When you got to your destination you discovered that some important items were missing from the box.
Write a letter to the local representative of the company. In your letter

▪️Give details of the camera and where you bought it
▪️Explain what has happened
▪️Say what you want him/her to do about it

Dear Mr. Jones,

I am writing to you in regards to my latest purchase from your brand, which has been nothing but an utter disappointment. On October 1, after months of saving, I was able to go on a vacation to Athens, and during my stop in Istanbul I decided to buy a GoPro camera from your local branch in the city.

Naturally, to facilitate boarding the connecting flight I chose not to open the box, which I now realize was a mistake. Upon arriving in Athens, I decided to unbox the camera and my excitement was immediately turned into shock and anger, as the safety cover and the user manual were missing from the box. I, consequently, had no choice but to purchase another camera because documenting my vacation was of utmost important to me.

Therefore, the lack of quality control by your brand has not only increased my expenses significantly, but also ruined my once in a lifetime trip to Athens. Hence, I would like to request that your company compensate me by refunding my payment for the first camera. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to protect my rights as customer through legal channels. Please do not hesitate to contact me through this address, should you require additional information.


Nima Siamakmanesh




The maps show Pacific Railway Station station in 1998 and now.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The two maps detail alternation of a train station called Pacific in 1998 and the present day.


Looking from an overall perspective, the Pacific station has been changed profoundly with the erection of a new triple-track railway alongside the past platforms. In addition, the 24-year period saw changes to some commercial facilities.


Looking at the map in more detail, in 1998, there was a public lavatory at the heart of the area. In the recent regeneration, however, that facility has been demolished in favor of three platforms, two stores, and one restaurant. On the right side of the map, the platforms and two trains from 1998 have remained unchanged, so there is now a total number of three trains, one of which is new.


Regarding the southern part of the maps, the 1998 map had three buildings, namely a café, a shop, and a ticket outlet in the southeast corner of it. The shop has been relocated to the center of the station; therefore, the ticket agency has been expanded towards the west. Finally, the current station has been developed since 1998, with a big retail store in front of the triple-track railway.







You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the City Museum shop during the holidays. You decide to apply for the job.

Write a letter to the director of the Museum. In your letter

Introduce yourself
Explain what experience and special skills you have
Explain why you are interested in the job


You have seen an advertisement in an English newspaper for a job working in the city museum shop during the holidays. You decide to apply for the job. Write a letter to the director of the museum. In your letter:

-        Introduce yourself.

-        Explain what experience and special skills you have.

-        Explain why you are interested in the job.

Dear sir/madam,

I am Sam Stone, a faculty of history senior graduate. I am a historic documenter. Indeed, I work on historical places to make documentaries for a famous TV channel. I have to stop production procedures during the holidays because these areas are usually crowded during these days. Thus, I have been looking for a job position concerning my field and turning my spare time to economic benefit. Though, I have faced your advertisement announced in an English newspaper taking on a new workforce that appeals to me.

I have worked on a majority of the country's historical buildings while I have known almost every particular thing that may be found in the museums. I took some master classes in maintaining antique materials. Moreover, I had experienced working as a museum tour leader during my apprenticeship.

In addition, more than my main job's perks, history gives me a significant sense of mystery. Considering my character, I always place a premium on my career and am willing to grow it with a rising variety of working field aspects. 

I am looking forward to hearing your agreement about that.

Yours faithfully.

Sam Stone

Saman Malek Nia





You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems.

Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter

Explain your situation
Describe your problems
Tell him/her when you think you can start

You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. 

Write a letter to the manager. In your letter

Explain your situation

Describe your problems

Tell him/her when you think you can start


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am Hamid Gholami who was recruited by the company as an electrical engineer. I am writing this letter to inform you that I will not be able to start my job on the compromised date because some unexpected issues have recently occurred to me. Please allow me to explain what happened.

My previous company was located on the outskirts of the town, which means I had to rent my home in the vicinity of my workplace. When I received your confirmation letter mentioning I have passed the requirements of the company for hiring, I discussed with my landlord to withdraw my contract so that I could rent a new apartment in an area near your company. Although he came to an agreement to pay me back my deposit, later he called and refused to refund my money in time. So, I cannot move to the town on our agreement date. Another problem is with my previous boss who asked me to finish my uncompleted duties before leaving the company. Thus, due to moral obligation, I should stay there to accomplish those tasks.

Based on my rough estimation, if everything goes well, I will give my work to the boss two weeks later. My landlord also made a promise to give me a cheque at the end of this month. I, therefore, will attend the company from the beginning of the next month, which means the first of February. 

Please accept my apology for my delay, and I hope you kindly consider these unprecedented conditions occurring for me. 

Kind Regards, 

Hamid Gholami  







The diagram shows how apple is canned.

The diagram demonstrates various stages of canning apples in 14 steps, which begin with picking with hands and end with dispatching. It is crystal clear that this is a complex process that requires a combination of equipment and machinery as well as workers. 
First, a number of laborers pick apples from some orchards, and the picked apples are transported by medium-duty trucks. After receiving apples from trucks, they are washed with water and some sanitizer material by automated machinery in the factory. In the fourth stage, workers check the quality of the apples to send them to the next step, which is cold storage. After remaining the apples in below zero condition, they are weighed and graded by equipment and then peeled. Before canning the peeled apples in the ninth stage, Corning and slicing are conducted in the eighth one. The cans which were filled with sliced apples are sealed to prepare for cooking and sterilizing with steam in some pots. When cans were cooled, some workers stick some labels on them. There are two final steps before transferring products to the market, which are stored and dispatched, respectively. 


Mohammad Reza
Mohammad Reza


You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.


Dear Alex, 

Hello, and hope this email finds you well. Last month we met and I told you about some probable re-scheduling in my life plans. It happened, and I also have some good news for you.  

Finally, I walked into a well-paid job with great perks in my hometown, and I will quit my current position within a week. I have managed to persuade my employer to admit my resignation, and my landlord has agreed to cancel the contract before its due. I have to sell all of my furniture, and as you have moved here recently and are looking for some quality second-hand appliances, if you mind, you could have them at a fair price. 

One of the main items is a Bosch XY white washing machine which I bought it a couple of months ago. I haven’t used it frequently, and you could consider it new. Another main item is my fridge, and you remember it certainly as it is equipped with an ice cream dispenser and you liked it a lot. Some other small electronic appliances, including a juicer and a meat grinder, are also available to sell. All of them are of well-known brands and haven’t worked much. 

I want to invite you to come along for dinner before I leave. We can have a chat about our plans, and also you can take a look at the furniture, and choose whichever you desire. This Saturday evening, I am completely free; please let me know if the time suits you. 

I hope to see you soon! 

Best regards,





The maps below show the village of Stokeford in 1930 and 2010.

The maps illustrate the developments taking place in the rural town of Stokeford which was located on the east side of the River Stoke between 1930 and 2010. Overall, a comparison between the two plans reveals a complete transformation in this area which makes it more residential due to the erection of numerous houses after the farmlands were cleared.


On the left side of the main path cutting the village in half and accessing to the north through a bridge across the river, there were farm fields in the south which were replaced by residential buildings situated along the road to the middle where a square with more houses around it were built. In the north, the post office remained untouched; However, the stores were demolished to make way for a new side road with more accommodations on both sides.


Turning to the east, there was a primary school in the center which was expanded during these 80 years. Moreover, farming zones on the top disappeared and new houses were constructed. Below the academic facility, the large dwelling with gardens was altered to a retirement center reaching through a dead-end pathway. In the furthest south part, which was vacant in the initial year, several places for residence were erected.




Write a letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your neighborhood and suggesting ways to improve the situation.

▪️Describe the current recycling situation in your area.
▪️Explain why recycling facilities are important and how they can benefit the community.
▪️Suggest specific measures or initiatives that the local council can take to improve recycling rates.
▪️Provide reasons and examples to support your suggestions.
▪️Express your hope for positive changes and offer assistance if possible.

Dear Ms. Stevenson,

I hope this letters finds you well. Firstly, I would like express my gratitude for your endless efforts to make the town greener, and being personally an environmentalist, I have written this letter to inform you about a new front on this matter.

As you are certainly aware, recycling is an effective method in preserving the nature, and despite many advances in your city there has been minimal progress in introducing recycling to the town. However, with little research we can see that starting such facilities can not only benefit the nature, but increase employment in the area. In terms of environmental benefits, it is obvious that recycling decreases the need for over-consumption of crude materials which essentially helps us save nature for the generations to come. It, is nevertheless, understandable that more tangible outcome may be required to encourage the council to sanction this proposition.

Based on preliminary calculations, I believe that starting a recycling facility will decrease our need to ferry plastic from the mainland, which cuts city expenses significantly and simultaneously boosts employment rate in the island. To this end, as can be seen in the attached proposal, first the council needs to attract investors, which is more likely if we have the support of the federal government. Next, the council needs to start the project and redirect the revenue to expanding the recycling facility, and thus make it self-sufficient.

While, understandably, the process may seem to be too complicated, the presence of similar initiatives in the past in other cities like Seattle can be good way to ascertain the success of the project. According to public data, Seattle started the recycling project long ago without any public support and within 5 years, they had made the business profitable enough to start importing plastic wastes from neighboring cities. I hope the council welcomes my offer and will be delighted to be of service should the council opts to proceed with the project.


Nima Siamakmanesh




Write a letter to your local council expressing your concern about the lack of recycling facilities in your neighborhood and suggesting ways to improve the situation.

▪️Describe the current recycling situation in your area.
▪️Explain why recycling facilities are important and how they can benefit the community.
▪️Suggest specific measures or initiatives that the local council can take to improve recycling rates.
▪️Provide reasons and examples to support your suggestions.
▪️Express your hope for positive changes and offer assistance if possible.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention Hamilton habitants’ concern regarding the lack of appropriate cycling amenities across the area. I am Kimia Seyfi, a resident of this neighborhood, living on Main Street for more than 15 years. I need your assistance to improve the situation, and I hope you take my suggestions into consideration.


Unfortunately, there are no designated cycle lanes for cyclists to ride their own bicycles without being worried about accidents. Furthermore, unlike other upscale neighborhoods, free cycles are not provided to be hired by locals to use, making it impossible for people who cannot afford to buy a bike to use this healthy mode of transport. 


It cannot go unnoticed that riding bicycles offer a number of benefits. Not only are they environmentally friendly, not emitting carbon dioxide, but they also help individuals burn calories and maintain their overall health. Improving air quality and inhabitants’ health, bikes are the best option for daily commuters. It would be grateful if you could take some actions to make people encouraged to utilize them.


To persuade residents to employ bikes, you need to provide them with free city bicycles. The majority of people either do not have bikes or cannot buy them. Implementing free city bike systems is an effective way to cause people to commute by them. Moreover, constructing cycle tracks boosts the safety of using this means of transportation, attracting more inhabitants to opt for them.


We are ready to assist you by donating money or volunteering time. I hope you weigh these suggestions and take the best action to tackle the issue.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Kimia Seyfi




The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

The chart compares how much agriculture, industry and services contributed to gross product within India’s borders during five consecutive decades starting from 1960.

Overall, it can be clearly seen that benefits from agricultural work and services accounted for the majority of the country’s domestic product throughout the period, while the figures for industry saw a gradual, slight increase and remained the lowest for most of the period.

In year 1960, farmers were responsible for 60% of India’s total product, which was the highest proportion they ever reached during the given time interval. This is when the other two sectors contributed just over 15% each. However, the benefits coming from these two, industry and services both increased over the next decade, reaching about 20 and 25 percent respectively, while the farming activities product started to decline by about 5 to 10 percent each ten years, dipping at approximately 15% in 2000. In contrast, the other two continued rising, where the profit on industry reached its peak at 25% and maintained the same level thereafter. Moreover, The revenue collected through services rose significantly from 28% to 45% in 1990, and experienced another sharp rise in the following decade by about 20 percent, overtaking agriculture, and peaking at around 63% in 2000.




Write a letter to the manager of a company which is based in a foreign country to recommend your family member for a suitable job. 


▪️Introduce yourself and say what you are doing

▪️Describe the role your family member is interested in

▪️Explain why he or she is suitable for the job

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing you to recommend a talented artist for the job vacancy as a ceramic product designer which is required in your Dubai branch.

I am Azam Mirnasl, who has been working as an art director for the Contemporary Art Gallery in recent 10 years, and have curated a wide range of art exhibitions for prestigious artists, especially in ceramic design.

Recently, my younger sister graduated with a related major from the Art University of Tehran. Actually, she has finished her studies in ceramic and has a great passion to commence her career in your honorable company. Additionally, she has a significant background in English and French. I believe therefore, she is a proper one as a designer for your multi-national company.

She is a hardworking and initiative one, and held a professional fair, which received a great acclamation from critics. She is daring enough to trail new and ambitious designs and methods to achieve magnificent products. As a curator and design expert, I guarantee her capabilities to hold this occupation. Moreover, she is not only capable of adjusting herself in a team perfectly but also, she has the ability to work independently, and adapt easily to various working atmospheres. If you give a chance to her, I assure you that she will prove herself and transform into one of the creative designers of your firm.

 I am impatiently looking forward to a favorable reply from you.

Yours faithfully,

Azam Mirnasl




Write a letter to the manager of a company which is based in a foreign country to recommend your family member for a suitable job. 


▪️Introduce yourself and say what you are doing

▪️Describe the role your family member is interested in

▪️Explain why he or she is suitable for the job

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to a brief introduction of my cousin for the job vacancy advertised by your organization.


Having had enough fortune to get familiar with your well-known organization through the newspaper, I am Ahmad Safaei who works as a psychologist at Devo Hospital in the southwest of the town. As I live with my cousin called Simon, and he is an experienced sell manager, I recognized that not only can this job opportunity help him to have a decent career in this town, but it would also have desired outcomes for your corporation.


However, my cousin has shown a deep inclination to this career owing several reasons, not the least of which is his
previous career which is totally relevant to this position. He actually worked for almost 10 years as sell manager in Nokia
corporation, often regarded as a great producer of electrical gadgets all around the world.


With his language proficiency, namely English, Arabic, and Farsi' helping him to communicate with international customers, a tremendous amount of experience making an appreciable contribution to his performance, and his natural gift in convincing customers to buy products, I strongly believe that he can handle this job in the best possible way. Please do not hesitate to let me know about your final decision.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Ahmad Safaei




▪️The line graph below gives information about the percentage of women aged 15-64 in employment between 2003 and 2009.

A glance at the line graph below reveals a comparison of the proportion of women aged 15 to 64 who were employed from 2003 to 2009 in five countries, namely Iceland, Canada, Germany, China, and Turkey.

Overall, the share of employment in Iceland was always the highest of the four other countries, while the percentage of careered women in Turkey was the lowest from 2003 to 2009.

All countries almost keep their position in employment with a steady trend from 2003 to 2009. Only, a few fluctuations existed in Turkey in 2005, which experienced a fall but returned to its back position. Also, China experienced a slight increase in 2005, which remains this trend until 2009. The rest of the countries, Canada and Germany, did not experience any fluctuation in this period of the question. This graph shows that the share of women's employment was high in Iceland, Canada, Germany, China, and Turkey, respectively, between 2003 and 2009.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The bar chart compares the number of downloads per week for three distinct software packages, namely ActiveX, Java, and Net, in five consecutive weeks.

It is readily apparent that over the period given, ActiveX accounted for the highest amount of downloads, while the least figures belonged to Net. It is also clear that Java witnessed an upward trend, unlike the other two programs which fluctuated throughout the period.

Comparing the figures for the first three weeks, ActiveX was by far the most popular program among users, with around 70000 downloads in the first week which increased sharply to approximately 110000 in the third week. The second most favorable software was java downloaded nearly 50000 times in the initial week and grew gradually to reach about 60 thousand downloads in the third week. The equivalent figures for Net experienced a steep fall from over 30000 in the first week to a low of a mere 15000 in the third week.

In the following weeks, the gradual growth of Java proceeded and its figure reached above 80000 in the last week. Moreover, after dropping briefly to slightly under 100000 in the fourth week, ActiveX downloads peaked at over 120000 in the fifth week. The statistics for Net faced a considerable rise as users downloaded this program almost 50000 times in the last week.




The bar chart shows the number of times per week (in 1000s), over five weeks, that three computer packages were downloaded from the internet.

The diagram illustrates the number of downloads for three computer packages over five weeks. At first glance, it is evident that the number of downloads increased considerably in the fifth week compared to the first week.

Among these packages, ActiveX had the most downloads by users. It started at about 70 downloads per week and increased to about 90 in week 2, then to 110 downloads. Although it reduced to 100 in week 4, downloads reached more than 120 in week 5.

Turning to Java, the pattern is almost similar to ActiveX. It started with a little more than 40 downloads in the first week and increased to near 80 in week 5. However, it did not experience any declines over the five weeks. On the contrary, Net experienced fluctuations over time. It started from near 35 downloads in the first week and reached near 60 by the end. However, a significant decline to near 20 is obvious in the middle.

Overall, it can be seen that the number of users for ActiveX is more than Java, and the least number of users is for Net, with no exception over the five weeks.




You and your family are planning to spend a weekend at a seaside hotel. Write a letter to the hotel making the arrangements

Why is this happening?

▪️When you will be arriving and leaving,
▪️What type of rooms you would like
▪️And ask them how much the weekend will cost
▪️Also enquire about activities and places of interest near the hotel.

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to make arrangements for a weekend stay at your esteemed seaside hotel with my family. We plan to stay from the date 20 July until 10 August which is a special date for my family not only to get together but also to have a celebration and have fun.

Based on our plan, the flight ticket, the flight is going to land on 20 of July at 5 p.m. On the day of departure, we will check out of the hotel room at 2 p.m. and our flight will leave at 6 p.m. Thus, I want to set an arrangement for a transfer to the airport.

 I checked the rooms on the website, and I want to reserve the super luxurious room that can comfortably accommodate 6 people with two king plus two single beds located on the seaside with a sea view and a balcony. The quality of the room and facilities is so important that I want to everything will prepare without any defects.

Based on the type of room that I mentioned above I would like you to send me an invoice to estimate the total cost including taxes and any additional charges that may apply. Moreover, as an attachment, please recommend further attractive areas around the hotel which is famous for unwinding and other activities.
 I look forward to receiving your prompt response.
 Yours faithfully,
Rozhin Kazemian




Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a checking account holder at your bank, and I am writing this letter to inform you that I have relocated to a new city, and I would like to update my address in your records.
I moved to my hometown, Vancouver, as I had some domestic problems there to deal with. Unfortunately, despite the change in my residential address, I have noticed that all bank communication continues to be sent to my older address.

The problem I am facing now is that I no longer have access to my previous address, and as a result, I do not receive any bank statements, transaction alerts, and more importantly, any state of my monthly bill for the credit. This poses significant inconvenience and concern to me as I heavily rely on timely updates and notifications from the bank to manage my financial affairs effectively.

Therefore, I kindly request that you take immediate action and update my contact information in your system. Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could resend any previous communication that has been sent to the wrong address, and ensure that they are now redirected to my new address.
I understand that updating my address may involve further details. So, please find enclosed a copy of the information about my new place of residence and also my account information.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Ayda Farhang




Your internet connection has been slow and intermittent.
Write a letter to your internet service provider to complain. In the letter:

▪️Describe the problem and why you are unhappy
▪️Arrange for an engineer to visit your home
▪️Request a reduction in your bill

Dear Mr. Feathers,

I hope this letter finds you well. As a long-time customer of your establishment, I have never hesitated to renew my internet subscription without hesitation. However, recent interruptions in the connectivity as well as the uncharacteristic slow download speed has left me regretful and disheartened. I, therefore, have decided to voice my dissatisfaction before making an ultimate decision.

My issues started to manifest themselves exactly a month ago after a notification email from your customer services detailing a weeklong overhaul. Being it a period of maintenance, I was initially under the impression that it was only natural. Yet, after the repeated disconnection and low download and upload speed persisted I realized there was something wrong. Being a teacher, this issue has seriously affected my professional life as I heavily rely on a stable connection to hold my university classes, and my absence has left my students with no choice but to complain to the faculty I work for.

It is important to note that throughout this time I have exercised the options that came to my mind including requesting online support from your customer support on numerous occasions, which to this date have been futile. As a result, since a resolution to my problem is of utmost importance, I would like you request that you kindly send a seasoned professional to my residence to check the router as well as the wiring so we can rule out the possibility of equipment malfunction.

In addition, being that I have practically been unable to access my service, I would like to request a reduction in my bill in accordance with the article 15 of the terms of service in my contract. According to this article, which I am sure you are aware of, in the case of internet disruption that exceeds two weeks, the customer is to be compensated. I deeply regret the experience and based on the spotless history of your company, it is my firm belief that you will address the issue. Nevertheless, unless the matter has been resolved, I will be forced to terminate my contract with your establishment and look for another internet service provider. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information that can speed up the process of resolving the issue.


Nima Siamakmanesh




Your internet connection has been slow and intermittent.
Write a letter to your internet service provider to complain. In the letter:

▪️Describe the problem and why you are unhappy
▪️Arrange for an engineer to visit your home
▪️Request a reduction in your bill

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the quality of service provided by your company. Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing significant issues with my internet connection. However, I have been using your company's service for more than 3 years and I have never faced any troubles. The connection has been consistently slow and frequently drops out, causing immense frustration and inconvenience. 

As an individual who heavily relies on a stable internet connection for work and personal use, this ongoing problem has severely impacted my productivity and ability to carry out essential tasks. I have attempted various troubleshooting methods such as buying a new modem and reconnecting any connection cable; however, based on the result of the speeding test, it is about 3 MB. It is evident that the issue lies beyond my control.
Therefore, I kindly request that you arrange for an engineer to visit my home at the earliest convenience. I believe a professional assessment of the situation is necessary to identify and rectify the underlying problem causing this persistent disruption.
Furthermore, considering the prolonged period of subpar service and the result of the test speed, I also request a reduction in my monthly bill as compensation for the inconvenience caused as my monthly plan's speed is 12MB. It is only fair that I am not charged for a service that has consistently failed to meet expectations.
I trust that you will take prompt action in addressing these concerns and provide a satisfactory resolution.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Rozhin Kazemian




A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He has asked for your advice Write a letter to your friend.
In the letter:

▪️Explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday
▪️ Describe some possible disadvantages
▪️Say whether you would like to go cDamping with your friend this summer

Dear Amir,


I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing this letter to give you some recommendations for your foreseeable camping trip in the upcoming summer.

Since this is your first camping experience, I would suggest you choose a location with less complicated situations. I think that black swan lake is the best place this time of the year, because of its cheerful atmosphere and outstanding view of the lake, the mountain covered in snow as well as a huge amount of green hills. Also, the silence of nature and pure air that gets into the lungs gives meaning to life. Swimming in the lake is available during the day.

Although I believe that there is no negative point in mesmerizing nature, there might be some disadvantages that you should get ready for them. One is that there’s no mobile antenna, so make sure you don’t need to use it for calling or serving the internet. Another thing is the garbage that people left in their surroundings. It’s a good idea to spend an hour cleaning around your tent as a preserving environmental activity. Moreover, you’re leaving the city on holiday so you might get stuck in a traffic jam. Thus, try to start driving before peak time. Also don’t forget anti-mosquito spry!

I was wondering if you would like to join our group on July 24th. We have essential facilities and equipment containing a tent, cooking tools, and a first aid kit. So, you would not have to pay a lot of money for preparation. Also, you have a free leader in your first journey.

I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Hope to see you then!

Best wishes,





A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He has asked for your advice Write a letter to your friend.
In the letter:

▪️Explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday
▪️ Describe some possible disadvantages
▪️Say whether you would like to go cDamping with your friend this summer

Dear Sarah,
I hope this letter finds you well. I heard that you are considering going on a camping holiday as your first experience this summer, and I wanted to share my thoughts on why I believe it would be a fantastic journey for you.
Firstly, camping allows you to reconnect with nature and escape from the hustle and bustle of life. It provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of the great outdoors, breathe in fresh air, and appreciate the simplicity of life. You can wake up to the sound of birds chirping, witness breathtaking sunsets, and even stargaze at night. It's a chance to unwind and rejuvenate your mind and body.
However, it is important to consider some possible disadvantages as well. Camping requires some level of preparation and organization. You need to pack appropriate gear, plan meals, and ensure safety measures are in place. Additionally, weather conditions can be unpredictable, so being prepared for rain or extreme temperatures is essential.
I have to confess that I would absolutely love to accompany you on this journey. It would be a great opportunity for both of us to spend quality time together while enjoying nature's wonders and pristine weather. We could go hiking, have campfire conversations under starry skies, and create lasting memories.
I hope that my advice helps you make an informed decision about your camping. Whatever you choose, I'm here to support you.
Take care and see you soon,




A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He has asked for your advice Write a letter to your friend.
In the letter:

▪️Explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday
▪️ Describe some possible disadvantages
▪️Say whether you would like to go cDamping with your friend this summer


Dear Ali,

I’m so happy that you’ve decided to go camping for the first time. I’m willing to share some valuable experiences I had and give you practical advice so that you can have more fun when you go on camping.

As I’m quite aware of your personality, the person who is a risk taker and enjoys exploring new places, I don’t have any doubt this camping trip will fill you with enjoyment.

You would also take an unprecedented chance to see some fascinating and breathtaking sights while you’re camping. Another amazing fact about this holiday is that those with whom you will camp are very hospitable and warm-hearted, having a great sense of humour, so you will have a lot of fun and thrilling moments definitely.

On the negative side, you may be confronted with some adversities. Although your companion will be helpful and give a helping hand if you need it, you will be responsible for packing and shipping your staff.  As the road may be wet and steep, you may find it difficult to move quickly. The weather at this time of year is so hot and humid, which means you have to prepare yourself for annoying insects and mosquitos, especially when it comes to night. I recommend you prepare yourself very well by buying some anti-insect lotions to sleep well.

I would like to accompany you on this unforgettable holiday, but I can take some days off from the company. These days, I’m quite overloaded with finalizing a project, and its deadline is too tight. That is why I should stay at the office to meet the deadline.

I hope you enjoy your camping holiday, and if you need more advice or have a question, don’t hesitate to ask me.

All the best,





The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000.

The line graph given compares the amount of three different types of junk food that youngsters used in Australia over a period of 25 years.

It is clear that the utilization of pizza and hamburgers have experienced a significant increase over the period shown; however, fish and chips have seen a dramatic drop generally.

In 1975, fish and chips were the most popular convenience food for Australian youth, while they ate pizza and hamburgers just under 20 times by the year. In 1980, usage of fish and chips decreased and after a slight rise reached nearly 40 times per year in 2000, less than half of the initial amount.

Ingestion of hamburgers went up substantially until 1985, then continued to do so gradually and peaked at 100 times per annum by the end of 2000, as a most famous fast food. Pizza saw a similar trend; however, its climb was modest. Its eating amount rose to a peak of approximately 85 times each year in 1995, and remained stable for the rest of the period.




The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000.



The line graph compares the amount of three types of fast food that Australian juveniles ate between 1975 and 2000.

From an overall perspective, it is clear that consumption of pizza and hamburgers had increased by 2000, while the figure for fish and chips saw a dramatic decrease at the same time.

In 1975, the most popular fast food was fish and chips, with 100 times yearly consumed, whereas hamburgers and pizza, which were in second and third place in popularity, could not attract more than approximately ten times consumption in 1975. However, after 1975, the trend changed noticeably.

After experiencing an almost equal fall and rise, in 1987, the figure for fish and chips started to fall, and the figure for hamburgers overtook it, as the most attractive fast food for Australian teenagers, and peaked at 100 times consumption in 2000. Moreover, in 1990 the figure for pizza overtook the figure for fish and chips, and finally achieved the second most favored fast food for teenagers in Australia, with about 85 times annual consumption.





The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000.

The chart gives some information about the consumption of three different types of fast foods and the amount of them by teenagers in Australia between 1975 and 2000.

Overall, the consumption of pizza and hamburgers shows an upward trend, whereas fish and chips show a downward trend.

According to the chart, in 1975, fish and chips were the most popular fast food among teenagers, so they consumed this food 100 times in one year. This amount decreased to around 82 times after 5 years just before it rose again and reached about 87 times in 1985. Since then, this number fell sharply to just under 40 times in 2000. Hamburgers were consumed about 10 times per year in the first year but this amount grew dramatically and reached around 82 times after one decade. After that, this number increased slightly by 18 times in 1995 and became the most popular fast food this year. However, this amount remained stable until the final year. Pizza had the least popularity in 1975 with about 5 times but this amount rose moderately to around 33 times in 1985. Since this year, this number increased rapidly and reached approximately 82 times in 1995. This number stayed stable until end of the period. 




The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000.

The given line graph provides information about how the amount and kind of three types of fast food like pizza, fish and chips, and hamburgers eaten by youngsters in Australia changed between 1975 and 2000.

Overall, while the figures for pizza and hamburgers experienced upward trends, the proportion for fish and chips saw a sharp decrease.

In 1975, both figures for pizza and hamburgers started at about 5 times eaten. The amount of pizza and hamburgers began to climb sharply from 1975 to 1995 and reached around 80 and 100 times per year, respectively. In the following five years, both figures remained stable. The proportion of hamburgers was higher than that of pizza throughout this period of time.

On the other hand, the number of fish and chips consumed by teenagers started at around 100 in the first year. It saw a significant decline by 1980. After maintaining a constant rise by 1985, it dropped dramatically and reached a low of 40 times eaten in the final year. The figure for fish and chips was the highest in 1975 and became the least popular type of fast food in the last year.




The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011. 


The bar chart illustrates the proportion of those who owned or rented houses in two different countries England and Wales in the period from 1918 to 2011. 

Overall, two contrasting trends can be seen; the one which was about owning houses witnessed a growing trend, and renting ones encountered a decrease.

Regarding the house owners, an upward trend is observable. At the beginning of the period only about 24% owned a house then this proportion increased moderately by 1939 to 32% and then remained the same until 1953. There was a substantial rise until 1971 when householders in rented houses and owned ones were at an equal proportion of 50%. In the following years, there was significant growth in owning accommodation to 60% in 1981. Also, 68% and 69% of people were house owners in 1991 and 2001 respectively. However, a slow decline happened at the end of the period.

Alongside the ownership, turning to tenants, about 78% in the year 1918 lived in rented accommodation. This amount decreased by 10% until the years 1939 and 1953 when the proportion of rented houses for those were at the same percentage. In 1961, a drastic decline happened to about 58%, after the year of the equilibrium between house owners and renters a plummet happened until 2001 to approximately 31%. On the other hand, as the owners declined, the renters’ proportion increased to about 35% at the end of the period.




The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011. 


The chart gives information about the proportion of families living in their personal houses or rental ones in England and Wales from 1918 to 2011. 


Overall, it is clear that while the number of people dwelling in rented houses gradually decreased from 1918 up to 2011, this proportion for those who owned accommodation increased over the aforementioned years.


Looking at the given chart in more detail, in 1918, the lion’s share of people lived in rented houses, at about 76%. This figure remained virtually constant in 1939 and 1953, around 68%. However, the proportion of people who inhabited in their own houses saw the lowest level in 1918 (24%). This figure gradually rose, and in 1971, the percentage of families living in both rented and owned accommodation experienced the same amount, precisely 50%.


Focusing on the chart from 1971 until 2011, it is obvious that the largest proportion of people lived in private houses in 1991 and 2001, with 68% and 69%, respectively. This figure for rented houses experienced the lowest number in 2001 (31%). Finally, in 2011, it slightly increased and reached approximately 36%.




The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011. 


The given bar chart compares the proportion of accommodations that were bought and rented by residents in England and Wales from 1918 to 2011.

Overall, in 1918, the most significant proportion of people rented a house, while the least percentage of citizens tend to purchase a house. It is clearly observed that these figures saw an opposite trend over the whole period.

In 1918, the percentage of people who lived in rented accommodation was the highest at well under 80%. Citizens who had their own house were the lowest (approximately 22%). Then, the figure for owners increased gradually to 50% until 1971. Conversely, the proportion of renters experienced a rapid decline and was equal to that of owners. From this year until 2001, the percentage of people who purchased their own accommodation saw a marked increase to just under 70%, followed by a marginal fall of nearly 5%.

On the other hand, the proportion of owners declined rapidly from 50% to well over 30% until 1991 and remained constant until 2001, after which it rose moderately by nearly 5%. 




The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011. 


A glance at the bar chart provided reveals the proportion of households renting and buying accommodation in two countries (namely England and Wales) over a period of 93 years.

Overall, owning and renting showed opposite trends. While the percentage of households in owned accommodation experienced an upward trend, this trend was downward for rented accommodation; also, these two figures shared the same amount in 1971.

In 1918, almost 23% of households were living in their own house. This figure rose steadily in the following two decades and exceeded 30% in 1939, then it remained constant until 1953, before witnessing considerable growth to near 70 % in 2001. However, it then declined slightly to around 65% by the end of the given period.

Regarding households residing in rented accommodations, the figure stood at around 78% in 1918, the highest amount among the mentioned years. It declined to roughly 68 % in 1939 and remained unchanged for the following 14 years, then plunged to the lowest amount, with 30% in 2001, before increasing to 35% in 2011.




The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011. 


The bar chart compares the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in two countries, England and Wales, over a period of 93 years. 

It is noticeable that the general trend of rental accommodation decreased as opposed to the owned accommodation.

In 1918, rental accommodation had the highest proportion with three-quarters of households in contrast with 22% of owned accommodation which is the lowest amount. By passing years, the proportion of rented accommodation experienced a dramatic decrease and reached a little over 30% in 2001.

In the years 1939 and 1953, the percentage of family residents who lived in their own and rented houses remained stable at about 32% and 67% respectively. In 1971, the percentage of rented and owned accommodation reached the same values (50%) and in the next decade the owned accommodation took over the rented ones. In addition; the percentage of rented accommodation saw a slight rise up to 35% while the owned accommodation fell by 5%.

In overall, it is clear that the percentage of rented accommodation came down considerably and the owned accommodation rose instead.




The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011. 


The given pie chart provides information about the percentage of households that purchased and rented properties in the UK and Wales from 1918 to 2011.

Overall, while the number of households in owned accommodation saw an upward trend, the percentage of those who rented houses experienced a sharp decline.

To begin with, in 1918, the percentage of individuals who owned accommodation began at around 22%, which was at its lowest compared to the number of households in rented houses. On the other hand, the proportion of families in rented accommodation was at its maximum, with approximately 78% in the first year. The number of households living in their own houses started climbing and reached just 50 % in 1971, which was the same as the number of people living in rented houses that began declining gradually. 

Moreover, the percentage of families that owned houses continued to rise until the last year and reached a peak of 64%. In contrast, the figure of households who rented accommodation kept falling and accounted for about 35% in 2011.




The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011. 


The presented bar chart compares owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales over a period of 93 years.

Overall, a glance at the given bar chart reveals that the percentages related to households who had owned accommodation had an upward trend, compared with a downward trend for the proportion of those who lived in rented accommodation.

In the beginning year (1918), the figure related to households in owned accommodation was lower than the corresponding figure for families in rented one, with approximately 23% and 78%, respectively.  Owning accommodation reached just over 30% in 1939, and almost remained steady until 1953 before rising to just over 40% in 1961, while renting accommodation fell to just under 70% in 1939, held steady until 1953, and then, decreased to around 58% in 1961.

In 1971, the figures for both were the same, with 50%. From that point, the percentage of those who had their own houses continued increasing to 60%, nearly 68% and just under 70% in 1981, 1991 and 2001, respectively. By contrast, the corresponding figure for people in rented houses dropped down to just over 30%. By the end of the period, household-owning accommodation overtook household renting sharply, with nearly 64% and around 36%.




The chart below shows information about the challenges people face when they go to live in other countries


                 The given chart illustrates the modifications that people would face when they immigrate abroad, such as language learning, finding accommodation, and making friends.

 Overall, it is clear that learning a new language is the most challenging issue that the elderly has been coping with.

                Looking at more details, as the given chart shows, the most significant issue that people who are over 55 years old would deal with is learning fresh languages at the rate of approximately half. However, this challenge has noticeably declined in 2 other categories which are 18 to 34 years and 35 to 54 years clients with percentages of 29 and 35 respectively.

                Moreover, there is one other difficulty that could be worth value to catch attention is making friends which the most proportion in youngsters aged 18-34 with the ratio of 46%, and the amount of this problem has gradually decreased among 35-54 years individuals and 55-year population and above with following percent 36 and 23. As can be observed the ratio of finding appropriate accommodation is at the highest level in the youngest group with 40%, and this percentage has briefly reduced for the 35-54 years population; but, this rate has sharply fallen in the elderly category and reached the bottom in 22%.




The line chart shows trends in terms of employment in the USA in millions and predictions for the future.

The given line graphs compare the current and expected employment trends in the United States between 1975 and 2025.

It is clear that while agriculture has an upward trend over the period shown, services get more popular in the half-decade and experience a downward trend. Manufacturing also saw a peak in the middle of the mentioned period.

From 1975 to 1980, people lost their fondness for finding jobs in the agriculture sector, so from 80 million persons fell gradually to just 40 million persons. This figure for services jobs started from just under 10 million and reached agriculture in 1980. Manufacturing also rose in the first five years and, from almost 18 million people, had a meeting with services and agriculture at the end of the seventies.

By 2025, it is predicted services sector will remain upward and reach 90 million persons. This trend for agriculture will continue downtrend and agriculture will decrease until 2025, and they will meet each other in 10 million.




The line chart shows trends in terms of employment in the USA in millions and predictions for the future.

Given is a graph which illustrates variations in the number of employment statuses in millions between 1975 and 2025 in the USA. It is clear that the number of humans who choose services as a job has increased sharply, despite the fact that carriers related to agriculture have seen a considerable decrease during this period.

Between 1975 and 1977, there was a steady rate of employment, which was 80 million for agriculture and about 10 million for both manufacturing and services. In the next 2 years, manufacturing and services experienced a slight increment, while agriculture declined rapidly to about 45 million. The trend for manufacturing and services was exactly the same during the next two years. In 1980, all the graphs cut each other at the point of 40 million, and manufacturing reached its maximum value.

There is a predicted trend showing the values of manufacturing and agriculture will reach the same value as the start year, and services will increase dramatically to 90 million until 2025.




The graph below shows the average monthly change in the prices of three metals during 2014

The line chart illustrates the average change in the prices of three distinct metals: copper, nickel, and zinc on a monthly basis in 2014. Overall, it is clear that nickel's price underwent the highest change in this year, followed by zinc and copper.
In January 2014, the average change in nickel's price hit a peak, almost 6% more expensive than the previous month. Between January and March, March and May, and May and June, the average price of nickel sharply declined (by 5%), leveled off, and plummeted (almost 3.5%) in turn. It should be noted that the average change in the price of nickel reached its lowest level in June, valued almost 3% lower than the previous month. From June to July and July to September, it saw a rise (by 2%) and then remained flat. After that, between September and October, October and November, and November and December, it slightly decreased (approximately 1%), soared (by 3%), and remained flat, respectively.
Regarding copper, its average price demonstrated a gradual fall between January and June (nearly 2.5%) and then steadily increased from June to December (almost 2%). According to the chart, we can see that the average price of zinc was 1% higher than in December 2013. After that, and between January and February, an almost sharp rise in zinc's average price can be observed, almost by 2%, hitting a peak. Afterward, it declined by 4% until June and then stayed almost flat between June and October. Finally, from October to December, the average price of zinc increased by 3%.




The graph below shows the average monthly change in the prices of three metals during 2014

The line graph illustrates the percentage of monthly variation in the price of copper, nickel, and zinc in 2014. Overall, the value of nickel decreased over 2014, while the amount of change in the price of Copper and Zinc remained almost unchanged in the mentioned year.

As can be seen from the graph, the percentage of change in the price of nickel in January compared with the previous month was 6% when it commenced to decline to -3% in June. Then, it witnessed a marginal rise to -1% and plateaued for two months at this figure before experiencing a slight reduction to -2% in October. After that, it escalated to 1% in November, which remained the same till December.

Evidently, the percentage of variation in the cost of zinc in comparison with a month ago was 1% in June. It fluctuated gently between 3% in February and -1% in June and October. However, it stood at 2% in December, nearly similar to the beginning of the period.

According to the line of copper, the price of copper varied almost with the same percentage each month at around 1% although it underwent some slow erratic movements over the one-year period.




The graph below shows the average monthly change in the prices of three metals during 2014

The line chart illustrates the percentage of price changes in three different metals including Cooper, Nickle, and Zink in terms of the previous month throughout the year 2014.
Overall, what stands out from the graph is that the monthly price changes of Nickle decreased considerably in the shown period, while Zink's and Cooper's figures experienced just some fluctuations.
Looking at the first half of the year, Nickle witnessed a dramatic fall in the monthly cost changes from +6 % to +1 % by March, at which point stayed stable for the next 2 months. After May, this number tumbled and reached a low point of -3% in June. Regarding the monthly inflation rate of Cooper and Zink, in can be seen that the former decreased constantly from +2% in the first month of 2014 to under zero by June, and the latter dropped gradually to -1% after increasing from +1% to +3% in February.
Focusing on the rest of the period, the monthly change rate of Nickle's value raised by 2% and leveled off at -1% until September. Subsequently, after a negligible fall, the price change levels of Nickle soared to +1 % by the end of the year. In addition, Zink's price saw no noticeable change between July and October, but after that, the number grew significantly to +3% by December. Furthermore, the change proportion of Cooper's value climbed to +1% in June and remained unchanged for two later months. Finally, In December, this number reached to +1.5% .




The graph below shows the average monthly change in the prices of three metals during 2014

The line graph illustrates the proportion of fluctuation of cost of three various metals in 2014.


Looking from an overall prospective, it is readily apparent that the ratio of both Zinc and Copper fluctuated, although Nickel experienced a downward trend.


Regarding the price of Zinc in January, it rose by 1%, and the percentage saw a three-fold increase in February, reaching 3%, which was followed by a considerable dip over the course of four months, hitting a trough of -1% in June. Furthermore, it plateaued until October, and the costs rocketed by 3% in December. Similarly, the same pattern emerged for Copper, and the portion was 2% in the first month of the year, which was followed by a significant decrease to zero in May, and it went up to 1% in July, almost remaining stable onwards.


With regard to share of Nickel, it was 6% in January, and it plunged to 1% two months later, remaining unchanged until May. Moreover, it hit its lowest point at -3% in June, rising steadily by 2% in July, following the same prices over three months, and it declined by 1% in October. Finally, the ratio underwent a noticeable increment by 3% in November.




The graph below shows different sources of air pollutants in the UK from 1990 to 2005.

The line graph illustrates pollution sources in the UK between 1990 and 2005. Overall, a general fall in the amount of air pollutants is evident during the studied period.

In 1990, the amount of air pollutants raised by households and transport was the same at almost 0.9 million tonnes. From this point onwards, household pollution dropped marginally despite some fluctuations and stayed at nearly zero in the year 2005. In contrast, transportation emitted an approximately constant amount of polluting particles in the air until 2005.

Although industry was the salient source in 1990, at well beyond 5 million tonnes of emitted pollutants, and remained the major one throughout the whole period, its figure plummeted sharply until 2002 and leveled out at roughly 2 million tonnes in 2005. Accordingly, the figure for total air pollutants followed a similar decreasing trend from circa 7 million tonnes in 1990 to well below 4 million tonnes in 2005.




The graph below shows different sources of air pollutants in the UK from 1990 to 2005.

The line graph illustrates the three factors that contributed to air pollution as well as total air pollutants in the UK between 1990 and 2005. (The y-axis shows the quantity of air pollutants in million tons)

Overall, as can be seen from the line chart, the figure for pollutants caused by transport remained roughly the same over the whole period, while that of other sources, namely, industry and households experienced a significant decline.

In 1990, transport and households were responsible for an equal amount of pollutants in the air, both just under 1 million tons. In the subsequent years, the figure for transport stayed almost stable with a marginal rise in the last six years, reaching 1 million tons. By contrast, the figure for households was halved, reaching 0.5 million tons by 1996, and followed by a slight increase, it fell moderately by 0.4 million tons by the end of the period.

The total amount of air pollutants was primarily influenced by the industrial sector, as it accounted for the largest share of pollution sources. At the beginning of the period, the figure for the total pollutants stood at 7 million tons, whereas that of industry was at 5.5 million tons. From 1990 onwards, both the total and industrial trends witnessed a substantial decrease, reaching 3.2 million tons and 2 million tons, respectively, by the end of the period.




The table shows Proportions of Pupils attending Four Secondary School Types between 2010 and 2020.


The table provides information on the percentages of attendees in four different high schools in the years 2010, 2015, and 2020.


Overall, there was a decline in the number of students attending grammar and voluntary-controlled schools from 2010 to 2020. On the other hand, specialist and community schools experienced an increase in attendance over the same period.


In 2010, voluntary-controlled schools had the highest percentage of pupils, with 56%, while community schools had the lowest, with only 15%. However, by 2020, the number of attendees in community schools had increased dramatically to 62%, more than four times the 2010 figure. In contrast, the number of students in voluntary-controlled schools had decreased to 24%, less than half of the 2010 participants.


It can be seen that specialist schools had the lowest percentages of participants in both 2010 and 2015, with 15% and 18% respectively. The proportion of pupils attending grammar schools was slightly higher, at 26% in 2010 and 21% in 2015. Finally, in 2020, specialist schools overtook grammar schools to become the third school with the highest percentage of attendees.




The table shows Proportions of Pupils attending Four Secondary School Types between 2010 and 2020.


The table below demonstrates the number of students applying for four types of high schools over a 10-year period.

It is obvious that in the beginning of the period voluntary-controlled schools were the most popular among pupils, while in the last year community schools substituted them. Specialist and community schools were the least attractive educational centers compared with the others in 2010.

In 2010, over half of the applicants (56%) chose voluntary-controlled schools and took the first place, whereas the percentage for community schools was at the bottom of the list by only 15%. Over the following 10 years, the proportion of applicants for community schools took over the figure for voluntary-controlled schools and took the first rank by 62%, and the most demanded type of institution at the start of the period saw a considerable fall and became the second most favorite among learners by 24%.

The number of applications for specialist schools was by far the fewest except in 2015 when the statistics show 18%, however grammar schools figure took the last place in 2020 by 17%. During the whole period, applying for admission to these two kinds of institutions had opposite trends, when the demand proportion of specialist schools had a slight increase to 20%, by contrast, this trend for grammar schools’ number was a small decline from 26% to 17%.   




The diagram below shows two different processes for manufacturing black tea.


The flow diagram depicts two distinct methods for producing black tea.

Overall, there are two types of traditional and modern techniques for black tea manufacturing, and both begin with leaves picking and end up with leaves drying.

Both processes begin with picking two top leaves for a good quality tea. After that, leaves are placed on a rack, and air passes through them by withering, which removes 60% of the moisture. Next, for making the loose type of tea, the leaves are rolled flat and broken, which leads to the release of enzymes from the leaves.

For making tea bags, leaves are cut, torn, and curled to make smaller granular pieces. At the following stages of both types of products, the rolled leaves spread on tiles or cement and go through fermentation, and the color of the leaves is altered into copper by enzymes and air. Then, they are dried or fired by hot air dryers or in the oven. Finally, 97% of the remaining moisture is out together with flavor and aroma being released.




The chart below shows how much money is spent in the budget on different sectors by the UAE government in 2000.

The provided pie chart offers insight into the government spending by the UAE in 2000 across various sectors. In summary, it is evident that the budget allocation for social security and healthcare significantly outweighed that of other sectors, while areas like transport and industry received considerably less funding.

Delving into the details, the largest share of the budget was channeled into social security, representing nearly a third of the total, which was notably higher than any other sector. Health and personal social services claimed the second largest portion at 53 billion, signifying a substantial investment in these crucial areas. Together, these two sectors accounted for a major portion of the government's expenditure.

Additional noteworthy allocations were designated for debt interest, amounting to 23 billion, and defense, which demonstrated a significant financial commitment to these domains. The allocation for law and order was 17 billion, underscoring the government's emphasis on security and defense.

In contrast, sectors related to housing, heritage, and the environment received 15 billion in funding, while industry, agriculture, and employment secured 13 billion. The sector with the smallest allocation was transport, receiving just 9 billion, suggesting a lower priority in government expenditure for that particular year.








You are not happy with the course you are doing at college and would like to change to a different course.

Write a letter to the college director requesting to change your course. You should include details about:


▪️What course are you doing now

▪️Why you are not satisfied with that course

▪️What course you would like to chang

e to.

Dear Mr. Sullivan,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am honored to be one of the many students accepted for the Project Controls class of 2023 and during the past semesters have found the quality of your college unparalleled and nothing but fruitful. Yet, unfortunately, a recent problem in regards to one of my courses has led me to write this letter, for which I am hopeful for your kind assistance.

As you are well aware, the program comprises of several courses that aim to educate students about various aspects of the field, and one these fields is resource management. I, however, already work in the field of Project Controls with a focus on risk management, which makes the area of resource management redundant for me. Naturally, I tried to remove this course from my curriculum but to no avail, as it is impossible according to the students’ office. Your staff have let me know that this course is a mandatory part of the program, and therefore, it appears that I am left with no choice but to bother you with a request to authorize a change to my curriculum.

Should you kindly accept my request, I would like to make some changes to my program in order to tailor it in accordance with my work-specific needs. I can assure you that these changes will be insignificant, as I only would need to take risk assessment, and crisis management instead of the resource management course. Thus, providing me with the essential tools and knowledge to carry out the responsibilities trusted upon me at my workplace. Once again, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for taking the time to read my letter, and eagerly await your response about my request.


Nima Siamakmanesh




The tables below give information about the world population and distribution in 1950 and 2000, with an estimate of the situation in 2050.

The table provides information about the global population over 100 years from 1950 to 2050 at regular intervals and its density in different continents in detail.

Overall, the table illustrates the upward trend in world population over the period. On the other hand, although the distribution of humans has been fluctuating in different zones, Asia and Oceania accommodate the highest and the lowest citizens, respectively.

As indicated in the table, the number of humans increased dramatically from 1950 to 2000, nearly tripling. Besides, it has been predicted that it will have reached 9 billion people by 2050.

Further examination of the demographic data reveals that Asia consistently has the largest population throughout the period, accounting for more than half the human numbers. Indeed, Asian inhabitants escalated significantly from 1950 to 2000; however, it will have diminished slightly by 2050. Furthermore, population dispersal in Africa and Europe follows opposite directions. To be precise, the African population grew from 9 percent in 1950 to 13 percent in 2000 and then will have been rising to 20 percent by 2050. Nevertheless, the number of residents in Europe decreased 1.8-fold from 1950 to 2000 and will have continued on a downward pattern less and less to 7 percent by 2050.




The tables below give information about the world population and distribution in 1950 and 2000, with an estimate of the situation in 2050.

The given table provides information about Earth's population and how each continent was populated by human beings in the years 1950 and 2000, along with a prediction of figures for the year 2050.
In general, Asia was the most populated continent, while Oceania was the least populated. Some continents, such as Europe and North America, saw a decrease in their share of Earth's population, while others, like Africa and Latin America, experienced an increase in their proportion of the world population.
In 1950, Asia and Europe were the most densely populated continents, with shares of 56% and 22% of the world population, respectively. In contrast, Oceania and Latin America had the lowest shares of Earth's population in 1950, with less than 1% and 6%, respectively. According to the predictions, the distribution of people in Asia, Oceania, and Latin America would remain relatively stable, but in Europe, it would decrease significantly to 7%.
By 2000, Asia still had the highest proportion of the world's population, but Europe had switched positions with Africa among other continents. Europe's share of the world population decreased from 22% to 12%, while Africa's increased from 9% to 13%. In contrast, Oceania maintained the lowest percentage at 1%. Additionally, North America became the second continent with the lowest population distribution, at 5%. According to population forecasts for 2050, the population in Africa is expected to increase, reaching 20%.




You work for an international company and you need some time off to attend a family celebration.

Write a letter to the company’s manager. In your letter:


▪️Give details of the celebration

▪️Explain the reason why you need time off

▪️Suggest a way to have your work done during that time.

Dear Mr. Philips,

I hope this letter finds you well. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your trust in my capabilities and honoring me with a promotion. I assure you that I will endeavor to help our corporation meet objectives in our branches throughout the world in the upcoming fiscal year. However, the main reason for this letter is a request that I am hopeful you will kindly accept.

As you may know, I immigrated to England about two years ago and my work responsibilities and the fast pace of life have prevented me from visiting my beloved family back in Iran. However, my one and only brother informed me last night that he proposed to his significant other, and luckily, his girlfriend accepted his hand. According to him, while the specifics of their wedding are not clear yet, they are certain that it will be around Christmas, and they intend to held a being event with numerous guests.

Hence, his invitation was indeed a request for a helping hand as well, which means he will require my assistance in planning and coordinating with caterers, venues, and the guests. I, therefore, would like to request a leave from December 20 to January 15, so that I can compensate being away from my dearest and nearest for over 2 years.

Naturally, my responsibilities in our establishment are not of the type to be delegated, and by no means am I not willing to forego them. As a result, during this period, with you generous approval I will work remotely for 4 hours a day during the working hours of our headquarters here. You will have my full confidence in my team’s exceptional conduct which means our output will not experience any fluctuation as we will maintain close contact online. I cannot stress how invaluable this event is to me and eagerly await your kind response on this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Nima Siamakmanesh




Write a letter to a teacher asking for a reference letter for a job and explain:



▪️Why you have chosen him to write the reference letter

▪️What kind of job you are applying for

▪️Why you think you are suitable for thi

s job

Dear Mr. Gholizadeh,

     I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request your assistance in providing a reference letter for a Software Engineering job application. I have chosen you to write this letter because of the positive impact you've had on my academic journey and your familiarity with my skills and abilities.

     I am currently applying for a Software Engineering position with Kavosh Rayaneh Company. This role involves designing, developing, and implementing software solutions, leading and mentoring a team of software developers and analyzing user requirements and translating them into technical specifications and so on, and I believe my academic background and practical experience make me a suitable candidate for this position.

     Throughout my time in your class, I have demonstrated a strong understanding of software engineering principles and have consistently performed well in projects and assignments related to the field. I have also actively participated in extracurricular activities and workshops to enhance my technical skills and knowledge.

     I am confident that my technical proficiency, problem-solving abilities, and collaborative approach make me well-suited for the Software Engineering role at Kavosh Rayaneh Company. Your reference letter highlighting my academic achievements and dedication to the field will greatly support my job application.

     Thank you for considering my request. I truly appreciate your support and guidance throughout my academic journey. Please let me know if you need any additional information or materials for the reference letter.

Best regards,

Mohsen Alikhani




A friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice.


Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,

▪️Offer to find somewhere to stay

▪️Advise about what to do

▪️Give information about what clothes to bring

Dear John,


I'm just writing to provide you with the info and recommendations you asked for.


Regarding a place to stay, I highly recommend the only five-star hotel that we have in our city, which is named "The Grand Hotel". Many tourist attractions are in walking distance of that hotel and its rooms that have a balcony have a panoramic view of the famous lake of our city. If you are looking for budget-friendlier accommodation, you can look for cheaper motels online.


As you may know, there're various historical monuments as well as natural sights in our region and I suggest that you make sure to visit each and every one of them. There's a restaurant near the city center which serves side and main dishes according to Iranian cuisine and you can enjoy the live folk music while having your meal. It'd be a thoroughly enjoyable meal and a memorable experience if you decide to visit there.


Finally, the weather in our city is mostly mild. Since it is not probable to be freezing cold or rainy here, I don't think bringing lots of warm clothes is a wise decision. Bring your sunglasses and a pair of hiking boots if you'd like to go hiking in rural areas which are full of breathtaking scenery. Also, bring your swimsuit and swimming goggles if you are fond of swimming in lakes and rivers.


Hope to see you soon.


Best Regards,
